Monday sees the cover up report about the infected blood the NHS injected into thousands of victims . The NHS is approved by the BBC so coverage of the report will rapidly disappear – to be replaced by traditional criticism of the current regime’s response to said inquiry …. The victims deserve to be remembered and helped and compensated . And for the NHS – don’t forget to clap
Start the Week 20th May 2024
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Not BBC – infected blood .
The British prime minister has just made the formal apology over the NHS infecting and killing thousands of people with infected blood extract . He was echoed by other politicians .
Tomorrow the compensation arrangements will begin to be shaped .
No one mentioned the need for change – the need to somehow stop institutions from having a wholely defensive culture where victims are just disguarded ..
I’ve heard BBC types say this . The irony – a corrupt institution itself which has actively covered up its’ sins .
There has also been more comment about the nature and outcomes of these inquiries – with the chair unusually implying that he doesn’t assume any government taking his findings on actually making changes …..
I’ve personal experience of how lessons are not learnt- how findings are ‘embraced ‘ but then forgotten – ignored – and the same mistakes repeated .
In the commons I noticed that Jeremy hunt wasn’t present – he was health secretary for 8 years – and more importantly has the power to authorise a proper level of compensation …
Ken Clarke – health sec in 1988 under thatcher is taking a lot of flak – quite rightly if I recall the manner in which he gave evidence to the inquiry .
But since Clarke there have been 17 health secretaries – how many are culpable – how many will be held to account ? None . No one will .
This finding is far far worse than the post office – and will affect generations long into the future . But nothing will change … self interest and cover ups are the nature of politics .
BTW – I know I’m being distasteful – but I think neither green card nor starmer managed to convey the sorrow needed for this – nor the Horror ..
There is one way to sort out the compensation for the blood scandal in the anychess. Any compensation must come out of the anychess budget. Sorted. Listen for the howls from the medical mafia, and their hangers on.
Northern NHS budget £200 billion – compensation estimated to be 10 to 20 billion . If the government tries to do what it did with the post office – they’ll offer peanuts …. Shamefully I bet both the reds and the blues will do that ….
One way or another it is borrowed taxpayers’ cash – just rack up the sovereign credit card …..
They’ll Also take years to hand out money knowing their victims are dying at a rate of 2 a week ….. there’s no morality .
The BBC have a HYS going about the new Liverpool FC manager.
Yet strangely this topical HYS facility is not open to comments about the contaminated blood report. I wonder why not?
Could it possibly be that they want to protect their fellow state institution, the sainted NHS, from criticism and embarrassment?
Sluff – I watched some of Kenneth Clark’s testimony to the inquiry – there were parallels about the infected blood and covid – with politicians blindly following the expert view without having the intellectual power to question it – thus – ‘ follow the science ‘-
Perhaps it was just his way of attempting to avoid blame ….
He also gave the impression that there shouldn’t be much fuss because it was only a few thousand ….
NHS- contaminated blood
NHS- baby care in Kent, Bristol, Telford….etcetc.
Post Office-horizon scandal
Police- Hillsborough
MOD- unending massive procurement overspending
Seems to be a bit of a pattern in the public sector.
Deny everything. Kick it into the long grass. Wait years. Hope nobody notices.
Total avoidance of any accountability by any named individuals.
Begrudgingly agree to an enquiry.
Hope those affected have died.
Eventually agree failings and get the taxpayer to foot the bill.
And people STILL think that more state control and socialism is the answer.
Stafford,NHS with the present Mayor of Manchester facilitating the getaway.
well, he’d know about cover-ups then, obviously
Name some names?
The police were not the main instigators at Hillsborough. But we’re not allowed to say that.
The powers that be seem to equate not being allowed to say something to not knowing about it. I have news for them.
Have relatives living in Sheffield near Hillsborough, they did what they could on the day offering tea and letting people use the telephone . They said the stench of booze was enormous but have felt unable since then to say anything about it.
“What is the infected blood scandal and will victims get compensation?”
I’ve noticed bbc have been reluctant to mention their favourite group In this blood saga, seemingly airbrushed from history.
“Too little was done to stop importing blood products from abroad, which used blood from high-risk donors such as prisoners and drug addicts”
And homosexuals…
“In the UK, blood donations were accepted from high-risk groups such as prisoners until 1986”
And from homosexuals until – I think – 84.
Which was already far too late.,
It would appear much of the recent ICC activity has been the result of notorious Social Justice Warrior Anal C Looney and her husband George C Looney
“Clooney is the co-founder and co-president of the Clooney Foundation for Justice, which she co-founded with her husband, George Clooney, in 2016. Their goal is to wage justice to create a world where human rights are protected and no one is above the law. The organization gathers evidence of mass human rights abuses, provides free legal support to victims and works to ensure that perpetrators are held to account. CFJ now operates in more than 40 countries: investigating war crimes in Ukraine, monitoring sham trials targeting women and journalists, and fighting back against a global trend of authoritarianism that seeks to punish those who speak truth to power. Its latest initiative, Waging Justice for Women, uses strategic litigation to reform discriminatory laws and increase accountability for gender-based abuse”
I wonder how those two are going to be received when they attend some of those Hollywood parties with the power people in attendence who I can’t imagine are going to be very pleased with either of them.
BBC not going there…. not even ofcom
noooo siree…
Independent – I swear by Apollo Healer, by Asclepius, by Hygieia, by Panacea, and by all the gods and goddesses, making them my witnesses, that I will carry out, according to my ability and judgment, this oath and this indenture.
To hold my teacher in this art equal to my own parents; to make him partner in my livelihood; when he is in need of money to share mine with him; to consider his family as my own brothers, and to teach them this art, if they want to learn it, without fee or indenture; to impart precept, oral instruction, and all other instruction to my own sons, the sons of my teacher, and to indentured pupils who have taken the Healer’s oath, but to nobody else.
I will use those dietary regimens which will benefit my patients according to my greatest ability and judgment, and I will do no harm or injustice to them.[6] Neither will I administer a poison to anybody when asked to do so, nor will I suggest such a course. Similarly I will not give to a woman a pessary to cause abortion. But I will keep pure and holy both my life and my art. I will not use the knife, not even, verily, on sufferers from stone, but I will give place to such as are craftsmen therein.
Into whatsoever houses I enter, I will enter to help the sick, and I will abstain from all intentional wrong-doing and harm, especially from abusing the bodies of man or woman, bond or free. And whatsoever I shall see or hear in the course of my profession, as well as outside my profession in my intercourse with men, if it be what should not be published abroad, I will never divulge, holding such things to be holy secrets.
Now if I carry out this oath, and break it not, may I gain for ever reputation among all men for my life and for my art; but if I break it and forswear myself, may the opposite befall me.[5] – Translation by W.H.S. Jones.
Absolute corrupt hypocrites. They probably also believe that a man can become a woman which begs the question as to how they got through medical school if they believe in this utter insanity.
just now Boot’s No7 sun cream advert
guess what type of face that was the focus of the advert
next advert : Vision Express eye tests
guess the face
next Advert : Muller chocolate
guess the face
Next a trailer “The Cancellation of Jim Davidson”
Hello Stew
Annoying now most “safe” tv adverts have all types of people in every advert to get passed by the ASA.
Remember watching some tv from Ireland a few months back, and thought there was something strange until I realised there were no black faces in the advert 🙁
There soon will be.
BBC World news Tweeted 2 hours before you posted
BTW when you click the tweet it takes you to an article titled
“Netanyahu denounces bid to arrest him over Gaza war”
first para “Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has angrily condemned the International Criminal Court’s prosecutor for seeking arrest warrants for him alongside Hamas’s leaders over alleged war crimes in the Gaza conflict.
Mr Netanyahu said he rejected with disgust that “democratic Israel” had been compared with what he called “mass murderers”.
Mr Netanyahu’s comments have been echoed by US President Joe Biden, who said there was no equivalence between Israel and Hamas.
Twitter is now X
but the embed software here doesn’t know that
So you need to manually change links to become .. when posting here
The BBC World Service news at 3am began “President Biden has strongly condemned the ICC for calling for the arrest”
Chav down.
“Hornchurch: Woman dies in XL bully attack at home”
“A woman in her 50s has died after an XL bully attack at a house in east London, the Met Police has confirmed.
They were registered XL bully dogs
The family of the woman, who was the owner of the dogs, are being supported by officers, the force added.”
I wonder what the neighbours think ? Lucky it didn’t happen down the road in Barking …
There some contexts to the ICC arrest call
#1 It’s not just Netanyahu
It’s a joint with arrest warrants for Hamas’s leaders
#2 Has Putin been arrested ?
@BBCNews tweet Mar 18, 2023
Putin arrest warrant: Biden welcomes ICC’s war crimes charges
#ICC #TalkingShop
BBC uninspired dullardry (dullardry a real word?)
Dear BBC. You will never recreate the brilliance of the original Top Gear road trips. So stop trying.
Trans top gear
What sort of kompromat has Paddy McGuinness got on the Director General? There must be some reason he is never off our screens, despite destroying every programme he is on.
Grand tour is Amazon and streets ahead of top gear in any case. These cretins are talentless with no charisma whatsoever. Bet the bBBC still regret their decision to part with the real stars. Grand Tour is funny and entertaining and non woke something the woeful bBBC is not.
I wonder at the committee meeting that resolved that editorial line….
Shades of Dianne Abbott + Mao Tse Tung
Mao did more good than harm. (c) Diane Abbott who was taught by Simon Schama of the BBC.
So he had 40,000 people executed. But on the other hand, er, er…
Minute 34 of the Radio4 Pick of The Week
“it’s easy to forget how good a speaker Gordon Brown is .. forceful..”
They just played his R4Today clip of him rabbiting on about UK child poverty
Meanwhile WGAP has a new video about Brown being the voice of the new slick WHO pandemic PR video
Just as well it was on the wireless, Stew, as the sight of him – er – excavating his nostril – still gives me nightmares…
What a dreadful PM that bloke was, so clearly a shoe-in for the WHO and all the other elite sporting clubs.
#tellitoftenough is media staple, pioneered and perfected by the bbc, albeit so blatant it only works in the bubble.
But I now see it deployed by the vast activist cabal that infests Twitter, citing an interview or speech by a favoured cretin that is so bad it is embarrassing, yet is claimed to be the killer counter to all who are not on the path of lefteousness.
Poisoned Blood
There is now calls for ‘prosecutions ‘ as a result of the public inquiry . There always is . But this one ? Probably the one most likely to have had the evidence . But the evidence has been destroyed ‘ as part of standard civil service rules ‘.
No one will be prosecuted . And what is the point of prosecuting a public organisation ? The state fining itself . ? The only beneficiaries wouid be leach lawyers – the likes of Lee – Day which has already got its’ nose in the compensation trough .
The BBC must be desperate for this inquiry to go away – to get back to the reflex worship of the holy NHS . The medical mafia will stay silent – there will be no apology from those who actually did it and covered it up – the medical mafia never says sorry and never will – such humanity – morality – is bred out of then at medical school where they are taught to expect worship from punters -not criticism …
Putting the medical mafia on a pedestal – an alter – was the worst thing the NHS achieved – and we pay more and more for it ..
the ex British broadcaster stirring it, again!
Gazans ‘shackled and blindfolded’ at Israel hospital
I wonder what he had actually done to be blindfolded and shackled bbc!
As we all know (other than the likes of the bbc) Hamas use hospitals to build tunnels under for their soldiers to fight and escape
“Sufian Abu Salah said he was severely beaten while in Israeli detention and was denied treatment for a minor wound on his foot” maybe the IDF gave him a plaster later for his foot! How did he get this “minor” wound to his foot, probably out playing football?
bbc has truly had its day
BBC still in mourning for the dead Iranian butcher – more to follow at the funerals – great fun – and then there is the raw propaganda of allegation by Islamic Hamas medics that israel treated patients badly . I immediately wondered why these people had been allowed to live – but that just me ….. maybe Israel was applying the laws of war …
As Ginge and Minge ex-royals have little to do these days, they can step up to go to the funeral.
They need the publicity, and might just as well stay there to see if they can actually achieve anything in their sad lives.
Diplomats owe more than £143m in London congestion charges
“TfL said in a statement: “We and the UK government are clear that the congestion charge is a charge for a service and not a tax” yeah right!
Togo apparently owes £40 – hardly worth a write up lol
This is a day of shame for British state (Daily Express)
Our BBC online press pickers liked that one – all together now: ‘A day of shame for the British state’ (BBC News Staff)
From the mildly conservative sleepy old Telegraph: ‘A day of shame for the British state’ – to the very mouthpiece of the liberal managerial public sector – the Guardian: ‘Day of shame’: deadly cover-up of blood scandal finally exposed
They’re all more than happy to quote that Indian heritage greencard-holding carpet bagger little Rishi, seat-warmer for Starmer
The Labour-supporting Mirror smells blood: Make guilty face justice
Don’t worry if you missed this worst ever scandal – just like the warmest day of the year so far – there’ll be another one along tomorrow… who could forget… (but you probably already have by now)
Hit shows such as Mr Bates could bring a dramatic improvement in ITV’s fortunes… not just have been the hundreds of post office operators he represents who would have been pleased by his persistence. Carolyn McCall, chief executive of ITV, will doubtless be delighted at the wide-ranging political impact of the broadcaster’s hit drama Mr Bates vs the Post Office, which ignited public anger over the slow-burning Horizon scandal. (Guardian)
This sudden public taste for deep state scandal stories and the appetite to see both our flip-flopping fly-by-night eminently interchangeable politicians and those faceless liberal managerial opperatives of theirs in the pillory speaks to a deep general sense of frustration and mistrust that surely derrives from those groups’ post-Brexit machinations, layered with their preposterous Lockdown shenanigans.
The ruling regime with their mainstream media may enjoy tapping that rich lode for some temporary bump in eyes on screens and cheap clicks – but they’d do well to think on – as they say in Yorkshire
Coca-Cola’s ‘It’s the Real Thing’ campaign was a way of consolidating the vast swathe of changes being made to the brand as it entered the 1970s. (Creative Review, ‘…here for everyone involved in commercial creativity’)
It’s a real thing, really, honest…
Long Covid course is ‘exploiting people’, says ex-GB rower… a treatment she underwent for long Covid leaves participants feeling “blamed” for being ill… In secret recordings by the BBC, coaches can be heard telling patients that almost anyone can recover from long Covid by changing their thoughts, language and actions. (Our BBC there fighting a desperate rearguard action on that one)
Speaking of desperate rearguard actions, sometimes these segueways…
War and popularity keep Zelensky in power despite term expiring (Our BBC there with a fine strategic deployment of that now all too familiar journalistic ‘despite‘)
In peacetime it would have expired, and an election would have been called. (BBC) – yep, you know like: Putin wins election in landslide with no serious competition (Reuters, March 2024)
After a high of 90% following the full-scale invasion, today around 65% of Ukrainians still trust President Zelensky (BBC) – so we can do an opinion poll but an actual election of course that is naturally out of the question? By the way, other spellings of Zelensky (a big coca-cola fan himself, or so I’ve heard, allegedly) are available, although alternative western policies other than endless costly proxy war are not – apparently)
In the youth-oriented low attention span junior poundshop Guardian that is the ‘i’ newspaper we have Neil Kinnock (there’s one for the teenagers) exposing his inner millennial: ‘To prevent despair, I resort to outrage’
Let’s have a quick calm down dear and then get out of here…
Emily Maitlis Trump has been a caged animal for two months – now he’s about to let rip (‘i’) – calm down dear
Asiseeit – if I recall – the ceo of itv candidly said that the ‘hit series ‘ about the post office scandal didn’t make money because it didn’t sell overseas …. I reckon to sell they need SWAT teams and pretty people – which was not an ingredient for the post office saga …
I think vennels is due to give evidence this week – so the blood disaster will soon be forgotten …
Meesh interviews a far left amnesty international type throwing out all sorts of allegations against the Greeks and their coast guards over the drowning of as many as 600 illegals trying to get to Europe .
Some ‘men’ are going on trial in Greece today over it . The purpose of a trial is to examine evidence and come to a finding . Meesh and her mate did that this morning . No need for a trial at all – Greece guilt – end of …
.. but wait – Greece is in the blessed EU – so it’s a better country that Blighty – right ? So surely every thing will be better – including the justice system – so the trial today should go ahead to ‘get to the truth ‘……
This item was followed by business – a mouthpiece from Astra zeneca was asked why AZ is stopping making the Chinese virus ‘remedy ‘…. Even with rehearsal the lady sounded sheepish ….
Maybe the covid vaccine is the next cover up – even bigger that blood ….
The chancer Rich Sunak:
“Whatever it costs, WE will pay”. Not I (£630 million pa)
I have no problem whatever with compensation for those abused/destroyed by the contaminated bloods issue (and indeed the Postmasters) but with the characteristic gay abandon with which Rich makes the statement, it would be more accurate to say: ‘There are criminals involved in this debacle but they will not personally be paying anything from their own pockets’.
As always, the public pay for the mismanagement of Governments over the decades and debacles.
More extortion.
If you look at how much the post office victims have been offered the blood victims won’t be getting what they deserve …. Nor their families … I wonder how much my cousin will be offered – it destroyed her.
But we can avoid the tax by saying it’s a non-DOM problem (based in USA)!!! HA HA HAH A!
Apparently the ginger scum deputy PM – of alleged tax fraud fame – is to make a speech on the red building more towns and houses in blue constituencies . Will she take questions ?( no) – will she be asked why she hasn’t been arrested yet
( yes ?)
The press will love it ….
Rishi, our selected not unelected PM says he will use our money to sort a 14 year in power problem buy giving everyone a USA green card for more USA prison blood free on the NHS to help with the assisted deaths of thousands of UK citizens whilst given new cutlure migrants free hotels and jobs. HA HA HA HA HAHA HA!
Vote Tory get more Labour on acid.
Today 0810
Comrade Robinson interviews one Melvin ‘mel’ stride – an outgoing health minister . Mel said the blues will look at the blood report – this is translated into ‘we won’t do anything because we will be done and the reds will be too busy with other stuff ‘….
.. Mel spoke like a politician – no humanity – crushed by the civil service – just dire – couid care less – like the rest of them all the way back to Kenny Clarke …
\earlier that Andy burnam was on – speaking as though he was never a health secretary – when asked why he never did anything about the blood scandal he said he was busy with hillsborough – 93 dead beats 30 000 infected – 3000 dead – more votes in hillsborough … right Andy ,, ?
“Abbott was later appointed Shadow Minister for Public Health by Ed Miliband, taking shadow responsibility for a range of issues including children’s health, maternity services, sexual health, tobacco, nursing, obesity and alcohol abuse.”
“Following her move onto the front bench, the Telegraph said on 27 September 2011 that Abbott had “become one of Labour’s best front bench performers”“
“Everything that government does it does badly.
And when One Nation is in charge it is even worse.
Post Office scandal.
Blood scandal.
NHS totally broken.
Mass economic inwards migration.
Police more interested in woke than in crime.
Eye watering taxation.
Net Zero.
ROPERisation of our country.”
“The inquiry team found examples of “children who had been doused in petrol and threatened with being set alight, threatened with guns, made to witness brutally violent rapes and threatened they would be next if they told anyone”.”
“We fully acknowledge our previous failings.”
“No matter what’s done now… it’s not going to change that it was too late, it should have been stopped and prevented.”
It lays out how Rotherham Council and the police knew about the level of child sexual exploitation in the town, but didn’t do anything about it.
It’s still going on today and not just in Rotherham, you could go through the alphabet and name a town it’s happening in.
Yet the Conservative party is about law and order – cannot stop one boat, can end the Ukraine war!
Jeremy served as Secretary of State for Health and Social Care from 8 January 2018 to 9 July 2018 and was first appointed Secretary of State for Health in September 2012.
In May 2010 Jeremy was appointed Secretary of State for Culture, Olympics, Media and Sport. He was formerly Shadow Culture Secretary 2007 to 2010 and Shadow Minister for Disabled People 2005 to 2007.
Those in Government are mere puppets and none of this is happening organically. Page 164-166 from ‘The Conspirators’ Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300′ by John Coleman released in 1992.
“At least 4 billion ‘useless eaters’ [HK] shall be eliminated by the year 2050 by means of limited wars, organized epidemics of fatal rapid-acting diseases, and starvation. Energy, food, and water shall be kept at subsistence levels for the non-elite, STARTING with the White populations of Western Europe and North America and then spreading to other races. The population of Canada, Western Europe, and the United States will be DECIMATED more rapidly than any other continent (we are seeing this with excess deaths due to the stabs) until the world’s population reaches a manageable level of 1 billion, of which 500 million will consist of Chinese and Japanese races, selected because they are the people who have been regimented for centuries and who are accustomed to obeying authority without question (Coleman didn’t appreciate just how mind control of the masses through the media of mass communications could become so effective that the people in the West too would become equally docile and unquestioning of authority).
From time to time there shall be artificially contrived food and water shortages and medical care (hmm sound familiar) to REMIND the masses that their very existence depends on the goodwill of the Committee of 300.
After the destruction of housing, auto, steel, and heavy goods industries(look what is going on in Germany right now), there shall be limited housing, and industries of any kind allowed to remain shall be under the direction of NATO’s Club of Rome as shall all scientific and space exploration development, limited to the elite under the control of the Committee of 300. Space weapons of all former nations shall be destroyed along with nuclear weapons.
The United States will be flooded by peoples of alien cultures who will eventually overwhelm White America, people with no concept of what the United States Constitution stands for and who will, in consequence, do nothing to defend it, and in whose minds the concept of liberty and justice is so weak as to matter little. Food and shelter shall be the main concern.
No central bank save the BIS and the World Bank shall be allowed to operate. Private banks will be outlawed. Remuneration for work performed shall be under a uniform predetermined scale throughout the One World Government. There shall be no wage disputes allowed, nor any diversion from the standard uniform scales of pay laid down by the One World Government. Those who break the law will be instantly executed.
There shall be no cash or coinage in the hands of the non-elite. All transactions shall be carried out by means of a debit card which shall bear the identification number of the holder. Any person who in any way infringes the rules and regulations of the Committee of 300 shall have the use of his or her card suspended for varying times according to the nature and severity of the infringement (you ate too much meat this week?). Such persons will find, when they go to make purchases that their card is blacklisted (perhaps you are not up-to-date with your stabs?) and they will not be able to obtain services of any kind. Attempts to trade ‘old’ coins, that is to say, silver coins of previous and now defunct nations (Gold Britannia’s anyone?), shall be treated as a capital crime subject to the death penalty. All such coinage shall be required to be surrendered within a given time along with guns, rifles, explosives, and automobiles. Only the elite and One World Government high-ranking functionaries will be allowed private transport, weapons, coinage, and automobiles.
If the offense is a serious one, the card will be seized at the checking point where it is presented. Thereafter that person shall not be able to obtain food, water, shelter and employment, medical services, and shall be officially listed as an outlaw. Large bands of outlaws will thus be created and they will live in regions that best afford subsistence, subject to being hunted down and shot on sight. Persons assisting outlaws in any way whatsoever shall likewise be shot. Outlaws who fail to surrender to the police or military after a declared period of time, shall have a former family member selected at random to serve prison terms in their stead.
Rival factions and groups such as Arabs Jews and African tribes shall have differences magnified and allowed to wage wars of extermination against each other under the eyes of NATO and U.N. observers (hmmm…sounds a bit like what is happening in the Middle East right now). The same tactics will be used in Central and South America. These wars of attrition shall take place BEFORE the take-over of the One World Government and shall be engineered on every continent where large groups of people with ethnic and religious differences live, such as the Sikhs, Moslem Pakistanis, and the Hindu Indians (well who would have thunk it?). Ethnic and religious differences shall be magnified and exacerbated and violent conflict as a means of “settling” their differences shall be encouraged and fostered.
All information services (like our good old BBC of course) and print media shall be under the control of the One World Government. Regular brainwashing control measures shall be passed off as ‘entertainment’ in the manner in which it was practiced and became a fine art in the United States. Youths removed from ‘disloyal parents’, shall receive special education designed to brutalize them. Youth of both sexes shall receive training to qualify as prison guards for the One World labor camp system.”
This is what lies ahead for your children.
Marky – one really has to admire the skill – sometimes of BBC propaganda – they approve of Iran – so can’t condemn this murderer .
If they approved of Hitler he would be described as leaving a ‘mixed legacy ‘( no detail ) …
Hitler – a fun loving vegan seeking to unify the world with the German language
Also kind to dogs.
I see Andy Burnham grandstanding over the blood contamination business, but being less than forthcoming over his personal experience of NHS wrongdoing – it’s surely highly relevant.
The Labour Party is the party of the blob.
I think burnham worries all the time about competing against the Emir and waiting to become a Red PM ….
Given his not so distant history, this rather suggests his desperation to get on telly is matched only by his confidence telly will not raise anything awkward.
I don’t think anyone can forget Body Bag Burnham.
Danny cohen – a former bbc news clone – discovers bbc bias -From the DT
STARTS The BBC’s royal charter sets out five “public purposes”, the very first of which is a commitment to impartiality. Yet the Israel-Hamas war has seen the BBC fail to deliver on this crucial test on more occasions than can be explained away as “errors” or bad luck.
A source of repeated issues over impartiality is BBC Arabic. Since the October 7 terrorist attacks on Israel, BBC Arabic has been forced to make 80 corrections to its reporting. Something is going badly wrong. Mistakes don’t happen 80 times.
The failures of impartiality have included BBC reporters describing Hamas terrorists as “the resistance”, as well as labelling attacks which targeted and killed civilians as “resistance operations”. It’s the language you would hear from a Hamas spokesman.
The corporation was forced to remove an episode of the BBC Arabic programme Trending, which questioned whether the Kfar Aza kibbutz massacre on October 7 actually happened. This plays into an anti-Semitic conspiracy theory that seeks to undermine the terrible truth of what happened that day. How was a video of that nature produced and distributed by the BBC in the first place? How is it possible that editorial standards at BBC Arabic had fallen so low that this was seen as legitimate reporting?
There is plenty more. Last month a BBC Arabic presenter asked an Egyptian guest to apologise for expressing sympathy for Israel. One BBC Arabic journalist interviewed a Palestinian woman about her life amid the conflict but decided it was not relevant to ask her directly about the time she stabbed an Israeli neighbour in front of her children.
There is no sign that this blatant lack of impartiality at BBC Arabic will be dealt with any time soon by senior management. Yet this is not even the worst of it. The BBC continues to employ people who actually celebrated the October 7 terrorist attacks.
Sally Nabil, a BBC Arabic correspondent, “liked” a number of tweets which appeared to legitimise the targeting of Jewish civilians, including tweets which called the October 7 atrocities “a morning of hope”. She also “liked” a comment on a video which showed footage of jeeps loaded with Jewish bodies and kidnapped civilians. Ms Nabil is still employed by the BBC.
Another BBC Arabic journalist, Sanaa Khouri, reposted and liked tweets appearing to support the massacres, including one about celebratory sweets being distributed in Lebanon in its aftermath. The Beirut-based correspondent also tweeted in the wake of the attacks: “Israel’s prestige is crying in the corner”. Some BBC employees have even gone as far as mocking civilians who were kidnapped by Hamas. BBC executive producer Mahmoud Sheleib took part in a Twitter conversation shortly after October 7 in which he appeared to joke about a woman whose grandmother was abducted by the terrorist group.
The BBC is employing people who celebrated the worst massacre of Jewish people since the Holocaust. This means that our licence fees are paying the wages of people who celebrated the rape and slaughter of men, women and children. How can this be possible? Why should we accept it? If any other publicly funded organisation supported terrorist sympathisers, the outcry would be enormous. Yet the BBC seems to be impervious to its problems, unwilling to recognise and address the management failures that are poisoning one of Britain’s great institutions.
When breaches of impartiality are so egregious that they extend to the exaltation of a massacre, something has gone very wrong with the public broadcaster. But these scandals are made so much worse when the organisation fails to deal effectively with the problem.
Indeed, far from publicly recognising the scale of this issue, the BBC has gone out of its way to support and endorse its Arabic service. Director-general Tim Davie has recently stated his admiration for BBC Arabic, saying that the service was something “we should be very proud of”.
On taking the role of director-general, Davie chose to put impartiality at the heart of his tenure, describing it as his “number one priority”. Given the actions of BBC Arabic over the past seven months, it now seems clear that, unfortunately, he has failed in his mission in the most shameful way possible.ENDS
Danny – you were part of this …
They (BBC) affect to lament that so many health ministers just sat on the blood issue. It’s pretty obvious that there’s something constant behind that passing parade of ministers (like Burnham), but no spotlight lands on those faceless bureaucrats.
That might seem like futile ranting but really, the administrative framework around public sector wrongdoing needs an overhaul and some very sharp edges.
It’s my recent experience (with William Wragg at the Westminster PACAC Select Committee) that politicians in responsible decision taking posts are colluding in protecting wrongdoing (and wrongdoers) in the public sector. Wragg hid wrongdoing from both his committee and from Parliament as a whole for over a year and had official records arbitrarily changed to cover this fact.
GBnews keeps saying
“Of the 122 pupils with haemophilia who attended [Treloar’s School] between 1970 and 1987, only 30 survive.”
That’s narrative not truth, cos it misses important contexts
#1 untreated haemophiliacs don’t live very long and life can have tortuous episodes
#2 on the other hand if you extended someone’s life by 30 years yet gave them HIV in the process, that is extended torture
There was a dilemma or the NHS they believed blood transfusion was a magic treatment so were trying to do good,
but if someone offers you a supply of blood do you accept to it to extend the life of haemophiliacs ?
or do you refuse it on the grounds that some batches will carry HIV etc. ?
The presenter mentioned the lack of the PRECAUTIONARY PRINCIPLE
but in this case it was not a zero sum game
if the haemophiliacs were not given blood the NHS thought* they were going to die pretty soon anyway
*I think that non-blood treatments like cryoprecipitate have now turned out to be the big life extender .
Experimenting on live people
Once you have two groups that are receiving two different treatments ie one given transfusions and the others not
then you do keep an eye on the results and compare them
That is a form of experiment
You would see the tallies of QALY Quality Adjusted Life Years for each group
The dilemma was real, but the cover up was the big crime.
Maybe ask people who don’t have bad blood for their blood £1 a pint!
I was waiting for my pure, unvaccinated blood to start trading at premium prices and to cash in.
Might still happen 🙂
I’m trying to check how many haemophiliacs were infected
Since there are only 6000 of them in the UK
i reckon that the total that lived over the last 50 years is about 12000
So the first thing is that of 30,000 people infected by contaminated blood the vast majority were non-haemophiliacs
However of the ones that died haemophiliacs were a large chunk
Somewhere in the stats there will be a number for the tally of haemophiliacs that were treated wit POTENTIALLY infected blood but still did NOT get infected
so they benefitted from increased Life Years from the blood scheme
The ultimate metric is QALYS lost vs QALYs saved due to the blood scheme
It’s not just haemophiliacs who were given the infected blood, there were instances of people receiving it after surgery as well.
That’s my point the TV saturation coverage focused on Haemophiliacs
but how may actually got through it as a percent ?
Obviously that one school did have a high rate
It seems to me the majority were unlucky normal people
‘It felt like children were droids at toxic school’
Dolly Carter
BBC Investigations, Cambridgeshire
“But how are the trust’s controversial behaviour policies having an impact on the children and the teachers who must implement them?”
Basically a long article about teachers and parents reaction to the schools policies, without bothering to tell us what these policies are first.
Dolly bird journalism at its finest
“Matt Finch, who helped found the St Ivo Parents Forum, which has nearly 500 members”
“Woman dies in attack by registered XL bullies at east London home”
Update on women killed by own dogs just to add local XL bully trainer.
“Local dog trainer Michaela Scott said most XL bully owners work to keep everyone and their dogs safe”
That look again…
Is that a scar on her forehead ?
The last time I saw a look as detached and uncaring as that it was on Lucy Letby.
There’s a lot of lefties on GB News because Ofcom, the far left bunch of ex bbbc types, wants to shut GBN down so that’s how GBN have to operate.
While many complain about the far left guests I think that GBN are playing a blinder with them.
They have so many that are odious, nasty, nut cases such as the awful michael crick and the race baiter femi. You will all have your personal choices of which are the worst of this bad bunch.
Theres also the dimwits they have on from the likes of extinction rebellion or just stop oil who come over as exceptionally stupid.
Just think how it would be if they had more of the reasonable lefties like Paul Embury.
He is usually spot on with his comments.
If GBN used more lefties like him then I suspect people would start taking the left more seriously.
By using the hate filled lunatics they usually have from their lefty pool they are turning people off the left.
So then, next time you see the awful crick gobbling off about his hate for anything GBN take a moment to think of all the people he is converting to a more GBN point of view.
Like I said, GBN is playing a blinder.
The left don’t realise it.
GBNews is done – presumably Farage will plan his exit at the best time for him …. Although I suppose he might get himself fired to ramp up the publicity …
Blackadder – Sensible policies for a happier Britain
The Alder Hey organs scandal involved the unauthorised removal, retention, and disposal of human tissue, including children’s organs, during the period 1981 to 1996. During this period organs were retained in more than 2,000 pots[note 1] containing body parts from around 850 infants. These were later uncovered at Alder Hey Children’s Hospital, Liverpool, during a public inquiry into the organ retention scandal.[1]
The scandal led to the Human Tissue Act 2004, which overhauled legislation regarding the handling of human tissues in the UK and created the Human Tissue Authority.[2][3]
Until a public inquiry in 1999, the general public was unaware that Alder Hey and other hospitals within the National Health Service (NHS) were retaining patients’ organs without family consent.[4]
A large scale public outcry against the National Health Service resulted when it was revealed that Dutch pathologist Dick van Velzen had systematically ordered the “unethical and illegal stripping of every organ from every child who had had a postmortem” during his time at the hospital.[8] This was ordered even for the children of parents who specifically stated that they did not want a full post-mortem.
I see “Sasha Luccioni at Hugging Face, a machine-learning company.” his got his PRasNews printed up as a BBC story
Comments are open
“Electricity grids creak as AI demands soar”
The datacentres should generate their own electricity – end of.
BBC and most MSM now only reporting and mentioning Tory politicians who are in the report regarding the appalling blood scandal…theres a surprise..
Interesting how quickly they forget that the scandal goes back decades and as such came under the care of both Labour and the Conservative..
By the end of the day the BBC will have MR & MRS Joe public believing it was exclusively a Tory scandal
Does the reporting clearly mention that some £100K interim payments have already been made ?
From Barry Gardiners 500K from a chinese spy – China good – uk bad.
The first £100 payments went out in Oct 2022
Though some form of payments have been in for many many years
The thing is , it has until recently been limited to the direct victims
rather that say their children etc.
BBC today That is important and something that campaigners have long been pushing for. To date only 4,000 have received interim compensation of £100,000.
They are people who are registered with infected blood support schemes, which have been running since 1989.
But access to that has been very restricted over the years – people infected with hepatitis only became eligible in 2004.
I’m guessing that some victims don’t reach the £100K threshold due to their age and other health conditions also limiting their life spans
Brexit – the old are going to die so should not vote.
NHS – they were going to die anyway.
Lilly Allen – they were going to be raped anyway.
Seearching Twitter I am reminded
Diana Johnson Hull Labour MP hides, by blocking me on Twitter
Why ? I haven’t said anything offensive
I’ve never tweeted her except for one day in 2019 I said
.. “For further context, here is the DianaJohnson 10:00am retweet of the story
looks like #Labour political #OutrageBus , an Alinsky habit”
that’s not offensive
My thread simply contexted a false outrage story
A caller had done a quick quip
& Labour were trying to say it was a death threat
#blockers #shunning is bullying, not fair debate
“£210,000 interim infected blood payment announced”
Are BBC happy? Of course not.
They always find an angle to whinge about.
“Plan to merge payments likely to be controversial”
How about taxing the gay community 10% in the upcoming Shame month events, for their disease riddled blood contributions, to pay for the scheme ?
“£210,000 interim infected blood payment announced”
210,000 divided by 210,000 claimants = £1
The BBC news infected blood story is headed by a huge photo of people holding a banner that says “Murdered Murdered Murdered.”
That modern tradition of hyperbolic language is not helpful.
The Israel Army is not doing genocide, and NHS doctors are not murdering people.
Sure the infection of 30,000 people is a mess, but surely almost all the workers in the system were motivated by the aim to improve Britain’s health
Then when people have been infected , it’s not like the NHS has let people rot, they have been giving them lifelong treatment
It seems to me that 100 people are given risky blood , but actually it turned out OK for 80 or 90 maybe 95 etc.
You could have 3 men who have been suffering with HIV or Hep C
All would have been treated, all their families inconvenienced
All would have lost say 2 years of working and been claiming benefits
Man #1 never had a blood transfusion so he caught it through is own risks etc.
Man #2 had blood transfusions , got it from the blood
Man #3 had blood transfusions , but actually caught it through is own risks etc. drugs/sex
He’s obviously going to tell everyone he got it from the blood.
Man #1 gets zero compensation
Both Man #3 and Man #2 will get taxpayer funded compensation
Maybe I’m falsely equating
and the numbers of type #3 Men are tiny
There is already a Vaccine Injuries compensation fund
Surely each NHS treatment scheme should have similar insurance right from the start
ie when a treatment system gets £100m budget , they spend £50m on buying it in £45m internally and set aside £5m into the insurance fund.
That insurance fund could pay out quickly
and would automatically set the brakes on the department doing future treatment of that type .
Still reading chapter one but the boys home experiments sound more like dr mengele in a concentration camp than the NHS – sadly the prof responsible is dead – maybe he can be dug up ..
There was a doctrine of ‘clinical freedom ‘ which meant allowing these medical monsters to get on with infecting without restriction –
Don’t forget to clap …
“One person has died, with several injured, after severe turbulence on a London to Singapore flight”
“One man, a 73-year-old British national, has died, and likely suffered a heart attack, authorities say.”
Guess the BBC angle?
Clue it involves an expert
You got it..
“Aviation safety experts say severe turbulence can’t always be predicted or avoided, and research suggests it is becoming more common due to climate change.”
I counter it’s because they had to avoid Russian airspace due to the sanctions or something , but they’d probably be over India just the same anyways
Planes cause climate change – ban flying.×475-1.jpg?w=730
Telling (imho) that the BBC aren’t seemingly bothered to locate the actual position where it happened – surely a pivotal fact – weather or topology or a combo?
I wonder if Singapore Airlines provided a location + altitude?
Is that picture Ryanair after the duty free has been raided on the Liverpool magaloof run ….?
Could be…..
I wonder how many of the injured didn’t have their lap belts fastened – a tic of mine when flying is to buckle up loosely.
You can’t do much about being hit by a catering trolley/ cabin crew etc.but having seen / experienced a bit of turbulence, I’ve no appetite at all for ending up on the orthopaedic ward.
As for the Magaloof crowd I feel that vomit comet style manoeuvring should be a mandatory part of the travel experience.
Russia is empty,97.48/3
Hong Kong to New York
New York to SHANGHAI
Klaus Schwab Steps Down As World Economic Forum Executive Chairman
Tyler Durden’s Photo
TUESDAY, MAY 21, 2024 – 01:40 PM
‘You’ll own nothing in retirement and be happy’…
Unemployed Tony Blair must be frantically refreshing his email inbox – just in case
bbc promotion for the labour party
Labour to select new town sites by end of first year
“by the end of first year” 2050 hopefully
“Labour to select new town sites by end of first year”
Who would be a copper.
From some w**kstain reporter at The Unindependent.
Officer believed man armed with knives was ‘potentially a terrorist incident’
ACity of London Police officer who Tasered a man armed with two knives at the same time a colleague fatally shot him, believed at the time it was “potentially a terrorist incident”, an inquest heard.
The officer, who has been given anonymity and was referred to as BX221, discharged his Taser at Hassan Yahya at the same time as the 30-year-old was shot by another City of London Police officer, BX222, on March 8 2020 in Westminster.
he incident started on the South Bank at about 11.30pm and a Metropolitan Police officer tried to Taser Mr Yahya in Northumberland Avenue before he moved towards Great Scotland Yard.
At the forefront of my mind, this was still a terrorist incident
At the time, the incident was not being treated as terror-related.BX221, giving evidence on Tuesday at Inner West London Coroner’s Court, said he believed at the time it was “potentially a terrorist incident” and in the back of his mind, Mr Yahya may have been EMD (emotionally or mentally distressed).
On police radios, the officer said he became aware of an incident unfolding and that a “male was armed with knives”.
BX221 said he heard on the transmission what he believed was “officers stabbed” and asked if he heard any clarification later, he replied “no”.
After arriving at the scene, BX221 got out of the back of the car and said BX222 got out of the front passenger’s door, before BX221 “ran around the back of the vehicle”, expecting to see BX222 at the same corner of the vehicle, “at which point I would’ve known we were deploying a contain for cover tactic”, he said.
But BX222 was standing by his door, with Mr Yahya standing by the corner of a bus.
BX221 described Mr Yahya as “holding two knives”, “moving backwards and forwards on his feet, looking backwards and forwards between me and back behind the buses which is where I believed the unarmed officers were”.
I believed I was about to be stabbed and would potentially die from that and I remember firing my Taser as a reaction to that
The officer said Mr Yahya was also looking at BX222 and described Mr Yahya’s movements as “quick” and “frantic” and appeared as if he was “looking where he was going to run to escape or who he was going to come towards”.
At that time, BX221 said Mr Yahya was holding the knives “clutched near his chest almost near his throat”, which made the officer consider he may be “trying to harm himself or others”.
BX221 said at that point, “at the forefront of my mind, this was still a terrorist incident”.
The officer said he armed his Taser, pointed it at Mr Yahya and began to give verbal commands when Mr Yahya made “an overt movement” in his direction and raised his arm above his shoulder while holding one of the knives.
BX221 was stood next to BX222, which he estimated was one or two metres away from Mr Yahya, and said he believed Mr Yahya was “trying to stab me”, adding: “I believed I was about to be stabbed and would potentially die from that and I remember firing my Taser as a reaction to that.”
BX221 said he pulled the trigger on his Taser at the exact same time that BX222 fired the shot, and initially BX221 thought the noise of the shot was from his Taser and something had gone wrong with it.
He said he realised shortly after that it was likely a shot was fired as well.
BX221 then saw Mr Yahya go into a “rigid state” before falling and then other officers restrained Mr Yahya.
I thought he was resisting at that point because he was still moving and I could see officers reacting to that
“I thought he was resisting at that point because he was still moving and I could see officers reacting to that,” he added.
BX221 said he remembered seeing a number of punches and could see Mr Yahya’s legs moving, then BX221 moved forward and put his knee on Mr Yahya’s lower legs.
The officer said Mr Yahya was restrained and then given first aid.
Ifeanyi Odogwu, representing Mr Yahya’s family, put to BX221 that Mr Yahya “did not stand a chance” once he was confronted with BX221 and BX222, to which the officer replied saying he did not agree.
Asked if Mr Yahya looked “frightened”, BX221 replied “yes”.
It comes after the City of London Police officer who gave evidence on Monday, who has also been given anonymity, BX222, had not turned his body-worn camera on during the incident, which he told the jury was an “error” he has been formally disciplined for.
He said he thought his “life was in danger” before he fired one shot.
The inquest continues.
Two woke footy types have had their England careers ended – the free ( taxpayer paid ) school breakfast one who turned out for man yoo – and one who had rainbow laces but took the money of Saudi where they don’t do queers … Jordan someone –
Hilarious – and with a bit of luck the millionaires chosen to play for what used to be engerland will mostly Chuck a sickie in solidarity with 8 million anxiety afflicted benefits claimants ….
I think I’ll back Israel in the euros …
Kneel for George.
Blood let for the NHS!