406 Responses to General Election 22nd May 2024

  1. taffman says:

    “Migration: How many people come to the UK and how are the salary rules changing?”

    At risk of upsetting the woke readers of this site , “Stop the Boats ! ”
    More on the way as the summer is on the way .


  2. Fedup2 says:

    Admin Note

    Now that we know there is to be an election in 43 days some might think there’ll be a separate thread for the election . But I say -why bother ? It’s just blues being replaced by the reds – the BBC will be happy .


    • taffman says:

      “It’s just blues being replaced by the reds”
      You offer Hobson’s choice, It could be the light blues, because The Reform party will announce a press conference tomorrow !
      Please keep the same thread.


      • MarkyMark says:

        Rishi to stop 1 boat just before the election! SUCCESS!
        Starmer to say a cervix belongs to women – SUCCESS!

        HA HA HA HAHA!

        Ship of fools.


        • Scroblene says:

          Raise you this one, Marky…


          • taffman says:

            They are already in government.


            • Scroblene says:

              Spot on Taff!

              I sincerely hope that Wales becomes an even more pleasant place one of these days, you all deserve it after the debacle of being bossed about by the ‘Senedd’…


  3. Fedup2 says:

    Taffman – yes I’m not doing separate threads any more . Parliament stops on Friday . Thursday is the last day for legislation – this country really could do without the blues or the reds for a while . Let’s hope Reform is sufficiently organised to help destroy the blue party …..

    Having watched PMQs and the blue MP returning with no hands or feet after sepsis – I wonder if he can seriously campaign / represent his constituency …?

    And it seems a lot of blue MPs are shocked by the announcement – but at least after the 4th of July they can have a long summer holiday before signing on as unemployed ….


    • Scroblene says:

      Now we’ll never know the truth about Crayons’ flippididoodaas!

      Beeboids always need carpets to shove stuff under and this alleged fiddle will be one of them!


  4. Thoughtful says:

    The election date is now confirmed as 4th July


  5. Jeff says:

    So, drumroll, there’s going to be an election in July. I can hardly contain myself…

    I mean, is it really that important? Rishi or Kier…who gives a fxxx? I don’t often agree with George Galloway, but he’s right; they’re two cheeks of the same arse.

    Fourteen years of “Conservative” government…and we’ve got the highest levels of immigration our country has ever seen. It’s the 80th anniversary of D Day on June 6th. Somehow, all those years ago, we managed to stop the mighty Luftwaffe, now we can’t stop a bunch of Africans floating across in inflatable dinghies.

    They imposed damaging lockdowns, we have gutless and partisan police. The BBC are still trundling along unhindered, despite endless sabre rattling from Number 10.
    Let’s be honest, the government have been absolutely appalling. FFS, even Blair wasn’t this bad.

    Okay, I agree, Starmer and his hideous entourage might be even worse, but…

    I’m still not voting Conservative.


    • Thoughtful says:

      Galloway has a talent other politicians don’t appear to have, and that is he is able to identify what and where problems are and talk about them. The problem comes with his solutions which are invariably ‘Socialist with a twist of Islam’

      As for the Tories, not only do we have high immigration, we have a totally woke party pushing far left agendas especially on kids, an economy which is more wrecked than people realise, record levels of taxation and high inflation.

      It will be amusing watching Stamers loons attempt to deal with the crises which await them concerning the economy, some of which they have already identified.

      My own feeling is that Red Labour is going to be pretty much the same as Blue Labour has been.

      Oh to add, except that the BBC will be fully backing everything they do and seeking a small number of Tory MPs still extant who they will roll out perpetually as there will be so few to give interviews !


      • Scroblene says:

        The other problem will be having to listen to the Lib Dems waffling on about everything as well!

        I bet that Ed Davey, (who he?), won’t ever get challenged by the Beebists about the Post Office disgrace during his ‘campaign’…

        I hear that phone boxes on lots of little islands somewhere or other are being rented as we speak…


    • Fedup2 says:


      I’m out of the country ( if there still is one ) at the election so I don’t know if I will get a postal vote in time . I will ask for 10 .
      The current MP who seemed more interested in Chinese Muslims than me – will lose his seat and become Lord Duncan Smith of Hedge Funds ….
      But when voting the question must be ‘has the current regime done anything for me ? ‘ answer No – nothing . Will the reds do anything for me ? No – so I will vote for something else or not at all –
      Maybe events will colour the outcome …


  6. markh says:

    Is anyone else as bored with the General Election as I am? BBC and ITV both replaced their scheduled programmes with an hour of guff and then repeated it all on the News. I’m going to live on the Moon until 5th July.


    • Scroblene says:

      Rwanda might be a better place, Mark…

      At least you’ll have three squares a day, a gym, free TV, a free phone, a swimming pool, and lots of lovely spare time in the sun to enjoy being a refugee!

      I may well join you – my name is Scroblene, Scrobs to my friends, and I like beer, wine, Scotch, gin, brandy, Campari, Aussie Whites, gardening, growing tomatoes, (48 plants this year), and riding my electric bike into puddles thoughtfully provided by Kent County Council!

      We can set up a British Refugees Council, and take over the place, and hope that everyone else here joins us for endless Labour-funded shenanigans, fun and laughter, and I sincerely hope that Deborah, Lucy, Thoughtful, Mrs Kitty and Brissles will be able to come along too!

      Senora O’Blene may put the kibosh on the last bit, but hey-ho, life’s for the living while we’re still the right side of the grass!


      • Scroblene says:

        Sorry, I forgot Fedup 2 in the last list – and I guess I also forgot everyone else who knows me…


    • digg says:

      The BBC will be going into their Marxist election bunker mode now. Expect lots of new revelations about Tory misdeeds, oppressed victim groups etc. etc. At least it might deflect some of their attention from promoting Hamas….


  7. Scroblene says:

    Yes Pug, we had one from Greg Clark a day or so ago!

    He’ll probably get in as Tunbridge Wells is a Tory stronghold, but the Lib Dems and other independents hold the borough council, so it won’t go all his own way.

    I know two votes which won’t help him…


  8. MarkyMark says:



  9. Fedup2 says:

    on a lighter note – someond got an african woman with no talent or ability to do a painting of a princess of something – it is truly awful …


  10. Zephir says:

    This should be required viewing in every school and college in UK, Europe and the USA and for every single bbc employee.

    Is rape in islamic DNA ?

    “‘You’re so beautiful.. the girls who can get pregnant’: Horrifying new footage shows Hamas fanatics taunt young Israeli women with the threat of rape and making them have their children as the hostages – one still in her Snoopy pyjamas – plead to be freed”



  11. Zephir says:



  12. Zephir says:



  13. Zephir says:



    • Guest Who says:

      One for Surkeer as he makes promises he knows he can’t keep.

      When will they be recognizing Taiwan?
      Taiwan is much more deserving of recognition 🇹🇼

      Unlikely the BBC will ask such a question their lad would not want to hear.


    • digg says:

      Footage you will never see on the BBC….to them these beasts are upstanding heroic freedom fighters….

      That picture of Agan Berger’s bloody face should be put on posters in every London tube station and on the railings outside every university. Those student twats should get on their knees and beg forgiveness for glorifying these evil bastards.


    • MarkyMark says:

      BBC report that Hamas are our friends.


  14. Eddy Booth says:

    I wish there was a way to block posters on this site.


  15. StewGreen says:

    Channel 4 announced their election team 4 weeks ago
    Doesn’t that mean they knew already ?
    as if Deepstate has it all planned out.


  16. StewGreen says:

    7:30 pm BBC1 local news has finished and it’s time for the BBC adverts
    not just trailers
    A full on arty advert which turns out to be a sermon from Children In Need
    A white boy is seen to be weighted down by a large backpack which we learn represents MENTAL HEALTH
    guess the face of the youth worker that lifts that back pack of pressure off him
    … yep a black rasta guy

    Then a trailer for Northern Ireland comedy.


    • StewGreen says:


      I have no objection to black males being portrayed as saviours
      Just think people should be represented proportionately.
      THe BBC tweet says the guy is an actual Manchester youth worker, so not an actor

      It’s on the BBC children in Need webpage
      .. strange it features advertising for gambling company Omaze


    • Lefty Wright says:

      That’s how good propaganda works. It must appear as normal discourse.


      • G says:

        Watched the beginning of what looked to be an exciting film on YouTube last evening: ‘The Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare’. Apparently, “Based on a true story” Time Line? Beginning of 2nd World War. 12/15 mins in we see Winston C and a military committee formulating an ad hoc plan to attack Germany.

        One black face on this committee.



  17. digg says:

    “BBC Springwatch is back! … everything you need to know”….


    Bloody Packam again…

    It’ll be another channel then!


  18. Up2snuff says:

    Silly man Rishi! John Curtice, psephologist extrordinare, advises that Labour voters don’t like the cold and wet but are happy to vote in the summer. Conservative voters are made of sterner stuff! Follow the example of Bojo.


    • Fedup2 says:

      Hi Up2 – the weather doesn’t matter to postal voters using the Biden method …


    • G says:


      I note the upshot of Sir John’s considered opinion on July 4th, was,
      “I haven’t a clue”. I agree. The stage is set for a bizarre outcome.

      Unless anything changes significantly (and for the second time now), I’ll spoil the ballot.


  19. Flotsam says:

    Don’t kid yourselves that Red Labour will be the same as Blue.

    The public sector Unions will be stridently demanding more pay and an easier life for their members. Smarmer will have to comply, our taxes will increase to pay.

    There will be further Employment Law which will cost us all more.

    Stand by for Council Tax revaluation and extra banding. Councils need money to burn

    More alignment with Europe. There’s a good chance that Smarmer will take us back into the EU.

    And much more


    • Northern Voter says:

      My old feller used to say “if there’s owt going for nowt, be sure the socialists will want twice as much as any bugger else”

      Still we’ll get a Spanish PM this time, Juan Kerr Starmer.


    • Fedup2 says:

      Flotsam – I think the blues would do just the same …


    • G says:

      I still recall vividly, ‘Beer and sandwiches at No 10’. The difference now? The rooms will not be smoke-filled.


  20. taffman says:

    Is Al Beeb “nudging” us back into the EU?
    Propaganda & Bias ………………https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/politics/uk_leaves_the_eu


  21. Up2snuff says:

    BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – Wot, deflation is here already?

    I don’t think so, BBC. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c0xxwz00nz9o . When you have had inflation in food or the price of any good, you require an equivalent period of deflation* at the same rate, to take prices back to where they were. Take the BBC’s Telly Tax as an example.

    * The thought of deflation tends to give the MSM and some economists pause, so I prefer the term ‘negative inflation’.


  22. taffman says:

    “Rishi Sunak announces UK general election for Thursday 4 July”

    Panic stations !
    Did Rishi geta whiff of Nigel Farage returning to the frontline?


  23. Fedup2 says:

    Taffman – the extract of Farage on GBnews is on YouTube . Just watched it . Farage said that he will think overnight whether he will engage directly in politics . Obviously a lot of comments are begging him to do so .

    Farage also took the view that the sunak decision was panicked today – and with the spectacle of green crap Dave having to fly back from Eastern Europe after having been there 2 hours perhaps supports it .

    More generally – with Ukraine maybe heading into a decisive outcome during the next couple of months and Islamic Hamas now being supported by Spain Eire and Norway – it’s a hell of a time to do campaigning ….


  24. Jeff says:

    Now, honestly, I don’t usually watch this crap, but…

    This evening was the final of MasterChef…and I had a quick gander.

    There were three finalists. A middle-aged white woman. A rather podgy middle-age white chap (well, he had no chance!)…and a youngish Asian lad. I didn’t need to taste any of the grub or possess the clairvoyant skills of Mystic Meg to pick the winner. Yep, I’m afraid so…

    You would think that even “minorities” might find this constant BBC patronising of them to be getting just a tad embarrassing. Maybe just a little humiliating. I mean, it’s endless.

    I’ve no doubt that this young lad will soon have his own cookery show and after a couple of seasons he’ll be lecturing us about the necessity for more diversity on TV.

    The BBC are so predictable…


  25. Fedup2 says:

    Roy Cross has died aged 100 and one day … his obit is in the telegraph . Who was Roy Cross ? – I d never heard of him . But he was The Principle Artist for Airfix who did all of those wonderful aircraft pictures on the airfix kit boxes I grew up with – including – I reckon – the 1/24 mark 4? Spitfire which was my biggest achievement after the City of Lincoln Mk3 lanc in night cammo …..
    And yes sour thoughtful – it’s not BB effing C – RIP Roy – and thanks …


    • Thoughtful says:

      Sour? For asking you to adhere to the same rules you ask me to?

      I thought it was only about one subject on which we disagree, but you don’t seem so keen on diversity of opinion and freedom of speech sometimes Fed.

      We have a disagreement over one issue of the day but rather than accept there is a difference of opinion you have resorted to name calling and finger pointing in a way I see on the Left wing forums.

      I’m not sour, nor bitter, and I’m not a troll, or an anti semite all names which you have called me simply because I expressed an opinion different to the one you hold.

      You might want to take some time to think about the way you have reacted to this because it certainly doesn’t sit well with a freedom of speech or that of expression.


      • Fedup2 says:

        I’m using my freedom of speech – if you don’t like it – tough – I will not be having any further engagement with you – that too is my freedom to not speak – nice to know my description of you as sour hit a spot . …
        Now go off and defend Hamas Palestinians as usual ..


        • Thoughtful says:

          I have never ever defended Hamas or Palestinians, and I will put you to proof of that !

          Except you won’t because it’s all imaginary made up to justify your position. It’s sad you think that “hitting a spot” was nice.

          You probably have no idea of the article Alon Pinkus has written, and probably don’t care, but you are on one side of it and I am on the other.


          It’s sad that you can’t see there are any other points of view other than your own.


          • Teddy Bear says:

            `Here’s one example of your thoughtlessness and shows you for who you are. Maybe you should change your name to Thoughtfool?

            Start the Week 8 January 2024

            I replied to your post then but clearly you either never saw it or declined to respond.
            This is just ONE example of your twisted truths.


            • Thoughtful says:

              And outcome the perjoritives right from the get go proving you lost the argument!

              You can’t even manage to post the original text, and you call me names!


              • Teddy Bear says:

                Here’s what you wrote Thoughtfool – now try to deny it as you typically do: By the way I posted the link and it’s the website that didn’t include it fully.
                Thoughtful JANUARY 8, 2024 AT 5:15 PM
                OK here is another thing of a heads up about what we are not being told about the world which is going on unreported largely.

                Israel / Hamas.

                I was previously unaware that the Hamas attack was not some kind of spontaneous unprovoked action, but came as a result of an incursion by the Israeli’s into the Al Aqsa Mosque the third most holy site in Islam.

                I was also unaware that several EU countries including Spain and France have been very quiet about the current conflict because of the large violent Muslim populations they have stupidly allowed to grow like a cancer in their countries.

                The conflict has been leveraged by the BRICS group into pretty much removing the Wests influence and presence in the Middle East and they have unified the Arabs against the West.

                In this situation the Iranians no longer need to close the Straits of Hormuz as that will affect their trade with BRICS, so they have instead moved with the Houthi’s to close the Bab Al-Mandab Strait at the entrance to the Red Sea which will affect the West.

                In this instance American incompetence under Biden and the CIA has led to this disastrous outcome, alongside a blind support for Netanyahu’s murderous campaign which if handled differently might have led to a different outcome.

                Here’s my reply idiot and if the website doesn’t include the whole link you can find it by looking back at your post according to the date.
                You are a despicable person for many things you have written in the past, and no doubt will continue to be – it’s in your genes.

                Start the Week 8 January 2024


                • Teddy Bear says:

                  I see it is the website that doesn’t include the complete link as posted.
                  I’ll try it this way
                  Your post
                  My answer to your post

                  I wonder what excuse you’re going to use now as you typically do.
                  You’re worse than the trolls that inhabit this website because of who you present yourself to be.


                  • Thoughtful says:

                    Teddy Bear you are a dickhead, and that’s me using a perjoritve!

                    An explanation of why an event occurs does not indicate support of it – only an idiot wouuld make such a non sequteur conclusion.

                    I believe you are a complete idiot and will no longer respond to your flaming.


                    • Teddy Bear says:

                      ThoughtFOOL you are a liar, and I’m not surprised you can only resort to insults to justify yourself – it’s typical left wing.

                      You wrote to Fed above:
                      I have never ever defended Hamas or Palestinians, and I will put you to proof of that !

                      Except you won’t because it’s all imaginary made up to justify your position. It’s sad you think that “hitting a spot” was nice.

                      And I showed you YOUR POST where you justify Hamas behaviour based on what Israel did.
                      Now you deny it.
                      I completely understand why you will ignore what I write now BECAUSE YOU HAVE NO DEFENSE. And this is NOT the only post where you display this mindset.

                      I’m sick of reading the many crap posts you write here, and about time you get what you deserve – at least in part.


      • maxincony says:



  26. Sluff says:

    And in a final act of Hari Kari, the useless Tories eschew the prospect of gaining from a few months of better economic news and go for a July election.
    Do they know something we don’t or are they even more incompetent than we thought? Does Paula Vennells have something on them? Who’d have thought her long-anticipated car crash today would be bounced off the front pages?

    More to the point, will the BBC have big enough recycling bins for all the Champagne bottles when SirKeir gets in on July 5?


    • Fedup2 says:

      Sluff – it’s just poor judgement – Farage thought he might have been part of the cause if he joined Reform and gave them a fight for 6 months upto a November election – but too me it looks as incompetent as green card standing in the rain outside number 10 Mohammed street with that bloody song in the background .. they couldn’t even organise that …


  27. Fedup2 says:


    I’ve written about her day 1 testimony earlier today but I’m still vexed by it . I listened to it all . She is meant to be a vicar – yet she just cannot admit her guilt and take her punishment . The lies were breath taking – she claimed she had no idea the post office had investigators and prosecutors and prosecutions for 2 years as CEO – 2010 – 2012 and 5 years before then . Even I’d heard of POID through my law studies ( post office investigation division ) yet she claimed no idea ….

    As I listened I wondere how much she was being paid … they always justify the big bucks by saying they need to attract the talent – yet this character was woeful …

    And there’s another 2 days of it – with day 3 fixed for barristers working for sub postmasters .

    Maybe the election will distract as much as infected blood is now out of thoughts …


    • tomo says:

      Yep, putrid stuff from Reverend Vennells


      • Scroblene says:

        Of course it’s another scam about the Post Office!

        While I believe that Normal Citizens rely on the Post office to provide them with a few quid, let them pay bills, and generally chuck around a few stamps, this vile woman was in charge, and should have known everything that goes on. What a disgrace she was in that exalted position!

        She’ll cry and squeal, the snivil serpents who knew about all this will back her up, and anyone with a spine left in gummint, (are there any – nope), will wash their hands of the whole shitshow, as there’s an election on the way.

        I’m beginning to hate – even more – all these publicly-funded imbeciles, these days. They are utterly useless at their non-jobs, and the elite bunch of neer’do-wells keep letting them get away with it.

        When Sucker Strummer gets into Downing Street in July, we can all believe that things will get worse.


    • tomo says:

      and as he says – Miliband isn’t even the most cretinous performer on the Labour front bench

      Pete North nails it


      • Guest Who says:

        Time to recall that Miliband’s ratings only went up when he was neither seen or heard.


      • MarkyMark says:

        Two vans on Whitehall that appear to be advertising a sleazy gentlemen’s club are, on closer inspection, welcoming the Saudi Crown Prince. #welcomesaudicrownprince



  28. Fedup2 says:

    Red government day 1

    Recognise Palestine
    Break off relations with Israel
    Arrest warrant for Bibi
    New law to protect Islam
    National religious police command *
    Prosecute blues for war crimes
    Prohibit publication of numbers invading
    Amnesty for invaders already here
    National ULEZ scheme
    More tax on fuel
    Nationalise Rail , Water electricity. Gas
    Beef up OFCOM
    Close GB News
    Define and criminalise ‘far right ‘
    Cut military spending
    Increase overseas giveaways
    Increase CGT , IHT , NI, council tax
    No new roads
    20mph national limits
    Freeze/ reduce tax thresholds
    ‘Dialogue ‘ with reichEU for ‘new relationship ‘ (rejoin )
    Licence internet
    Ban unapproved sites
    Increase BBC licence tax

    *lots of ‘commands ‘


    • Scroblene says:

      Revoke the RNLI Charity benefit?

      I certainly will never part with any of our money for that crowd!


      • Fedup2 says:


        I forgot

        Open up voting to ‘approved groups ‘
        Under 14s
        Dump the voting register
        Fix boundaries to be pro red

        They’ll keep comrade Hoyle as he does what he is told
        I wonder if there will be a section of red Hamas MPs ?


  29. tomo says:

    TDS and mendacity turned up to 11


    No mention of planted “Top Secret” documents by Jack Smith’s people – no, won’t go there.




  30. JohnC says:

    Israeli hostage’s family hope kidnap video reminds world of need for deal

    Another disgusting agenda-based propaganda piece from the BBC. I can say with confidence that this one is so full of specific BBC wording, it has been grotesquely twisted by these far-left monsters to protect the terrorists.

    First – and we get this slipped into the article:
    ‘Naama was shown with blood around the crotch of her trousers, with her hands tied and ankles cut.’
    Then it moves straight on. But wait a moment BBC. What does ‘ankles cut’ mean ?. Does it mean they actually cut her tendons so she could not walk ?. That’s absolutely horrific – yet you pass it off like she cut her finger. It’s about as cruel and barbaric as you can get by these terrorist scum and you ignore it.

    ‘Naama’s brother, Amit, is on a visit to London to campaign for his sister’s release.’ said:
    ‘“We feel like she’s handling the situation like the true superhero she is, like a hero fighting for her life.”’

    What utter, utter rubbish from this man. She can’t fight at all. Shes a hostage being given no human rights whatsoever.

    ‘“We realise that there is… there is a chance, maybe even a good chance, that Naama and other girls and men are being harassed.’
    Harassed Amit ?. She is more likely being raped and abused and has probably died in the most atrocious of conditions after weeks of living in terror.

    I don’t believe for one minute he used the word ‘harassed’. It simply does not fit. I am 100% certain the BBC have used it themselves to make it seem like a minor inconvenicence.

    I’m now quite certain the BBC have no interest in saving any of these hostages. They are using them to try and force a ceasefire for the terrorists. This article sickened me as I read it. This must be the lowest I’ve seen these BBC scum stoop.

    There is no other alternative : the terrorist scum must be destroyed like the vermin they are.

    With reports like this, it’s clear the BBC are now the enemy of civilisation. Not it’s protector.

    Here’s what wrote it. The BBC’s ‘rising star’:

    Here’s what her father and mother said:
    ‘Her father, Yoni Levy, has been particularly vocal in his criticism regarding the silence of organizations like the Red Cross and the UN, which have yet to intervene on her behalf. As for her mother, Ayelet Levy Shachar, on International Women’s Day in 2024, she spoke at a gala in Tel Aviv, reminding the world of her daughter’s plight and condemning the lack of acknowledgment from women’s groups regarding the sexual violence inflicted during the attacks.’

    Funny how the BBC clone didn’t include that which has much more of a ring of truth than her brother who is worried she is being ‘harassed’.


    • JohnC says:

      Here she is – and you can see her right achilles tendon has been cut. I bet that hurt – but nothing compared to what she will have been through since.

      Shame on you BBC for protecting these people. The chances of Hamas letting this girl live to tell the tale are remote.

      But of course it’s only about stopping Israel and the hostages are just tools to help do it.

      Once you understand the BBC ethics behind what they do, you realise what loathsome swamp creatures they are.


      • Zephir says:

        Absolutely, the naivity of our so called stoodents and others who demonstrate to support these monsters is astounding.


      • Thoughtful says:

        I’ve seen this photo before and asked a question no one has been able to answer, what is a sub Saharan African doing in Gaza?

        The Rafah crossing is controlled by Egypt and pretty strictly from what I can gather, and all the rest are controlled by Israel. No one who shouldn’t be there gets in or out, and Palestinians are absolutely not Black.

        So what is he doing there? His presence should be raising an entire slew of questions which no one seems to have even noticed.


  31. harry142857 says:

    How long do Labour keep Thick Ange under her stone?
    That police enquiry is taking an awfully long time over such a (seemingly) straightforward matter.


  32. JohnC says:

    Ex-Post Office boss cries as she admits incorrect evidence

    Ahh look – the empathy-driven BBC reporter’s heart goes out to poor sobbing Paula.

    So instead of telling us that she lied, he calls it ‘incorrect evidence’.

    Would you have said the same thing about Trump Paul – or is it just down to your standard BBC far-Left double standards ?.


  33. JohnC says:

    Why has Sunak called an election now when the latest poll is Labour 45%, Tories 23% ?. It looks like deliberate suicide to me.

    Is it so they can’t replace him and he ends his career without the stigma ?.

    Is it so things don’t get even worse and Reform pick up seats in the House ?. Maybe even under pressure from his globalist peers ?.

    It makes no sense to me – but politics never does. It’s all lies and points scoring. They are like children.

    There will be lots of wet panties in the BBC offices as they gear up their election campaign.


    • Non Snowflake says:

      He knows the country is going to the dogs (largely due to the Tories) and he knows that his vast fortune means he can go anywhere he wants to escape it. So it makes sense really, the sooner he gets trounced the sooner he can leave the sh1t hole.


      • Scroblene says:

        There’s some alleged speculation that a hard bunch of Tories are trying to get him replaced before the election day!

        I think the Beebericles will like this sort of obfuscation, and get all their kids to comment – wildly…

        Has Nige slept on it yet…?


    • MarkyMark says:

      Rishi has a Green Card for the USA and a home in India with a father in law with a finger in all the pies.

      His wife has paid enough tax and want Saudi Business rates!





      • Scroblene says:

        The bloke at the top is going to be a minister in five weeks time.

        The bloke underneath isn’t.


        • moggiemoo says:

          Bad news tempered with good news, it’s always (often?) the way.


  34. Zephir says:

    RE Non Snowflake,

    It may well be going to the dogs, thus this website.

    And, who is left to pick up the sh@t ?


  35. andyjsnape says:

    The mainstream media always talk about Labour or Conservatives will win any election.

    The 2 party system has had its day, paid for being in government or being paid in “opposition” is not the answer


    • Scroblene says:

      We may just get a hung parliament, which will be a better compromise if Reform have a few seats.

      Like someone said on a previous post here, the Dutch managed their economy pretty well without any government in place!

      Sound like a good idea to me…


      • Fedup2 says:

        Scroblene I think that is the best to hope for … but I still see a 150 majority – which I will put a 50p bet on … there are unanswered questions – will Farage or nut nut play ? Which party will have the most sinners ? I’m betting the reds will win that one with labour Muslim candidates calling for concentration camps / Israel to be destroyed . More soberly -how many reform / blue candidates will be attacked ….?

        42 days ….


        • JohnC says:

          What odds will you give for Sunak leaving the country within 6 months ?.
          The BBC plan worked perfectly. They wanted the unelectable, weak globalist Sunak from the start knowing he would not rock the boat but would lose the next election.

          It took them a couple of goes using the power of daily ‘Live Feed’s to force those PMs and MPs who might cause problems to resign, especially when Sunak was roundly rejected when he had competition – so thay had to engineer his standing unopposed.

          But it worked beautifully. They (in cahoots with OFCOM) judged that nobody dare confront them and it worked. Now they are running rampant with things like Gaza and Trump. No doubt the red-line will be pushed even further out for this election.

          This is the path to a fascist state where counter-opinions are not allowed. We are halfway there. Fortunately I think Starmer is so pathetic, he doesn’t have what it takes to finish the job before the country starts to collapse.


  36. MarkyMark says:

    In other ignored news – Boris lets in 200K Hong Kong people – ha ah ha ha

    “Man charged with spying for Hong Kong found dead”

    Last week, he was charged along with Chi Leung (Peter) Wai, 38, and Chung Biu Yuen, 63, under the National Security Act with assisting the Hong Kong intelligence service and foreign interference.

    Between 20 December 2023 and 2 May, they are accused of agreeing to undertake information gathering, surveillance and acts of deception that were likely to materially assist a foreign intelligence service.


  37. AsISeeIt says:

    Stockpile beans for nuke war – suggests the jokey blokey Daily Star

    Metals driven even higher… A wave of speculation by futures market… pushed prices… copper and gold to all-time high as funds bet on shortages in supply and hedge against inflation – warns the corporate globalist FT

    Just as Mr AsI had noted our BBC’s waning interest in India Elections – dropping their major subject tab from the top of their online news page somewhat before the final vote count – foregone conclusion? That won’t stop them going wall-to-wall with our suddenly gifted brand new one – closer to home 2024 Election

    The gynaeceum that is BBC News Staff find little else to talk about: PM’s ‘big gamble’ and ‘things can only get wetter’ (BBC)

    The Rishi lackey loyalist Daily Express frontpage is remarkable only for the fact that this vaguely right-leaning organ manages not to refer to the obvious fact Sunak has revealed himself to a very very wet Tory.

    Let’s hope that suit doesn’t shrink any more – it’s already too short in the leg and tight enough as it is

    Other supposedly vaguely marginally right-of-centre titles do report the dodgy outlook as the wet Tory metaphore became embarrasingly manifest outside No 10 yesterday – long gone are our traditional prime ministerial announcements of consequence made initially to the Commons.

    Sunak prays for Indian summer

    Sunak gamble on snap poll… things can only get wetter (Telegraph)

    Amid jitters over his shock timing – and an oh-so British rain-soaked speech… (Daily Mail)

    Rishi was of course no more than a seat-warmer (my favourite epithet) for internationalist Blairite protégé Sir Keir – but he’s left Starmer quite a wet patch to sit his big arse on

    Starmer bromancer, our formerly serious Times, does the political gymnastics having us reimagine the two wings of our ruling Uniparty reversed thusly: …the Labour leader promised “a politics that treads more lightly on people’s lives” – and if you believe that I’ve got a pallet of nuclear bunker baked beans nearing their use-by date to sell you

    The left-leaning titles are of course cook-a-hoop, doing a Gene Kelly – here’s one for the teenagers

    I’m singin’ in the rain, just singin’ in the rain.
    What a glorious feeling, I’m happy again.
    I’m laughin’ at clouds, so dark up above.
    The sun’s in my heart and I’m ready for love.
    Let the stormy clouds chase everyone from the place.
    Come on with the rain, I’ve a smile on my face.
    I walk down the lane with a happy refrain.
    I’m singin’, just singin’ in the rain.

    Under a cloud… DROWN & OUT… Sombre The Prime Minister makes speech… Rain-soaked Sunak sets the General Election date (Daily Mirror)

    Sunak’s big gamble… ‘Thinks can only get wetter. Soak the rich. Soak the Rishi!” – so goes the Guardian’s battle cry care of John Crace’s sketch

    Rain-soaked Sunak’s address was almost drowned out by the New Labour anthem, D:Ream’s Things Can Only Get Better, blasted out by the anti-Brexit campaigner Steve Bray (Guardian)

    The fact that chap isn’t banged up in jail yet or hounded by the cops from pillar to post just like Mr T Robinson tells us a quite a story in itself.

    Tax cut setback meant things could only get worse for PM Adam Boulton… The new Project Fear – and why Tory MPs worry it won’t work Katy Balls… Drowned and out? This sounded like a rueful farewell Anne McElvoy – commentary from the ‘i’ newspaper there – living up to their supposedly “Independent” principles?

    The anti-Brexit globalist FT can’t resist reference to the rain and a forecast of the electorial dousing about to befall the blue rosette wing of our Uniparty aka the Tories – but perhaps the usually long-winded headline writers over there at the pink paper do afterall best sum this up: Things can only get wetter Premier has calculated there is little to hang on for


    • Fedup2 says:

      Asiseeit – being as dumbfounded as everyone else at the premature timing of the election -I was pleased that there are no euro games on election day . I was wondering whether England doing good / bad during the footy might have an effect on voting . Then I realised I could care less curse the reds and blues and yellows and greens …


  38. Fedup2 says:

    Who gets to interrupt green card – comrade Robinson or the new girl ? Answer – comrade – you could hear him trying to be civil – trying not to interrupt – but then he reverted to type – in fairness green card stood up to it –
    I think by the end the gallery was shouting in his ear to behave and the comrade complied ….. he wasted 2 minutes on the wet speech outside number 10 Mohammed street ….

    BTW – checked with paddy power – 9/1 that the blues get less than 50 seats …. Not a bad bet


  39. MarkyMark says:

    one bullet – one deflated dinghy – one less problem.

    “If you elect me if I’m prime minister on the 5th of July those flights will go off to Rwanda and we will begin to put in place the deterrent that we need to stop the boats.”


  40. Up2snuff says:

    TOADY Watch #1 – Nick Robinson forgets the first rule of presenting

    The former Political Editor of the BBC, Nick Robinson, broke the first rule of presenting in his interview with the PM, Rishi Sunak and consistently talked over and interrupted his guest. We did learn that Nick betrayed his lack of political and economic knowledge and broadcasting during the interview.

    Firstly, the Conservatives were in a Coalition Government from 2010 to 2015; they have only been in power for nine years. Nick should know as a former Political Editor, when you are in a coalition, the other Party in that coalition may dictate policy such as on energy and the Post Office. Secondly, the PM claimed inflation was under control. It is not. It is still above the BoE’s target 2% figure. And as I explained in a post yesterday, inflation remains in the economy forever unless you have a matching period of negative inflation (deflation) for the same amount of inflation.

    Nick Robinson should know all of that but was only interested in interrupting and talking over his interviewee. I suspect that Keir Starmer, should he be granted a TOADY interview will have a much easier time thanks to the inherent BBC bias.


  41. Fedup2 says:

    I was wondering how soon the mentally challenged alistair war criminal Campbell wouid turn up on Today – answer today – and he was given free unchallenged to to pour the usual acid on green card .
    Campbell is the sort of unaccountable vermin infecting British politics nothing changes ….. hard Times ahead …


    • Scroblene says:

      We’ll also get Vicky Price on how Gordon Brown was a saint in devastating our gold reserves to pay for his nutcase schemes, and also to keep university students off the unemployment lists, as well as ruin the banking sector.

      It’s all going to happen again after 4th July…


    • MarkyMark says:

      “Joe Biden and Justin Trudeau took an 81 vehicle motorcade on a five minute trip to the Canadian parliament, where they outlined their plans to “cut pollution and combat climate change”. 🤡”

      Trudeau (I’m a feminist) hails “ (Muslim) sisters upstairs” at sex-segregated mosque


  42. tomo says:

    Exhibit A


  43. tomo says:



  44. MarkyMark says:

    2022 Nord Stream gas pipe sabotage

    Map showing the location of the Nord Stream 1 and Nord Stream 2 pipeline explosions near Bornholm. The two run close to each other most of the way, but deviate near the sites of the sabotage.[1] Interactive map

    On 26 September 2022, a series of underwater explosions and consequent gas leaks occurred on the Nord Stream 1 (NS1) and Nord Stream 2 (NS2) natural gas pipelines, two of 23 gas pipelines between Europe and Russia.[8] Both pipelines were built to transport natural gas from Russia to Germany through the Baltic Sea, and are majority owned by the Russian majority state-owned gas company, Gazprom.



  45. taffman says:

    Nigel aint standing ?
    I would recommend that we still vote for The Reform Party. The only party that will stem the ‘invasion’.
    Great Britain is short of housing , housing for our own people .


    • MarkyMark says:

      “The Reform Party” where Ex-Tories go so they can fill in their expenses under a new Party!

      1. Promise to stop it.
      2. Say cannot stop it due to laws.
      3. Ignore fact they can change laws.
      4. Send more money to protect Ukraine border
      5. Send rockets to Israel to protect their border.
      6. Say the channel is too hard to defend.


  46. Fedup2 says:

    Taffman – he said he would decide today – and is due to attend the Reform launch – have you seen something ?
    Just seen the letter no Farage …… that’s another 10 red seats


  47. tomo says:


    The trouble is that there is no good outcome to this election.



  48. andyjsnape says:

    Biden welcomes Kenya’s leader as US under pressure in Africa

    bbc reporting on Africa

    “Kenyan President William Ruto is the first African leader in more than 15 years to make an official state visit to the US” – playing catch up apparently

    So one leader in 15 years, out of 54 African countries – is playing catch up? Its going to be VERY slow process then