Well, I only came out to get a final snifter – after all, it is bonkerleedy tomorrow, and I need the sustenance to continue building the new fence to stop the little-big dog from jumping over the church wall and terrorising the Parish!
We have a new Parish Clerk. She’s costing us £50,000.00 p.a.! When we first moved here in 1977, the Parish Clerk was part-time, un-salaried and did a fabulous job because she was just a great lady who loved doing what’s right for the Parishioners. And she had two stunning daughters!
Politics at village level is approaching the bloated salaries paid to the (companies of) Beeboids and their entourage…
Luckily, our reduced state pensions went in last Friday…
Scroblene that works out at £30 an hour
factor in bank holiday pay, holiday pay and pension, that probably means for each hour of work the parish clerk costs the parish £50
BBC Local radio this eve was presented by Dotun Adebayo (a Nigerian). He was interviewing the mixed race actor Jassa Ahluwalia who has written an autobiography about being half caste which is apparently pejorative. Jassa is half English half Punjabi Indian and descibes himself as having mixed heritage , his book is titled “Both Not Half” alluding to his belief that he is English and Indian and being such makes him better than the rest of us. Anyway, the program was quite obviously part of the pro immigration drive by the BBC. The interview after the basic introduction started with a trashing by said Jassa of the Rishi/Tory proposal to introduce National Service. It might be a crap afterthought of a policy but there was no counterargument forwarded so where was the balance in an election run up?
In support of the mixed race argument the idea was put forward that British people are all mixed race anyway. the “Anglo-Saxons are mixed race” argument was used, an utterly superficial and spurious one. The BBC at its finest.
BBC Local radio this eve was presented by Dotun Adebayo (a Nigerian). He was interviewing the mixed race actor Jassa Ahluwalia who has written an autobiography about being half caste a term which is apparently pejorative. Jassa is half English half Punjabi Indian and descibes himself as having mixed heritage , his book is titled “Both Not Half” alluding to his belief that he is English and Indian and being such makes him better than the rest of us. Anyway, the program was quite obviously part of the pro immigration drive by the BBC. The interview after the basic introduction started with a completely unrelated to the subject trashing by said Jassa of the Rishi/Tory proposal to introduce National Service. It might be a crap afterthought of a policy but there was no counterargument forwarded so where was the balance in an election run up?
In support of the mixed race argument the idea was put forward that British people are all mixed race anyway. the “Anglo-Saxons are mixed race” argument was used, an utterly superficial and spurious one. The BBC at its finest.
Sorry about the double post. I tried to edit the original post, on trying to save it my page froze or the site did and after an interval, tried again and a new post was saved instead of overwriting the old one.
Flotsam – I saw the ‘double ‘ – thought about taking one down but then realised it made the site look more active by leaving it up ._ I guess the BBC isn’t biased any more ….. 😎
Northern Voter said BBC = Blackest Broadcasting Corporation
I got home, switched on the telly: on BBC4 it’s Maya Angelou night fronted by Bonnie Greer
The first prog is new
The second is a repeat on an ancient BBC show, which was only just on 16 weeks ago
I switched to BBC1 the screen shows a black guy with dreadlocks and a black woman .. prog called The Responder
Switch to BBC2 the prog is not black it’s called Rob and Rylan’s Grand Tour
The webpage doesn’t even mention the surnames of the presenters.. I guess it’s Rob Rinder
so the prog is fronted by 2 BBC gay icons
Next prog : Tenet a black film.. all actors in it seem black.
Yesterday’s local news .. half of the time was about the Africa festival in Hull
.. Half of Radio4 shows seem to make out some black person is a great hero. The other half feature sneering jokes against Trump or the Tories.
8pm was about the Irish language ..Rosen gurgled on for ages about how the word Tory is supposed to be derived from the Irish word for highway robber
Strange since the Tories were supporting the Catholic king James II
(Ah the side who used it tended to be the Enlgish settlers whilst the robbers tended to be the dispossessed Catholic natives)
Oh then I switched to internet and opened Yahoo Mail
The side advert was from Verbo … 3 black toddlers by a pool
(Vrbo is a division of the online travel sales company Expedia)
I never realised how much the Republic of Ireland
despised Israel until recently. Perhaps that’s why
the BBC has such prominent Irish republican
journalists reporting on the Israel- Hamas war.
The Republic was one was the last European country,
to even recognize Israel until the 1960’S.
Orla Guerin is an Irish journalist.
RTE from 1990-4 She left RTÉ to run as an Irish Labour Party candidate in the 1994 European Parliament elections.
She didn’t win
She joined the BBC in 1995
Jerusalem correspondent from January 2001.
2004 the Israeli government wrote to the BBC accusing her of a “deep-seated bias against Israel” in a report on a teenage would-be suicide bomber. The BBC defended Guerin’s reporting
but moved her in 2005 first to Johannesburg.then to Islamabad, Pakistan
2015 and 2020 there significant complaints against her for basically equating Israeli government and Palestinian terrorists
(Michael Grade) and Campaign Against Antisemitism
As an appendage . Call it a conspiracy theory if you will.
But is it more than just a coincidence that the two
most hostile reporters in Israel working for the BBC
are Orla Guerin and Fergal Keane. Were they chosen
by the institutionally anti-Semitic BBC for this reason?
The BBC seems to like sending, lets say less than neutral
observers to Jewish trouble spots. The latest being Asad
Ahmad to East Finchley for the pro Hamas , as he said
“VIGIL” outside the Phoenix cinema.
And now for something completely different. Well almost.
Please indulge me.
There is another cinema in East Finchley ” The Vue”
On June 11th they are relaying from Covent Garden
” Andrea Chenier” To be honest its being relayed all over the
world. At Covent Garden the prices go up to £350 !!
For £6 or thereabouts you can see the number one opera
I would recommend for anybody to see who has never
been to the opera. It has 20 glorious “tunes” in it. Perhaps
some of you saw the Academy Award winning film
“Philidelphia” starring Tom Hanks and Denzil Washington.
In one of the most moving scenes in cinema history the dying
character played by Tom Hanks explains to Denzil Washington
that Maria Callas singing from Andrea Chenier is the most
heart felt wonderful music ever composed.
I don’t expect to see a pro Hamas “vigil”
in East Finchley on June 11 outside the Vue.
But who knoes?
@Foscari Why do the BBC send Irish staff to the Middle East ?
I suspect an Irish passport makes for more fluid movement between the countries , than a British one ,
They of course don’t send Jewish staff
Piece in the DT about it today – apparently Eire liked Israel when they were fighting the evil British – now they support Islamic Hamas aka Palestine … but Eire has always had a morality problem such as supporting Nazi Germany – something for which it never paid a penalty as a State – although so many Irish men fought for good …
How Eire is going to deal with its’ current self inflicted damage by importing the third world … will be ‘interesting ‘.. if a global war doesn’t resolve it ..
I think the Irish republicans see the Israelis as being like the British colonists, and the Palestinians as being like the poor downtrodden Irish. That’s as far as their “thinking” on this goes.
I know there is supposed to be a difference between weather and climate. But certainly for where I live, the error between what is forecast and what actually happens happens frequently. This is the Met Office on GBNews. I still argue if the Met Offce cannot predict the next 24 hours’ weather, how can they predict climate? Even when the forecaster runs through today’s weather, they are frequently wrong, usually emphasising warmth we haven’t had. (It is usually in terms of temperatures ‘up to……’ which might me 5 seconds in the full sun in a sheltered position.
Here’s a handy pie chart that should be shown every time Justin Rowlatt, various eco-fanatics, the Labour Party and the BBC start spouting about climate change and how the UK citizens must unilaterally live in mud huts and cycle everywhere.
@Sluff you mean MANMADE CO2
The vast majority of Global CO2 is part of the natural cycle
It itself is not static but varies throughout the year
and over the decades
eg if nature gives us warmer weather more CO2 is released
CO2 accounting is difficult cos there is the variation in CO2 uptake by plants to consider too .
There’s tricky accounting too .. the way Drax burning wood emits loads of CO2 today yet it gets counted as zero
even though Drax American plantations are not absorbing CO2 at the same rater the powrr station emits it.
This is as near as we get to the truth of why this camp was hit. The wording is obviously very deliberate by the BBC to avoid being specific:
‘… dozens of people were killed or injured in a blast at a refugee camp in the Rafah area.’
‘The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) said it had carried out an air strike targeting a Hamas compound in the area.’
The we get a special paragraph for:
‘Hamas said an Israeli air strike had hit a camp for displaced Palestinians north-west of Rafah, away from recent military operations in a designated humanitarian safe zone.’
The whopping lie by omission there of course is that if Hamas launched rockets at Israeli civilians from there, it becomes a legitimate target. And everybody – especially these BBC liars – knows full well that they are doing that. They are just not reporting it.
What baffles me is why are the UN not being roasted by the media about why all their installations are infested by Hamas terrorists. And not just hiding in cupboards, they have constructed tunnels and headquarters there. Something everybody MUST have known they were doing.
Until the UN are held to account by the likes of the BBC for assisting and enabling these terrorist, I will not believe or trust a single thing they say about this war..
The UN and the BBC are as guilty for all these deaths as Israel. Their hands are soaked in blood for what they have done to aid and abet Hamas who are trying to cause as many civilian casualties as they can for the activist BBC reporters to focus on.
More cunning jiggery pokery from those “fighters” in Gaza. Seeing that the International Court of Justice shenanigans was unlikely to have much effect on Israel, Hamas have fired a few missiles into Israel from within a refugee area, no prizes for guessing why they would do that. Israel responds and hey presto, massive fires raging with loads of innocent civilian refugees killed and injured. All nicely timed for the morning news reports,
Why the stupid or possibly biased western media don’t see through this charade and call out the terrorists for actively putting their own people in harms way to get global attention just astounds me!
The fact that the western press swallow the Hamas line each time, hook line and sinker, makes it more likely they will repeat it, which in a way makes the Western media complicit in the injuries and deaths of civilians in Gaza.
Apologies to JohnC above who I noticed too late made pretty much the same point!
Hamas have got loads of people whose lives mean nothing to them. Provoking Israel into killing civilians is all part of their plan. Hamas actively wants civilians to die as part of its propaganda war, which is vital to it. The lives of the civilians are completely expendable.
I know Stew posted this already, but this story has some quotes from her – and how very, very BBC she is.
‘We gently asked the passengers at the front of the plane to share our request, and, row by row, as swift as a carefully crafted toppling domino trail, all the passengers turned back to kindly ask the row behind to please not eat nuts on the flight. It was calm, earnest & with an overwhelming sense of solidarity & empathy.’
LMAO, what a complete crock of shit. She obviously thinks life is like a crappy BBC drama. I can just imagine how this gobby, entitled woman got everybodies backs up by DEMANDING they don’t eat peanuts.
Then she tells us:
‘”There’s no beef with simple asks like these. People get it! The hand holding, tears & emotion from the passengers as we were hoofed off the plane after the angry little captain shouted at us from the cockpit.”‘
LAMO again. Condescending cow. What a complete narcissist. Lets see those tears and emotion in the pic she took as she was already planning the yarn she would tell to the media:
Looks a lot like they sare saying ‘Hooray. F*ck off.’ to me. Lots of smiling but no tears.
What she doesn’t mention is how her angry husband went banging on the door of the cockpit trying to get in. I can imagine that’s instant removal on any plane. These days (once again thanks to our Muslim terrorist friends) they don’t take any chances at all.
What a vile creature. EXACTLY what I would expect from a woman who works at the BBC and thinks she’s better than everyone else.
The article goes on to state the rule:
‘Additionally, our website states that passengers must notify us 48 hours in advance of any special care required due to a medical condition’ which puts her 100% in the wrong.
Strangely I don’t see this on the BBC webshite yet.
They sound like the sort of people who take their kids to a pub or restaurant and think we have nothing better to do than listen to their screaming kids running around the place.
I wonder if the plane was held up whilst they got the baggage off ? Aviation law is not something to be challenged these days – the ‘small?’ Captain was right …. Nuts to them ..
I was on a flight to Dubai when 2 drunk scousers on the plane tried to light up a fag.
Some Chinese in the middle row started shouting ‘smoking ban’ at them. One went over and punched the Chinese guy shouting the loudest.
The cabin staff calmed them down and when we landed in Dubai, we taxied off the runway and stopped. Then 4-wheel drive vehicles and a fire engine started appearing front and rear and I could see lots of Arabs in very bright white smocks watching the plane.
About an hour later, the back door opened and they came in to sort it out. Despite all the Arabs, the one in charge was a small English bloke who was clearly ex-military and took no nonsense at all. The two scumbags were bundled off the plane and never heard of again (probably).
The point I learned was NEVER misbehave or get aggressive on an aeroplane.
The ‘pleasant’, cheeky drunk flirting with the staff you can hear nearby on takeoff is the rowdy unpleasant, abusive drunk 3 hours into the flight when they refuse to serve him any more alcohol.
very abusive drunk 30 minutes into the flight when they refuse to serve her any more alcohol…. cabin crew gave her a single drink and she was unconscious < 2 minutes later and remained so for the next two hours …….
They are the most entitled bunch of losers out there.
Lost count of the tweets from staff whinging about queues, lost luggage… demanding compo, using self perceived influence to accelerate service response on personal matters.
There’s been two sad deaths locally due to cow milk allergies one in a restuarant and one at a takeaway – there is emerging evidence that the condition is increasing.
See the way reports play down her name .. Georgie Palmer
The @BBCLondonNews tweet chose to amplify that weather presenters are NOT BBC staff
“A freelance BBC weather presenter says she was kicked off a flight from London Gatwick to Turkey after asking passengers not to eat peanuts.”
in the GMTV interview she does say sh booked the flight, then tried to inform the airline, but no contacts worked..and did mention at check in
“My husband was not aggressive , the captain was”
people side AGAINST her . The tweet si ratioed 2:1
There is some truth in that claim
and some disinformation in the Full Fact debunk
which goes on at length about asylum seekers not being able to claim NORMAL benefits
Doh .. they get special asylum seeker benefits
The term fifth column appears to have originated at the time of the Spanish Civil War when General Franco is supposed to have remarked that there were four Nationalist columns approaching Madrid, and a fifth column waiting to attack from the inside.
A fifth column therefore refers to any group of people who undermine a larger group or nation from within.
Anti-Israel islamic terrorist outfit Hamas lacks the resources to fight a stand up conventinal war with its blood enemy and neighbour, so when it deliberately provokes retaliation (7th October) it looks to it’s fifth columns in the west to defend it and promote its aims.
The columns of our BBC take up the cudgels: Israeli strike hits Rafah area after Hamas barrage – with a typical headline reversal of the news event timeline
Event horizon
Again with the inversion of the order of events: ‘Exterminate the beasts’: How Israeli settlers took revenge for a murder in the West Bank (BBC) – if only those jews would sing “Don’t Look Back in Anger” like we do over here in Britain instead of doing that long-running feuding vendetta thing that’s so popular in the middle east. Eye-for-an-eye, tooth-for-a-tooth, indeed. Blimey, that lot treat that as though it were their religion.
Dozens of people have been killed or injured in a blast at a refugee camp in the Rafah area, the Hamas-run health ministry in Gaza has said. (BBC)
And in similar form, according to BBC reports happily quoting the Pally Paramilitary Paramedics, it’s always civilian casualties – a Hamas fighter was never so much as bruised in an Israeli retalitory attack according to such reports.
Likewise in news dispatches fresh from the Eastern Front: Russian strike on Kharkiv supermarket kills 12… BBC’s Jeremy Bowen on what new Russian strikes mean for Ukraine – I’m not saying this didn’t happen but why would the Russians want to deliberately waste their expensive ordinance on targeting a supermarket? And do we expect the tightly controlled Kiev information outlet to let on when either their or our own Nato military take a hit over there?
The formerly serious newspaper of record the Times and the formerly Corbyn-supporting Keir Starmer make strange bedfellows – and yet the bromance flourishes: Labour: We will act fast to win trust on security (Times)
Whereas the Guardian, that’s the public sector mouthpiece par excellence and the Guardianistas can hardly contain their excitement: Harriet Harman ‘There’s real hope in the air. It’s thrilling’ – calm down dear… Beth Rigby, Sky News, April 24: Sir Keir Starmer needs to level with voters – concrete change may only come in a second Labour term… he may also be trying to manage expectations of what a future Labour government can do.
So much for that Barack Obama-esque ‘hopey changey’ thing.
Rank pundity
Where were we? Ah yes, the Guardian the voice of the State sector that ought really to keep its politics to itself rather than take sides: Sunak’s national service plan is ‘bonkers’, says ex military chief – well, we all know that to be true and I suppose if you’re retired you can happily do your rank punditry, Admiral Lord West, General Lord Dannatt et al.
Armed forces sceptical (FT)
Send them to the eastern front.
Or could it be time to throw in the towel?
Zelenskiy in appeal over peace summit (Guardian) – other spellings are available… and apparently just now other policies than endless costly proxy war might be also.
Meanwhile, culture is cornered at the dumbed-down poundshop junior Guardian that is the ‘i’ newspaper: No time for a good read? The 15 best short books
It may just be an issue of the time of going to press happening to have been prior to the Israeli retaliation but at least the ‘i’ got this one right: Hamas launches Tel Aviv attack
And by the way, you can notice the BBC’s pro-Hamas biases to be apparent without sitting in the Bibbi Netanyahu fan section of the stadium. Personally, I think Britain should stay right out of it.
Asiseeit – i suppose the inevitable recognition of islamic hamas palestine will come when there is a sizable chunk of the red government pushing it through
And a subsequent exodus of the last jews in the UK to a safe country .
Missile attacks on civilian targets in Israel by islamic hamas using iranian weaponry goes without condemnation but the killing of islamic terrorists using human shields gets the full war crime propaganda
Muslim Armies : shocking video of Hizb ut-Tahrir rally
Newly uploaded by Andy Ngo, but dated from November before they were banned
On Nov. 25, 2023, I went undercover into a Hizb ut-Tahrir rally in London.
The extremist Muslim group was later formally declared a terrorist organization by the British government and is now banned.
This is video from their last public rally.
The group radicalizes Muslims into becoming revolutionaries for Islam.
At the rally in Belgravia, they urged “Muslim armies” to wage jihad for Palestine
… Context you can make a rally seem and feel big by herding your supporters into a narrow street.
I suspect some there are undercover cops.
I suspect a portion of them go native.
Have to agree with Icke on this. There is no other explanation other than Sunak deliberately trying to lose the election but also ‘puts it out there’ that national service is something they are seriously contemplating behind the scenes. https://t.co/GSafXJYsaR
Tomo – there does seem a very strong suicidal streak in the blue party – I suppose they thought the national service nonsense would hold the ‘news Cycle’ for a day but I think it’s day 4 now .
I wonder how the planners assess the make up of those who are likely to vote – which I think is 60% on average ( there’s a parliamentary library research paper on the internet dates 2023 ) so of that 60% maybe – I guess 20% wouid normally be fixed as either red or blue leaving the remaining 20% as ‘undecided ‘
The other thing is to what degree do peopld pay attention to politics at all – or just take a simple view – such as the need for ‘change ‘- although with no money I can’t see the funding for ‘change ‘
As for ‘internet influencers ‘… I’m not so sure – it will apply to people who use the internet / social media a lot but others? Not so sure …. And if the web is seen as ‘for younger voters ‘ they are all woke lefties anyway so their ‘minds ‘ won’t be moved much ….
I’m still with that 150 plus red majority – not something i want to see but I’m a pessimistic realist by nature – me – I’d want a very Right Wing low welfare – low tax – small government but that’s not gonna happen before the revolution ..
BTW – Tim Stanley in the telegraph laments the passing of Gove and Cameron – ugh – good riddence ..
Some seem to think there is some undisclosed crisis coming down the tracks before November when the election was meant to be … whether that’s a political blue crisis or a national one – who knows . But I don’t see that – I stick with my theory that Mrs green card said she’d had enough and wants to go home to Santa Monica before the new term starts for the kids …
..and the Obama Biden regime will be friendly before the risk of regime change …
Hasn’t Thoughtful flagged this up a couple of posts ago? Isn’t a financial collapse on the cards in the US, undoubtedly something Obama Biden don’t want yet…
Scroblene – there seems a huge industry of doomsters telling us this indicator and that indicator is telling us there is to be a crash – months and months the bears growl.
But sooner or later it will happen – at the moment the big panic is the Chinese buying the worlds’ gold and commodities before they finally get round to invading Taiwan – presumably around the time of their General Election – although the current rehearsal might turn real ….
Hence that blue dolt last week telling people to buy a can of beans , bottle of water and a Bible …
Two Ukrainians evading mobilization meet in *Monaco*, naturally, while speaking Russian. 🤣
This is the gist of their exchange:
-The son of a famous Ukrainian prosecutor is driving expensive cars in Europe [Monaco], while daddy is working. -I’ll repeat this once again for… pic.twitter.com/bmQRc2Yy0D
‘When we over tax the private education system to its knees, the pupils will have to go with the state system and then, when we get our hands on them, we can indoctrinate them to vote (our way) at 16.’
BREAKING NEWS; A 2nd Night of Disorder & Tension in Sheffield in South Yorkshire where yesterday TWENTY TWO people were hospitalised & TWENTY FIVE people were arrested; A very serious public disorder Incident but hardly any National Media coverage👇🤷♂️🤦♂️ pic.twitter.com/aAig5UNWWz
Maybe – non bbc / bbc – there should be a prize for the best worst headline … there is one on the Daily Mail today saying there is ‘outrage ‘ that Tesco has changed a ‘side ‘ to a ‘main’ in its’ ‘meal deal ‘ whatever that is ….
….. it beats the sad news that Eamon and his wife have split …apparently they did daytime TV …
.. I reckon that one upstages the sky presenter whose husband died of covid ….
Vennells is going to walk – election, cowardice, self interest of the public sector and likely the threat of “if I go down, I’m taking 5 others with me” she made last Friday – that *obvious threat* entirely unremarked in the MSM
Yes I agree – although the expert witness is in a tricky position swerving the perjury charge … they’ll want a ‘head ‘ so he ll do …
She’ll try to redeem herself by becoming CEO of some victim charity at a knockdown salary of a mere £200k a year plus package …
doubtless there were “motivators” – but nobody(?) outside the public sector wanted her services. I’ve now seen a handful of similar creatures at close quarters – they make my skin itch.
No kidding. There’s a famous plan that was written at the beginning of the twentieth century you might want to look up. Why do you think they had the First and Second World Wars? How many of us whites were eradicated? The powers that be think and plan well in advance.
Nice slide into a world war with Russia – now it is the nato sec general suggesting nato weapons be used against Russia – and then there is the news Poland is to spend another £2billion on defence spending . . But no mention of President Trump all those years ago demanding NATO Countries leaching off of the US for defence pay their way ….
See new posts
DD Geopolitics
🇪🇪 Estonian Prime Minister Kaja Kallas explains to Europeans that peace talks are not needed.
“Ukraine must win the war, and Russia must understand that it has lost. This is our plan A, B, and C. Words and sanctions are important, but they are not enough. Ukraine needs weapons, ammunition, and training. It also needs financial and economic support, and it needs it now. Our role and duty are not only to continue but to strengthen our support for Ukraine on all fronts,”
Ukraine needs weapons, ammunition, and training. – without LGBT+ soldiers we cannot win
I’m thinking of fixing my dual fuel for a year or 2 – anyone got any view about this ? I think energy prices will be going up because the £ will get stuffed when the reds win – and the theft by standing charge won’t change . Views welcome …
They let me drop my DD by £20, then decided that I needed to pay £10 more.
We can cope with the new rate, which is the dropped rate, and it saves me peering at prices every day, and wondering if I did the right thing, because I know I’m being screwed either way…
For a few quid, it’s the price of a bottle of plonk, so if you get it ‘wrong’, well, borrocks!
There appears to be an increase in turbulence which is affecting flights.
The powers that be would normally blame this on Brexit but they are being quiet about it.
I think it’s our (their) fault removing the carbon dioxide which must be leaving big holes in the sky.
The solution is to stop all this green crap.
It was warmer before we got all this global warming/boiling/whatever so maybe the weather will improve and it will not be so cold if we stop all this climate change nonsense.
* I just noticed that the predictive text on my iPad put ‘nonsense’ as a connected word while I was typing climate change.
I’m looking for a list of blue constituencies with the biggest majorities from last time – anyone got a list – it’s to do with my theory that the blues won’t get more that 100 seats on 4 July …
I often read/hear that many Tories are not voting .
To those disillusioned Tory voters, I say don’t waste your vote , vote for Reform instead …https://www.reformparty.uk
Bosses at the BBC have opted to shell out hundreds of millions of pounds chasing Brits they suspect of not paying the TV tax. Our investigations manager, Joanna Marchong, blasted this latest waste of cash by the BBC, telling the Sun: “Struggling households will be furious with this blatant waste of money by the Beeb. Auntie has opted for a contract with an exorbitant price tag, in an attempt to prop up the out-dated licence fee.”
Taxpayers alliance – has long campaigned for the end of the Telly Tax and the BBC paying themselves ‘the going rate’. And the waste of both civil servants ‘pay packets’ and the appalling waste of Local Councils (pay packets), some who think they have won the lottery.
How about the Taxpayers alliance working on “stopping the boats”?
We taxpayers, are paying the cost for the mass invasion of our homeland by criminals . The strain on housing, The NHS etc…
“Migrant crossings top 10,000 so far this year”. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cd11e0v78yvo
And all this time, Taff, the housebuilders keep claiming that they’re providing a ‘service’ for the UK! Local planners just roll over – they’re just pathetic, feeble and weak!
Quite a lot of housebuilders still going strong, thanks to all this disgraceful chicanery…
I’ve worked in building and developing both retail sheds and housing, and I always thought the former were hard, but the housebuilders are ruthless these days!
Planning consultants really have to strut their stuff, but there again, they get paid as well!
‘Safer than London’: North Korea’s bold claim to woo Russian tourists. Pyongyang is trying to woo Russians to book a holiday in North Korea, with beer festivals and mountain walks on the itinerary. North Korea has opened a travel agency in Russia, promoting itself to tourists as “safer than an evening walk in London”.25 Aug 2017
The lack of reporting of the actual war by the MSM is a stand-out feature of this conflict. All we ever get is niche propaganda pieces such as ‘a day with some drone operators’.
All we get are civilian ‘victims’ and the most ridiculous quotations from Ukranian officials being reported as if they are true. It’s an extreme case of ‘lies by omission’ from the BBC.
Even youtube is stuffed with propaganda videos : always showing Ukraine winning (usually the same video as I’ve seen dozens of times before) and always heavily editted with rousing drum beats.
Totally different from the war in Syria where we got lots of GoPro video from tank missions etc where we could experience what was actually going on day-to-day.
THIS is the kind of misinformation we should be worried about. Our entire internet has been politicised by the Left. The kind of misinformation the BBC agree with so they absolutely ignore it and focus on individual tweets they find from obscure people I have never heard of – but who are always far-Right.
When we are getting headlines like this on the BBC, you can extrapolate it to mean things are a LOT worse. It looks like the Ukranian army is close to collapse and it’s getting worse.
And the ‘game-changing’ weapon which has rendered all our high technology virtually useless ? – the glide bomb.
A standard bomb with wings and a guidance system fitted which can be dropped 70 miles away. The type the BBC idiot told us he could hear being dropped in their recent report where they finally had to admit what was going on.
And of course we are fed another whopping lie from Zelensky which the BBC gleefully repeat in the usual quotes without question or comment:
‘Mr Zelensky said there needed to be “tangible coercion of Russia” , which was seeking to “destroy Ukraine and move on”.’
EVERYBODY knows there is not a chance Russia will invade a NATO country – which is effectively the whole reason for this war anyway : their last chance before Ukraine joined.
This result was inevitable from the very start. Once again the West totally failed to understand the Russian culture and thought they might just give up if it was too hard.
And once again we learn that the old Russian saying is still as valid today as it was before : ‘Quantity has a quality all of it’s own’.
I wonder how many have died and how much of Ukraine has been destroyed for nothing. I realise now that the orders to hold the cities to the last man were probably scorched-earth policies by the Ukranians because they knew they were going to become Russian.
There are no good guys in any of this. Least of all us. I really don’t understand why we stuck our neck out so far for this country.
This is from another special BBC group ‘BBC Eye Investigations’ who claim to be:
‘Documentary series offering high-impact investigations and in-depth reporting from our award winning World Service team across the globe.’
So the BBC have been funding secret investigations into child labour and come up with a wonderfully vague headline which could mean absolutely anything.
At the end of the whole article, what they found was children helping their parents on their own farm.
We are told:
‘On the night we filmed her, she and her children managed to pick 1.5kg of jasmine flowers.’
Which immediately sounds odd. And odd is always for a reason at the BBC. It turns out they did that specifically because:
‘It is illegal for anyone under the age of 15 to work in Egypt between the hours of 19:00 and 07:00.’
What isn’t made clear of course is that this work needs to be done at night : they are not working 2 hour days which is the ‘spirit’ of the law.
And I would guess that 90% of children around the world help their parents if they have their own farm when crops are ready. They all do here in Thailand and I know I helped by dad’s business as soon as I was old enough to be able to do it.
So another worthless BBC article which started off with the desired conclusion then just looked for things to back it up. It’s a pathetically childish piece – including a ‘serious eye allergy’ which is inferred could make a poor infant blind turns out just needs some germolene on it.
Here’s one of the BBC narcissists who did it- Ahmed Alshemy. I’m not who he thinks he is in this pic – some kind of superhero ?
‘Natalie Cox’ – the other author is another BBC clone who hides herself so I can’t find a pic to see if she fits the bill.
What’s obvious for these is that when they have spent so much money doing all the ‘investigation’, they will be under a lot of pressure to churn out some kind of report for the BBC to use. That report HAS to match the agenda they used to get the funding – so we end up with desperate rubbish like this.
It reminds me of the articles attacking Boo Hoo clothing they ran. In that one, they were so desperate they obviously made up fake quotes as their case was so thin.
But as long as you can’t prove it’s a lie, it’s fine for the BBC. They are masters at it.
Ahem. I meant so they are not working 20 hour days, not 2 hour days in the above – which would be the actual child slave labour the BBC are trying to imply it is.
Susie Dent writing in the ‘i’, presumably referring to the present election campaign, has this right: Get ready for weeks of flummery and poppycock
Meanwhile our BBC frets about bummery and allegedly derogatory Popey-cock remarks: Pope allegedly used derogatory term for gay people
What’s the Italian for shirt-lifter we wonder? I don’t know but knowing the Italians I’m sure they have a very expressive animated hand guesture for that sort of thing. BBC Vatican watcher Aleem Maqbool (and I suppose he’s super well-versed in both the italiano and the Catholic catechism) blanches white as the Pope’s frock and calls for the smelling salts at the Pontifical utterance of the term frociaggine
I think I recall hearing someone order one of those once in a Starbucks – with extra-skimmed sloppy white and sprinkled mocha choca doo-dads, or somesuch?
No offence intended of course, Mr AsI has the most liberal outlook you’ll ever encounter – in his personal relationships at least – just not as a matter of public policy so that he has to pay for it on the rates. I’m guessing the Holy Father has a similar theology.
Starmer declares himself a socialist (Telegraph)
More than 120 business chiefs sign letter backing Labour (Faisal Islam, BBC)
That all makes perfect sense. Moving on… the Guardian speaks for the world: Global outrage after dozens killed in Israeli airstrike on Rafah camp
Global outrage, eh? I guess it must be true since the globalist-minded FT appears similarly shocked that bad things happen in warfare: ‘Hell on earth’ UN refugee agency adds voice to outrage at deadly Israeli strike on Rafah
I think the lesson for the Palestinians here is don’t go provoking a retaliatory war from the Israelis.
Speaking of which: Ukraine faces its worst crisis since the war began – Jeremy Bowen there – about the last non-Indian-sub-continental-heritage BBC news editor we’ll hear from hereabouts this morning.
Getty Images drops a bombshell of an awkward one to illustrate the aftermath of a Russian missile attack on the Ukraine – local Ukrianian fireman (and they are men) pictured wearing their old-style German WW2 Stahlhelme helmets. Any passing reference to Putin’s anti-Nazi special military opperation down there in the Donbas is coincidental.
I guess the BBC sent our Jeremy out to the eastern front not for the weather but thinking that was more appropriate at the moment – due to his long and distinguished career jew bashing. Which would be guilding the lily somewhat given BBC current reporting from the middle east.
Lady gardeners of a certain advanced age heart-throb Alan Titchmarsh explains his particular aesthetic preference in the Telegraph: Titchmarsh: Why I avoid No Mow May – write in with your own gags there, folks.
Before things get too hairy newswise this morning, I’m out of here.
Asiseeit – I like to sprinkle a bit of frociaggine on my porridge – have I been doing something wrong ? And does ‘is the pope catholic ?” The equivalent of “is starmer a socialist ?” – but they all are …..
Socialism is taking your money and wasting it on stuff they approve of –
1. Praised Islamic Jihad terrorists
2. Promoted Hezbollah’s Nasrallah
3. Snitched & handed a Gazan peace activist to Hamas
4. Posted it’s best to die a martyr (terrorist) with a gun
5. Said Palestinians should lie for the cause.
To Channel 4 she is a journalist
Meanwhile Toenails (yawn) and Mishal set to fluff this further?
“Dozens of business leaders have signed a letter endorsing the Labour Party’s economic plans ahead of the 4 July general election saying it is “time for a change”.”
Definitely time for change, but definitely not going between labour and conservatives!
Vote Reform.
Labour or Conservatives, getting paid for being in government and getting paid for loosing (opposition) is not the answer
Andy – the yank who helped found Wikipedia was interviewed by our Justin – he said he has spoken to ‘Kier’ and ‘Rachel ‘ and it was all going to be okay and they won’t be the ‘shambolic tories ‘ —-
I thought Justin was going to cry with delight ……
Presumably the yank is taxed in the US or caymans because when the reds run out of money to borrow in a few months he ll be gone – or taxed …
Nice propaganda piece though ….
Meanwhile – a leak about blues not bothering to campaign has been leaked . I admire the NI minister who has taken his family on holiday to Greece for a few weeks . He has his priorities right ….
Why spend the next 40 days taking stick from us ?
Even the former newspaper the Times is showing a (little) bit of balance in their reporting of this momentous bull (that is the correct term for an ecclesiastic announcement, isn’t it)?
They write that millions of business leaders prophesied, wrongly, that The Sainted Margaret’s tax increases would foster recession…they didn’t.
And that Brexit would be disastrous for the UK economy…it wasn’t, only the Tories mismanagement post leaving the EUSSR.
We export more to the EUSSR than before Brexit and import less from them, by choice. And no one mentions that we have become the 4th largest exporting nation because of services export growth, THE area which the EUSSR resolutely refused to include in our trade agreement.
“A lot of people were in there as it’s warm now and the gardening season has begun. In the shop there was soil, and plants.”
OMG soil and plants! in a garden centre as well
PS bbc Nato, is NATO
“Joe Biden’s request for a “security supplemental” that included $60bn (£47bn) for Ukraine was held up in the US Congress for months, mostly by supporters of Donald Trump who wanted the money to deal with matters closer to home, especially illegal immigration over the southern border with Mexico.” – oww its Donald Trumps faults, see what you did there bbc
Seems the RC church is debating whether to allow openly sodomites to become priests . Yet priest are celibate right – so they won’t be putting their man pieces into other holes – will they ?
If one looks at the decline of the Church of the poisoned mind / England it may not be a good idea – but I’m ok as I’m a homophobe …
I guess that all our churches of any UK faith will all become mosques one day, so maybe they’re getting their retaliation in first!
I know in my church, the stairs up to the top of the tower where the bloke will go and blow his bloody trumpet five times a day, are pretty steep and lethal, so he’d better pick up his skirts or fall arse-over-head coming down…
Julian / jonathon ? Reynolds sure can talk . I think he is the shadow business Secretary – who- presumably has Never Run A Business ( I have ) … any way Mr Reynolds was interviewed the The New Girl …
New Girl asked him if he is a Socialist like Kier – ‘yes’ sez Julian – not only that ‘I’m a Christian socialist ‘ – I spluttered my tea … ‘Christian socialist ‘? Are the reds going for sectarian socialism – ? Muslim socialists ? Jewish socialists ?pagan socialists? That Star Wars socialism ?
We need to know the difference – I want a capitalist socialist who doesn’t believe in taxation or state interference of their dirty NHS …
“Davos or Westminster? ‘Davos’, Starmer said, without missing a beat. Westminster’s too ‘constrained’, he moaned.”
“Keir Starmer: I am a socialist who will put country before party”
. . . . .
Keir Starmer: I am a socialist who will put country before party
Labour leader has sought to distance himself from Left-wing predecessor Jeremy Corbyn by insisting he has changed the party ‘permanently’
Amy Gibbons,
27 May 2024 • 7:00pm
. . . . .
It seems Bowen has been ‘transferred’ to cover the war in Ukraine after I have noticed his output about Gaza has been more and more sporadic. Clearly the BBC realise the guy has become a liability.
He’s actually been moved there : he does a video report from the supermarket for some reason. And I have to say he is not looking or sounding good at all. I strongly suspect he is suffering from some kind of mental illness like depression or whatever else the far-Left get because of what is wrong in their brains.
What he doesn’t go near is how a huge shopping complex can be destroyed by two glide bombs on a Saturday afternoon and only 12 people got killed. The general concensus I see in less biased places on the web is that it was being used as a military warehouse. Whatever you think of Russia, they don’t bomb civilians for the sake of it. And this was no accident.
So instead of any speculation or actual journalism, it’s another opportunity to let Zelensky make more unchallenged accusations such as:
“Only madmen like [Russian President Vladimir] Putin are capable of killing and terrorising people in this way.”
I am getting the feeling that this war is going to end sooner than people think. Russia are apparently staging another 70,000 troops ready for another onslaught.
Though you wouldn’t know any of the truth from what the BBC tell you. Especially Bowen who lies without conscience.
I agree on the ‘final stages ‘ bit – I suppose it will be like the US defeat in Afgee – happen really quickly – I guess the big question is how much of Ukraine will Russia swallow ? I’d want all of it . Then I’d put nuclear weapons on the border facing NATO ….
The yanks won’t worry as they care less about Europe – but the krauts will realise they have been living off US UK defence for decades …
Along the Dneiper river I suspect – as I’ve been saying from the very start. They can’t stop until they have what they want because then Ukraine will just rearm and join NATO.
No doubt some form of negotiations will start and the pressure on Ukraine will rise and rise as Russia keep moving West.
I wonder if the little comedian will be removed soon.
tomoMar 13, 23:39 Midweek 12th March 2025 Wrong costume…. https://twitter.com/truckdriverpleb/status/1899844358599311702
tomoMar 13, 22:57 Midweek 12th March 2025 https://twitter.com/ripx4nutmeg/status/1900276204302729699 [img]https://i.ibb.co/XxHFRP5W/chrome-lvnbs-Ino-Da.png[/img]
tomoMar 13, 22:53 Midweek 12th March 2025 https://twitter.com/ripx4nutmeg/status/1900276204302729699
JonathanRMar 13, 22:33 Midweek 12th March 2025 The BBC mentioned in this interesting interview https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rtS14ZO8Q-E&ab_channel=CBNNews
ZephirMar 13, 21:08 Midweek 12th March 2025 Claiming confusion regarding “carrots and sticks” is no defense.
Lefty WrightMar 13, 20:53 Midweek 12th March 2025 Al I had no idea that there were so many bricklayers,carpenters, plumbers etc.etc. among our Labour MPs. OK boys, girls…
tomoMar 13, 20:29 Midweek 12th March 2025 https://twitter.com/patcondell/status/1900096045696122976
Mustapha Sheikup al-BeebiMar 13, 20:16 Midweek 12th March 2025 “Handover” rather than “takeover”?
tomoMar 13, 20:06 Midweek 12th March 2025 https://twitter.com/bitcloud/status/1899839906123522127
Ha haaaaaaaaah…
Well, I only came out to get a final snifter – after all, it is bonkerleedy tomorrow, and I need the sustenance to continue building the new fence to stop the little-big dog from jumping over the church wall and terrorising the Parish!
We have a new Parish Clerk. She’s costing us £50,000.00 p.a.! When we first moved here in 1977, the Parish Clerk was part-time, un-salaried and did a fabulous job because she was just a great lady who loved doing what’s right for the Parishioners. And she had two stunning daughters!
Politics at village level is approaching the bloated salaries paid to the (companies of) Beeboids and their entourage…
Luckily, our reduced state pensions went in last Friday…
Scroblene that works out at £30 an hour
factor in bank holiday pay, holiday pay and pension, that probably means for each hour of work the parish clerk costs the parish £50
And I think she’s not doing the whole week, but I have to check…
She is also having to do courses:
Prevent Strategy
Anti-bullying training
Anti-bribery training
Anti-racism training
So at 1000 odd hours that is 30k stolen from the Parish just for nothing back.
We had one clerk some years ago, who had months off for ‘stress’!
We all used to ‘FFS’ on a regular basis!
BBC Local radio this eve was presented by Dotun Adebayo (a Nigerian). He was interviewing the mixed race actor Jassa Ahluwalia who has written an autobiography about being half caste which is apparently pejorative. Jassa is half English half Punjabi Indian and descibes himself as having mixed heritage , his book is titled “Both Not Half” alluding to his belief that he is English and Indian and being such makes him better than the rest of us. Anyway, the program was quite obviously part of the pro immigration drive by the BBC. The interview after the basic introduction started with a trashing by said Jassa of the Rishi/Tory proposal to introduce National Service. It might be a crap afterthought of a policy but there was no counterargument forwarded so where was the balance in an election run up?
In support of the mixed race argument the idea was put forward that British people are all mixed race anyway. the “Anglo-Saxons are mixed race” argument was used, an utterly superficial and spurious one. The BBC at its finest.
Stop paying the telly tax – simples. .
I have and saved a lot of money .
I sent my telly back to the bBC
I saved my sanity.
BBC Local radio this eve was presented by Dotun Adebayo (a Nigerian). He was interviewing the mixed race actor Jassa Ahluwalia who has written an autobiography about being half caste a term which is apparently pejorative. Jassa is half English half Punjabi Indian and descibes himself as having mixed heritage , his book is titled “Both Not Half” alluding to his belief that he is English and Indian and being such makes him better than the rest of us. Anyway, the program was quite obviously part of the pro immigration drive by the BBC. The interview after the basic introduction started with a completely unrelated to the subject trashing by said Jassa of the Rishi/Tory proposal to introduce National Service. It might be a crap afterthought of a policy but there was no counterargument forwarded so where was the balance in an election run up?
In support of the mixed race argument the idea was put forward that British people are all mixed race anyway. the “Anglo-Saxons are mixed race” argument was used, an utterly superficial and spurious one. The BBC at its finest.
Sorry about the double post. I tried to edit the original post, on trying to save it my page froze or the site did and after an interval, tried again and a new post was saved instead of overwriting the old one.
Did you know if you click ‘edit’, you also get a ‘delete’ option ?.
I only saw that I’d duplicated the post hours later. The edit/delete option only exists for fifteen minutes.
Flotsam – I saw the ‘double ‘ – thought about taking one down but then realised it made the site look more active by leaving it up ._ I guess the BBC isn’t biased any more ….. 😎
Northern Voter said BBC = Blackest Broadcasting Corporation
I got home, switched on the telly: on BBC4 it’s Maya Angelou night fronted by Bonnie Greer
The first prog is new
The second is a repeat on an ancient BBC show, which was only just on 16 weeks ago
I switched to BBC1 the screen shows a black guy with dreadlocks and a black woman .. prog called The Responder
Switch to BBC2 the prog is not black it’s called Rob and Rylan’s Grand Tour
The webpage doesn’t even mention the surnames of the presenters.. I guess it’s Rob Rinder
so the prog is fronted by 2 BBC gay icons
Next prog : Tenet a black film.. all actors in it seem black.
Yesterday’s local news .. half of the time was about the Africa festival in Hull
.. Half of Radio4 shows seem to make out some black person is a great hero. The other half feature sneering jokes against Trump or the Tories.
8pm was about the Irish language ..Rosen gurgled on for ages about how the word Tory is supposed to be derived from the Irish word for highway robber
Strange since the Tories were supporting the Catholic king James II
(Ah the side who used it tended to be the Enlgish settlers whilst the robbers tended to be the dispossessed Catholic natives)
Oh then I switched to internet and opened Yahoo Mail
The side advert was from Verbo … 3 black toddlers by a pool
(Vrbo is a division of the online travel sales company Expedia)
I never realised how much the Republic of Ireland
despised Israel until recently. Perhaps that’s why
the BBC has such prominent Irish republican
journalists reporting on the Israel- Hamas war.
The Republic was one was the last European country,
to even recognize Israel until the 1960’S.
Orla Guerin is an Irish journalist.
RTE from 1990-4
She left RTÉ to run as an Irish Labour Party candidate in the 1994 European Parliament elections.
She didn’t win
She joined the BBC in 1995
Jerusalem correspondent from January 2001.
2004 the Israeli government wrote to the BBC accusing her of a “deep-seated bias against Israel” in a report on a teenage would-be suicide bomber. The BBC defended Guerin’s reporting
but moved her in 2005 first to Johannesburg.then to Islamabad, Pakistan
2015 and 2020 there significant complaints against her for basically equating Israeli government and Palestinian terrorists
(Michael Grade) and Campaign Against Antisemitism
As an appendage . Call it a conspiracy theory if you will.
But is it more than just a coincidence that the two
most hostile reporters in Israel working for the BBC
are Orla Guerin and Fergal Keane. Were they chosen
by the institutionally anti-Semitic BBC for this reason?
The BBC seems to like sending, lets say less than neutral
observers to Jewish trouble spots. The latest being Asad
Ahmad to East Finchley for the pro Hamas , as he said
“VIGIL” outside the Phoenix cinema.
A reputation for bias in BBC land never means you are assigned to other topics instead.
As long as your bias is approved, they will let you run riot.
As Bowen proves every time he’s lucid enough to type.
The Balen Report
And now for something completely different. Well almost.
Please indulge me.
There is another cinema in East Finchley ” The Vue”
On June 11th they are relaying from Covent Garden
” Andrea Chenier” To be honest its being relayed all over the
world. At Covent Garden the prices go up to £350 !!
For £6 or thereabouts you can see the number one opera
I would recommend for anybody to see who has never
been to the opera. It has 20 glorious “tunes” in it. Perhaps
some of you saw the Academy Award winning film
“Philidelphia” starring Tom Hanks and Denzil Washington.
In one of the most moving scenes in cinema history the dying
character played by Tom Hanks explains to Denzil Washington
that Maria Callas singing from Andrea Chenier is the most
heart felt wonderful music ever composed.
I don’t expect to see a pro Hamas “vigil”
in East Finchley on June 11 outside the Vue.
But who knoes?
@Foscari Why do the BBC send Irish staff to the Middle East ?
I suspect an Irish passport makes for more fluid movement between the countries , than a British one ,
They of course don’t send Jewish staff
Piece in the DT about it today – apparently Eire liked Israel when they were fighting the evil British – now they support Islamic Hamas aka Palestine … but Eire has always had a morality problem such as supporting Nazi Germany – something for which it never paid a penalty as a State – although so many Irish men fought for good …
How Eire is going to deal with its’ current self inflicted damage by importing the third world … will be ‘interesting ‘.. if a global war doesn’t resolve it ..
The RA and Palestinians have been best mates for ages.
Gadaffi and other Arab countries supplied weapons to the RA.
I think the Irish republicans see the Israelis as being like the British colonists, and the Palestinians as being like the poor downtrodden Irish. That’s as far as their “thinking” on this goes.
“Warmest April on record” so why all the layers of clothing ?
I know there is supposed to be a difference between weather and climate. But certainly for where I live, the error between what is forecast and what actually happens happens frequently. This is the Met Office on GBNews. I still argue if the Met Offce cannot predict the next 24 hours’ weather, how can they predict climate? Even when the forecaster runs through today’s weather, they are frequently wrong, usually emphasising warmth we haven’t had. (It is usually in terms of temperatures ‘up to……’ which might me 5 seconds in the full sun in a sheltered position.
Here’s a handy pie chart that should be shown every time Justin Rowlatt, various eco-fanatics, the Labour Party and the BBC start spouting about climate change and how the UK citizens must unilaterally live in mud huts and cycle everywhere.
Yes, if we had no emissions at all, global CO2 would go down by a staggering…….errrr……0.9%.
While I have been writing this China and India’s emissions have gone up ………
@Sluff you mean MANMADE CO2
The vast majority of Global CO2 is part of the natural cycle
It itself is not static but varies throughout the year
and over the decades
eg if nature gives us warmer weather more CO2 is released
CO2 accounting is difficult cos there is the variation in CO2 uptake by plants to consider too .
There’s tricky accounting too .. the way Drax burning wood emits loads of CO2 today yet it gets counted as zero
even though Drax American plantations are not absorbing CO2 at the same rater the powrr station emits it.
BBC weather presenter asked pilot to ban peanut eating on her plane
#entitlement culture
WhatsApp doesn’t hand your private data to governments
.. yeh right
.. https://youtu.be/pvxrocMneBs
I wonder how much Google supplies ?
– particularly from Android
Israeli strike hits Rafah area after Hamas barrage
This is as near as we get to the truth of why this camp was hit. The wording is obviously very deliberate by the BBC to avoid being specific:
‘… dozens of people were killed or injured in a blast at a refugee camp in the Rafah area.’
‘The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) said it had carried out an air strike targeting a Hamas compound in the area.’
The we get a special paragraph for:
‘Hamas said an Israeli air strike had hit a camp for displaced Palestinians north-west of Rafah, away from recent military operations in a designated humanitarian safe zone.’
The whopping lie by omission there of course is that if Hamas launched rockets at Israeli civilians from there, it becomes a legitimate target. And everybody – especially these BBC liars – knows full well that they are doing that. They are just not reporting it.
What baffles me is why are the UN not being roasted by the media about why all their installations are infested by Hamas terrorists. And not just hiding in cupboards, they have constructed tunnels and headquarters there. Something everybody MUST have known they were doing.
Until the UN are held to account by the likes of the BBC for assisting and enabling these terrorist, I will not believe or trust a single thing they say about this war..
The UN and the BBC are as guilty for all these deaths as Israel. Their hands are soaked in blood for what they have done to aid and abet Hamas who are trying to cause as many civilian casualties as they can for the activist BBC reporters to focus on.
More cunning jiggery pokery from those “fighters” in Gaza. Seeing that the International Court of Justice shenanigans was unlikely to have much effect on Israel, Hamas have fired a few missiles into Israel from within a refugee area, no prizes for guessing why they would do that. Israel responds and hey presto, massive fires raging with loads of innocent civilian refugees killed and injured. All nicely timed for the morning news reports,
Why the stupid or possibly biased western media don’t see through this charade and call out the terrorists for actively putting their own people in harms way to get global attention just astounds me!
The fact that the western press swallow the Hamas line each time, hook line and sinker, makes it more likely they will repeat it, which in a way makes the Western media complicit in the injuries and deaths of civilians in Gaza.
Apologies to JohnC above who I noticed too late made pretty much the same point!
Hamas have got loads of people whose lives mean nothing to them. Provoking Israel into killing civilians is all part of their plan. Hamas actively wants civilians to die as part of its propaganda war, which is vital to it. The lives of the civilians are completely expendable.
BBC presenter kicked off flight to Turkey after showdown over daughter’s peanut allergy
I know Stew posted this already, but this story has some quotes from her – and how very, very BBC she is.
‘We gently asked the passengers at the front of the plane to share our request, and, row by row, as swift as a carefully crafted toppling domino trail, all the passengers turned back to kindly ask the row behind to please not eat nuts on the flight. It was calm, earnest & with an overwhelming sense of solidarity & empathy.’
LMAO, what a complete crock of shit. She obviously thinks life is like a crappy BBC drama. I can just imagine how this gobby, entitled woman got everybodies backs up by DEMANDING they don’t eat peanuts.
Then she tells us:
‘”There’s no beef with simple asks like these. People get it! The hand holding, tears & emotion from the passengers as we were hoofed off the plane after the angry little captain shouted at us from the cockpit.”‘
LAMO again. Condescending cow. What a complete narcissist. Lets see those tears and emotion in the pic she took as she was already planning the yarn she would tell to the media:
Looks a lot like they sare saying ‘Hooray. F*ck off.’ to me. Lots of smiling but no tears.
What she doesn’t mention is how her angry husband went banging on the door of the cockpit trying to get in. I can imagine that’s instant removal on any plane. These days (once again thanks to our Muslim terrorist friends) they don’t take any chances at all.
What a vile creature. EXACTLY what I would expect from a woman who works at the BBC and thinks she’s better than everyone else.
The article goes on to state the rule:
‘Additionally, our website states that passengers must notify us 48 hours in advance of any special care required due to a medical condition’ which puts her 100% in the wrong.
Strangely I don’t see this on the BBC webshite yet.
They sound like the sort of people who take their kids to a pub or restaurant and think we have nothing better to do than listen to their screaming kids running around the place.
I wonder if the plane was held up whilst they got the baggage off ? Aviation law is not something to be challenged these days – the ‘small?’ Captain was right …. Nuts to them ..
I was on a flight to Dubai when 2 drunk scousers on the plane tried to light up a fag.
Some Chinese in the middle row started shouting ‘smoking ban’ at them. One went over and punched the Chinese guy shouting the loudest.
The cabin staff calmed them down and when we landed in Dubai, we taxied off the runway and stopped. Then 4-wheel drive vehicles and a fire engine started appearing front and rear and I could see lots of Arabs in very bright white smocks watching the plane.
About an hour later, the back door opened and they came in to sort it out. Despite all the Arabs, the one in charge was a small English bloke who was clearly ex-military and took no nonsense at all. The two scumbags were bundled off the plane and never heard of again (probably).
The point I learned was NEVER misbehave or get aggressive on an aeroplane.
I’ve seen several incidents of misbehaving passengers – resolved in various ways 🙂
My biggest bugbear is people who won’t control their children, closely followed by loud drunks.
The ‘pleasant’, cheeky drunk flirting with the staff you can hear nearby on takeoff is the rowdy unpleasant, abusive drunk 3 hours into the flight when they refuse to serve him any more alcohol.
very abusive drunk 30 minutes into the flight when they refuse to serve her any more alcohol…. cabin crew gave her a single drink and she was unconscious < 2 minutes later and remained so for the next two hours …….
They are the most entitled bunch of losers out there.
Lost count of the tweets from staff whinging about queues, lost luggage… demanding compo, using self perceived influence to accelerate service response on personal matters.
It’s my direct experience that the entitlement of peanut allergy sufferers is “off the clock”.
I won’t deny that nut anaphylactic shock is real – the evidence https://www.aaaai.org/allergist-resources/ask-the-expert/answers/old-ask-the-experts/peanut-air-travel strongly suggests that the risk is overhyped.
There’s been two sad deaths locally due to cow milk allergies one in a restuarant and one at a takeaway – there is emerging evidence that the condition is increasing.
I wonder why…
It is very serious and I have no issue with reasonable accommodations.
Frankly I can live on a plane flight without peanuts but if they are present taking a chance is moronic.
That family who killed their daughter to make a point with a minimum wage waiter at Pret being a case in point.
Some airlines (BA did it for a while) seem to have stopped all obvious nuts in on-board catering.
I suspect they (nuts) are sneaking back – BA certainly went “nuts” for a while with anti-nut cabin PA announcement scripts.
Why did the entitled bBC cnut not stay in her 15 minute city and eat bugs?
The BBC version of this episode is quite different, not surprisingly: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c0kkzzy8eqjo
See the way reports play down her name .. Georgie Palmer
The @BBCLondonNews tweet chose to amplify that weather presenters are NOT BBC staff
“A freelance BBC weather presenter says she was kicked off a flight from London Gatwick to Turkey after asking passengers not to eat peanuts.”
in the GMTV interview she does say sh booked the flight, then tried to inform the airline, but no contacts worked..and did mention at check in
“My husband was not aggressive , the captain was”
people side AGAINST her . The tweet si ratioed 2:1
How did she get on ‘demanding’ no nuts at their destination in Turkey?
Saw this last week, thought it worth sharing…..
I’ve not seen a testimonial from an actual happy Starmer legal client – most barristers have a “trophy wall” ?
The sort of thing one might expect from a Corbyn acolyte looking for brownies ?
meanwhile over in Hobson’s Choice election world …
There is some truth in that claim
and some disinformation in the Full Fact debunk
which goes on at length about asylum seekers not being able to claim NORMAL benefits
Doh .. they get special asylum seeker benefits
The term fifth column appears to have originated at the time of the Spanish Civil War when General Franco is supposed to have remarked that there were four Nationalist columns approaching Madrid, and a fifth column waiting to attack from the inside.
A fifth column therefore refers to any group of people who undermine a larger group or nation from within.
Anti-Israel islamic terrorist outfit Hamas lacks the resources to fight a stand up conventinal war with its blood enemy and neighbour, so when it deliberately provokes retaliation (7th October) it looks to it’s fifth columns in the west to defend it and promote its aims.
The columns of our BBC take up the cudgels: Israeli strike hits Rafah area after Hamas barrage – with a typical headline reversal of the news event timeline
Event horizon
Again with the inversion of the order of events: ‘Exterminate the beasts’: How Israeli settlers took revenge for a murder in the West Bank (BBC) – if only those jews would sing “Don’t Look Back in Anger” like we do over here in Britain instead of doing that long-running feuding vendetta thing that’s so popular in the middle east. Eye-for-an-eye, tooth-for-a-tooth, indeed. Blimey, that lot treat that as though it were their religion.
Dozens of people have been killed or injured in a blast at a refugee camp in the Rafah area, the Hamas-run health ministry in Gaza has said. (BBC)
And in similar form, according to BBC reports happily quoting the Pally Paramilitary Paramedics, it’s always civilian casualties – a Hamas fighter was never so much as bruised in an Israeli retalitory attack according to such reports.
Likewise in news dispatches fresh from the Eastern Front: Russian strike on Kharkiv supermarket kills 12… BBC’s Jeremy Bowen on what new Russian strikes mean for Ukraine – I’m not saying this didn’t happen but why would the Russians want to deliberately waste their expensive ordinance on targeting a supermarket? And do we expect the tightly controlled Kiev information outlet to let on when either their or our own Nato military take a hit over there?
The formerly serious newspaper of record the Times and the formerly Corbyn-supporting Keir Starmer make strange bedfellows – and yet the bromance flourishes: Labour: We will act fast to win trust on security (Times)
Whereas the Guardian, that’s the public sector mouthpiece par excellence and the Guardianistas can hardly contain their excitement: Harriet Harman ‘There’s real hope in the air. It’s thrilling’ – calm down dear… Beth Rigby, Sky News, April 24: Sir Keir Starmer needs to level with voters – concrete change may only come in a second Labour term… he may also be trying to manage expectations of what a future Labour government can do.
So much for that Barack Obama-esque ‘hopey changey’ thing.
Rank pundity
Where were we? Ah yes, the Guardian the voice of the State sector that ought really to keep its politics to itself rather than take sides: Sunak’s national service plan is ‘bonkers’, says ex military chief – well, we all know that to be true and I suppose if you’re retired you can happily do your rank punditry, Admiral Lord West, General Lord Dannatt et al.
Armed forces sceptical (FT)
Send them to the eastern front.
Or could it be time to throw in the towel?
Zelenskiy in appeal over peace summit (Guardian) – other spellings are available… and apparently just now other policies than endless costly proxy war might be also.
Meanwhile, culture is cornered at the dumbed-down poundshop junior Guardian that is the ‘i’ newspaper: No time for a good read? The 15 best short books
It may just be an issue of the time of going to press happening to have been prior to the Israeli retaliation but at least the ‘i’ got this one right: Hamas launches Tel Aviv attack
And by the way, you can notice the BBC’s pro-Hamas biases to be apparent without sitting in the Bibbi Netanyahu fan section of the stadium. Personally, I think Britain should stay right out of it.
Asiseeit – i suppose the inevitable recognition of islamic hamas palestine will come when there is a sizable chunk of the red government pushing it through
And a subsequent exodus of the last jews in the UK to a safe country .
Missile attacks on civilian targets in Israel by islamic hamas using iranian weaponry goes without condemnation but the killing of islamic terrorists using human shields gets the full war crime propaganda
Keep going IDF – and some
Elon Musk attacks the BBC
Well not directly.
This article deserves wider circulation

Muslim Armies : shocking video of Hizb ut-Tahrir rally
Newly uploaded by Andy Ngo, but dated from November before they were banned
On Nov. 25, 2023, I went undercover into a Hizb ut-Tahrir rally in London.
The extremist Muslim group was later formally declared a terrorist organization by the British government and is now banned.
This is video from their last public rally.
The group radicalizes Muslims into becoming revolutionaries for Islam.
At the rally in Belgravia, they urged “Muslim armies” to wage jihad for Palestine
… Context you can make a rally seem and feel big by herding your supporters into a narrow street.
I suspect some there are undercover cops.
I suspect a portion of them go native.
Crazy days….
Heads – we win,
Tails – you loose.
Tomo – there does seem a very strong suicidal streak in the blue party – I suppose they thought the national service nonsense would hold the ‘news Cycle’ for a day but I think it’s day 4 now .
I wonder how the planners assess the make up of those who are likely to vote – which I think is 60% on average ( there’s a parliamentary library research paper on the internet dates 2023 ) so of that 60% maybe – I guess 20% wouid normally be fixed as either red or blue leaving the remaining 20% as ‘undecided ‘
The other thing is to what degree do peopld pay attention to politics at all – or just take a simple view – such as the need for ‘change ‘- although with no money I can’t see the funding for ‘change ‘
As for ‘internet influencers ‘… I’m not so sure – it will apply to people who use the internet / social media a lot but others? Not so sure …. And if the web is seen as ‘for younger voters ‘ they are all woke lefties anyway so their ‘minds ‘ won’t be moved much ….
I’m still with that 150 plus red majority – not something i want to see but I’m a pessimistic realist by nature – me – I’d want a very Right Wing low welfare – low tax – small government but that’s not gonna happen before the revolution ..
BTW – Tim Stanley in the telegraph laments the passing of Gove and Cameron – ugh – good riddence ..
suicidal “Tories”?
– not’arf!
Some seem to think there is some undisclosed crisis coming down the tracks before November when the election was meant to be … whether that’s a political blue crisis or a national one – who knows . But I don’t see that – I stick with my theory that Mrs green card said she’d had enough and wants to go home to Santa Monica before the new term starts for the kids …
..and the Obama Biden regime will be friendly before the risk of regime change …
Hasn’t Thoughtful flagged this up a couple of posts ago? Isn’t a financial collapse on the cards in the US, undoubtedly something Obama Biden don’t want yet…
Scroblene – there seems a huge industry of doomsters telling us this indicator and that indicator is telling us there is to be a crash – months and months the bears growl.
But sooner or later it will happen – at the moment the big panic is the Chinese buying the worlds’ gold and commodities before they finally get round to invading Taiwan – presumably around the time of their General Election – although the current rehearsal might turn real ….
Hence that blue dolt last week telling people to buy a can of beans , bottle of water and a Bible …
mad, nutter….
Pensioners pay taxes.
They also work. Thanks to successive governments they bloody well have to.
‘When we over tax the private education system to its knees, the pupils will have to go with the state system and then, when we get our hands on them, we can indoctrinate them to vote (our way) at 16.’
Stew – on the edge of your area?
Maybe – non bbc / bbc – there should be a prize for the best worst headline … there is one on the Daily Mail today saying there is ‘outrage ‘ that Tesco has changed a ‘side ‘ to a ‘main’ in its’ ‘meal deal ‘ whatever that is ….
….. it beats the sad news that Eamon and his wife have split …apparently they did daytime TV …
.. I reckon that one upstages the sky presenter whose husband died of covid ….
Vennells is going to walk – election, cowardice, self interest of the public sector and likely the threat of “if I go down, I’m taking 5 others with me” she made last Friday – that *obvious threat* entirely unremarked in the MSM
Yes I agree – although the expert witness is in a tricky position swerving the perjury charge … they’ll want a ‘head ‘ so he ll do …
She’ll try to redeem herself by becoming CEO of some victim charity at a knockdown salary of a mere £200k a year plus package …
Vennell’s threat took a while to sink in …. it also displays the absolute lie that she “didn’t know” – doesn’t it?
She had targets for her bonus package so anything getting in the way such as subpostmasters / horizon – got buried ..
doubtless there were “motivators” – but nobody(?) outside the public sector wanted her services. I’ve now seen a handful of similar creatures at close quarters – they make my skin itch.
Applies equally this side of the pond ?
No kidding. There’s a famous plan that was written at the beginning of the twentieth century you might want to look up. Why do you think they had the First and Second World Wars? How many of us whites were eradicated? The powers that be think and plan well in advance.
World at one
Nice slide into a world war with Russia – now it is the nato sec general suggesting nato weapons be used against Russia – and then there is the news Poland is to spend another £2billion on defence spending . . But no mention of President Trump all those years ago demanding NATO Countries leaching off of the US for defence pay their way ….
The charity industry will never be reformed – it just exploits sentiment on a huge scale – I might set one up … ‘save the green squirrel ‘..
I mourn the demise of http://www.fakecharities.org
It did what it said on the tin!
They don’t need white saviours money .. DAVID LAMMY FACT.
Stacey Dooley hits back at MP Lammy’s Comic Relief ‘white saviour’ criticism
28 February 2019
Best reply imho: She needs to change the bong water
See new posts
DD Geopolitics
🇪🇪 Estonian Prime Minister Kaja Kallas explains to Europeans that peace talks are not needed.
“Ukraine must win the war, and Russia must understand that it has lost. This is our plan A, B, and C. Words and sanctions are important, but they are not enough. Ukraine needs weapons, ammunition, and training. It also needs financial and economic support, and it needs it now. Our role and duty are not only to continue but to strengthen our support for Ukraine on all fronts,”
Ukraine needs weapons, ammunition, and training. – without LGBT+ soldiers we cannot win
Rishi says his kids will be exempt as they will be American Citizens!
“Conscription is coming – just look at this from Shapps!
The establishment can do one if they think my kids will be fighting the bankers war they are taking us into!”
I’m thinking of fixing my dual fuel for a year or 2 – anyone got any view about this ? I think energy prices will be going up because the £ will get stuffed when the reds win – and the theft by standing charge won’t change . Views welcome …
I’ve just fixed my electricity Econ 7 for a year.
They let me drop my DD by £20, then decided that I needed to pay £10 more.
We can cope with the new rate, which is the dropped rate, and it saves me peering at prices every day, and wondering if I did the right thing, because I know I’m being screwed either way…
For a few quid, it’s the price of a bottle of plonk, so if you get it ‘wrong’, well, borrocks!
There appears to be an increase in turbulence which is affecting flights.
The powers that be would normally blame this on Brexit but they are being quiet about it.
I think it’s our (their) fault removing the carbon dioxide which must be leaving big holes in the sky.
The solution is to stop all this green crap.
It was warmer before we got all this global warming/boiling/whatever so maybe the weather will improve and it will not be so cold if we stop all this climate change nonsense.
* I just noticed that the predictive text on my iPad put ‘nonsense’ as a connected word while I was typing climate change.
Solar storms
Blimey, Bournemouth?
Mr Tobias Ellwood
The Rt Hon Mr Tobias Ellwood is the Conservative MP for Bournemouth East, and has been an MP continually since 5 May 2005.
I’ll just mention that a certain barge is moored 40 miles away which also has free transportation to a certain beachfront town.
I’m looking for a list of blue constituencies with the biggest majorities from last time – anyone got a list – it’s to do with my theory that the blues won’t get more that 100 seats on 4 July …
You can download all the info you require here, into excel and sort and filter by constituency.
Paddy Power go 11/4 50-99 Conservative seats, 12/1 0-49.
Harry thanks – it gives a lot – but not the top 50 blue constituencies …
ooh…. have you found a political betting site that’s, ahem… off target?
Tomo – no – but I want to add to my ‘red majority ‘ bets – another 50p maybe …
Boris Johnson knocks over boy in rugby match in Japan
@Fedup2 The first thing is the 2024 constituencies are different to the 2019 constituencies.
“in the 2019 general election, 38 of the seats were won by a very large margin of 50% or more.
25 were Labour seats, generally concentrated in London and the North West.
the other 13 were made up of Conservative seats, mainly in the East of England.
Theirs a list https://www.thisvotecounts.co.uk/articles/9-april-2024/safest-seats-in-the-uk%2C-2019-and-now
The search terms are marginality or safest seats
eg this page gives a list of the 30 SAFEST seats in 2019
You can get a list of biggest majority seats by going to the Wikipedia page and clicking the order-by arrow above the MAJORITY column
Or percentagewise .. click the order-by button above SHARE in the 2019 winning party box
Blue MP standing down suspended from blue party because she backs the Reform candidate … pity she didnt take the Reform whip …
“she backs the Reform candidate”
I often read/hear that many Tories are not voting .
To those disillusioned Tory voters, I say don’t waste your vote , vote for Reform instead …https://www.reformparty.uk
Reform will turn into the Conservative Party i.e. a tory party with old conservatives then transition into Labour again?
A bit of nostalgia.
I bet lots of you remember this from your youth.
I would have liked to watch with mother, but we were that poor we had to stand outside Redifusion shop and watch it through the window!
Rediffusion? Luxury!
We ‘ad to do wi’ watching t’ broken wireless in a boarded oop Radio Rentals shop in t’ High Street!
But we were ‘appy then…
Man dies suddenly running Manchester half-marathon:
No idea if it is the same person who died suddenly here:
There seems to be a lot of this about.
And the sting in the tail.
Poor man….
Junk the licence fee
Bosses at the BBC have opted to shell out hundreds of millions of pounds chasing Brits they suspect of not paying the TV tax. Our investigations manager, Joanna Marchong, blasted this latest waste of cash by the BBC, telling the Sun: “Struggling households will be furious with this blatant waste of money by the Beeb. Auntie has opted for a contract with an exorbitant price tag, in an attempt to prop up the out-dated licence fee.”
Taxpayers alliance – has long campaigned for the end of the Telly Tax and the BBC paying themselves ‘the going rate’. And the waste of both civil servants ‘pay packets’ and the appalling waste of Local Councils (pay packets), some who think they have won the lottery.
You can also view that here: The Council Fat Cats
How about the Taxpayers alliance working on “stopping the boats”?
We taxpayers, are paying the cost for the mass invasion of our homeland by criminals . The strain on housing, The NHS etc…
“Migrant crossings top 10,000 so far this year”.
And all this time, Taff, the housebuilders keep claiming that they’re providing a ‘service’ for the UK! Local planners just roll over – they’re just pathetic, feeble and weak!
Quite a lot of housebuilders still going strong, thanks to all this disgraceful chicanery…
Follow the money.
Too right Taff!
I’ve worked in building and developing both retail sheds and housing, and I always thought the former were hard, but the housebuilders are ruthless these days!
Planning consultants really have to strut their stuff, but there again, they get paid as well!
Brown envelopes ?
Baghdad say they are now safe than Sweden!
. . . . .. . . .
‘Safer than London’: North Korea’s bold claim to woo Russian tourists. Pyongyang is trying to woo Russians to book a holiday in North Korea, with beer festivals and mountain walks on the itinerary. North Korea has opened a travel agency in Russia, promoting itself to tourists as “safer than an evening walk in London”.25 Aug 2017
I remember when a President in the USA spoke about Sweden and the MSM went into apoplexy calling him all the nasty names under the sun.
The lack of reporting of the actual war by the MSM is a stand-out feature of this conflict. All we ever get is niche propaganda pieces such as ‘a day with some drone operators’.
All we get are civilian ‘victims’ and the most ridiculous quotations from Ukranian officials being reported as if they are true. It’s an extreme case of ‘lies by omission’ from the BBC.
Even youtube is stuffed with propaganda videos : always showing Ukraine winning (usually the same video as I’ve seen dozens of times before) and always heavily editted with rousing drum beats.
Totally different from the war in Syria where we got lots of GoPro video from tank missions etc where we could experience what was actually going on day-to-day.
THIS is the kind of misinformation we should be worried about. Our entire internet has been politicised by the Left. The kind of misinformation the BBC agree with so they absolutely ignore it and focus on individual tweets they find from obscure people I have never heard of – but who are always far-Right.
How many Russian losses ?
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – Time for the BBC to do what it does best
Inform, entertain and educate used to be the BBC at its best. Here is a glimmer of what the BBC was in ‘the good old days’: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c4nn7gew9zxo
Apols Uppers, I just couldn’t resist this…
I really didn’t know it was all about advertising back then…
(I think).
Force Russia to make peace, Zelensky urges West
When we are getting headlines like this on the BBC, you can extrapolate it to mean things are a LOT worse. It looks like the Ukranian army is close to collapse and it’s getting worse.
And the ‘game-changing’ weapon which has rendered all our high technology virtually useless ? – the glide bomb.
A standard bomb with wings and a guidance system fitted which can be dropped 70 miles away. The type the BBC idiot told us he could hear being dropped in their recent report where they finally had to admit what was going on.
And of course we are fed another whopping lie from Zelensky which the BBC gleefully repeat in the usual quotes without question or comment:
‘Mr Zelensky said there needed to be “tangible coercion of Russia” , which was seeking to “destroy Ukraine and move on”.’
EVERYBODY knows there is not a chance Russia will invade a NATO country – which is effectively the whole reason for this war anyway : their last chance before Ukraine joined.
This result was inevitable from the very start. Once again the West totally failed to understand the Russian culture and thought they might just give up if it was too hard.
And once again we learn that the old Russian saying is still as valid today as it was before : ‘Quantity has a quality all of it’s own’.
I wonder how many have died and how much of Ukraine has been destroyed for nothing. I realise now that the orders to hold the cities to the last man were probably scorched-earth policies by the Ukranians because they knew they were going to become Russian.
There are no good guys in any of this. Least of all us. I really don’t understand why we stuck our neck out so far for this country.
I just wish they’d sort their war so I can fix my dual fuel ….must be running out of people by now …
Luxury perfumes linked to child labour, BBC finds
This is from another special BBC group ‘BBC Eye Investigations’ who claim to be:
‘Documentary series offering high-impact investigations and in-depth reporting from our award winning World Service team across the globe.’
So the BBC have been funding secret investigations into child labour and come up with a wonderfully vague headline which could mean absolutely anything.
At the end of the whole article, what they found was children helping their parents on their own farm.
We are told:
‘On the night we filmed her, she and her children managed to pick 1.5kg of jasmine flowers.’
Which immediately sounds odd. And odd is always for a reason at the BBC. It turns out they did that specifically because:
‘It is illegal for anyone under the age of 15 to work in Egypt between the hours of 19:00 and 07:00.’
What isn’t made clear of course is that this work needs to be done at night : they are not working 2 hour days which is the ‘spirit’ of the law.
And I would guess that 90% of children around the world help their parents if they have their own farm when crops are ready. They all do here in Thailand and I know I helped by dad’s business as soon as I was old enough to be able to do it.
So another worthless BBC article which started off with the desired conclusion then just looked for things to back it up. It’s a pathetically childish piece – including a ‘serious eye allergy’ which is inferred could make a poor infant blind turns out just needs some germolene on it.
Here’s one of the BBC narcissists who did it- Ahmed Alshemy. I’m not who he thinks he is in this pic – some kind of superhero ?

‘Natalie Cox’ – the other author is another BBC clone who hides herself so I can’t find a pic to see if she fits the bill.
What’s obvious for these is that when they have spent so much money doing all the ‘investigation’, they will be under a lot of pressure to churn out some kind of report for the BBC to use. That report HAS to match the agenda they used to get the funding – so we end up with desperate rubbish like this.
It reminds me of the articles attacking Boo Hoo clothing they ran. In that one, they were so desperate they obviously made up fake quotes as their case was so thin.
But as long as you can’t prove it’s a lie, it’s fine for the BBC. They are masters at it.
Ahem. I meant so they are not working 20 hour days, not 2 hour days in the above – which would be the actual child slave labour the BBC are trying to imply it is.
Susie Dent writing in the ‘i’, presumably referring to the present election campaign, has this right: Get ready for weeks of flummery and poppycock
Meanwhile our BBC frets about bummery and allegedly derogatory Popey-cock remarks: Pope allegedly used derogatory term for gay people
What’s the Italian for shirt-lifter we wonder? I don’t know but knowing the Italians I’m sure they have a very expressive animated hand guesture for that sort of thing. BBC Vatican watcher Aleem Maqbool (and I suppose he’s super well-versed in both the italiano and the Catholic catechism) blanches white as the Pope’s frock and calls for the smelling salts at the Pontifical utterance of the term frociaggine
I think I recall hearing someone order one of those once in a Starbucks – with extra-skimmed sloppy white and sprinkled mocha choca doo-dads, or somesuch?
No offence intended of course, Mr AsI has the most liberal outlook you’ll ever encounter – in his personal relationships at least – just not as a matter of public policy so that he has to pay for it on the rates. I’m guessing the Holy Father has a similar theology.
Starmer declares himself a socialist (Telegraph)
More than 120 business chiefs sign letter backing Labour (Faisal Islam, BBC)
That all makes perfect sense. Moving on… the Guardian speaks for the world: Global outrage after dozens killed in Israeli airstrike on Rafah camp
Global outrage, eh? I guess it must be true since the globalist-minded FT appears similarly shocked that bad things happen in warfare: ‘Hell on earth’ UN refugee agency adds voice to outrage at deadly Israeli strike on Rafah
I think the lesson for the Palestinians here is don’t go provoking a retaliatory war from the Israelis.
Speaking of which: Ukraine faces its worst crisis since the war began – Jeremy Bowen there – about the last non-Indian-sub-continental-heritage BBC news editor we’ll hear from hereabouts this morning.
Getty Images drops a bombshell of an awkward one to illustrate the aftermath of a Russian missile attack on the Ukraine – local Ukrianian fireman (and they are men) pictured wearing their old-style German WW2 Stahlhelme helmets. Any passing reference to Putin’s anti-Nazi special military opperation down there in the Donbas is coincidental.
I guess the BBC sent our Jeremy out to the eastern front not for the weather but thinking that was more appropriate at the moment – due to his long and distinguished career jew bashing. Which would be guilding the lily somewhat given BBC current reporting from the middle east.
Lady gardeners of a certain advanced age heart-throb Alan Titchmarsh explains his particular aesthetic preference in the Telegraph: Titchmarsh: Why I avoid No Mow May – write in with your own gags there, folks.
Before things get too hairy newswise this morning, I’m out of here.
Asiseeit – I like to sprinkle a bit of frociaggine on my porridge – have I been doing something wrong ? And does ‘is the pope catholic ?” The equivalent of “is starmer a socialist ?” – but they all are …..
Socialism is taking your money and wasting it on stuff they approve of –
Alex Crawstick and JezBo personally handing it the baton award?
Hind Khoudary:
1. Praised Islamic Jihad terrorists
2. Promoted Hezbollah’s Nasrallah
3. Snitched & handed a Gazan peace activist to Hamas
4. Posted it’s best to die a martyr (terrorist) with a gun
5. Said Palestinians should lie for the cause.
To Channel 4 she is a journalist
Meanwhile Toenails (yawn) and Mishal set to fluff this further?
bbc promotion for the labour party:-
121 business chiefs sign letter backing Labour
“Dozens of business leaders have signed a letter endorsing the Labour Party’s economic plans ahead of the 4 July general election saying it is “time for a change”.”
Definitely time for change, but definitely not going between labour and conservatives!
Vote Reform.
Labour or Conservatives, getting paid for being in government and getting paid for loosing (opposition) is not the answer
Andy – the yank who helped found Wikipedia was interviewed by our Justin – he said he has spoken to ‘Kier’ and ‘Rachel ‘ and it was all going to be okay and they won’t be the ‘shambolic tories ‘ —-
I thought Justin was going to cry with delight ……
Presumably the yank is taxed in the US or caymans because when the reds run out of money to borrow in a few months he ll be gone – or taxed …
Nice propaganda piece though ….
Meanwhile – a leak about blues not bothering to campaign has been leaked . I admire the NI minister who has taken his family on holiday to Greece for a few weeks . He has his priorities right ….
Why spend the next 40 days taking stick from us ?
Even the former newspaper the Times is showing a (little) bit of balance in their reporting of this momentous bull (that is the correct term for an ecclesiastic announcement, isn’t it)?
They write that millions of business leaders prophesied, wrongly, that The Sainted Margaret’s tax increases would foster recession…they didn’t.
And that Brexit would be disastrous for the UK economy…it wasn’t, only the Tories mismanagement post leaving the EUSSR.
We export more to the EUSSR than before Brexit and import less from them, by choice. And no one mentions that we have become the 4th largest exporting nation because of services export growth, THE area which the EUSSR resolutely refused to include in our trade agreement.
Jeremy Bowen: Ukraine faces its worst crisis since the war began
“A lot of people were in there as it’s warm now and the gardening season has begun. In the shop there was soil, and plants.”
OMG soil and plants! in a garden centre as well
PS bbc Nato, is NATO
“Joe Biden’s request for a “security supplemental” that included $60bn (£47bn) for Ukraine was held up in the US Congress for months, mostly by supporters of Donald Trump who wanted the money to deal with matters closer to home, especially illegal immigration over the southern border with Mexico.” – oww its Donald Trumps faults, see what you did there bbc
Seems the RC church is debating whether to allow openly sodomites to become priests . Yet priest are celibate right – so they won’t be putting their man pieces into other holes – will they ?
If one looks at the decline of the Church of the poisoned mind / England it may not be a good idea – but I’m ok as I’m a homophobe …
I guess that all our churches of any UK faith will all become mosques one day, so maybe they’re getting their retaliation in first!
I know in my church, the stairs up to the top of the tower where the bloke will go and blow his bloody trumpet five times a day, are pretty steep and lethal, so he’d better pick up his skirts or fall arse-over-head coming down…
But, will they all be defrocked?
Julian / jonathon ? Reynolds sure can talk . I think he is the shadow business Secretary – who- presumably has Never Run A Business ( I have ) … any way Mr Reynolds was interviewed the The New Girl …
New Girl asked him if he is a Socialist like Kier – ‘yes’ sez Julian – not only that ‘I’m a Christian socialist ‘ – I spluttered my tea … ‘Christian socialist ‘? Are the reds going for sectarian socialism – ? Muslim socialists ? Jewish socialists ?pagan socialists? That Star Wars socialism ?
We need to know the difference – I want a capitalist socialist who doesn’t believe in taxation or state interference of their dirty NHS …
Heard in one of the BBC cubicles…
“Are you the Red Socialist Capitalists of Judea…”?
“F*** off! We’re the Red Capitalist Socialist Marxists of Judea”?
“You can’t be a Capitalist Socialist Stan, you haven’t got a cervix”!
(“Wanna come back to my place? Yeah, alright”)…
. . . . .
“Davos or Westminster? ‘Davos’, Starmer said, without missing a beat. Westminster’s too ‘constrained’, he moaned.”
“Keir Starmer: I am a socialist who will put country before party”
. . . . .
Keir Starmer: I am a socialist who will put country before party
Labour leader has sought to distance himself from Left-wing predecessor Jeremy Corbyn by insisting he has changed the party ‘permanently’
Amy Gibbons,
27 May 2024 • 7:00pm
. . . . .
Davos or Westminster? ‘Davos’, Starmer said, without missing a beat. Westminster’s too ‘constrained’, he moaned.
. . . .
“…and the WEF before country. Oh, and myself before any of those.”
Russian strike on Kharkiv supermarket kills 12
It seems Bowen has been ‘transferred’ to cover the war in Ukraine after I have noticed his output about Gaza has been more and more sporadic. Clearly the BBC realise the guy has become a liability.
He’s actually been moved there : he does a video report from the supermarket for some reason. And I have to say he is not looking or sounding good at all. I strongly suspect he is suffering from some kind of mental illness like depression or whatever else the far-Left get because of what is wrong in their brains.
What he doesn’t go near is how a huge shopping complex can be destroyed by two glide bombs on a Saturday afternoon and only 12 people got killed. The general concensus I see in less biased places on the web is that it was being used as a military warehouse. Whatever you think of Russia, they don’t bomb civilians for the sake of it. And this was no accident.
So instead of any speculation or actual journalism, it’s another opportunity to let Zelensky make more unchallenged accusations such as:
“Only madmen like [Russian President Vladimir] Putin are capable of killing and terrorising people in this way.”
I am getting the feeling that this war is going to end sooner than people think. Russia are apparently staging another 70,000 troops ready for another onslaught.
Though you wouldn’t know any of the truth from what the BBC tell you. Especially Bowen who lies without conscience.
I agree on the ‘final stages ‘ bit – I suppose it will be like the US defeat in Afgee – happen really quickly – I guess the big question is how much of Ukraine will Russia swallow ? I’d want all of it . Then I’d put nuclear weapons on the border facing NATO ….
The yanks won’t worry as they care less about Europe – but the krauts will realise they have been living off US UK defence for decades …
We could stop and pray to end the war?
“This Is Belonging 2018 – TV – Keeping my Faith – This is Belonging – Army Jobs”
Along the Dneiper river I suspect – as I’ve been saying from the very start. They can’t stop until they have what they want because then Ukraine will just rearm and join NATO.
No doubt some form of negotiations will start and the pressure on Ukraine will rise and rise as Russia keep moving West.
I wonder if the little comedian will be removed soon.
JohnC – I don’t think anyone is gonna want him hanging around after the event – and they’ll want their bribes back ..
From a hotel balcony to a ditch in Poland?
I hear he droned his kit over to this charmer. Sources are saying.
Every Labour pol seems to get their version of the news from guys like this via Ch4, BBC…
And then edit some more.