Midweek 26th June 2024

A week until the General Election …. The dirt will really get flying now – please please vote reform – it cannot be a wasted vote

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399 Responses to Midweek 26th June 2024

  1. taffman says:

    All guns are attacking Farage & The Reform Party.
    Here is an old adage of comfort for Reformers, “The heavier the Flak, the closer to the target”. Other political parties and the “meeja” are getting worried . Very worried……….


    • StewGreen says:

      First 15 mins of Channel4 news,
      “we have a big gotcha. some double agent in the Farage circle has given us undercover video ..one Reform doorknocker used the P-word ..blah, blah”


  2. Up2snuff says:

    Not the BBC but are the OBR political? If this Dreary Torygraph article is correct then the Office For Budget Responsibility are being very, very naughty indeed. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/business/2024/06/27/ftse-100-markets-latest-news-job-market-fall-interest-cuts/


  3. Guest Who says:

    Just when you thought you couldn’t hate the BBC more than you do…..

    Guests like Gary Lineker with his jerk recipe?


  4. wwfc says:


  5. MarkyMark says:

    I assume Holly has a book out or wants he old partner Philip back?

    “Willoughby kidnap plot – jury told threat was ‘imminent'”


  6. MarkyMark says:

    £3.5bn news service …. “Naked knitted Chris Martin doll at Glastonbury” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cnll0w1gdj4o


  7. Fedup2 says:

    From the DT – sunak sez Farage is a putin appeaser – that’s really gonna make the ground shake – pitiful stuff

    Vote Reform ….


    • JohnC says:

      Never forget Sunak was forced on us by the BBC (with a lot of help from traitors in the civil service).
      He was rejected in a democratic vote so they systematically removed people via their ‘breaking news’ daily headline trick until he eventually took it uncontested.

      He think that was the point where I realised the extent of the left-wing fascist takeover and how it was being orchestrated by the BBC.

      This upcoming Labour landslide is a modern-day coup. Nothing less. Just as the Left are the modern day Nazis. They have evolved to fit modern times. Guns and violence are no longer prerequisites when you take control of public institutions.


    • MarkyMark says:

      Others use colonial references: “Sunak: Ex-India Company set to run Britain,”said The Telegraph, alluding to the firm that controlled large parts of India with its mercenary forces. Dainik Bhaskar, a Hindi-language newspaper, ran the headline: “Another Diwali gift to the nation, Indian-origin Rishi to rule the whites”.



  8. digg says:

    Seems the Dutch governments has caved to a group Vegans masquerading as climate scientists and is to bring in an annual tax on cows to cover the effects of cow farts on CO2 emissions!

    You really could not make this shit up!

    Of course it’s nothing to do with CO2, it’s to do with manic vegans trying to ban people eating meat.

    Of all the nutty groups swilling around right now such as greens, anti-semites, just stop oil, these a Dutch idiots take top spot!


  9. JohnC says:

    Biden and Trump arrive in Georgia for high-stakes debate

    The stand-out thing about this debate – by a country mile – is that Biden refused any debate until his team broke away from the ‘impartial’ official venue and have arranged it with the completely biased CNN.

    Even worse, THEY have dictated the rules for the debate to CNN. How on Earth can anybody consider this to be free-and-fair ?. It’s 100% certain that they have done everything they can to disadvantage Trump.

    And what outrage do we get from the ‘unbiased’ BBC ?. None at all. They do not even report it.

    And just look at what they say about each candidate:
    Here’s what Trump has to lose:
    ‘For Biden, a win is making Trump look crazy. He wants to show Donald Trump at his most extreme and to goad him into being angry, rude, and erratic. Biden wants to remind American voters – who may have forgotten – how unorthodox the Trump presidency was.’

    And Biden?:
    ‘For Trump, a win is making Biden look distracted or confused or just “old-seeming.”‘

    NO ‘Katty Kay’ of the BBC. Trump’s win is showing that Biden has dementia and has gone senile. That he is mentally unfit to be president. It’s clear to everyone and to the BBC’s eternal shame, they do not even mention it.

    And the BBC girl with TDS who needed anti-depressants at 17 (Madeline Halpert) tells us:
    ‘Biden’s campaign had reportedly expressed concerns that Trump would not abide by the rules set for the debate.’
    Madeline fails to tell us of course that the rules have been dictated by the Democrats to the left-wing biased CNN who THEY chose to host it. Trump was not consulted.

    You can be 100% certain that Joe knows the questions and has been locked away rehearsing his answers. And when he gives them, Trumps microphone will be turned off.

    It’s a complete farce and the BBC are covering it up. Is there any wonder that the BBC has become an object of ricidule ?.


    • Lucy Pevensey says:

      “how unorthodox the Trump presidency was.”

      How could we forget how good it was?

      A free election of a US president from outside the political establishment.


  10. tomo says:


    • tomo says:


    • Scroblene says:

      Let’s hope that all the new wind farms planned by Labour will provide enough juice to run the nationalised trains…


  11. tomo says:


  12. JohnC says:

    Von der Leyen nominated to stay on in top EU job

    This is ‘democracy’ – EU style.

    The ‘elite’ choose who will get the job in their dirty little backrooms then the Parliament vote to approve it. And you can be sure they will eventually through blackmail and bribery.

    What a complete and utter farce. This is the same world the BBC live in.


  13. tomo says:


  14. harry142857 says:

    Police called because of Reform poster.


  15. Fedup2 says:

    Friday 28 June

    BBC leads with 2 anti Reform items on its R4 news – funny that a party not worthy of being represented on QT – with limited national exposure for Nigel Farage – is being subjected to such ‘anti ‘ attention by the State Broadcaster ….

    ..I’ve been watching some of the Biden debate – ye gods – but the bbc news featured at at item 4 and described Biden as ‘unfocused ‘….. unfocused ??? You ll see it …. so bad you almost feel sorry for him .

    BTW – the rules were fixed to help Biden as much as possible – with x2 adverting breaks in the 90 minutes ( a first time ever ) as well as Turning off the Trump microphone each time biden spoke …..

    I watched a tame after show exchange on some democrat TV station and the 6 democrats only described Biden as having a ‘weak voice ‘.. but they couldn’t hide the truth .

    It doesn’t matter – the vote is fixed again ….


    • JohnC says:

      I suspect they did this debate so early for 2 reasons:

      1) To get Joe ‘out there’ just in case he gets so bad, they have hide him in his basement again.
      2) To test the format so they can tweak it to their advantage for the more important one nearer the time.

      Trump should demand a seperate debate on HIS terms at Fox. All in the name of impartiality and equality. Not a chance on Earth Obama will agree to that. But it’s the refusal which counts.

      Anyone else feel like they are living in a new Nazi Germany in the years before the socialist Hitler took total power ?. It seems like the pressure is going to grow until it blows and somebody makes their move.


  16. JohnC says:

    Stumbling debate performance worsens age fears for Biden

    Oh dear, even the BBC can’t salvage anything from it. They are still calling it ‘age fears’ though instead of what it really is : he’s going senile.

    I do like the complete hypocrisy in the ‘worsens age fears’ bit. The BBC have NEVER allowed any hint of ‘age fears’ into their reports until now.

    I suspect the strategy is going to be parachuting in a replacement. Maybe that’s the reason for such an early debate : to kick start the calls for someone else and get them in quick to start campaigning.

    Go Kamala !. The only one worse than Joe.


    • Fedup2 says:

      I think the nomination has to be done by the end of July – is it a choice between Karmela Mrs Obama and this years’ Kennedy ..?
      I somehow think they’ll just stick Biden in the bunker again and use the same method to fix the vote again ….

      BTW – I bet the ‘breaks for adverts ‘ worked against Biden because people watching would have looked at each other and gone ‘WTF’… ?

      You and hear the reluctance of the bbc – like our Justin finally having to talk about the failing Biden after hiding it for the whole term …

      … deceit the bbc knows so well …


      • JohnC says:

        Just been looking at the news on my phone and it seems others are starting to sing immediately from the same hymn sheet as the BBC.

        The problem apparently is that Joe himself has to decide to step down. And we know what a nasty b@stard he is when the mask slips – like all Lefties.

        So they may have put him out in that debate without drugs deliberately to fail so spectacularly that the subsequent coordinated media pressure on him will force him to resign.

        I almost feel sorry the poor old bugger. His own people may have just thrown him under a bus in the most humiliating way possible.

        When to BBC write an article like that after the outrageous way they have ignored it all before makes me smell another huge Lefty rat.

        I can’t wait for the debate with Kamala. I will have popcorn ready for that one.


        • Docmarooned says:

          I do not feel sorry for Biden. He has been a corrupt shyster his whole political career. I feel sorry for the USA being puppet run by this cabal of democrat cooks.


          • JohnC says:

            Everyone was wondering why they were having a debate so early in the running. This explains it.

            He has been assasinated by his own people while they still have time to parachute someone else in.

            I hope nasty Joe refuses to quit and we all get to see their dirty washing.


        • moggiemoo says:

          ‘. And we know what a nasty b@stard he is – like all Lefties.’

          There you go, fixed it for you.


  17. AsISeeIt says:

    Indian summer?

    Cricket – England crushed in T20 World Cup semi final… As outstanding India team close in on sporting history (‘i’)

    The night South Asians took over Glastonbury… To be clear, this is not Indian classical music we’re talking about. (BBC, Noor Nanji Culture reporter at Glastonbury)

    ‘Voice of freedom and justice’ The India author Arundhati Roy has won the PEN Pinter prize… (Guardian)

    Goodness gracious me…

    Meanwhile, our very own hapless Rishi Sunak, (neither outstanding, a voice for freedom and justice, nor performing at Glasto’s new South Asian space) is instead more reminiscent of that Peter Sellers brown-face comic character Hrundi V. Bakshi in the Blake Edwards comedy The Party (1968)

    The mildly conservative Telegraph carries Sunak’s last ditch appeasement appeal to comfy liberal Surrey-style voters out there flirting with the LibDems with a dog whistle shout out ‘Putin is Hitler/Farage is Chamberlain’ (our Nev was a Tory, by the way)

    Farage is a Putin appeaser, says Sunak (Telegraph) – so what are you, Rishi? A US State Department poodle?

    Cue Edwin Starr…

    War, huh, yeah
    What is it good for?
    Absolutely nothing, uhh
    War, huh, yeah
    What is it good for?
    Absolutely nothing
    Say it again, y’all

    What is it good for? I’ll tell y’all… Well, there’s the bread basket that is Ukraine, the mineral resources – it would be handy if our hedge funds could scoop those up. Gotta protect the investments we’ve already made over there. Then, potentially, we could break up and partition Russia some more.

    But closer to home counties – think about the school fees?

    I suppose there’s logic there in Rishi straffing against Reform – vote Farage and get Starmer?

    Rishi Sunak, the Prime Minister, in an exclusive interview with The Telegraph, warned Labour could be in power for decades

    Rachel Reeves will impose 20% VAT on private school fees (‘i’)

    Calm down dear? seems it’s that time of year.

    Court attention Ace tips for the best looks at Wimbledon (Telegraph)

    Lust match Affairs at the tennis club (Times)

    How’s that vegan diet workin’ out fo’ yer?

    Patient dies of E.coli linked to tainted salad leaves (Times)

    How veggie bangers cancelled your choices (Telegraph)

    The formerly patriotic Times (unitentionally, I’m sure) does some sterling canvassing work gratis for our Nige: Shoot illegal migrants, said Reform campaigner

    Censure… or is that censor our newscasters?

    Young Royal look-a-like Tom Bradby is about to be cancelled: ITN is under pressure to censure the broadcaster… after he said “there aren’t many white male anchors left” on television (Times) – which is sort of where we came in this morning

    And finally, Barck Obama famously declared: “I’ve got a pen, and I’ve got a phone.”

    Meanwhile: Labour leader would work with French far right on Channel crossings… Labour leader pragmatic about relations with Marine LePen, if she wins (‘i’) – we await the media pack to rail on Sir Keir like a pack of wolves – to censure him etc


    • Fedup2 says:

      Wow – so rishi thinks labour could be in power for a decade – maybe he should add ‘second decade ‘ to that line …. Poor Rishi … Reading the polling every day as it’s flat lined or gets even worse – getting his lefty msm to do the dirt on Reform in a desperate effort to save the blues …..
      This time next week he ll be dusting off the green card … I’m trying to think of any PM who has been missed – there’s only one …


  18. pugnazious says:

    ‘It’s really exciting to see more spaces specifically for White people, I’m really supportive of that,” she told BBC News.’

    ‘”It’s really exciting to see more spaces specifically for South Asian people, I’m really supportive of that,” she told BBC News.

    On Thursday night, South Asian artists took over the furthest corner of the festival, launching the first of four days of music, beats and DJs.

    The new space, a first for Glastonbury, is being hailed as a “huge step forward” in improving the representation of British Asian music and artists.

    As a British Asian, who also happens to love music, this was the year my teenage dreams came true.’

    Asian music or music by people with Asian heritage playing mostly Western music?…

    ‘Electronic, dance, and house music were all on the cards, although some artists also weaved in bhangra and Bollywood tracks.’

    Always interesting to hear BBC Bame employees suddenly becoming very ethnic and, er, racist if they were White….talking about ‘my people’ and ‘like coming home’ when they visit the ‘homeland’.

    And why does the BBC need 500+ employees to report on Glasto? Not like it’s just a jolly for them is it?

    ‘I love festivals. I’ve been going to them since I was 16 years old, and made my Glastonbury debut in my early 20s.’…..Noor Nanji Culture reporter at Glastonbury



  19. pugnazious says:

    ‘BBC tracks down smuggler behind Channel crossing which killed Sara, 7’

    Not hard to track down the people smugglers is it BBC? Just look in the mirror.


    • MarkyMark says:

      2013 … Panorama goes undercover to investigate what is really happening in Britain’s Sharia Councils – Islamic religious courts. Some women reveal they have suffered domestic violence ignored by these councils as campaigners say it is time to tackle the parallel legal system which can run counter to British law. {bbc.co.uk apr2013}



  20. Guest Who says:

    BBC moaning Emole opts for a question as a headline.

    “ Biden v Trump: who won the debate?”

    Replete with ‘analysis’.

    The entire msm is in crisis management mode both sides of the pond, and it is so blatant it is sickening.


  21. Flotsam says:

    On GBNews last night on the Portillo slot one of his guests was a Green investment fund mananger, forgotten his name. He was disappointed with the lack of progress. He was, needless to say, totally in favour of net zero, electric cars, carbon control etc. What broke through from everything he said was that he had investors who wanted to invest in green technology. So much so that it became clear that he wanted the Government to push forward with green policies because he and investors wanted to cash in on it, his prime motivation it would appear.
    The truth becomes clearer, Green equals more money for the corporations and ‘investors’, more control by Governments.


  22. Flotsam says:

    Thursday on our BBC local radio, a substantial chunk of the day was devoted to a phone in and interviews, “Is the NHS” fit for purpose”. The most political of subjects in the last days of the election campaign from our totally unbiased BBC.


  23. Jeff says:

    I’ve just heard about the covert Channel 4 hit-job on Reform…and I have to say…I roared with laughter…

    Although these off the cuff remarks might send the squeamish into hissy-fits, I’ve made similar comments myself. I think most sane people will realise that “we should shoot them on the beaches” quip wasn’t meant to be taken seriously…it’s venting frustration…

    And as for condemning those ghastly police pansy cars…good. It’s about time someone said it.

    This is just pub talk, though I’ve no doubt those pretentious middle-class pseuds in the media will be spitting their lattes, in artificial outrage.

    We all knew it was going to get rough.

    Nigel is over the target…


    • Ian Rushlow says:

      There are many countries in the world where you would be shot on sight if you tried to illegally cross their border. Obviously it would be atrocious if women and children disembarking on our southern coast were to be fired at. Perhaps a compromise might be to only shoot the males who are of military age or appear to be so, although feminists and the diversity lobby would complain it was discriminatory against wimmin’ 🙂


    • jazznick1 says:

      Yes, Jeff !

      Has no one at the BBC ever heard of “Black-humour” ?
      (Sorry, forgot BBC don’t do humour any more.)

      Where’s the camera and mic. following Labour/Cons ?

      I’d like to smack Surkeer round the head but that doesn’t make me a violent lunatic….


    • Zelazek says:

      It is not as absurd as it sounds to say the boats carrying illegal migrants should be shot at.

      We have a Royal Navy with heavily armed warships whose job is to defend this country from invaders. Their mere presence should be enough to deter the dinghies.

      But bad laws and human rights lawyers have rendered our defensive forces impotent.

      At the end of the day, all our laws are enforced at the point of a gun. If you break the most minor of our laws and refuse to pay the fine or whatever, the state will come after you and use force if necessary to get you to pay the penalty.

      The Royal Navy should declare that invaders in small boats will be fired upon and sunk if they refuse to turn back. That would stop this nonsense once and for all.


      • moggiemoo says:

        Let’s say the army were brought in to police the marches in London. Who do you think they’d target? The left wing scum chanting ‘from the river to the sea’ or the ‘faaaar right’ (i.e. normal people) who value what this country stands for? I think we all know the answer to that one.


  24. Sluff says:

    I have been given a secret transcript of the BBC Toady editorial team briefing this morning for the programme between 7 am and 7.40 am.

    ‘Right folks were in a big hole. Biden was very poor in the presidential debate. We need some content for the programme to deflect this’

    ‘How about majoring on Trump’s answers instead. He avoided answering’.
    ‘That’s a great shout’
    ‘We can have a democrat commentator on to explain it away in terms of poor preparation and then use up time debating about potential tactics for the next debate rather than focussing on this one’
    ‘Why not drop it altogether and talk about the election in France instead. Then we can focus on the ‘Far Right ‘ over there and how terrible they are and by extension and implication paint Trump and Farage in the same light ‘
    ‘Fantastic idea’
    ‘And we can always find some Reform supporter who hasn’t been trained or briefed. There is something from Channel 4 who tracked a guy round the streets waiting to say something we can broadcast as homophobic or racist’
    ‘Get on to that. Let’s ring up our good pals over at Channel 4 and see if we can use their footage’
    ‘These are all superb ideas’

    ‘What about something on the Labour Party’
    ‘Certainly not. Lets keep going on the betting scandal’

    ‘So the running order is

    1. Minimise Biden, talk about poor tactics and attack Trump
    2. Big piece on the French election, focussing on the dangers of the Far Right
    3. Negative coverage of Reform
    4. Intersperse with mention of the Tory betting scandal.

    Looks like we have got ourselves a show. Oh by the way, who is sorting out the Champagne order for July 5th?’


    • JohnC says:

      In my mind it went like this:

      We just got a call from Obama. It went like this:

      Joe shit the bed again and slept in the airing cupboard with the cat. He keeps asking for an ice cream.

      So he’s got to go. Trouble is he has to resign. So we’re sending him out without doping him up first and he’s going to come across as a drooling cabbage.

      We want you to start the narrative that he’s past it and it’s time for someone else to have a go. We tried telling him ourselves but he spat in our face and told us to go f*ck ourselves.

      We anticipated this as he’s been gaga for months now and he’s so high on drugs all day, he doesn’t know where he is any more. The plan is that we get rid of him while we still have time to put someone else in.

      Kamala keeps asking if she can have go and of course that is even worse than having that deranged idiot with his finger on the button – so whatever you, don’t mention her name. Whenever she starts up we shout ‘Look, elephant’ and point into the garden. and when she comes back she’s forgotten all about it until she sees it on TV again.

      I know you’re going to look like stupendous, ethically barren hypocrites over all this as you’ve been keeping it quiet for us to stop Trump getting back in. Sorry about that.

      ps. Thanks for all your cooperation pretending all the legal action we have slapped on Trump is not politically motivated.

      Allah Akbar!,



      • Fedup2 says:

        It’s fun reading columnists in the guardian today who finally have to admit what anyone with half a brain knew for years about Biden .
        But of course their comfort blanket is that Obama Biden managed to steal the election meaning president Trumps ‘ claims of theft can be used against him …
        … I’m curious why Mrs Obama is not already in the frame as democratic candidate ? Has she upset them ? Wouldn’t she want the job ? First woman ( yawn ) first coloured girl ( yawn ) – I’ve still got my £2 bet at 25/1 on her as nominee – I bet the odds are single figures now ….


        • JohnC says:

          That’s the stuff of 3rd world shitholes Fed – I have a feeling they are scared it will backfire on them as nobody has ever cast a single vote for her.

          But they most definitely would if they could. I think they’ll go for a safe white pair of male hands because what a complete shitshow Joe has made of the world.


  25. Sluff says:

    It’s Pride month.

    Why should a 3% minority be allowed to bespoil the visible environment for all of the other 97% for 8.5% of the year?

    And what’s the difference between displaying Pride flags, which by the way appropriate the colours of the rainbow and the NHS, but not allowing Palestinian flags- the latter I suspect have a much greater support base than 3% in certain areas of certain towns and cities.

    Virtue-signalling and hypocrisy all at the same time.


    • Ian Rushlow says:

      3%? For a group of people who don’t reproduce naturally, they are certainly increasing their numbers. But that’s down to the constant propaganda, particularly that which is focused on brainwashing and corrupting children.

      In fairness, it is only a small percentage of that 3% (which seems on the high side, surveys typically put it around 1/2 of that) who are interested in the annual intimidation event backed by big business, media and the government. Of more concern are the antics of the T component of the LGBTQWERTY brigade, who account for about 0.003% of the population.


      • Sluff says:

        Just on a point of clarification, the ONS publish marriage statistics and they breakdown same sex versus opposite sex marriages.
        For 2020, admittedly peak covid year, the numbers were 2811 and 85770 thus 3.27%. This ratio has been fairly stable for the past 10 years.

        It’s probably higher for younger unmarried people, who have for years been fed on a diet of Stonewall supported shameful state level propaganda. But I sense some of these are youthful experimenters who will discover in time they were really straight all along.

        As for the T component the interminable queue for the downstairs unisex loos at the ultra woke National Portrait Gallery tell you all you need to know about the insanity of the focus on that group’s ‘needs’.


    • Fedup2 says:

      Pride is a sin .


  26. Sluff says:

    Elections in the UK
    Elections in France
    Elections in the USA.

    So now. A timely reminder of why many voted for Brexit.
    From the BBC no less.

    Von der Leyen nominated to stay on in top EU job
    EU leaders have nominated current European Commission head Ursula von der Leyen for a second five-year term in the bloc’s top job at a summit in Brussels.
    Estonian Prime Minister Kaja Kallas was picked as the EU’s next foreign affairs chief and former Portuguese prime minister António Costa was chosen as the next chairman of EU summits.
    All three candidates are from centrist, pro-EU factions.

    The juxtaposition could not be clearer.
    The BBC’s failure to notice this could also not be clearer.


  27. Fedup2 says:

    Feel sorry for the BBC – they’d have been desperate to dig into Reform for the 0810 for the idiot being caught by C4 – but instead they have to mourn and express surprise about the dementia of their Hero Obama Biden …..

    … although the likes of the Chinese and Russians know who is really running the show in the US they must have thought the state of the ‘president ‘ must have been hugely entertaining …

    After chewing the fat with some Obama drone at 0810 -they celebrated the gotcha and incredibly – claimed they asked Reform to go on their show .

    If I was Reform I’d go no where near any MSM ….there can be no benefit …


    • MarkyMark says:

      Abbott responded with a series of messages. “I understand the cultural point you are making. But you are playing into a ‘divide and rule’ agenda,” she said. Then she added: “White people love playing ‘divide & rule’ We should not play their game #tacticasoldascolonialism.”5 Jan 2012


  28. MarkyMark says:

    “Mr Sunak will place British interests first, and hence the mood will sour.”





  29. MarkyMark says:


    Saudi TV mocks Joe Biden & Kamala Harris in viral skit

    Transcript …


  30. Fedup2 says:

    ‘Biden struggles Trump deflects questions ‘- the headline of the Washington post ….

    The Denial really is quite a thing …


  31. MarkyMark says:

    “Delhi is looking to close the FTA, and would be delighted to see Western powers, particularly the UK, taking on the Chinese,” Mr Jacob says.


    The City of Edinburgh Council has shelved plans for a new “friendship arrangement” with a Taiwanese city following fears it could harm relations with China. The local authority was due to consider a five-year partnership to strengthen cultural and commercial links between the Scottish capital and Kaohsiung.3 days ago


    particularly the UK, taking on the Chinese

    shelved plans for a new “friendship arrangement” with a Taiwanese city following fears it could harm relations with China



  32. MarkyMark says:

    Try Russia Today. Free of Royal Wedding and more objective on Libya than most”



  33. MarkyMark says:

    NEW: Two sources familiar with the situation say “President Biden has a cold.”


    So what’s going on? Why did whoever’s running the show allow this to happen?

    I’ve been of the view, ever since the 2020 primary season, that Biden is the Permanent State’s conscious response to Trump: in 2016, Trump was all candidate and no minders; Biden is all minders and no candidate. In that sense, the dead husk of a moth-eaten sock-puppet is the perfect embodiment of American politics. We can do all the cracks about “Obama’s third term” or “the Manchurian candidate”, but the truth is that, in a supposedly self-governing republic of 350 million people, we have absolutely no idea who’s actually running the show – other than the fact that, out of those 350 million, the only one we can definitively rule out of having anything to do with it is the purported head of the executive branch.


  34. MarkyMark says:

    Omission is the …. “before being cut off by moderators” .. greatest lie.

    Moderators? Handlers? Protectors?

    “After a bad bout the President managed to say: “Look, we finally beat Medicare,” before being cut off by moderators. Kamala Harris seriously struggled to defend the performance.”


  35. Up2snuff says:

    TOADY Watch # – I am amazed, I am staggered at the gullibility of the Reform Party and its leader

    Needless to say, after the US Presidental Election debate in pole position as a news item and for some at the BBC some hand-wringing, in second place came news of Channel 4’s successful sting operation on the Reform Party at Clacton. I am somewhat surprised at Nigel Parage’s political naivety and gullibility.

    The excuse is that the sudden timing of the General Election meant that the Reform Party did not have time to thoroughly vet both candidates and activists is a fair one but will not wash with the BBC, Channel 4 and the rest of the MSM.

    Surely Nigel Farage must have known from past UKIP experience, let alone what is happening across western Europe and in France, especially, that the Liberal/Lefty MSM would not like a swing to Conservatism & the so-called ‘Far Right’ (I use that term in the way the BBC would!) and would try and conduct sting operations against candidates and Party activists for a ‘gotcha’ moment that could be used again and again by the MSM. I would have thought Nigel Farage would have warned the Reform Party’s candidates and activists about such a sting from the MSM but apparently not.


  36. MarkyMark says:




  37. Up2snuff says:

    TOADY Watch #2 – I hope BBC Verify will swing into action on that, not

    Amidst all the BBC hand-wringing over the state of Joe Biden’s ‘performance’ in the US Presidential Debate came the claim that former President Trump made some inaccurate statements and claims. The BBC did not tell us what they were despite giving their North America Editor, Sara Smith (a.k.a. Motormouth) some considerable air time. I was away from the radio at that point, I could hear her rabbiting away but not clearly. Did Sarah state what Trump’s inaccurate statements and claims were?


  38. MarkyMark says:

    “The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.”
    ― George Orwell, 1984

    RESIZED WITH https://postimg.cc/SJ2nYwGR/f8d8bdfa



    • JohnC says:

      All the leftist MSM didn’t say a word about his cognitive decline for years despite overwhelming evidence and all of a sudden they are all pointing it out.

      It absolutely stinks. This is the ‘free press’. The essential check-and-balance for democracy. And they are utterly corrupt. This has 100% been orchestrated because they realise Biden is too far gone to win.

      This sudden pressure is to make him resign while they have time to put someone else in. The entire thing has been manufactured.

      Does ANYONE still think we live in a free world ?. If they can control the press like this, they can do anything.

      THAT is the news I get from this. Luckily Joe is such an unpleasant man I don’t need to feel sorry for how they are just throwing him under a bus with absolutely no dignity at all. The Left are nasty b@stards.


      • MarkyMark says:

        “At a Spectator garden party, in front of my brother and other witnesses, Conrad Black surged up to Charles Moore and congratulated him on firing me. Ever the gentleman, Moore courteously pointed out that there had been a few lines in the magazine thanking me for my services and even regretting my departure. Then Conrad Black bought the Spectator.”



      • Fedup2 says:

        Presumably the Obama White House will roll out a tame medic saying Biden was under the weather and will rest a bit and not make public appearances until November when he ‘wins ‘ again with a 99% vote ….

        Btw – as regards Reform – I reckon the msm will roll out a dumb mouthed ‘activist ‘ every day from now until the 4th to poison things – the Sundays will also have ‘ exclusive revelation ‘ ….


      • MarkyMark says:



      • Up2snuff says:

        JohnC, if I recall correctly Jill Biden and his family begged Joe Biden to not stand in 2020.


      • kingkp says:

        More importantly, if you control the world’s magic money tree and the terms and conditions everyone on the planet signs up to when they use your debt token, then you can find a million different ways to acquire control of not just the press but every other asset.
        Money is the root of all evil. Abolish the control of the money supply by the central bankers and the problem will resolve itself.
        Jörg Haider identified the issue on national Australian television during the bailout of the criminal banksters in 2008

        Several weeks after this show he died ‘unexpectedly’ in a car crash. It was the following year that the ‘swine’ flu ‘pandemic’ broke out but the push to lockdowns failed because certain countries would not go along with the scam. For example the nationalists in the Polish Government. In 2010 that problem was resolved when the plane carrying most of the members of the Government including the President and his wife was blown out of the sky.
        Tusk and Putin ensured the facts of the case were buried.
        This would suggest they are 10 years behind schedule which is why it is getting so crazy right now.
        A Polish documentary on the crash with English subtitles shows you how the Europeans and Putin were acting in unison to isolate the Polish Government.


      • tomo says:


    • tomo says:


  39. MarkyMark says:

    – BBC Verified policy – full costed.


  40. Fedup2 says:

    Perhaps the msm /bbc will now prepare the way for the brave Biden to step down for medical reasons battling an illness for sometime …. But the replacement ? …. Presumably karmela of Mrs Obama for mr obamas 4th term …..

    I doubt if there will be any more ‘debates ‘ though


  41. Nibor says:

    So the BBCare talking about [old] age fears viz Joe Biden ?

    Well BBC you’re partly to blame , your so called comedies have been lampooning old people and glorifying Youth ever since the Gramscians took over .


  42. friend of yogi bear says:

    MEMORY LOSS IS ALL THE RAGE… no ,not just Biden

    I saw the lib-dems “leader” get a bit of coverage on the BBC yesterday, he was interviewed by that middle aged Chris Morris, who has the demeanour of a school leaver on a work experience programme, l digress, ed davey at one point said he had been fighting the Tories all his life.
    An interesting notion, poor ed Davey seems to have forgotten he was part of the coalition government, perhaps he didn’t realise he was in government with the Tories, we know he is apt to overlook things, such as the little bit of a problem with the Post Office and horizon. ( he had responsibility for it). Despite numerous warnings alerting him to a range of difficulties. He is satisfied with dismissing his own tragic failings with ” l was misled” ” l wish l had asked more difficult questions”.
    Sadly poor Chris Morris didn’t seem to be aware of that either , he certainly didn’t mention it.
    Let’s be generous and assume it’s just something ed has forgotten…….after all he’s got a lot on his mind.


    • Guest Who says:

      Don’t forget the Institutional Temporary Alzheimers that struck the W1A top floor around Pollard.


    • G says:


      Every time I briefly see this character on YT, he is either in tears or close to same before I turn off.

      Perhaps it is over his role in the Post Master scandal…..


  43. MarkyMark says:

    “In 1984, the endless war enables the ruling class to remain in power while the lower classes remain powerless. In Goldstein’s manifesto, he observes that a country that is productive will eventually become prosperous, unless something is done to destroy the fruits of that productivity.”



    • Guest Who says:

      Is David Lammy wrong to say that Tories are the ‘wrong class of people’?
      He says they’re “a class of people who have no real sense of the world”.
      Is he right or wrong?

      Well, it is Lammy, and the topic is sense, so #CCBGB was inevitable. But it did remind me of the last Labour DPM’s venture into class wars with the lovely chavette who forms Fick Ange, and Vile’s, and Labour’s, core: “I ain’t working class; I don’t work”.

      I am in a pondering mode this searing June heatwave day (16 degrees), and decided to revisit my own old treatise on ‘us’, beyond the outdated notions of ‘class’ so beloved of folk on loadsamunny but little brains (Pooh would be proud).

      I had toyed then with linking the demographic split either between Collies, Farmers, Sheep and Wolves or, less red and blue in tooth and claw, a rowed vessel with those rowing and bailing in stormy seas, those ‘steering’, passengers, and a subgroup of the last two drilling holes under the waterline.

      But I have decided to try and amalgamate more. Sheep, passengers stay seated watched TV. So the working notion is ‘Achievers’, ’Meddlers’ and ‘Jeremy Vine Show postal voters’.

      Achievers grasp their purpose in our brief time on this planet, and strive to get things done, best they can. They mostly work, and pay taxes, and are productive, but still can be civil servants, or doctors, or even stay at home parents if one is providing. They prioritise family after self, and maybe even prioritise duty over self too, in some cases. I was going to say ‘country’ but that might now be shaky in some barracks.

      Meddlers are here simply to meddle, as the name suggests, and for reasons that range from greed, to stupidity or ambition or all of these. They almost all think they work, might pay taxes, but mostly shrug off those by virtue of the money they get handed by each other, immunity or exemptions handed to them with zero accountability consequences. They are almost exclusively in politics, civil service, media, charity sector high command quangos, think tanks, law, etc, and only get money if handed more, or power by each other. And that is only achieved by meddling, endlessly, usually under instruction from above or pure self interest, or both. They cannot survive, or exist, without the achievers, know it, and so despise them, and hence try and crush them at every turn despite the golden goose consequences.

      That… is where we appear to be now. With Vince funding Ed as JSO destroy infrastructure and economic travel essentials, cheered on or excused by the Two Cheeks of print and tv. And neither of these too fussed about Rachel, Bridget, Lisa, etc having no clue what they are doing or where the money is coming from so long as they get to tweet ‘change’ every 5 minutes and see BBC Politics retweet it.

      The only wild card is just when the more violent consequences of unfettered immigration rape or stab the Eloi last; before or after total anarchic economic breakdown.


      • MarkyMark says:



      • MarkyMark says:

        Jeremy Vine & Storm Huntley on 5

        The biggest debates with
        , and celebrity guests on
        every Mon-Fri 9.15am-12:45pm 📱 Join the conversation
        Media & News CompanyLondon, Englandfacebook.com/JeremyVineOn5Joined June 2009
        4,236 Following


        What is Jeremy Vine’s net worth?
        It is reported Jeremy has a net worth of £5million due to his extensive career.
        It is thought he could earn around £600,000 per year.


        BBC star Jeremy Vine made his ten-year-old daughter a company shareholder to help lower his tax bill by channelling funds through private firm



        Jeremy Vine was first married to American banker Janelle Muntz from 1992 to 2000, but they later divorced.


      • G says:


        Fire on last night and a thick winter padded shirt and gloves today. Indoors. Ah well, looking forward to the Met Office telling me soon that ‘it was the hottest June on record’…………..


  44. MarkyMark says:



  45. tomo says:


  46. MarkyMark says:

    Blair right that a woman has a vagina and a man has a penis, Starmer says
    The Labour leader has hardened his position on biological sex.

    hardened penis! HA HA HA HA!


  47. MarkyMark says:


    “Indonesia’s hijab-wearing metalheads play Glastonbury”

    They met Widi in junior high school – at the school counsellor’s office where they were regularly summoned for “rebellious behaviour”



    Blasphemy laws in the country have been adapted from the statutes of the Dutch East Indies, criminalizing those who deviate from the religious tenets of one of Indonesia’s six official religions (Islam, Protestantism, Catholicism, Hinduism, Buddhism and Confucianism); from Presidential decrees, and been encouraged in the 21st century by “ascendant Islamic conservatives … pushing hard-line policies.”[1]


    • G says:

      I can picture them now, all very young, dressed identically including the hijab, in a seemingly endless stream queueing to board a 747 at the old Halim airport in Jakarta bound to be incarcerated in Saudi as ‘Maid Servants’. Very likely never to see the country of their birth again. I had the same musings in Saudi where I watched a 747 disgorging its young muslim female passengers embarking on a new life in KSA. Who said slavery doesn’t exist now…………..


  48. tomo says:


  49. MarkyMark says:

    Buy more plastic from China to help with the invasion .. ha ha haha …


  50. MarkyMark says:

    2023 — Rishi Sunak u-turns on proposed ban on Chinese institutes
    17 May 2023

    2024 Edinburgh shelves Taiwan friendship deal over China sanctions fear

    2022 MI5 warning over ‘Chinese agent’ in Parliament

    “Sir Iain, the former Conservative party leader, said the schools were “nothing to do with language”.

    “They are there to spy on particularly on Chinese students and particularly Hong Kong students,” he said.”


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