Midweek 26th June 2024

A week until the General Election …. The dirt will really get flying now – please please vote reform – it cannot be a wasted vote

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399 Responses to Midweek 26th June 2024

  1. digg says:

    The BBC seem to be getting in a bit of a pickle as their undercover verify underlings scuttle about looking for gotchas.

    It used to be easy for them when it was just the Conservatives but this time around Reform seem to be attracting some of their fire.


    Maybe they should fire Lineker and use his “salary” to recruit another 30 or so verify junior underlings to help out.


  2. Lucy Pevensey says:

    Did anybody here watch Holby City? I remember it being advertised but never watched it.


  3. pugnazious says:

    Was he acting a part or did he genuinely just hit every trigger issue by accident blurting out the worst stuff imaginable just as reporter stood next to him?

    Considering the BBC’s declared intent to search out fake news, deep fakes and electoral interference you would imagine Verify would be in overdrive investigating the accusations that a news organisation/someone may have tried to set up Reform by planting a stooge in their midst and getting him to say deeply unpleasant things which they would know would be headline news for days.

    Stooge or just someone so, so, so stupid to say such things in public whilst actually canvassing for the party?….can anyone be that stupid given that we all know the media is out for Farage’s blood?

    The BBC et al are desperately linking this directly to Farage despite it not being a candidate or Farage himself saying such things….the BBC still quoting Cameron’s smear ‘Fruitcakes, loonies and closet racists’….apparently this echoes down the years to today….is Reform a home for the prejudiced? Remarkable how the BBC can spin this one person’s comments into smearing the whole party…..never heard such spittle-flecked, faux-pious and sanctimonious bilge….the same BBC that covered up for Corbyn for so long re anti-semitism..indeed the BBC’s own journalists have been caught again and again making anti-Semitic comments…and they’re still employed at the BBC. [I could go on and on about BBC racism]

    Is the man an outright stooge or just a fool…and was he in effect entrapped by the journalist who undoubtedly would have led him on with a few choice remarks himself/herself to get the fallguy going?

    BBC Verify…are you there? If this is a set up surely a massive, massive story. Strangely not interested. Bet if it were Starmer…or indeed Khan…remember when the BBC and all the media came out and insisted the audio of Khan slating the Remembrance Service was fake news…suddenly not interested in a possible real fake news story….and if Khan didn’t say those words…he thinks them….just saying….we all know that.


  4. Eddy Booth says:

    “Police make volunteers plea for Jay Slater search”


    “Police have called on volunteers to help with a large-scale search for missing British teenager Jay Slater – as a friend said he feared he had left a designated pathway.

    The Spanish Guardia Civil said the search will begin in Tenerife on Saturday and called on “private volunteers” with expertise in difficult terrain to help.”

    This whole disappearance story stinks!
    more details suddenly appear, every now and them, that crazily weren’t mentioned earlier .
    You’d think media would accept it as a challenge to crack the fog.
    But no .
    Now the best friend suddenly claims he got a video call from the lost Jay ..

    “Brad Hargreaves revealed he had spoken to Mr Slater on a video call earlier on the morning he disappeared and was left with the impression had left a pathway.

    He said: “He was on the phone walking down a road and he’d gone over a little bit – not a big drop – but a tiny little drop and he was going down, and he said ‘I’ll ring ya back, I’ll ring ya back’ because I think someone else was ringing him. “


  5. pugnazious says:

    Sunak going for the sympathy vote and BBC going for the jugular with this tripe…

    ‘Reform UK activist’s racial slur hurts, says Sunak’

    Curious how they ignore the Guardian’s racist hit-piece about Indians in the Tory Party….

    ‘How did British Indians become so prominent in the Conservative party?’

    Indians in the Tory Party are essentially colonialist stooges acting as the ‘brownface’ storm-troopers for the Tories giving them cover for their racist policies.


    Curious how we can say ‘Kill Whitey’ or ‘Shoot the Jews in the back of the head’ or ‘We must get rid of ‘Whiteness’ or Brown and Black Tories are ‘coconuts’. Odd huh?

    Interesting to hear the BBC’s Glasto coverage seems to be all about race…somehow slavery and American race issues being aired are so important for the enjoyment of Glasto…and it’s so great to see ‘beautiful brown skins’ there as well. Not just music but ‘brown’ music. So much better than that Whitey stuff.

    If it hadn’t been for slavery Blacks wouldn’t have any history at all would they? Nothing to write songs, books and films about? What would they do if they couldn’t moan about slavery?


  6. MarkyMark says:

    Who are the Jams (the ‘just about managing’)?

    “Philip Hammond has promised to help those who feel they’re not sharing the benefits of economic growth”

    JAM . JAM . JAM . JAM . JAM .
    Philip Hammond’s consultancy firm made almost £1m in profit
    This article is more than 1 year old
    Filings cover period ex-chancellor worked for controversial clients including Saudi government




  7. StewGreen says:

    Channel4 “News” is a giant PR exercise against Farage
    who apparently once knew someone who knew sone who used the P word about Sunaq.
    The great expert on morality Alastair Campbell has been brought into the studio to pass judgement.


  8. StewGreen says:

    Who is the bad man ?

    Is it Farage and his party ?



  9. Nibor says:

    BBC and Chanel 4 ,

    Reform is getting between 15 to 22% of the votes .

    That’s between 5 to 11 million people .

    And you’ve found 2 persons who have “ made remarks” that you disapprove of . What % of the % is that ?

    Are you BBC and Chanel 4 prejudiced? Do you think the other millions think like that ? Is that why you tried this sting against Reform ? Do you only think Reform voters think like that or do you think the voters of the other parties also think like that ?
    What Gotchas have you tried against the other parties ?

    If there’s any prejudice it’s in the BBC and Chanel 4 .


  10. pugnazious says:

    ‘Speaking about the rape in court, he, an Iranian national, asked: “What man doesn’t want that?”

    The man was one of nine men and boys convicted of raping a 15-year-old in the bushes of a Hamburg park over a number of hours in Sept 2020. ‘

    Thanks BBC for promoting and siding with the rapist colonisers bringing their lovely culture and beliefs with them…whilst calling anyone who complains ‘racists’.


  11. pugnazious says:


  12. pugnazious says:


    Latest starring role? Supposedly a ‘property dealer’ says C4….


  13. Fedup2 says:

    Excellent news about joe Biden – he’s gonna carry on …. Excellent news for President Trump that is


  14. Doobster78 says:

    Channel 4 Facebook page is story after story about Reform and now Channel 4 say Reform have dropped to 13% in the polls .

    What absolute bollox . 13% . They are seriously way out , more like 23% and some .

    Channel 4 are rattled beyond belief about Reform . Criminal investigation into Election interference should be nice to watch 👍


  15. Lucy Pevensey says:


    “This Question Time is appalling. They’ve packed out the entire audience with people shouting at Nigel Farage and calling him a racist Every question is identical and tiresome If I believed Ofcom would uphold impartiality standards against the BBC, I would complain about bias”


  16. Fedup2 says:

    The Bits of BBC QT should have been re named gardeners question time because there were so many plants …


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