Terrorist sympathizers blocking the queer parade in Toronto!
Quite the standoff. Police are currently trying to figure out who has more diversity points to determine the winner. Stay tuned! pic.twitter.com/zxilbtnvzC
Official statement is deliberately vague… “We made the decision to cancel the remainder of the parade out of our commitment to ensuring public safety”.
I have been thinking about Channel 4’s attempted sting of Reform.
There were two Reform canvassers in the car with the actor and the Channel 4 agent. I believe the purpose of the actor’s Alf Garnet type comments was to goad the canvassers into joining in with more racist comments which would have been edited and used against Reform. The actor would not even have been mentioned. But they did not join in! So all Channel 4 had to broadcast were the racist comments uttered by their own actor. If they had any sense they would have let the matter drop, but they hate Farage and Reform so much that their bitter lefty hearts could not let the matter rest. Reform had to be smeared at all costs.
I sincerely hope that Reform sues them, and they are prosecuted for electoral fraud. The actor will not go down for this, he’ll sing like a canary. I can’t wait.
Rob – I’d hazard a guess that plod won’t be rushing to lay charges against C4 News, and idf it happens it’ll be followed closely followed by a CPS “public interest” withdrawal?
I hope voters have more sense than letting this twat become actual foreign secretary. I’m not confident that that’s gonna happen.
Lammy claims he is 'feeling the pinch'. Well, let's take a look at his registered interests over the last year shall we:
💰£91.3k as an MP 💰£10k+ as a landlord 💰£57.1k from LBC 💰£15.3k from speaking engagements 💰£70k Gary Lubner 💰£12.5k Waheed Ali
If UK Political MPs complain about pay freezes then what is this …. can Theresa and Corbyn explain? Can David Lammy explain why in 2014 he had a pay increase and claimed for a free £650 bike?
Details of the annual basic salary paid to all MPs for previous years can be found in the table below. (theipsa.org.uk)
April 2010 – £65,738
April 2011 -£65,738
April 2012 – £65,738
April 2013 – £66,396
April 2014 – £67,060
May 2015 – £74,000
April 2016 – £74,962
April 2017 – £76,011
April 2018 – £77,379
Can the BBC £3.5bn News Service cover that? Can Chris ‘£2.3m Gender Gap Man’ Evans do some journalism on that?
A very powerful & quite moving film of Angela Rayner talking to Gordon Brown about the difference his tax credits made to her & her son.
And sobering to hear Gordon Brown saying: “When we left government in 2010 there were 35 food banks in Britain. There are now 2,600”. https://t.co/zbMKcSZ1C5
Gordon Brown calls Labour supporter a “bigoted woman”
Gordon Brown’s decision to sell off Britain’s gold reserves when he was Chancellor of the Exchequer in 1999 has cost the country £21 billion, analysis suggests
Brown oversaw the sale of 401 tons of gold – over half of the country’s holding
PUBLISHED: 22:01, 9 May 2024 | UPDATED: 22:53, 9 May 2024
At the time, gold made up about half of the UK’s foreign currency net reserves, and so the Treasury suggested selling off the asset to avoid being exposed to potentially volatile prices (Stock image)
What a great return to probably the best example of the worst chancellor, and certainly the worst prime minister the UK has had to endure in recent times!
The smug, arrogant, pompous retort afterwards, standing there like the total arsehole he was, just gets my craw.
The trouble is, the new redlabour government will have him smarming around the corridors of the HoC, giving them ‘advice’, because they’re bound to be out of their depth, and we’ll see his moronic gurning all over the MSM.
I wonder if Guido will return to his nose-picking disgrace…
At around 5:40pm the BBC presenter tweeted to his 180,000 followers
“If I was Biden I’d hurry up and have Trump murdered on the basis that he is a threat to America’s security #SCOTUS”
There’s now a far right pile on suggesting that my tweet about the Supreme Court’s ruling on presidential immunity is an incitement to violence when it’s plainly a satire. So I’m deleting it. If nothing else though it’s given me a map of some the daftest people on this site.
New Ofcom work Summary is out
The first 9 pages lists what they couldn’t be bothered to investigate link
Then page 10 lists what they did
eg GBnews let the public ask the PM unvetted questions, and the presenter just let him answer instead of throwing a lot of extra challenges
eg2 back in 2022 a Muslim network broadcast a 3 day seminar from Bangadesh
e included statements which it considered
amounted to hate speech against the LGBT community and was concerned that the speaker in the
programme compared the “LGBT community with dogs and pigs, saying they are worse than
animals”. The complainant considered the statements made in the programme “disturb the
harmony and cohesion of British values and law”
(sounds very lawyer speak)
Here to turn bold ideas into reality
We help governments and leaders get things done. We do it by advising on strategy, policy and delivery, unlocking the power of technology across all three.
Can’t believe it takes this many people to tell me absolutely nothing
Produced by Grace Richardson, Scott Jarvis, Becky Rush, Allison Shultes, Libby Rogers, Daniel Wainwright, Aidan McNamee, Jana Tauschinski, Debie Loizou, Preeti Vaghela, Robert Cuffe, John Walton.
In a country which isn’t rapidly becoming the Soviet Union – the state broadcasting regulator would demand an explanation from the producer and editor of that programme and impose a penalty .
But we know what the blue regime allowed BBCOFCOM to become ( I use ‘regime ‘ because it wasn’t a government ) – just 3 days until the rush to peerages ….
Loaded question was used of the “Have you stopped beating your wife ?” type
Loaded question
” a form of complex question that contains a controversial assumption.
Such questions may be used as a rhetorical tool: the question attempts to limit direct replies to be those that serve the questioner’s agenda.”
That is a huge story and amounts to direct election interference by the BBC.
Not a chance it was by accident. They have done this trick many times before.
Someone from the BBC should be up in front of ministers explaining themselves about this. What a shame it is in every ministers interest for reform to do badly.
Our politics and the BBC are now corrupt to the core. And the BBC want us to think a Labour government will perform some kind of ‘reset’ to make it better.
Not much chance of that when a potential deputy scrubbber PM has made it very, very plain she will think the opposition are scum. And got clean away with saying it because the BBC think that too.
UK police forces spend £66,000 on LGBT rainbow cars, shoelaces and flags
Police chiefs accused of ‘wasting money on woke nonsense’ by the Taxpayers’ Alliance
I wonder when and where the cowardice set in . I think it was the ‘nasty party’ speech by traitor May ….. they then decided they wanted to be popular more than anything else – screwed the views of their core supporters and became give away socialists .
After their extinction on Thursday someone should write a book …
that was a seminal moment but then they wanted to be popular with those that they would never be popular with – lefties , wokes , uber globalists etc .
Then they didn`t get those votes and didn`t get the votes of the natural supporters .
Nibor – my 90 plus next door neighbour is my ‘policy test ‘… she is by nature a self confessed Labourite … she lives within her means – she worked during her life so gets a state pension …
.. I told her last year that the blues were going to give her x3 £300 – her response was ‘why’? – she’d already budgeted and gave the money to her family ….
As someone of the Right wanting the UK to live within its means – and has never – and will never – claim benefits -Mia just thought how my view of the blue regime had been made flesh –
Socialist style spending – with no advantage to the blue party – and more huge fraud . Damn them
Nothing works better to prove you aren’t racist than producing a Muslim to tout as the next leader of The Party. He happens to have been a Goldman Sachs banker too.
It’s like a script.
The Muslim gentleman makes a wonderful speech and everyone is entranced. Taqiya! British people are replaced by “British values” and many fail to notice the right on progressive “multi-faith” message.
Zia Yusuf. Nigel & everyone else seems to have fallen in love with him. If Reform is going to make taking funds from wealthy Muslims a regular practice you can bet Muslims will soon be making Reform policies. Not the kind of reform I was hoping for.
I’ll be voting Reform but I don’t trust them any more than the other parties. It’s easy to tell people what they want to hear, not so easy to do what the people want you to do. The ‘cons’ never even attempted to do anything but now seem surprised that their previous voters are disappearing fast.
Now things are going wrong from them, expect to start seeing these nasty b@stards doing more of this.
Next come death threats to the Supreme court. That story is far from dead. The BBC are going to keep that going for several days. While I was checking it with google, I could see the Left have gone into meltdown because it was their biggest chance to stop Trump.
No sooner do I make that comment that I see another headline on the BBC:
‘Biden says ruling on Trump undermines rule of law’
Since when was it the job of the BBC to give soapboxes to people directly rejecting the verdict of the Supreme Court ?. Stand by for protests and violence on the streets because of this incitement.
If the Supreme Court make a decision such as this, it IS the law. It doesn’t undermine it. There is no higher court to interpret it.
‘“It’s a victory for Donald Trump, and it’s a true blow for democracy in America.’
The blow for democracy of course being that it makes it more difficult for them to stop a political opponents standing for election.
I hope Trump has good security : they will be truly desperate now. They have already tried to remove his right to any secret service protection.
I don’t recall the BBC being so vocal after OUR supreme court ruled against Boris during Brexit. A huge decision which brought gasps in the court because it placed the supreme court judges above the elected Prime Minister.
Not a peep from the BBC about that one.
Pure political activism on the highest scale possible. This is the stuff of corrupt third-world shitholes.
So the thrust of all the cases the BBC reported against Trump have been the old basic-facts only, just reporting what was going on. The fact the prosecutors are all Obama or Biden appointed was not mentioned and the only opnion given against the proceedings was directly quoted from the accused himself. And then only because they have to.
So here we get a ruling by the supreme court. And all of a suddent the entire narrative has switched and it seems all of a suddent, the ‘court’s decision’ is no longer as sacrosanct as it was. Let’s see the key points the BBC chose to print about this one:
The three liberal justices dissented strongly, expressing “fear for our democracy”. A bit more investigation about who said what shows it was actually Sonia Sotomayor, appointed by Obama speaking for everyone else.
What Sonia never mentions is that this immunity is only for things he does as President. And impeachment is meant to deal with that. And they tried twice. And failed twice – hence all the prosecutions. EXACTLY why this ruling is correct.
‘”Immune, immune, immune. They just handed Donald Trump keys to a dictatorship,” Mr Fulks said, pointing out that three of the justices had been appointed by Trump.’
And who is Mr Fulks that the BBC decide to give such a soapbox to discredit the highest court ?. Bidens campaign manager. Nobody.
The contrast between the report of this and all those prosecution of Trump by Democrats by the BBC is simple incredible. Totally different.
And here we have a very lengthy article at the BBC devoted entirely to giving a soapbox to the 3 Democrat judges:
Justice’s dissent: ‘The President is now a king above the law’ https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c035zqe7lgro
Again all from Obamas ‘Sonia Sotomayor’.
The Democrat judges even refused to sign the final document.
The bottom line here is that this is how they want to stop him being elected again. You can be sure we haven’t heard the last of this from the BBC. All of a sudden they will be outraged and all their dirty tricks will be used to discredit the court.
Exactly what they should have been doing during the ridiculous trials against Trump by judges they didn’t mention were Democrats.
It’s double-standards and hypocrisy on a massive scale yet again by the BBC. And OFCOM do nothing because they are as corrupt as the BBC.
The extreme response by the BBC here is a sign of how desperate the far-Left are starting to get after Joes ‘debate’. We are entering the ‘nasty’ phase and I have a feeling we are going to see the BBC push their red-line out much further with their bias. They think the ends justify it. The Left hate democracy : they are convinced THEY are intellectually superior and should decide for everybody else.
Hello tomo, maybe the churches are owned by asian landlords who are trying to get planning permission to turn them into accommodation. Sorry what am I thinking that mainly happens in the UK
“The tiny mosque on the Outer Hebrides serving 60 Muslims
Community hails UK’s northernmost mosque, which was completed with crowd-funding project led by charitable Yorkshireman.”
The threats against him are consistent with a cornered, corrupt establishment attacking him – something that has been going on for a couple of years…. Not a conspiracy, simply a statement of the way things presently are.
One answer to the question in red above is – I’m a conservative. I have been a conservative my whole life. I believe our taxes should be low, the interference of the state in our lives should be minimal and that people who are truly free are most likely to achieve their potential and fulfil their dreams. The job of the state is to provide a safe environment within which citizens can thrive, with secure borders and effective and efficient public services.
I have been the Member of Parliament for North West Leicestershire since 2010. For most of that time I was a representative of the Conservative and Unionist Party. I am now Independent, and happy to be so.
The Conservative and Unionist Party no longer seems to believe any of the things I do. They are, therefore, no longer conservatives. They have imposed the highest tax burden on you since the Second World War. They locked you up in your houses for months on end at the beginning of the 2020s on the say-so of bureaucrats and coerced many of you into medical interventions you did not want and that are not safe. They handed out billions of pounds of your money to other people. They have opened our borders to wave after wave of illegal migrants whose lifestyles they fund with your ever increasing taxes.
There is a socialist stench about the Conservatives of 2024. They have become enslaved by a bizarre groupthink that would be comical if they weren’t using it as a basis to regulate and tax us out of existence. If you vote for them you might as well vote Labour.
I have not changed. The Conservative and Unionist Party has.
Low tax – “Domicile will not usually affect how you are taxed on your employment income if you do all your work in the UK.”
Free your potential – “Chancellor Rishi Sunak held a US green card – allowing permanent residence in that country – while he was chancellor, his spokeswoman has said. He returned it in October last year, ahead of his first American trip as a UK government minister.8 Apr 2022”
I think Sunak called the election for 4th July because he knew the Rwanda flight due for 24th July would not take off. The ECHR would see to that. He would look even more of a twat than he does now. By holding the election first, he can maintain the fiction that Rwanda flights will happen. Obviously, they won’t.
The interviewer has been a long time resistor of the jabba-jabba conspiracy.
Somewhere on youtube there is a video of him being arrested for exercising at Speakers corner when this was actually an allowed activity. IMHO he is valuable.
BBC Report: Epstein had moved in social circles that included key figures in the world of business and politics. Those figures included people like former presidents Donald Trump and Bill Clinton
Trump’s name first (of course) but how many times had they flown to “Epstein Island”, where all the shenanigans occurred? Answer: Trump zero, Clinton twenty six. Trump refused to have anything to do with him, but Clinton…
Obama is so upset that president trump won a Supreme Court case about one of those democrat show trials that he put Biden up to read the autocue . Obama / Gill decided it best that Joe didn’t take questions … ga ga
“Big subjects such as climate change and housing dominated your responses” Climate Change?????
Honestly bbc, there isn’t anyone I know who would consider climate change as a big subject and part of the election. Where do the likes of the bbc find these people
The unsporting gesture in question and consequent suggestion of a sanction edition
The Guardianista tendency reaffirm how their interest in popular arts and entertainment extends only as far as the utility of any given genre as some vehicle for politically anti-conservative messaging
Pop v power… How 14 years of the Tories shaped music (Guardian)
Naturally our BBC goes big on Glasto
Glastonbury 2024… The countdown to definitive coverage of Glastonbury 2024 starts here. Stand by for three days of stunning performances – live and on-demand on iPlayer and BBC Sounds.
Anyone for tennis?
Sir Keir bromancing, formerly patriotic paper of record, The Times comes out this morning with a living eulogy to the object of their desire: Starmer: a big majority will be best for Britain
Frankly, this reviewer just can’t see the attraction – piggy-eyed, adenoidal tone of voice, humourless…
Meanwhile, sportingly, the Times is showing a bit of leg for those of us of the opposite persuasion: I won ugly Emma Raducanu drew inspiration from Jude Bellingham’s last-gasp goal for England… – more of that later
Jolly hocky sticks
Likewise the mildly conservative Telegraph can’t help itself but admire a pin up poster girl at SW19, albe-she of complex nationality: Radacanu’s rampaging return
In olden days, a glimpse of stocking
Was looked on as something shocking
But now, God knows anything goes…
Thank you Cole Porter
It turns out the Victorians never did cover their piano legs with skirting in the interests of modesty. And yet the Gruan, no doubt with a eye to that contemporary concept of the ‘male gaze’ confines our potentially purient attentions strictly above the waist in their snap of the media’s favourite racket-weilding ingénue, plus a hint toward support for that chap with his support for ‘anyone but England’: Andy Murray is expected to announce today whether he will play at the tournament
New balls please
Euros ban fear for hero Jude after goal gesture – the Mirror used to be considered a red top working man’s old Labour tabloid holdout – in reality bourgeois college learning has overtaken the editorial board and the grub street hot metal men are out – so it’s left to the likes of that still shameless jokey blokey Daily Star to shout: Oh Balls!… Oh naff off Uefa – and to picture for us full-frontal frontpage unedited the gesture in question.
Ball of Confusion (That’s What the World Is Today) was a 1970 hit single by the Temptations. It was released on the Gordy (Motown) label
Miserable gits at Uefa have launched a probe into Jude Bellingham’s hand gesture which could end in a ban… fun-sponge footie chiefs launch probe into cheeky hand gesture… (Daily Star)
“An investigation into alleged bribery, money-laundering, forged transfer contracts and the involvement of organised crime at the highest levels of professional football that began in 2018 eventually implicated almost 60 agents, administrators, referees and coaches.23 Apr 2024”
Strangely not reported by the BBC. Maybe it’s because Kamala is showing us all she is a racist and has been all along.
‘Kamala Harris’s team is concerned that Democrats will install a white candidate ahead of her to replace Joe Biden, arguing that it would be “offensive” to black voters to overlook her should the president stand aside.’
Come on Kamala, speak some more. You really are as good as you think you are you didn’t get the job simply on racist and sexist grounds in the first place.
The Left (and especially the BBC) make me laugh because they are utterly racist. Against whites. But they claim they are not because they changed the definition so it only covers white people. Which was racist as well.
You might think it an arcane point but read the Tweet and apply what’s exposed there to the UK
For those who don't understand what Chevron Deference is, and why SCOTUS ended it, here's the long and short of it:
A family fishing company, Loper Bright Enterprises, was being driven out of business, because they couldn't afford the $700 per day they were being charged by the… pic.twitter.com/Xg3Zp8rchD
“For those who don’t understand what Chevron Deference is, and why SCOTUS ended it, here’s the long and short of it:
A family fishing company, Loper Bright Enterprises, was being driven out of business, because they couldn’t afford the $700 per day they were being charged by the National Marine Fisheries Service to monitor their company.
The thing is, federal law doesn’t authorize NMFS to charge businesses for this. They just decided to start doing it in 2013.
Why did they think they could away with just charging people without any legal authorization?
Because in 1984, in the Chevron decision, the Supreme Court decided that regulatory agencies were the “experts” in their field, and the courts should just defer to their “interpretation” of the law.
So for the past 40 years, federal agencies have been able to “interpret” laws to mean whatever they want, and the courts had to just go with it.
It was called Chevron Deference, and it put bureaucrats in charge of the country.
It’s how the OHSA was able to decide that everyone who worked for a large company had to get the jab, or be fired.
No law gave them that authority, they just made it up.
It’s how the ATF was able to decide a piece of plastic was a “machine gun”.
It’s how the NCRS was able to decide that a small puddle was a “protected wetlands”.
It’s how out-of-control agencies have been able to create rules out of thin air, and force you to comply, and the courts had to simply defer to them, because they were the “experts”.
Imagine if your local police could just arrest you, for any reason, and no judge or jury was allowed to determine if you’d actually committed a crime or not. Just off to jail you go.
That’s what Chevron Deference was.
It was not only blatantly unconstitutional, it caused immeasurable harm to everyone.
Thankfully, it’s now gone.
We haven’t even begun to feel the effects of this decision in the courts. It will be used, for years to come, to roll back federal agencies, and we’ll all be better of for it.
And that’s why politicians and corporate media are freaking out about it.”
A writ of habeas corpus is used to bring a prisoner or other detainee (e.g. institutionalized mental patient) before the court to determine if the person’s imprisonment or detention is lawful. A habeas petition proceeds as a civil action against the State agent (usually a warden) who holds the defendant in custody.
Biden is done. Bet on it. Too many prominent Democrats have suggested he’s brain damaged. They can’t walk that back. They have to remove him, and they will. The only question is when. If they’re smart, they’ll do it immediately. If Kamala’s going to be the nominee, she might as…
I’ve mentioned several times here about how the MSM all suddenly switch to specific terminology at the same time for some Lefty agenda item and it appears simultaneously across dozens of web-sites.
A recent one was was calling Trump ‘unhinged’ to counter claims that Biden was senile and make out Trump had the problem. They’ve dropped that now as it is clearly ridiculous.
The BBC clones do it as well. You suddenly see the same words to describe something in every report. For instance, they might switch to a different word because the original has been shown to be false and they have 100 tricks to get past fact-checkers. But they do it across the board – which means one central person or persons are defining the news and what they have to write. These are the BBC commissars.
I would like to know who they are and who gave them that right.
The Nudge Unit was established in the Cabinet Office in 2010 by David Cameron’s government to apply behavioural science to public policy. Now owned partly by the Cabinet Office, by Nesta and by employees, it has operations across the world.
Its chief executive is Dr David Halpern, former director of research at the Institute for Government, who is also the government’s What Works national adviser.
The BBC news front page has now dropped the actual BIG news story for today completely (The court decision) and now it only has the ones from the 2 Democrats (Biden and the Judge) criticising it !!!. Joe as the big headline and the Judge in one of those lower strips which means they are going to leave it on the front page for days.
Absolutely amazing. How did the BBC manage to get to the point where they are confident enough to do this ?.
It reminds me of a saying we had at BAE SYSTEMS:
Q. How does a project get to be 18 months late ?.
A. One day at a time.
Meaning of course that they have got there by inches. One small step at a time.
They are trying to encourage the far-Left to take to the streets and protest. And they will bring their violence with them. I have a feeling they are going to keep this going for as long as possible. We will know for sure if they produce another main headline against it.
“Because in 1984, in the Chevron decision, the Supreme Court decided that regulatory agencies were the “experts” in their field, and the courts should just defer to their “interpretation” of the law.
So for the past 40 years, federal agencies have been able to “interpret” laws to mean whatever they want, and the courts had to just go with it.
It was called Chevron Deference, and it put bureaucrats in charge of the country.”
“The Metropolitan police are to stop recording the ethnicity of drivers who are stopped by officers, just as other police forces start doing it, the Guardian has learned.12 Oct 2022”
A 23-year-old woman who is taking legal action against an NHS gender clinic says she should have been challenged more by medical staff over her decision to transition to a male as a teenager.
A judge gave the go-ahead for a full hearing of the case against the Tavistock and Portman NHS Trust.
Lawyers will argue children cannot give informed consent to treatment delaying puberty or helping them to transition.
@Digg actual headline
“Tory candidate **was** trustee of church that ‘endorsed’ conversion therapy”
“was” when ? : 2016-2018
“Mrs Cates was a member of the church between 2003 and 2018, and a trustee from 2016 to 2018. She told the BBC she was unaware of the allegations and that she does not endorse gay conversion therapy.
Although the BBC has not found any evidence Mrs Cates had direct knowledge of gay conversion therapy taking place, the report found that it was openly discussed and part of the church’s culture during the time she was a member, and some of her time as a trustee.”
What report ? from February 2024 about a complaint put in in 2019 by one man AFTER Cates had left
It was about him being traumatised by conversion therapy in 2018
The Banardos report upheld his complaint
but someone decided to leak it 4 months later just before an election
Digg – the problem with that story is that I don’t understand it . I lead a sheltered existence – I don’t want to know about queer practices of the language used – so I wasn’t sure whether the Tory lady was doing good or not . Just not interested
But there must be a sub story . Why concentrate on her ? Is she a threat ? Anyway – she’s gone with the rest anyway …
.@wesstreeting: 'The party that brought you the biggest lockdown party in Downing St now talking about other people's work ethic. The stench of their lies and hypocrisy is even more overwhelming than the vomit they left for Downing St cleaners'https://t.co/8wiWgoydVNpic.twitter.com/iJAelfSjqJ
One reply : The party in Downing Street to which the thug Streeting refers – vomit and all – was thrown by CIVIL SERVANTS the night before Prince Phillip’s funeral.
No Conservative MPs were present.
Boris Johnson was at Chequers and knew nothing about it.
Diane Abbott walks away after she’s asked to explain Jewish ‘costume’ comment
She walks away from fellow Tube passenger after he asked what she meant while filming her
Why would the BBC and other left wing media be so keen to give many column inches and much air time to ppreport on the apparent huge rise of support for Reform?
Put simply, they only have one goal and that is to ensure Labour sweep into power.
Thus encouraging Conservative voters to switch to Reform in substantial numbers would hand Labour victory as the majority of people most likely to switch will be those Conservative voters dismayed by the Conservatives lack of action on immigration etc.
Labour could not have a bigger or better campaigning organisation than the BBC if they paid for it!
It’s really, really noticeable that Yanqui owned Newquest, purveyors of local rag tat to the entire UK are massively playing down this GE in quantity of coverage with a resolute determination to not mention the actual issues.
This asinine twaddle from 5 days ago disappeared within 48 hours – nothing since.
I’m betting there are millions of people, like me, that won’t be swayed by TV news, because we don’t watch any, and/or newspapers, because we don’t read them.
Ms Georgie David, the Reform candidate for West Ham and Beckton, said she had been “frustrated and dismayed” by Nigel Farage’s failure to tackle concerns about Reform’s candidates, though she said she did not believe Reform’s “senior leadership” are racist.
It comes two days after Reform’s candidate in Erewash also defected to the Conservatives over racism concerns.
Call me a conspiracy theorist if you will, but I would have thought any candidate for Reform knew quite well what their stance was on immigration. His (return??) move to the Conservatives in election week is a bit of electoral boost to the Blue Labour party
To my mind a candidate who pulls out during an election when they can’t be replaced is a very low form of life and I wish there was some sort of penalty for it. This a huge breach of trust and criminal deceit. People will have already cast their votes for them.
Why is this happening? Don’t these people have a campaign team working with them? Or even a campaign manager?I’m beginning to suspect that the Farage/Tice method of choosing candidates is very ad hoc and the greater part of the candidates are left to their own devices and their only interaction with others in the party is by email and not with real people.
Good job the election is only two days away as we are likely to see ‘another day, another defection’
It’s no good suggesting that this doesn’t matter, Stew. The way the media will represent can only weaken the party in the eyes of the public and voting at is not just about not winning seats. It is about building up a movement with momentum.
Yasser – I think they had to take anyone to take on a constituency – I wish I’d joined .. I’d make a great MP – I know how to maximise expenses , take bungs , avoid constituents and scheme for a peerage at the end …
I don’t think I’d be up for illegal sexual conduct like the rest of them but I’d try …
California Rep. Zoe Lofgren makes the absolutely insane suggestion that Biden should dispatch the military to take out the conservative Supreme Court Justices. pic.twitter.com/xTxwxV0tdd
If they’ve done any military service, some here will have fond memories (or otherwise!) of cooking in the field. They will remember the stove that came with every ‘Rat-pack’. The Hexamine stove. Worked in all weather conditions and did a pretty good job all-in-all.
Wait for it………………..
In another attempt by the islamic contingent of the Home Office, the substance Hexamine, inter alia, is now banned. If found, even if in your home, the owner could be liable for a two-year imprisonment. Banning even more substances/objects (like Crossbows) without clear evidence of often and direct harm, will leave a police officer visiting your property to speak to you for some reason or another, concluding that, on the balance of probabilities, there will be unwittingly, something illegal on your property. Whether it be a Samurai sword collection or a Kukri hanging on a wall or, maybe that Captain Fairbairn you kept after leaving The Royal Marines. No matter. Banning as much as they can get away with is the object of the exercise. To simply make the transition to an islamic country less violent for those who would resist. Moral of the tale?
Don’t let the shi*s in the front door; careful about what you say or let people see:
“Under these changes, there will be stricter requirements on reporting suspicious activity, including new obligations for online marketplaces. Customer information, such as photo identification, will be recorded when selling regulated materials to business users.”
Following from the Andrew Bridgen video above – he has written on X that the NATO – Russia war is going to get going soon – so buy bottled water and tins of stuff and a tin opener …..
Personally I don’t see it – however welcome global catastrophe might be before the Englandistan match on Sunday …
The logistics of fighting in Russia did in the Wehrmacht – the woke twerps we’ve got running the show look to have little grasp of how far away it is and many other issues / challenges…
They are stupid and ignorant enough to try something colossally idiotic – there’s the danger.
Tomo – I’ve always wanted to go to the museum in Moscow where they have a ton of iron crosses which were meant to be awarded at the sure victory .. er …
As I hear it, the British Army has 219 generals (or equivalents) and 213 tanks and certainly has more horses than tanks. The Navy has more Admirals than floating assets. The RAF seems obsessed with rainbows…
Russia has been incrementally and methodically degrading western “high tech” munitions to the point of effectively neutering them in many scenarios…
tomoMar 13, 23:39 Midweek 12th March 2025 Wrong costume…. https://twitter.com/truckdriverpleb/status/1899844358599311702
tomoMar 13, 22:57 Midweek 12th March 2025 https://twitter.com/ripx4nutmeg/status/1900276204302729699 [img]https://i.ibb.co/XxHFRP5W/chrome-lvnbs-Ino-Da.png[/img]
tomoMar 13, 22:53 Midweek 12th March 2025 https://twitter.com/ripx4nutmeg/status/1900276204302729699
JonathanRMar 13, 22:33 Midweek 12th March 2025 The BBC mentioned in this interesting interview https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rtS14ZO8Q-E&ab_channel=CBNNews
ZephirMar 13, 21:08 Midweek 12th March 2025 Claiming confusion regarding “carrots and sticks” is no defense.
Lefty WrightMar 13, 20:53 Midweek 12th March 2025 Al I had no idea that there were so many bricklayers,carpenters, plumbers etc.etc. among our Labour MPs. OK boys, girls…
tomoMar 13, 20:29 Midweek 12th March 2025 https://twitter.com/patcondell/status/1900096045696122976
Mustapha Sheikup al-BeebiMar 13, 20:16 Midweek 12th March 2025 “Handover” rather than “takeover”?
tomoMar 13, 20:06 Midweek 12th March 2025 https://twitter.com/bitcloud/status/1899839906123522127
Meanwhile law enforcement dilemma in Canada
It’s all Tommy Robinson’s fault?
It appears the ToToPoPo have a list.
But not like Mishal’s.
Omg counselling ?
probably…. the drama queens will need quieting – eh?
Official statement is deliberately vague… “We made the decision to cancel the remainder of the parade out of our commitment to ensuring public safety”.
Pictures you won’t see much on MSM:
I have been thinking about Channel 4’s attempted sting of Reform.
There were two Reform canvassers in the car with the actor and the Channel 4 agent. I believe the purpose of the actor’s Alf Garnet type comments was to goad the canvassers into joining in with more racist comments which would have been edited and used against Reform. The actor would not even have been mentioned. But they did not join in! So all Channel 4 had to broadcast were the racist comments uttered by their own actor. If they had any sense they would have let the matter drop, but they hate Farage and Reform so much that their bitter lefty hearts could not let the matter rest. Reform had to be smeared at all costs.
I sincerely hope that Reform sues them, and they are prosecuted for electoral fraud. The actor will not go down for this, he’ll sing like a canary. I can’t wait.
Rob – I’d hazard a guess that plod won’t be rushing to lay charges against C4 News, and idf it happens it’ll be followed closely followed by a CPS “public interest” withdrawal?
I hope voters have more sense than letting this twat become actual foreign secretary. I’m not confident that that’s gonna happen.
If UK Political MPs complain about pay freezes then what is this …. can Theresa and Corbyn explain? Can David Lammy explain why in 2014 he had a pay increase and claimed for a free £650 bike?
Details of the annual basic salary paid to all MPs for previous years can be found in the table below. (theipsa.org.uk)
April 2010 – £65,738
April 2011 -£65,738
April 2012 – £65,738
April 2013 – £66,396
April 2014 – £67,060
May 2015 – £74,000
April 2016 – £74,962
April 2017 – £76,011
April 2018 – £77,379
Can the BBC £3.5bn News Service cover that? Can Chris ‘£2.3m Gender Gap Man’ Evans do some journalism on that?
New Foreign minister – tough on filling in expenses.
So what Keir’s saying is that his dad was an improper chief of staff?
His dad was a lootmaker, at least he made enough to send piggy-eyes to private school!
Sick bag territory
Gordon Brown calls Labour supporter a “bigoted woman”
Gordon Brown’s decision to sell off Britain’s gold reserves when he was Chancellor of the Exchequer in 1999 has cost the country £21 billion, analysis suggests
Brown oversaw the sale of 401 tons of gold – over half of the country’s holding
PUBLISHED: 22:01, 9 May 2024 | UPDATED: 22:53, 9 May 2024
At the time, gold made up about half of the UK’s foreign currency net reserves, and so the Treasury suggested selling off the asset to avoid being exposed to potentially volatile prices (Stock image)
What a great return to probably the best example of the worst chancellor, and certainly the worst prime minister the UK has had to endure in recent times!
The smug, arrogant, pompous retort afterwards, standing there like the total arsehole he was, just gets my craw.
The trouble is, the new redlabour government will have him smarming around the corridors of the HoC, giving them ‘advice’, because they’re bound to be out of their depth, and we’ll see his moronic gurning all over the MSM.
I wonder if Guido will return to his nose-picking disgrace…
I’m voting for him.
france vs belgium is this the euros or the african cup of nations its hard to tell lol
Fat twerp Aaronovitch was an awful NUS head, decades gorging pointlessly on the MSM payroll hasn’t improved him…
At around 5:40pm the BBC presenter tweeted to his 180,000 followers
“If I was Biden I’d hurry up and have Trump murdered on the basis that he is a threat to America’s security #SCOTUS”
That’s clearly incitement to murder .. A few people noticed
after about 55 minutes people detected he’d deleted the tweet
@LozzaFox tweeted
@Arron_banks replied
It’s a joke & we ought to allow people to make jokes even unfunny ones
Oh it’s “the far right’s fault”
one reply
“So it’s far right to complain about a journalist wanting someone murdered?”
DA says it’s satire cos today’s ruling sitting presidents can’t be prosecuted for things they do in office
Too cowardly even to keep the tweet up. Typical leftist, they dish it out, but can’t take it. Fat communist toad.
a fat, poisonous establishment surfing twerp
New Ofcom work Summary is out
The first 9 pages lists what they couldn’t be bothered to investigate
Then page 10 lists what they did
eg GBnews let the public ask the PM unvetted questions, and the presenter just let him answer instead of throwing a lot of extra challenges
eg2 back in 2022 a Muslim network broadcast a 3 day seminar from Bangadesh
e included statements which it considered
amounted to hate speech against the LGBT community and was concerned that the speaker in the
programme compared the “LGBT community with dogs and pigs, saying they are worse than
animals”. The complainant considered the statements made in the programme “disturb the
harmony and cohesion of British values and law”
(sounds very lawyer speak)
Click to access iqra-bangla-islahi-iztema—-decision.pdf
and well…. who’s paying?
Working with political leaders to drive change
Here to turn bold ideas into reality
We help governments and leaders get things done. We do it by advising on strategy, policy and delivery, unlocking the power of technology across all three.
Matteo Renzi, former Italian prime minister, joins the Tony Blair Institute for Global Change
Tony Blair Institute continued taking money from Saudi Arabia after Khashoggi murder
This article is more than 10 months old
Blair defends continuing partnership with kingdom despite ‘anxieties’ after 2018 assassination of journalist
Tony Blair resigns as Middle East peace envoy
This article is more than 9 years old
Former British PM has written to UN chief to confirm resignation from job he took in 2007
It’s nice of them to put themselves on the list.
Thought I would have a look to see how the BBC treat the polls
Can’t believe it takes this many people to tell me absolutely nothing
Produced by Grace Richardson, Scott Jarvis, Becky Rush, Allison Shultes, Libby Rogers, Daniel Wainwright, Aidan McNamee, Jana Tauschinski, Debie Loizou, Preeti Vaghela, Robert Cuffe, John Walton.
Vote reform you know it makes sense!
Nigel Farage Question Time audience member deletes Facebook after revealed to be a BBC producer.
In a country which isn’t rapidly becoming the Soviet Union – the state broadcasting regulator would demand an explanation from the producer and editor of that programme and impose a penalty .
But we know what the blue regime allowed BBCOFCOM to become ( I use ‘regime ‘ because it wasn’t a government ) – just 3 days until the rush to peerages ….
BBC staff must have training on deleting stuff.
And you still pay the telly tax ?
Cut off the snake’s head by not paying !
Loaded question was used of the “Have you stopped beating your wife ?” type
Loaded question
” a form of complex question that contains a controversial assumption.
Such questions may be used as a rhetorical tool: the question attempts to limit direct replies to be those that serve the questioner’s agenda.”
That is a huge story and amounts to direct election interference by the BBC.
Not a chance it was by accident. They have done this trick many times before.
Someone from the BBC should be up in front of ministers explaining themselves about this. What a shame it is in every ministers interest for reform to do badly.
Our politics and the BBC are now corrupt to the core. And the BBC want us to think a Labour government will perform some kind of ‘reset’ to make it better.
Not much chance of that when a potential deputy scrubbber PM has made it very, very plain she will think the opposition are scum. And got clean away with saying it because the BBC think that too.
This is fine as long as they say who they are … free speech.
UK police forces spend £66,000 on LGBT rainbow cars, shoelaces and flags
Police chiefs accused of ‘wasting money on woke nonsense’ by the Taxpayers’ Alliance
Ewan Somerville
7 January 2023 • 2:32pm
Stinky Rebellion to paint Russian Military jets.
(c) bBC Verified Fact 2024
I wonder when and where the cowardice set in . I think it was the ‘nasty party’ speech by traitor May ….. they then decided they wanted to be popular more than anything else – screwed the views of their core supporters and became give away socialists .
After their extinction on Thursday someone should write a book …
FedUP ,
that was a seminal moment but then they wanted to be popular with those that they would never be popular with – lefties , wokes , uber globalists etc .
Then they didn`t get those votes and didn`t get the votes of the natural supporters .
Stupid party .
Nibor – my 90 plus next door neighbour is my ‘policy test ‘… she is by nature a self confessed Labourite … she lives within her means – she worked during her life so gets a state pension …
.. I told her last year that the blues were going to give her x3 £300 – her response was ‘why’? – she’d already budgeted and gave the money to her family ….
As someone of the Right wanting the UK to live within its means – and has never – and will never – claim benefits -Mia just thought how my view of the blue regime had been made flesh –
Socialist style spending – with no advantage to the blue party – and more huge fraud . Damn them
Vote Reform ..,
“Vote Reform”
Most definately!
Reform is starting the same behaviour. Already.
Explain please .
Nothing works better to prove you aren’t racist than producing a Muslim to tout as the next leader of The Party. He happens to have been a Goldman Sachs banker too.
It’s like a script.
The Muslim gentleman makes a wonderful speech and everyone is entranced. Taqiya! British people are replaced by “British values” and many fail to notice the right on progressive “multi-faith” message.
Zia Yusuf. Nigel & everyone else seems to have fallen in love with him. If Reform is going to make taking funds from wealthy Muslims a regular practice you can bet Muslims will soon be making Reform policies. Not the kind of reform I was hoping for.
I see Nigel has turned against Marine Le Pen. I don’t think she’ll forget that.
I strongly urge people to vote Reform this election.
At the same time I ‘ll not be falling for the cult of Farage.
I’ll be voting Reform but I don’t trust them any more than the other parties. It’s easy to tell people what they want to hear, not so easy to do what the people want you to do. The ‘cons’ never even attempted to do anything but now seem surprised that their previous voters are disappearing fast.
Farage often seems to make up policy on the hoof. He is not a deep thinker. He is better than the other party leaders, but that is a very low bar.
Am I the only one who thinks it’s a shame that they attached the bungee cord yesterday?
Thanks Lucy.
Strangely, I’m not seeing anything on the BBC about the Far-Left / Hard-Left riots in France.
Bias by omission.
Now things are going wrong from them, expect to start seeing these nasty b@stards doing more of this.
Next come death threats to the Supreme court. That story is far from dead. The BBC are going to keep that going for several days. While I was checking it with google, I could see the Left have gone into meltdown because it was their biggest chance to stop Trump.
No sooner do I make that comment that I see another headline on the BBC:
‘Biden says ruling on Trump undermines rule of law’
Since when was it the job of the BBC to give soapboxes to people directly rejecting the verdict of the Supreme Court ?. Stand by for protests and violence on the streets because of this incitement.
If the Supreme Court make a decision such as this, it IS the law. It doesn’t undermine it. There is no higher court to interpret it.
‘“It’s a victory for Donald Trump, and it’s a true blow for democracy in America.’
The blow for democracy of course being that it makes it more difficult for them to stop a political opponents standing for election.
I hope Trump has good security : they will be truly desperate now. They have already tried to remove his right to any secret service protection.
I don’t recall the BBC being so vocal after OUR supreme court ruled against Boris during Brexit. A huge decision which brought gasps in the court because it placed the supreme court judges above the elected Prime Minister.
Not a peep from the BBC about that one.
Pure political activism on the highest scale possible. This is the stuff of corrupt third-world shitholes.
So, very appropriate then.
“Biden says”?
The BBC possess an incoherent drivel auto-translator?
French TV (France24) had a story telling us they were all FALSE FAKE NEWS!
They also said the Internet never lies! H AH AHHA HA
Lions and tigers and bears! Oh My! It’s not a good week for The Democrats.
Presidential immunity covers Donald Trump says The US Supreme Court.
Seems that the Royal Mail has been failing to deliver postal votes in ‘some areas ‘… immediately I thought – hey they’re using the Biden Obama method ©️and making sure ‘carefully selected ( reform ) targets are the chosen ones ….
But we know that the regulator comes from the OFCOM ofwat stable of left infiltration ….
The delivery alone is more than I’ve ever paid for a car.
Trump has some immunity from prosecution, Supreme Court rules
So the thrust of all the cases the BBC reported against Trump have been the old basic-facts only, just reporting what was going on. The fact the prosecutors are all Obama or Biden appointed was not mentioned and the only opnion given against the proceedings was directly quoted from the accused himself. And then only because they have to.
So here we get a ruling by the supreme court. And all of a suddent the entire narrative has switched and it seems all of a suddent, the ‘court’s decision’ is no longer as sacrosanct as it was. Let’s see the key points the BBC chose to print about this one:
The three liberal justices dissented strongly, expressing “fear for our democracy”. A bit more investigation about who said what shows it was actually Sonia Sotomayor, appointed by Obama speaking for everyone else.
What Sonia never mentions is that this immunity is only for things he does as President. And impeachment is meant to deal with that. And they tried twice. And failed twice – hence all the prosecutions. EXACTLY why this ruling is correct.
‘”Immune, immune, immune. They just handed Donald Trump keys to a dictatorship,” Mr Fulks said, pointing out that three of the justices had been appointed by Trump.’
And who is Mr Fulks that the BBC decide to give such a soapbox to discredit the highest court ?. Bidens campaign manager. Nobody.
The contrast between the report of this and all those prosecution of Trump by Democrats by the BBC is simple incredible. Totally different.
And here we have a very lengthy article at the BBC devoted entirely to giving a soapbox to the 3 Democrat judges:
Justice’s dissent: ‘The President is now a king above the law’
Again all from Obamas ‘Sonia Sotomayor’.
The Democrat judges even refused to sign the final document.
The bottom line here is that this is how they want to stop him being elected again. You can be sure we haven’t heard the last of this from the BBC. All of a sudden they will be outraged and all their dirty tricks will be used to discredit the court.
Exactly what they should have been doing during the ridiculous trials against Trump by judges they didn’t mention were Democrats.
It’s double-standards and hypocrisy on a massive scale yet again by the BBC. And OFCOM do nothing because they are as corrupt as the BBC.
The extreme response by the BBC here is a sign of how desperate the far-Left are starting to get after Joes ‘debate’. We are entering the ‘nasty’ phase and I have a feeling we are going to see the BBC push their red-line out much further with their bias. They think the ends justify it. The Left hate democracy : they are convinced THEY are intellectually superior and should decide for everybody else.
Hello tomo, maybe the churches are owned by asian landlords who are trying to get planning permission to turn them into accommodation. Sorry what am I thinking that mainly happens in the UK
Mosques built?
.. …………………………………………………. ..
“The tiny mosque on the Outer Hebrides serving 60 Muslims
Community hails UK’s northernmost mosque, which was completed with crowd-funding project led by charitable Yorkshireman.”
It’s long but worth it…. dark though.
Goodness me : I had enough after he informed us that Sunak held the election now because he doesn’t want to be a war-time prime minister.
Depressing stuff ! – but I can appreciate that a lot of it is somewhere close to the truth.
Shame the interviewer knows absolutely nothing about anything.
yes, dark stuff.
Boris’s exit made me think it wasn’t about cake…. well, maybe a riff on Brass Eye’s “cake”…
The threats against him are consistent with a cornered, corrupt establishment attacking him – something that has been going on for a couple of years…. Not a conspiracy, simply a statement of the way things presently are.
and there you have it…..
Low tax – “Domicile will not usually affect how you are taxed on your employment income if you do all your work in the UK.”
Free your potential – “Chancellor Rishi Sunak held a US green card – allowing permanent residence in that country – while he was chancellor, his spokeswoman has said. He returned it in October last year, ahead of his first American trip as a UK government minister.8 Apr 2022”
Aspire – “Sunak promises to ‘keep cutting people’s taxes'”
I think Sunak called the election for 4th July because he knew the Rwanda flight due for 24th July would not take off. The ECHR would see to that. He would look even more of a twat than he does now. By holding the election first, he can maintain the fiction that Rwanda flights will happen. Obviously, they won’t.
The interviewer has been a long time resistor of the jabba-jabba conspiracy.
Somewhere on youtube there is a video of him being arrested for exercising at Speakers corner when this was actually an allowed activity. IMHO he is valuable.
BBC Report: Epstein had moved in social circles that included key figures in the world of business and politics. Those figures included people like former presidents Donald Trump and Bill Clinton
Trump’s name first (of course) but how many times had they flown to “Epstein Island”, where all the shenanigans occurred? Answer: Trump zero, Clinton twenty six. Trump refused to have anything to do with him, but Clinton…
Pulling sh1t out of their Broadcasting House backsides.
Standard MO
Yes, there’s being in the same room as Epstein at a party, and flying to Paedo Island 26 times. Both are the same if it helps to smear Trump.
Obama is so upset that president trump won a Supreme Court case about one of those democrat show trials that he put Biden up to read the autocue . Obama / Gill decided it best that Joe didn’t take questions … ga ga
Which issues barely get a mention in party manifestos?
“Big subjects such as climate change and housing dominated your responses” Climate Change?????
Honestly bbc, there isn’t anyone I know who would consider climate change as a big subject and part of the election. Where do the likes of the bbc find these people
Reminded of how Ed Miliband’s ratings went up the less he was seen or heard.
Labour might be asking the BBC to deep six such efforts in case folk start paying attention.
More housing = more concrete = more climate change = more migrants = more housing = more ….
Same with the NHS more migrants, more sick, more medics, more migrants ….. its all a hamster wheel.
The unsporting gesture in question and consequent suggestion of a sanction edition
The Guardianista tendency reaffirm how their interest in popular arts and entertainment extends only as far as the utility of any given genre as some vehicle for politically anti-conservative messaging
Pop v power… How 14 years of the Tories shaped music (Guardian)
Naturally our BBC goes big on Glasto
Glastonbury 2024… The countdown to definitive coverage of Glastonbury 2024 starts here. Stand by for three days of stunning performances – live and on-demand on iPlayer and BBC Sounds.
Anyone for tennis?
Sir Keir bromancing, formerly patriotic paper of record, The Times comes out this morning with a living eulogy to the object of their desire: Starmer: a big majority will be best for Britain
Frankly, this reviewer just can’t see the attraction – piggy-eyed, adenoidal tone of voice, humourless…
Meanwhile, sportingly, the Times is showing a bit of leg for those of us of the opposite persuasion: I won ugly Emma Raducanu drew inspiration from Jude Bellingham’s last-gasp goal for England… – more of that later
Jolly hocky sticks
Likewise the mildly conservative Telegraph can’t help itself but admire a pin up poster girl at SW19, albe-she of complex nationality: Radacanu’s rampaging return
In olden days, a glimpse of stocking
Was looked on as something shocking
But now, God knows anything goes…
Thank you Cole Porter
It turns out the Victorians never did cover their piano legs with skirting in the interests of modesty. And yet the Gruan, no doubt with a eye to that contemporary concept of the ‘male gaze’ confines our potentially purient attentions strictly above the waist in their snap of the media’s favourite racket-weilding ingénue, plus a hint toward support for that chap with his support for ‘anyone but England’: Andy Murray is expected to announce today whether he will play at the tournament
New balls please
Euros ban fear for hero Jude after goal gesture – the Mirror used to be considered a red top working man’s old Labour tabloid holdout – in reality bourgeois college learning has overtaken the editorial board and the grub street hot metal men are out – so it’s left to the likes of that still shameless jokey blokey Daily Star to shout: Oh Balls!… Oh naff off Uefa – and to picture for us full-frontal frontpage unedited the gesture in question.
Ball of Confusion (That’s What the World Is Today) was a 1970 hit single by the Temptations. It was released on the Gordy (Motown) label
Miserable gits at Uefa have launched a probe into Jude Bellingham’s hand gesture which could end in a ban… fun-sponge footie chiefs launch probe into cheeky hand gesture… (Daily Star)
“An investigation into alleged bribery, money-laundering, forged transfer contracts and the involvement of organised crime at the highest levels of professional football that began in 2018 eventually implicated almost 60 agents, administrators, referees and coaches.23 Apr 2024”
Kamala Harris worried Democrats will replace Joe Biden with white candidate
Strangely not reported by the BBC. Maybe it’s because Kamala is showing us all she is a racist and has been all along.
‘Kamala Harris’s team is concerned that Democrats will install a white candidate ahead of her to replace Joe Biden, arguing that it would be “offensive” to black voters to overlook her should the president stand aside.’
Come on Kamala, speak some more. You really are as good as you think you are you didn’t get the job simply on racist and sexist grounds in the first place.
The Left (and especially the BBC) make me laugh because they are utterly racist. Against whites. But they claim they are not because they changed the definition so it only covers white people. Which was racist as well.
Is it too late for Humza Useless to become a US citizen?
You might think it an arcane point but read the Tweet and apply what’s exposed there to the UK
“For those who don’t understand what Chevron Deference is, and why SCOTUS ended it, here’s the long and short of it:
A family fishing company, Loper Bright Enterprises, was being driven out of business, because they couldn’t afford the $700 per day they were being charged by the National Marine Fisheries Service to monitor their company.
The thing is, federal law doesn’t authorize NMFS to charge businesses for this. They just decided to start doing it in 2013.
Why did they think they could away with just charging people without any legal authorization?
Because in 1984, in the Chevron decision, the Supreme Court decided that regulatory agencies were the “experts” in their field, and the courts should just defer to their “interpretation” of the law.
So for the past 40 years, federal agencies have been able to “interpret” laws to mean whatever they want, and the courts had to just go with it.
It was called Chevron Deference, and it put bureaucrats in charge of the country.
It’s how the OHSA was able to decide that everyone who worked for a large company had to get the jab, or be fired.
No law gave them that authority, they just made it up.
It’s how the ATF was able to decide a piece of plastic was a “machine gun”.
It’s how the NCRS was able to decide that a small puddle was a “protected wetlands”.
It’s how out-of-control agencies have been able to create rules out of thin air, and force you to comply, and the courts had to simply defer to them, because they were the “experts”.
Imagine if your local police could just arrest you, for any reason, and no judge or jury was allowed to determine if you’d actually committed a crime or not. Just off to jail you go.
That’s what Chevron Deference was.
It was not only blatantly unconstitutional, it caused immeasurable harm to everyone.
Thankfully, it’s now gone.
We haven’t even begun to feel the effects of this decision in the courts. It will be used, for years to come, to roll back federal agencies, and we’ll all be better of for it.
And that’s why politicians and corporate media are freaking out about it.”
A writ of habeas corpus is used to bring a prisoner or other detainee (e.g. institutionalized mental patient) before the court to determine if the person’s imprisonment or detention is lawful. A habeas petition proceeds as a civil action against the State agent (usually a warden) who holds the defendant in custody.
Toenails and token Getty Rosie the Riveter.
Labour are seeking to win Hemel Hempstead in Hertfordshire from Conservatives for the first time in almost two decades.
“@bbcnickrobinson spoke to a panel of local voters – some decided and some undecided – about what issues are important to them”
They always say “does not match what I am interested in” – never do people say what worries them.
The entire Tweet is worth a read.
Madame Tussauds New York Launches Joe Biden and Kamala Harris Figures to Accompany the New Oval Office Experience
I’ve mentioned several times here about how the MSM all suddenly switch to specific terminology at the same time for some Lefty agenda item and it appears simultaneously across dozens of web-sites.
A recent one was was calling Trump ‘unhinged’ to counter claims that Biden was senile and make out Trump had the problem. They’ve dropped that now as it is clearly ridiculous.
The BBC clones do it as well. You suddenly see the same words to describe something in every report. For instance, they might switch to a different word because the original has been shown to be false and they have 100 tricks to get past fact-checkers. But they do it across the board – which means one central person or persons are defining the news and what they have to write. These are the BBC commissars.
I would like to know who they are and who gave them that right.
I see Kamala is in the unfamiliar position of standing up. I hear she does her best work when kneeling.
A very down-to-Earth discussion on ‘Globalism’ and who is pulling the strings.
“How global government pushes censorship”
One of those broadcasts that tend to recall & confirm the obvious logic of what’s happening and who is behind it.
Very well worth watching.
What is the Nudge Unit?
The Nudge Unit was established in the Cabinet Office in 2010 by David Cameron’s government to apply behavioural science to public policy. Now owned partly by the Cabinet Office, by Nesta and by employees, it has operations across the world.
Its chief executive is Dr David Halpern, former director of research at the Institute for Government, who is also the government’s What Works national adviser.
“but can be influenced by “choice architecture” into making better choices in their own interests.”
better choices – nudged slowly – HA H AH AHAHA!
better choices – nudged slowly – HA H AH AHAHA!
better choices – nudged slowly – HA H AH AHAHA!
The BBC news front page has now dropped the actual BIG news story for today completely (The court decision) and now it only has the ones from the 2 Democrats (Biden and the Judge) criticising it !!!. Joe as the big headline and the Judge in one of those lower strips which means they are going to leave it on the front page for days.
Absolutely amazing. How did the BBC manage to get to the point where they are confident enough to do this ?.
It reminds me of a saying we had at BAE SYSTEMS:
Q. How does a project get to be 18 months late ?.
A. One day at a time.
Meaning of course that they have got there by inches. One small step at a time.
They are trying to encourage the far-Left to take to the streets and protest. And they will bring their violence with them. I have a feeling they are going to keep this going for as long as possible. We will know for sure if they produce another main headline against it.
20 minutes ago
How much more global boiling can we take?
Next year, please let it snow on Glastonbury.
“UK weather: Britain to be blasted by Polar winds and become ‘cold enou……”.
Commencing over No. 10 in a few days time………
No Russian Beast from the East?
“Because in 1984, in the Chevron decision, the Supreme Court decided that regulatory agencies were the “experts” in their field, and the courts should just defer to their “interpretation” of the law.
So for the past 40 years, federal agencies have been able to “interpret” laws to mean whatever they want, and the courts had to just go with it.
It was called Chevron Deference, and it put bureaucrats in charge of the country.”
We’ve our own version of this in the UK.
I’ve witnessed a decade of it from the front row.
Together we can build a better future
“Open, inclusive and prosperous countries for all”
“The Metropolitan police are to stop recording the ethnicity of drivers who are stopped by officers, just as other police forces start doing it, the Guardian has learned.12 Oct 2022”
Are you going to vote Common Sense
.. or are you going to Communist Sense ?
BETRAYAL has been the common theme from the blue and red wings of the big socialist party
They promise you one thing then give you another
eg low energy prices = opposite
eg closed borders = opposite
eg equality = privilege for special victimhood groups = two tier justice
Labour = no working
Conservative = destruction
LibDem = bollocks to brexit
Tory candidate endorsed Church which promotes conversion therapy….
What a desperate smear attempt!
You might equally say “Tory candidate might have worn the same colour shoes as Hitler one day”.
BBC Sewer Rats!
NHS gender clinic ‘should have challenged me more’ over transition
1 March 2020
A 23-year-old woman who is taking legal action against an NHS gender clinic says she should have been challenged more by medical staff over her decision to transition to a male as a teenager.
A judge gave the go-ahead for a full hearing of the case against the Tavistock and Portman NHS Trust.
Lawyers will argue children cannot give informed consent to treatment delaying puberty or helping them to transition.
Hitler was a vegan?
.. thus all vegans are Hitler.
@Digg actual headline
“Tory candidate **was** trustee of church that ‘endorsed’ conversion therapy”
“was” when ? : 2016-2018
“Mrs Cates was a member of the church between 2003 and 2018, and a trustee from 2016 to 2018. She told the BBC she was unaware of the allegations and that she does not endorse gay conversion therapy.
Although the BBC has not found any evidence Mrs Cates had direct knowledge of gay conversion therapy taking place, the report found that it was openly discussed and part of the church’s culture during the time she was a member, and some of her time as a trustee.”
What report ? from February 2024 about a complaint put in in 2019 by one man AFTER Cates had left
It was about him being traumatised by conversion therapy in 2018
The Banardos report upheld his complaint
but someone decided to leak it 4 months later just before an election
It’s pointed out that this issue was aired two years ago
So why revive it now ?
from the BBCnews thread, where they are ratioed 62 to 136
comments are searing ..most say BBC never covered the WPATH files
Digg – the problem with that story is that I don’t understand it . I lead a sheltered existence – I don’t want to know about queer practices of the language used – so I wasn’t sure whether the Tory lady was doing good or not . Just not interested
But there must be a sub story . Why concentrate on her ? Is she a threat ? Anyway – she’s gone with the rest anyway …
RP says he cannot see anything in the Anne Widdecombe speech that would cause it to be banned
..apart from it being good.
“Kings of cocaine: how the Albanian mafia seized control of the UK drugs trade”
Andew Bridgen was spot on about politics in Leicester….
Sly News
“at it”
One reply : The party in Downing Street to which the thug Streeting refers – vomit and all – was thrown by CIVIL SERVANTS the night before Prince Phillip’s funeral.
No Conservative MPs were present.
Boris Johnson was at Chequers and knew nothing about it.
Diane Abbott walks away after she’s asked to explain Jewish ‘costume’ comment
She walks away from fellow Tube passenger after he asked what she meant while filming her
and Boris coked off his considerable tits in the countryside?
Why would the BBC and other left wing media be so keen to give many column inches and much air time to ppreport on the apparent huge rise of support for Reform?
Put simply, they only have one goal and that is to ensure Labour sweep into power.
Thus encouraging Conservative voters to switch to Reform in substantial numbers would hand Labour victory as the majority of people most likely to switch will be those Conservative voters dismayed by the Conservatives lack of action on immigration etc.
Labour could not have a bigger or better campaigning organisation than the BBC if they paid for it!
The stink is making my nose hairs prickle.
It’s really, really noticeable that Yanqui owned Newquest, purveyors of local rag tat to the entire UK are massively playing down this GE in quantity of coverage with a resolute determination to not mention the actual issues.
This asinine twaddle from 5 days ago disappeared within 48 hours – nothing since.
It’s measured and very deliberate.
I’m betting there are millions of people, like me, that won’t be swayed by TV news, because we don’t watch any, and/or newspapers, because we don’t read them.
“Second Reform candidate defects to the Tories”
Last minutes smear stories – really persuade anyone ?
But I suppose the msm / red blue HQs think it has value …
Although a reform candidate might get voted in only to be a blue ..l
Ms Georgie David, the Reform candidate for West Ham and Beckton, said she had been “frustrated and dismayed” by Nigel Farage’s failure to tackle concerns about Reform’s candidates, though she said she did not believe Reform’s “senior leadership” are racist.
It comes two days after Reform’s candidate in Erewash also defected to the Conservatives over racism concerns.
Labour got 71% of the votes there last time
The prediction was already 100% chance of them winning
So the Reform defector makes no difference
Call me a conspiracy theorist if you will, but I would have thought any candidate for Reform knew quite well what their stance was on immigration. His (return??) move to the Conservatives in election week is a bit of electoral boost to the Blue Labour party
Black-ops, moles, people who are inserted into an organisation to destroy it from within.
I notice GBNews seems to have got rid of their mole sound technician.
To my mind a candidate who pulls out during an election when they can’t be replaced is a very low form of life and I wish there was some sort of penalty for it. This a huge breach of trust and criminal deceit. People will have already cast their votes for them.
Why is this happening? Don’t these people have a campaign team working with them? Or even a campaign manager?I’m beginning to suspect that the Farage/Tice method of choosing candidates is very ad hoc and the greater part of the candidates are left to their own devices and their only interaction with others in the party is by email and not with real people.
Good job the election is only two days away as we are likely to see ‘another day, another defection’
It’s no good suggesting that this doesn’t matter, Stew. The way the media will represent can only weaken the party in the eyes of the public and voting at is not just about not winning seats. It is about building up a movement with momentum.
Yasser – I think they had to take anyone to take on a constituency – I wish I’d joined .. I’d make a great MP – I know how to maximise expenses , take bungs , avoid constituents and scheme for a peerage at the end …
I don’t think I’d be up for illegal sexual conduct like the rest of them but I’d try …
Thanks Fed, that brightens me up a bit!
A rat climbing aboard a sinking ship? Novel idea.
Scotsman withdraws from tennis game – headline …. -anyone but England – right Andy ..?
utterly crazy, mad old biddy
“Representative” of California……
Democracy only works if everyone is in jail! HA HA HA HA!
If they’ve done any military service, some here will have fond memories (or otherwise!) of cooking in the field. They will remember the stove that came with every ‘Rat-pack’. The Hexamine stove. Worked in all weather conditions and did a pretty good job all-in-all.
Wait for it………………..
In another attempt by the islamic contingent of the Home Office, the substance Hexamine, inter alia, is now banned. If found, even if in your home, the owner could be liable for a two-year imprisonment. Banning even more substances/objects (like Crossbows) without clear evidence of often and direct harm, will leave a police officer visiting your property to speak to you for some reason or another, concluding that, on the balance of probabilities, there will be unwittingly, something illegal on your property. Whether it be a Samurai sword collection or a Kukri hanging on a wall or, maybe that Captain Fairbairn you kept after leaving The Royal Marines. No matter. Banning as much as they can get away with is the object of the exercise. To simply make the transition to an islamic country less violent for those who would resist. Moral of the tale?
Don’t let the shi*s in the front door; careful about what you say or let people see:
“Under these changes, there will be stricter requirements on reporting suspicious activity, including new obligations for online marketplaces. Customer information, such as photo identification, will be recorded when selling regulated materials to business users.”
Welcome to Easy Germany.
Can he tie his own shoelaces? – or does he use slip-ons?
Following from the Andrew Bridgen video above – he has written on X that the NATO – Russia war is going to get going soon – so buy bottled water and tins of stuff and a tin opener …..
Personally I don’t see it – however welcome global catastrophe might be before the Englandistan match on Sunday …
The logistics of fighting in Russia did in the Wehrmacht – the woke twerps we’ve got running the show look to have little grasp of how far away it is and many other issues / challenges…
They are stupid and ignorant enough to try something colossally idiotic – there’s the danger.
look, Tobias Elwood is a Lieutenant Colonel…..
Tomo – I’ve always wanted to go to the museum in Moscow where they have a ton of iron crosses which were meant to be awarded at the sure victory .. er …
As I hear it, the British Army has 219 generals (or equivalents) and 213 tanks and certainly has more horses than tanks. The Navy has more Admirals than floating assets. The RAF seems obsessed with rainbows…
Russia has been incrementally and methodically degrading western “high tech” munitions to the point of effectively neutering them in many scenarios…
We know that bias by omission is a key tool.