The BBC is in full on propaganda mode – denying the reasons for street disorder – but we can be reassured – all that denial of Muslim child rape gangs – of an uncontrolled daily invasion – of two tiered policing counts for nothing when there is The Truth . You can’t Trust The BBC – or the State that protects it .
Start the Week 5th August 2024
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Cooeee me again ! Won’t get caught this time on a time out – and I pride myself on touchtyping 100 wpm. I’ll savour it for later. Lol !
You charmer!
I was ruminating about various things, then looked at the clock!
You could have been here with me, tincture at hand, and we could have become joint Gold Medal winners, but I will gracefully accept a Silver to you!
Brissles, well done, girl! You now have to go for three in a row!
A lot of posters will be rooting for you, cheering you on. 🙂
On GB News , Dolan, just now, they’ve had a man on talking about his book.
His name is Robert Sole and they showed the book cover with the title and underneath was his name…R Sole.
Did nobody spot this?
Dreadful panel on tonight, a load of wets.
Say no more…
From the long lost days of BBC comedy, RIP.
Two Tier Starmer is talking tough about bringing the full force of the law down on these “far right thugs”.
He told us, “No-one should live in fear because of the colour of their skin”. Yes comrade, I agree with that, but…
Doesn’t that also apply to the tens of thousands of little white girls that have been groomed and raped? This has gone on for decades. You all knew about it yonks ago. Where was all this tough talking then?
I’m afraid that Two Tier is both a hypocrite and a coward. I can’t ever forgive this gutless turd for taking the knee to BLM. You will recall that (for some unfathomable reason) BLM received a much more sympathetic coverage by the MSM. They were referred to as “Protesters” not thugs. But they attacked the police, they looted and they ripped down our statues…and Two Tier Keir was on his bloody knees.
Now he’s trying to be a tough guy.
Don’t make me laugh…
Two Tier is tough all of a sudden, isn’t he? (he denied two tier policing is taking place…he is taking people for fools). He’s even going after social media companies (some set up outside the UK btw…I reckon he’ll block them in the Uk and make VPNs illegal…that’s my prediction.)
No mention in the BBC of stopping Southport style attacks (stop and search is racist I bet). All about stopping a few angry (and daft) lads setting fire to wheelie bins or throwing a few rocks. I’ve just seen footage of Muslims beating up a white lad with sticks.
Is this far right too? Why didn’t the police round them up?
Unless I’m mistaken, he seems to be saying they’ll arrest anyone who simply attended any of the protests. If true, that is insane.
Well, I suppose the nation voted these lunatics in so the country is going to get what it deserves. No dissenting views from now, comrades!
Welcome to 1970s East Germany.
If you can emigrate do it.
This country is finished and things are going to get completely dystopian.
And is he going to go after the gangs of Muslims stomping about with massive knives and swords?
Will he f..
(If the clip I saw was genuine, of course).
I think unless BBC verify ‘verify’ the clip, you can get 20 years now.
Bootle stabbing .. the Youtuber interviewed the pizza boss
said it was two Iranian workers arguing about the nightshift
and nothing to do with the demos
I am beginning to wonder if the BBC is using subliminal messaging. Try talking riots to friends and relations. Those who still watch the BBC, even as they say they know the BBC is biased, say in almost the next breath that the riots are being organised by Tommy Robinson and the ‘Far Right’.
Subliminal. Not subtle.
Dear white people. Respectfully, please have a word with those other white people who are beginning to make me feel unwanted in the country of my birth. Don’t be silent.
Presumably directed at the diminishing colleague base around him at the media not already replaced by a brown person?
Mark Dolan on GBNews just informed his producer for the last 3 years is moving on to a job with ……the BBC. I think it was Father Calvin Robinson who said many of the problems at GBNewx were caused by the back of camera staff coming from the MSM and not having views in line with the presenters.
Meanwhile, the MSM have pics of Tommy on holiday in Cyprus!
Surely this must be the best place to organise ‘riots’ all over the UK! Think of all those internet charges, phone calls etc.!
Blimey, he must have a huge network of organisers, to be able to lie in the water, sipping a Cypriot Lager and making the UK a nasty and difficult place to live in?
C’mon Verify, you can at least check all this out…
No, thought not.
Wall to wall BBC coverage of riots in Rotherham.
The perpetrators will feel the ‘full force of the law’.
Is this by any chance the same town where wall to wall BBC coverage and the ‘full force of the law’ was totally absent when BBC news, the police and authorities sat on their hands and did absolutely nothing while Pakistani heritage men spent years raping and abusing young white girls?
The stench of Far Left hypocrisy is overwhelming.
To be fair to R5, Stephen Nolan did just highlight that some of the muslims in Bolton this weekend were shouting “Allahu Akbar”.
The Tell Mama spokeswoman dismissed it as a common utterance used in prayer or general conversation, in much the same way we would say “oh my god”. Absurd and offensive in the light of recent events, but the BBC will be happy enough with that.
BBC tv news – looks bbc reporters have gone on holiday – they’ve got an Indian called Johal delivering the approved message … and blimey – in Boltonistan Asian youths shouting Alans’ snack bar ‘ got a mention …
BBC is full state broadcaster mode as expected … got to be time to recall their cursed parliament …. I wonder when they run out of plod … ? The far left Dominic casciani says there are 4000 riot plod so they won’t last long if it goes on another week ….
..the bbc swerves the cause – which anyone on this site knows too well – instead it goes off on some nonsense about a British spy being released from Russia – who cares …?
Stop the boats
In the summer of 2020 the BBC sought to understand the social and historical forces behind the summer riots and asked: “George Floyd: Five factors behind the UK Black Lives Matter protests”. They put it down to:
1. Brutal police tactics
2. More black people dying in custody
3. Covid is racist and kills more blacks
4. British colonial past
5. Grenfell and Windrush
No such need for any thoughtful inquiry into the 2024 riots — everyone knows it’s just racist thugs twiddling their thumbs at home awaiting instructions from Elon Yaxley-Brexit’s big box of lies.
Kamala Harris interviewing top vice-presidential contenders
It’s full-on promotion of Kamala again at the BBC.
Is there anyone at all who thinks she will actually pick the VP herself ?. And one thing you can be 100% sure of is that there will be someone else in that ‘interview’ representing Obama while she cackles and asks stupid questions.
Then we get:
‘The poll suggests that the vice-president has energised the Democratic base, with young, black and female voters noting their renewed enthusiasm for the presidential election.’
No it doesn’t at all BBC. Not at all. You just made that up yourself then seem oblivious to the fact you just admitted those black women are racists.
But the most outrageous thing about this article is that it spends the last third of it’s content re-telling the story about the ABC interview about Trump accusing her of using her race to gain support !. It’s like a whole seperate anti-Trump article tagged on the end.
The stand out thing about that interview was the utterly unprofessional and nasty way that black woman conducted it. Something the BBC have kept very carefully hidden from us. The real story there should have been the conduct of the Leftist MSM.
This is how the BBC end an article about Kamal Harris interviewing propective VP’s:
“This is the only card he’s (Trump’s) got to play, and so he’s playing it. He’s desperate.”
In what way can that article be considered unbiased ?. It’s outrageous.
Lets see the BBC skank who wrote it:

President Trump’s 100 Days President Biden’s 0 Day
Dear Winston Smith in the Records Department of the Ministry of Truth,
You covered President Trump’s 100 Days and then produced a Beyond 100 Days to hold power to account.
Why have you not done the same for President Biden to hold power to account?
‘Omission is the greatest form of lie.’
Thank you again for contacting us,
BBC Complaints Team
Its that forehead again. Seen something like it last week. Don’t remember exactly where or when…………
Looks like a bloke to me.
John Carne 1 day ago The BBC Is Failing More Than They Tell Us
Blackbelt Barrister 3 days ago
Huw Edwards & BBC; SERIOUS Mess!
another one about their new PR lies “We can enter your home” (no they can’t)
The world of Two Tier Keir
Damaging property that’s OK
eg1 BLM guys throwing historic statues in the river
eg 2 XR smashing bank windows
but white guys damage a migrant hotel and he goes crazy
XR and BLM demos = “No force of the law” prosecute the scaffolders who try to stop them obstructing the highway
Anti-openborders demos = “FULL FORCE of The Law”
FFS where was that all the other times ?
does Two-Tier-Keir #TTK go crazy when the non-white migrants destroy their own migrant hotels the largely white taxpayers paid for ?
Worth adding that in the Leftoid woke judiciary of the time, many perpetrators from your list were found not guilty or otherwise discharged on account of their ‘beliefs’ and ‘legitimate protests’.
It’s taken three years for the judiciary to grow a pair and jail the Just Stop Oil thugs who held tens of thousands to ransom with their M25 protests and caused a lot more economic damage to the nation than a fire in a wheelie bin.
‘Starmer condemns ‘far-right thuggery’ on UK streets and says those involved ‘will regret it”
Goodness me – what kind of thing is that to say ?. That’s a direct threat inferring revenge and absolutely the last kind of language a leader should use. It’s more like something Hitler would say.
It’s not up to him to decide that. His comment should end at ‘will be dealt with under the law’.
By focussing exclusively on the far-right element and totally ignoring all the decent people’s legitimate concerns over mass immigration, Labour and the BBC are driving a wedge down society in exactly the same way the Democrats have done in the USA after Jan 06.
Just look at the outrage over these protests compared to the total lack of outrage about the actual murder of 3 children and attempted murder of TEN other people.
‘Hotel employees and residents, some of whom are asylum seekers, were “terrified”, but no injuries were reported, police said.’
More BBC weasel words. It’s meant to make us think just some of the residents are Asylum seekers. When the truth will be that the whole hotel has been booked by the government to house ‘asylum seekers’ (who are actually mostly just young males wanting to take advantage of our free money) and just the staff (including security to keep nosey white people out) are not.
Then look how the BBC report this one:
‘Clashes break out between rival groups after protest’
‘Police officers in riot gear and mounted on horses have been trying to separate two groups – one waving England flags and the other mainly including Asian men.’
Here’s the truth of it:
An anti-immigration protest began peacefully outside Bolton Town Hall earlier, but within half an hour, about 300 people, who mostly had their faces covered with black face masks or balaclavas, charged towards the building.
‘They began shouting “Allahu Akbar” – a phrase meaning God is greatest’
Which of course means they are Muslims. A fact the BBC totally omit.
The BBC are deliberately protecting the Muslims in this article. Where is the outrage for them ?. A totally different tone.
Then we get this repeated again:
‘False claims were spread online that the suspect was a Muslim asylum seeker who had arrived by boat.’
‘However, Axel Muganwa Rudakubana, who was born in Cardiff to Rwandan parents and lived in the Lancashire village of Banks, has no known links to Islam.’
Firstly note how quite the entire stabbing story has gone. We don’t know his motivation because nobody is reporting anything at all. It should be the biggest story of all.
And secondly, the BBC seem to be trying to say that because he isn’t a Muslim, the stabbing is OK and people should not be angry.
That is the only argument they have against these protests which are not specifically about Muslims, they are about the mass immigration of violent cultures who go around with knives murdering white people. Axel may have been born here, but his parent are 100% Rwandan and they brought him up. And we have not been told anything about them either : how come they ended up here – and with so much money ?.
If it suited their agenda, the BBC would be producing lists of occasions where immigrant cultures have murdered indigenous British people for no reason as background information for what is going on. Instead they are supressing any suggestion of it.
I could understand that from a point of view to stop the situation escalating – but that’s not why the BBC do it. They do it because of their ideology. They would absolutely escalate it if it suited them. And they ARE doing that right now with this wedge they are driving between Left and the white Right.
“Firstly note how quite the entire stabbing story has gone. We don’t know his motivation because nobody is reporting anything at all. It should be the biggest story of all.”
I wonder……………
Refugees fleeing Rwanda? Could they have anything to to do with the murderous stabbing killing spree of Hutu militias in 1994 and the ‘law’ is now catching up. It would explain the use of a ‘bladed weapon’ by ‘high-brow’ junior.
The originator of the strangely still unsubstantiated Middlesborough acid attack claim tweets more disinfo
but gets 10,000 Likes
#1 How can 200 OUTNUMBER 200 ?
#2 Of course TR is not ordering mosque attacks
Their thread claims TR is on the phone from *Spain*
..that’s strange cos the papers show him on a sunlounger in Cyprus
And he reckons others need holding to account !
MSM give him a free pass
Sky uses Alex Crawford to ‘discuss’ Gaza.
Next up, Dr. Shola and Narinder Kaur ‘analyse’ events.
Whatever happened to the dreadful Kaur ? She used to be a regular on GBN. Now we have thicko Amy double-barrelled on every other show, but I do enjoy seeing Benedict Spence wipe the floor with her.
Muslims believe it’s fine to do anything at all as long as they believe they are doing what Allah would want them to do.
Even the worst kind of terrorist justifies it with ‘Allah knows my heart’.
Who are the racists ?
Stan Collymore says ‘you little brown and black people have to vote the way we tell you , or else !’
His tweet is nasty INTIMIDATION.
People of all skin colours have the right to freely choose who they vote for.
#racebaiting and #Stasi tactics
@narinder Kaur replies
Thank GOD you said it
Thank you
FFS Collymore’s tweet is super racist
That post is very significant because it is an indicator of something very typical of the Left which we see all the time from maxi.
He’s not interested in any arguments, he wants to go after the people who hold those views personally. I’ve seen this many times by the Left by none I can recall by the Right. The minority communities are not allowed to have their own opinions : he wants to force his upon them.
It’s an ideology based on hate and total intolerance. How far is he prepared to go to shut those people up ?. It’s a one way street. If one thing doesn’t work, he will move on to something not quite so nice. And he will only stop when he knows he can’t get away with anything further or they have been suppressed.
Give him absolute power and everyone he disagrees with would disappear. He is a fascist and a Nazi in the truest sense of the words. Not what the Left have warped the terms into with hard-coded ‘far-right’ in there as a cover up after the socialist Hitler showed us what they will do if they can.
This is the true nature of the Left.
Stan Collymore, the brave man who beat Ulrika Jonsson in public. What a complete tosser.
And tossed himself off next to other pervs while watching couples shagging in cars.
Fucking degenerate.
Stan Collymore today makes an astonishing admission that he has been having sex with strangers in public places for the past two years.
The former footballer admits that he became obsessed with “dogging” – driving to countryside car parks to have sex with strangers – after reading about it on the internet.
The BBC Radio Five Live commentator admitted he has been involved in the practice on at least a dozen occasions, sometimes joining in and at other times watching.
Yeah well Stanley, I’ll perhaps skip taking moralistic lessons from a woman-beating, dogging enthusiast.
Matthew Sweet is compiling lists of GBnews viewers comments to hand to the Stasi
He fails to understand the nature of social media that many posts are either just letting off steam or people acting a part as part of trolling lefties pretending to be righties.
Labour have been in power for one month and now they are organising 24 hours courts to crack down on the Right.
It’s the UK version of the Jan 06 political persecution all over again. They both have more than a whiff of the late 1930’s.
The Nazis are back.
Just look at the level of outrage against these protests compared to the BLM protests and the 2011 riots. The horrendous murders of children at a dance class which started it all off have disappeared from the news completely.
+ + WARNING + +
I don’t care your religious backing, and given the current climate and a Yes/NO choice, I choose you.
As I mentioned in my last post, I work in AI and predictive actions. I know for a fact it is being used on this site and not by me.
Small differences aside (and it was just one issue of Isreal), do not post anything that can be used against you.
Mod: U would be doing everyone a massive favour by wiping or hiding the archives.
No slurs, open hatred. Just for now.
Some evidence of my work:
the hardest question ever asked is,
“In a four-dimensional framework with cascading logic processes, Godel theorem generates hyper recursive loop, blurring computation/observer lines.
this sentence dives into some
fascinating ideas at the intersection of
computation logic and potentially even
1. four-dimensional framework this could
refer to a couple of things it might be
a model of computation that incorporates
time as a dimension alongside the usual
spatial ones. alternatively it could be a
framework for understanding
Consciousness that includes the
subjective experience of time alongside
the physical processes in the brain.
2. cascading logic processes: imagine a
series of logical operations triggering
one another creating a chain reaction of
computations. this could be a way to
model complex systems with many
interacting parts three Godel
theorem. Godel’s incompleteness theorems
are fundamental results in mathematics
showing that any sufficiently powerful
formal system will always have true
statements that cannot be proven within
that system. here a Godel theorem might
be applied to the logic processes within
this framework leading to unexpected
results or paradoxes four hyper
etc, etc, etc.
four hyper
recursive Loop recursion is a powerful
technique where a function calls itself
a hyper cursion could be a more complex
form of this potentially involving
self-referential Loops that push the
boundaries of what’s computable five
blurring computation Observer lines this
is a mind-bending concept traditionally
computation happens within a system and
an observer examines the results here
the lines might be blurred perhaps the
observer’s Consciousness is somehow
entangled with the computation or the
computation itself becomes self-aware
this combination of ideas suggests a
high theoretical and potentially
groundbreaking approach to computation
just dont write anything that will get you nicked. bye
Admin note
‘Rightside’has helpfully reminded us about the need for a bit of restraints when tapping away . As we suggested I’ve gone back over posts from the slaughter of 3 baby girls and the wounding of many more by a second generation Rwandan immigrant ( allegedly ) ….
I’ve also had a decco at the malicious communications act as to whether anyone has sinned .
I am not a lawyer but I can no ‘grossly offensive ‘ comments within the act . No comments have been deleted ….
Personally – I think the stazi is more likely to target those hard stuff on the twitter and elsewhere . There must be hundreds of thousands by now so even with their AI they’ll be working solid for the next 3 years to identify those the red State wants to ‘target ‘…
The 3 year is the limitation on prosecutions from the time of hitting the keyboard …. In the circumstances – and bearing in mind what many here have been predicting – we have done pretty well …
Anyway – back to ‘the troubles ‘….. do you notice that those towns and cities do not have huge population sizes ? So I reckon the invaders are more noticeable than in -say – londonistan …
It follows that those assisting illegal entry – such as border force / home office – will put the future hundreds of thousands in places in big cities – namely londonistan – where they will fit in easily …
.. there’s a big boys cobra today … I bet they don’t discuss recalling their parliament … although the expenses claims for cancelled holidays will be huge …someone always benefits … like plod pay slips ..
Fed, I think we should get all pensioners to start furiously tapping prison worthy comments on various sites, because they would get housed, fed and most of all it would cost a bloody sight more than giving us £500 to keep warm!
London is only 36.8% white British, as per the 2021 census, so even less now. London is lost. Some smaller towns and cities may not be yet, but the Labour plan to replace the white working class continues apace.
Rob – I knew it was bad but I didn’t realise how much of a minority I am – no wonder the emir is in a job for life …
Sad but true. Enoch could not have foreseen this in his worst nightmares.
It depends.
I used to campaign on Men’s rights and specifically the evil secret UK family courts. There was one chap who took a very different approach. He regarded the attention of the authorities as a very good thing. They were having to burn up resources and use their own time and money.
So for example when a prominent senior family court judge was featured in a tabloid paper as having been fooling around with African prostitutes this chap printed a leaflet including the article. He then distributed the leaflet around the village where the judge lived.
When he was stopped by a copper and threatened with arrest he was ecstatic. They would have to feed and clothe him and waste resources in attempting to punish him. He saw this as a success. So much so that they backed off and let him go.
His idea was to be completely open about his address and everything he wrote.
What can you do to a man that has nothing? Nothing!
They had already taken away his Kash, Kar, Kids and Kastle.
Yes – starmer playing the hard man doesn’t really work in the real world – the riot plod arresting someone may take 2 out of the line – they have to do the processing and then the court – sooner or later – if enough people get arrested – they’ll run out of plod .
Then there is the ‘stazi ‘ knock on the door at 5am to drag a victim out of his pit when there’s no resistance – all time consuming stuff ….
The ‘full force of the law ‘may well be inside starmer and pixies ‘ head ….
BTW – I notice Priti patel asking for a parliament recall yesterday and Farage today …. Come on starmer – MPs deserve to be ‘briefed’….. so recall them to their parliament …
The man who has nothing to lose is a dangerous opponent. The time is coming when none of us has anything to lose.
bbc headline:-
“‘Far right on rampage’ and ‘Tommy Robinson in Cyprus'”
Why feel the need bbc to create this headline!
Disgusting organsation. Anyone passionate about the British way of life is no longer tolerated by the left.
I am British born and bred, can trace my family history back 300 plus years, I guess I’m no longer wanted in the country I was born in. My grandad fought Rommel in ww2, and I wonder why we lost so many people to fight for this what the country is becoming and to be given away to anyone that arrives illegally. We even ferry the illegals here!
bbc the “far right” as you choose to call them, are passionate about being British, but this is slowly being knocked out of us.
This government hasn’t got a clue about true Brits
Here’s another encircher, doctors, teacher:-
Police hunt man after bus driver fatally stabbed
I also notice that while The BBC and The Guardian have gone on their normal “Far Right” witch hunt, especially trying to smear TR, the normally less strident and less left-wing outlets such as Daily Mail and Express have had a distinct change of tone overnight. Whilst condemning the violence, they would normally make some attempt to balance the causes of the unrest but appear to have dropped this approach like a hot brick this morning.
I smell D notices….I have the impression that this Government has decided that press freedom is no longer to be tolerated which, if true means the Country is entering the first stage of a virtual dictatorship.
It probably hasn’t occurred to the media that they are in fact glorifying the ‘Far Right’ in the eyes of many people. Desperate times call for desperate measures, and the response of large groups of the population will be “It’s not ideal, but if someone is prepared to stand up for us, then so be it. At this point we’ve nothing to lose”.
The Times has a brilliant piece by Aris Roussinos in which he correctly identifies the unease of most of the UK population about excessive immigration and also the equivocation by ‘Government’ and liberals in describing the events of the last several years, in contrast to their description of the last week. Instead of describing murder or rapes by certain immigrant groups or Balkan Roma riots in Huddersfield as such and doing something effective to contain it, ‘our’ government issues platitudes about ‘communities’ coming together.
The Times has, as you would expect, prevented comments.
BBC in full-on anti Far Right mode. Picking each and every angle to throw at anyone still listening.
On Toady this morning, South Yorkshire Mayor Oliver Coppard, clearly a pro-open door mass immigrationist, talks about the ‘rioters’ attacking 240 of the ‘most vulnerable people’. Blah blah fleeing persecution blah blah. Not the economic chancers we know many to be.
Vulnerable? Vulnerable? Living in a nice Holiday Inn Express (I’ve stayed in several though I had to pay for the privilege) at taxpayers expense? You are joking, aren’t you?
I’ll tell you who is vulnerable. The woman on BBC London yesterday, she has lived in her council flat without electricity or water for over a year because Lambeth Council (Labour of course) can’t be a**** to repair it.
Tough on crime.
Soft on the causes of crime.
It’s the new post-Blair era official Labour policy.
Can anyone remember wall to wall BBC coverage of the poll tax riots?
You get the idea. Wheeling out every official they could lay their hands on day after day to denounce them.
Of course these rioters were the Far Left. protesting about the evil Tories wanting people to pay for their council services.
Or how about Broadwater Farm? Or Liverpool, which resulted in them getting their own Minister (Michael Heseltine) or Orgreave?
The BBC are trying to tell us that a few hundred people, mostly just standing there and leaving it to a fairly small number of thugs, represents the worst civil disobedience ever.
Predictable set up Left Wing response.
But could the whole thing be a false flag exercise? To give the government the excuse to write laws which would basically ban anyone from using hurty words which go against mainstream Leftoid woke ideology. It can’t be ruled out.
False flag exercise? Flash back to early 1933, just four weeks after Adolf Hitler became Chancellor:
“Herr Hitler! I’ve an idea how we can entrench our control and neutralise our opponents! We will set light to the Reichstag and blame it on the communists. I’ve even got a perpetrator in mind, a Dutch communist called Marinus van der Lubbe Yaxley-Lennon.”
Hitler: “Das is gut! Goebbels – make sure the media has the ‘correct’ story. Schnell, schnell!”
Maybe not a false flag operation, but it is the case that inasmuch as there are a handful of small ‘Far Right’ groups in Britain (their combined membership would fit into a restaurant), they are riddled with informers and agents provocateurs working for the security services. A lot of time and effort was put into this sort of thing during the Troubles in Northern Ireland. They will certainly be egging-on any hotheads in the more extreme groups.
Everyone accepts the story that it was AH who was responsible for the burning down of the Reichstag but when it comes to the allied powers they rarely get a look in. We are always the good guys. Of course, this is all nonsense. What we are seeing was planned and staged. The guy who supposedly killed those three girls turns out to be an actor and even appeared in Dr. Who. Just like the guy who supposedly attempted to kill Trump was an actor and appeared in a Blackrock commercial. What are the odds? They love to mock us.
Anyone who wants to look into the future – look at the history of Lebanon.
Rozzers wiv dogs getting antsy they can’t deploy Rover on certain segments of the population due to further… exemptions?
Rage riots edition
Scores hurt, buildings blaze in poll tax riot… Police battle with massive crowd (Observer); Poll tax mob on rampage… Demo turns into riot (Evening Post); Poll tax ‘thuggery’… How we invaded council – demo man (Evening Post); Maggie misery as MPs revolt (Daily Mirror)
Poll tax riots… The anti-poll tax demonstration of March 1990 brought thousands onto the streets of London. Some were simply there to protest against a new Thatcherite policy. Others were looking for trouble. Rioters attack a police van. (BBC, Witness History, History as told by the people who were there) – that was a bit of they term whataboutery
Meanwhile, today, our mainstream press unite as one: Far right on rampage… Thugs attack migrant hotel on another day of shame across UK… Under siege… Starmer warns the yobs ‘you’ll regret this’ after sickening scenes – that’s the Labour-supporting Daily Mirror but the exact same sentiments are repeated across the breath of national titles with little in the way of nuance. The gynaeceum that is BBC news staff liked the Mirror for their top pick of the frontpages.
At 55, I have finally admitted I hate being a mother and resent all the sacrifices I’ve made (Daily Mail – under the rather bizarre subheader Inspire) – calm down, luv.
Sometimes these segueways can’t help but write themselves…
More pets than toddlers… China’s urban pet population will surpass the number of children under the age of four this year… (FT)
Aniston criticises JD Vance’s ‘childless cat ladies’ comment…”I truly can’t believe that this is coming from a potential VP of the United States,” she wrote on Instagram. (BBC); JD Vance defends ‘childless cat ladies’ comment after backlash… “The substance of what I said… I’m sorry, it’s true” (BBC)
Harris gets under Trump’s skin by calling him weird… While Joe Biden’s campaign focused on the threat Donald Trump posed to democracy, Kamala Harris has used a novel way of characterising him… “Some of what he and his running mate are saying, it’s just plain weird” (FT)
Rachel Levine: Transgender official sworn in as four-star admiral…Dr Levine, appointed by President Joe Biden, is already the highest-ranking openly transgender official in the US… “May this appointment today be the first of many more to come, as we create a diverse and more inclusive future,” she said in a speech that paid tribute to other LGBTQ individuals… (BBC, October 2021)
Mind you, there are some aspects – even of our weird new elites – that never change – such as their inherent hypocrisy: …the nominee faced questions over her handling of the coronavirus pandemic in nursing homes during her time as health secretary of Pennsylvania. Critics blamed the deaths of many elderly people on a state policy that required nursing homes to accept Covid patients. Shortly after implementing that measure, Dr Levine acknowledged having moved her own mother out of a care home as virus cases rose (BBC)
Closer to home… building…
Locals should get ‘first dibs’ on new homes, says Rayner… Labour’s deputy leader vows to help young couples get on to the housing ladder and start families (Telegraph) – is that a fact?
Council warns it could go bust due to housing costs… Newham Council says it could go bust due to increasing “challenges with temporary accommodation” (TA). In a new review, the east London authority announced it was more than £22m in deficit and “some form of government assistance may also be required”. It comes as new data from London Councils suggested council spending on TA for homeless households rose by 25% between April 2023 and April 2024 (BBC) – gosh, who are all these homeless cockneys?
Ethnic or cultural background of residents: White British 13.1%, White Irish 0.8%, Other White 13.8%… Asian Indian 14.8%, Asian Pakistani 9.7%, Asian Bangladeshi 12.4%… Other Asian 6.6%, Black African 11.1%, Black Caribbean 4.0%… (Newham Facts and Figures)
So what are all these riots about then? The Guardian has a pet theory: Tory culture war stoked far right, says ex-advisor… Dame Sarah Khan, who was Rishi Sunak’s independent advisor for social cohesion
The Mail puts the blame squarely on the head of an individual: Stoking rage riots from his sunbed… Former English Defence League leader Tommy Robinson relaxes in five-star Cyprus resort while fuelling violence across UK with inflammatory online posts – Mr AsI always enjoys a new coining, a new journalistic phrase that suddenly pops up in the media. You know, like that recent classic: ‘small boats’. This morning it’s ‘rage riot’. I like that. We’ve had ‘race riots’ of course, that’s familiar but ‘rage riot’ is new. But we digress. Where were we? Ah yes Tommy Robinson on his hols…
Whereas: Starmer ‘not going on holiday’ as Britain gripped by fourth day of violence and migrant hotel smashed by yobs (LBC) – so explain to us how Tommy Robinson can organise the riots from his sunbed with nothing but a smart phone but Two-Tier Sir Keir can’t coordinate the government response from his? Despite the huge official communications resorces, satelite links, etc, available at his disposal?
And another thing… how are pro-immigration protestors organising their demos? Are they all ‘local’ to the towns where they appear? Or are they bussed in? Do they use social media to plan and coordinate – which would be naughty of them. right? The answers to these and other questions are not addressed in the mainstream today.
I have been watching the DMail website these last few days. Their headlines reporting what the Prime Minister and the Home Secretary have been saying have certainly made me very cross and I can only guess how these politicians remarks might have incited the rioters. I assume from what I read on this site, the BBC are as bad. In which case, if the police want to arrest anyone for incitement, it should be the DMail, the news editors at the BBC, the Home Secretary and the Prime Minister.
This is a bit early for me, but…
At the moment GB News have on Dennis MacShane…former Labour MP for Rotherham. He’s fully in favour of the “far right rioters” being fast tracked to prison. Not only being incarcerated, but possibly shipped off to Rwanda. “The best place for them” says this honest and upright man. Now then…
Macshane was the MP for Rotherham for some of the worst years during the mass raping of underage white girls. He now admits that he knew it was going on but sat on his hands due to concerns about “community cohesion.” Just what sort of creature allows this to happen on his watch?
He was suspended from the Labour Party in 2012 for submitting 19 false invoices. Eventually, he was sentenced to 6 months in nick for fiddling nearly £13,000.
You see, despite all his bluster and outrage about what is happening today, it was MacShame and his ghastly cohorts, who turned a blind eye to the horrendous rapings and murders of little girls and are now huffing and puffing about law and order.
Just a shame he didn’t do a bit more when he had the chance.
Other than turning a blind eye and fiddling his expenses…
Maybe introduce them with all their crimes!
“He was suspended from the Labour Party in 2012 for submitting 19 false invoices. Eventually, he was sentenced to 6 months in nick for fiddling nearly £13,000.”
Dennis MacShane, real name Josef Denis Matyjaszek.
The opening paragraph of his entry in Wikipedia reads:
“Denis MacShane (born Josef Denis Matyjaszek; 21 May 1948) is a British former politician, author, commentator and convicted criminal who served as Minister of State for Europe from 2002 to 2005.”
Incidentally, it was the British National Party that raised the allegations of submitting the false invoices that led to his downfall and imprisonment.
Didn’t know any of that Jeff, and what’s left of my family all live in Rotherham !
I always wonder why the convicted felon Vicki Pryce is allowed to give financial comments on GBN as well !
Well said. The Dame Louise Casey review in respect of Rotherham was unequivocal in stating NOBODY in the council could pretend they didn’t know. The astounding hubris of Macshane who bears responsibility for a tsunami of the most appalling abuse is actually scary. That they all walked away without being forever shamed and derided equally so. He has no right to advance opinion on anything, his abject moral cowardice is etched across thousands of victims.
GENOCIDE … the removal of the native people ….
“London, the capital of England and the United Kingdom, has become one of the most ethnically diverse and multicultural cities in the world. Greater London had a population of 8,899,375 at the 2021 census. Around 41% of its population were born outside the UK, and over 300 languages are spoken in the region.”
Stealth dress?
BBC ‘Today’? Obnoxiously painful to listen. I could only manage 15 minutes or so. Full volume of the BBC’s propaganda. Every speaker/interviewee simply skirting and distorting their deranged way round the enormous Elephant. Why? Every reason in the book apart from……….
And the population know it.
“We will seek them all out”. “Anyone connected to the rioting”. “The full force of the law”. (And if you don’t know what these expressions mean, take advice from Tommy Robinson who continues despite us applying ‘the full force of the law’.) Yeah, that really works innit?
“We will seek them all out”. Those in any way connected. That’s easy then: Government, Border Farce, All two-tier Chief Constables………..
And still the boats come.
If the days recording “0” are nothing to do with weather, I’d say the ‘attendees’ at many venues around the country are having an effect…………..
It will be interesting to see the numbers post 03.08.24
Telling: Liliane Landor, who, until last month, was head of BBC’s international service @bbcworldservice, endorses @NathanThrall, an anti-Zionist propagandist who’s spoken positively about Palestinian violence and suggested that the Oct. 7 massacre was an understandable response to Israeli ‘occupation’
Diamond Lil might ponder that ‘understandable response’ notion in light of events, dear girl, events… closer to home.
We should all remember that Ofcom et al control the MSM and what we hear on the likes of GBN is broadcast under the watchful eye of Ofcom. If the truth is presented it is a version of the truth acceptable to the ruling liberal globalist elite.
The same of course is true of newspapers and magazines.The telegraph and Spectator are full of articles urging Starmer to be tough on the ‘rioters’, condemning far right thugs , claiming the ‘rioters’ and their anger at mass immigration have no support amongst the population as a whole.
But if you read the comments under these articles , where comments are allowed, it is clear that the readers of these publications , or at least those readers who post comments , are at least 90% sympathetic to the reasons why the protesters are out on the streets. They also think that if Starmer targets the protests as he says he will , it will be pouring petrol on the flames.
These protests may fizzle out but if they do they are just a pre shock of the eruption that will break out sooner or later. Any sensible political class would now stop immigration , stop digging when you are in a hole, but this lot won’t . They will just keep on digging until the top blows off the mountain.
“Any sensible political class would now stop immigration , stop digging when you are in a hole, but this lot won’t . They will just keep on digging until the top blows off the mountain.”
Only when word comes to ‘stop’ from the UN/WEF/China-Russia.
It aint gonna happen.
Needs a, ‘God Father’ like Soros is to many of the State Prosecutors in the US and charities in the UK
“If you were involved in a riot… if you incited or conspired… if you simply transported people to the riot… you’ll go to prison for years..”
“If you raped a child, if crossed county lines with a child, if you supported a presenter who peddled porn … you can carry on.”
Fixed penalty notice out of the question then .- nice to see State mouthpieces frightened enough to wave the big stick – is he a Muslim ? Does it apply to his people ? I think not ….
If you involved in a white riot, is what he meant to say.
How it was going.
Charlotte Leeming is no longer able to broadcast for Sky News in Middlesbrough because of threats the team faces on the ground.
In *Britain*.
How it went.
3 teachers in Batley ask if is safe to come out yet?
1400+ raped kids = slow progress
3 kids riots = mass fast progress.
Use different names to confuse people.
“Muhammad, George, Oliver and Leo complete the top five for boys – with Leon, Elias, Musa, Axel and Ibrahim all new entries in the top 100.”,popularity%20as%20names%20for%20girls.
The Daily Fail must be pretty sure he won’t sue. I wonder what evidence they have? My guess would be none.
BBCOFCOM to act ? Not likely …
Clothing changes needed – Police to wear Brown shirts.
The method to avoid arrest?
‘Attendees at group meetings’ Men and women dress as a muslim……
Zambians mourn gospel singer popular in churches and clubs
bbc tries to relate to the world, but alienates so many.
Hope the 3 people who would be interested are able to sleep this evening
They’re going to run Mrs Obamah as VP
– just as markets crash….
Mrs Obamah doesn’t have to actually do anything but lend her name to the DNC….
Nudge unit!
A bit of aura hijacking – just invoking Michelle, regardless of her fitness for the job, will garner some points – if she does run – there’ll be a real shit-show as she (afaics) really can’t do confrontation – she’s a(nother) bully.
There’s going to have to be some nifty footwork at the DNC convention – shaping up to be a sortof re-run of Chicago ’68. – and not in a good way.
Watching Smarmer in his recent speeches denouncing “far Right” protestors, I have to wonder what mental illness he has. It’s either something on the Autism spectrum or Sociopathy. It’s his blank stare and emotionless delivery and seems to have no insight into anything that doesn’t align with his World view.
Flotsam – yes I’m glad someone else noticed – starmer has a vacant stare – I think his people tried to cover it up by sending him to Specsavers ©️but it really doesn’t work .
This is starmers’ first big real test as a PM – and so far all he has done is name call – label concerned British ( English ) as Far Right when there are real worries about safety and costs and the behaviour of an increasingly malevolent state …
I think they’ll just hope ride it out and that it rains ….
But the boats keep coming – the invasion goes on .
He has a vacant stare due to the fact that he has nothing in the space between his ears. He is a complete vacuous petty non intelligent oxygen thief like the rest of his colleagues.
He does seem to be on the spectrum. No empathy whatsoever.
Dead eyes. A clue to the soul.
England cricket legend who captained his country dies aged 55 as emotional tributes pour in Thorpe leaves behind his wife Amanda and their four children
Suddenly? Suddenly? Suddenly?
Sadly it appears he has been ill for a while, or recovered and this was a sudden occurrence. Regardless his family will be in bits, whether suddeny or not lets not forget that. My husband died “suddenly” – dropped dead in front of me with a heart attack – on New Year’s Day of all bloody days !!!
1978 … “Every country can take some small minorities and in many ways they add to the richness and variety of this country. The moment the minority threatens to become a big one, people get frightened.” – Margaret Thatcher 1978
2012 … “Two and a half years ago, the coalition government was formed, and we made a clear promise to the British public. After thirteen years of uncontrolled mass immigration, this government would reduce and control immigration.” – Theresa May 2012
2015 … “Because when immigration is too high (no figure given), when the pace of change is too fast, it’s impossible to build a cohesive society.” – Theresa May 2015
The Gold Standard….
“Images of Liverpool Muslims sharing food with protesters outside a mosque went viral”
Morning fellow racists, thugs and far hard extreme right wingers.
When the msm praise London for being so ethnically diverse with about 40% of the 8 million plus not being the indigenous population why don’t they put it another way.
They could say ‘The white indigenous population of London has fallen by over 3 million’
*All underestimates by me.
Does that sound like a good thing to you.
How about Liecester. Their white population must have almost halved. Is that good?
If this msm lot were reporting how immigrants took America off the Red Indians would they say it was diversity, integration and harmoniously living together as more and more arrived to take America off its indigenous population.
I doubt the locals saw it as a good thing.
Is Farage and Tommy today’s equivalent of Sitting Bull and Geronimo, fighting a losing battle for their Country.
It’s hardlly worth mentioning as it’s fully expected but bbbc radio newcastle news this morning broadcasted 100% left wing only comments with every one picked saying the same thing.
Nothing new there.
Two Tier is really making a huge mess. One month in and everything they’ve touched is rotten. You all know the list.
“Moment huge brawl with sticks breaks out at Peak District beauty spot”
Eg – as far as londonistan is concerned the white working class is – I think – a small minority now – the emir has been quiet – knowing that as soon as he opens his trap the trouble might start in boroughs still with English white people ….
I think this will fire up more ‘white flight’ as it gets worse – either this time or the next .
As I write I guess a ‘cobra ‘ is going on . I was imagining what the state propaganda ministry is plotting to demonise protesters even more.
My money is on a ‘volunteer’ who protested and was arrested and subject to summary ‘justice ‘ now regretting his involvement – they’ll try that – and the injured police dog one to tap into ‘sympathy ‘….
They are already using dirty stuff on a bloke in cypress on a family holiday – he must be surrounded by surveillance …. I bet even his Tap is tapped …
Meanwhile, more Olympic news from the British, ooops sorry, I mean Biles Broadcasting Corporation.
Yes, another day, another fawning BBC homage to an American gymnast who just happens to be black.
The other night, she got the first 20 minutes on the late night Olympics review show, ahead of GB gold medal and other winners.
Anyone would think the BBC had an agenda. Hahahaha.
“South Yorkshire Police believe there were around 500 people, who held “far-right and anti-immigration views”, at the protest in Rotherham on Sunday.” reports the bbc
People should never have a view on anything! Unless this is approved
Any views on male boxers hitting female boxers?
Admin note
I repeat about this site – if it suddenly disappears you’ll know what happened to free speech in what used to be Britain ….im sure there’s a long list of disapproved site just waiting to have the plug pulled ….
I bet there’s a nice piece of delegated legislation which is itching to be used ….. am I right 77 brigade ? Bet you are busy …
start a parallel site at Locals?
Again something you won’t read on the BBC and a remarkably good article by Spiked
Something extraordinary happened in the UK this week: the murder of three working-class girls was turned into a moral panic about working-class communities. Ruthlessly, with something approaching relish, the media elites dragged the public gaze from the frenzied stabbing of girls in a seaside town to the supposed frothing bigotries of the seaside town itself. In elite circles, angst over the evil visited on the children of Southport gave way to a foreboding over what lurks within Southport. In those terraced houses, with their white working-class inhabitants, so susceptible to online lies, so given to racial animus. These people want us to fear not the wicked individuals who terrorise our towns, but the towns themselves.”