The Far Left State Broadcaster is putting out the Far Left Labour Government message. And people notice the lies and omissions .. Will things ever be the same again ? Let’s hope not. The 2 tier method of law enforcement is being noticed by more and more by fair minded people – and a subject desperately avoided by the BBC / MSM …. Add it to the unapproved list ….
Midweek 7th August 2024 2 tier disorder -day 9
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Two tier policing
The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.”
― George Orwell, 1984
Our charming Pakistani Manchester Airport Police attack squad decided to hold a Press Conference today. A most unusual event before possible prosecutions of both Police and attackers have proceeded. One might have thought that holding a Press conference before Criminal Prosecutions could prejudice forthcoming trials, perhaps that’s the intention. Perhaps the CPS will decide that trading off the two sets of prosecutions by not proceeding with either will suit our Pakistani friends.
We found out what the led to the fracas. The Pakistani Lawyer suggested the Mother had been racially abused on the plane so the sons had decided to confront or attack the abuser. The Police in turn decided to arrest the sons who resisted and attacked the Police. The Mother may or may not have provoked the racial abuse but in Britain we accept the Police deal with such matters and most of us generally accept that we cannot take the Law into our own hands. The sons response was ferocious and totally unacceptable.
What strikes me is the Pakistanis enormous sense of entitlement which is reflected in them calling the Press Conference and asking the British public to accept their conduct was in some way excusable.
No. the real audience was not the White English public but the Pakistani/Moslem population who will be firmly on side. The timing is interesting given the current protests, I think the Press Conference was purposely designed to inflame the situation and increase pressure on the Police.
You may well be right – but hey let’s go for gold and call their bluff on this one as we’re already in trouble on that front. Never say die – I do like a gamble.
Exactly we are always told commenting on ongoing prosecutions is bad cos it risks prejudicing a trial
Yet in 2024 TwoTierKeir land, the rowdy Muslims’ lawyer gets to prejudice all the Airport case judgements
Meanwhile Starmer’s gang shouting “these guys are FAR RIGHT rioters” get to prejudice the trials of recent demonstration people
even though that includes some people who were wrongly arrested.
2TK,2TK How many Brits have you jailed today?
They should’ve had their intestines in their hands for what they did at that airport.
I’m not buying the :r’ card either.
It’s all they do. They know how to play the game.
And so what if someone called their mum a name? If it bothered them so much, tell the cops. Take a video of the person who gave the abuse (not that I believe s word of it).
In the current climate, I’m sure they’d get justice.
Nothing justified what they did by viciously attacking armed police. They should’ve been shot dead
It was interesting how the female cops proved useless there too. It made that male cop’s job more difficult and he was put in a very dangerous situation due to the fact the female cops proved to be uselrss.
But that’s an aside.
Or is it? Shouldn’t that at least be mentioned by the BBC?
Naaa. You go girl!
Oh…and message to all.
Boycoit, boycott, boycott
I’m sure this lawyer is not cheap. Who is paying for all this?
Soros probably
That is the way they work, I think it’s called taqqia or something, in other words it is deemed acceptable to lie to harm the non believers.
Tsk tsk – missed the boat, busy taking a coffee and walnut out of the oven 😀
Sorry Bris, but why would you put a walnut in the oven?
Only a bloke would ask that question.
I waited for you Brissles!
I even spotted the magic words, ‘Leave a comment’, but wanted you to get your Hat Trick!
Never mind, while I’m here, I’ve composed a rant to save time, and you’re still tops in my dictionary!
Brissles, am disappointed for you. Ignore davylars, we all know you mean coffee and walnut cake. Slices for Biased BBC posters?
Rant as above mentioned…
Isn’t Kia Strummer a weak, unsurprising, uncommercial bloke?
Always spent his career years, exploiting the misery of others, and now an already failing ‘leader’ of GB Inc.
We all knew that after the Beeboid Tendency were going to get Boris, and sadly he folded, rather quickly in my opinion, but to get all this chaos so soon after this ineffective Kia bloke, with an idiot like Crayons and Tortoise-in-the-Headlights, Pixie, plus the manic Reeves, is really a starter for a period of such disarray and unrest in my country, that I really cannot take much more.
I really do fear for my country, my 77 years aren’t going further than another several, I hope, but by Golly, this useless, uninspiring ‘leader’ ain’t going to make things any better for me, and also you friends here, and my lovely chums, living around here in my typical English country village environment…
The MSM and their flagship leftie BBC have so much to answer for, with their poor, sniping, stupid belly-aching about slebs, attacking some people who really do want to make the GB Inc sing from the rooftops, and of course, these awful people with shouty names are welcoming in foreign free-loaders from anywhere, to suck up our benevolence at every turn.
What a crap time we’re going to have to endure for the next five years. By then, the BBC will have got even more taxes from the bewildered, worried tax payers, and they will never let up with their disgraceful far-left bias, contemptible, unenlightening ‘reporting’, and generally pathetic, unfunny shows about nobodies.
And so the Prime Minister and his lady compatriots no doubt wet their pants when the words ‘Civil War’, were given as an ‘inevitable ‘ by Elon Musk. The immigration issue which stands out as the most serious issue this nation of ours has ever endured, apart from 2 World Wars, has quite obviously worried and annoyed the people, and perhaps understandably in some brought about the cause of recent reaction-almost immediately naming the culprits as the ‘Far Right’,. If that means a part played by the English Defence League, I rather doubt it. BBC et al striking out irrespectively to give the public a reason-do we need a reason?
I am quite surprised. There is a chap I watch on YouTube called Neil Sean. He usually does 5 minutes gossip on Harry and his wife.. I think his full time job is on American tv reporting all things royal from the uk. His piece this morning was speculating whether the prime minster who bent his knee to BLM rioters would last as long as Liz Truss.
The BBC are a joke. They are not mentioning the fact of how quickly the ‘government’ (regime) have set up prison places and 24 hour courts when it’s whitey kicking off a bit, but they take decades to do anything about grooming gangs (which is still going on).
The ridiculous thing is that the BBC set up the likes of TR and NG as silly, racist conspiracy theorists by saying these child rapes were going on in their thousands. At the time, I too found the claim ridiculous.
You see, the BBC had me fooled. I trusted them when they demonised the whistleblowers.
Fool me once, shame on me…
People are angry and the BBC are doing nothing to push Starmer with difficult questions.
In fact, Starmer only took a few pre prepared questions from his approved journalists the other day.
It’s the sort of thing you’d expect in China or North Korea.
We are living under a full on anti white regime.
The British media are supposed to hold the elected government to account
#1 They are not doing that
#2 They bitch like hell now against Elon Musk cos he HAS started holding the government to account
Elon Musk is doing a better job of holding the government to account than the entirety of the UK media
Why does the UK media, with a few exceptions, just parrot the government?
The really hilarious thing is that this same bunch of incompetent Labour talking heads announced as soon as they got into power that they would be releasing hordes of prisoners because the prisons are overcrowded, so where did all thus extra prison space magically materialise from? Either they were lying then or they are lying now. Either way they have lied!
Absolutely agree Lazy Cat- Indeed the people, you and me, are very angry at the duplicity of successive governments who really have done dam all about the invasion of illegal immigration that has and is causing us such concern and the result of the recent troubles. Starmer has failed the first hurdle by not coming to the public via TV after these riots-not to condemn out of hand but rather to mediate and take the immigration by the throat and sort it- BUT oh NO, not this Prime Minister who takes his orders from the Global Elite, whose plan to destroy the UK is under way, Good night Vienna, as they say.
Muslim elders apologise to the B’ham pub after the kicking the other day. The camouflage, combat gear and general body language doesn’t exactly reassure that they are messengers of peace.
Still, I shouldn’t be suspicious, I guess it’s probably a cultural thing that these austere scholars dress and stand a bit differently.
I guess they’ll want a beer or two refreshment.
The Muslims have the cohesiveness to defend themselves as a group a quality lacking in the indigenous population which is weak and lacks the qualities displayed here. In life, you should learn from your mistakes. If you don’t you will pay a heavy price.
Are Far Right people Populists ?
Is Populism a Far Right thing ? Or a Far left thing ?
Is Populism compatible with democracy ?
Is the BBC popular ? In a Far Right way or a Far left way ?
Oh wise BBC , tell us what to think .
Stasi Starmer has his Two Tier Policing
.. soon he’ll start his TwoTier Fleecing
Already has Stew, no winter fuel allowance any more for old people getting a tad above basic state pension but heating allowance is fine for MP’s second homes in London….
Victims and censored journos respond in the thread after Musk asks whether grooming gangs still operate
What the BBC are saying:
‘More than 400 arrests have been made so far after days of disorder in various UK towns and cities following the killing of three girls in Southport – fuelled by misinformation spread online that the suspect was an asylum seeker.’
These are deliberately misleading words : sure it was fuelled by those murders but they are nowhere near the only reason these riots have started. That was just the one which finally broke the camels back.
Here’s what they say about George Floyd:
‘ ..the death of George Floyd, a black man who was killed by a white police officer in Minneapolis in America on 25 May 2020.’
Why isn’t it : ‘The murder of 3 girls and attempted murder of 10 others who are white by Axel Muganwa Rudakubana who is black and the son of Rwandan immigrants’ ?.
Now we are seeing EXACTLY what has caused this unrest. Two-tier (or more accurately gross double standards) being applied to the treatment of one political group (right-wing white) by the Left.
I am shocked at the way this is being reported. Nobody is telling us why : the entire narrative is that it is the far-right and caused by online misinformation. And of course I saw them inferring Russia was involved but that lie has since gone quiet as they had no evidence whatsoever.
As I read these reports on the BBC and listen to what Starmer says, it’s clear they cannot contain themselves and have gone full out to use this to attack the Right who they hate in that special, nasty way only the Left can. It’s no different to what the Democrats did to the Jan 06 protestors.
They actively want to destroy the Right and their hate is is strong, they are on the verge of starting a civil war to do it. They finally feel they might have the power.
The point where this suddenly became clear to me was when Starmer made a public statement that anyone even present at the protests where the thugs were acting up is now labelled as ‘far-right’ just for not doing anything to stop them. WTF ??. What’s next Kier ? – make them wear a star on their shoulders in public ?.
This is ‘democracy’ Left-wing Nazis style. And this is exactly what has cause all of this. And none of the MSM are telling us because they are part of it.
Their answer to these protests, like Jan 06, is extreme suppression. There is no talk whatsoever about whether the reasons behind it might be valid. And when half the indeginous population feel the same way, that is extremely worrying.
Hello JohnC
I’ve noticed a pattern on Facebook. Where people post pictures of old UK towns – and the comments are often:-
“it looks like a third world country now”
“you wouldn’t want to go there anymore”
Nothing positive, to say theses areas are improved and benefiting for future “generations”. Whatever the future for generations hold that is
Look at guide books and travel literature of times past .
They would tell you the history of the cities/towns /countries , the customs of the locals , early closing days , main industries or commerce , ways of travel to get there , sights of interest , hotels and where to eat , sporting events and festivals , famous people who were born , lived or died there and any other interesting facts .
The words multicultural or diversity were not printed even once .
Nobody travelled from one town or country to another town or country to see what they could back home .
Nobody thought a place was lacking because it didn`t have diversity or multiculturalism .
They were more honest days .
Immigration lawyers fear offices being targeted
“work from home” – that will solve the problems going forward, not
This clueless government and its mouthpiece are useless
Immigration lawyers fear offices being targeted.
As did the collaborators in Vichy France as the end of the war approached…
Not bbc – i admit I am a connoisseur of propaganda – which is why the current messages put out by the State via its’ tame media is very disappointing . With the bbc you know what you are going to get – eg ‘all in it together ‘ clearing up after the night before – easy – approved stuff .
But with the msm – it can be surprising – the ‘regret message ‘ is going ‘bigly’ for instance protesters in court ‘crying in the box ‘ …. Pretty poor fare .
According to the Mail today Starmers’ new model army ( 2 tier division ) is preparing for large disorder tonight . Perhaps that will be the high point ( this time ) . Nothing will change – the MPs will stay on their sunbeds – heavily armed arrest squads will be destroying homes during the traditional early morning 2 tier arrests ( Muslims can sleep soundly )
And the boats keep coming ( but no numbers – they are secret )
Fed, I disagree.
The numbers, if they are to be believed admittedly, are here. Updated daily:
Small x 1000
Small boats data
This page shows figures for the last 7 days for irregular migrants attempting to cross the English Channel in small boats without permission to enter the UK.
Date Migrants arrived Boats arrived Boats involved in uncontrolled landings Notes
30 July 2024 130 2 0
31 July 2024 61 1 0
1 August 2024 0 0 0
2 August 2024 128 3 0
3 August 2024 0 0 0
4 August 2024 139 3 0
5 August 2024
Since January 2018, 70% of people arriving irregularly have been adult males aged 18 and over.
Rank Small boat arrivals (% of total) Inadequately documented air arrivals (% of total) Recorded detections in the UK (% of total) Recorded detections at UK ports (% of total)
1 Afghanistan,
5,662 (19%) Iran,
959 (27%) Sudan,
714 (21%) Albania,
60 (15%)
2 Iran,
3,639 (12%) Afghanistan,
350 (10%) Eritrea,
587 (17%) Sudan,
48 (12%)
3 Turkey,
3,244 (11%) Georgia,
314 (9%) Iraq,
477 (14%) Afghanistan,
43 (11%)
4 Eritrea,
2,875 (10%) Sri Lanka,
308 (9%) Iran,
401 (12%) India,
30 (8%)
5 Iraq,
2,567 (9%) Turkey,
307 (9%) Afghanistan,
261 (8%) Vietnam,
30 (8%)
Oh well – it’s only a few – let them come eh?
Small – insignificant – ignore.
It’s likely that the government and media are egging up the numbers. There will be less than 30 demonstrations today and they will be smaller and more peaceful. Tomorrow’s message will then be that the authorities are back in control: the press release has already been prepared in advance and sent to the newspapers, along with the latest D-Notice telling them not to report on marauding gangs of youths brandishing knives and machetes and shouting about Alan’s Snack Bar.
Meanwhile, “The director of public prosecutions says his teams will consider seeking the extradition of social media influencers allegedly playing a role in the violent disorder gripping the UK from abroad.” Presumably he is not talking about Andrew Tate who, as a Muslim and with a black father is considered a role model for boys in the UK. So perhaps he means Tommy Robinson, currently on holiday in Cyprus. Perhaps the government is fantasising about sending a snatch squad and bundling him onto a flight from RAF Akrotiri. Mr Robinson (real name John-Lennon-Taylor-Swift etc) might want to cross into the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus and claim political asylum – there is no extradition treaty with the UK, the scenery is nicer and the restaurants are cheaper than in the south.
Tommy Robinson goes on his pre planned pre booked holiday abroad .
The Media :
If he continues with his holiday he is hiding out , instigating events while basking in the sun and others are arrested .
( Although in the modern era I thought everyone could work from home / holiday ) .
If he comes back into the UK , Tommy Robinson deserts family to inflame events and courts publicity .
Dammed if he doesn`t , dammed if he does .
They just want him in prison out of vengeance, guilty or not. The mother of parliaments is really are turning into Stasi organisation. Stormer Trooper can take a large slice of the blame.
Lions led by Donkeys all over again!
Jeremy Corbyn to visit Tommy – he had not problem with HAMAS!
Synchronised event edition
For a moment this morning Mr AsI thought we were in for a full on ladies day…
This is Julia. Fierce, right? – well, I’ve been told Kamala Harris is ‘brat’: ‘Kamala IS brat’: Harris campaign goes lime-green to embrace the meme of the summer (Alaina Demopoulos, Guardian) Auntie explained it to me: What is Kamala Harris’s ‘brat’ rebrand all about? (Lucy Clarke-Billings, BBC) – but I digress
This is Julia. Fierce, right? – so runs the copy for the in-house feature ad on the cover page of the youth-oriented left-leaning metropolitan freebie corporate advertising Metro
New Metro podcast reveals the dangers of fake ‘miracle cures’ on social media… Are you fed up of seeing bizarre, weird and sometimes downright dangerous ‘life hacks’ circulating your Instagram Reels or TikTok For You page? (Metro)
‘Fed up of…’? Fed up with, surely? Some people say ‘fed up of something’ in informal British English, but this is not considered correct in standard English (Thank you Oxford Learner’s Dictionaries) – I did say youth-oriented Metro
Then we have the usually serious Telegraph teasing a feature: Why is it so hard to adopt a cat? – shades of Donald Trump’s VP pick J D Vance and his ‘childless cat ladies’ there.
celebobscure sports woman angst feature in the Telegraph: Andrea Spledolini-Sirieix… diver, who earlier took bronze in a synchronised event, yesterday spoke about her struggles with her mental healthAnd the rather clever and pithy Times headline: Harris brings Walz to the election dance
I’ll say this for our media left, they are absolutely relentless in their partizanship. A couple of weeks back Joe Biden was mentally as fit as a fiddle. And I’m convinced yesterday our Guardianistas had never even heard of Tim Walz, governor of Minnesota, and yet this morning: Harris picks ‘impressive’ Walz as running mate (Guardian)
But none of the above (as sensible insightful voters tend to scribble on their ballot) explains the appearance of the giveaway Metro at the very top of the gynaeceum that is BBC news staff’s online press line up. What they will no doubt have admired is the Metro banner headline: Judgement day is here… Rioting accused start facing courts
They like that one for their press review headline: ‘Judgment day is here’ and ‘lawyers fear for safety’ (BBC)
Mr AsI prefers the rule of law to the rule of lawyers.
But naturally the lawyerish Two-Tier Sir Keir (please don’t strip him of his honours with Two-Tier Keir) thinks the solution to all the world’s ills (which he tends to abbreviate to THE far-right) is a strong dose of lawyerism.
I like the Labour-supporting Daily Mirror headline: 10 years hard Labour – do they realise what they inadvertantly just did there?
Girl boss (fresh from her holding-truth-to-the-missus interview with hubbie Ed Balls on ITV): Home Sec Cooper: Cowardly thugs do not represent Britain… Jail warning for rioters (Mirror)
What, in our over-full prisons? Prisons have been at more than 99% capacity for most of the time since January 2023, with concerns the system is about to collapse. Prisoners who have served 40% of their sentence will be released to help alleviate overcrowding, the government has announced (Sky News, 12 July)
BBC News online loves a mug shot of a white boy with their top headline story: Rioters can expect rapid sentencing, says Starmer… James Nelson, 18, of Victoria Road, Horwich, Bolton, is thought to be the first person to receive a prison sentence over the rioting – well, it makes a change I suppose from the usual complexion of suspects pictured in our crime mug shots.
Now lets not have all those lawyer jokes…
Arguing with a lawyer is like wrestling a pig in mud… Sooner or later you realise that they like it!
Q: What’s the difference between a lawyer and a herd of buffalo?
A: The lawyer charges more.
Two lawyers went into a diner and ordered drinks. Then they produced sandwiches from their briefcases and started to eat. The owner told them, “You can’t eat your own sandwiches in here!” The lawyers looked at each other, shrugged their shoulders and exchanged sandwiches.
Lawyers fear for safety amid threats from far right (Guardian) – that one’s not a joke.
Nor this one: Rioters face terror charges, warns DPP (Telegraph) – does the DPP really want to double down on that Two-Tier meme? Meanwhile, acts of terrorism on our streets are excused by the lone wolf or mental health defence.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again – rarely in recent years have we witnessed our mainstream media quite so uniformly in lockstep with the regime messaging. These present anti-immigration protests must have really touched a nerve.
There’s always just a little bit of somewhat controlled opposition, however: Farage warns: Britain is at ‘quite perilous point’… Reform leader urges PM to act on ‘dissatisfaction’ over mass immigration (Daily Express)
Mr AsI expects a modest climbdown from Two-Tier Sir Keir in the offing at some point after today’s tough talk. Starmer would be very stupid to go all stick and no carrot in the face of continuing civil disturbances – and he’s not that stupid is – is he?
Of course he won’t actually close the borders. Maybe he’ll just speed up the emptying out of the migrant hotels? That’s unless the trouble suddenly stops.
For some reason I’m remided of Glen Campbell’s Wichita Lineman
I know I need a small vacation
But it don’t look like rain.
And if it snows that stretch down south
Won’t ever stand the strain.
As I see it – I take exception to your discussion of ‘Fed up’… but the role of the msm in this ‘thing ‘ needs examination as it doesn’t look healthy . It’s as though Susan gray ( traitor spy) has threatened editors to toe the line or be frozen out for 5 years of the red state regime … and the blue dead party ? Nowhere to be seen … maybe hopefully they really are dead and buried – after all – their lack of control is the cause….
“Home Sec Cooper: Cowardly thugs do not represent Britain… Jail warning for rioters”
Bradford 2025 UK City of Culture is getting ready to bring you 12 unforgettable months of creativity, culture and the arts. See what’s on in 2024 ahead of our full launch in September – and discover how you can get involved.
One thing I can see that is blindingly obvious:
One section of the mobs seems to have access to hoards of weapons, unregistered motorbikes and other vehicles and cornered the market in black balaclavas.
Almost as if they have been planning this for quite some time ?
Spontaneous riots with wheelie bins is one thing, planned armed insurrection ?
I wonder where all this gear is stored and is it being looked for ?
I don’t normally do this – but go to YouTube and watch the 11minutes 37 seconds piece by Katie Hopkins on ‘the causes of the UK riots ‘. She divides it into 4 bits . Now I don’t really have much time for her – but she lays out a case which is pretty compelling –
the failure to identify the problem before looking for a solution
the responsibility for mass movement of ‘human flesh ‘(as she terms it)
the need for the msm to blame a name for the riots (TR)
And the need for someone outside the system ( Elon musk ) to speak the truth about a coming civil war ….
Go watch it -see what You Think ….
I’ll link it for you fed : feel free to delete it if you don’t want it on here.
What she says exactly confirms what I have gradually come to realise is the truth. It’s a dirty world out there and the people who are making these rules are the dirtiest of all.
The BBC are right up there among the worst of them.
John – no no – thank you for putting it up – I d encourage everyone to view it – she has a rare coherent view on the situation …. But it’s sobering stuff …
She’s not wrong, it’s,all about globalist power – controlling the masses.
Incongruous . That’s the word – incongruous – that s the situation between one minute looking at the tedious Olympics and then to street disorder …. Just couldn’t make it up ….
Males boxing females for prizes!
I’m thinking of taking up boxing – I’d specialist on the female flyweight division – being male and 6’4 I might ‘medal ‘ next time ….
GO FOR IT! Keir will give you a FREE CERVIX.
So more protest are scheduled for today.
But where are they? How do I find out?
The BBC doesn’t want to tell me.
Al – my local one in in e17 outside a ‘migrant legal centre ‘.. I might have committed a crime writing this though – eh 77 brigade?
Equality of outcome
We can say this for Two-Tier Sir Keir – he’s made a good start on redressing the existing proportional ethnic imbalance in our prison population.
It seems the daily mail online is now advertising the ‘disorder ‘ pre booked for Wednesday evening in E17 … I bet the secret police drones are already over head ….
Wow – just caught the end of a two tier chat between our Justin and ‘Jim McMahon ‘? Who ? Apparently our Justin is vexed about a list going round for tonight’s demonstrations . He pre judges that any demonstration is going to turn violent -something he didn’t do with approved Hamas Saturday demonstrations ….
Any way – being for the far left our Justin wants the unapproved stuff on the internet banned. He really doesn’t like Elon musk – he wants mr musk to ‘appear before a parliamentary committee ‘ … dream on Justin … but saying that perhaps Elon might do it for fun . After all – no politician will have his intelligence or ability to convey his views over .
And with all that cash he can say it as it is .
However in 2 tier Britain they’ll probably arrest him …
This is hilarious. This BBC Lefty getting in all the buzzwords in this segment. Elton Musk, Donald Trump, Misinformation and The Far Right. What a meltdown.
However, the BBC approved Lefty Mark Zuckerberg gets a positive mention.
Learn from the past.. . .
Tomo – now there is a two tier superintendent destined for the top – with the help of his Muslim ‘friends ‘ – sad to see someone sell their integrity so cheaply though ….
Don’t worry, he’ll come to regret his cowardice. It strikes me that the dopes of the left and thoughtless box ticking public servants don’t look at how Isma is dealt with in “Islamic” countries- and what the goals are for the mullahs etcetera.
As we know, certain people the bbc do not like
Elon Musk sues Unilever and Mars over X ‘boycott’
Usually the “reports” are unfavourable for Elon Musk and the former President Trump for example
#biased? yeap
Smarmer talks tough, protestors will face the full force of the Law, instant ‘justice’ in 24 hour Courts, long sentences and even Terror prosecutions. Smarmer has touching faith in his crap legal system, but fails to address the cause, decades of giving ethnic and religious minorities a free pass, now culminating in allowing/encouraging large scale illegal immigration.
Apparently Smarmer’s/Labour’s plan is to distribute the stock of illegal immigrants around the Country in an enforced assimilation. Great plan.
Smarmer has no intention of stopping the boats or other large scale immigration, why would anyone be surprised that British people on the ground don’t like it?
Worth a repeat I feel >>> “human rights lawyer”, and a senior FT “journalist” – it’s all a bit lockdown-y ain’t it?
NET ZERTO small boat traffickers caught! HA HA HA HA HAH AH AH!
Heidi Low is awesome.
Young girls can now aspire to be the nth ism overpromoted to a position of power if they have the right attributes.
I wonder if there will be a prize for the first released prisoner to arrested at a disorder and feeling ‘the full force of the law ‘….
That’s torn it.
On Toady they interviewed the brave guy who came out of his office, confronted the hoodie-and-mask wearing Southport knifeman last week, and was knifed in the leg as a result. He’s now walking on crutches.
Towards the end of the interview he stated in terms that he did not condone the recent violence in the streets but that he thought the government was failing to address the root cause !!!!!!! He didn’t (dare to?) state them but we all know what they are.
He won’t be back on the BBC anytime soon.
Just glancing at the BBC webshite I can’t help noticing a remarkable lack of Have Your Say options. You know, the opportunity they give to comment on issues of the day.
They’re not scared that correspondents might not support the BBC demonisation of anyone and everyone opposed to open door mass immigration are they by any chance?
My terrorists, your terrorists.
Wolfgang Kaleck
Blog post
It‘s been said so many times before that it now sounds banal. But it’s true: Yesterday’s terrorists can be tomorrow’s heads of state or allies. The clearest example: the case of Nelson Mandela, whose name wasn’t removed from US terrorist lists until just a few days before his 90th birthday in 2013, shortly before his death. The USA had added Mandela and his organization, the African National Congress (ANC), to the lists during the 1980’s. In the intervening period apartheid was abolished, Mandela was democratically elected president of South Africa and went on to be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.
Met Office (Land of funny surnames). “No Data” on their 7 day local forecast. Anybody elsewhere seeing same? Not that it makes much difference though……….
Apply to the Met Office for a job? The surname of the applicant counts.
Asking for a friend!
Tried to dig down and could not see overall.
Remember – these are ones found , not those on lorries etc?!
Ministers admit losing track of 5,600 asylum claimants
19 January
…….and the ‘vulnerable’ mothers and children are………where exactly?
Or are young males the only ones who face ‘persecution’ in their home countries? Even the Refugee Council fess up to male asylum seekers outnumbering female by four to one.
Weird that. Women get victimised, brutalised, made to work as slaves, and endure FGM, yet hardly any make it to the boats. Must be hell for the young men.
Tomo posted about the Birmingham police openly admitting they apply TwoTierKeir policing
This thread has much more detail
I bet the guy who was beaten up and the owners of the burnt cars are happy the police stayed away.
In reality they could all sue the police for damages.
In reality they could all sue the police for damages
– paging Elon Musk…..
The msm are panicking
Trouble is, using Will Hutton etc reaches about six people at W1A and a Westminster Twitter squad bunker.
TOADY Watch #1 – Walzing Matilda, Walzing Matilda ….
Cackling Kamala has a rival for dishing out insults to former President Donald Trump, and didn’t the Democratic pea brains whoop and holler when Walz threw the insults around! No doubt that JustRemainIn Webb sat with a contented smile on his face. Needless to say, he turned the opportunity into an advert for his Podcast, ‘Americast’.
Sopes is now a puddle in his chair, wrapped in a blazer.
It appears clear to me that two tier is out of his depth.
This makes him very dangerous to normal people.
Musk is constantly making a fool of him and everyone is just laughing at him, son of a tool maker, two tier, you know what I mean.
One of the many drastic measures he’s coming out with is jailing people for Facebook comments he doesn’t agree with.
Many on here think this site may suddenly disappear.
Fed, do you think it’s an idea for (probably you) to start a group on Facebook where we can join and keep in touch in case this site gets taken down.
We need not post regularly on it but at least we could be pointed to any new site that may be similar to this one and we could all move there and not lose touch.
I feel like I have a lot of friends on this site and I don’t want to lose everything if two tier has a hissy fit and closes down free speech sites such as this one.
Essentially it will be a place we could visit to find out if any replacement site appears if this one is shut down.
Up to now I’ve not done ‘Facebook’ never used it … but I do see the sense in a fall back contingency …. Particularly since I am at the bottom of the food chain as far as the ownership – control – admin of this site …
If Facebook is the right place – perhaps it should be set up – but other views are most welcome …. I’d have thought X is the safest place at the moment –
If there is widespread disorder on Wednesday ( I don’t like ‘riot ‘) than the red state will be most eager to use that to shut down dissent.
It would be something the world will notice if 2 tier keir shuts down X in the UK – the Chinese will be pleased …
More legislation is bound to be being drafted to illegalise dissent ….
Back to this site – I don’t know if there is a list of email addresses of users somewhere but I will research that and come back ..
Nice to live in a free country eh?
It’s just somewhere we can go to if this place disappears.
You’re probably right about X
Hopefully it will never be needed but it’s something to fall back on.
If you do have all our email addresses then that would be a possibility.
Otherwise there would be a load of us all trawling the net for a new home to comment on.
Maybe some of the more knowledgeable ones on here who know about these things could suggest something.
Is it a BBC law that each local radio news bulletin must have a spokesman from “The Muslim community”
Radio Lincolnshire 8am news did
Bottom line ..there are very few Muslims in the county
There have been no demos against them AFAIK
Scunthorpe is outside the stations area
Last night’s TV had an item
“Here we are in Scunthorpe where shops have closed on the high street cos of rumours there would be a Far Right Demo at 12pm ”
#1 FFS it’s pretty unlikely anyone would do a demo at 12pm Tuesday lunchtime.
#2 How come the cameras went to the normally pretty dead high St
instead of 200 yards away to Frodingham Road where it’s pretty much all busy Muslim shops.
.. In Scunthorpe area there are no business rates on small premises and high rates on big ones hence High St shops closed down..whilst that street of small shops thrives.
This is my project – a Britain once more in the service of working people. Country first, party second.
Now – I don’t know if this is a new politics or whether it’s simply a return to something older that used to be taken for granted.
So we will get more police on the streets in your town. 13,000 new officers and community support officers paid for by cutting down on wasteful contracts.
Weakness upon weakness.
Weakness upon weakness.
Weakness upon weakness.
The choice is yours. You can stop the chaos, you can turn the page, you can join with us, and together we can rebuild our country.
Thank you.
Elon Musk says he is a free speech advocate, but is using his social media profile on X to promote far-right disinformation and feed a “frenzy” against immigrants, minorities and Muslims, says Marc Owen Jones, a disinformation expert.
The degree of #ccbgb for the dead air media here is off the scale. Are they broadcasting from their studio bunkers after reading each other’s WhatApps (subsequently deleted).
They are also trying the line that Musk ‘picks on people’.
Are they that blinkered? Think of the foes specifically targeted for full misinformation or selective editorial treatment simply for not sharing values, not censoring or simply being the wrong something to the Hive?
Feminazis at the Daily Mail on heat now
(White males, bottom of the pile…)
We didn’t hear this during Gazan or BLM protests, and no mention of the women standing by goading them with phones at the ready) :
“These riots are toxic masculinity at its very worst, tiny hate-filled brains fuelled by conspiracy nonsense and equally toxic male ‘influencers’, says SARAH VINE”
And now this:
“It’s our right as women to ogle Olympic hunks: We’ve been reduced to sex symbols for decades, men can’t complain now: SALLY JONES”
Zephir – the daily mirror must be worrying that the daily mail is well and truly now of the Left – I thought the Vine headline was very inferior propaganda – their favourite word at the moment is ‘thug ‘ – btw – doesn’t look like I’m gonna get much sleep tonight with the police helicopter high hovering over E17 carrying out its’ 2 tier policing duties – E17 could be ‘interesting ‘ because of the number of mosques , madras’s and Islamic terrorist ‘flops
And the venue is on the Victoria line‘….
Birmingham, England, Aug. 5
— One of the masked “Muslim patrol” militants was later reused as part of an “apology” PR stunt for the cameras
“the video looked like a hostage video”
More paramilitary uniforms, where are they all coming from as I asked earlier….?
RE my post above regarding the Mail, , on the same webpage, cognitive dissonance at it’s finest…
“Wife of Tory councillor is arrested for RACIAL HATRED after saying rioters should ‘set fire to all the migrant hotels’
People keep saying Starmer doesn’t know what he is doing. I believe he knows exactly what he wants to do and has immediately taken action.
1. Redistribution of votes to labour, gaining a significant increase from migrants, legal, illegal, and with amnesty. Potentially also voting rights for 16-17 year olds by next election.
2. Redistribution of resources away from older voters (more likely to not vote for labour), hence fuel payment removed. Larger houses with lower occupancy likely to see council tax increase. No cap on care charges for the elderly (hitting those who worked a lifetime and wanted to hand whatever they have saved to children and grandchildren). Taxes to increase on those who have a bit more in savings. State pension to be reduced for those who have saved. Our money will be given (is given now) to pay for housing (old and to be built) and hotels, for increased and continuous flow of migrant numbers.
3. Positive discrimination. Diversity and Inclusion to be pushed from cradle to grave. Push more into comprehensive schooling (one size fits all) much more effective to brain wash them all together. A continuation to a socio-marxist outcome for UK.
4. Destroy those who oppose the plan by labelling them all as thugs, far right, hard right, racist, fascist, etc. Those who have not broken a law will still be cancelled.
Starmer has done more to change the make-up and social change in UK than any of the Tories achieved in over 14 years. Unfortunately these changes are not for the benefit of the majority of people who have lived here for many years.
Remember, Starmer is a globalist who prefers Davos to Westminster (his words). He realises that to make this monumental change in 4 years Labour needs to hit the ground running and he has started. Direction of travel towards EU. The globalists believe that mixing Islamic and non-Islamic populations will bring on a utopian outcome and we can all live in peace and harmony. Maybe they are right if done very slowly over many generations. Accelerated changes usually finds that the culture with the more extreme beliefs and demographics will ultimately dominate.
We need another election as those who voted Labour didn’t know what they have voted for, but are now starting to find out.
UK’s Turdeau then?
Mouse – being one of those who loves the fruitless ‘what ifs ‘?supposing sunak had not called an election ? Wouid the disorders still have occured ( yes ) .
But the cause isn’t Starmer – it’s 12/3 years of blue party failure to control the population size . Starmer is now just adding fuel to the fire the blues started . And I think it’s the reason why we are not hearing much from the blue party – it is guilt .
I think Wednesday will be a ‘non event ‘ as far as large scale disorder by British people is concerned . I reckon the Muslim gangs might finally come up against their allies in the 2 tier new model starmer army ….
Starmer then claims victory and goes on his holiday .. they’ll be thinking that as the footy starts up this weekend people will switch interest… not a view I go with …
I agree that the direction of travel was in many ways already set before Starmer however I am not only making the point of only voter replacement and socialist economics but that a whole societal plan has been put into overdrive and has been accelerated by Starmer. Tories would have taken it at a lot slower pace and would have got there in the end. Starmer wants to do it all within the next 4-5 years. He probably took quite a bit of advice from Blair.
Keep the faith with Reform, the Tories may night not be finished but will only revert to type (= not conservative).
The globalists believe that mixing Islamic and non-Islamic populations will bring on a utopian outcome and we can all live in peace and harmony.
Dubai is an example of this, but it’s a unique situation and somewhere like Lebanon is far more likely. Perhaps they do believe this, but it seems more likely that they view the inevitable chaos as desirable as (a) they can use it to justify draconian measures to suppress native populations in Western countries, and (b) they can use the unassimilated migrants as a sort of unofficial paramilitary force to their dirty work. For instance, no need to impose nighttime curfews and tie up thousands of police officers to enforce it, when people are too scared to go out anywhere for fear of encountering the local machete gang.
Ian Rushlow,
The Dubai example is not what I meant by a utopian outcome.
“The UAE is an authoritarian state.
The UAE has been described as a “tribal autocracy” where the seven constituent monarchies are led by tribal rulers in an autocratic fashion.There are no democratically elected institutions, and there is no formal commitment to free speech.”
So this is how they keep the ‘peace’.
I reckon the next general election will be won by an islamic party, Labour will be dust, just like the Tories are now.
The Mouse,
In other words, the Biden Plan………..
I’ve heard on the radio this morning that our wasps are disappearing.
They are being eaten by Asian hornets which are arriving here and increasing in numbers.
Just like our disappearing red squirrels being taken over by grey squirrels arriving from Europe.
An invasive species is an introduced species that harms its new environment. Invasive species adversely affect habitats and bioregions, causing ecological, environmental, and/or economic damage. from Wikipedia
If the term is applicable to Asian hornets and grey squirrels, does it not also apply to human populations? Discuss.
“Moment Birmingham riots cop describes mob beating man as ‘Saturday night scuffle’. The West Midlands Police officer was approached by a man who described himself as a citizen journalist and who livestreamed the conversation to followers.
A police officer appeared to compare an attack by a gang of Palestine flag-waving men on a lone pubgoer as being like a “Saturday night scuffle” as the row over alleged “two-tier” policing continues.
This Labour plan to share out the enrichers everywhere.
Will they be given housing in places like Chelsea or Kensington, maybe on the Royal Crescent in Bath?
These places are too expensive so they will not be going there.
Instead, they will be sent to the cheaper towns and cities and will be given the low cost housing.
This will take it off the market for the poorer people living there (the people labour used to support in the olden days) and also raise the rents/prices for any housing left over.
This sharing out is only applicable to the less well off and will not affect the rich such as doctors, train drivers, teachers and politicians.
I reckon places with falling populations deserve a little boost – Scotland springs to mind – only 7 million population – invaders can be sent to oil towns killed off by Milliband – it’s a win win ….
Btw – if it’s okay with you I will email you ‘off site ‘ regarding your idea about a contingency should the State pull the plug on unapproved sites .If you don’t want me too I will understand .…. 77 brigade to note development – although I reckon you guys are busier with juicier victims …
Good idea.
Maybe use all the constituencies with no Labour MP.
Email is fine.
Give me a bit of time but I will email in a couple of days or less …
We’re living through the age of Two Tier Keir…
Two tier policing.
Two tier politicking.
Two tier reporting.
And a two-tier judiciary.
There are hundreds of “far-right” rioters awaiting sentencing. Starmer has already warned, in best Stalinist fashion, “We’re going to throw the book at them.”
Meanwhile, the armed to the teeth “Muslim Defence League” seems to be able to roam about, intimidating and attacking white people without any undue interference from the police, reprimands from politicians and a there’s been a definite blind eye from the media.
Welcome to Two- Tier Keir’s Britain.
And you’re very welcome to it…
Don’t let the door hit your backside as you leave?
lol 😎bye – please give up your British passport on the way out …why not go to Gaza ?
For Rwanda where it is safer?
How many times have we heard this threatened.? Never happens. I think Yasmin Alibaba Brown is still here after years of threatening to leave .
Why did you have to bring her name up? I’d forgotten she existed.
Anyone want to setup something on GoFundMe to help him?
Friend’s son in the army has orders for deployment today without delay to Lebanon.
odd… any more details?
Cyprus I can understand … there’s no facilities for UK forces in Lebanon.
Lebanon? To free Palestine?
Pegasus-Cedar: Joint UK-Lebanese military exercise
British military training teams continue to work alongside all branches of the Lebanese military to support them in their essential roles.
Hezbollah truck bombs then?
الله أكبر
‘He screamed in my face’ – junior crew on Strictly speak out
“Strictly is widely seen as the jewel in the BBC’s entertainment crown” apparently
Of all the things going on the in the world, the bbc “reports” on this
Deliberate stoking of controversy to inflate viewership after running low on C4 newsreaders
Was it Huw Erdwards?
Police helicopter deployed