The BBC is in full on propaganda mode – denying the reasons for street disorder – but we can be reassured – all that denial of Muslim child rape gangs – of an uncontrolled daily invasion – of two tiered policing counts for nothing when there is The Truth . You can’t Trust The BBC – or the State that protects it .
Start the Week 5th August 2024
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Out here in the shires a quick coffee break gazing over sun-kiss’d fields. All is calm.
I click away from work and all seems ‘mostly peaceful’, in that curious way that media can make black, white, as Orwell penned. I am just glad I do not work in a city, or media, or politics, anywhere.
As the parent of twins, one thing I learned above all is you do not play favourites. But, crucially, you do not punish all if you have no freakin’ clue what happened, and have little chance of finding out. But if household finances have suffered, the belt gets tightened all round. Meals downgrade.
If punishment is meted out, it fits the crime. My dad never touched me and I never touched the boys. After a certain point numbers and age related aspects made that sensible anyway. I respected my dad as head of the household and he respected me. As do my kids. More and more as they head away from teens and Uni graduation.
A major part of that was no hypocrisy and no ‘because I say so’. That got us in pickles at times.
Beyond the idiocy of some rushed policies, and the failures to address festering issues left by the last lot, or make them even more rancid to appease the media or minority activists, the overarching maintenance of dual trackism to make things worse and is daft. More so by its blanket application in some doomed attempt to spare the feelings of the permanently aggrieved by lumping in all the rest.
I think there was talk of ‘banning’ balaclavas.
In August. Ok. But what about Antifa before? BLM? Keffi scarves that can be whipped up to a slit at a JSO march. Various other modes of attire.
What if Trev, Spud and Damien twig and sport hijabs as they decide to blow up the hospital that just dealt with their cuts from the CAB gig. Or dangle doctor’s lanyards as they pop gas cylinders in the back of the 4×4? Or simply get some poor simpleton tired of life to wear a rucksack to a Stormzy concert?
When jerks kick off their knees, it seldom improves matters.
Boris Johnson faces criticism over burka ‘letter box’ jibe
6 August 2018
Laws against facecoverings at demos
CoP is the police governing body ..Their 4th April 2024 stement
“New laws will empower police to arrest protesters who use face coverings to intimidate others and evade prosecution. Pyrotechnics will also be prohibited at protests. These laws aim to curb dangerous disorder, following warnings that some protesters use face coverings to hide their identities and avoid criminal convictions.
Police already have the power to request the removal of face coverings at designated protests where criminality is likely.
The new offence will allow officers to arrest individuals who ignore these orders, with potential penalties including a month in prison and a £1,000 fine.
The use of flares and other pyrotechnics at protests will be banned.
Protesters will also no longer be able to use the right to protest as a reasonable excuse for disruptive offences, such as blocking roads. The new offence will make it illegal to possess flares, fireworks and any other pyrotechnics at public processions and assemblies for protest, with potential fines of £1,000.
Seems the Tory new Criminal Justice Bill NEVER came to parliament cos they called an election
A few months ago the lefties were calling it The Anti-Protest Law
TOADY Watch #1 – what a difference a month and a change to a Labour Govt. make!
HarshHeadmistress Mishal did the big interview with the new Home Secretary, Yvette Cooper. There were no interruptions, there was no talking over the interviewee, and no continual questions to put the interviewee on the spot. The BBC like think that we R4 TOADY listeners do not notice such things, but we do, we certainly do! Steven Yaxley Lennon was much discredited without the courtesy of right to reply. I wonder if the BBC will interview Steven Yaxley Lennon on TOADY if he ever returns to the UK?I won’t hold my breath. 😉
Video: ‘I regret telling Boris to stop talking’: Nick Robinson admits he ‘lost his temper’ in controversial Radio 4 Today interview with then-PM Johnson
The BBC ‘s Nick Robinson got into a slanging match with Boris Johnson as the Prime Minister made his first appearance on the Today programme for two years – with the presenter at one point telling him: ‘Stop…
…not just the lying bbc, itv this morning… guest makes a point about national mistrust…then various comment…then guest needs to restate his point at which the not too bright Garroway starts to talk over him … guest persists with his point/won’t give way … then Garroway, clearly under instruction (ear piece message) says ‘I’m not allowed to let you repeat that’ (!) … some freedom of speech, yet again …
Anti-Immigration Protests in UK Spread as Elon Musk Warns “Civil War is Inevitable”
“The West is in chaos, thanks to far-left lawmakers from the US to Europe who have promoted failed open-border policies – destroyed meritocracy – and still can’t describe what a woman is”.
Watch the Male boxers hit the woman and shout PROGRESS BIGOTS!
Starmer has just came out with a good one.
He says that there is no two tiered policing.
“It’s the way he tells them” (said in an Irish accent)
Perhaps there’s a job for him on the comedy circuit when he’s kicked out of number 10.
To all the far right nazi bigoted thugs who are set to be hauled up in front of the courts for these protests. Tell the judge you have ‘mental issues’
See if it works for white people in our ‘impartial’ courts.
As well as two tier policing we have two tier government.
*Just seen on local media.
3 people named (with addresses) and charged with the Sunderland ‘riots’ on Friday.
Remember the msm saying this was people from other areas coming in.
Well, all 3 live within a few minutes walk from the city centre.
Well, he seems to have worked up his local rozzer beyond sanity.
Lose Sopes and things are hairy.
Luckily such silly assault and battery incidents are easy to blow over thanks to two tier law, policing, judging, sentencing and prison.
“It is growing (gang r*pe culture), there’s no doubt about that. A large amount of the growth in my view is about raised awareness.” – Cressida Dick @1:40 {youtube}
“I don’t think this was a phenomena (gang r*pe culture) that was invented in the last few years. It really wasn’t. It’s been part of our society probably for centuries and centuries and centuries. It’s hard to really know exactly what is really going up and what is changing. ” – Cressida Dick @2:38
the state is trying to go for the ‘mindless violent far right thug ‘ line – but we know peoples’ concerns are far deeper – for instance the obvious use of ‘2 tier policing ‘ – if the state won’t admit what it is doing – enabling one group – Muslims – but crashing down on others – it’s only going to get worse….
Plod is so politicised now that many people see it as part of the hate filled state . And speaking of ‘hate ‘ – how near is starmer to committing hate crime against citizens who are protesting against things he approves of .
We are seeing just how much of a lie democracy is when the third world in dumped in towns without any consent – fully funded with taxpayers ‘ cash – then comes the consequences ….
I still see this as only the early stages – and it seems that Elon musk – a long way away – has forecast the future …
Starmer now says he has a “ standing army “ of riot police to deal with unapproved demonstrators … when I heard him use the words ‘standing army ‘ it stopped me dead .
So they are losing control then ….
… and noises – at last – about recalling their parliament …..
Moving to a Far Left State even quicker than expected ….
Footage of the likes of the emir of londonistan s police chief coming out of cobra didn’t look good . And questions like “ when are you going to end 2 tier policing ?” Didn’t go well either ….
Not a ‘kneeling army’?
A migrant army?
I’m afriaid I now believe that they hate us that much.
Here’s the Feb 2024 Tory proposed face-covering law, that the left frothed about
BTW the police already have the right to ban facecoverings in a zone
… The new law would have banned them outright, but never happened cos Rishi called an election
Stewie, Lab Govt. hope there is not another pandemic with compulsory face mask use!
Covid masks?
Wotabout all the letter boxes?
Note the use of the words “certain protests” well we all know exactly what that means…. So BLM, Palestinian supporters this does not apply to you lot!
Second top article on home page: “Mosque leaders find moments of hope after violent disorder”
A mosque volunteer has previous experience of calming stormy waters: “‘Every single event has had people who are very angry – shouting sometimes – very upset, but everyone comes together after a time,’ he said. He remembered how one man nearly broke down in tears after being invited to a restaurant meal following an event. ‘He said no one had treated him like that before. All we had done was buy him a kebab.'”
Thanks for writing this neutral and unbiased BBC report Rumeana Jahangir (also author of the book ‘We Are Muslim’). So kebabs all round then… and if that doesn’t work the state will have a few alternative methods to force community cohesion down your throat.
No will to stop the boats
but a will to stop British protesters
“There will be a ‘standing army’ (whatever that means) to deal with rioters.
Pity he couldn’t jump into action & stop the illegal invasion on our shores with the same gusto.
Just had a lovely SE Asia break, taking in Singapore.
Gobsmacking place. Aircon from Changi to Woodlands, auto everything, and MRT every 3 minutes…. and food to die for.
Still glad I brought family home. The whole place is a massive council estate surrounding the rich bit. Shades of where you ask? They are even importing a bunch of PRCs for the crap jobs as the locals don’t want, lah. Hence a few MRT concourses getting used as toilets.
Still, a lot more chill than here.
That said… family just wrote to suggest we bring us all back as the UK is now a war zone. Clips from CNN, BBC, etc.
I have reassured them the shires are as yet not aflame, but will monitor the M50.
Oh, and popped this backatcha.
The riot is likely to fuel concerns about discontent among low-paid foreign workers. Last year, Singapore saw its biggest outbreak of labour unrest in years when around 170 bus drivers from mainland China went on strike illegally.
Thing is, if you are not born there or PR, you don’t get in unless they want you. And that includes prompt ejection if no job. Also… they don’t hang around ejecting those interrupting national harmony.
Is it April 1st?
Strictly announces first blind contestant
Only the likes of the bbc could come up with this
Turn off the lights to save money?
Oh dear. I wonder what Len would say. ( and I doubt it would be “pickle my walnuts” )
On GBN they are talking about social media disinformation and how people could be penalised for it.
What if you share a piece of information which you believe to be true. How can that be a crime.
If it turns out it isn’t true or accurate you should not be penalised if you shared it in good faith.
They seem to assume that you are deliberately sharing lies when the assumption should be innocent until proven guilty.
So… back to trusted, reliable purveyors of information via approved routes? Like The BBC?
23 May 2024
In a report on BBC London we wrongly described an incident outside a London cinema as a vigil. We should have been clear it was a protest and we apologise for this. The correct description has been used in our online report. We clarified this on the following night’s programme.
You say tomato…
I wonder if someone can clarify please?
I’ve just watched keir starmer giving a sum-up on the cobra meeting. More policing, and lots of extra protection for those loveable mussies.
In Rotherham a hotel was attacked. There were 240 benefit seekers, living there free gratis, who I imagine spent their days groping local schoolgirls and shoplifting. They have been moved out of the hotel.
I need someone to explain how violence isn’t the answer? I’m not supporting it, of course. It’s just that If I was petrol-bombing a hotel I can’t see that the government telling me that they are going to look after the invading forces would make me think again.
“Over nearly 30 years, Anjem Choudary lived off benefits as he advocated for violent Jihad, labelled fellow Muslims apostates for voting, and promoted the establishment of an Islamic state in Britain. He promised followers “free food, clothing, and shelter” under an Islamic state adding: “You don’t have electricity?23 Jul 2024”
Hamas moderate leader?
Maybe she’ll flee to the UK
” Labour MP Tulip Siddiq’s aunt, Sheikh Hasina, has now fled Bangladesh to go into hiding in India.”
“Apparently Sheikh Rehana – Sheikh Hasina’s sister and mother of Tulip Siddiq MP – has been in Bangladesh during this period, and left the country with Hasina.”
“Labour Treasury minister Tulip Siddiq put under investigation by Parliament’s standards watchdog after Mail probe into her failing to declare income from a London rental property for more than a year”
Tolerant India – what’s wrong with it? Due to Brexit!
Bangladesh’s prime minister flees country and resigns after deadly protest
What mosque was a TARGET for unprovoked attacks ?
I heard BBC news use the line “Mosques targetted”
but haven’t seen any video examples
I did see a video from Stoke where protesters were below a mosque across the street and there was a large gang of Muslims outside the Mosque some throwing things down on the protesters
Of course some cans were thrown the other way.
Can’t see which side started it
Libmob can’t see that they are the inflammers
BBC’s Mitch Benn
@MitchBenn on Aug 1
When a bunch of grinning arseholes rock up blind pissed and coked up to a grief-stricken community just to have a punch-up and torch a Mosque,
I’m not sure it’s even technically POSSIBLE to “smear” them, Isabel.
They’re the literal lowest of the actual low.
They’re BENEATH scum.
No mobs had torched a mosque then, and I am not aware of any now
It gets better … now countries are warning against travelling to the UK – Nigeria – Australia – Malaysia – suggest be careful not to get caught up in the riots …. Let’s hope the message gets through to the French – Calais ….
Got to recall their parliament now surely …. ( just wanna hear Mr Farage telling them ‘told you so ‘) …..
… strange times innit – once upon a time a unified ‘great and good ‘- PM – leaders of partys – all standing together and sending the ‘please stop’ message – might have done something …. But maybe too many people are just ‘fed up’…
Mark Steyn…
“In the UK, Two-Tier Keir seems more relaxed than one might perhaps have expected about letting the country slip into civil war in the first month of his ministry. In France, the height of sport is apparently watching an Arab bloke punch the lights out of a European woman, which one doesn’t really need to pay Olympic prices to see: as my late friend Kathy Shaidle observed, when the Canadian Islamic Congress announced it had made a contribution to a women’s shelter, Islam’s main contribution to women’s shelters is the women.
And in America CNN’s whitey-white experts explain with straight faces why the actual black men at a black barber’s shop were wrong to be sceptical if not downright dismissive about the purported blackness of the high-caste Brahmin Montreal-schoolgirl British subject now taking the lead in US presidential polling.”
MM, Kamala Harris, according to Wiki, was born in Oakland, California not Montreal. Mark Steyn ought to know that you cannot run for President of the USA if you are born overseas. That was what the controversy over Barak Obama was all about.
Widely reported that the Met Police chief has committed criminal damage by grabbing the pool journos microphone and rushing off
Who are the bad men ?
When the wet-police were battering peaceful anti-lockdown protesters at Hyde park one chap decided he did not want to be battered. He took the baton off the girly that was battering him. He was then charged with theft and being in possession of an offensive weapon.
What is sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.
The truth is had we anti-lockdown protesters been listened to by the people now rioting we could have stopped this nonsense in 2021. Unfortunately, we were mostly ridiculed and dismissed as conspiracy nuts while they were all getting jabbed up to watch a football game. The sad fact is this is how the elites justify their right to rule. The masses are simply too stupid to understand their slavery and turn on those who are trying to help them help themselves.
TOADY Watch #2 – the BBC do have an obsession with all things American
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – the BBC do have an obsession with all things American Connie Converse, who? There is a lot of ‘padding’ in the TOADY Programme, as well as The World at One, and this morning was no exception as they spent the last ten minutes of TOADY talking about Connie Converse. She would be 100 years old on Saturday last, if she is still alive somewhere. She disappeared when she was 50 years old. The BBC article paints her as a victim of mysogyny (now there’s a thing for the BBC!) but also contains an interesting contradiction. See if you can spot it.
Keir Starmer looks on … “Bangladesh PM Sheikh Hasina resigns and flees country as protesters storm palace”
Well, golly, climate related low income distress.
Further to my Singapore trip, my wife and I were sitting at precisely the wrong place for a bus when one pulled up. The diesel at the back was thundering away, and the exhaust was too.
However we were at the side, and hosed with a gale of hot air. It was the a/c from within. On top were at lest five massive fans.
I guess that is why the garden city has no leccy busses, as I do not see both demands resulting in high mileage.
Still intrigued at the near total absence of solar, wind, etc…
“All these stories testify to one degree or another to the increasing dishonesty of public discourse in the west: men are women; high-caste Brahmins are African-American; and the frenzied stabber of multiple English girls is a Welsh boyo who likes rugby and male voice choirs. In support of that last official lie, the Starmtroopers are proposing even more restraints on free speech – which will ensure even more riots, on the fairly elementary logic that, if one can no longer discuss certain subjects honestly or even at all, all one can do is lob Molotov cocktails through windows”
Ban news from India incase those oiks in the UK get ideas.
“Bangladesh PM Sheikh Hasina resigns and flees country as protesters storm palace”

“Bangladesh PM Sheikh Hasina resigns and flees country as protesters storm palace”
Looks like another WEF/Sri Lanka job. The latter’s President had to scarper quickly as well as I recall. The WEF? Seems like its disciple’s cannot manage. Two-Tier Kier will go the same way eventually. That would be handy because he could eventually escape into the welcoming arms of the WEF……………
After all, he would much prefer to be there rather than here wouldn’t he?
The way it is going, I might yet have my wish fulfilled: Gallows erected on Parliament Square. And same used for their purpose…..
CNN is, of course, a 5 Sopes level TNI partner.
5pm radio news – R4 is reading out a list of people appearing in court after being arrested at protests . I reckon a lot of rioters listen to R4 ( me stereotyping ) and will be deterred by this excellent media strategy ….
Meanwhile the Met commissioner has been charged with criminal damage to a microphone in white hall outside the cabinet office …. ( or maybe it’s 3 tier policing ) ..
Small man syndrome.
“British journalist accidentally films a group of migrant men on the streets of Middlesbrough armed with a machete and a blunt object.”
I have just had this email from Taxpayers Alliance on the debt the UK is now in, (now under Labour control), it would DOUBLE* to pay for all the plans proposed. We shall all be poorer. The public services includes the most well paid people in the country and it tops the list are those in the Civil Service public sector and Quango’s. But even those are eclipsed by the BBC (A Quango) which pays itself well above all of the rest. It is a state public service broadcaster – even though its increasingly ‘poor value for money’ and is ‘dire’, in several areas including child-safety, (re: Huw Edwards), is just one of many over 40 years of systematic perversion of news, sex, race and nation. The BBC is the worst public service we have ever had, as a nation… and overpaid civil servants…. of all the major parties have failed us. The (so called) Elite of this country, the ETON educated and Oxford toadies. Attracted to easy political power although having no skills, no trade and no ideas but Marx and Socialism, we are now in a mighty fall.
*Net zero is a road to ruin.
This is the UK debt we are now Its a shock!!
I hesitate to use the BBC ( well it’s a question of trust..and I don’t trust them) so l looked on you tube to keep myself informed about what’s going in in this once fair and pleasant land. I have heard about all this rioting, before long I clicked on to some appalling bad behaviour …..l could hardly believe what l was watching, disgraceful. A police car on fire ( l understand the BBC had said the car flipped over and caught fire, but obviously this had been overturned and set alight, moments later a bus catching fire, l mean being set alight) whatever next?………
This was ugly and l suspected the work of those trouble makers ” the far right”..
Yet , somehow I was looking at the wrong sort of rioting..this was Harehills , Leeds and seemingly not the work of the “far right: at all. Its so important to get all the facts right.
I wonder , how many arrested, charged and/ or special Courts sitting? in Leeds .. Up with this we must not put!
The emotional twaddle coming out from the pm programme today on the rioting takes some beating. I had to keep it on because I only needed one more box on my bingo card. I did not have to wait long – out came ‘brexit’ from some thicko NHS employee who was redefining the problem. Radio off. Mrs N-L P then advised me that some plod had been on previously putting the problem down to IQ. Oh deary me.
I presume he was referring to plods’ IQ.
Is that the now, better paid plod (since 01.08.24)?
BBC headline news at 6 pm.
A black American gymnast only won a silver medal!!!!!!
Yep, it really was on the main news.
But then, what do you expect from the Biles Broadcasting Corporation.
Wasn’t there a character named Biles in Lindsay Anderson’s superb film, If…?
Great ending and perhaps a fore-peek of things to come…
Sluff, think you made a typo: it is the Bile Broadcasting Corporation.
Jess wins today’s Internet.
These people came to this location because it has been spread that racists were coming to attack them. This misinformation was spread entirely to create this content. Don’t spread it MR Tice!
These parrots have power?
Liz Truss counters Jess Philiips
Astonishing a Home Office Minister is excusing masked thugs.
She must retract this statement and the Prime Minister must urgently commit to protect the safety and freedom of everyone in our country
Already overtaken the number of Likes Jess got ….4.3K
Another tweeter
Jess Phillips who served as Secretary of State for Safeguarding and Violence Against Women and Girls defending 4 masked men making gun signs at a lone woman reporter.
BBC’s Jeremy Vine did a hit job on Donald Trump this lunchtime on his 12-2pm R2 soapbox.
One of Vines researchers must have read Fred Trumps book ‘All in the Family’ because Vine had a list of nasties written by Fred from when Donald was a child. Clearly Fred hates Donald’s guts (as do the BBC). How they get away with this is a mystery to me, isn’t the BBC supposed to be fair and even handed and not trying their best to influence the next presidential election? is Ofcom asleep at the wheel??
Vine is ‘orrible – and the longer he’s on the airwaves the less will listen ….
So it’s not all bad…..
There are so many unpleasant people disgracing the airwaves at the Bile BC, it’s no wonder that they’re losing five thousand listeners every week!
The whining and yapping that these overpaid lightweights are displaying is just not the British way to get things done, they are just very poor at their ‘jobs’!
BBC Olympic coverage update.
Great Britain have won a gold medal in the cycling.
And now over to the Gymnasts’ canteen, where we can watch slow motion coverage of Simone Biles eating a portion of Coq au Vin. See extended highlights and in-depth analysis on the late evening review programme.
Simone Biles eating Coq could have been interesting TV to be fair. In slow motion too.
Laugh of the day so far, Flotters!
Not necessarily the BBC, but I am sure as part of the MSM they are fully behind it.
The BBC would certainly approve this:
“The 25-year-old athlete is originally from Cameroon, where same-sex conduct is criminalized. She was given refugee status because of her sexuality. “It’s illegal to be gay in my country, so if I was sent back, I could have been imprisoned,” Ngamba previously said. She currently lives in the United Kingdom, where she moved to at age 11.”
And the BBC are probably fully approving of this:
“The Refugee Olympic Team is relatively new, debuting in Rio at the 2016 Olympic Games. The team “sends a great signal about what an enrichment refugees are for our Olympic community and for society at large,” International Olympic Committee President Thomas Bach has said. The Paris 2024 team is the largest yet with 37 athletes competing in 12 sports including judo, taekwondo, and breaking.”
Courtesy of and © Microsoft News
Facebook is a farce and plod doubly so….
Sky took this down but others have saved it and retweeted it …including the bit where the vermin stabs the car tyres to stop the sky people escaping …
All the news eh?
O lucky lucky lucky me.
I have just had a love letter from DESNZ that’s the Department for Ruining Energy Security and Nuts Zero.
Me along with 20,000 other lucky lucky lucky householders are invited to browse to a government website where they will harvest:
Name, Address, Email address, Gender, Age, Marital Status, Tenure, Household Composition, Working Status, Occupation, Ethnicity, Health, OPINIONS. IP Address, Browser, Device Specifications, Telephone number.
This data then gets sprayed all over the EEA but it is all top secret – they said so!
Then lucky lucky lucky me gets to fill in a government form and answer inane questions then I get a £5 voucher!!!!!
This is all to input to a DESNZ Public Attitude Tracker.
Or maybe they want to send the SWAT team round to install a SMART meter.
File the 4 sided A4 letter in the worm composter.
We knew but nice to have a receipt….
Google’s search service has got worse = way more politicised + immeasurably more grasping for adverts in the last 5 or 6 years.
Not the bbc
Tonight twitter is really disquieting – reports of gangs of armed Muslims in Birmingham roaming the streets . I don’t know if it’s true but there are plenty of reports . Starmer’s army is no where to be seen – and the msm is looking the other way . The disorder really seems to be getting worse ….
Sky is covering Plymouth – it doesn’t look ‘too serious ‘ but it will take time to get Starmers New Model Army there from other bits of England – 350 miles from Londonistan – maybe they’ll do a parachute drop or get air lifted in ….
It’s funny reading the comments about the Musk quote – with people suggesting it be ‘screen shot ‘ before the British state take X down completely – or maybe instigate some kind of Chinese software to prevent the truth being put out ……
I’ve been wondering about what the rest of the world is saying about current events in solid democratic UK …. Maybe we will need UN peace keepers …..
Looks like the Birmingham area Jess Phillips’ thugs are massed in
is a NO GO AREA for whites
Yet libmob insist there are no “no go” areas
I sincerely hope that some eejit Labour MP gets caught in the middle of it somewhere.
The censorious / preposterous posturing from afar needs to collide very, very uncomfortably with reality.
What do you call it when Jess Phillips holds one group to a lower standard, cos of their skin colour ?
I’m getting a word beginning with R
Jess just spouts he party line – always has, likely always will – even if she fell afoul of a mob, you know what she’d do – being so right-on woke she’d likely apologise.
I’m wondering when friction with non-white, non UK groups will happen. If there’s one thing that I know about Islamists – when their tails are up they only respond to force – as I’ve seen in several Moslem countries.
Featured on ITV news.
He’s challenged on two tier policing and throws his toys out of his pram like a truculent child.
Tells us …..errrr……what we knew already!!!
Perhaps Mr Rowley should ask the abused girls in Rotherham about two tier policing.
To be clear all day rumours have been spread that a far right group were coming
and it was done entirely to get Muslim people out on the street to drive this content.
It is misinformation being spread to create trouble.
#1 One hell of a conspiracy theory
#2 Whenever one of Stamer’s team use the phrase “To be clear ”
what follows is usually a lie
Yet her side gave her tweet 7,000 Likes
and she’s been out and about today in Brum has she? – if she had – there’d be video from her etc….
so, fat chance – £5 bet – she uses “mostly peaceful”.
7,000 Likes ? – 77th Brigade deployed then?
I hope this creep takes a wrong turn into a MDL sweep, I really do.
As mentioned above SkyNews deleted their tweet that makes Muslim gangs look bad
Moslems in Michigan…. sounds like Tower Hamlets…
Nudge unit rigs headlines
Adam Brooks AKA EssexPR
It looks to me like the media companies have been given orders from above today,
there’s no other explanation as to why the events In Birmingham are not headline news,
or prominently displayed on any of their websites.
That breeds mass distrust & anger.
It looks deliberate to me.