The BBC is in full on propaganda mode – denying the reasons for street disorder – but we can be reassured – all that denial of Muslim child rape gangs – of an uncontrolled daily invasion – of two tiered policing counts for nothing when there is The Truth . You can’t Trust The BBC – or the State that protects it .
Start the Week 5th August 2024
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To Hell With the Archbishop of Canterbury { feb2008}
In the midst of this dismal verbiage and euphemism, the plain statement—”There’s one law for everybody and that’s all there is to be said”—still stands out like a diamond in a dunghill. It stands out precisely because it is said simply, and because its essential grandeur is intelligible to everybody. Its principles ought to be just as intelligible and accessible to those who don’t yet speak English, in just the same way as the great Lord Mansfield once ruled that, wherever someone might have been born, and whatever he had been through, he could not be subject to slavery once he had set foot on English soil.
Slavery victim wins payout as ‘others die waiting’
Since the emergence of the threat from Islamist-inspired terrorism, our country has made significant progress in disrupting plots and protecting the public. But it is time to say enough is enough. Everybody needs to go about their lives as they normally would. Our society should continue to function in accordance with our values. But when it comes to taking on extremism and terrorism, things need to change.
Prime Minister’s Office, 10 Downing Street and The Rt Hon Theresa May
4 June 2017
One thing (as an absolute minimum) puzzles me. Once the left wing have dealt with the far right thugs, or normal people as they are more commonly known, who do they imagine the next target will be? To me the answer is clear, not to them though.
Will Labour target those in costumes?!
“Diane Abbott walks away after she’s asked to explain Jewish ‘costume’ comment”
Labour continue to pay off their Union Paymasters. They have announced plans to repeal the Strikes (Minimum Service Levels) Act 2023.
Moggie – the non definition of ‘far right’ is being widened to ‘anyone not approved ‘.. starmer and his new model army and the msm are far happier labelling any one protesting about something ‘unapproved ‘ as a Far Right Thug ….- it enables them to avoid any question about why people might be fully cheesed off …
And about the loss of a country ….
I repeat – I think the current disorder is nothing compared to what it to come – Elon Musk is right – and I’ve been predicting here for a long time …. At the moment those objecting to the loss of their country will lose …. The combination of the starmer New Model Army – the Far Left mobs and Islamic gangs would see to that – the next step is the sort of terrorism seen in Northern Ireland on a bigger scale …. I hope it’s not in my life time but I fear it’s getting rapidly nearer thanks to Labour ….
That’s my point. The rapidly increasing ‘peaceful’ population are currently being enabled, even protected, against the nonexistent ‘far right’. Once the ‘far right’ are defeated they will turn on the next thing standing in their way, the left. It seems obvious to me.
Well, at least we’ve got the Worlds best gunrunners already here and prepared for business…………The Albanians.
An Ofcom spokesperson told BBC News it is “moving quickly” to implement the Online Safety Act, so it can be enforced “as soon as possible”.
1765 …. **In a republic worthy of name, freedom to publish one ’s thoughts is a citizen’s natural right.** They may use a pen or their voice, and should not be prevented from writing any more than speaking …That is the law in England, a monarchical country, where people are freer than elsewhere because they are more enlightened. – Voltaire, Republican Ideas, 1765
2019 …Australia’s highest court has made a landmark ruling that a public servant was lawfully sacked for writing tweets which criticised government policies. The court rejected her claim that she had been denied a right to free speech. – Australia, 2019
No two tier policing, says ‘two tier SirKier’.
Let’s just test that, shall we?
‘Guilty as charged’ methinks.
Unbelievable ! The family involved in the airport punch up sat with their solicitor at a press conference and made out THEY were the victims ! The 2 thugs and Mum sat with suitably sad faces while the solicitor read out blow by blow what happened. Unsurprisingly no mention of all the blows that were rained down on the police.
Does this not hamper their chances in court ? although these two thugs have still to be charged ? Why not ?
Omission is the greatest lie
Could it be the ‘norm’ behaviour for the muslim thugs?
Have you seen the video on X where some old man is asking the 3 police who have arrested him for comments on Facebook “should I bring my medications?” as they will be putting him in a cell away from his home.
Is this for real?
I asking because somebody is making this film. It is in sharp focus and moves with the people in it, not some fixed home security camera. The sound is perfectly clear.
Is the government making pieces like this to scare people off from posting on Facebook or any other platform which accepts comments from ordinary people.
Are they Goebbels type propaganda shorts to frighten people into submission.
I don’t know which is worse. Arresting some old fella for commenting on Facebook (probably stop the boats or something) or making up a short like this to silence the population.
What’s the bet the boats and planes will keep rolling in and “Two-tier” will do nothing?
I think now that two tier is widely recognised – with the help of the like of Elon musk – plod is going to have an even more difficult future ….and it’s gonna be a long 5 years for the starmer regime …. And of course …. Us …. Good times for Islam though …
Stop the boats ….
Prisoner early release scheme won’t include violent criminals. Another lie, another story given sparse attention by the BBC using the local relegation trick. Seems manslaughter isn’t a type of violence..
This was murder not manslaughter- insult one, light sentences insult two, early release from short sentence the final insult. One of the perps released after 6 months..
I think you will find they are reserving those places for the low-hanging fruit that has fallen for the trap they set and have gone out and rioted. The best thing to do is ignore them. If everyone simply laughed at the idiots trying desperately to drag us into a civil war, the better off we will be. Non-compliance is the way forward. They need you to pay attention to them because that is how they justify their existence. Ignore them.
I think you understimate Islam. It has never failed to make war and divide populations. You can only ignore it for so long.
As you say, it is written in their book. It’s a blueprint to take over societies. Anyone who mistakes it for a mere religion is in for a shock.
…….and the boats keep arriving, arriving, arriving. Only stopping them is when the UN/WEF/EU see that our incoming quota is complete. Oh, Ah, what is our quota again, remind me……
I wonder if anyone will do a “study” on the culture of those who will be given early release- given that most prisoners are BAMES.
Konstantin Kisin,
“So much focus from the British commentariat on X and Elon Musk and it’s true that there were irresponsible people posting unverified allegations here. As there were on all other social media.
But looking at media reporting, if it wasn’t for X, we wouldn’t even know that gangs of armed & masked Muslim men are rampaging through cities up and down the country. We wouldn’t see them hunting down and beating up white people. We wouldn’t have yet more evidence of two tier policing. All we would have is the approved narrative.
You can see this with all the screaming about misinformation. When the founder of far left doxxing organisation Hope Not Hate posts misinformation about Muslims being targeted with acid which is completely false and obviously provocative, they just pretend it didn’t happen.
Like it or not, human beings invented mass communication platforms. They aren’t going away. Governments and legacy media want to crack down on them to re-establish narrative control. I can understand why but it’s not going to happen.
Social media still needs a lot of work and things like Community Notes are an important first step in the right direction. We desperately need tools to counteract the fact that false but provocative spreads a lot faster than true but boring. That’s human brains for you. It will take a lot of smart people like Elon to work out how to solve this problem in the era of mass communication.
But we’re not going back to governments and the media being in charge of what’s true. Politicians and journalists are the two least trusted groups in society for a reason.
Elon Musk
“This platform provides a clear and immediate way to refute anything false in the replies and with
The same is not true for legacy media who lie relentlessly, but there is no way to counter their propaganda.”
BBC Stacy Dooley on BBC talking of BBC and ignoring the fact that she hates Luton as it’s a foreign land …
UK Gov to lock up all people who can kill children – and BBC to shutdown tv stations that promote nonces.
Terrorism …. the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.
“All children injured in the knife attacks in Southport are out of hospital.
Three girls were killed when a knifeman entered a Taylor Swift-themed holiday club on 29 July and began stabbing those inside.
Ten people, including two adults, were also seriously injured and taken to hospitals across Merseyside.”
Current national threat level
The threat to the UK (England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland) from all forms of terrorism is SUBSTANTIAL.*
LOW – an attack is highly unlikely
MODERATE – an attack is possible, but not likely
SUBSTANTIAL – an attack is likely
SEVERE – an attack is highly likely
CRITICAL – an attack is highly likely in the near future
BBC Verify:
Is Rishi Sunak keeping his 5 promises?
Updated in June. Trust BBC to be behind the times.
Tory 13 years of empty promises
Labour 4 years of empty streets
Or are those who suggest the country is at breaking point at odds with statistics that reveal a different story, one where compared with a generation ago, Britain is a low-crime and socially tolerant nation?
two-tier Keir is now far right lol A bit like lets go brandon was in the USA
2-tier policing, 2-tier sentencing, and 2-tier reporting.
Thank Allah for Elon Musk and X!
Government stands ‘ready and prepared’ for mounting Middle East tensions – Lammy
Fears are mounting over a wider war in the region following the killings of Hezbollah and Hamas leaders.
Sophie Wingate
25 minutes ago
Boris Johnson Pledges to Admit 3 Million From Hong Kong to U.K.
The promise, in reaction to a new security law China is trying to impose on the semiautonomous city, a former British colony, would sharply raise the stakes in a developing standoff.
Listening to Times and Aasmah Mir reluctantly forcing herself to talk about the Muslim mobs in Birmingham.
She said she was ‘disappointed’ that these masked Muslim men, carrying weapons, threatening journalists [no mention of the guy beaten up at the pub] were on the streets….merely ‘disappointed’…not even ‘very disappointed’.
A Muslim MP from Birmingham assured us all was OK…these were just [brave?] young men defending their area…it was a ‘natural reaction’.
Hmmm….were the Far-Right racist rioters not doing the same in their own minds? Should Two Tier Keir have just said that he was a bit disappointed in the white boys and that, well, it was just a natural reaction to seeing their country being destroyed?
Also hearing about events in Northern Ireland where a man was beaten in a racist attack…oddly no mention of what race attacked who. And why more, so much more, made of this than the attack on the white guy in Birmingham[amongst many others]?
Note the downplaying and omission of the racist nature of the attack on the white guy. by the BBC…merely a ‘report of an assault’…quite clear video evidence of event as white guy attacked…why no shock and horror?…
‘A group of youths went on to break away from the gathering and attack several vehicles and a pub.
West Midlands Police later said no arrests had been made, but officers were investigating reports of an assault and incidents of criminal damage.’
And of course Labour’s Home Office Minister, Jess Phillips, of all people, applauds the ‘defenders’…we must understand they were there to defend the area….let’s just forget they were tooled up and looking for a fight.
Just brave young men defending their area… it was a natural reaction.
Does that apply to the British patriots as well, currently getting the cr*p kicked out of them or being arrested?
No irony that the MP was of course elected on a Gaza ticket…he supports terrorists that enjoy bombing, murdering, raping, torturing to ‘defend their land and take back control’ but whitey doing a far less brutal form of decolonisation is beyond the pale.
Confident that the BBC will not report this about Kimberly Cheatle
Once we know the motivation for the stabbing attack at the dance school will all those who influenced the attacker and motivated him be arrested and charged?
”Nowhere to hide’ for influencers behind disorder – top prosecutor’
As said before a quite possible and probable scenario is that being black he has seen, heard and been deeply affected by the anti-British, anti-Empire, anti-White rhetoric and reporting spewing out of so many of our institutions…inlcuding one of the main culprits…the BBC. Did he decide that Whites were the enemy and having just seen the attempted murder of an army officer by another black man set off to do a copycat attack on a high profile, highly emotive target that would shock the country and generate massive news coverage and political and social turmoil? Certainly succeeded there if that was his intention.
So the finger of blame would point firmly at all those who promote hatred of Britain, its history and culture and of its white population.
The BBC et al will decry the fake news that it was an asylum seeker and then move rapidly on without any further analysis and exploration of the guy’s motivation…and how race may well have had a role to play in all this. It’s all racist fake news…he’s a Welshman born in Cardiff….mental health….move on.
They definitely do not want to speculate about the above….because the phrase, ironically so beloved of them, ‘blood on their hands’ springs to mind.
So true.
Whipping up entire generations of non whitesand telling them that white people are evil and oppressed their people. And still do.
What could possibly go wrong?
Not giving the POS an excuse, but would anyone be surprised if his attack wasn’t fueled by anti-whiteism?
You know, part of me can’t wait to see the look on those stupid harpies faces (the trust fund antifa larping communists out on the streets) when whites become completely disenfranchised as demographics take hold.
At least that will provide a bit of amusement as the endgame takes hold.
Happens a bit too often.
‘Standard’ BBC reporting AND Verify.
Konstantin Kisin:
So much focus from the British commentariat on X and Elon Musk and it’s true that there were irresponsible people posting unverified allegations here. As there were on all other social media.
But looking at media reporting, if it wasn’t for X, we wouldn’t even know that gangs of armed & masked Muslim men are rampaging through cities up and down the country. We wouldn’t see them hunting down and beating up white people. We wouldn’t have yet more evidence of two tier policing. All we would have is the approved narrative.
And ‘enhanced’ narrative, again, and again.
Blimey. BBC Verify
A man in a St George’s flag T-shirt can be seen trying to smash the BMW’s windows. Using facial recognition software and social media profiles, we have identified him as John Honey.
After the 2011 riots, BBC, ITN and Sky refused to hand over their footage to the police. They had to do so after a court order was obtained some weeks later.
Here, the BBC has voluntarily analysed someone else’s footage and named a person. This two-tier stuff is really in fashion.
LOL…the Guardian’s Marina Hyde absolutely frothing at the mouth with eyes spinning madly…
‘Where are the brave inciters of Britain’s race riots? From Tommy to Elon, they’re far, far away’
And people say social media is a cesspool of deranged lunatics with their convoluted conspiracy theories and racist hate poisoning our democracy….it’d be hard to beat the MSM in many cases….yeah they can wrap it up in smooth sounding phrases and elegant wording but that just hides the very nasty nature of what they are saying…and all layered in a pious, sanctimonious, virtue-signalling ooze of fake, opportune, morality.
Astonishing the amount of bile directed at Musk….a massive concerted effort from government to the media, the BBC, Times and Guardian notably, to smear and vilify him. Wonder why they hate him so.
Aah yeah…looking at Guest’s post above all is clear….he brings the world and the truth to us…all that stuff that the BBC et al don’t want you to know.
It might help if they were not so obviously in concert.
A world where Larry, Al, Paul and Moe are in charge of the message?
in cahoots ? guess it means the same thing
Champion not helping the cause.
“She supplied explosives. She fired a gun. And I’m proud of it”.Yet another example of the left glorifying terrorism when it suits their political aims.
Seeing as we now, thanks to the BBC and others, live in a Stalinesque dystopian nightmare, I will now exercise the only thing I can do.
Let’s just say it’ll be a lifetime boycott of certain shops, businesses or even engaging in friendly chit chat.
For good.
Although it’ll probably end up with me being frogmarched to certain places to forcibly spend my money!
Don’t ever forget that the narrative is not that a young man of Rwandan origin brutally massacred little girls and that we need, as best we can, to do what we can to stop this from ever happening again – it is that evil racists/terrorists/nazis (delete as appropriate) set some wheeley bins of fire and chucked a few shopping trollies at coppers.
They talk of these brutal murders as though it was some kind of natural disaster too.
I heard someone saying that they reckon some of the protesters will end up getting a longer sentence than the killer.
Sounds mental, doesn’t it?
Well, if he’s ‘mentally ill’ he may get put into mental health care for an indeterminate length of time.
Might be two years and if they think he’s no longer mental – he could be freed I believe. The media have already been hinting at his ‘autism’ and how he stayed in his room all day not speaking to anyone. And how he was a ‘choirboy’.
It’s like they’re trying to make us feel sorry for him, or even to make us like him.
Can you imagine if a white lad did something like this in a muslim creche?
Would he get this treatment?
Obviously not. And not should he.
Starmer is now judge, jury and executioner in this rigged , two tiered system, so I can see some of the protesters getting 15 years.
Let’s see.
I would not be surprised.
Like just about everyone I have been reading and listening to a wide range of opinion pieces in the MSM , not BBC of course, about the post Southport disturbances.
One feature common to almost all of the pieces is the astonishment that there should be any trouble. Frequently the commentariat can’t understand why a non Muslim perpetrator should precipitate such an out pouring of anger against Muslims .
I am beginning to think that these buffoons had deluded themselves into believing that we Brits were genuinely happy to host millions of Muslim who raped and pillaged with the apparent blessing of the authorities. They seem to have swallowed their own propaganda.
Even now most journalists in the Telegraph and Spectator seem to believe that only a fraction of the population share the grievances and resentment of those out on the streets.These fools are still urging Starmer to stamp down hard , to use the full force of the law etc etc. They don’t believe that there is already two tier policing and that any police or legal action that seems disproportionate will be pouring fuel on the fire.
Usually when an elite class is so out of touch with the views and feelings ordinary people there is very serious trouble. How close are we to that today. If not today when?
Double – the mass murder of 3 young girls was only part of the trigger this time – there are a whole list of justified grievances – such as 2 tier policing – the spending of huge amounts of money on illegals – uncontrolled population explosions … and much more ….
It’s hard to say what the trigger for more widespread protests/ disorder will be . When it comes starmers ‘new model army won’t be able to control it .. it maybe that it is after starmer’s time though
Talking of starmer – he had the ideal opportunity to demonstrate good judgement – wisdom – communication skills as a squeaky clean new PM … but he blew all of those …
.. no doubt he will want to go to the scene of some nasty disorder in a stage managed ‘all in it together ‘ kind of way .. his SPADs are certainly not doing his good service at the moment …
ITV local newsPR Monday “6 arrested in Rotherham”
.. em that is not many
UK demos are nowhere near as dangerous as ones in Indian and Pakistan, where it seems someone gets killed every demo
ITV “after largely peaceful protest in Sheffield, these ones outside the hotel have been condemned by
.. we can see 2 smashed windows and a burnout wheelie bin”
wow that sounds like Armageddon .. NOT
Then “here are some local residents cleaning up”
from about 20 only one has a headscarf … she is the second they interview
then a Starmer clip “We will not TOLERATE attacks on mosques or Muslim communities”
.. do almost zero attacks on Mosques
no violence to anyplace or one should be tolerated
but Stasi Starmer is picking favourites
Same on yesterdays BBC local news covering Saturday
“Here we are in Hull’s unprecedented violence” doh that is untrue hyperbole
“after largely peaceful downtown, bottles are being thrown at the migrant hotel and now fireworks”
.. That violence is wrong obviously
“Now we are just a street away and everything is completely different from the RIOT”
.. yeh ,, cos it wasn’t really a riot riot .. just idiots throwing bottles whilst others filmed
“oh now under age looters have come to this shopping street”
.. yeh cos it’s Hull …City of (Street Oik) Culture
ITV bit continued to an attack 10 years ago against a Muslim in Sheffield
FFS The perspective is they have to go back 10 years
That shows that Muslims have been mostly safe from thug attacks
Then they made a point of naming and shaming a Lincolnshire man arrested and pleading not guilty to rioting in Liverpool
.. Of course the fail to name and shame the everyday sex and violence attacks by immigrants #DoubleStandard
Now they are doing Hull””dozens were arrested after 11 police officers were injured after A FARR RRRRIGHT protest descended into ”
“Next we are with people trying to protect a mosque”
The place has a large fence I doubt it was really under threat
“Here are the volunteers cleaning up”
“Here’s a burnt out car
Here’s the black guy who lead a multicultural carnival”
“Now many are showing LOVE by supporting the Kurdish community that bore the brunt”
.. yeh cos UK laws have never been broken by some of the Kurdish community.. well except for X and Y and Z
“;atest tally is 29 arrests” in Hull
Their report failed to mention that some were children
Then a PR statement from the Muslim lobby greoup Hull Sisters
BBC censors and ex policeman…pointing out facts.
‘Broadcast media isn’t exactly covering itself in glory, either. The BBC cut off retired police chief Kevin Hurley mid-interview in a discussion of the riots, after he cited the stabbing of an army officer in Kent as a recent cause of tension. You don’t have to agree with any particular viewpoint to see that closing down legitimate discussion will push people further towards the margins. Then there is the almost comic incident of the Home Secretary being interviewed by her own husband on this issue on Good Morning Britain. No wonder people are turning to social media when the mainstream appears to have so comprehensively undermined its reputation for impartiality’.
Comment: Even the ex Police get censored by the BBC. They just hate any form of push back from the continual bias, which is self evident on every BBC channels TV and radio…
The word RIOT is used a lot
but isn’t it mostly crowds of 20% vandals and 60% filmers ?
Reports keep saying “children participated in the violence”
Like most sane people I do not condone mindless violence and unfortunately there is an element within British society that love a good scrap. However, I think the TTK has seriously miss read the current situation. It comes in the wake of years of coverup of Wholesale rape of young white girls, the blatant disregard for our own culture and traditions, the constant gaslighting from advertisers, new outlets and especially the BBC who continually try to convince us that the population is 50% ethnic and that every partner is an ethnic and let’s not start on the murder and terror visited upon our society by the religion of peace
Now the stupid moron has picked a fight with Elon, it won’t end well
Looks like Musk is now in the lefty blob firing line.
It’s the same playbook used against Trump, if you get criticism and can’t deny it just push your mates in the legal profession to get them locked up or cancelled.
TR is next, mark my words.
Starmer will play all his lawyer wiles to deflect criticism by trying to silence opposition. The man needs to go before the Country is totally ruined!
Talk about lefty playbook!
Musk has been in the establishment X-hairs for several years (was it 3 attempts to kill him last year?) – not your average billionaire. “Get Musk” seriously got in gear when he made some sarcastic remarks about the present US administration after being excluded from a the “EV Summit” on the White House lawn.
He doesn’t react like a victim when bullied.
The US swamp / DNC are on his case, as he’s made them look like the statist incompetent wokeist fools that they are.
Starmer having another Cobra meeting! He seems to like them.
Wonder if he will have one to bring forward his plan to stop the invasion across the English Channel ?
Pete – he is probably plotting the deployment of his New Model,Army of Plod – Wednesday night they might have their work cut out . In my bit of londonistan there is a demo planned by anti illegals at a hostel . The Far Left have promised to turn up ….
If you try to travel on a holiday flight out of or into Britain without a Passport you will be stopped. If you were to travel across the English Channel in a rubber dinghy without permission or documents and false name and Nationality you will be allowed to enter the UK, given accommodation, benefits, free health care etc.
It’s two tier policing.
Free food and a Hotel, no less, even if it is ‘two to three star’ as they tend to use. And free pocket money and Dentist.
Today’s ITV local news on the web is led by the trial of some doing a school glass stabbing
When he was arrested, the boy made comments about “accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and saviour”.
I’m getting African vibes there but we can’t know cos the boy is 17 so they are still withholding the name
I’m checking Birming pub news
SkyNews report has done a *victim blaming* piece
‘The victim caused it, by saying something ..he’s a baddie’
Telegraph “Left with lacerated liver
“Sean McDonagh, 51, was punched and kicked outside the Clumsy Swan pub after hundreds of men, many carrying Palestinian flags, had gathered to “protect” the Muslim community”
120K Likes for Musk as he takes on Starmer, aout Birming Muslims attacking people and things
Oh he used the #TwoTierKeir hashtag as well … 60K Likes
BBC Birmingham
Pub attacked – not a true reflection of us. “Community elders” visit to make the claim that despite the community attacking the pub, it really doesn’t matter as they aren’t like that. So good to clear these things up. Jess similarly impressed..
‘MP Jess Phillips said the pub was able to lock up for the night as usual after being visited by “lots of lovely community sending solidarity”.
No….all wrong….BBC reports that the lone white man was ‘goading’ the Muslim mob. Either he’s a complete madman or the BBC’s lying through its teeth.
I’m going for the Big Lie.
All those unarmed, innocent brown men.
Mind you @piersmorgan got 47K Likes
by doing Whataboutery trolling
The Whatabout tweet Elon, fake news was posted that the triple child-killer was a Muslim illegal immigrant who came in on a small boat and was on a terror watchlist.
This prompted far-right rioters to attack Muslims & asylum seekers. *
I haven’t seen you mention/condemn any of this?
*.. Doh no it didn’t in any meaningful way
.. Show me the bodies
Daily Mirror editor Piers Morgan has been sacked after the newspaper conceded photos of British soldiers abusing an Iraqi were fake.
In a statement the Mirror said it had fallen victim to a “calculated and malicious hoax” and that it would be “inappropriate” for Morgan to continue.
Wow – in his latest twitter Elon musk has focused on Pakistani Muslim paedo rape gangs asking ‘is it still happening ‘- and there is a response – ‘yes it is ‘ – the author is one TR …
Looks like Mr Robinson has a very wealthy new friend …
Who is Tim Newman?
Blogger , banjo player sometime in similar line of work…
If it were me, as a reply suggested – I’d just adorn their account with an extra lage clown emoji.
Scroll down to paragraph 9 to see who dunnit.
h/t Ian Dooley
“Videos shared to social media by campaign group Palestine Action showed people using tools to cut into the warehouse, damaging equipment inside the building and spraying red paint on the premises.
The direct action group says it aims to disrupt arms sales to Israel, and claims Elbit Systems UK sells equipment to the state’s army.”
“We will work with the authorities to ensure those responsible are held accountable and face the full force of the law,” they added.
So campaign group Palestine Action us physical violence to INTIMIDATE UK contractors from doing business with Israel
.. They are TERRORISING the companies
The said company has always said it categorically doesn’t sell to Israel anyway