The Far Left State Broadcaster is putting out the Far Left Labour Government message. And people notice the lies and omissions .. Will things ever be the same again ? Let’s hope not. The 2 tier method of law enforcement is being noticed by more and more by fair minded people – and a subject desperately avoided by the BBC / MSM …. Add it to the unapproved list ….
Midweek 7th August 2024 2 tier disorder -day 9
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British Government Threatens to Prosecute Anyone Who Shares Footage of Riots Online. British Media Demands TOTAL BAN of Social Media. Anyone who watches these videos will be arrested:
Dan Wootton says “In dystopian Britain we now have a child Sly News reporter warning citizens against retweeting because they could find themselves prosecuted. ‘It’s not an idle threat either,’ he insists. The MSM is now a propaganda arm of the state attempting to shut down free speech. RESIST!”
West Midlands Police Superintendent Emlyn Richards reacted to the distressing scenes of weapon-wielding men attacking and intimidating journalists in Birmingham. Richards said that Muslim ghetto community leaders told the police to stay away if they know what’s good for them. Police knew they were armed, knew they were walking the streets looking for white people to attack with knives, so the police refused to turn up to enforce the law because West Midlands Police are delivering a specific “style of policing” using unelected Muslim ghetto leaders:
Despite a total shut down of social media and the internet, the Prime Minister flees the country after deadly riots:
Should I worry about viewing ‘riot footage ‘ broadcast by the BBC online ? Will the BBC be arrested?
It reminds me a bit of the hysteria at the start of the Chinese virus – leading to people walking their dog in the country side being targeted by police drones ….
Some day soon some one somewhere in the world will say
“ do you remember Britain ? I wonder why we don’t hear anything about it of from it now ?”
Can the 3 teachers in Batley come out yet? Is it safe on UK streets?
25 years ago Christopher Hitchens warned about the dangers of those trying to censor criticising Islam.
Days ago, Sadiq Khan urges Keir Starmer to criminalise those who speak out against Islam.
When will people wake up?
I need to turn myself in . I’ve just watched X . Comrade Paul mason has reported from E17 that the Far Left have won the streets using mob rule . …. is that hate crime now …?
Let’s see how many still have the same views when the young channel crossers are moved into the empty house next door, and they’re keeping their little girls indoors !
That socialist worker placard factory working overtime again
Where is the funding coming from for these thousands of ready made placards every weekend ?
Larkham Printers the Socialist Worker printers
Their history seems hidden
Google image search
Director: Hector PUENTE SIERRA:
Venezuela: crisis & imperialism – Hector Puente Sierra
Debating critical Marxism in Cuba today
This article is over 5 years, 2 months old
In May over 100 people attended an international conference in Cuba discussing the ideas of Leon Trotsky, with the aim of shaking up state–sanctioned “Marxism”. Héctor Puente Sierra reports.
Marxism, Trotskyism and Venezuela, says it all really:
“Venezuela’s political environment is unstable.
The country is experiencing substantial instability following elections on July 28, 2024, in which Nicolás Maduro was declared re-elected as President. This outcome has sparked widespread protests across Venezuela. A significant portion of the electorate disputes the results, leading to ongoing demonstrations.
Several countries, including Argentina, Chile, Costa Rica, Peru, Panama, the Dominican Republic, and Uruguay, have officially rejected the election results, resulting in the suspension of diplomatic relations with Venezuela. Consequently, Venezuelan embassies in these countries have ceased operations. This has a direct impact on services such as passport issuance, visas, legalizations, and travel documents, leaving many Venezuelan nationals abroad without access to essential consular services.
Impact on immigrants and citizens.
For citizens and immigrants, the current situation poses several challenges:
Access to services: With embassies and local authorities either closed or operating at minimal capacity, obtaining necessary documentation such as passports and visas is extremely difficult.
Delays and uncertainty: The delays in courier services add another layer of uncertainty, making it challenging for individuals to meet immigration requirements or deadlines.
Consular support: Venezuelan nationals abroad face the challenge of limited consular support, affecting their ability to renew documents or seek assistance for immigration-related issues.”
BBC photo, why would you show your placard backwards over the back of your head directly at the camera lens unless some news reporter asked you to do it?
Staged or what?
Freedom for Palestine A3 poster £0.50
Freedom for Palestine A3 poster quantity
100 x £50.00
2018 …
“…and don’t you worry. It’s coming to a place near you…we cannot have state subsidized preachers (Mayors,UK Security MP, Religious guidance)…give it up
(Islam) or give it to your deadliest enemy and pay for the rope that will choke you.“
Home Office, UK Security … Islamist …. Sajid Javid.
London Mayor, UK Prosperity … Islamist … Sadiq Khan.
CEO of Bernados, UK Children … Islamist .. Javed Khan.
Prime Minister’s Special Envoy on Freedom of Religion or Belief … Islamist … Lord Ahmed.
BBC religion and ethics commissioning … Islamist … Fatima Salaria
2024 CEO of Banardos is Lynn Perry
Half of the 12 trustees have foreign sounding names, eg African
Which does seem vastly disproportionate
2024 , the Head of Religion and Ethics for BBC Audio, Tim Pemberton (black guy, BBC producer since 1994),
and his counterpart for television, Daisy Scalchi,
Nice to see the far left out on the streets supporting those dedicated to the destruction of any dissent to an islamic republic.
And we have already seen they are tooled up and ready, where did all those paramilitary uniforms and weapons suddenly appear from ?
No one seems to be asking that question.
Just a dress rehearsal from them for this week.
All those trans supporting Jacindas and Tobys with their refugees welcome placards, that will be next in line once the Jews are driven from our streets, ironic really.
Whiff of desperation?
*Health* Secretary. His wife was vaccinated?
Wales is in good hands.
does he drive everywhere at 20mph?
Ha GBnews just now interviewing self proclaimed anti-fascists who came from outside to Aldershot to stop an anti immigrant demo that never happened there anyway
A fair number of “anti-fascists” in the video are dressed in black and are wearing masks.
#Projection is a libmob characteristic.
Oh now GBnews are showing shots of other “anti-fascist” demos most are unmasked yet masked people pepper the crowd.
Always amusing to see how fascist the anti-fascists look…and act.
Just watched our Deputy Prime Minister (you know the one who left school with more babies than GCSE’s). She can at least read as she was obviously reading her statement on GBNews. (Staring not blinking).
Nick Thomas-symonds, the Paymaster General was being interviewed by Christopher Hope on the Farage slot earlier. His responses to Chopper’s questions were so fast after the interviewer finished that I could almost believe he knew the questions in advance.
Hardly surprising, as dopey Hope struggles to read an autocue and his interviewing techniques are atrocious, so perhaps NTS decided to help him out and get the ordeal over quickly.
The phrase “false flag” springs to mind regarding tonight.
Hundreds of messages were intercepted, but “already deleted”
really ?
And how many of the far left and islamists were arrested under section 60AA (regarding hiding identity, which was activated tonight) for wearing masks ?
The rule is : Big Claims need Big Evidence.
Precisely, all deleted apparently
It seems to have gone all wrong for the official narrative. Police all ready to quash the Pharites from Politico-Media Land. But Sheffeild & Croydon are experiencing Muslim gang patrols instead.
“UK riots: Police ban face masks as they issue ‘stay home’ warning
Face masks have been banned by police on UK streets as counter protesters flood several UK cities.”
In court and charged within a week ?
As already mentioned, those ready made placards of white yellow and pink always follow around violent far-left protests like a bad fart.
The posters are always A3 and larger, professionally printed, and stapled to wooden batons.
As already said where does the money come from? Who are these agitators concealing their identity? Should they be implanted with a chip so we can track and trace them?
Wouldn’t it be cheaper and more effective to just hammer the placards into their heads? They’d certainly be easier to spot.
Those the tv producers choose to platform salute you.
You are catching a flame 🔥 👏
Forget all this 2 tier stuff – just go see the footage of JD Vance and security walking up to airforce 2 with kamela and security team and JD asking why kamela won’t talk to the press … just pure slapstick …
( it’s got a touch of that bit in the west wing where Jed Bartlett walks to Capitol Hill ) … but you need to be an anorak …
As I write from e17 centre of bitter Far Right demonstrations tonight – with thousands of far left counter demonstrators – the air is full of RAF fighters dropping their starmer approved precision guided payloads on precision targets …
( plod – the above may be a lie ) it seems the non existent EDL and non existent far right didn’t turn up for a non existent demo … )
Media gaslighting and smoke screening has been turn up to 11
Who are the real victims ?
The murdered, and the raped particularly children mass raped.
Who are the actual bad men ? the people who murdered and raped.
Are the Muslim community the good men, cos they swept up some glass and give occasional free food ?
Do they not apart from a few honourable exceptions, fail to turn in the rapists and killers ?
Are the largely white establishment good men ?
They continually do two tier justice turned a blind eye to thousands of child rapes by grooming gangs in places like Rotherham
Yet now rush to jail a man in Rotherham for 3 years cos he threw one punch.
Furthermore the families/children of such jailed people will suffer punishment even though they are innocents.
Police say:
‘Suffolk Police added in a statement: ‘As previously stated in response to misinformation being circulated online, Suffolk police can confirm that the arrested and since bailed individuals in connection with the Anita Rose case are not Somali migrants.
‘We typically wouldn’t comment on a nationality and the only reason we have in this instance is because it’s a dangerous piece of misinformation, which we will continue to dispel.”
OK…..that dispels one idea….but maybe they’re Albanian or Afghan or Algerian or Polish or from York with ancestors going back to Viking times and beyond…as English as can be.
Doesn’t really dispel anything and in fact just makes people speculate more as, as Nigel Farage says, police look to be hiding something all too often. The answer they give actually looks evasive….maybe just clumsy and unthinking but they should be more careful given that they say ‘it’s a dangerous piece of misinformation’ we’re dealing with….just be open and honest and silence those doubters. Are they English or migrant heritage?
“far riot plan riots”
FFS read the Tom Sharpe Novel Riotous Assembly
In it the riotous gang turned out to be made up of two different undercover police teams who both thought they’d infiltrated a genuine gang.
and not difficult to imagine Surkeer as a player
Not even 2, they were all undercover individuals who found the others.
welcome here, cognitive dissonance at the Daily Mail again.
“Taylor Swift CANCELS three Austria concerts after two suspects were ARRESTED for allegedly plotting terror attack on star’s Vienna shows.
Star, 34, was due to perform at Vienna’s Ernst-Happel-Stadion on August 8, 9, 10. A 19-year-old suspect had a ‘focus’ on Swift’s Vienna concert, police confirmed.
The suspect had pledged an oath of allegiance to the Islamic State group (ISIS)”
You have to dig deep now to find out the WHY.
The Katyn massacre murdered over 22,000 Polish Officers. The mad-marxists denied this for years. When the Berlin wall came down one of Stalin’s little lists/orders came to light.
These far-left murdering orders come from the top. It is what they do.
How is the holiday coming along SurKear?
Anti-racism protesters rally across England after week of riots, reports the bbc
Just putting the 1 sided view, that the “far right is bad” with the left being perfect.
The left is creating this problem by welcoming the world, lack of housing, schools, hospitals etc etc, and the crime wave that follows, terrorist attacks in the UK.
Notice the bbc is promoting “anti-racists” rallies (as they call it) across the UK – this is definitely going to help, more and more people on the streets!
The BBC and friends constantly attack social media…the intent…to regulate it so harshly that it cannot continue to compete with and outdo the BBC in news and of course to strangle the democratic freeflow of information that bypasses the MSM’s monopoly of control where it filters what you can see and hear and then interprets for you…to suit its own agenda.
Naturally the riots are being used to attack ‘social media’ as a dangerous influence on people for spreading disinformation and lies…and thus government must crack down on the companies that provide such platforms.
The MSM would of course never do such a thing.
The MSM that whipped up fury and violence with its deliberately half-the-story reporting of events at Manchester Airport.
The BBC that told us a single lone pub goer ‘goaded’ hundreds of Muslims roaming the streets looking for trouble …oh yeah note today’s BBC manipulative headline…‘Muslim counter-protesters embraced by pub-goers’….loveable chaps eh? Clearly a story meant to counter the one of violent Muslims.
The Times Radio that told us rioters [far-right natch] tried to burn asylum seekers alive…no, no they didn’t…a dangerous lie.
The same Times that this morning told us with no context that Trump had said there would be a bloodbath if he wasn’t elected. The BBC also reports this….but look at the twisted report….
‘In his first interview since he dramatically dropped out of the race last month, Mr Biden told CBS News: “If Trump loses, I’m not confident at all.”
“[Trump] means what he says, we don’t take him seriously. He means it, all this stuff about ‘if we lose it will be a bloodbath’.”
Mr Trump’s comment that it would “be a bloodbath for the country” if he loses the election, made as he was talking about the auto industry in March, triggered a wave of criticism.’
‘Made as he was talking about the auto industry’…..that’s slippery….gives the mpression he was talking about the auto industry but had added in that if he lost there’d be a bloodbath across America, a civil war if he lost. He was talking about a bloodbath in the auto industry not the country politically.
And that ‘triggered a wave of criticism’….of Trump? No…of the Democrats who, like this report, twisted the truth and lied about Trump’s meaning.
And of course there are many, many other lies….the disinformation of the fake Russian dossier that the BBC reported as fact. Or Lord McAlpine or the murderous paedophile network in Westminster, or the BBC’s coverage of anything about Jews either here or in the Middle East…dangerous, dangerous lies such as Israel wiping out a hospital completely killing hundreds…a total lie…one that Jeremy Bowen says he has no regrets about.
I might suggest that the MSM is far more dangerous than any social media company given its reach, power, influence and Establishment ‘licence’ and the trust and respect it has from its privileged position…..’social media’ is a much needed, if not vital, counter-balance to that power used as it is to distort and corrupt democracy and the truth.
BBC reports….
‘Big rise in antisemitic incidents in UK – charity’
Oddly no mention of who are the main, real, culprits.
As it’s linked to events in Gaza we can assume the culprits’ identity…Muslim and Far-Left…the fact the BBC didn’t mention the Far-Right gives the game away…if they’d named them they’d have to name the others….can’t do that can we?
Taylor Swift concert cancelled to save the kids – no mention of why.
He may be male, pale and very, very stale, but Two-Tier Sir Keir appears to have quelled popular opposition to mass immigration.
Well, it wouldn’t have been a good look to have had Rishi Sunak fronting up the regime’s response this week.
Whereas Sir Keir begins to enjoy the feeling of what has been said to be best in life… To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their women (Arnold Schwarzenegger in Conan The Barbarian, 1982)
TwoTierKeir shows his true colours (Michael Deacon, Telegraph)
Jail terms handed down in hope of stemming riots (FT)
More than 400 arrests have been made in relation to the riots, and at least 140 people have been charged, with some already convicted and sentenced (BBC)
‘I’ve got a pacemaker!’ Woman, 73, loses it with London riot police as she is handcuffed… Addressing the camera directly, she says: “I’ve got a pacemaker and they have just arrested me for walking up here.”… Referring to the fatal stabbing of three young girls in Southport on Monday, she added: “I’m 73 years old and I’m here because of them babies that has died and I’m being arrested.” (Express)
Here’s some more footage of the native British woman getting arrested by @WestYorksPolice for having enough of immigrants rioting and running amok in her local area… SHOCKING evidence of two tier policing in the riots. This LOVELY lady is a pillar of her troubled community. She went out to offer police ice lollies. SHE, not the thugs, got arrested. Watch and weep (Isabel Oakeshott, Twitter X)
More female lamentations later this morning…
Of course one rather flatters Sir Keir by likening him to Conan The Barbarian. He’s more akin to one of yer tin-pot Latin American commie El Presidentes: Maduro grips Venezuela in vice of fear and repression… More than 1,100 people have been held and 24 killed since Nicholas Maduro’s tainted election victory last month. Fear pervades the streets… home break-ins and police raids play out live on social media… Yet Maduro’s challengers refuse to be bowed… (Reports the FT will little in the way of self-reflection)
Briatin isn’t a complete banana republic – not just yet.
In fact, if you’ve watched his emergency TV appearances, our Sir Keir can be observed as being fashioned much more in the mould of a somewhat harassed temporary supply headteacher at a failing bog standard comprehensive, beset by bad boy behaviour – take their footall away if they won’t behave Keir!
Far-right rioters face football ban as ministers bid to curb unrest (‘i’)
We recall how Barack Obama came across as more of a disappointed senior college professor – as though white America had handed in a series of poor essays that tried his academic patience with their unthinking racism and poor grammar.
One wonders whatever happened to that supposed top barrister and ace advocate when we witness Starmer’s droning adenoidal, often tetchy, rote lefty platitudes reflexively over-emphasising those tired terms far-right and thugs?
United Britain stands firm against thugs – parrots the Starmer lackey loyalist Daily Express
Thousands take to the streets to counter threat from far right – celebrates the Guardian and BBC: Anti-racism protesters rally across England after week of riots
Are these protestors local or bussed in? Can we call them far left? Are they coordinating their gatherings on social media? Are they victims of disinformation propagated by a few individual influencers? I think we should be told.
The regime was caught with its trousers down last week but happily they’ve now got all their duck in row.
Maybe it’s because I’m a Londoner
Walthamstow streets lined by 10,000 hero protesters chanting moving anti-racism messages – gushes the Labour-supporting Daily Mirror
The formerly patriotic Times and the ever-excitable Mail are fully ‘on-message’ (as Tony Blair, Peter Mandleson and Alastair Campbell would have put it): Thousands take to street to confront far right; Night anti-hate marchers faced down the thugs
Standing togther – shouts the Mirror as it rather appositely sums up the mainstream message.
Amid all this macho protest shouting let’s hear some calming female voices…
Children would have cost me my career – so I refused – insists Kate Lister in the left-leaning ‘i’ newspaper. Everyone and anyone reading this who has a mother may pause for thought for just a moment there. Or maybe not.
Harris hopes ‘guy’s guy’ will bring men to Democrats by Emily Maitlis (‘i’) – our former BBC Newsnight monologuer par excellence and evident Kamala fan girl concedes her pick for President may have just a bit of a man problem when it comes to votes.
If ever there were cause to exclaim calm down dear…
Testosterone reignited my libido after menopause… …but then I discovered I was happier celebate (Daily Mail)
Which is just as well, perhaps, luv – I’m still having my breakfast here.
Summer sadness disorder. Do you have it? – asks the formerly serious newspaper of record The Times – and you can bet your bottom dollar many out there will say yes. Probaly the same people who may forget for a moment they have long covid.
Horse milk!
No, not at outburst of Mr AsI’s exasperation… Horse milk ice cream is healthier choice, say scientists (Telegraph)
Now Strictly staff say they were bullied – complains the Mirror; Now Strictly staff make bulling claims (Express) – isn’t the clue in the title of the show?
If you don’t like stress, why join Strictly? – asks the Telegraph – reasonably.
Slot eyes Spaniard – No, not some far-right thug spreading hate crime slurs and disinformation – that was a Times headline and you have to know your football to work it out.
Thank goodness second best Britain: UK ranked second most powerful country in ‘soft power’ (UK Defence Journal) – still has our second best heroes: Agony for her Matt… Close run Hudson-Smith won 400 metre silver (Mirror); Hudson-Smith misses out on gold… – regrets the Guardian
Whereas the globally-oriented FT displays: Gallic pride… France falls for the games
And happily for the government it will soon be business as usual and for our media normal service will be resumed: Small boat crossings in 2024 pass 15,000 (Sky News, 19 July): Net migration into UK in 2022 revised up to record-breaking figure of 745,000 (Sky News, November 2023)
You know what, we were worried for a moment this week that the government might have to change policy.
Yesterday’s BBC headlines of 100 marches seemed strange for two reasons. Firstly it suggests a national organisation which is not evidenced by the local nature of the participants and secondly Wednesday is not the day for mass demonstrations. That some counter demonstrations found no demonstration suggests that the Tom Sharpe reference could be right. What is concerning however is that it could also suggest collusion between the state and the hard/fascist left. That is dangerous because they always have been and always will be fascists. The DT’s output this morning is also out of character adding anecdotal evidence to a ‘full on state operation’. On balance I have no problem with stopping the demonstrations providing the state does not confuse its quelling of discontent with this ridiculous notion that the UK can take more and more migrants without substantially wider consequences to the human and physical structures of the country.
“UK can take more and more migrants without substantially wider consequences to the human and physical structures of the country”
2015 … “Labour has changed on immigration, says Ed Miliband
This article is more than 9 years old. Labour leader to promise the party will deal with people’s concerns and offer a concrete plan on people coming to the UK”
What power was given to them? By whom?
Is it just me, or do these weak limp-wristed civil serpents appear to be reading from a script that has been carefully worded for them?
Look also at the ‘hostage’ videos of senior AliKum ‘peace’ officers reading from a similar script.
I imagine their inner voice saying: “I just have to read this carefully worded script and then the inflation proof public pension is in the bag”.
Every one of the blob, gov, media, civil servants, quangos, ‘leaders’… are not just reading from an issued script, but verbatim.
The idiots are also posting what they are told instantly verbatim on their Twitter nemesis so sometimes three identical posts appear on timelines.
Usually from a scruffy, portly spinster with Hair by Margoyles over promoted to head something.
“The revolutionary Socialist Workers Party, whose placards were all over the ‘counter-demonstration’ in London, find themselves on the same side as the govt, BBC, police, Archbishop of Canterbury etc, defending Tory immigration policy, and slagging off ordinary unhappy working-class Brits as ignorant bigots. Do they ever look in the mirror and wonder what happened?
11:04 pm · 7 Aug 2024
See my post earlier this morning, ardent supporters of Venezueala Trotsky and Marx
Brexit 2016 – control the borders – you are racists to think the borders are open – 2024 ….
Failed asylum seekers to be sent back to Vietnam
Kids – you have white privilege – kneel.
Police – you have white privilege – kneel
Adults – you have are destroying the climate – kneel and pay more taxes (ignore china, india and south america)
Protestors – your concern of kids being killed (see current Taylor Swift concert) is unwarranted. Go back indoors and stop talking about 1400+ rapes with no arrests.
In which the latest bbc airhead makes them look even more of a laughing stock.
As owner of X, @elonmusk oversees decisions that affect what content is permitted & recommended to users, including about the UK riots.
@mariannaspring has repeatedly approached him for an interview. He’s not responded.
So, what is Elon Musk’s game plan?
#ccbgb especially pointing out he is likely sparing the silly mare further humiliation.
Oh, and, naturally….restricted comments.
As Director of BBC Tim Davies has not responded to BBC request for an interview … his latest BBC presenter loves animals too much.
Before joining the BBC, Davie had a career in marketing at Procter and Gamble, and at PepsiCo Europe. He joined the BBC in 2005 as Director of Marketing and Audiences, moving to become Director of Audio and Music with overall responsibility for the BBC’s national radio output, its digital services and performing groups.
Davie was acting BBC Director-General between November 2012 and April 2013, following the departure of George Entwistle.
Then he became Chief Executive of BBC Worldwide, the BBC’s principal commercial subsidiary, responsible for creating and distributing leading British content globally.
Whilst in the role, he oversaw the merger between the BBC’s production arm and BBC Worldwide, creating the new BBC Studios in 2018, and generating an annual turnover of over £1.4bn. He was made CBE in 2018 for services to International Trade.
I’m trying to understand what has been happening on the streets these last few days. Our son was due to walk through one of the predicted riots yesterday on his way home. I wasn’t sure whether I was more worried for his safety from the rioters or the police.
Who got the posters circulated to the Far Left. These were bigger than A4 so not printed at home and the wooden handles looked similar wherever the demonstration. Who was circulating these 100 sites where the trouble had been predicted? Perhaps the police ought to look into who was spreading false information.
I had watched clips of the actual rioting and I am sure I had seen agitators, who were they? After last night, I could believe there was a lot more agitation from the far Left in the riots than we had appreciated.
And finally there is a post higher up saying that people wearing masks at the demonstrations would be arrested. (Daily Express). Yesterday many of the Far Left demonstrators shown on GBNews were wearing masks. Where were the police? Why were they not arrested? Two tier policing.
@ Debs
see my post earlier this morning above, a writer for Socialist Worker who owns the printers and a £28000 van
Freedom for Palestine A3 poster £0.50
Freedom for Palestine A3 poster quantity
“The past was alterable. The past never had been altered. Oceania was at war with Eastasia. Oceania had always been at war with Eastasia.”
― George Orwell, 1984
This whole ” Far Right” line trotted out by BBC and the other MSM is quite literally making my blood boil.
Pictures of last night are great, where the MSM were mugged off big time as there wasn’t a single Far Right protest to be seen despite them claiming all day there would be over 100 of them . Idiots.
But here is what gets me, all those lovely, soft, cuddly, BBC approved “Counter Protestors” had nice placards all made in a single day, who was funding it all ?
And, every single one of those people holding a sign saying “Refugees Welcome” should be found, interviewed by the BBC, asked how the hell is the country and its infrastructure meant to support these immigrants and then be told that they MUST house a channel migrant. No ifs , no buts, they must house a migrant.
In fact , it should be law, hold one of those banners and you by law, have to house one the budding doctors, engineers … oops , my mistake, i meant criminals and rapists !!!
“Refugees Welcome” – JUST NOT AT MY HOUSE.
Listen: Nick Ferrari asks a squirming Yvette Cooper if she has taken Syrian refugees into her home
8 March 2016, 12:00am
“Police liaison officer: “If there are any weapons or anything like that, then what I would do is discard them at the mosque. If there’s any weapons, get rid of them. We are not going to arrest anybody. Is that alright?””
“Force admits public confidence undermined by social media footage during anti-immigration protest”
REMEMBER NOT TO SHARE HATE FOOTAGE .. HA HA HA “Force admits public confidence undermined by social media footage during anti-immigration protest”
Jon Snow – never seen so many white men ….
BBC Directors-General
‘Successful night,’ Met Police chief says after mostly peaceful rallies across England… reports the bbc
I rarely believe the bbc due to its spin
I wonder what the truth is. “Mostly”?
Especially prior to ‘peaceful’
Met office successfully save 22 at a concert by kneeling?
‘Successful night,’ Met Police chief says after mostly peaceful rallies across England
Meanwhile in Taylor Swift land … third paragraph to work out who the terrorists are …
“On Wednesday, two people were arrested on suspicion of planning Islamist attacks on large events in the area around the Austrian capital.”
“He said the 19-year-old made “an oath of allegiance” to so-called Islamic State at the beginning of July.”
Thursday morning … it must be time for a list of non existent demonstrations to be circulated on the web …..
….. but …but … what’s this ? A BBC dogophile ? With a preference for puppies …. ? I’m sure Huw will be relieved that he is ‘normal ‘ and just likes young girls / boys ….. but the msm haven’t managed to get ‘far right ‘ into it yet which is disappointing .
However the media is being invited along to starmer new model army raids on sleeping protesters – not the Muslim ones with weapons committing violent disorder or course – they’ll be ‘dealt with ‘ by their own ‘community leaders ‘…
By the weekend – starmer will be in flip flops and the two tiers will pretend it never happened ….
This is what is destined to oversee media.
I don’t think it is. Tho London is 8 million people – so I don’t think it’s unimportant.
Khan’s imports and their metro lib kapos, headed by luxury commies.
Approximately 45% of people working in London were foreign born in 2017, compared to a UK average of 18%. Around 16% were from EU countries. (
I think Ihave a solution where to put the 100,000 and increasing number of those waiting in hotels who will be nodded through by two tier.
Last night in Newcastle there was a large gathering of lefties showing their ‘Refugees welcome here’ standard issue placards.
If that is the case then send 20,000 from their hotels to Newcastle where they will be welcome.
Surely that would be better than sending them to a place which has demonstrated against this mass immigration such as Sunderland.
All the other places showing their standard issue ‘Refugees welcome’ signs for the bbbc/msm photo opportunities can also be rewarded with tens of thousands of enrichers.
Then, everybody wins.
Just looking at the media the phrase ‘far right thuggery ‘ seems to be the one most approved by the State – I nearly wrote ‘British state ‘ but that would be disinformation .
The latest propaganda line is that the ( empty ) threat of ‘full force of the law ‘ and ‘swift justice’ is deterring those who choose to demonstrate and break their public order laws .
I beg to differ – I also think that there is no sinister malevolent national planning for what’s been happening – if there had been – proper ‘targets ‘ wouid have been focused on – instead of going for ‘greggs ‘ to hit the sausage rolls ….
Red labour is going to use these protests like the democrats used 6 January – as a smokescreen for the Real issue – which will be getting worse for the next 5 years at least …. By which time the demographics of the UK will have worsened much more . Elon is right . It will happen …
Nudge Unit
Why ‘nudge’?
It is called ‘nudge’ after the book by Richard Thaler (who went on to win the Nobel prize in economics) and Cass Sunstein which set out how people are not the rational economic actors beloved of conventional economic theory – but can be influenced by “choice architecture” into making better choices in their own interests.
“Days ago, Sadiq Khan urges Keir Starmer to criminalise those who speak out against Islam.”
Peerage for ‘nick ‘
One aspect of this, thanks to the continued vilification of some posting on Twitter:
Many Americans and thousands of others across the world are now aware, via Elon Musk of the cover up in the UK of the mass, racially aggravated rape of thousands of children by you know who, and the ridiculous sentences eventually given, and the virtual gagging of anyone pointing it out.
Are you allergic or intolerant to alcohol?
I’m allergic and intolerant of the bbc!
Halal drinks?
“Is this still happening? @Keir_Starmer”
More ….
Springster beens scrambled?
Can the 3 teachers in Batley come out yet?
Is it safe on UK streets?
Hate not Hope?