The Far Left State Broadcaster is putting out the Far Left Labour Government message. And people notice the lies and omissions .. Will things ever be the same again ? Let’s hope not. The 2 tier method of law enforcement is being noticed by more and more by fair minded people – and a subject desperately avoided by the BBC / MSM …. Add it to the unapproved list ….
Midweek 7th August 2024 2 tier disorder -day 9
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The events of the past ten days must have convinced a few million more people that we live in country where the establishment is hell bent on suppressing any protest from the people and that the MSM do as they are told and cannot be trusted.
All of us on this knew this already and have done so for a long time but we were in a tiny minority . That minority will have grown considerably this week. Although it may seem that-the grip of the establishment is stronger as a result of its crackdown it is in fact weaker.
They are frightened and resorting to using their state power which is always a sign that a regime is tottering.
Why ‘nudge’?
It is called ‘nudge’ after the book by Richard Thaler (who went on to win the Nobel prize in economics) and Cass Sunstein which set out how people are not the rational economic actors beloved of conventional economic theory – but can be influenced by “choice architecture” into making better choices in their own interests.
The public has a good understanding of coronavirus risk, but there are still big misconceptions
Blog 29th Sep 2021
“Top night of anti-racism”
‘Hang the Tories’ protest banner on Salford bridge denounced by MPs
This article is more than 6 years old
Huge hand-painted sign removed from bridge by police ahead of Conservative party’s conference in Manchester
Three mannequins were hung on rails opposite the conservative party conference in 2017. Across their chest were the words ‘kill Tory scum’ (sic). I stopped a policeman and asked whether they constituted hate speech. “No” he said “that is political comment”.
Two Tier is not new. This government just need to understand that Two Tier is no longer acceptable and it is far wider than just racism and immigration. The bBC will be near the top of the list.
Islam is Political so anything goes?
““No” he said “that is political comment”.”
Can the 3 teachers in Batley come out yet?
Is it safe on UK streets?
Hate not Hope?
Wow the newspaper editors are really carrying the ‘victory for the far left victory for uncontrolled invasion ‘ narrative today . The Telegraph is out lefting the daily mail – showing pictures of my neck of the woods – E17 – with a crowd of about 2000 at e17 central – complete with Palestine flags ….
The story for the next five years is written . The msm is full on for uncontrolled illegal entry to the UK – hand in hand with labour – it’s to be remembered when the next slaughter happens …
You can just imagine headlines like ‘100’s of (white) people slaughtered in night of the (mostly peaceful) long knives’ actually being presented as ‘100’s of far fight extremists commit mass suicide at realisation of how racist they are’.
Heseltine missed a trick in the 90’s under Thatcher.
“Poll tax riots”. Tarzan should have described them as, “Terrorists” and created fast-tracking to lock them up.
I mention these “Riots” because when all the migrant hotels are closed, all those illegals will be proportionately dispersed around local authorities to house them. Where will the LA’s get the money from? It will be the taxpayer whether Council Tax or general taxation. The public will be screwed yet again.
Look forward to higher Council Tax bills.
While The UK press snuffle around in the far-right/left wonderland, in the USA there is a prospect that a win for the Dems in a few months time will put an accused liar and an air-headed nonsense blabbing gook in a position to engage Nuclear War….
A tainted left-biased press in this Country pales into insignificance really!
The only satisfaction as the mushroom clouds spring up across the USA will be that lefties will be toast as well.
“BREAKING: Bruce Springsteen, Madonna, and Taylor Swift say they will leave the United States if Donald Trump becomes President in 2024.” AGAIN! HA HA HA HAHA!
I hope they don’t come here
Somewhere warm and free of Heir Starmer
Starmer will prove to be the most destructive leader this Country has ever had, period!
He is a blinkered numskull.
What will follow is the real question!
Austria presumably. Back to their roots.
And a hop, skip and Limo ride to Venice to chill with YAB, Narinder, Humza and gang.
Lucky Italians.
Trump sharing Britain First. Let that sink in. The President of the United States is promoting a fascist, racist, extremist hate group whose leaders have been arrested and convicted. He is no ally or friend of ours.
you are not welcome in my country and my city.
See the “Far Right “have put paid to Taylor Swift’s Austrian concerts .
All those kids , looking forward to it for months on end only to be thwarted by that pesky Far Right again , happens all the time , these Far Right concert attacks.
Refugees welcome tho 👍
Maybe make it an Islamic Concert so Islam won’t attack?
The Muslim Punk Band Changing Views of Islam Worldwide (2010)
Cat Stevens –
I’m being chased by a crescent moon shadow
Ninety per cent’ of 43,000 extremists on MI5 watchlist are Islamist terror suspects as Priti Patel issues new vow to increase deportations after experts warned police are ‘obsessed’ with catching far-right extremists
Although Wednesday was a non event event – the war on X continues with Elon Musk continuing to show interest in our failing State . It’s nice to know the world is watching …
As I type I bet the home office is busily drafting new laws about criminalising criticism of government policies – obstructing approved ‘demonstrations ‘ – failing to declare political beliefs to plod … being white English ..
Don’t you think it would be easier to understand the prospective changes in the law if they just passed one which made it a criminal offence to do, say, write, read, watch, listen to , or think anything which the government or anyone from their protected groups , ie those who will vote for them, don’t like.
I’m sure the ECHR and our own Supreme Court will give this law their full backing.
Oh I forgot. It will also be an offence , a very serious one, if you don’t attend the compulsory weekly 5 minute hate and three hour re education sessions arranged at your local community hall, church, mosque ( remember to take your shoes off) ,school hall etc.
attendance at these sessions is mandatory for anyone over the age of 15 , otherwise how would know how to vote even though there is only one box to tick.
Social credit points will be gained if you take you young children along for a pre school dose of indoctrination.
It is inevitable that the reds will want to ‘do something ‘- namely beef up the NewModel 2 Tier Army as a permanent occupation force – added to new public order laws to add to all those racially aggravated political crimes on thr books now ( eg s5A ) …
Then there is the internet – delegated legislation to cancel / suspect unapproved sites . Anything to do with ‘illegals ‘ Will be criminalised … site like will probably need a BBCOFCOM licence …. In the interest of community cohesion …starmer now has a vehicle to distract from the inevitable failures in the economy – NHS – building – benefits – jobs .
My son has business contacts in South Africa. He was told in an email that they were praying for Great Britain. South Africa!!!
One failing state recognises another ….
popeye, we need all the prayers we can get. For Christian revival, for the men of violence, whatever their faith or none, to meet the Prince of Peace and be comverted. Keep praying South Africans!
new laws – not implementing existing laws.
The inquiry team noted fears among council staff of being labelled “racist” if they focused on victims’ descriptions of the majority of abusers as “Asian” men.
Starmer widens his Police State grip to the smallest of towns. From the Cheshire Police site:
Increased police presence in amid national violent disorder (Crewe)
From 4pm today (Wed 7 Aug) a Section 34 Dispersal Order will be in place for the below area for up to 48 hours, allowing us to ban anyone from the area from the area for 48 hours to prevent disorder. A Section 60 order giving additional stop and search powers will also be in effect.
Crewe has turned into an immigrant town over the last few years. There is at least one Illegal Immigrant hotel in town. I haven’t heard of any protests, riots or demonstrations in Crewe. It really reminds me of Covid lockdowns.
The inquiry team found examples of “children who had been doused in petrol and threatened with being set alight, threatened with guns, made to witness brutally violent rapes and threatened they would be next if they told anyone”.
The inquiry team noted fears among council staff of being labelled “racist” if they focused on victims’ descriptions of the majority of abusers as “Asian” men.
The bbc Misinformation/disinformation and social media correspondent is on the case:-
The real story of the news website accused of fuelling riots
Luckily the bbc has the answers, apparently
Clueless, its not the websites, its how people feel!
The perfect left has so much to answer for
The current bbc reporting suggests we are now all coming together and live in harmony – even though nothing has changed
BBC Fake News
They are pathetic.
#accusedof is the oldest, most derided subhead in the juvenile activist ideologue client ‘journalist’ handbook.
It places one degree of separation just in case, and leaves the actual investigation to a BBC trusted shill, most likely also in a small cubicle.
Second only to…
“What… appears to be ..”
The whole thing is riven with disclaimer language that makes the headline classic BBC for reposting on… social media.
Unlike the bbc to be bothered with this, its one of their own:-
British croc expert jailed for sexual abuse of dogs
Isn’t this the normal standard we expect from the bbc, surprised they bothered to tell us
It would be like finding Chris Packham was pulling the legs off flies for a pastime
BBC to repair HQ sculpture by paedophile Eric Gill
This article is more than 1 year old
The work by artist who sexually abused his daughters stands above an entrance to Broadcasting House and was vandalised last year
It feels to me as though we are living through the pages of Animal Farm…
Last night the “anti-fascists” were out on the streets en-masse chanting “Four legs good, two legs bad”…”From the river to the sea” and the ubiquitous “Free Palestine”…possibly with every packet of cornflakes. The media have been crowing about these decent folk for all they are worth. The appalling Daily Mail being among the very worst.
Apparently, these fine people frightened off the thugs…the nasty far right. The bogeymen. Given half a chance our always honest media will bring up the long defunct EDL and Tommy Robinson, who is on holiday in Cyprus…but being the cunning mastermind that he is, he’s directing these riots from his sun lounger. The swine! it’s a wonder they haven’t resurrected Oswald Mosley and his black shirts…
Oh…and today, while giving my wee pooch his morning constitutional, I popped into the railway station to pick up a few copies of the Metro. No, of course I don’t read this tawdry rag, but is useful for wrapping apples and spuds…and if there’s ever another bout of panic buying of loo roll…
The Metro headline told a gullible public that the riots had nothing to do with mass immigration, Muslim rape gangs or what happened to those poor little girls. Oh no, they have all been instigated by Putin. Well, we all suspected it, didn’t we.
It was either going to be him or Snowball…
“The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.”
Jeff – a couple of days ago the cypress ‘authorities ‘ announced that would assist the British state arrest and deport Tommy Robinson . tR put it up on X – but added he was no longer in Cypress . I reckon the scum mass media is searching Hungary or Poland to find him … to get a secret ‘snap ‘ of the organiser of something so disorganised …. And trivial in comparison to what is to come … sorry it’s a dismal view …
.. I’m on a roll at the moment – I predicted – here – yesterday morning that the night of protest wouid be nothing – and was right …
French Hospitality Sampled in Paris
This is what can happen when people upset the narrative of the ruling powers.
Dear [Square-Eyed],
Apologies if this email isn’t as polished as usual, I’m away on holiday with my family with only limited access to WiFi, but I wanted to let you know what has happened as quickly as possible.
I can’t quite believe it – on Monday night six members of the CitizenGO team were arrested and held in appalling conditions in custody for several hours because they were protesting the disgusting mockery of Christianity that took place at the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games.
As our petition to the International Olympic Committee proved so popular, gaining almost 400,000 signatures within a week, we decided to do what we do best and take your voice to the heart of the action in Paris.
Our media team immediately sprang into action and commissioned a bus, displaying a very simple message, ‘Stop Attacks on Christians!’ and the website address of our petition.
The bus began circulating Paris at 9am attracting the attention (and praise) of many passers-by and hundreds of police officers, without incident.
Then later that afternoon, the driver was flagged down by a police officer at gunpoint and surrounded by armed police!
Together with the driver, our team was bundled into the back of a police van before being driven to a police station for “organising a demonstration without the approval of the French government”!
This was no oversight on our part – obviously, before organising anything, we always do our homework and the regulations pertain to formal large-scale street demonstrations and marches, not a solitary bus with a simple message.
Worse was to come. Once they had arrived at the police station, our brave campaigners were then handcuffed and taken to a second secure facility. All of their belongings were confiscated, they were stripped and searched, denied the opportunity to contact their lawyers, and some were not even allowed to contact their family members.
Not only that, but they were placed under severe psychological pressure, with threats of extended captivity and spent the night in gross conditions, some even being deprived of food and water, all because of non-existent charges.
We finally managed to get them the services of a lawyer who had to put significant pressure on the authorities in order to secure their release in the early hours of the morning, but their ordeal was not quite over.
Those who had not already been subject to police interrogation then had to return to the police station that afternoon for further questioning, before the prosecutors eventually ruled what we knew all along – that there was no basis for charges, our campaigners had done nothing wrong!
Our lawyer had this to say:
“It appears impossible to constitute the crime of failing to communicate a protest because there is no protest in the presence of one unique vehicle. The prosecutor pushed the law to its limits to stop the bus and limit their free speech. Moreover, the procedure was irregular.”
Here is a video of our team in the police van, prior to being handcuffed:
As you probably know, I’ve been arrested on suspected free speech offences and it’s not an experience that should be taken lightly. It is deeply degrading to be strip searched, put in a cell with an open latrine, swabbed for DNA, have your mugshot taken and be treated like a common criminal, when you know that you have done nothing wrong.
This is absolutely not what our campaigners were expecting when they went with the bus to Paris – their aim was to catch the imagination of those attending the Olympic Games and to send a strong message to the organisers that the public is not prepared to accept such blatant mockery of Christianity as happened at the Opening Ceremony.
I couldn’t sleep for worrying when I heard this disturbing news last night and, I have to confess to feeling a little bit guilty, because I declined the opportunity to join the team in Paris due to being on holiday and therefore it ought to have been me in the jail cell. Having been through the experience before, I might have found it a little easier, whereas some of our team are experiencing shock, and I can’t say that I blame them!
Here’s the team being surrounded by police:
[Couldn’t copy the images enclosed in the e-mail.]
The good news is the team is now safe and making their way home. Our sources tell us that the French police were acting under orders from high-ranking political officials, who were embarassed by the attention that our campaign has been receiving and the stain on France’s reputation.
In one beautiful act of irony, our bus, which was clearly so offensive to the French police and authorities was parked at the Police Station in District 16, just 3 blocks from the Arc de Triumph, in front of everyone in the middle of downtown Paris. The French police wound up promoting the very thing they were attempting to censor!
In fact our message was deemed so threatening that once our team was released, the police demanded that it was removed from the bus. Naturally we refused and so the bus was expelled from the city, escorted by three police motorcycles.
Here we are leaving town. Liberte, equality, fraternite, but no prayers.
We are not going to let the authorities get away with this. We are now going to file a lawsuit against high-ranking key figures, who appeared to be behind the pressure to arrest us, and the gendarmerie. This cannot be allowed to happen.
This is ideological and political persecution. We will not let your voice be silenced. We will continue to stand up for your Christian values in the public square, because if we do not, then who will? We have to show that we will not be intimidated.
It is terrifying that a message calling for attacks on Christians to cease was met with such a disproportionate and vicious response from the authorities.
I’m sure you’ll join me in giving thanks that all our campaigners are now safe and sound, and wish them all the best as they have a few very deserved days off.
Very best wishes,
Caroline Farrow and the entire CitizenGO team
P.S. Our offline actions are obviously working, but from now on, we are going to have to ensure that our campaigners have 24/7 access to legal support in order to get themselves out of sticky spots, something that we could never have dreamed of needing just a few years ago.
Not bbc – but C4
C4 is currently putting out a 4 part documentary about the ‘rise and fall of boris Johnson ‘ …. Sometimes I think it’s good to review events – and although it’s the past -mother consequences of Johnson’s so obvious failures is with us and has helped weaken and destroy Britain …
They are only on episode 2 – and there is a need to filter viewing recognising a left wing perspective – but what a terrible choice we made to elect that dolt .
Boris Johnson receives £2.5m sum as advance for speeches
This article is more than 1 year old
Ex-PM has now received earnings, hospitality and donations worth more than £5m since leaving Downing Street
There’s a trailer running at the moment for “Faking It” an anti Boris program, on one of the Freeview channels, Quest, Dmax or something similar. I think it’s already been on Discovery. All about Partygate and body language experts denouncing him as a liar.
Perhaps they should do the same for Sue Gray.
The msm is going on about ‘riots ‘ – but I haven’t seen that anyone has been charged / convicted with ‘riot ‘… but it’s the approved propaganda word to use….
3 girls killed by BBC Dr Who actor.
“Watch live as judge begins sentencing”
More protesters unwisely pleading guilty and getting around the 3 year mark. Looks to be the going rate
Some poncy kangaroo court judge reading auto cue from a screen …
Wear a hijab!
In October 1939, Freisler introduced the concept of ‘precocious juvenile criminal’ in the “Juvenile Felons Decree”. This “provided the legal basis for imposing the death penalty and penitentiary terms on juveniles for the first time in German legal history.”[26] Between 1933 and 1945, the Reich’s courts sentenced at least 72 German juveniles to death, among them 17-year-old Helmuth Hübener, found guilty of high treason for distributing anti-war leaflets in 1942.
Bristol yesterday:
Khyber Pass kebab shop fined over human faeces contamination
23 September 2015
No Kebab! That’s an added bonus.
More money from Starmer to protect churches?
If we ban all concerts and kids activities we can save more lives!
“Taylor Swift Vienna concerts cancelled after attack threat”
Ricky Jones – a labour councillor in Dartford should / might / could be in trouble for saying that ‘fascist throats should all be cut ‘ At a public demonstration- there is footage online .
The Reform MP for Clacton has suggested the red PM / police do something about it – but being 2 tier keir – he ll get a free pass for incitement to murder ….
Comment from “Suspends, suspends???? If he isn’t in prison by now. Two tier policing writ large!”
The very swarthy (!) Ricky Jones has been suspended from the Labour Party.
“PM to hold third emergency meeting as he says sentencings send ‘powerful message'”
Labour conference: Not right to say only women have a cervix, says Starmer
26 September 2021
“Davos or Westminster?” Starmer: “Davos”
🗣️ “One tweet from Elon Musk can fundamentally change the narrative.”
In the wake of the riots in England and Northern Ireland this week, @amolrajan looks at the role social media plays in the creation of conspiracy theories.
‘Looks at’, from where.
‘One tweet’, or inaccurate story from the juvenile activist cretins at a £5B propaganda operation ‘trusted worldwide’ can bring down countries…. But first, overseas media networks causing problems…
Friends overseas getting in touch concerned I am fighting off zombies in the dark are gobsmacked by the reality vs. what is being served up.
Egypt court says it has no jurisdiction to shut down BBC’s Cairo office over controversial report
“Jones launched into an unhinged tirade, branding the “disgusting nasty fascists” as deserving of violent retribution, declaring, “We need to cut all their throats and get rid of them all!”. He finished his rant with chants of “free Palestine”. This call to arms was met with cheers and applause from the crowd—one of whom, ironically, was sporting an Amnesty shirt”
You don’t get mopre hatred than that. And he is a Labour MP. This should be a huge story. It’s exactly what people are protesting about.
And nowhere to be seen on the disgusting, terrorist-supporting far-Left BBC.
It will be slipped in later when nobodies looking and then quickly moved into regions.
My disgust at how they are reporting these protests is beyond words. Have there been any peaceful protests at all ? – it seems the only thing that matters is that these protestors get jailed as fast as possible.
I see no discussion at all about what people are really protesting about.
Keep it vague, keep it scary, keep it 3rd party, keep it in ‘quotes’… keep it bubbling. ‘not confident’ of peaceful transition if Trump loses
He says it’s “important that we don’t let up” – which is why he’ll be chairing another Cobra meeting this afternoon with law enforcement officials.
Asked what lessons there are to be learned from the disorder, Starmer says the most important lesson is the one which people sentenced to prison will learn.
“Anybody involving themselves in disorder – whatever they claim as their motive – will feel the full force of the law.”
Nice test for the British membership of the ECHR – Gareth Pierce – that well funded defender of terrorists – is to take the Begum case to the European Court -she will win of course – and the reds will bring an iSIS Terrorist back to the UK ….
Elon got sloppy and has handed them ammo.
However, this is ‘them’.
Misinformation can be in many forms, not least quietly sideling or dropping what does not suit.
A BBC speciality.
Just seen that noted Labour impartial intellect Dawn Butler is seeking to head a committee in to shutting down any dissent bar that approved.
Not a concern at all.
Especially given the line of Labour front bench idiots of ovary passing along Nick Farrari’s studio and getting away with gibbering wibble and scramming.
Pakistan asks Facebook to help fight blasphemy
17 March 2017
Protests urging authorities to block social media sites spreading blasphemy have been held in
PakistanUKPakistan has often blocked access to pornographic sites and sites with anti-Islamic content and in 2010 a Pakistani court blocked Facebook over caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad.
I really hate the place mentally I find myself in. Have spent most of my life in a mostly white environment – school, workplace, – and homelife, (not a lot of BAMES at the seaside 40+ years ago,)
and now in a rural environment. So my lifetime attitude to those of a different colour was an amiable live and let live, with certainly no thoughts of hatred or racism – and working in the NHS skin colour is never noticed !
Sadly since the Millenium my attitude has changed, not for the better, and I don’t like what I’ve become. I rage at the tv at the endless ads that could be made for the African continent, I feel sick at the sight of endless boats being escorted by our taxi services coming to our beaches, I tolerate the foreign names of government ministers and those in authority whose families arrived here after 1950 so have no history here before that date, and I want to send all those that identify as British Muslim/British Pakistanis/British Caribbean et al who want to impose their cultural ways onto our Christian and 85%white country on the first plane out of here. All the above makes me a racist doesnt it, so be it, but my country has turned me into one.
GENEVA (19 April 2021) – A group of UN human rights experts today strongly rejected a UK government-backed report into racism and ethnic disparities in the country, saying the review further distorted and falsified historic facts, and could even fuel racism, racial discrimination and negative racial stereotypes.19 Apr 2021
the deliberate killing of a large number of people from a particular nation or ethnic group with the aim of destroying that nation or group.
“a campaign of genocide”
I have journeyed down the same road.
I worked in Scotland from 1975 until 2005 when I moved back to Yorkshire about 20miles from where I grew up. I was astonished at the number of non Brits ‘back home’ . In the previous 30 years had only spent a couple of weeks a year visiting family and I hadn’t realised how much things had changed. I rapidly began to share your experience and soon realised that we were in a mess and heading for a catastrophe.
No immediate arrest?
“The Metropolitan Police says officers “are investigating as a matter of urgency”.”
Got to be worth 18 months at the current exchange rate, unless 2 tier policing kicks in.
I think plod will find that the expression was a symbolic one – cultural – you understand – made in the ‘heat of the moment ‘ for the ‘community’…
So it’s an OBE at New Year ….
TWatO Watch #1 – much halo-ing of the ‘counter-protestors’
The Far Left/Hard Left/Marxists/Socialist Workers must be in line for a Nobel Peace Price after Jonny ‘Dalek’ Dymond lionised them on TWatO this lunchtime! Will Mariana Spring be sent to Venezuela anytime soon to see what the Far Left/Hard Left/Marxists/Socialist Workers have done to that country?
“Taylor Swift fans with tickets to her concerts in Vienna have said they are “devastated” that the shows have been cancelled, but that they understand why and are grateful to police.”
“And as sad as it is, it seems like the best decision for everyone’s safety – the fans and the crew and Taylor, of course. It’s not worth the loss of life.”
BAN ALL MUSIC … It’s not worth the loss of life.
BAN ALL KIDS EVENTS … It’s not worth the loss of life.
“They went to space for eight days – and could be stuck until 2025”
Chris Phillips, former head of the National Counter Terrorism Security Office, said the incident was “another reminder if we need it that terrorism and Islamic terrorism in particular is still an issue“.
James Ball is political editor of The New European
Opines in the “i newspaper”
What a cruddy PoS
Hamas are our friends? (c) Corbyn with Starmer
And Marianna’s acting more and more like a spurned lover:
Why aren’t all communities protected in Britain? @Keir_Starmer
I investigate social media at the BBC. I’ve repeatedly asked you for an interview. You accuse the media of not holding power to account. I want to ask you questions about your site and its role fanning the flames of UK riots. Will you speak to me?@elonmusk
” You accuse the media of not holding power to account.”
President Trump’s 100 Days President Biden’s 0 Day
Dear Winston Smith in the Records Department of the Ministry of Truth,
You covered President Trump’s 100 Days and then produced a Beyond 100 Days to hold power to account.
Why have you not done the same for President Biden to hold power to account?
‘Omission is the greatest form of lie.’
Thank you again for contacting us,
BBC Complaints Team
Spring lying again:
Drop the Dead Donkey Clip
“The first priority is the safety & security of our communities”
#TwoTierKeir today.
you mean those that form their own separate communities I suppose
Zephir – yes that’s right – the met chief used that code this morning at a propaganda raid – how the new model army and the ‘community ‘ stopped all those non existent protests last night …
Things people say and do to keep the emir happy – another sold soul …. But he has a state approved standing army now ….
their communities – tribal communities – irish communities –
Oliver’s Army is here to stay
Oliver’s Army are on their way
And I would rather be anywhere else
Than here today
Oliver’s Army is here to stay
Oliver’s Army are on their way
And I would rather be anywhere else
than here today
I do hope that Starmer et al know a little British history, though I doubt they do.
The New Model Army did defeat the Royalists and Scots and so win the civil wars for Parliament but it soon turned on the MPs and ousted them setting up a military dictatorship. Ten years later it changed sides and aided the restoration of King Charles 2 .
Will 2 TK’s favoured group turn on him sooner or later? Very likely I would say. If you sup with the devil you need a long spoon.
Isn’t it great that the Islamics nearly torched the globe theatre with illegal fireworks last night … second time the Globe got torched …
We are glad to say, normal service has been resumed…
hope not hate blah blah blah far right off our streets etc etc etc:
“Pictured – ISIS teen who plotted to slaughter Taylor Swift fans by driving into crowd outside concert then detonate suicide vest: Neighbours say ‘harmless boy next door’ completely changed his look after becoming radicalised”
Koran is a great book! No Cartoons though!
Beran A. and his accomplice had planned to attack Swift’s concert venue by driving into the crowd outside at 4pm today before attacking them with knives and machetes and detonating a suicide bomb.
Bet we all feel safer now no one is around to nick sausage rolls from Greggs, chuck traffic cones and knock over wheelie bins eh ?
I sigh when I read your comments. My sentiment completely aligns with yours.
During the wartime my father spent time in India and Burma. He certainly wasn’t a feminist (I don’t think many men from that era were) but he always said what he saw during his time of the behaviour of Muslim men and their treatment of their women was appalling.
He was always quite reserved and quite strict. Although over the years I never determined his politics apart from his views watching various reporting on the TV news. He would shout, curse and argue against comments made on news reports as if they could hear his responses. We would listen and watch with bewilderment – and amusement when we were children often grimacing at each other from the corners of our eyes. If my old dad was with us today the TV would have long since disappeared, probably out of the window. – The most perturbing thing is I now appear to have become my dad.
Growing up we lived alongside many Polish and Ukranians who were evacuated to our community during the wartime. We have shared our cultures and traditions. They became our colleagues, our friends and part of our families. Regrettably today we have people who have come to Britain who have no intention, whatsoever, of even attempting to assimilate with our British culture.
I have exactly the same thoughts and feelings as you describe…… I think we may have become ‘Far Right’
BBC-style disinformation: yesterday a ‘teen’ was arrested for planning a terror attack at a Taylor Swift concert. Now, you might think an image of the BEARDED suspect – even blurred out (see above post) – might be of interest to the public.
But you’d be wrong. Instead, the BBC try to distract you with an image of Taylor Swift.
Brissles /NW
It’s an uncomfortable feeling . I understand . I’m a racist . As a teacher ( adults only ) I once had to deliver ‘Race awareness training ‘. In order to do so I think I did a 2 week residential course on race .
At the end of it I knew a lot – but it made no difference to how I felt . I sold myself to deliver the ‘training ‘ which was a sort of indoctrination – each session had a senior manager present to ensure I delivered the poison properly – which I did .
Fortunately a lot of people taking part knew me – and knew what a sham the whole thing was .
I don’t feel guilt about how I feel – nor should you – I was blessed with common sense – I can see the horror Blighty is descending into . I’m glad I’m on the better side of 50 – but look at kids now – being fully indoctrinated and feel so sorry for them ….
The BBC very rapidly hid this away in the weeds of the local Bristol news page….wonder why? If some ‘Far-Right’ whitey had attacked police officers with sledge hammers…imagine eh?
‘Two British Police officers and a security guard were wounded by vandals armed with sledgehammers, axes, whips, and other homemade weapons in an attack on a Bristol area defense firm facility on Tuesday, according to the Avon and Somerset Police, Elbit Systems UK Limited, and Palestine Action.
Two police officers were assaulted with a sledgehammer when they intervened in the vandalism of Elbit UK’s South Gloucestershire Horizon facility. Police said Tuesday that one officer was taken to the hospital for back injuries, and another was treated at the scene by paramedics for an injury to the back of the leg.
Security staff were also attacked with weapons after the vandals rammed through the fence and into a building entrance with a large prison van before dawn, according to police and a video posted by Palestine Action on Instagram.
‘“We’ve managed to break into the most secure Elbit facility. You’ve been Pal Actioned. Long live the resistance. Intifada, intifada now,” said Palestine Action “actionists” who had been PAVA sprayed in a video posted by the group to Instagram.’
Calling for intifada…isn’t that basically terrorism?
Ah…that’s why the BBC is keen to hide this…they don’t report ‘terrorism’….erm…unless it’s whitey.
“hate not hope” (and he was applauded)
“Labour councillor filmed saying ‘we need to cut the throats’ of ‘disgusting nasty fascists’ rioting across the country is arrested on suspicion of encouraging murder”
Rapturous applause, including by a worker at – or supporter of – Amnesty International. Yet another ‘charity’ that’s becoming ever more woke and leftist.
Just been reading a few examples of people putting out false rumours that there will be big ‘far-right’ riots in Towns causing all the businesses to shut down in preparation.
Thus making more news with ‘far-right’ riots mentioned in there multiple times. Pure disinformation. Will Marianna be reporting it ?.
Of course not. Because the response to claims of police, media and government to having extreme double-standards against white people has been to double-down on those double-standards to even more extreme levels.
What I have noticed again is how they all started singing instantly from exactly the same hymn sheet.