The Far Left State Broadcaster is putting out the Far Left Labour Government message. And people notice the lies and omissions .. Will things ever be the same again ? Let’s hope not. The 2 tier method of law enforcement is being noticed by more and more by fair minded people – and a subject desperately avoided by the BBC / MSM …. Add it to the unapproved list ….
Midweek 7th August 2024 2 tier disorder -day 9
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Not just ‘intended to’ but ‘likely to’ stir up racial hatred….extremely sinister and open to absolute abuse and corruption being so subjective…and given people can ‘self-identify as ‘racially abused’ regardless of intent….
You’d think the BBC would be up in arms about such a dystopian and Orwellian law…but no, not bothered….essentially no-one can say anything.
2018 … In addition to reporting hate crime, please report non-crime hate incidents, **which can include things like offensive or insulting comments, online, in person or in writing**. Hate will not be tolerated in South Yorkshire. Report it and put a stop to it #HateHurtsSY – UK South Yorkshire Police, 2018
non-crime hate
non-crime hate
non-crime hate
non-crime hate
1765 …. **In a republic worthy of name, freedom to publish one ’s thoughts is a citizen’s natural right.** They may use a pen or their voice, and should not be prevented from writing any more than speaking …That is the law in England, a monarchical country, where people are freer than elsewhere because they are more enlightened. – Voltaire, Republican Ideas, 1765
I was reading the Express on line just now, and there was the Chief met plod, with his gang out arresting “far right rioters”. His gang was made up of BAME’s. Talk about rubbing salt in the wounds!
Less than an hour after unveiling a Banksy painting on satellite dish in sarf London, 3 blacks scaled the roof and nicked it. When a bypasser tried to intervene they were pushed out of the way by a ladder. Destination of the artwork unknown. Apologies but it has to be said “black bastards” – my racist side emerging.
Banksy lives in the USA and avoids all UK taxes?
Hartlepool man sentenced for violent disorder got ‘carried along’, lawyer says
This where we are now:
‘He was arrested the day after the disorder as he rode his bike in town after police recognised him from bodycam footage.’
What ?. Absolutely ridiculous. I think we can safely say he was photographed during the protest then the vast intelligence service we have monitoring the population identified him (probably through facial recognition) and sent officers to arrest him. And only the day after it happened !!.
What was the incriminating evidence the BBC tell us he did ?.
‘he was seen throwing an egg.’. He got 16 months.
There is a lesson for all of us in this. If they want you, they will get you very quickly. I’ve mentioned before how I suspect there is a HUGE amount of surveillance going on against the Right for just this occasion.
They clearly decided long ago that the only way to prevent civil war is to brutally suppress the Right while appeasing the Muslims.
The Nazis truly are back. It’s the modern Gestapo.
Have you seen those cameras at the entrance to so many UK towns mounted on top of road signs and traffic lights etc. ?
I just watched a video of a chap who does road trips in various cars and he forgot to tax one, hundreds of miles passing these cameras and no problem, but pulled over by an ANPR mobile car once. (with a rear facing camera)
So, these cameras are facial recognition NOT ANPR
for what purpose ?
Have a look at all these cameras on just a 2 mile stretch of road in Cranebridge:
They are not all cameras though. Some are microwave dishes (for sending the video), others are radar detectors for detecting pedestrians.
Now the purpose is interesting. That will be for prosecuting people selling punting trips on the river (they call them ticket touts). But you can be sure the cameras are not there to protect the public from being stabbed or mugged. The stabbings now happen in broad daylight.
Never noticed these and I’m frequently on this road on the Park and Ride bus from Trumpington…
I saw a strange sight today, a white DVLA estate car driving around a small Bedfordshire town including car parks, with a number of cameras on it’s roof, front and rear facing.
The UK surveillance state, Kim Jung Un would be proud.
I have seen these cars too, for example in Oxford. They are checking cars have paid for parking and typically it is where you have to input the registration number of your car when you pay for parking. It saves the lazy toe-rags getting out of their car and checking, or heaven forbid walk round checking through the windscreen.
So I like to park somewhere free and walk. Stuff them.
Possibly a Google Maps car, Zeps!
I’m on three separate sights down here in Kent, and am quite proud of them!
I and my wife actually appear on Google Street Maps at a pedestrian crossing round the corner, faces blurred out. Her daughter in law in Australia told her the other week.
No, clearly marked as licensing agency
If throwing an egg gets 16 months, that very public incitement to murder should get at least 2 years IMHO. There was no misunderstanding or alternative meaning possible : it exactly what they do in the third world shithole he came from.
So what will be his punishment ?.
My prediction is nothing at all and another clear example of the two-tier policing. I will try to remember to follow up this story because I’m certain that even if the BBC report it, it won’t be on the front page for long – if at all. A clear example of their two-tier journalistic ethics.
Never seen so many white faces will the news pages (intentional) – It’s Jon Snow’s worse nightmare.
Now are are all criminals and the white side is equal!
I was a panellist on the Moral Maze last night – I do little media these days as it usually feels like a waste of time but the Moral Maze is an example of genuine debate and discussion.
I particularly recommend listening to my questioning of the last witness, it was quite something.
I scooted to the end with him being told he has 10″ to get on narrative. Very BBC. Will listen to the rest another time.
The very dusky Ricky Jones has been arrested.
Sorry Briss, I bet it’s for show. Nothing will happen to him.
Rayner will hide him in her second council house
Ponzi Scheme?
“”Money that Great British Energy puts in will come back to Great British Energy and to the taxpayer.”
Energy Secretary Ed Miliband tells
a publicly owned energy generator will help control prices in the country.”
“For every £1 the taxpayer puts into Great British Energy, 3p will come back to the taxpayer.”
Fixed it for you.
Exclusive: Rishi Sunak and wife tuck into Beverly Hills Michelin star meal as UK in riots turmoil
Rishi Sunak and wife Akshata Murty dined at Funke in Beverly Hills, a restaurant at which a mushroom pizza costs almost £32, as Mr Sunak enjoys his five-week Parliamentary break
Inspirational …. “Mr Sunak, who waited tables as a teenager, owns a £5.7million luxury penthouse several miles away in Santa Monica, near Muscle Beach.”
Should two tier keir be investigated for whipping up violence?
Yes please.
Very good watch long but good
Plaid Cymru (English: /plaɪd ˈkʌmri/ PLYDE KUM-ree; Welsh: [plaid ˈkəmri], lit. ‘Party of Wales’; officially Plaid Cymru – the Party of Wales, and often referred to simply as Plaid) is a centre-left to left-wing, Welsh nationalist political party in Wales, committed to Welsh independence from the United Kingdom.
BBC webshite features this story
Record number of ‘homeless’ children in England
Yet somehow there is no mention of how many of these have arrived on rubberised cross channel ferries.
It’s either a lot – which you’d surely expect given all the publicity from the ‘refugees welcome’ Far Left advocates, or else it’s not many, which reveals the Far Left for the lying agitators they are.
Needless to say, the BBC aren’t saying.
“The situation was branded a “national scandal” by the new Deputy Prime Minister and Housing Secretary, Angela Rayner, who warned the country faces an “acute housing crisis”.”
A lovely new treatment from the NHS.
490 people have been identified to receive it to start with..
The cost is £1.6 million per patient.
How are your taxes?
Labour to finance it by removing heating from old people.
women and minorities.
“Starmer to hold third emergency meeting on riots as arrests near 500”
Amol, another Beeboid poured into his seat, conducts a debate with a bloke chosen to agree with him.
“We used to think of Twitter as a force for good in the world.”
David Wilding resigned as a Twitter UK director when Elon Musk took over. In the wake of this week’s riots he tells @amolrajan why.
🎧 The Today Podcast: Musk, misinformation and moral responsibility.
Listen now!
Few do. #ccbgb
Well what the far left used to do on twitter was spread their bile far and wide then collectively pile on the complaints about anyone they did not like or who objected to their vitriol, to get them cancelled.
They did this all the time.
That doesn’t work anymore, thus their frustration.,
“We used to think of BBC as a force for good in the world.”
Behind the scenes as Hamas chose its new leader
This was not the first time I had witnessed Hamas’s top officials gather to choose a new leader after an unexpected funeral.
Hamas’s top officials gather
How the f**ck did the bloody BBC get behind the scenes of a blood-thirsty third World gangster gang bash unless they are an invited fully paid-up and welcome guest?
Minister cleared after London property income probe
Well, one nevers
“Two Jags Prescott”
“Two Tier Kier”
“Two Homes Rayner”
“‘We know the truth, Rayner definitely WAS living next door’: Angela ‘two homes’ Rayner’s neighbours are left furious as police drop probe into her living arrangements and pass it onto HMRC – which says it will also take ‘no further action’
Sylvia Hampson, 83, had claimed that Ms Rayner was living next door to her in a terraced home – owned by her then husband, Mark Rayner – in Lowndes Lane in Stockport for a good ‘six or seven years’, rather than in the ex-council house she later sold.
The mother-of-two, who gave evidence to the police investigation, said: ‘It’s bloody ridiculous.
Chris Hinett, 64, who lives a few doors down from the house where Ms Rayner claimed she lived in Vicarage Road, Stockport, also reacted with anger.
He said Ms Rayner described herself as ‘the landlord’ at the house as he intervened in a row over a broken window before she sold it.
The car salesman said of her being cleared: ‘It’s disgusting. I co-operated with the police but when they knock on my door next time, I won’t bother.
‘It’s the police’s job to investigate election law. She is potentially going to be the next deputy prime minister – it’s not right.’
Muslims are the ones who are afraid
FFS pick a random place and a random month
8 Sept 2018 “Man stabbed in Barnsley ‘by knife-wielding woman shouting “kill, kill, kill, kill”
“Shoppers in Barnsley town centre say the woman described as “Muslim”
and wearing a black headscarf, pulled a foot-long kitchen knife”
ITV local news was like a scripted fairytale
15 mins about whitey baddies
Then to Calderdale “look aren’t these Muslims good, they are handing out free food ”
.. that region is outside our TV area, so why air it ?
No one bothered to tweet about tonight’s prog, as if everyone switched.
“Anna Soubry: If White British Community Learned More From Muslims Then UK Would Be A Better Country”
{ sep2017}
AOC blasted after asking JD Vance “why are you sitting like that?”
Top reply:
I would tell you to ask your boyfriend but he probably doesn’t have any.
9:17 pm · 6 Aug 2024
One way of putting it
The BBC way.
“Taylor Swift is Islamophobic for not going ahead with concert” (c) BBC Fake News
Home page:
“Watch: Taylor Swift cancellation ‘felt like a break-up’ […] A fan with a ticket to one of Taylor Swift’s concerts in Vienna has said “it feels like a huge loss” after all the singer’s shows in the city were cancelled.”
Every single voice hand-picked for damage limitation. BBC are only ever able to feature carefully curated teenage cutesy responses to such atrocities. I’d like to hear just once from the bloke who said “it’s not like a break-up, it’s an unimaginable relief. Sod the concert, at least my daughter wasn’t blown to pieces by an Islamic terrorist”.
Hate not hope:
“A former detective claims the Met Police could struggle to counter civil unrest if any protest groups strike during the Notting Hill Carnival later this month.
The popular Caribbean-inspired event see around two million people descend on west London, but is also known for bringing crime to the area, with reports of serious violence and disorder, including stabbings most years.”
He said: “Notting Hill is a very good question. Perish the thought if something else kicked off in another part of London at the same time, that would be a real headache for police.”
Police might be a little tired at this weekend’s football matches 🙂
They’ll need accountants to help them when Labour hits them for higher taxes for high earners …. Or maybe there will be a 2 tier tax system …
Hate not hope:
“Mr McKelvey, who remains in contact with serving officers, said: “There is also word going round that gangs are going to steam Oxford Street again.”
Last August hundreds of youths poured into Europe’s busiest shopping area intent on looting from shops after it was encouraged in videos on TikTok.
Police forced rings around many of the shops, but they were unable to prevent them getting into many of them.”
Not an anniversary the BBC will commemorate….
Not the bbc
But the video of the dusky labour councillor inciting mass murder at a public meeting takes some watching – there is a mixed reaction – ranging from enthusiastic clapping to shaking of the head …
I bet if he’d called on them to be gassed he’d got a round of applause from a good few too … but that’s crowds for you ….
.. the far left – starmer – his plod – his msm – his bbc – view Wednesday as a ‘triumph ‘ – collective delusion – the depth of the issue of a population being overwhelmed is still there …
As an aside from the wonky donkey that is our “government” up to all sorts of antics I caught the latest tv ad from Durex…….
Featuring two men at one point…..
That raises images I would much prefer not to have!
What are these companies trying to say?
Where is humanity going?
Am I just asleep and dreaming?
Nooooooooo ! (I had to re-read, I thought it was Dulux – er dog? which is equally bad)
So, the situation as I see it…
Apparently, Nick Knowles, the head of Hate not Hope has confessed that he invented yesterdays “far right” demos as a publicity stunt…which all the media and the far left seem to have fallen for. Knowles made it all up, just as he invented the story of the far-right thug throwing acid in a Muslim woman’s face.
As nearly all of the MSM were reporting the massive lefty love-in, a film video has been shown of some disgusting Muslim Labour councillor calling for the throat slitting of Jewish children. This is happening on the streets of (what was once Great Britain) not Gaza. What is even more shocking is the rapturous applause this hideous brute received from his adoring, lefty, “Be Kind”, “anti-racist” disciples. They thought it was a real hoot.
And on the front page of a number of tomorrow’s newspapers is a story about London’s runt mayor, Sadiq Khan, telling the world that “as a Muslim”, he no longer feels safe in the capital city.
I find this quite incredible. He’s the mayor. He’s banned stop and search. He’s allowed these ghastly anti-Jewish marches to go through London every Saturday and he’s presided over an enormous increase in violent street crime…and yet…HE DOESN’T FEEL SAFE!
Join the f@cking club. mate…
If he doesn’t feel safe then he has other options – all East of the Mediterranean.
#1 Probably True since the NYT reports it
#2 is is GARM a big org ?
Or just bedroom activists ?
,”GARM would shut down its operations immediately.
The World Federation of Advertisers, which is also named in the lawsuit, will remain operational.”
Media and Muslim celebs tweeting
“aren’t Muslims great ? we give out free food”
Quite a few tweeters point out the obvious
They get a low number of Likes as if people are afraid
A reply
Another example
A reply
Bacon Sandwiches must be given out. Otherwise they are racist.
Any comment yet from Keffir Stalin on his murderous Labour councillor ?
Will Two Tier Kier steer clear ?
FURY over Britain’s ‘gigantic HOAX’ as nation ‘falsely’ prepared itself for an ‘evening of violence’
Where is Marianna investigating this politically motivated misinformation ?. It was all designed to sow panic and fear among the population and paint the protestors as anarchists.
She was nowhere because her boss didn’t tell her to report it. As we have said many times here, the Left only say it’s wrong when people the don’t like do it. They are the most stupendous of hypocrites.
These are the gross double-standards of the BBC and their two-tier journalism which disgust me so much.
How do we rid ourselves of this left-wing cancer which is slowly destroying our society ?.
A few days ago Musk replied endorsing TR’s views of modern UK decline
Theresa May The Secretary of State for the Home Department 12:37 pm, 20th April 2016
The first priority of government is the safety and security of its citizens, and the Government have always made the integrity of the UK border a priority. We will never compromise on keeping the people of this country safe from terrorism, criminality and illegal immigration.
Video : Normal woman asks herself if she lives in a parallel universe after she meets another villager who believes the TV and Starmer 110%
She herself thinks the current UK situation, is like when someone who’s been bullied relentlessly 100 times
Stands up for once.
But then the whole playground gang turn and smash beats them down again
5 monkeys were placed in a cage as part of an experiment. In the middle of the cage was a ladder with bananas on the top rung. Every time a monkey tried to climb the ladder, the experimenter sprayed all of the monkeys with icy water. Eventually, each time a monkey started to climb the ladder, the other ones pulled him off and beat him up so they could avoid the icy spray. Soon, no monkey dared go up the ladder.
The experimenter then substituted one of the monkeys in the cage with a new monkey. The first thing the new monkey did was try to climb the ladder to reach the bananas. After several beatings, the new monkey learned the social norm. He never knew “why” the other monkeys wouldn’t let him go for the bananas because he had never been sprayed with ice water, but he quickly learned that this behaviour would not be tolerated by the other monkeys.
One by one, each of the monkeys in the cage was substituted for a new monkey until none of the original group remained. Every time a new monkey went up the ladder, the rest of the group pulled him off, even those who had never been sprayed with the icy water.
By the end of the experiment, the 5 monkeys in the cage had learned to follow the rule (don’t go for the bananas), without any of them knowing the reason why (we’ll all get sprayed by icy water). If we could have asked the monkeys for their rationale behind not letting their cage mates climb the ladder, their answer would probably be: “I don’t know, that’s just how its always been done.”
This story, whether real or a fable, captures a pervasive theme in many organizational cultures: We tend to do things the way we’re told they’ve always been done without questioning or revisiting the reason behind it, even long after that reason ceases to exist.
I have noticed a general depression amongst some on here including Brissles and others regarding the state of our country.
I put my thinking cap on and decided, since the Biased bbc Xmas party was cancelled again, we need a Forum day trip !
I will organise the charabanc bus, if someone else will volunteer to get the barley sugars and ginger beer.
Stew can of course be in charge of the clipboard and toilet breaks.
I am led to believe there is a traditional English festival this month called the “Notting Hill Carnival” which sounds like a great wheeze.
I asked around and was told we need to be “tooled up”, maybe Scrobs has some stuff in his shed, I assume this is if the bus breaks down ?
There are some traditional English games, apparently all standing on a bus shelter untill it collapses, which should be fun, and thrusting ones hips into any passing police officers in a sexual manner while they pretend to enjoy it which is rather odd but maybe a local tradition.
(makes a change from a sack race anyway!)
Also “pissing in de alleyways” which is maybe a local version of bowling for a pig ?
We will not need much in the way of funds as I am told shopkeepers, whilst closed, encourage participants to smash their windows in and help yourselves on the day, which is very generous of them.
Also does anyone know what a “stab vest” is and which local haberdasher can supply them ?
And, we must wear muli coloured wooly hats (if anyone is a dab hand at knitting) which are, apparently de rigeur ? although we could get a good ribbing for something called “cultural appropriation” on the day which sounds like fun !!
And, if we are lucky enough, we might be the recipients of another local tradition called “getting gangbanged or mugged” which sounds exciting.
I was also advised to never ask where the coconut shy is, which is strange, but there you go you have been warned.
All interested in this jolly day out please respond this weekend, along with a list of songs you would like for the charabanc bus trip, I am starting with “ten Green Bottles”.
Anyway, I am sure it will take all our minds away from dark thoughts about the cultural degradation of our society and breakdown of law and order.
And Brissles, cheer up, you can go first with the police officer thrusting thing while we watch and politely applaud !
If it all goes well, I understand there is another event in Luton, but we will need some things called “Berrettas” with us, or “Glocks”, maybe some kind of local flowers they put in their buttonholes or something, so I am searching Amazon, but all of a sudden they want my IP address.
The Kier Sturmites
Dumping in a phonebox, slaving for bread, sir
So that every mouth can be fed
Poor me Israelites, ah
Yes we can try that too, probably a typo and something to do with hiding a dumpling in a phone box ?
Such fun.
My shed is actually a no-go area, Zeps!
I tend to use the inside loo like normal people do…
But you can borrow my angle grinder if you like, as long as you give it back!
Er, as long as I have my tube of Voltarol handy, I’m up for a bit of twerking!
Have you checked the new even more radical BBC this morning ?
I think it could be #satire, I’m not sure
“Show how strongly you oppose racism in the UK by chanting for the annihilation of Israel!”
Bristol, last night.
They just do not get irony, another British value missing.
It was something of a treat for news watchers yesterday to witness every mainstream broadcaster and every major print title acting as just another tentacle of the same octopus. It was somewhat in the manner of seeing a total eclipse of the sun. What makes a solar eclipse particularly noteworthy is the scale of its impact and its rarity.
Presumably Tier-Two Sir Keir’s latest, additional, apparently superfluous, ‘cobra’ meeting was simply to monitor the effectiveness of his emergency media control strategy?
Are the minutes of COBR meetings ever published, we wonder?
Extract of the minutes from a meeting of the COBR, dated 12 October 2020 (UK Covid-19 Inquiry, evidence, module 2) – well, only in extract and only when it’s a chance to bash Boris for not going into Lockdown sooner, harder and longer, apparently: Module 2 will investigate all major decisions made by the UK Government relating to lockdowns, social distancing, and any other restrictions that were enforced, including the timeliness of those restrictions
One doesn’t hear much about D-notices these days (there’s one for teenagers), instead think more along the lines of that David Fincher movie Fight Club (1999):
The first rule of Fight Club is: You do not talk about Fight Club. The second rule of Fight Club is: You DO NOT talk about Fight Club! Third rule of Fight Club: Someone yells “stop!”, goes limp, taps out, the fight is over.
But even the most riot-shielded, crash-helmeted, baton-wielding line of diversity-hire coppers can’t hold the line forever… metaphorically
And so it is that only the very toughest most macho anti-far right blindly pro-mass immigration arms of the mainstream squid will loyally prevail: PM says swift justice acting as riot deterrent (BBC); Laws to stop fake news are not fit for purpose, says London mayor (Guardian)
Meanwhile, there are inevitably weak points in the line – the shorties, the fatties, the girlies – some of them from the most surprisingly regime loyal arms: Machete and bomb plot on Taylor Swift plans… Jihadi teens planned ‘massacre’ at her concert’ (Daily Mirror)
One can almost sense Keir Starmer complain – in the style of failed England football manager Graham Taylor: “Do I Not Like That”
Swift’s London shows assessed for terror risk (Times)
Rent a pop star? That will be £20m – suggests the Times, rather conspiratorially.
That old journalistic ‘despite’ from the left-leaning ‘i’ newspaper: Taylor Swift will play in UK despite Vienna terror threat
Cue Midge Ure of Ultravox
The image has gone, only you and I, it means nothing to me
This means nothing to me
Oh, Vienna
Labour man held over call to ‘cut rioters’ throats’… Police arrest councillor after footage emerges of speech at counter-demonstration (Daily Express) – now Mr AsI offers an apology of sorts here since he tends to characterise the Express as the number one Number 10 lackey loyalist and this certainly isn’t the word Tier-Two Response Starmer really wanted out on the streets. Yet even My Man Jeeves had his rare moments of quietly rebellious distainful sarcasm: “There are moments, Jeeves, when one asks oneself, ‘Do trousers matter?'” “The mood will pass, sir.”
Thought you’d heard it all after some bloke can win a gold medal for a bit of officially sanctioned domestic violence? And another chap flashed his balls as part of the opening ceremony tableau? More from the freak show that is the modern Olympics: Masked and misgendered… BBC commentator Steve Backley was corrected on air by his co-commentator after misgendering Raven Saunders, the US shot-put athlete, who wore a full face mask in the women’s competition. Saunders is non-binary and uses the pronoun ‘they’ (Telegraph)
I say bring back those East German women shot putters of the 1970s and 80s.
Maybe It’s Because I’m A Londoner
Banksy’s latest work disappears in a flash… stolen within an hour of it being revealed… located in Rye Lane, Peckham… a group of masked men climbed up and grabbed… before carrying it away (Telegraph)
Well, you know what they say… if ain’t nailed down.
Volatility. Complexity. Opportunity. Let’s meet the moment. – No, that’s not Second-Phase Starmer’s plan to quash opposition voices via an expansion of goverment control over the media – that’s the copy from the frontpage prime advert spot in the FT: Bain & Company Global Management Consulting Firm
Ah, the FT, always with the global.
Quick calm down dear, then we’re out of here…
The truth about the orgasm gap Hannah Betts (the formely-serious Times)
“Laws to to stop fake news are not fit for purpose, says London mayor (Guardian)”
“The Reichstag Fire
On February 27, 1933, the German parliament (Reichstag) building burned down. The Nazi leadership and its coalition partners used the fire to claim that Communists were planning a violent uprising. They claimed that emergency legislation was needed to prevent this. The resulting act, commonly known as the Reichstag Fire Decree, abolished a number of constitutional protections and paved the way for Nazi dictatorship.
Implemented one day after the fire, the decree suspended the right to assembly, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, and other constitutional protections, including all restraints on police investigations. It remained in effect until Nazi Germany was defeated in May 1945
The decree permitted the regime to arrest and incarcerate political opponents without specific charge, to dissolve political organizations, and to confiscate private property.”
“Laws to to stop fake news are not fit for purpose, says London mayor (Guardian)”
Then explain what laws he does want?
The Pakistan Penal Code outlaws blasphemy (Urdu: قانون ناموس رسالت) against any recognized religion, with punishments ranging from a fine to the death penalty.
MM, if it is against I slam the it is the death penalty; if it is against Xianity then it is a fine. There are 4 million Christians in Pakistan. Where was Asia Bibi from? Was it Pakistan? She was a Christian, was sentenced to death for blasphemy against I slam, I presume, and was sentenced to death by hanging.
“UK riots ‘hoax’ laid bare as plan to whip up pointless panic is exposed.
Hundreds of Britons took to the streets on Wednesday night after a list began circulating claiming far-right thugs had planned a new wave of riots.
An anti-fascist activist branded a disturbing list suggesting far-right protesters had planned to launch a new string of anti-immigration demonstrations as a “hoax” to spread panic across the UK.
Hundreds of members of the public marched in Brighton, Liverpool, Walthamstow, and several dozen other cities and towns in the country in a show of support for migrants and minority communities.
The UK has been rocked by a wave of unrest over the past week after a social media disinformation campaign wrongfully identified a knifeman who killed three young girls in Southport last week as an asylum seeker.
A list purportedly announcing a series of new anti-immigration protests began circulating online on Monday, fuelling fear of further violence and unrest this week.
Hope not Hate’s Nick Lowles, however, has now suggested the document was designed to whip up panic and spark clashes with the police and minority groups.
Writing on X, the site formerly known as Twitter, Mr Lowles said: “As suspected, yesterday’s protests outside law firms and migrant help centres were designed to wind up, generate fear and waste time and resources. Very few anti-immigrant protesters turned up anywhere, and many saw none.
“If that was the strategy then it badly backfired. Thousands came out on the streets in a huge expression of solidarity and anti-racism.”
He added: “Yes, the list was a hoax, but just look at the front pages of today’s papers. An anti-racist message is being transmitted to millions of homes this morning.
“Just to clarify, by hoax I mean that the bloke simply compiled a list and hoped people would turn up, rather than being arranged by local people.”
Mr Lowles, however, faced accusations of having contributed to spreading misinformation about the riots. ”
“far right” riot on a Wednesday ?
Not likely, they will be working Thursday to pay for the Socialist “workers” “fascist fighters” benefits..
“The BBC is obsessed with Olympic emotions, but where were they when Imane Khelif’s battered opponent was sobbing in pain?
FASTEST recorded television link of the Olympic Games?
Clare Balding at the Aquatics Centre, who took 0.0013 seconds to say: “Back now to the swimming.”
Five words delivered with a strange mixture of blind terror and relief, not because she gave too much of a toss about the 200 metres butterfly that followed but because it was preceded by a brief report about Imane Khelif beating Italian Angela Carini into a tearful and distressing submission at the women’s boxing.
A subject Clare seemed strangely keen to avoid discussing.
She’s not alone, either.
Over the past week, I’ve seen the same “rabbit in the headlights” expression on the faces of BBC colleagues JJ Chalmers, Mark Chapman and Jeanette Kwakye as they’ve tried to take the conversation in any direction other than Imane and the tests showing the Algerian had male chromosomes.”
Forgive me as I don’t do the Olympic – but it there to be a ladyboy boxing final involving 2 ladyboys ….? That bloke who beat up the Italian girl looks a proper bruiser …
Two tier state broadcaster
Two tier policing
Two tier legal system
Two tier civil service
Two tier salaried pensions
Two tier public appointments committees
Two tier honours system
I thought that we were supposed to have removed the aristocracy after the first world war.
Today watch
Well not really as I don’t listen to it very much any more . Instead I’ve just listened to the starkey YouTube piece on recent events .(53 minutes at x2)
It’s pretty dismal stuff . He sees a need for a thatcher like individual to counter the tyranny of labour – but cannot see anyone to do it . I agree . At one stage Farage was the hope . But I watched him on GBNews last night and to me – he looks and sounds burnt out – as though something has happened to him .
Starkey isn’t impressed either . As for Labour – starkey goes for the evil Sue gray – perhaps she is the equivalent of Cummings for boris – pulling the strings and scheming along . That new model plod army sounds very ‘her ‘.
Anyway – the current situation looks truly dismal – maybe only a recession – for ever promised – will lead to change – and that’s me saying that after the reds have only been in power for a month ( discount the blue – reds of the last 12 years ) .
It’s tragic that Starkey got cancelled by the bbc – but inevitable – such a comparatively powerful reasoner ( sorry ) was bound to be an affront to every far left bbc editor …
Fans of covid must be encouraged by so many athletes being infected with covid at the Olympic Games – surely the ideal way to spread a new variety across the globe quickest .
It sure wouid be useful for starmer to add further controls against us – with all the kit ready to crash down on dissenters ….maybe give it a month or two ,…..
He was a regular on GBN too but hasn’t been on there either in months as other regulars haven’t. Has there been a culling on GBN I wonder ?
I was thinking that myself. I believe he may have decided it is safer to do pre-recorded interviews with people like the one with GB News as referred to above by Fed, rather than appearing live, just in case he makes a slip of the tongue which got him so unfairly cancelled a couple of years ago.
He also has his own website if you want to go direct.
This interview with Spiked was recorded, prophetically 2 days before Southport, and is an incisive critique of our dear P.M. which is already proving very accurate.
What sort of purgatory will we have to endure under Labour for the next 5 years in tandem with the likelihood of Kamala in the White House for the next 4/5 years.
On that depressing thought, time for a small (or maybe not so small) glass of Courvoisier VSOP (other brands are available).
Back of the queue (bus) for YOU! (c) Obama
I see him, and read this from the BBC…
Starmer says swift justice has turned tide after week of riots
Beyond over enthusiastic ideological dispensers of ‘justice’ in power now, one might wonder how ‘justice’ was stalled up to this point for much more serious crimes until recently.
Phoebe not gluing herself to a Black Maria carrying a woman who tweeted inappropriately to her incarceration?
Pakistan: man sentenced to death for blasphemy on Facebook
This article is more than 7 years old
Taimoor Raza was found guilty of insulting the prophet Muhammad during an argument on social media with a counter-terrorism official
We must be fair and congratulate the BBC on
showing us imaging of white males on their main
internet page! I haven’t seen this for more than 10 years!
I bet they didn’t get them from Getty’s Imaging.
However the four today i don’t reckon that they were
members of an Olympic medal winning sprint
relay team . Of course not. Wrong colour.