The Far Left State Broadcaster is putting out the Far Left Labour Government message. And people notice the lies and omissions .. Will things ever be the same again ? Let’s hope not. The 2 tier method of law enforcement is being noticed by more and more by fair minded people – and a subject desperately avoided by the BBC / MSM …. Add it to the unapproved list ….
Midweek 7th August 2024 2 tier disorder -day 9
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“Mr Jones has been a councillor in Dartford, Kent, since 2019. He has been suspended by the Labour Party.”
“Labour suspends Jeremy Corbyn over reaction to anti-Semitism report”
“Diane Abbott walks away after she’s asked to explain Jewish ‘costume’ comment
She walks away from fellow Tube passenger after he asked what she meant while filming her”
A UK parliamentary researcher and another man have been charged with spying for China after allegedly providing information which could be “useful to an enemy”. Christopher Cash, 29, the researcher, and Christopher Berry, 32, were charged under the Official Secrets Act.22 Apr 2024
RE Air China’s advice above, this was a Chinese woman in Birmingham with her friend who was knocked unconscious by black asian male (usual suspect no doubt):
“Coronavirus: Man racially abuses woman then knocks her friend unconscious after she confronts him
Meera Solanki was attacked in Birmingham bar after standing up for Chinese friend told by man to ‘take your f**king coronavirus and take it back home’
Meera Solanki, 29, was attacked in a Birmingham bar after confronting a man who told Mandy Huang, 28, to “take your f**king coronavirus and take it back home”.
West Midlands Police have launched an investigation into the assault, one of a string of reported racist attacks across in the country linked to coronavirus.
Ms Solanki, a trainee lawyer, was celebrating her birthday when her attacker began to harass her friends. After continually bothering and attempting to spit at the group, the man allegedly began shouting racist slurs at Ms Huang.
“I was shocked and angry so I shouted for him to stop and tried to push him away,” Ms Solanki told the Sunday Mercury. “He punched me in the head, I hit the pavement and was knocked unconcious.”
“The attacker is described as Asian, 5ft 8ins, of large build and was wearing a flat cap and hoodie at the time.”
Police forces in London, Newcastle, Sheffield, Manchester and York are also investigating incidents of verbal and physical abuse in which the perpetrators made reference to coronavirus.
In the first week of February, at least five members of the Chinese community in Portsmouth and Southampton are believed to have suffered verbal and physical abuse during which the virus was mentioned, according information handed to Hampshire Police.
In one incident, a public bus driver refused to allow a woman wearing a face mask onto the vehicle, while elsewhere a female university student was called a “f***ing virus” as she walked home wearing a face mask.
Another student allegedly had stones thrown at him in Southampton town centre by male and female suspects, who shouted racist abuse involving the word “coronavirus” and told him to go back to his “f***ing country”.”
“Labour councillor Ricky Jones charged with ‘encouraging violent disorder’
Ricky Jones, who represents Keir Starmer’s party in Princes, Dartford, was arrested and charged after a rally in Walthamstow, east London.
Jaswant Narwal, Chief Crown Prosecutor for CPS London North, said: “The Crown Prosecution Service has authorised the Metropolitan Police to charge Ricky Jones, 57, with one count of encouraging violent disorder.
“Jones was filmed addressing a crowd in Walthamstow on Wednesday 7 August during which he appeared to make remarks and a gesture to encourage others to act violently towards far-right protestors.
“He has been arrested and charged within 48 hours, and will now appear at Westminster Magistrates’ Court this afternoon, 9 August 2024.”
It will take a lot more than that to convince me that there isn’t two tier policing and justice in this country.
They had to do this I suppose.
Now let’s see what he gets. I’m not holding my breath.
I will say this. I’m not happy with these ‘fast tracked trials’. I’m not a lawyer, but how is this legal? Hasn’t an accused got the right to get a legal defence together?
Seems all kangarooey to me.
Also the BBC, ‘Videos appeared online which seem to show Mr Jones, 57, telling a crowd in Walthamstow that far-right demonstrators should have their throats cut.’
This ‘far-right’ again.
Did the BBC ask every person on these protests (it seemed to me to be a mostly a load of locals just being nosey) what their political affiliations were?
If not ‘verified’ and proven to be false, doesn’t this pass for ‘spreading false information’.’
Lock ’em up, TTK!
Also this from the CPS on the BBC.
Here’s the statement from Jaswant Narwal, Chief Crown Prosecutor for CPS London North:
“The Crown Prosecution Service has authorised the Metropolitan Police to charge Ricky Jones, 57, with one count of encouraging violent disorder.
“Jones was filmed addressing a crowd in Walthamstow on Wednesday 7 August during which he appeared to make remarks and a gesture to encourage others to act violently towards far-right protestors.’
But ‘far-right’?
Oh, no doubt about it. White people in Rotherham (for example) have probably all or mostly got a young female relative (or know a close friend at least) who got gang raped off the local ‘community’.
Are you telling me that tension and anger hasn’t been boiling over for years?
And whose fault is it that it was allowed to continue for years?
Along with many other ‘pension protectors’, perhaps a broadcaster that ridiculed such ‘claims’ (truths), perhaps?
It seems to me that the BBC solely exist to protect nonces.
BBC Paxman refuses to believe in grooming gangs….
“It is extremely important that there should be no reporting, commentary, or sharing of information online which could in any way prejudice these proceedings.”
Zephir – thank you for the reminder – therefore – all -nothing naughty about this case …. If you do say anything naughty – you will have to get on the naughty step ….
> “It is extremely important that there should be no reporting, commentary, or sharing of information online which could in any way prejudice these proceedings.”
By for example calling people ‘far-right thugs’ and setting up stasi courts and parachuting in hand-picked stipendiary magistrates so that the accused do not get tried by their peers which is against Magna Carta, and the Bill of Rights 1688/9.
We see you SurKeer
Chair of advisory board for Kids Company taskforce ‘See the child, change the system’. (Registered 05 June 2015)
Kids Company was mismanaged, Charity Commission finds
The charity, set up by Camila Batmanghelidjh, folded in 2015 amid financial problems. A police investigation found no evidence of criminality or safeguarding failures.
Alan Yentob to step down as BBC executive over Kids Company row
This article is more than 8 years old
Corporation veteran embroiled in charity scandal says media coverage is ‘proving a serious distraction’ – but he will keep his presenting role
“How much these investigations will inform this new one – if at all – isn’t yet clear, and whilst it will be published, it will be forward-looking, rather than than dealing with the specific concerns raised in the past.”
it will be forward-looking, rather than than dealing with the specific concerns raised in the past
it will be forward-looking, rather than than dealing with the specific concerns raised in the past
it will be forward-looking, rather than than dealing with the specific concerns raised in the past
HA HA HA! Jimmy Saville is dead to the BBC!
” This video I took in Leeds sums up why white communities are bubbling with rage.
Elites who cannot comprehend these violent uprisings should spend time in parts of this country that are impoverished and disenfranchised ”
Thomas Sowell – The Vision of the Anointed
“How has it come to this? That is, of course, a long story, which (despite the Government’s best efforts) cannot credibly be reduced to talk of “far-Right thugs”. Swastika-tattooed skinheads have certainly played their ugly part, but while their behaviour is inexcusable, it is not inexplicable. In the wrong way, these rioters are expressing a bewilderment and mounting rage felt by vast numbers of quiet, law-abiding people.
Impoverished white British communities, in particular, feel abandoned and disdained by politicians who appear to have little to no understanding of – and even less interest in – how it feels to live in places like Harehills.
Elites who cannot understand why this country has exploded into violent uprisings need only spend a few hours in places like this – whether in Rotherham, Hull, Peterborough or Plymouth – to sense the anger and despair of hopelessly fractured and shockingly deprived communities. In Leeds, the rioters were not “far-Right thugs” but Roma families, who, as has now been widely reported, went on the rampage when police and social services removed some children and took them into emergency care.
In marked contrast to far-Right riots, which saw mass arrests, during two days of violent protests in Harehills, only a handful of people were apprehended – among them Nicky Wilcox, a gentle mother-of-one who made the mistake of going outside during the trouble and found herself surrounded by the mob. Told to go home by police, she stood her ground – and somehow ended up in handcuffs.
What happened next to this woman, who has no interest or involvement in politics and has never had any run-in with the law, raises questions about two-tier policing and the allocation of desperately limited law-and-order resources.
Having gone outside to offer police officers ice lollies, she panicked as demonstrators thronged around her. Her only crime appears to have been swearing in front of police, for which she spent 13 hours in a police cell. In a so-called “out-of-court disposal” punishment, she has now been ordered to attend an “anti-social behaviour” course.
The bitter irony is that the former singer, who used to live in a £1.5m house in London’s Muswell Hill before moving to Leeds to be with her student daughter, is a quiet pillar of the community, acting as a kind of surrogate grandmother to the children on Back Belbrooke. Traumatised by the way she has been treated, in between bouts of tears, she still radiates sunshine on these mean streets, cheerfully handing out pieces of fruit, colouring pencils and plasticine to these children who have nothing and are drawn to the “posh” lady who shows some interest in their welfare.
Perceiving that asylum seekers and other migrants who do not speak the language or integrate are given special treatment by the authorities, some of our own people have come to feel like second-class citizens.”
Woman, 91, died after foreign care staff could not explain her condition to 999
Coroner warns of potential for future deaths if standards of English are not addressed following tragedy in Somerset care home
Telegraph Reporters
4 December 2023 • 10:56am
I well recall an unfortunate falling into the legal meat grinder at a NF disturbance in Leicester (to be clear, in those days at college, I showed up out of curiosity and some solidarity with the “anti-nazi” attendees)
Man unconscious in an ambulance, said by bystanders to have been a passerby struck at the back of the crowd by half a housebrick – was arrested and jailed for assaulting a police officer – OK it’s low hanging fruit when riot adrenaline is flowing – but it happened yards from me and was a salutary example of being in the wrong place at the wrong time – that’s stayed with me for decades…..
Loads of people were just arrested and randomly charged – magistrates came in from around the county and rubber stamped anything put in front of them.
It was only days later that I found out that Trot assault teams had traveled up from London.
Last year for me …still getting over the 6 months experience, not pleasant at all, despite no charges, ever
Westminster Magistrates Court is meant to close at 4:30 today….
Why is Ricky Jones being charged with encouraging violent disorder?
Shouldn’t he be charged with ‘Encouraging or assisting an offence believing it will be committed’.
This is under the Serious Crime Act
I’m no lawyer, so I’m not sure, but it seems to say that you can get sentenced for the offence you’re trying to encourage others to do.
That would mean murder, surely?
And mass murder at that.
Certainly Anne Boleyn met her end by a bit of state violent disorder.
Wonder which photo the BBC used on its frontpage?
Any report on the Muslims being sentenced is pretty hard to find…no photos on the main pages, no headlines….but did hear the BBC tell us how wonderful one of them was….many mitigating factors….someone who did many good deeds, hard working, lots of charity and of course he was ‘provoked’ into his moment of madness….don’t remember any such praise for the Whites.
What we didn’t hear was that one of them has a record…of racism…as the Telegraph reports…
‘Ghafoor joined in by punching a man to the head and body as he was being restrained by others.
The father-of-one has previous convictions dating back to 2015 for racially or religiously aggravated common assault and was in breach of a suspended sentence from April for driving whilst disqualified.’
The BBC’s less than honest comment failing to mention his racism…
‘He will also serve a consecutive period of 12 months for breach of a previous suspended sentence.’
I just checked Twitter threads of the local ITV news show
Again very few listeners commented on the actual show.. as if they all switched off.
However people did reply to their article about the Leeds Muslims jailed for attacking a much smaller crowd of anti Open Borders protesters
.. almost all replies complain the headline says the white demo was EDL, when that cannot be true.
BTW the itv article text does say the white demonstration was peaceful
Well, no one can say that we live in a lawless society. Not any more. Just look at the stat’s…
595 arrests made since the demonstrations began and they’re being thrown into prison at an astonishing rate. Most of these men are white, working class and a bit rough around the edges. I’m guessing that not many of them will be called Tarquin or Algernon or will have attended Eton.
I’ve no doubt that Two Tier Keir will be receiving lots of well-deserved plaudits.
Mind you, if you’re a somewhat dusky predatory paedophile with a penchant for underage white girls, you’re more likely to be struck by lightning than arrested by PC Plod.
What a country…Make you proud to be British…
Blimey, am I still allowed to say that?
On the posive side, 1.2 BILLION are seeing this
I rarely believe in coincidences,
one week emptying prisons, then this……how convenient there are going to be prison places ready and waiting.
Kingpin’s conspiracy posts.. ?
Christ Almighty. I am 84 years old, never attended a protest of any kind in my life but apparently my political views are FAR RIGHT and unacceptable.
Breaking news:
“Ex-Labour councillor remanded in custody following Walthamstow video
Ricky Jones, 57, who has been charged with one count of encouraging violent disorder, entered no pleas at Westminster Magistrates’ Court on Friday.
“The Crown says that those words were capable of encouraging others to commit acts of serious violence, and further that you believed that your words would encourage violence against others.”
Jones was remanded in custody to next appear at Inner London Crown Court on September 6.
Ahead of the councillor’s appearance in court, Jaswant Narwal, chief crown prosecutor for north London, reminded the public not to prejudice court proceedings.
“It is extremely important that there should be no reporting, commentary or sharing of information online which could in any way prejudice these proceedings.”
“UK riots LIVE: Thousands of extra police deployed in UK as Nigel Farage’s HQ now a target.
Counter-protests against the far-Right set to take place across London.”
So if you have any affiliations to anything other than the Left ideology you’re basically stuffed.
Left ideology.
Tech billionaire Elon Musk has intervened in British politics once again by posting images of an offensive deleted tweet from a Labour MP.
“But he’s doing there what we do here about there!!”
@SkyNews is owned by COMCAST, a very leftwing American Company
And by being superbiased intervenes in UK politics constantly
And by by being fanatically anti-Trump intervenes in US politics.
But Sky Australia quite the opposite ?
Sky News Australia is an Australian conservative news channel owned by News Corp Australia.
Ah just found the following:
The channel was originally a joint venture between British broadcaster BSkyB (thus making it a spin-off of the Sky News channel in the United Kingdom), Seven Media Group, and Nine Entertainment Co., as Australian News Channel Pty Ltd. The company was acquired by News Corp Australia in 2016;[5] with the subsequent sale of Murdoch’s remaining shares in Sky UK to Comcast,[6] Sky News Australia no longer has any direct ties to its UK counterpart, despite still using the Sky News brand.
I’m sure the media will refer to them as ‘anti racist protesters’ or ‘anti-fascist protesters’.
They might as well just call them ‘the goodies’.
“Suspended Labour councillor Ricky Jones has been remanded in custody after appearing in court on charges of encouraging violent disorder at a rally organised by Stand Up To Racism.
Jones, 57, was charged at Westminster Magistrates’ Court, which heard that he gave a speech to a crowd which was capable of encouraging or assisting the commission of violent disorder.
Plea and trial preparation has been set for September 6 at Inner London Crown Court.”
Local news progs tonight
ITV one was total propaganda like last night as if controlled by Starmers politburo
..first half “white man bad” second half “Aren’t Muslims amazong ,”
BBC one started in a similar tone
Began with St Diana Johnson being given a soft interview on the couch.
It’s like something cooked up by Putin or Stalinest Russia.
Having been to Russia during perestroika at the time of Gorbachev,
and now having a young Russian niece who married into our family, I guarantee all these lefties wouldn’t last a fortnight living over there, they’d soon be crying for their mummies.
The betroot soup would do it for sure.
Elon musk is really enjoying himself having discovered what is going on in a third world repressive regime called ‘Britain ‘. His latest one is some MP caught out describing ‘Estonian retards ‘ from years ago but now doing one of those grim ‘apology ‘ type tweets to save his oh so short career ….priceless …
“Iraq proposes lowering legal age of marriage for girls to NINE”
That’ll go down well in bbc land….
Huw to forge new career as wedding photographer ?
Remember that lass accused of being a spy trying to get out of Iran?
If the BBC get wind of this, half the staff will be trying to get in!
Allegedly according to the bloke down the pub in Minecraft.
They will be disappointed, wrong country…
I see the media intend to downplay the far left marxist trotskies anti democracy protest attempts to intimidate a UK MP, Nigel Farage and the reform HQ in London and demos in Belfast as we speak.
Mostly ignored with passing refence in Sky but ONLY about Belfast, just the Express online so far referring to London
“UK riots latest: Belfast city centre at ‘complete standstill’ as ‘significant policing operation’ under way
Hundreds of people have gathered in Belfast for an anti-racism protest, as well as a smaller anti-immigration protest. Elsewhere there is concern of more disorder this weekend as lower league football kicks off and temperatures soar.”
“Five locations, including Nigel Farage’s Reform UK headquarters in London, are to be targeted by counter-protesters demonstrating against the far-Right tomorrow.
Finsbury Park, in north London, Stratford and Whitechapel, both in east London, Brixton, in south London, and Westminster, which is the central London location of Reform’s HQ, are all to see demonstrations.”
How exactly, does a counter protest ‘target’ a building?
They have damaged / grafittied MacDonalds and other places severely before have they not ?
The Maccy D was protesting?
Lot of hate and disinformation being pumped out by the MSM about Nigel Farage…as usual.
Be interesting to see if the coppers knock on any journo’s doors for ‘stirring up hate’ on the anti-social media of the BBC/Sky/C4/Guardian etc.
These are scary times tbh.
Don’t speculate (don’t think or wonder about something)
Don’t post anything false anywhere, even in good faith (example getting a trial date wrong with a typo – is that now a criminal act?)
A fast tracked, fast sentencing no jury trial if you fall foul.
Question Time should be interesting. I might try and get on it if TTK is on and ask, “Before I ask a question Prime Minister, I would like to ask a question about alleged two tiered policing and sentencing, but this would mean speculating on and comparing legal matters. Or even on your new and perhaps upcoming Online Safety legislation.
Doing this now appears to be something that may end up with me serving a prison sentence. Therefore, Prime Minister, I have a notepad and pen for you. Would you care to write down what questions the audience are allowed to ask you, without being thrown in a fucking prison tomorrow afternoon?”
It’s now illegal to think about a court case.
Speculating includes thinking about something (see dictionary for details).
So don’t think about that trial of the labour councilor.
Did you just think of it?
You’ve just committed a criminal offence in TTKland!
Allegedly etc
TTK. He’s like a deadly John Major.
Comes across as a boring dweeb. Look at him with that punchbag. Harmless nerd.
Or so many thought.
He’s very well versed in legal matters and knows how to get things done quickly (his way) within that system. He knows everyone who’s anyone within that system.
If this carries on, he’ll have half his opposition in the nick.
Am I going mad or is our new PM scary as fook?
Lego Head as well
I see the counter protesters are keeping clear of Milwall tomorrow, I wonder why…
Oh, they’re playing at home….
Be afraid, be very afraid…..
‘A judge has warned that anybody present at a riot will be remanded in custody, even if they were only a “curious observer”.
District Judge Francis Rafferty said that someone’s presence at a riot made them involved in the riot as he refused two bail applications.
The judge spoke as four men appeared in Belfast magistrates’ court charged in relation to disorder in the city.
Cameron Armstrong, 18, from Belfast, was charged with rioting in the Connswater area of east Belfast, which saw “violent disorder, petrol bombs, fireworks and different projectiles thrown at police and extensive damage caused to property”, the court heard.
‘Periphery of the scene’
Armstrong’s solicitor said that his client had never come to the attention of the police before, adding that while he admitted he was on the “periphery” of the scene, he denied being involved in any of the disorder.
When asked by the judge what he was doing at the scene, the defence solicitor told the court that Armstrong had gone to the area “to have a look”, adding that he had left when petrol bombs were thrown.
Judge Rafferty said: “He doesn’t have to throw a petrol bomb or brick to be involved in disorder, if he’s present at disorder.”’
Jesus H Corbett.
Did anyone say ‘taken over the institutions’?
Not me, of course.
Time for a new thread .
As a kid I was captivated by Watergate . And at the moment the BBC is going big on it . Oh the irony of Amol interviewing woodwood and Bernstein – all good lefties together .
Amol vomits the BBC narrative about Trump and the Capitol . It was pure half truth – pure Goebells -no wonder the BBC loves watergate – they twist it to the anti trump chorus ….
So a new thread -please censor yourself to prevent the starmer new model army knocking on your door( then hitting it with a sledge hammer ) at 6 in thr morning …..
It’s a free country … or it was …
Just following up on the Amol interview of Woodward and Bernstein – I never realised how far left they are – corrupted and part of the ugly democrat regime … I felt I needed to wash my hands after watching them – particularly the slagging off of president trump and the acceptance of political trials
Really does show how far in the gutter Woodward and Bernstein are …. I always felt sorry for Nixon …
We can’t speculate so I’ll just ask this.
Example of a hypothetical situation below.
Bill Bloggs throws a wheelie bun at officers, he’s in court and then jail withim 36 hours of the offence.
Wilf Bloggs grabs a microphone in front of a potentially violent group of communist, anti white agitators. He’s a minor political figure within the party of government. He then calls on people to join him in slitting the throats of the other side. Some of those on that side being children.
Charged but trial date is a month away. Remanded in custody until trial.
But why is Wilf given a month until trial? Not the next day like members of the other side?
I think we can still speculate on hypothetical situations, can’t we?
God knows anymore.
I posted earlier about the burning of the Reichstag in 1933 giving the Nazis the very same excuses being used today
“Using this justification, Hitler persuaded Hindenburg to enact the Reichstag Fire Decree. The decree abolished most civil liberties, including the right to speak, assemble, protest, and due process. Using the decree, the Nazis declared a state of emergency and began a violent crackdown against their political enemies.”
“The Reichstag fire and the Enabling Act
Reichstag fire
Burning of the Reichstag building in Berlin, February 1933.
On the night of February 27 the Reichstag building was destroyed by fire. On the pretext of a Communist plot to seize power, the constitutional guarantees of individual liberty were suspended and the Reich government was given emergency powers. It was in this atmosphere of fear and insecurity that the elections were held a week later. Nevertheless, the Nazis failed to secure an outright majority, capturing 288 of 647 seats, and both the Centre Party and the Social Democratic Party held firm. It was only with the help of his Nationalist partners, who won 52 seats, that Hitler was able to secure a bare majority.
The decree consisted of six articles. Article 1 indefinitely suspended most of the civil liberties set forth in the Weimar Constitution, including habeas corpus, inviolability of residence, secrecy of the post and telephone, freedom of expression and of the press, the right to public assembly, and the right of free association, as well as the protection of property and the home. Articles 2 and 3 allowed the Reich government to assume powers normally reserved for the federal states. Articles 4 and 5 established draconian penalties for certain offenses, including the death penalty for arson to public buildings. Article 6 simply stated that the decree took effect on the day of its proclamation. “
Perhaps, reciprocally, it will eventually be Poland that stands up and comes to the rescue of the UK…………
Funny that.
Amazing how quickly and how severely the police and courts can arrest, judge and sentence when they put their minds to it.
Oh, and when the accused is white and right-leaning.
And all that for a few angry Tweets or Fb posts.
PS. Notice the smug sanctimony of the judge.
History never changes.
The speed and haste will shortly also apply to legislation if Zephir’s playbook sequence above is followed. Both the Red and Blue parties have been ratcheting up the controls for years. Collusion toward the ultimate goal which is the Chinese system of control of the population.
Clearly the protests are being whipped up into another January 6th fake “insurrection” by the same sort of establishment as in the US, with the same vindictive, draconian reprisals.
And the BBC are lovin’ every unjust moment of it.
Apparently, there were NO small boat arrivals for the 7th and 8th……..
Perhaps Two-Tier has banned the Home Office from publishing his ‘score-card’ ?