I won’t let the fact that I appear to be first deflect me or give me illusions of grandeur.
Just want to say that when the leader of any Country decides that the rules for its citizens lies entirely within the hands of a few high up people in government then they have joined the ranks of such odious countries like Cambodia, North Vietnam, China…. etc.
I take my hat off to Starmer for bringing about this trajectory for the UK in such a short space of time however black it is for personal freedom in this Country.
To all those who put this dangerous man in this position, I sincerely hope you get what you asked for in every sense of the word.
I predict his little empire will collapse when Joe Public realises what he is up to.
Look, Russia has some huge issues and it’s not a place I’d particularly want to live in, but the UK gov jails far more people for social media posts they don’t like than Russia does. Like 7 or 8 times more.
In fact, if this carries on (where it seems even speculating or hurting a leftists feelings could get you locked up) I can see the UK having (white) refugees trying to flee to Russia!
I’m not a Russian bot btw, whatever one of those is.
Starmer seems to be interfering with legal process. Talking about ‘you will regret’ this or that and how quickly he’ll prosecute etc.
Very, very slippery slope.
For those that voted for this, give yourself a big pat in the back.Mugs.
The solution might just be to cancel your internet because it seems almost anything could be illegal now.
Remember, if someone merely takes offence at something you say, even if it’s speech which is ‘non crime’ (Jesus), you can go to prison.
It’s too open ended. Too vague. And we know why.
It’s so the left can put their political opponents in prison.
And that is how it will be used.
Btw The Times is a joke. It seems the entire media is pro Starmer too. What the hell is going on? The ‘opposition’ are silent apart from Reform.
The ‘media’ seem to be trying to get Musk (lol) and Farage (not lol) put in prison too.
The fact Farage simply asked if the accused was on a watchlist and asked what his residency status was could put him in prison.
For asking a question!
It’s what people have done since the dawn of time.
Only a fucking lunatic would try to jail people for that.
Scary times and I’m not sure I want to see out the rest of my days in the People’s Democratic Republic of Starmer to be honest.
To clarify I simply think it’s ridiculous that TTK thinks he can put Musk in a British prison.
Btw, with Musk now unable to travel to Britain for fear of being arrested and jailed under Starmer’s new ‘swift justice but not kangaroo courts’, I doubt we’ll be seeing any Tesla factories/ other Musk company related jobs created here. Or perhaps even large investment in uk based companies.
One thing to also mention. C Steele is the former MI5 intelligence officer who produced the dodgy Trump-Russia dossier. This ended up handicapping much of the Trump term of office and the Covid-con finished it.
He seems pretty slick at producing unverifiable facts.
Why is the Labour Government so anxious to impose draconian sentences on rioters? Have we not discovered that punitive detention measures are generally counter-productive in reforming offenders? Is it not better to offer them remedial care in the community, where qualified professionals can assist rioters to come to terms with their aggressive behaviour? Many of these rioters will have suffered deep trauma in their childhood, which now expresses itself in anti-social ways. Many rioters too still bear the scars that result from a society burdened with outdated hierarchies and belief systems, often the results of dogmatic governmental austerity. Surely as a former public prosecutor himself Keir Starmer is aware of these things. Why then is he resorting to the worn out dog-whistle theories of the past?
Giving someone a criminal record is a very serious thing.
There are lots of professions that will be closed to you forever if you get one.
Gov office worker
Prison guard
And lots of private company jobs too.
It can and does totally ruin lives.
I agree that those idiots attacking the police should be jailed. But simply observing a protest with a few idiots causing bother? Or an older chap getting in the police’s faces and waving his arms about while shouting at them (I don’t believe he shouted anything racist because we’d have heard about it)?
Long jail sentences? Really?
Some younger lads and lasses now have their lives potentially ruined too, for a social media post or two sent in an emotion state?
Seems a bit much to me.
At the same time letting out killers after just a few months? Or people with ‘baby rape’ videos not getting any jail time?
G ,
Likewise the Gestapo …….after WW2 i believe many worked for the CIA , Heir Starmer has obviously done his research……whoops there I go again ! . If I end up in Prison at least I will have the full care package….or will they take away my Pension to pay for it aaaaggggghhhh
I really love the BBC with it’s unbiased approach to Broadcasting…Honest !
It seems the public need to be more creative with their acts of objection. Somehow stop the money flow into the exchequer first off. It’s absolutely ridiculous that the public are financing all that goes on against themselves. Incomprehensible.
Biden dropped out because Obama (backed up by the evil witch Pelosi) threatened to impeach him under the 25th amendment if he didn’t. Period.
The rest is lies. Lies which the BBC are only too happy to repeat without question.
Everything about the BBC stinks these days.
What on Earth does this have to do with this headline ?:
‘He went on to say that he was concerned that there would be violence if Trump loses the election.
“He means what he says,” Mr Biden said. “We don’t take him seriously. He means it. All the stuff about, ‘If we lose, it’ll be a bloodbath’.”
“He’s a genuine danger to American security,” Mr Biden said.’
The only ‘bloodbath’ Trump mentioned was to the American automobile industry.
Another shocking misrepresentation of facts which the BBC know they will get away with now TTK (Two Tier Kier) is in charge.
Yes…odd the BBC quotes Biden without a fact check nor condemnation for such an inflammatory, erm, lie.
I note the following paragraph…why include this in a piece about Biden? This is clearly juxtaposed against the line that Trump’s campaign said the Democrats had taken the ‘bloodbath’ comments out of context…..the BBC is trying to say that must be a lie because the claim the election was stolen is a lie…
‘…however his campaign has repeatedly said he was referring to the economy and the auto industry and that Democrats have taken the quote out of context.
At the same time, the former president has repeatedly insisted, without evidence, that he was cheated out of victory in 2020 and has warned that there will be attempts to “rig” the vote this year. ‘
Note the ‘without evidence’…no such qualification for Biden’s comment…well, the ‘evidence’, ie the actual speech and context made it clear Trump was talking about the car industry. As for being cheated out of the 2020 election you could make a case for that given the 4 years of Democrat driven lies about Trump and the 90% of the media that blitzed the voters with those lies damning Trump for the 4 years. And then there’s Clinton who tours the world telling how her election was ‘stolen’…odd that the BBC never mentions that nor condemns her for it.
It seems pixie – Evette cooper balls – their Home Secretary – is saying that the British public have lost faith / trust -in the police .
Shock horror . She seems to focus on recent events .
Yet I recall many times when she laid into her plod – for instance the PC who kidnapped raped and murdered a lady walking home . Sure – this case demanded criticism – but I recall her attitude was far winder on the ‘mysogeny gig and too much whiteness .
Labour really is getting the New Model Army – plod – inside the tent . She has no concept of the Two Tier every one sees .
All those years of policing by consent is now alien to plod – its oppressive monitoring of views – arrests for internet comments and the crushing of unapproved dissent – such as the invasion.
‘One of the great strengths of this nation has always been our ability to navigate a way through to calmer waters.
And yet this depends upon politicians…Particularly those who stand for stability and moderation – as I do.’ Starmer on taking Office.
‘Stability and moderation’? I await.
In the meantime we have Spring’s usual disinformation as she denounces Tommy Robinson in her hit-piece against Musk…and somewhat childishly calling Robinson ‘Yaxley-Lennon’ in what she thinks is a telling blow for truth and justice but is in reality a small-minded, petty slight….
‘Yaxley-Lennon had taken aim at UK Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer for his words after riots broke out following the murder of three girls in Southport. Yaxley-Lennon had accused the Prime Minister of labelling everyone upset about the murders as “thugs”. Mr Starmer’s speech had specifically referred to thugs as being those throwing bricks at police officers.’
Really? Seems a far more general and overarching characterisation of protesters….not just brick throwers….one earlier speech mentioned brick-throwers but this later one was spreading the blame…
‘I utterly condemn the far-right thuggery we have seen this weekend.
Be in no doubt: those who have participated in this violence will face the full force of the law. ‘
‘A response both to the immediate challenge…
Which is clearly driven by far-right hatred. ‘
Curious that she only references Robinson’s criticism of what Starmer said….there were many more critics from many ‘respectable’ news publications also saying exactly the same thing about Starmer smearing everyone as Far-Right and his eagerness to increase powers of oppression.
Spring claims the false identification of the stabber was the problem…but really it was the police, as Farage said, not releasing certain details that allowed the false information to gain traction. Labour politicians and apologists for the police say they couldn’t legally release the name of the killer…no, but they could have released his place of birth and said he was ‘Welsh’ and thus scotched the rumour that he was an asylum seeker.
Spring is somewhat obsessed by Musk, as is the BBC and much of the Left, including the Times, and they cannot but help letting their own prejudices shine through as they whine about his ‘interference’ in our politics…no problem though with Obama or Biden or anti-Brexit business magnates voicing their opinions…or Soros funding his chosen groups in the UK.
‘It is increasingly also a story about how Mr Musk himself is choosing to wade in, overtly, to opine on unrest in the UK.
And nobody is quite sure what his game plan is.’
That’s just fabricating a story and trying to imply some sinister motive…maybe he’s just after the truth and comments on the hypocrisy and abuse of power that he sees and the BBC fails to challenge.
We have this prejudiced and subjective claim from Spring…
‘Then this week, Mr Musk responded to a post from Yaxley-Lennon with two exclamation marks – in other words, stirring the pot. ‘
‘Stirring the pot’ eh? Or fair comment by Musk?
Then there’s this blatant attempt to smear Musk….maybe he’s a bit mental? Smacks of the Soviet method of dealing with awkward people who speak truth to power….declare them mentally ill and lock them away…
‘Others wonder if he has simply spent too much time on X. Sander van der Linden, a professor of social psychology at the University of Cambridge, has suggested that Mr Musk may be “radicalising himself on his own platform”.’
I think her main problem with Musk is that he refuses to talk to her…and she’s soooo important…doesn’t he realise?…like Nick Robinson and Andrew Neil squealing loudly when Boris refused to be interviewed by them.
Tommy Robinson is now effectively in political exile – and it would be best for Elon Musk to avoid UK jurisdiction …. The list is likely to get longer as the Two Tier Keir Regime gets even more extreme far left …. Aided by a politically corrupt plod …
I don’t believe it.
The BBC news webshite does not feature a story about ‘Far Right riots’!!!!!!
Two tier Kier Jong Un is sure to be ‘having a quiet word’ with someone at New Broadcasting House. Presumably telling him to which gulag he is to be sent.
What I envisioned for a people’s revolt was a bit different .
I actually geared up a bit and bought some things from Amazon.
You see it must start off as a peaceful rally , with lots of women , families and children . It should have almost a festive air about it where people want to join in and no one is intimidated.
An exact opposite to the usual lefty Hate not Hope sort of menacing ethos.
Instead of ugly scruffy harpies with screeches hisses and boos , nice people with happy sounds you want to mix with . Normal people . The type the world needs to revolve around or humanity is doomed .
So from Amazon I bought some toy plastic trumpets , a few whistles , a football rattle , school type bell , tinkling chimes etc
Sounds that are not threatening.
I also saved a few cardboard tubes and plumbing u joints ( to make a saxophone?!) that someone more dexterous than me can make into nice noises .
I would love such a rally to go past the BBC and blast away so that it’s heard when The World At One is broadcast.
But I reiterate, the marches and rallies must entice people in , not repel them .
A little vignette on the BBC but whose relevance was totally missed.
Michael Johnson announces that the last Olympics to turn a profit was LA in 1984. They expect to do the same in 2028.
Turn a profit? How seedy! How uncharitable!!!! That’s the Far Left response.
And it is also why the USA is the most successful country in the world this past century. Turning a profit. Unashamedly.
Something the BBC will never understand.
LA 84 (in my humble opinion) had the best opening ceremony – a spine tingling renditon of Rhapsody in Blue by 84 pianists at their pianos at the Memorial Coliseum. Utterly fabulous. Hope I’ll be around in 2028 to see what they do next (oh dear God its the year Im 80 – still, its the new 60 innit ? )
Curious thing….the BBC hates Musk and relentlessly tries to demonise him….but strangely not a peep about their favourite baddy of the moment as he trashes one of their heroes…from the Telegraph….and lots of comment elsewhere….
‘Elon Musk brands Humza Yousaf a ‘super racist scumbag” ‘
Billionaire dares former first minister to sue him in an escalating row between the pair on X, formerly Twitter
Elon Musk has branded Humza Yousaf a “super racist scumbag” and dared the former first minister to sue him.
The billionaire said “go ahead, make my day” following reports that Mr Yousaf was considering taking legal action in an escalating social media row between the pair on X, formerly Twitter, which is owned by Mr Musk.’
Obviously they are waiting for Yousaf to hit back with some cutting jibe as he did in 2023…as reported by the BBC….
‘Humza Yousaf hits back after Elon Musk brands him ‘racist” ‘A spokesman for Mr Yousaf said Mr Musk should instead “tackle racism and hatred that goes unchecked on the social media platform he owns”.
He also said Mr Yousaf had been on the receiving end of racism his whole life.’
Come on Yousaf…the BBC is there for you! Make yourself the victim and get the tears ready….BBC will big it all up for you.
Rumour is that Musk has not only racist words said by Yousaf in public but also some said on private channels…allegedly….hence his confidence about being sued.
Although, as we know, Bames cannot be racist…so I don’t know how Musk will backup his accusations…lol.
A Socialist State once thoroughly completed in all its details and aspects… could not afford opposition. Socialism is, in its essence, an attack upon the right of the ordinary man or woman to breathe freely without having a harsh, clumsy tyrannical hand clapped across their mouths and nostrils.
But I will go farther. I declare to you, from the bottom of my heart that no Socialist system can be established without a political police. Many of those who are advocating Socialism or voting Socialist today will be horrified at this idea. That is because they are shortsighted, that is because they do not see where their theories are leading them.
No Socialist Government conducting the entire life and industry of the country could afford to allow free, sharp, or violently-worded expressions of public discontent. They would have to fall back on some form of Gestapo, no doubt very humanely directed in the first instance.
Children now jailed, (remanded in custody) they must know he is obviously a flight risk, off to Brazil and plastic surgery if he is let out on bail ?
“Meanwhile, a 15-year-old boy has become the first child to be convicted for his part in violent disorder in Sunderland.
Northumbria Police said the boy, who cannot be named for legal reasons, was arrested on Friday morning as part of a round of early-morning raids across the region.
He appeared at South Tyneside Youth Court on Saturday where he admitted one charge of violent disorder and the burglary of a business, after stealing from a vape shop. He will next appear at the court on Thursday.
Separately, a 15-year-old boy from Toxteth was charged with burglary in relation to disorder which took place in Liverpool city centre on August 3. The boy was remanded in custody to appear at Merseyside Youth Court later today.”
“Chief Constable Chris Haward, the NPCC lead for serious and organised crime, said the ‘abhorrent’ violence did not take place ‘spontaneously’.
‘It was the result of dozens of so-called influencers, exploiting the outpouring of grief from the tragic loss of three young girls in Southport,’ he said.
‘They knowingly spread misinformation, stoked the flames of hatred and division and incited violence from the comfort of their own homes, causing chaos on other people’s doorsteps.’
Mr Haward added: ‘Anyone who has been a part of this appalling behaviour should be aware that we have specialist officers from the regional organised crime unit network monitoring content and working at pace to identify you.
‘Online crimes have real-world consequences, and you will be dealt with in the same way as those physically present and inflicting the violence.’”
And there was me thinking that people were protesting about the government flooding the country with foreigners who hate us and want to kill us. My mistake.
“The number of rioters and agitators arrested by police has hit more than 900, it was confirmed tonight. There have been 927 arrests and 466 charges across the country so far, a spokesman for the National Police Chiefs’ Council (NPCC) said.
The astonishing figures came as the Director of Public Prosecutions warned the worst offenders they could face up to ten years in jail.”
“Punishment for eco-protesters who were jailed for plot to bring M25 to a standstill in move that saw people miss funerals and cancer treatment was ‘far too severe’, Labour MP claims”
PppExactly Atlas, there is no way on God’s earth that any sort of valid defence can be put in place in the context of an overnight court justice and conviction system.
This has all the hallmarks of a kangaroo court for those who do not tow the line, one might almost say a two-tier justice system.
Guilty until proven guilty seems to be the approach.
In my opinion, It must be that these accused are regarded as disposable collateral damage in the grand political plan and therefore without normal human rights.
On the other hand, the same great and good are quick off the blocks to condemn the same rough justice and treatment of “undesirables” in Russia for instance.
And how many offenders are there who have committed absolutely appalling crimes including taking innocent lives languishing in drawn out court cases while highly expensive solicitors and barristers sift through evidence for any possible ray of defence or mitigation.
” Two-Tier Keir showed his true colours years ago. We should have seen the warning signs
Far-right rioters are worthy of condemnation, but accusations of two-tier policing are becoming harder to deny .
Sir Keir Starmer is quite right to condemn the violence against police officers during the appalling riots that have played out on our streets over the past week. “Our police deserve our support,” the Prime Minister has said. “Whatever the apparent cause or motivation, we make no distinction. Crime is crime.”
I totally agree. There is, however, one thing that puzzles me.
On June 6, 2020, 14 police officers were injured in London after a Black Lives Matter protest turned violent. One female officer suffered a broken collar bone, broken ribs and a collapsed lung after a protester threw a bicycle at her horse, causing it to bolt. The next day, at another Black Lives Matter protest in London, a further eight officers were injured. One was pictured with blood pouring down his face.
Then, two days after that, Sir Keir Starmer chose to publish a photo of himself, solemnly taking the knee.
Given all the injuries to police in the preceding days, did it not occur to Sir Keir that this gesture might look just a touch crass? If he believes there’s no excuse for violence, “whatever the apparent cause or motivation”, shouldn’t he have avoided this photo op? Or are violent protests after the killing of a man in the US somehow more excusable than after the killing of three girls in Britain?”
“Row in tiny Norfolk village explodes over plans to fly the Union Flag as some residents call it ‘divisive’ and claim it could put people off from moving there”
“Angela Rayner abandons plans to give priority to British citizens over migrants in council house waiting lists.
Deputy Prime Minister has been criticised for quietly dropping Tory proposal. Reform would have given priority to those living in Britain for at least ten years. There are currently 1.3million people on the council house waiting list in the UK ”
BTW this is the Daily Mail that regularly publishes stories such as this and then attacks those showing outrage and anger on the streets, even the non violent ones.
From above:
“‘It was the result of dozens of so-called influencers, exploiting the outpouring of grief from the tragic loss of three young girls in Southport,’ he said.
‘They …. stoked the flames of hatred and division ….causing chaos on other people’s doorsteps. “
Strange that the BBC hasn’t picked this up yet given how Musk and X are the bone to the BBC’s dog…
‘ A tech industry counter-terrorism organisation is concerned over content posted on Elon Musk’s X by Palestinian militant group Hamas and is worried about the social media platform’s membership on its board, The Sunday Times reported.
Members of the Global Internet Forum to Counter Terrorism (GIFCT) believe the group’s credibility is undermined by X’s membership and position on its board, according to The Sunday Times. The GIFCT also includes major social media groups Facebook, Microsoft, Twitter and Alphabet’s YouTube.’
But then again it would be kettle calling pot black given the BBC itself being a pro-Hamas propaganda platform whose journalists actively promote the Hamas narrative.
Possibly no coincidence this attack on X is happening now…the Blob circling the wagons and trying to take down Musk via any means possible.
Government advice and trusted resources to help safeguard students from radicalisation, build resilience to all types of extremism and to promote our shared values.
our shared values = CANNOT BE NAILED DOWN = Sleep with a child aged 6 = marry your cousin = SHARED VALUES
The Metropolitan Police said it had held “regular discussions” with organisers the Palestinian Solidarity Campaign (PSC) to minimise disruption.
A counter-demonstration by pro-Israel group Enough is Enough took place at Piccadilly Circus at the same time.
The Met said seven arrests were made during the PSC event, with officers intervening in incidents involving “offensive placards and chants, violence and sexual assault”.
One man was arrested for “carrying a coffin with offensive language on it”, the force added.
“Protect our children from racists” the one idiot holds in the air – I guess its not the 1400+ who were raped that shes referring to!
“while a small number of anti-immigrant protesters amassed in the nearby Bigg Market area” – Small number? They amassed, makes it sounds like a massive army waiting to invade, how many is small number 2 or 3 maybe?????
I think they’ve stopped reporting because the spotlight has shifted to the Muslims who are showing they are far more nasty and far more violent than the far-Right football hooligans who just want to smash windows, not murder people.
And of course the BBC don’t want us to know about that due to their stupendous racist double-standards.
On BBC Breakfast about 6:52m was an interview with some leftie Professor of psychology where he was allowed to speak freely about Elon Musk who is “spreading conspiracy theories” and even the leftie crime of being popular where his tweets as CEO can trend because he has so many followers. No balance or counter argument put forward.
Some suggestions to solve this was government restriction access to Twitter.
The professor also managed to moan about Musk supporting Trump. I was getting bored of it by now and lost interest but I can guess the professor’s solution was banning CEOs of Twitter from supporting right wing political parties.
‘Riots show UK has lost respect for police, warns Home Secretary’ ‘Violence has revealed that people believe crime has no consequence, says Yvette Cooper
Britain has lost respect for the police, the Home Secretary has claimed in the wake of the riots.
Yvette Cooper pledged to restore the public’s faith in the law as she warned would-be rioters that the streets would be flooded with police this week.’
Hmmmm….well maybe if they tackled burglary, shoplifting and oh yeah…knife crime rather than sending in the swat teams to people on Twitter. And how about those Muslim groups that gather outside schools and threaten mayhem and murder as teachers are forced into hiding?
‘Far-Right groups are unchristian, says Archbishop of Canterbury’
Lol….didn’t realise they had proclaimed their faith in Jesus….probably more likely to be Pagan if anything….or propping up a bar than an altar.
‘Far-Right groups are unchristian, says Archbishop of Canterbury’
Justin Welby said the Islamic rules are incompatible with Britain’s laws, which have developed over 500 years on the principles of a different culture.24 Feb 2018
Maybe we should campaign to label shoplifters as ‘Far Right’.
Then two tier Kier might nudge the judicial system into action.
Well, it might work but probably only for whitey shoplifters.
Above could not be much worse and we watch it week after week and next to nothing done.
1 Premeditated and planned well in advance
2 gang related for selling on, not for need
3 armed and causing terror to shopkeepers and the public
Who are you going to blame for this TTK ? Tommy Robinson, Nigel Farage, Elon Musk, keyboard warriors ?
Remember the black lad on tik tok posting videos of himself abusing people in public and walking into their houses terrifying them ? warning after warning, and defiantly refused to comply, what was done ? not a lot and it took months.
They can work quickly and suddenly find the resources when the white working class are involved, marchined into jail immediately, tried and sentenced in days.
About a year ago I asked in a coop shop in the neighbouring village if they too were seeing an uprise in shop-lifting. When they said definitely I asked if this was due to an increase in poverty.
Definitely not due to poverty the lady said. She gave as an example the theft of 100 bars of chocolate. She said you don’t steal 100 bars of chocolate because you are hungry. The implication was this stealing was to sell on and make money.
A story which is significant because it signifies the state of our society. Someone asked someone to stop smoking on a train and got threatened + punched twice in the face for doing it.
But of course the BBC are only interested in empathy-headlines or articles about ethnic minorities they can portray as victims of white males.
Of course they don’t report this story. because this is the man who did it:
Two-Tier BBC. Two-Tier Police. Two-Tier MSM. Two-Tier TV. Two-Tier government. The infiltration of key institutions by Leftist activists is almost complete. This is a classic example of the ‘boiling frog’ metaphor.
Biggest mistake – speaking to a coloured – best avoided unless you really have to …. Most are just looking for an excuse to do what that vermin did … but I still believe in the law of comes around – goes around – he will be his -….
Slaughtered on the alter of mass immigration policy edition
Our formerly serious newspaper of record, the Times, this morning would have us fret over: A neo-nazi in Finland… – but before we go any further we need to point out the fact there are no neo-nazi’s in Ukraine, where they are all 100% peace-loving, despite any Russian disinformation you have heard about the Azov Battalion: Ukrainian families torn apart by visa changes… The government is facing calls to reverse changes which make it harder for Ukrainians to bring family to the UK. One charity supporting migrants says the “heartless” policy has “torn apart” families and left people in danger (BBC)
The Azov Battalion Emblem is a combination of Nazi-era symbols like the reversed symbol of Himmler’s Schutz Staffel (SS), the special military unit of the Nazi Germany, and the Black Sun an esoteric and occult symbol of the same era. It is interesting that the “Тризуб” (Trident) the national emblem of Ukrain lies under those two and in much smaller size (thank you Wiki)
Well, the use of those naughty symbols is very… naughty of them: Far-right use of Christian symbols an ‘offence to our faith’, says Welby (Guardian)
I don’t know much about this supposed neo-nazi in Finland – except if the Ruskies should decide to cross the border with Finland he’s very likely to suddenly become our friend and ally. His asymmetric warfare knowledge would then be rather useful. But we digress.
A neo-nazi in Finland shared instructions on how to commit arson and waste police resources during the far-right riots across England last week (Times) – couple of points to unpack from that brief frontpage snippet…
Note we’re now calling the recent disturbances: the far-right riots – expect that one to catch on like Rishi Sunak’s small boats spin
across England… did we suddenly forget Northern Ireland?: Several nights of rioting ensued after an anti-immigration protest in the city centre last weekend. (Belfast Telegraph)
shared instructions how to commit arson – have you tried to order a copy The Anarchist Cookbook (there’s one for the teenagers) through your public library lately? The wait can take weeks and they’ll advise you it would be quicker and easier to go online for a pdf copy instead.
One wonders whether 2TK (Two-Tier Sir Keir) will start immediate extradition proceedings with Helsinki for the arrest of this swastika scoundrel with snow on his boots.
And will Starmer perhaps lodge an extradition application with some sypathetic left-leaning US judge for the Beastie Boys? Afterall, they did put out the message: You gotta fight for your right to party – incitement to thuggery if ever I heard it.
Also from the Times where they’ve heard the call that’s been put out from Number 10 about the urgent need to trash the reputation of our Elon: X faces axe from tech’s anti-terror colation… amid claims that X is the top platform for hosting Hamas videos
Speaking of our friends in Hamas…
2TK BDS, eh? Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions: Musk has blunted my craving for a Tesla (Pilita Clark, FT)
While we’re with the gynaeceum that is British journalism…
The Times promises: What today’s single women really want – a pic of our Jennifer Aniston stands as the literal avatar, the embodiment and incarnation for this feature: Jennifer Aniston criticises JD Vance’s ‘childless cat ladies’ comment (Catherine Shoard, Guardian)
And presumably because today’s single blokes either don’t want anything… or are perhaps eminently replaceable: Small boat arrivals – last 7 days… 608 (Gov.UK)
How I finally got over my lifelong fear of intimacy… …by taking sex lessons in a room full of strangers (the ever-excitable Daily Mail) – calm down luv.
Any inherent vague association with grooming gang activities is purely in the polluted mind of the reader.
I’ve always had hang-ups around sex. I’m a Catholic school girl, and not the fun, naughty kind, the ‘everything is a sin kind’ (Marianne Power, Daily Mail) – it would of course be an ecumenical matter (TM Father Ted) but any comment on this form of naughtiness from our eminently out-spoken venerable Archbishop Welby? (Defender of the – muslim – faith)
Hopes that worst of riots ‘at an end’ – speculates the left-leaning ‘i’ newspaper – and the gynaeceum that is BBC news staff liked that for their top pick of the national headlines. Even despite the fact our poundshop junior Guardian that is the ‘i’ didn’t get the memo yet about the correct approved ‘far-right riots’ terminology.
Hundreds mourn in Southport (‘i’)
‘Dance to heaven little princess’ (giveaway Metro)
No more rioting in the name of our little girl… Parents’ heartfelt message… (Daily Mail)
Mr AsI respectfully refers readers back to the title of this review
I have been known to visit the BBC R4 to listen to the, ‘Westminster Hour’. Which is a debate over topical subjects between a number of MP’s of differing hues. Main point for me is to listen to how deluded they are. Yesterday evening was as bad as I expected resulting in use of the ‘off’ button very quickly. Another planet.
They were all massively deluded to a greater or lesser extent. ‘Representing our local electorate’? I don’t think so.
Well it seems the mosques are attempting to run our foreign policy now, aided and abetted by mayor khan, allowing their violent and intimidating demands week after week.
The bbc, once again, front page, first article, have a picture or the nottingham black who killed three innocents. Why do they keep showing his face? I know what one of those looks like. I can only assume that he is some kind of poster boy for the girlies in bbc hq.
I also noticed, last night, that the entire front page was full of crap about the bloody olympics. Any mention of the little girl’s funeral in southport was absent. If she had been black they would have cancelled the olympic ceremony for a week long woke-fest.
The anger and resentment that the bbc bias produces is enormous, and will not be forgotten when hostilities resume. I’m not condoning it, but I am aware of the peoples mood.
Not BBC -but a new ‘guilty pleasure ‘ – watching the likes of Ted Cruz nailing Biden nominated far left lawyers to the wall when the go before congressional approval committee .
The Far lefties lie and distract from what they have said and done to further their corrupt careers – and then the likes `Ted ‘asks them if they really do believe that the police should be ended …
Great fun to watch / listen to -instead of ‘Today ‘- it’s all on YouTube …
Angela Rayner abandons plans to give priority to British citizens over migrants in council house waiting lists
Deputy Prime Minister has been criticised for quietly dropping Tory proposal
Reform would have given priority to those living in Britain for at least ten years
There are currently 1.3million people on the council house waiting list in the UK
By Martin Beckford, Policy Editor
Published: 02:05, 12 August 2024 | Updated: 08:08, 12 August 2024
Most citizens of Saudi Arabia are ethnically Arabs, the majority of whom are tribal. However, more than 40% of Saudi Arabia’s population are non-citizens.[11] According to a random survey, most non-citizens living in Saudi Arabia come from the Indian Subcontinent and Arab countries. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demographics_of_Saudi_Arabia
WE ARE ALL EQUAL … The government prohibits non-Muslims from entering the cities of Mecca.
I want all Londoners to be in no doubt: London Is Open and no matter where you’re from, you will always belong here.
— Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan https://www.london.gov.uk/london-open
prohibits non-Muslims from entering the cities of Mecca.
I want all Londoners to be in no doubt: London Is Open and no matter where you’re from, you will always belong here. prohibits non-Muslims from entering the cities of Mecca.
I want all Londoners to be in no doubt: London Is Open and no matter where you’re from, you will always belong here.
A policeman apparently stumbled into an Israeli special operation (carrying a rifle) and got shot.
Very lengthy BBC article chock full of the usual empathy like this which has nothing whatsoever to do with the story.
‘When we visited Tubas the following morning, in late July, we found a makeshift memorial of stones and wilting flowers on the ground where Abdel Nasser fell.’
‘The guard post and adjacent walls were riddled with bullet holes, each marked with a yellow tag. Fading bloodstains smeared the ground and doorway.’
And just look at this:
‘Mohannad Mohammed Sarhan, Abdel Nasser’s father, grieves for his son’
‘“Ambitious, kind, always smiling,” he said, unable to hold back the tears.’
Is there no limit to how low the BBC are prepared to stoop when it suits them?.
Meanwhile some REAL terrorist murder innocent civilians – both from this month:
It said both parties involved were known to each other and that there was no anticipated risk to the wider public, adding that a weapon had been recovered.
no anticipated risk to the wider public
no anticipated risk to the wider public
no anticipated risk to the wider public
no anticipated risk to the wider public
The mail online is ‘trailing ‘ a panorama Monday night about the vermin who slaughtered 3 whites in Nottingham and then got away with it using a ‘diminished responsibility ‘ gig .
We can look forward to all the usual allegations of racism and deflection from blame ….. I think I’ll watch the Olympics – is it still on ? How’s that Algerian bloke who beats up wimmin getting on ?
Update : Friday the attempted murder following an incident in Bracebridge near Lincoln.
Information did seem to be being held back as if it was a foreigner
but now after 3 days media are naming Daniel Sanderson 34, so that seems a conventional British name.
… but still no media have tweeted the name nor a picture.
Kelvin McKenzie calls out one Ashley tabor- king who apparently owns LBC – and the vitriol being poured over Nigel Farage over the disorders …
Mr mckenzie fears for the safety of mr farage such are the comments of mr o brien – who sounds like he might have mental issues – can’t say I’ve listened to him – and LBC seems a bit sad really ….
McKenzie also suggests my tabor king – who he says is Jewish – gets him radio station to tone things down a bit …
Big news is that average pay for the FTSE100 CEOs has gone up ….errr….2%. To £4.19m.
The highest paid is the CEO of Britains biggest company, Astra Zeneca, one of our few globally competitive companies. Pascal Soriot was paid just under £17 m.
Wow. That’s nearly as much as various Manchester City footballers. About whom the BBC is strangely silent.
Former Covid medical officer Van-Tam takes role at vaccine maker Moderna
This article is more than 11 months old
One of UK’s public faces of pandemic, ‘JVT’ was known for football-related metaphors in No 10 briefings
So very BBC… Sopel thinks he’s got a smart sounding riposte to Musk’s ‘civil war’ statement by showing how harmonious the UK is right now.
More than a few people point out that he’s filming in Primrose Hill. Sopel sums up both BBC sampling methods and elite arrogance in one go.
Crikey- you may be right @elonmusk – it feels like imminent civil war in London this evening – people from all races and religions sitting in the sun, having picnics, walking dogs, playing frisbee, enjoying the greatest city in the world. #edgypic.twitter.com/0RM1DJ8KSy
Anyone spot Emily Jones “enjoying the greatest city in the world” …
“On 22 March 2020, 7-year-old Emily Grace Jones[3] was stabbed at Queen’s Park in Bolton, Greater Manchester, England, while riding her scooter and died shortly afterwards.[4][5] Eltiona Skana, a 30-year-old Albanian woman unknown to the Jones family, was arrested on the scene and later charged with murder.[6][7]” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killing_of_Emily_Jones
“The most recent data shows that the overall crime rate in London in 2024 is 106 crimes per 1,000 people. The most common crimes are violence and sexual offences, which account for almost 270,000 crimes per year. The annual rate for violent crime in London is approximately 88% of the average rate for England and Wales.”
“Annual crime rate in London region is 5.4 crimes per 1000 people. Compared to the national crime rate, London’s rate is at 128% as of July 2024. Burglary crime makes up 4.8% of all crimes reported in the region.”
Marky – but the perennial problem with the stats is that it is about ‘recorded crime ‘. And plod is notorious for fiddling classifications and processes to make stuff look good / bad depending on their ‘need ‘.
As plod becomes more remote and hostile the number of recorded crimes is going to fall – unless the insurance company needs a number – but the insurance premiums going up there will be less insurance … so the figures will be distorted again .
The only reliable stat is homicide – which can’t easily be covered up … but the emir will try …
Good to see Sopel resurfaced after his silence following his mate Huw going on a sex offenders ‘ register – that must be a fun conversation at all those luvvie dinner partys …
Best not be at that park when it gets dark though ….
And as he looks to bring his unique, modern and personal take on Bollywood dance to the people of Leicester, can he be accepted by a community, which he felt rejected him when growing up?
After all the recent events in this country I’ve decided on a new direction. I’m reclaiming ‘far-right’ on behalf of the sensible community, in much the same way the ’N’ word has been reclaimed by the black community. I’m thinking of getting some low-grade academics to crank out a few papers detailing how reclaiming these words is an act of empowerment, healing ancestral trauma and the stigma of ‘othering’ in our community.
It will henceforth be permissible to call myself and others in the sensible community far-right without fear of recrimination. However these rules only selectively apply. Anyone not in the group who uses the FR tag must be immediately called out and subject to shaming and social condemnation. They will be hounded by politicians and media outlets until they issue a grovelling apology. Even that may not be enough… they’ll be pressured into resigning from their jobs and ostracized from public life.
I think this would go some way to achieving equality in our communities. Any objections?
“From thr DT:
“Highest number of migrants cross Channel in single day since Starmer became Prime Minister”
Yes, 703 in 11 boats . Dear Mrs Balls-Cooper, How’s that ‘smash the gangs’ promise working out??” from order-order.com
When the migrants pass through the Strait of Gibraltar, the French president orders troops to the south and addresses the nation with his plan to repel them. However, in the middle of the address, he breaks down, demanding the troops simply follow their consciences instead. Most of the troops immediately desert their posts and join the civilians as they flee north, and the south is quickly overrun by the migrants. Some of the last troops to stand their ground take refuge in a small village, along with Calguès, an old man who has chosen to remain at his home, and Hamadura, a Westernized Indian who is terrified of his “filthy, brutish” countrymen and prides himself on having more in common with whites than Indians. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Camp_of_the_Saints
The BBC are showing live updates on today’s sentencing of the ‘far right thugs’.
Reading through them is a terrifying thing. This tyranny must end.
In summary, a lefty got jail for a TikTok video in which he claimed to be ‘running for his life’. I’m no fan of the left or videos like that, but I think he was probably a young lad just seeking attention/likes/followers (an issue for kids who’ve known nothing but social media…they’re fucked up.)
Probably ruined his life.
Another who got a couple of months prison for 3 pictures (they sounded like memes) on Facebook. The content was stuff like (paraphrasing here) ‘coming to a town near you’ showing ‘the boats’ arriving in Kent Nothing worse than that from what I saw.
Fucking prison! Holy shit!
They could go on the Daily Mail and see far worse fifty times every day.
He’s going to need bigger prisons.
And I think he’ll build them if it means they’ll be full of his political opponents (with a few token lefties).
Where is the King? Where is Sunak? This man is a despot.
But I’m going to calm myself because I think he’ll be forced out soon (and Labour will never recover from this) and I’m convinced those fast track courts and sentencing are not legal.
Perhaps a good team of lawyers can shove his dodgy courts up his arse?
Figuratively speaking, allegedly and in Minecraft and this is just a dream I had last night
StewGreenMar 7, 01:28 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Mental Health” probably Unless he is is white British , which means he’s a far far far right bigoted TERRORIST
StewGreenMar 7, 01:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 The #BiasedBBC news dept is really a PR org to promote the London Lib-Supremacist causes See how their England “news”…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:59 Midweek 5th March 2025 Poppy Atkinson – 10 – was the little girl killed by a car yesterday . The killer – 40 -…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:37 Midweek 5th March 2025 BTW James Goddard tweeted about this case at 10pm last night That is well before anyone else picked up on…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 Not BBC On YouTube there is a 10 part series called ‘first among equals ‘ which is a 1986 TV…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:24 Midweek 5th March 2025 @Marky isn’t your second graphic deceptive ? Your post is about NATO but that graphic appears to be the growth…
KaiserMar 6, 22:21 Midweek 5th March 2025 oddly I came across exactly the same suggestion in the daily sceptics chats this morning
StewGreenMar 6, 22:19 Midweek 5th March 2025 Afghan CHILD rapist in Falkirk I just saw the British Stand video from the morning I see someone mentioned the…
FlotsamMar 6, 21:39 Midweek 5th March 2025 There could be plusses to Charles III being Islamic. Camilla in a burqua.
Fedup2Mar 6, 21:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 No – I don’t know – but if the primary purpose / duty – of the firm is to keep…
I won’t let the fact that I appear to be first deflect me or give me illusions of grandeur.
Just want to say that when the leader of any Country decides that the rules for its citizens lies entirely within the hands of a few high up people in government then they have joined the ranks of such odious countries like Cambodia, North Vietnam, China…. etc.
I take my hat off to Starmer for bringing about this trajectory for the UK in such a short space of time however black it is for personal freedom in this Country.
To all those who put this dangerous man in this position, I sincerely hope you get what you asked for in every sense of the word.
I predict his little empire will collapse when Joe Public realises what he is up to.
You’re just an old smoothy Digg. It was lemon drizzle out of the oven tonight. (and if anyone asks about drizzle and ovens …….)
They’re all in on the act. No more ‘small boat arrivals’ being published –
I have no words:
First tenet of Communism…Control the narrative and you control the people. (BBC).
Second tenet, make people fearful of consequences of not following the First Tenet. (The police).
Third tenet, ensure dissenters are punished severely as an example. (The Judiciary).
That my friends is the new face of the Labour Party and their accomplices in the police and the law.
Ain’t it great to live in the “Free World?
talk about jumping the shark , pissgate man , just making more shite up
Look, Russia has some huge issues and it’s not a place I’d particularly want to live in, but the UK gov jails far more people for social media posts they don’t like than Russia does. Like 7 or 8 times more.
In fact, if this carries on (where it seems even speculating or hurting a leftists feelings could get you locked up) I can see the UK having (white) refugees trying to flee to Russia!
I’m not a Russian bot btw, whatever one of those is.
Starmer seems to be interfering with legal process. Talking about ‘you will regret’ this or that and how quickly he’ll prosecute etc.
Very, very slippery slope.
For those that voted for this, give yourself a big pat in the back.Mugs.
The solution might just be to cancel your internet because it seems almost anything could be illegal now.
Remember, if someone merely takes offence at something you say, even if it’s speech which is ‘non crime’ (Jesus), you can go to prison.
It’s too open ended. Too vague. And we know why.
It’s so the left can put their political opponents in prison.
And that is how it will be used.
Btw The Times is a joke. It seems the entire media is pro Starmer too. What the hell is going on? The ‘opposition’ are silent apart from Reform.
The ‘media’ seem to be trying to get Musk (lol) and Farage (not lol) put in prison too.
The fact Farage simply asked if the accused was on a watchlist and asked what his residency status was could put him in prison.
For asking a question!
It’s what people have done since the dawn of time.
Only a fucking lunatic would try to jail people for that.
Scary times and I’m not sure I want to see out the rest of my days in the People’s Democratic Republic of Starmer to be honest.
Fuck that.
To clarify I simply think it’s ridiculous that TTK thinks he can put Musk in a British prison.
Btw, with Musk now unable to travel to Britain for fear of being arrested and jailed under Starmer’s new ‘swift justice but not kangaroo courts’, I doubt we’ll be seeing any Tesla factories/ other Musk company related jobs created here. Or perhaps even large investment in uk based companies.
Isn’t gonna happen.
This UK practicing Barrister to a US practicing equivalent:
Afterthought to above:
Of course, in practice, it would depend on how corrupt the US judiciary is and how they would deviate from the 1st Amendment …………………
The BJ Queen might agree to hand him over if she gets in.
I doubt it too, but would anything surprise you with this stuff anymore?
One thing to also mention. C Steele is the former MI5 intelligence officer who produced the dodgy Trump-Russia dossier. This ended up handicapping much of the Trump term of office and the Covid-con finished it.
He seems pretty slick at producing unverifiable facts.
Maybe the Leader of the Opposition could get his arse back from California and actually oppose some of this?
Obviously, Rishi has already given up and is planning for the next phase in his gilded life, which does not include us.
Why is the Labour Government so anxious to impose draconian sentences on rioters? Have we not discovered that punitive detention measures are generally counter-productive in reforming offenders? Is it not better to offer them remedial care in the community, where qualified professionals can assist rioters to come to terms with their aggressive behaviour? Many of these rioters will have suffered deep trauma in their childhood, which now expresses itself in anti-social ways. Many rioters too still bear the scars that result from a society burdened with outdated hierarchies and belief systems, often the results of dogmatic governmental austerity. Surely as a former public prosecutor himself Keir Starmer is aware of these things. Why then is he resorting to the worn out dog-whistle theories of the past?
Giving someone a criminal record is a very serious thing.
There are lots of professions that will be closed to you forever if you get one.
Gov office worker
Prison guard
And lots of private company jobs too.
It can and does totally ruin lives.
I agree that those idiots attacking the police should be jailed. But simply observing a protest with a few idiots causing bother? Or an older chap getting in the police’s faces and waving his arms about while shouting at them (I don’t believe he shouted anything racist because we’d have heard about it)?
Long jail sentences? Really?
Some younger lads and lasses now have their lives potentially ruined too, for a social media post or two sent in an emotion state?
Seems a bit much to me.
At the same time letting out killers after just a few months? Or people with ‘baby rape’ videos not getting any jail time?
Is this where we are now,?
Well worth recalling how the East German Stasi operated:
G ,
Likewise the Gestapo …….after WW2 i believe many worked for the CIA , Heir Starmer has obviously done his research……whoops there I go again ! . If I end up in Prison at least I will have the full care package….or will they take away my Pension to pay for it aaaaggggghhhh
I really love the BBC with it’s unbiased approach to Broadcasting…Honest !
I think the rioters had no hope. That is why they rioted.
The legal profession makes huge profit from warehousing males. Something like a riot brings in all their Christmases at once.
No one in the legal profession is tested for sociopathic or psychopathic tendencies. Ditto with politicians.
It seems the public need to be more creative with their acts of objection. Somehow stop the money flow into the exchequer first off. It’s absolutely ridiculous that the public are financing all that goes on against themselves. Incomprehensible.
Biden explains why he dropped out of White House race
Biden dropped out because Obama (backed up by the evil witch Pelosi) threatened to impeach him under the 25th amendment if he didn’t. Period.
The rest is lies. Lies which the BBC are only too happy to repeat without question.
Everything about the BBC stinks these days.
What on Earth does this have to do with this headline ?:
‘He went on to say that he was concerned that there would be violence if Trump loses the election.
“He means what he says,” Mr Biden said. “We don’t take him seriously. He means it. All the stuff about, ‘If we lose, it’ll be a bloodbath’.”
“He’s a genuine danger to American security,” Mr Biden said.’
The only ‘bloodbath’ Trump mentioned was to the American automobile industry.
Another shocking misrepresentation of facts which the BBC know they will get away with now TTK (Two Tier Kier) is in charge.
The Nazis are back in power. Be afraid.
And why would Trump want a bloodbath if he wins?
If Biden is talking that way it’s more likely to be The DemonRats that are planning violence. With the intention of blaming the MAGAs.
Yes…odd the BBC quotes Biden without a fact check nor condemnation for such an inflammatory, erm, lie.
I note the following paragraph…why include this in a piece about Biden? This is clearly juxtaposed against the line that Trump’s campaign said the Democrats had taken the ‘bloodbath’ comments out of context…..the BBC is trying to say that must be a lie because the claim the election was stolen is a lie…
‘…however his campaign has repeatedly said he was referring to the economy and the auto industry and that Democrats have taken the quote out of context.
At the same time, the former president has repeatedly insisted, without evidence, that he was cheated out of victory in 2020 and has warned that there will be attempts to “rig” the vote this year. ‘
Note the ‘without evidence’…no such qualification for Biden’s comment…well, the ‘evidence’, ie the actual speech and context made it clear Trump was talking about the car industry. As for being cheated out of the 2020 election you could make a case for that given the 4 years of Democrat driven lies about Trump and the 90% of the media that blitzed the voters with those lies damning Trump for the 4 years. And then there’s Clinton who tours the world telling how her election was ‘stolen’…odd that the BBC never mentions that nor condemns her for it.
Believe *anything* on the BBC ?
– be like believing everything in The Guardian.
Agree but I’d say it’s the communists not the nazis that are in power.
Although I do agree you’d have similar results with regards to media bias etc (just pro the other side(.
What’s the difference ? Nazi is a contraction of “National Socialist”
and the attacks on Jews seems a common gound
It seems pixie – Evette cooper balls – their Home Secretary – is saying that the British public have lost faith / trust -in the police .
Shock horror . She seems to focus on recent events .
Yet I recall many times when she laid into her plod – for instance the PC who kidnapped raped and murdered a lady walking home . Sure – this case demanded criticism – but I recall her attitude was far winder on the ‘mysogeny gig and too much whiteness .
Labour really is getting the New Model Army – plod – inside the tent . She has no concept of the Two Tier every one sees .
All those years of policing by consent is now alien to plod – its oppressive monitoring of views – arrests for internet comments and the crushing of unapproved dissent – such as the invasion.
‘One of the great strengths of this nation has always been our ability to navigate a way through to calmer waters.
And yet this depends upon politicians…Particularly those who stand for stability and moderation – as I do.’ Starmer on taking Office.
‘Stability and moderation’? I await.
In the meantime we have Spring’s usual disinformation as she denounces Tommy Robinson in her hit-piece against Musk…and somewhat childishly calling Robinson ‘Yaxley-Lennon’ in what she thinks is a telling blow for truth and justice but is in reality a small-minded, petty slight….
‘Yaxley-Lennon had taken aim at UK Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer for his words after riots broke out following the murder of three girls in Southport. Yaxley-Lennon had accused the Prime Minister of labelling everyone upset about the murders as “thugs”. Mr Starmer’s speech had specifically referred to thugs as being those throwing bricks at police officers.’
Really? Seems a far more general and overarching characterisation of protesters….not just brick throwers….one earlier speech mentioned brick-throwers but this later one was spreading the blame…
‘I utterly condemn the far-right thuggery we have seen this weekend.
Be in no doubt: those who have participated in this violence will face the full force of the law. ‘
‘A response both to the immediate challenge…
Which is clearly driven by far-right hatred. ‘
Curious that she only references Robinson’s criticism of what Starmer said….there were many more critics from many ‘respectable’ news publications also saying exactly the same thing about Starmer smearing everyone as Far-Right and his eagerness to increase powers of oppression.
Spring claims the false identification of the stabber was the problem…but really it was the police, as Farage said, not releasing certain details that allowed the false information to gain traction. Labour politicians and apologists for the police say they couldn’t legally release the name of the killer…no, but they could have released his place of birth and said he was ‘Welsh’ and thus scotched the rumour that he was an asylum seeker.
Spring is somewhat obsessed by Musk, as is the BBC and much of the Left, including the Times, and they cannot but help letting their own prejudices shine through as they whine about his ‘interference’ in our politics…no problem though with Obama or Biden or anti-Brexit business magnates voicing their opinions…or Soros funding his chosen groups in the UK.
‘It is increasingly also a story about how Mr Musk himself is choosing to wade in, overtly, to opine on unrest in the UK.
And nobody is quite sure what his game plan is.’
That’s just fabricating a story and trying to imply some sinister motive…maybe he’s just after the truth and comments on the hypocrisy and abuse of power that he sees and the BBC fails to challenge.
We have this prejudiced and subjective claim from Spring…
‘Then this week, Mr Musk responded to a post from Yaxley-Lennon with two exclamation marks – in other words, stirring the pot. ‘
‘Stirring the pot’ eh? Or fair comment by Musk?
Then there’s this blatant attempt to smear Musk….maybe he’s a bit mental? Smacks of the Soviet method of dealing with awkward people who speak truth to power….declare them mentally ill and lock them away…
‘Others wonder if he has simply spent too much time on X. Sander van der Linden, a professor of social psychology at the University of Cambridge, has suggested that Mr Musk may be “radicalising himself on his own platform”.’
I think her main problem with Musk is that he refuses to talk to her…and she’s soooo important…doesn’t he realise?…like Nick Robinson and Andrew Neil squealing loudly when Boris refused to be interviewed by them.
Tommy Robinson is now effectively in political exile – and it would be best for Elon Musk to avoid UK jurisdiction …. The list is likely to get longer as the Two Tier Keir Regime gets even more extreme far left …. Aided by a politically corrupt plod …
I don’t believe it.
The BBC news webshite does not feature a story about ‘Far Right riots’!!!!!!
Two tier Kier Jong Un is sure to be ‘having a quiet word’ with someone at New Broadcasting House. Presumably telling him to which gulag he is to be sent.
What I envisioned for a people’s revolt was a bit different .
I actually geared up a bit and bought some things from Amazon.
You see it must start off as a peaceful rally , with lots of women , families and children . It should have almost a festive air about it where people want to join in and no one is intimidated.
An exact opposite to the usual lefty Hate not Hope sort of menacing ethos.
Instead of ugly scruffy harpies with screeches hisses and boos , nice people with happy sounds you want to mix with . Normal people . The type the world needs to revolve around or humanity is doomed .
So from Amazon I bought some toy plastic trumpets , a few whistles , a football rattle , school type bell , tinkling chimes etc
Sounds that are not threatening.
I also saved a few cardboard tubes and plumbing u joints ( to make a saxophone?!) that someone more dexterous than me can make into nice noises .
I would love such a rally to go past the BBC and blast away so that it’s heard when The World At One is broadcast.
But I reiterate, the marches and rallies must entice people in , not repel them .
The Revolution will not be broadcast
Great idea.
Although such rallies would soon be classed as ‘far right’ and the smelly counter mob would turn up calling everyone ‘Nazi scum!’
You might even get attacked. Defend yourself and it’ll be you, not them, put in the nick.
But your idea is worth a try
I like the strike idea. Concerned white people (and any non whites who agree) to down tools for a few days.
A little vignette on the BBC but whose relevance was totally missed.
Michael Johnson announces that the last Olympics to turn a profit was LA in 1984. They expect to do the same in 2028.
Turn a profit? How seedy! How uncharitable!!!! That’s the Far Left response.
And it is also why the USA is the most successful country in the world this past century. Turning a profit. Unashamedly.
Something the BBC will never understand.
LA 84 (in my humble opinion) had the best opening ceremony – a spine tingling renditon of Rhapsody in Blue by 84 pianists at their pianos at the Memorial Coliseum. Utterly fabulous. Hope I’ll be around in 2028 to see what they do next (oh dear God its the year Im 80 – still, its the new 60 innit ? )
“Welsh sixth-form uni applications lowest in UK”
Taffmen are getting real jobs to earn money and are not chasing silly, worthless degrees .
Perhaps the rest of Great Britain will follow?
Curious thing….the BBC hates Musk and relentlessly tries to demonise him….but strangely not a peep about their favourite baddy of the moment as he trashes one of their heroes…from the Telegraph….and lots of comment elsewhere….
‘Elon Musk brands Humza Yousaf a ‘super racist scumbag”
Billionaire dares former first minister to sue him in an escalating row between the pair on X, formerly Twitter
Elon Musk has branded Humza Yousaf a “super racist scumbag” and dared the former first minister to sue him.
The billionaire said “go ahead, make my day” following reports that Mr Yousaf was considering taking legal action in an escalating social media row between the pair on X, formerly Twitter, which is owned by Mr Musk.’
Obviously they are waiting for Yousaf to hit back with some cutting jibe as he did in 2023…as reported by the BBC….
‘Humza Yousaf hits back after Elon Musk brands him ‘racist”
‘A spokesman for Mr Yousaf said Mr Musk should instead “tackle racism and hatred that goes unchecked on the social media platform he owns”.
He also said Mr Yousaf had been on the receiving end of racism his whole life.’
Come on Yousaf…the BBC is there for you! Make yourself the victim and get the tears ready….BBC will big it all up for you.
Rumour is that Musk has not only racist words said by Yousaf in public but also some said on private channels…allegedly….hence his confidence about being sued.
Although, as we know, Bames cannot be racist…so I don’t know how Musk will backup his accusations…lol.
Children now jailed, (remanded in custody) they must know he is obviously a flight risk, off to Brazil and plastic surgery if he is let out on bail ?
“Meanwhile, a 15-year-old boy has become the first child to be convicted for his part in violent disorder in Sunderland.
Northumbria Police said the boy, who cannot be named for legal reasons, was arrested on Friday morning as part of a round of early-morning raids across the region.
He appeared at South Tyneside Youth Court on Saturday where he admitted one charge of violent disorder and the burglary of a business, after stealing from a vape shop. He will next appear at the court on Thursday.
Separately, a 15-year-old boy from Toxteth was charged with burglary in relation to disorder which took place in Liverpool city centre on August 3. The boy was remanded in custody to appear at Merseyside Youth Court later today.”
“Chief Constable Chris Haward, the NPCC lead for serious and organised crime, said the ‘abhorrent’ violence did not take place ‘spontaneously’.
‘It was the result of dozens of so-called influencers, exploiting the outpouring of grief from the tragic loss of three young girls in Southport,’ he said.
‘They knowingly spread misinformation, stoked the flames of hatred and division and incited violence from the comfort of their own homes, causing chaos on other people’s doorsteps.’
Mr Haward added: ‘Anyone who has been a part of this appalling behaviour should be aware that we have specialist officers from the regional organised crime unit network monitoring content and working at pace to identify you.
‘Online crimes have real-world consequences, and you will be dealt with in the same way as those physically present and inflicting the violence.’”
And there was me thinking that people were protesting about the government flooding the country with foreigners who hate us and want to kill us. My mistake.
“The number of rioters and agitators arrested by police has hit more than 900, it was confirmed tonight. There have been 927 arrests and 466 charges across the country so far, a spokesman for the National Police Chiefs’ Council (NPCC) said.
The astonishing figures came as the Director of Public Prosecutions warned the worst offenders they could face up to ten years in jail.”
And, yet….
“Punishment for eco-protesters who were jailed for plot to bring M25 to a standstill in move that saw people miss funerals and cancer treatment was ‘far too severe’, Labour MP claims”
What percentage of the rioters who were convicted and sent to prison were convicted by a jury of their peers?
Magna Carta and Bill of Rights anyone?
PppExactly Atlas, there is no way on God’s earth that any sort of valid defence can be put in place in the context of an overnight court justice and conviction system.
This has all the hallmarks of a kangaroo court for those who do not tow the line, one might almost say a two-tier justice system.
Guilty until proven guilty seems to be the approach.
In my opinion, It must be that these accused are regarded as disposable collateral damage in the grand political plan and therefore without normal human rights.
On the other hand, the same great and good are quick off the blocks to condemn the same rough justice and treatment of “undesirables” in Russia for instance.
And how many offenders are there who have committed absolutely appalling crimes including taking innocent lives languishing in drawn out court cases while highly expensive solicitors and barristers sift through evidence for any possible ray of defence or mitigation.
The white working class have always been expendable. July 1st 1916 should have taught them that.
” Two-Tier Keir showed his true colours years ago. We should have seen the warning signs
Far-right rioters are worthy of condemnation, but accusations of two-tier policing are becoming harder to deny .
Sir Keir Starmer is quite right to condemn the violence against police officers during the appalling riots that have played out on our streets over the past week. “Our police deserve our support,” the Prime Minister has said. “Whatever the apparent cause or motivation, we make no distinction. Crime is crime.”
I totally agree. There is, however, one thing that puzzles me.
On June 6, 2020, 14 police officers were injured in London after a Black Lives Matter protest turned violent. One female officer suffered a broken collar bone, broken ribs and a collapsed lung after a protester threw a bicycle at her horse, causing it to bolt. The next day, at another Black Lives Matter protest in London, a further eight officers were injured. One was pictured with blood pouring down his face.
Then, two days after that, Sir Keir Starmer chose to publish a photo of himself, solemnly taking the knee.
Given all the injuries to police in the preceding days, did it not occur to Sir Keir that this gesture might look just a touch crass? If he believes there’s no excuse for violence, “whatever the apparent cause or motivation”, shouldn’t he have avoided this photo op? Or are violent protests after the killing of a man in the US somehow more excusable than after the killing of three girls in Britain?”
The legacy of the far left:
“Row in tiny Norfolk village explodes over plans to fly the Union Flag as some residents call it ‘divisive’ and claim it could put people off from moving there”
Union Jack bad.
Palestine flag good.
If flying the Union Flag put “some people” off, then all to the good, they are not the sort of people I would want living near me.
“Angela Rayner abandons plans to give priority to British citizens over migrants in council house waiting lists.
Deputy Prime Minister has been criticised for quietly dropping Tory proposal. Reform would have given priority to those living in Britain for at least ten years. There are currently 1.3million people on the council house waiting list in the UK ”
Dear British White Working Class:
We hate you, but please keep voting for us.
The Labour Party.
‘ and, by-the-way, keep paying your taxes. We need your money for your own demise’.
BTW this is the Daily Mail that regularly publishes stories such as this and then attacks those showing outrage and anger on the streets, even the non violent ones.
From above:
“‘It was the result of dozens of so-called influencers, exploiting the outpouring of grief from the tragic loss of three young girls in Southport,’ he said.
‘They …. stoked the flames of hatred and division ….causing chaos on other people’s doorsteps. “
Strange that the BBC hasn’t picked this up yet given how Musk and X are the bone to the BBC’s dog…
‘ A tech industry counter-terrorism organisation is concerned over content posted on Elon Musk’s X by Palestinian militant group Hamas and is worried about the social media platform’s membership on its board, The Sunday Times reported.
Members of the Global Internet Forum to Counter Terrorism (GIFCT) believe the group’s credibility is undermined by X’s membership and position on its board, according to The Sunday Times. The GIFCT also includes major social media groups Facebook, Microsoft, Twitter and Alphabet’s YouTube.’
But then again it would be kettle calling pot black given the BBC itself being a pro-Hamas propaganda platform whose journalists actively promote the Hamas narrative.
Possibly no coincidence this attack on X is happening now…the Blob circling the wagons and trying to take down Musk via any means possible.
Taking down Musk is simply a planned step towards taking down Trump, it’s the standard political strategy of the left. It really is that simple!
Ceebeebies and Newsbeat as Teacher aids.
Government advice and trusted resources to help safeguard students from radicalisation, build resilience to all types of extremism and to promote our shared values.
our shared values = CANNOT BE NAILED DOWN = Sleep with a child aged 6 = marry your cousin = SHARED VALUES
Are there ways you get to have a say in how the school runs?
Would you prefer to live in a democracy or a dictatorship?
What would happen if there were no rules in the school?
What do you think would happen if the law didn’t exist?
Can you think of an example from history where certain people were not allowed to live life they way they wanted to?
What does it feel like when other people are intolerant towards us?
What can we do to show other people that we respect their views?
The Metropolitan Police said it had held “regular discussions” with organisers the Palestinian Solidarity Campaign (PSC) to minimise disruption.
A counter-demonstration by pro-Israel group Enough is Enough took place at Piccadilly Circus at the same time.
The Met said seven arrests were made during the PSC event, with officers intervening in incidents involving “offensive placards and chants, violence and sexual assault”.
One man was arrested for “carrying a coffin with offensive language on it”, the force added.
Another man, 22, was arrested on suspicion of assaulting an officer
Did commander Mohammed represent their ‘met’ at the discussions with Hamas – or was it the Basu …?
Anil Yaxley-Basu, I think you mean.
Rob – yes – a retired ethnic Islamic plod – with preferred bbc mouthpiece status …
bbc webshite is no longer promoting rioting. No mention on the front page of their website of any riots.
No more riots? I wonder what the truth is
In the bbc bubble:-
Thousands of anti-racism protesters rally across UK
“Protect our children from racists” the one idiot holds in the air – I guess its not the 1400+ who were raped that shes referring to!
“while a small number of anti-immigrant protesters amassed in the nearby Bigg Market area” – Small number? They amassed, makes it sounds like a massive army waiting to invade, how many is small number 2 or 3 maybe?????
I think they’ve stopped reporting because the spotlight has shifted to the Muslims who are showing they are far more nasty and far more violent than the far-Right football hooligans who just want to smash windows, not murder people.
And of course the BBC don’t want us to know about that due to their stupendous racist double-standards.
Doctor warned Nottingham attacker could kill
In the bbc world, the killer is welcome, surely he would have been a teacher, professor, etc etc, the left have alot to answer for
Summary its the doctors fault he went onto to kill! who would of thought it
Juveniles in media; juveniles in power.
Knock, knock.
Anyone who commits violent disorder should be expecting a visit like this 👇
The revolution will be televised.
On BBC Breakfast about 6:52m was an interview with some leftie Professor of psychology where he was allowed to speak freely about Elon Musk who is “spreading conspiracy theories” and even the leftie crime of being popular where his tweets as CEO can trend because he has so many followers. No balance or counter argument put forward.
Some suggestions to solve this was government restriction access to Twitter.
The professor also managed to moan about Musk supporting Trump. I was getting bored of it by now and lost interest but I can guess the professor’s solution was banning CEOs of Twitter from supporting right wing political parties.
‘Riots show UK has lost respect for police, warns Home Secretary’
‘Violence has revealed that people believe crime has no consequence, says Yvette Cooper
Britain has lost respect for the police, the Home Secretary has claimed in the wake of the riots.
Yvette Cooper pledged to restore the public’s faith in the law as she warned would-be rioters that the streets would be flooded with police this week.’
Hmmmm….well maybe if they tackled burglary, shoplifting and oh yeah…knife crime rather than sending in the swat teams to people on Twitter. And how about those Muslim groups that gather outside schools and threaten mayhem and murder as teachers are forced into hiding?
‘Far-Right groups are unchristian, says Archbishop of Canterbury’
Lol….didn’t realise they had proclaimed their faith in Jesus….probably more likely to be Pagan if anything….or propping up a bar than an altar.
‘Far-Right groups are unchristian, says Archbishop of Canterbury’
Justin Welby said the Islamic rules are incompatible with Britain’s laws, which have developed over 500 years on the principles of a different culture.24 Feb 2018
Wrong kind of criminal (race) ?
“Looting thugs have been deterred by swift justice. So why don’t we crack down on the epidemic of violent shoplifting with the same ruthlessness?”
Maybe we should campaign to label shoplifters as ‘Far Right’.
Then two tier Kier might nudge the judicial system into action.
Well, it might work but probably only for whitey shoplifters.
Above could not be much worse and we watch it week after week and next to nothing done.
1 Premeditated and planned well in advance
2 gang related for selling on, not for need
3 armed and causing terror to shopkeepers and the public
Who are you going to blame for this TTK ? Tommy Robinson, Nigel Farage, Elon Musk, keyboard warriors ?
Remember the black lad on tik tok posting videos of himself abusing people in public and walking into their houses terrifying them ? warning after warning, and defiantly refused to comply, what was done ? not a lot and it took months.
They can work quickly and suddenly find the resources when the white working class are involved, marchined into jail immediately, tried and sentenced in days.
About a year ago I asked in a coop shop in the neighbouring village if they too were seeing an uprise in shop-lifting. When they said definitely I asked if this was due to an increase in poverty.
Definitely not due to poverty the lady said. She gave as an example the theft of 100 bars of chocolate. She said you don’t steal 100 bars of chocolate because you are hungry. The implication was this stealing was to sell on and make money.
Man punched pensioner twice in the face after he was asked to stop smoking on Elizabeth Line train
A story which is significant because it signifies the state of our society. Someone asked someone to stop smoking on a train and got threatened + punched twice in the face for doing it.
But of course the BBC are only interested in empathy-headlines or articles about ethnic minorities they can portray as victims of white males.
Of course they don’t report this story. because this is the man who did it:

Two-Tier BBC. Two-Tier Police. Two-Tier MSM. Two-Tier TV. Two-Tier government. The infiltration of key institutions by Leftist activists is almost complete. This is a classic example of the ‘boiling frog’ metaphor.
Biggest mistake – speaking to a coloured – best avoided unless you really have to …. Most are just looking for an excuse to do what that vermin did … but I still believe in the law of comes around – goes around – he will be his -….
Slaughtered on the alter of mass immigration policy edition
Our formerly serious newspaper of record, the Times, this morning would have us fret over: A neo-nazi in Finland… – but before we go any further we need to point out the fact there are no neo-nazi’s in Ukraine, where they are all 100% peace-loving, despite any Russian disinformation you have heard about the Azov Battalion: Ukrainian families torn apart by visa changes… The government is facing calls to reverse changes which make it harder for Ukrainians to bring family to the UK. One charity supporting migrants says the “heartless” policy has “torn apart” families and left people in danger (BBC)
The Azov Battalion Emblem is a combination of Nazi-era symbols like the reversed symbol of Himmler’s Schutz Staffel (SS), the special military unit of the Nazi Germany, and the Black Sun an esoteric and occult symbol of the same era. It is interesting that the “Тризуб” (Trident) the national emblem of Ukrain lies under those two and in much smaller size (thank you Wiki)
Well, the use of those naughty symbols is very… naughty of them: Far-right use of Christian symbols an ‘offence to our faith’, says Welby (Guardian)
I don’t know much about this supposed neo-nazi in Finland – except if the Ruskies should decide to cross the border with Finland he’s very likely to suddenly become our friend and ally. His asymmetric warfare knowledge would then be rather useful. But we digress.
A neo-nazi in Finland shared instructions on how to commit arson and waste police resources during the far-right riots across England last week (Times) – couple of points to unpack from that brief frontpage snippet…
Note we’re now calling the recent disturbances: the far-right riots – expect that one to catch on like Rishi Sunak’s small boats spin
across England… did we suddenly forget Northern Ireland?: Several nights of rioting ensued after an anti-immigration protest in the city centre last weekend. (Belfast Telegraph)
shared instructions how to commit arson – have you tried to order a copy The Anarchist Cookbook (there’s one for the teenagers) through your public library lately? The wait can take weeks and they’ll advise you it would be quicker and easier to go online for a pdf copy instead.
One wonders whether 2TK (Two-Tier Sir Keir) will start immediate extradition proceedings with Helsinki for the arrest of this swastika scoundrel with snow on his boots.
And will Starmer perhaps lodge an extradition application with some sypathetic left-leaning US judge for the Beastie Boys? Afterall, they did put out the message: You gotta fight for your right to party – incitement to thuggery if ever I heard it.
Also from the Times where they’ve heard the call that’s been put out from Number 10 about the urgent need to trash the reputation of our Elon: X faces axe from tech’s anti-terror colation… amid claims that X is the top platform for hosting Hamas videos
Speaking of our friends in Hamas…
2TK BDS, eh? Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions: Musk has blunted my craving for a Tesla (Pilita Clark, FT)
While we’re with the gynaeceum that is British journalism…
The Times promises: What today’s single women really want – a pic of our Jennifer Aniston stands as the literal avatar, the embodiment and incarnation for this feature: Jennifer Aniston criticises JD Vance’s ‘childless cat ladies’ comment (Catherine Shoard, Guardian)
And presumably because today’s single blokes either don’t want anything… or are perhaps eminently replaceable: Small boat arrivals – last 7 days… 608 (Gov.UK)
How I finally got over my lifelong fear of intimacy… …by taking sex lessons in a room full of strangers (the ever-excitable Daily Mail) – calm down luv.
Any inherent vague association with grooming gang activities is purely in the polluted mind of the reader.
I’ve always had hang-ups around sex. I’m a Catholic school girl, and not the fun, naughty kind, the ‘everything is a sin kind’ (Marianne Power, Daily Mail) – it would of course be an ecumenical matter (TM Father Ted) but any comment on this form of naughtiness from our eminently out-spoken venerable Archbishop Welby? (Defender of the – muslim – faith)
Hopes that worst of riots ‘at an end’ – speculates the left-leaning ‘i’ newspaper – and the gynaeceum that is BBC news staff liked that for their top pick of the national headlines. Even despite the fact our poundshop junior Guardian that is the ‘i’ didn’t get the memo yet about the correct approved ‘far-right riots’ terminology.
Hundreds mourn in Southport (‘i’)
‘Dance to heaven little princess’ (giveaway Metro)
No more rioting in the name of our little girl… Parents’ heartfelt message… (Daily Mail)
Mr AsI respectfully refers readers back to the title of this review
“X faces axe from tech’s anti-terror colation… amid claims that X is the top platform for hosting Hamas videos” (FROM ABOVE)
………………….BAN FACEBOOK TO END DEATHS …………………..
Pakistan: man sentenced to death for blasphemy on Facebook
This article is more than 7 years old
Taimoor Raza was found guilty of insulting the prophet Muhammad during an argument on social media with a counter-terrorism official
I have been known to visit the BBC R4 to listen to the, ‘Westminster Hour’. Which is a debate over topical subjects between a number of MP’s of differing hues. Main point for me is to listen to how deluded they are. Yesterday evening was as bad as I expected resulting in use of the ‘off’ button very quickly. Another planet.
They were all massively deluded to a greater or lesser extent. ‘Representing our local electorate’? I don’t think so.
Local concerns …
Labour conference: Members fill hall with Palestinian flags
25 September 2018
Does the west not get the connect here:-
US sends submarine to Middle East as tensions grow
Muslims hate the west, yet we import that 3rd world
Well it seems the mosques are attempting to run our foreign policy now, aided and abetted by mayor khan, allowing their violent and intimidating demands week after week.
For the Mosques – DON’T LOOK BACK IN ANGER?
The Banksy brand has had its day – like EDL
It’s just graffiti
I think one that one of the cat was just thrown aside lol
Nobody gives a shit anymore.
The bbc, once again, front page, first article, have a picture or the nottingham black who killed three innocents. Why do they keep showing his face? I know what one of those looks like. I can only assume that he is some kind of poster boy for the girlies in bbc hq.
I also noticed, last night, that the entire front page was full of crap about the bloody olympics. Any mention of the little girl’s funeral in southport was absent. If she had been black they would have cancelled the olympic ceremony for a week long woke-fest.
The anger and resentment that the bbc bias produces is enormous, and will not be forgotten when hostilities resume. I’m not condoning it, but I am aware of the peoples mood.
Not BBC -but a new ‘guilty pleasure ‘ – watching the likes of Ted Cruz nailing Biden nominated far left lawyers to the wall when the go before congressional approval committee .
The Far lefties lie and distract from what they have said and done to further their corrupt careers – and then the likes `Ted ‘asks them if they really do believe that the police should be ended …
Great fun to watch / listen to -instead of ‘Today ‘- it’s all on YouTube …
Also watch John Kennedy on Forbes Breaking News also YouTube, I enjoy watching him tie Democrats in knots with their own words.
Not BBC – wonder if BBC have a similar page …
Angela Rayner abandons plans to give priority to British citizens over migrants in council house waiting lists
Deputy Prime Minister has been criticised for quietly dropping Tory proposal
Reform would have given priority to those living in Britain for at least ten years
There are currently 1.3million people on the council house waiting list in the UK
By Martin Beckford, Policy Editor
Published: 02:05, 12 August 2024 | Updated: 08:08, 12 August 2024
Not all borders are porous …
Hundreds of migrants killed by Saudi border guards – report
Published 21 August 2023
Most citizens of Saudi Arabia are ethnically Arabs, the majority of whom are tribal. However, more than 40% of Saudi Arabia’s population are non-citizens.[11] According to a random survey, most non-citizens living in Saudi Arabia come from the Indian Subcontinent and Arab countries.
WE ARE ALL EQUAL … The government prohibits non-Muslims from entering the cities of Mecca.
I want all Londoners to be in no doubt: London Is Open and no matter where you’re from, you will always belong here.
— Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan
WE ARE ALL EQUAL … The government prohibits non-Muslims from entering the cities of Mecca.
London mayor Sadiq Khan performs Umrah for ‘blessed end to 2022’
prohibits non-Muslims from entering the cities of Mecca.
I want all Londoners to be in no doubt: London Is Open and no matter where you’re from, you will always belong here.
prohibits non-Muslims from entering the cities of Mecca.
I want all Londoners to be in no doubt: London Is Open and no matter where you’re from, you will always belong here.
‘On verge of an explosion’: Policeman’s killing part of spiralling West Bank violence
A policeman apparently stumbled into an Israeli special operation (carrying a rifle) and got shot.
Very lengthy BBC article chock full of the usual empathy like this which has nothing whatsoever to do with the story.
‘When we visited Tubas the following morning, in late July, we found a makeshift memorial of stones and wilting flowers on the ground where Abdel Nasser fell.’
‘The guard post and adjacent walls were riddled with bullet holes, each marked with a yellow tag. Fading bloodstains smeared the ground and doorway.’
And just look at this:

‘Mohannad Mohammed Sarhan, Abdel Nasser’s father, grieves for his son’
‘“Ambitious, kind, always smiling,” he said, unable to hold back the tears.’
Is there no limit to how low the BBC are prepared to stoop when it suits them?.
Meanwhile some REAL terrorist murder innocent civilians – both from this month:
‘Civilian killed, another hurt in Jordan Valley terror attack; IDF hunting for shooters’
‘Two dead, 2 hurt in terror stabbing spree in Holon; Palestinian attacker shot by police’
Not even reported by the BBC.
Anyone who tries to claim the BBC do not have the most stupendous, racist double-standards should be called out as the shameless liar they are.
I saw – by accident yesterday – one of those big band things the likes of the BBC saying -Surrey -man shot by police ‘…..
But now … it is silence – nothing – no circumstances or identification or condition …..
That usual vacuum of ‘non information ‘ usually means something – maybe the shot person is of Rwandan ‘heritage ‘ or ‘a Cardiff man ‘…
Nothing to follow methinks …. – and see – I didn’t even fall foul of the new ‘disinformation laws’…
A man, aged in his 20s, was shot by armed police at the scene, Surrey Police said.
He was taken to hospital, where he remains in a critical but stable condition. His family has been informed.
It said both parties involved were known to each other and that there was no anticipated risk to the wider public, adding that a weapon had been recovered.
no anticipated risk to the wider public
no anticipated risk to the wider public
no anticipated risk to the wider public
no anticipated risk to the wider public
The mail online is ‘trailing ‘ a panorama Monday night about the vermin who slaughtered 3 whites in Nottingham and then got away with it using a ‘diminished responsibility ‘ gig .
We can look forward to all the usual allegations of racism and deflection from blame ….. I think I’ll watch the Olympics – is it still on ? How’s that Algerian bloke who beats up wimmin getting on ?
“The chief executive of Nottinghamshire’s NHS trust said he would do everything he could to stop such a tragedy happening again.”
Read and weep
If we all marry children aged 6 we can end Islamophobia.
Update : Friday the attempted murder following an incident in Bracebridge near Lincoln.
Information did seem to be being held back as if it was a foreigner
but now after 3 days media are naming Daniel Sanderson 34, so that seems a conventional British name.
… but still no media have tweeted the name nor a picture.
Kelvin McKenzie calls out one Ashley tabor- king who apparently owns LBC – and the vitriol being poured over Nigel Farage over the disorders …
Mr mckenzie fears for the safety of mr farage such are the comments of mr o brien – who sounds like he might have mental issues – can’t say I’ve listened to him – and LBC seems a bit sad really ….
McKenzie also suggests my tabor king – who he says is Jewish – gets him radio station to tone things down a bit …
It’s Politics of Envy time at the BBC.
Big news is that average pay for the FTSE100 CEOs has gone up ….errr….2%. To £4.19m.
The highest paid is the CEO of Britains biggest company, Astra Zeneca, one of our few globally competitive companies. Pascal Soriot was paid just under £17 m.
Wow. That’s nearly as much as various Manchester City footballers. About whom the BBC is strangely silent.
Former Covid medical officer Van-Tam takes role at vaccine maker Moderna
This article is more than 11 months old
One of UK’s public faces of pandemic, ‘JVT’ was known for football-related metaphors in No 10 briefings
I heard in passing that the FA is to ‘donate’ £120 000 to alteimers research following from the ‘community shield ‘.
If you added up the wages of all those players on the field I wonder how long it would take to get To £120 000? 10 minutes ?
So very BBC… Sopel thinks he’s got a smart sounding riposte to Musk’s ‘civil war’ statement by showing how harmonious the UK is right now.
More than a few people point out that he’s filming in Primrose Hill. Sopel sums up both BBC sampling methods and elite arrogance in one go.
Anyone spot Emily Jones “enjoying the greatest city in the world” …
“On 22 March 2020, 7-year-old Emily Grace Jones[3] was stabbed at Queen’s Park in Bolton, Greater Manchester, England, while riding her scooter and died shortly afterwards.[4][5] Eltiona Skana, a 30-year-old Albanian woman unknown to the Jones family, was arrested on the scene and later charged with murder.[6][7]”
“enjoying the greatest city in the world”

Morning MM,
I can see the glaring error there. I wouldn’t say that “London is generally a safe place to travel”.
“The most recent data shows that the overall crime rate in London in 2024 is 106 crimes per 1,000 people. The most common crimes are violence and sexual offences, which account for almost 270,000 crimes per year. The annual rate for violent crime in London is approximately 88% of the average rate for England and Wales.”
“Annual crime rate in London region is 5.4 crimes per 1000 people. Compared to the national crime rate, London’s rate is at 128% as of July 2024. Burglary crime makes up 4.8% of all crimes reported in the region.”
Capital’s mayor is often accused of allowing crime to soar, but Guardian analysis shows reality is more nuanced
Marky – but the perennial problem with the stats is that it is about ‘recorded crime ‘. And plod is notorious for fiddling classifications and processes to make stuff look good / bad depending on their ‘need ‘.
As plod becomes more remote and hostile the number of recorded crimes is going to fall – unless the insurance company needs a number – but the insurance premiums going up there will be less insurance … so the figures will be distorted again .
The only reliable stat is homicide – which can’t easily be covered up … but the emir will try …
Hi micknotmike – London is very safe, when in a studio 24×7 – taxi to restaurant – then home!
Good to see Sopel resurfaced after his silence following his mate Huw going on a sex offenders ‘ register – that must be a fun conversation at all those luvvie dinner partys …
Best not be at that park when it gets dark though ….
BBC SOCIAL ENGINEERING….. no mention of Mecca and LGTBT Jews heading there ….
South Asian Heritage Month
A Holistic Celebration of South Asian Cultures
“Vinay gives a whole new meaning to Bollywood. A Gender non-conforming dancer who believes you don’t have to dance like a ‘man’ or a ‘woman’ but can do it in a non-gendered way. ”
And as he looks to bring his unique, modern and personal take on Bollywood dance to the people of Leicester, can he be accepted by a community, which he felt rejected him when growing up?
Samantha Cameron: Chinese factories can be better than British ‘sweat shops’
Cameron said her fashion label Cefinn is manufactured in China because British factories failed the audit
No films, no music, no sleep: Is ‘raw-dogging’ long flights heroic or foolish?
?? Raw dogging
I can see why the bbc would like this, see image Damian Bailey
Roger Hallam rallied the troops from jail yet?
Why not put these people in the cargo area? Simple! Same price!
Clockwork Orange in the making.
After all the recent events in this country I’ve decided on a new direction. I’m reclaiming ‘far-right’ on behalf of the sensible community, in much the same way the ’N’ word has been reclaimed by the black community. I’m thinking of getting some low-grade academics to crank out a few papers detailing how reclaiming these words is an act of empowerment, healing ancestral trauma and the stigma of ‘othering’ in our community.
It will henceforth be permissible to call myself and others in the sensible community far-right without fear of recrimination. However these rules only selectively apply. Anyone not in the group who uses the FR tag must be immediately called out and subject to shaming and social condemnation. They will be hounded by politicians and media outlets until they issue a grovelling apology. Even that may not be enough… they’ll be pressured into resigning from their jobs and ostracized from public life.
I think this would go some way to achieving equality in our communities. Any objections?
Can those who support it goose step?!
Marky not sure, but we must be able to apply for some public funding?
Sweden cancels renewables targets, Britain should follow
“From thr DT:
“Highest number of migrants cross Channel in single day since Starmer became Prime Minister”
Yes, 703 in 11 boats . Dear Mrs Balls-Cooper, How’s that ‘smash the gangs’ promise working out??” from order-order.com
When the migrants pass through the Strait of Gibraltar, the French president orders troops to the south and addresses the nation with his plan to repel them. However, in the middle of the address, he breaks down, demanding the troops simply follow their consciences instead. Most of the troops immediately desert their posts and join the civilians as they flee north, and the south is quickly overrun by the migrants. Some of the last troops to stand their ground take refuge in a small village, along with Calguès, an old man who has chosen to remain at his home, and Hamadura, a Westernized Indian who is terrified of his “filthy, brutish” countrymen and prides himself on having more in common with whites than Indians.
The BBC are showing live updates on today’s sentencing of the ‘far right thugs’.
Reading through them is a terrifying thing. This tyranny must end.
In summary, a lefty got jail for a TikTok video in which he claimed to be ‘running for his life’. I’m no fan of the left or videos like that, but I think he was probably a young lad just seeking attention/likes/followers (an issue for kids who’ve known nothing but social media…they’re fucked up.)
Probably ruined his life.
Another who got a couple of months prison for 3 pictures (they sounded like memes) on Facebook. The content was stuff like (paraphrasing here) ‘coming to a town near you’ showing ‘the boats’ arriving in Kent Nothing worse than that from what I saw.
Fucking prison! Holy shit!
They could go on the Daily Mail and see far worse fifty times every day.
He’s going to need bigger prisons.
And I think he’ll build them if it means they’ll be full of his political opponents (with a few token lefties).
Where is the King? Where is Sunak? This man is a despot.
But I’m going to calm myself because I think he’ll be forced out soon (and Labour will never recover from this) and I’m convinced those fast track courts and sentencing are not legal.
Perhaps a good team of lawyers can shove his dodgy courts up his arse?
Figuratively speaking, allegedly and in Minecraft and this is just a dream I had last night
This is where we are now, folks.
Are the chocolate rations ready?