There were examples of children who had been doused in petrol and threatened with being set alight, threatened with guns, made to witness brutally violent rapes and threatened they would be next if they told anyone.
Girls as young as 11 were raped by large numbers of male perpetrators.
Several staff described their nervousness about identifying the ethnic origins of perpetrators for fear of being thought racist; others remembered clear direction from their managers not to do so.
Be nice to 77 brigade Taffman ….- I bet there is a ‘ping’ every time they get a mention …
… looks like the msm is still running that state ordered propaganda gig of long sentences and ‘guilty pleas only ‘ as judges grandstand as ordered ….
I can’t see it getting any easier for the starmer 2 tier new model army though ….
“Labour swore it wouldn’t hike VAT – see sneaky way Reeves could make us pay more anyway.
During the general election, Labour leader Keir Starmer repeatedly pledged the party wouldn’t hike income tax, national insurance (NI) or VAT. That could change in the autumn Budget.
Labour-backing tax campaigners want chancellor Rachel Reeves to raise more revenues from the last of these three taxes: VAT. She may be tempted to do so.
VAT, which stands for value added tax, is a flat rate charge applied to most products and services we buy. It’s the UK’s third-largest tax, after income tax and NI.
In 2023/24, receipts totalled £169.25billion. By comparison, inheritance tax generated just £7.5billion. VAT is charged at a flat rate of 20% which falls to 5% on home energy bills. New housing, children’s clothing and most foods are zero-rated.
If Reeves hiked the 20% charge or scrapped VAT exemptions, this would spark even more outrage than her move to abolish the winter fuel payment for 10million pensioners. I doubt she’ll do that. But there’s something else she could do. Small business owners will hate it. So will their customers.
Today, businesses only have to register for VAT if their annual turnover tops £90,000. Former Tory chancellor Jeremy Hunt increased the threshold from £85,000 in his March Budget saying it would “reduce the administrative and financial impact” of the tax and encourage them to invest and grow.
Now campaigners want Labour to slash the VAT registration threshold to £45,000 or even £30,000. This would smother small businesses in red tape but could happen.
VAT-registered businesses must keep records of everything they buy and sell, send a VAT return to HMRC every three months, and pay any tax due. There are hefty fines for getting it wrong.
It’s a lot of cost and bother for people who are already working flat out. Many deliberately hold their annual income below the £90,000 threshold to avoid it.
Many tax experts want to put a stop to that, including Labour’s new advisor Sir Edward Troup. When Hunt hiked the VAT registration threshold to £90,000 he said halving it instead “would have been a better way to remove a barrier to growth.”
This will see ordinary people pay more VAT, too. Here’s just one example. If your plumber is registered for VAT, they are required to add an extra 20% to customer invoices to accommodate the added tax.
You will pay this and can’t claim it back.
Think tank The Resolution Foundation, led by former Labour adviser Torsten Bell, wants to go even further.
It has proposed slashing the VAT registration threshold to just £30,000 as today’s higher threshold “acts as a disincentive for small firms to grow”.
That could hit more than 500,000 businesses. Not to mention their customers.”
I think the 30 October budget will be a real stinger. The left will be delighted when reeve lifts the 2 kid benefits / welfare limit – and throws money at the feckless using increased stealth taxes ranging from stamp duty to – as said – reducing VAT thresholds .
She is screwed on increasing VAT rates as it hits the most feckless most . Me being from a ‘don’t work don’t eat’ background it will all be a far left fest …
There is no way labour is going to achieve real commercial growth – borrowed public money will just be re circulated to make things look better but the reality is money makers will just go find a better country …. A lot of CGT avoidance action going on at the moment …
Fedup, I think that it would be too early after cutting the fuel allowance to raise the child threshold. Cynicism tells me that this will be kept as a desirable for the next manifesto. Needless to say there will be no comment from the green lobby that population reduction is one way to prevent growing carbon emissions which they are so worried about.
Smarmer, Rayner and Reeves are running a despotic regime. With the BBC and other media onside they will be targeting other contentious area.
Think MMGW is alarmist hocus pocus? Anyone protesting extortionate energy bills and power cuts will be jailed. Anyone questioning their eco narrative will be jailed.
Anyone objecting to wide scale housing developments or the need for them? Jail them.
Anyone protesting land grabs? Jail them.
Tax increases. It will be a picking off excercise, they will target all sorts obvious targets and some subtle stealth ones. VAT could be raised selectively for ‘luxury’ goods and services that Communists think should be reserved for them. Anyone unhappy? Jail them.
Anyone unhappy with cutting winter fuel payments for Pensioners? Jail them. I think Smarmer and Co have got away very lightly with that one, hardly a murmur. Of course announcing it during a heat wave months before it could have been paid helps.
I knew I disliked Smarmer before he even became Corbyn’s deputy. How right I was.
Talking about the armegeddon scorching plumes of heat waves we were warned was on the way for today, has anyone seen it? Seems to have gone missing here right on the on the South Coast at the epicentre of where we were warned it would strike. Yes, nice and warm just like August normally is but pretty average for the time of year!
More wishful thinking “nudge” just-stop-oil pushes for the past week or so by the Climate Change manic Met Chaps and the BBC I suspect.
No doubt they will send a bod to some military airfield to record the temperature in the blast waves of a huge transport jet taking off to make their point again…. Hottest temperature ever recorded and all that crap!
When a Imane Khelif predictably won the women’s gold, in WOMENS boxing
Rufus tweeted “born female, raised female”
So someone said .. see the video where the biologist says no
Rufus replied “Maybe you should go boil your head, you handmaiden”
15 people Liked his tweet … 415 ratioed it
If i was 25+ you wouldnt see my a..e for dust, I’d emigrate in a heartbeat.
The best i can hope for is not spending my final years/months in the rough care of a bame with poor English .
There’s lots of places we can build housing for our rapidly increasing population.
Look at the Lake District. Why not bulldoze the mountains into the lakes. Helvellyn into lake Thirlmere would fit nicely. Once it’s all flat, multiple blocks of flats could be built freeing up hotel beds around the Country for tourists.
It’s already flat on Salisbury Plain so knock down Stonehenge (you can give it to Greece) and get building.
All the golf courses could be built on.
Cut the forests down and build there.
They say we need more babies yet at the same time we are overpopulated. Proper Orwell stuff there.
Our teams continue to work around the clock, along with the police, to charge people as quickly as possible and ensure justice is served, following recent public disorder. As of today, we have charged 273 people. See below for real-time updates today ⬇️
They were raped by multiple perpetrators, trafficked to other towns and cities in the north of England, abducted, beaten, and intimidated. There were examples of children who had been doused in petrol and threatened with being set alight, threatened with guns, made to witness brutally violent rapes and threatened they would be next if they told anyone. Girls as young as 11 were raped by large numbers of male perpetrators. {Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Exploitation in Rotherham – 1997 – 2013 – Jay OBE –
In two of the cases we read, fathers tracked down their daughters and tried to remove them from houses where they were being abused, only to be arrested themselves when police were called to the scene.
Certainly it seems that they are doing ‘plea bargaining ‘ to get guilty pleas – and it looks like defence lawyers are being ‘encouraged ‘ to play along judging by the number of guilty pleas .
Maybe the threat of unpleasant remand in custody is hitting the spot . ….
Well, yet another vile knife attack in London; this time Leicester Square…
A young woman and an eleven year old girl were attacked by a knifeman this morning in broad daylight. So far, there are no suggestions as to the reasons for this unprovoked attack…and God forbid anyone hint at anything in Starmer/Stalin’s Britain.
Hang on though, wasn’t it just yesterday that uber-smug Jon Sopel, ex BBC Luvvie and bestest friend of paedo Huw Edwards, was taking the piss out of Elon Musk’s warning about Britain heading towards civil war.
Sopel put up a photo of Londoners and tourists enjoying the sun in one of London’s lovely parks. He chortled as he told his followers that London was the most vibrant city in the world. It clearly suggests that London is safe.
It looks idyllic.
Jeff and Zephir,
Leicester Square Stabbing .
A Man has been detained after an ‘ incident ‘ young 11 year old Girl and 34 year old woman STABBED .
Only GBNEWS are showing it …….no surprise BBC ,SKY and ITV have more important things to talk about like the Olympics
Apparently ‘ not terrorist incident ‘ that’s OK then …..I was worried otherwise 😄
Jeff ,
As always the Biased BBC never fail to live down to my expectations ! ,
One of my Uncle’s used to work for GCHQ and used to talk about what was going on in the 1980s in the 3rd person… he wasn’t really telling me anything at all !
While I accept that the Rwandan ‘boy’ who stabbed those three girls to death and injured many others wasn’t an Asian and not born into Moslem faith, we still don’t know what might have caused him to turn violent. He might have had anger issues or was there some grooming going on? I suspect we won’t know for months until a trial.
We do of course do know all those convicted protestors, the arrested protestors and online posters are Far Right Fascists, Keir Stalin told us that and the Courts have taken their instructions.
If it was the other way around, race / colourwise it would no doubt immediately be implied a racist attack by the likes of the bbc with constant reminders of the colour of perpetrator and victims.
“On April 6, 1994, when the President’s plane was shot down, killing both the Rwandan and Burundian presidents, the radical Hutu radio channel announced the deaths, urging Hutus to “go to work” and attack the Tutsi population. The genocide had begun.”
Sir Keir Starmer has said he wants to reduce the number of people going to prison……..
….. ….he appointed a businessman as his prisons minister who has previously said only a third of prisoners should be there.
James Timpson, boss of the shoe repair chain which has a policy of recruiting ex-offenders, said in an interview with Channel 4 earlier this year that “we’re addicted to punishment”.
…. The businessman told a Channel 4 podcast in February that prison was a “disaster” for around a third of prisoners, and another third “probably shouldn’t be there”.
He said too many people being in prison for “far too long” was an example of “evidence being ignored because there is this sentiment around punish and punish”.
“We’re addicted to sentencing, we’re addicted to punishment,” he added.
As U turns go, two tier Kier must have made the fastest one ever.
As Elon Musk clashes with Starmer on X: Could Twitter be banned in the UK?
Ofcom could soon receive new powers to ban social media platforms or even take legal action against tech bosses
Well they’re in America, but if they discuss Keir Jong Un it could be interesting.
It’s also good to see the current ‘leader’ of the opposition enjoy himself on holiday, while the country is in the middle of a communist takeover.
Hope he’s having a lovely time!
Trump always makes me laugh due to his ego. Can imagine this…
“You know he’s gone too far here, but I’ll talk to him. He’s new. He’s a little nerdy not an alpha like me. He’ll respect me. A real man. So we’ll talk. It’s gonna be the best talk ever. You know people will talk about it for years. It’ll be beautiful…”
Top headline on the BBC:
‘Boy, 12, admits to violent disorder during Southport unrest’
Another ‘Live update’ rehashing the same stories they’ve been trumpeting for days.
Meanwhile the fact an 11 year old girl and her mother were stabbed on the street in broad daylight is somewhere over on the right in a subpane. And of course even though it will have had many, many eyewitnesses, every single newspaper avoids telling us anything at all which might identify the ethnic origin of who did it.
Which of course means they have been directed by the government not to. These protests have been a real eye-opener to just how far down the path to being a fascist state we have gone.
The ferocity of the suppression by the Left is breathtaking. It rivals the response of the Democrats to the Jan 06 protests. Their response to being accused of making a two-tier, anti-white society is to clamp down on the dissent even more.
Not condoning it, but I do wonder if this 12 year old was just copying what the older males from his street were doing?
Typical kid’s behavior to fit in if so.
I’d hope they’d have investigated that possibility before announcing an arrest.
Looks like this ‘no mercy for whitey,’ policy is not ending anytime soon.
They ,just won’t look at the causes (politicians causing absolute chaos with their insane obsession with multi culti – it was ‘the final straw’ for many normal people).
That would require some inward reflection and a lot of powerful people losing a few quid.
Never forget Starmer took the knee and sided with far more violent rioters when a black criminal was killed (hmm?) in the USA. But then says there were ‘no excuses’ for violence when 3 white girls were slaughtered by a non white.
That to me makes it sound like he thinks George Floyd’s life was worth more than those three little girls, doesn’t it?
Personally I wouldn’t make excuses for violence against cops and the general public for any reason, but then again, I’m not an absolute c…
If Globalist Labour can force us to accept as normal their move to a fully functioning police state:
kangaroo courts , show trials, imprisonment for voicing an opinion , facts and truth being insufficient for defence or merely being in the wrong place at the wrong time:
then we can expect them to use it not just to force mass migration and Islamification down our throats but also the imposition of the full range of Net Zero measures , and all the rest of their hidden agenda including the suspension or abolition of democracy.
I knew that a Labour government would be awful but this lot are worse , much worse than my worst nightmare. God help us. I pity all those who have most of their lives in front of them.
Greta Thunberg throws a wrecking ball at UK economy …
The Greta Thunberg effect: at last, MPs focus on climate change
This article is more than 5 years old
Jonathan Watts Global environment editor
There was no let-up for the audience. The UK, she said, was very special due to its “mind-blowing historical carbon debt”, a reference to the country’s record as the birthplace of industrialisation.
MM, ahem, I think while the UK was at its fore, industrialisation it then spread rapidly to Belgium, Switzerland, Germany, and France and eastwards in Europe and to the USA. We cannot take all the blame in the UK. Did Greta miss history and geography classes as well as double maths on Friday?
Leicester Square stabbing books itself a spot on bbc:
“A shop security guard has described how he disarmed a knifeman after an 11-year-old girl and a 34-year-old woman were stabbed in London’s Leicester Square.
Abdullah, 29, said he “heard a scream”, then “jumped on” the man who was attacking the child before holding him down and taking the knife off him.
“I just saw a kid getting stabbed and I just tried to save her. It’s my duty to just save them,” he said.
Abdullah said he and his colleagues gave first aid to the child before police arrived.”
TOADY Watch #1 – Hamas must be completely believed, says Harsh Headmistress Mishal
Quite why Mishal went all the way to Scotland this morning was something of a mystery to me. Don’t know if it was explained at all in the rest of the programme. I only listened to the first 15 minutes and then the 8.10 a.m. Big Interview. Perhaps she was there to go grouse shooting?
Mishal was pushing the Hamas line and she became very interrupty and talkovery with the with this morning’s guest who was either a spokesman for the Israeli Government or the IDF. I’m not sure whether this gentleman was introduced properly by Mishal after a Palestinian Doctor had got his Hamas propaganda in first. I wish the BBC would go back to publishing a ‘Running Order’ for TOADY. Anyway the Israeli stood up to Mishal and refused to take her nonsense about casualties from the so-called ‘school’ attack. The Israelis have aerial footage from drones and they do their best to prevent civilian casualties.
I can only echo our very own Fed: go on IDF! Get the Hamas held-hostages back! Win the war on Hamas.
And the telegraph reports that meesh is in the frame to take on the Huw Edwards gig ….ahead of the lightweight coloured one – myrie –
Meesh doing the heavy stats stuff – one small step for a Muslim ….
Another seat for ‘today ‘ …. Gotta be a tick box coloured type – perhaps myrie himself … interesting for those still using the BBC …
Ps – and I think the board of deputies have put a formal complaint in concerning meesh and her love for Hamas / Palestine …
Keep going IDF
Might be worth topping up the tank if Iran decides to ‘do one ‘ to Israel or its’ embassies …
The bbc chasing the young market ie bbc 3 etc. I have four grand children
15 ,13, 10 and 8. None of them watch live tv they watch you tube, prime or Netflix.
So the bbc are wasting our money chasing an audience that isn’t go watch them.
‘Two 12-year-old boys have become the youngest to be convicted following recent disorder in the UK.’
This headline struck me because we are actually now at the stage where the BBC are celebrating the conviction of 12 year old children for ‘violent disorder’.
‘The prosecution said the boy, who also cannot be named for legal reasons, was seen in footage handing a rock to another youth during the disorder and was part of a group attack on a bus.’
‘District judge Joanne Hirst said the case was “very serious”, adding it was the first she had dealt with of a person “attending both incidents” of disorder.’
A 12 year old child being singled out and prosecuted like this for handing another youth a rock !.
Meanwhile black boys ‘too young to be named’ who regularly stab other young boys get ‘basic facts only’ articles which quickly disappear into regions.
Just try to imagine what these people would be doing if they had absolute power.
This persecution of the rioters has gone way, way beyond ‘justice’. It is the most blatant of political persecution exactly like what the Democrats did to the Jan 06 protestors.
How much more can people take before real violence starts ?. I strongly suspect it will be after the American election (especially if Trump wins) and will quickly spread here.
Meanwhile, having been handed a massive mandate by not very many, Ed stampedes the horses further over the cliff. Doubtless Rowlatt and Capo Hallam in chokey are well happy.
When I was a kid back in the day, I recall being obsessed with that sci-fi series ‘V’.
When Starmer gave ‘that’ speech, it made me sick to my stomach. I knew I had felt that feeling before. A terrible foreboding because I really wasn’t expecting that.
It reminded me of that scene in ‘V’ when Diana extended her jaw and ate that guinea pig, revealing her true self.
Yasser DasmibehbiMar 9, 00:32 Weekend 8th March 2025 While I am more aligned with Rupert Lowe as regards policy, I am getting concerned with the seeming canonisation of…
StewGreenMar 8, 22:20 Weekend 8th March 2025 @Digg & @Marky there is a huge problem in the UK in that when people are presented with info in…
JeffMar 8, 22:04 Weekend 8th March 2025 Hang on a sec’ Lucy, we don’t really know what’s happened yet. All I’m certain of is that this is…
diggMar 8, 22:00 Weekend 8th March 2025 That’s because the Eastern Europeans would be tooled up and might take some coppers down with them so best to…
StewGreenMar 8, 21:49 Weekend 8th March 2025 “Clap for Ukraine on Sunday” PRasNews item on ITV local news tonight “A couple from Southall in Nottinghamshire are calling…
Fedup2Mar 8, 21:40 Weekend 8th March 2025 Taffman – gonna keep telling peopl to vote Islamic reform ?
Fedup2Mar 8, 21:39 Weekend 8th March 2025 I wonder if Farage really thought importing a Muslim to be in charge of Reform would ‘detoxify ‘ it ?…
taffmanMar 8, 21:21 Weekend 8th March 2025 Warning : We are being invaded across the English Channel from France . Our government does nothing to defend us…
Lucy PevenseyMar 8, 21:09 Weekend 8th March 2025 They just can’t get enough of their Islam. Muhammad Ziauddin Taqiyya Yusuf vets all Deform party candidates and stabbed Rupert…
MarkyMarkMar 8, 20:48 Weekend 8th March 2025 ‘Amazing atmosphere’ at Windsor Castle Iftar event Iftars are open to everyone, regardless of faith and background. they are…
2024 “More sentencings taking place in connection with violent disorder”
There were examples of children who had been doused in petrol and threatened with being set alight, threatened with guns, made to witness brutally violent rapes and threatened they would be next if they told anyone.
Girls as young as 11 were raped by large numbers of male perpetrators.
This abuse is not confined to the past but continues to this day.
Several staff described their nervousness about identifying the ethnic origins of perpetrators for fear of being thought racist; others remembered clear direction from their managers not to do so.
Oh look at all the pretty local- spontaneous-outpouring-of-love-signs!
I wonder why those signs from the Socialist Work printhouse just happen to come on stakes, the protesters could use as weapons.
True Britons beware , “Big Brother” is watching you !
Westminster is too constrained!
“Davos or Westminster?” Starmer: “Davos”
Be nice to 77 brigade Taffman ….- I bet there is a ‘ping’ every time they get a mention …
… looks like the msm is still running that state ordered propaganda gig of long sentences and ‘guilty pleas only ‘ as judges grandstand as ordered ….
I can’t see it getting any easier for the starmer 2 tier new model army though ….
Recall there were a few brown trousers when the wall came down and the filing cabinet were found.
“Labour swore it wouldn’t hike VAT – see sneaky way Reeves could make us pay more anyway.
During the general election, Labour leader Keir Starmer repeatedly pledged the party wouldn’t hike income tax, national insurance (NI) or VAT. That could change in the autumn Budget.
Labour-backing tax campaigners want chancellor Rachel Reeves to raise more revenues from the last of these three taxes: VAT. She may be tempted to do so.
VAT, which stands for value added tax, is a flat rate charge applied to most products and services we buy. It’s the UK’s third-largest tax, after income tax and NI.
In 2023/24, receipts totalled £169.25billion. By comparison, inheritance tax generated just £7.5billion. VAT is charged at a flat rate of 20% which falls to 5% on home energy bills. New housing, children’s clothing and most foods are zero-rated.
If Reeves hiked the 20% charge or scrapped VAT exemptions, this would spark even more outrage than her move to abolish the winter fuel payment for 10million pensioners. I doubt she’ll do that. But there’s something else she could do. Small business owners will hate it. So will their customers.
Today, businesses only have to register for VAT if their annual turnover tops £90,000. Former Tory chancellor Jeremy Hunt increased the threshold from £85,000 in his March Budget saying it would “reduce the administrative and financial impact” of the tax and encourage them to invest and grow.
Now campaigners want Labour to slash the VAT registration threshold to £45,000 or even £30,000. This would smother small businesses in red tape but could happen.
VAT-registered businesses must keep records of everything they buy and sell, send a VAT return to HMRC every three months, and pay any tax due. There are hefty fines for getting it wrong.
It’s a lot of cost and bother for people who are already working flat out. Many deliberately hold their annual income below the £90,000 threshold to avoid it.
Many tax experts want to put a stop to that, including Labour’s new advisor Sir Edward Troup. When Hunt hiked the VAT registration threshold to £90,000 he said halving it instead “would have been a better way to remove a barrier to growth.”
This will see ordinary people pay more VAT, too. Here’s just one example. If your plumber is registered for VAT, they are required to add an extra 20% to customer invoices to accommodate the added tax.
You will pay this and can’t claim it back.
Think tank The Resolution Foundation, led by former Labour adviser Torsten Bell, wants to go even further.
It has proposed slashing the VAT registration threshold to just £30,000 as today’s higher threshold “acts as a disincentive for small firms to grow”.
That could hit more than 500,000 businesses. Not to mention their customers.”
I think the 30 October budget will be a real stinger. The left will be delighted when reeve lifts the 2 kid benefits / welfare limit – and throws money at the feckless using increased stealth taxes ranging from stamp duty to – as said – reducing VAT thresholds .
She is screwed on increasing VAT rates as it hits the most feckless most . Me being from a ‘don’t work don’t eat’ background it will all be a far left fest …
There is no way labour is going to achieve real commercial growth – borrowed public money will just be re circulated to make things look better but the reality is money makers will just go find a better country …. A lot of CGT avoidance action going on at the moment …
Fedup, I think that it would be too early after cutting the fuel allowance to raise the child threshold. Cynicism tells me that this will be kept as a desirable for the next manifesto. Needless to say there will be no comment from the green lobby that population reduction is one way to prevent growing carbon emissions which they are so worried about.
Smarmer, Rayner and Reeves are running a despotic regime. With the BBC and other media onside they will be targeting other contentious area.
Think MMGW is alarmist hocus pocus? Anyone protesting extortionate energy bills and power cuts will be jailed. Anyone questioning their eco narrative will be jailed.
Anyone objecting to wide scale housing developments or the need for them? Jail them.
Anyone protesting land grabs? Jail them.
Tax increases. It will be a picking off excercise, they will target all sorts obvious targets and some subtle stealth ones. VAT could be raised selectively for ‘luxury’ goods and services that Communists think should be reserved for them. Anyone unhappy? Jail them.
Anyone unhappy with cutting winter fuel payments for Pensioners? Jail them. I think Smarmer and Co have got away very lightly with that one, hardly a murmur. Of course announcing it during a heat wave months before it could have been paid helps.
I knew I disliked Smarmer before he even became Corbyn’s deputy. How right I was.
Talking about the armegeddon scorching plumes of heat waves we were warned was on the way for today, has anyone seen it? Seems to have gone missing here right on the on the South Coast at the epicentre of where we were warned it would strike. Yes, nice and warm just like August normally is but pretty average for the time of year!
More wishful thinking “nudge” just-stop-oil pushes for the past week or so by the Climate Change manic Met Chaps and the BBC I suspect.
No doubt they will send a bod to some military airfield to record the temperature in the blast waves of a huge transport jet taking off to make their point again…. Hottest temperature ever recorded and all that crap!
Getting a bit monotonous now!
At least me no longer need to guess how life will be under Labour!
14 years of Austerity!
Christmas dinner this year?
A nine hour queue in the freezing rain for a sausage and two slices of stale bread.
Communism rocks!
Archbishop of Canterbury embarrassed about church’s financial link to Wonga
This article is more than 11 years old
Justin Welby ‘irritated’ to discover Church of England holds indirect £75,000 stake in payday lender he singled out for criticism
Another sustainable “green” apple falls off the tree and rots…
I’m confused.
It seems we can’t deport criminals out of our own country, but apparently we can now deport people from foreign lands.
Did I miss us getting our Empire back or something?
Rule Britannia!
BBC “comedian” Rufus Hound is the far left’s answer to Alex Jones. Nasty conspiracy theorist and now ugly, woman hating misogynist.
The quote tweets – here – are a goldmine
When a Imane Khelif predictably won the women’s gold, in WOMENS boxing
Rufus tweeted “born female, raised female”
So someone said .. see the video where the biologist says no
Rufus replied “Maybe you should go boil your head, you handmaiden”
15 people Liked his tweet … 415 ratioed it
She’s about as feminine as Giant Haystacks having a big shit.
She failed the drugs test because she couldn’t fit her cock in the test tube
bbc likes this:-
Same-sex flamingos hatch a chick at zoo
Of all the things going on the in world
Same-sex steal baby!
I moved to Portugal 4 years ago.
Non Habitual Residency – i.e. very low taxes.
Best thing I ever did.
Get out of the UK while you still can.
If i was 25+ you wouldnt see my a..e for dust, I’d emigrate in a heartbeat.
The best i can hope for is not spending my final years/months in the rough care of a bame with poor English .
Desert my country. No. I’ll stay here & fight for it.
As did our ancestors.
We are not called ‘Great Britain’ for nothing .
Girl, 11, and woman, 34, stabbed in central London
Breaking news, does make you wonder
By a ‘man’, apparently.
It will of course be so complex time will be needed to… er… what was it again?
I skipped my eyes over the article as quickly as possible so my eyes wouldn’t guilty of speculating.
Afternoon fellow far right racists.
There’s lots of places we can build housing for our rapidly increasing population.
Look at the Lake District. Why not bulldoze the mountains into the lakes. Helvellyn into lake Thirlmere would fit nicely. Once it’s all flat, multiple blocks of flats could be built freeing up hotel beds around the Country for tourists.
It’s already flat on Salisbury Plain so knock down Stonehenge (you can give it to Greece) and get building.
All the golf courses could be built on.
Cut the forests down and build there.
They say we need more babies yet at the same time we are overpopulated. Proper Orwell stuff there.
Oh it WILL happen EG, guarantee it !
somebody I didn’t expect to be a rebel sent me this
Two tier incarceration?
Rog running his empire from the nick like Pablo Escobar.
BBC got a JSO Editor on site for PR?
I wonder how many Beeboids have been to visit / have his number?
“Nothing will change without making ultimatums and sacrifices. It’s time for celebrities to engage in civil disobedience and spark a revolution.
My letter to
from prison.”
Just Now
They were raped by multiple perpetrators, trafficked to other towns and cities in the north of England, abducted, beaten, and intimidated. There were examples of children who had been doused in petrol and threatened with being set alight, threatened with guns, made to witness brutally violent rapes and threatened they would be next if they told anyone. Girls as young as 11 were raped by large numbers of male perpetrators. {Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Exploitation in Rotherham – 1997 – 2013 – Jay OBE –
In two of the cases we read, fathers tracked down their daughters and tried to remove them from houses where they were being abused, only to be arrested themselves when police were called to the scene.
Click to access independent_inquiry_cse_in_rotherham.pdf
Do The CPS have a conviction bonus scheme? You would think so by the tone of their bragging!
Intrigued how, when I didn’t follow them, my timeline (on twitter) is now rammed with post from Govt. departments pushing pure wibble propaganda.
Certainly it seems that they are doing ‘plea bargaining ‘ to get guilty pleas – and it looks like defence lawyers are being ‘encouraged ‘ to play along judging by the number of guilty pleas .
Maybe the threat of unpleasant remand in custody is hitting the spot . ….
Is this really front page BBC website news? Yes it is!
Same-sex flamingos hatch a chick at zoo
It turns out the egg in question was laid conventionally, then presumably abandoned, and then appropriated by the birds in question.
To the BBC, any time is the right time for LGBT advocacy,.
bbc biased reporting:-
How Musk and Trump put aside their differences
So what, I dont believe your propaganda
I know what I would listen you and its not you bbc
Well, yet another vile knife attack in London; this time Leicester Square…
A young woman and an eleven year old girl were attacked by a knifeman this morning in broad daylight. So far, there are no suggestions as to the reasons for this unprovoked attack…and God forbid anyone hint at anything in Starmer/Stalin’s Britain.
Hang on though, wasn’t it just yesterday that uber-smug Jon Sopel, ex BBC Luvvie and bestest friend of paedo Huw Edwards, was taking the piss out of Elon Musk’s warning about Britain heading towards civil war.
Sopel put up a photo of Londoners and tourists enjoying the sun in one of London’s lovely parks. He chortled as he told his followers that London was the most vibrant city in the world. It clearly suggests that London is safe.
It looks idyllic.
…Not aged well…
Yes, Its that “man” again…..
Looking at times of your earlier posts, dont you ever sleep Zephir ?
Jeff and Zephir,
Leicester Square Stabbing .
A Man has been detained after an ‘ incident ‘ young 11 year old Girl and 34 year old woman STABBED .
Only GBNEWS are showing it …….no surprise BBC ,SKY and ITV have more important things to talk about like the Olympics
Apparently ‘ not terrorist incident ‘ that’s OK then …..I was worried otherwise 😄
Yes, you’re right Charlie…strange…
I’ve just had a gander at the BBC News Page and there’s…zilch about the Leicester Square stabbing.
However, they have covered the important stuff…
“UK experiences hottest day of 2024”
“Tom Daley announces retirement from diving”
and my particular favourite
“Same sex flamingoes give birth in zoo”
Just sooo BBC…
Jeff ,
As always the Biased BBC never fail to live down to my expectations ! ,
One of my Uncle’s used to work for GCHQ and used to talk about what was going on in the 1980s in the 3rd person… he wasn’t really telling me anything at all !
Leicester Square has more than its fair share of absolute nutters
The real nasty, vicious face of the far left pretending to be “anti racists” and Rayner’s “best of British”:
“Charlie Peters reveals abuse from left-wing mob as MSM look other way while ‘GB News is targeted’ ”
While I accept that the Rwandan ‘boy’ who stabbed those three girls to death and injured many others wasn’t an Asian and not born into Moslem faith, we still don’t know what might have caused him to turn violent. He might have had anger issues or was there some grooming going on? I suspect we won’t know for months until a trial.
We do of course do know all those convicted protestors, the arrested protestors and online posters are Far Right Fascists, Keir Stalin told us that and the Courts have taken their instructions.
If it was the other way around, race / colourwise it would no doubt immediately be implied a racist attack by the likes of the bbc with constant reminders of the colour of perpetrator and victims.
And would be revisited for 30 years.
“On April 6, 1994, when the President’s plane was shot down, killing both the Rwandan and Burundian presidents, the radical Hutu radio channel announced the deaths, urging Hutus to “go to work” and attack the Tutsi population. The genocide had begun.”
Wonder what the definition of SMALL BOAT is?
703 on all inclusive cruise ship?
“According to Home Office figures 703 migrants crossed into UK waters on 11 boats yesterday.”
Good observation MM., Some lux cruises have less than that !
Well, well, well.
We have too many prisoners, says new PM Starmer
Sir Keir Starmer has said he wants to reduce the number of people going to prison……..
….. ….he appointed a businessman as his prisons minister who has previously said only a third of prisoners should be there.
James Timpson, boss of the shoe repair chain which has a policy of recruiting ex-offenders, said in an interview with Channel 4 earlier this year that “we’re addicted to punishment”.
…. The businessman told a Channel 4 podcast in February that prison was a “disaster” for around a third of prisoners, and another third “probably shouldn’t be there”.
He said too many people being in prison for “far too long” was an example of “evidence being ignored because there is this sentiment around punish and punish”.
“We’re addicted to sentencing, we’re addicted to punishment,” he added.
As U turns go, two tier Kier must have made the fastest one ever.
and there was me thinking London is broke and has borrowed too much already
“with £12.4million in funding” = TAX PAYERS?
Horse and cart like in Pakistan?
The kids who still go to school in Victorian horse-drawn carriages
This article is more than 8 years old
Some Karachi children are still ferried to and from school in a real-life buggy – but will the demands of the modern world drive the carts out of business?
BBC Radio 2 Headlines at 3pm
First item , no , not the Stabbing of two females in broad daylight in Central London, oh no, not in BBC land …..
The main headline- British diver Tom Daley is retiring!!! I kid you not
The state of the BBC , already wanting to bury the attack after a couple of hours , can only mean one thing hey !!!!
Dickhead Sopel eaten humble pie yet ?
The internet might meltdown tonight and possibly blast No 10 to low earth orbit.
Keir to ban X before it happens?
As Elon Musk clashes with Starmer on X: Could Twitter be banned in the UK?
Ofcom could soon receive new powers to ban social media platforms or even take legal action against tech bosses
Albert Toth
4 days ago
The Independent?
How on earth are they still a thing?
Something to do with media acceptable oligarchs, potentates and giving the world Amol Rajan, I believe.
Well they’re in America, but if they discuss Keir Jong Un it could be interesting.
It’s also good to see the current ‘leader’ of the opposition enjoy himself on holiday, while the country is in the middle of a communist takeover.
Hope he’s having a lovely time!
Trump always makes me laugh due to his ego. Can imagine this…
“You know he’s gone too far here, but I’ll talk to him. He’s new. He’s a little nerdy not an alpha like me. He’ll respect me. A real man. So we’ll talk. It’s gonna be the best talk ever. You know people will talk about it for years. It’ll be beautiful…”
Top headline on the BBC:
‘Boy, 12, admits to violent disorder during Southport unrest’
Another ‘Live update’ rehashing the same stories they’ve been trumpeting for days.
Meanwhile the fact an 11 year old girl and her mother were stabbed on the street in broad daylight is somewhere over on the right in a subpane. And of course even though it will have had many, many eyewitnesses, every single newspaper avoids telling us anything at all which might identify the ethnic origin of who did it.
Which of course means they have been directed by the government not to. These protests have been a real eye-opener to just how far down the path to being a fascist state we have gone.
The ferocity of the suppression by the Left is breathtaking. It rivals the response of the Democrats to the Jan 06 protests. Their response to being accused of making a two-tier, anti-white society is to clamp down on the dissent even more.
Not condoning it, but I do wonder if this 12 year old was just copying what the older males from his street were doing?
Typical kid’s behavior to fit in if so.
I’d hope they’d have investigated that possibility before announcing an arrest.
Looks like this ‘no mercy for whitey,’ policy is not ending anytime soon.
They ,just won’t look at the causes (politicians causing absolute chaos with their insane obsession with multi culti – it was ‘the final straw’ for many normal people).
That would require some inward reflection and a lot of powerful people losing a few quid.
Never forget Starmer took the knee and sided with far more violent rioters when a black criminal was killed (hmm?) in the USA. But then says there were ‘no excuses’ for violence when 3 white girls were slaughtered by a non white.
That to me makes it sound like he thinks George Floyd’s life was worth more than those three little girls, doesn’t it?
Personally I wouldn’t make excuses for violence against cops and the general public for any reason, but then again, I’m not an absolute c…
12 year olds now, where’s Charles Dickens when you need him ?
If Globalist Labour can force us to accept as normal their move to a fully functioning police state:
kangaroo courts , show trials, imprisonment for voicing an opinion , facts and truth being insufficient for defence or merely being in the wrong place at the wrong time:
then we can expect them to use it not just to force mass migration and Islamification down our throats but also the imposition of the full range of Net Zero measures , and all the rest of their hidden agenda including the suspension or abolition of democracy.
I knew that a Labour government would be awful but this lot are worse , much worse than my worst nightmare. God help us. I pity all those who have most of their lives in front of them.
Greta Thunberg throws a wrecking ball at UK economy …
The Greta Thunberg effect: at last, MPs focus on climate change
This article is more than 5 years old
Jonathan Watts Global environment editor
There was no let-up for the audience. The UK, she said, was very special due to its “mind-blowing historical carbon debt”, a reference to the country’s record as the birthplace of industrialisation.
MM, ahem, I think while the UK was at its fore, industrialisation it then spread rapidly to Belgium, Switzerland, Germany, and France and eastwards in Europe and to the USA. We cannot take all the blame in the UK. Did Greta miss history and geography classes as well as double maths on Friday?
Ah, the spoon-faced millionaire doom goblin.
Not heard of her for a while.
Probably spending her millions.
“I pity all those who have most of their lives in front of them.”
We will all be rich comrades!
Saw this on the bbc, the latest arrests
Leicester Square stabbing books itself a spot on bbc:
“A shop security guard has described how he disarmed a knifeman after an 11-year-old girl and a 34-year-old woman were stabbed in London’s Leicester Square.
Abdullah, 29, said he “heard a scream”, then “jumped on” the man who was attacking the child before holding him down and taking the knife off him.
“I just saw a kid getting stabbed and I just tried to save her. It’s my duty to just save them,” he said.
Abdullah said he and his colleagues gave first aid to the child before police arrived.”
Sky news
Update here…A Tea Shop needs a securirty guard in Khan’s “safe” London
TOADY Watch #1 – Hamas must be completely believed, says
HarshHeadmistress MishalQuite why Mishal went all the way to Scotland this morning was something of a mystery to me. Don’t know if it was explained at all in the rest of the programme. I only listened to the first 15 minutes and then the 8.10 a.m. Big Interview. Perhaps she was there to go grouse shooting?
Mishal was pushing the Hamas line and she became very interrupty and talkovery with the with this morning’s guest who was either a spokesman for the Israeli Government or the IDF. I’m not sure whether this gentleman was introduced properly by Mishal after a Palestinian Doctor had got his Hamas propaganda in first. I wish the BBC would go back to publishing a ‘Running Order’ for TOADY. Anyway the Israeli stood up to Mishal and refused to take her nonsense about casualties from the so-called ‘school’ attack. The Israelis have aerial footage from drones and they do their best to prevent civilian casualties.
I can only echo our very own Fed: go on IDF! Get the Hamas held-hostages back! Win the war on Hamas.
And the telegraph reports that meesh is in the frame to take on the Huw Edwards gig ….ahead of the lightweight coloured one – myrie –
Meesh doing the heavy stats stuff – one small step for a Muslim ….
Another seat for ‘today ‘ …. Gotta be a tick box coloured type – perhaps myrie himself … interesting for those still using the BBC …
Ps – and I think the board of deputies have put a formal complaint in concerning meesh and her love for Hamas / Palestine …
Keep going IDF
Might be worth topping up the tank if Iran decides to ‘do one ‘ to Israel or its’ embassies …
Clive makes his pitch.
Beyond the double degree of separation and the use of a ‘former’, #ccbgb
The bbc chasing the young market ie bbc 3 etc. I have four grand children
15 ,13, 10 and 8. None of them watch live tv they watch you tube, prime or Netflix.
So the bbc are wasting our money chasing an audience that isn’t go watch them.
I wonder how long it’ll take to have Starmer’s face on the flag?
I wonder whose flag it’ll be?
Two boys, 12, admit violent disorder during unrest
‘Two 12-year-old boys have become the youngest to be convicted following recent disorder in the UK.’
This headline struck me because we are actually now at the stage where the BBC are celebrating the conviction of 12 year old children for ‘violent disorder’.
‘The prosecution said the boy, who also cannot be named for legal reasons, was seen in footage handing a rock to another youth during the disorder and was part of a group attack on a bus.’
‘District judge Joanne Hirst said the case was “very serious”, adding it was the first she had dealt with of a person “attending both incidents” of disorder.’
A 12 year old child being singled out and prosecuted like this for handing another youth a rock !.
Meanwhile black boys ‘too young to be named’ who regularly stab other young boys get ‘basic facts only’ articles which quickly disappear into regions.
Just try to imagine what these people would be doing if they had absolute power.
This persecution of the rioters has gone way, way beyond ‘justice’. It is the most blatant of political persecution exactly like what the Democrats did to the Jan 06 protestors.
How much more can people take before real violence starts ?. I strongly suspect it will be after the American election (especially if Trump wins) and will quickly spread here.
Meanwhile, having been handed a massive mandate by not very many, Ed stampedes the horses further over the cliff. Doubtless Rowlatt and Capo Hallam in chokey are well happy.
When I was a kid back in the day, I recall being obsessed with that sci-fi series ‘V’.
When Starmer gave ‘that’ speech, it made me sick to my stomach. I knew I had felt that feeling before. A terrible foreboding because I really wasn’t expecting that.
It reminded me of that scene in ‘V’ when Diana extended her jaw and ate that guinea pig, revealing her true self.
Almost shat meself.