It’s only a few weeks into Starmer’s term and I reckon it’s already over for him and Labour as far as a new term is concerned.
While Labour won comfortably, they still needed the white working class to vote for them to win.
Unless they flood us with 20 million more migrants over 5 years, they are finished.
The white working class will never forgive labour for labelling the protesters, the vast of whom were peaceful, as ‘far right thugs’. He gave this blanket label to all of them.
I bet loads of them had voted Labour!
Not any more. And I think , like the Sun newspaper in Liverpool, they’re done.
That’s if our Dear Leader is going to allow an election in 5 years time!
Lazy – I’m not so sure …. People forget quickly – and 4 years is a long time into the future … however … I think things are going to get worse on every front
I’d like to hope that Reform will grow and become the natural opposition but it has a long way to go .
The blues – hopefully – are dead – there is no one capable of bringing them back – they are too dumb or corrupt to realise this – it’s a game to them – Cameron – Johnson – Sunak – just a game – with us as their victims . damn them …
As far as further disorder is concerned – maybe it really does depend on the weather – and then there are ‘events ‘ …. More killings by the third world …
Lazy – yes I agree about the need for positive thinking … it’s just a shame that it was all avoidable if conservatives had been in charge and less desperate to be ‘liked ‘ a whole string of self serving failures
I agree that the reds / plod / swamp couldn’t have dealt with the disorders and worse – and look like they are compounding their mistakes
– how can one bunch of dolts be replaced by another bunch of dolts …. ?
That doesn’t look like he’s making excuses or believes it’s a PR disaster.
Unless I’m missing something, which is possible.
It just looks like he’s doubling down (“I’m not giving them any excuse and they can’t use immigration I’m not listening’ he seemed to say – in Minecraft.)
Can’t see him apologising. He hasn’t called off the CPS or police chiefs from threatening everyone (examples- possible prison for just witnessing a riot or just for speculating or sharing incorrect information online in good faith.)
Like who the fuck do they think they are?
He’s done. In fact I’m going to make a prediction.
I said, even before the landslide when it was clear they were going to get one, that he’d be gone by Christmas. I’m changing that to the end of October, even earlier. He’s an absolute disaster for the people of this country and the country itself.
Yep…but the line they are preparing is that there is a problem with immigration…it’s you….you’re ignorant and bigoted. What we need is a much more positive spin on migration…how it is so beneficial for us economically and socially and culturally.
That’s the ‘plan’ to deal with migration….tell us how good it is and then fling open the borders even more….and denounce anyone who dares ask questions as ‘Far-Right thugs’.
Watch to understand just how stupid the nut zero plot is……it will bankrupt and destroy the car industry and make owning a car impossible for most people…the less well off in particular…got to love how Labour[clue in the name] has abandoned the working classes…
I admit I did not watch any of the Paris Olympics. None at all including the opening or closing. So it was a surprise to hear (on LBC radio) that I needed a TV license to watch ‘Sports’ on TV.
You may of heard that too. It was a brief radio Ad hat could have been ‘Sky TV’, – but the word license was used (not a subscription). And there was no mention of the word ‘BBC’ at all in the Ad. Just the mention If you watch Sports on TV you need a TV license
This comes after many other radio shows on other Radio channels who claims that children and teens would never watch the BBC or pay for it. They might watch Sport, but probably on You Tube or Sky, maybe.
This has got the BBC rattled. They spent big on attracting YOUTH radio channels and employing hundreds of ‘black and ethnic’ presenters that now lead all their bulletins with ‘the message’. And the kids are not listening. And yet many have chosen (or say) they vote Labour (for how long we’ll see). Its a conundrum for the BBC, who were struggling before Labour gave them all a pay rise. And no dunt another TEN YEARS TV License Charter to exploit whatever it can from its dwindling band of followers (most of them quite elderly or/and banged up in prioson watching ‘homes under the hammer’ for 19 hours per day. If in prison, I learn you do not have to pay a TV license!
No matter. The BBC TV Ad states ‘Sport’, if you watch it, you have to pay the BBC.. or so they say…
And what is even more amazing is that the BBC are nit even paying for the privilege of ‘live streaming’ the Olympics either… It appears that they lost the low bid and can only stream ‘UK sports footage.
This is from the Radio Times!
Why does the BBC only have two live feeds at the Olympics 2024?
‘BBC is not the primary broadcaster of the Olympic Games in 2024 after Warner Bros. Discovery swooped in to clinch the TV rights to show the Games between 2018 and 2024, including Paris 2024.
Warner Bros. Discovery reportedly paid $1.45 billion for the initial agreement which has now been extended to 2032, when the Games will take place Down Under in Brisbane.
However, by UK law, several sporting events are protected and must be shown live on free-to-air TV. The Olympic Games is one of them. Therefore, BBC has been able to sub-licence the Games from Warner Bros. Discovery.’
So basically the BBC does not have a ‘license’ and relies on another broadcaster for ‘clips’ and what it does ‘get’ it also get for ‘FREE’ and because of that, it cannot mention the word OLYMPICS in its Ads.
Hence the rather odd Radio Ad stating that ‘if you watch Sports …’ trying to claim that ALL ‘SPORTS’ or even ALL ‘ live Sports’, need a TV license – which is of course totally untrue. The BBC does not itself have a license to show ‘Sports’ as a generic term, nor Olympics, to watch Sport. Its all a bit odd.
And I am not even sure if the BBC paid for the LBC radio AD. But I am 99% certain it was the BBC. It had been repeated several times during the Olympics. And the youth won’t pay the BBC, but they might pay for the live ‘Sports’ tag – and no mention that all the TV license money goes straight to the BBC direct for its *STARS* – ‘and by ‘eck, there are a lot of ’em-‘ — (just ask, Huw Edwardes)!
1) Left Winger.
2) He supports illegal immigration
3) Believes climate change is man made and supports all measures that he thinks will combat it, at any price.
It’s striking how almost every Left Winger believes in those same ideas. They all say and believe exactly the same thing, it’s as if they’ve all been dropped out of the same mould, they’re imprinted. Anyone know why?
Do they never learn? Christopher Steele…a man who obtained ‘information’ from Russian intelligence officers and used it to try and bring down the US President and caused absolute chaos in the US political system…with collaborators in the Democrat Party, US media and the BBC.
He’s back spreading more lies and disinformation….
‘There is “clear” Russian involvement in the far-right riots and security services will be looking closely at the instigators, a former head of the MI6 Russia desk has said.
Christopher Steele, the ex-spy who compiled a notorious dossier on Donald Trump’s relationship with Russia, said that security officials would be “looking very carefully” at the people encouraging anti-immigration riots in the past fortnight.
Steele said that the security services “will be looking very carefully at the instigators of these activities, including people like Tommy Robinson, even conceivably Nigel Farage, who incidentally said that we were being misinformed by the government about Southport”.’
Who is he working for? The Russians or Starmer? Is there much difference given Starmer was a vocal advocate for Jeremy Corbyn to be PM…someone with close associations to Russia….and a starkly similar way of dealing with protests and people he doesn’t like as he weaponises the deaths of the three girls and subsequent riots to try and smear his opponents and shut down all opposition to his plan to flood Britain with migrants…funnily enough something Putin threatened to do knowing as he does the huge damage mass migration does to a country and the instability, division and distrust it causes.
The BBC hasn’t reported it yet…they know it is rubbish as they did with the dodgy Trump Dossier…but won’t be long before they report on the reporting of it…’The Guardian says…..’ as they did with the dossier.
The MSM ties itself ever closer to government and acts as its mouthpiece more and more. Be afraid, very afraid.
Now, somewhat strangely, having earlier not reported at all on the knifing in Leicester Square, the BBC is now leading with this story on their News Website.
Of course film has revealed the assailant to be a white chap and the heroic security guard, who probably saved the lives of both mother and daughter, to be a dusky bloke called Abdullah.
Well done BBC…I can’t think why it took you so long, but
So the Nottingham triple killer was born in Africa – moved to Portugal – then landed up in the UK because his father got a job here and moved the family –
Echoes of the Rwanda alleged killer last week – import the third world get mad killers on the streets …
This character – who had the court over on a ‘diminished ‘- just needed a noose…. They left that bit out of the BBC panorama …
We talked the other day about TV schedilers suddenly inserting programmes or repeats to steer the narrative
whilst at they same time they tell people to stay away from social media cos it BRAINWASHES you
Right now Channel 4 has a three part series
‘Defiance: Fighting The Far Right,’
It was originally aired only a few months ago in April, then last week Channel 4 suddenly announced that in light of current news they must repeat the series this week.
The 10pm show was climaxing with Jake Berry nominating Jess Phillips for Union Jackass
“right after a SkyNews reporting crew was attacked she tweeted “..then crash as the screen immediately switched to the weather forecast
.. as if you are no longer allowed to speak the truth about Jess Phillips.
There is nothing more important on GBN than the weather, newsheadlines or the Octamat mattress ! Their behind the scenes team are rubbish – losing sound, losing connections, cutting off conversations. Least professional of all the channels.
UK anti-fascists seem to have fascist tendencies
..They March through Manchester as if they own the place
..then when they see a bunch of WHITE football fans at Wetherspoons the home of Brexit, they harass and scream at them shouting they are all fascist Nazi EDL .. English Defence League
.. They are DEHUMANISING them, merely cos they are white and working class football fans
.. Plus the antifa show they don’t understand Britain cos The football fans were Port Vale ie WELSH not English
The sorry state of the UK summed up perfectly. Football fans having a few beers before a game in a Saturday afternoon and branded far right EDL fascists by the brainwashed extreme left
Anti English protest in Manchester City centre stops outside a Wetherspoons to ensure the white scum know they are white scum. Even the police know they are white scum for they face the pub to make sure none of them attack the hero protesters.
Joint Statement from the United States, United Kingdom, France, Germany, and Italy on the Middle East
We, the leaders of the United States, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, and Italy discussed the situation in the Middle East. We expressed our full support for ongoing efforts to de-escalate tensions and reach a ceasefire and hostage release deal in Gaza. We endorsed the joint call from President Biden, President Sisi of Egypt, and Amir Tamim of Qatar to renew talks later this week with an aim to concluding the deal as soon as possible, and stressed there is no further time to lose. All parties must live up to their responsibilities.
In addition, unfettered delivery and distribution of aid is needed. We expressed our support for the defense of Israel against Iranian aggression and against attacks by Iran-backed terrorist groups. We called on Iran to stand down its ongoing threats of a military attack against Israel and discussed the serious consequences for regional security should such an attack take place.
“A 12-year-old boy has admitted throwing a missile at a police van and taking part in two separate incidents of disorder in Manchester. The judge said the case was “very serious”. “He’s more involved in the violence and disorder than any other defendant I’ve seen coming through these courts, adult or child,” she added.
He was remanded to local authority accommodation ahead of sentencing.
At the same court, Lynden Parker, 26, pleaded guilty to violent disorder.
He was remanded into custody and will be sentenced at Manchester Crown Court on 19 August.
Laurence Dunkerley, 37, of Old Road, Failsworth, pleaded not guilty to a charge of violent disorder from the disturbances on 31 July.
He was remanded into custody and will appear at Manchester Crown Court on 2 September for a plea and trial preparation hearing.
Tracy Pearson, 53, and Michelle Jibson, 45, also pleaded guilty to violent disorder. Ms Kenyon told the court that the women, both of Kingsbridge Road, Manchester, had been “agitators” during the disturbances where items were thrown and racist abuse was directed towards the hotel.
After being remanded into custody, Pearson shouted over the judge: “Don’t care. Freedom of speech is gone. Joke.”
In the same court, Graham Brookes pleaded guilty to violent disorder.
The 42-year-old was remanded into custody and will also be sentenced at Manchester Crown Court on 19 August.
Thomas Ward, 35, of Colliery Street, Manchester, pleaded guilty to violent disorder and exposure at the same incident, having admitted throwing missiles and exposing his genitals at police.
He was also remanded in custody to be sentenced at the same court on 19 August.”
Those violently and repeatedly attacking armed police at Manchester Airport and breaking a policewoman’s nose remain free and not charged.
This, after public disturbances and public threats of violence issued by muslims upon hearing about their arrest, with no action by police against those issuing threats. Filmed with a megaphone.
It seems the Daily Mail has joined the blob (that ignored the fact that Biden is and was unfit to be a president for at least 2 years, and Musk was “giggling”, not laughing..):
“Trump and Musk RECAP: Slurring Donald and giggling Elon shower each other with compliments in bizarre two-hour ramble that was overshadowed by technical failures.
Listeners of former President Donald Trump’s Monday night interview with Elon Musk noticed that the ex-president seemed to be slurring his words or speaking with a slight lisp.
It was unclear if Trump was misspeaking or if there was an audio quality issue after the conversation on X started off with several tech snafus.
The left-leaning Huffington Post’s White House correspondent S.V. Date asked the Trump campaign why the ex-president appeared to be slurring his words.
‘Must be your s***ty hearing. Get your ears checked out,’ a spokesperson responded.”
Sounds hilarious. Unfortunately there is no clip of her ‘performance’ to be found. No surprise there.
It seems all ‘Bella’ does is force herself into ‘festivals’ like this one. Luckily the BBC have come to her rescue with free publicity.
It’s another 100% typical, lengthy feminist BBC article focussed entirely on how difficult life is for women.
‘Living with suicidal thoughts every month was something Humphries had become used to.’
I wonder if they will have a follow up article for the problems men have to face:
‘449 people died by suicide in 2021 – 359 males (80%) and 90 females (20%)’
Of course they won’t. Because the BBC are stuffed with shameless, feminist activists who show their misandry every time they push articles like this on the front page while totally ignoring the troubles men have to live with.
I see the Leicester Square stabbing story is now 5% about the heinous act itself and 95% about the brave Muslim who tackled him (along with several unnamed others who I presume are white). And this same narrative is appearing across dozens of websites so it’s gone out down the TNI propaganda chute.
I also see elsewhere that he is being described by a black ‘street artist’ (who does ‘Darth Vader every day’) as a ‘skinny white male’. I wonder where he is from : they would have told us by now if he was English.
This story is cleary getting the ‘hold back the details until it dies down’ treatment we have seen so many times before.
I think the lesson the BBC are trying to subconsciously implant with this extreme attention they are giving to the Calocane story is that it’s not black people’s fault when they murder people. It’s whiteys fault for not stopping them.
The BBC love to write things like this:
In a joint statement, they added: “This report demonstrates gross, systemic failures in the mental health trust in their dealings with Calocane – from beginning to end.”
But NEVER mention how the statement has been concocted by lawyers who are only interested in a compensation claim.
“On 17 December 1992, Christopher Clunis stabbed Jonathan Zito to death at Finsbury Park station, London, England.[1][2]
Christopher Clunis
Christopher Clunis was born on 18 May 1963 in Jamaica.[2] He was treated as an inpatient at Jamaica’s Bellevue Hospital in 1986.[2] Soon thereafter Clunis moved to London, where from 1986 to 1992 he received psychiatric treatment at several hospitals.[2]
At between 3:00 and 4:00 p.m. on 17 December 1992, in Finsbury Park Underground station in North London, England, Clunis used a knife to stab 27-year-old Jonathan Zito, who was a stranger to Clunis, three times in the face.[1] Zito was taken to Whittington Hospital, where he died two hours later. The fatal wound pierced his right upper eyelid and brain.
Clunis was arrested and taken to Holloway Road police station. At 3:45 p.m. on 18 December, he was charged with murder.[2] On 28 June 1993 at the Old Bailey, he admitted manslaughter on the grounds of diminished responsibility.[2] He was ordered to be detained indefinitely in Rampton, a secure hospital in Nottingham.[1][2]”
A new report into the care of killer Valdo Calocane identifies ‘errors, omissions and misjudgements’ by Nottinghamshire Healthcare Foundation Trust.
@JustinOnWeb asks Chris Dzikiti, chief inspector of healthcare at the Care Quality Commission, how this happened.
Chris embraces the classic deflection ‘so…. we have written a report….’
Inspired. And no longer convincing.
Maybe his forte would be more resolving accountability in countries the U.K. raids?
Why, sometimes I’ve believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast
Self-appointed fact-checkers par excellence BBC Verify won’t be interested since these claims are on-message – as today’s Guardian frontpage goes with two big whoppers of misinformation intended to agitate their readership to action.
Thought you’d heard the last of our Lucias and Cressidas of Just Stop Oil? Thought Insulate Britain had all buggered off on trust fund financed gap years? Or taken up red, white, green and black flags? Well, this agit prop headline by Ajit Niranjan is designed to bring them back out on the streets armed with the superglue…
‘Silent killer’ heatwaves in Europe claim 50,000 lives (Guardian) – false claims circulated so as to incite unfounded fear and hate, leading to civil disturbance, eh 2TK?
Climate alarm as hugh death toll from hottest year on record revealed… Hot weather inflamed by carbon pollution killed nearly 50,000… research has found… Doctors call heat a “silent killer” because it claims far more lives than people realise… Elisa Gallo, an environmental epidemiologist at ISGlobal and lead author of the study… published in Nature Medicine
ISGlobal (Instituto de Salud Global de Barcelona): Heat Caused Over 47,000 Deaths in Europe in 2023, the Second Highest Burden of the Last Decade… Heat related mortality would have been 80% higher in absence of the adaptation observed during the present century… This is the estimate of a study… In a nutshell, researchers used temperature and mortality records from 823 regions in 35 European countries for the period 2015-2019 to fit epidemiological models to estimate heat related mortality in each European region over the entire year 2023 – in a nutshell… to fit models… to estimate… in other words, in a nutshell… bollocks.
Barcelona Institute for Global Health (ISGlobal)… supported by the “la Caixa” Foundation
La Caixa, also known as the “La Caixa” Foundation, is a not-for-profit banking foundation based in Spain… At ”la Caixa” Foundation we’re committed to the present and future of people. To this end, we focus on those programmes with the greatest impact and capacity to transform. It’s only progress if we all progress.
Strategic alliances… Our main partners include national foundations and NGOs, as well as prestigious international foundations such as the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation… (La Caixa Foundation)
Don’t expect any research from this source to examine the stats on how many British pensioners pop their cloggs this coming winter due to Rachel Reeves having docked their winter fuel allowances.
Meanwhile, other tech billionaires are decidedly out of favour over there at the Gruan…
Spread of far-right hate drives Labour MPs off X – claims the Guardian – and if that’s a true and valid statement that 400 Labour MPs have suddenly given up their precious Twitter accounts – then Bob’s my aunt and Fanny’s my Dutch uncle with a big Sir Keir-endorsed penis to boot.
Labour MPs have been quitting X in alarm… – alarm again, so soon after climate alarm…
…quitting X in alarm at the state of the site, with one saying Elon Musk has turned it into “a megaphone for foreign adversaries and far-right fringe groups” – oh the humanity!
Concentrate now… our Eleni Courea, Guardian Political correspondent is about to substantiate her bold claim how that big Labour block in parliament has in righteous protest quit Twitter, boycotted X and divested itself of Mr Musk’s social media platform, en masse…
Two Labour MPs are known to have told colleagues they were leaving the platform. One of them, Noah Law has disabled his account (Guardian)
Hello, Marianna Spring, about this Guardian frontpage…?
Poor pay and morale means police officers aren’t staying in the service and we are losing valuable experience… Police officers are quitting in record numbers. Voluntary resignations are at their highest level since comparable records began in 2003.
The young, tough, dedicated coppers I have met around actual crimes did not seem the type to be happy with high heels, a bizarre hairdo or furiously surfing the Internet for tick box stat victims.
The employment tribunal – Thames valley – yesterday highlighted the corruption of senior plod giving jobs to Asians ( pakis ) over white candidates – which was proved in court ….
The 3 victims in that case will get a taxpayers ‘ pay out but their careers are toast . The senior officer will get a promotion …
tomo & G, that is why there is such disatisfaction – probably – among police officers; they do not like the fact that they will be forced to operate under an authoritarian regime.
BBC News leading with the tragic slaughter of 3 souls in Nottingham – and the third world vermin who did it . This came about because of the frankly stupid concept of ‘care in the community ‘ .
I write with no personal interest but one of my degrees is in common sense . If you have a monster like that killer he needed to be in a mental home – the sort the left got rid of.
Instead the useless ‘care in the community ‘ allowed him to practice his violence repeatedly until the inevitable – probably with the vermin in Southport ….
But of course the bbc won’t discuss this – lessons won’t be learned …
And just think – more of these creatures are arriving on boats every day
What sort of name is Ioan Pintaru? – Romanian ? Albanian ?another third world dump ? Well this character is the one charged with stabbing an 11 year old girl in Leicester Square ….
Look ….squirells …
Zephir – it looks like the CPS is touchy about disposing of these cases by going for the ‘mental ‘ case and thus not making the name public . – and – of course – letting the killer out in a year or so – to repeat its’ conduct.
When I’ve worked Leicester Square for promotional events there were a troupe of insane homeless people lurking, maybe up to a dozen, most of whom are very clearly mental cases – much of their income seems to come from intimidating visitors. They are often much the worse for alcohol – sprawled in flower beds etc… A similar troupe lurk the western bank of the Thames outside Parliament.
Police have little appetite for rounding them up unless there’s an incident – traders / al fresco eateries are wary.
“If you search on facebook for the names Ioan Alexandru Pintaru and Pantaru Alexandru you’ll find him.
He’s also listed on companies house for two dissolved lorry driving companies”
I guess a self employed lorry driver
..or one who by coincidence has the same name.
.”His Facebook which is there for all to see has some quite disturbing content
A bit with a coffin “Talking about ‘chopping up family’ in last few days”
Tomo -,presumably the starmer plan is to revalue council tax to crash the housing market – make people sell up – use state funds to buy repossessed homes and fill them with the third world….
That will work well in the 2029 election ….
Starmer might need a bigger protection team than either the emir or Farage has got …
Guest who – listening to John smiths communist anti trump daughter ( Biden is fine ) you can hear that the swamp just cannot get any one as unorthodox as trump or musk .
These are not the shaped career politicians the swamp is comfortable with – and that’s why the 2 get so much support and attention .
Currently the kamela creature is being screened from reality to stop her from cackling and talking about yellow school buses . It might work once Obama does with Martin Luther king tribute act …
But the vote is fixed again …
The 0810 – our Justin sounds genuinely interested for a change. Some fool has written the report on the Nottingham killer . The fool sounded like a standard tick box – useless.
Our Justin got frustrated by this character who – you could hear – was really going through the motions again with one of these horrible slaughters . We can expect more and more of these – after all we’ve seen 2 in the last 10 days involving young girls as victims .
Nothing will be done . Good news for florists and undertakers .
I am drinking lots of cold drinks last few weeks, the bottle caps are now fixed to the body in three places with plastic tabs, (EU directive to help recycling)
I have had to go to a chemist to get lotion for an injured finger trying to break these tabs to open each bottle.
Zephir – thoughts and prayers . A dark secret – I like pulling the top off . It feels like a victory for freedom against the Reich EU …
Imagine someone had the time and money to come up with that – bring back the detachable ring pull … self destructing cigarette butts … carrier bags that fall apart before you get home ….
And here we have it. The most remarkably brief, basic facts only report from the BBC considering the nature of this horrific attack.
His name ?
Ioan Pintaru
Sounds a lot like an East European immigrant to me.
Another one to quickly go under the carpet. And whatever you do, don’t mention that such knife attacks by immigrants was the reason for all the riots. Just use the words ‘far-right’ and ‘mental issues’ a lot.
I notice the original story has already gone from the BBC’s front page and this article does not even link to it. It’s basically vanished completely.
This man got the 11 year old girl in a headlock then stabbed her in the face. And the BBC didn’t tell us that because want to bury it quickly.
This story absolutely deserves to be linked to the recent riots as it is 100% relevant. The fact it isn’t – by anyone – shows what a fascist state we now live under. Anything which doesn’t fit the Leftist agenda is suppressed.
The technique is getting pretty worn out now – as with every attack – more and more people notice the propaganda – obviously the large number of ‘unthinking ‘ will carry on the nodding dog act but I think the time is coming when the stabbings are not reported any more – unless involving an unapproved group – such as which British male ….
I’m surprised the bbc isn’t celebrating the increasing numbers of male suicides …
That’s wilfully misleading Caroline.
Read the judges sentencing remarks.
Most of them had previous convictions, sacked their barristers and went out of their way to disrupt court proceedings.
It’s a crap law but they went out of their way to performatively get those sentences.
‘Wilfully misleading’ is what now?
Not a legal expert, but one thing I do know is the Shakespearean Ass profession values ‘respect’ more than a Compton gang.
Which is why total scumbags get off if their lawyer crams them in a suit and they apologise to the court.
Showing it is all performative farce was never going to play well.
Especially as Don Rog is directing the mob from his cell like the geezer Dad in ‘The Gentlemen’.
Notice they are keeping Lammy well clear, maybe given him some stationary ordering duties or something.
Maybe Donald Trump should also demand his extradition for “putting a target on his back” with Lammys racist and other defamatory and inflammatory remarks as the SNP one is alleging Musk did ?
Interesting that calling out a lefty as racist is “putting a target on his back” but this is something the left have done time and time again eg. Farage WHO HAS BEEN REPEATEDLY ATTACKED after repeated left wing slanders and libels, and so many others.
…_ _ _ …
Message to present government……….. We have been invaded !
Second message……….. You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time.
Something strange about the two-women slashing/stabbing spree in Leicester Sq. We see an early sight of the perp. No face blurred. Enough to recognise that he is doubtless a whitey. Far Right no doubt. But the women? My gut feeling is they could be muslim. A reciprocal situation for plod to avoid muslim uprising so don’t reveal that fact.
Actual genocide, but no protests on the streets. I suppose it's because nobody expects anything different from Islam. But why allow it to exist here?
Fedup2Mar 9, 14:20 Weekend 8th March 2025 The threshold for ‘horror’ or ‘something must be done ‘ seems to be rising by the month . The murder…
GMar 9, 13:49 Weekend 8th March 2025 I thought the Home Office banned guns, like knives. Oh! silly me, I forgot the foreigners have their own laws…
MarkyMarkMar 9, 13:48 Weekend 8th March 2025 Christmas has become “holiday season” Easter has been turned into “egg hunt” Lent doesn’t even get a mention – it’s…
MarkyMarkMar 9, 13:35 Weekend 8th March 2025 Omar Prempeh, 32, of Stanstead Road, Forest Hill, was charged on Saturday, March 8, in connection with the death of…
Fedup2Mar 9, 13:24 Weekend 8th March 2025 Third world action in londonistan – Omar Prempeh 32 charged with shooting dead a 16 year old called Lathaniel Burrell.…
KinellMar 9, 13:21 Weekend 8th March 2025 Reading through the shocking posts on ‘In their own tweets’ and ‘In their own words’ on the home page on…
MarkyMarkMar 9, 13:11 Weekend 8th March 2025 King Charles has appointed a homeopath. Why do the elite put their faith in snake oil? This article is more…
pugnaziousMar 9, 12:50 Weekend 8th March 2025
wwfcMar 9, 12:50 Weekend 8th March 2025 🤣🤣🤣🤣
You never see a guinea pig anywhere near Starmer do you ?
David Icke was right all along.
“Girl, 11, and mum, 34, stabbed in central London”
“12 August 2024, 13:03 BST
Updated 46 minutes ago”
Bullshit was that story on their website at 13 03 😀
Eddy since the BBC tweeted the story at 13:06pm
I expect it was on the website at 13:03
Come to think of it, I have never seen that reptile woman from Dr Who and Yvette Cooper in the same room at the same time either.
It’s all adding up (just not for Diane Abott).
Everything adds up when you haven’t a clue. If ignorance is bliss she must be frothing with ecstacy.
It’s only a few weeks into Starmer’s term and I reckon it’s already over for him and Labour as far as a new term is concerned.
While Labour won comfortably, they still needed the white working class to vote for them to win.
Unless they flood us with 20 million more migrants over 5 years, they are finished.
The white working class will never forgive labour for labelling the protesters, the vast of whom were peaceful, as ‘far right thugs’. He gave this blanket label to all of them.
I bet loads of them had voted Labour!
Not any more. And I think , like the Sun newspaper in Liverpool, they’re done.
That’s if our Dear Leader is going to allow an election in 5 years time!
Who exactly are the “Far Right”?
Can someone please tell me .
If you don’t like little girls being murdered counts I think.
What TTK means by it though is an uncouth, violent skinhead giving Nazi salutes (far right thugs) while gozzing on Asian grannies.
I think I am ‘far right’, but only because I like making home made jam and cakes to sell at the village garden party.
Meghan is looking for staff Debs – Chief of Staff just left, so perhaps you could help her out with a bit of jam stirring.
taffman, the Far Right are the exact opposite of the Far Left which may well include the BBC.
Lazy – I’m not so sure …. People forget quickly – and 4 years is a long time into the future … however … I think things are going to get worse on every front
I’d like to hope that Reform will grow and become the natural opposition but it has a long way to go .
The blues – hopefully – are dead – there is no one capable of bringing them back – they are too dumb or corrupt to realise this – it’s a game to them – Cameron – Johnson – Sunak – just a game – with us as their victims . damn them …
As far as further disorder is concerned – maybe it really does depend on the weather – and then there are ‘events ‘ …. More killings by the third world …
Oh yes 4 years isxa long time but I don’t think they’ll recover from threatening and abusing people like this.
Who the fuck does he think he is?
I’m fact, Labour won in most or all of the towns and cities that had unrest!
Yes, some had high immigrant populations, but even Rotherham is (officially at least) over 80% white.
They are finished!
Just thought it’s time we had some positive thinking around here, me included 🙂
Lazy – yes I agree about the need for positive thinking … it’s just a shame that it was all avoidable if conservatives had been in charge and less desperate to be ‘liked ‘ a whole string of self serving failures
I agree that the reds / plod / swamp couldn’t have dealt with the disorders and worse – and look like they are compounding their mistakes
– how can one bunch of dolts be replaced by another bunch of dolts …. ?
That doesn’t look like he’s making excuses or believes it’s a PR disaster.
Unless I’m missing something, which is possible.
It just looks like he’s doubling down (“I’m not giving them any excuse and they can’t use immigration I’m not listening’ he seemed to say – in Minecraft.)
Can’t see him apologising. He hasn’t called off the CPS or police chiefs from threatening everyone (examples- possible prison for just witnessing a riot or just for speculating or sharing incorrect information online in good faith.)
Like who the fuck do they think they are?
He’s done. In fact I’m going to make a prediction.
He’ll be out inside 6 months.
I said, even before the landslide when it was clear they were going to get one, that he’d be gone by Christmas. I’m changing that to the end of October, even earlier. He’s an absolute disaster for the people of this country and the country itself.
Yep…but the line they are preparing is that there is a problem with immigration…it’s you….you’re ignorant and bigoted. What we need is a much more positive spin on migration…how it is so beneficial for us economically and socially and culturally.
That’s the ‘plan’ to deal with migration….tell us how good it is and then fling open the borders even more….and denounce anyone who dares ask questions as ‘Far-Right thugs’.
The hero was getting a bit of a pasting on X after it was observed that when not at work he fully supports the killing of girls and women by terryists
Watch to understand just how stupid the nut zero plot is……it will bankrupt and destroy the car industry and make owning a car impossible for most people…the less well off in particular…got to love how Labour[clue in the name] has abandoned the working classes…
What a particularly obnoxious group of shits!!
I admit I did not watch any of the Paris Olympics. None at all including the opening or closing. So it was a surprise to hear (on LBC radio) that I needed a TV license to watch ‘Sports’ on TV.
You may of heard that too. It was a brief radio Ad hat could have been ‘Sky TV’, – but the word license was used (not a subscription). And there was no mention of the word ‘BBC’ at all in the Ad. Just the mention If you watch Sports on TV you need a TV license
This comes after many other radio shows on other Radio channels who claims that children and teens would never watch the BBC or pay for it. They might watch Sport, but probably on You Tube or Sky, maybe.
This has got the BBC rattled. They spent big on attracting YOUTH radio channels and employing hundreds of ‘black and ethnic’ presenters that now lead all their bulletins with ‘the message’. And the kids are not listening. And yet many have chosen (or say) they vote Labour (for how long we’ll see). Its a conundrum for the BBC, who were struggling before Labour gave them all a pay rise. And no dunt another TEN YEARS TV License Charter to exploit whatever it can from its dwindling band of followers (most of them quite elderly or/and banged up in prioson watching ‘homes under the hammer’ for 19 hours per day. If in prison, I learn you do not have to pay a TV license!
No matter. The BBC TV Ad states ‘Sport’, if you watch it, you have to pay the BBC.. or so they say…
BBC Paris Olympics viewers warned of possible £1,520 fines as TV Licence ‘detector vans’ patrol streets
The TV Licensing fleet of detector vans is out in force this weekend as the BBC Paris Olympics coverage begins.
And what is even more amazing is that the BBC are nit even paying for the privilege of ‘live streaming’ the Olympics either… It appears that they lost the low bid and can only stream ‘UK sports footage.
This is from the Radio Times!
Why does the BBC only have two live feeds at the Olympics 2024?
‘BBC is not the primary broadcaster of the Olympic Games in 2024 after Warner Bros. Discovery swooped in to clinch the TV rights to show the Games between 2018 and 2024, including Paris 2024.
Warner Bros. Discovery reportedly paid $1.45 billion for the initial agreement which has now been extended to 2032, when the Games will take place Down Under in Brisbane.
However, by UK law, several sporting events are protected and must be shown live on free-to-air TV. The Olympic Games is one of them. Therefore, BBC has been able to sub-licence the Games from Warner Bros. Discovery.’
So basically the BBC does not have a ‘license’ and relies on another broadcaster for ‘clips’ and what it does ‘get’ it also get for ‘FREE’ and because of that, it cannot mention the word OLYMPICS in its Ads.
Hence the rather odd Radio Ad stating that ‘if you watch Sports …’ trying to claim that ALL ‘SPORTS’ or even ALL ‘ live Sports’, need a TV license – which is of course totally untrue. The BBC does not itself have a license to show ‘Sports’ as a generic term, nor Olympics, to watch Sport. Its all a bit odd.
And I am not even sure if the BBC paid for the LBC radio AD. But I am 99% certain it was the BBC. It had been repeated several times during the Olympics. And the youth won’t pay the BBC, but they might pay for the live ‘Sports’ tag – and no mention that all the TV license money goes straight to the BBC direct for its *STARS* – ‘and by ‘eck, there are a lot of ’em-‘ — (just ask, Huw Edwardes)!
A friend of mine is a:
1) Left Winger.
2) He supports illegal immigration
3) Believes climate change is man made and supports all measures that he thinks will combat it, at any price.
It’s striking how almost every Left Winger believes in those same ideas. They all say and believe exactly the same thing, it’s as if they’ve all been dropped out of the same mould, they’re imprinted. Anyone know why?
He believes he has a cervix?
Sounds more like an enemy …
and he’s talking with Mr Musk later (1am…)
Do they never learn? Christopher Steele…a man who obtained ‘information’ from Russian intelligence officers and used it to try and bring down the US President and caused absolute chaos in the US political system…with collaborators in the Democrat Party, US media and the BBC.
He’s back spreading more lies and disinformation….
‘There is “clear” Russian involvement in the far-right riots and security services will be looking closely at the instigators, a former head of the MI6 Russia desk has said.
Christopher Steele, the ex-spy who compiled a notorious dossier on Donald Trump’s relationship with Russia, said that security officials would be “looking very carefully” at the people encouraging anti-immigration riots in the past fortnight.
Steele said that the security services “will be looking very carefully at the instigators of these activities, including people like Tommy Robinson, even conceivably Nigel Farage, who incidentally said that we were being misinformed by the government about Southport”.’
Who is he working for? The Russians or Starmer? Is there much difference given Starmer was a vocal advocate for Jeremy Corbyn to be PM…someone with close associations to Russia….and a starkly similar way of dealing with protests and people he doesn’t like as he weaponises the deaths of the three girls and subsequent riots to try and smear his opponents and shut down all opposition to his plan to flood Britain with migrants…funnily enough something Putin threatened to do knowing as he does the huge damage mass migration does to a country and the instability, division and distrust it causes.
The BBC hasn’t reported it yet…they know it is rubbish as they did with the dodgy Trump Dossier…but won’t be long before they report on the reporting of it…’The Guardian says…..’ as they did with the dossier.
The MSM ties itself ever closer to government and acts as its mouthpiece more and more. Be afraid, very afraid.
Now, somewhat strangely, having earlier not reported at all on the knifing in Leicester Square, the BBC is now leading with this story on their News Website.
Of course film has revealed the assailant to be a white chap and the heroic security guard, who probably saved the lives of both mother and daughter, to be a dusky bloke called Abdullah.
Well done BBC…I can’t think why it took you so long, but
You got there
So the Nottingham triple killer was born in Africa – moved to Portugal – then landed up in the UK because his father got a job here and moved the family –
Echoes of the Rwanda alleged killer last week – import the third world get mad killers on the streets …
This character – who had the court over on a ‘diminished ‘- just needed a noose…. They left that bit out of the BBC panorama …
The Brussels Mafia…
What is the stinking European Onion in such a bother about?
The idea of an unscripted interview pehaps?
Does the author of that letter thing the US and UK are in the EU ? – WEF mindset …
We talked the other day about TV schedilers suddenly inserting programmes or repeats to steer the narrative
whilst at they same time they tell people to stay away from social media cos it BRAINWASHES you
Right now Channel 4 has a three part series
‘Defiance: Fighting The Far Right,’
It was originally aired only a few months ago in April, then last week Channel 4 suddenly announced that in light of current news they must repeat the series this week.
Surely about time for the BBC to air the Shamima Begum miniseries again? It’s been at least 36hrs since the last one
Fair point Stew but does anyone actually watch Channel 4?
Labour man says: “They are disgusting Nazi fascists and we need to cut all their throats and get rid of them all.”
Wife of Tory says: “Mass deportation now, set fire to all the fucking hotels full of the bastards for all I care… If that makes me racist, so be it.”
Spot the difference in the BBC treatment…
If Starmer gets any more extreme he will insist that every GBnews show has a Marxist commissar dominating the panel.
… Oh hang on “!
Get a grip GBnews
The 10pm show was climaxing with Jake Berry nominating Jess Phillips for Union Jackass
“right after a SkyNews reporting crew was attacked she tweeted “..then crash as the screen immediately switched to the weather forecast
.. as if you are no longer allowed to speak the truth about Jess Phillips.
There is nothing more important on GBN than the weather, newsheadlines or the Octamat mattress ! Their behind the scenes team are rubbish – losing sound, losing connections, cutting off conversations. Least professional of all the channels.
UK anti-fascists seem to have fascist tendencies
..They March through Manchester as if they own the place
..then when they see a bunch of WHITE football fans at Wetherspoons the home of Brexit, they harass and scream at them shouting they are all fascist Nazi EDL .. English Defence League
.. They are DEHUMANISING them, merely cos they are white and working class football fans
.. Plus the antifa show they don’t understand Britain cos The football fans were Port Vale ie WELSH not English
The videos
“The football fans were Port Vale ie WELSH not English”
Port Vale FC is based in Stoke on Trent. I’m pretty sure that means the supporters would be English.
Yes, I noticed a distinct lack of leeks, miners helmets and male voice choirs amongst them.
Not a single one broke into “Bread of Heaven / Guide Me O Thou Great Redeemer” during that clip.
There appeared to be no “Jones the Rioter” there.
Doh, of course Port Vale is in England
It’s not the Vale of Glamorgan etc. senior moment at 2:30am
Stabbing attack in Manchester City Centre @ 8:15 PM
Joint Statement from the United States, United Kingdom, France, Germany, and Italy on the Middle East
We, the leaders of the United States, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, and Italy discussed the situation in the Middle East. We expressed our full support for ongoing efforts to de-escalate tensions and reach a ceasefire and hostage release deal in Gaza. We endorsed the joint call from President Biden, President Sisi of Egypt, and Amir Tamim of Qatar to renew talks later this week with an aim to concluding the deal as soon as possible, and stressed there is no further time to lose. All parties must live up to their responsibilities.
In addition, unfettered delivery and distribution of aid is needed. We expressed our support for the defense of Israel against Iranian aggression and against attacks by Iran-backed terrorist groups. We called on Iran to stand down its ongoing threats of a military attack against Israel and discussed the serious consequences for regional security should such an attack take place.
“A 12-year-old boy has admitted throwing a missile at a police van and taking part in two separate incidents of disorder in Manchester. The judge said the case was “very serious”. “He’s more involved in the violence and disorder than any other defendant I’ve seen coming through these courts, adult or child,” she added.
He was remanded to local authority accommodation ahead of sentencing.
At the same court, Lynden Parker, 26, pleaded guilty to violent disorder.
He was remanded into custody and will be sentenced at Manchester Crown Court on 19 August.
Laurence Dunkerley, 37, of Old Road, Failsworth, pleaded not guilty to a charge of violent disorder from the disturbances on 31 July.
He was remanded into custody and will appear at Manchester Crown Court on 2 September for a plea and trial preparation hearing.
Tracy Pearson, 53, and Michelle Jibson, 45, also pleaded guilty to violent disorder. Ms Kenyon told the court that the women, both of Kingsbridge Road, Manchester, had been “agitators” during the disturbances where items were thrown and racist abuse was directed towards the hotel.
After being remanded into custody, Pearson shouted over the judge: “Don’t care. Freedom of speech is gone. Joke.”
In the same court, Graham Brookes pleaded guilty to violent disorder.
The 42-year-old was remanded into custody and will also be sentenced at Manchester Crown Court on 19 August.
Thomas Ward, 35, of Colliery Street, Manchester, pleaded guilty to violent disorder and exposure at the same incident, having admitted throwing missiles and exposing his genitals at police.
He was also remanded in custody to be sentenced at the same court on 19 August.”
Those violently and repeatedly attacking armed police at Manchester Airport and breaking a policewoman’s nose remain free and not charged.
This, after public disturbances and public threats of violence issued by muslims upon hearing about their arrest, with no action by police against those issuing threats. Filmed with a megaphone.
It seems the Daily Mail has joined the blob (that ignored the fact that Biden is and was unfit to be a president for at least 2 years, and Musk was “giggling”, not laughing..):
“Trump and Musk RECAP: Slurring Donald and giggling Elon shower each other with compliments in bizarre two-hour ramble that was overshadowed by technical failures.
Listeners of former President Donald Trump’s Monday night interview with Elon Musk noticed that the ex-president seemed to be slurring his words or speaking with a slight lisp.
It was unclear if Trump was misspeaking or if there was an audio quality issue after the conversation on X started off with several tech snafus.
The left-leaning Huffington Post’s White House correspondent S.V. Date asked the Trump campaign why the ex-president appeared to be slurring his words.
‘Must be your s***ty hearing. Get your ears checked out,’ a spokesperson responded.”
The left-leaning Huffington Post?
I know, bless
bbc is concerned about this:-
Priest thought to pose risk to children is paid off
Suppose its easier for the bbc to do an investigation if someone is white.
1400+ raped and investigation to follow? ever? eventually? doubt it
‘Suppose its easier for the bbc to do an investigation if someone is white’
Or someone not on the BBC payroll
The comedian turning her period condition into a stand-up show
Apparently this is comedy:-
Humphries says sharing her experiences on stage has been “very empowering”
bbc, people Like Les Dawson, Rowan Atkinson are funny.
Just because you approve, does not make it funny, its just a promotion for someone you like
The comedian turning her period condition into a stand-up show
Sounds hilarious. Unfortunately there is no clip of her ‘performance’ to be found. No surprise there.
It seems all ‘Bella’ does is force herself into ‘festivals’ like this one. Luckily the BBC have come to her rescue with free publicity.
It’s another 100% typical, lengthy feminist BBC article focussed entirely on how difficult life is for women.
‘Living with suicidal thoughts every month was something Humphries had become used to.’
I wonder if they will have a follow up article for the problems men have to face:
‘449 people died by suicide in 2021 – 359 males (80%) and 90 females (20%)’
Of course they won’t. Because the BBC are stuffed with shameless, feminist activists who show their misandry every time they push articles like this on the front page while totally ignoring the troubles men have to live with.
The author is exactly what you would expect:

“while totally ignoring the troubles men have to live with.”
Another example of the power of The Blob…?
ASI I was going to also….but resisted…
I see the Leicester Square stabbing story is now 5% about the heinous act itself and 95% about the brave Muslim who tackled him (along with several unnamed others who I presume are white). And this same narrative is appearing across dozens of websites so it’s gone out down the TNI propaganda chute.
I also see elsewhere that he is being described by a black ‘street artist’ (who does ‘Darth Vader every day’) as a ‘skinny white male’. I wonder where he is from : they would have told us by now if he was English.
This story is cleary getting the ‘hold back the details until it dies down’ treatment we have seen so many times before.
The key issue is of course to demonise ‘our’ nhs, whilst also suggesting more money will resolve this.
BBC Moaning Emole
Review of killer’s care finds ‘series of errors’
Presumably those in error got promoted?
I think the lesson the BBC are trying to subconsciously implant with this extreme attention they are giving to the Calocane story is that it’s not black people’s fault when they murder people. It’s whiteys fault for not stopping them.
The BBC love to write things like this:
In a joint statement, they added: “This report demonstrates gross, systemic failures in the mental health trust in their dealings with Calocane – from beginning to end.”
But NEVER mention how the statement has been concocted by lawyers who are only interested in a compensation claim.
Lesssons learned ? my arse
“On 17 December 1992, Christopher Clunis stabbed Jonathan Zito to death at Finsbury Park station, London, England.[1][2]
Christopher Clunis
Christopher Clunis was born on 18 May 1963 in Jamaica.[2] He was treated as an inpatient at Jamaica’s Bellevue Hospital in 1986.[2] Soon thereafter Clunis moved to London, where from 1986 to 1992 he received psychiatric treatment at several hospitals.[2]
At between 3:00 and 4:00 p.m. on 17 December 1992, in Finsbury Park Underground station in North London, England, Clunis used a knife to stab 27-year-old Jonathan Zito, who was a stranger to Clunis, three times in the face.[1] Zito was taken to Whittington Hospital, where he died two hours later. The fatal wound pierced his right upper eyelid and brain.
Clunis was arrested and taken to Holloway Road police station. At 3:45 p.m. on 18 December, he was charged with murder.[2] On 28 June 1993 at the Old Bailey, he admitted manslaughter on the grounds of diminished responsibility.[2] He was ordered to be detained indefinitely in Rampton, a secure hospital in Nottingham.[1][2]”
‘Cultural issues ‘ = they don’t like upsetting the mad coloured folk …
Beyond Today getting almost no engagement…
A new report into the care of killer Valdo Calocane identifies ‘errors, omissions and misjudgements’ by Nottinghamshire Healthcare Foundation Trust.
@JustinOnWeb asks Chris Dzikiti, chief inspector of healthcare at the Care Quality Commission, how this happened.
Chris embraces the classic deflection ‘so…. we have written a report….’
Inspired. And no longer convincing.
Maybe his forte would be more resolving accountability in countries the U.K. raids?
Why, sometimes I’ve believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast
Self-appointed fact-checkers par excellence BBC Verify won’t be interested since these claims are on-message – as today’s Guardian frontpage goes with two big whoppers of misinformation intended to agitate their readership to action.
Thought you’d heard the last of our Lucias and Cressidas of Just Stop Oil? Thought Insulate Britain had all buggered off on trust fund financed gap years? Or taken up red, white, green and black flags? Well, this agit prop headline by Ajit Niranjan is designed to bring them back out on the streets armed with the superglue…
‘Silent killer’ heatwaves in Europe claim 50,000 lives (Guardian) – false claims circulated so as to incite unfounded fear and hate, leading to civil disturbance, eh 2TK?
Climate alarm as hugh death toll from hottest year on record revealed… Hot weather inflamed by carbon pollution killed nearly 50,000… research has found… Doctors call heat a “silent killer” because it claims far more lives than people realise… Elisa Gallo, an environmental epidemiologist at ISGlobal and lead author of the study… published in Nature Medicine
ISGlobal (Instituto de Salud Global de Barcelona): Heat Caused Over 47,000 Deaths in Europe in 2023, the Second Highest Burden of the Last Decade… Heat related mortality would have been 80% higher in absence of the adaptation observed during the present century… This is the estimate of a study… In a nutshell, researchers used temperature and mortality records from 823 regions in 35 European countries for the period 2015-2019 to fit epidemiological models to estimate heat related mortality in each European region over the entire year 2023 – in a nutshell… to fit models… to estimate… in other words, in a nutshell… bollocks.
Barcelona Institute for Global Health (ISGlobal)… supported by the “la Caixa” Foundation
La Caixa, also known as the “La Caixa” Foundation, is a not-for-profit banking foundation based in Spain… At ”la Caixa” Foundation we’re committed to the present and future of people. To this end, we focus on those programmes with the greatest impact and capacity to transform. It’s only progress if we all progress.
Strategic alliances… Our main partners include national foundations and NGOs, as well as prestigious international foundations such as the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation… (La Caixa Foundation)
Don’t expect any research from this source to examine the stats on how many British pensioners pop their cloggs this coming winter due to Rachel Reeves having docked their winter fuel allowances.
Meanwhile, other tech billionaires are decidedly out of favour over there at the Gruan…
Spread of far-right hate drives Labour MPs off X – claims the Guardian – and if that’s a true and valid statement that 400 Labour MPs have suddenly given up their precious Twitter accounts – then Bob’s my aunt and Fanny’s my Dutch uncle with a big Sir Keir-endorsed penis to boot.
Labour MPs have been quitting X in alarm… – alarm again, so soon after climate alarm…
…quitting X in alarm at the state of the site, with one saying Elon Musk has turned it into “a megaphone for foreign adversaries and far-right fringe groups” – oh the humanity!
Concentrate now… our Eleni Courea, Guardian Political correspondent is about to substantiate her bold claim how that big Labour block in parliament has in righteous protest quit Twitter, boycotted X and divested itself of Mr Musk’s social media platform, en masse…
Two Labour MPs are known to have told colleagues they were leaving the platform. One of them, Noah Law has disabled his account (Guardian)
Hello, Marianna Spring, about this Guardian frontpage…?
AISI, cold kills many more people than heat as you probably know. Most deaths from heat have a pre-existing morbidity condition anyway.
Probably not a virtuous circle
The young, tough, dedicated coppers I have met around actual crimes did not seem the type to be happy with high heels, a bizarre hairdo or furiously surfing the Internet for tick box stat victims.
The employment tribunal – Thames valley – yesterday highlighted the corruption of senior plod giving jobs to Asians ( pakis ) over white candidates – which was proved in court ….
The 3 victims in that case will get a taxpayers ‘ pay out but their careers are toast . The senior officer will get a promotion …
Racist police…who would have thought it ?
Oh so thats the reason they’re largely jacking. Pay. Just had a pay increase? Could it be that they simply don’t like the direction of travel?
tomo & G, that is why there is such disatisfaction – probably – among police officers; they do not like the fact that they will be forced to operate under an authoritarian regime.
BBC News leading with the tragic slaughter of 3 souls in Nottingham – and the third world vermin who did it . This came about because of the frankly stupid concept of ‘care in the community ‘ .
I write with no personal interest but one of my degrees is in common sense . If you have a monster like that killer he needed to be in a mental home – the sort the left got rid of.
Instead the useless ‘care in the community ‘ allowed him to practice his violence repeatedly until the inevitable – probably with the vermin in Southport ….
But of course the bbc won’t discuss this – lessons won’t be learned …
And just think – more of these creatures are arriving on boats every day
With an established mental health issue before even arriving here.
What sort of name is Ioan Pintaru? – Romanian ? Albanian ?another third world dump ? Well this character is the one charged with stabbing an 11 year old girl in Leicester Square ….
Look ….squirells …
Yes, it was clear from the start he was not English but one is not allowed to opine anymore.
Zephir – it looks like the CPS is touchy about disposing of these cases by going for the ‘mental ‘ case and thus not making the name public . – and – of course – letting the killer out in a year or so – to repeat its’ conduct.
I so believe in the death penalty …..
I also think it telling that a tea shop needs a security guard FFS.
Those tea robbers eh ?
‘I so believe in the death penalty’ … For the CPS?
Volunteering some on the ground experience…
When I’ve worked Leicester Square for promotional events there were a troupe of insane homeless people lurking, maybe up to a dozen, most of whom are very clearly mental cases – much of their income seems to come from intimidating visitors. They are often much the worse for alcohol – sprawled in flower beds etc… A similar troupe lurk the western bank of the Thames outside Parliament.
Police have little appetite for rounding them up unless there’s an incident – traders / al fresco eateries are wary.
EU freedom of movement, freedom for so many to move here to pickpocket, shoplift and live in tents in London.
Nice haircut for a homeless person though. I suppose homeless doesn’t mean penniless though.
“If you search on facebook for the names Ioan Alexandru Pintaru and Pantaru Alexandru you’ll find him.
He’s also listed on companies house for two dissolved lorry driving companies”
I guess a self employed lorry driver
..or one who by coincidence has the same name.
.”His Facebook which is there for all to see has some quite disturbing content
A bit with a coffin “Talking about ‘chopping up family’ in last few days”
Fed, he is Romanian.
A Beeboid opines….
Tomo -,presumably the starmer plan is to revalue council tax to crash the housing market – make people sell up – use state funds to buy repossessed homes and fill them with the third world….
That will work well in the 2029 election ….
Starmer might need a bigger protection team than either the emir or Farage has got …
I’ve always thought Marr was an odious lefty cling-on dangling from the BBC’s hairy backside.
That what he was helping support for the young lady staffer outside the night club?
Have to admire the media.
The difference is Elon Musk hasn’t endorsed Kamala Harris for President as he has done Donald Trump.
Guest who – listening to John smiths communist anti trump daughter ( Biden is fine ) you can hear that the swamp just cannot get any one as unorthodox as trump or musk .
These are not the shaped career politicians the swamp is comfortable with – and that’s why the 2 get so much support and attention .
Currently the kamela creature is being screened from reality to stop her from cackling and talking about yellow school buses . It might work once Obama does with Martin Luther king tribute act …
But the vote is fixed again …
The 0810 – our Justin sounds genuinely interested for a change. Some fool has written the report on the Nottingham killer . The fool sounded like a standard tick box – useless.
Our Justin got frustrated by this character who – you could hear – was really going through the motions again with one of these horrible slaughters . We can expect more and more of these – after all we’ve seen 2 in the last 10 days involving young girls as victims .
Nothing will be done . Good news for florists and undertakers .
My latest gripe with the EU.
I am drinking lots of cold drinks last few weeks, the bottle caps are now fixed to the body in three places with plastic tabs, (EU directive to help recycling)
I have had to go to a chemist to get lotion for an injured finger trying to break these tabs to open each bottle.
Zephir – thoughts and prayers . A dark secret – I like pulling the top off . It feels like a victory for freedom against the Reich EU …
Imagine someone had the time and money to come up with that – bring back the detachable ring pull … self destructing cigarette butts … carrier bags that fall apart before you get home ….
That is half the problem, they have to be pulled off to enable you to drink from the bottle without getting a black eye from the cap.
Buy the ronco©️cap remover for only £9.99 – and you get a free pen …
It’s a nail clipper.
You have just put “ronco cap remover” on it in felt pen.
I’ll still buy it though how do I pay ?
And I don’t want one of those free pens from the bookies OK ?
Easy answer, use a glass.
Nope, loses its fizz to quickly, I close it now and again.
Climate nutters after your wallet
Shares in BMW – Land Rover and Bentley should go well …
S Class Mercedes are still the preferred rides in countries likely to receive UK Climate Cash – after the NGOs have had first dibs.
Man charged after girl stabbed in Leicester Square
And here we have it. The most remarkably brief, basic facts only report from the BBC considering the nature of this horrific attack.
His name ?
Ioan Pintaru
Sounds a lot like an East European immigrant to me.
Another one to quickly go under the carpet. And whatever you do, don’t mention that such knife attacks by immigrants was the reason for all the riots. Just use the words ‘far-right’ and ‘mental issues’ a lot.
I notice the original story has already gone from the BBC’s front page and this article does not even link to it. It’s basically vanished completely.
This man got the 11 year old girl in a headlock then stabbed her in the face. And the BBC didn’t tell us that because want to bury it quickly.
This story absolutely deserves to be linked to the recent riots as it is 100% relevant. The fact it isn’t – by anyone – shows what a fascist state we now live under. Anything which doesn’t fit the Leftist agenda is suppressed.
The technique is getting pretty worn out now – as with every attack – more and more people notice the propaganda – obviously the large number of ‘unthinking ‘ will carry on the nodding dog act but I think the time is coming when the stabbings are not reported any more – unless involving an unapproved group – such as which British male ….
I’m surprised the bbc isn’t celebrating the increasing numbers of male suicides …
In response to cretin Lucas.
That’s wilfully misleading Caroline.
Read the judges sentencing remarks.
Most of them had previous convictions, sacked their barristers and went out of their way to disrupt court proceedings.
It’s a crap law but they went out of their way to performatively get those sentences.
‘Wilfully misleading’ is what now?
Not a legal expert, but one thing I do know is the Shakespearean Ass profession values ‘respect’ more than a Compton gang.
Which is why total scumbags get off if their lawyer crams them in a suit and they apologise to the court.
Showing it is all performative farce was never going to play well.
Especially as Don Rog is directing the mob from his cell like the geezer Dad in ‘The Gentlemen’.
BBC reports.
Tech problems mar launch of Trump-Musk interview
#ccbgb as a supposed ‘news’ broadcaster, not immune from tech issues, fails to check why.
BBC Website – “Musk hosts friendly chat with Trump on X after tech delays”
Errr, what about all the friendly chats Today presenters have with Labour Party ministers now and when Shadow Ministers?
Spring no doubt sitting in cubile, arms crossed, harumphing.
She could always polish up her CV while waiting for Musk to respond.
The LinkedIn cvs are always “interesting”
Spring could give J K Rowling a run for her money there…
If I were a half decent lawyer I would be rubbing my hands at all the appeals from these “prosecutions”
Notice they are keeping Lammy well clear, maybe given him some stationary ordering duties or something.
Maybe Donald Trump should also demand his extradition for “putting a target on his back” with Lammys racist and other defamatory and inflammatory remarks as the SNP one is alleging Musk did ?
Interesting that calling out a lefty as racist is “putting a target on his back” but this is something the left have done time and time again eg. Farage WHO HAS BEEN REPEATEDLY ATTACKED after repeated left wing slanders and libels, and so many others.
One rule for them eh ?
You might think the Foreign Secretary would have a higher profile …..
Obviously Surkeer’s immediate crew aren’t very keen to delegate to the flock of proven buffoons in Cabinet….
Herding those cats might well be the beginning of Starmer’s downfall – there seem to be signs that Starmer’s lieutenants want total control.
…_ _ _ …
Message to present government……….. We have been invaded !
Second message……….. You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time.
Something strange about the two-women slashing/stabbing spree in Leicester Sq. We see an early sight of the perp. No face blurred. Enough to recognise that he is doubtless a whitey. Far Right no doubt. But the women? My gut feeling is they could be muslim. A reciprocal situation for plod to avoid muslim uprising so don’t reveal that fact.
Maybe just some strange Eastern European tea ceremony
Or a variation on the Shanghai tea ceremony scam
If it ain’t on the BBC – it didn’t happen
And in another thrilling win for the Church of England ( misnomer ?) we have this.
Priest thought to pose risk to children is paid off
The Church of England made a six-figure pay-off to a priest assessed as a potential risk to children and young people…….
Collection plate contributors must be delighted, as they figure out how to pay to fix the holes in the roof