“British cows could be given methane blockers to cut climate emissions.”
And guess who is investing in methane blockers for cows, and who has also given £millions to the Guardian – who reported on this story. Yes, it’s him again – Bill Gates. pic.twitter.com/fWCukQVCFH
I thought Zara was a parody account, ‘parently not….
Imagine how incredibly stupid you have to be to think that a man who can afford to spend $44 billion to buy a social media platform needs to "protect his class interests".
You literally have to have an empty space inside your head, other than a few slogans from Das Capital. https://t.co/qKvFRCYrsw
At least 2 people are now in jail for Facebook posts
A Facebook post is so serious.
He must go to jail. Even if less than 200 people viewed it.
Yet I’ve seen judges give people suspended sentences (no jail) if they have child abuse/porn photos !
The country is fucked and that why people are angry!”
The test is if you reverse the skin colours and politics would the people have been jailed
I don’t think so
Here is one case, I don’t know if that is the one she is on about
The BBC are showing live updates on today’s sentencing of the ‘far right thugs’.
Reading through them is a terrifying thing. This tyranny must end.
In summary, a lefty got jail for a TikTok video in which he claimed to be ‘running for his life’. I’m no fan of the left or videos like that, but I think he was probably a young lad just seeking attention/likes/followers (an issue for kids who’ve known nothing but social media…they’re fucked up.)
Probably ruined his life.
Another who got a couple of months prison for 3 pictures (they sounded like memes) on Facebook. The content was stuff like (paraphrasing here) ‘coming to a town near you’ showing ‘the boats’ arriving in Kent Nothing worse than that from what I saw.
Fucking prison! Holy shit!
They could go on the Daily Mail and see far worse fifty times every day.
He’s going to need bigger prisons.
And I think he’ll build them if it means they’ll be full of his political opponents (with a few token lefties).
Where is the King? Where is Sunak? This man is a despot.
But I’m going to calm myself because I think he’ll be forced out soon (and Labour will never recover from this) and I’m convinced those fast track courts and sentencing are not legal.
Perhaps a good team of lawyers can shove his dodgy courts up his arse?
Figuratively speaking, allegedly and in Minecraft and this is just a dream I had last night
This is where we are now, folks. ‘Media’ seem to be on board because it suits them to see alternative/independent media shut down.
More than 1000 involved in Harehills riots. Just 27 arrests and all bailed. Manchester attackers not charged and bailed. 900 so called “far right” arrested, 400+ charged, no bail and many already sentenced. Equal & consistent application of the law would help that restoration. pic.twitter.com/r7kZOmP8FT
That will be the rat Roland Freisler who learnt his trade while a POW of the Russians. He went back to especially enjoy the stalinist show trials in the 1930s.
He is buried in an unmarked grave somewhere in Berlin and the caretaker knows where. He is on my little list for my Euro-Nation tour.
“He’s going to need bigger prisons.” Not necessarily. The so-called ‘British Government’ has history in building prisons in other countries when the latter’s citizens commit crimes in the UK and are of sufficient volume. And there are thousands in British Jails. Jamaica springs to mind:
Jeff, “hot off the press”
His nationality was tweeted 5 hours before you posted. Then the police statement was about 7am
And then here at 8am Fedup started a discussion about the name.
"Guiding the UK’s energy policy operation will be climate activist Tobias Garnett, the former coordinator of Extinction Rebellion’s legal strategy team who represented the road-gluing activists in court." https://t.co/UM1N2zW5ns
Looks like the third world stabber vermin got fed up with being ‘no fixed abode ‘ and wanted a nice prison bed …. If only there was a death penalty … would save the need to deport ( as if ) as well as the taxpayer having to care for him …
Is calling for the death penalty now a crime? I’m not sure – but I bet it will be by 2029 ….
The death penalty will be re-introduced into Britain before 2029. But only for those whose crime is to call for its introduction. Oh, and for those who express their concerns about mass immigration. Or talk about the global warming scam. Or question whether men can be turned into women. The plan is for all these dissidents to be ‘concentrated’ together in some sort of camps…
Not bbc – but I was looking at the newspaper headlines of national newspapers – James cleverley – who unfortunately is still an MP – is accusing the reds of not doing enough about the boats …
When I read this it confirms my view that these blue creatures either don’t know or don’t care about what they have done ….
Stop the boats …
At least the residual reputation of the BBC is the States has been damaged thanks to Elon – and I can’t imagine too many Americans paying much attention to the BBC apart from the metro democrat cat wimmin …
1 BBC News Donald Trump returns to X
2 The Grauniad Donald Trump rambles and lies repeatedly
3 Sky News Elon Musk Enodorses Trump
4 CNN Analysts react to Trumps X interview
Not until No 5 do we get to a simple broadcast of the interview from….. The Hindustan Times
The Grauniad “Donald Trump rambles and lies repeatedly ”
( for Marky M) – HA Ha Ha Ha Ha! ha ha ha ha
Trump was very funny. Did he lie (Guardian reckon so…the bellends) ? I’m sure he did but he told the truth as well (that the current conflict in Gaza/Ukraine wouldn’t have happened on his watch and that Biden just threw petrol onto the fire with Ukraine.)
He also said something like (about Biden) “…and when those stupid words came out if his stupid face…” He also said Biden is low IQ and has always been, but now it’s so bad he doesn’t even have an IQ “you could even measure.”
Lazy – it’s a shame that the UK didn’t get a mention – but it’s only a tiny place of limited value to the US unless it needs a ‘ coalition ‘ or a vote on the security council …
The self image of Blighty has been so lofty for so long – but the self harm being done in the last 12 years plus the next 5 years might cause a … re evaluation….
I’ve now got my contingency for not being in the UK any more .. not much by way of choice with what is coming ….
At the BBC, the headline news is:
‘Girl, 13, pleads guilty to violent disorder in Aldershot unrest’
It’s a left-wing lynch mob and the BBC are gloating.
Meanwhile a Romanian immigrant grabbed an 11 year old girl on the streets of our capital city in a headlock and in a frenzied attack, stabbed her in the face 8 times.
That story makes a small sub-pane on the right hand side in a very brief, basic facts only article. The kind they use when they don’t want us to know about it.
World at one
20 minutes spent on the report into the killing of 3 people – plus the serious injury to this the monster ran over . What a waste of time – a couple of swamp dwellers on the ‘lessons will be learnt gig ‘
One one dweller was most upset by the idea that if a ‘mental health professional ‘ in the NHS failed to do their job they could get punished – even criminally punished ….
The next of kin want names – they want the names of those who allowed the monster to be uncontrolled to be bought to account – seems fair …
… but then it’s the medical mafia – cover ups – blame shifting – the usual stuff –
Maybe they’ll need another report about the Leicester square one yesterday – or what may well happen today … or tomorrow …
If you live in a city you must be on your guard …. It’s gonna get a lot worse …
The Nottingham report will be filed with the rest -no change .
Why is it that when the lefties get involved in a court case such as begum or choudry there are appeals going on for decades (don’t know who’s paying for them)
Lawyers seem to be in abundance for any left wing case.
Compare this with two tier’s show trials where a conveyor belt of those on the right with a different opinion to Labour are wheeled in, found guilty and put in prison.
One case which I can’t believe, for posting 3 memes on FB, the likes of which seem to appear ever so often all over the place.
Where are the lawyers to defend and advise these people.
Is there absolutely nobody sticking up for them.
That’s how it’s coming across.
Everything that is happening from this government is against us and there’s no opposition.
On bbbc radio newcastle this morning they mentioned the Trump/Musk broadcast and they had a commentator to tell us about it. You could almost feel the hate coming out of the loudspeaker. Starting off calling Musk a liar for saying they were delayed by some sort of cyber attack and then saying everything they said was wrong.
All the defendents I’ve read about seem to be entering no plea.
I looked that up. I’d recommend looking it up in case I’m wrong (ffs) but it seems ‘no plea’ is entered for a few reasons, but one of the main reasons is because the defendent/lawyer is saying they haven’t had enough time to get their defence properly ready. So they don’t enter a plea of’ guilty’ or ‘not guilty ‘.
In some cases, historically, the courts allow more time but here they are just (seemingly) denying this to defendents this.
These trials are a joke.
I wonder if anyone will do a mini protest in the dock and say they don’t recognise the legitimacy of the court?
“a conveyor belt of those on the right”. Is it Right Wing to be anti immigration? Given that most or all on the Left welcome the ‘refugees’ one could possibly say that those of an opposite opinion are ‘Right’ or ‘Far Right’ ‘Racist’ or ‘Fascist’ as the Left would say.
I don’t think so. There are very sound reasons to control our borders and decide who we want in the Country and want the rest sent back or preferably not allowed to cross at all.
Russias tactics for a long time now are to gradually erode the Ukranian army. Most of those Ukranian soldiers who are in Russia now will perish – with the full complicity of Zelensky who wants it purely for it’s PR value. And of course we won’t be told by the BBC.
Same as those who crossed the river in the South to a great fanfare. It was hell on Earth for the soldiers they rotated into it and now the whole thing has quietly disappeared along with the 1,000 soldiers who were on it.
Reports: Ukrainian Marines Retreat From Dnipro Bridgehead, Long-Held Defensive Bastion Lost. https://www.kyivpost.com/post/35948
The BBC didn’t report that either.
I was amazed that BBC TV chose the Mahler 1 to be
relayed from the Proms. All I can say is that the Diversity
department at the BBC had little or no affect on the
Mahler was born a Jew but because of the virulent anti-Semitism
in Vienna . He converted to Catholicism . So that he was
allowed to conduct the Wien Philharmonic. It’s an irony
that Hitler banned his music during the the Third Reich. Although he had seen him conduct Wagner at the beginning
of the 20th century. Maybe if Hitler’s mother had been Jewish
instead of his half Jewish father . Things may of been different .
Anyway we had a double whammy at the Prom. The National
Youth Orchestra . With none of the musicians over 19. More than 160 of them. The problem was the lack of diversity. Coupled
with the fact that the third movement of the symphony has
” Kletzmer music” at it’s heart. For those of you who do not
know Kletzmer is an instrumental musical tradition of the
Ashkenazi Jews of Central and Eastern Europe !
Perhaps if a few Palestinian flags were being waved in the
audience . And a few chants of ” From the river to the sea”
Or “Allahu Akbar” would of been heard. The concert would of
been more inclusive. Anyway so far as the BBC were concerned.
But to be fair one of the presenters of the concert was ethnic.
Just as an appendage and without the sarcasm. Just
listen from 1 Hour 44 minutes to the coda of the
symphony. Look at the faces of the kids playing this
monumental climax. And you will see everything
that’s good about our country. This at least has not
been ruined “yet.” On BBC I player !!
Meanwhile (apart from 13 year old girls being lynched), the met police are appealing to the public to help catch another criminal who actually murdered someone with a knife:
A perfect opportunity for our state broadcaster to spread the word to the public don’t you think ?. After all, he’s loose in society and there’s a huge manhunt going on for him.
But no. The BBC have ignored it. One might think with all this knife crime, it could be topical. But they clearly don’t want people to know about it.
And as usual, you know why. Here he is:
Just the usual disgusting racist double standards from the BBC. Nothing new to see here.
I might have just worked out why Sunak called an early General Election.
He knew that the invasion would step up during summer and couldn’t or wouldn’t do anything to stop the flow. The numbers crossing would have ended any faint hope he had to win the Election so an early Election it was.
And September for the kids’ new school … Green card renewed – domicile changed from UK to low tax regime … country destroyed … job done .. off to Goldman ..
Unlike the bbc, a picture of the offender, even tells us it was Romanian
Maybe the likes of the bbc feel they need to give out more details than normal, to offset any riots and appease white brits, who love their country but have had enough, you know the far right as this government/bbc would label them
Andy – you ve got that right – Leicester Square must have the highest CCTV coverage in the country … bet we won’t be seeing it though …
Im not going to wonder whether the accused got the idea of stabbing little girls from last weeks’ murders due to restrictions on ‘fair trials ‘…
But I think the public it entitled to know what is going on – for instance publishing the details of everyone appearing in court -whatever their age unless a court explains otherwise …
When she dares to do an interview they can fact-check her. Probably be quite busy. They can fact-check her but also, perhaps more important, check whether she is telling the truth about her intended policies…will she do a Labour and suddenly take a Far-Left turn into dystopian dictatorship?
“‘A sickening low that cannot be disguised as comedy’: Anti-Semitism campaigners condemn Reginald D Hunter after two Israeli audience members were mocked and ‘hounded out’ of his Edinburgh Fringe show
Reginald D Hunter made a joke comparing Israel to an abusive husband. An Israeli couple objected only to be jeered and sworn at by the audience”
The BBC’s top story -ie the one they are pushing to people as the top headline:
‘Girl, 13, pleads guilty to violent disorder as more people in court over riots’
And much lower down the page is the automatically generated list for ‘the most read’ story. Top story there is:
‘Man stabbed girl, 11, eight times, court told’
Yet another clear example of the BBC’s bias. It’s simply disgraceful that they are allowed to continue to do this again and again. It’s pure left-wing activism from the publicly funded state broadcaster. They do not represent the majority of the British people in any way.
‘Two-Tier’ hardly seems adequate to describe the scale of what these people are doing.
And TTK is most certainly not going to anything about it.
“Elon Musk issues foul-mouthed retort to EU in clash over Donald Trump interview after top Brussels official threatens action against X over hate speech and ‘disinformation’ linked to Britain’s riots.
he told the EU official: ‘Take a big step back and literally, f*** your own face!'”
His honour judge Mohammed saw the sentence as very fair – he will be sent to a prison where Muslim gangs run the place along with Muslim ‘prison officers ‘ – maybe ..
I have to say that after the events of the last few days, it seems to me that the Left have finally made their move and have removed their masks of hypocrisy.
Now we are seeing their true nature : intolerant fascists who have taken their gloves off and are out to destroy the Right.
It always starts with political persecution. I am astonished at the degree of ‘witch hunt’ going on here. They are responding to protests and legitimate grievances with threats and prison. I have not seen a single article anywhere in the MSM discussing the root problem which caused it.
I realise now just how dangerous Starmer and his freak-show government really are. They have many similarities to the Nazis before they got total power using the same techniques of oppression.
I think they have all been reading ‘ Mein Kampf ‘ (parts one and two) while in opposition……as this is a possible truth…hopefully I’m exempt from persecution and prison !
Emmanuel Goldstein ,
In the 1960s my Parents would put me on a Coach to go to London Victoria where I would change to another one with the onward journey to Ramsgate …….imagine a 10 year old on their own doing that now …….never to arrive 😠
Pretty quick revealing the identity of the Romainian who stabbed a girl in London. Of course he’s aged 32 so can be named….but the attacker in Southport’s place of birth and ‘Welshness’ could have been revealed if not his name…which would have stopped the rumours in their tracks about him being an illegal migrant.
So Farage was right…police withheld the information and things snowballed.
This man wants to stay in Kenya and provide a living for his family, so naturally globalists hate him.
BBC call him “The Kenyan influencer promoting climate change denial” The rotten sods. We see how little they really care for black people when a black person steps outside the approved narrative. This from Marco Silva ‘Climate disinformation reporter’ Goes out of it’s way to rubbish Mr Machogu. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c133r4gyx1no
Extreme weather events haven't really increased. Look at the data- even the alarmist IPCC supports that. This is the best time for you and I,even for those in Africa, to be alive and that's majorly thanks to Fossil Fuels. I am pro Fossil Fuels because 1. I want my people to have… https://t.co/H4BnjlZrCc
Times and Today couldn’t help themselves and launched a mockfest on the Trump/Musk chat….amazing how snooty and sneery they get…almost as if they think everyone thinks like they do and hate Trump and Musk and so they can attack them freely when the truth is Today and Times were talking to their own Bubble…they probably think the ‘Deplorables’ don’t matter and thus broadcasting a balanced and measured, serious analysis would be wasted and instead they pump out a self-indulgent sneery snobby slap-down for their snooty mates.
The CEO of the Nottingham health authority is ifti magid. Mr magid – according to Google – Is big on south Asians in the NHS – not so big on managing the health authority which let an animal on the streets to kill three people and seriously injure others by driving at them – and then getting off in court with a ‘hospital order ‘ – he ll be out in a year ….
Zephir – what a great description of a corrupt criminal justice system – plead guilty or get remanded in custody for longer than the actual sentence ….
… but rape children … not so much enthusiasm for prosecuting ….
… and not so much of an independent judiciary when starmer tells them what to do …
Lazy – I do recall that during the first year of my law degree ( yawn ) the lefty lecturers demanded that students study how right wing the judiciary is – as well as how independent it is .
Now we have show trials and a lefty CPS going after a certain type of offender – but letting others go free for the sake of ‘community cohesion ‘’ .. it’s long been two or three tier ….
Minute 4 he gets into the meat
People are often pleading guilty cos they are told , this judge likes remanding people .. so you could be in jail 1 year or 2 years before trial ..so plead guilty now an we;ll give you 6 months and it’s done with.
well that is not justice
He recommends the Secret Barrister.. strange as the account is lefty PR, and has made basic mistakes in stating the law
Like I said – the direction / discipline in the judiciary is not transparent, brutal and arbitrary – no sane early / mid career barrister would dare to voice criticism of CPS or judges….
It’s encouraging that other countries are wondering what the hell is going on in the UK – for instance the Italian government has asked – ‘WTF is going on with you ?”
An attempted assassination, followed by a coup. It makes you wonder what’s next. Dave Smith has some ideas.
(1:03) Dave Smith’s 2024 Predictions (8:34) Who Is the President Right Now? (12:39) The Greatest Scandal in American History (19:34) The Deep State Coming Out of the… pic.twitter.com/Ux2T2F29fL
Starmer’s government is a far-left B team of authoritarian fanatics who were handed too much power by a gullible 20% of the population. A few weeks in and they’re weaponising the law to suppress free speech with a Soviet ruthlessness. Feels like the tanks are rolling in. https://t.co/t2eAXrMvRv
Now there is a ‘judge ‘ with a promising future ….( do I get in trouble for that comment ?) …on the threshold of sending people to prison for speaking their view I’ll expect an ‘invitation ‘ for an interview …
I guess we should stop/ban all bad stories to stop thinking now?
Man who raped child in swimming pool because it was ‘a sexual emergency’ has jail sentence increased on appeal
Defence lawyers for former Iraqi taxi driver had appealed the initial six-year sentence, saying their client did not know that the 10-year-old victim did not consent
“The inquiry team noted fears among council staff of being labelled “racist” if they focused on victims’ descriptions of the majority of abusers as “Asian” men.
The inquiry team found examples of “children who had been doused in petrol and threatened with being set alight, threatened with guns, made to witness brutally violent rapes and threatened they would be next if they told anyone”.”
While he just sentenced a man to 20 months in prison for “armchair rioting” and racist posts on Facebook, Kearl previously let a pedophile walk free after he was caught with over 400 images/videos of children being sexually abused and tortured. pic.twitter.com/URPLmuJWMN
Ah – all of these own iPhones and complain about slavery and climate change! China knows who to bribe already here.
“If you use the language rules that your ideological opponent demands that you use, you cede (give up) the territory to them.” – {youtube – Jordan Peterson}
Migrant …. “a person who moves from one place to another in order to find work or better living conditions.”
Dreamer … a migrant with better dreams than anyone else.
Irregular … a migrant that is different to those who live in the place they are heading.
Undocumented .. a migrant who destroyed their documents for some reason.
Iranian Migrant .. a migrant leaving the wonderful world of Tolerant Islam to live in the Intolerant Western World.
‘groomed’ …. There were examples of children who had been doused in petrol and threatened with being set alight, threatened with guns, made to witness brutally violent r*pes and threatened they would be next if they told anyone. Girls as young as 11 were raped by large numbers of male perpetrators. {Jay report}
Racist…. a word to hide 1400(estimate) child rapes over 16 years in 1 Town.
Islamophobe …. a word to stop you getting angry when 22 are murdered at a concert and your Prime Minister calls these people LOST.
Hate Crime .. words to stop you hating the government and leaders.
Brexit …. a word to describe racists and Islamophobe and people who like to hate things that are stupid.
“More now on the remarks by US President Joe Biden last night, as he says he’s been briefed every four to five hours for the last six to eight days on Ukraine’s action.”
Every 4/5 hours?
1) doubt that, because Biden has to sleep
2) was it in case Biden had forgot
1765 …. **In a republic worthy of name, freedom to publish one ’s thoughts is a citizen’s natural right.** They may use a pen or their voice, and should not be prevented from writing any more than speaking …That is the law in England, a monarchical country, where people are freer than elsewhere because they are more enlightened. – Voltaire, Republican Ideas, 1765
Fedup2Mar 9, 14:20 Weekend 8th March 2025 The threshold for ‘horror’ or ‘something must be done ‘ seems to be rising by the month . The murder…
GMar 9, 13:49 Weekend 8th March 2025 I thought the Home Office banned guns, like knives. Oh! silly me, I forgot the foreigners have their own laws…
MarkyMarkMar 9, 13:48 Weekend 8th March 2025 Christmas has become “holiday season” Easter has been turned into “egg hunt” Lent doesn’t even get a mention – it’s…
MarkyMarkMar 9, 13:35 Weekend 8th March 2025 Omar Prempeh, 32, of Stanstead Road, Forest Hill, was charged on Saturday, March 8, in connection with the death of…
Fedup2Mar 9, 13:24 Weekend 8th March 2025 Third world action in londonistan – Omar Prempeh 32 charged with shooting dead a 16 year old called Lathaniel Burrell.…
KinellMar 9, 13:21 Weekend 8th March 2025 Reading through the shocking posts on ‘In their own tweets’ and ‘In their own words’ on the home page on…
MarkyMarkMar 9, 13:11 Weekend 8th March 2025 King Charles has appointed a homeopath. Why do the elite put their faith in snake oil? This article is more…
pugnaziousMar 9, 12:50 Weekend 8th March 2025 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aw5k3zV7a-0
wwfcMar 9, 12:50 Weekend 8th March 2025 🤣🤣🤣🤣 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OifPPweJTTM&ab_channel=IntelLady
Coming to the NHS?
Methane blockers…
corks ?
The cow jumped over the moon.
Hey diddle diddle
I thought Zara was a parody account, ‘parently not….
Wow -I thought the sultana account was a parody as well – a sultana – as we know – is a dried prune ( I will arrest myself for misinformation ) …
Luckily it looks like reds will boycott X – no loss….
At least 2 people are now in jail for Facebook posts
A Facebook post is so serious.
He must go to jail. Even if less than 200 people viewed it.
Yet I’ve seen judges give people suspended sentences (no jail) if they have child abuse/porn photos !
The country is fucked and that why people are angry!”
The test is if you reverse the skin colours and politics would the people have been jailed
I don’t think so
Here is one case, I don’t know if that is the one she is on about

Posted in the wrong place so reposting here.
The BBC are showing live updates on today’s sentencing of the ‘far right thugs’.
Reading through them is a terrifying thing. This tyranny must end.
In summary, a lefty got jail for a TikTok video in which he claimed to be ‘running for his life’. I’m no fan of the left or videos like that, but I think he was probably a young lad just seeking attention/likes/followers (an issue for kids who’ve known nothing but social media…they’re fucked up.)
Probably ruined his life.
Another who got a couple of months prison for 3 pictures (they sounded like memes) on Facebook. The content was stuff like (paraphrasing here) ‘coming to a town near you’ showing ‘the boats’ arriving in Kent Nothing worse than that from what I saw.
Fucking prison! Holy shit!
They could go on the Daily Mail and see far worse fifty times every day.
He’s going to need bigger prisons.
And I think he’ll build them if it means they’ll be full of his political opponents (with a few token lefties).
Where is the King? Where is Sunak? This man is a despot.
But I’m going to calm myself because I think he’ll be forced out soon (and Labour will never recover from this) and I’m convinced those fast track courts and sentencing are not legal.
Perhaps a good team of lawyers can shove his dodgy courts up his arse?
Figuratively speaking, allegedly and in Minecraft and this is just a dream I had last night
This is where we are now, folks. ‘Media’ seem to be on board because it suits them to see alternative/independent media shut down.
Are the chocolate rations ready?
It’s political imo (I am allowed an opinion fu TTK) because they’re not jailing nonces and they’re freeing murderers after a few months.
TTK means two tier keir ….. IMHO
I hate acronyms IHA…. And mysterious nicknames – like ‘toenails ‘ … who has hopefully disappeared for good ….
I thought people had to EARN respect. Respect isn’t ‘restored’.
Can’t beat a soviet show trial eh?
Maybe starmer can get a judge like that sadist hitler used for his show trials ….
That will be the rat Roland Freisler who learnt his trade while a POW of the Russians. He went back to especially enjoy the stalinist show trials in the 1930s.
He is buried in an unmarked grave somewhere in Berlin and the caretaker knows where. He is on my little list for my Euro-Nation tour.
“He’s going to need bigger prisons.” Not necessarily. The so-called ‘British Government’ has history in building prisons in other countries when the latter’s citizens commit crimes in the UK and are of sufficient volume. And there are thousands in British Jails. Jamaica springs to mind:
Send the foreigners back !!
Okay, hot off the press…
The man responsible for the knife attack on a mother and daughter in Leicester Square has been named as, Ioan Pintaru, 32 of no fixed abode.
But there’s more…Drumroll
He’s a Romanian migrant.
I’ve got a feeling the Beeb and Sky will be concentrating on the weather today…
Diversity is our strength.
We are truly enriched.
Jeff, “hot off the press”
His nationality was tweeted 5 hours before you posted. Then the police statement was about 7am
And then here at 8am Fedup started a discussion about the name.
The ones that survive this winter, that is.
Looks like the third world stabber vermin got fed up with being ‘no fixed abode ‘ and wanted a nice prison bed …. If only there was a death penalty … would save the need to deport ( as if ) as well as the taxpayer having to care for him …
Is calling for the death penalty now a crime? I’m not sure – but I bet it will be by 2029 ….
The death penalty will be re-introduced into Britain before 2029. But only for those whose crime is to call for its introduction. Oh, and for those who express their concerns about mass immigration. Or talk about the global warming scam. Or question whether men can be turned into women. The plan is for all these dissidents to be ‘concentrated’ together in some sort of camps…
Not bbc – but I was looking at the newspaper headlines of national newspapers – James cleverley – who unfortunately is still an MP – is accusing the reds of not doing enough about the boats …
When I read this it confirms my view that these blue creatures either don’t know or don’t care about what they have done ….
Stop the boats …
I see that the BBC have launched the same nasty smear innuendo tactics on Trump that they used on Boris.
I can only imagine the composition of the lefty team they have put together to try to smash him.
As a balanced news broadcaster they are simply a joke.
At least the residual reputation of the BBC is the States has been damaged thanks to Elon – and I can’t imagine too many Americans paying much attention to the BBC apart from the metro democrat cat wimmin …
If they are, it is not working.
Trump’s chat with Musk on X fact-checked
#ccbgb errs on the inadequate
Youtube search; Elon Musk Interview Trump
1 BBC News Donald Trump returns to X
2 The Grauniad Donald Trump rambles and lies repeatedly
3 Sky News Elon Musk Enodorses Trump
4 CNN Analysts react to Trumps X interview
Not until No 5 do we get to a simple broadcast of the interview from….. The Hindustan Times
The Grauniad “Donald Trump rambles and lies repeatedly ”
( for Marky M) – HA Ha Ha Ha Ha! ha ha ha ha
I listened to some of it.
Trump was very funny. Did he lie (Guardian reckon so…the bellends) ? I’m sure he did but he told the truth as well (that the current conflict in Gaza/Ukraine wouldn’t have happened on his watch and that Biden just threw petrol onto the fire with Ukraine.)
He also said something like (about Biden) “…and when those stupid words came out if his stupid face…” He also said Biden is low IQ and has always been, but now it’s so bad he doesn’t even have an IQ “you could even measure.”
Very funny. I’d vote for him.
Sadly, they didn’t mention blighty.
Lazy – it’s a shame that the UK didn’t get a mention – but it’s only a tiny place of limited value to the US unless it needs a ‘ coalition ‘ or a vote on the security council …
The self image of Blighty has been so lofty for so long – but the self harm being done in the last 12 years plus the next 5 years might cause a … re evaluation….
I’ve now got my contingency for not being in the UK any more .. not much by way of choice with what is coming ….
TTK show trial number 1,076
That’s one of my favourite scenes.
At the start, the Judge fines the defence lawyer just for turning up and wasting everybodies time.
Just amazing.
At the BBC, the headline news is:
‘Girl, 13, pleads guilty to violent disorder in Aldershot unrest’
It’s a left-wing lynch mob and the BBC are gloating.
Meanwhile a Romanian immigrant grabbed an 11 year old girl on the streets of our capital city in a headlock and in a frenzied attack, stabbed her in the face 8 times.
That story makes a small sub-pane on the right hand side in a very brief, basic facts only article. The kind they use when they don’t want us to know about it.
Something is very, very wrong at the BBC.
World at one
20 minutes spent on the report into the killing of 3 people – plus the serious injury to this the monster ran over . What a waste of time – a couple of swamp dwellers on the ‘lessons will be learnt gig ‘
One one dweller was most upset by the idea that if a ‘mental health professional ‘ in the NHS failed to do their job they could get punished – even criminally punished ….
The next of kin want names – they want the names of those who allowed the monster to be uncontrolled to be bought to account – seems fair …
… but then it’s the medical mafia – cover ups – blame shifting – the usual stuff –
Maybe they’ll need another report about the Leicester square one yesterday – or what may well happen today … or tomorrow …
If you live in a city you must be on your guard …. It’s gonna get a lot worse …
The Nottingham report will be filed with the rest -no change .
Should these labour MPs go to prison too?
Well I can dream can’t I?
Why is it that when the lefties get involved in a court case such as begum or choudry there are appeals going on for decades (don’t know who’s paying for them)
Lawyers seem to be in abundance for any left wing case.
Compare this with two tier’s show trials where a conveyor belt of those on the right with a different opinion to Labour are wheeled in, found guilty and put in prison.
One case which I can’t believe, for posting 3 memes on FB, the likes of which seem to appear ever so often all over the place.
Where are the lawyers to defend and advise these people.
Is there absolutely nobody sticking up for them.
That’s how it’s coming across.
Everything that is happening from this government is against us and there’s no opposition.
On bbbc radio newcastle this morning they mentioned the Trump/Musk broadcast and they had a commentator to tell us about it. You could almost feel the hate coming out of the loudspeaker. Starting off calling Musk a liar for saying they were delayed by some sort of cyber attack and then saying everything they said was wrong.
All the defendents I’ve read about seem to be entering no plea.
I looked that up. I’d recommend looking it up in case I’m wrong (ffs) but it seems ‘no plea’ is entered for a few reasons, but one of the main reasons is because the defendent/lawyer is saying they haven’t had enough time to get their defence properly ready. So they don’t enter a plea of’ guilty’ or ‘not guilty ‘.
In some cases, historically, the courts allow more time but here they are just (seemingly) denying this to defendents this.
These trials are a joke.
I wonder if anyone will do a mini protest in the dock and say they don’t recognise the legitimacy of the court?
Just one appeal upward? The results could unravel all the rest in part or in whole.
“Sentence first – verdict afterwards” said the red Queen of Hearts.
Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland (1865)
“a conveyor belt of those on the right”. Is it Right Wing to be anti immigration? Given that most or all on the Left welcome the ‘refugees’ one could possibly say that those of an opposite opinion are ‘Right’ or ‘Far Right’ ‘Racist’ or ‘Fascist’ as the Left would say.
I don’t think so. There are very sound reasons to control our borders and decide who we want in the Country and want the rest sent back or preferably not allowed to cross at all.
So what about Russia then ? Allow the Ukrainians to over extend themselves then do a pincer movement WW2 stylee?
Surely the average Russian is pretty cheesed off by being invaded …? Whatever – Chuck another 20 billion at zelenski bank account …
Exactly right Fed.
Russias tactics for a long time now are to gradually erode the Ukranian army. Most of those Ukranian soldiers who are in Russia now will perish – with the full complicity of Zelensky who wants it purely for it’s PR value. And of course we won’t be told by the BBC.
Same as those who crossed the river in the South to a great fanfare. It was hell on Earth for the soldiers they rotated into it and now the whole thing has quietly disappeared along with the 1,000 soldiers who were on it.
Reports: Ukrainian Marines Retreat From Dnipro Bridgehead, Long-Held Defensive Bastion Lost.
The BBC didn’t report that either.
These lunatics will probably give Ukraine one or two too many heavy weapons and drag us into a conflict.
I was amazed that BBC TV chose the Mahler 1 to be
relayed from the Proms. All I can say is that the Diversity
department at the BBC had little or no affect on the
Mahler was born a Jew but because of the virulent anti-Semitism
in Vienna . He converted to Catholicism . So that he was
allowed to conduct the Wien Philharmonic. It’s an irony
that Hitler banned his music during the the Third Reich. Although he had seen him conduct Wagner at the beginning
of the 20th century. Maybe if Hitler’s mother had been Jewish
instead of his half Jewish father . Things may of been different .
Anyway we had a double whammy at the Prom. The National
Youth Orchestra . With none of the musicians over 19. More than 160 of them. The problem was the lack of diversity. Coupled
with the fact that the third movement of the symphony has
” Kletzmer music” at it’s heart. For those of you who do not
know Kletzmer is an instrumental musical tradition of the
Ashkenazi Jews of Central and Eastern Europe !
Perhaps if a few Palestinian flags were being waved in the
audience . And a few chants of ” From the river to the sea”
Or “Allahu Akbar” would of been heard. The concert would of
been more inclusive. Anyway so far as the BBC were concerned.
But to be fair one of the presenters of the concert was ethnic.
Just as an appendage and without the sarcasm. Just
listen from 1 Hour 44 minutes to the coda of the
symphony. Look at the faces of the kids playing this
monumental climax. And you will see everything
that’s good about our country. This at least has not
been ruined “yet.” On BBC I player !!
Why hasn’t Roger Waters been arrested on Facebook-post crimes yet?
I am sure there are a few in clinkey singing “Wish You Were Here”
Meanwhile (apart from 13 year old girls being lynched), the met police are appealing to the public to help catch another criminal who actually murdered someone with a knife:
LATEST: Appeal to trace man in connection with murder investigation
A perfect opportunity for our state broadcaster to spread the word to the public don’t you think ?. After all, he’s loose in society and there’s a huge manhunt going on for him.
But no. The BBC have ignored it. One might think with all this knife crime, it could be topical. But they clearly don’t want people to know about it.
And as usual, you know why. Here he is:

Just the usual disgusting racist double standards from the BBC. Nothing new to see here.
I might have just worked out why Sunak called an early General Election.
He knew that the invasion would step up during summer and couldn’t or wouldn’t do anything to stop the flow. The numbers crossing would have ended any faint hope he had to win the Election so an early Election it was.
Nah…. the missus wanted an uninterrupted August in California.
And September for the kids’ new school … Green card renewed – domicile changed from UK to low tax regime … country destroyed … job done .. off to Goldman ..
Man stabbed girl, 11, eight times, court told
Unlike the bbc, a picture of the offender, even tells us it was Romanian
Maybe the likes of the bbc feel they need to give out more details than normal, to offset any riots and appease white brits, who love their country but have had enough, you know the far right as this government/bbc would label them
Andy – you ve got that right – Leicester Square must have the highest CCTV coverage in the country … bet we won’t be seeing it though …
Im not going to wonder whether the accused got the idea of stabbing little girls from last weeks’ murders due to restrictions on ‘fair trials ‘…
But I think the public it entitled to know what is going on – for instance publishing the details of everyone appearing in court -whatever their age unless a court explains otherwise …
@andyjsnape “Unlike the bbc” what that mean ?
Do you mean unlike BBC TV news, the BBC web story does give the photo and nationality, right at the top?
Harris fact checked
When she dares to do an interview they can fact-check her. Probably be quite busy. They can fact-check her but also, perhaps more important, check whether she is telling the truth about her intended policies…will she do a Labour and suddenly take a Far-Left turn into dystopian dictatorship?
Lucky it’s innocent until proved guilty eh ?maybe they should do other languages too …
Wants to ban X in The UK. Doesn’t mind using X to intimidate the public though.
ah yes, irony!
“‘A sickening low that cannot be disguised as comedy’: Anti-Semitism campaigners condemn Reginald D Hunter after two Israeli audience members were mocked and ‘hounded out’ of his Edinburgh Fringe show
Reginald D Hunter made a joke comparing Israel to an abusive husband. An Israeli couple objected only to be jeered and sworn at by the audience”
Cuddly and funny does not get you back on BBC Mock The People We Don’t Like
The BBC’s top story -ie the one they are pushing to people as the top headline:
‘Girl, 13, pleads guilty to violent disorder as more people in court over riots’
And much lower down the page is the automatically generated list for ‘the most read’ story. Top story there is:
‘Man stabbed girl, 11, eight times, court told’
Yet another clear example of the BBC’s bias. It’s simply disgraceful that they are allowed to continue to do this again and again. It’s pure left-wing activism from the publicly funded state broadcaster. They do not represent the majority of the British people in any way.
‘Two-Tier’ hardly seems adequate to describe the scale of what these people are doing.
And TTK is most certainly not going to anything about it.
That’s the way to do it….
“Elon Musk issues foul-mouthed retort to EU in clash over Donald Trump interview after top Brussels official threatens action against X over hate speech and ‘disinformation’ linked to Britain’s riots.
he told the EU official: ‘Take a big step back and literally, f*** your own face!'”
ooops… they’ll have to hand count eh?
Hey, BBC@Vilify lurkers fact check that.
Sounds like Obama is Making sure the computers are still fixed …
Colbert’s audience wasn’t supposed to laugh, but they did when he called CNN ‘objective’ during his interview with Kaitlin Collins.
Even Collins asked “is that supposed to be a laugh line?”
BBC TNI partners in the USA.
F@ck you Stasi labour
His honour judge Mohammed saw the sentence as very fair – he will be sent to a prison where Muslim gangs run the place along with Muslim ‘prison officers ‘ – maybe ..
Sure the appeal against sentence will work out …
I have to say that after the events of the last few days, it seems to me that the Left have finally made their move and have removed their masks of hypocrisy.
Now we are seeing their true nature : intolerant fascists who have taken their gloves off and are out to destroy the Right.
It always starts with political persecution. I am astonished at the degree of ‘witch hunt’ going on here. They are responding to protests and legitimate grievances with threats and prison. I have not seen a single article anywhere in the MSM discussing the root problem which caused it.
I realise now just how dangerous Starmer and his freak-show government really are. They have many similarities to the Nazis before they got total power using the same techniques of oppression.
And all with the BBC fully complicit.
I think they have all been reading ‘ Mein Kampf ‘ (parts one and two) while in opposition……as this is a possible truth…hopefully I’m exempt from persecution and prison !
Just seen on Facebook.
So now, at 68 years old, I’m afraid to visit London and I’m afraid to say why.
EG – londonistan is a deteriorating pit …. And really best avoided …
Emmanuel Goldstein ,
In the 1960s my Parents would put me on a Coach to go to London Victoria where I would change to another one with the onward journey to Ramsgate …….imagine a 10 year old on their own doing that now …….never to arrive 😠
Pretty quick revealing the identity of the Romainian who stabbed a girl in London. Of course he’s aged 32 so can be named….but the attacker in Southport’s place of birth and ‘Welshness’ could have been revealed if not his name…which would have stopped the rumours in their tracks about him being an illegal migrant.
So Farage was right…police withheld the information and things snowballed.
This man wants to stay in Kenya and provide a living for his family, so naturally globalists hate him.
BBC call him “The Kenyan influencer promoting climate change denial” The rotten sods. We see how little they really care for black people when a black person steps outside the approved narrative. This from Marco Silva ‘Climate disinformation reporter’ Goes out of it’s way to rubbish Mr Machogu.
Times and Today couldn’t help themselves and launched a mockfest on the Trump/Musk chat….amazing how snooty and sneery they get…almost as if they think everyone thinks like they do and hate Trump and Musk and so they can attack them freely when the truth is Today and Times were talking to their own Bubble…they probably think the ‘Deplorables’ don’t matter and thus broadcasting a balanced and measured, serious analysis would be wasted and instead they pump out a self-indulgent sneery snobby slap-down for their snooty mates.
The CEO of the Nottingham health authority is ifti magid. Mr magid – according to Google – Is big on south Asians in the NHS – not so big on managing the health authority which let an animal on the streets to kill three people and seriously injure others by driving at them – and then getting off in court with a ‘hospital order ‘ – he ll be out in a year ….
Mr majid has not resigned or been fired …
Barrister opinion on recent sentences:
I watched a bit of that so that’s probably 10 years.
Zephir – what a great description of a corrupt criminal justice system – plead guilty or get remanded in custody for longer than the actual sentence ….
… but rape children … not so much enthusiasm for prosecuting ….
… and not so much of an independent judiciary when starmer tells them what to do …
Didn’t Starmer angrily say something like, ‘You will be refused bail.” Or was it that high up copper?
Can he do that? Interfere like that?
I wasn’t imagining that was I?
But that’s a dirty trick (no bail allowed) going off what that barrister said about potentially being on remand longer than a guilty plea sentence.
I think somebody (the egg woman I think) did plead not guilty today though.
I assume no one is laughing at the swivel-eyed, tinfoil hat-wearing conspiracy theorists any longer right?
Depends who it is I suppose.
I’m new around here so not sure what you’re getting at.
Vegetable rights and peace.
I saw a bigfoot in Thetford forest once.
It’d be professional suicide for a barrister not to fawn over judges…
just sayin….
That does sound incredibly dodgy doesn’t it?
If a PM says that people will be refusee bail and then these courts follow…can he do that?
If he can it sounds wrong to me!
Lazy – I do recall that during the first year of my law degree ( yawn ) the lefty lecturers demanded that students study how right wing the judiciary is – as well as how independent it is .
Now we have show trials and a lefty CPS going after a certain type of offender – but letting others go free for the sake of ‘community cohesion ‘’ .. it’s long been two or three tier ….
Seems that way.
I think there’s some kind of ‘freedom’ index for countries. Like a top 100 on how ‘free’ the citizens and press are.
If the thing is fair, surely the UK will be down in the bowels of that table next year, keeping North Korea company?
Given the way Miliband’s going we’ll look as dark at nighttime as North Korea at night sooner rather than later….
Soon comrade
Minute 4 he gets into the meat
People are often pleading guilty cos they are told , this judge likes remanding people .. so you could be in jail 1 year or 2 years before trial ..so plead guilty now an we;ll give you 6 months and it’s done with.
well that is not justice
He recommends the Secret Barrister.. strange as the account is lefty PR, and has made basic mistakes in stating the law
Like I said – the direction / discipline in the judiciary is not transparent, brutal and arbitrary – no sane early / mid career barrister would dare to voice criticism of CPS or judges….
Step out of line and you’re toast
100% effective 50% 20% 1% better than dying.
At least those commies will now be able to afford homes. Supply is about to outstrip demand
Everyone to the right of Jeremy Corbyn will all be in prison by next week by the looks of things.
It’s encouraging that other countries are wondering what the hell is going on in the UK – for instance the Italian government has asked – ‘WTF is going on with you ?”
Lots of lone mental wolves! – Running the country.
I think every conversation I have from now will start with me asking who the other person voted for , or what they think of the Labour Party.
If they’re labour voters I’m just going to say, “I mean no harm, but I shall no longer communicate with you.”
It’s too dangerous talking to them now. One little piece of ‘non fact checked news’ or speculation and they might grass and get you 5 years
I’m only hajf joking. I’m not talking about politics (or anything really) to lefties like I have previously (politely too)..
Not s chance
He’s a busy boy for his age…. one has to wonder if he’s found a way to bribe British justice…
Pat’s on point – this is dangerous.
Now there is a ‘judge ‘ with a promising future ….( do I get in trouble for that comment ?) …on the threshold of sending people to prison for speaking their view I’ll expect an ‘invitation ‘ for an interview …
I guess we should stop/ban all bad stories to stop thinking now?
Man who raped child in swimming pool because it was ‘a sexual emergency’ has jail sentence increased on appeal
Defence lawyers for former Iraqi taxi driver had appealed the initial six-year sentence, saying their client did not know that the 10-year-old victim did not consent
Adam Withnall
Wednesday 14 December 2016
Still going on ….
“The inquiry team noted fears among council staff of being labelled “racist” if they focused on victims’ descriptions of the majority of abusers as “Asian” men.
The inquiry team found examples of “children who had been doused in petrol and threatened with being set alight, threatened with guns, made to witness brutally violent rapes and threatened they would be next if they told anyone”.”
Guy must be gagging to get a court of appeal gig …
Ah – all of these own iPhones and complain about slavery and climate change! China knows who to bribe already here.
“If you use the language rules that your ideological opponent demands that you use, you cede (give up) the territory to them.” – {youtube – Jordan Peterson}
Migrant …. “a person who moves from one place to another in order to find work or better living conditions.”
Dreamer … a migrant with better dreams than anyone else.
Irregular … a migrant that is different to those who live in the place they are heading.
Undocumented .. a migrant who destroyed their documents for some reason.
Iranian Migrant .. a migrant leaving the wonderful world of Tolerant Islam to live in the Intolerant Western World.
‘groomed’ …. There were examples of children who had been doused in petrol and threatened with being set alight, threatened with guns, made to witness brutally violent r*pes and threatened they would be next if they told anyone. Girls as young as 11 were raped by large numbers of male perpetrators. {Jay report}
Racist…. a word to hide 1400(estimate) child rapes over 16 years in 1 Town.
Islamophobe …. a word to stop you getting angry when 22 are murdered at a concert and your Prime Minister calls these people LOST.
Hate Crime .. words to stop you hating the government and leaders.
Brexit …. a word to describe racists and Islamophobe and people who like to hate things that are stupid.
bbc reports on Ukraine incursion into Russia
“More now on the remarks by US President Joe Biden last night, as he says he’s been briefed every four to five hours for the last six to eight days on Ukraine’s action.”
Every 4/5 hours?
1) doubt that, because Biden has to sleep
2) was it in case Biden had forgot
Biden says he will holiday there when it’s over and have a street named after him just like Boris Johnson.
“Biden says he will holiday there when it’s over and have a street named after him just like Boris Johnson.”
Parkinsons Drive ?
Batshit Boulevard ?
No. no, for the fifth time Mr President, it’s not not Yukon, it’s Ukraine.
And that’s Zelensky, not Zippy from Rainbow.
Jo Brand to face no further action over battery acid joke
This article is more than 4 years old
Broadcasting watchdog ends investigation into remarks that triggered complaints last June
1765 …. **In a republic worthy of name, freedom to publish one ’s thoughts is a citizen’s natural right.** They may use a pen or their voice, and should not be prevented from writing any more than speaking …That is the law in England, a monarchical country, where people are freer than elsewhere because they are more enlightened. – Voltaire, Republican Ideas, 1765