Let’s have a 2 Tier BBC – one where you don’t pay the TV licence and another one where you don’t pay the TV licence . Will TTK – two tier kier stick – or will it pass as events come along – such as a big war in Iran or a big big war in Russia – even have two tier wars now ….
Weekend 17th August 2024
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It’s a real thing
Treatment of Llamaphobia
For many individual who are suffering from llamas (branch of zoophobia) – Llamaphobia. Don’t always feel the need of treatment because they can just avoid the object of their fear. This gives people suffering from Llamaphobia a feeling of control on the problem. But sometimes avoiding llamas (branch of zoophobia) might not be possible or enough.
Love it Lucy ! Makes a change from reading about Starmaphobia and Khanaphobia, and more photogenic !!
What I meant to say but typed too fast was- Is llamaphobia a real thing?
It’s an interesting question. To some misguided folks having millions of these alien creatures roaming our countryside would be a triumph for bio diversity . But others would regard them as an invasive species colonising our hedgerows, fields and waterways and driving out our native flora and fauna.
I tend to have sympathy with the later view.
Well, aggrophobia is the fear of skinheads, so why not?
(Alpaca my bags…).
I was talking with a friend, a left leaning Tory, about on-line misinformation. She suggested there was a huge amount of it, and I quote, ‘so much that the BBC has had to set up BBC Verify’. I just didn’t know where to start but without evidence she just wouldn’t believe me. And I am hopeless, and never remember the right examples.
A good example and evidence are the lying threatograms the BBC use .
Without wanting to sound impolite, it appears that your friend is what is known as a ‘midwit’.
Tories who believe the BBC are equivalent to Queers for Palestine , unbelievably stupid.
Unless of course she is a closet Globalist. Do you think that your friend knows what a Globalist is?
I reckon one example of misinformation is what the hell is going on in Ukraine / Russia . We are continuously being told the Ukrainians are winning but somehow it doesn’t sound right – nor does their invasion of Russia ….
I mean – how can Ukraine have either the men or kit to go on the offensive – just seems …untrue ….
Ukraine have sent troops into a sparse undefended backwater for two reasons.
One to try to encourage more stuff and money from the West and Two to try to make Putin do some form of retaliation on the West for supplying the hardware they are using that would lead to the West being attacked and drawn into the war.
Meanwhile I suspect Putin is more than content to have a large chunk of the Ukrainian army out of the real fighting zone for a while.
I think Zelensky is a very devious and dangerous man.
Do you think the Russians are doing the Barbarossa campaign version 2 – giving land to trap the Ukrainians in the winter …. 2 months time – asking as a keyboard warrior cum armchair general …?
I guess we must wait until the Russian winter starts Fedup, they do have form for hitting invaders very hard when it’s bitter cold on their own turf. I guess supply lines in the winter are easier if you are on home ground.
Ask her if she listens to whole interviews, not just edited versions with a news-reader’s narrative attached. It takes a bit of time to listen to a 1-hour interview with PM Netanyahu or Nigel Farage and we shouldn’t have to do that but if you hear someone speak directly, you often get a very different impression than the one that is presented in the press, which is their opinion. Not yours.
A news organisation that harbours sexual deviants and get’s it’s Middle-Eastern news from a terror regime like Hamas can’t be trusted to verify anything.
They tried to coverup Joe Biden’s obviously deteriorating health condition for months, even though we could see plainly that he was unwell.
They lied continuously about the Russia collusion even after it was widely proved to have been a hoax and the DNC (Clinton campaign) was fined for it. They lied because they hate Trump and love to disseminate false information about him.
Deborah – yes – Lucy makes a good example – the cover up of Biden’s health is a great example – recall that starmer said Biden was well 2 weeks before his ‘condition ‘ was announced – and that the whole msm conspired the years of cover up
More controversially to your friend might be the sign of a lie – such as the use of the term ‘false claim ‘ aways used about the theft of the 2020 election …..
Even the term ‘misinformation ‘ doesn’t quite make it because we are talking about lies – and twisted propaganda – eg putin is dying – which pops up every so often in the msm –
Another one – that the blue party was ‘conservative ‘ when clearly it was not
Or that Blighty is ‘ok’ when it is not – or that multiculturalism works – when it doesn’t – or that the BBC tells the truth – when it is more concerned about the approved lie / message ….
He’s wrong.
It was launched on her knees (and into her mouth, I suspect).
Allegedly in Minecraft bloke down the pub told me.
Got to love those mail in ballots, they always seem to deliver just enough votes for the right person to win. Spooky.
And those fawning articles the BBC are doing on Harris?
You’d think she was this great political figurehead. A great philosopher of our time.
And definitely not a low IQ sociopath who’s handled more balls than a three armed juggler.
She could teach Monica Lewinsky a thing or two.
Fawning articles on the BBC?
Here they have changed a relationship to ‘it’s complicated’.
Why solid growth complicates the Budget masterplan
What am I missing? The Labour Party has begun an attack on free speech and is setting up the apparatus of a police state, and the Conservative Party seems to be pretty mute over this. Which begs the questions
a) don’t they recognise what is going on?
b) don’t they care about what’ going on?
c) do they approve of what’s going on?
The six leadership candidates can all agree they don’t want Nigel but seem much more relaxed with Keir Stalin.
They all claim to want to reenergise and unite the party. But they seem to see Reform as their main enemy. They were happy to live with the taxpayer funded BBC all these years which offered relentless and effective opposition to every they stood for but I don’t see any of the candidates saying they will reign it in let alone abolish the ratbag corporation for good.
Correct me if I’m wrong but not one of them seems to have called out the PM’s lying strategy of blaming a long extinct, supposedly far right group for organising the riots. Even from my distance it is clear that nobody was organising anything. It was so widespread and so disorderly because nobody was in charge. That’s why criminal and violent elements were able do so much damage.
Where is the parliamentary opposition? Where is the media only GB News and Talk TV are doing what they can. Well at least some of them. The Telegraph and the Express have sold their souls. Will the Tories speak out when the stasi comes for Maher Tousi, Paul Thorpe, PJW etc?
The Tories are fellow Globalists and therefore have many shared goals with Labour, their supposed rivals. I’m certain that the Tories would much prefer a Labour government to a nationalist Reform government.
The Uniparty was real. Policy differences between the three Globalist parties are small and areas of agreement large but the public must be gulled into believing there is still a real democratic choice between them.
Labour is doing the dirty work to make Globalism unalterable , beyond the reach of British democracy and the Tories approve of it!
Yasser – why do you think there is still a Conservative Party ? It died years ago and was replaced by a bunch of lefty mouthing blue porn but doing nothing for taxpayers apart from spending their money – then borrowing more like good reds …
Even the likes of David frost ‘a thinking Tory ‘ pops up every so often and wastes words – so out of touch – so needing to be ‘approved ‘ …. I used to put is column up here – not any more .
They have no true believes – nothing they’d die for …
Over in the USA the ‘Half wit Harris for President ‘ propaganda offensive is in full swing. Polls are reporting that she is ahead of Trump in key states and looking favourite for November.
We expected that the polls would be manipulated to show this so that when the Democrats put the fix in and Harris suddenly finds lots of votes it wouldn’t look totally implausible.
However , Rasmussen Reports on You zTube with Mark Mitchell , the highly respected and politically neutral polling company , says that this ‘surge’ in support is indeed due to data manipulation and totally false. Rasmussen polling data , using unchanged ,un manipulated methodology, shows that Trump leads by the same margin now as he did in early June, 3 to 4 points. The Dems switch of candidates has had no impact.
Mitchell doesn’t name other companies but claims that their data manipulation amounts to election interference.
Can the ‘fix’ overcome the democratic choice of the American people for a second time? It is certainly possible but this time there is likely to be much more scrutiny and the chances of the people rejecting a fixed result much higher than 2020 with serious consequences.
But , as we are seeing in the UK now, once the Globalist Left have power they will use it ruthlessly and illegally to crush any opposition from any quarter .
But sooner or later the cheated majority are going to resist and in the USA , unlike in the UK, they have the means of doing so.
Double – I’ve been saying here consistently that the fix is in – Obama has done it again at all levels – ranging from getting trump killed to fixing postal votes and counts . His 4th term is now assured – it’s a fantastic conspiracy which the msm won’t look at – again …
Not so sure about “half wit” , that almost conveys that she’s too stupid to be responsible for her actions – given the staff churn rate at her office and anecdotal stuff about F-bombing wilfulness and deliberately not getting properly briefed – she sounds like an an utter f-ing monster.
Here’s hoping that she’s abused the wrong minion and they dump on her – given the turnover of her staff – I wonder if some $$$$ might elicit a few tales.
Her time as California AG seems to provide a glimpse of what a PoS she really is.
Tulsi Gabbard as Trump target coordinator looks like a good pick 🙂
What does she dab behind her ears to make herself more attractive ?
Her ankles, allegedly
Double, I have heard it suggested that the establishment will use the Monkeypox pandemic to slap another fix on the voting system the way they used Covid last time. I’m not sure it would be wise to try that route again, but I am sure there are a lot of gullible yanks that would fall for it.
I am not very good at predicting US elections and I don’t trust Dr Steve Turley’s over optimism. I’m trying very hard not to believe its going to be a Trump landslide. If he loses either, by fair or foul means we will witness the fall of the West. Of that I am convinced.
Yes the stakes are very high. Trump/Vance followed by 8 years of Vance could undo much of the Globalist project and restore democracy to the entire West. But even 12 years of all out attack on Globalisation May not kill it off. But another period of globalist consolidation under the Half Wit’s team of ‘advisors’ will be the end of democracy.
Musical, or rather lyrical interlude, next up hereabouts.
Who remembers those rather wordy new wave cockney also rans Squeeze, led by Chris Difford and Glenn Tilbrook?
“Cool for Cats”, “Up the Junction”, and “Labelled with Love”?
Of course you do.
But what about their earliest more drum machine-driven synth-pop than punk guitar single “Take Me I’m Yours”, with its evocations of some exotic middle eastern somewhat out-of-time and off-kilter love affair? [1978]
With all due apologies to the authors and some small transpositions in respect of our present news cycle… here’s one for the teenagers (as I like to say)
They mass across the Channel
You greet them with a smile
My pay packet looks so tired
It’s hardly worth my while
They tell stories of their travails
Across the golden east
I see your housing preparations
Invite me first… to the feast
Take my tax money, it’s yours
Because dreams are Rachel Reeves’s
Forever there’ll be
A haven with our Sir Kier…
Amusing Paris Olympics
To distract me from my whines
Recollections of English London
Are memories of mine
We’ve seen some riotous moments
With natives in the streets
Recorded there on Facebook
Films and clips… and Tweets
Take my free speech it’s yours
Because prosecutions are made of these
Forever there’ll be
A prison care of our Kier…
Well Labour, it’s really been some welcome
You never seem to change
Escape or remain at leisure
Suicidal gesture strange
My plane out flies tomorrow
It was a land once treasured dear
Flee the helpless future
My love at last I’m out of here
Take my land it’s yours
Because dreams were made of this
Forever there’ll be
A heaven for our Kier
Asiseeit – I do wonder if the reds will do anything about the boats . I mean – it was a major reason that the blues were deserted in th election .
In five years time will a portion of red voters desert them too ? Will conservative voters actually turn out to vote for some one ? Will Farage be tired by then ( he seems tired of it now ) …?
The sinking feeling one harbours in the present moment (martime puns intentional) must be similar to that experienced by those losing contestants on the darts-themed TV quiz show Bullseye at that anti-climactic point where host Jim Bowen would say: “Let’s see what you would’ve won”
Asiseeit – one of the saddest things is that many outside the bubble saw the defeat of the blues coming long ago – but somehow – if they had any ‘think’ the group think led them to believe that what they were doing would earn our votes .
And one of the unresolved mysteries is why did sunak commit political suicide when at the end of the year the finances might have approved a bit …
Stew – thank you for reading my comment and spotting the accidental word …
Yes, thanks, Stew. we are all so thick we’d never have worked that out for ourselves.
Beat me to it…
Hey come on … it’s good sometimes to be corrected …unfortunately my typing isn’t as fast as my thoughts and I get sloppy with spelling / words sometime – stew performs a similar service to the late maxi – ensuring there is some supervision ….hi max- who you coming back as next time – u really need to change your style – very lazy – but gives me a challenge – maybe say something about the BBC to put me off your far lefty smell ….
Neil Oliver
knows who the baddies are
45 minute discussion about who the real baddies are
For those who can’t spare 45 minutes, the headline says it all, and is worth repeating:
This is not justice, it’s vengeance!
KILL people on a stabbing spree = MENTAL HEALTH
POST some over the top loopyness on Facebook, that 100 people see = JAIL 10 years
….Stalinist trick is to stay in power is demonise your political opponents
Diluting the local population was also a Stalinist trick
Stalin: “These people are bourgeois kulaks and enemies of the people – they must be eliminated”
Starmer: “These people are far right and enemies of my globalist bosses – they must be eliminated”
I notice that few if any statistics are out there for re-offending of MH attributed wrongdoers.
Given the propensity for cover-up in the public sector esp. the NHS I’d guess the numbers aren’t good.
Some years back a man was released from a secure MH unit (no halfway house assessment etc) near Bristol – within 48 hours he’d attacked and killed a random woman hanging out her washing in a Bristol suburb. At least one retailer had refused to sell him a knife and reported that purchase attempt to the police (that’s quite extreme imho).
I’ve long thought that there should be a responsible (as in liable) named person signing off of on releases of mental patients.
but yeah…. demonising + smearing opponents to retain power is as old as the hills, ’tis but a short step to bumping off prominent ones and then working downwards – the revolution eats its own and the Labour infighting is afaics is underway… Made me think of this
I’ve always thought the concept of ‘care in the community ‘ for mental cases was completely flawed . What community ? What care ? For the medical mafia it’s a game . They rely on ‘lack of resources / training / staff ‘ as the fall back excuse for failure .
The only way to have some safety is to lock these nut jobs up and treating until they are no threat. If they are a threat – keep them .
I’m sure the 2 doctor – parents – of the girl murdered in Nottingham by some evil/mad monster might ‘campaign ‘ .
But there’s no accountability – mistakes / neglect covered up – no public inquiry to achieve anything useful – repeat …
aye – in the case I mentioned – it was straight out of a secure unit and into “the community”.
The Daily Telegraph has noticed the category fudging going on….
“Impossible decision” apparently
All the news that be fit to be reported ….
-not verified-
Irish Times reports the “youth” may have been radicalised online and was shouting about Northern Irish involvement in Mali during the attack. Elements omitted in the current BBC report who mention it may be related to terror but ignore the known specifics.
Labour’s contributors will get their pound of organic carrots – crazy Ed and his troupe of green totalitarians will try that….
Remember – Dale wants to lock you up for climate denial.
Insane, yes, he wears a scarf, but no shirt.
Tells me all I need to know about his knowledge of climate and other matters.
If he lived on benefits in a converted council mobile library with a woodburner and a dog and started every day with a spliff ….. oh, wait…
And he does understand the irony of calling himself a “green industrialist”
He just accused the tories of benefitting from “state benefits” well I wonder how many grants are propping up his uneconomic green ventures which would not otherwise survive ?
“He has been described as “anti-Israel” and “anti-Zionist” by The Jerusalem Post, which reported that, by dint of Vince’s public comments and hoisting the Palestinian flag at Forest Green football club, “Green energy industrialist Dale Vince has been using his English soccer club as a means to promote his anti-Israel agenda.”[38]
He also caused controversy when speaking on Times Radio in the immediate aftermath of the 2023 Hamas-led attack on Israel during which he stated that ‘one man’s terrorist is another man’s freedom fighter’ “
Putting aside the fact that only 36% of the land he refers to is arable, the rest being permanent grassland, rough grazing and other land that happens to be on agricultural holdings i.e. is already ‘nature’, what is really meant is this:
“If we all went vegan, we could give 75% of that land to billionaires like Gates and Soros and make it off-limits to ordinary people, just like a 21st Century version of medieval feudalism.”
There. Fixed it for you.
Is the keffir the new SS badge
This argument is very silly. It assumes that farm animals eat nothing but grass. According to some figures; 80% of just soya production is grown purely to feed livestock.
The greens are panic stricken about bovine flatulence. Soya would cause much more flatulence. Better to feed livestock their more traditional diet eh? .
Here we are:
“Ecotricity, the organisation headed by Just Stop Oil’s multimillionaire backer Dale Vince, received £179,743 in government grants in 2021/22 according to new research by the TaxPayers’ Alliance (TPA). The same Ecotricity which is funnelling millions into the Labour Party…
According to the TPA, in addition to the £300,000 provided in furlough cash during the pandemic, Ecotricity received the following:
£121,573 from the Department for Work and Pensions through the Kickstart Scheme
£4,165 from DEFRA through the Rural Payments Agency Basic Payments Scheme
£3,548 from DEFRA through the Natural Environment Investment Readiness Fund
£50,457 from DEFRA through the Natural Environment Investment Readiness Fund
Including furlough, that’s nearly half-a-million in taxpayers’ cash handed to the company bankrolling Labour and Just Stop Oil. Vince has handed Labour over £1.5 million since 2015. The taxpayer is indirectly paying for eco-loons to block ambulances, ruin sports fixtures and toss orange dye on flowerbeds. Just yesterday, Vince vowed to plough even more cash into Just Stop Oil by matching donations for 48 hours. He’s certainly got plenty of change to splash around thanks to the government’s generosity…”
FFS Zephir tiny government grants to Dale aren’t the half of it.
The cost to the grid and therefore the public of the kind of electricity supports is huge.
“The Labour Party’s biggest corporate donor has been accused of “greenwashing” after an investigation by openDemocracy.
Ecotricity Ltd, which has given almost £3.4m to Labour since Keir Starmer became leader in 2020, claims to be “Britain’s greenest energy supplier”.
Yet 99% of the gas it supplies comes from fossil fuels. The company claims this gas is “carbon-neutralised” because it invests in “carbon reduction programmes to cancel out the carbon burned”.
But openDemocracy has learned that Ecotricity has no active carbon credits – despite listing four environmental projects on its website that it says it supports.”
“The wind tycoon, the donations to Labour and £36m in subsidies
Dale Vince’s company, Ecotricity, has given £250,000 to the Labour party – of whose energy policies it has been a major beneficiary.
Dale Vince has done all right for a former hippy. Reckoned to be Britain’s wealthiest green energy tycoon, he lives in a castle, drives a £750,000 electric sports car and sits on a fortune worth more than £100 million.
Not content with saving the planet, last week he rode to Ed Miliband’s rescue too. Just as the Labour leader was reeling from accusations he had deserted British business, Mr Vince intervened.
Through his green energy company Ecotricity, Mr Vince donated £250,000 to Labour’s election campaign. In so doing he became the most prominent entrepreneur to back Mr Miliband’s Labour Party.
A Telegraph investigation into Mr Vince’s financial dealings suggests he has reason to be grateful to the Labour Party – and in particular Mr Miliband, who ran the Department of Energy and Climate Change for two years during Gordon Brown’s premiership.
An examination of official government data shows Ecotricity presently receives in the region of £6 million a year through a generous subsidy introduced by Labour to encourage renewable energy projects.
In total, Ecotricity, which Mr Vince wholly owns, has been paid £36m in subsidies since 2002, when the scheme began, and which Mr Miliband oversaw as Climate Change Secretary from 2008.”
“The subsidy is added to household electricity bills and paid by consumers, pushing up bills for all households. It is probably fair to say Mr Vince has earned more from the Labour-introduced subsidy than any other individual in the UK.”
That’s the standing charge theft
Douglas Murray has got it right.
Murray always gets it right. What a hero.
No wonder the Swamp dwellers like Alastair Campbell want to take him down.
I’m sure I heard that the fruitcake Campbell wanted Murray ‘reported to the police ‘..Campbell is mentally unstable – has not democratic background – yet always there – BBC – immortal – amoral – and a contributor to a useless George bush war …
.. yet his mouth is still there ,,,
Campbell did indeed want Murray investigated, and Murray blasted right back at him on Sky News Aus. Delicious. Well worth a listen.
Farage earns more than £1m a year for non-MP work
Another amazing smear piece from the BBC against a politician they hate.
That should be NIGEL Farage in the headline BBC scumbag:
‘Damian Grammaticas (born June 1970 in Nairobi) is a Kenyan-born British journalist, working for the BBC.’
What is the point of this article ?. Damian is desperately trying to infer Nigel is doing something wrong:
‘The majority of the Reform UK leader’s earnings come from his work presenting on the GB News television channel – which alone pays him almost £1.2m a year.
Reform UK have been approached for a comment.’
Why ?. What are they supposed to comment on ?.
And at the end we get:
‘That trip was funded by George Cottrell, a former aide to Mr Farage who spent eight months in jail in the US in 2017 after he was caught in an FBI sting operation telling undercover officers he could launder money for them.’
This whole article is an absolute non-story. What are all the other MP’s earning BBC ?. And wouldn’t the taxpayers money be better spent reporting on those who are cheating the system instead ?. Such as expenses etc etc etc.
I fear this appalling hit-piece is becoming the norm at the BBC now. They know nobody in OFCOM or the government will do anything at all – no matter what the BBC say about the Right.
I keep saying it because the BBC keep making it more and more obvious : this is the stuff of the rise of the Nazi party adapted for modern times. The persecution of the Right is now extremely obvious and the BBC are working hard to destroy those who stand in their way. Like Nigel.
I suppose Britain hating sons of the empire like gramaticus need to write far left propaganda for the BBC to keep the Islamic clone kidult girls at bay …..
Re. the headline: “Farage earns more than £1m a year for non-MP work”
The BBC can be relied on to attack Farage in every way possible over the coming years.
How about this for a headline:
“Far-Left BBC earns an obscene £5.73 billion which it uses to brainwash the public, propagandise its woke causes, and pay eye-watering salaries to paedophile autocue readers”
£3.74bn come from the corrupt, extortionate “licence fee” scam (like the Jizya tax on dhimmis – or in this case the shakedown on dummies). The remaining £1.99 billion from commercial activities.
I wonder how much Lineker earns for non-BBC work? We should be told.
BBC noon news – Islamic propaganda from Hamas terrorists reported as facts ….x2….
.. and factual ‘news’ that Nigel Farage earnt a million pounds last year from broadcasting – as declared in the parliamentary record ..
…….now why would the BBC report that ? And why is there no red rent a mouth moaning about it ? Could it be that the reds are all snouts in the trough with union bribes ….?
…. Sometimes I listen to the BBC and feel like I need to wash my ears out …
Get ready for Christmas 2024
Today the BBC seem to think that Mr Farages income is a headline. They make a point that his income was more than one million pounds , in a single year !! Good heavens , just think what that means? It’s more than double what Huw Edwards was ” paid ” last year ( including pay rise of £40,000 ) for not reading his news autocue.
Whatever next…
And – of course – this money didn’t come from taxpayers’ cash – like the parasitic BBC funding is – the corruption of paying their favourite sex offender – Huw – doesn’t get much of a mention ….
So many reasons not to pay for the BBC ,,,,,
The bbc are still in “full gloat” mode regarding the “far right rioters” who are now receiving sentences of ten years and more. For what? Ill judged remarks and a bit of push-and-shove with the rozzers?
These over-the-top custodials are obviously designed to serve as a deterrent to any would-be warrior (Keyboard or physical).
I was watching an old interview with Bruce Reynolds, of great train robbery fame. He was commenting on the 25-30 year sentences handed out to the top boys. He asked a police spokesman “Do you realise what you have done? Now, instead of going on a raid with a baseball bat or similar, you may as well get tooled up and be prepared to use firearms. After all, a dead copper won’t make the sentence worse, will it?”
I imagine that when the next round of disruption comes, if someone swings a punch at a police officer, knowing that he’s going down for a long time, he could well decide that he may as well do some serious damage, probably until said pc stops moving.
Community service, fines, etc. by all means. Act like the tough guys starmer thinks you are, and you may well reap a whirlwind.
Especially when you have let the people know how little they are worth to you. The government have put two fingers up to the working man, and told him to stay in his place.
Not my views, of course, but the next time one of these savages goes on the rampage, the people will again rise, but more so.
And the top police officers will reassure us all by saying “No links to terrorism”
‘ Farage earns over £1 m outside parliament’ screeches the biased BBC webshite in a barely concealed Far Left politics of envy agenda item.
The fact he was not even IN parliament for 11 months of that time does not appear in the headline.
Now, whether Farage ‘deserves’ this pay for his work, he did actually do some work for it.
So how about another headline, this one not on the BBC.
‘Edwards earns £ 1/2 million from the BBC for doing absolutely nothing’.
It appears Kier Jong Un is not the only ‘two tier’ game in town.
On 5 live at the start of the footy season the commentator mentions the players taking the knee and how many online ‘investigations ‘ the police carried out last season … so … be frightened – be quiet – do not think – do not protest – do not dissent – do not be unapproved – and if plod calls – do not say anything – ….
Remember – it’s a two tier keir army now – it’s not plod anymore ….
Go and watch Millwall.
They stopped the getting on one knee after the first match due to abuse from the fans.
Gaza, Ukraine war and Nigel Farage’s pay….the world’s top stories on the BBC.
Times Radio was having a two minute hate about it and then I switched to the BBC and Farage’s pay was a news story….well, it’s not is it?, but the BBC seem to want to make it into some sort of scandal.
Obvious to any listener or viewer that it’s a political editorial decision to make so much noise about this….intent is to try and drive some sort of wedge between a ‘wealthy’ Farage and ‘The People’…but I suspect most people would say well done to him…he earns it…and probably does more good at GB News than in Parliament. Worth every penny for the fearless way he raises issues that the Establishment wants buried…along with him.
They try to pull the same trick with Tommy Robinson claiming he is playing everyone for mugs…but we can see he means what he says…and he puts himself in the firing line to keep these issues out in the open…often being physically attacked, and of course relentlessly demonised and vilified by the likes of the BBC not to mention repeatedly imprisoned by those who want to silence him.
Not be surprised if they try to accuse him of ‘hate’ after this video with its so many uncomfortable truths…
Apparently, according to the BBC’s finest, Ukraine using British supplied vehicles in its push into Kursk is ‘provocative’ for Putin. BBC a ‘Putin apologist’ then?
Also Israel is committing ‘war crimes on an industrial scale day in, day out in Gaza.’ So says the BBC’s Lyse Doucet on ‘Newscast’. Hadn’t realised there had been some sort of trial and verdict….but good of the BBC to step in and take on the mantle of judge, jury and executioner.
Always informative how the BBC chooses language and tone when reporting on Israel. This morning we heard that a ‘Lebanese official’ was denoucncing an Israeli raid on a building….naturally the BBC reporting it was all innocent victims. Who was this ‘official’…was he in fact Hezbollah? And when telling us how appalling this Israeli raid was how about mentioning the 7,000+ missiles Hezbollah has launched at Israel since Oct 7?
The BBC tells us that an Israeli minister has said that the ‘Starvation of 2 million Gazans was worth it..’…..bet he didn’t say that in that way….and anyway..the ‘starvation’ is a myth…there is no mass starvation that is killing everyone.
The BBC also tells us that the ‘Far-Right’ ministers in the cab inet are a problem. Hmmm…why is it OK to use ‘Far-Right’, which is a subjective and very vague term, when you won’t use ‘Terrorist’ to describe actual terrorists?
So in Dover – the protests that never were, a mob of pro migrationers ended up roaming the streets looking for someone to call fascist and nazi- they did, literally half a dozen anti migrants holding the union jack on the sea front. It took 50 cops to hold the mob back. As Littlejohn would say “you couldn’t make it up”. Then a migrant who arrived under a lorry years ago was interviewed, and is now a British citizen.
I make no apologies that when I think of someone who is British, they are certainly not various shades of dusky, and English is their mother tongue.
Maybe more should be charged for ‘grooming’ children and trying to corrupt their natural born tendencies…to be a boy or girl….Personally I think trying to make very young, suggestive and vulnerable children to question and doubt their own gender in order to encourage them to transition is child abuse. Teachers, those in the media and even politicians who push this ideology should be challenged and stopped. In years to come it will almost certainly become a huge ‘scandal’ that this narrative has been used by many paedophiles as a way to pervert children and to open up access to them…their minds and bodies….a narrative that so many in positions of power, authority and influence facilitated and promoted….not just that but the fact that these children have been beguiled and led down a path they would never have considered or taken without the persuasive and suggestive pressure applied to them by authority figures resulting in emotional and physical damage that is probably impossible to repair.
‘The patron of a defunct LGBT charity, which encouraged children to question the gender binary, has been charged with multiple counts of child sex abuse.
Stephen Ireland, 40, is facing a total of 37 charges, including rape of a child under 13, six counts of making indecent photographs of children and two counts of causing a child to engage in sexual activity.
For 15 of the alleged offences, the founder of Pride in Surrey was jointly charged alongside David Sutton, 26.’
Can’t see any BBC report on this yet….normally it would be meat and potatoes for the BBC…loves a good medical scandal…unless it’s about a negative aspect of vaccines or lockdown…
‘Almost 14,000 seek compensation, saying Covid vaccines left them disabled’
‘Nearly 14,000 people in Britain have applied for payments from the government for alleged harm caused by Covid vaccines, new figures show.
Freedom of Information requests made by The Telegraph show that payments have already been awarded for conditions including stroke, heart attack, dangerous blood clots, inflammation of the spinal cord, excessive swelling of the vaccinated limb and facial paralysis.
Around 97 per cent of claims awarded relate to the AstraZeneca jab, with just a handful of payments made for damage from Pfizer or Moderna.’
Fire in London. Remember, no unauthorised speculation. It doesn’t look very big and seems to be well under control.
Sadly Farage has decided to write a piece for the DT explaining his income … I hope he got paid for it .
The DT allowed comments – the hatred the loving far left show him is on a par with the Donald – hysterical dangerous hostility created in the mad heads because their hearts say ‘he is right ‘…
Clive and Alan and Lisa and Dawn.
Excellent stuff. I’ve been thinking the exact same thing.
However, I’d like @lisanandy at @DCMS to think about what a democratic, open source, transparent, public, bottom-up, cooperative based, social media platform looks like and see it kick-started by said dept asap
They could call it The Reich Ministry of Public Enlightenment and that thing the BBC Does For Us
Labour MPs now organising to quit X in an attempt to delegitimize it and effectively turn it into Parler, which is their only play. Some services are following.
A desperate Regime attempt to regain control, but can only work if enough do it. And even then it might not be effective.
Bigger names like Alastair Campbell have threatened, but so far ego has kept them here.
For now, we will all miss some MPs no one has heard of, and the North East Ambulance Service.
I vaguely remember the other day at work someone said their brothers mates son was thinking about it.
Funeral held for Southport victim Bebe King
When Georg Floyd – the career criminal drug-dealer – was killed while resisting arrest, any story like this had a full recap about what happened to refresh the story.
This one is much worse : 3 innocent young girls killed in cold blood by the black son of Rwandan immigrants. A direct result of our immigration policies. How much do the BBC tell us about the circumstances in which this little girl was brutally murdered ?.
‘The six-year-old was killed along with Elsie Dot Stancombe, seven, and nine-year-old Alice da Silva Aguiar at a Taylor Swift-themed dance class in the Merseyside town on 29 July.’
That’s it. No mention they were stabbed or any mention of who did it. It could have been an accident as far as the BBC report is concerned.
Here’s who the BBC credit this article to:

‘Rumeana Jahangir is fundraising for Islamic Relief’
It’s all-out war now as far as the BBC are concerned. And they are being allowed to do and write anything they like because the entire system is now infested with Left wing activists.
It’s clear to me now that there can be no peaceful solution to this. It literally is a war to the finish as far as the Left are concerned – both here and in the USA. They are creating hate and division wherever they can. The Nazis truly are back and they are as ruthless and dirty as they ever were.
George Floyd wasn’t killed while resisting arrest; he was killed whilst lying unconscious in the road.
You say there is no mention they were stabbed or any mention who did it…
Two points:
1) The first line of the report says she was killed in a knife attack.
2) Any reporting of “who did it” would be against the law (according to sub-judice rules).
Not a Cake-Baker amongst the BBC’s line up……………
Marky….. HA HA HA! HA HA HA!
Leave Twitter?
I’m not sure how we would cope without great minds like Angela Raynor and David Jaffa Cake, but we’ll just have to manage, I suppose? It’ll be like the Blitz spirit all over again.
But leave Twitter?
Maybe Elon can make them a rocket and they can all sod off and leave the Solar System too?
I hear Andromeda is nice this time of year.
Farage made money before he became an MP. Yes, he had a proper job you mugs at da BBC.
In other news, Lucy Letby might be innocent after all, but the BBC aren’t covering it. CPS seem to be saying things might be a bit Pete Tongue with the evidence today. Pretty big news I’d have thought. Why no mention on da BBC?
Is it coz she is huwhite?
Yes, yes she could be guilty as sentenced (feed her to the lions if so) but everything seemed circumstantial and the rota thingy may have been misleading too (not the only nurse etc). Leaking sewerage above the ward etc.
The thing that looked ‘sus’ to me the most was the diary.
Call it a sixtth sense or whatever, but this case has never sat right with me.
David Keurten did some good videos on it
Not saying she’s innocent btw. Just….hmmmm?
Something not right about that Letby prosecution, not least “trial by statistics” which even the college of statisticians has complained about.
“The danger of convicting with statistics Courts have a bad history of using probability.
Sally Clark had two sons. Both died within weeks of birth, a year apart, apparently of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), sometimes called cot death. SIDS is — mercifully — rare; in England, at the time, it struck roughly one in 8,500 babies. That statistic led to Clark being prosecuted for double murder in 1998, despite there being little to no forensic evidence for her guilt.
A paediatrician, Roy Meadows, called as an expert witness for the prosecution, told the court that the probability of the two deaths happening by chance was one in 73 million: that is, 8,500 times 8,500.
As it happens, that’s not true. This calculation assumes that the deaths are entirely uncorrelated, but we know that SIDS can run in families and be affected by environmental conditions. If you have one case of SIDS in your household, while incredibly rare, you are more likely to have a second; the 73 million figure is orders of magnitude too high. But that wasn’t Meadows’s big mistake.
His big mistake was the following: he assumed that if the probability of the two deaths happening by chance was one in 73 million, then the probability that Sally Clark was innocent was one in 73 million as well.
But this is wrong. Crucially, catastrophically wrong. As wrong as assuming that because only one human in eight billion is the President of the United States, there’s only a one-in-eight-billion chance that the President of the United States is human.
Nonetheless, Meadows’s testimony helped convict Clark in 1999. She spent three years in jail before her conviction was overturned on appeal. Her life was, obviously, ruined. It will not surprise you to learn that she drank herself to death four years later, alone. It’s a haunting story.”
It is one of those where the more you look into it (the evidence in detail, not the BBC ‘documentaries’) the less convinced you are of the given verdict, that much seems true (for me anyway).
“Lucy Letby: another miscarriage of justice driven by courts’ failure to grasp statistics?
Leading experts have spoken to the Justice Gap about concerns over the safety of the conviction of Lucy Letby. Media restrictions pending a second trial of the former neonatal nurse prevented discussion of the case – although a 13,000-word investigation in the New Yorker challenged the statistical base of the prosecution and questioned whether any crime had been committed. Campaigners now talk to Jon Robins about why they are so convinced that Lucy Letby is the victim of a modern day ‘witch-hunt’ and how a failure to grasp how ‘clusters’ of patients’ deaths are a natural occurrence might (once again) have led to a miscarriage of justice.”
A decade before Letby’s conviction, a paediatric nurse called Lucia de Berk had been found guilty of seven murders and three attempted murders of children in her care at Juliana Children’s Hospital in The Hague in 2003. She was the Netherlands’ most prolific serial killer; until she became the country’s worst miscarriage of justice when she was exonerated in 2010.
British-born statistician Richard Gill, emeritus professor of mathematical statistics at the University of Leiden in the Netherlands, campaigned for de Berk’s conviction to be overturned. He wrote about the danger of other similar wrongful convictions for the Justice Gap a decade ago in 2014 in characteristically forthright style: ‘How to become a convicted serial killer (without killing anyone)’.
Thanks Zephir
I do wonder if she’s now become a political pawn?
You know, so the lefty types can say, “Ok, he killed 3 kids with a knife, but why didn’t you protest when Lucy Letby killed more kids?”
Interesting times ahead one would’ve thought? BBC will be pushing her ‘guilt’ as the narrative if there is some kind of retrial.
I would be stunned if they stayed impartial. If she was black, they’d be all over it like with that Begum bint.
Yes, they choose who they parade as “victims” carefully at the bbc, sick puppies that they are.
How do they sleep at night after spending all day lying to the public that they are unbiased and impartial ?
This was a setup. When someone is wrongly convicted it usually takes years to get the decision overturned. She had a trial by jury. They want to get rid of juries. The techno state wants AI to be the judge and executioner.
Maybe they should just get rid of statisticians ?
Odds are against it I think.
Three statisticians go out hunting together. After a while they spot a solitary rabbit. The first statistician takes aim and overshoots. The second aims and undershoots. The third shouts out “We got him!”
I searched for statisticians but didn’t find anything.
Lots more of these.
Something very, very, very wrong about the Letby thing. I would put money on the real culprits being high-ups in the medical mafia and Letby was a pawn to cover their arses.
““The danger of convicting with statistics Courts have a bad history of using probability.”
Let’s see how the court’s get on with “Climate Change”………
So, not so many days after the Labour Government new model army took over the reins and where are we?
The Tories have collapsed like a bad soufflé, Labour have fallen at every fence into the muddy water ditch and each day brings more embarrassing cock-ups that they try to cover up the disasters with nothing but bluster.
This all augurs well for Reform, the only party sticking to their guns, saying it like it is and telling the British public the truth.
It would be really refreshing to have a government again based on truth instead of warped dogma.
Nigel Farage? If you start to become hopeless as a result of current efforts by the Communists to kill off Britain once and for all, go over speeches given by NF in the EU Parliament…….. Always refreshing!
SATURDAY NEWS & Weather – #1 – a real hatchet job on Nigel Farage
The BBC are upset that Nigel Farage earns money from the BBC’s deadly rival GBNews and also writing for that right of centre, if not Far Right newspaper, the Daily Telegraph. Someone at the BBC has gone through the MPs Register of Interests with very fine comb and pencil & and paper (and maybe a pocket calculator, too) and totalled up Nigel Farage’s earnings to find that his earnings outside Parliament add up to £1 million.
I have a question for the BBC: what do you think Nigel Farage’s earnings would be if he had not stood for Election and remained a businessman and currency trader? Answer that one, BBC! And why are not Teresa May’s earnings are never totalled by you? Or Boris Johnson’s earnings? Or LIz Truss’s earnings?
BBC = hypocrites!
They really need to explain why Gary Lineker is screwing us out of over one and quarter million quid a year, for sitting on his @rse and waffling about football.
Oh…and while we’re at it, how many more paedo’s are we supporting via the licence fee?
Huw Edwards, Jimmy Savile, Rolf Harris, Stewart Hall, any number of ex Radio 1 disc jockeys. Christ, the place is crawling with them.
People in glass houses…
“Us”, “Us”, “Us”? No he’s not even partly screwing me: I don’t have a licence…………
“Liverpool on red alert for more riots today as Merseyside cops implement Section 60 order.
The “Section 60 Order and Section 34 Dispersal Order” which have been introduced today, Saturday 17 August, apply to anyone aged from 12 to 70.”
Thanks to the Home Offices preparatory legislation their ‘think tanks’ came up with years ago……………….
Long may the Home Offices plan to ‘dice & slice’ the public roll on.
But should I, being well over 70, complain? Lets wheel out the > 70’s to create havoc I say. Is that inflammatory and arrestable Fed?
The Western World led by Biden is calling for Israel to negotiate with Hamas.
Would you agree to negotiate with some vicious twats who broke into your house and stole your stuff and killed your children?
No! I say to Israel, wipe these evil none-humans off the face of the earth. They have very clearly demonstrated their inhuman vicious tendency and need to be totally removed from humanity.
Go Israel!
bbc world, to cheer everyone up …
That’s it, poot’ns finished now
Infowars with Robert Barnes
Has anyone raised the parallels between the Democrats Jan 6th injustice
And Starmer’s new injustice ?
It wouldn’t surprise me is Democrats are directly behind the Starmer blitzkrieg
On Jan 6th the Trump supporters killed no one
A small number got swept along into doing bad actions like pushing against cops or breaking a window. Most were law abiding.
In Starmer’s so called “riots”, A small number got swept along into doing bad actions like pushing against cops or breaking a window. Most were law abiding.
It was a good point someone made
Righties Facebook posts are counted as incendiary and a jailing offence
But lefty/ Muslim Facebook posts that actually INCITED hundreds of people to turn up on the streets ARMED with sticks and swords.. are counted as OK
Rightwing people say .. “if you do bad action, you are a baddie”
Whereas libmob are now saying “If you are not in our gang, you are a baddie”
“Step Down Now” is trending due to someone creating a Change.org petition
#1 The petition is only growing slowly
#2 Isn’t Change.org a lefty con site ?
I thought they used their cash to donate to left causes,
Don’t guard against people using multiple email accounts to vote twice (The government petitions site is limited to UK nationals and guards against multiple votes)
And it harvests your data.
Sounds… familiar.
I clarify it’s “Step down now Starmer”
In the same mode new righty Twitter accounts with female photo in the bio pop up
.. I assume it’s double trickery from the 77th Brigade.