Let’s have a 2 Tier BBC – one where you don’t pay the TV licence and another one where you don’t pay the TV licence . Will TTK – two tier kier stick – or will it pass as events come along – such as a big war in Iran or a big big war in Russia – even have two tier wars now ….
Weekend 17th August 2024
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This is horrible subject matter but is a good example of the backward morality exhibited by those who fling
“far ight” mud.
In this X- post people are expressing their shock and horror at the mild 12-month sentence delivered to a paedophile. One woman types “The UK has fallen.”
This is the headline from The Sunderland Echo:
“Civil servant caught with sickening child abuse images featuring children as young as six months”
The man’s name is Aimen Touati.
And the far left shite are the ones complaining about X being so “nasty” ?
Or is it really because they can’t get people cancelled like they used to ?
At least it exposes the vast numbers of sicko’s in the World. And we easily jest over the increasing numbers of, “……mental health issues” out there?
Not BBC but may be of interest to readers.
This from the Newsquest media group.
Three white police officers from Thames Valley Police have won a discrimination claim after an employment judge ruled they were passed over for promotion because of their race.
………..Superintendent Emma Baillie made the decision to move Sergeant Sidhu into the role without undertaking any competitive process or advertising the vacancy to staff……..She then tried to retrospectively justify the decision by saying the appointment came under a BAME Progression Programme which clearly did not exist at the time…..
End quote
Perhaps two tier Kier would care to comment on this out and out racism.
Nope. Thought not.
I bet Emma is now a chief superintendent and sergeant sidhu is now inspector sidhu …. The whitee cops will be done for ..
“Twat Valley Police”? I’d prefer that comedians label………….
“Reeves buries report revealing ‘devastating’ impact on pensioners of winter fuel axe.
Government is refusing to publish assessment of winter fuel payment cut.”
She’ll only kill a few hundred – worth it to pay the medical and train mafia …. Right Rachel.. ?
It was on the grounds of diminished responsibility.
Notwithstanding I wonder if there needs to be a review of the sentencing for social media posts because there is evidence that ‘good’ people were warned and given time to delete posts, not least an MP.
I understand that a Scot’s nazi SNP MSP is on the naughty step for a tweeet about Gaza – presumably his front door will get the customary re shaping together with the now compulsory hand cuffs used to ‘protect everyone ‘ and in no way intimidate people who are innocent until proven guilty ….
I heard a prison officer union bloke rolling of ‘operation ‘ names to do with full prisons – he didn’t mention ‘operation TTK ‘ which releases approved prisoners such as Muslim terrorists so favoured by the BBC …
“Reform UK candidate attacks ‘two-tier’ policing after alleged death threat.
LABOUR has been accused of presiding over a “two-tier” policing system by a former Reform UK candidate who was the target of an alleged death threat during the Rochdale by-election.
Simon Danczuk was described in a video message as a “white devil” by a man who said that if he saw the candidate he would “put one in his head”.
Greater Manchester Police launched an investigation and a man was arrested in February but Mr Danczuk – who represented Rochdale for Labour from 2010 to 2017 – is alarmed there has not yet been a prosecution.
Mr Danczuk said: “This must be the easiest crime to solve in the history of policing, yet we’ve seen no prosecution of the perpetrator.”
He said that if the “tables were reversed” and he had made a similar threat “not only would I have been prosecuted by now, but I’d also be in prison”.
Turning his gaze on Mayor of Greater Manchester Andy Burnham, he said: “Why does the Labour Mayor of Greater Manchester, and his Labour deputy for policing, accept this two-tier policing approach?”
During the campaign, which was won by George Galloway of the Workers Party of Britain, Reform UK provided Mr Danczuk with bodyguards and he slept in a separate location to his wife, Coco.
The former candidate described the alleged intimidation as a “direct threat to our democracy during a crucial election” and claimed
Mr Burnham had “done nothing to ensure his police force has taken action”.
He said: “It tells you all you need to know about policing under two-tier Keir.”
Far-right spreads false claims about Muslim attacks in Bangladesh
The comments are as factual as they are pertinent
One for BBC Verify?
The reason the camera was focussed on that building was because the IDF gave a warning that it would be demolished – allowing people to evacuate.
Then Pallywood arranged for the father a child to be ‘passers by’ to add some drama
Utterly fake
GP’s at “breaking point” say they must cap appointments say doctors….But will it harm the patients? asks the BBC….
A stupid question that contains its own answer.
“Will it harm the Government” would be more relevant and that would have been the headline a few weeks back before this Labour Government came in.
No need for me to explain further.
On the BBC News this morning the Home Secretary has assured her friends in the Far-Left, pro-Immigrant, Muslim, anti-Israeli, Trade Union and Environmental movements that the new proposals to crack down on violent demonstrations of course won’t apply to them and they can carry on their disruptions as usual. Under Sir Keir’s Two-Tier arrangements they will apply fairly to all other groups.
Nice to see the British foreign secretary took off his little
-🇬🇧🇮🇱 badge when meeting the Palestinians – maybe he should have put on a Hamas badge ….i bet a Muslim spad ‘reminded ‘ him ….
On the upside – at least British overseas ‘influence ‘ is further diminished so that Britain can stop pretending to be a great country – which it no longer is …
Watch: Police chase zombie knife suspects in Bristol – so runs our national broadcaster’s exciting headline to one of their Must Watch online news clips.
I say news but in reality this pure PR
One’s mind wanders back to the Blair years and one recollects extensive TV and radio campaigns advertising careers in nursing and in teaching. At a moment of profound revelation and political awakening it suddenly occurred to this old cynic that these were the kind of vocational jobs not persued on a whim or the incidental noticing of an advert.
And should one aspire to teaching or nursing then the point of contact for application or the route of qualification as advertised was hardly obscure or in need of clarification. No. The point of spending considerable public funds on these adverts was simply to reassure the general (voting) public that Blair’s government was busily enaged on our behalf in recruiting more nurses and teachers. Pro-government propaganda subsidised under the label of the recruitment advertising budgets. Genius. But we digress.
Back to what’s known in the cop trade as a ‘ride along’ for west of England BBC correspondent, Dan Johnson.
His chance to spend: time with a team in Bristol who are trying to get knives off the streets.
Exciting stuff… George Carter and Jack Regan…? More like Rachael Raygun… (there’s one for the Olympic breakdance fans) because we’ve got some schoolmistressie plonk female cop to focus on – glasses, hair in bun, thin-blue-line black defaced union flag gang badge on the stab vest…
In July 2023 the Metropolitan Police Service banned its Officers from wearing Thin Blue Line badges on their uniform, starting at the policing of London Pride, as apparently it was feared members of the Trans community may take offence. (Met Police)
“Hop out the car luv” – this was missy who takes centre stage after her two male colleagues have run forward toward the suspect vehicle brandishing batons to secure the car they’ve cornered in a cul-de-sac
It’s full of teenagers… and some huge knives – and thank heavens for this: “Get your hands out now!” orders one of the male cops while another smashes the driver’s door window in a bit of shock and awe tactics – phew, no resistance and the teenagers’ cuffed wrists are snowy white…
You won’t have much of a suntan if you’ve only just graduated from years of virtual Grand Theft Auto in your bedroom to your first taste of the real thing.
Matronly schoolmistress cop (WPC Annie Cartwright played by the demurely alluring Liz White she ain’t – more like Noreen Kershaw as WPC Phyllis Dobbs who ‘manned’ the front desk in Life on Mars) she does the show and tell for the BBC: “That’s come from inside the vehicle” as she begins to resheaf the blade but we cut away (all puns intended)
I’m oddly reminded of: Moment Secret Service agent struggles to holster her weapon in chaotic scenes after Trump shooting – as questions grow over ex-President’s security with Republicans claiming they made ‘repeated requests for stronger protection’… She made a couple of attempts to place the weapon back into the gun holster before giving up and deciding to keep a hold of it in her hand (Daily Mail)
Four boys and a girl, all aged 16-18 are detained – thankfully not members of Bristol’s Afro-Caribbean or Somali ‘communities’ – so there’s a fair chance a career as photomodels as handcuffed wrong’uns with Getty Images might beckon.
Knife crime has been on the rise in the city with a number of youths killed or sent to prison
Our Dan Johnson assumes a gruff no nonsense tone and accent with a miscreant: “Why are you driving around with a knife like that? You’re carrying it, why?”
“Don’t know. Don’t know mate. So I’m not the odd one out maybe… I’m into knives innit…”
David Starkey claims ‘the whites have become black’ Historian provokes storm of criticism after remarks during a televised discussion about the riots on BBC2’s Newsnight… Starkey spoke of “a profound cultural change”… Gesturing towards one of the other guests, Owen Jones, who wrote Chavs: the Demonisation of the Working Classes, Starkey said: “What has happened is that a substantial section of the chavs that you wrote about have become black.” (Guardian,This article is more than 13 years old)
Further comment would seem superfluous. And possibly illegal, eh, 2TK?
AISI, when I was a pre-60-something looking for a job, I considered becoming a nursing auxiliary. Knowing of the need for extra pairs of hands in hospitals (there was one ‘in my town’ so to speak and another in the nearest city). I had spent a fair bit of time in hospitals thanks to ‘the aged Ps’, in Wodehouse speak, and so I looked for info on the interwebby. Zilch. Nada. Nothing. And this was in the Blair era …..
The ‘Office of Funny Surnames’ doesn’t surprise me anymore. You will not be disappointed. If you receive the Met Offices 7 day forecast (for what its worth) check out the surnames of the visual presenter. Now a, “Bokota” ??? Where’d that come from?
Just imagine, you arrive for an interview with the Met Office for a job as a Junior. You are a, ‘Brown’, ‘Williams’ or a ‘Smith’ etc. You’ve not got a ‘cat in hell’s chance’ of employment. You will know the outcome of that interview if you can establish the names of others on the list……………. All handpicked according to their surnames?
Wow ! What a selection process. Surely a refinement on one based upon sex, or one based on racism?
Made to commute and work in an office for 5 days a week with no diversity courses ?
“Scottish civil servant ‘was tortured by Chinese state police on a metal tiger chair and left on a cold cell floor that smelled of death'”
Remind you of anywhere ?
“In an exclusive interview to mark five years since his release from prison, Mr Cheng, 33, tells of the physical and psychological torment he suffered at the hands of the authoritarian regime.”
“There was such hostility. They looked at me like I was an animal,’ he told The Mail on Sunday.”
“‘Did you join a protest and was it legal?’ ”
“I didn’t do any illegal activities and why are you treating me like this?'”
“Early the next morning, any hope of being freed was dashed as he was bundled into a police van and taken to another holding place. Upon arrival he was faced with people he believed were ordinary Chinese officers who were aggressive and looking to charge him. ”
“They told him that if he didn’t cooperate and confess, they would return him to the plain clothes officers and he could face more serious charges.”
“If he did not cooperate in detention that could be extended for two years for ‘education’ – a reference to Chinese encampments, where the UN believes more than one million people are held, tortured and indoctrinated about the Chinese regime.
‘So I confessed,’ he said, ‘under duress.’
Next, he was handcuffed and shackled and driven to a detention centre, where he would spend 14 days in solitary confinement.”
“Coming to a town or city …………….soon” Very soon.
Steady on G, or you will end up needing a new front door…..
Despite the majority of the UK agreeing with your sentiments, but democracy is dead.
As the Japanese are wont to say:
“It is the empty vessel that makes the loudest sound”
Yes, I’ll check my household policy just in case………….
“Extreme misogyny will be classed as terrorism under Yvette Cooper’s plan to fight young men’s radicalisation”
FFS, misandry ? Nope, no way, Jo Brand and Loose Women can breath easy and carry on….
“The way to a man’s heart is through his hanky pocket with a breadknife.”
“And they are very very easy to hate. I am kind of thinking, why bother with a milkshake, when you could get some battery acid? “
“‘It has to be about prosecuting and preventing, but we have to start when our children are younger to make sure they have healthy attitudes towards women, else we risk a generation of misogynists.'”
She said there was a ‘rising tide of misogyny which then tips over into attitudes later in life’ – leading to violence against women and sexual abuse.
But the Home Office has previously been criticised in a previous review of Prevent.
Earlier this year, the independent reviewer of Prevent said the anti-extremism scheme was failing to identify people sympathising with Islamist terror in the wake of the October 7 attack.
Sir William Shawcross said that the scheme continued to have a bias towards tackling the rise in Right-wing terrorists.
He added that members of the ‘underlying Hamas support network’ within the UK were responsible for promoting the mass pro-Palestinian marches which have taken to the streets in recent months.
In a bombshell report published last year, Sir William found that Prevent repeatedly ‘failed’ to identify attackers.
Sir William told The Telegraph at the time: ‘The Government is failing to implement my recommendations properly and the British people are therefore in more danger from extremists and terrorists,
‘Some of the things I’ve recommended that have not been carried out do represent such an increased threat because October 7 has changed everything.
In a separate interview with the BBC, he said: ‘There are unfortunately quite a lot of Hamas sympathisers and some operatives in this country.
‘Prevent and the police should have been working much harder against those Hamas people in this country.'”
“‘It has to be about prosecuting and preventing, but we have to start when our children are younger to make sure they have healthy attitudes towards women, else we risk a generation of misogynists.’”
We’ll just import the ‘unhealthy’ instead…………
Anyone surprised ?
“Train pusher who tried to murder a man by pushing him onto the tracks was a sex crime migrant already facing deportation.
According to The Sun, the Home Office tried to deport him but he lodged an appeal with the immigration tribunal – which was ongoing at the time of the attack.
Shorsh had 12 convictions for 21 offences including assault, anti-social behaviour and outraging public decency. The Home Office declined to comment to The Sun.
Video footage shows Mr Potoczek, a postman who was on his way home from work, walking along the platform when Shorsh lurched up from a bench and shoved him.
The postman narrowly missed touching the live rail on the southbound Victoria Line and he was helped back up to the platform by a kind passenger.
But the driver of an oncoming train told Inner London Crown Court in July: ‘If he had been on the track a few seconds later, he would have been killed.'”
“Shorsh had 12 convictions for 21 offences including assault, anti-social behaviour and outraging public decency. The Home Office declined to comment to The Sun.” But added:
‘But, as we speak, we’re concocting legislation to deal with that very same issue’.
Just imagine…………..what it is like to do everyday tasks, ablutions, job, drive car, sleep, social intercourse, everything, if all the Home Offices’ ‘laws’ were suddenly transformed into a physical Straight Jacket. What’s that I hear you say, “Don’t encourage them”?
The prevent bloke seems not to realise a fair sized lump of diverse plod will be hamas supporters… or at least paying homage to islam – eg the Met commissioner… so his prevent thing is going to go for easy targets like 15 year old english boys cheesed off with their country being destroyed
And they wonder why this happens:
“Police braced for trouble as anti-immigration and counter protests set to take place in Bournemouth today with rioting feared.
The Liberal Democrat leader of Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole Council said the town was a ‘welcoming sanctuary’.
‘We are immensely proud of the diverse and vibrant communities that help make Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole such a special place and we are deeply committed to making sure that BCP remains a welcoming sanctuary for all those who call our three towns home.'”
Vibrant ?
Sex criminal with 12 convictions from 21 offences and still allowed to appeal against deportation.
That’s bloody vibrant.
Must have a f@cking vibrant lawyer as well .
TTK in action !!
‘Announcing Ms Harris’s appointment as his immigration czar, Mr Biden ‘
The BBC et al just love Kamalla Harris…I don’t think I’ve barely heard a critical word or a bad word said about her…and definitely no disapproving tone, mocking or sneering unlike with Trump.
The BBC is clearly on-board the Kamalla Kamel-train and is doing what it can to support and promote her campaign.
Trump criticises her for failing to stop the illegal migrants…given her job as ‘Border Tsar’….the BBC though questions if that was even her job or title….
‘Trump attacks Harris over US border policing – was it her job?’
Hmmmm…yes it was.
The BBC explains…
‘But “border tsar” is a contested term. [lol]
In early 2021, President Biden gave Ms Harris the unenviable brief of dealing with the “root causes” of Central American immigration.
While the ultimate aim of the Harris role was to reduce the numbers of people arriving at the US border, Mr Biden never used the words “border tsar” in announcing her appointment.’
Oh..hang on….he didn’t call her a ‘border tsar’ but her job was to stop the flow of migrants…in other words she was there to control the border and who came across it…a ‘border tsar’ surely?
This is the BBC playing with words and gaslighting us…it’s a lie that she wasn’t in control of the border….
oh yeah….and if she wasn’t a ‘border tsar’ why did the BBC so describe her?…….
‘Announcing Ms Harris’s appointment as his immigration czar, Mr Biden …’
Her job…..according to Biden himself….
‘…stemming the migration to our southern border”.
This is typical BBC….blatantly lying on behalf of their preferred Presidential candidate…they did it with Clinton forgetting to tell us that she too had voted for ‘a wall’ and to control illegal immigration…and that she toured the world telling us that her election had been ‘stolen’…Trump was a racist for wanting a ‘wall’ and he was a threat to democracy for claiming his election was ‘stolen’ but not Clinton…..this is the BBC, a foreign national broadcasting organisation interfering in a US election…and yet the same BBC will shout and scream about Russian interference. And the BBC is continuing to try and corrupt the election process in the US with its lies.
Watch this video for some truth…and listen to Harris saying undocumented [illegal] immigrants are not criminals…listen to the laugh…slightly disturbing….essentially she will keep the border open.
Is it not frustrating in the extreme to watch them get away with these blatant lies ?
Thank goodness for this site, to vent that frustration and exchange comments with like minded, thoughtful, educated and erudite people.
Toady on Sunday and a superb example of the BBC’s ability to refuse to join the dots.
First up. In Iraq they want to allow marriage for girls from the age of NINE. This is because the prophet of a certain favourite BBC religion did this so why shouldn’t they. The issue is covered in that unbiased way the BBC sometimes uses, in the style of trying hard not to tread on eggshells. Words beginning with I or M were used about once despite this being of course the core issue.j
Next up, Islamophobia ( undefined BTW) may be included in TTK’s upcoming ‘Extremism’ Bill.
So it will become ‘Extremist’ to say hurty words which oppose the legalisation of marriage to children aged 9 !!!!!!!
Somehow the BBC just could not link these two pieces of news. I simply cannot think why.
Huw know why….
If you joined the dots you might come to the conclusion the BBC doesn’t give a damn about children….
Savile allowed to run rampant for years, the BBC’s promotion and celebration of trans ‘conversion therapy’ for kids, the celebration and promotion of a religion that says 9 year olds are fair game…and of course its looking away as thousands of young white girls were raped and abused….and never mind Huw know what.
The BBC is dangerous.
Guido points out the obvious…the envy, the hatred of Farage, GB News and their politics….all wrapped up in the reaction to his pay packet…
‘GB News bosses must think Nigel Farage is worth every penny of the reported million quid they pay him, his box office appeal enabled them to beat Talk TV into the ground and off the air – despite Piers Morgan’s braggodicous bravado. Nigel keeps the upstart channel competitive. Given no TV licence fee taxpayers’ money is being squandered, what’s the problem? Nigel is being paid a market rate for his talent.
Could it be that rival media personalities are despairingly comparing their pay? The bland auto-cuties on a mere quarter or a third of a million quid must be livid. We love to see it!’
This the BBC that pays Lineker £1.35 million of licence payers money and allows him to spout his leftwing bollocks. The BBC that is outraged and anguished about revealing it’s stars’ pay….and yet chomping at the bit to reveal to the world Farage’s pay and make it headline news, one of the top stories in the world no less, for some reason that is beyond me.
Oh the irony of the IRA fighting for an Irish Ireland free of British colonisers and then the Irish government hands over the country to colonisers from the third world….not to mention the EU…
And the report on the Chaplain being stabbed is pretty well buried and hasn’t been updated with any inconvenient facts such as the identity of the stabber or his motivation…
Pug – Eire may be a dry run for Blighty – as we have seen through their addiction to terrorism – once they have their ‘enemy ‘ out pops the rebel songs …
But to complicate matters I think metro Eire is even more woke than the UK – so there will be a split in opposition to their invasion between the nationalists ( far right ?) and the woke lefties …
I think it will get bloody there before here ….
Had he been an Iman…………….
Pixie ( Mrs balls – cooper balls ) – has decided to do something .. she’s gonna have mysogeny treated as ‘terrorism ‘…
Im confused about this – is the man hating thing ‘ misandry’…
Presumably this is all another attack on free speech …
It joins the other restrictions inspired by grieving parents whose teenagers committed suicide because they spent too much time looking at words on computer screens … who have added to restrictions on free speech because of their individual experience …
The starmer new model army of counter terrorist plod will have another excuse for knocking in front doors at 5am …..complete with camera crew and pixie doing her serious face ….
The drafting of ‘extreme mysogeny ‘ is going to be similar to the all embracing s5A public order act … which makes just about any comment the vehicle to knock doors in . Welcome to the UKSR..
Redefining words is a central tactic of Alinsky and Stalinists
It’s becoming apparent that when they talk of ‘terrorism’ they really mean things which terrify them and their masters, such as the natives pushing back against their globalist agenda of mass immigration, global warming fantasies, Forever Wars, control of the food supply and so on.
But, for a moment, let’s play the game and pretend that Pixie is genuine. She is talking about ‘extreme misogyny’. Naturally and intentionally there are no examples, so the net can be cast wide and cover practically anything (criticising a woman driver? Off to jail you fascist!). So at what point does ‘extreme misogyny’ become terrorism? Here’s an example for her to ponder:
“Where a group of men, defined by a common characteristic such as ideology, religious belief, ethnicity or nationality, conspire to and perform acts of organised sexual violence against girls and women, including grooming, rape, and forced prostitution.”
On that reasonable and coherent definition we clearly have a large number of terrorists, in towns such as Rotherham, Rochdale, Telford, Oxford and many others. So will action be taken against them? No, thought not. Two-tier policing, justice and legislation in Britain, remember.
Ian – is that what she is thinking ? Or is it extreme pornography ?or social site where men describe what they would like to do to a particular woman or women ? – on this I only understand such sites exist – I’ve never seen one – nor do I wish to …
.. but what about ‘hatred ‘ ( dislike ) of a particular individual – who happens to be a women ?
For instance – does an expressed far left hatred of Margaret thatcher – a requirement of all red women MPs – amount to terrorist mysogeny ….
Will mysogeny charges have to heard by a female bench / judge / jury ?
We know – as evidenced by the mechanical adherence to the far left orders of starmer – that the courts are now extensions of the Labour Party . Has any judge imposed a ‘reasonable ‘ sentence ? Did any one judge dissent from locking up face book posters for ranting …?
Perhaps ‘ranting ‘ will be the next terrorist crime …? I’d better be careful then … but this post isn’t a ‘rant ‘ in my view because it is more of an observation of far left madness than an angry rant …
The establishment screw us by focusing on Secondary problems instead of the primary ones
eg they do little to combat Islam backed crimes like grooming raping gangs and stabbings.
But focus on people like Tommy instead
There wouldn’t be a Tommy if the establishment did their job properly in the first place.
This point was made in a speech by Douglas Murray 4 years ago, and repeated by Connor in the 47 minute video I posted yesterday “This is not justice, it’s vengeance”.
Not on the BBC of course.
Wonder how many crimes have been committed by those loveable rogues who came here to rebuild Britain….pretty much a daily occurrence…and usually fairly horrific crimes…and that’s just the ones we hear about….never mind the drug gangs, pickpockets, vehicle theft etc that goes under the radar.
Sky wins the MSM Internet on Twitter today.
‘They’ve just killed innocent people’: Anger in Lebanon after Israeli strike – as teddy bears and children’s shoes among rubble
Alex Crawford got a crème brûlée torch in her go bag?
Is it a teddy bear planted at other disasters – should we ‘drop the dead donkey ‘..?
Keep going IDF – more is better ….
‘Germany to halt new Ukraine military aid: Report ‘
Germany has reduced even more its spending commitment to Ukraine as it says no new funds will be approved….BBC not reporting it yet. Germany is the second biggest donor after the US but oddly there is no comment about how ‘dangerous’ such moves might be…no allusions of ‘playing into Putin’s hands’….nor indeed any ‘controversy’ as commentators come on and talk of Ukraine and Russia negotiating a deal…always going to be in Russia’s interest given they won’t depart from the Donbas…or Crimea.
Of course when Trump or JD Vance says similar it’s the end of the world….Trump is selling us out to Putin…just as, ironically, he was ‘destroying Nato’ when he demanded countries coughed up their membership dues in order to properly fund Nato.
The BBC ‘Never-Trumping’…
‘Trump has suggested he might push for a deal, which Ukraine and its allies fear may serve Russia’s interests more than their own. The selection of JD Vance as Trump’s running mate heightened concerns about the future of America’s commitment since Mr Vance has advocated for reducing spending on Ukraine, shifting America’s focus away from Europe, and focusing on confronting China.’
Someone called Bobby jenrick is a dead party MP . He wants to be the leader of the dead party – previously known as blue labour , Tory , Conservative party .
Bobby has put out 10 point for the ‘new dead party ‘ such as ‘controlling the borders – controlling immigration ‘.
What I ask though – is how can anyone who has been a member of a failed regime have the chin to still think they have any political life at all – the blues are dead – and should be cremated to prevent any exhumation …
Vote Reform …
The BBC has a long history of abuse of power and cover-ups.
De Fund. Stop paying the Licence Tax.
ITS SO EASY – just tell them you don’t watch live TV anymore they then leave you alone for a year. They then write and make threats at which point you tell them you still do not watch live TV, and so goes on.
Yes please stop paying for it – how can you ? Really still pay ? You are basically giving it to a branch of Hamas – if you listen to bbc news …
Ll,Two articles on The Guardian home page.
Did no one at The Guardian pick up on the obvious contradiction?
Nope…. It was Brexit what done it! (Story A). Hooray! (Story B).
Reality…. Too many highly paid part time lecturers, diversity managers etc.etc, etc, (Story A)…..Lower the bar and get more cash cows (Story B)!
Can’t have it both ways chaps!
or rather we go back to the golden age when we had fewer, but higher quality, universities that weren’t just money making enterprises….though suppose it is cheaper than keeping the youth in prison…keeps them off the streets and out of trouble for a few years.
It is now a scam for foreign investment to build studio apartment blocks owned by Saudi.
Bibi is no fool.
I mean – really – what head of state / PM wouid want to meet Lammy … I wonder if the reds will play it down …. ?
Keep going IDF
Perhaps Lammy would try to arrest Bibi himself. Grab his arms and ty to drag him to the plane.
I also hope he is not recognised or welcome in America for the abusive, inflammatory and slanderous comments he made in public whilst an MP about President Donald Trump:
“One of the people who finds himself in this tricky place is our new Foreign Secretary, David Lammy. Lammy is not a man of knowledge. Who can forget the edition of Celebrity Mastermind some years ago in which he suggested that Marie Antoinette had won the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1903 for her work on radiation. And – more worryingly – when asked which monarch succeeded Henry VIII to the throne replied ‘Henry VII’. Lammy may be one of the only men on Earth who could benefit from listening to one of Kamala Harris’s disquisitions on the nature of time and the direction in which it flows.
Still, a lack of knowledge can be compensated for. What is harder to make up for is a lack of judgment. But Lammy has a deficit there too.
During Trump’s first year in office Lammy called him ‘a racist KKK and Nazi sympathiser’. A year later, in 2018, the then president of the United States made a visit to the UK. Ordinarily the visit of the leader of your most important ally should be a time for celebration. Any criticisms levelled ought to be diplomatic and judicious. Lammy’s were not. In Time magazine he called President Trump ‘a woman-hating, neo-Nazi-sympathising sociopath’. He added that Trump represented ‘a profound threat to the international order’. He also called him a ‘tyrant in a toupee’ and boasted that he would be among the protestors turning out in London to oppose his visit.
And thus the whirligig of time brings in his revenges. For of course David Lammy is no longer a street protestor but the British Foreign Secretary. And Donald Trump is the favourite to win the US Presidential elections in November.
No man knows the future, of course. But a wise person should be able to prepare for it. Did Lammy know that he might someday be in cabinet? I should have thought so. There was very little point in hanging around in British politics through the Miliband years, the Corbyn years and then the Starmer years simply because you wanted to exercise influence from the backbenches. Did Lammy not expect to be promoted? Or did he think he shouldn’t have been? Or did he think he would inevitably find himself in cabinet one day, but that he would always be blessed with US counterparts who agreed with him that the former president – and by extension those who worked for him and voted for him – were Nazis and KKK supporters?
Even the tone of Lammy’s tweets and statements against Trump was more that of a millennial troll than a statesman-in-waiting. In 2019, responding to Trump’s complaint that he had been ‘treated so badly’ in office (thanks to the multiple attempts to indict and impeach him), Lammy replied: ‘Four US presidents have been assassinated snowflake.’
Last Saturday only a few millimetres of wind-change stopped that number becoming five. Or three in Lammy maths. And the language of ‘suck it up snowflake’ seems even more inappropriate this week than it did five years ago. Is it wise to taunt others about attacks on their life and freedom? Does it seem judicious, for the sake of ‘owning’ a political opponent, to tweet in such a way and leave such a hostage to fortune for your own future?
I should say not. But Lammy’s lack of judgment is not just a matter of record. It is likely to prove a serious problem at some stage. After all, Trump is not Joe Biden. Trump is rather world-class in remembering things. Especially negative things that people have said about him.
If the polls are right and he does indeed come back into office while Lammy is Foreign Secretary I can predict how it might go. Lammy may hope that Trump did not notice and does not care what somebody might have said about him. Yet while Trump does have the capacity to forgive, this tends only to come after a round of humiliating apologies. And it will be here that Lammy will find himself in a political corner – as so many of Trump’s opponents have done.”
Zephir – Lammy must have something on Starmer to have got the real FCO gig – but I suppose the WeF wanted a coloured one so Lammy was the one – even with his mouth ….
Should president trump win I don’t know that trump would want to meet Lammy – I mean – what is he ? What has he done ? Nothing …
But academic though as Harris might as well measure the White House curtains ….
World at one
The naughtie production company presenting ….
Just more and more and more of a democrat love in – -only democrat types being interviewed – no balance – disgraceful …
‘Misogyny to be treated as extremism by UK government ‘
RIP Les Dawson and the Mother-in-law joke….
Not saying she’s a big woman but she hung her drawers up to dry and we lost an hours daylight.
Thanks v much – a sketch about violence against women – banned – vile abuse amounting to an offence under the malicious communication act …
I refer the Honourable Gentleman to my previous post above, about Fatso Brand and her oft repeated comment celebrating stabbing men with a bread knife and attacking Nigel Farage wirth battery acid.
Oh dear , I remember posting here a scenario where Anna Soubry and Emily Maitless would fight with knitting needles unto death . But I did have a good reason to do that .
I hate them .
Another one off to B and Q for a new front door if you make bail 🙂
Remand in custody – trial in 2026 – you understand – the courts are a bit busy with face book fiends …
Excellent news – the Prison officers are moaning about their prisons being full up ( with TTK victims )( two tier keir )… come on prison officers – what a great time to strike …. After all – every one else is getting their demands – power workers and HGV drivers ? Where are you – you deserve a pay rise too …
We are rapidly approaching a repeat of the “There’s no money left” moment in a Labour Government….
Maybe the next new crime will be ‘ insulting a government body ‘ – this will include the NHS BBC and any public body – councils – plod – civil service – teachers – social workers –
Absolute offence – no defence – 6 months starting sentence – usually 12 months then on a ‘dissenter register ‘ for life … good TTK stuff
And add to the ‘terrorist ‘ list too ..
@F2 too late, already done under the Torys in 2020:
” NHS staff can refuse to treat racist or sexist patients under new rules.
The NHS will soon bar discriminatory patients from non-critical care – powers that currently only cover aggression or violence.
These protections will extend to any harassment, bullying or discrimination, including homophobic, sexist or racist remarks.
Mr Hancock outlined a new joint agreement with police and the Crown Prosecution Service which will give police more powers to investigate and prosecute cases where NHS staff are the victim of a crime.
“All assault and hate crimes against NHS staff must be investigated with care, compassion, diligence and commitment,” he said.”
Zephir – thank you – maybe an offence of failing to give a public sector a 20% discount …
Failing to clap …
“”Patients may be found guilty of discrimination if they refuse the care of a transgender medicc_, according to new NHS guidance. Health bosses have been warned that patients have no right to be told a healthcare worker’s assigned sex at birth.9 Jun 2023”
Time to dig up the Carry On team and prosecute, like they did with Oliver Cromwell.
“Following the Restoration of the monarchy in 1660, the Death Warrant was used to identify the commissioners who had signed it (the ‘regicides’) and prosecute them for treason. Even the signatories, who had died, including Cromwell, were dug up and their bodies hanged.”
The NHS refused to give a close relative a heart transplant because he refused to take the jabberoo. When the next plandemic hits we won’t be allowed anywhere near a hospital so you can expect them to update the rules to exclude millions of us. Somehow those people who want to criminalise thought believe shortening peoples’ lives by denying them access to critical health services for which they have paid is perfectly moral. I think we know what deluded imbeciles we are dealing with here.
GPs at ‘breaking point’ say they must cap appointments – but could it harm patients?
Another good example of the gross BBC agenda-based double-standards.
If it were an article about hot days, they would 100% focus on climate change.
And for this article, they should focus on why there are so many more people requesting doctors appointments. But that road leads to talking about the negative effects of mass immigration. So they ignore it completely.
As they ignore how so many immigrants treat the NHS as something free which should be used as often as possible to get maximum advantage. Another culture difference from their shitholes because they had to pay for it there.
But of course this kind of information suppression is now the norm. They know for sure nobody dare speak the truth because they will get labelled as a racist and politically persecuted like the BBC are persecuting Farage and Tommy Robinson.
I wonder how we could get more pensioners to apply for ‘pensioner credit ‘? Something like 700 000 are not claiming it so will lose out on the winter fuel payments … come on Age UK – get on the case …
Yes, this is a big problem, but I wouldn’t hold your breath:
” Age UK found guilty of age discrimination:
Charity ordered to pay over £4,300 to 58-year-old candidate who suffered age-related harassment after he applied for a design job ”
“Gary Glitter, 80, could die in prison after paedophile fails to pay compensation to one of his victims”
“Huw Edwards sexually assaulted me in the Ivy: Man reveals how paedo BBC presenter sent sordid messages before attacking him in toilet of private members club.
Before details of his vile crimes emerged, leading to his dramatic fall from grace, Edwards, 62, met up with a man behind his wife’s back – and aggressively groped his penis while he went to the toilet during a lunch date.
Father-of-five Huw befriended the man on Instagram – and before their second lunch date text him: ‘You are getting assaulted later… ‘I’m so f****** horny it’s indecent.’”
I don’t know how others view this but to me it looks uncomfortably close to libellous…
“Inciting rioters” in Britain was a test run for Elon Musk. Just see what he plans for America.
Using your position in the press to indulge in what feels like a vendetta is not journalism, it’s activism.
Wryly, this article is on the “commentisfree” section of the Guardian website!
Yes, who holds these lying far left shits to account ?
How to cancel TV Licence legally as households reduce £169 bill to £0
Blowing raspberries and poking your tongue out next then?
This is dystopian, I hope there are mass appeals for these ridiculous, politically motivated sentences and the judiciary held to account.
2TK must have been in contact with his previous colleagues at the CPS, there should be an investigation to check political interference with the justice system.
Jon Sopel
On x Sopel tweets ther Farage earnt £32000 on a trip to the US. Sopel calculated that `£4000 was on the air fare but wonders what the other £28000 was for ?
The comments were about Sopel best mate the bbc sex offender …
Do people like Sopel have no shame about defending sex offenders ?
Where’s Sopel?
Far left snoughts in the trough part 2 (funny how these unions get massive pay rises all of a sudden…)
“Lisa Nandy faces ‘backlash’ after union paid £1.5k for hotel stay 22 miles from her seat.
Ms Nandy, the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport, is well known for lambasting the Tories over issues of poverty and the cost of living crisis.”
Any Questions and Any Answers – Saturday
For the first time in a very long time, I listened to both R4 Programmes on Saturday. AQs came from the Hall of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in the City of London and was mercifully free of the ‘clapping seals’ that forced me to abandon listening during the previous Party’s time in office. Most panellist’s answers were treated to respectful applause from the audience, which you would sort of expect from, maybe, a high proportion of CAs/FCAs in the hall.
Anita Anand did her best Jonny Dymond Impression during AAs. AQs & AAs used to take a summer break back in the ‘good old days’ but apparently that is no longer the case. Anita is off on her hols so I do not know who will ‘caretake’ in her absence. Might be Nick Robinson of TOADY fame or Ed Stourton of TWotWee/Sunday programme fame.
Some say that this in an ‘act’ – underneath the bonnet (hood) is a super clever politician who knows how thick the coloured folk are and plays on that …
Others say she drugs at a young age and they fried her head
Others say she is just a drunk
Others says she really is that thick .
How is the Obama crew going to control her at the democrat convention …? Will they just put her out with Obama as a distraction ? Or do a sleepy joe and just read from the autocue ?
And when she debates with president trump how will she appear sane when challenged ? Cackle ….
At least in the real world the Chinese and Russians know they have continuity provided by Obama in his 4th 5th term …..
Some say, velcro saves her 30 minutes a day in the mornings.
“Dr Mohamed Elmashy persistently made unwanted advances to the two women while working in the A&E department at North Manchester General Hospital, a tribunal heard.”
Sid James, he ain’t….
“Carry On, Mohamed ? nerr
Stalins son could do no wrong either ….
“Enraged by a quarrel-with his fellow inmates, a Russian prisoner burst from his barracks room in the Nazi concentration camp at Sachsenhausen, 30 miles northwest of Berlin. It was the evening of April 14, 1943. Picking his way carefully between the maze of trip wires, the prisoner reached the camp fence, then turned around and defiantly called to a nearby SS guard: “Don’t be a coward. Shoot, shoot.” When the prisoner made a grab for the fence, the guard fired one bullet. It instantly killed the elder son of Joseph Stalin.
The U.S. State Department last week released the captured Nazi archives that gave those long-hidden details of the death of Yakov Dzhugashvili, Stalin’s only child by his first marriage. As a 33-year-old artillery lieutenant, Yakov was taken prisoner near Smolensk in World War II’s early days. Stalin was so enraged that he had Yakov’s Jewish wife thrown into prison on suspicion that she had somehow weakened his will to fight. Svetlana Alliluyeva, the daughter of Stalin’s second marriage, remembers that her brother Vasily (who died in a drunken auto accident in 1962) brought home handbills bearing a picture of Yakov that the Germans had dropped over Moscow to prove that they had taken Stalin’s son.
After German setbacks in early 1943, Hitler offered Stalin a deal to swap Yakov, who had resisted Nazi blandishments to defect to the German cause, for the German field marshal who surrendered at Stalingrad. Stalin turned down the proposal, replying: “You have in your hands not only my son Yakov but millions of my sons. Either you free them all or my son will share their fate.” According to his Russian cellmate, it was the news that his father had refused to ransom him that drove Yakov to despair and his suicidal attempt to escape.
Stalin had never had much use for his sensitive and with drawn son. He hounded and beat the boy so unmercifully that in the Kremlin one night in the late 1920s, Yakov tried to shoot himself. He only managed to inflict a serious head wound, and Stalin afterward taunted him that he was incapable even of killing himself. It might have impressed the old man to know that his son finally mustered the courage to do the job, even with German help.”
Oh dear ! It seems BBC let an unauthorised comment get through.