Are you ready ? It’s the Democrat Convention in Chicago – complete with the adoration by the BBC of the current US President – Barack Obama . His current puppet – sleepy joe – is to be replaced by a newer puppet – it’s called Harris…. Famed for her masterly work as ‘border czar ‘ – think Yvette cooper … anyway the BBC will be on the case with fulsome uncritical praise of Their New Girl ..enjoy …
Start the Week 19th August 2024
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I’m sorry but I have no amusing or clever words to celebrate being first.
Free speech is being controlled. However on the bright side, under this new Far Left government you cannot be nasty to Brissles, Lucy or me because that would be a terrorist attack.
In libmob land can we not all simply identify as women ?
Off you go then, you first…. SueGreen.
Love it Debs ! But I fooled ’em today – I wore trousers ….. (with a very fetching waistcoat !)
Hey Debs!
Only woman allowed to be first from now on! IT IS THE NEW LAW!
Well done!
AGAIN a new thread quietly appears, making my recent comments redundant, “sigh”. So, I make no apologies for repeating, especially regarding Deborah’s comment above:
Guardian in 2014, defending offensive tweets in favour of free speech:
“Is it right to jail someone for being offensive on Facebook or Twitter?
Jake Newsome was jailed last week for posting offensive comments online. His is the latest in a string of cases that have led to prison terms, raising concern that free speech may be under threat from over-zealous prosecutors”
The cases of Newsome and Riley are different. They did not target or menace individuals, and lawyers and human rights campaigners have this week raised concerns about their being jailed for causing offence.
Thomas Hughes, executive director of free speech organisation Article 19, said the charity is “extremely concerned by the number of arrests and prosecutions for comments made online in the UK. Nobody should go to prison simply for causing offence. This is not only our view but a violation of international legal standards that protect speech that shocks, offends or disturbs.” Jo Glanville, director of the writers’ network English Pen, said of Riley: “He hasn’t incited violence, there’s nothing around public order, so it’s purely for being tasteless. I think we’re seeing something new here. It’s a chill on freedom of expression. Causing some distress to members of the public shouldn’t be enough to get you a custodial sentence.”
Lawyer and legal blogger Lyndon Harris described Newsome’s case as “a knee jerk reaction by the CPS” and told the Guardian the law is “failing miserably. At what point does unpleasant become criminal? You’re just locking people up for saying nasty things. If someone said that to you in the pub and you went to the police, they’d tell you to go away.
Until the trial of Peter Nunn, accused in relation to tweets sent to the Labour MP Stella Creasy, the most celebrated social media case in this country is likely to remain that of accountant Paul Chambers. In 2012 Chambers was cleared on appeal on the grounds that a tweet in which he said he would blow up an airport, after being stranded en route to a date, was a joke and not a menace.
Chambers’ supporters included comedians Al Murray, Stephen Fry and Graham Linehan, and a benefit gig was held to fund his expenses. But the notion of free speech as a right to be defended online has been overshadowed by cases of misogynist threats and abuse.
“Why hasn’t there been more of an outcry about recent cases?” says David Allen Green of Preiskel & Co, who was Chambers’ solicitor. “The novelty of Twitter has worn off. Would you really want to argue in favour of someone making unpleasant comments about someone who has just died? These cases are less attractive, though some would say that’s when you need free-expression protections even more.””
Zephir – I try to be consistent about the time of posting and realise that sometimes I cut across comments which deserve fresh view – sorry
Free speech should mean everything is ok, barring threatening to murder someone or knowingly raising false alarms (“Fire!”).
We already have laws for slander, libel and defamation.
I’d even allow the ‘n’ word. Never understood why that word makes some lose their minds. Call me a cracker or honky? Don’t care.
Soft arses.
What’s that then? 10 years?
And what did Starmer have to say to the Guardian at the time ?
“Former director of public prosecutions Keir Starmer, who issued new guidelines for social media cases exactly one year ago that stressed the high threshold for prosecutions, said “there needs to be a debate, the debate needs to take place in parliament and it needs to take place sooner rather than later”.
He believes his guidelines have done “a good job in difficult circumstances”, but politicians now need to step in.
“There always used to be a protected space, so you could say things in private you could not say in public. With social media there is no protected space, and that’s what there needs to be a debate about. The notions around place and reaction just don’t work with social media. You could have a situation where two people in their living room make remarks to each other for which they would never be arrested, but if they make these remarks by email, they could be, as the legislation covers any public electronic communication system.”
The law most often used in such cases, he points out, is an updated version of one from the 1930s that was designed to protect people working in telephone exchanges from obscene phone calls: “Eighty years on, it just doesn’t work. This hasn’t been seen as a priority in a time of austerity, but change is overdue. I’ve always thought that too many prosecutions for these kinds of offences can have the effect of chilling free speech.”
What would they make of this?…clearly a joke and yet……
Lets hear that again from 2014 Starmer:
“Eighty years on, (the law) just doesn’t work. I’ve always thought that too many prosecutions for these kinds of offences can have the effect of chilling free speech.”
He’s just said the right things to climb the gressy pole.
Now he’s in power, the mask is off. Although you never know.
He might have a secret stashed away in the closet.
We were just watching The Thin Blue Line (BBC 1995), written by Ben Elton. It included a discussion about racism and a lecture about how the UK is a melting pot. All the female characters, especially Habiib are strong women, all the men are stupid. There was however the irony of discussion about an illegal immigrant. Roman Atkinson, the Chief Constable (these days it would almost certainly be a woman), said that if the illegal immigrant was found he would have to be picked up and deported. I suppose BBC Verify if it had existed at the time, would have to have had the script changed.
I found exactly the same in the Ellie Griffiths novels, stupid policemen talking about football and diligent policewomen etc etc
Joe Biden remains President of the USA.
Is he capable of performing his duties?
Who is making the decisions?
Rather large slab of bias by omission there.
All Hail Harris
9th Feb
“Declining to prosecute Mr Biden for retaining troves of classified documents, Mr Hur – who served in the Trump administration – said the 81-year-old would likely present himself at trial as “a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory”.”
He was last seen naked, smearing his own faeces on the walls of the Oval Office shouting at the furniture.
They never learn….the mad catwoman is back and slinging as much mud as possible in the hope a bit sticks and she is ‘proven right’ as she did with all her many and varied Brexit accusations….though she never was proven right there….re-enter Carole Cadwalladr…..
‘Inciting rioters in Britain was a test run for Elon Musk. Just see what he plans for America’
‘The presidential election is three months away. What if the billionaire contests the result? What if he decides democracy is overrated?
In America, there aren’t just automatic weapons and rights to openly carry firearms, there are actual militias. Regardless of how well Harris is doing in the polls, America is facing a singularly dangerous moment, whoever wins the election.’
Oh the irony….Musk suggested we might be heading for a civil war at sometime [probably right…we are actually in a low-level one right now] and he is savaged by the great and the good….including no doubt Cadwalladr…and here she is claiming that whatever the election result America may burst into flames amid orgies of violence and chaos….and it’s all Musk’s fault….
‘what Musk – the new self-appointed Lord of Misrule – has done is to rip off the mask. He’s shown that you don’t even have to pretend to care. In Musk’s world, trust is mistrust and safety is censorship. His goal is chaos. And it’s coming.’
We’ve already had the BBC’s Spring attack on Musk which was of course very one-sided and negative….
‘What is Elon Musk’s game plan?’
The Times launched their own….suspiciously pretty much following the script of Spring’s effort…even asking ‘What’s his game?’ and suggesting, as did Spring, that Musk had become ‘self-radicalised’. Their ‘expert’ was James Ball who specialises in disinformation…well yeah….he’s also the political editor of the New European…that sad little Remain bunker with psycho Campbell as one of its founding figures. Ball was hardly an uninterested party given that he seems entirely against Musk and spent the whole interview trashing, mocking or sowing his own conspiracy theories about Musk. There were no pro-Musk voices on the piece as with Spring’s hit-job.
Musk is yanking all their chains….questioning every one of their entrenched orthodoxies from Trump, to climate, to Ukraine, to Trans issues and the rights and wrongs of certain protests.
But of course there’s more to this than ‘moral outrage’…Twitter, or X, is apparently now a major source of news….and the BBC and the Times do not like that…the BBC especially wants to be the dominant source of news setting the news agenda and controlling what can be seen and heard and how it is interpreted…it wants to be the filter. Thus it will do what it can to take out its rival.
Ofcom reveals….
‘Teenagers today are increasingly unlikely to pick up a newspaper or tune into TV News, instead preferring to keep up-to-date by scrolling through their social feeds.
And while youngsters find news on social media to be less reliable, they rate these services more highly for serving up a range of opinions on the day’s topical stories.’
Interesting no? The BBC claims social media is a cesspit of fake news where you cannot rely on that ‘news’ and yet the users value the ‘range of opinions’ and so can make up their own minds rather than being spoonfed by the likes of the BBC. The BBC doesn’t trust you to be able to discern what is true and what is not…you need the BBC to do that for you…you are ignorant and stupid.
There does look to be a concerted and orchestrated effort to attack Musk and shut down or regulate to death ‘X’….and the government probably has a few fingers in the pie as well…the nudge unit must be working overtime.
It is remarkable that none of them have anything bad to say about Soros who uses his billions to buy elections and sow discontent, distrust and division in so many countries….the BBC actually goes out of its way to defend Soros with very lengthy puff pieces.
‘Why is billionaire George Soros a bogeyman for the hard right?’
Yes, Elon Musk apparently incited the riots erm, four days after they started ….
what’s her job again, erm …journalist ?
“anti-immigration protests and riots occurred in the United Kingdom from 30 July to 5 August 2024. ”
According to “World Socialist Web Site” :
“On August 4, Musk tweeted under a video of a far-right riot in Liverpool, “Civil war is inevitable”, now viewed 9.6 million times. The video was originally posted by the British fascist leader Tommy Robinson. Three days earlier, Musk replied with two exclamation marks to a post from Robinson attacking British Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer’s response to the riots, helping it reach 4.2 million views.”
Mad cat ladies – or something…
actual border laws
Starme says – “Revealing UK Laws is a criminal offence. And is hate when posted online.”
Now the ‘Law of the Jungle’. Literally.
Libmob and Labour “we trust COMMUNITY LEADERS to police themselves”
Well do these COMMUNITY LEADERS make a good job of policing child raping gangs ???
The whole point is that there are occasionally white gangs like pedophile priests or children’s home workers
However the law works against them ..their community don’t cover up for them
.. whereas with Muslim children raping gangs THE COMMUNITY generally hunkered down.
Very similar to my dealings with the traveller community back in the day. Not all criminal but they would go to the ends of the earth to protect those who were, including hiding an escaped prisoner.
Get this –
“Criminals and immigration offenders removed on charter flight
46 foreign criminals and immigration offenders have been returned to Vietnam and Timor-Leste on a groundbreaking charter flight.”
I know I’ll feel better without all those Vietnamese men hanging around Rotherham and.. Hey wait! They are calling Vietnamese people illegal offenders but Muslims & Africans are always known as refugees or asylum seekers. More Two-Tier stuff it seems.
Pecking order of importance
1. Black male
2. Brown Muslim male
3. Brown or black females
4. East Asians
5 Honky refugees (mostly genuine ones)
Esst Asians are generally low crime and high IQ.
It’s almost as if the government seem to only want…oh I’ll stop there, before it’s 40 years sharing Charles Bronson’s cell.
That Queen Boudica, she incited rioting
just cos some foreign Roman’s invaded her country.
…. Starmer would have locked her up
As soon as she started to speak.
“Boudica destroyed three entire cities.” – did she do this by herself?
With an unregistered chariot, no tax or insurance.
Roman ANPR was not that good.
Commemorated on coins of the realm in Lilibet’s day, RIP good Queen Lilibet.
I read in the Telegraph this morning that a peaceful Stop the Boats protest by less than a hundred people was met by a large number of police and outnumbered by a counter protest of the usual rag bag of hard left, immigrant loving , islamophiles.
This protest took place in Dorset! Yes Dorset. The last time I was in Dorset it was a peaceful rural idle, the epitome of Old England.
The worst of it was that the local Tory MP applauded the police crack down and said that these riots ( yes he termed this peaceful protests riots) must be stamped on and stamped on hard.
Clearly the Tories are at one with Labour in crushing any form of resistance to mass immigration by the use of state power. Why are they not using this political gift to hammer Labour?
It’s not just because they participated in mass immigration in recent years and so can’t make too much of the current problems.. In my view they and the rest of our political establishment are Globalists and committed to the destruction of nation states. They want our culture , traditions and way of life destroyed . They , and the rest of the political class represented by the Uniparty ,are our enemies.
“‘I was inside the “don’t call us far-right” Bournemouth protests and saw anger driving it’.
As counter-protesters taunted Bournemouth’s anti-immigration rally about the level of turnout a woman with dyed blonde hair spread her arms wide.
“We’re the ones with cojones” she shouted slamming the sides of her palms into her stomach, “we’re the ones that care.”
A fortnight since a raft of similar protests across the country tumbled into scenes of violent disorder it was clear those massed on the approach to the seaside resort’s town hall felt they were taking a risk being there.
Angry at being called “far-right” nearly all the protesters wanted their names kept out and even fewer would speak on camera.
“I don’t want my work to see,” a heavily tattooed man with a St George’s flag told the Express ducking out of the way.
Given that even those who’d made inflammatory statements on Facebook were now doing serious prison time the desire for anonymity should probably be expected.
But the harsh sentences imposed on those connected to the previous weeks’ disorder has only fuelled the sense, amongst the Bournemouth protesters at least, that they were being silenced and tarred with a label they thought unfair.
“They class us as far-right because we’re standing up for our country like our fathers and our forefathers did,” a demonstrator with grey wavy hair said.
“They fought for our rights and freedoms and now the government is just trashing it and imprisoning us for speaking out about it.”
A man beside him with a postcard-sized Union Jack poking out of his baseball cap offered a more extreme interpretation.
“Starmer is the new Hitler, he really is. That’s why there’s not so many down here because he’s put out a message that if you even speak up for yourself you’re going to be in prison, look at the sentences that he’s handing out. I can see why people aren’t here,” he added.
The group believed wholeheartedly in the suggestion that they were being subjected to a different police approach and chorused “two-tier Kier” when discussing the counter-protests in Birmingham.
On a day when tension simmered rather than boiling over, the idea that Dorset police might be handling the counter-protesters differently was the main flashpoint.
A police loudspeaker had informed the crowds on both sides that face coverings would have to be removed if officers felt identities were being disguised.
But in the front row of the counter-protesters stood young men and women with scarves wrapped around their heads.
A man with grey hair and a pink polo shirt was one of many to point an angry finger at his rivals across the road. “We’re not the ones covering our faces with masks” he bellowed at an officer who responded by saying it was “not his section.”
Another argument on the same topic grew to the point a policemen threatened the protester with arrest, but it was all childish stuff in the end and fizzled out.
When the Express approached the counter-protesters in masks they refused to comment or explain. But the crowd on the other side, which was also filled with families and the elderly, was not taking the threat of violence lightly.
“We’re ready to protect our community” a group of two men and one woman dressed in black explained, “we are trained medics and were in Poole last weekend when bottles were thrown. We were expecting that today, I think the only reason there isn’t (trouble) is because there are so many police.
“We know of at least one case where someone was attacked by a man who’d travelled for a protest.”
The anti-immigration crowd in Bournemouth may have depleted to the point of mockery by the end, but there’d been a good few hundred standing on the approach to the seaside resort’s town hall early on a Sunday morning.
They ranged from elderly women in wheelchairs wearing Union Jack bunting and mothers with pushchairs to men in bucket hats and football shirts who shouted like they were on the front row of a terrace.
There was an element of the crowd that might be described as higher risk, heavy set men with army tattoos and lads wearing Stone Island. They gathered together to the right of the hill, some with carry-out cans of lager, and eyeballed those on the other side. But there was never really an edge and, compared to the atmosphere of previous weeks, didn’t look like developing one.
The protest in Bournemouth was simply titled ‘Taking Back Our Country.’ Its organiser, as is ever the case with these events, was unknown and most people found out about it from a digital flyer of a Union Jack.
Their reasons for attending the event were variations on the same theme that immigration was responsible for something that disturbed them.
“I’ll tell you exactly why I’ve come down today,” a woman with dark hair explained, “I am sick of the amount of migrant boats being let into our country.
“I’ve got two young teenage daughters to worry about. I don’t let them go into town.
“You’ve only got to look at the crime rate. I am sorry, but I just feel really strongly that something needs to be done about this.”
She had been inspired to attend after watching Tommy Robinsons’ Silenced documentary – a film its creator faces a contempt of court charge over and that has now been watched 33 million times on X.
“It gives some very clear cut answers to what’s going on,” she said.
Another woman holding a ‘British Lives Matter/Stop the Boats For Our Childrens Futures’ placard said a lack of access to housing was her motivation.
“I’ve been [in Bournemouth] 20 years I’m British born and I haven’t been able to get a council house. They told me not to even bother applying because I’ll never get one.
“I’ve got a brain injury and my husband fought in the army, he did his bit. But they don’t give a s**t about British people.
“I’m not racist, I’m not far right. I welcome everyone here through the right channels. I’ve lived all over the world and the visas I’ve had to do are a long complicated process.”
A man with a Union flag draped around his shoulders said he was there because he felt Bournemouth was being transformed.
“I’m 50 and I’ve been working since I was 16, paying taxes. I just think the British people should have the money that we’ve paid in,” he said, “I think we’re overpopulated. I went for a walk down Bournemouth beach last year, it had totally changed there was no respect.”
The protester didn’t believe the demonstrations of the previous week should be described as “riots” and was unhappy with the media’s coverage of the events.
“You only tell their side,” he said gesturing at the counter-protesters, “never what’s over here.”
Unfortunately, this has been going on for a long time. They have immense wealth and power and they have infiltrated every aspect of society across the planet.
It’s time for people to start accepting the unacceptable. Most of what you have been taught is not true. This is why Aristotle is no longer taught in our schools. I could add a list of things here but you would consider me insane. This is how good they are and why they are known as the Olympians. Think Plato and the Greek/Roman Gods. What do you think the ‘Renaissance’ and the ‘Enlightenment’ were about? What do you think these Olympic ceremonies are about? The ideas people have floating around their heads today are mostly a result of this great transformation in European thought. This is why you are seeing Christianity being crushed. Remember you come from a monkey and you are spinning aimlessly around in space on an insignificant planet somewhere in a vast, immeasurable universe. This is what they want you to believe.
They lost Rome 1.0 because it was built on acquiring territory. They learned their lesson after the sacking by the unwashed German tribes and have come back using trade and by gaining control of the world’s currencies.
Its all going really well under Labour:-
Emergency move to ease prison overcrowding activated
Arrest hundreds, free hundreds early
So whats the deterrent
Example, sentenced to 1 year in prison, probably out in 4 months?
How about instead of housing illegal immigrants in ex RAF Scampton, use it has a massive “far right” prison. Afterall Labour with their policies are going to need the space in the future for arresting all the white Brits
Emergency move to ease prison overcrowding activated
‘Across the north of England defendants waiting for a court appearance will be kept in police cells until prison space is available.’
Have a woken up North Korea or been transported back to Nazi Germany ?.
It certainly feels like it.
Why are all the rioters being held in cells until they can be jailed properly ?. Even when they just stood and watched.
History will look back at this time in the same way it looks back at the mid-30’s in Germany. They are putting any threat to their power into prison.
Meanwhile the only thing the BBC are outraged about is that black people are 4 times more likely to be stopped and searched.
I’m outraged too : it should be 7 times. Because that’s how much more likely they are to stab somebody.
These really are dark times. The Nazis are back.
Today watch
Ah another day free of the BBC – so I won’t be hearing about ‘operation let them out early ‘ or ‘processing illegals ‘ by ticking the ‘let them in ‘ box …
Now will I hear the anointed BBC clone reporting from the camela coronation at the democrat gig – presumably the far left dead labour leaders’ daughter or that blind bloke they’ve got describing what he can see …
And the Obama crew must be medicating sleepy joe up to the eyeballs to get him to mumble the autocue ….
Isn’t it amazing how quickly the narrative changes from ‘letting people out of prison early’ to invoking emergency laws to make space for the political persecution of the Right ?.
Doesn’t bode well for the next 5 years. If Liebour cannot get their immediate ad hoc flagship ‘lock-em-up’ policy right what other policies will be screwed up. UK decline now on steroids.
From the above post regarding emergency move to ease prison overcrowding:
“He added that anyone who poses a risk to the public “will not be bailed” and the police’s ability to arrest criminals will not be affected.
Nev Kemp of the National Police Chiefs’ Council said: “We are working closely with criminal justice system partners to manage demand in the system and ensure that the public are safe.
“Policing will continue to arrest anyone that they need to in order to keep the public safe, including policing protests and events and ensuring that people are arrested as expected.”
That obviously does not apply to an illegal immigrant sex criminal with 12 convictions for 21 offences who then threw someone onto the tracks at a tube station:
“Train pusher who tried to murder a man by pushing him onto the tracks was a sex crime migrant already facing deportation”
“We are working closely with criminal justice system partners to manage demand in the system and ensure that the public are safe.”
“Partners” ? That’s the ‘offended’ part of the public surely?
An alien new model starmer army and a corrupt criminal justice system operating on guilty only pleas – how to devalue your court system so quickly …. Ad if a prison burns then the red party will have ‘operation no prison for approved groups ‘…
… the Muslim gangs and their relatives prison officers must be counting the days …
The londonistan evening news – which really is neither londonistan – evening – or News – carries a soft propaganda piece about the need for ‘everyone to get vaccinated against monkeypox ‘.
It carries a victim called ‘ Harun Tulunay ’ who is show with the pox and then afterward fully recovered .
It doesn’t show how ‘Harun Tulunay ‘ got his monkeypox but I could guess …
It looks like the reds are going to send millions of monkey jabs to Africa so that the chaps there can continue engaging with other chaps without getting pox ridden … stick with other STDs boys …
Oh I think everyone knows how most catch it.
You dirty, dirty boys.
Remember when we would have been shocked by incidents like this as it would have been headline national news?
Now the murder and necrophilic abuse of a young woman in a well-known town close to our capital is tucked away in the Regions-Kent page of the bbbc webshite.
“Dartford man” with a Lithuanian-like name has been arrested.
And neither Yvette Cooper nor any of the rest of her “misogyny is terrorism” ilk really give a shit.
lol, beat me by one minute there Rich !.
Saw it on the Fail Online earlier John, more like the Fail Onmessage now though.
It’s struggling for space there as well.
A 20-year-old man has been charged with murder after a woman was stabbed to death.
Emergency services were called to a property in Henderson Drive, Dartford shortly before 7am on Saturday (August 17).
Police have now confirmed Ernestas Juska, of Dartford, has been charged with murder.
He has also been charged with committing a sexual offence against a deceased female.
So much front-page space being taken up by the agenda today, no room for this so it’s gone straight to regions.
‘Man charged with murder and sexual offence’
An incredibly short article considering the nature of the offence and the BBC’s misandry. He murdered her then had sex with the corpse. It’s about as sick as you can get and the kind of thing you read about in 3rd world shitholes, not the UK. Yet the BBC don’t care one bit : they’d rather we didn’t know about it.
His name ? – it’s Ernestas Juska.
It’s worrying because the BBC have now become totally blatant about pushing their far-Left agenda. They have learned that nobody will stop them now, whatever they do.
“Lithuanian (Juška): adaptation of Polish Juszka which is a cognate of 2 below ultimately derived from German Johann . Czech (Juška): from a pet form of the personal name Juha which is from German Johann or Just . Compare Yuska .”
Known as Dracula to his friends, no doubt, arrived on a small boat at Whitby ?
HA HA HA!!! CHANGE IS COMING! JUST LIKE LABOUR….. “According to Jabri, MBS then talked about how he would wake his kingdom up from its deep slumber, allowing it to take its rightful place on the global stage. By selling a stake in the state oil producer Aramco, the world’s most profitable company, he would begin to wean his economy off its dependency on oil. He would invest billions in Silicon Valley tech startups including the taxi firm, Uber. Then, by giving Saudi women the freedom to join the workforce, he would create six million new jobs.
Astonished, Jabri asked the prince about the extent of his ambition. “Have you heard of Alexander the Great?” came the simple reply.
Jabri’s 40-year career as a Saudi official did not survive MBS’s consolidation of power. Chief of staff for the former Crown Prince Muhammed bin Nayef, he fled the kingdom as MBS was taking over, after being tipped off by a foreign intelligence service that he could be in danger. But Jabri says MBS texted him out of the blue, offering him his old job back.
“It was bait – and I didn’t bite,”
Just dived into ‘today ‘ at 0810 – it was meesh on ‘a Hamas love in – all those nasty Jews ‘- off switch .. but I did hear that the bbc is back on an old favourite – some tower block that torched itself .
The fat controller told 999 callers to ‘stay put ‘ then went back to her kebab with extra garlic and chilly sauce – lesson – don’t assume the thickos in the control room know best – use your own judgement … Darwinism in action …
BBC always a but sketchy about the cause of that fire – but maybe the indoor barbi wasn’t a good idea …
Grenfell Inquiry day 80: fire doors in tower differed from those tested by manufacturer
3. It didn’t meet building standards in England
The bible for the construction industry in England is called Approved Document B. It sets out the fire performance standards required for all buildings.
Only products with a rating of B in the European fire test can be used on tall buildings above 18m. The Reynobond cladding with class E fell short of the required standard.
England has its own system of fire test ratings. The best rating is Class 0 (zero), which is acceptable instead of the European standard. But Reynobond PE’s French manufacturer had never put this cladding through the relevant tests, the inquiry was told.
But the Board was never shown the class E ratings for the cassette version of the cladding and knew nothing about them until a BBC investigation in 2018.
Arconic’s president in France, Claude Schmidt, was forced to admit at the inquiry this would have “misled” anyone reading the certificate, including British architects.
In 2007, Arconic marketing manager Gerard Sonntag attended a talk given by a consultant Fred-Roderich Pohl, who gave a dramatic warning of the risks of Aluminium Composite Material cladding. He said it had the same “fuel power” as a 19,000 litre truck of oil.
But he went further. Pohl reportedly asked “what will happen if only one building made out of PE is on fire and kills 60 to 70 persons.”
Exactly the circumstances of the Grenfell fire in 2017.
MM, when was the cladding added to Grenfell Tower, was it under New Labour 1997-2010?
“‘You are ruling over us for our own good,’ he said feebly. ‘You believe that human beings are not fit to govern themselves, and therefore-‘
He started and almost cried out. A pang of pain had shot through his body. O’Brien had pushed the lever of the dial up to thirty-five.
‘That was stupid, Winston, stupid!’ he said. ‘You should know better than to say a thing like that.’
He pulled the lever back and continued:
‘Now I will tell you the answer to my question. It is this. The Party seeks power entirely for its own sake. We are not interested in the good of others ; we are interested solely in power. Not wealth or luxury or long life or happiness: only power, pure power. What pure power means you will understand presently. We are different from all the oligarchies of the past, in that we know what we are doing. All the others, even those who resembled ourselves, were- cowards and hypocrites. The German Nazis and the Russian Communists came very close to us in their methods, but they never had the courage to recognize their own motives. They pretended, perhaps they even believed, that they had seized power unwillingly and for a limited time, and that just round the corner there lay a paradise where human beings would be free and equal. We are not like that. We know that no one ever seizes power with the intention of relinquishing it. Power is not a means, it is an end. One does not establish a dictatorship in order to safeguard a revolution; one makes the revolution in order to establish the dictatorship. The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?’
Winston was struck, as he had been struck before, by the tiredness of O’Brien’s face. It was strong and fleshy and brutal, it was full of intelligence and a sort of controlled passion”
Are you interested in football ?liniker ? Match of the day ?
Well below is a cut and paste from the DT about match of the day – I put it in the record – I didn’t bother reading it
STARTS Match of the Day is 60 this week, and after a stumble during the Euros with a misguided tilt at the zeitgeist, returned this Saturday to its cosy, timeless ways – and all the better for it, too.
Gary Lineker, normally so reliable, went off on a jag during the summer in which he was unnecessarily harsh about the England team in general and Harry Kane in particular. Lineker and Alan Shearer were critical about Gareth Southgate’s team on BBC sport’s flagship football show but significantly more outspoken on their podcast The Rest Is Football, with Lineker describing an England performance as “s—”. Obviously Lineker is free to pursue his commercial interests when he is not working for the BBC, and boy does he, but this was not the appropriate tone for a man in his position.
The face of BBC Sport should be above that sort of mud-slinging. If you want spiky and spiteful football opinion, it’s not like you cannot get that in a million places: the free market has definitely got you covered on that one. The host of Match of the Day is more than just a football presenter. The role has a ceremonial element, steward for some of the nation’s biggest sporting moments, comforter for its inevitable sporting disappointments.
Given some recent unpleasant events, maybe “like a respected veteran newsreader” isn’t the best comparison, but there’s a ceremonial duty as well as a broadcasting one: people trust and treasure Match of the Day and its household-name stars. Like a constitutional monarch of British sport, the MotD host should not lower himself into the hurly burly, certainly not to the extent of taking pot shots at the England captain.
Anyhow, Saturday night found Lineker back to his affable and inclusive best: gentle promptings of the studio guests, terrible puns about red-card miscreant Fabian Schär “wanting to turn back time” like his homophone hitmaker, Cher. There was a typically groan-tastic send-off that he got away with, because he’s Gary Lineker, jug-eared national treasure who was never booked in his career etc etc. That was about Arne Slot and Arnold Schwarzenegger: “I’ll be back.”
Gentleman Hart shines on debut
Another man who will be back is Joe Hart, who made his Match of the Day debut this weekend and is, along with Steph Houghton and Theo Walcott, among the contenders to fill Ian Wright’s boots long term. Walcott, who still looks so young that you wonder if the Saturday night slot must be past his bedtime, will be on in September.
Walcott, who still looks so young that you wonder if the Saturday night slot must be past his bedtime, will be on in September. Hart had an excellent maiden run, offering some useful insights on the goalkeeping tribulations of Jordan Pickford and the goalkeeping heroics of David Raya. The former Manchester City, Celtic and England keeper has an exceptionally upright bearing and the most admirable posture; he puts one in mind of a country vet or a military chaplain, or perhaps a curate with a past as an oarsman. He comes across as a bright chap and a gentleman, too. It all seems at odds with his extraordinary tattoo habit.
I initially had to adjust my set but it turned out that the broad charcoal stripes on his arms are body art and not sweatbands. Further Googling reveals that he’s positively covered in the inky stuff, giving him the look of a Holstein cow that has worked hard on its Alexander Technique. Fortunately he kept his clothes on for the occasion.
Wor Sir Alan Shearer was equally on good form. There’s nobody better with a withering “look at how far we have fallen, we used to be a country” type remark on a modern player feigning injury, and he correctly called Ben Brereton Díaz’s face-clutching injury pantomime “embarrassing”. He also pointed out that Brighton’s wing play was instructive viewing “for any youngsters watching”, the sort of gently didactic Rethian tone that harks back to a different era. And this renewal of Match of the Day, 60 on Thursday, showed that there’s nothing wrong with acting your age.ENDS
Sycophantic shite.
SkySports put all the goals and highlights of every match on YouTube about twenty minutes after the final whistle.
No licence, no Lineker, neither needed nor missed.
The mildly conservative Telegraph goes into high dudgeon over government foreign policy: Starmer accused of weakening support for Ukraine
We can’t be having that, apparently.
Frankly, this commentator considers there’s many far more far-reaching issues with this Labour government closer to home – but hey-ho… US State Department lap dogs anxious to play playground brinkmanship with a nuclear-armed Russia will be… US State Department lap dogs…
Prime Minister under pressure to allow Storm Shadow missile strikes inside Russia… Volodymyr Zelensky said British support was “slowing down” (Telegraph) – other spellings are available, although evidently policies other than endless costly proxy war are not.
Don’t believe me? Britain will not help Ukraine hit targets in Russia, the defence secretary has said, as Volodymyr Zelenskiy appealed directly to the cabinet to use British-made weapons more freely. – complains the Guardian
Zelensky is a Slavic masculine surname. Its Russian spelling Зеленский is romanized Zelenski, Zelenskii, Zelenskiy, or Zelensky (thank you Wiki)
“I don’t think Britain’s position would change,” he said. “But I would like for Prime Minister Starmer to become special…” (Guardian) – well the little chap in the khaki vest got that one just about right.
It may not be yours or mine but Neocon foreign policy is the Telegraph’s headline concern this Monday morn – meanwhile in the lesser headlines: Misogyny law may be ‘risk to free speech’; Harassment law threat to office parties; Fears GPs could push for assisted dying; Labour could make it easier for unions to hold strikes (Telegraph)
Turns out that unlike the Tories this Labour-branded administration are actually getting busy doing stuff.
Well, Labour is the natural party of government – one world globalist left-leaning feminised technocratic anti-democratic anti-nativist crony corporate-capitalist government.
At about this time of year our BBC likes to bring us: Edinburgh Fringe funniest joke – by which they mean best pun
Mr AsI would like to share with readers hereabouts the best joke he’s heard at the Edinburgh Fringe – but it came from too far out of left-field
The low circulation Guardian takes top spot in the gynaeceum that is BBC news staff frontpage online line-up (natch)
This feature has everything – the exclusive tag, an implied calm down dear and even includes the journalistic despite: Exclusive UK sperm being exported despite 10-family limit (Guardian)
We thought we knew what we could and what we could not safely take to the airport: Liquids in containers larger than 100ml generally cannot go through security even if the container is only part full (Gov.UK) – now there’s a sperm limit?
We’ve heard of the Underpants Bomber but that’s ridiculous. I say bollocks to this new restriction.
Of course I don’t care for: A better way to be a tourist The rise of socially conscious travelling (Guardian) – is there anything on earth more achingly, more smugly, self-rightous than a Guardianista?
Trust me, I’m a journalist… Journalists still rank among the least trusted professions in the UK… 29% of the more than 1,000 UK adults polled said they trusted journalists to tell the truth, making them the fifth-least trusted profession (Aisha Majid, Press Gazette, November 2022)
And, as it turns out, the female can be the most dishonest of the species…
The Washington Post is investigating its controversial columnist Taylor Lorenz after she was accused of posting a photo to social media branding President Biden a “war criminal.”… In a screenshot of the Instagram story posting obtained by The Post, a mask-clad Lorenz is seen taking a selfie at a “Creators’ Summit” at the White House, as Biden greets attendees in the background. “War criminal” reads the caption with a sad face emoticon… Lorenz denied calling Biden a war criminal and insisted the social media post was doctored. “You people will fall for any dumbass edit someone makes,” she said in an X posting. (Washington Post); Lorenz told her editors that someone else had added the caption to the photo… Four people with direct knowledge of the private Instagram story confirmed its authenticity… Lorenz has since told associates that a close friend took her posted picture and superimposed the caption upon it, as a joke (NPR)
And a right-leaning take posted on X goes something along the lines of: Taylor Lorenz has been caught lying over and over, but the thing that gets her in hot water is criticising President Biden?
Asiseeit – as for support for Ukraine – I can’t work out why putin has caused more pain to the Uk for supporting the enemy – but maybe he engineered Starmer winning the election – what a horrible thing to do …
Hard not to see parallels between failing old US admins and failing new U.K. ones.
Heels Up just needs a hi vis, hard hat and credulous media; one that prints administration press releases without comment.
“UK become a net exported of electricity.” (c) Rishi Sunak
“Consider this, I give this example. If immigration continues at the levels it has average over the last ten years. Britain will be adding 10 million people to it’s population in the next 20 years. That means building a new house roughly every seven minutes. Now, we currently have no leadership from the Liberal Democrats, Conservative or Labour Parties saying they are going to do anything to change that course. @5:56 … if any party wishing to get into power doesn’t address this they are committing political suicide….@10:30″ {youtube – Douglas Murray – oct2015}
WE NEED STRONG WOMEN …. “Bangladesh’s ex-PM investigated for murder”
A week or ten days ago I posted that the disparity between what columnists were writing in the Telegraph and the Spectator about the anti mass immigration protest crackdown and what the readers of those two publications were posting under the articles, was enormous.
The columnist ( it’s tempting to put fifth in front) were fully supporting the crack down and the readers vehemently against it.
Well now I would say the situation remains unchanged. If the comments of the readers of those two publications are a reflection of feelings in the country I would say that the ruling elite have a massive problem on their hands. They have made it very clear to everyone that they don’t give a toss about what we think, or about democracy, they are going to impose their will on us come what May using force whenever they think it necessary.
To be clear it’s not just a mad Labour government , it’s the rest of the political class , the institutions and the MSM. In effect they have declared war on ordinary Brits.
At present the focus is mass third world immigration but soon it will be Net Zero measures. I do not believe that a democratic society could support these policies long term, proponents of them would be voted out. Even 24/7 MSM propaganda can’t hide the truth for ever!
So eventually there will be a battle between the people who want to retain their hard won democracy and the elite who demonstrably don’t despite their endless platitudes.
Whites need to collectivise.
I’m not suggesting stomping about in brown shirts, but collectivising to stop persecution and an obvious two tiered justice system.
Every other group had its ‘civil rights’ group. We need one too now, that’s obvious to me.
If everyone else has collectivized, it’s no good being individualist I says.
Individualism only works if everyone (or almost everyone) acts in a fair manner to all. And if everyone ,(or almost everyone) is of high, or at least average IQ.
It’s a nice dream (all holding hands and living in a melting pot Utopia) but that’s what it is ..a fantasy.
It’s no good being ‘individualist’ if every other group (and the fucking government, police and courts!) is against you.
You might not want to fight (in the metaphorical sense) but if they do want to fuck you up…what are you going to do?
No choice now. My first concerns are with honky rights.
They created this monster.
“Ooooh they’re just trying to divide us!”
Well it seems to me that ‘they’ didn’t need to ask for much, if any, help.
I know what actions I can peacefully and legally take and I fucking well will.
Good afternoon fellow ‘far right thugs’.
the deliberate killing of a large number of people from a particular nation or ethnic group with the aim of destroying that nation or group.
ethnic group with the aim of destroying that nation or group.
ethnic group with the aim of destroying that nation or group.
ethnic group with the aim of destroying that nation or group.
Keep going EDF
Wind the Democrat convention right up !
Al I reckon a French power company is really gonna upset the democrats …😎
I wonder if Lammy came back with a ‘I’ve been to Israel and all I got was the 8x tee shirt ‘…?
I was hoping he was kidnapped by hamas…and treated in their usual manner.
I wonder how the fawning bbc would handle that ?
They’d release him within minutes.
He’s far too annoying.
Even for those c…ts
A London MP has suggested that absent fathers are a key cause of knife crime.
Tottenham Labour MP David Lammy said most young people who have stabbed someone to death come from single parent families.
Former gang member Sheldon Thomas, now a government advisor on youth violence, said he agreed with Mr Lammy “100%”.
He said his and others’ warnings had fallen on deaf ears for at least 20 years.
More than 200,000 people have signed a petition calling for rapists to be denied access to children conceived through their crimes.
Sammy Woodhouse, a victim of child sexual exploitation in Rotherham, is calling for a change in the law.
The man who raped her, Arshid Hussain, was reportedly contacted by Rotherham Council about care proceedings involving her son heard last year.
“It is derived from our obligation under human rights legislation that a child – rather than a parent – has the right to family life,” she said.
“Arshid Hussain was convicted of grooming and sexually abusing young girls in Rotherham”
Supposing someone had 2 machetes which he uses to hack down his overgrown garden – would said chap have to surrender his machetes to the new model army ? Apparently there a new ‘law ‘… TTK …
Men dressing up as women is misogynistic
REVEALED: Trans activist who heckled Nadhim Zahawi off Warwick University campus is the son of Ed Balls and Labour Shadow Home Secretary Yvette Cooper
Trans activists hounded Nadhim Zahawi at Warwick University on Friday
He was visiting the campus to speak to the Conservative Association
Protesters chanted ‘Tory scum’ and ‘Zahawi is a transphobe’ as he left the talk
Empty the jails!
Fill the jails!
Oh! The Labour cokey!
Knees bent! Pray to Mecca! RA RA RA!
Comedian Mark Simmons was voted the winner with his gag: “I was going to sail around the globe in the world’s smallest ship but I bottled it.”
“Meet Achmed the Dead Terrorist” | Spark of Insanity | JEFF DUNHAM
The BBC at their insidious best. Or worst.
On Thought for the the Day on Toady, we are introduced to ‘writer and broadcaster Professor Mona Siddiqui’
No mention, you will notice of any religion.
She then delivers the little message which sounds all altrusitic at first. But then, near the end, we get the Islamic message, mention of the Hadith etc.
See what they did. Don’t mention the I or M word up front but inculcate the BBC house religion anyway.
mona siddiqui
Islamicstudies, EdinburghUni,
, public speaker, VPinternational@RSE- broadcaster@BBCRadio4,
,#Tftd & #Moralmaze
United…Joined March 2016
346 Following
Arrest. Gillian Gibbons was born in 1953 and gained a Bachelor of Education degree from the C.F. Mott College of Education in Prescot in 1975 (the college closed in 1992). Teaching in a school in Sudan, she was arrested for allegedly insulting Islam by allowing her class of six-year-olds to name a teddy bear “Muhammad”
“siddiqui” Literally, ‘Friend mine singular’
No friend of mine and not likely to be in the future.
Yes they used to introduce her as an Islamic scholar or similar – as part of the take over of the UK by Islam they cover it up now …
It may have been the BBC (not sure) who had the clip of those northern Muslims in hoodies. The one where the lad, in that unmistakably annoying accent they seem to have, says something like “Three girls were killed. But they’re killing thousands of Muslims every day in Kashmir. In Palestine or in China but you don’t see us rioting.”
Well, first up there was some violence at the Free Palestine protests. Jews were also harrased on the streets of London.
And how many terror attacks have Muslims wonderfully given us in the name of conflicts abroad or just plain old ‘convert or else’ attacks?
So he’s wrong there.
Next, all the places he listed are abroad. I don’t fucking care Rizwan or whatever your name was.
And if your heart really is with your ‘brothers’ in Palestine or wherever…how about doing us all a big favour and joining them there?
“Three girls were killed. But they’re killing thousands of Muslims every day in Kashmir. In Palestine or in China but you don’t see us rioting.”
2024.08.17 Somalia Mogadishu 18 10 Islamists plant IEDS at a tea shop, which kill eighteen patrons.
2024.08.17 Somalia Afgoye 4 30 al-Shabaab members throw two bombs into a khat market, killing four.
2024.08.17 Syria Homs 3 0 Three locals are cut down by ISIS near an oil field.
2024.08.17 Pakistan Maddi 2 3 Religious extremists attack police vehicles, killing two occupants.
2024.08.17 Pakistan Dalbandin 5 0 Five former members of the Afghan government are hunted down and hanged from poles.
British Jews are ‘full of fear, like I’ve never seen before’
31 October 2023
The Government is short of money, Councils are short of money. This will be even truer under Smarmer’s administration, they need Tax monies to give to their donors. There will surely be increased taxation and enforcement. I agree Taxes are essential to the proper functioning of Society but such is the way Tax monies are misused I have to say that I resent them.
Bliar wanted to give Bailiffs the right to force entry into domestic premises to enforce Council Tax debt and possibly normal County Court Judgements. He was persuaded not to but Bliar’s acolyte Smarmer might well revisit the idea.
Starmer was part of Corbyn’s policy maker team….
“Tax them! Jeremy Corbyn demands 55% income tax rate in huge overhaul ‘Beggars belief!’
JEREMY CORBYN has dumfounded MPs and policy wonks after demanding a new “super-rich” tax that would make Britain one of the highest-taxed countries in the world.
By Dan Falvey Political Correspondent
08:11, Fri, Jul 23, 2021 | UPDATED: 14:22, Fri, Jul 23, 2021″
The final touches to the Big Plan for the destruction of the UK
Big BBC issue today is the number of child strip searches and how they are racist I.e. a ‘disproportionate number are BAME’
And the BBC are keen to mention that ‘47% of strip searches result in no further action’. So the BBC message is clear. Half of strip searches must be unwarranted and racist.
But let’s look again in the way the BBC don’t. That means presumably 53% of searches did warrant further action. I would call that, a one in two chance of finding a miscreant, a pretty decent justification. And if such further action was merited and the searching was ‘racist’ it must mean that a disproportionate number of BAME searchees were criminals.
Which pretty much sums up knife crime in Londonistan. Not that the anti-white racist BBC would mention it.
“child” read 15 year old psycho with a machete.
Liverpool ‘child asylum seekers’ found to be adults
8 December 2018
Or ones where the rozzer saw him waving it about, but he ditched it when he ran away.
Up until about 3 weeks ago, I would’ve had every sympathy with the police here.
In the words of Battery Sargeant Williams, “Oh dear, how sad, never mind “
Such moppets almost about to acquire the vote at current pace of ‘progressive’ idiocy.
It has oft been noted that BBC use of ‘child’ varies immensely depending on requirements of narrative.
BBC Moaning emole:
One in 20 child strip-searches ‘didn’t follow rules’
Given history to present day, it is a wonder BBC Editorial Guidelines don’t have rules for presenters to ignore. Especially lower age limits.
ALL BBC Presenters followed stripping of WhatsApp entries rules!
What did the 47% reveal and out of those what was the bame ratio?
He said the idea came from the Christian metaphor “they shall beat their swords into ploughshares” from the Bible’s Book of Isaiah, which encourages people to turn their weapons of war into tools
When Nigel says to house the enrichers coming in we need to build a house every 2 minutes.
Is this 2 minutes 24 hours a day or the 8 hour working day.
What rate are we currently building at, is it one house every 10 minutes or 10 hours or what.
Is it 7 days a week or the working 5 days.
Is it 365 days a year.
When Nigel uses this 2 minutes example I wish he would put it into context.
Maybe he should say we need to build a million houses a year to keep up with demand we could understand it better but building one every two minutes means little because there’s so many variables and nothing to compare it to.
2 minutes at 24 hours x 365 is 262,800 houses.
An 8 hour day, 5 day week gives 62,400 houses.
It looks like every 2 minutes for 24 hours every day is what he means but that doesn’t seem enough.
Maybe he means 262,800 more each year than we are currently building.
How do you fellow racist far right lot understand it?
Not a concern.
Pop a hard hat on Rachel, Ed, TTK, Lisa and the rest, stand on a suitably picturesque gantry and point off shot… sorted.
Especially when held to account by the number crunchers at BBC #verify
EG how many people are needed to build a house ? How long does it take ?
I watched a thing on YouTube about the pre fabs Churchill ordered in the war to house people blow out of their homes by peace loving krauts ….
So prefabs – designed to last 10 years – are still in service in 2024 and people like them ….
I reckon the scum ginger one will be talked into importing ikea pre fabs to cover nice bits of Blighty and ‘house ‘ 3rd world invaders who will never be thrown out of the country they now own … free …
@ F2 we have some in a nearby town:
“Hawksley bungalows’ were prefabs built from leftover war materials. Their shelf life was estimated between ten and 60 years – but they have now been occupied for seven decades.
Council wants to knock them down now.
Manufacturer: A W Hawksley Ltd – Bristol Aeroplane Co.
Forms: Detached, semi-detached and terraced bungalows
Built between 1948 -1950
AKA: Permanent Aluminium Bungalow, BL8D Aluminium Bungalow, Blackburn, Hawksley Aluminium Bungalow BL8 , BL8D, Permanent Aluminium
Total Built: 55,000
The BL8 Bungalow is an aluminium framed system constructed between 1948 and 1950 and are semi-detached and detached units.
Constructed almost entirely of aluminium, the rust-proof homes have more than outlasted their intended purpose.
Each bungalow usually has three bedrooms, a living room, kitchen and bathroom with toilet. The rooms are generally spacious and all the bedrooms are capable of taking a double bed and often these properties had a decent sized garden at both the front and rear.
A number of different types of long and short-term use prefabricated bungalows were built in Britain following the end of wartime hostilities, and each type incorporated different materials into their design.
The BL8 made good use of the excess stocks of aluminium that had been left over from the war effort, a material that had been previously been used to produce fighter aircraft. The Governments wartime policy encouraged the collection and recycling of many different metals during the war. Anything made of aluminium was sent to the United States where it was smelted and processed into sheet aluminium before being shipped back to the UK to for military aircraft production.
The Hawker Sidley Group was one such aircraft manufacturer who post war, converted their factories and production lines to the the manufacture of housing units and components.
The bungalows were factory constructed in sections of six-foot modules that were delivered on site before being hoisted into position and bolted together, saving many hours of time and reducing the need for skilled labourers which were in short supply at the time.
Despite this, there were still insufficient numbers of workers available to erect the large numbers that the factory was producing so experienced chalet builders were brought in from Norway where no such labour shortage existed, as Norway had remained neutral during the war.
The majority of occupants even today, speak very favourably about these homes, many of which have now been improved further with the application of External Wall Insulation and triple glazing, providing warm and comfortable homes for the occupants.
Due to the anti corrosion properties of aluminium, rust has never been a problem for the main body of this hardy little bungalow. Many examples can still be seen standing proudly today and in remarkably good condition considering their age.
I think they used POWs – maybe now people should have to build and buy their own ikea homes – watch the YouTube video and off you go … build on sandringham and Windsor first of course …. The royals can down size ….
2013 … But upon closer examination, the development is more like a scene out of a post-apocalyptic story than a symbol of grandeur.
There is no light in any of the buildings and most of them lack doors or windows.
An eerie silence lies over the compound, which is strewn with disassembled equipment and construction materials, broken occasionally only by the sound of a tarp flapping lazily about on top of a stack of iron rods.
There are no residents in sight.
“The workers stopped building in 2019,” Ji Zhang, a 61-year-old resident who asked to be referred to by a pseudonym, told Al Jazeera. “They say it was because the developer ran out of money.”
Over a grainy video call, Ji gestures towards one of the unfinished high-rises, where she and her husband purchased a sixth-floor apartment in 2017.
Why any need to build more houses? Surely it’s much easier to just jail every ‘far right thug’, there are apparently millions of us, err them, and confiscate their houses for the use of illegals.
That’s the plan.
Anyone to the right of Chairman Mao will be doing 30 years by Christmas.
Holiday in Rwanda – maybe visited by relatives who killed the 3 girls in Stockport.
Apparently energy prices are forecast to rise by 9% in October. Well, why not, the cold weather will be starting so people will be using the heating, so it’s a good time for extra profiteering by the energy companies.
You might think that pensioners, most of whom will be losing the Winter Heating allowance, thanks to Rachel ‘WEF’ Reeves, will be impacted. But no, the BBC photograph seems to imply that one particular demographic will be most affected. The usual one.
It’s OK, Ed has asked Vile’s fan base to pedal harder.
“For one, they’ve installed kinetic floors, meaning that whenever fans dance or jump up and down on them, it will create energy to power parts of the show. Fans can also hop on an exercise bike in the stadium to generate some green power.7 Jun 2022”
@Ian ” extra profiteering by the energy companies”
AFAIK UK energy retailers hardly make any profit, that’s why so many went bankrupt
The Big Fossil fuel corps can make money from Green policies, cos restricting supply increases prices
And “Green energy” producers can make money from subsidy scams etc.
Meanwhile spiv salesmen make good money from selling green dreams
Money they often use for flights and sports cars … #irony
Startup that hoped to transform UK car production was once valued at more than £800m, but collapsed worth a tiny fraction of that
By Jasper Jolly
Fri 20 Jan 2023 16.49 GMT
When Britishvolt, a startup hoping to transform UK car production by making batteries for electric vehicles, rented a seven-bedroom £2.8m mansion with a swimming pool and Jacuzzi-style bath for workers, some employees were uncomfortable with the impression it gave of lavish spending.
The administration has left the UK with only one large-scale gigafactory planned: the Chinese-owned Envision’s plant in Sunderland. It also leaves big questions over the future of the UK automotive industry.
It’s true that many energy retailers went bankrupt and that’s partly the reason for the excessive ‘standing charges’ and levies, the last government having decided to tax us indirectly to recover the money wasted on subsidising them in their death throws. Almost without exception those energy companies were just resellers, opportunistically selling on gas and electricity produced elsewhere without creating anything or adding value, just creating the illusion of choice and free markets (sic).
As you say, the name of the game is subsidy scams and artificial supply and demand manipulation to increase profits for the big energy companies.
Most of his politics are poisonous, but the former Greek finance minister has produced a lot of good videos on the energy scam. Try Googling ‘yanis varoufakis energy crisis’.
Just think Ian, at somewhere between 4 to 5% of the population those shown should be seen as hero’s and superior beings. Perhaps why the BBC highlight them all as much as sanely possible.
Surely people should be banned from travelling abroad for butt lifts – tummy tucks … and er .. whatever else fatties need to get off their chest … tragic ..
Over to pixie – I tried to write without being classified as a terrorist .. ok 77 brigade …?
The modern justice system is akin to witch-burning
Putin’s New Police State
In the Shadow of War, the FSB Embraces Stalin’s Methods
By Andrei Soldatov and Irina Borogan
July 27, 2022
Number of prisoners in England and Wales 2015-2024, by ethnicity. In 2024, there were approximately 63,103 white prisoners in England and Wales, compared with 10,624 Black prisoners, and 7,067 Asian prisoners.18 Jul 2024
What’s the issue?
Over a quarter (27%) of the prison population, 21,537 people, are from a minority ethnic group.
If our prison population reflected the ethnic make-up of England and Wales, we would have over 9,000 fewer people in prison—the equivalent of 12 average-sized prisons.
There is a clear direct association between ethnicity and the odds of receiving a custodial sentence. People from black , Asian, and “Chinese or other” backgrounds are more likely to be sent to prison at the Crown Court.
Black and Asian people in prison are more likely to be serving long sentences than other groups.
Black people and people with a mixed ethnic background serve a greater proportion of their determinate sentence in custody than white people.
Lammy Five Years On
Seems like we can play the sick ‘who is the killer ‘ ?game every day … today it’s the turn of Manchester – with 3 stabbings including one death with a 44 ‘man’ arrested and perhaps contributing to Operation Let Them Out Early ….
We could call the game ITMA,
It’s That Man Again
With a bonus point for identifying the type of boat he (or his parents) arrived in, or the make of lorry he was hiding in.
Another bonus point for the number of appeals against deportation.
Afternoon MM,
This makes interesting reading, especially if it comes from an official viewpoint. Let’s say that a certain group, e.g. blue people, are represented in 5% of the population, but commit 25% of the crime. Let us also assume that the same percentage of all groups receive custodial sentences, across the board.
By my reckoning, the blue people will receive 25% of the sentences, despite only being 5% of the population.
The association is not that blue people receive disproportionate amounts of lockups per crime committed, rather that they are committing more crimes to start with.
Look at it that way, and it might not be that our jails are full of ethnics due to a biased judiciary; rather that they are more disposed to offend in the first place.
Views not my own, immigrants are nice, your mileage may vary.
Judge says ‘blacks and Hispanics are predisposed to crime and violent acts’
Judge Edith Jones is alleged to have made the comments when addressing students at the University of Pennsylvania law school in February
Her comments weren’t recorded, but five students and one attorney in attendance have signed affidavits swearing to what they heard
They claim she also said that Mexicans prefer to be on death row in the U.S. than serve prison terms in their native country
By Associated Press Reporter
Published: 04:22, 6 June 2013 | Updated: 05:39, 6 June 2013
I have read previously that some groups are more likely to both resist arrest and plead not guilty. As a guilty plea results in a 20% percent reduction of sentence it is an important qualifying metric in consideration of any statistical conclusions.
One of the gang who killed 14 year old Gordon Gault was originally sentenced to just two years 8 months but will be released after just 6 months despite being a demonstrably violent offender. Doubt this would occur if the characteristics were reversed.
Another consideration is that the authorities turned a blind eye to organised and industrial gang rape for decades so it could be argued not nearly enough are in prison. Certainly a useful counterpoint to any assertion minority groups receive harsher treatment.
Look at this on video Toby Young of the Free Speech Union says Bernice Bernie Spofforth has NOT been charged in 3 weeks since her Southport tweet
and is unlikely to ever be charged with crime of being first to name Ali Al-Shakati as the killer, cos #1 it’s ridiculous idea to say she made the name up, and #2 authorities don’t appear to have evidence she did.
Yet multiple libmob accounts FALSELY tweet that she has been charged
This guy FALSELY tweeted “false communications” 3 times
meaning he’s guilty of what he accuses her of
Bernies own thread explains her side
That debunkers accusing her of being first with the name, have not checked properly for deleted tweets posted prior to hers
Timestamps are tricky due to timezones
She does make 1 screwup by saying 1 Facebook post came 5 hours earlier
I think the debunkers also make timezone errors
she says the Channel3Now post came at the same time as her tweet, not an hour later.
I skimmed Normal Fenton’s srticle. I find him biased
cos the unvaccinated and vaccinated groups may differ in one significant way.
Those who were classed as weak and vulnerable were more likely to get vaccinated
and the super strong more likely to resist
So a year later when it comes to counting outcomes of course those classed as weak were more likely to have suffered poor outcomes/death
The govenment admits the vaccines killed some people
@WeAreFairCop tweeted
Bernie Spofforth committed an act of speculation about the identity of the Southport killer… and got thrown in jail.
Blair’s Labour government committed an act of speculation about WMD… a million people died… We gave him a gong.
Welcome to Two Tier Britain.
Prisons are too crowded, so let’s free genuinely dangerous criminals (rapists, nonces and murderers no less) for people who happened to be near some other people who threw some stuff at cops. Or maybe just said something not particularly offensive online (repeating, pretty much, what a labour MP had said!).
Most of those sentenced are political prisoners. And the public will never forgive or forget this.
Obviously, no challenge whatsoever from the Marxist, anti-white BBC.
Furthermore, if the BBC are also cooing over that political mastermind, Yvette Cooper, for saying she’ll make misogyny a terrorist offense (lol), then can a journalist worth tuppence, (almost impossible to find it seems) ask Labour to tell the population that they have done NOTHING but threaten since they got in, what a woman actually is?
Les Dawson is as dangerous as Bin Laden with these clowns.
Like everything with Keir Jong Un’s
‘Communist Trickery Ooh Bet You Didn’t See This Coming Party’, it’s all very vague.
And everything is vague for a reason.
They’ll let their own off but jail their political opponents.
Evens says that there’s a push at some point to put Farage in prison.
If anyone ever votes for Labour again, they’re either a dodgy union boss/othewise known as a stealer of our taxes/not money laundering honest guv type person, a brainwashed leftist idiot who should be in a nuthouse, or an absolute ‘rhymes with plastic’.
And misogyny is terrorism?
Have you ever heard anything so mental in all your life?
Saying ‘Good morning’ to a purple haired loony left bint will be rape next. Life without parole for you, m’laddie.
Not saying ‘Good morning’ to her will mean you’re ignoring her because she’s a wimminz. That’s misogyny. Terrorism as far as TTK’s brave new DiversityLand is concerned. Life it is! In a cell with ISIS for 40 years.
We’re goosed, lads 🙁
“misogyny is terrorism”
What’s that ?
Isn’t it the normal Marxist and Alinsky trick of redefining language ?
and isn’t such redefining negative
Upgrading a wolf whistle to become terrorism, downgrades the plight of people who are terrorist victims.
Will such redefinng bite back ?
If you coerce young female members of your family to wear headcoverings
then that is a crime against women .. and therefore terrorism
The Iranian government literally makes women live TERRORISED in fear of being caught without a head covering.
“Men are arrested for wearing SHORTS in new crackdown by Iran’s feared morality police – even though Tehran temperature has climbed to 45C”
Did Mohammed’s wife aged 6 ever wear shorts?
I had a witty retort, but it’d mean the wife would need two jobs and a new front door tomorrow morning.
Diversity is our strength!
I truly believe labour have lost the chance of ever being re elected.
An astounding achievement of dishonesty, (lying on their manifesto multiple times) corruption (taking money from unions then giving them a pay rise) and vilification of the indigenous population through undue influence of the judiciary, and complete and utter incompetence.
All within two months.
I just hope you are right with the “never forgive or forget”.
My mother and sister voted Labour.
My mother is one of those ‘voted Labour all my life’s types. She’s great but old and stuck in her says.
She’s voted Labour in every GE since the early 70s.
Even she says she’s never voting for them again and is disgusted with them.
Deleted her Facebook account in panic, even though she’s never mentioned immigration or race etc! Just family, the cat and Barry Manilow (God help her). She’s in her 70s and terrified of saying the wrong thing now. Nice one Keir, you lying communist muppet. We see you!
Sister is a ‘floating voter’ and says she’s been conned as they’ve lied about everything and are extreme far left, when she voted for a centrist party.
Both will be voting for Reform from now.
Heard similar from a few others.
They’re done.
She didn’t get arrested for the Barry Manilow then ?
Good point Zephir.
Even though it’s my mum I couldn’t get too angry at 5 years for listening to old Big Conk I suppose. Fair is fair.
Ruined my childhood too. It was perfect…but I had to endure ‘The Baz’ every other day.
Probably got that PTSD me, innit?
Lucky you did’t have a Scottish ex military dad then, bloody bagpipe records, we all clubbed together and got him some headphones in the end.
Could still hear the bloody dirge in the background though as he had it on full blast.
PTSD indeed, at least mum was only into Charley Pride and Willy Nelson.
I recall I got the album Short Stories by Jon Anderson and Vangelis and she thought it was Labi Siffre…..
Barry Manilow? HA HA HA HAH AHA
“New Zealand plays Barry Manilow to repel parliament protesters”
13 February 2022
That’d do it.
If only TTK had thought of that before filling the jails with stunned and confused prisoners.
I’m afraid anyone thinking that Labour in the 21 st century has any remote attachment to the centre is seriously deluded or badly misinformed. Anyone who believes a word that appears in a political parties manifesto is even more deluded.
I think you need arrange for your sister to have some lessons in reality.
If you read it properly, you’ll see I said she’ll be voting Reform from now on.
libmob are winning winning wining
It’s strange to see people here thinking Labour will soon collapse
libmob control all UK institutions BBC, media, universities, healthcare etc.
Then they use Alinsky style cheating in politics to batter their opponents
You see zombie films ?
Yet the zombies are on the street .. they used to chant “Tories are evil, never kiss a Tory”.. DEHUMANISING political opponents
Now it’s “look over there far right”, “you are not in our gang , we must get you”
.. I see the zombie army not only online, but also in the corner of the pub or teaching your children.
Stew, it is one thing to win an election it is another to be in power. The Tories were in office for 14 years not in power. The Labour Party are in power bringing together all the friendly instruments of government with a Parliamentary majority. The difficulty at the next GE will be for any party of opposition to sell the concept that the political system needs sorting first. Not an easy message if people are hungry.
Counter protesting..
Now that should be illegal.
If some regime enjoyers want to ‘protest’ about Net Zero or Refugees Welcome (which the regime agrees with anyway), then you don’t see counter protesters turning up to start bother with the original protesters.
But everytime there is any demo, march or protest the regime enthusiasts don’t agree with, hundreds of the c…ts turn up to launch stones and chant the inaccurate and offensive “Nazi scum, off our streets!”
About time ‘counter protesting’ was made illegal. It’s all about causing bother, nothing else.
But if anyone to the right of Keir Jong Un counter protested sonething, they’d all be nicked for vague and arbitrary ‘public order ‘ offenses and banged up for 5 years.
I’m sure the BBC and our non two tiered and popular police force will note this.
Double plus good. I heard the chocolate rations are coming back on Wednesday, comrades!
Although I wish the Duke and Duchess of Sussex well with their new financial enterprises, Rentaquote and Rentaclap, I can’t help but feel they would be better employed in their charitable endeavours, particularly for NSPOWR, the National Society for the Protection of Out of Work Royals.
Another one which the BBC decided should go straight to ‘regions’:
‘Manhunt in Spain after boy killed playing football’
Here’s how everyone else reports it:
‘Spain: Manhunt under way after boy, 11, stabbed to death while playing football with friends’
‘Huge manhunt after 11-year-old boy is stabbed to death on football pitch in Spain’
‘Spanish 11-year-old stabbed to death by masked man while playing with friends’
The BBC don’t even use the word ‘stabbed’ now. They write:
‘A police manhunt for a man suspected of killing an 11-year-old boy with a sharp object on a football pitch in Spain has entered a second day.’
I reckon they are using all these weasel words to prevent this stories being found when people like me search for them to see what the BBC are hiding from me.
Since around the time they shot the Slovakian PM and it was basically blamed on the media whipping Lefties up into a frenzy of hate, I’ve noticed the BBC have had a very marked step up in their attacks on the Right. It was just after that I noticed they started calling everybody ‘far-right’.
IMHO they realise the world is balancing on a knife-edge after years of Leftist fascism so they have abandoned all pretence of impartiality and are full on fighting a war to force their ideology on everybody else.
“sharp object” – NOT Keir Starmer
JohnC – the story is reported in the telegraph with the ‘far right ‘ blaming uncontrolled immigration …
The comments focus on the use of ‘far right ‘ likening the telegraph to the guardian these days –
I’m working on the definition of ‘far right ‘
1 anyone who cares about their nation state
2 anyone who refuses to support uncontrolled immigration
3 anyone who wants taxes spent on legally resident citizens
4 anyone who doesn’t want their city town village used as a
third world dump / door mat
Notice I have not added colour or creed to this work in progress definition –
Far Left is far easier to define so will draft it later …
The left revolt against Labour is significant – and the party ignores that at its peril
This article is more than 1 month oldOwen Jones
Not often that I have any common ground with Owen Jones. Some of his analysis is correct. I thought that Starmer should have noted immediately after the election that Labour’s vote share did not even merit forming a government. His inability to understand suggests that his premiership will be short lived – unless of course he follows Nicholas’s route.
(Do you have the context/date of the Rachel tweet. Nothing has changed so why has the policy?)
11:49 am · 21 Aug 2022
I’ll never forget a woman in Leeds West I spoke to, who had purple fingers because her pension wasn’t enough to pay for the heating.
We must act now.
Labour’s plan would save a pensioner living alone 26p for every £1 of their pension this winter.
11:49 am · 21 Aug 2022
Only two years to change her mind then! Presumably at the budget she will back track and offer a heating allowance based on receipt of other benefits.
There will be plenty more like this.
A new and very easy method of detecting at least some of these far right terrorists in the UK , and one which the BBC can do in a jiffy , is to list the names and addresses of all those who don’t pay for a TV Licence!
In the next King’s Speech not paying for a Licence will carry a mandatory ten years prison sentence with no remission and with a guaranteed prison place with 24/7 BBC piped into your cell at max volume.
If they carry on being such regime enthusiasts, Keir Jong Un will probably make it part of all home internet contracts.
You won’t be able to have the internet unless you pay the BBC.
LIVE: Starmer To ARREST Tousi TV For This
Labour-run council to fine people £100 for swearing in street
Free speech campaigners say Thanet District Council is ‘restricting fundamental rights and liberties’
Henry Bodkin,
Senior reporter
9 August 2024 • 8:40pm
Disturbing footage has emerged of men in shorts being led away in handcuffs
Iran’s parliament is currently debating a bill around ‘improper clothing’ for men
Clampdown has also affected women, who have been scolded over their hijabs
A No Trousers Tube Ride Is Back For 2024 – But There’s A Change
“The country’s ambitious plans for urban growth have led to more than 50 abandoned cities whose empty buildings paint a dystopian landscape.18 Mar 2024”
Fancy villas, high-rise apartment blocks, lakes, parks and sprawling road networks: ghost cities in China have it all — except people. To some, the empty sprawls are a sign of a Chinese debt crisis, but to others it shows China’s thinking one step ahead.
I was out this morning and returned home to hear this. It seems to be happening on a daily basis.
Early days yet for this sort of thing. Soon be so common that it won’t be reported.
BREAKING: A 43-year-old woman has died and two other people have sustained life-threatening injuries after a stabbing incident in Manchester
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The gulag awaits.
If you don’t reply you get the Gulag as well.
I once voted UKIP, so I guess I’m on a fast track list for the chain gang anyway 🙁
Once is enough comrade – sit on the rainbow naughty step and check your privilege.
Sooner or later the volcano will erupt.
How did we get here?
From Orwell’s 1984: children “were systematically turned against their parents and taught to spy on them and report their deviations. The family has become in effect an extension of the Thought Police.”
By making you believe nonsense. It’s the logical conclusion of a process that began in Western Europe in the 15th century. Do you think the Royal Society ever had anything to do with science? Look at the people who founded it. They defend every crazy liberal cult including man-made Global Boiling Climate Change. Why? Because it’s all scientism. It’s death by a thousand cuts. Orwell knew what was coming just like Huxley. You need to follow the money and their religion.