Are you ready ? It’s the Democrat Convention in Chicago – complete with the adoration by the BBC of the current US President – Barack Obama . His current puppet – sleepy joe – is to be replaced by a newer puppet – it’s called Harris…. Famed for her masterly work as ‘border czar ‘ – think Yvette cooper … anyway the BBC will be on the case with fulsome uncritical praise of Their New Girl ..enjoy …
Start the Week 19th August 2024
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Is THIS terrorism now, or hate speech ?
Talk about double bloody standards…
“How to tell if your husband is a true narcissist… or just an ordinary selfish and hurtful man. The six crucial differences explained”
Ru Paul ‘Just Be Yourself’
“A study published in the New England Journal of Medicine found that between April and June 2022, 98% of the infections in 16 countries were in men who have sex with men, but it’s not clear why this is the case. It could just be coincidence – once a disease is introduced to a community, it tends to spread within that community. And there is no evidence that mpox passes any quicker through a population of men who have sex with men than any other group. Nor is there any evidence that it is more infectious to men than women.”
Two men – living in the same house – who have sex with men noticed lesions on their greyhound dog 12 days after they started getting symptoms.
Genetic analysis showed that the virus which infected the dog was exactly the same as the virus infecting the men, the report said.
Corollary? They both like dogs…………….
Now I hope this isn’t hate speech, but it’s just an honest opinion.
Am I still allowed one of of those still? You know? Am opinion?
Well here is my completely unprofessional opinion.
Getting poo on your willy and then into your wee hole can’t be good for you. Then letting the other guy suck his own poop off it can’t be good for him either.
Same goes for ‘men’ that sodomize their women.
Unless a poo sex doctor can correct me?
Dear dear – lazy – I think you are on the edge with that comment …
Perhaps seeing a South Park image can bring out the most vulgar in me.
Jon Snow – “Never seen so many NON Jews in my life.”
Gaza protesters descend on Chicago for Democratic convention
So Biden sends Blinken to the Middle East for a big push for peace. “We nearly have a deal in place”
Although Hamas dismisses it.
All because the Democrat National Convention. They want the protesters to stay home.
“We nearly have a deal in place” – Biden to be shown where Palestine is!
Eamonn Holmes replaced on GB News with no explanation
“Royal broadcaster and historian Rafe Heydel-Mankoo joined the show alongside anti-racism activist Imarn Ayton to debate whether the Union Jack flag is too divisive.
The debate began as Eamonn discussed the recent news that a village in Norfolk feels divided over whether to fly the Union Jack flag, with fears it will ‘scare people away’.
s Eamonn halted their heated and controversial discussion, he ended the segment with his personal opinion after he grew up on Northern Ireland – which sparked Imarn to furiously hit back.
Eamonn said: ‘Running a flag outside a village hall in Norfolk, you sort of think what’s the big deal.’
Imarn furiously hit back: ‘Be considerate. No, be considerate guys. I know you’ve finished your segment but Eamonn I’m not going to let you finish with that one.
‘Be considerate of other people’s beliefs and views. If you are considerate and sympathetic of everyone and how we perceive the world, you might find yourself leading with equality. Just so you know, I’ll finish it there.’
Eamonn said: ‘Let me just tell you something. You don’t have to lecture me. I sit in the middle, trying to see both sides of things…’ to which Imarn interjected: ‘Well, I have too.’
The debate erupted after Imarn said the British people should reconsider flying the Union Jack flag because she claims it has ‘associations with the far-right’.”
“There is no god but God; Muhammad is the Messenger of God.” The green of the flag represents Islam and the sword stands for the strictness in applying justice. The flag is manufactured with identical obverse and reverse sides, to ensure the shahada reads correctly, from right to left, from either side.
When you hear stuff like that (and so many of us have, so many times), it’s a wonder that nobody erm…made a birthday cake or something.
I would’ve had to have left the building and driven off to the Peak District. Found a spot miles from another human, and then screamed some of the worst obscenities known to man, including a few new ones. I’d have probably have lost my voice by the time I was done.
Maybe Eammon is up Mount Snowden doing this right now?
“Found a spot miles from another human, and then screamed some of the worst obscenities known to man, including a few new ones.”
Now, watch out for echo’s……………
Serious question.
Is that person on the left a biological male or female?
That is Nana Akua and to me she is obviously a woman. Perhaps you have a bit in common with PM Starmer and can’t tell the difference?
Every clip I have seen of her and I’ve viewed many shows she is a patriotic Brit and is not afraid to stand up for her country against Leftards.
We need more like her.
I agree – but I must confess her new hair colour (since I last saw her) does not flatter her at all !.
I think I’ve seen her now I think about it. Didn’t recognise her at all from that photo.
That’s not the most flattering photo let’s be honest.
Looks like a bit of a geezerbird to me on that photo though, no matter what you say.
Top Girl … I have a lot of time for her.
The British are Second class Citizens in their own Country: David Starkey
“THe EDL lot have gone, It’s now safe to but down your weapons.”
Second? As high as that?
We used to dream about being second class citizens.
In our day, we were lucky not to go to prison for a whole life term the minute the midwife cut the cord and noticed he baby was white working class. Then, in prison, we’d have to clean all the toilets on the Muslim section with our tongues and eat nothing but gravel from the courtyard.
If we were lucky!
20 April 2006, 10:10 GMT 11:10 UK
Jail toilets face away from Mecca
Facilities in a prison are being built so Muslim inmates do not have to face Mecca while sitting on the toilet.
The Home Office said two new toilet blocks are being installed as part of a refurbishment at Brixton jail in south London.
Faith leaders had told prison bosses it was unacceptable for Muslim inmates to face Mecca while using the toilet.
“The refurbishment has been carried out with due consideration for all faiths”, a Home Office spokeswoman said.
“Following consultation with faith leaders within the prison, various small adjustments were made to ensure the faith issues of all prisoners are taken into account.”
She added: “The money spent did not affect the overall cost of the refurbishment programme.”
Is that their face facing Mecca or their arse?
What a carry on.
Give them the option of using the bogs like everyone else, or serve out their sentences in Pakistan.
There was a time I thought he was relatively amusing.
Fact checkers, expanded resources to delete fake info, in
vestment in journalism, create spaces where contending arguments can be heard without abuse, no longer using the public as guinea-pigs to test out AI, loads of things really. It takes money, though: have you got any?
Never go full political. Though that is how to stay on the MTW/HIGNFY circuit now. #ccbgb
How will we ever know what’s real?
“It’s official. AI has gotten out of hand.”
“create spaces where contending arguments can be heard without abuse”- Armando Iannucci
BBC Radio 5 Live Breakfast
BBC Radio 5 Live, Wednesday 3 January 2018
During a phone-in on the programme a contributor, Danielle Tiplady was introduced as a staff nurse. We should have established and made clear on air that she was a political activist.
I want to find out if this man has legal representation because Muslims lie a lot. (yes I said it) And Staliner has only encouraged them.
Bacon on mosque door – death in prison.
A word from the super-moderator
“lawfully sacked for writing tweets which criticised government policies.” { aug2019} – the death of freedom of speech.
1765 …. **In a republic worthy of name, freedom to publish one ’s thoughts is a citizen’s natural right.** They may use a pen or their voice, and should not be prevented from writing any more than speaking …That is the law in England, a monarchical country, where people are freer than elsewhere because they are more enlightened. – Voltaire, Republican Ideas, 1765
2018 … In addition to reporting hate crime, please report non-crime hate incidents, **which can include things like offensive or insulting comments, online, in person or in writing**. Hate will not be tolerated in South Yorkshire. Report it and put a stop to it #HateHurtsSY – UK South Yorkshire Police, 2018
1765 … **In a republic worthy of name, freedom to publish one’s thoughts is a citizen’s natural right.**
2018 … **which can include things like offensive or insulting comments, online, in person or in writing**
OK I found this;
“Hindry was arrested on 8 August. He appeared at Maidstone Magistrates Court on 10 August where he pleaded guilty to making a series of threatening calls to mosques.”
From a small news account called London Live.
So they have a guilty plea. Remembering Kevin Crehan, I’m concerned about where they might put him.
If true, the man is an idiot and I have no sympathy.
He’s a mental health case ?
Well if genuinely so, that would be a different story entirely.
What did he say? Mohammed liked 6 year old WOMEN?
Is no one safe anymore ?
“Horror as two girls, 16, ‘sexually assaulted by group of men’ in sea at Bournemouth Beach”
LILY ABUSE SNIPE Lily Allen slammed after claiming Rochdale abuse victims ‘would have been raped or abused by somebody else’ even if sex gang didn’t exist
Way to go Starmer what an awesome achievement in just 6 weeks….
“Keir Starmer’s approval rating plummets to staggering low after just six weeks. New findings from Opinium reveal that voter dissatisfaction towards the Prime Minister has risen sharply since the election.
After first entering No. 10, Sir Keir enjoyed a +19 popularity, as voters rallied behind the newly-victorious Labour leader.
At the beginning of August that had shrunk to just +3. However a fortnight later his net approval has sunk below the waterline to -7%.
This represents a swift decline in popularity by a huge 26 percentage points in just 45 days.”
They are like kids given the keys to the sweet shop.
All with zero actual mandate for any of their idiotic initiatives, backfiring like a street rocket G reg Golf.
Meanwhile, where even more power unchecked by media corrupts better than anywhere…
Dawn Butler got her Ministry of Public Enlightenment yet?
FREE ON THE NHS …. “Football proved a popular freebie for our MPs. In the cabinet alone, Keir Starmer, David Lammy, Jonathan Reynolds, Wes Streeting and Pat McFadden were amongst those bagging free tickets, usually on the padded seat of a hospitality box. Their visits alone were worth over £6,000. Score…”
Opinion Polls are the Opinium of the people.
Wot Marx said
Seems to me that if a public petition was signed and submitted by over the level of support Liebour had in the election, he would have no option but to pack up and leave for the hole he came from. And his band of merry people with him. That would sure make his Government illegitimate. Just sayin………
Woman killed and two hurt in stabbing
An article which is low down the page considering it’s significance compared to a simple assault by a ‘rioter’ and someone rich drowning after falling off a yacht. This ALWAYS infers some kind of problem with the agenda at the BBC. Particularly as they tells us absolutely nothing about the people involved.
And the reason is this : this is the poor woman who was visciously murdered:
(I can’t embed it – but all you need to know is that she is black).
And it makes it very probable the man who did it looks somewhat similar. Hence the BBC don’t give a shit and would rather we weren’t told. It would – of course – be big news if someone white had done it.
Which makes the BBC racists in my book.
It’s not a terrorist incident – but wait – it’s a woman – so it is a terrorist attack isn’t it ? Or is it a ‘hate crime ‘ incident . . ?
Just more knife crime by the enrichment. The reason the riots started in the first place. But this is black-on-black so just another simple murder which will be off the front page by tomorrow and straight under the carpet. No extra labels will be applied.
Just like the BLM activist Sasha Johson whose story got dropped the moment they discovered black people did it. Her only value now is the sympathy vote for a GoFund me campaign which BLM leaders are so fond of.
Stabbee Ghanian and stabber known to her, go figure
Estee Palti is gonna be busy this week – she it the lady who does the regular kamela impersonations on YouTube – truly unburdening ….
Def won’t be seeing her on the bbc …
Elon musk has just tweeted that ‘the UK is turning into a police state “ – he left out the two tier bit ….
All his followers are being alerted to what the starmer new model plod is doing …. Destroying free speech – locking up political dissenters – political prisoners in Britain …
How Fedup can I be ..?
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – er, what is wrong with this photo, BBC? No, not the BAME couple portrayed in the photo. The couple have lights blazing away under the kitchen cupboards but it appears to broad daylight outside. Maybe even the setting sun blazing into the kitchen window. Perhaps they are battery lights, using rechargeable batteries? Has the BBC Picture Editor made yet another mistake?
I think Elon is trying to get X banned in Britain to prove his point – certainly he’ll be worried when he gets a threatening letter from some quango addict in BBCOFCOM …
The BBC are just total scumbags.
In Northern Ireland, a WW2 bomb has been found and local residents have to be evacuated.
The BBC feature one such family. But this is the BBC.
So naturally the family have to find a space for ..errr….the daughter’s wheelchair!!!! Of course she has severe Autism and ADHD.
What are the chances of that?
In normal world, maybe 1 in 1000.
In the BBC agenda-driven parallel Universe, close to 100%..
Yeah yeah – but all those benefits – and a free 4x 4
“The basic tool for the manipulation of reality is the manipulation of words. If you can control the meaning of words, you can control the people who must use them.”
― Philip K. Dick
Just stumbled across this while browsing and it struck me that this is EXACTLY what the Left do with their labels such as the ridiculous ‘Islamophobia’ and how the they keep changing the meaning of ‘racist’, ‘extremist’, ‘terrorist’, ‘fascist’ and ‘far-right’ to mean whatever suits their agenda at the time.
Oh Christ, I hope Marky is asleep or something
WHAT HE SAID! Moring Zephir!
Labour emptied the prisons in the name of equality!
Ukraine orders evacuation of eastern town as Russia gains
This is the real reason Ukraine invaded Russia at the weakest point on the border. To deflect the cooperative MSM from reporting it. This is a major defeat for Ukraine.
Look what the BBC idiot wrote:
‘Ukrainian authorities have ordered the evacuation of a key town in the Donbas region as Russian forces continue to make gains in the east of the country, despite Ukraine’s ongoing offensive into Russia’s Kursk region.’
‘Despite’ the ‘ongoing offensive’ BBC ?. Are you trying to imply it means Ukraine are winning ?. This incursion into Russia is going to be a complete disaster – though we won’t be told. The story will just stop being reported.
Zelensky has been making comments even more bizarre than usual – he said that holding Russian land will give them a better deal in negotiations.
Given that Russia will certainly destroy those forces in Russia before too long (they have already contained them), it makes me wonder if the collapse of the Ukranian Army is much closer than we are being told.
This is said BBC idiot. Looks like a male version of the standard clone.

I wonder if he has ever even seen a tank in real life.
Which one wrote it ?
I noticed some sarcastic comments about the new military “robodogs” previously, so I have my suspicions as to the author.
“I wonder if he has ever even seen a tank in real life.”
yeah, a pink Tomy one, with Super Mario in the turret….
What gets me about the reporting is the utter, abysmal ignorance of the BBC’s commentators beyond the stenography of MoD / Vauxhall Cross scripts handed down.
He looks like a pussy to me.
Can you believe it ?
The satanic far left in action:
“Christian volunteer receives £13,000 payout and an apology from police after being arrested for praying silently outside an abortion clinic – as Labour prepares total ban.
Officers from West Midlands Police told her at the time that ‘engaging in prayer’ was ‘the offence’ after she insisted she was ‘not protesting’.
It comes just days after reports the Government is considering formally criminalising silent prayer outside abortion clinics, with new legislation set to come into force.
Lord Frost, a former Conservative cabinet minister, has said that if the reports are correct, ‘then not just freedom of speech, but freedom of thought will be under threat’.
Speaking about Ms Vaughan-Spruce’s case, Lord Frost said: ‘It is incredible that people have been arrested for thoughtcrime in modern Britain.”
Ah so my point from earlier is made.
The ‘far right’ (which is anything the extreme left disagrees with) cannot ‘counter protest’, even when it’s not really a protest!
Point being anyone not deemed to be on the side of the ‘regime’ can’t even stand in silent prayer if it’s a ‘counter protest’.
The extreme left/regime enthusiast equivalent would be to have 1,000 turn up, hurling projectiles at women going into the clunic shouting “Baby murdering scum! Off our streets,!”
And no, I wouldn’t want that but it is what it is.
Two tiered.
“But if a recent report is correct that the Government is considering formally criminalising silent prayer outside abortion centres, then there will be further such cases, and then not just freedom of speech but freedom of thought will be under threat. It is hard to imagine a more absurd and dangerous situation.
‘It would be much better to stick to the sensible approach in the previous Home Secretary’s draft guidance, which proposed a much better balance between the various competing rights and interests. If the government scraps it, then it will be clear to all that its commitment to civil liberties and fundamental freedoms is paper-thin.’
Ms Vaughan-Spruce said ‘silent prayer is not a crime’ and that nobody should be arrested for the thoughts they have in their heads”
Nobody should be arrested for thoughts in their heads?
Hmmm. I’m not sure that’s the case according to our legal system. One guy got jailed a while back for anti immigration stickers or something like that. The stickers were deemed ‘legal’ and even not provably false. ‘The truth is no defence’ or something.
It was all about it being his ‘intent’ to cause harm or summat. What was going through his mind when making them and such.
Thought crime, it seems?
Lammy with new uniform ?
He seems to bit waking up a bit does old Sargon. He’s starting to realise that whites actually are under racist attack and that being an ‘individualist’ isn’t going to help in situations like that.
“President Biden committed impeachable offenses relating to son Hunter’s foreign business deals, according to GOP-led committee report.
With just 77 days before the election, House Republicans released a sprawling new report that they claim proves President Joe Biden, 81, committed ‘impeachable offenses.’
The nearly 300-page report compiled Republican findings over the last two years about the Biden family allegedly profiting off the president’s son Hunter and brother James Biden’s shady business deals by over $27 million through ‘influence peddling.’
It also details claims that the Justice Department slow-walked federal probes into Hunter for gun and tax crimes.
‘Overwhelming evidence demonstrates that President Biden participated in a conspiracy to monetize his office of public trust to enrich his family,’ ”
Deport order ?
@Lucy – No doubt their ugly mugs will be posted on the Home Page of the BBC for all to see.
No? Only these 2 poor blighters? What a surprise!
“Rotherham pair among those jailed for rioting”
Rotherham? Mmm, that name rings a bell.
Free The Rotherham Pair.
Do they have a TARDIS or something?
There was a Muslim guy in the uk who was posting false information about Muslims being ‘lynched’ by the EDL types.
This was perhaps riling up the Islamic community.
I may have missed him getting nicked. Anyone know? I think he might’ve been called something or other Hussain.
” Listen up everybody BIG BROTHER has given us a
directive from the Diversity Dept at the BBC. We direct
what’s to be shown on the National news at the BBC.
And as the media partners of Hamas in the UK. WE must make
the prominent feature of the Democratic Convention in
Chicago . The demonstration by the supporters of Hamas
outside the Convention Hall.
Make sure that Sarah Smith is shown reporting with
hundreds of Hamas supporters behind her
waving their Palestinian and Jihadist flags.”
Gawd, could the ghastly Starmer have played any more transparently to his primary constituency of indolent public sector goons?
Well of course Starmer had to release thousands of dangerous criminals. How else could he lock up all those bloggers who posted hurty words on social media, or innocent bystanders at protests? Use your loaf.
(Ps. not related to tomo’s post, above.)
It could also be about ‘evening out’ racial crime statistics (according to some conspiracy theorists, not me, Officer).
The Manchester murderer ? Local man ? Parents from Rwanda ? UK passport holder ? Mental issues ? Known to authorities ? Delete as applicable ……repeat …
The 2 rich techy chaps dying within days of each other yacht sinking versus road accident is a conspiracy theorists ‘ dream ….
But stuff happens …
It’s very weird indeed, but a conspiracy?
Shades of Robert Maxwell.
I am a yachtsman and can say that even if subjected to a tornado, sinking that boat would normally be impossible. I think a sail probably unfurled (unrolled) with a strong blast of wind which would then lay the boat over, water would flood in, game over. It’s a normal procedure to secure furling sails with basic ties to prevent that but it’s something often not done.
Talk Radio v The BBC contest today.
This morning (Monday) I tuned in at 8.30am to Mike Graham on Talk radio for early morning interview with an ‘ex BBC Producer’ called John Maier, he was there to support the BBC who ‘claim’ to be running-out-of-money and have ‘cut back’ employees to 19,000, from 21,000 a few years ago and all the radio and press ‘talk’ about BBC bias was ‘imaginary’, he said. ’…it was everyone else who was ‘biased’’, which is a novel idea. (( never thought before, that it was ‘everybody else’ who was wrong, (except when I was a child)), and THIS from a top BBC producer (retired one presumed from his voice). Heard his name before at the BBC.
BBC do not normally ‘like’ giving interviews off BBC own studio premises, just in case of any unapproved ‘bias’, is not ‘approved’, or not, ‘authorised’. Anyway I learnt a few things, I already knew, that BBC Worldwide Limited was a ‘great success’ (his words) in that it had earned £300 Million for the UK economy.!!!.. And you must admit that it sounds good – until you also realise that it has has an income of £3.8 Billion overall from the TV license, (so that is an loss to the UK economy, of £3.75 Billion when you factor in the ‘expenses’, and production costs and the fabled BBC Pension scheme that was the envy of the entire civil-service at one time. Break even seems about right. It looses lots of money, every year… Mostly on ‘salaries and generous ‘pensions’ it seems, it never argues that it does not.
So a loss of £500 million (rounded up and siphoned off from BBC TV license) to BBC Worldwide Studios Limited, selling BBC productions that are pretty awful at best. Dr Who and Top Gear were at one time the only two global sales. You can add Strictly Come Dancing as a direct replacement. But really 300 Million profit?
The Talk radio presenter hit back with the bald fact that the BBC is no longer watched and everybody hates the BBC TV license. Mr Maine, the BBC producer, hit back stating that, we were all ‘wrong’. The BBC is still the ‘envy of the world’ (etc.), finest shows that money can buy and how much the BBC is such ‘great value for such £150 per year compared to ‘NetFlix’. Even if demand with menaces is made.
The Talk show presenter (Mike Graham) then produced PROOF that Woman are disproportionately banged up in the UK Courts for watching BBC without a TV license. Furious BBC producer said go on ‘prove it’, and so they did (just 5 minutes later),they had found a Northern Ireland disabled Pensioner who has been fined £2,000 by the Irish Courts for non payment of TV license, and recent. You really could not make it up.
Whereupon BBC producer then said, ‘he had made that up,. that he could not find another, and of course and they did find more. its not hard is it (BBC admits thousands are parades through the UK Courts with fines).. Then he said that it was ‘all false’ where were his facts from? And Talk Radio said it was all publicaly available from ‘Full Facts’ the fact checking service the BBC likes itself to use itself. Anyway that was the end of that episode. BBC man ridiculed.
You have to wonder if anybody at the BBC, actually lives in the real world. The BBC has a living wage 2.5 times the best paid Train driver (£67,000 at last count) for a menial presenter job. they are no where near as productive and pay themselves with a pension that would be the envy of the world, it it were known (and it is, about £2 million, excluding basic salary) and the top-ups from interviewing yourself on BBC radio (for an undisclosed fee) and as for TV awards (via a BBC private production company) is sky’s the limit. its all off books. A bit like Huw Edwards pay packet and pension award. They just cannot help paying themselves what they think they are worth.
That is why they need the money. £165 now and £185 by next year. You see its extraordinary good value, if your Deaf and the Blind get a discount!! And as the BBC man said, its the law. If you don’t watch it (and he did say that) you still have to pay for it, as that is why you get fined £2,000 for not watching it. OK the last bit I may of mis-heard.
Or perhaps I did not. After all the BBC needs the money, desperate they are to keep the TV license at all costs.
End of radio interview. Mike Graham wins, I think.
Philip= Be fair to the BBC Don’t you think that three quiz
programmes . One after the other on a prime time TV on
a Saturday night . Is good value for the license fee?
Pointless, followed by the Weakest Link. Then BLANKETY
I just think that you are jealous that you haven’t won a
Blankety Blank check book and pen. And just think if the
personable young lady would of guessed that POOL came
after SWIMMING . She would of won a garden chair!!
Honestly Philip isn’t it worth the license fee to see our
foreign secretary David Lammy on MASTERMIND being asked
what monarch came after Henry V111 ? And the mastermind
replied Henry V11. But to be fair . He could of been asked
what was Gandhi’s first name? I expect our illustrious
foreign secretary , could of well answered ” Was it Goosey Goosey?” Well worth the money !!
Interesting that the BBC, in this headline at least, are referring to ‘UK Rioting’. Like it was widespread rioting going on.
Did all the protests pass the benchmark for rioting? Not mostly peaceful with isolated incidents of violent disorder then?
They’re making it seem like Auntie Maureen pushing a wheelie bin at a copper is the same as burning entire cities to the ground causing billions of dollars worth of damage, leaving several innocent citizens dead and hundreds of cops injured, some seriously (USA BLM).
Rioting my arse.
10% doing hooliganism/vandalism even petty looting
Whilst the 90% film on their phones
Hardly as serious as the Portland Oregon proper riots.
Starmer-bot on the 11pm news
Firstly as if by decree all news bulletins seem required to have a statement from our Dear Leader Starmer
But in Northern Ireland he sounded like a robot
Speaking of protest she gave firm tick box statements like “this is racism”. Etc.
“smash the smuggler gangs”
= “Smash the people who PROTEST against the smuggler gangs”
.. It’s easier to shoot the messenger that deal with real criminals.
Free speech is a presssure valve for a lot of oppressed people. If our current pound-shop Soviet regime insists on stopping the up the valve what will happen? My question is rhetorical of course.
This is funny. Not the joke; the thread. Two po faced political weenies trying to extricate from a deviation from the narrative.
Trump falsely implies Taylor Swift endorses him
The comments suggest the legacy of Sopes seeps on.
Then, of course, LBC.
‘I accept’: Trump faces backlash after posting AI-generated Taylor Swift images implying presidential endorsement
They really are a predictable bunch of po faced activist losers.
BBC target for tonight.
New two-part series, The Kingdom: The World’s Most Powerful Prince, explores how Mohammed bin Salman became one of the most powerful and divisive leaders in the world.
Oil sales man buys everything – including sport/gambling which goes against Islam beliefs.
They do get about.
The riots that shocked the country – but in places of power from politics , the media and think tanks – a poisoning of our public discourse that had been many years in the making.
Tonight @BBCOne 8pm Panorama
‘America, I gave my best to you’: Biden eyes legacy in emotional farewell
I observed during the Republican convention how so much of the BBC reporting was either about the Democrats or trying to pick holes in whatever they could. I also made a point to compare it to their coverage of the Democrat convention.
And even I am stunned by the contrast. It’s wall-to-wall fawning and praise. I found 12 occurances of ‘Trump’ in their live-feed and not s single one was positive.
Look what Lurch writes:
‘”Like many of you, I gave my heart and soul to this nation,” he said, towards the end of a nearly hour-long address punctuated by raucous shouts of “Thank you, Joe”.
Mr Biden had walked out onto the stage after being introduced by his daughter Ashley and wife, Jill, who told the audience she “saw him dig deep into his soul” when he decided to exit the presidential race.
After hugging Ashley, he put a tissue to his eyes to dab away the tears.
The president touched his heart, and stood a little straighter at the lectern, flashing a toothy smile as the crowd continued to cheer.’
When Trump spoke for an hour he was just rambling and it was a sign he has lost his marbles. For Joe there is nothing but respect and admiration.
The HUGE difference is that Trump spoke from the heart, Joe was reading from the autocue. The video is here:
Watch Joes eyes. They only ever point in 3 directions : extreme Left, extreme right and straight ahead. And Joe is like some punch-drunk boxer.
The most significant thing about this for me is the further confirmation that the BBC have abandoned all pretence of impartiality now. They are openly 100% pro-Democrat. This signifies that they now know they have the approval of both OFCOM and the government to do it. This represents a big step for the ‘red-line’ of how far they can push their agenda and I expect it will move even more rapidly now.
This is ‘democracy’ BBC style. Non-stop drip-drip-drip brainwashing and conditioning of the masses. Just how the socialists have done it for hundreds of years. And always with the same end result when the lies hit the fan.
They do seem… selective.
Hillary Clinton says it’s time Kamala Harris broke ‘glass ceiling’
I suppose Obama decided he could not risk giving Biden a run as his mental ability is rapidly declining – inability to control emotions – further loss of coordination – balance – all there to see .
In a fair fight it would be a big gamble for Obama to run Harris – but we know it’s not a fair fight . …..
Even if by a miracle president trump wins – he’d never be able to find out how Obama had fixed the vote – the federal government is so ‘owned’ by the democrats …. Also the U.S. equivalent to the civil service will obstruct anything Trump tries to do ….
And together with a smoke screen challenging the legitimacy of a trump win it’s a tough fight .
Notice too – that now that the msm have been given leave to question the mental state of their Biden – they are now trying it on with president trump .
A couple of months ago that would have been an absolute ‘no’ ….
I see our, “Worlds Most Trusted Broadcaster” is trying to convince listeners / viewers that the Polls show that the support for Trump and Harris are level.
‘If you believe that, you will believe anything.’
Too soon edition – in which we prefer not to look back over our shoulders (or rudely glance over anyone else’s shoulder for that matter) and revive memories of the terror of the Southport murders so instead go in search of other more interesting stories
Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers…
Whereas the gynaeceum that is BBC news staff like to pick a pairing of print press headlines from the papers to top their online line-up of the nation’s frontpages.
‘Yacht horror’ and ‘Queen said Trump was very rude’ – runs the BBC’s present iteration of their regular daily double whammy title.
One scans the often blurry, mild myopia inducing, scans provided and notes the plethora of yacht-related lead stories
‘If it bleeds it leads…‘ So… If it sinks it…? If it’s wrecked it…? If it capsizes it…? (and that failure to find a suitable rhyme folks is why Mr AsI will never win the accolade of best pun at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival)
Funniest joke at Edinburgh Fringe: Mark Simmons’ ship gag triumphs… “I was going to sail around the globe in the world’s smallest ship but I bottled it.” (BBC, 19 August) – oh the irony.
Too soon? You can’t blame the BBC for this one. Usually the inappropriate gags will surface AFTER the tragic news event
Storm sinks £14m boat off Sicily (cost-counting corporate advertising freebie Metro); Tornado sinks superyacht… Hero mum saves baby in sea hell (Women and children first in the big-hearted Labour-supporting Mirror); Tech tycoon feared dead in family superyacht tragedy (A certain degree of sympathy for the millionaire evident in the mildly conservative Telegraph); Vindicated tech baron Lynch missing after luxury yacht goes down off Sicily (The overly-wordy FT there overloading their headline); Tycoon and daughter missing in yacht tragedy (Express) – and so it goes on.
Times and Guardian likewise lead with the same story.
But what of our BBC’s second favourite news headline report… ‘Queen said Trump was very rude’?
If the criterion were frontpage secondary lead story they might have gone for: Taylor hugs Southport survivors – perhaps a little too on the nose from our big-hearted Mirror
There’s the same problem with jogging memories by picking the Express lesser headline: Taylor Swift meets Southport victims
The tabloid par excellence Daily Star must have been in with a shout with their: Swifties at war with Trumpers – I’m assuming the BBC caught wind of that story
Starmer backs working from home ‘to boost productivity’ (Telegraph) – moving quickly on…
Tax rises force North Sea producers to rethink plans (FT) – nope…
Of course there was also the Telegraph’s big frontpage teaser for their feature: How to eat meat and stay healthly – not tempted by that BBC?
How about: Pritti Patel: Labour are ‘robbing’ pensioners (Express) – well BBC? How’d you like them onions?
On the other hand our BBC’s criterion for getting a quotable slot in their two-punch paper review header might be that the chosen news report has to be the lead story for a title?
Oh Baubles – laments the banner headline in the jokey blokey Daily Star: It’s too soon! Xmas trees going up and shops selling festive chocs.. In August – our BBC passed on that one.
The often left-leaning ‘i’ goes with: Crime suspects left on streets under ‘one-in, one-out’ prison crowding plan… ‘I’ve never seen anything like it in 28 years’ says defence solicitor – that report was likewise evidently not to our BBC’s taste.
You’d think it would stick in the craw but our BBC at last alights on the ever-excitable Daily Mail for their top story. It’s hardly what you might term breaking news but apparently it went down well enough with the girls in the office…
Queen said Trump was ‘very rude’… claim revealed in new book… which is being serialised in the Daily Mail… ‘particularly disliked’ the way he looked over her shoulder as if ‘in search of others more interesting’
There always has to be an angle to sell some piece of fiction . In this case the author slums it by making accusations impossible to rebut.
The agent has also calculated that lefties are more likely to be interested in such stuff so will be more likely to buy the dross .
The bubble tries so hard to attack Donald trump – so much hate – a true obsession . I bet if he’d had his head blown off the bbc presenters wouid have been unable to keep a straight face – the dam would have burst in delight ….
“Queen said ” and cannot defend herself.
“Mama ….just killed a man, put a gun against his head…”
One reason the marxists at the Guardian hate X ?
Normal people are given a voice and not deleted or cancelled by the far left…
Note the community note at the bottom from other X users…..
Andrew Klavan mercilessly mocks Mr Magoo-lookalike Mark Rowley for wanting to prosecute Americans like Elon Musk.
At last, a Youtube author who one can listen to without getting annoyed with him..
Quote of the day, RE UK:
“While his country turns into Afghanistan, except full of funny talking homosexuals”
Klavan is sharp and funny. His short intros are often the best bits.
We all need a laugh.
How do we know which people or organisations to trust?
@BBCNews’ Amol Rajan shares journalistic advice to help you consider what sources you can rely on.
One way:
Observe what they have said about the following over the last few years, and whether they state facts or opinions, and what significance they attach to each:
1) Biden’s competence
2) Donald Trump
3) The Conservatives and Labour
4) Nigel Farage
5) The biggest sex scandal ever in the UK RE the industrial scale, racially motivated gang rapes and assaults upon UK white school children
6) illegal immigration
7) Tommy Robinson
Keir Starmer says Joe Biden ‘on really good form’
Asked whether the president was senile, as an increasing number of people are implying, Sir Keir answered “no”, and praised the president’s understanding during their bilateral meeting.
2017 BBC Fake News
BBC Fake News
@Guest Who – Indeed, it’s very important that you be brainwashed by the right people, namely the BBC.
The right people being left. Confusing, innit?
Drone swarms could stop wildfires, researchers say
Ahhh … the old ‘could’ qualifier from another clueless BBC clone regurgitating academic ‘sales speak’ trying to get funding for a project which is complete nonsense.
They seem to think it would be practical to keep a fleet of drones flying around with heavy loads of water just in case they spot a fire.
100% totally impractical. It will never happen. Period.
The real use is a drone which is dispatched as soon as a fire is spotted by other means such as satellite. This is much more simple and unfortunately for the academics would be a practical project for real engineers, not one they could pontificate about for a couple of years before a final report explaining it ‘could’ be done. But nobody will.
Not that the BBC’s Harriet Bradshaw would have any clue about that:

She will have been nodding profusely as she was fed the sales blurb without actually understanding any of it.
The BBC love this kind of thing where they can flirt around with theories which will make the world into the wonderful place they have in their naive imagination. And remain blissfully ignorant of just how utterly useless they themselves are in the real one.
They really are like children.
Here’s an article I found on said clone:
‘Award-Winning Journalist Wanted to Capture Compassion’
Which absolutely sums up the BBC these days.
That is not journalism at all. It’s activism. A real journalist would want to capture the news and present it without attempting to sway the reader in any direction.
None of them at the BBC now.
1968: Is this the FUTURE of TELEVISION? | Tomorrow’s World | Retro Tech | BBC Archive
My hero – time to see the James Burke rocket launch sequence on the YouTube again …. It’s just magic …
That is amazing.
How’d he do that ?
He’s a witch, burn the witch
@ bbc, I have some seeds in my freezer for sale:
In the winter of 1961, our family was spraying a fine mist of water on the hill south of the house to make an ice slide on to the pond. During the night, a strong east wind blew the spray onto some honeysuckle bushes. The result was so beautiful that we sprayed water directly onto the bushes and the Ice Tree was born!