Are you ready ? It’s the Democrat Convention in Chicago – complete with the adoration by the BBC of the current US President – Barack Obama . His current puppet – sleepy joe – is to be replaced by a newer puppet – it’s called Harris…. Famed for her masterly work as ‘border czar ‘ – think Yvette cooper … anyway the BBC will be on the case with fulsome uncritical praise of Their New Girl ..enjoy …
Start the Week 19th August 2024
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‘America, I gave my best to you’: Biden eyes legacy in emotional farewell
MARCH 2021 …..
President Trump’s 100 Days President Biden’s 0 Day
Dear Winston Smith in the Records Department of the Ministry of Truth,
You covered President Trump’s 100 Days and then produced a Beyond 100 Days to hold power to account.
Why have you not done the same for President Biden to hold power to account?
‘Omission is the greatest form of lie.’
Thank you again for contacting us,
BBC Complaints Team
Impressive even for Today.
1/2 an hour… Zero comments.
Taylor Swift for UK Prime Minister – she can end our problems by distracting us all – FREE CONCERTS ON THE NHS TO SOLVE THE MENTAL HEALTH EPIDEMIC!
“Taylor Swift’s European Summer tour will end tonight in Wembley.
Journalist Hadley Freeman and Dr Iona Murphy, Taylor Swift adviser to the Victoria & Albert museum, join #R4Today to discuss the joy she has brought to fans around the country following weeks of upset.“
That BBC PR tweet for Taylor Swift did gat one comment after an hour
In the 3 hours it’s got 17 Likes
So it’s not like a vast swathe of the UK public are interested in the tweet or the radio show
R4Feedback last week had a big item about BBC needing to pander to youth audiences.
.. BTW it made the claim that OLDER audiences are more sceptical about BBC news.
A quick scan of BBC output seems to locate the target audience somewhere between Teletubbies and Harry Enfield’s Kevin the Teenager – only more ignorant + stupider.
Bbc question time 2024:
NOT on the BBC of course:
The Atlantic is cooling at record speed and nobody knows why
Time for someone to conjure up some theories about why it’s definitely man-made and lots of funding is urgently needed to research it further.
This kind of thing is what highlights all the confident ‘scientific’ predictions being the 1% science, 99% guesswork that they are. None of them know if we can stop global warming or indeed if a natural cycle will reverse it (which it most definitely will – the question is just when).
So to play it safe, they choose the option which will free up the most funding and present it as fact.
New Scientist is not a science magazine
Rather it’s a front for putting advertising in front of gullible Guardian reader types
Hence it almost 100% plays to the Climate Doom narrative
..there will be a catch with this new article.
Probably they’ll be a part 2 where they claim something like : sea ice is melting and cooling the ocean.
1 year is short term in history of climate
Most sea ice is in the north, and some of it tends to melt in Summer and refreeze in winter.
I have come to profoundly loath New Scientist – it’s like a comic for the credulous.
Rachel “l worked at the Bank of England” Reeves has been delivered a reality check… her mean, deceitful trick of means testing the winter fuel allowance , (only months after her equally mean and deceitful leader was on his feet in Parliament demanding that SUNAK promise the very same allowance would not be reduced by the then Tory govt) is about to reveal something that many suspected……she doesn’t really know what she’s doing.
The savings predicted by her means testing regime is in the order of 1.4bn£ but the consequences of her doing so is likely to force many others to claim Pension credit, the likely cost may reach 4bn£.
So my question is, why exactly did Rachel leave the Bank of England? …Whose decision was it that she would be better off elsewhere?
We haven’t had any proper explanation of how the 20bn£ “black hole”was ever hidden, if indeed it exists. Curiously on the same day Starmer was asking for a promise that the pensioners fuel allowance was safe in Tory hands, he was ranting about a budget black hole of 60bn£ , so he knew something ,or was possibly not telling the truth . Either way he it seems he failed to mention any of his concerns to Rachel.
Get ready folks this is just the start of “Reevenomics”!
Triumph Against ‘Throughtcrime’ as Christian Arrested for Silent Prayer Wins Payout
In a victory against the grim spectre of UK censorship, Isabel Vaughan-Spruce, a Christian volunteer who faced two unjust arrests for silently praying outside an abortion clinic, has received a £13,000 settlement from West Midlands Police. (TAX PAYER, THE POLICE HAVE NO MONEY OF THEIR OWN)
They should take it out of the Chief Constable’s pay.
Hopefully TTK’s eye will have a poke when the appeals run their course through the courts.
Meanwhile, meanwhile, can we speculate on what would happen if a large number of OAP’s (like me), hundreds of thousands presented themselves to their local cop shop to confess to having posted a comment online which they believe could breach TTK’s low baseline of such comments…………….. Not leave the station until the comment is, ‘OK’d………….
Let’s get organised.
In light of sexual practices mentioned here yesterday
An old lady down the street was showing me the Boots offers email they sent her.
Bottom of the page there was this item “Rocks Off Petite Sensations Pearls for anal play” !
Is that an anagram ..?
Have all the Ann Summers shops on high streets now gone online under LoveHoney branding?
“King ‘profoundly shocked’ by fatal knife attack”
The Special Escort Group (SEG) who provide mobile armed protection to members of the royal family and government ministers. Armed security at royal residences in London, Windsor and Scotland.
The cars themselves are modified versions of the prestigious Bentley Arnage and fitted with armoured bodywork and glass, blast-resistant tyres, and blue flashing lights. In an emergency, the inside of the car can be sealed air-tight in the event of a gas attack enveloping the King.
‘Bebe King, six, Elsie Dot Stancombe, seven, and Alice da Silva Aguiar, nine, died when a knifeman attacked a Taylor Swift-themed dance class on 29 July. Ten others were seriously injured.’
The BBC are protecting who did it. Or should I say the clearly non-English name of who did it. No reason at all they would not name the scumbag.
If he were called ‘John Smith’ then I’m sure they would. If it suited their agenda they might have written:
‘Bebe King, six, Elsie Dot Stancombe, seven, and Alice da Silva Aguiar, nine, died after they were stabbed by Axel Rudakubana- the son of immigrants from Rawanda – at a Taylor Swift-themed dance class’
They are HATEY, HATEY, very very HATEY
..But #ItsOKwhenTheyDoIt
Probably trending cos lieftmobbare sneering at his disclaimer tweet from yesterday 5pm
“None of the information posted or repeated on this account is known by its author to be false,
nor intended to stir racial or any hatred of,
nor cause psychological or physical harm to, any person or group of people (howsoever identified).“
I have said many time, nobody hates like the Left.
But their hate is the special, nasty kind. The kind which would make them celebrate if Trump were assasinated or Farage got acid thrown in his face.
It’s pure hatred of the person themselves. Not something they said or did. They go for the man, not the ball.
Libmob visualise their political opponents as not mere humans with differing views, but BEASTS
Then having dehumanised them, they are BEASTLY to them.
The exact behaviour they accuse their opponents of
ie their name calling is a form of projection.
eg they say Bernie Spofforth can’t merely be a human who saw a post naming Al Shakati & questioned if it’s true
But rather must be a devious evil person who deliberately made up the name and invented a lie : saying the original source deleted the claim
And exactly what the Nazis did Stew.
I suppose in a way it’s the arrested development of the wokes it’s the mentality of reaching for the camera when something bad happens .
Sanitised lives also cause this casual hatee. If they’d seen death in real life perhaps their casual homicidal desire might be moderated..
Starmer denies giving false hope to Tata workers
bbc dont forget to mention that these people are loosing their jobs in the name of “green”
Oww dont mention it then!
Mandy Rice Davies applies
” ”No racist bone in his body’ – family of rioter jailed for three years
Victoria Scheer
Reporting from Sheffield Crown Court”
You’ve already lost , when you start whimpering about not being racist …
“Gray, of Randerson Drive, Mexborough, pleaded guilty to violent disorder and was sentenced to three years in a young offender institution. He was also made the subject of a criminal behaviour order for 10 years.’
“Sheffield Crown Court heard today that it took three to four officers to later arrest Gray.”
Isn’t 6 to 10 the norm?
“There’s an update on the case of a 31-year-old man, accused of being in a group which pushed a burning bin against a hotel in Rotherham where asylum seekers were being housed.
Levi Fishlock, 31, has been told his trial date is fixed for December.
He didn’t enter any pleas when he appeared at Sheffield Crown Court this morning, and was remanded into custody until his next hearing on 25 October.”
That’s the spirit!!!
‘Ear all, see all, say nowt 👍
“*took* three to four officers to later arrest Gray.”
Look at the photo a petite female officer has his hands around his back
He is smiling
It really doesn’t look like he put up a huge fight
6 to 10 is the norm for a little old lady.
There is a school of thought (Not mine, of course) that in ten years time the “Rioters” will be chatting with their young children, and they will ask “What did you do in the war Mummy / Daddy?”
The opposition will be able to say “Oh I had purple hair, didn’t have a job, but I could shout “RACIST” frequently and loudly”
The “Rioters” will be ably to truthfully say that they fought for their country.
As I say, somebody else’s opinion.
Mick – I reckon it will be ‘do you remember the little disorders in 2024 that got crushed by the Far left – then the real riots which plod couldn’t control ….?’ – 2026..?
Afternoon Fed,
Let’s file that under “Things which wouldn’t surprise us in the slightest?
I don’t think anyone will be saying “Isn’t it strange, after the 2024 disturbances, we never heard or saw any further disorder”.
World at one
The pride of Scotland – the highest rate of drugs deaths in Europe …. having to suffer the dismal hateful SNP can anyone be blamed for zoning out ….
Any way – as usual the BBC concentrates on resources and demands more money be spent on the problem . It never goes deeper than that because that might lead to discomfort . The twenties are a time of highly selective morality – blame someone else for your problems – and total permissibility – apart for people wanting the country to be Britain of course
So drug abusers – knock yourselves out – no self discipline – blame someone else – but try not to harm others as you exit the world …..
The other hit the bbc didn’t touch was ‘who are these drug abusers ‘? Old ?young ? Male ? Others ?and is it suicide or misuse of chemicals ? Didn’t go there … just more taxes more money …. NO NO NO . I think the total deaths was 1400 in the year ? …. So how many abuse drugs but live ? No mention .
Declaration – I don’t take drugs – never have. Bet the 77 brigade boys are on the powder – eh boys ?
But as I write it seems a sunk yacht is the big story …
Fedup, I was expecting to see data in the BBC article about the number of users. From some years back if I remember correctly the claim was that there were 50,000 addicts in Scotland or roughly 1 in 100 of population.
Nothing to see there then.
The influence of ‘braveheart’ – or was it … traincrashing ‘…?
Maybe it was a training film …
Corelates with the number of national team football fans, probably.
There’s a spike every Euro and World Cup, probably.
Where’s Ed Miliband?
Not been on the Telly doing interviews in months.
He’s probably knitting balaclava helmets for freezing pensioners this winter …
Being retrained as a fast food litter picker I hope.
Remember… his ratings improved the less he was seen or heard.
Inside, Joe gives it – I gave my all to umm… sniffle, ‘merika
Obama and the Beach House Loopholes
Although Hawaii has laws meant to preserve disappearing shorelines, beachfront property owners have been able to bypass them. That’s what happened at an expansive coastal estate officials say the Obamas will live in.
Wonder if the Obamessiah will show at the DNC in Chicago ?
Sopes and Larry are all aflutter.
Mobile abortion clinics ( killings ) and mobile vasectomy while you wait – the more the betterer …
‘Do as I say, not as I do’ fits the hypocrite Left perfectly.
Tricky one for Obama tonight – appearing a stage doing his MLK tribute act and not showing the strings attached to the Harris puppet…
Good ventriloquist act though …
“That Obama’s project was or ever would be racial and economic justice was always a dream – and the sooner we let go of this and recognize Obama for who he is and what he does, the better we’ll all be.
Some people who disagree with me believe I am racist … I fantasized that he’d join us on the front lines of marches, battle for the salvation of Obamacare in ingenious ways, and maybe turn up at a Black Lives Matter event. But this was all a fantasy. …””
Steven W. Thrasher, a leading scholar in LGBTQ studies and public health. Each inductee embodies the spirit of dedication, service, and excellence
I read no further
When the tossers at Kings Place wake up to Thomas Sowell I might pay attention…
TOADY Watch #1 – never mind the CO2 emissions Farming Today has them covered
They were talking about cow emissions and sheep emissions on Framing Today which just preaches the UN’s IPCC line to keep Framing the narrative of the BBC and the present Labour Government which includes mad Miliband. But then JustRemainIn Webb blows the all savings from covering productive farmland with solar panels by flying to Chicago for the Convention of the Democratic Party. Could Justin not have sent Sarah Smith? After all, Sarah Smith is North America Editor ….. and is in the USA …. . Remember: the BBC wasting TellyTaxpayer’s money all the time.
Remember too -there’s the blind bloke who sees everything ( witnesses the assassination attempt by the secret service on president Biden ) ….
I noticed a member on the Mick Lynch Railway Union RMT demo line holding up a pamphlet reading “Cut Profits”. Presumably an anti Capitalist message from the Communist Union. However Trains have never made a profit, ever. They actually rely on Taxpayer subsidies to keep services going and to pay their inflated pay packets
The BBC are still wetting their panties and putting the convictions of rioters as the main headline news.
What punishment do you think this would get ?
‘he pleaded guilty to one charge of violent disorder after being filmed repeatedly confronting police and shouting “come on then” and “let’s have it”‘
20 hours community service ?. 50 hours ?.
Nope : jail for 16 months.
This is beyond justice : it is political persecution to remove these people from society until long after any possible protests have stopped.
I still can’t quite believe what has happened to our country. These sentences are simply ridiculous.
If it was against the far-Left BBC agenda, they would be researching other sentences and highlighting the gross disparity on political grounds. But they are 100% complicit.
For comparison, the woman who caused criminal damage by throwing liquid over Farage – which absolutely should be a terrorist offence, especially after Jo Brand urged people use battery acid – got 150 hours of unpaid work.
The latest one from July was released on bail and won’t be in court until next month.
The punishment regime being imposed by red labour really is something – it’s almost as though their courts have jumped back a hundred years to lock up without regard to Anything …
But what does it show ?
1 the courts are not independent
2 the judiciary will do as it is told – or else
3 the courts have far left bias
4 the courts are best avoided – don’t get caught
5 the courts are as 2 tier as the new model plod
6 Blighty is quickly descending – far quicker than I thought
7 the far left state is really frightened of the people – British people…
Normally – when there is disorder – ordinary people are quick to condemn it … but I sense … not this time … the media has had to push it – but instead it creates sympathy for victims of a brutal – biased – court system ….
The above comment might mean my front door comes in … but you’ll know from the tracking that I’m outside Uk jurisdiction … maybe i should take up the putin offer of political asylum … nice touch Vlad – very KGB …
Yes, it is interesting to see Putin offering residency to westerners (although I believe it’s not confirmed yet but people might be able to go in a min nth or so) who feel they’re being persecuted and living under a degenerate, globalist order.
Not saying they’re right to feel that way, but the way things are going I can see a few taking him up on the offer.
In cases where they could offer a skill they’d be able to:
Get decent sized affordable housing
Afford to start a family
Say what they want about uk politics without worrying their door would get kicked in (unless they came back for a holiday).
Recreational activities are cheap (pubs, gyms, cinemas, places of interest, hotels etc)
Get free healthcare without waiting 6 weeks for a GP appointment.
Might bump into Anna Kourikova (shhhwing!)
They’re at war. Pretty big downside that.
You might be deemed a ‘traitor’ by some.
With Putin, would it be out of the frying pan..
If the UK got fully involved in the war (troops etc) and was seen as a major enemy, how safe would you be in Russia then?
It’s freezing in winter at levels most could not comprehend.
The free healthcare system is apparently not that great.
You might bump into Steven Seagal.
But honestly? I can see a few taking him up on the offer. Maybe even someone like Tommy Robinson, who some think TTK’s justice system will stitch up for 20 years.
Interesting development though. Not for me.
Not yet anyway…
Mi ya zavoot Fedup
I think that this one will come to haunt politically. The white working class are going to work out that their traditional supporters are now jailing them and they will not forgive.
This started with the piss poor leadership demonstrated by TTK and he has to take responsibility.
The judicial system has been put on the spot but it has taken a gutless approach and has not protected UK citizens, rather it has obligingly executed ridiculous sentences, and then provided the bBC with the propaganda they love to transmit. Any thinking person now has to start to question their own safety in the UK and in the long term that will damage the capacity of the UK to thrive.
When the dust settles there has to be a review of how synchronised the tweet deletes were prior to the purge. Was everyone given fair and equal notice, if not is the sentencing reasonable. There is certainly one Labour MP who should have a twitchy bum at this point.
Hopefully the nauseating performance of the bBC will be recognised and many will stop paying the licence fee. I wonder if this last sentence now constitutes a crime?
No winners at all in this unnecessary debacle.
Funny you should say that Fed because I have thought more than once recently about the ‘Shardlake’ detective stories by CJ Sansom and are about a hunchback lawyer (!) during the reign of Henry VIII. The stories are fiction woven around real events.
He does a very good job to capture the opinions and sentiments of people at the time. And the attitude to crime (such as hanging children for stealing) comes across very well.
When I read them I wondered how people could have had such warped and illogical views about right and wrong on such a mass-scale. Now to my absolute amazement I realise we are heading off in that direction ourselves.
This totally disproportional reaction to the protests (both here and the Jan 06 protests in the USA) without any kickback from the public leave me bewildered about how it could be happening.
Next step is concentration camps for anyone their kangaroo court decides is far-right.
I enjoyed the first couple of those books.
Saw this the other day, BBC don’t do irony do they.
First statement from reporter, her husband is on student visa!
First question should have been, who pays his fees, who pays their rent and what do they live on!
Why are we allowing this
” ‘I love England. I feel I passed to heaven,’ said Rudi, who came here from Romania’s capital Bucharest. ‘It’s like finding a bag of money on the road, picking it up, and no one saying anything at all. “
Bags of money in people’s pockets, allegedly
Thick Tok:
“BookTok row erupts after influencer complains the novel she’s reading has ‘so many words on every page’
Yana from California said Six Of Crows had too many words on every page “
Attention spans now appear to be about 7 seconds.
Just go on YouTube. Type in a search of interest and you’re met with loads of ‘shorts’. A lot of these videos have millions of views.
A book?
Very difficult to get anyone under 25 to sit and read a book. Or watch a film in one go.
YouTube “Shorts” are like Poundland sweets … and I rather think that “Shorts” are ideologically skewed too – at least the syrupy twaddle I get delivered.
Crafted to tempt you in but actually often simple rubbish in miniaturised dishonest packaging.
“Sen. Ron Johnson says the FBI investigation into Trump shooting is ‘jaw-dropping’… and reveals how they are doing ‘everything wrong’
it was suspicious that would be assassin Thomas Matthew Crooks’ body was cremated almost immediately after he was shot and killed at the rally in Butler, Pennsylvania.
Crooks, 20, was gunned down by Secret Service right after one of his bullets grazed the former president’s right ear during the attack on on June 13 that left one supporter dead and two others critically injured.
And amid a still ongoing investigation into the events that transpired that day, Crooks’ body was already released and cremated despite lingering questions from lawmakers.”
The UK MSM seem to have pretty much ignored / forgotten Corey Comperatore, David Dutch and James Copenhaver – especially when “investigation” rears its head.
Yes, they were not billionaire yachters.
“British Bill Gates”
Does he freeze up half the countries’ computers every few weeks and cause critical errors ?
A Bill Gates is half an Olympic swimming pool – about time Bill Gates got the same treatment as Gary Glitter, given his Epstein patronage – release the tapes I say!
FFS this is beyond ridiculous who is going to challenge this ?
When Elon Musk is the only one speaking out you know we are in a Nazi police state.
“a thug who shouted in a police dog’s face is among the latest rioters put behind bars.”
He called it ‘a stupid dog’ but the police dog identified as a cat, so it’s a hate crime.
Went right off it’s Winalot by all accounts.
Mpox not new Covid and can be stopped, expert says
As predictable as night follows day, the BBC are calling monkeypox mpox. A ‘policy directive’ no doubt.
And the reason is obviously that they don’t want anyone to associate the word ‘monkey’ with all the black people who have it.
What a shame the BBC are not so concerned about anything to do with whitey. He can be called anything at all or discriminated against on a massive scale and the BBC don’t care one bit.
Couldn’t have put it better myself (and all within 6 bloody weeks!) so, in full:
“This is Britain under Labour – prepare for the worst, says Carole Malone.
Whoever voted for Labour on the basis “they couldn’t be worse than the Tories” must be feeling pretty stupid now. Because in less than 50 days this Government has proved just how much worse it can be.
In fact it’s hard to imagine a bigger bunch of numpties, who thanks to a few million, misguided voters, are now in Downing Street running this country.
We have a prime minister who lied to us before the election about immigration. He said he had a plan to stop the boats with his new super Border Security Command. It turns out he didn’t and worse, he can’t even find anyone to run BSC because everyone knows the job’s a poison chalice and that Starmer has no idea how to smash the gangs.
Oh and he’s just also just told the Irish people they’re racists because they dared to object to mass immigration – that’s his latest mantra – if you object to illegal immigration you’re a Far Right racist – which shows just how out of touch he is with the British people who have now said it’s immigration NOT the economy that’s the new top issue facing the country.
So, why is he ignoring those people – the British people.
The much respected Tony Sewell, now Lord Sewell, who wrote a landmark report on racial and ethnic disparities back in 2021 says: “Racism is a reality and it does affect people. But people DO have legitimate concerns which need to be addressed. And I think that politicians need to be able to disentangle the two [and not] stigmatise whole communities. Starmer needs to get a grip.
“But getting a grip doesn’t mean just dealing with the policing issues. We need a Prime Minister who says, ‘OK, I get it now. I’m in charge of the whole country’.”
Ok, back to the roll call of Numpties and what’s happening with the hopeless Government.
We have a Chancellor, Rachel Reeves, who lied and said she wouldn’t raise taxes. She also lied about a non-existent black hole that she invented so it would give her a reason to do what she’d said she wasn’t going to do – raise taxes.
She’s also robbed millions of pensioners by snatching their winter fuel allowances to pay for inflation busting pay rises to the party’s union paymasters who since 2020 have paid £36M into Labour’s coffers and now want some of it back in the form of public sector pay hikes – the kind that happened back in the 70’s under Labour and which ended in 25% inflation and a wrecked economy.
We have Deputy PM Angela Rayner, who we discovered has received £144,000 in union donations since 2019. What for you might ask? What are they going to get from her?
Worse we discovered that more than half of Starmer’s MPs have taken obscene sums of union cash in recent years but especially recently to help them fight the election. And if the old adage is true that “there’s no such thing a free lunch” what we’re seeing now is the reward for years of union largesse – a £14bn bill for public sector pay rises, a bill which will be paid for by the taxpayers.
We have a foreign secretary, the idiot David Lammy, who has spendt recent years mouthing off about various world leaders only to find they now they don’t want to speak to him – a bit of a problem when you’re Home Secretary.
Israel’s Benjamin Netanyahu, has refused to meet Lammy despite multiple requests from Labour because two days after his appointment he said he supported the allegations against Netanyahu for war crimes against Gaza.
Lammy has also called Trump “a neonazi sociopath.” So it’s unlikely Trump will agree to meet either. So at stroke Lammy’s big fat mouth has alienated Britian from two of the world’s biggest super powers.
The man’s a dangerous buffoon who Starmer needs to sack immediately because he’s actually damaging our reputation on the world stage and world leaders don’t want to talk to him which makes him useless and impotent. And where once his stupidity confined him to being just a national embarrassment, he’s now an international one.
Then we have Home Secretary Yvette Cooper, who ludicrously wants to bring in a new law that will make misogyny an extremist crime. We’re talking about the kind of law that applies to terrorists.
Is the woman mad?
This is the same party that’s letting thousands of unvetted men into this country every year and allows trans activists to threaten and abuse biological women.
And we’re expected to believe they give a tuppeny damn about women?
We have whole police forces that haven’t solved a single burglary yet they go knocking on people’s doors to arrest them for hurty word tweets.
Welcome to the cruel and dangerous joke that is now Starmer’s Britian!!!”
Zephir – at least we’ve ended 14 years of austerity from the Tories!
For train drivers, maybe.
HA HA! At least some are winning!
I think what the reds have done in such a short time is quite an achievement – I mean – there’s not even a parliament thing doing its expenses claims .
Some spad suggested to TTK that the minor disorders were an ideal way for him to show how tough he is – show the Stalin side and not the wishy washy ‘my dad worked a factory ( he owned ) – or when I was DPP ignoring Pakistani rape gangs …
But they’ve over egged it and shown punters that if you are involved in a ‘disorder ‘ Don’t Get Caught – wear a mask …. Like the far left does to beat the facial recognition vans …
“Austerity” was a complete fiction, I never saw so much money thrown around to so little or even negative effect:
Green Crap
Smart Motorways
Illegal Immigrants
The Covid-19 pandemic resulted in very high levels of public spending. Current estimates of the total cost of government Covid-19 measures range from about £310 billion to £410 billion. This is the equivalent of about £4,600 to £6,100 per person in the UK.12 Sept 2023
The original cost of HS2 – at 2009 prices – was supposed to be £37.5 billion. In 2020, the leaked Oakervee Review revealed the total project could cost up to £106.6bn, but concluded “on balance” it should continue.4 Oct 2023
National Highways’ latest figures suggest that if you break down on a smart motorway without a hard shoulder you are three times more likely to be killed or seriously injured than on one with a hard shoulder.22 Apr 2024
It states this will cost up to £17.1 million per day – a staggering £6.2 billion per year – for accommodation, likely in hotels. Under the Illegal Migration Act, people are banned from applying for asylum as their cases are deemed ‘inadmissible’ and the Home Secretary is under a duty to arrange for their removal.25 Apr 2024
Lah Di Dah Gunner Graham has passed…
“Dad’s Army and It Ain’t Half Hot Mum star John Clegg has died aged 90 as tributes have been flooding in.”
Nooooo … RIP …. Can’t be anyone left now … maybe the char walla… my uncle was in India in the war – driving sherpersons … he got so many bugs he suffered for the rest of his life …
The “pharightist”who has been jailed for shouting at a police dog seems to be attracting a degree of sympathy.
I strongly suspect this element of his wrongdoing is not the only aspect of his behaviour that should horrify all right thinking… oh my god, l mean correct thinking people.
“Some people are saying” that he was also charged with ….
1) Wearing a loud shirt in a built up area. and..
2) Walking on the cracks in the pavement.and
3) Having an offensive wife.
Wot a wrong un !
Constable Savage playbook in action …. eh?
I’m waiting for a rerun of the Spitting Image “ee assauted my foot wiv iz ed suh!”
WE ARE SO CLOSE COMRADES – you will all be pure and Labour ready after 4 years of Starmer.
“Iran’s morality police to resume headscarf patrols
Published 17 July 2023”
The judiciary’s Mizan news agency said he was accused of “instigating violence through unconventional and unlawful comments online”.
It gets even more ridiculous on the BBC:
‘Man jailed for shouting at police dog and using racist slurs’
So it’s now a custodial offence to shout at a police dog ???.
Do the BBC even realise just how ridiculous their headlines have become in their desperation to tar and feather the Right ?.
2018 was when dogs had more fun …. Man guilty of hate crime for filming pug’s ‘Nazi salutes’
Published 20 March 2018
Mark Meechan, 30, recorded his girlfriend’s pug, Buddha, responding to statements such as “gas the Jews” and “Sieg Heil” by raising its paw.
But police were alerted and he was arrested for allegedly committing a hate crime.
The original clip had been viewed more than three million times on YouTube.
Fenton suing?
Labour conference: Not right to say only women have a cervix, says Starmer Published 26 September 2021
It’s all part of NATO’s cognitive warfare program in action. Implant ten nonsensical things into your subconscious before you’ve even had time to get one foot out of the scratcher.
“Cognitive Warfare includes activities conducted in synchronization with other Instruments of Power, to affect attitudes and behaviours, by influencing, protecting, or disrupting individual, group, or population level cognition, to gain an advantage over an adversary. Designed to modify perceptions of reality, whole-of-society manipulation has become a new norm, with human cognition shaping to be a critical realm of warfare.”
Vietnam was the petri dish and the Vietcong were the far-right farmers who refused to bow the knee.
Applying behavioural science to refugee integration
Click to access Sanders_et_al_Applying_behavioural_science_to_refugee_integration.pdf
One approach in behavioural science is commonly referred to as ‘nudging’. Recently there has been a growing interest in nudge strategies among both practitioners and academics, in part because the strategies are cheap to implement. Here we provide an overview of such strategies and their applicability to refugee integration
NORFOLK, VA – Warfare has changed dramatically with advanced technologies, whole-of-society involvement, and increased global interconnectivity. More people are unable to differentiate between legitimate and manipulated information. Improving the Alliance-wide understanding of Cognitive Warfare is a priority for NATO member nations and partners.
Vietnam Rock Apes: Myth, Fact and Everything In-Between
Bet that was written by a sociologist ..
This is deep as it goes down the rabbit hole … “Bernie Spofforth committed an act of speculation about the identity of the Southport killer… and got thrown in jail. Blair’s Labour government committed an act of speculation about WMD… a million people died… We gave him a gong. Welcome to Two Tier Britain.…”
Comment from
Ned, 30, who is a Special Constable, adds: ‘Sadly, dozens stood around watching and filming, but no one attempted to help.’
“One Final Spasm of Defiance Before the Lights Go Out”
“And they are doomed.”
More than a thousand people have been arrested in the UK for public order offenses since three little girls were stabbed to death in Southport on July 29. I don’t have the exact statistics, but a fair number of them have already been tried, convicted and sentenced.
The mug shots above comprise a representative sample of those recent arrestees. Compare and contrast them with the distinguished gentlemen below:
The main difference between the two groups, besides the obvious one of ethnicity, is the nature of the crimes they were charged with. The men in the first group (plus a few women, not shown here) were copped for throwing rocks and bricks, carrying bats, and screaming insults at police and Muslims. Or simply posting “racist” content on social media.
In contrast, the men in the second group were charged with raping, torturing, and pimping out underage teenage girls. Their victims were from a different ethnic group (they were white) and a different religion (they were not Muslims).
It’s a case study in Lenin’s famous dictum: Who, Whom? (Kto kogo?) That is, what’s important is who is doing what to whom.
… ommonly summarized as “two-tier policing”, but the phrase hardly does justice to what is going on. A more accurate description would be that Britain is now operating with a new caste system, consisting of a master caste and an inferior caste. The two castes are distinguished by race and religion: the masters are “brown” and largely Muslim, and the outcasts are white and either Christian or “unchurched”.
As Mark Steyn recently stated: “I used to fear there would be civil war. I now fear there won’t be one.”
A woman was stabbed to death after reports of a fight with a man in the car park of a train station in West Sussex.
The “woman” was reported to be in her late teens.
Two girls, 16, are ‘sexually assaulted by group of men’ in sea off Bournemouth beach
East Kilbride community ‘unable to sleep’ after machete gang horror attack
The incident left one victim’s hand ‘severed’ and another needing surgery
Migrant who beheaded his victim and caused his intestines to spill out while still alive could avoid deportation from Germany ‘because he will probably just come back from Somalia’
Man, 20, is charged with murder and having sex with a dead body after woman stabbed to death in Kent
~DIVERSITY FEELGOOD STORY OF THE DAY: In the city of Sønderborg, in the deep south of Northern Schleswig, ethnic tensions used to mean Danes and Germans. But we’re way beyond that now. A seventeen-year-old girl was strolling near the local “migrant centre” when she was shoved to the ground by a chap who then attempted to undress her.
Happily, she was able to fend him off by pepper-spraying him. The attacker ran off and remains at large. Still, at least the poor teenage girl wasn’t raped. So that’s great news, isn’t it?
Er, no, not in Denmark. Per police spokeseunuch Knud Kirsten:
It is illegal to possess and use pepper spray, so she will likely to be charged for that
I think – if I recall – Jess £ Phillips £ reads out the names of women who have been killed by men each year . The lefty speaker allows this nonsense …
But maybe she should read out the names of the men who do the killing – we could look for a ‘pattern ‘ or foreign names …
Am I being a mysogenist and a misandrist here – do I get double terrorist points from pixie ( balls cooper – a TTK disciple ) ?
“Suicide is a significant national social issue in the United Kingdom. In 2022 there were 5,642 registered deaths by suicide in England and Wales, equating to an average of 15 suicides per day. 74.1% of suicides in England and Wales in 2022 were males.”
used to be a 66:33 split. No great surprise given the anti-male noise, noise the left are so good at. Hopefully the UK will not need to rely on males again to defend the country.
Russia offers safe haven for people trying to escape Western liberal ideals
Under the document, such foreign nationals will have the right to apply for temporary residence in Russia “outside the quota approved by the Russian government and without providing documents confirming their knowledge of the Russian language, Russian history and basic laws”
If only I liked betroots and manic depression.
The orthodox choral stuff is OK.
The BBC have despatched all of their heavyweights to the US Democratic Convention…. Repetitive talking up Harris and scorning Trump.
This lefty media frenzy is global and the BBC are trying as hard as they can to keep Trump away from the Presidency.
Why on earth do the BBC’s British viewers want to see rolling footage of the Democratic convention of another Country at peak viewing time with every lefty US talking head they can find rolled on one after another.
I never recall the BBC going to such manic saturation of a US election before. They must be really panic-stricken that Trump might just pull it off…..
I just hope he can do it, it will be the morning after Brexit all over again!
Hillary says she wants to break the glass ceiling after the maid wipes up the white stains on the Oval Office floor.
While my answers were legally accurate, I did not volunteer information. Indeed, I did have a relationship with Miss Lewinsky that was not appropriate. In fact, it was wrong.
BBC North America’s Lurcher makes my skin itch
Ben Wallace announces probe into claims by a 77th Brigade whistleblower that the military unit had covertly spied on Brits posting about Covid on social media
Officials previously claimed operations had “never conducted any kind of action against British citizens”
But in a parliamentary statement, Ben Wallace this week admitted the 77th Brigade scours social media to “assess UK disinformation”
openDemocracy reveals another government “misinformation” unit logged journalists who tweeted about their clearing house exposé
Big Brother Watch Team / February 2, 2023
You leave 77 brigade alone – they are doing an excellent job developing as a British KGB – they’re just monitoring dissenters ( like this site ) but can’t wait to knock a few doors in to provide ‘examples ‘ ….. 36 months on remand in custody or 24 months for a guilty plea …
The 77th are here to protect you from yourself!
Two-tier Keir- You’re all clearly racist…
I thought he was gonna try a Northern Ireland accent -so it is ..
Look at these sentences:
“A group of Pro-Palestinian protesters who caused over £1 million of damages at a weapons factory were jailed for a total of five years and two months.
This comes after Stuart Bretherton, 25, Eva Simmons, 25, Calum Lacy, 23, Erica Hygate, 23 and Sumaya Javaid, 22, scaled the Thales UK building in Glasgow’s Govan on June 1 2022 and staged a demonstration on its roof.
The five protestors unfurled banners and erected flags and ignited pyrotechnics.
The building had its fire alarm activated after Hygate and Javaid entered the building and threw a smoke bomb into the area where staff were being evacuated.
Two of the protestors remained at the building overnight and glued themselves to the roof after refusing to engage with police.
A total of £1,130,783 of damage was caused and the premises were shut due to safety concerns.
Bretherton, of Kilmacolm, Inverclyde, Simmons, of London, Lacy of Edinburgh as well as Hygate and Javaid of Birmingham, pleaded guilty to conducting themselves in a disorderly manner.
Hygate separately pleaded guilty to a vandalism charge, while Javaid also pleaded to behaving in a threatening or abusive manner.
All but Javaid received 12 month sentences while she was jailed for 14 months.”
“Miss Hygate and Miss Javaid entered the building through the roof and caused damage including to parts essential to submarines.
‘Fire alarms were activated which caused an evacuation and confusion as well as panic among staff.
‘You set off pyrotechnics and smoke bombs – some thrown in the area where staff where evacuated.
‘The smoke was dangerously close to the members of staff.
‘Miss Javaid was obstructive and required leg restraints.
‘A total of 20 constables, one inspector and two sergeants were there over two days or four shifts.
‘The premises were shut due to safety concerns and disrupting business activities which included matters of nationwide security.
‘The damage caused cost £1,130,783 which does not include the cost to the public purse, police or emergency service personnel.'”
“Bretherton had recently set up a fundraiser for help with his legal fees ahead of his trial, and thanked his supporters after achieving his target of £5000. “
Meanwhile, hidden somewhere in the news:
“Israel Says It Recovered Bodies of 6 Hostages in Gaza
The bodies were retrieved in an overnight operation in southern Gaza, the Israeli military said. Five of the hostages were already known to have died in captivity.
Of the roughly 250 people Israeli authorities say were taken hostage during the Hamas-led Oct. 7 attack, Israeli forces have so far rescued only seven hostages alive. Scores of others, mostly women and children, were returned to Israel during a weeklong cease-fire last November. More than 100 captives still remain in Gaza, at least 30 of whom are believed to be dead.”
HAMAS ARE OUR FRIENDS (c) JEREMY CORBYN just needs to ask them nicely for the hostages! Simple!
In a dictatorship the Boss would just announce that anyone taken hostage is considered ‘dead ‘ and that for every hostage killed – say 20 – Hamas prisoners would be killed … but Israel is a democracy – so the above can’t happen ….
Those brave Palestinians…
“Avraham Munder, 79, was the only hostage among the six whose death had not already been established. He was abducted from Nir Oz, a kibbutz, or communal village, near the Gaza border, along with three of the others: Haim Peri, 80; Yoram Metzger, 80; and Alexander Dancyg, 75. The remaining two, Nadav Popplewell, 51; and Yagev Buchshtab, 35, were taken from another border community, Nirim.”
How many hostages are believed to be held ‘alive ‘ ? Is it now about 150 ? Genuine question …
Keep going IDF ..
Taking hostages by anyone and using them is disgusting and reprehensible. I just can’t see that all the hostage deaths are due to Israeli action so why are so many dead?
“Over 50 times in the election Labour told the public they had no plans to raise taxes.
Now they’re laying the ground to break their word.
Raising taxes will be the ultimate betrayal of working people and the mandate Labour were elected on. The British people will not forget it.”
Sweden was worshipped by leftoids for decades ( insufferably so ) – now Guardian – BBC will put their fingers in their ears and start shouting “la-la-la we’re not listening”….
From ‘open hearts’ to closed borders: behind Sweden’s negative net immigration figures
Record low asylum applications ‘surprising’ when global displacement is at all-time high, with aid agencies blaming fear and far-right rhetoric
He added that, for Swedish society, “it’s a pure catastrophe”.
Sir Keir Starmer has said he cannot give “false hope” to Port Talbot steel workers ahead of the planned closure of the town’s last blast furnace next month.
The Labour UK government is in discussions to save jobs at Tata Steel, where thousands face redundancy.
Even so, Tata Steel has remained one of India’s most powerful steel companies. Tata Sons, the holding company of Tata group, and the group companies own a 30% stake in Tata Steel, with Tata group Chairman Cyrus Mistry also serving as chairman of the steelmaker.
Oyak: Turkish buyer of British Steel with direct ties to the military
This article is more than 5 years old Rob Davies
Pension fund accused over labour rights and involvement in corruption scandal
Maybe tata bungs were not at the level required to throw borrowed taxpayers money at it . Britain doesn’t need a steel industry to build nuclear power stations or submarines … it can buy stuff from the Chinese …. Er … hope they are included in the TTK defence review ( operation surrender ) …
2TK can’t give jobs to Tata workers but he can give jobs to 1000s of his lawyer scum.
but he can give jobs to 1000s of his fellow lawyer scum
Once upon a time – when there was an ‘operation let all the prisoners out ‘ the msm would look for the first one to kill rape or rob or get done for no TV licence … but now – we won’t hear a single word from the mail -express – telegraph – they are all rolling out the state TTK approved song …
“He (Obama) described the former president as a billionaire “who has not stopped whining about his problems” and when mention of Trump prompted the crowd to boo, said: “Do not boo. Vote”.”
Barack Obama’s $400,000 speaking fees reveal what few want to admit {theguardian may2017}