Over to you – all comments must comply with the ministry of truths ‘code of practice – a secret document only available to approved party members . Long live Comrade Starmer . long live BBCOFCOM
Weekend 31st August 2024
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More Karmarlar-ing from the BBC?
Hope you’ve got the pronunciation right Snuffy (it’s a “thing” at the moment) Kamala rhyming with Pamela and not Kam-arla apparently.
I’m just surprised that I received a first placed slot as my broadband went wonky just as I posted the above. You are right Brissles. Kamala rhymes with Pamela but the BBC appear to be ignorant of that fact despite wasting vast amounts of TellyTax on their so-called Pronunciation Unit.
In other rumours, I saw something that suggested that the BBC were in talks with Channel 4 about a possible merger. If true that would make some sense as I understand some of the Licence Fee money the BBC receive is paid to Channel 4 as a so-called ‘Public Broadcaster’.
Stew Green to investigate?
If Rachel and her PM keep with this boring Conservative ‘black hole’ in the public finances, I have a solution for the Labour Government: privatise the BBC. That Broadcasting House must be worth a few quid. It could be turned into public housing. I wonder if this will post?
You’re OK Snuffers, the wonkiness was shortlived!
I think we should ditch the whole Creamola name spelling and just refer to her as Waynetta, as most British citizens understand the logic of our lovely lady much more than the gabble of an incoherent lightweight…
In order to end this pronunciation controversy I propose that from now on the sobriquet Halfwit Harris is used. It has the advantage over her name of being a demonstrably accurate description of her.
How about this then Double…?
The left will eat itself
Just not quick enough !. They will destroy everything else first.
If you’d never heard her or heard of her before, you’d assume Harris must be a 200+ IQ genius according to her BBC fanclub..
More popular than a generous, faithful, 24 year-old supermodel, billionaire girlfriend and more needed than a glass of water in the desert. A political powerhouse with the vision and skill to create an everlasting Utopia in America.
On accomplished orator with no equal.
That last one might be true, akshuly.
“Musk’s X suspended in Brazil after ruling by judge”
A Brazilian Supreme Court judge has ordered the “immediate and complete suspension” of Elon Musk’s X, formerly Twitter, in the country.
In a statement, Alexandre de Moraes said the social media platform will be banned until X complies with all court orders and pays existing fines.
Justice Moraes, who has been involved in a long-running row with X, had given the social media platform 24 hours to name a new legal representative or face suspension, with a deadline of Thursday evening.
The platform is expected to be unavailable in the country within the next 24 hours.
Justice Moraes has given companies such as Apple and Google a five-day deadline to remove X from its application stores.
People attempting to access the platform after the ban through VPNs could be fined R$50,000 (£6.7k), according to local media reports.”
Brazil’s new President / government seems to be cut from the same cloth as our new Prime Minister…
Where the CCTV video of the drunk alcoholic in Doncaster saying
“See you Jimmy, Jimmy Milband : I’m gonna slit your throat, so I am hic” ?
Now sentenced to 3 years in jail
The Count The Bodies rule applies here
We get to see video of everything else
like clips from so called riots (chav hooliganism)
and judges pronouncing on those convicted
.. but I can’t find this valuable clip on MSM
If I did I’d count the real world impact on Miliband ..practically nothing I guess
where ?
“during a constituency visit in Bentley, South Yorkshire, on March 22.
Mr Miliband and his staff locked themselves inside a charity’s building on Askern Road after Donaldson got about five metres away and was waving his arms about and walking in front of traffic, the court heard”
Media don’t even show any stills
Think of the harm Miliband caused by imposing his ukulele song about wind turbines. on people.
Some animals are more equal than others.
… Scottish women police officers of colour.
How else did Halfwit Harris become the VP? Well she does have some other talents apparently but they aren’t of any use in the top job once you have it.
White is not a colour? HA HA HA HA HA!
All senior police officers in tv land are “of colour” or definitely mixed race.. We are soo brainwashed.
“What has happened to the UK? ”
as he quotes news that police arrested an 11 yo protesting about Southport attack
“If it is true that Jess Phillips
– who is now a government minister
– received preferential treatment in an NHS hospital because of both her status and her views on the conflict in Gaza, it would be an outrage.
Libmob talk out of both sides of their mouths

Such a thing as dignity in office, wondering how those in police cells on remand are doing, those who have never broken the law in their lives.
what goes around comes around, no one chucked a drink in her face then ? it’s acceptable for some in her twisted world view apparently.
With DJ and paid on expenses! HA HA HA HAH !
Sacha Lord used to be Manchester’s “night time tsar”. However he has just resigned following an unfortunate mix-up over some grants his company applied for. All very Father Ted, but I am sure nothing will come of it. It’s all right when they do it.
Those vilified for their beliefs and thoughts are now in jail, you thought the last government was bad ?
they were just incompetent
Now, we have a whole new level of evil, who tell you right is wrong and wrong is right.
“A perversion of public communication” who does that remind me of ?
There is a thing called the truth
And there is otherwise
Starmer grew up in Surrey and attended Reigate Grammar School, a selective state school that became private during his time as a student there.
While practicing law, Starmer focused largely on criminal defense work, with a special emphasis on human rights issues, both in the U.K. and overseas. He defended convicts sentenced to the death penalty in several Caribbean countries and was also a member of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office’s death penalty advisory panel from 2002 to 2008. In addition, he served as the human rights adviser to the Northern Ireland Policing Board (2003–08) and the Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO). He would later cite his time in these roles as a major influence on his decision to run for Parliament.
Does not have a problem imprisoning people for their opinions
Far right eyes political earthquake as Germans head to the polls
‘The far right is on the cusp of winning the most votes in German state elections for the first time since the Nazis.’
Oh dear BBC : you are throwing your labels around so freely these days, you have no idea what you are saying:
‘”Nazi” is short for “Nationalsozialist”, which is the German word for “National Socialist”.’
Mind you, I expect this clone doesn’t even know.

Another day, another mass stabbing in Germany. This time in Siegen, North Rhine-Westphalia on a bus.
Wonder why the Germans are voting for the AFD?
When I lived in NRW about 60 years ago there were stabbings all the time – NOT.
The AfD will win most votes in the eastern Lander but will probably be blocked from power by an alliance of all the other parties, very similar to what happened in France earlier in the summer when the RN won most votes but didn’t gain power.
But gradually the populist parties are gaining vote share and are forcing the established parties to change their rhetoric if not yet their implemented policies. Europe is moving towards populism and we can see that when faced with losing power or forming an alliance with populists or far left parties the Globalists always choose the far left.
As mass migration continues to force Europeans and Americans to confront the growing threat of losing their cultures and homelands these Globalist/ left alliances will fall apart and the people will vote populists into power.
At least they will if democracy is allowed to function freely but we can see that the Globalists are shoring up their position by resorting to anti democratic measures.
They have been handing power from their national parliaments to supranational bodies or to reliably Globalist legal bodies and also filling their civil services with anti populists so that when Populists achieve power implementing populist policies will be difficult.
They are using all forms of censorship to gull the people into keeping on voting for them or to believe that democracy is still functioning.
Finally as we have seen in the UK they are using the legal system illegally to break and suppress any sign of populist protests. We call it two tier policing but that is just the tip of a very nasty police state iceberg.
Everywhere in the West the people are starting to confront Globalism as they are beginning to see how it has wrecked their lives and their children’s futures.
I notice how the Left treat the shift of opinion towards the right as something which must be stamped out, not something they should take on board and adjust what they do to cater for what the people want.
This is fascism in it’s purest form. Not what the left-wing academics changed it to when they realised it applied to them. Now it actually has ‘far-right’ in the definition.
Far lefties always think they’re right, the rest of us just get on with it, and care less about them…
Too true Scrobs : The Left live in their own theory world of ideology. The Right live in the real world and deal with all the compromises it demands.
We are witnessing the slow unfolding of events in the real world which give rise to the saying ‘If you make peaceful revolution impossible, you make violent revolution inevitable.’.
Starmer will do that if he stays in power long enough.
Free palestine, the palestinians that are the scourge of the arab world
She’s reminding me more and more of karmela …
Every time I see her gormless face, it reminds me how it is acceptable to comrade Starmer (and the Left in general) for a deputy leader to call the whole opposition ‘Tory scum’ without a ripple of complaint from anyone. Imagine what they would have done to Boris if he called Labour ‘scum’.
Nobody hates like the Left. And nobody else has such stupendous double-standards.
This is how Egypt deals with them
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – KH OK, DJT Not OK!
https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c8dp5v6l902o What do we have fighting for BBC page space with the Gallagher Brothers but an inevitable photo of Kamala!
Well, there is talent and there is thighes, often photographed
Is that the MSM metric for a desirable female ? it seems so
I’m just sad that Gibson allowed her to play ther guitars
X banned by the Far Left Brazil – a model for comrade starmer to follow – long live comrade starmer and his 5 year plan .
New minimum alcohol controls – except vodka .
Comrade Starmer to announce pact with Franco Germany – to be called ReichEU …
Death to dissidents …
If , as it seems comrade starmer is going to end the free market in home rentals – I wonder what all those people being evicted are going to do ?
Will they go to slum landlords like the Sikh corrupt MP for south ilford ? Or other labour landlords …?
Morning Fed, hows about asking Ange or Yvette, as they know quite a bit about multi-addresses…
Good Day Scroblene – I feel as though I really am going to be writing in extracts from 1984 for the next 5 years … might need to re read it … especially the bits were the past is re written ….
And the stuff where Winston smith visits the ‘plebs’ all happy watching strictly … and counting their free benefits cash for the ‘vulnerable ‘…
… angie will be knocking another one out with an unknown daddy …
Extracts from 1984 still haunt, don’t they Fed!
I’ve just bought a copy of, ‘When the kissing had to stop’, by Constantine FitzGibbon, for a couple of quid, and that seems to be about a similar scenario to that we’ll have to endure for the next four years, ten months, twenty-six days, eighteen hours, thirty-four minutes…
As it’s nearly Autumn, it’s the reading season – did you guess that!
In the guardian today ( the true paper ) comrade Owen jones criticises the great leader for accepting freebies .* death to comrade jones – a right ring lackey deserving of the gulag – plead guilty Owen – get 24 months or 36 if not guilty ….
* I only read the headline … which is not an offence yet
Dissent in the Far Left must be stamped out by the new model army – still kicking in the doors of online dissenters – hang on ? What’s that ,,, my doors’ coming in … helllll…… p
Blur – Country House
I’m assuming that’s dedicated to all red labour MPs …
Up market, downmarket, art market edition
Just as Gordon Brown picked the worst possible moment to flog our British gold reserves…
So Keir Starmer times a severe dip in the market as the ideal moment to divest himself of a picture: Starmer moves Thatcher portrait from her former study (BBC); Sotheby’s sales slip as chill hits fine art market… Auctioneer’s core earnings plunge 88%… Arch-rival Christie’s also feels pain (FT)
I jest of course. Our PM can’t actually flog the Thatcher painting to help finance his rather generous doctors pay deal. It probably belongs to the nation.
Location of Thatcher portrait still a mystery (Telegraph)
This is of course cheap political point scoring on the part of the Labour hierarchy.
A story designed and crafted so as to distract the current news cycle, to inflame conservatives: MAGGIE REMOVED Fury as Sir Keir Starmer removes ‘unsettling’ portrait of Margaret Thatcher from study at No10 (The Sun); Thatcher still has lessons for today’s Tories (Charles Moore, Telegraph) ‘petty’ move after PM found it ‘unsettling’ (Daily Mail) and also, importantly, red meat chum thrown to thrill and excite Labour’s own Corbynista-minded support base:
BBC’s Chris Packham sparks frenzy with response to Keir Starmer’s Margaret Thatcher row… Packham, 63, shared an image of a newspaper headline, “Outrage as Starmer removes Maggie’s portrait.” He added the caption: “Right, that’s it, I’m taking mine down too…” (Express)
I’m inevitably reminded of: President Obama Explains Why Winston Churchill’s Bust Was Removed From the Oval Office (ABC News, 2016)
Trump brings Churchill bust back to Oval Office (CNN, 2017)
No 10 takes relaxed view as Biden removes Churchill bust from Oval Office (Guardian, 2021)
That’s a well-travelled bust… sometimes these segueways…
The serious broadsheet frontpage pin-ups are out in force: Stars align Venice festival draws Kidman on to red carpet for ‘Babygirl’ premier (FT Weekend); Kate Winslet… plays the wartime American photographer and model Lee Miller (Telegraph)
Meanwhile, moving downmarket, so to speak…
Nancy Dell’Olio I know Sven would want me at his funeral (Daily Mail)
Further downmarket… Bargain basement…?
No ‘painful’ times for Labour’s Angela! (Express); Day after PM warned of ‘painful’ times… Rayner’s raving (Express) – this is of course: Rayner the raver: deputy PM spotted behind decks at Ibiza club… Politicians of all stripes have been chasing the “brat” label all summer, but only one has come close to truly pulling off the role… Angela Rayner belting out lyrics to hit song in Ibiza nightclub (Guardian)
One doubts the track was Chris de Burgh’s “The Lady in Red”
I’ve never seen you looking so lovely as you did tonight
I’ve never seen you shine so bright, mhm-hmm…
The lady in red
Is dancing with me, cheek to cheek
(Not great art, perhaps, more your routine romantic ballard)
With all this Oasis news currenty likely bewildering the Gen Z among us, even the up market FT finds an excuse to reference a old dad band: Orchestral Manoeuvres… The LA Philharmonic on tour
While we’re flirting with the classical: Guillaume Diop ballet’s new idol (FT) – you guessed it… he’s black.
No details are supplied but the moves thrown by our Ange are hardly of a balletic stamp – nor was her dancing of the cheek-to-cheek variety, as favoured by our Chris Burgh. She was obviously raving to some classic rave number…
This is not the first time Rayner has been spotted out clubbing. In 2022, she took to the decks for a battle of the DJs charity event in Manchester… and played the rave classic Set You Free by N-Trance. (Guardian)
Oh yeah
When I hold you, baby
Feel your heartbeat close to me (oh yeah)
Wanna stay in your arms forever
Only love can set you free
Even the sometimes down-with-the-kids, occasionally ‘Brat’, Gruan has to concede: Song lyrics getting simpler, more repetitive, angry and self-obsessed – study
Where were we with the news? Art immitating life perhaps?
Starmer removes ‘unsettling’ £100,000 Thatcher portrait from 10 Downing Street (Independendent) – Unsettling, Sir Kier? Perhaps the eyes were following him around the room?
I some how think the IRA stooge Sue gray had the picture of her arch enemy moved . She is the true evil in the STAVKA running SMERSH operations using the new model army – or NKVD …
Mr Fedup – how funny you should reference the new model army… For a moment this morning I was toying with the theme of Tory cavaliers versus Labour puritan roundheads… with their extreme outdoor smoking bans and now minimum alcohol pricing (Telegraph) presumably designed to completely kill off the British public house.
But Ange at the decks in an Ibiza nightclub photos rather put the lie to that meme. It’s as if killjoy Oliver Cromwell Starmer had a right little raver as his chief lieutenant. I’m sure the audience at that gig were only partaking of the right-on variety of drugs.
Asisee it – my description of new model army is base on those times of Cromwell – he too – has little time for the corrupt parliament – I bet he was as miserable as starmer is .
However Cromwell had a heart – whereas starmer is a lawyer so has no heart – just driven for money and power ….
I can’t see a brighter time any time soon … except for those sucking on state money – which is more than half the population – excluding state pensioners of course …
They were probably weeping.
Buy William L Shirer’s The Rise And Fall Of The Third Reich .
Especially read the chapter Life In The Reich , and double especially read the sub chapter Economics of the Third Reich .
Then shut up about “ the far right “ as you don’t know what you’re talking about .
Promise Everything. Deliver nothing.
Starmer emphasises small town roots in first big campaign speech
I have now reached the point where everything about that man repels me.
He is a snake. He is devoid of a real conscience. He cannot relate to the real world. The entire content of his personality is the standard nasty, shallow, far-left activist who thinks their own intellectual ideology is the only one that matters. His entire ‘character’ is fake where he panders to people he considers his like-minded peers or allies to gain their approval.
It astounds me that this whining sycophant is our PM. I attribute that entirely to the fact the BBC abused their power to destroy the conservatives. They weakened Boris until the snakes like Javid and Sunak felt confident to stick the knives in hoping they would get to be PM.
I see no way out of this death-spiral we are in until the BBC are brought to heel. And when you consider the like-minded OFCOM and civil service are 100% behind them, it won’t happen soon. We have to wait until this whole leftist farce controlling our country destroys itsself from within.
Their biggest threat now is Nigel. Watch how they will go after him when the chance arises.
In 2023, the Higher Education (Freedom of Speech) Act became law. Due to concerns from vulnerable groups about how the rules might harm student welfare, we are stopping the implementation of the Act.
This means that although the Act received Royal Assent last year, the government will no longer be bringing it into force. The Education Secretary will consider options for the Act, including repeal, in the longer term.
The Act requires universities, colleges and students’ unions in England to take steps to ensure lawful freedom of speech on campus.
For example, there are fears that the legislation could protect those using hate speech on campuses, and that it could also push providers to overlook the safety and well-being of minority groups, including Jewish students.
we are stopping the implementation of the Act.
we are stopping the implementation of the Act.
What a teacher in hiding can tell us about our failure to tackle intolerance This article is more than 4 months oldKenan Malik
Man who threatened to kill Ed Miliband jailed
John McDonnell jokes that he would have liked to have assassinated Thatcher
Telegram: ‘The dark web in your pocket’
Joe Tidy
Cyber correspondent, BBC World Service
About nine months ago while researching a story, I found myself added to a large Telegram channel which was focused on selling drugs.
I was then added to one about hacking and then one about stolen credit cards.
I realised my Telegram settings had made it possible for people to add me to their channels without me doing anything. I kept the settings the same to see what would happen.”
Sounds like the dark web, or whatever, was in Tidy’s pocket not mine.
What kind of cyber expert neglects to view the settings…
“Joe Tidy
BBC’s First-Ever Cyber Specialist Journalist & Former News Correspondent for Sky News”
Joe looks to be out of the same stable as Marianna?
Maybe they are a ‘thing ‘
Spring Tidying?
Huw Edwards is interested – Dark Web?
The BBC are usually pretty awful , but… this is top drawer on the front page.
What was the questions conclusion?
Eddy, the headline insinuation, as I read it – is that Harris is a virtuosos debater and that her skills are lost on the irrational misogynist DJT?
Another from the Marianna stable
by’eck I’m fed up with the torrent of bilge from The Ministry of Truth
“‘I think she is someone who uses silence incredibly well,’ said Maya Rupert, a Democratic strategist…”
They’re churning out extraordinary amounts of propaganda now.
Kayla Epstein Verified
National Reporter, BBC North America, BBC News
New York
Politics, U.S.
As seen in: BBC News, LinkedIn, UOL, BBC, G1, Medium, opera.com, Business Insider, Business Insider Africa, MSN (US), MSN Brasil and
Covers: culture, politics, new york city politics, new york city
National Reporter covering the US for @BBCNorthAmerica, focusing on Trump’s legal battles and the 2024 race. Past: @thisisinsider @washingtonpost @guardianUS.
The answer to all these ‘question’ headlines on the BBC is always ‘No’.
President Trump’s 100 Days President Biden’s 0 Day
Dear Winston Smith in the Records Department of the Ministry of Truth,
You covered President Trump’s 100 Days and then produced a Beyond 100 Days to hold power to account.
Why have you not done the same for President Biden to hold power to account?
‘Omission is the greatest form of lie.’
Thank you again for contacting us,
BBC Complaints Team
I’m sure that her performance at the Democrat primary debate in 2020 was so bad that she threw towel in afterwards.She is stupid and no amount of MSM propaganda will be able to obscure that fact whenever she is confronted by a less than wholly sympathetic interviewer or by anyone who knows anything about what is being debated.
Indeed the Democrats , increasingly conscious that the voters realise her very limited mental capacity, are trying the line that when you vote Democrat you aren’t voting for the Halfwit but for the team that surrounds her. A new and novel concept in US political campaigns but of course what was the case with Biden.
There’s something unsettling about this article on the home page under BBC Wales: “A group of racially diverse artists invited to reinterpret a touring British Museum collection with links to slavery have raised issues around payment, representation and emotional support.”
It’s not that the BBC have cherry picked a group with grievance about whitey, nor that these people were given their own opportunity to ‘respond’ to an exhibition and still weren’t happy. It’s not even that the first quote comes from a black neurodivergent, autistic, ADHD basket weaver / circus skills teacher. All this is unsurprising and grist to the BBC resentment mill.
It’s the fact that the group is referred to as of “global majority heritage”. If minorities in Wales are referred to as “global majority” you can bet some high level tinkering is going on for behavioural engineering purposes. I expect this term to grow in use, and social shaming for noticing the sheer doublespeak will also increase.
Been away so maybe this is old news: “After decades of controversies and dozens of survivors speaking out, the Church of England still faces fierce criticism for the way it responds when members of the clergy are accused of abuse.”
The blurb at the bottom says BBC InDepth brings you “fresh perspectives that challenge assumptions, and deep reporting on the biggest issues to help you make sense of a complex world.”
Religion editor Aleem Maqbool is the co-author. Another safe target for the BBC… in every other case it’s puddle deep.
Minorities denand extra rights until they become the majority.
Then, they are the local/global majority so what that so goes.
Collectivise or perish, white man!
Minority want a voice
Minority want equality
Minority want to dictate what you do.
‘Then, when they are the local/global majority it’s ,’We are the majority now, so what we say – goes ‘
The paradox of tolerance is a thought experiment that states that a society must be intolerant of intolerance to remain tolerant. This idea was proposed by philosopher Karl Popper in the 1940s.
They will never stop LC.
You can give them everything they want today and they will have a new set of demands tomorrow.
Demanding ‘reparations’ for thing which happened hundreds of years ago is so absurd it’s funny.
How many of the millions of Africans desended from Slaves have gone back to Africa ?. My rough estimate is zero. They should be paying extra tax to cover what the costs were to make their country what it is for them to enjoy.
Or a free ticket home. Their choice.
The only ones who deserve compensation are long dead.
Of course, according to the BBC today, the shutting down of Twitter in Brazil is due to the ‘misinformation’ on the platform.
Not a zealous, oppressive government.
You can get huge fines if you try and access it via VPN too.
‘Misinformation’? Is anyone seeing what is really meant by this yet, with regards to the globalists?
It seems to mean they want to shut down people criticising government officials for their mistakes or opinions. It also seems to mean we must only accept ‘truths’ that they decide are true.
‘The Ministry of Truth’, so to speak.
It’s becoming illegal to even discuss topics like immigration. Before you say ‘nonsense’, think about the following hypothetical social media exchange. Or even a chat in real life
A: I love diversity. I’d open the borders. Diversity is our strength.
B: I don’t agree.
A: Why not?
Now, more or less, any honest reply to this from ‘B’ is now a potential a ‘non crime hate incident’ .
You could get 3 years. Not an over the top statement is it, looking at recent and ongoing events?
Next up for Keir Jong Un and his band of, let’s just call them (to be kind) ‘feminists’?
Banning Twitter
Banning Odysee
Banning Telegram
Banning Rumble
Banning Dlive
Banning GB News
Blocking YT channels as milquetoast as ‘The Lotus Eaters’.
These bans will include prison sentences for trying to access them in the UK. I think he’ll also try to apply this to uk nationals living abroad (threat of potential arrest if you ever return the UK). The man is a lunatic.
This man is an absolute disaster for this country. We have a radical Marxist as PM. The Tory party deserve to be eternally destroyed for their silence in recent weeks. Absolutely pathetic!
Don’t make me laugh!
The Opposition, formally known as HM Official Opposition, refers to the largest political party in the House of Commons that is not in government. The leader of this party takes the title Leader of the Opposition. The role of the Official Opposition is to question and scrutinise the work of the Government. More generally, any party that is not a part of the government is described as an opposition party.
What’s notable about the Brazil situation is the near absence of any Anglophone international reportage of the excesses and flat-out thuggery of Alexandre de Moraes ands his mates.
tomo – BBC have a series where celebrities are travelling through Brazil – they will report on it after the show has aired.
Scott Mills’ horrific bedroom confession about husband Sam Vaughan in Celebrity Race Across The World
“There is one thing everyone is noticing from last night’s Race Across The World, and it’s nothing to do with the race,” he revealed on his radio show. “Last week, it was the overflowing toilet. This week, did anyone notice that headboard in the hotel, where I was lying down on the bed?”
^^ the news is a headboard (on a bed) in a hotel bedroom in Brazil (might be red light area) was used for sex a few times and never replaced. THIS IS 2024 excitement!
China also censors the entire internet. Can’t even use Gmail or Google out there without an (illegal) VPN.
The reason they give?
“The bBC is censored in China”
This was a group of Chinese engineers in China sheepishly telling me that the bBC was censored in China. I was working in China at the time.
“Good” I said.
Then there were a lot of surprised looks on their faces.
Every cloud…
Lucky china
From our approved propagandist
Oakland – the 28th? Most dangerous city in The World . The speaker danced around the reason – and never got there – no mention of Obama – Biden – democrats – although Jerry brown was apparently lefty mayor once .
The speaker managed a reference to president Reagan ‘in the 80s’” but I suspect the kid wasn’t born then
Anyway the whites have moved back to Frisco and the coloured folk are busily – ok – lazily – killing each other – twinned with certain boroughs in londonistan ….
Very poor fare – it took listening to to get anywhere near the truth ….
There is a definite correlation between crime rates and certain demographies in America.
No causation, of course unless, it’s ‘blame whitey and muh socioeconomics’.
The bbc approves of something called ‘oasis ‘ – I’m thinking of getting a ticket to sell it on for a big profit to some lefty mug …
UK artist Stormzy recently reached number one in the charts with his debut album Gang Signs & Prayer. This Christian man has become the poster boy for a new generation of UK rappers.
Brits 2018 Performance – Stormzy
Yo, Theresa May, where’s that money for Grenfell?
What you thought we just forgot about Grenfell
You criminals and you got the cheek to call us savages
You should do some jail time, you should pay some damages
We should burn your house down and see if you can manage this
. – MPs sniff coke we just smoke a bit of cannabis
Form order-order.com .. 2024 …
Anybody else fed up with the ceaseless coverage of the Paralympics?
Maximum on time of the car radio is at a minimum…
Tomo – it’s easily avoided .. try the off switch .. have they done multi sex blind boxing yet?
A shooting club (iirc Newbury, UK) had a blind people’s clay pigeon shooting day about a decade back….
Looking forward to the epileptic break dancing though.
The Winter Olympics are always fun, what with the wheelchair ski jumping.
I believe we got silver in the LdA2 category transgender midget discus.
I’m off to buy some bunting for the street party.
Trans boxing with giants and dwarfs!

Demand equality – ban the para olympics – lets have more male boxers beating up women in the name of equality!
I didn’t even realise Oasis had split up to begin with.
I just thought nobody gave a monkey’s anymore and had stopped buying anything they did.
BBC are going on like it’s the second coming or something (not on about the Stone Roses btw – half decent band at a push, but Ian Brown was/is a monumental bellend by all accounts.)
Men with money demand more money whilst saying NHS is great and we should all pay taxes. ***
** men have money in off shore tax havens to stop evil gov accessing it. Time to move it to UK tax shores so Starmer can distribute it.
Tax Havens eh?
No mention -ever- that the majority (imho) of solar farm operators in the UK are shady companies hiding behind several layers of ownership…
But then again Miliband likely thinks Jersey is an article of clothing.
As someone in the Oasis queue after about 4 hours, only as a back up for the heir, I have had time for thought. I wasn’t aware my heir was that much into Oasis. It is obviously the hype. It shows the power of subliminal messaging. How many tickets did Oasis give to those at work at the BBC and politicians. If Sir Keir gets 4 tickets will he declare them. (I think he had 4 for Taylor Swift). I presume Angie will have too great a headache to get in the queue like lesser mortals, so if she is seen at a concert, we can be jolly sure she was given the tickets. I really am sure Orwell was onto something with Animal Farm. All animals are created equal, except those in the Labour Party.
Deborah – our hard working labour leaders deserve the spoils of their work – long live our leader – comrade keir – long live the party – long live 77 brigade and the new model army …. Im gonna be more boring than usual with this gig …
Well done you Debs for staying the pace.
Gone are the days when my dad got the Rolling Stones (or Strolling Bones as we called them) as part of the line up at our local dance hall in Kent in 1963. I was selling tickets at school forr 10/- er, ten shillings that’s 50p.
Happy days.
Genesis were at Cranbrook School in Kent in the late sixties, Brissles!
I think it was just a school + friends gathering too!
A good chum was there back then, and apparently, the band took the whole afternoon tuning up for the evening, and everyone in the school heard it all!
Danish 17-year-old girl who used a pepper spray to fight off a rapist near migrant asylum centre is told SHE will be prosecuted for carrying the weapon
The 17-year-old was targeted by a man as she walked through Sonderborg
She was knocked to the ground by the attacker who tried to undress her
But she used pepper spray on the man to bring the assault to an end
As pepper spray is illegal in Denmark officials say she will be prosecuted
This has prompted several nightclubs in Sonderborg to bar people from entering unless they can speak Danish, German or English. TACIST DANES!
Yes, it’s racist and Nazi to not let yourself be raped and murdered.
I don’t blame women and girls for having pepper spray near such buildings. Not that I condone such things, of course (before any plod kicks my door in).
Perhaps the ‘governments’ in western nations should think about who caused such problem in the first place. People are protecting themselves against their governments’ policies, which usually never affect them,of course!
I bought both daughters rape alarms, which work with compressed air in a small canister, and let out a piercing shriek.
I guess they’re illegal now as they contain a miniscule amount of Co2…
“‘Black tax’ – why some young Africans want to stop sending money back home”
“Sending money back home or to your extended family is such a common African practice that I absolutely hate,” said Kenyan influencer Elsa Majimbo earlier this month in a now-deleted TikTok rant that sparked a furious debate on social media.
Migrant workers send home £8bn to families
20 November 2018
The DT has a comedy piece about a ‘lady Pamela ?hicks ‘ 13 tips for an elegant life … she was lady in waiting to Liz Windsor – Holstein apparently .
The comments summarise it as – be born wealthy – have servants and privilege and you’ll. be okay ….
The Empire of Japan’s attempt to invade India is unmentioned + unrelated?
I see that the BBC and MSM is running a podcast landgrab and having backslapping awards ceremonies for their mates.
Good for Elon
Wow! Starmer starts to check his own UK laws ….
Zuckerberg tells Rogan FBI warning prompted Biden laptop story censorship
26 August 2022
Facebook and Twitter restricted sharing of the article, before reversing course amid allegations of censorship.
Zuckerberg said that getting the decision wrong “sucks”.
1765 …. In a republic worthy of name, freedom to publish one’s thoughts is a citizen’s natural right.They may use a pen or their voice, and should not be prevented from writing any more than speaking …That is the law in England, a monarchical country, where people are freer than elsewhere because they are more enlightened. – Voltaire, Republican Ideas, 1765
Yet another Hollywood leftie luvvie proving what a moron he is.
Note to all conservatives: every time you watch a moronic Hollywood flick, you’re supporting these idiots and encouraging them.
Stop it!
The same goes for anyone paying the BBC extortion tax.
“Lefties losing it: Ben Stiller ‘divorced from reality’ after Kamala praise”
20 Stars Who Pledged to Flee the Country If Trump Was Elected: Where Are They Now?
Will Lena Dunham really move to Canada? Is Amy Schumer packing her bags for Spain? Here, a post-election update.
By Caitlin Greenho November 10, 2016 9:44am
Whoopi Goldberg
“If you tell the truth, you don’t have to remember anything.”
― Mark Twain
Biden Refers to VP Harris as Trump in Press Conference