This week – as 11am on Wednesday – the Grenfell inquiry report will be published . Presumably – then – there will be selected leaks for political purposes . There will be a new ‘institutional ‘ something …the BBC will love it ….
Start the week 2 September 2024
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Well, I never.
Don’t tell BRISSLES…
She’s HERE ! ( my ears were burning! )
(well done)
I’ll never forget my first first. That’s probably because of the commemorative trophy and the framed certificate on my mantle.
Fedup, I’m still waiting for you to pay that invoice. I can resend it if you misplaced it.
In any case keep up your fine work and a well done to Jeff and condolences to Brissles.
Will -very kind – i cant afford the fee because im still paying the TVlicence .
Some of this content may be misinformation- an offence under the
Socialist ( general purposes ) act 2024 ..
Who’s first ?, scond ?, etc how sad, it seems a female trait,no other comments to offer afterwords
Re Grenfell, it is difficult dressing mutton as lamb but the bBC will manage it.
The bBC are suffocating democracy.
Far-left extremist ‘scum’ nu liebour mad-Eds pet flagship wind-farm paid £2.5 million to keep its turbines switched off.
P.S. Did I remember to mention that nu liebour were full of scum far-left extremist granny-robbing thugs?
Far-Left, Far-Right that’s all they offer by way of any sensible or reasonable discussion. Last nights TV news- Afd Germany-the News Presenter kept speaking about this political party as Far-Right. Far-Right of what? The Afd as I understand it are against the German Nation taking more immigrants, so they are Anti-Immigration. That we have to presume is Far-Right according to the BBC. How shall we recognise this lop-sided National News operation, what camp are they in? Those that keep paying the licence fee no doubt.
No, I didn’t go to see Sam Smith, but did recently go to a couple of proms. I didn’t feel one orchestra was absolutely on form but the other was excellent. I did my annual review of the ethnicity of the audience. I didn’t see a single African/Caribbean face in the audience, nor anyone obviously from the Indian subcontinent, and less Chinese than many previous years. But actually it didn’t matter, the people there wanted to listen to excellent classical music, especially the special needs young woman who quickly hummed when she was particularly enjoying the music. And the other people in the audience didn’t mind.
I may wonder what the ethnic breakdown at Notting Hill carnival is, but as I have no desire to be there, it is only idle curiosity. It is a shame that some people, especially at the BBC, think that everything they do has to be equally attractive to all. Doing that just dilutes excellence.
Sorry, the young lady didn’t “quickly’ hum but ‘quietly’. I’m blaming the self correct feature rather than my own inadequacies. But the audience didn’t mind a little humming, it was more important for someone who must find life difficult enough, to get pleasure from good music.
Debs, Aaaghhh computers and the interwebby!
Total Multiculturalism Deborah, is the name of the game, no matter it fits not the issues we indigenous folks consider. The TV ads now show seemingly more coloured people with the odd white dotted here and there. I am not a Multiculturalist and never have been, knowing that the mixing of cultures does not work. Time working in West Africa sorted that one out.
I am going to have to find a black lady to take with me if I want to buy any furniture, it seems to be the rule now that only mixed race couples are allowed to buy a suite.
The BBC on its news page highlights an article about demonstrations in Israel calling for a general strike demanding the Israeli government negotiate with Hamas to release the hostages. I am blowed if I understand how this would help, or indeed what the demonstrators think has been happening over the last year. I see stirring from far left globalists.
The UK is now being used as a warning of what will happen under Kamala!
vlad, I seem to recall, but my memory is hazy on this, in the ‘Left Behind’ series of books of which I was lent the final one by an old schoolfriend that America has a female President. She is the one who leads the war against Israel that leads to the return of the Lord Jesus Christ. Biblical prophecy has that it is a coalition of Gog and Magog that wages the final war on Israel. Who are Gog and Magog?
I never did the statistics option at school. But I can read, look, and learn and I’m advised of something called Normal Distribution.
In this situation the majority population of something is in the middle and a few % are at the low end and a few % at the high end. Try this
So now let’s take the ‘Far Right’ results in the German elections. They are the leading party or else a close second.
Their views are not ‘Far Right’ at all. They are in the mainstream of the population.
It is the others who are Far Left’ with often derisory popular support. They just happen to be supported by the intelligentsia, the self-serving bureaucrats, MSM, and of course the BBC.
I merely mention that Reform UK significantly outnumbered the Lib Dems in popular support in the UK 2024 GE, and were not that far behind blue Labour aka the Tories.
Far Right? Not according to conventional statistics.
I note the ticker on BBC news is saying far right. They just need to say the name of the party. Its not reporting news its distorting news
Exactly Sluff, no they are not Far-Right, it is only the captured BBC by the Globalists, they continue to call this Afd and any other political party that do not follow the signs as Far-Right- when in fact the BBC swing which ever way suits the governing body at the time and to H… with the licence payer.
The loathsome mayor Sad-dick has an even more loathsome ex brother-in-law who is a member of a terrorist organisation.
Should the whole nasty nest of vipers be investigated?
Yes, but of course they won’t be, and soon they’ll be in power everywhere.
Make no mistake, their aim is nothing less than world domination and the subjugation of kafirs. In a few short years, Britain will fall, aided and abetted by the present Far-Left regime.
Investigated! I would recommend deportation of all. The aim of Islam has always been for centuries to enter, destroy, and enslave. This factor will not alter and as we are seeing in the UK, the continued constructing and developing of Mosques, in which we know next to nothing of what goes on, what plans might be hatched-Islam is quite definitely miles away from any Christian values that we might follow, their thinking is gauged by the Koran, no flexibility. Their numbers have been accelerating for over 25 years and it is suggested that their growth will out number the indigenous British within 15 years, or could do so-what has successive governments done to curb this influx? Nothing, and what will this new bunch now supposedly governing us do to correct the situation? Yes you guessed it. NOTHING.
So why has this lawyer who is practising in Londonistan not been arrested for treason, hate-speech, etc etc and thrown in the Slammer?
Because we are in a 2 Tier world.
Hard times for poor old England.
A strong contender for headline of the year
“EXCLUSIVERevealed: Enormous film set explosion that left terrified locals near London’s O2 Arena fearing a bomb had gone off was caused by a convicted paedophile who blew up a BBC lorry in warped stunt – while filming stark NAKED by side of the Thames”
They must be getting bored in their cublicles
Just waiting for someone to escape from a mental home and assault someone in a laundry and run away
“Nut screws washer and bolts”
They are just not cut from the same cloth as they used to be.
I vividly recall the story of a balloon pilot with a puncture, that chose to crash into a house rather than land in a field with cows, which he had a fear of.
The headline:
“Chicken in a Basket”
Well done
German far right hails ‘historic’ election victory in east
Yes we know bbc you dont like anything right of politics, and only the left is acceptable in your bubble, also you are not impartial/unbiased.
“The AfD’s highly controversial top candidate ” – Surely “highly controversial” cannot be correct with the amount of votes they got, maybe change to highly popular bbc
Andy – I’m sure there was talk of the ADF being banned as a political party not long ago …. A very Far Left attitude to democracy – see trump in the US for another example – using lawfare of a democrat judicial show trial system with democrat juries and democrat judges …
And judging by the msm coverage the Sue Gray has ordered the MSM not to give ‘prominence ‘ to this achievement … to me the msm is looking fully controlled for the next 5 years …
Anyone know what “far right” means ?
answers on a postcard please to “I haven’t got a bloody clue”
Right means
Country before foreigners
Freedom from the State
You choose how to spend money not the State
Reducing state borrowing
Small government – low taxes
Freedom of speech and now thought
Unbiased State institutions eg plod
Fewer laws – fewer bans
Welfare as a safety net not a way of life
Secure national borders
No state broadcaster
One language
One Legal system – equally bad treatment
My favourite one – don’t work don’t eat
The above is just ‘right ‘ as I don’t accept the word ‘Far ‘
If you run through my list above – you’ll see that the dead party was not conservative .
I’ve left out cultural traditions , civic pride , respect for history as these are a ‘given ‘
Listen to any Labour supporting commentator talking about ‘populists’ and how arrogantly they speak of them. Maybe the meaning of the word has changed, but I thought a populist view meant something the majority wanted which in a democracy doesn’t seem a bad idea. Matthew Lanza on GBNews recently was very rude about populism.
I have an exact universally applied definition used by all MSM outlets.
Any person , group or organisation which openly disagrees with any Globalist policy:
Mass migration, support for minority groups over majority indigenous people
Net Zero
Wokism , even in its most extreme form
State censorship and control of the public square
are far right .
In other words toe the party line if you don’t want to become an enemy of the State.
Can’t see where the Far-Right is connected here with the AfD’s party-I really do not think the simple BBC understand what is Far-Right? Far-Right of what? Suppose they would term it of, against supposed conventional issues, whatever they consider those are. What a mess it all is, and we the public are sitting right in it-Phew!
Yesterday , it is said , a cabinet minister announced that pensioners must shiver because keeping their fuel allowance will trigger “a run on the pound”. How very interesting…
The savings made by the fuel allowance cut is said ( by Rachel…l worked at the Bank of England..Reeves) to be 1.4bn£.. This could be a Prime example of “Reevenomics”because those shivering pensioners may now and for the first time claim Pension credit. The cost of that may be up to 3.8bn£, which either Genius Rachel just didn’t think about..know about or indeed factor into the equation. It seems to me that 3.8bn£ might just create a bigger , faster, deeper run on the pound than 1.4bn£…….But what do l know!
The other curious point about this ” run on the pound” is Mr Starmers odd behaviour back in April during PMQ’s when he asked SUNAK about a 60bn£ black hole that he (starmer) knew about. Surely he would have known that it could have caused a run on the pound…mmm…how very careless..what a chump!
Anyway ..his current black hole, you will remember is said to be 22bn£ and apparently it was only the Labour party who didn’t know about it. Not the OBR , not the IFS, nor any body else ..and no news yet, to clarify whether this is part of the “april” 60bn£ black hole that Mr starker was worried about, or a different black hole altogether, fortunately and no doubt using her Bank of England experience, Reeeves will soon tell us all the details.
Excuse me for saying so , but I don’t believe them. That may be because I have never worked for the Bank of England though.
“Reevenomics” more of it on the way.. dear Rachel Reeves what a safe pair of hands she is.
Very good friend of yogi bear-obviously you are smarter then the average bear- however the difference between those two figures will nicely cover the present and future immigration costs, don’t you think?
When was this zephir?
“The number of knife or sharp instrument offences recorded by the police in London rose to approximately 15,016 in 2023/24, compared with 12,786 in the previous year. This was the highest number of knife crime offences reported in London since 2019/20, when there were 15,928 offences.”
This is what the far left have to say about females raped by muslim men: they desrve it)
cleaned from google but one can get an essence of her
[Verse 3: Jay-Z]
Sasquatch, Godzilla, King Kong, Loch Ness
Goblin, ghoul, a zombie with no conscience
Question, what do these things all have in common?
Everybody knows I’m a motherfuckin’ monster
Conquer, stomp ya, stop your silly nonsense
Nonsense, none of you niggas know where the swamp is
None of you niggas have seen the carnage that I’ve seen
I still hear fiends scream in my dreams
Murder, murder in black convertibles, I
Kill a block, I murder the avenues, I
Rape and pillage your village, women and children
Everybody want to know what my Achilles heel is
Love, I don’t get enough of it
All I get is these vampires and bloodsuckers
All I see is these niggas I made millionaires
Millin’ about, spillin’ they feelings in the air
All I see is these fake fucks with no fangs
Tryna draw blood from my ice-cold veins
I smell a massacre
Seems to be the only way to back you bastards up
I saw that she says she is to stop singing . I didnt know she d started
Since my earlier post about the 1.4bn£ cost of the winter fuel allowance causing a “run on the pound!” ( allegedly)
I have just checked and I can’t find any suggestion anywhere that Ed Miliband ‘ s policy of borrowing 11.5bn£ to then give away to the third world to “fight “climate change would do the same .
Again, I have to say l’ve never worked for the Bank of England ..but I would have expected Ed’s plan to cause an even greater fuss in financial markets.
Thank goodness we’ve got Rachel “Reevenomics” who does understand all these money matters…dos’nt she just.
A point well made by David Kurten of the Heritage Party:
David Kurten
There is no point in the government banning smoking outdoors when they are putting fluoride in the water, injecting people with experimental mRNA, spraying guff in the sky and allowing unlabelled frankenfoods in supermarkets.
Cigs bad.
Vape good.
Vaping to quit smoking
Nicotine vaping is substantially less harmful than smoking. It’s also one of the most effective tools for quitting smoking.
Results Obesity prevalence was high across all occupational groups including: among nurses (25.1%, 95% CI 20.9% to 29.4%); other healthcare professionals (14.4%, 95% CI 11.0% to 17.8%); non-health-related occupations (23.5%, 95% CI 22.9% to 24.1%); and unregistered care workers who had the highest prevalence of obesity
“Headline” ratings normalised edition
German far right’s ‘big win’ and school ‘race hate surge’ – reads the gynaeceum that is BBC news staff’s headline title for their press review today – because of course those two headline snippets go together… like love and marriage, like a horse and carriage… because you can’t have one without the other?
Top pick frontpage of print titles for our BBC is the formerly patriotic Times from where the first punch of their double whammy is borrorwed: Germany’s far right has first big win since Nazis – oh deary me, the ‘N’ word. Our lead report writer Bruno Waterfield, Brussels, went for it – or rather his copy editor did – since our professional journos tend to deny they do the grubby eye-catcher tabloidesque chore of headline writing.
Our Bruno goes with somewhat different constructions as his descriptive sobriquet for the AfD party: German hard-right nationalists – and for further embelishment: a party widely regarded as right-wing extremists – but tell me that doesn’t still conjure images of Luger pistols and Stuka dive bombers – at least for that generation so recently bereft of their winter fuel allowances closer to home than Brussels, the Belgian and indeed the EU quasi-capital city.
Cut out and frame (or post in an evelope to Sir two-tier Keir) this second paragraph from our Bruno in the Times: The result follows the failure of the country’s mainstream parties to get to grips with high levels of illegal migration and a series of terrorist attacks carried out by failed asylum seekers
Speaking of terrorism… or rather not mentioning terrorists in the headline but rather concentrating on the supposedly hard-right politicans…
Netanyahu faces revolt over hostage deaths (Times) – frankly I don’t see the causational link there. In fact such headlines in the western press are surely likely to prompt Hamas to kill more Israeli hostages if it activates their US and European supporters and harms the present Israeli adminstration?
Naturally the anti-Netanyahu line is the line the BBC takes: Israel faces general strike after night of protests
Voice of globalist central, the FT: Strike action… Deaths trigger Israeli protest… Israeli PM… has come under increased pressure to secure a peace deal with Hamas – be reasonable Bibi, Kamala would appreciate a clear run for the presidency without those irritating Palestine protesters snapping at her heels… and the State Department is already up its neck in the Ukraine proxy thank you very much. Give it up Bibi, Hamas can live to fight another day.
Protesters turn on Netanyahu in fury over deaths of six hostages (Guardian) – our mainstream in lock step there – well, almost.
At least there’s our mildly conservative Telegraph that still understands the almost forgotten concept of criminal responsibilty: Israelis bring country to a standstill after Hamas executes hostages
The problem, perhaps, being the IDF has done such a good job cutting the leading heads off the snake of Hamas command and control that the surviving bands of isolated local terrorists are now a law unto themselves.
Speaking of laws unto themselves… segueway to the teacher unions…
That lovable roguish veteran lawyer character Rumpole of the Bailey would mutter darkly of She Who Must Be Obeyed…
And so it is with personality bypass (only his mother the wife of a toolmaker could love him) Sir Keir Starmer KCB KC MP and the teacher unions
One-word Ofsted statements scrapped immediately… Grade big U-turn on schools (giveaway Metro); The four existing “headline” ratings currently awarded by the inspections watchdog… outstanding, good, requires improvement and inadequate – will go, under radical changes announced today by the new government… to be replaced by report cards… (Guardian) – presumably consisting of a melange of utterly confusing gobbledygook insider-speak aimed at clouding any areas of state school failings with a smoke screen of impenterable fluff, stuff and nonsense?
What’s good enough for the gander of our Food Standards Agency…
Food Hygiene Rating Scheme… gives businesses a rating from 5 to 0 which is displayed at their premises and online so you can make more informed choices about where to buy and eat food.
5 – hygiene standards are very good
4 – hygiene standards are good
3 – hygiene standards are generally satisfactory
2 – some improvement is necessary
1 – major improvement is necessary
0 – urgent improvement is required
Is, apparently, not good for the goose of our teachers.
And, so we’re told, cooked the goose of this teacher: One-word Ofsted ratings scrapped. Government’s immediate overhaul throws reports into limbo after union pressure… The move follows intense lobbying by teaching unions… the change follows the death of Ruth Perry, a head teacher who took her own life (Telegraph)
While we’re in the classroom this leads us neatly to the second punch of the BBC’s press headline double whammy – to find which the race-baiting gynaeceum reaches down the list of national titles to the Reach plc red top Labour-supporting Daily Mirror
As pupils return to class… Race hate surge in schools – Getty Images or their like are not getting tapped up for pictures of super-embowered intelligent ethnic minority kids passing their exams or doing the hard science stuff, or maths, for this frontpage at least. Instead from the big hearted Miror we’re presented with south asian school girl comforting black school girl. Did her bro just get stabbed up, we wonder?
Far from it…
Call for action after 25% rise in kids sent home for racist behaviour… last year (Mirror) – so we can’t blame this on the summer riots – blame it on the boogie (as Michael Jackson was wont to say)
As the new term begins campaigners are calling for action… – that’s what yer average campaigner will tend to do.
Dr Shabna Begum, from the Runnymede Trust, said: “Children are reflecting the hatred that has become normalised” (Mirror)
The only recent development the regime would want us to treat as a ‘normalised’ new thing that this reader has noticed of late is the brutal knife murder of three innocent school girls.
“presumably consisting of a melange of utterly confusing gobbledygook insider-speak aimed at clouding any areas of state school failings with a smoke screen of impenterable fluff, stuff and nonsense?”
There are 5 categories at which the threat levels could be set:
LOW – an attack is highly unlikely
MODERATE – an attack is possible, but not likely
SUBSTANTIAL – an attack is likely
SEVERE – an attack is highly likely
CRITICAL – an attack is highly likely in the near future
The two murders at the nothing hill riots are now ‘past news ‘… I was wondering what it would take for changes to be made to that expensive monster ? – 3 deaths ?30 ? …..
I guess it shows the strength of the race industry – even though both victims were coloured – and reflects ‘Caribbean ( violent – dumb ) culture ….
Notting Hill Carnival costs 2023
Opportunity costs*
*costed differently to previous years – Constable/Sergeant hours not included in opportunity costs for Bank holiday this year £3,856,198.53
Overtime £5,501,110.27
Internal Fleet £28,299.00
External fleet hire £474,288
Catering £545,517.56
Hotels £208,706.57
Infrastructure (includes areas such as barriers, Hostile Vehicle Mitigation, Safer Spaces support, IT and other spends £1,140,175.56
Useful numbers when the race industry argues that the arrival of the third world in Britain has been an ‘asset’….
Random murder of young woman by ‘son of African migrants’ ignites debate in Italy
Isn’t it amazing how a similar but much worse scenario here was simply presented as ‘British born’ and little mention made of his heritage was made when that animal murdered 3 young girls with a knife and tried to do the same to 10 others.
The BBC even went further and tried to tell us all the riots were based on ‘far-right misinformation’. Though of course they knew it was a complete lie – so they used the weasel words ‘fuelled by’ but their intent was exactly the same.
‘Moussa Sangare, 31, is accused of stabbing Sharon Verzeni to death while she was taking a latenight stroll in the small town of Terno d’Isola, near the northern city of Bergamo, on July 29’
‘Mr Sangare told police he left home on his bicycle about an hour before the murder, armed with a knife and with the intention of stabbing anyone he met. Before encountering Ms Verzeni, he said he had threatened two teens.’
You will not surprised at all to learn the BBC have not reported this story. Despite it being extrememly relevant to what happened here.
Liek I have said many times : the BBC don’t care one bit about these women and girls being murdered – however horrific it is. Only their far-Left agenda matters. It would be a completely different story if it was a white far-right man who did it.
…bbc only reports ‘approved’ European stories …. But the truth cannot be held back ….
The DT reports it -but of course doesn’t allow comments …
The news speak is ‘a far right political party has seized on the case ….” The implication being that the DT disagrees – so obeying the Sue Gray code of practice for ‘approved words ‘ – seized ‘ is a bad word..
People have short memories – the truth just needs to be delayed.
“But the truth cannot be held back ”
Californians sign sham petition supporting ‘Obama’s preemptive nuclear strike’ against Russia
Marky – I’m of the optimistic school that sooner or later people – a lot of people – say enough is enough – although with UK at the moment it’s difficult to see .
Economic hard times will push up the inevitable …disorder .. however much propaganda and soma is thrown at us …
Fedup2 – let us hope so.
“Hannah Arendt, one of the greatest philosophers of the last 100 years, said that: ‘Once something can’t be said, you’re already in a tyranny.’ So, it is indisputable that we are all now living, in 2023, in a tyranny”
The People of the world once called our Palace of Westminster the mother of all Parliaments
Our Country was the world’s first Nation state
We were also the first Republic and later the first Constitutional Monarchy
We gave the world our Magna Carta & Bill of Rights to build their democracies
We stood alone protecting Europe while shedding our own blood and bankrupting our nation
in the process.
No foe had conquered our shores a thousand years.
But our People our Constitution & our Democracy was not prepared for the Enemy within
Members of an unfriendly off shore organisation
Who infiltrated our Nations seats of power and plotted with people from other Nations
Their aim? To destroy our Nation & enslave its people
Remember this, history shows undemocratic tyrants like this never win
Remember this, history shows undemocratic tyrants like this never win
tyrants like this never win
tyrants like this never win
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – ooh, hasn’t Lucy Powell aged? Bottom right photo the top seven on the BBC Business page.
UK GOV remove some words – replace with other words – to stop suicides? The very act of doing nothing but to look like doing something.
“One or two-word Ofsted inspection grades for England’s schools are being scrapped immediately.
Overall grade categories of Outstanding, Good, Requires Improvement and Inadequate will no longer be issued.
The government said the change, which follows the suicide of head teacher Ruth Perry in 2023, was needed to reduce the high stakes for schools and give parents a better picture.”
Ms Phillipson also told the Today programme the changes would be funded by plans to remove tax breaks for private schools.
Ms Phillipson also told the Today programme the changes would be funded by plans to remove tax breaks for private schools.
Ms Phillipson also told the Today programme the changes would be funded by plans to remove tax breaks for private schools.
2024 … 1984 …
Orwell worked for the BBC in 1941-3. He would have preferred to be fighting. He said later that it was a waste of time, and that the BBC was ‘something half way between a girl’s school and a lunatic asylum.’ He has a plaque on the BBC wall….
George Orwell’s defence of free speech etched in stone outside the BBC’s headquarters makes me cringe, says Left-wing activist Billy Bragg
The musician, 62, says the words make him shudder every time he sees them
Orwell’s words from the preface of Animal Farm are inscribed next to his statue
The quote is etched outside the BBC’s New Broadcasting House in London
Singer Billy Bragg, 61, will make £2.4MILLION from the sale of his four-bedroom Victorian seaside mansion after he bought it for just £630,000 19 years ago
Songwriter Billy Bragg, 61, bought the Chesil Beach mansion for £630k in 2000
His songs rail against banker bonuses, promote equality and decry globalisation
The mansion sprawls over almost three acres and is decorated with columns
‘Dear old aunties’ desire for squeaky clean respectability has come under fire (again) as more and more presenters and talking heads are hit with sleaze and scandals, forcing the BBC’s own director general Tim Davie to send a grovelling email to the staff admitting that they had been let down. Bless’ (from Taxpayers Alliance on GB News)
BBC DIRECTOR General Tim Davie has spoken out on the scandals engulfing the BBC, including Huw Edwards, the Strictly Come Dancing probe and Jermaine Jenas’ sacking.
Mr Davie said the recent news stories were “shocking” and said there were “lessons we can learn” to make the “strongest possible workplace culture”.
Lessons will be learned. etc. ‘Envy of the world’, and absolute bargain at just’ 33p per day’!, Locking up 2,000 woman annually for non payment, Jimmy Saville never charged (now DPS is Prime Minister, he never will be, as alonsgide Cyril Smith MP for the liberals, it never happened). Lessons will Not be learned. Its carry on as usual BBC.
“strongest possible workplace culture”.
Why did the BBC manipulate this genuine photograph of white voter’s hand to make it black?
Noting the BRC below, our local suck up quango has this, from what appears to be a Sino Trans of Color Miami Vice reboot.
Standing out can of course repel an actual paying audience too.
MM, 47p a day now! Give up the TellyTax – you know it makes sense.
The big lie continues…to be fair all the media peddle the same lie nit just the BBC….
‘One-word Ofsted grades scrapped in England’s schools’
The BBC does the Orwellian double-speak as it blair’s out the big lie in the headline and then tells us the opposite….
‘Ofsted will still inspect schools against the same standards, and reports will continue to give details on specific aspects of how a school is performing, as they do now.’
Soooo….Ofsted reports are not the infamously dangerous ‘one word’ then? They are already pretty indepth reports on schools? Not only that but Ofted will continue as normal but not give an easily understood summary of how the school is performing overall?
They may be judged ‘inadequate’ but you’ll have to read the full report and measure that against other such reports from other schools and interpret them yourself rather than allow the experts to do the footwork for you…but still have the reports available if you wanted to read them?
Absolutely hate it when my MOT comes as a pass or fail….ah….good idea…what if they leave it to me to judge…I’ll read the report and then assess for myself if my car has passed or failed…I mean it gives me such peace of mind to know that I won’t have to be subjected to a brutal pass or fail judgement!
Labour has of course folded to its union paymasters and lefty lobbyists…and the BBC continues to play on the death of Ruth Perry…her suicide being weaponised by the unions and allied media…
‘The government said the change, which follows the suicide of head teacher Ruth Perry in 2023, was needed to reduce the high stakes for schools and give parents a better picture.’
The coroner said the report played a part in her death….it didn’t…it was her mental health that resulted in her unfortunate death. If she’d been stopped for speeding and fined or given penalty points and sent on a course, if she’d then committed suicide would we then be demanding a change to the driving laws and punishments? Plenty of prisoners commit suicide…should we stop locking them up or punishing them? How many people accused of child abuse kill themselves? Should we stop locking them up? Huw Edwards had mental health issues allegedly…if he’d committed suicide would we have to ‘go softly’ on child abusers? Then again some of his old buddies would no doubt be banging that drum.
This has been a highly politicised issue for a long time with unions and teachers campaigning to stop oversight and accountablility…they don’t want to be judged on how good they are. They leapt on the death of Ruth Perry and weaponised it…..and the BBC went along with that narrative and gave it wings.
What is the point of the BBC if all it gives us is fake news shaped and manufactured to suit its government masters and other like-minded extremists?
BBC still not reporting on five stabbed on a bus in Siegen, Germany on Saturday. (Not to be confused with the stabbing at Solingen the week before.)
Looking for info I came across another bus stabbing from 2018 in Luebeck. The BBC report of that time calling him “a 34-year-old local man”… local news quoting police sources referring to him as Iranian born but living in Germany.
How about that far-right, eh?
R5 news bulletins last week reported the riots in early August meant retail sales were down… for the 13th month running. Well the British Retail Consortium says:
“Despite the unrest at the beginning of the month, a strong footfall performance in the second half of August, helped by an easing of price inflation, fair weather and a boost from school and bank holiday trade, saw year-on-year shopper traffic rise to its highest level since July 2023. With all destination types improving on July’s visitor numbers, retail parks, which potentially picked up shopper traffic from town centres during riot disruption, had a standout month.”
So it was part of a 13th month drop, and sales picked up soon after. But the far-right need to be shoehorned in (unlike BLM riots or lockdowns, which presumably never affected high street shopping).
This sort of thing both explains a lot and scares me to death. Lefties, typified by the idiot above, talk about democracy and then when it doesn’t go their way, scream foul.
His first statement, said absolutely straight-faced, says that the first amendment is now trashed as the wrong kind of people are getting elected. Why can he not see exactly what he is proposing? He would do well to work out how banning right-wing opponents doesn’t quite constitute free speech.
He wants to be king of the world and if you disagree you are wrong. In Germany the lefties want to ban the AFD because people – horrors- are voting for them.
Lefties throw words around like racist, far right, neo-nazi etc. A Maybe the AFD are all of these. They would still get my vote over morons like this guy.
OMG some rapper has cancelled a gig
Will more stars boycott Dubai after rapper Macklemore?
I wont sleep tonight knowing this, and especially if others cancel!
BBC 1 pm radio news
Luke trill – remember that one – the bbc is using him and his ‘in it together ‘ polling outfit to sing an approved song . Last week I heard him say the British people want to be led – which is why TTK got elected . A comment so mad that it stuck .
Anyway – the bbc is interested in the dead party leadership – they rolled out a c word called grant shapps who is running the cleverley campaign .
Don’t they realise their party is dead ? Even shapps – thankfully – lost his seat …
… more seriously the BBC is fully Hamas – fully supports the Israeli general strike ….
I know this is bad – but could Israel say that it’s not worth taking hostages because we will regard them as dead – and for every hostage taken there will be a ‘price ‘…. But something the bbc could never discuss .
A wonderful story about a 12 year old boy convicted of rioting – but the judge can’t give him 10 years because mum has gone to Ibiza for a holiday .
If the mum the deputy prime minister – I have to ask
But I admire the mum because she regards the starmer political court with the disrespect it deserves .
The kid is to get his 10 years lock up next Wednesday when mum is due back from raving … presumably she ll have another brat on the way ….
BBC to report lone mental wolf who wanted to be a footballer but hit hard times due to racism? NO? Why no back story?
The bbc wants to equate the rise the the AFD with the rise of the nazis – Germany 2024 = Germany 1928 onward . It’s a convenient distortion of history for the Far Left bbc to denigrate unapproved democracy – also known as ‘populism ‘ another undefined insult to the beliefs of voters . The bbc always knows better …
BTW – both the great leader and comrade putin went to schools on the first day of term . The kids swore loyalty to death for starmer ….
BBC selective equating is hitting the realms of farce.
‘It stains your brain’: How social media algorithms show violence to boys
Or, for the ladies…..
Women of Terror
The Documentary
Why women have proven to be some of the most ruthlessly effective terrorists
Guess they watched too much Wimmin’s Hour back in the day?
‘It stains your brain’: How social media algorithms show violence to boys
Dear Marianna Spring (BBC wages paid under threat of prosecution),
As I’ve had to look at your BBC news and use other sources to determine that your news is not news but selective editorial opinion I’d like to request that I have a refund for the last 4 years plus get the BBC free from now on.
Please let me know how I can go about this as I am willing to create a full list of articles that I’ve had to investigate plus time taken for me to check your fact checker whilst realising that the BBC intentionally removes news rather than incorrectly report on it, uses images to sway opinion or misleads with the main titles hoping no one reads the full article.
‘Omission is the greatest form of lie.’
CAS-4987700-SY1FTF : BBC NewsWatch says boredom with pro-Brexit march.
CAS-4844672-N8FDYY: Update on the MP Expenses 2009 scandal in 2018.
CAS-4939547-J71Z1V: Here’s hoping Ireland do the right thing G.Lineker.
CAS-4937378-YKMWBJ: BBC not reporting ‘Day of Freedom’ March 06may2018.
CAS-4906141-BFJQL0: I take offence that presenters promote their books.
CAS-4892811-C820SC: I am offended that I have to pay the BBC TV Tax.
CAS-4824332-633N1P: What happened in Italy was not covered …
CAS-4933135-ZV3V7F: The omission is the most powerful form of lie …
CAS-6005141-S1V9D1: Not seen a report on the UK Governments Covid19
Let me know how to go about resolving the issue of paying for something that wastes my time as I have to check each story rather than rely on its accuracy.
The up and coming judge Steven Everett at Chester cc is in the news again . Steven was one of the starmer judges sending internet users to prison for 2 years for their comments
Well he has given a suspended sentence to a man so drunk on a bike that hit two ladies that one had a finger amputated …
Presumably judge Steven is a 2 wheel zealot … shall I hand myself in for that comment ?
14 years to be Conservative – Net Zero Conservatism.
Why doesn’t mogg just go count his money or children ….he is one of those responsible for the rise of our great leader . All hail the Great Leader 👏👏👏
Excellent news – comrade Corbyn has set up a Muslim party in the comrade starmer party . Long live…
Wife of Tory councillor pleads guilty after calling for attacks on asylum seekers
The BBC are wetting their panties over this.
Whatever sentence she gets, mutliply it by 3 and that’s what Jo Brand should have got for calling for people to throw battery acid at Farage instead of milk.
But SHE barely even got told off:
‘Ofcom is to take no further action over Jo Brand’s controversial joke on BBC Radio 4 about throwing battery acid’
These are the double-standards at the root of all of this.
Remember how the BBC report news … terrorist is victim …
“I am not kidding. @BBCNews website leaves the impression the Syrian suicide bomber as a victim in a ‘German blast’.” – Tarek Fatah 24jul2016
New Ofsted school grades will not confuse parents – PM
Labour to use colours inside of scores.
Red Blue
And yellow.
BBC on it?
No way
05 Jan 2018, 00:00 Sören Amelang
Renewables cover about 100% of German power use for first time ever
Can’t blame Starmer…
Only £10K????
“NHS to benefit from £13.4 billion debt write-off
Health Secretary announces over £13 billion of debt will be written off as part of a major financial reset for NHS providers.”
From 1 April, over £13 billion of NHS debt will be scrapped as part of a wider package of NHS reforms announced by the Health Secretary today.
Health Secretary Matt Hancock said:
As we tackle this crisis, nobody in our health service should be distracted by their hospital’s past finances.
Today’s £13.4 billion debt write off will wipe the slate clean and allow NHS hospitals to plan for the future and invest in vital services.
I remain committed to providing the NHS with whatever it needs to tackle coronavirus, and the changes to the funding model will give the NHS immediate financial certainty to plan and deliver their emergency response.
HA HA! Making Peppa Pig look like a great meeting!
“The maximum sentence for incitement to racial hatred is seven years – and official sentencing guidelines say the most serious cases should typically lead to between two and six years in jail.
But come October’s hearing in Birmingham, the sentencing judge will go through quite a complex exercise to decide Connolly’s level of “culpability”.”
He admitted that he had had to balance his instinct to reveal the abuse with concerns that the story’s publication would both stoke the reaction of the far-right and lead to accusations of racism.
He believes authorities no longer “shy away” from tackling the problem, even if it had not been eradicated.
Huw Edwards admits child abuse image charges
New traffic signage for Northern Ireland.
The lesser spotted Peeler in action.
The incident happened during a time of increased concern over racist attacks and race-related incidents in Northern Ireland. Recent figures showed that the region reported the highest number of race-related incidents on record last year.
Some 1,411 such incidents were recorded in the 12 months from July 1 2023 to June 30 2024, according to the Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency (Nisra).
The latest figures were recorded before the recent spate of race-related incidents in August which followed anti-immigration protests in Belfast.
UK to resume funding to UN Gaza aid agency
The UK will resume funding UNRWA, the UN’s agency for Palestinian refugees, the foreign secretary has announced.
David Lammy told MPs he had received reassurances about its neutrality in the wake of a review of alleged links between its staff and terror groups.
he had received reassurances
Jeremy Corbyn says he regrets calling Hamas and Hezbollah ‘friends’
This article is more than 8 years old
Labour leader tells home office select committee that with hindsight he would not have used same phrase
Change begins now.
Ladies and gentlemen, our new Foreign Secretary;
Remarkable….6 Jewish hostages were murdered in cold blood by Hamas because they were likely about to be rescued by Israeli forces and thus were no longer any use as a bargaining chip….and the BBC barely notices….it relentlessly pumps out the Palestinian propaganda about polio but the 6 murders have been rapidly dropped down the memory hole…..any link to the hostages is almost entirely negative in regard to Netanyahu and the war on Hamas. They of course report…
‘Netanyahu not doing enough to free Gaza hostages, says Biden’
Hmmmm….that’s despite Israel rescuing some hostages days before and were almost certainly going to find these 6…if they hadn’t been murdered by Hamas….and yet idiot-boy Biden thinks the problem is Netanyahu not Hamas terrorists…and the BBC reports his words without any counter narrative critiquing his daft and highly political assertion….given that the Dems are in hoc to the pro-terrorist lobby in the US and want to pander to them…..a homeland for the Jews or winning the US election…Biden and co willing to sacrifice the Jews it seems…as is Lammy as he tries to disarm Israel and leave it at the mercy of mad mullahs in Iran….but then again…Labour also has so many Muslim voters to appease.
” MarkyMark September 2, 2024 at 10:54 am
George Orwell’s defence of free speech etched in stone outside the BBC’s headquarters… ”
‘If Liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear’
With apologies to Orwell; more appropriate for this location…
If journalism means anything at all, it means the duty to tell people what you do not want them to hear.
SpinningReith – maybe a different line “If journalism means anything at all, it means the duty to tell people what you do not want them to hear.”
“If journalism means anything at all, it means the duty to choose and edit to death what you want them to believe and feel.”
Reith the Adolf fan?