Weekend 31st August 2024

Over to you – all comments must comply with the ministry of truths ‘code of practice – a secret document only available to approved party members . Long live Comrade Starmer . long live BBCOFCOM

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254 Responses to Weekend 31st August 2024

  1. tomo says:

    Don’t hear much from the poisonous tosser Turdeau these days?


    • MarkyMark says:

      “Justin Trudeau, speaking in August 2021:

      “Everyone needs to get vaccinated, and [anti-vaxxers] are putting us all at risk.”

      “They are putting at risk their own kids, and they’re putting at risk our kids, as well.”

      “That’s why we’ve been unequivocal: If you want to get on a plane or a train in the coming months, you’re gonna have to be fully vaccinated, so families with their kids don’t have to worry that someone is going to put them in danger.”

      “We’re going to work with provinces and territories who want to move forward on vaccination certifications, on vaccination passports, so that everyone can be safe.””
      Trudeau vows to freeze anti-mandate protesters’ bank accounts
      15 February 2022
      Trudeau (I’m a feminist) hails “ (Muslim) sisters upstairs” at sex-segregated mosque


    • MarkyMark says:

      See him London at the Black Only Business ran by Sadiq Khan (who went to Mecca where non muslims cannot go)


      from order-order.com


  2. MarkyMark says:

    Minmum wages ….”Role, work or services: Writing article
    Payer: Guardian News & Media Ltd (publication), Kings Place, 90 York Way, London N1P 2AP
    Payment: £340 Received on: 11 May 2024. Hours: 2 hrs. (Registered 2 August 2024)”

    340 for 2 hours!




  3. Fedup2 says:

    Plod announces 2 murdered at the Notting Hill riot …. They’d probably say – ‘mostly peaceful – same again next year …..


    • Lazy Cat says:


      Yes, Fedup. At least the BBC are covering I suppose. Although I doubt there will be a clamour to start rounding up all the participants and start kicking in the doors of eleven year old boys

      White working class unrest = far right thuggery everyone who went is a nazi.

      But zero deaths.

      Notting Hill?

      Far worse for violence. More cops injured. Loads of sexual assaults and drug offences.

      And two dead.

      No kangaroo courts for this I see.

      But there is definitely no two tier kier policing and judiciary.

      No no.


      • Lazy Cat says:

        I changed ‘crocodile’ to kangaroo there.

        A hedgehog in the hand is worth two in the bush, after all.


    • MarkyMark says:

      BBC – verify – it was worth the dicersity!


  4. Lazy Cat says:

    Hello is that the police

    Yes. How can I help?

    I’ve just been burgled. Please send someone.

    Oh I’m sorry. That’s not an offense we’ll send an officer out for.

    I’m brown.

    We’ll be around in 5 minutes.

    (Knock knock)

    Hey. You’re not brown.

    That’s right. And you don’t do two tier policing either.

    (I wonder if the door will stay on its hinges tonight?)


  5. Althepalerp says:

    “Mum and chef die after carnival weekend attacks”
    The Chef was also a father to an 8 year old son, so why not headline “Mum and Dad killed at carnival”
    Anyway, I assume then the Mum was on benefits and not working?


  6. ScottishCalvin says:

    I thought folks might like the ‘Prince Andrew Choose Your Own Adventure’ story I wrote (link in the video description too):



  7. Althepalerp says:

    Can I bet on how many murders, stabbings and rapes in next years carnival?


  8. Fedup2 says:

    The propaganda will be so controlled by then that there will be no crime at the Notting Hill riots …. Lots of smiling coloured faces simulating street fornication – cultural of course ….

    But anyone going there really needs a checkup ….


  9. Lazy Cat says:

    Although I’ll thank the BBC for reporting on the Barry Stanton Twitter page on the news (may have been Sky…easy to get them confused almost identical).

    I’d never heard of it.

    Just my luck he’s now banned as soon as I started looking at it.

    I thought it was clearly fake and just being incredibly offensive in the name of humour. Parody, even.

    Like trying to be as racist a ‘boomer’ as humanely possible.

    Very sick at times, but I have to admit to laughing out loud at a few of the memes and comments.

    Clearly a parody channel (the profile pic is fake, for example).

    Wasn’t one of the comnents something like ‘Fuming. Daughter home from school. RE. Not learning the bible but the fucking Korma! Came home speaking Hijabi. Pissed off.’

    I believe it was Indians complaining that took him down. He was really laying into them in recent weeks it seems ‘Barry’ was just an equal opportunities racist, as he gave everyone equal stick (way too much really, the naughty boy/girl.)

    Even I could see it was a parody (although it was hard to tell sometimes!).



    • Fedup2 says:

      At least esti palti -the best kamela impersonator – hasn’t been banned from you tube yet … if you have never seen her – go look – she has -mas young people say – ‘nailed it ‘….

      … apparentlySNL – Saturday night live is still under orders not to ‘lampoon’ kamela yet – although joe is slightly allowed …


    • Fedup2 says:

      My brother told me – back in the 80s – that one day his daughter @ 12 – came home singing a song he didn’t recognise in a non English language . He said that has the moment he was done with londonistan …..

      …. But he’s not a racist like me you understand – he just prefers white places … which are disappearing very quickly …

      … and – under comrade starmer -and the 5 year plan – will disappear even quicker … every where needs their resident Albanian / Somalian / Sudanese rapist …


  10. StewGreen says:

    libmob are so much better than us
    So they deserve great power
    & great pay

    like the Milibands
    David Miliband’s annual pay package is £1million by an aid charity heavily funded by British taxpayers
    He’s so effective his official video got ZERO views in 24 hours



    • Lazy Cat says:

      Everything is fake and all about back scratching and pay offs with a lot of our politicians/ex politicians.


      The country? The people?

      Hahahaha! Like who cares about that!?


    • tomo says:

      Send the jug-eared twerp to Delhi as ambassador (or is it high commissioner still?) – I wish the whole story of the idiotic git Mililband being ejected (with prejudice) from India for disrespect of Manmohan Singh was out there…..


  11. MarkyMark says:

    Oasis fan tries to get tickets…

    Don’t despair Oasis fans, tickets for Oasis gigs are still easier to get than a GP appointment on the NHS.

    “ive got a pair of tickets .. looking to swap for a doctors appointment within the next 7 days”


  12. Guest Who says:

    And all they got was this lousy sari.

    ‘We survived a brutal famine in British India’


  13. Fedup2 says:

    Andy Cooke is after a gong – Andy is the HMIC – the inspector of constabularies . He has a very long interview in the telegraph – telling us we are policed by consent and that there is no two tier policing . I reckon he’s after The Big One – the peerage …
    Plods great sez Andy – knocking the doors in of keyboard warriors at 5 in the morning – bloody marvellous …
    Better than free speech eh Andy .

    I didn’t read it all – why should I We know he is a fan of TTK otherwise he won’t get his £200 k a year and have to spend more time with Mrs Cooke … or on the board of some security outfit …

    Comments are not allowed on the piece . I think I can guess why …


  14. vlad says:

    Diversity is our strength.


  15. Fedup2 says:

    I’m think of setting up a support network for those who failed to get oasis tickets. Specialist counsellors will be available to help the disappointed through this difficult time . They will of course have access to the bands one hit wonder ..which is called … er … something to do with paywall …?


  16. JohnC says:

    Mum and chef die after carnival weekend attacks

    This article should have been outrage about the savagery and barbarism of the black gangs who descend on this carnival.

    Instead it ignores them completely and it is 100% empathy for the poor victims without any reference to who did it.

    This is 100% BBC. Just contrast how they are hiding information about who did it for their ‘multicutural’ agenda with how they blamed the ‘far-right’ 100% for the riots and ignored the reasons which made the so upset in the first place.

    The Left is a cancer which will ultimately destroy Western civilisation. It will not stop. It has to be removed. Democracy cannot function properly in the UK until the publicly-funded activists at the BBC are stopped.


  17. atlas_shrugged says:

    ‘parently Afghan knife fighting is now featuring in the Paris Paralympics. Objectors have been told that although the contestants don’t start off disabled. after a few swipes of a machete they soon will be.

    bBC to Verify.



  18. AsISeeIt says:

    Tragically inevitable edition

    Hey! Teacher! Leave them kids alone…

    No. Hey! Teacher! Leave them THOSE kids alone… (See me)

    Stop testing children on times tables, unions tell ministers. Grammar exams must also be stripped back to ‘curb pupil anxiety’, teachers demand ( Telegraph)

    But leftists still think school is a good thing, right?


    Parents ‘wreck’ pupils’ futures by letting them stay home… Labour vows more fines to end ‘absence epidemic (Sunday Times)

    Well, we wouldn’t want the left-leaning teacher unions out of a job. But gosh, have Labour changed their tune…

    Starmer urges PM to close all schools in England… Labour leader calls for return to ‘stay at home’ message of last March’s lockdown…Starmer said that it was now “tragically inevitable” that pupils would have to stay home… Sir Keir said a March-style lockdown was needed, with a tougher “stay-at-home” message. (Independent, January 2021)

    Cue Vicky Pollard (there’s a teenage comic character – care of Matt Lucas – for the teenagers): “Yeah, but no, but yeah, but no…”

    Keir Starmer FLIP FLOP: Labour’s SIX positions on school closures in less than a year… SIR KEIR STARMER was left floundering yesterday over Labour’s position on whether schools should shut during lockdown, with the Opposition leader appearing to change his party’s position halfway through the day. (Express, January 2021)

    How did the pandemic impact babies starting school now? (Vanessa Clarke, Education reporter, BBC) – good question. But let me rephrase for historical clarity (afterall, we’re not talking about the Black Death pandemic of 1346 to 1353 or the Spanish Flu of 1918) we have the 2020-23 period in mind so let’s be clear): How did the pandemic LOCKDOWNS (which were a policy choice) impact babies starting school now?

    This report begins light on analysis but heavy on scene setting anecdote (sorry if Mr AsI sounds like a science master correcting a poorly written student essay there)

    On 25 March 2020, Fiona and Ben Young drove to their local maternity unit through London’s empty streets. When they arrived, security guards sent them to the back entrance. It was day three of England’s first lockdown and the front was surrounded by patients being treated by doctors in hazmat suits. (BBC)

    Eventually, just as Jennifer Aniston in those L’Orial adverts would say “Here comes the science bit — Concentrate!”

    The Bicycle (Born in Covid Year, Core Lockdown Effects) study, which launched in July, is looking at whether the lockdowns had an impact on children’s talking and thinking skills.

    Turns out our universities do love a nice (if somewhat forced) acronym.

    In Bethnal Green, London, twins Aqil and Fawaz were just eight weeks old when the pandemic hit. Their mother, Fahmeda Ahmed, lived in a second-floor flat with her husband and their two older children – Hasan, four, and two-year-old Khaijah. “It was just the same day over and over again,” she said. “We couldn’t go out, we couldn’t socialise, we couldn’t invite friends over and we couldn’t go anywhere with the kids.”

    Bit of local colour care of our happy go lucky Eastenders there. Set yer fruit n veg barra down for a minute. Thumbs tucked juantily behind yer trouser braces… Maybe it’s becawse I’m a Londoner, that I luv London t’aannn…

    I’m sorry but this current day headline comes to mind: I can’t show my face or speak in public: life as woman under new Taliban law… Female voices are ‘instruments of vice’ and even singing at home is forbidden in fresh crackdown (Sunday Times)

    How’s that old song go? You say Crackdown… I say Lockdown… Let’s call the whole thing off!

    Britain banned indoor singing in March 2020 and it was 18 months before the prohibition was finally relaxed. (Brunel University, November 2022)

    A health report into one of the first US Covid-19 outbreaks among a church choir in Washington effectively put the stoppers on community choir practices the world over.

    Fifty-three people who went that night developed symptoms, and the local health department concluded that one person who later tested positive — and who had shown signs of a cold beforehand — was most likely the single source…

    Now a re-examination of the data by Brunel University London, Nottingham Trent University and Brighton and Sussex Medical School, which looked at the epidemiological curve, reveals that the early investigation was probably wrong. It now appears that – in the majority of cases – infection occurred two to four days before the practice, showing coronavirus was already rife in the community.

    If only we had some some officially constituted, well-funded, judge-led inquiry that could look into that.

    ‘We show it is vanishingly unlikely that this was a single point source outbreak as widely claimed and on which modelling has been based,’ says their study published in the journal, Public Health. ‘An unexamined assumption has led to erroneous policy conclusions about the risks of singing, and indoor spaces more generally, and the benefits of increased levels of ventilation’

    Back to the BBC report

    Fahmeda bought an inflatable swimming pool for the balcony to try and keep her older children entertained. She attempted to homeschool her four-year-old, who had just started reception, but he completely stopped talking. And then there was baby Aqil. He was having difficulty swallowing and Fahmeda tried for months to get a face-to-face appointment with a doctor

    The gynaeceum that is the BBC are obviously going to concentrate on the travails of their favourite pet sub-community – but I think we get the picture. Although we’re careful not to join all the dots just yet there’s a definite pulling back from the formerly super bright big idea of Lockdown policy.

    One third of pre-schoolers (34%) at Elizabeth Selby had speech and language needs during the last school year – up from a quarter (25%) in 2020, according to the school. “If I could, I’d have a speech and language teacher in five days a week – and I would still have a waiting list,” says Shahi Ahmed, head teacher at Elizabeth Selby.

    Mr Ahmed believes the increase in children needing more help is “absolutely” a direct result of the pandemic.

    Oh, Mr Ahmed, let Mr AsI correct that one for you…

    the increase in children needing more help is “absolutely” a direct result of the pandemic Lockdowns.

    I hope all this doesn’t come over as dark sarcasm in the classroom?


    • Fedup2 says:

      Seems Labour doesn’t want kids being stressed by learning grammar or maths tables … I’m surprised these subjects are taught at all . Perhaps advanced texting and Google searching should be the new subjects ….
      As for teachers – more than eager to strike or close schools because it’s cold – yet yapping like dogs if a kid goes on holiday when the flights are cheaper …


    • MarkyMark says:

      Bradford’s language bubbles: ‘it’s perfectly possible never to speak English’
      This article is more than 8 years old
      Local MP says poor standard of English among many women is a barrier to integration, but some say people should be free to speak their own language


      Bradford 2025 UK City of Culture is getting ready to bring you 12 unforgettable months of creativity, culture and the arts. See what’s on in 2024 ahead of our full launch in September – and discover how you can get involved.


  19. Fedup2 says:

    BBC forced to report the finding of the bodies of 6 murdered Israelis in an Islamic Hamas tunnel in Rafa . You could tell they didn’t want to . They had to read out the names . But that was it . No mention of how they were abducted – how long they were held ….

    Keep going iDF.


  20. Guest Who says:

    Graun reports Bliar has a word…

    Ignore ‘vicious’ social media criticism, Blair tells Starmer



  21. MarkyMark says:

    BBC reporting on bomber who murders 22 in a concert – the bomber was misunderstood, would have been footballer, had troubles.

    BBC reporting on stabber who murders 2 in a dance school – the stabber was misunderstood, would have been footballer, had troubles.

    BBC reporting on rioters who don’t agree with stabbing kids – NO looking into their problems or background. Their families .


  22. Guest Who says:

    Even Getty gets Sunday off.

    The young Oasis fans rebooting the spirit of the 90s


  23. Guest Who says:

    We’re voting for the woman who loves to support small businesses and has excellent taste in music.

    Cue Fick Ange coming out of Our Price Brixton wiv the latest Fatman Scoop. Who, you say?



    Better yet, they gave a copy to Jess free, because of how she votes on issues of color.


  24. Jeff says:

    Now that the dust has settled and it’s all over we can look back and assess both the “riots” and the carnival from a safe distance…

    The riots were, as we all know, in response to the horrendous mass stabbings and slaughter of three lovely young British girls. It’s an absolutely heartbreaking crime that was bound to raise emotions. The “rioters” weren’t members of the mythical far-right. They were ordinary men and women that were absolutely traumatised at what had happened.

    Immediately the prime minister, the media, the police and the judiciary came down on these white, working class folk like a ton of bricks. Tommy Robinson was blamed. The Daily Mail even told its readers where he and his family were holidaying. They tried to blame the EDL, which hasn’t existed since 2013. The rioters were heartily condemned by all and sundry. Even elderly women putting out unfortunate massages on social media have been tainted as being “far-right” and immediately imprisoned. That’s modern British justice for you…

    At the other end of the cultural spectrum is the much celebrated Notting Hill Carnival. The media have been positively ecstatic about this event. “It’s such a joyous place to be” they coo. London’s runt mayor told us it’s a celebration of the Caribbean community and of diversity. Yes, of course it is…and yet all I see is vulgarity and depravity…nothing to celebrate…something to avoid…

    No one died at “the riots”. No one was stabbed, no one was raped, there were no firearms.

    They couldn’t count how many low grade sexual offences were committed at the carnival. The police took a softly, softly approach to avoid upsetting “the locals”…and there was still carnage at what was supposed to be a celebration of Caribbean culture.

    Oh…and two murders.

    Until next year…


  25. JohnC says:

    How did the pandemic impact babies starting school as children now?

    Standard BBC article. Here are pictures used:

    In an 80% white Christian country the BBC’s choice of pictures for EVERY article involves racist discrimination. No other way to describe it. Why does everyone consider it to be acceptable ?.

    How can we rid ourselves of these anti-British, racist activists ?.


    • MarkyMark says:

      “If you tell Google that you would like to see images of ‘Black men’ the images that come up are all portrait photos of black men. Indeed, it takes more than a dozen rows of images before anybody who isn’t black comes up in the images. By contrast a search for ‘White men’ first throws up an image of David Beckham – who is white – but then the second is of a black model. From there every line of five images has either one or two black men in the line-up. Many of the images of white men are of people convicted of crimes with taglines such as ‘Beware of the average white man’ and ‘White men are bad’.”
      ― Douglas Murray, The Madness of Crowds: Gender, Race and Identity



    • pugnazious says:

      Wasn’t the ‘Pandemic’ was it? It was the ‘Lockdown’, a political choice forced under huge pressure from the likes of the BBC and Labour, that caused so much chaos..including huge amounts of mental health issues.

      The BBC was a huge player in ‘lockdown’ and other measures such as masks and schools closing…we need any inquiry to investigate the dire effects that the media, the BBC in particular, had on political decisions….and why is the BBC not making more of the news that Facebook was just a vehicle for government propaganda [along with so many others]? Radio silence here whilst the BBC was constantly attacking Facebook for allowing pro-Brexit information on its pages.


  26. BRISSLES says:

    Most adverts now start with a non-white face.


  27. G says:

    “One in five Police Officers resining”

    No problem. The plan to replace them is already in place. Clue? –
    “Thousands of military age men arriving by the boatload”.

    Any bets. Anyone? Hello, is there anyone there?………….


  28. pugnazious says:

    BBC ‘issues’ programmes are almost universally the usual one-sided platforms designed to push the BBC’s worldview…from unbiased news ‘quizzes’ [basically set up to mock Farage, Boris and Brexit, and Trump of course, you’d think] to allegedly broad-ranging and balanced news or current affairs analysis such as ‘Anti-Social’ which has the dubious delights of Adam Fleming’s interpretation of events or ‘Newscast’, again starring Fleming alongside reliably on-side Paddy O’Connell. These programmes are of course just vehicles to propagate the narratives that the BBC thinks you need to hear and believe….however occasionally something slips through the cracks as on Newscast yesterday when guest Jo Coburn told us that Labour were delighted that they had managed to suppress their real intentions on taxation during the election…they had used ‘weasel words’ as they campaigned…ie they lied to us.

    Interesting to note that she was immediately jumped on and shut down by Fleming who basically said this was an election campaign and it was OK to lie…bet he wouldn’t have said that if it had been a Tory win based upion a massive deception.

    The BBC, the guardian of truth and honest journalism…not.

    Also fascinating to hear them complain about the BBC’s favourite goto ‘respected authority’ on all matters economic, the IFS. Just who do they think they are? They’re not the elected government and Paul Johnson is not the PM….so why do they have such power and influence? Could this be because the IFS has been trashing Rachel Reeve’s claims that she had absolutely no idea of the state of the economy…it was all a massive surprise when she took office…never mind the IFS had stated quite clearly during the election that there was a funding gap of £20 billion that no-one wanted to talk about.

    So now they’re turning on the IFS as it undermines the Labour lies…just as the BBC would suddenly turn against using GDP as ameasure of the economy. When GDP was dropping and indicated a downturn the BBC would loudly trumpet this and declare either we were in recession or were about to go into one [a regular BBC narrative]…however once the economy started to turn and GDP showed an up-swing…er…suddenly we can’t really rely on GDP…it’s not the best measure of economic well-being…perhaps we should use something else…[maybe what the IFS says lol.] The same hypocrisy and managing of the news was evident during the Brexit campaigns when suddenly the car-hating eco-maniacs of the BBC decided that Brexit was an evil thing that would shut down the massive car factories and stop the hundreds of lorries that brought parts to those factories….they’re suddenly thes world’s greatest fans of planet destroying cars and lorries….and of course ‘consumerism’ is another evil that must stop….no more buying things…and yet they insist we must import millions of foreign workers to keep our consumer economy booming[allegedly…never mind even legal migration costs us billions..not forgetting the social and societal costs]


  29. pugnazious says:

    ‘Sunday’ on form today as it promoted race hate and division in schools…

    ‘Pupils in England start the new term this week, but will schools ensure that tensions from the riots don’t make it into the classroom?’

    The BBC does exactly the opposite as it seems to promote fear and hate suggesting that white pupils should be seen as a dangerous and threatening presence for ‘minorities’.

    They wheeled in a girl to tell us she felt threatened by white pupils who might have been in the riots…..note the ‘might’…she actually said she hadn’t seen any…it was just a ‘feeling’ she had that they may harbour unwelcome beliefs.

    So no proof…no actual evidence of any threats or actual attacks just a ‘feeling’.

    Great that the BBC is demonising these white pupils and separating them out for special treatment….I’m sure that will go a long way towards promoting peace and harmony….the BBC once again doing so much to spread hate and division and to feed the Black grievance industry that’s mostly based upon lies and myths and creating a dangerous narrative that Blacks and minorities cannot live with Whites…either the people now nor their history and society…as even buildings are declared ‘racist’ and a threat to minorities. Pushing such inflammatory and provocative ideas won’t end well.


  30. vlad says:

    Blasphemy laws coming back, in the guise of so-called islamophobia laws.
    Be afraid, be very afraid.


    • MarkyMark says:

      Recalling the events of Saturday night, he said “They had these long knives and started shouting about Allah. Then it was, ‘Islam, Islam, Islam’.

      “Like an idiot I shouted back at them. I thought, ‘I need to take the piss out of these bastards’. I took a few steps towards them and said, ‘Fuck you, I’m Millwall’. So they started attacking me.”


      London Bridge attack 2017


    • pugnazious says:

      But it’s OK to trash Christianity and the Bible…as indeed the BBC does and did on ‘Sunday’ this morning as Stourton suggested that the Bible was all about ethnic cleansing and that the Christian God was basically evil and unpleasant. [Muslim MIshal Husain on Today told us that Christianity was ‘unpleasant and backward’]

      No doubt next week he’ll be exploring the Koran and describing how evil and unpleasant Islam is.


    • BRISSLES says:

      Gorgeous looking girls all made up with lippy and eye products – why ? To attract blokes? Yet its wrong to show their hair in case blokes become overcome with lust ! Go figure


  31. MarkyMark says:

    If it just saves one life!
    Ban Notting Hill Carnival and replace with a zoom call.


    • vlad says:

      It’s interesting: other people have festivals that go off perfectly peacefully. I wonder what it is about Notting Hill?

      No answers please, or you’ll be arrested.


  32. MarkyMark says:

    Israel says bodies of six Gaza hostages recovered
    Pause in fighting holds as Gaza children get polio vaccine

    “Arab physicians and scholars also laid the basis for medical practice in Europe. Before the Islamic era, medical care was largely provided by priests in sanatoriums and annexes to temples. The main Arabian hospitals were centres of medical education and introduced many of the concepts and structures that we see in modern hospitals, such as separate wards for men and women, personal and institutional hygiene, medical records, and pharmacies.”


  33. pugnazious says:

    Imagine if Brazil shut down the BBC’s broadcasting over there….we’d have a huge uproar and loud protestations about threats to democracy and free speech….but when ‘X’ gets shut down it’s not a thing really….they approve and you defintely get the impression the are slightly gleeful.

    Contrast Spiked’s report…

    ‘Brazil’s ban on X is a taste of things to come’


    with the BBC’s….

    ‘Musk’s X banned in Brazil after disinformation row’


    As the boss of ‘Telegram’ is under political arrest in France the West is becoming more and more like China or Russia in its suppression of free speech and thought….with the BBC on the side of the dictators.


  34. pugnazious says:


    BBC was, as always, blaming ‘wildfires’ on climate change..this time in Brazil…

    ‘Brazil has been hit by a series of extreme weather events, most recently a massive wildfire in the Pantanal wetlands in June.

    At the time climate experts said this year’s wildfire season had started earlier and is more intense than in previous years.’


    ‘Brazil suspects criminals set record São Paulo fires’
    ‘The head of Brazil’s National Office for Protection and Civil Defence, Wolnei Wolff, said 99.9% of the blazes in the state had been caused by human action. ‘

    And we know that ‘record’ wildfires in Australia a while back were not ‘record’ and more land was burnt and more animals killed in previous fires….and that so many of the ‘record’ fires in Greece were also lit by arsonists not God.


  35. Emmanuel Goldstein says:

    In the DailyExpress there are some articles showing how TTK is going after the old people and savers.
    Labour have form on this.
    Brown destroyed lots of pensions and ended the final salary schemes.
    TTK is after current pensioners savings and wants to take as much as possible off them. Brown mark 2.
    Pick on the old, that’s what a bully would do.
    Keep your mp’s heating allowance but take it off the elderly.

    He really is something nasty.

    I have a solution to the housing crisis.
    It means not building any more houses at all.
    We are told our birth rate is lower than needed to keep our numbers up meaning any population increase is due to mass immigration.
    Stop mass immigration (as Reform promise) and there will be no need for any more housing (or infrastructure) and each year more housing will increasingly become available meaning it will start to drop in price. Good for our youth surely.

    As there is a number leaving each year, this can be matched with those coming in, genuine Doctors and Engineers as opposed to the daily dinghy loads popping over from Calais.
    Tens of thousands leaving each year gives plenty of places for real incomers.


    • Fedup2 says:

      Not BBC – but my budget prediction.- although I’m not sure whether these measures will be bought in straight away or next April or ‘tapered?”

      Easy stuff – booze – fags – petrol -all up a lot car tax up

      IHT up

      CGT up a lot – immediate

      Private pension 25% tax free reduced to – say 10%

      5% increase on all community charge – review of single person discount

      Windfall tax on oil companies again

      Tax threshold at upper level reduced basic and high level kept as now to at least 2027

      Tv tax up by 10%

      ISAs limited to £10k per annum max holding set in – or maybe ended completely .

      Tax free savings rates halved – ie 1000 to 500 and for upper tax £250 ….

      Further tax on share dealings – stamp duty increased …

      There – brutal enough .?

      I’ve read that a lot of people are realising capital gains now .. that growth crap the dear leader was spouting will be nothing ….

      Unresolved – CGT on primary residence – restructuring of community charges …. Ie upward valuation on every home – which I reckon couldn’t be done by the end of the parliament ….

      BTW – anyone living off of other peoples taxes is going to be even better off … I wonder if the reds will kick off a winter recession ?


      • G says:

        There’s only one significant move any Government could make – immediately – Stop illegal immigration and send those already here, back to France/from whence come. In just this act alone, Reeves could restore the OAP’s Winter Fuel payment and make life more comfortable for UK Brits and lessen the tax burdens to come.

        But no, TTK’s arrangement with the G7/WEF/UN will be pursued to the bitter end. It seems that only the uprising of the people will have any effect. But TTK’s hidden army would suddenly appear and, whatever remained of the police, would take a back seat.


      • non-licence payer says:

        Fedup, the Tories introduced the vote for UK citizens living overseas. Call me a cynic but this sounds like the snivel service preparing for a US style tax system. One passport, one vote, one tax. It is a win/win. Renounce your citizenship, in which case you lose any benefits you may have accrued, or pay the tax. The final win will be the ability of the bBC to claim that it was the construct of chaotic tory scum.


    • Eddy Booth says:

      Remove illegals ability to rent property, and heavily tax or stop foreigners owning it, would help out with the housing shortage.


      • Fedup2 says:

        The private rental market is going to die – and state housing is busily being illegally sublet ….

        .. and if you think of the timescale to build – nothing is gonna get done for -what – 2 years from now minimum ?

        Any housing now will be blue party stuff . In my londonistan borough hundreds of flats are being finishec now …. The density it awful …


  36. Eddy Booth says:


    Run ! Another weather warning ⚠️⚠️⚠️
    But strangely not a drop of rain again here in North Yorkshire.


    • BRISSLES says:

      Rain ? What’s that ? Not a drop here for weeks in South Beds.


      • atlas_shrugged says:

        … A cloud of doom descended over the whole of the UK.

        The country was not to recover for another 5 years. Hens would not lay, dogs howled in the night, and in the bBC cauldrons were being stirred.


  37. Emmanuel Goldstein says:

    In the Daily Mail today it’s been suggested that the single occupancy discount (25% off the council tax for single person household) will be ended.

    Again, this will predominantly hit pensioners as they are more likely to lose their partner than others. Pensioners already living alone when their partner has died will have to find this extra money each month.

    This government really hates pensioners.


    • Fedup2 says:

      I saw that one – really can’t see how a reduction can be justified – surely it should be a 50% discount . There is also councils wanting powers to increase tax rates themselves ..


      • BRISSLES says:

        Oh God no ! I didn’t get widows pension, they’ve stopped heating payments, stopped free tv licences so now we might not get 25% discount anymore either ???

        Right. The brandy bottle could be my new best friend. It could be my internal heating system, and get me so sozzled I won’t care what I’m watching, but as for paying full council tax … just reach for another bottle.


        • Fedup2 says:

          Sorry – Brissles old thing – but the duty on booze will make it unaffordable – join everyone else shoplifting ….

          ..starmer wants get peoples ‘ homes … and don’t die because the death tax will mean you can’t afford to die …


      • tomo says:

        Wiltshire reset the reduction annually without telling the payers – they just increase the DD


  38. Fedup2 says:

    And in the telegraph insurance / investment companies are reporting a tsunami of applications to withdraw the 25% tax free cash component of pensions before reeves hits them …

    … I did mine earlier in the year – it took over 6 months because they were busy even then – someone at AVIVA told me it was a nightmare – and contacting them was impossible – btw – my pot wasn’t big – just something I was advised to do …


    • atlas_shrugged says:


      I totally applaud you for being ahead of the game. They are definitely coming for our pensions. Like a thief in the night.

      For myself I am like a frightened rabbit stuck in the headlights. I know this great pension robbery is coming and I know I have to move. But I do not.


      • Fedup2 says:

        Atlas – thanks -it was an incredibly stressful enterprise – I was dealing with the DwP / HMRC over pension contributions at the same time – the latter was easy compared to sorting out a pension pot which had been building from the early 1980s .
        The research necessary was also liable t0 cause loss of sleep – even with something which was an ‘add on for me’ …
        But I saw the way the wind was blowing – the uni party – red or blue – would want more ‘easy money ‘ so I pushed and pushed to finally get my 25% max tax free cash and an annuity ….

        Heaven help anyone trying to do it now – it’s about 60? Days to the budget and the finance industry is going to be working flat out – complete with fraud of course .

        BTW – is anyone has some savings – not protected via an ISA – I’d advise opening one for this tax year in case there are no more . I have although I haven’t much cash at the moment – I just hate paying tax on money already taxed ….

        I am not a financial advisor – I have no financial qualifications – do your own research ….


  39. Lazy Cat says:

    You could argue TTK is targeting old white people, by going back on his winter fuel payment promises.

    I’ll link the full document below (make the most of documents like this…soon I think they’ll stop doing statistics by ethnic group).

    But here is a highlight from the text:

    ‘More than 9 in 10 older people identified as White in 2021, but the older population has become more ethnically diverse since 2011’

    Now, if this group started dying off in winter because they can’t afford to put the heating on, would that benefit labour or not? Not suggesting anything untoward of course. Starmer is obviously a lovely, kind man.

    I bet more white pensioners don’t vote labour than any other group though.

    This, to some (not me of course – isn’t our freedom of speech wonderful?) , looks like a possible case of indirect racial discrimination. The policy targets all pensioners of course, but there’s no getting away from the fact of whom it targets. Over 90% white. Least likely group to vote labour. I’m sure it’s all innocent.

    But if a government, for example, said that it was pulling funding for research/treatment into prostate cancer, it would indirectly target black men (they are over twice as likely to die from prostate cancer than other groups).

    If you were paranoid or something, you might think they hate us honkies and want us dead?



    • Fedup2 says:

      Lazy – the longer it goes on -the more those who didn’t vote ( for reform ) will regret it . Labour has no opposition – reform will be crushed by speaker comrade Hoyle – TTK will do what he wants – has he got rid of PMQs yet ?


      • Lazy Cat says:

        Not yet, but I’m going to make a prediction.

        If Farage starts to poll anywhere near TTK’s figures, there will be an effort to jail him.

        Of course, everything is vague with ‘perceived hate’ for a reason.

        They (government, police and courts) can decide what a thought crime is.


        Pakistani ‘News’ YT Channel was the source of the wrong name (according to msm). Isn’t a woman still in jail for being the source? Now, I don’t know what’s fully gone on here, granted, but if she shared the name in good faith, why is she in prison?

        As opposed to a member of Hate not Hope, who said far right types were throwing battery acid in Muslim”s faces.

        This was untrue, of course.

        And I have no doubt it could’ve (in theory right?) riled a few Muslims up to take to the streets with, oh, I dunno, baseball bats, planks of wood, knives, hammers and swords. Like they did. And then beat up lone white people walking back from the shops, on the premise they were ‘EDL’.

        And yet ..there is no arrest here.

        Why? We know why.

        We. See. You.


  40. Fedup2 says:

    Ryanair doing package holidays ? Imagine ? Wanna door on your room ?pay. Lock on the door ? Pay . Key ? Pay ….


    • Fedup2 says:

      Israel is now saying the 6 hostages were executed by being shot in the head within the last 48 hours … will Islamic Hamas release the videos ?

      Will the BBC move on really quickly ? Will there be a celebration March in Whitehall ?

      Keep going IDF …


    • Lazy Cat says:

      £1 coin slots to flush the bog.
      £20 for curtains.
      £50p for running water for 20 seconds.
      Fridge has a coin operated lock on it.
      Lifts cost £5 to use.
      Mattress £10 a night.
      Pillows £5 a night each.

      Sounds great.


  41. taffman says:

    Will hamas face the war crimes courts ?


  42. StewGreen says:

    Brendan Kavanagh singing sarcastically “We love the BBC”


    • vlad says:

      If it’s the BBC filming, he should make them pay through the nose.
      Then sue them for some copyright infringement.


  43. pugnazious says:

    Times Radio wheels in an Israeli/Palestinian reporter to tell us that the deaths of the hostages was the Israeli Army’s fault…and earlier we had Lord Ricketts on to tell us Israel was bad and we must have a ceasefire. Amazing how the posh boys and leftists unite against the Jews…once again…previously of course they either supported Hitler or Stalin…definitely not Britain.

    The BBC, naturally, is on a par…its coverage of Gaza and the West Bank verging on propaganda as it still lists casualties as merely ‘Palestinian’ without telling us who they really were and what they were doing when shot….they highlighted an 82 year old Palestinian man shot dead…with 9 bullets the BBC details for effect….but no context…completely innocent casualty caught in the crossfire or someone waving an AK47? They report machine gun fire and explosions as if it was the Israeli Army going rogue…but if it was the Israelis they must have been shooting at something and somebody must have been shooting at them…but as with the BBC’s reports from the Gaza hospitals where they reported Israelis shooting ‘at the hospital’ there’s no reporting that Hamas were firing at the Israelis from the hospital.

    Deliberately vague and misleading reporting all intent on making the Israelis look like the aggressors shooting up hospitals and innocent civilians.


  44. friend of yogi bear says:


    Old people are generally a DAMN nuisance …IF you are a government. They don’t do much ,other than bother the NHS
    ( envy of the world….curiously , not so much that anywhere has copied it)with their endless demands for treatment. If there is a good side though they are spread out around the nation and die on a regular basis.

    The other thing is, they can be taxed thoroughly and often. An increase in council tax and a clamp down on “freebies” tax discounts ,etc,etc, could force many of them to downsize.
    They would be far more comfortable somewhere smaller and would be doing their “bit” in making more housing available for bigger families. If any of them complain in a “hateful ” way they can be dealt with.
    Seriously though , lots of old folks have too much money and they want to hang on to it , they must learn that the government needs it more than they do…

    We are lucky to have that lovely Rachel ( l worked for the Bank of England ) Reeeves…. she of Reeevenomics….who will know just how to spend it.


  45. pugnazious says:

    One for the diary….

    ‘John Simpson – The Leaders and Lunatics Tour’

    ‘Join the BBC’s World Affairs Editor John Simpson CBE for an exclusive evening packed with unparalleled insights from one of the most distinguished foreign correspondents of our time.

    With decades of first-hand encounters and personal dealings, John will explore the enigmatic personas of global figures such as Putin, Xi Jinping, bin-Laden and Thatcher.

    John will navigate the intricate web of international relations, delving into the complexities of our global issues – from conflicts, war and famines, to world economies and climate change.

    John will reveal the common threads linking these figures, and offer a unique perspective on the impact they’ve had on world affairs.’

    Call them lunatics but just don’t say ‘terrorist’.

    Betting Boris, Farage and Trump get a glowing mention….any bets Putin or Bin Ladin will be somehow ranked above Trump or Boris?

    ‘I know this may sound daft but……’


    I’d link to his twitter account but he’s banned me….but he’s still using the hated Musk organ.


  46. MarkyMark says:

    “It’s just getting worse,” she said of knife crime in the region.
    Teens arrested after boy, 13, stabbed to death
    David Lammy MP says absent fathers ‘key cause of knife crime’
    3 October 2012

    Former gang member Sheldon Thomas, now a government advisor on youth violence, said he agreed with Mr Lammy “100%”.


    • Lazy Cat says:

      I think I know the reason some areas have more knife crime than others.

      Unfortunately, I think saying it would get you three years. Everyone can just keep blaming muh racisms of the white man.


  47. MarkyMark says:

    Nearly £200m of public money has been spent on the four public inquiries currently taking place in Scotland, new figures have shown.

    The Scottish government has paid £150.4m in running costs – but BBC Scotland has now identified a further £36.4m in costs for the dozens of public bodies taking part.

    The BBC has also learned that £3.3m has been spent on the salaries of those chairing the inquiries, which are examining the Covid crisis, hospital safety, child abuse and the death of Sheku Bayoh.

    Questions have been raised about the cost-effectiveness of the inquiries but the Scottish government said they provided important opportunities to establish facts and learn lessons.



    SNP demand police return campervan at centre of finances investigation
    Senior figures argue the vehicle could be sold to raise funds for the cash-strapped party or used as a battle bus

    Simon Johnson,
    Scottish Political Editor
    17 March 2024 • 5:26pm

    Another unnamed MP said: “That’s all we need, that campervan going around the country to every marginal constituency reminding voters of all the things we want them to forget.”


  48. MarkyMark says:

    “Disney+ terms prevent allergy death lawsuit, Disney says”

    Disney World is arguing a man cannot sue it over the death of his wife because of terms he signed up to in a free trial of Disney+.


  49. Emmanuel Goldstein says:
