Weekend 31st August 2024

Over to you – all comments must comply with the ministry of truths ‘code of practice – a secret document only available to approved party members . Long live Comrade Starmer . long live BBCOFCOM

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254 Responses to Weekend 31st August 2024

  1. MarkyMark says:

    Woke Waste: The Millions British Taxpayers Pay For Mad Woke Projects


  2. Up2snuff says:

    TWoTWeee Watch #1 – in which Jonny Dymond hopes in vain for some Bibi Bashing

    The ‘Demented Dalek’ interviewed an Israeli relative of of some hostages still held by Hamas. Jonny wanted the interviewee to say he hated Bibi Netanyahu and Bibi should get out of the way or negotiate a permanent ceasefire. The interviewee would have none of that and wanted Netanyahu to prosecute the war against Hamas with more vigour. The interviewee was under no illusions that Hamas was an implacable enemy and were an obstacle to any ceasefire negotiations.

    In other news, Hamas has claimed that the dead hostages were killed in an IDF rocket strike. In reality, they were shot in the head. Despicable Hamas. More power to the IDF. Go on Bibi, go on!


  3. Up2snuff says:

    TWoTWeee Watch #2 – excuses, excuses now from the Labour Party in Government!

    Apparently, the Labour Government are now trying to claim that Rachel Reeves cancelling the Winter Fuel Allowance to any OAPs who are not entitled to Pension Credit or not claiming Pension Credit would have caused a run on the pound! I laughed like a drain when I heard that one. How soon before we start to refer to the Labour Government by the soubriquet the ‘Lie-bore Government’ ?


    • Fedup2 says:

      Up2 – I take it that was Lucy Powell – not the sharpest knife in the box . She famously a couple of years ago as shadow media minister wanted every internet site to be licenced ..__

      But that control ‘mind?set ‘ is still there and growing .

      The pensioner thing reminds me of the poll tax – which caused far more distress than it was politically or economically worth – about 2 billion for the winter payments

      But they’ve decided to dig in – that’s Sue grays malevolence …


      • Up2snuff says:

        Don’t know who it was. Possibly the BoE or, more likely, the Institute for Fiscal Studies which is thoroughly politicised, it appears to me, on the Left.


    • Guest Who says:

      Lucy Powell claims they had to end the WFA to stop a run on the pound and the economy crashing. This is bonkers, the interviewer should have challenged her.

      Well, it is the bbc.


      • Up2snuff says:

        Thanks, Guest, you are quite right. The interviewer should have challenged her. How could she know?


  4. Guest Who says:

    Hostage deaths increase pressure on Netanyahu for Hamas deal

    Seems they ‘died’.

    And Hamas is under not pressure from the FT.



  5. Guest Who says:

    The Graun.

    UK police risk assessment before riots said far-right threat probably ‘minimal’

    Narrative collapse imminent.


  6. JohnC says:

    German far right heading for vote win in east – projections

    ‘If confirmed, it would give the far right its first vote win in a state parliament since World War Two’

    Only the astounding double-standards and shameless hypocrisy of the BBC can call the ‘National Socialist Party’ (Nazi) ‘far-right’.

    It’s true that Hitler eventually added his own ‘ingredients’ to the socialist manifesto – but they were socialists nontheless.

    I don’t recall any headline from that period claiming the Nazis were far-right. The label has been retrospectively added by the modern Left to cover up what they did.

    And I see many similarities with the Nazis by the Left : the extreme hatred of people who do not agree witheir ideology for one. And their complete intolerance for people who do not conform for another.

    The biggest similarity of all between the Hitler and the modern Left is that when you can see through their veneer of hypocrisy and stupendous double-standards, you realise they are both driven by their ideology and hatred of those who disagree with it.


    • Fedup2 says:


      But we know the BBC loves democracy – but it has to be the approved sort of democracy . It looks like the Germans share an active despair for their country like that of the Irish .

      The British have been so groomed /indoctrinated by the likes of the BBC that any dissent is labelled as ‘racist – far right ‘ which sadly stems from kidults too young to know better – plus of course a Far Left education system now conjoined with plod and the NHS …
      Elon is still writing about Britain on X and many Americans are appalled by what he describes … many wonder why there is little resistance …. So far … so cheers to Germany – even a couple of districts ….