Nothing to do with the BBC (except I was on the way to a Prom), but travelling on the Tube, a voice came over the tannoy, telling us to make sure we had our shoelaces tied. The Nanny State run by our esteemed Mayor.
Young Ben Leo and I were in total agreement this evening. As I was listening to Mrs Balls going on and on about how she was going to stop the gangs. I remarked to Mr D that she said an awful lot whilst saying absolutely nothing. As Mrs Balls finished Ben Leo on GBNews said exactly the same. Mrs Balls is obviously not very good at this word salad thing.
“dark stain on the reputation of Rotherham”
says judge against wheelie bin hooligan
FFS how thick does the judge have to be to say something so insulting to the familes of 1,510 potential victims
children raped by grooming gangs
(In 2018 Operation Stovewood report, but media prefer to quote the earlier 1,400 number from Jay report)
#Nineyears in jail for helping to light a fire in a wheelie bin for #Rotherham man #ThomasBurley. Judge said he'd "damaged the reputation of Rotherham". The reputation of a town where police did nothing while taxi drivers groomed and raped young vulnerable girls chosen cos white?
The reputation of Rotherham died when it became a migrant haven (long before the grooming scandal) as thuggish Asian men in their cheap black leather coats loitered around the town centre and realised a killing could be made driving taxis, expanding their market stalls and taking over corner shops. A far cry from the days when the only black faces were those of the miners coming home from shift work.
I rarely use taxis. But if I do, I avoid ‘certain’ drivers. I know of a local firm that doesn’t seem to employ a lot of ‘diversity’ hires.
Once, outside a train station, I waited a good 20 mins until a ‘similar looking’ driver got to the the front of the rank queue before getting in.
‘Corner shops’. One no more than 300m from my house. I prefer to travel 2 miles to buy my milk and bread from somebody I’d rather give my money to.
Now, these people have done nothing to me. They seem decent people, even. However, they are tribal when push comes to shove.
Well, guess what? After years if being a liberal (in the classical sense) I now realize we too (honkies) need to collectivize
Because if every other group is collectivising and blaming everything bad that happens in the world on your group (even if they do the bad thing!) , then things are not going to go well for you, your friends or your family.
Sure, you’ll be able to take the high ground and say that you are in the right in believing we should all be friends and not let them divide us…but the end result is you will be crushed.
And the other groups (as a whole, not every individual granted)? It seems like they want that to me.
So I’m all about.
1. My family.
2. My extended family and my friends (some of whom are not white btw).
3. The honkies in my country.
4. The honkies outside my country.
5. Only when 1-4 are living in clover will I give a monkey’s tush about anyone else.
Rotherham REPUTATION ?
Lord Nazir Ahmed of Rotherham who has served 2 prison sentences (one for killing a man on the M1 whilst texting and one for raping a 10 year old boy)
It’s time this usless parliament was kicked out !
We are being run by idiouts.
Vote for Reform!……………
The good news is that with absolute disasters like TTK pee pee pants, Lammy, Cooper, Philips, Rayner and the effing Millipedes (who brought those absolute disasters back?), this country will go down the shitter faster than TTK’s ‘swift justice’.
And there is another good thing about this ‘new’ legal tactic from TTK.
According to some, once enough people wake up (suffer enough…and maybe they will) then the tables could turn. Perhaps Reform will have to get even more right wing to satisfy the angry masses?
And those quick, no bail for you ‘courts’, designed (according to some at least) to crush political opponents?
Why get rid of them when the tables turn?
You were just following orders? Tell that to the judge (Some doubt it will be the same judges presiding here though! They might be in the dock themselves. According to some not me of course.)
Lazy – the most important thing is the our ‘international reputation ‘ is damaged quickly too – but I fear the handouts will be increasing in the budget as pensioners put on the draft excluder …
Dan Wootton on the terrifying threat to free speech posed by such bad actors as Tony Blair, the Speaker of the House and – you guessed it – our very own, dearly behated BBC,
Those pesky Chinese snatching black men’s iPhones in London.
(Probable) black man snatches other man’s phone in London. Phone is quickly put into ‘lost mode’ by its owner and can’t be used. Phone tracked to Shenzen in China not long after, because criminals send the unusable locked up phones there to be taken apart for the odd usable part/for recycling, as it’s the only way they can make a few quid off them.
Or maybe it really is pesky Chinese thieves snatching black chaps’ phones and then buggering off to China with them?
The French left are scheduled to take to the streets this weekend protesting ( and probably doing a proper bit of rioting ) about the high handedness of Macron appointing Barnier , the epitome of a globalist , as PM instead of a leftist .
The leftist coalition the NFP is the largest grouping ( its a coalition of five parties not a single party) in the National Assembly and traditionally the PM is selected by the President from the largest party. The largest single party is Le Pen’s RN .
The NFP says it will refuse any cooperation with Barnier and if so Barnier will have to rely on the RN to vote through any measures. This will give Le Pen great power. She can choose if and when to force through another election. If she plays her cards well she can cooperate until a measure comes up which can refuse to cooperate on principle and appear as calm and statesman like but with principles. Rare in any politician. The left will come across as hell bent on destruction.
It will stand her in good stead for the next Presidential election.
The secret to effective propaganda is not to be too obvious.
He’s a man of integrity; he’s telling it straight; he wants to win back trust in government.’
Baroness Helena Kennedy KC says Sir Keir Starmer is being honest about the state of the UK
Coming from someone as sold as Kennedy that’s quite something – she defended some truly vile creatures ( eg the damilola Taylor murderers ) but money is money – right Helena ?
I’ve no interest whatsoever in the Paralympics – does that make me a bad person?
Were one to display a keen interest in the Paralympics – does that make one a good person?
The Guardian’s frontpage today goes with a large feature pic from the Paralympics. Our gynaeceum that is the BBC news staff pick up the Graun to top their online press line-up (natch).
BBC online news homepage likewise splashes with a whole series of Paralympics pictures: Incredible moments of the Paris Paralympics – gushes the breathlessly captioned photojournalism: GB reach 100 medals at Paris Paralympics (BBC)
Ah, the virtue-signalling patriotism of the Paralympic medal table.
Oft cited twentieth century writer and cultural observer George Orwell had this to say about patriotism: By ‘patriotism’ I mean devotion to a particular place and a particular way of life, which one believes to be the best in the world but has no wish to force on other people. Patriotism is of its nature defensive, both militarily and culturally. (The Orwell Foundation)
Orwell was a man of time, his formative experiences routed in a distaste for British overseas colonialism and his mid-century life was lived under both the spectre and the reality of european warfare. Mass inward migration into Britain of other nationalities and cultures (or reverse colonialism?) never occurred to Orwell.
For this reason he draws a distiction between patriotism and his definition of nationalism – for Orwell nationalism was coloured by colonialism and war: By ‘nationalism’ I mean first of all the habit of assuming that human beings can be classified like insects and that whole blocks of millions or tens of millions of people can be confidently labelled ‘good’ or ‘bad’. But secondly – and this is much more important – I mean the habit of identifying oneself with a single nation or other unit, placing it beyond good and evil and recognising no other duty than that of advancing its interests
How would our George classify the patriotism of the Paralympic medal table, one wonders?
Or the patriotism of: England manager: I won’t sing our anthem… Birmingham-born coach who played for Ireland says he’s ‘focused on the game’… The interim manager of the England football team Lee Carsley… (Telegraph); Disbelief and anger as England football boss says he WON’T sing national anthem (Daily Mail)
That one is easy enough to answer: It is a strange fact, but it is unquestionably true that almost any English intellectual would feel more ashamed of standing to attention during ‘God Save the King’ than of stealing from a poor box.
Or the patriotism… or perhaps simply the common courtesy and respect of: Sir Iam McKellen… Give back your gong! Fury as Sir Ian bad-mouths late Queen… accused the beloved monarch of being “rude” and “quite mad” toward the end of her life (Express); You OK, Gandalf? Hobbit star McKellen calls late Queen mad… Movie wizard… is going through a bad spell… (Daily Star)
Speaking of Orwell’s patriotism, which he defined as defensive, both militarily and culturally, in nature…
NONE of our attack submarines at sea… ‘Utterly dire’ state of Royal Navy laid bare in shocking figures (Mail)
Meanwhile, news on the eastern front: UK to send hundreds more missiles to Ukraine… UK Defence Secretary John Healey who will confirm the £162 million package, which includes the supply of 650 Lightweight Multirole Missiles (LMM). He said the new package would give an “important boost” to Ukraine’s air defences and show the government was “stepping up” its support. (BBC) – news that would surely have had our peacenik lefties howling with rage… not so long ago.
Victimless crime? Nonsense, our BBC is on the case…
Thieves snatched his phone in London – it was in China a month later… Akara Etteh had his phone stolen as he walked out of a Tube station. (BBC) – that’s today’s entry in our new feature hereabouts – You guessed it, he’s black.
Mind you, I’m somewhat concerned the title ‘You guessed it, he’s black’ is a little male-centric. Perhaps for this particular strand of mainstream media watch feature one should go with… Let’s think… Brightest and best?
Brightest and best
I’m a poster child for migration. John Lewis chair Sharon White (FT Weekend)
John Lewis chair exit: what went wrong for Sharon White? A combination of inexperience and several unpopular decisions have contributed to the chair of the John Lewis Partnership announcing her plans to step down after just one term in post (Rohan Banerjee, Raconteur, ‘stories that connect modern business’)
It’s difficult not to have admiration for athletes and sportsmen who overcome disabilities and participate in sports, whether for themselves or to represent club, organisation or nation. But as a disabled friend of mine rather bluntly put it, the obsession of the media with the Paralympics is akin to ‘cripple-porn’.
It’s virtue signaling.
It’s the same with the media obsession with pushing BAME etc, it actually draws attention to race issues and reinforces division.
Is it my imagination, but the BBC are going on and on and on about disabled sports people? People whose names are meaningless. On and on and on. Even on World Service during the night.
I take it the submarine crews are working from home ? With all those attack submarines on their holidays ? But at least we have a nuclear missile job ready to hit a list of cities I’d willingly provide ….
But more importantly – all those cameras trained on someone called ‘Lee’ who is apparently not going to mouth the words of the country his team represents – maybe he is a ‘men behind the wire ‘ kind of brummy . ?
Surely the FA could have found someone willing to sing that song ? I take it the English are playing the team from his parents ‘ country so he won’t be celebrating English goals or an English win …. Poor show really …
Just of piste really – but the red party – which seems – in some aspects – to have become the blue party haven’t given assurances that the 25% ‘discount ‘ on council tax is to stay . This seems heartless to me – and unnecessarily stressful to people on the edge .
But I suppose defaulters can expect a Charge H ? Placed on their property come sale time – with socialist councils owning more homes ….
Previous career record:
Downing Street policy unit during Blair regime. Tick
World Bank. Tick
Department for International Development. Tick
Ofcom. Tick tick tick tick.
A defining characteristic of the establishment is that there is no penalty for failure.
I’m a poster child for migration. John Lewis chair Sharon White
Sounds to me just like what footballers call a ‘come and get me’ – a shout out to big corproate sector firms more interested employing a ‘poster child’ than an effective CEO.
It’s interesting to think that Labour would not have won the election had they been open about stopping the Winter Fuel Payments to Pensioners during their campaign. The fact that they must have decided to do so well before the election makes it even worse.
Labour will carry the Winter Fuel millstone around their necks all the way to the next election and well beyond.
I actually think the winter fuel payment for Pensioners was a stupid idea, introduced by Labour of course. An alternative to paying proper Pensions.
Lib dems are keeping pretty quiet about the Pensioners’ Cold Death tax grab too…
There again, they’re up in the clouds most of the time anyway, so even with a few more seats, make very little difference.
As for Labour, they know that thousands more pensioners will be ‘off the books’ in five years time anyway, so why not piss them off now and forget their rapidly diminishing vote.
The red lot will get hammered in the local elections next year, for all these incredible failures after only a few weeks!
Double, well the EU’s Copernicus programme said 2024 was likely to be the hottest year evvah! Some of us do not believe anything the EU ‘say’ or for that matter what the UN/IPCC/UNRWA/UNFP ‘say’ either.
The departure hall to Venice gains another in the pompous class lounge.
I post infrequently and this is my last. Musk’s toy has been colonised by narcissists, the brain-dead and advertisments. I shall nonetheless miss the ‘wit and wisdom’ of the best among whom I have friends. The latter I shall still see. To the rest, goodbye. Life is too short.
Guest – I notice on that ‘farewell ‘ there is a ‘follow ‘ tick – he says life is too short – for some it is too long .
It’s heart warming that free speech on X has got under a dimbleby PLC skin – he ll probably do a book about it using plagiarised material …
A truly vile character and living on the ‘talent’ of daddy … bet he can afford the 20% Eton fees for the grandkids
FFS his page has an ADVERT for his book pinned to the top of it
Standard rule
libmob ARE, what they ACCUSE others of
That’s #ConfessionByProjection
Here Dimbleby says
“narcissists, the brain-dead and advertisments”
So that’s him, that is
.. Oh it’s the BBC too, what Dimbleby accuses Twitter of ..BBC is in spades
Have all these free Palestine marches in London stopped now?
Just stop oil is also quiet.
Is it because of Pinocchio pants on fire TTK’s heavy sentencing for troublemakers on the recent protests or do they think they will be getting everything they want from this far left pm so they needn’t bother.
Lammy is going to recognise the terrorist Islamic state of Palestine – send weapons there and stop any suppprt for Israel . Jews will have to leave by 2025 and in the meantime wear a badge . All properties to be seized by the religious police .
Labour thinks trying to placate the Muslim mafia will work – but it’s a sign of weakness – they have only one aim – the caliphate by undermining weak ‘states ‘……
AP on X is saying that TTK is to visit Biden next week …
( translation – associated press on twitter is saying the Great Leader – comrade starmer – is to visit the false demented US comrade president next week – safe trip keir ….)
This guy has a compelling story about the Grenfell fire.
I dunno if his facts are wrong.
But I just read BBC Kate Lamble’s looooong article
which totally omits the origin of the fire
Yet manages to mention Thatcher near the top
“In the 1980s, however, Margaret Thatcher wanted to reduce government intervention. Regulations stopped listing precise rules, simply describing instead what the end result should be.”
Not one mention of the architects at Grenfell who had overriding responsibility for the specification of materials and largely were responsible (aiui) for the inspection of works performed – the architects carry massive insurance and their name usually goes at the top of site contractor boards…..
The architect’s office closed within hours of the blaze and iirc the partners jumped onto flights to the other side of the planet.
The (fat) architect’s fees reflect this responsibility.
Some might view the inquiry as a deflection exercise for the cult of managerialism ?
And the engineers, (weight on existing structure issues, fixings interfering with reinforced concrete, etc.), and where are the LBKC Building Inspector’s involvement and also the Building Research Establishment’s findings investigated here?
Quite a lightweight report by a Beeboid, not really au fait with the industry, which is to be expected I suppose, because they hate going after LA employees, and always try avoid their involvement!
At the time, I remember the BBC – and the rest of the lemming msm – blaming a mysterious exploding fridge (?!) and studiously avoiding the much more likely scenario of a late-night ramadan fry-up.
From: International Fire Protection – “Domestic Kitchen Fires Peaked During Ramadan”
Apparently someone called ‘Dan Walker ‘ was a bbc presenter who got fired – banished to C5 – he tells his story in the telegraph – sometimes I go to the effort of cutting and pasting bbc stuff from there – but I didn’t read it because it involved some dance show which apparently people like …
Big Trouble for Hunter Biden
So Hunter is in big trouble and facing serious jail time for tax evasion and gun laws. The BBC has covered but it’s not on the main page of their web news it’s buried so deep only Sherlock Holmes would find it. Now if this was Trumps son it would be front page news and featured minutely in the MSM news every day till November 5th, Bias? Naaaah, it’s all in your head.
Tomo – couldn’t watch it all – over 2 hours but an interesting prediction that President Trump will be sent to prison for 6 months whatever the outcome of the election .
Such an event will surely make the demo on January 6 look like one of English disorders …. And there will be a full scale – real – response in the US …
The guys riff on a variety of outcomes – the signs aren’t absolutely clear yet – but Biden’s (OK, Jill + Hunter + family) still absolutely negotiating the “outro” ($$$$$$$$ + immunity for all)
He’s going to step down and cede The Oval Office to Harris and take a victory lap for the first (unelected) DEI “black” woman POTUS.
I think you’ll find the hunter Biden thing is a political show trial set up to damage the candidate and the White House ….
… I wonder if TTK will meet hunter this coming week ? Bet there will be a toothy picture with Obama for doing such a great job of turning Britain into an anti white pro Islam failed state so quickly ….
Maths genius Rachel( l worked for the Bank of England) Reeeves, should be aware of one figure at least..the figure is 115% and thats the increase in applications for Pension credit in the wake of The “Reeevenomics” cut to the winter fuel allowance. As l may have mentioned some while ago , if all those eligible apply and get this credit, the bill will approach 4bn£….NOT a bad effort as she could only save 1.4bn£ with the cut.
I’m sure she knows what she’s doing..mmm…
I wonder if Ladbrooks are taking bets on the date she calls in the I.M.F. Sadly l am just old enough to remember that other “ace” financial wizard Denis Healy do the same.
England’s new interim manager says he won’t be singing national anthem before Republic of Ireland clash
Lee Carsley, who represented Ireland 40 times during his playing career, is preparing for his first game in charge of the Three Lions on Saturday night.
Labour is currently headed for the bottom of the Marinas Trench, taking all hands with. So W1A is regrouping.
Tories have ceased to exist, and were beyond the pale anyway. But not as much as Reform.
The Limps have likewise disappeared to work at a circus.
Leaving… The Greens.
4 lunatic MPs with a joint leadership now getting full BBC propaganda because they scream and should about Gaza and #NetZero more than Labour’s Bozo Ministers.
“the BBC” is trending
A lot of that is a gotcha by leftmob
“Look at us we got the BBC Community Noted cos they used this headline
“American activist shot dead in occupied West Bank”
modified to this
“American activist of Turkish origin, aged 26, shot dead by Israeli army during protest in the occupied West Bank, Palestinian media report ”
(She was born in Turkey)
IDF have not tweeted at all since then , 20 hours ago
Is that a new one or this 8 year old one ?
“But the photo’s from WSJ story about Donald Trump taking selfies with local @manchester_pd police officers in 2016.”
Now I found This photo that does appear to be Atlanta police in April 2024
Cheney snr follows in his daughter’s footsteps and betrays his own country saying he’ll vote Democrat…the BBC gleefully reporting that he claims Trump is a threat to democracy. Hmmm…roll back the years and Cheney was criticising Trump for being a liberal-democrat….
‘Cheney: Trump ‘sounds like a liberal Democrat” ‘“He sounds like a liberal Democrat to me, Bret. He’s wrong, and he’s I think, deliberately promoting those views in order to advance his political interests” Cheney said.’
It’s Trump porn for the BBC today as they relished repeating the charges against him and his conviction….practically drooling this morning.
Trump upset Cheney way back in 2015 when he said he’d lied about WMD [shows how much the BBC can change…just as they now love Blair and Campbell after the massive fallout over…WMD]
Curiously by coincidence today we see something relevant as a video is released that was taken by a Saudi intelligence agent in the US pre 9-11….might think this was a pretty large story but the BBC headlines Cheney’s hizzey-fit but not something that might indicate the Saudis were part of the plot on 9-11.
From the Telegraph…
”Saudi intelligence officer’ films Washington DC sites two years before 9/11 al-Qaeda attacks’ ‘A 25-year-old video has been unearthed showing a man, who has been identified by the FBI as a Saudi intelligence officer, filming locations in Washington DC before the September 11 attacks.
First seized by Scotland Yard, the previously unseen footage was shot by Omar al-Bayoumi, an early suspect in the terror attacks, in the summer of 1999.
The evidence was revealed as part of a civil court case in the US brought by families of 9/11 victims who are trying to sue Saudi Arabia’s government for complicity in the attacks.
At one point, he brands US politicians “demons” and later he refers to “the plan” in what is being alleged to be his attempt to scope out the area two years before the al-Qaeda terror attacks.
The Capitol is believed to have been the target of the plane that crashed in the Pennsylvania countryside after the hijackers were overwhelmed by passengers.
He has been the subject of sustained speculation owing to his links to two of the 9/11 hijackers.
He admitted in the past to innocently befriending Nawaf al-Hazmi and Khalid al-Mihdhar, who went on to fly a passenger plane into the Pentagon, killing 189 people.
An FBI report declassified in 2022 said there was a “50/50 chance” that Mr Bayoumi “had advanced knowledge the 9/11 attacks were to occur”.
The agency claims that when Mr Bayoumi was shooting the video, he was accompanied by two Saudi Arabian diplomats who the bureau said had ties to al-Qaeda.
On Capitol Hill, the camera lingers on two black limousines that appear to belong to the government, and he says: “Their cars. You said that in the plan”, but does not specify further.
“I will provide you with the results soon,” Mr Bayoumi says close to the Washington Monument. “I will report to you in detail what is there.”’
‘Lindsay Hoyle’s war on free speech’ ‘Lindsay Hoyle, the speaker of the House of Commons, told BBC Radio 5 Live this week that the UK government must tackle ‘misinformation’ on social media. ‘What we’ve got to do is make [sure] it’s factual, it’s correct what’s up there’, he said, adding, ‘the fact is misinformation is dangerous’.’
I didn’t hear the interview but I’m betting the BBC didn’t just shrug its shoulders and say ‘It’s their truth’…yeah…interviewer was ex-Times’ radio presenter Matt Chorley…lefty wokeista….going to be fully on-board with the anti-social media narrative that the BBC and government collaborate on. Media independence, freedom of speech and thought, indeed ‘my truth’, and holding power to account seem to be a moveable feast for the BBC….somedays it’s on the menu…somedays not.
‘Lindsay Hoyle, the speaker of the House of Commons, told BBC Radio 5 Live this week that the UK government must tackle ‘misinformation’ on social media. ‘What we’ve got to do is make [sure] it’s factual, it’s correct what’s up there’, he said, adding, ‘the fact is misinformation is dangerous’.’
The Commons Speaker is facing accusations he played “party politics” by granting a vote on Labour’s Gaza ceasefire motion.
Israel launched its operations in Gaza following an attack by Hamas on southern Israel on 7 October, during which about 1,200 people were killed and more than 240 others taken hostage.
Since then, Israel’s military campaign has killed more than 29,000 people in Gaza, according to the Palestinian territory’s Hamas-run health ministry, whose figures are accepted by the United Nations.
“I’m prepared for people to get sick of hearing about the inheritance from the Tories” –
the new govt’s been busy playing the blame game, so when does the buck pass to them?
The Buck was theirs when they lied through their teeth to get in, and the BBC is still acting cover.
Another reason BBC is trending is cos the person who wrote that Grenfell article has been made redundant
But see how it’s one London liberal out
.. and another London ethnic woman in
(younger , maybe lower salary)
Today is my last day at the BBC.
To be totally open, I’m being made redundant
Whether running More Or Less during the pandemic, reporting on Grenfell & the climate, I’m extraordinarily proud of my work
Public service broadcasting can be engaging & essential & I hope to continue
Ritika Gupta@RitikaGuptaTV (London girl)
.. I’ve joined the BBC in New York as a North America business correspondent.
I’m excited to bring you the top business & economy news and host the daily ‘Business Today’ show 📺 🗞️
Lambie does know the reason for her redunancy but chooses not to say
Normally they are back next week as freelance .. on double the old salary
In 2022 “Later this year I’m taking another job, but I’ll stay with the (Grenfell) podcast until it finishes.
It’s a very important story to me”
and she has only just finished that podcast now in 2024
She is an activist journalist
d”iscrimination played a role in the aftermath of the fire.”
” recently found my application to work on the show back in 2018. What it said, was that I strongly believed this project was the kind of public service journalism the BBC should be doing.”
One built and run by the state.
One built and run by the private sector.
So what point were they trying to make?
Not posted for for a long time so ignore the tory bit, couldn’t be arsed to change it for this post.
Well this is one they can’t absolutely silence like Balen….Monday may be an interesting day for the BBC….what’s the odds they don’t report it?….
‘More bad news for the BBC. Following the fall-out from the Corporation’s catastrophic handling of the Huw Edwards affair, a long-running controversy threatens to re-ignite once more. Steerpike understands that next week a major report is set to be published on the Beeb’s coverage of the conflict in Gaza, with a 100-page publication by a team of lawyers prepared to drop on Monday morning. Talk about a way to start the week off right…
It is the first of two reports planned for successive weeks. The one released on Monday will use artificial intelligence to analyse the Corporation’s dispatches on the conflict, which has seen the broadcaster repeatedly accused of being biased against Israel. A media round is planned, as is the launch of a campaign vehicle to look at what one source calls, ‘reporting bias more generally across major media outlets.’ The second report will see a series of recommendations made to BBC, with calls for a thematic review similar to the recent study on its migration coverage.
One insider working on the project told Mr S:
This has been months and months of work, using the most cutting-edge scientific techniques to prove what’s been happening at the BBC during this war. There are some serious people who are determined to not let the BBC off the hook on this one. There is a systemic problem, and these two reports are just the start of the campaign.’
A BBC that in large part controls the media landscape, if the BBC doesn’t report it has it happened?…and politicians can usually ignore anything not on the BBC,…and a Labour government…a BBC friendly Labour government that understands the BBC is its mouthpiece and a BBC that will ultimately back Labour when it’s backs to the wall time covering up, downplaying and cheerleading as necessary.
Good luck with that…those lawyers have probably wasted their time as they’ll hit a brick wall.
‘Madeleine Sumption finds no consistent bias towards one point of view within the BBC’s coverage of migration and the quality of BBC coverage on migration has generally been high.’
Oh wait…‘Dr Madeleine Sumption, MBE, is currently the Director of the Migration Observatory at Oxford University. Based at the Centre on Migration, Policy & Society ‘
Yeah….not so impartial then….hardly likely to be critical of the BBC’s pro-immigration stance…..note her praise for BBC help with the report…‘Thanks to the small but excellent BBC team who supported the review so expertly.’
One recommendation… ‘Cover the substance, not just the politics. Audiences want to hear about the ways migration affects the UK, whether positive or negative. ‘
Never happens, never going to happen. And migration isn’t just about the people landing here now, it’s the story of generations and how that has effected Britain…and on balance it’s been devastating and highly damaging….and the future may well be worse.
The cost of furnishing flats for asylum seekers "with satellite TV" cannot be released under Freedom of Information laws because the issue is too "sensitive" and could put them at risk, a watchdog has ruled.
A February 2008 Freedom of Information Act request for the release of details of MPs’ expense claims was allowed by an Information Tribunal and was challenged by the House of Commons Authorities on the grounds that it was “unlawfully intrusive”.
House of Commons Authorities on the grounds that it was “unlawfully intrusive”
House of Commons Authorities on the grounds that it was “unlawfully intrusive”
House of Commons Authorities on the grounds that it was “unlawfully intrusive”
“unlawfully intrusive” – HOW MPs spend your money! HA HA HAH A
I caught CDC lying in their official publication (MMWR) about efficacy of COVID shots in December 2020.
I recorded phone calls of them admitting to me I was right. When they refused to tell the public the truth, I released the recordings to @SharylAttkisson who exposed them.
I ve tried to work with a range of London based civil servants in the past ( god knows what they are like now ) but I found them unmotivated – obstructive – lacking in drive. Lazy – jobsworth – hierarchy driven – terrified of taking responsibility – slow – tedious – and often made me angry – which is one emotion never to show in a workplace – especially when they have a hotline to HR and the union …
How I ever achieved anything – which I did – I look on reflection and wonder ….
The new bus line will run every 20 minutes between Stamford Hill in Hackney and Golders Green, areas of London populated by Orthodox Jewish communities. While some support the move, including Jewish groups who lobbied for the line, others accuse the mayor of deliberately separating Jewish passengers
Comment “In New York State, the Chassidic community has made it clear that they don’t want female bus drivers bringing their kids to school. I wonder if it’s the same with those London busses.”
The Guardian version does it’s level best to cast doubt on the claims with the most desperate claims such as:
‘Despite “the fact that FBI surveillance reports were efforts to provide information that agents knew Hoover wanted”, Carson added, Garrow, in Bearing the Cross, “uncritically uses these documents to validate many aspects of the FBI’s unfavorable image of King”.’
In an article by ‘Donna Murch’ who they also tell us ‘associate professor of history at Rutgers University and author of the prize-winning book Living for the City: Migration, Education and the Rise of the Black Panther Party in Oakland, California’
Donna is – of course – black.
Isn’t it amazing what the Left will ignore when it suits them ?.
Another example of the reasons I detest their hypocrisy and double-standards. If Rayner wants to see who is the real scum in this world, she doesn’t need to look beyond her own party.
‘The international world order is “under threat in a way we haven’t seen since the Cold War”, the heads of the UK and US foreign intelligence services have warned.’
I found this article quite troubling to read because it is exactly the ‘lies and disinformation’ being used to blame everybody else.
There is no doubt in my mind now that Putin started the war in Ukraine but the USA caused it. Either Ukraine was going to join NATO and become a front-line military base or Russia was going to be bled dry as much as possible. And it’s my opinion that the reason for that was to either position a nuclear arsenal right along Russia’s underbelly or weaken the country for a generation ready for the big one they think is coming against China.
‘Sir Richard and Mr Burns said “staying the course is more vital than ever” when it comes to supporting Ukraine, adding Russian President Vladimir Putin “will not succeed”.’
Why is it ?. What is Ukraine to us ?. Are they inferring that Putin will continue and attack a NATO country ?. Does ANYBODY who knows anything about it actually believe that ?. He’s struggling against Ukraine on it’s own FFS.
And each time he takes a step forward, we change the rules and escalate the conflict with the free weapons we are giving to Ukraine. I’m amazed Putin hasn’t taken direct action already. When they start to let Ukraine attack targets inside Russia, Putin might start giving 3rd world shitholes some advanced missiles to attack the USA directly in other regions and then the shit will really hit the fan. I can’t see any difference between the two.
‘They continued: “Beyond Ukraine, we continue to work together to disrupt the reckless campaign of sabotage across Europe being waged by Russian intelligence’
Sabotage ?. Who blew up the Nordstream pipelines causing a huge environmental disaster (which was not reported) ?. The fact the story was quickly dropped tells me exactly who did it. And only a particularly mild winter prevented an untold number of deaths because of it.
What troubled me most reading it is that it’s clear we are not the good guys in any of this. Even the article is our own disinformation. The world is turning to shit and it’s the Leftist globalists with their intent to impose their ideology and control on the whole world who are behind it. Again.
I wonder what the liberal elite with the Ukraine flags on their bios will think, when a few ballistic missiles crash through their Islington conservatories?
I just want the war to end. I’m no fan of Putin or the other bloke.The loss of life on both sides is horrific. Every time a peace deal/peace summit is suggested, the west seems to (no pun intended) shoot it down immediately. Why?
Are we supposed to keep paying for this?
Until when? Ukraine wins? Does anyone really think Putin will ever allow that?
Or we keep giving Ukraine our equipment until the Russians have had enough?
Then what?
Probably put anyone suggesting peace talks and negotiation into one of those ‘far right’ gulags I’d wager.
Trump says he will broker a peace deal and arm Ukraine to the teeth to defend themselves but withdraw all help if they go on the offensive.
Putin wants a guarantee that Ukraine will not join NATO. They will not give him that so he is going to keep advancing up to the Dnipro river as a buffer zone.
The statements by the creepy ex-NATO head puppet that Ukraine will definitely join NATO when the war ends were deliberate provokation to keep the war going.
Should the Obama fix fail and president trump resumes his rightful office – he will get slagged off for any deal – or any failure to get a deal .
I get the vibe that the nato membership blows hot and cold . But to the existing members of nato – including the new ones – Ukraine membership provides an extremely light trigger for a Articie 5 war … if the current regime thinks it will boost their bank accounts again …
Remember, a vast amount of those hundreds of billions of dollars ‘aid’ goes straight to defense companies.
And of course some of it goes straight to the politicians who gave it.
One thing I realised after watching all the corruption in Thailand : we are every bit as bad – just better at it.
I’m half expecting them to change the rules and allow Ukraine to join NATO while at war. The trouble is, it’s the most desperate of gambles : it would mean the West declaring war on Russia. If they didn’t back down, it would certainly lead to nuclear exchanges.
I see TTK is continuing his football match tour. He seems to be getting ‘freebies’ (no such thing as a free lunch of course) for every Arsenal game in the hospitality suites so far this season. Not cheap tickets like that.
Well, today he’s having a meet up with the Irish leader.
Pure coincidence England are playing the ROI in Dublin today.
Yes, of course he’s going to the game. All as part of the ‘summit’ you understand?
All he seems to do is put angry white working class folk in prison or go to watch big football matches (and other big events) on freebies.
Hopefully, Harry Kane doesn’t blast a penalty through the window of his hospitality suite, right into his smug fat face.
That would just be terrible.
What odds on him finding a reason to be in certain cities when Oasis are playing (rather listen to the cats’ chorus) or in Mexico or the USA for the next World Cup?
I bet he’s at every Arsenal Champions League game this season too (on our dime or from backhanders I mean ‘donors’)
.@Naval Ravikant says the Democrat Party's lawfare against President Trump is "disgusting behavior" that could "end the Republic" and lead to a "one-party state better known as a dictatorship."
"If you look at the charges brought against Trump, and I actually read them quite…
Warrior, warrior, warrior,
Oh my land, the land of the ancestors
Warrior, warrior, warrior,
Oh my people, people of eternity
Warrior, warrior, warrior,
Oh my land, the land of the ancestors
Warrior, warrior, warrior,
Oh my people, people of eternity
With my determination, my fire and the volcano of my vendetta
With the longing in my blood for my land and my home
𝄆 I have climbed the mountains and fought the wars
I have conquered the impossible, and crossed the frontiers 𝄇
With the resolve of the winds and the fire of the weapons
And the determination of my nation in the land of struggle
𝄆 Palestine is my home, and the path of my triumphal[b]
Palestine is my vendetta and the land of withstanding 𝄇
By the oath under the shade of the flag
By my land and nation, and the fire of pain
𝄆 I will live as a warrior, I will remain a warrior,
I will die as a warrior – until my country returns 𝄇
The slum landlord MP Jas Athwell ( who has apologised for renting out mould ridden and ant infested flats) has sacked his property agent who is only known as Ramon. However its the councils job to ferret out rogue landlords and it was Mr Athwell who ran his council !!
BUT who knew he is the largest landlord in the House ? Unbelievable.
Lucy PevenseyMar 9, 21:27 Weekend 8th March 2025 The plot thickens
FlotsamMar 9, 21:22 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Graham Greene wrote a brilliant novel, “The Comedians” (does anyone read books any more?). It was about a bunch of…
DeborahMar 9, 21:21 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Dr John Campbell on YouTube has reviewed some Covid vaccination research which may have indicated that the vaccine has compromised…
tomoMar 9, 21:16 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Oh yeah, that’s a good idea…
atlas_shruggedMar 9, 21:05 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Five Years On, the UK Refuses to Learn the Lessons of the Covid Catastrophe The US has changed direction…
…. in the back of the net.
❤️ love it !
Bugger that, you were offside.
Nah !
Brissles, shurely you knew a few chaps in the Thanet Wanderers RFC?
A two hour slog from Bexhill, but the pubs on the way back took a bit of a hiding…!
Action replay please, AVR, VAT, SET, IIRC and the rest…
“I will not cease, from mental fight, nor shall my sword sleep in my hand…”
Er… this is the place where we all raise our glasses to the English RFC team isn’t it…?
That’s a new one?
Not sure – comedy sketches of old are being turned into reality.
Nothing to do with the BBC (except I was on the way to a Prom), but travelling on the Tube, a voice came over the tannoy, telling us to make sure we had our shoelaces tied. The Nanny State run by our esteemed Mayor.
Translation – never bend over on the tube, Debs…
Khaaan’s Gucci Loafers are well secure inside his armoured car, accompanied by an armed escourt!
Young Ben Leo and I were in total agreement this evening. As I was listening to Mrs Balls going on and on about how she was going to stop the gangs. I remarked to Mr D that she said an awful lot whilst saying absolutely nothing. As Mrs Balls finished Ben Leo on GBNews said exactly the same. Mrs Balls is obviously not very good at this word salad thing.
She’s always been a bleary tortoise in the headlights!
That ‘surprised’ look, not really sure what she’s going to say or do next, now in charge of illegal immigration.
You couldn’t make it up, especially if you were weeping into your Tullibardine!
“dark stain on the reputation of Rotherham”
says judge against wheelie bin hooligan
FFS how thick does the judge have to be to say something so insulting to the familes of 1,510 potential victims
children raped by grooming gangs
(In 2018 Operation Stovewood report, but media prefer to quote the earlier 1,400 number from Jay report)
The reputation of Rotherham died when it became a migrant haven (long before the grooming scandal) as thuggish Asian men in their cheap black leather coats loitered around the town centre and realised a killing could be made driving taxis, expanding their market stalls and taking over corner shops. A far cry from the days when the only black faces were those of the miners coming home from shift work.
I rarely use taxis. But if I do, I avoid ‘certain’ drivers. I know of a local firm that doesn’t seem to employ a lot of ‘diversity’ hires.
Once, outside a train station, I waited a good 20 mins until a ‘similar looking’ driver got to the the front of the rank queue before getting in.
‘Corner shops’. One no more than 300m from my house. I prefer to travel 2 miles to buy my milk and bread from somebody I’d rather give my money to.
Now, these people have done nothing to me. They seem decent people, even. However, they are tribal when push comes to shove.
Well, guess what? After years if being a liberal (in the classical sense) I now realize we too (honkies) need to collectivize
Because if every other group is collectivising and blaming everything bad that happens in the world on your group (even if they do the bad thing!) , then things are not going to go well for you, your friends or your family.
Sure, you’ll be able to take the high ground and say that you are in the right in believing we should all be friends and not let them divide us…but the end result is you will be crushed.
And the other groups (as a whole, not every individual granted)? It seems like they want that to me.
So I’m all about.
1. My family.
2. My extended family and my friends (some of whom are not white btw).
3. The honkies in my country.
4. The honkies outside my country.
5. Only when 1-4 are living in clover will I give a monkey’s tush about anyone else.
My patience and charity has run out.
In 2019 Sammy W pointed out the libSupremacists care about REPUTATION
rather than child rape victims
The judge’s REPUTATION
Inner Temple LGBTQ+ Society
The Society is overseen by the Master of the LGBTQ+ Society, Master Jeremy Richardson (His Honour Judge Jeremy Richardson KC), Recorder of Sheffield and member of the Equality, Diversity and Inclusivity Sub-Committee.
Huw Edwards claps for the NHS on Thursday and downloads some new images on Friday!
The Harehills arsonists will be sentenced on Oct 1st
For how long do you reckon ?
Rotherham REPUTATION ?
Lord Nazir Ahmed of Rotherham who has served 2 prison sentences (one for killing a man on the M1 whilst texting and one for raping a 10 year old boy)
… guess which judge quashed a previous trial against him ?
Yes, the current migrant crisis needn’t have happened if we had cut off the head of the snake 50 years ago.
It’s time this usless parliament was kicked out !
We are being run by idiouts.
Vote for Reform!……………
The good news is that with absolute disasters like TTK pee pee pants, Lammy, Cooper, Philips, Rayner and the effing Millipedes (who brought those absolute disasters back?), this country will go down the shitter faster than TTK’s ‘swift justice’.
And there is another good thing about this ‘new’ legal tactic from TTK.
According to some, once enough people wake up (suffer enough…and maybe they will) then the tables could turn. Perhaps Reform will have to get even more right wing to satisfy the angry masses?
And those quick, no bail for you ‘courts’, designed (according to some at least) to crush political opponents?
Why get rid of them when the tables turn?
You were just following orders? Tell that to the judge (Some doubt it will be the same judges presiding here though! They might be in the dock themselves. According to some not me of course.)
Lazy – the most important thing is the our ‘international reputation ‘ is damaged quickly too – but I fear the handouts will be increasing in the budget as pensioners put on the draft excluder …
Dan Wootton on the terrifying threat to free speech posed by such bad actors as Tony Blair, the Speaker of the House and – you guessed it – our very own, dearly behated BBC,
O’Brien looks the picture of health there, compared to reality.
Bile duct blocked?
Spewing lies and hate will do that to a man.
Those pesky Chinese snatching black men’s iPhones in London.
(Probable) black man snatches other man’s phone in London. Phone is quickly put into ‘lost mode’ by its owner and can’t be used. Phone tracked to Shenzen in China not long after, because criminals send the unusable locked up phones there to be taken apart for the odd usable part/for recycling, as it’s the only way they can make a few quid off them.
Or maybe it really is pesky Chinese thieves snatching black chaps’ phones and then buggering off to China with them?
Sounds legit…
More nasty racism, boo-hoo, I’m devastated.
The French left are scheduled to take to the streets this weekend protesting ( and probably doing a proper bit of rioting ) about the high handedness of Macron appointing Barnier , the epitome of a globalist , as PM instead of a leftist .
The leftist coalition the NFP is the largest grouping ( its a coalition of five parties not a single party) in the National Assembly and traditionally the PM is selected by the President from the largest party. The largest single party is Le Pen’s RN .
The NFP says it will refuse any cooperation with Barnier and if so Barnier will have to rely on the RN to vote through any measures. This will give Le Pen great power. She can choose if and when to force through another election. If she plays her cards well she can cooperate until a measure comes up which can refuse to cooperate on principle and appear as calm and statesman like but with principles. Rare in any politician. The left will come across as hell bent on destruction.
It will stand her in good stead for the next Presidential election.
The secret to effective propaganda is not to be too obvious.
He’s a man of integrity; he’s telling it straight; he wants to win back trust in government.’
Baroness Helena Kennedy KC says Sir Keir Starmer is being honest about the state of the UK
Coming from someone as sold as Kennedy that’s quite something – she defended some truly vile creatures ( eg the damilola Taylor murderers ) but money is money – right Helena ?
I’ve no interest whatsoever in the Paralympics – does that make me a bad person?
Were one to display a keen interest in the Paralympics – does that make one a good person?
The Guardian’s frontpage today goes with a large feature pic from the Paralympics. Our gynaeceum that is the BBC news staff pick up the Graun to top their online press line-up (natch).
BBC online news homepage likewise splashes with a whole series of Paralympics pictures: Incredible moments of the Paris Paralympics – gushes the breathlessly captioned photojournalism: GB reach 100 medals at Paris Paralympics (BBC)
Ah, the virtue-signalling patriotism of the Paralympic medal table.
Oft cited twentieth century writer and cultural observer George Orwell had this to say about patriotism: By ‘patriotism’ I mean devotion to a particular place and a particular way of life, which one believes to be the best in the world but has no wish to force on other people. Patriotism is of its nature defensive, both militarily and culturally. (The Orwell Foundation)
Orwell was a man of time, his formative experiences routed in a distaste for British overseas colonialism and his mid-century life was lived under both the spectre and the reality of european warfare. Mass inward migration into Britain of other nationalities and cultures (or reverse colonialism?) never occurred to Orwell.
For this reason he draws a distiction between patriotism and his definition of nationalism – for Orwell nationalism was coloured by colonialism and war: By ‘nationalism’ I mean first of all the habit of assuming that human beings can be classified like insects and that whole blocks of millions or tens of millions of people can be confidently labelled ‘good’ or ‘bad’. But secondly – and this is much more important – I mean the habit of identifying oneself with a single nation or other unit, placing it beyond good and evil and recognising no other duty than that of advancing its interests
How would our George classify the patriotism of the Paralympic medal table, one wonders?
Or the patriotism of: England manager: I won’t sing our anthem… Birmingham-born coach who played for Ireland says he’s ‘focused on the game’… The interim manager of the England football team Lee Carsley… (Telegraph); Disbelief and anger as England football boss says he WON’T sing national anthem (Daily Mail)
That one is easy enough to answer: It is a strange fact, but it is unquestionably true that almost any English intellectual would feel more ashamed of standing to attention during ‘God Save the King’ than of stealing from a poor box.
Or the patriotism… or perhaps simply the common courtesy and respect of: Sir Iam McKellen… Give back your gong! Fury as Sir Ian bad-mouths late Queen… accused the beloved monarch of being “rude” and “quite mad” toward the end of her life (Express); You OK, Gandalf? Hobbit star McKellen calls late Queen mad… Movie wizard… is going through a bad spell… (Daily Star)
Speaking of Orwell’s patriotism, which he defined as defensive, both militarily and culturally, in nature…
NONE of our attack submarines at sea… ‘Utterly dire’ state of Royal Navy laid bare in shocking figures (Mail)
Meanwhile, news on the eastern front: UK to send hundreds more missiles to Ukraine… UK Defence Secretary John Healey who will confirm the £162 million package, which includes the supply of 650 Lightweight Multirole Missiles (LMM). He said the new package would give an “important boost” to Ukraine’s air defences and show the government was “stepping up” its support. (BBC) – news that would surely have had our peacenik lefties howling with rage… not so long ago.
Victimless crime? Nonsense, our BBC is on the case…
Thieves snatched his phone in London – it was in China a month later… Akara Etteh had his phone stolen as he walked out of a Tube station. (BBC) – that’s today’s entry in our new feature hereabouts – You guessed it, he’s black.
Mind you, I’m somewhat concerned the title ‘You guessed it, he’s black’ is a little male-centric. Perhaps for this particular strand of mainstream media watch feature one should go with… Let’s think… Brightest and best?
Brightest and best
I’m a poster child for migration. John Lewis chair Sharon White (FT Weekend)
John Lewis chair exit: what went wrong for Sharon White? A combination of inexperience and several unpopular decisions have contributed to the chair of the John Lewis Partnership announcing her plans to step down after just one term in post (Rohan Banerjee, Raconteur, ‘stories that connect modern business’)
It’s difficult not to have admiration for athletes and sportsmen who overcome disabilities and participate in sports, whether for themselves or to represent club, organisation or nation. But as a disabled friend of mine rather bluntly put it, the obsession of the media with the Paralympics is akin to ‘cripple-porn’.
It’s virtue signaling.
It’s the same with the media obsession with pushing BAME etc, it actually draws attention to race issues and reinforces division.
Is it my imagination, but the BBC are going on and on and on about disabled sports people? People whose names are meaningless. On and on and on. Even on World Service during the night.
I take it the submarine crews are working from home ? With all those attack submarines on their holidays ? But at least we have a nuclear missile job ready to hit a list of cities I’d willingly provide ….
But more importantly – all those cameras trained on someone called ‘Lee’ who is apparently not going to mouth the words of the country his team represents – maybe he is a ‘men behind the wire ‘ kind of brummy . ?
Surely the FA could have found someone willing to sing that song ? I take it the English are playing the team from his parents ‘ country so he won’t be celebrating English goals or an English win …. Poor show really …
Just of piste really – but the red party – which seems – in some aspects – to have become the blue party haven’t given assurances that the 25% ‘discount ‘ on council tax is to stay . This seems heartless to me – and unnecessarily stressful to people on the edge .
But I suppose defaulters can expect a Charge H ? Placed on their property come sale time – with socialist councils owning more homes ….
How bad do you have to be to get fired from a job like John Lewis ? She must be destined for higher tick box things…
Previous career record:
Downing Street policy unit during Blair regime. Tick
World Bank. Tick
Department for International Development. Tick
Ofcom. Tick tick tick tick.
A defining characteristic of the establishment is that there is no penalty for failure.
I’m a poster child for migration. John Lewis chair Sharon White
Sounds to me just like what footballers call a ‘come and get me’ – a shout out to big corproate sector firms more interested employing a ‘poster child’ than an effective CEO.
It’s called ‘failing upwards’.
“Akara Etteh had his phone stolen as he walked out of a Tube station”
It’s interesting to think that Labour would not have won the election had they been open about stopping the Winter Fuel Payments to Pensioners during their campaign. The fact that they must have decided to do so well before the election makes it even worse.
Labour will carry the Winter Fuel millstone around their necks all the way to the next election and well beyond.
I actually think the winter fuel payment for Pensioners was a stupid idea, introduced by Labour of course. An alternative to paying proper Pensions.
Lib dems are keeping pretty quiet about the Pensioners’ Cold Death tax grab too…
There again, they’re up in the clouds most of the time anyway, so even with a few more seats, make very little difference.
As for Labour, they know that thousands more pensioners will be ‘off the books’ in five years time anyway, so why not piss them off now and forget their rapidly diminishing vote.
The red lot will get hammered in the local elections next year, for all these incredible failures after only a few weeks!
Perhaps they believed E Miliband’s theory of rapidly increasing global warming and that this winter there won’t be any cold days .
Double, well the EU’s Copernicus programme said 2024 was likely to be the hottest year evvah! Some of us do not believe anything the EU ‘say’ or for that matter what the UN/IPCC/UNRWA/UNFP ‘say’ either.
The departure hall to Venice gains another in the pompous class lounge.
I post infrequently and this is my last. Musk’s toy has been colonised by narcissists, the brain-dead and advertisments. I shall nonetheless miss the ‘wit and wisdom’ of the best among whom I have friends. The latter I shall still see. To the rest, goodbye. Life is too short.
Guest – I notice on that ‘farewell ‘ there is a ‘follow ‘ tick – he says life is too short – for some it is too long .
It’s heart warming that free speech on X has got under a dimbleby PLC skin – he ll probably do a book about it using plagiarised material …
A truly vile character and living on the ‘talent’ of daddy … bet he can afford the 20% Eton fees for the grandkids
A small piece of irony for Dimbles Jr. and all chez W1A who have never quite fathomed where the chekky originates.
FFS his page has an ADVERT for his book pinned to the top of it
Standard rule
libmob ARE, what they ACCUSE others of
That’s #ConfessionByProjection
Here Dimbleby says
“narcissists, the brain-dead and advertisments”
So that’s him, that is
.. Oh it’s the BBC too, what Dimbleby accuses Twitter of ..BBC is in spades
Have all these free Palestine marches in London stopped now?
Just stop oil is also quiet.
Is it because of Pinocchio pants on fire TTK’s heavy sentencing for troublemakers on the recent protests or do they think they will be getting everything they want from this far left pm so they needn’t bother.
Lammy is going to recognise the terrorist Islamic state of Palestine – send weapons there and stop any suppprt for Israel . Jews will have to leave by 2025 and in the meantime wear a badge . All properties to be seized by the religious police .
Labour thinks trying to placate the Muslim mafia will work – but it’s a sign of weakness – they have only one aim – the caliphate by undermining weak ‘states ‘……
Apparently not.
And also from the look and sound of it, special vocal suggestions exemptions applying too.
If the recent ‘riots’ felons’ lawyers are up to the task, a few precedents on appeal might swing the ‘take the deal’ advice.
AP on X is saying that TTK is to visit Biden next week …
( translation – associated press on twitter is saying the Great Leader – comrade starmer – is to visit the false demented US comrade president next week – safe trip keir ….)
This guy has a compelling story about the Grenfell fire.
I dunno if his facts are wrong.
But I just read BBC Kate Lamble’s looooong article
which totally omits the origin of the fire
Yet manages to mention Thatcher near the top
“In the 1980s, however, Margaret Thatcher wanted to reduce government intervention. Regulations stopped listing precise rules, simply describing instead what the end result should be.”
Stew – ring of truth in that 7 minutes – best listened at x2
Non English bit has been left out as with the illegal subletting …
It’s what the lib establishment and MSM choose to OMIT, that tells us a lot about them/
Not one mention of the architects at Grenfell who had overriding responsibility for the specification of materials and largely were responsible (aiui) for the inspection of works performed – the architects carry massive insurance and their name usually goes at the top of site contractor boards…..
The architect’s office closed within hours of the blaze and iirc the partners jumped onto flights to the other side of the planet.
The (fat) architect’s fees reflect this responsibility.
Some might view the inquiry as a deflection exercise for the cult of managerialism ?
Too true, Tomo!
And the engineers, (weight on existing structure issues, fixings interfering with reinforced concrete, etc.), and where are the LBKC Building Inspector’s involvement and also the Building Research Establishment’s findings investigated here?
Quite a lightweight report by a Beeboid, not really au fait with the industry, which is to be expected I suppose, because they hate going after LA employees, and always try avoid their involvement!
Anyone here remember Ronan Point?
At the time, I remember the BBC – and the rest of the lemming msm – blaming a mysterious exploding fridge (?!) and studiously avoiding the much more likely scenario of a late-night ramadan fry-up.
From: International Fire Protection – “Domestic Kitchen Fires Peaked During Ramadan”
Ah it was removed
Gazza ( hillbilly halfwit ) in a recent vid says he’s having YouTube censorship issues
Like comments being removed etc.
Apparently someone called ‘Dan Walker ‘ was a bbc presenter who got fired – banished to C5 – he tells his story in the telegraph – sometimes I go to the effort of cutting and pasting bbc stuff from there – but I didn’t read it because it involved some dance show which apparently people like …
Also does the Radio BBC retirement home.
Big Trouble for Hunter Biden
So Hunter is in big trouble and facing serious jail time for tax evasion and gun laws. The BBC has covered but it’s not on the main page of their web news it’s buried so deep only Sherlock Holmes would find it. Now if this was Trumps son it would be front page news and featured minutely in the MSM news every day till November 5th, Bias? Naaaah, it’s all in your head.
predictions (informed ones) about Biden / Harris (with added Hunter and more)
Tomo – couldn’t watch it all – over 2 hours but an interesting prediction that President Trump will be sent to prison for 6 months whatever the outcome of the election .
Such an event will surely make the demo on January 6 look like one of English disorders …. And there will be a full scale – real – response in the US …
The guys riff on a variety of outcomes – the signs aren’t absolutely clear yet – but Biden’s (OK, Jill + Hunter + family) still absolutely negotiating the “outro” ($$$$$$$$ + immunity for all)
He’s going to step down and cede The Oval Office to Harris and take a victory lap for the first (unelected) DEI “black” woman POTUS.
I think you’ll find the hunter Biden thing is a political show trial set up to damage the candidate and the White House ….
… I wonder if TTK will meet hunter this coming week ? Bet there will be a toothy picture with Obama for doing such a great job of turning Britain into an anti white pro Islam failed state so quickly ….
Maths genius Rachel( l worked for the Bank of England) Reeeves, should be aware of one figure at least..the figure is 115% and thats the increase in applications for Pension credit in the wake of The “Reeevenomics” cut to the winter fuel allowance. As l may have mentioned some while ago , if all those eligible apply and get this credit, the bill will approach 4bn£….NOT a bad effort as she could only save 1.4bn£ with the cut.
I’m sure she knows what she’s doing..mmm…
I wonder if Ladbrooks are taking bets on the date she calls in the I.M.F. Sadly l am just old enough to remember that other “ace” financial wizard Denis Healy do the same.
Friend – plenty of references to the need to call in the IMF again – I heard Farage say – 2 years from now – and others also call it ..
England’s new interim manager says he won’t be singing national anthem before Republic of Ireland clash
Lee Carsley, who represented Ireland 40 times during his playing career, is preparing for his first game in charge of the Three Lions on Saturday night.
Tom Gillespie
News reporter @TomGillespie1
Saturday 7 September 2024 01:23, UK
Trouble in Beeb-Polparadise.
Labour is “getting it wrong”, Green Party co-leader Adrian Ramsay says
Labour is currently headed for the bottom of the Marinas Trench, taking all hands with. So W1A is regrouping.
Tories have ceased to exist, and were beyond the pale anyway. But not as much as Reform.
The Limps have likewise disappeared to work at a circus.
Leaving… The Greens.
4 lunatic MPs with a joint leadership now getting full BBC propaganda because they scream and should about Gaza and #NetZero more than Labour’s Bozo Ministers.
Hence… not many comments, few supportive.
“the BBC” is trending
A lot of that is a gotcha by leftmob
“Look at us we got the BBC Community Noted cos they used this headline
“American activist shot dead in occupied West Bank”
modified to this
“American activist of Turkish origin, aged 26, shot dead by Israeli army during protest in the occupied West Bank, Palestinian media report ”
(She was born in Turkey)
IDF have not tweeted at all since then , 20 hours ago
Not from Cardiff then …?
Keep going IDF – get your weapons from Ukraine if the west is too cowardly to sell you them …
There’s a great video on X of felon meeting a lot of cops in the US as they line up to do selfies with him … can you guess who the felon might be ,….?
Is that a new one or this 8 year old one ?
“But the photo’s from WSJ story about Donald Trump taking selfies with local @manchester_pd police officers in 2016.”
Now I found This photo that does appear to be Atlanta police in April 2024
Thanks stew – if it is not recent I’d be pretty annoyed – I don’t like old stuff badged as new – I’d call it deceit …
I thought be the level of security …it’s recent …
Probably showing him pictures of all the black people they have assassinated or choked to death….according to the BBC.
Oh National Fraternal Order of Police (FOP)
endorsed Trump
Cheney snr follows in his daughter’s footsteps and betrays his own country saying he’ll vote Democrat…the BBC gleefully reporting that he claims Trump is a threat to democracy. Hmmm…roll back the years and Cheney was criticising Trump for being a liberal-democrat….
‘Cheney: Trump ‘sounds like a liberal Democrat”
‘“He sounds like a liberal Democrat to me, Bret. He’s wrong, and he’s I think, deliberately promoting those views in order to advance his political interests” Cheney said.’
It’s Trump porn for the BBC today as they relished repeating the charges against him and his conviction….practically drooling this morning.
Trump upset Cheney way back in 2015 when he said he’d lied about WMD [shows how much the BBC can change…just as they now love Blair and Campbell after the massive fallout over…WMD]
Curiously by coincidence today we see something relevant as a video is released that was taken by a Saudi intelligence agent in the US pre 9-11….might think this was a pretty large story but the BBC headlines Cheney’s hizzey-fit but not something that might indicate the Saudis were part of the plot on 9-11.
From the Telegraph…
”Saudi intelligence officer’ films Washington DC sites two years before 9/11 al-Qaeda attacks’
‘A 25-year-old video has been unearthed showing a man, who has been identified by the FBI as a Saudi intelligence officer, filming locations in Washington DC before the September 11 attacks.
First seized by Scotland Yard, the previously unseen footage was shot by Omar al-Bayoumi, an early suspect in the terror attacks, in the summer of 1999.
The evidence was revealed as part of a civil court case in the US brought by families of 9/11 victims who are trying to sue Saudi Arabia’s government for complicity in the attacks.
At one point, he brands US politicians “demons” and later he refers to “the plan” in what is being alleged to be his attempt to scope out the area two years before the al-Qaeda terror attacks.
The Capitol is believed to have been the target of the plane that crashed in the Pennsylvania countryside after the hijackers were overwhelmed by passengers.
He has been the subject of sustained speculation owing to his links to two of the 9/11 hijackers.
He admitted in the past to innocently befriending Nawaf al-Hazmi and Khalid al-Mihdhar, who went on to fly a passenger plane into the Pentagon, killing 189 people.
An FBI report declassified in 2022 said there was a “50/50 chance” that Mr Bayoumi “had advanced knowledge the 9/11 attacks were to occur”.
The agency claims that when Mr Bayoumi was shooting the video, he was accompanied by two Saudi Arabian diplomats who the bureau said had ties to al-Qaeda.
On Capitol Hill, the camera lingers on two black limousines that appear to belong to the government, and he says: “Their cars. You said that in the plan”, but does not specify further.
“I will provide you with the results soon,” Mr Bayoumi says close to the Washington Monument. “I will report to you in detail what is there.”’
From Spiked….
‘Lindsay Hoyle’s war on free speech’
‘Lindsay Hoyle, the speaker of the House of Commons, told BBC Radio 5 Live this week that the UK government must tackle ‘misinformation’ on social media. ‘What we’ve got to do is make [sure] it’s factual, it’s correct what’s up there’, he said, adding, ‘the fact is misinformation is dangerous’.’
I didn’t hear the interview but I’m betting the BBC didn’t just shrug its shoulders and say ‘It’s their truth’…yeah…interviewer was ex-Times’ radio presenter Matt Chorley…lefty wokeista….going to be fully on-board with the anti-social media narrative that the BBC and government collaborate on. Media independence, freedom of speech and thought, indeed ‘my truth’, and holding power to account seem to be a moveable feast for the BBC….somedays it’s on the menu…somedays not.
Mr Hoyle should keep his mouth shut – he should not be talking about free speech . He gave it up when he took up the extremely well paid office ….
Had some interaction with Hoyle’s office over the last 18 months – unimpressed is an understatement.
Intent on cover up in the matter of dick pic Billyboy Wragg’s actions / antics as chair of PACAC select committee.
‘Lindsay Hoyle, the speaker of the House of Commons, told BBC Radio 5 Live this week that the UK government must tackle ‘misinformation’ on social media. ‘What we’ve got to do is make [sure] it’s factual, it’s correct what’s up there’, he said, adding, ‘the fact is misinformation is dangerous’.’
Sir Lindsay Hoyle: Speaker accused of ‘party politics’ over Gaza vote
22 February
The Commons Speaker is facing accusations he played “party politics” by granting a vote on Labour’s Gaza ceasefire motion.
Israel launched its operations in Gaza following an attack by Hamas on southern Israel on 7 October, during which about 1,200 people were killed and more than 240 others taken hostage.
Since then, Israel’s military campaign has killed more than 29,000 people in Gaza, according to the Palestinian territory’s Hamas-run health ministry, whose figures are accepted by the United Nations.
Crafty. But too obvious.
“I’m prepared for people to get sick of hearing about the inheritance from the Tories” –
the new govt’s been busy playing the blame game, so when does the buck pass to them?
The Buck was theirs when they lied through their teeth to get in, and the BBC is still acting cover.
14 years to prepare – net zero preparation
Read the comments.
Another reason BBC is trending is cos the person who wrote that Grenfell article has been made redundant
But see how it’s one London liberal out
.. and another London ethnic woman in
(younger , maybe lower salary)
libmob blue ticks cry in the comments
Lambie does know the reason for her redunancy but chooses not to say
Normally they are back next week as freelance .. on double the old salary
In 2022 “Later this year I’m taking another job, but I’ll stay with the (Grenfell) podcast until it finishes.
It’s a very important story to me”
and she has only just finished that podcast now in 2024
She is an activist journalist
d”iscrimination played a role in the aftermath of the fire.”
” recently found my application to work on the show back in 2018. What it said, was that I strongly believed this project was the kind of public service journalism the BBC should be doing.”
“Public service broadcasting can be engaging & essential”
The commies at the BBC always eager to stir up a bit of class-hatred and class-warfare.
“A tale of two towers – how fire safety differs at luxury London high-rise and Margate estate”
One built and run by the state.
One built and run by the private sector.
So what point were they trying to make?
Not posted for for a long time so ignore the tory bit, couldn’t be arsed to change it for this post.
Well this is one they can’t absolutely silence like Balen….Monday may be an interesting day for the BBC….what’s the odds they don’t report it?….
‘More bad news for the BBC. Following the fall-out from the Corporation’s catastrophic handling of the Huw Edwards affair, a long-running controversy threatens to re-ignite once more. Steerpike understands that next week a major report is set to be published on the Beeb’s coverage of the conflict in Gaza, with a 100-page publication by a team of lawyers prepared to drop on Monday morning. Talk about a way to start the week off right…
It is the first of two reports planned for successive weeks. The one released on Monday will use artificial intelligence to analyse the Corporation’s dispatches on the conflict, which has seen the broadcaster repeatedly accused of being biased against Israel. A media round is planned, as is the launch of a campaign vehicle to look at what one source calls, ‘reporting bias more generally across major media outlets.’ The second report will see a series of recommendations made to BBC, with calls for a thematic review similar to the recent study on its migration coverage.
One insider working on the project told Mr S:
This has been months and months of work, using the most cutting-edge scientific techniques to prove what’s been happening at the BBC during this war. There are some serious people who are determined to not let the BBC off the hook on this one. There is a systemic problem, and these two reports are just the start of the campaign.’
A BBC that in large part controls the media landscape, if the BBC doesn’t report it has it happened?…and politicians can usually ignore anything not on the BBC,…and a Labour government…a BBC friendly Labour government that understands the BBC is its mouthpiece and a BBC that will ultimately back Labour when it’s backs to the wall time covering up, downplaying and cheerleading as necessary.
Good luck with that…those lawyers have probably wasted their time as they’ll hit a brick wall.
‘Madeleine Sumption finds no consistent bias towards one point of view within the BBC’s coverage of migration and the quality of BBC coverage on migration has generally been high.’
Oh wait…‘Dr Madeleine Sumption, MBE, is currently the Director of the Migration Observatory at Oxford University. Based at the Centre on Migration, Policy & Society ‘
Yeah….not so impartial then….hardly likely to be critical of the BBC’s pro-immigration stance…..note her praise for BBC help with the report…‘Thanks to the small but excellent BBC team who supported the review so expertly.’
One recommendation…
‘Cover the substance, not just the politics. Audiences want to hear about the ways migration affects the UK, whether positive or negative. ‘
Never happens, never going to happen. And migration isn’t just about the people landing here now, it’s the story of generations and how that has effected Britain…and on balance it’s been devastating and highly damaging….and the future may well be worse.
Click to access thematic-review-migration.pdf
A February 2008 Freedom of Information Act request for the release of details of MPs’ expense claims was allowed by an Information Tribunal and was challenged by the House of Commons Authorities on the grounds that it was “unlawfully intrusive”.
House of Commons Authorities on the grounds that it was “unlawfully intrusive”
House of Commons Authorities on the grounds that it was “unlawfully intrusive”
House of Commons Authorities on the grounds that it was “unlawfully intrusive”
“unlawfully intrusive” – HOW MPs spend your money! HA HA HAH A
“unlawfully intrusive” – HOW MPs spend your money! HA HA HAH A
“unlawfully intrusive” – HOW MPs spend your money! HA HA HAH A
“Why did the French go into it (European Union) then?”
“To protect their inefficient farmers from commercial competition.”
“That certainly doesn’t apply to the Germans?”
“No,no,no. They went in it (EU) to cleanse themselves of genocide and reapply themselves for admission to the human race.”
Yes Minister explains the EEC (EU)
I ve tried to work with a range of London based civil servants in the past ( god knows what they are like now ) but I found them unmotivated – obstructive – lacking in drive. Lazy – jobsworth – hierarchy driven – terrified of taking responsibility – slow – tedious – and often made me angry – which is one emotion never to show in a workplace – especially when they have a hotline to HR and the union …
How I ever achieved anything – which I did – I look on reflection and wonder ….
2024 ….
The new bus line will run every 20 minutes between Stamford Hill in Hackney and Golders Green, areas of London populated by Orthodox Jewish communities. While some support the move, including Jewish groups who lobbied for the line, others accuse the mayor of deliberately separating Jewish passengers
2024 ….
The new bus line will run every 20 minutes between Stamford Hill in Hackney and Golders Green, areas of London populated by Orthodox Jewish communities. While some support the move, including Jewish groups who lobbied for the line, others accuse the mayor of deliberately separating Jewish passengers
Comment “In New York State, the Chassidic community has made it clear that they don’t want female bus drivers bringing their kids to school. I wonder if it’s the same with those London busses.”
Can you even begin to imagine the outrage from the BBC if it were black people who had to do that ?.
Their racist double-standards are nearly as astonishing as the fact they get away with them so freely. OFCOM are a complete disgrace.
Luther-King walked past someone raping a woman and gave him words of encouragement.
Martin Luther King Jr ‘watched and laughed’ as woman was raped, secret FBI recordings allege
Any statues of him been thrown into a river ?.
The Guardian version does it’s level best to cast doubt on the claims with the most desperate claims such as:
‘Despite “the fact that FBI surveillance reports were efforts to provide information that agents knew Hoover wanted”, Carson added, Garrow, in Bearing the Cross, “uncritically uses these documents to validate many aspects of the FBI’s unfavorable image of King”.’
In an article by ‘Donna Murch’ who they also tell us ‘associate professor of history at Rutgers University and author of the prize-winning book Living for the City: Migration, Education and the Rise of the Black Panther Party in Oakland, California’
Donna is – of course – black.
Isn’t it amazing what the Left will ignore when it suits them ?.
Another example of the reasons I detest their hypocrisy and double-standards. If Rayner wants to see who is the real scum in this world, she doesn’t need to look beyond her own party.
From comment …
The racist Lammy as foreign secretary is a perfect manifestation of what damage Labour are actively doing to our country.
Reading between the lines, I have a feeling even the BBC are starting to realise what a terrible mistake they have made.
From UKIP page
What’s a FAR RIGHT person ?
so FAR
been RIGHT
World order ‘under threat not seen since Cold War’
‘The international world order is “under threat in a way we haven’t seen since the Cold War”, the heads of the UK and US foreign intelligence services have warned.’
I found this article quite troubling to read because it is exactly the ‘lies and disinformation’ being used to blame everybody else.
There is no doubt in my mind now that Putin started the war in Ukraine but the USA caused it. Either Ukraine was going to join NATO and become a front-line military base or Russia was going to be bled dry as much as possible. And it’s my opinion that the reason for that was to either position a nuclear arsenal right along Russia’s underbelly or weaken the country for a generation ready for the big one they think is coming against China.
‘Sir Richard and Mr Burns said “staying the course is more vital than ever” when it comes to supporting Ukraine, adding Russian President Vladimir Putin “will not succeed”.’
Why is it ?. What is Ukraine to us ?. Are they inferring that Putin will continue and attack a NATO country ?. Does ANYBODY who knows anything about it actually believe that ?. He’s struggling against Ukraine on it’s own FFS.
And each time he takes a step forward, we change the rules and escalate the conflict with the free weapons we are giving to Ukraine. I’m amazed Putin hasn’t taken direct action already. When they start to let Ukraine attack targets inside Russia, Putin might start giving 3rd world shitholes some advanced missiles to attack the USA directly in other regions and then the shit will really hit the fan. I can’t see any difference between the two.
‘They continued: “Beyond Ukraine, we continue to work together to disrupt the reckless campaign of sabotage across Europe being waged by Russian intelligence’
Sabotage ?. Who blew up the Nordstream pipelines causing a huge environmental disaster (which was not reported) ?. The fact the story was quickly dropped tells me exactly who did it. And only a particularly mild winter prevented an untold number of deaths because of it.
What troubled me most reading it is that it’s clear we are not the good guys in any of this. Even the article is our own disinformation. The world is turning to shit and it’s the Leftist globalists with their intent to impose their ideology and control on the whole world who are behind it. Again.
Here’s one of the political heavyweights the BBC used to write this POS article:

Here’s an article about the other:
BBC impartiality under fire for correspondent’s role in security summit
‘The BBC’s closeness to the Home Office has come under fire after the corporation’s security correspondent Gordon Corera accepted a formal role at a behind-closed-doors counter-terrorism event’
A spook stenographer at the BBC?
– oh, my – what a surprise!
… wonder if she rote it all or just copy ‘n paste?
Word of the day
So it is not a medical reaction to Manchester United then …?
I wonder what the liberal elite with the Ukraine flags on their bios will think, when a few ballistic missiles crash through their Islington conservatories?
I just want the war to end. I’m no fan of Putin or the other bloke.The loss of life on both sides is horrific. Every time a peace deal/peace summit is suggested, the west seems to (no pun intended) shoot it down immediately. Why?
Are we supposed to keep paying for this?
Until when? Ukraine wins? Does anyone really think Putin will ever allow that?
Or we keep giving Ukraine our equipment until the Russians have had enough?
Then what?
Probably put anyone suggesting peace talks and negotiation into one of those ‘far right’ gulags I’d wager.
Trump says he will broker a peace deal and arm Ukraine to the teeth to defend themselves but withdraw all help if they go on the offensive.
Putin wants a guarantee that Ukraine will not join NATO. They will not give him that so he is going to keep advancing up to the Dnipro river as a buffer zone.
The statements by the creepy ex-NATO head puppet that Ukraine will definitely join NATO when the war ends were deliberate provokation to keep the war going.
Should the Obama fix fail and president trump resumes his rightful office – he will get slagged off for any deal – or any failure to get a deal .
I get the vibe that the nato membership blows hot and cold . But to the existing members of nato – including the new ones – Ukraine membership provides an extremely light trigger for a Articie 5 war … if the current regime thinks it will boost their bank accounts again …
Michelle Obama Tells Students She’s Their ‘Forever First Lady’ in College Speech
2 minute read
‘Forever First Lady’ = Dictator
Remember, a vast amount of those hundreds of billions of dollars ‘aid’ goes straight to defense companies.
And of course some of it goes straight to the politicians who gave it.
One thing I realised after watching all the corruption in Thailand : we are every bit as bad – just better at it.
I’m half expecting them to change the rules and allow Ukraine to join NATO while at war. The trouble is, it’s the most desperate of gambles : it would mean the West declaring war on Russia. If they didn’t back down, it would certainly lead to nuclear exchanges.
I see TTK is continuing his football match tour. He seems to be getting ‘freebies’ (no such thing as a free lunch of course) for every Arsenal game in the hospitality suites so far this season. Not cheap tickets like that.
Well, today he’s having a meet up with the Irish leader.
Pure coincidence England are playing the ROI in Dublin today.
Yes, of course he’s going to the game. All as part of the ‘summit’ you understand?
All he seems to do is put angry white working class folk in prison or go to watch big football matches (and other big events) on freebies.
Hopefully, Harry Kane doesn’t blast a penalty through the window of his hospitality suite, right into his smug fat face.
That would just be terrible.
What odds on him finding a reason to be in certain cities when Oasis are playing (rather listen to the cats’ chorus) or in Mexico or the USA for the next World Cup?
I bet he’s at every Arsenal Champions League game this season too (on our dime or from backhanders I mean ‘donors’)
Irishman Lee Carsley refusing to sing the England National Anthem? All this brouhaha?
Lee Carsley is Irish?
He sounded like Ian Beale off EastEnders in the interview I just saw.
If he’s an Irishman, then I’m a Chinese transgendered lesbian midget.
I wonder if he would fail the ‘poppy ‘ test …. ?
Can he sing the Palestine anthem?
Warrior, warrior, warrior,
Oh my land, the land of the ancestors
Warrior, warrior, warrior,
Oh my people, people of eternity
Warrior, warrior, warrior,
Oh my land, the land of the ancestors
Warrior, warrior, warrior,
Oh my people, people of eternity
With my determination, my fire and the volcano of my vendetta
With the longing in my blood for my land and my home
𝄆 I have climbed the mountains and fought the wars
I have conquered the impossible, and crossed the frontiers 𝄇
With the resolve of the winds and the fire of the weapons
And the determination of my nation in the land of struggle
𝄆 Palestine is my home, and the path of my triumphal[b]
Palestine is my vendetta and the land of withstanding 𝄇
By the oath under the shade of the flag
By my land and nation, and the fire of pain
𝄆 I will live as a warrior, I will remain a warrior,
I will die as a warrior – until my country returns 𝄇
Interesting snippet……
The slum landlord MP Jas Athwell ( who has apologised for renting out mould ridden and ant infested flats) has sacked his property agent who is only known as Ramon. However its the councils job to ferret out rogue landlords and it was Mr Athwell who ran his council !!
BUT who knew he is the largest landlord in the House ? Unbelievable.
Sackings will continue **
not him