What a world – a British government signalling support of Islamic Hamas terrorists – a US Left Wing Presidentisl candidate with no policies and a German political party being compared to nazis . All this and Two Tier Keir too …
Midweek 4th September 2024
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I clicked on another space to see something entirely different, and finished up ‘first’ here!
I’m so sorry Brissles, i know you always deserve to get here first, but as my laptop is getting silly, I’ve reverted to the ‘mainframe’, so I can do just about anything as long as the varifocals behave…
I got way laid by slow internet and an even slower PC! Scrobie, you have got another first; it is time for you to have a go at three in a row. Possibly only Snuffy is rooting for you. 🙂 Maybe Brissles as well.
Snuffers, I tried to come second – as always, but I genuinely did the above, and stared at the screen with a rather lop-sided glance before realising the race had been won!
I must ring Brissles, if only she’d give me her number…
Is it a given that socialists wait until someone identifies a possibility to create money and jobs, and then decide to ‘regulate’ the new business, or just try and control the initiative…
Lefties rarely work to the rules of opportunism, they just want to wait until someone cleverer than them comes up with an idea for a prosperous issue, and then they’re at it like leeches, wanting ‘evidence’ of substance, needing regulation of sorts of stuff they really don’t understand, but are ‘told’ by their gurus. Beeboids are manifest in their absorbance of this cancerous objective.
(I wrote this much earlier, but as I felt very uneasy about Sucker’s stifling of the private sector these days, I wanted to shell it all out in some place…).
“Is it a given that socialists wait until someone identifies a possibility to create money and jobs, and then decide to ‘regulate’ the new business, or just try and control the initiative…”
National pay freezes during the late 60’s early 70’s it was a given that the annual pay increase was somewhat ‘tempered’ by being given a company car. All in sundry, including Office Managers were given a co. car. Until the ‘Righties’ (Ted Heath & Co.) spotted an opportunity: the first of the Benefit in Kind for Co. cars was introduced. So, not strictly “Socialist”.
I was a very young sales rep’ in the early 70’s working Yorkshire, Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire. I was a victim of the company car tax on my humble Hillman Avenger. But was a little peeved to see piles of free coal outside miners homes, a little perk which nobobody could begrudge, but nobody had the guts to tax this as a benefit in kind.
Yes RP had the same experience in 1970 as a Regional Sales Manager and with a company car against which I paid tax for private journeys, which included getting to my place of work, which was of course ridiculous, as I could many miles away from my HQ on business any day of the week.
Good point G…
Most of the companies I worked for included a car, but the bigest ones never seemed to bother about the P11DS back in the eighties!
When I started with a smaller firm in 1989, we were clobbered by the rules then, and I always had to take a hit on driving to my office an hour away, so I always tried to make calls elsewhere, and get over it that way!
I guess we were supposed to take away the 72 miles I would have driven, from the business meetings, but somehow, these got overlooked…
IMHO, Heath was one of the worst PMs we had back then, and his goal was always the – eventual – EU, so sod him twice then!
Well I’ve heard some excuses in my lifetime, but …….
(It would be ungracious for me to say anything else but you are a worthy recipient)
Scrobs I had been subbed and was unable to ‘Lineker’ it.
I see red labour is now racking up the channel body count – I thought they’d done deals with ‘international partners ‘ by now – or did they discover there was a stretch of water which needed controlling .
.. weather getting worse is it ?
Evening Fed – let’s hope The English Channel gets a bit choppier, so the odds on the traffickers gets worse!
I really cannot believe that surveillance of these boats flooding over from the Frogs is an impossible task!
Radical new idea
: Hamas could just give the hostages back.
After the sad loss of life by people trying to sneak into the UK illegally SirKier has announced an end to the danger….
From tomorrow he is to start the migration of the whole African and Asian continents populations to the UK. This will by means of a continuous series of first class flights for everyone who wants to come to the UK thus avoiding the dangers of a channel crossing.
To mitigate any issues of lack of housing, he will move everyone who currently owns a house in the UK to a bench on the local park before handing over their house keys to the newly formed wewillhouseyouall agency who will allocate the house to the new arrivals.
And you think this could never happen? Fools!
What a bloody blithering idiot we now have at the top of the most stupid government in history tree!
This man will end up being the most hated man in British history, mark my words!
Digg – well there has been no honeymoon period – even without parliament sitting – no charm offensive – just cold blooded revenge on dissent and pensioners ……
I think that Sue gray is the guiding evil –
The defect of course – is that legitimacy for the red regime is limited because of the frankly mad system which gave them such a huge majority – all the signs of 5 years of tyranny are already there ….
Reform really must get itself ready for 2029 – unless it is outlawed by then …
“…..who currently owns a house in the UK to a bench on the local park…”. Steady on there !! It conjures up images of simultaneously walking the dog while in the park…………….. And meeting a gang of youths………..
And just look at who the Conservatives have put up as possible Leaders of the party- my goodness, not worth a light and all from a foreign country-No doubt like me you don’t want an individual who is not of this nation as a leader of the conservatives, whether one is a supporter or not, its the principle that is at stake here-the indigenous Brit in this case will most likely never see a totally white indig-Brit in a position of such again- Only one that just might manoeuvre himself into position is Nigel Farage.
Educationland is controlled by leftmob, so no surprise that British Science festival in East London will have a exhibition focussing on dividing the world by skin colour
ie a special exhibition only focussed on black people
..Did you know that only around 1% of all professors in the UK are Black?
There could be multiple reasons for this, but lack of representation and visibility could be part of the problem.
Black in Science is an interactive AR installation developed by Naida Redgrave from the University of East London.
It aims to combat these statistics and celebrate the many faces behind amazing research.
Immerse yourself and be connected to some of the fascinating contributions that scientists of Black African and Black Caribbean heritage have made to society.
various venues, during their opening hours between Wednesday 11 – Sunday 15 September:
Wed 11th 1pm lecture : Health inequalities. More sociology, than biology
how scientists and medical professionals could be potentially failing many minoritised communities because of outdated ideas about race and medicine.
2pm lecture a prof has : the lives of racially minoritised policewomen.
profound insight into specific discrimination tactics these women have experienced within the police force.
Join her and a panel of people with direct experience of this to explore the institution of policing practice, and what can be done on a practical level to effect cultural change for the better.
Oh the bottom of the page has this trigger warning
Please note that this event will involve discussions around racism and discrimination
FFS I wouldn’t have guessed that from the lecture title
Damn that clashes with another lecture
“2pm Do beavers hold a key to climate resilience?”
.. FFS the Earth has survived varying climate for 6 billion years
Oh cos enough boxes haven’t been ticked they have made a black guy president of the science festival
His speech is at 6pm
Professor Kevin Fenton will discuss his expertise in tackling health inequalities, infectious disease prevention and control, *climate justice* and urban health
They would do well to start with the embarrassing life expectancy inequalities between male and female in the UK (No reliable statistics yet for the non-binary). When last looked one of the smallest inequalities was the USA – maybe one of the reasons we rarely hear about sex based bias in NHSland.
Are they saying this was just a puff piece intended to generate sympathy for Farah in difficult times? Of course no need for Farah’s own company to make this…the BBC would have been more than ready to produce it for him.
‘Eyebrows were raised by The Real Mo Farah, the BBC documentary which revealed the Olympic athlete had been trafficked into the UK from Somaliland, as it aired just two years after Panorama revealed accusations of doping by Farah’s former coach Alberto Salazar. Whilst the runner’s name doesn’t appear on the credits, the show was made by Atomized Studios, the production arm of Farah’s PR company Freud Communications. It would take quite a bit of searching to find this out – the BBC credits don’t mention Farah’s name at all. ‘
Wednesday – big day for ‘legal teams ‘ . The burnt tower block report is published . The BBC just cannot wait . But here’s a few predictions – cause of fire ‘unknown ‘. Number of people actually in thr block that night ‘unknown’ due sub letting and illegal occupancy – number of fraud cases ‘unknown’ .
Fire brigade? Complete ‘s—t show – local council – nowhere to be seen . Corruption in council – you guess . Cladding applied as part of green crap policy …
Government response – excuse to increase taxes to take off cladding and knock down social housing ….
I hope no one makes one of those videos of a burning model of a tower block again – they’d get 10 years now ….
Another day without the BBC – and today of all days definitely is one of those …
Guess they are sobbing over drowned illegals who won’t be able to ‘enrich ‘ us …
The DT is leading on an 80 year old man being murdered by a group of 12 year olds in Leicester . It seems to come as a surprise – but if kids are not controlled – don’t have functional parents -even the usual ‘one ‘ and all see themselves as special needs – what else can be expected …. ?
BBC being very circumspect about this, “neck injury” in Leicester I wonder what that could be?
Treat it with acid on the face (c) Jo Brand
Bryant cites the Graun
As I’ve said repeatedly, this is one of the things I’m keen to change. Talent is everywhere, opportunity is not.
Working-class parents do not see film and TV as viable career for their children
Like politics, entirely viable. Profitable too. Just toe the line, swallow pride and play the game. Which is why it attracts grasping narcissistic oafs like him.
Thought I’d pop in to see what the 0810 was – should have guessed – the tower fire – some ex fireman who didn’t like fires has PTSD so did the big sickie after doing what he was paid for .
Now he is a full on ‘mental advocate ‘. I wonder what he firebrigade of 1940 dealing with the blitz every night wouid have held up . So many wimps about these days …. I bet he got his pay out .. the boys of 1940 didn’t …
Off switch … bbc just ‘loving it ‘ as they say …
Public service announcement – courtesy of the ‘mirror’ – apparently so parts of Blighty will be wet tonight – Wednesday – it is suggested that survival kit be acquired – such as a bucket device – umbrella – torch – toilet rolls – KFC bucket – autumn weather is to be banned by the GreaT Leader …
Raisin Brane knows the best propaganda platforms.
Zarah Sultana spouting Hamas propaganda on BBC, including the deeply misleading “40,000” claim. No wonder 56% of Britons support an arms embargo with misinformation like this being pumped into sitting rooms daily
I’ve seen no msm coverage of the Muslim occupation of the Oxford and Regents Street areas that took place recently. I only saw it on alternative media. There were no police and no arrests they say but I must say that it was a sickening sight. It was the area once famous for swinging London back in the sixties and seventies. What I saw on those clips was a place I associate with clothes, colour, music and lightheartedness being transformed into a nightmare scenario as hundreds of black clad orcs took over the streets unopposed as they chanted and yelled in the tongue of Mordor.
How far can you fall, Brits?
I’ll say this for the Guardian this morning, they say what they mean and mean what they say.
This comes in stark contrast to Tory distractions about Rwanda and bluster about stopping the boats and now Labour snake oil about smashing the gangs.
There’s no equivocation, no ambiguity, no evasion, in the Guardianista policy solution to our illegal migrant issue – just open up them borders to the world… safe legal routes – ie an open door to the world and his wife.
Calls for legal routes to halt ‘shockingly high’ death rates on crossings (Rajeev Syal, Diane Taylor, Angelique Chrisafis, Boulogne-sur-Mer, Guardian) – I do hope the Gruan hasn’t overloaded their rather flimsy lead report there – before setting out into the rough cross currents of this debate.
Six children among 12 dead after boat ‘ripped open’ in the Channel (Guardian)
Children, eh?
Five children arrested after fatal attack on dog walker, 80… group of young people in Braunstone Leicestershire… Yesterday two boys appeared in court charged with the murder of a 13-year-old in Oldbury near Birmingham… Last month an 11-year-old child was arrested on suspicion of joining the riots that spread across Britain (Times)
Don’t expect any detailed explanation of whodunnit from our Ben Ellery Crime Editor over there at the Times. Even ace detective Ellery Queen (there’s one for the teenagers) would find himself stumped in any explanitory investigations by our under-18-year-old legal anonymity reporting restrictions.
Naturally the gynaeceum that is BBC news staff liked the Guardian for their top pick in their online press review line-up today.
Just like David Cameron and Theresa May before him, our Sir Keir finds the softly-softly makey-nicey approach to the EU tends to end in a snubbing…
Starmer’s shout out for bands touring Europe falls on deaf ears in Brussels (FT)
As is often the case that overloaded FT headline reads rather akin to a crossworld puzzle clue.
Speaking of word games – yurt is famously a valid word in Scrabble – worth 7 points…
Mongolia visit Putin defies arrest warrent… with Mongolian counterpart… in a traditional yurt in Ulan Bator’s state palace yesterday (FT)
Sonny Curtis of the Crickets originally wrote the song “I Fought the Law” (and the law won) as more recently popularised by the Clash in 1979.
Anyway, despite – or inspite of – the wonderful invention that is international law – a fabulous concept so dear to the heart of our present government (and our last): Diplomats seek to de-escalate tensions with Israel… Former Labour minister calls for ban to include F-35s (‘i’) – that’ll be the Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning, an American family of single-seat, single-engine, stealth multirole combat aircraft – as opposed to General Dynamics F-16 Fighting Falcon, an American single-engine supersonic multirole fighter aircraft. You will of course perceive the difference – legally permitted export-wise… to a warzone?
Meanwhile: Ukraine says soldiers among 51 killed in Poltava missile attack… the Poltava Military Communications Institute… More details could not immediately be given due to security reasons (BBC) – sounds like a valid military target then? More details? Sounds as though there’s something sensitive we’re not being told.
Unconfirmed reports suggested Swedish instructors were among the dead at the Military Institute of Communications at Poltava in central Ukraine (Daily Mail)
How’s that Nato membership workin’ out fo’ yer, Sweden?
In fine art news
With the news: Starmer rehomes ‘unsettling’ Thatcher painting (Spectator); ‘He needs to get a life’ – Grantham reacts to Keir Starmer’s removal of Margaret Thatcher portrait (a welcome debut hereabouts for Lincolnshire Live)
Well, in the role of your art curator Sir Starmer, Mr AsI has a suggestion for a replacement artwork – something diverse and rather appropriate to the odour currently emblematic of the present Labour government…
Christopher Ofili, CBE is a British painter who is best known for his paintings incorporating elephant dung. He was Turner Prize-winner and one of the Young British Artists.
And finally, confirmation – if it were needed – that Britain is now a haven for foreign criminals: BADA BING! Feared Mafia mobsters have moved away from their traditional homes in Sicily and New Jersey and taken up residence in leafy suburban towns like Woking in Surrey (Daily Star)
Gary Lineker to open his front door 24/7 …. “There’s no equivocation, no ambiguity, no evasion, in the Guardianista policy solution to our illegal migrant issue – just open up them borders to the world… safe legal routes – ie an open door to the world and his wife.”
14m 1 comment.
In his 2010 memoir, Sir Tony said he always had a passion greater than politics, which is religion.
That can be keenly felt now.
When, in preparation for this interview, I spoke to over a dozen people who know him well, including former prime ministers, the word they most frequently attached to him was “messianic”.
At 71, he retains that zeal. Whether for good or for ill you can decide; but his continued influence around the world, and in 10 Downing Street, is not in doubt.
Use the adjective messianic to describe something that has to do with a messiah, or savior, especially a religious one. In Judaism, a messianic figure is predicted to appear in the future, and in Christianity that messianic role is filled by Jesus Christ.
Matthew Chapter 25 (Quoting Jesus)
23 At that time if anyone says to you, “Look, here is the Messiah!” or, “There he is!” do not believe it.
24 For false messiahs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect.
25 See, I have told you in advance.
26 ‘So if anyone tells you, “There he is, out in the desert,” do not go out; or, “Here he is, in the inner rooms,” do not believe it.
27 For as lightning that comes from the east is visible even in the west, so will be the coming of the Son of Man.
UK General Election 1997 – Tony Blair’s Victory Speech
“Now I’m ready for Keir Starmer to end another decade of Tory government.”
“Tony Blair was an amazing public speaker and between 1997-2001 he was a perfect prime minister. The world would be a very different place and Blair’s legacy would be entirely different if Al Gore had won the presidency in 2000.”
“The Party that bought the national minimum wage and bought equality back to this great country by giving the people its voice again, he hoisted the NHS from the depths of degradation the tory government had left it in just like many of our other great public services, i’m not disputing he was an idiot for getting involved in the iraq war but he did so many good things for this country that was on a lead from a crippling Conservative government for so many years, Just what we needed at the time not old fashioned Conservative politics. (Im not justifying the iraq war at all and it was totally wrong how he dealt with that by even listening the the imbecile that is george bush)”
[Sir] Tony Blair says he would have done more to ease ‘strain’ of immigration msn.com/en-gb/news/ukn… <Sir Tony Blair's Govt started the wave of immigration.
The term ‘rubbing the right’s noses in diversity….’.
Jack Straw regrets opening door to Eastern Europe migrants
13 November 2013
Labour relied on research suggesting 13,000 migrants a year would arrive.
But the influx was much larger than expected and contributed to net migration rising above 200,000 a year.
They relied on lies .
They knew more would come in .
Boy, 11, missing after becoming separated from mother
The Met stressed that Ibrahim was not in trouble with the police or his family and that everybody wanted to see him returned safely.
How nice. The BBC using their huge public funding to help police find somebody. One might think they actually have good intentions.

Here he is:
However their real motivation is obvious when you discover they didn’t even report this one:
Police hunt man riding e-scooter after 10 women sexually assaulted in Hackney Marshes area in six-month period
Here’s what he looks like:

Maybe it’s just another coincidence that they put a BAME-based story as a headline when they can be used to generate empathy but totally omit to report them when they involve sexual assaults and murder.
Or, of course, maybe it’s just the same plain old BBC racist double-standards we see every day.
As expected the globalist establishment in Germany is seeking to form a coalition with the ‘leftist’ BSW to keep the largest party AfD out of power in Thuringia.
The BSW is not a typical leftist party and has a strong nationalist element to it .( National Socialists in Germany !) The globalists must be getting desperate to form such an alliance. BSW and AfD have much in common and if they join forces they are close to a majority. It must be the way forward and if it does happen the Globalist EU will collapse.
I use ‘leftist’ in inverted commas because the old left right spectrum as a descriptor of politics is obsolete . A much more appropriate spectrum or descriptor being globalist/ nationalist .
The West is controlled by globalists and they find that most ‘leftists’ have a strong internationalist streak ( not the BSW) and so are much more compatible with globalism than are patriotic nationalists.
So we see nationalist parties , despite winning most votes, being locked out of power by coalitions . This has happened in France and now in Germany and to an extent in Holland and Italy where nationalists have had to abandon much of their agenda in order to get into power in a coalition. In the USA Trump May not be ‘allowed’ to win by the globalists masquerading as Democrats.
The far right tag is used by the globalist MSM because it still frightens off some voters and allows governments to act illegally against nationalist parties. The far right tag is of course nonsense as it applied to parties with very leftist economic policies but patriotic homeland first foreign and cultural policies.
In the UK Globalism has created the Uniparty of LibLabCon robbing the voters of choice and led to the creation of the patriotic nationalist Reform . Reform is now going to receive the full force of attack from all elements of the globalist Uniparty and MSM for the next 5 years. The stronger the attacks the more the globalists fear them.
Desperately doing their best to prevent those who got the most votes having any power.
Democracy – Leftist style.
No , Globalist style!
Murder probe after man stabbed three weeks ago dies

… and another very short ‘basic facts only’ article which I presume went straight to ‘regions’ as I never saw it. And it went into ‘London’ instead of ‘London Violence’ so you wouldn’t see it if you checked.
Here’s the victim:
No picture of the murderer. But his name is Hamza Kamali.
Nothing to see here. Just more BBC racist double standards trying to prevent us knowing the truth about what goes on.
MAN HAS BOOK TO SELL….. Telling Starmer men have a PENIS … Weapons of Mass Destruction …. Iraq back in Islamic hands …. UK soon .. HA HA HA HAHA …..
“Tony Blair on effective leadership, AI and the Labour Party”
Luckily for all concerned, he has written down some answers in a new book, called On Leadership.
Civil service chief backs UK government claim of £22bn shortfall
There will soon come a point when niche bubble cabals like the Civil Service, Graun and BBC will fail to persuade the majority.
Looks like Labour have the whole sorry bunch hitched to them and already well over the cliff.
“Civil service chief backs UK government claim of £22bn shortfall”
why not 3000000 gazzilion?
Keir: ‘Our message isn’t getting through’
Ideas team: ‘Lets get a statement from a Civil Service chief…everyone trusts them & knows they’re impartial’..
Keir: ‘outstanding, chaps, carry on’..
The civil service fed the BBC with the stories to bring down all the prominent conservatives. The whole farce was to make the Tories unelectable and it worked perfectly.
How many times did we get ‘The BBC has learned that …’ when the only place it could have come from was someone in the civil service.
It’s an absolute disgrace. But what can you do when the whole establishment is bent ?.
Tory fury as civil servants threaten unprecedented strike over Rwanda policy
Possible walk-outs over asylum policy ‘appalling’ and ‘unacceptable’, say senior Conservatives
Adam Forrest
Lizzie Dearden
Wednesday 31 May 2023 07:00 BST
pffff…. a wind up / urine larceny?
No wonder they want to get Twitter back under lefty control asap.
He’s going to need #TTKratio all to himself.
Keir Starmer says Joe Biden was ‘on good form’ in first bilateral meeting
This article is more than 1 month old
Asked about speculation over US president’s health, PM says he dealt with issues at pace and was across all detail
War declared!
Today the BBC journalists Michael Keohan and Colin Campbell released a shocking report on the channel crossings. It showed people smugglers selling their wares brazenly in the migrant camps and many children living in unsafe and dangerous conditions, as well as—this is breathtaking—a free French public bus service that migrants can use to travel directly from the camps to the Dunkirk departure beaches. Will my right hon. Friend allow a statement on the issue of tackling the small boat crossings and the Government’s response in their work with France?
France sees Channel migrant deaths as a problem of Britain’s making
And, increasingly, the smugglers use violence too. Stones hurled at police on the beaches. Sometimes knives brandished too.
He did condemn the smugglers, but most of his comments focused on the lure of what he views as Britain’s loosely regulated job market, that acts like a magnet, drawing young Eritreans, determined Sudanese, Afghans, Syrians and Iraqis to this coastline, convinced that they if they can just make it across this last, short stretch of water – or even half way across – they’ll end up in a country where they can find work, even without the right paperwork.
Boris Johnson: The only way to take back control of immigration is to Vote Leave on 23 June
May 26, 2016
Benedict Cumberbatch considered housing Syrian refugees but didn’t as he has a baby
ACTOR Benedict Cumberbatch considered opening his £2.7million home to Syrian refugees after becoming incensed by the Government’s refusal to accept them into Britain.
By Belinda Robinson
13:43, Fri, Sep 22, 2017 | UPDATED: 14:27, Fri, Sep 22, 2017
BBC pushing a deliberately misleading analysis of why migrants are attracted to Britain…it’s the work….no mention of other reasons…
‘He did condemn the smugglers, but most of his comments focused on the lure of what he views as Britain’s loosely regulated job market, that acts like a magnet, drawing young Eritreans, determined Sudanese, Afghans, Syrians and Iraqis to this coastline, convinced that they if they can just make it across this last, short stretch of water – or even half way across – they’ll end up in a country where they can find work, even without the right paperwork.’
No…it’s first and foremost they know that they’ll get free everything if they can make it to our shores. They know they’ll almost certainly never be forced to leave and that it can take maybe 10 years to get through the process to claim asylum here and in that time they’ll be paid for and treated on the NHS and probably have kids and thus never be deported.
And of course it’s not as if illegal, or undeclared, work isn’t part of the French economy…so they could get illegal jobs there as well as in the UK…so not the draw the BBC claims…
‘11.8 % of total labour input in the private sector in France was undeclared ‘
The BBC just doesn’t want to admit that the migrnats are primarily here because they know they will get free handouts and they won;t have to work if they don’t want to.
‘Out-of-work migrants are costing the taxpayer an eye-watering £8.5 billion a year, according to a new report from the Centre for Migration Control. This comes as ONS figures reveal a record 1,689,000 non-UK nationals are either out of work or simply not bothering to look for a job. And that excludes students and asylum seekers…’
nooooo…. tell me it ain’t so!
Can’t be long before the BSW are in the BBC’s naughty corner for Far-Right Fascist types….
‘The rise of ‘left-conservatism’’
‘When the BSW first arrived on the political scene, the great hope of the elites was that it would splinter the anti-establishment vote, helping to put a lid on the seemingly inexorable populist revolt. But Sunday’s elections have shattered that illusion. Instead, the BSW has broadened the populist base.
The BSW gets its name from its founder and leader, Sahra Wagenknecht, formerly a leading figure in the Left Party (Die Linke). She left last year out of frustration with its abandonment of the working class and its embrace of what she calls ‘lifestyle leftism’ – that is, an obsession with identity politics, consumption habits and political correctness. Instead, she argues for a ‘left-conservatism’ – a mixture of redistributive economic policies and more conservative, or at least anti-woke, social policies.
She and her voters are repelled by a left that seems more interested in chastising workers than winning them over. ‘People don’t like being told by politicians what to eat, how to talk, how to think’, she says. ‘We want to meet people where they are – not proselytise to them about things they reject.’ Voters resent feeling like they have to ‘apologise’, she argues, for expressing their views while being ‘straight’ or not coming from a ‘migration background’.’
Sounds pretty much like the hated Reform here…and that ‘lifestyle leftism’…isn’t that the ‘cultural Marxism’ that the Left were so desperate to deny existed or tried to dress up criticism of it bizarrely as anti-Semitism? Is the Guardian saying Marxism is a Jewish plot then? [As the BBC ironically claims criticising globalisation is anti-Semitic because so many billionaires are Jewish…thus itself continuing that old anti-Semitic trope of rich Jews running the world.]
‘Tory MP criticised for using antisemitic term ‘cultural Marxism”
So Rayner wants to end right to buy, I’d like to know how many houses that will free up? As far as I can work out the house, with inhabitants will still exist after it’s bought so there’s a net zero change to the UK housing stock. Rayner was of course a beneficiary of Right to Buy.
As far as can determine Rayner is virtue signaling her anti Thatcher/Tory credentials.
What an ignorant left wing hypocrite Rayner is.
Right to Buy was far too generous initially, I accept that and it was wrong. There were many benefits to the scheme which did generally raise the quality of life in Council Estates because people who bought in most cases looked after their properties.
I suspect the reality is that the best stuff was bought decades ago and it is a symbolic -stupid – thing for her to do – particularly how she benefitted from the scheme.
Morality these days seems elastic – once upon a time someone of the Far Left like her wouldn’t have been morally allowed to buy like she did .
I do wonder if anyone in her party will raise this with her but somehow I suspect the are still eager to get government jobs
Message to the BBC and our new “government”, Get the drones up & “Stop the boats”!
Yep…should be the simplest thing in the world to spot these boats and stop them…the French just don’t want to….and the British government, of any persuasion, refuses to send them back as they would if you or I rocked up without a passport trying to get into France….the French are shoving illegal migrants back into Italy…if they can do that we can send them back to France.
Don’t worry, modern radars including those on Border Force craft will be able to see all of those illegal immigrant boats.
So why is this M&S attack not a terrorist attack bBC?
Ch Supt Sarah Kenwright of Counter Terrorism Policing North West said: “These incidents are deeply disturbing and traumatising for all the victims.”
What country was this terrorist from originally bBC?
Why can’t he be returned there bBC?
Did you talk to the victims bBC to see if they felt terrorised?
“Munawar Hussain stabbed the store manager and a customer because he believed M&S were funding Israel”
NOT TERRORISM – just a disagreement on poltics.
Munawar Hussain (60) ….. I wonder if he was born / raised locally – obviously not a topic suitable for BBC reporting…
Not an inbred rural nutcase from a Pakistan village ?
It is remarkable how they can absolutely believe the lie as they write the complete opposite that disproves the lie…..the Guardian denying cultural Marxism exists…it’s a barmy Far-Right conspiracy theory…
‘The culture war that so defines current debates between the left and right sides of politics has its history in the barmy theory of ‘Cultural Marxism’
What are they talking about? The tale varies in the telling, but the theory of cultural Marxism is integral to the fantasy life of the contemporary right. It depends on a crazy-mirror history, which glancingly reflects things that really happened, only to distort them in the most bizarre ways.’
Except er….in the next section they describe exactly what Cultural Marxism is…as accused…lol….it does exist…as we all know…Cultural Marxism…otherwise known as The Great Reset [which the BBC denies is happening]….
‘When the socialist revolution failed to materialise beyond the Soviet Union, Marxist thinkers like Antonio Gramsci and Georg Lukacs tried to explain why. Their answer was that culture and religion blunted the proletariat’s desire to revolt, and the solution was that Marxists should carry out a “long march through the institutions” – universities and schools, government bureaucracies and the media – so that cultural values could be progressively changed from above.
Adapting this, later thinkers of the Frankfurt School decided that the key to destroying capitalism was to mix up Marx with a bit of Freud, since workers were not only economically oppressed, but made orderly by sexual repression and other social conventions. The problem was not only capitalism as an economic system, but the family, gender hierarchies, normal sexuality – in short, the whole suite of traditional western values.’
So yes…Cultural Marxism exists and is being implemented and imposed right now.
And ‘Marxism’ itself? ‘It all sounds pretty reasonable’ says the BBC…..
‘Marxism: What does it mean and is it an insult?’
Remember how the BBC report news … terrorist is victim …
“I am not kidding. @BBCNews website leaves the impression the Syrian suicide bomber as a victim in a ‘German blast’.” – Tarek Fatah 24jul2016
Gramsci is now central to our political culture; not through the ballot box but through marxist ‘democracy’. When all the cultural norms have been destroyed does the hegelian dialectic become relevant and is civil war the synthesis. One or two in our government bubble might do well to consider the risk.
Anyone with any sense should sell up, and move overseas if they can. The UK has had it. Australia, NZ, Portugal (where I am for now) is nice.
The places to go will shrink!
Al – I’m not far from you – look out I will wave ….😎
As the government love to use means testing when assessing if pensioners can get any benefits it’s only fair that MP’s (on about £90k) should also be means tested for their many benefits (such as heating allowance)
Tory MP Nadhim Zahawi admits taxpayers paid power bill for his stables
Is there any other occupation that allows employees to claim the same raft of expenses as (£90k / year basic) UK MPs?
It has irked me for decades when working around Parliament that they can chow down on a nice 3 course meal + cheap booze for a small fraction of the price that us mere plebs have to pay for far more pedestrian grub from eateries around the HoC.
Danny Kruger MP (local) seems to leave an electric fan heater permanently running in his constituency residence (£3500 leccy bill a couple of years ago)
Growing weed?
They are looking at means testing the state pension
I like to catch the daily Katie Hopkins dispatch on YouTube each day – normally about 4 minutes long – she tittles them’bonkers Britain ‘.
She – today – describes Britain as an ever tightening pressure cooker – as so many ordinary.British taxpayers – of all ages are Fedup with the way things are . Being abused . Not being listened to or being represented – and how many are planning to get out of Britain ….
And how the msm isn’t seeing this ….
I’m one of them – I have one foot in londonistan and one in a much nicer country …. I spend more and more time in that country …. And dread my return to londonistan each time I go there – as I will next week ….
If you have time – have a listen to her piece – it might confirm your view – or not …
As I write the above – the ‘chap ‘ presenting the fire report is doing his party piece . Britain has a ‘report ‘ fetish – or addiction … report after report on this or that . Maybe that’s the only thing the country is good at any more ..
… a conveyor belt of tedious – yes – tedious – reports that achieve not much for the effort and taxpayers’ money put into them
. They are a kind of weapon for legals representing victims – money to be made . Does anything change ? Of course not . Councils know best – don’t challenge them or else …again and again ….
So we go through a 24 hour ritual of pseudo sadness and ‘something will be done ‘ when it really won’t …
I vary from this because it looks like the firebrigade has learnt how to deal with medium sized tower blocks … how would they deal with ‘the shard ?’
Anyway – back to my over arching theme – the tedious ( word used again ) and the ritual of mock anger or distress together with loud MPs playing out their games ….
I once worked on a fairly high level government project which involved talking to opposite numbers in other countries . I went into one office and met my opposite number . He rolled his eyes at me and pointed at a tray on his desk which was full of papers . He said to me ‘ don’t you people ever stop writing reports / inquiries ? ‘ and meant it . That was probably 30 years ago – I think this are even worse now …
NOT ALL REPORTS ARE EQUAL … Rudd’s refusal to publish full report into extremist funding ‘unacceptable’
This article is more than 7 years old
Opposition parties criticise ‘security-led’ decision to release only summary, saying mention of Saudi Arabia is being buried
But the home secretary, Amber Rudd, said the move was based on national security and claimed that the full report contained sensitive and detailed personal information.
Make the most of it fed, when the tears have dried for grenfell (Not mine) we will be back to Hillsborough for the inquiry into the inquiry of the report. Then stephen lawrence, then back to climate change.
Speaking of which, where’s Greta T. when you don’t need her?
Mick – it’s like report porn – but it will mean trouble / excuses for the great leader and his squeeze when it comes to building ‘homes ‘ for invaders .
At the end the chair bloke read out the names of the 70 something killed – I think there were 5 British names . No further comment on that .
Just another sign of the decline of Britain –
France — police have arrested 38yr-old Joël Vigoureux after the latest church fire in Pas-de-Calais. Apparently he’s a repeat offender with 25 previous convictions including 8 for church arson.
Other outlets report he “explained during a trial that he hated priests because ‘they are all pedophiles’ (in addition to rap, sex and cars, he follows anti-racist and Islam content on Facebook)”.
Islam – whose leader was a … ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
Former chief prosecutor tries to generate poignancy around social injustice but it’s not working…
It’s shocking that there were non fighting age men in the boat …very unusual … I wonder if more will die under the great leader and pixie with their ‘Command ‘?
Women with beards?
nazir afzal
OBE, Fmr Chief Prosecutor. Chancellor Univ of Manchester, Chair CSSA, Dad, http://nazirafzal.co.uk http://linktr.ee/nazirafzal MY VIEWS ONLY
Professional ServicesManchester, Englanden.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nazir_Afz…Joined June 2009
2,442 Following
For TM @ 11.37am .Probably thrown out by the men as it started to sink.
There are those who are critical of the “new” government, some say that there are hypocrites at large in both Houses of Parliament.
But ….what about non-politician (ex-civil servant) Sue Gray ?
The fact that she has a role may point to the reality of this government’s approach to life more generally.
GRAY , you will remember was Director general of PROPRIETY and ETHICS in the Cabinet Office 2012-18.
She was appointed in 2022 to head the inquiry into “parties” in Downing St during covid….interestingly Simon Case, her boss couldnt do the job..Why?…Well he had held a party during this period, so he ruled himself out!
The next time she hit the headlines was when she landed the job with Labour and the enquiry into how that had come about which followed.
By May 2023.. Gray came to notice again ,as she was refusing to co- operate with the enquiry, thus delaying its conclusions, which when they finally came found that she had broken the “rules” by having talks with Labour.
All very curious , for someone with such detailed knowledge of PROPRIETY and ETHICS. But l suspect l may have misunderstood something.
It seems to me that it won’t be very long before Ms Gray is spoken of as a national treasure , that usually confuses enough people to curtail a whole raft of criticism. We know that Sir Keir thinks very highly of her and of course her son, who found himself elected in a Labour seat in the recent election and is so capable and gifted that he is already a parliamentary private secretary in the Dept of Transport. He has been a bit unlucky though, because he apparently accepted a donation of £4,000 from Britain’s largest train drivers union , just before that “big,big” pay rise was announced by the very Department he works in.
However, having heard so much from Labour about how much they hated SLEEZE and wanted to see the end of it , we can all rest easy , the matters I have referred to merely look bad , nothing more and we can look forward to a different style of Government, otherwise we will all be so very disappointed….won’t we!
And finally …has any of this ever been reported by the BBC….?
Wasn’t Jimmy Saville a national treasure?
If Keir Starmer’s dad was a rapist would he be shouting that from the roof top?
Repeating the following request (thanks in advance):
I am looking for the web addresses of two sites
a) News Tracker – this site used to track news stories published on the BBC website and elsewhere showing how the articles were edited through time. Does this site still exist and if so can anyone provide the web address?
b) “Have Your Say dot Com” ??? This site used to record all the comments on BBC webpages. I believe this had to be removed because of BBC copyright challenges but I am wondering if the data up to that point was archived and saved somewhere.
Wednesday 4 September 2024 Meeting started at 11.33am
22 billion pound black hole.
Parliament’s £13 billion restoration.
HS2 £150 billion, original budget £36 billion.
Track and Trace £37 billion – no tracking or tracing where this money went.
£1.1bn of COVID small business loans identified as fraud
£4 billion of unusable PPE bought in first year of pandemic will be burnt “to generate power”
13 + 150 + 37 + 1.1+ 4 = £205 billion
Not forgetting the “migrant” bill. £4.3 BILLION per annum as at April 24.
Reported by our own special, highly supported, truthful State Propagandist, the BBC (aka “Another Beauty”) : https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-politics-68781450
“The Foreign Office statistics reveal £4.3bn of its foreign aid budget went on supporting refugees and asylum seekers in the UK.” Well, thats alright then, not our money…………
“If I hear one more racist say “they’re invading our country” & “they don’t share core British values,” I’m going to remind them of how invading countries used to be a core British value”
Rishi now saying does not need to take money from pensioners!
Maybe send them to Rwanda!
Watching PMQs – the body language of red MPs when the great leader was failing to explain why he is taking away winter
pay ments
As the great leader entered the chamber he was ignored – no cheers – nothing .
Looking at the great leader – he already looks over burdened by the job and he has only been doing the job for 2 months .
Long live the Great Leader
“Protester who poured glitter on Keir Starmer says sorry for touching him”
Some silly tart asks about oasis tickets . The great leader tries and fails to get down with the kids saying he things ringo is a great drummer ( this may be misinformation) ..
The great leader does not look to happy here lol
Still think my wish will be fulfilled: seeing ad hoc gallows erected on Parliament Sq. ………and used for the purpose intended. Douglas Murray is quite correct in asserting that at the end of the day, The People will en masse have to step in.
It was indeed one of the more inane questions that have ever been asked at PMQ’s.
I actually think ticket touting is an ultimate expression of free enterprise and entrepreneurship. The whole of the music industry is Capitalism defined. There is a chain of businessmen mostly Jewish financiers involved in putting on a concert tour like the one Oasis are doing. Without them the tour would not happen. They all take a cut, tickets are block sold to those with the Capital to underwrite the tour costs and re-sold with profit to other agencies. In effect the whole thing is large scale ticket touting.
The left wing simpletons with no experience of anything in the real World are clueless.
Flotsam – yes long live capitalism . Can you live without Oasis ( whatever that is ) yes – so if a mug wants to spend £50 500 5000 on a ticket – good luck ….but that socialist control thing is re repulsive
Pointing out that the Music industry is run by Jews is absolutely no criticism by the way. They are the life blood of it.
Look no further than Ozzie Osborne’s father in law
Crazy Labour / Leftoids
The Great Leader on the tower fire show – i think he even bored his own people with his souless repetition.
But there was menace in his support for the foreigners affected by the fire. He might have put the New Model Army on standby to find a few front doors to knock down .
Green card then did his own party piece about successive state failure – know your place – long live The State
You’d think….
bbc reports on PM Questions:-
Is there a £22bn black hole in the public finances?
Starmer asked about regional devolution
SNP criticises Labour ‘austerity’
Starmer responding to Grenfell report
PM vows more police on the streets
PM asked about windfall tax on oil and gas
Hospitals with Raac will be priority, says PM
And dont forget:- Oasis price hikes ‘depressing’, says Starmer!!
etc etc
IMMIGRATION? and the invasion. MPs aren’t bothered – Maybe take £5bn off the black hole instead of paying the illegals