274 Responses to Weekend 7th September 2024

  1. JohnC says:

    BBC bias on Israel set to be probed

    ‘Steerpike understands that next week a major report is set to be published on the Beeb’s coverage of the conflict in Gaza, with a 100-page publication by a team of lawyers prepared to drop on Monday morning.’

    Once the bias is proven, it should be OFCOM in the dock for letting it happen.

    The BBC will investigate it internally and say there is no clear bias, but changes will be made to prevent it happening again. And everything will stay exactly the same.


    • Fedup2 says:

      I’ve often wondered if anyone professional / academic monitors the output of the State Broadcaster – we do – but I’d consider myself an amateur – and a failing one as my intake of BBC TV and radio and internet has rapidly diminished .

      The pro Hamas stance of the BBC – rebroadcasting the claims of the Islamic terrorist gang without question – should be pretty easy to document …. And will add a forensic evidence to what we write here .

      If I was the IDF – I’d declare the BBC an enemy enterprise making employees legitimate targets …..


      • MarkyMark says:

        ” if anyone professional / academic monitors the output of the State Broadcaster”


        “How are young men and women from different cultures supposed to relate to a ‘male, pale and stale’ party?”
        Liberal Democrat MP Norman Lamb answers an audience question about the lack of women, young people and ethnic minority representatives in his party and parliament.

        Release date:15 April 2015
        3 minutes


        SPOT TWO …..
        https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/m0022s4w/rupauls-drag-race-uk-meet-the-queens-series-6The time has come… for avid fan speculation! RuPaul ru-veals his brand new set of handpicked beautiful queens ready to do battle in the cultural award-winning phenomenon known as RuPaul’s Drag Race UK.

        Ahead of the series premiere, get ready to place your bets and meet the 12 hopefuls, who are all vying for RuPaul’s seal of approval and the ultimate accolade of being crowned the UK’s Next Drag Race Superstar


        In America, a new wave of young women are championing extreme views on social media, including content that is increasingly shocking and – surprisingly – antifeminist.


  2. StewGreen says:

    ITV local news : I just watched on catchup
    they force you to first sit through the O2 switch-up advert,which consists almost entirely of skinny black women, surely that is a very tiny proportion of UK population .


    Opening item ‘Look at this man he is the anti-Christ of Rotherhan he admits to setting a wheelie bin on fire to try to kill men, women, children and little kittens in a migrant hotel, they were sheltering in a panic room for fear of their lives ”
    Knowing the establishment I suspect he got nowhere near killing anyone amd that migrants were safe in the other side of the hotel and the fire brigade ready round the corner being held back so police photographers could get the best incriminating photos of hooligans who’d got carried away,

    Then after a few items, an item ‘look at the new chief scout Dwayne Fields. Isn’t he great he’s the first Black British person to reach the North Pole.”
    … That’s not particularly amazing since .. 500 people go there every year


  3. MarkyMark says:

    7 September 2024, 14:05 BST
    Updated 29 minutes ago
    Angry exchanges have taken place as thousands of anti-racism protesters and a smaller number of anti-immigration demonstrators gathered in Glasgow.

    Police briefly drew their batons and shouted at protesters to get back as tensions flared. Two people were arrested during the protests.

    A BBC reporter at the scene estimated that two to three thousand people joined the anti-racism rally in George Square, with about 350 at the rival demonstration.

    A group of masked men, believed to be from the Green Brigade “ultra” group of Celtic fans, were contained by police in a corner of the square.


    Anti-racism demonstrators far outnumbered the anti-immigration protesters
    far outnumbered = one more?

    ………… soon ……………….

    When the migrants pass through the Strait of Gibraltar, the French president orders troops to the south and addresses the nation with his plan to repel them. However, in the middle of the address, he breaks down, demanding the troops simply follow their consciences instead. Most of the troops immediately desert their posts and join the civilians as they flee north, and the south is quickly overrun by the migrants.


  4. tomo says:

    Some might say “Harsh, but Fair”


  5. vlad says:

    Sweden, Germany, France, Italy, Ireland, Hungary, Poland, now Denmark: all closing their borders to invaders.

    Soon we’ll be the only suckers left in Europe.


  6. Emmanuel Goldstein says:

    If some of our pensioners were to offer a place in their home to house an ‘asylum seeker’ I think there’s a very good chance that these homes would be deemed not up to standard, too cold for example (and no winter fuel payment)
    The civil servants would not allow these homes to be used.

    The regulations covering the accomodation standards in the hotels would give a minimum acceptable temperature and our pensioners would not be able to pay for that heating.
    The enrichers would almost certainly refuse this accomodation as sub standard but it is acceptable to ‘our’ government for pensioners to live there.


  7. JohnC says:

    BBC ‘breached guidelines 1,500 times’ over Israel-Hamas war

    ‘The BBC breached its own editorial guidelines more than 1,500 times during the height of the Israel-Hamas war, a damning report has found.’

    No surprise whatsoever.

    ‘The report also criticises Jeremy Bowen, the BBC’s international editor, for his reporting of the conflict, accusing him of excusing Hamas’s terrorist activities and comparing Israel to Putin’s Russia.’

    Exactly what I have been ranting about.

    This is not gross misconduct by the BBC : the blame lies directly with OFCOM who have allowed them to get this arrogant by inches.

    Haul the lot of them in front of a Parliamentary investigation. And bring back JRM to do the inquisition.


  8. Emmanuel Goldstein says:

    Do we still have free speech.

    I’ve noticed that there’s no reports of hundreds of people shouting FIRE in crowded places, which is the reason given why we are told free speech must be censored (meaning free speech is only allowed on things the left agree with)


  9. tomo says:

    Amazon Alexa spouts approval for Kamala …


  10. kingkp says:

    Southport? Crickets.
    Solingen? Crickets.
    Why does NATO Gladio spring to mind. I guess I’m just a crazy right wing extremist. Hilarious.


  11. kingkp says:

    Brazil – Access to X is dangerous. He he! Gladio on steroids. Don’t you love NATO?


  12. kingkp says:

    But of course, Gladio was decommissioned. Right.


  13. kingkp says:

    Silent weapons for Quiet wars. Geddit?


  14. kingkp says:

    Produce the next generation that does not question the grand illusion.


  15. kingkp says:

    Check out the boundaries of Switzerland over the last 500 years. Geddit?


  16. BRISSLES says:

    Hello ?
    Has Zephir morphed into Kingkp? Disappeared from commenting for days and now has same middle of the night time line.

    Just wondering.


  17. AsISeeIt says:

    The gynaeceum that is BBC news staff make a change from yesterday’s habit of picking the Guardian to top their online print press line-up – instead they select the Graun’s Sunday itereation, the Observer, for first place.

    Tories’ health reforms ‘left UK open’ to Covid calamity – leads the Observer – and our BBC liked that and why wouldn’t they? Model and showgirl (which is putting it mildly) Mandy Rice-Davies, once observed something along those lines of a disingenuous client of her’s.

    It was once said of the Church of England that it represented the Tory party at prayer. Roll the calendar forward a century and Tim Montgomerie’s creation, centre-right blog Conservative Home, was not so sure; deploying the Brexit litmus test: only one bishop, out of 113, voted to Leave – a most exacting and apt metaphorical device – I perceive most hereabouts would agree – and where even many a so-called conservative MP would still yet turn that pH indicator paper red.

    Ah, the Church. Like a reverse Good Samaritan the left, whilst the priests and Levites (read vicars and bishops) will happily pass by the wounded Church with their noses in the air, the left still yet will take the trouble to cross the street so as to finally kick to death the already stripped of clothing, beaten, and left half-dead Church when it’s down.

    The Church’s problem with sex… Tim Adams meets the author of an incendiary new book that challenges centuries of fakery, abuse and homophobia (The New Review, Observer)

    Apart from the time scale and the bit about homophobia, one might well say the same of the modern Tory party and their problem with conservatism. Fakery and abuse, eh? But I digress.

    Taken at face value the Observer’s headline accusation (duly edited for accuracy by Mr AsI) may have some sense of validity about it…

    Tories’ LACK OF health reforms ‘left UK open’ to Covid LOCKDOWN calamity

    Pandemic LOCKDOWN response ‘among the worst’

    Naturally, for every shock new headline… just out… there’s a shock new report… just out: An assessment of the NHS by the world-renowned surgeon Prof Ara Darzi (Observer) – but, but… surgeons – fine medical tradesmen that they may be – they are the roll their sleeves up, cut and stitch guys. You don’t call in a carpenter to do your review of the architectural blue print work, do you?

    Captain Kirk of the Starship Enterprise was apt to nickname his friend and chief medical officer, Dr. Leonard McCoy, “Bones”. A play on sawbones, a 19th century epithet for a surgeon.

    So Wes Streeting, tell us, would you employ an epidemiologist or public health adminstration expert to put your fractured wrist in a sling?

    Further digression forewarning

    In the alternate Kelvin timeline of J.J. Abrams’ Star Trek movies, a younger Dr. Leonard McCoy came aboard the USS Enterprise in 2258 as Chief Medical Officer, along with Starfleet Cadet James T. Kirk. McCoy got the nickname “Bones” because his wife took everything in their divorce and all that was left him were his “Bones” (Thank you Screen Rant, an entertainment website that offers news in the fields of television, films, video games, and film theories)

    his wife took everything in their divorce – obviously the patriarchy has not been restored by the twenty-third century.

    ‘I have the Devil in me’ Carol Vorderman (Sunday Times Magazine) – calm down dear.

    Where were we?

    721 children in rogue surgeon investigation… Operations left patients with deformaties… Great Ormond Street accused of failings (Sunday Times) – No, not that story.

    …Prof Ara Darzi, commissioned in July by the health secretary Wes Streeting (Observer) – that’s the one – and now all becomes clear.

    the health service reduced its “routine healthcare activity by a far greater percentage than other health systems” in many key areas during the Covid crisis

    In other words: in many key areas during the Covid LOCKDOWN crisis…

    Surely egged on by Sir Keir’s sooner, harder and for longer lockdown enthusiasm.

    And if we were to compare to those other health services (of less fortunate nations [sic]) is not ‘our’ NHS rather more closely wedded to the state, conceived, nationalised and begotten to be the very handmaiden of welfare statism and in consequence more beholden to government policies.

    If only there were an independent judge-led public inquiry that might look into that? One not commissioned by Wes Streeting.


  18. Guest Who says:

    Vile’s ratings magnet gets community noted.


    Also digs hole deeper, finds it filled in on top of her.

    The media obsession with such peculiar single issue gobs is pathetic.


  19. Fedup2 says:

    Starmer to chat with koonsberg . Not for me . He knows he is unpopular – I disagree – and his granny – Sue gray keeps telling him he’s a very good boy …

    …. But for the life of me I still can’t get the winter fuel thing . For me it’s not a thing because I m not of the age yet and could go without it – but I’d treat it as a tax rebate …

    But it’s not about me – it’s about all those poor pensioners struggling – not Alan bloody sugar and his mouth boasting about ‘free money’ .

    It’s a stupid inept policy which I’d think worthy of Sunak …


    • AsISeeIt says:

      ‘It’s a stupid inept policy which I’d think worthy of Sunak …’

      I’m guessing Sunak would have and would have been about to if he had had the bottle and now somewhat foisted on the incoming Labour cabinet by the Treasury.

      We’ve all seen Yes Minister so we know how Sir Humphrey goes about these things. Someone who knows about such matters tells one the winter fuel thing is among those few measures that can impact the current year public expenditure numbers – although why they fret so over the current year is moot.

      Then there’s politics – weigh the OAP lobby backlash against the quietly sympathetic to giving the pensioners a snub Labour voting youth – and it’s probably a fair toss up.


      • Fedup2 says:

        Asiseeit – thanks for the daily briefings – appreciated …

        … but just to think – if Sunak had held on the election until the October option he would have done better than killing his party – which is apparently looking for another dumb false Tory …


        • Scroblene says:

          I bet Starmer and Reeves will ditch the Pensioners Cold Death money withdrawal quite soon, the reason being that as they really had no policies which differed from Sunak’s disastrous PMship, they’re just fishing around to see which of their new ‘policies’ are the least unpopular, and take it from there!

          If the Lib Dems join the fray, by rights they should also vote to ditch it, but as their policies are usually a wishlist for the CBeebies, they probably don’t know what to do!

          Imagine some bloke or lady in a Labour seat, who is new to the game, and has their local committee on watch, telling a freezing constituency that it’s all for supporting the ridiculous Net Zero, and anyway, the money – several millions – has to go to other countries to ‘help’ them achieve the unachievable!

          Zimmers at dawn anyone?


        • StewGreen says:

          Wasn’t WEF Sunak preparing the ground for WEF Starmer ?


      • Deborah says:

        The problem with Sunak and the Tory party under him was they didn’t DO anything. For example IHT, even immediately after Sunak called the election came the announcement that if elected they would do away with damn tax. That was the final straw for me.

        But why the inertia? Was it just civil servants being obstructive? Whatever the reason, what remains of the Tory party should be asking the question.


  20. Jeff says:

    One on my morning rituals, as I gulp down my first cuppa, is to visit the excellent History Debunked You Tube chat, given by historian and author Simon Webb.

    This morning he was discussing how our modern police differ from those that I was familiar with as a lad. He has a photo of a few of them at Victoria station in full body armour, gas canisters, batons and guns. These aren’t policemen, they’re a paramilitary. Blimey, it really brings it home to you…

    I remember the old 1960’s hit by American folk singer Roger Miller, England Swings. One of the lines mentions “Bobbies on bicycles, two by two.” That’s how it was…

    Yes, that was once my long lost country. A pre-multicultural nation, much more at peace with itself.

    My dear old uncle was a copper and when he passed my cousin let me take a few bits and pieces that are of sentimental value. One of them is his old police bike. I remember him riding that donkey’s years ago. It’s a bit battered and a bit rusty, the tyres are flat and I have zero mechanical ability, but I’ve managed to turn it into a nice garden feature, with colourful nasturtiums scrambling through its spokes and baskets of pelargoniums at the front and rear. It looks good…

    It’s not just a memory of my old uncle, it’s a memory of a different time altogether…almost a different country.

    Gone forever…


    • MarkyMark says:

      2024 policing – be quiet for the sake of the community … “Some were doused in petrol and threatened with being set alight, while others were threatened with guns, made to watch “brutally violent rapes” and warned they would be next if they told anyone.26 Aug 2024″


    • Scroblene says:

      Those police bikes had a double crossbar, so the local policeman could strap his cape over it, and it would stay in place!

      Our village copper was feared for cycling offences, and was always around the village and stationary by the crossroads! My best chum was arrested and fined two pounds for being carried on the back by another chum, who was fined four pounds!

      When he was promoted to Sergeant in Rye, the mere mention of his name at closing time was enough to clear the pub in seconds!

      In actual fact, he was well-liked, and actually well-respected, an issue which I don’t identify with the paras around Victoria Station, after all, I might whisper an unacceptable word by platform 7, or say woof to one of the dogs…


  21. MarkyMark says:

    Brexit win = Russian interference (i.e. they need effort)
    Labour win = Russia not interested (no effort required)


  22. MarkyMark says:

    Aug. 28 – A drone attacked an oil products reservoir in the town of Kotelnich in Russia’s Kirov region, some 1,500 kilometres (932.06 miles) east of Ukraine.
    Aug. 28 – A Ukraine drone attack sparked a fire at an oil depot in the Kamensky district of Russia’s southern region of Rostov.
    Aug. 26 – One man was killed, six more injured after a fire at Russia’s Omsk oil refinery.
    Aug. 19 – A blast and fire on a fuel pipeline at the Sterlitamak petrochemical plant in Russia’s Bashkiria region east of Moscow injured three people.
    Aug. 18 – Huge oil depot in the Proletarsk district of southern Rostov city was set on fire by drones.
    Aug. 3 – Tanks at a fuel storage depot in the Kamensky district of Russia’s Rostov region caught fire as a result of a drone attack.
    Aug. 1 – A fire broke out at Russia’s Gazprom Neft’s (SIBN.MM), opens new tab Omsk oil refinery in western Siberia and was later extinguished.
    July 28 – Three tanks at an oil storage depot in Russia’s Kursk region caught fire as a result of a Ukraine-launched drone attack.
    July 22 – Russia’s Tuapse oil refinery, its biggest on the Black Sea, was damaged in a major Ukrainian drone attack that caused a fire.
    July 13 – A fire broke out and was later extinguished at an oil depot in Tsimlyansky district of Russia’s southern Rostov region.
    July 9 – One person was killed, while two power substations and an oil depot caught fire, after Ukraine launched drones in attacks on several regions.
    July 6 – Several oil depots were set on fire in the Krasnodar region in southern Russia after an overnight attack by Ukrainian drones.
    July 3 – Ukraine attempted a maritime drone attack on Russia’s Black Sea port of Novorossiisk.
    June 21 – A drone crashed into the Ilsky oil refinery in Russia’s southern Krasnodar region, injuring at least two people and causing a small fire.
    June 18 – A drone attack set ablaze oil storage sites in Russia’s southern Rostov region
    June 14 – Debris from a downed drone damaged an unused reservoir at a fuel depot in Russia’s Voronezh region.
    June 6 – A fire was extinguished at the Novoshakhtinsk oil refinery in Russia’s Rostov region that had been attacked by a drone.



  23. MarkyMark says:

    China loves you
    ** loans will have to be paid back soon
    *** Barry Gardiner says his £500K to employ a Chinese spy was OK.
    **** Think you are buying British, but are funding Chinese state

    MG Motor is an automotive brand owned by the Shanghai-based, state-owned carmaker SAIC Motor.[3] It is a continuation of the original MG marque, a British brand that was established in Oxford, UK in 1924. SAIC Motor gained control of the brand in December 2007 by acquiring Nanjing Automobile Corporation (NAC), a smaller Chinese company that first acquired the brand from the defunct MG Rover Group in 2005. Currently, MG is a division within SAIC’s passenger vehicle branch.[1]


    Tories make noises … just noise …

    source https://image.vuukle.com/5f281991-2e66-4a46-986d-5cdacf849c88-f746bfeb-fdfa-4b5d-ae1c-9c1ab63e229f

    LONDON, April 22 (Reuters) – British police on Monday charged two men with spying for China, including one reported to have worked as a researcher in Britain’s parliament for a prominent lawmaker in the governing Conservative Party.


  24. StewGreen says:

    @EssexPR tweets
    Of course the BBC would push the story of a great big fella that’s pretending to be women ballet dancer, it’s almost expected now.

    Post op, but obviously started as hefty male.


  25. MarkyMark says:

    Terry Wiggins, a chef who leads the catering team at Westminster’s Portcullis House, is retiring this month after 50 years. He reckons he has served 13 prime ministers in that time and is still dreaming up new recipes.

    “Can I have more pork please?



    Click to access menu-pch-apr-2024.pdf

    “MPs could claim £25 a night for
    food without needing to provide
    receipts when staying away from
    their home.”

    Click to access MP_expenses_exec_summary.pdf

    We have four other significant recommendations on accommodation. First, as already agreed as an interim
    step, MPs should no longer be able to claim for the cost of items like electrical goods or services like
    gardening, but only for basic requirements like utilities and security. Second, the availability of additional
    accommodation should be withdrawn from a number of MPs whose constituency homes are within
    reasonable commuting distance of Westminster.

    reasonable commuting = 4,868 miles from home in China!


  26. MarkyMark says:

    Comment from order-order.com “The prime minister (Keir Starmer) has told the BBC that his new government (Labour) is “going to have to be unpopular” (no MP will lose money or allowances) and make tough decisions (for you, not them, flying on Jets will continue) in order to bring reforms. In that interview he never mentioned the boat migrants at all. They won’t have any hardship. Just old age pensioners.


  27. StewGreen says:

    trending : Kamala STAGED
    Following my expose today of @KamalaHarris’s staged event,
    which was tweeted out by her National spokesperson @IanSams
    , Ian Sams has been COMMUNITY NOTED for trying to deceive people into thinking this was a random event.



  28. tomo says:


  29. MarkyMark says:



  30. tomo says:

    Oh, right-oh …. <20% of voters is "popular" is it?


    Tin-eared TTK is trying to provoke the 80% who didn’t vote for this utter shower?


    • MarkyMark says:

      That’s the show done for another week. Here’s what we heard:

      Keir Starmer refused to say if he would suspend Labour MPs who vote against his plan to reduce the number of pensioners receiving winter fuel payments, and said his government is “going to have to be unpopular”
      The PM said he was frustrated by how “slowly” the process of making buildings safe has been in the wake of the Grenfell Tower fire, saying the work will be accelerated – but he didn’t give a completion date when challenged
      He said racism did play a role in the summer riots, but said he does not believe the UK is a racist country. He also said he is “worried about the rise of the far right”
      Shadow security minister and Tory leadership candidate Tom Tugendhat said his party lost the confidence of the British people and he believes he has a track record to show he is the person to change that
      The UK should seek to reform the European Convention on Human Rights, Tugendhat said, and be prepared to leave it if that cannot be achieved, adding he also wants to “derogate from” certain aspects of it
      Actress Kate Winslet said women should celebrate being a “real shape”, reflecting on the filming of Lee
      Stay with us for more analysis and reaction.



      • Fedup2 says:

        Marky – thank you for that summary . Perhaps the great leader will finally define ‘ far right ‘… if he is to ban it … which I assume is Sue gray’s plan ….

        For some reason the US sec of state is meeting the great leader today ? Before the great leader heads to the White House to declare – again – that sleepy joe is not deranged …
        But will starmer meet the true president while he is there ?and if president trump does manage to beat the Obama fix how will he treat the Far Left state which was once the UK …


    • Eddy Booth says:

      Queer Stalin could easily find the money for the fuel allowance by cutting lavish foreign aid, stopping the hotels – and treating homeless immigrants the same as homeless British, not throwing money at Ukraine and the globalists silly war with Russia, seeking peace with Russia so gas and food prices fall, stopping the net zero money pit.
      Instead he’s going down the austerity road again; dressing it up as some kind of necessary tough love.


  31. MarkyMark says:

    Remove TRUMP at all costs ….

    “Don’t mention Trump – how Republicans try to sway women voters”


    “I try to tell people to focus on the policies and ignore the candidates,” she said, knowing that Trump’s brash personality has deterred women previously.


    • Lazy Cat says:

      I’m not sure who’ll win in the end.

      Donald Trump.

      Or Roscoe P Coltrane, I mean Kamala ‘yeeeeee-haaah’ Harris.

      I’ve heard her speaking with a New York accent, a Californian accent, a black ‘Hmm. You go girl’ accent and now like something out of a Clint Eastwood western.

      When do we get an Indian version mixed in? Maybe at her acceptance speech?

      “Girlfriend. You know that’s whad am talkin bout. Gimme pastrami on rye I’m from noo joysee. I’m a gonna be the next goddam Mercian president Billy Bob. We’ll have chicklins just like momma used to make, boy. Yeee-hah! Thank you please bloody bastard. Sir please I need bank account number.”

      Diversity (in accents) is her strength.


  32. Lazy Cat says:

    Lots of redundancies going on at the BBC it seems.


    Would be interesting to know the efnik makeup of the layoffs.

    I’m sure they’re being layed off from all backgrounds, but everyone I’ve seen crying about being layed off so far, seem to be young and honkey.

    In a way, at least it might wake a few of these idiots up (the ‘Zoomer/Millennial Refugees Welcome here mob’).

    A bit like all those woke prats in Silicone Valley, going on about how great it is that their company is hiring so many Indians. Only to see said Indians becoming managers and only employing their own. Loads of these young white tech workers now bemoaning not being able to find work, or that their company only hires Indians now.

    Aye. Waking up is hard to do, but in the end you’ll have no choice.


  33. MarkyMark says:


    “”Tax the rich to fund winter fuel” headlines the Sunday People. That is the line from the general secretary of union Unite, Sharon Graham, who told the BBC: “Why are Labour picking the pockets of pensioners on the winter fuel payments instead of making those with the broadest shoulders actually pay?””



    What is Sharon Graham’s salary at Unite? Unite has yet to reveal Graham’s salary, however its annual return listed her predecessor McClusky as earning £101,568 in 2020. As of November 2022, Graham’s net worth ranges between £800,000 to £4million, according to biographygist..25 May 2023


    Base salary
    • Salaries increased by 3.0% in line with
    the broader employee population
    effective 1 January 2020, as follows:
    – CEO, Richard Smith = £472,313
    – CFO, Joe Lister = £384,441
    • Salaries voluntarily reduced by 30% for
    a four-month period from 1 April 2020.
    • Reviewed from time to time, with
    reference to salary levels for similar roles
    at comparable companies, to individual
    contribution to performance; and to the
    experience of each Executive.
    • Salaries unchanged, as follows:
    – CEO, Richard Smith = £472,313
    – CFO, Joe Lister = £384,441
     See page 136  See page 127

    Click to access The-Unite-Group-PLC-AR-2020-124-Directors-Remuneration-report.pdf

    Benefits New appointees will be eligible to receive benefits which may include (but are not limited
    to) the provision of a company car or cash alternative, private medical insurance and any
    necessary relocation expenses. New appointees will also be eligible to participate in allemployee share schemes.

    private medical insurance NOT NHS

    private medical insurance NOT NHS


  34. Emmanuel Goldstein says:

    In the Daily Mail there’s an article saying the bbc is 14 times more likely to anccuse Israeli of genocide than Hamas ones and it’s (bbc) taking a hammering on the comments.
    It’s like reading this site.

    Many saying they don’t pay or disagree with the bbbc licence.

    Wouldn’t it be something if we all paid a licence fee but were allowed to say which broadcaster it goes to. For instance, I could say mine goes to GB News.
    How democratic would that be.
    The viewers would end up with the better broadcasters and other broadcasters would suffer.


  35. MarkyMark says:

    UNITE … LTIP New appointees will be granted awards under the LTIP on the same terms as other executives, as described in the policy table. The normal aggregate limit of 200% of salary will apply, save in exceptional circumstances where up to 300% of salary may be awarded.

    Click to access The-Unite-Group-PLC-AR-2020-124-Directors-Remuneration-report.pdf

    A long-term incentive plan (LTIP) is a compensation program that rewards employees for meeting specific goals over a long period of time.


  36. vlad says:

    Before it’s banned by Starrmer’s Stasi’s: at a meeting of muslims in Norway (formerly a civilised country) a radical “scholar” boasts that “we are all radicals”. He then asks the audience: ‘who supports sharia, stoning, the death penalty etc’, and he gets a unanimous show of hands.
    Coming to a town near you soon (if it’s not already there).


  37. JohnC says:

    Three killed in attack at West Bank-Jordan border

    ‘The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) said three Israeli civilians were killed in the shooting at the Allenby Bridge crossing.
    The attacker approached the area from the Jordanian side in a truck, then got out and opened fire, the IDF said.’

    So that would be ‘Three killed in TERRORIST attack at West Bank-Jordan border’ then BBC.


  38. JohnC says:

    Exactly what the Left are doing here. Weaponising the law to suppress opposition. Textbook fascism.


    • Fedup2 says:

      I’m surprised she says Biden / Harris has put her on the list – it is Obama – Obama .

      I’m also surprised that she is surprised Obama is using the federal government – Smersh – against enemies of Obama /bidin ..

      16 minutes well worth the watch – I reckon Sue gray has modelled the TTK new model army on the Obama method .

      I just hope president trump has the people to take on the federal state ..


  39. Yasser Dasmibehbi says:

    I’ve just found this. Quite good.


    • MarkyMark says:

      The phrase “Demography is destiny” is commonly attributed to the French philosopher and father of sociology, Auguste Comte (1798-1857). By coining this phrase, he argued that the size and composition of a country’s population will determine its future.8 Apr 2024


  40. StewGreen says:

    WEF phoned them up and asked them to do another “you will eat the bugs adverts”

    The “Would you eat insects if they were tastier?”
    article was tweeted twice..got ratioed 5 and 10 to 1

    Oh third promo tweet from BBC Asia but no one noticed it.


  41. StewGreen says:

    Labour’s winter fuel raid could be blocked by a motion in the House of Lords next week.

    Ros Altmann, the former pensions minister, has tabled a so-called “fatal motion” which would stop the policy from being implemented if it was passed.


  42. JohnC says:

    Belongings of care children put in bin bags and lost

    Headline news at the BBC apparently.

    Another complete non-story vehicle for some useless quota employee to practise extreme empathy.

    Apparently it’s de-humanising to put their belongings into bin liners. 15 year old ‘Elliot’ said:
    ‘Elliott – now 15 – said moving his things in this way caused additional trauma to his experience of coming into the care system.’

    Did he really BBC. Or did you put those words in his mouth to fit the story ?.

    What a complete waste of license-fee payers money. One might think whoever wrote it was given it to do because she is too useless to do anything serious. You decide : here she is:
    They are like children.


  43. StewGreen says:

    Oliver Crom’s anti BBC song
    We Don’t Need Another Pedo, another Weirdo


  44. StewGreen says:

    Everyone knows the BBC is super-pro-Israel


  45. StewGreen says:

    “Bite your tongue”
    … “For what ?”
    “we aren’t gonna tell you”
    Starmer’s Gestapo in Merseyside


  46. Guest Who says:

    BREAKING: Matt and Laura and Keir and Rachel

    BREAKING: Keir Starmer’s new kitten is called Prince, and is white with blue eyes
    And @bbclaurak asked a question from Mike, one of my @bbc5live listeners, about the dog u-turn



  47. Fedup2 says:

    Sue gray s focus groups on how to soften the image of TTK is go get a kitten?maybe he’d do better saying he’s always had a donkey sanctuary …


  48. Foscari says:

    Julius Streicher the owner and editor of Der Stuermer.
    An extremely virulently anti Semitic weekly publication
    In nazi Germany. Streicher was hanged after the war.
    For as a Gauleiter he was one of those charged at the
    Nuremberg trial for crimes against humanity.
    I have to be fair here. In the past we have not seen
    too many cartoons in the Guardian, similar to those
    In Der Stuermer. And you don’t have to buy the Guardian
    If you don’t support Hamas.
    But I expect that if you are a UK Jew and you have to
    pay the BBC licence fee.To have the national broadcaster
    an all but media partner of Hamas, a terrorist organisation
    rather galling.
    I expect that if one can get the BBC in Hell. That it would
    be Herr Streicher’s channel of choice.


  49. StewGreen says:

    BBC thought yesterday’s pro Twitter protests in Brazil
    were not worth reporting
    Zero on website


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