The push back on the Israel report BREAKING: Israeli lawyer does a hit job on the BBC.
Trevor Asserson emigrated to Israel nearly 25 years ago. His law practice is based in Jerusalem
This is the Telegraph promoting a lame hit job on the BBC by an obsessed man based in Jerusalem, most of whose complaints have been thrown out over years. Akin to publishing say the Kremlin’s analysis of the BBC’s coverage of Ukraine.
His work is not in the least bit credible
Sorry Stew, Iliked your comment before fully reading /understanding it. Take one like off your score. Trevor Asserson’s work is very highly credible to those of use who have listened to BBC R4’s output on Israel since 7 October 2023.
If you encounter a random black man and a random white man, the black man is statistically 7 times more likely to stab someone than the white one. Fact.
You won’t see that fact on the BBC. No doubt I’m a racist for even saying it. These are the immense double-standards of the Left.
segment on @BBCRadio4 Broadcasting House
Not only did all of the commentators agree
“nothing to see here”,
.. but we also had the BBC statement rejecting claims from the Report.
After what, 8 years of TDS where low information lazy “liberals” have wallowed in the sneering and name calling you’d think they’d have moved on from the bile – but no, they obviously like the taste of it…..
The animus towards DJT has been cultivated carefully to play to psychologically susceptible types – I’ve seen some real doozies – spluttering red faced fury at the mere mention of “Trump” from people who cannot in calmer moments elaborate beyond the fury… There’s a trigger mechanism in there- I don’t know exactly what it is – but it’s there – the irrational outbursts I’ve seen tell me that much.
Re: Your 11am news bulletin on Radio 4
1) Three Israeli civilians were just murdered by a Jordanian terrorist at the Allenby Bridge Crossing. It wouldn’t hurt you to specify the nationality of the deceased or the facts relating to the incident.
2) Your newsreader also struggled to pronounce “Allenby” properly. Given 1st Viscount Edmund Allenby was a British Field Marshal after whom the Allenby Bridge was named, pronouncing his uncomplicated name correctly ought to be simple enough for a British broadcaster.
3) The Allenby Bridge Crossing is NOT the only entry point between Israel and Jordan as stated. This is, in fact, one of three. There is the King Hussein Crossing near Bet Shean in the north and another between Eilat and Aqaba in the south.
4) Lastly, Judea and Samaria are NOT occupied under international law, so you would do well to desist from propagating this tedious political lie favoured by the pro-“Palestinian” terrorist lobby.
It’s high time you amateurs pulled your bloody socks up.
I was surprised to hear the @BBCRadio4 11:00 news reader pronounce “Allenby” as if it were an Arabic phrase Al-enby,
with the accent on the ‘en’.
The bridge is named after General Allenby, who led the British conquest of Palestine in the First World War
“By 2020, the BBC wants its employees to comprise 50% women, 8% disabled people, 8% lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender people and 15% people from black, Asian and ethnic minority backgrounds.{ 14sep2017}”
Taking down the Thatcher portrait says a lot about Smarmer. I would call it a Bliar moment, Bliar was no respecter of history and I guess Smarmer doesn’t either. His action shows him to be a pathetic, feeble man not big enough to recognise those that came to power and shaped Britain before him.
I read this story to learn who was running away from who. And I was quite intrigued to see that the BBC do not tell me. And even more intriguing was the fact that ‘far-right’ was never mentioned.
So I checked. And sure enough the persecuting persecuting all the opposition causing them to flee for political asylum are socialists.
20K follower TV host account praises the terrorist account
.. #1 I guess someone else like Hamas control her account
#2 Would Starmer condemn it ?
The hero of the Al-Karamah crossing operation (Allenby Bridge) confirmed with his heroism the continuation of the brutal Zionist aggression against the Palestinian people will open fire on all Arab borders with occupied Palestine#jordan#Palestine
@JohnSimpsonNews is on message
The BBC says it has serious questions about the methodology of the attack on BBC reporting of Gaza in today’s Sunday Telegraph.
Jeremy Bowen and Lyse Doucet,
who are singled out for vicious criticism,
are known worldwide as two of the finest correspondents in world journalism
Simpson is a conceited tosser with one of the most inflated opinions of himself in a field of runners at the BBC that can’t get into his levels of self regard, no matter how hard they try.
Yet another medic under investigation. This time an orthopaedic surgeon at Gt Ormond Street. This guy, first name Yasser (Egyptian?) had a propensity for carrying out unnecessary operations on little children – some leaving them with life changing conditions. It’s about time there was a proper background check system in place before putting any medic – particular foreign, under contract.
I have first hand knowledge that many come to this country to practice, with the basic minimum of qualifications- from a place where the standard of pass level exams are nowhere near as rigid as in this country.
In 1990/91 was shown offices in Karachi where the rich could sign up for “medical training” and eventually certification to travel overseas…. Nobody’s going near the fake Nigerian nurses thing – are they?
I wonder what those astronaughts are thinking tonight after Starliner made a perfect return to Earth and they are stuck on the space station until next year.
Calvin Robinson’s Final Interview Before Leaving the UK. Are We Prepared to Fight for Britain?
“The last fight will be in America”
America Alone: The End of the World As We Know It
Someday soon, you might wake up to the call to prayer from a muezzin. Europeans already are. And liberals will still tell you that “diversity is our strength”–while Talibanic enforcers cruise Greenwich Village burning books and barber shops, the Supreme Court decides sharia law doesn’t violate the “separation of church and state,” and the Hollywood Left decides to give up on gay rights in favor of the much safer charms of polygamy.
The vicar isn’t exactly leaving – and it’s disappointing that he openly criticises Farage – how does that help the cause ? He seems unable to offer a solution to the Far left Muslim take over of Britain – but another predicting disorder / civil war .
He says he will come back to fight the next election . I can’t see it …
For those goal hanging – I’ll put the next thread up at 2100 London time ….
Not BBC – for I am without TV and don’t listen to live radio much anymore – and the online press is pretty dismal/ paywalled ..
Anyway – I do wonder if the continuos immersion in negative Far Left propaganda is healthy . I’ve been around the block – so I feel pretty proofed against propaganda – unless it’s the misinformation of old stuff put up without proper sourcing of purporting to be new .
Ukraine appears to be calling on a fleet of fire-spewing “dragon drones” in its war with Russian invaders, putting a modern twist on a munition used to horrific effect in both world wars.
A series of videos posted on social media, including on Telegram from the Ukrainian Defense Ministry on Wednesday, show the low-flying drones dropping torrents of fire – actually molten metal – onto Russian-held positions in tree lines.
Western technology and finance are helping Ukraine carry out hundreds of long-range strikes inside Russia.
That is despite Nato allies still refusing to give Ukraine permission to use Western-supplied munitions to do so – mostly because of fears of escalation.
British engineers from Palantir, working with Ukrainian counterparts, have designed a programme to generate and map the best ways to reach a target. Palantir makes clear it is not involved in the missions, but has helped train more than 1,000 Ukrainians how to use its software.
“As well as military targets, Ukrainian drones have hit blocks of flats leaving some civilians wounded”
The attacks are mostly carried out at night. Most will be shot down. As few as 10% may reach the target. Some drones are even shot down along the way by friendly fire – Ukraine’s own air defences.
The Sunday Telegraph headline on the front page come as no surprise to us who have listened to the BBC since 7th October last year. What was a surprise to me at least was a thinly veiled attack on former President Donald Trump in ‘American Socialist’ by Jill Lepore.
Digraceful BBC. I hope OFCOM take action over the BBC’s various biases.
“Pimlico Plumbers founder to sell £12m penthouse as he flees Britain ahead of tax raid”
Charlie Mullins ready to have ‘no assets in the UK’ ahead of looming Budget tax rises
Lucy Burton,
Employment Editor
7 September 2024 • 12:00pm
Rod Stewart left the UK and made his home in Los Angeles in 1975 to avoid the 83% tax on top earners that existed in Britain at the time. Toto Wolff was accused of being a tax exile by Red Bull Racing team principal Christian Horner.
When studying revenue law – the following quote from IRC v Duke of Westminster 1934?is rammed home
“Every man is entitled, if he can, to order his affairs so that the tax attaching under the appropriate Acts is less than it otherwise would be. If he succeeds in ordering them so as to secure this result, then, however unappreciative the Commissioners of Inland Revenue or his fellow tax-payers may be of his ingenuity, he cannot be compelled to pay an increased tax.”
It seems the dead party is still holding a ‘conference ‘ in 2024 – but the current leader – green card sunak – will be the first ‘leader ‘ since 1963 not to make a speech – even when Micky Howard lost he stepped up .
But not our rishi . No explanation for the suicidal election date – no apology to his party . Maybe the missus could do it for him – since she probably called the election in the first place ..
Pensioners are being invited to the conference so that they can warm up …..
‘Hang the Tories’ protest banner on Salford bridge denounced by MPs
This article is more than 6 years old
Huge hand-painted sign removed from bridge by police ahead of Conservative party’s conference in Manchester
DoublethinkerMar 10, 08:44 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I am not so sure that the Conservatives will win. Thanks to Trump and 51 st state joke the Canadians…
GMar 10, 08:39 Start the Week 10th March 2025 ” Try to think of it in reverse. Would Canada appoint a Briton to be their central bank governor?” More…
FlotsamMar 10, 08:39 Start the Week 10th March 2025 It’s strange really how Carney, a supposedly technocrat economist/banker, has found politics. You would have thought central bankers would be…
Lucy PevenseyMar 10, 08:24 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Andy, they do go on don’t they? From the article “The lawyer, a KC or King’s Counsel, who has not…
vladMar 10, 08:16 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Maureen Lipman tears into the BBC for its anti-Semitism – Gary Lineker & Miriam Margolyes in particular. Delicious.
Guest WhoMar 10, 08:13 Start the Week 10th March 2025 And who they do not ‘support’. Romanian far-right presidential hopeful barred from poll rerun John C has the full…
The push back on the Israel report
BREAKING: Israeli lawyer does a hit job on the BBC.
Trevor Asserson emigrated to Israel nearly 25 years ago. His law practice is based in Jerusalem
This is the Telegraph promoting a lame hit job on the BBC by an obsessed man based in Jerusalem, most of whose complaints have been thrown out over years. Akin to publishing say the Kremlin’s analysis of the BBC’s coverage of Ukraine.
His work is not in the least bit credible
Who is saying this?
Sorry Stew, Iliked your comment before fully reading /understanding it. Take one like off your score. Trevor Asserson’s work is very highly credible to those of use who have listened to BBC R4’s output on Israel since 7 October 2023.
Is London dangerous?
If you encounter a random black man and a random white man, the black man is statistically 7 times more likely to stab someone than the white one. Fact.
You won’t see that fact on the BBC. No doubt I’m a racist for even saying it. These are the immense double-standards of the Left.
‘Kursk is not hurting Russia’ is a huge understatement.
The operation wanted to take the nuclear power station, the East/West highway and maybe even Kursk itself.
It failed on all counts and now they are being systematically bombed with glide bombs just as they are everywhere else in Ukraine.
You won’t learn that on the BBC either.
Trillions? Millions?
Isn’t hindsight a good thing?
Kneel to usa rioters!
No kneel to UK rioters!
segment on @BBCRadio4 Broadcasting House
Not only did all of the commentators agree
“nothing to see here”,
.. but we also had the BBC statement rejecting claims from the Report.
Mary Beard is in the BBC Guardian bubbleworld
So loves BBC anti-Trump propaganda
The guy here says “I have no idea”
.. that’s the result of his bubbleworld
After what, 8 years of TDS where low information lazy “liberals” have wallowed in the sneering and name calling you’d think they’d have moved on from the bile – but no, they obviously like the taste of it…..
The animus towards DJT has been cultivated carefully to play to psychologically susceptible types – I’ve seen some real doozies – spluttering red faced fury at the mere mention of “Trump” from people who cannot in calmer moments elaborate beyond the fury… There’s a trigger mechanism in there- I don’t know exactly what it is – but it’s there – the irrational outbursts I’ve seen tell me that much.
Previous Ed Al Rusbridger of joint Cheek Graun has:
Q&A: Cummings vs Campbell, who was toughest to deal with?
Clearly it will depend on who asked.
But it is clear the BBC touched toes and said ‘how high’ to Mad Al (no relation) from the start.
@JonahIvriAnochi tweets
Dear Bloody Bullsh*t Corporation,
Re: Your 11am news bulletin on Radio 4
1) Three Israeli civilians were just murdered by a Jordanian terrorist at the Allenby Bridge Crossing. It wouldn’t hurt you to specify the nationality of the deceased or the facts relating to the incident.
2) Your newsreader also struggled to pronounce “Allenby” properly. Given 1st Viscount Edmund Allenby was a British Field Marshal after whom the Allenby Bridge was named, pronouncing his uncomplicated name correctly ought to be simple enough for a British broadcaster.
3) The Allenby Bridge Crossing is NOT the only entry point between Israel and Jordan as stated. This is, in fact, one of three. There is the King Hussein Crossing near Bet Shean in the north and another between Eilat and Aqaba in the south.
4) Lastly, Judea and Samaria are NOT occupied under international law, so you would do well to desist from propagating this tedious political lie favoured by the pro-“Palestinian” terrorist lobby.
It’s high time you amateurs pulled your bloody socks up.
On 3pm news the details were correct
I wonder how many people the BBC has monitoring social media in real time so they can cover up things like this when they get found out.
I was surprised to hear the @BBCRadio4 11:00 news reader pronounce “Allenby” as if it were an Arabic phrase Al-enby,
with the accent on the ‘en’.
The bridge is named after General Allenby, who led the British conquest of Palestine in the First World War
Only 1500 breaches of their own impartiality code thus far supposedly there – another one is meh…….
Thing is – if they are that confident about there – wtaf are they doing with domestic reporting here?
I presume y’all know the answer?
More progs for the alphabet people LGBTQ+
“By 2020, the BBC wants its employees to comprise 50% women, 8% disabled people, 8% lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender people and 15% people from black, Asian and ethnic minority backgrounds.{ 14sep2017}”
Surrkeer claims he took down the portrait of Thatcher because “He doesn’t like people staring down on him” .
That means any visit for instance to the National Portrait Gallery is off the cards for him then!
What an absolute vacuous jelly this man is!
She was more of a man than he will ever be.
Taking down the Thatcher portrait says a lot about Smarmer. I would call it a Bliar moment, Bliar was no respecter of history and I guess Smarmer doesn’t either. His action shows him to be a pathetic, feeble man not big enough to recognise those that came to power and shaped Britain before him.
Venezuela’s opposition leader arrives in Spain after fleeing
I read this story to learn who was running away from who. And I was quite intrigued to see that the BBC do not tell me. And even more intriguing was the fact that ‘far-right’ was never mentioned.
So I checked. And sure enough the persecuting persecuting all the opposition causing them to flee for political asylum are socialists.
Left winger holds on in Venezuela election
Another whopping lie by omission from the BBC.
20K follower TV host account praises the terrorist account
.. #1 I guess someone else like Hamas control her account
#2 Would Starmer condemn it ?
Zeinab Al Saffar | زينب الصفّار
Bilingual TV Host|Writer|Wordsmith
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Media PersonalityUbiquitous Multipolaristalmayadeen.netJoined November 2011
260 Following
I quote
The licence fee is now a compulsory political donation for the left.
Now all non performance institutions are left wing. Media, education, government departments etc.
@JohnSimpsonNews is on message
The BBC says it has serious questions about the methodology of the attack on BBC reporting of Gaza in today’s Sunday Telegraph.
Jeremy Bowen and Lyse Doucet,
who are singled out for vicious criticism,
are known worldwide as two of the finest correspondents in world journalism
Can BBCOFCOM ignore the report ? Can the bbc ignore it ?
Can Lisa nandy ignore it ?
And if they can’t ignore it do they do their own research ? Which is biased in favour of the Hamas propaganda branch that is the BBC …?
Poor Johnnie Simpson being used as a bbc mouthpiece again – must be due for a dimbleby or Attenborough to join the chorus of wealthy BBC parasites …
Simpson is a conceited tosser with one of the most inflated opinions of himself in a field of runners at the BBC that can’t get into his levels of self regard, no matter how hard they try.
the finest correspondents in world journalism
the finest correspondents in world journalism
the finest correspondents in world journalism
… still trying to let that sink in. It has all the puff and arrogance of the black knight (come back I will bite your ankles).
Yet another medic under investigation. This time an orthopaedic surgeon at Gt Ormond Street. This guy, first name Yasser (Egyptian?) had a propensity for carrying out unnecessary operations on little children – some leaving them with life changing conditions. It’s about time there was a proper background check system in place before putting any medic – particular foreign, under contract.
I have first hand knowledge that many come to this country to practice, with the basic minimum of qualifications- from a place where the standard of pass level exams are nowhere near as rigid as in this country.
In 1990/91 was shown offices in Karachi where the rich could sign up for “medical training” and eventually certification to travel overseas…. Nobody’s going near the fake Nigerian nurses thing – are they?
I wonder what those astronaughts are thinking tonight after Starliner made a perfect return to Earth and they are stuck on the space station until next year.
even if it wasn’t perfect – it seems likely any small hiccups wouldn’t be mentioned?
The PR spin was strong ….
Calvin Robinson’s Final Interview Before Leaving the UK. Are We Prepared to Fight for Britain?
“The last fight will be in America”
America Alone: The End of the World As We Know It
Someday soon, you might wake up to the call to prayer from a muezzin. Europeans already are. And liberals will still tell you that “diversity is our strength”–while Talibanic enforcers cruise Greenwich Village burning books and barber shops, the Supreme Court decides sharia law doesn’t violate the “separation of church and state,” and the Hollywood Left decides to give up on gay rights in favor of the much safer charms of polygamy.
The vicar isn’t exactly leaving – and it’s disappointing that he openly criticises Farage – how does that help the cause ? He seems unable to offer a solution to the Far left Muslim take over of Britain – but another predicting disorder / civil war .
He says he will come back to fight the next election . I can’t see it …
The places to fight the fight will get smaller and smaller.
Those who can leave will, just like those who can avoid tax will.
For those goal hanging – I’ll put the next thread up at 2100 London time ….
Not BBC – for I am without TV and don’t listen to live radio much anymore – and the online press is pretty dismal/ paywalled ..
Anyway – I do wonder if the continuos immersion in negative Far Left propaganda is healthy . I’ve been around the block – so I feel pretty proofed against propaganda – unless it’s the misinformation of old stuff put up without proper sourcing of purporting to be new .
You will be re-educated comrade ….

Ukraine appears to be calling on a fleet of fire-spewing “dragon drones” in its war with Russian invaders, putting a modern twist on a munition used to horrific effect in both world wars.
A series of videos posted on social media, including on Telegram from the Ukrainian Defense Ministry on Wednesday, show the low-flying drones dropping torrents of fire – actually molten metal – onto Russian-held positions in tree lines.
Western technology and finance are helping Ukraine carry out hundreds of long-range strikes inside Russia.
That is despite Nato allies still refusing to give Ukraine permission to use Western-supplied munitions to do so – mostly because of fears of escalation.
British engineers from Palantir, working with Ukrainian counterparts, have designed a programme to generate and map the best ways to reach a target. Palantir makes clear it is not involved in the missions, but has helped train more than 1,000 Ukrainians how to use its software.
“As well as military targets, Ukrainian drones have hit blocks of flats leaving some civilians wounded”
The attacks are mostly carried out at night. Most will be shot down. As few as 10% may reach the target. Some drones are even shot down along the way by friendly fire – Ukraine’s own air defences.
The Sunday Telegraph headline on the front page come as no surprise to us who have listened to the BBC since 7th October last year. What was a surprise to me at least was a thinly veiled attack on former President Donald Trump in ‘American Socialist’ by Jill Lepore.
Digraceful BBC. I hope OFCOM take action over the BBC’s various biases.
Roger Bootle
France is finally facing the music after decades of failure
Kemi Badenoch
Net zero is gifting our future to an increasingly dominant China
Simon Heffer
Young people will not fight to save a country they’ve been taught to hate
Liam Halligan
Grenfell tragedy must spur a new wave of social housing construction
Michael Deacon
The hypocrisy of trans activists has just been hilariously exposed
Danny Cohen
BBC’s bias laid bare will be sickening to British Jews
Camilla Tominey
Labour is now officially the stupid party
“Pimlico Plumbers founder to sell £12m penthouse as he flees Britain ahead of tax raid”
Charlie Mullins ready to have ‘no assets in the UK’ ahead of looming Budget tax rises
Lucy Burton,
Employment Editor
7 September 2024 • 12:00pm
Rod Stewart left the UK and made his home in Los Angeles in 1975 to avoid the 83% tax on top earners that existed in Britain at the time. Toto Wolff was accused of being a tax exile by Red Bull Racing team principal Christian Horner.
When studying revenue law – the following quote from IRC v Duke of Westminster 1934?is rammed home
“Every man is entitled, if he can, to order his affairs so that the tax attaching under the appropriate Acts is less than it otherwise would be. If he succeeds in ordering them so as to secure this result, then, however unappreciative the Commissioners of Inland Revenue or his fellow tax-payers may be of his ingenuity, he cannot be compelled to pay an increased tax.”
…’ there is no morality is a tax ‘( or mercy )….
Oddly enough, both Charlie Mullins and Rod Stewart share the same hairdo.
It seems the dead party is still holding a ‘conference ‘ in 2024 – but the current leader – green card sunak – will be the first ‘leader ‘ since 1963 not to make a speech – even when Micky Howard lost he stepped up .
But not our rishi . No explanation for the suicidal election date – no apology to his party . Maybe the missus could do it for him – since she probably called the election in the first place ..
Pensioners are being invited to the conference so that they can warm up …..
‘Hang the Tories’ protest banner on Salford bridge denounced by MPs
This article is more than 6 years old
Huge hand-painted sign removed from bridge by police ahead of Conservative party’s conference in Manchester