Start the Week 23rd September 2024

How will the comrades at the BBC treat the annual conference of their Favourite Political Party? Yes it is the celebration of the Labour triumph some weeks ago …

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6 Responses to Start the Week 23rd September 2024

  1. JohnC says:

    Oh my word. Look at me. No.1 again. I’m like a BBC narcissist.

    Only joking – here’s my point:

    ‘I hate Trump, she likes him – we both think he staged assassination attempts’

    Sorry for being repetitive, but this is being pushed as the #3 headline in the world today.

    What kind of utterly irresponsible nonsense is this ?. The BBC are totally abusing their power to spread misinformation in the worst kind I can imagine : via a publically funded state broadcaster who has a mandate to be impartial.

    There is no chance whatsoever that they were staged. None at all. A bullet grazed his ear FFS while he was moving about on-stage. A staged attempt would never take such a risk. It is absolutely disgraceful for the BBC to run a headline like this.

    This article should have the BBC up in front of MP’s. We all know Marianna is a bare-faced liar for her own interests, but someone else has approved this article to get the priority it has.

    They have gone to far with this one. If there are no repercussions, we can safely assume the rest of the ‘establishment’ and OFCOM are complicit.


    • JohnC says:

      And for desert : the other thing which has been bugging me

      These recent revelations about Sue Gray would have the partygate report under the spotlight in any true democracy and ‘free press’.

      The fact nobody has made the connection tells me everything I need to know. The enemy is within.


      • Deborah says:

        How little is being said in the press to remind people that it was Sue Grey who brought Boris down. Where stands the truth re Boris and cakes and photos of parties in the No10 garden. It was leaked that they were taken from Rishi’s office. Did Sue Grey have access to Rishi’s office or was it her leaking the story to cause problems between Boris and Rishi.

        I have to add when Boris became PM, I had hope but his views on rewilding greatly disappointed me.

        I think we have to rethink what we knew of Boris’ reign it may all have been true, it might ll be false. But what we see of Sue Grey, I think questions should be asked. BBC Verify where are you?


  2. JohnC says:

    Rayner defends using donor’s New York flat for holiday

    Look what a ridiculousy easy ride the vile Kuenessberg gives her over this. Rayner is as thick as shit but is allowed to talk complete nonsense without question. They have very obviously discussed the questions she would be asked in advance.

    Her argument seems to be that because he had given her money before, some more didn’t need to be declared.

    The astute observer will note the lack of constant interrupts by an aggressive Kuenessberg accompanied by a sharpness to her voice. It reminds me of the last one I saw like this which was with Corbyn.

    The BBC’s activism must be stopped before we can bring the country back to real-world common sense. And that can only be done by making them earn their viewers via voluntary subscription.

    They are actively destroying the fabric of our country. They are a cancer.


  3. vlad says:

    The IDF shut down Al Jazeera in the West Bank for promoting terrorism.

    I wonder if they could be induced to come and do the same to our national broadcaster?


  4. Flotsam says:

    Labour Party Conference

    I’ve been in Liverpool today, not for the Conference of course! I’ve had a good view of the Arena and the area around Conference, there are literally hundreds of Police in attendance to guard the Great Leader and his gang. I would estimate there are between 300 and 500 officers actually on duty plus dozens of riot vans, motorcycles and cars. It seems a poor use of valuable Police resources.
    I had a good view of the Conference when Corbyn was their leader, there was far less Police presence.
    It’s come to something when our Government has to have such a degree of protection from its citizens.


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