How will the comrades at the BBC treat the annual conference of their Favourite Political Party? Yes it is the celebration of the Labour triumph some weeks ago …
Sorry for being repetitive, but this is being pushed as the #3 headline in the world today.
What kind of utterly irresponsible nonsense is this ?. The BBC are totally abusing their power to spread misinformation in the worst kind I can imagine : via a publically funded state broadcaster who has a mandate to be impartial.
There is no chance whatsoever that they were staged. None at all. A bullet grazed his ear FFS while he was moving about on-stage. A staged attempt would never take such a risk. It is absolutely disgraceful for the BBC to run a headline like this.
This article should have the BBC up in front of MP’s. We all know Marianna is a bare-faced liar for her own interests, but someone else has approved this article to get the priority it has.
They have gone to far with this one. If there are no repercussions, we can safely assume the rest of the ‘establishment’ and OFCOM are complicit.
How little is being said in the press to remind people that it was Sue Grey who brought Boris down. Where stands the truth re Boris and cakes and photos of parties in the No10 garden. It was leaked that they were taken from Rishi’s office. Did Sue Grey have access to Rishi’s office or was it her leaking the story to cause problems between Boris and Rishi.
I have to add when Boris became PM, I had hope but his views on rewilding greatly disappointed me.
I think we have to rethink what we knew of Boris’ reign it may all have been true, it might ll be false. But what we see of Sue Grey, I think questions should be asked. BBC Verify where are you?
Look what a ridiculousy easy ride the vile Kuenessberg gives her over this. Rayner is as thick as shit but is allowed to talk complete nonsense without question. They have very obviously discussed the questions she would be asked in advance.
Her argument seems to be that because he had given her money before, some more didn’t need to be declared.
The astute observer will note the lack of constant interrupts by an aggressive Kuenessberg accompanied by a sharpness to her voice. It reminds me of the last one I saw like this which was with Corbyn.
The BBC’s activism must be stopped before we can bring the country back to real-world common sense. And that can only be done by making them earn their viewers via voluntary subscription.
They are actively destroying the fabric of our country. They are a cancer.
I’ve been in Liverpool today, not for the Conference of course! I’ve had a good view of the Arena and the area around Conference, there are literally hundreds of Police in attendance to guard the Great Leader and his gang. I would estimate there are between 300 and 500 officers actually on duty plus dozens of riot vans, motorcycles and cars. It seems a poor use of valuable Police resources.
I had a good view of the Conference when Corbyn was their leader, there was far less Police presence.
It’s come to something when our Government has to have such a degree of protection from its citizens.
“Upon achieving power, Ceaușescu eased press censorship and condemned the Warsaw Pact invasion of Czechoslovakia in his speech of 21 August 1968, which resulted in a surge in popularity. However, this period of stability was brief, as his government soon became totalitarian and came to be considered the most repressive in the Eastern Bloc. His secret police, the Securitate, was responsible for mass surveillance as well as severe repression and human rights abuses within the country, and controlled the media and press. Ceaușescu’s attempts to implement policies that would lead to a significant growth of the population led to a growing number of illegal abortions and increased the number of orphans in state institutions. Economic mismanagement due to failed oil ventures during the 1970s led to very significant foreign debts for Romania.”
Flotsam – well … who would the Far Left be frightened of ? Particularly in the benefits city of Liverpool ? Could it maybe be the Far Far Left?
At the moment any non left opposition gets a political trial – a bought judge and 2 years inside a long way from home to encourage depression and death ….
Blimey , even Prince William doesn’t have half, nay a quarter of that security detail. Perhaps Starmer and Ginger Whinger have more in common than they realise !
I do not understand why the far-left scum are having this level of police protection. I lived in a city from 1981 where I only once saw police patrolling the street.
Fast forward to just before the election and there was a climate change conference in the same city attended by the election candidates.
Just because the girly far-left-scum labour candidate was afraid of his own shadow there was massive police presence – on foot, driving by, and everybody searched and patted down just to go into a church for gods sake.
When the labour girlies contact the police for help they should be told the same thing as a young man who has just been viciously attacked by a group of thugs:
Not BBC – but dead conservatives – this time it is one William (bill ) ( billy ) Cash – who stood down at the election after having had his snout in the trough for a hundred years as an MP
Mr cash writed a column in the Telegraph saying his pal John ERM Major was right to condemn Nigel Farage for ruining brexit .
The delusion really is something . He thinks fararge delivered a labour government – and we Brexiters – reformers – are also responsible …
You can guess the comments – namely how out of touch people like Cash are – and that the false tories
failed the test causing the rise of reform – a truly blue party …
It’s such a shame the blues won’t just all go away and die …
BTW – I wonder if the sunak family have gone to California yet ? Actually who cares …
Fed, readers comments were turned off after only a few hundred had been posted. 99% of the comments were laughing at Cash and saying that he was delusional if he thought that the Tories didn’t get what they deserved , that they were finished as a political force and that the future lay with Reform.
Similarly Jenrick has in recent had two columns closed for comments very early and most of the comments that did get posted all repeated that the Tories are finished and Reform is the way ahead.
There is no doubt that the Tories have lost a key constituency represented by Telegraph readers and there is no way that they are going to get it back.
Full steam ahead for Reform. But they must not compromise , they must not bow to establishment pressure . The more hate they get from the MSM the better they are doing and the more votes they will get.
Double – i do wonder if the authors of pieces like that trash by cash have the grace to read the comments . I know it is just ‘power games ‘ and ‘signals ‘ … but do any of them have any idea how much they are despised / hated for their self inflicted failures …?
I have thought for some time that the One Nation type of Tory, be they MPs or MSMers, simply don’t understand that their allegiance to Davos rather than to the British people, has finally been rumbled by the electorate.
Their delusion is that they think if they can undermine Reform by whatever means then when Labour inevitably fail voters will turn to them. They don’t realise how deep the anger is about their betrayal of the British people over immigration, Brexit, Net Zero, the culture war etc etc.
Provided Reform stick to the four key topics listed above and produce a credible economic plan they will be the centre right party of choice and the Tories will be a fringe party.
It is a certainty that after the next election Reform will either be the government or the opposition.
The BBC don’t emphasise that Andrew Tate is Black…as black as Harris or Markle….wonder why he ain’t black?……Just who is Andrew Tate? asks the BBC…answer….
‘He is named after his father, an American who worked for the US Air Force in Britain, and who was also a chess master. His mother and father met in the UK before moving to America where Tate was raised until his parents divorced.’
As with the ‘racist’ Jane Goody the black father is somehow scrubbed from history.
US Election polls suggest a tight race with Halfwit Harris ahead at present.
But look at Rasmussen and their analysis of other companies polling data and many inconsistencies are revealed. Admittedly the analysis is too complicated in parts for me to understand fully but the Rasmussen head of polling suggests that some polls are being manipulated to put Harris ahead and that the truth is that on National Polls Trump has a lead of 1 to 3 points, which give him a large win.
This is backed up by the admittedly Conservative commentator Bill O Reilly who also reckons the polls are being fiddled and that Trump is ahead. Both commentators think Trump is much better placed than he was in 2016 or 2020.
But as Fed keeps on telling us the Globalist’s who run the West can’t allow Trump to win , it would be curtains for them. But they only have a few options.
Put in another fix and claim that the polls were correct all along. But it will need to be something much more sophisticated and convincing than last time if there isn’t going to be mass unrest .
Get another lone gunman who can’t be linked to them to be successful at the third time of asking. But all the indications are that if they did this Vance would win by a land slide.
Double – if I was Obama I’d fix the polls so that when Harris steals the election it wouldn’t be a ‘surprise ‘ – dodgy postal votes – dodgy counters and their systems – dodgy heads of states all add to the fix .
With the msn repeating its’ 2020 look the other way and federal democrat agencies ready to rubber stamp the win and find another political trial for President Trump – unless they kill him first ….. which I think is most likely – I wonder if he has a food taster ….?
All of the above accords with the mad conspiracy theory line – but as the stupid say ‘it is what it is ‘ ‘from the get go ‘ … I’m off to do some dog whistle pork barrel populist gaslighting …
I am sure that the poll fiddling that we are seeing is prep work for a fix if they think that they can get away with it. But there will be much greater scrutiny by Trump supporters at all the counts this time so it is going to be much more difficult . Plus the public are going to be much less likely to accept a fix and much more ready to believe evidence of fixing that is presented to them than they were in 2020.
All in all a fix in 2024 is going to be a lot more difficult to pull off than it was in 2020.
Assassination could well spark retaliation ,something Harris might be worried about, but would certainly also give Vance a lot more votes . The Globalist junta is in a fix , pun intended.
Until recently when I turned on my tablet Biased BBC was always near the top of suggested searches but in the last week or two it has vanished from that list. Anyone else experiencing this? It’s not a problem but I wonder if there is an algorithm at work.
I have this site as my homepage in Microsoft Edge. Saves having to search for it.
I may not post much (because I hardly ever watch or listen to the BBC), but it’s where I get the early news every day and some useful Twitter links as well.
Double – well I’ve just done a google search for biased bbc but it didn’t turn up after 10 pages – yet ther term must be used here more than anywhere else on the www …
Years ago it happened on my device. I bookmarked the page in case. However, at the moment, on an iPad with chrome, I am just typing ‘b’ and up biased bbc pops up as an option.
The BBC iPlayer page for Dopesick described the series as a true story. Whilst the story is inspired by actual events, certain characters, characterizations, incidents, locations and dialogue were imagined or invented for purposes of dramatization. The programme description has now been amended.
As I watched dopesick ( I was on the side of big pharma ) I thought that in the UK case you could replace ‘pain killers ‘ with ‘benefits ‘ – free Money – just as addictive …
HS2: true cost of London-Birmingham line is more like £66bn, boss admits
This article is more than 8 months old
Inflation means project £8bn-£10bn more expensive than 2019 estimate, MPs told
“Reeves says no U-turn on winter fuel payment cuts
published at 07:59 British Summer Time
07:59 BST
Reeves is pressed on winter fuel now – the government recently announced they are cutting winter fuel payments to 10 million pensioners.”
How about cut the illegals arriving? There is a massive saving!
Or let the tax payer pick up the bill for the 20bn deficit
Hopefully this government gets thrown out at every opportunity the electorate gets, local & national voting
Britain spends £500,000 a year to keep Channel migrants’ boats piled up in a car park in case the ‘owner’ comes forward to claim them – and now plans to build a £2MILLION processing facility in Dover. Britain spent an estimated £500,000 in the past year storing boats used by migrants to cross the Channel.7 Aug 2021
Let’s stand back for a moment and compare and contrast our BBC’s attitude revealed here in the tone of its headlines concerning these two alternate zones of foreign conflict…
Zelensky to present ‘victory plan’ to Biden, Harris and Trump
Israel and Hezbollah urged to step back as UN warns of ‘catastrophe’
Two-tier BBC? One wonders if it happened that five or six million recently arrived Ruskies were living in northern English towns (with snow still on their boots) and if Russian ‘communities’ were so ingrained (not integrated, you’ll undertstand) in our country that even the Mayor of London happened to be a Russian orthodox mate of Putin – whether that might skew our foreign policy choices somewhat differently? That and our lap dog status vis-à-vis the US State Department.
Ukraine missile request under discussion – Lammy… David Lammy told the BBC it was important that countries supporting Ukraine had “a shared strategy to win”. (BBC)
UK suspends some arms exports to Israel… Foreign Secretary David Lammy said the UK would be suspending 30 out of 350 arms export licences to Israel, affecting equipment such as parts for fighter jets, helicopters and drones (BBC)
The gynaeceum that is BBC news staff admire the regime-central Times newspaper for their top pick in their online press line-up this morning. Gosh, how we’ve come an awful long way since the days when BBC journos muttered under their breath how they saw their job as contering the influence of ‘The Tory Press’.
Good times ahead if we seize them, says Reeves… Chancellor will strike optimistic note in speech – good Times indeed. A sure way to get a good response to your speech is of course to pre-release it to a sympathetic news editor. While Tories of the David Cameron and Theresa May ilk would give their eye teeth for a sympathetic write-up from the BBC or the Guardian the Starmer adminstration enjoys an easy nod of approval from the formerly patriotic, formerly serious, former Thunderer.
A nod is as good as a wink as Cate Blanchett, your frontpage-full colour pin-up, leers knowingly from the cover of the Times – as though that organ were symbolically knowingly breaking the fourth wall with its formerly conservative audience: Glittering Prize… Cate Blanchett was handed a lifetime achievement award…
Did anyone vote for a Voice for Cate Blanchett to parliament? Hollywood has a message no-voting neanderthals – evolve deplorables! (Spectator Australia, July 2023)
Cate Blanchett’s Cannes dress causes political stir… designed by Haider Ackermann, which first appeared as a simple black dress… But when Blanchett hit the carpet, she lifted her hem exposing the green lining and a pale pink back to the dress. Seen against the film festival’s red carpet, many fans believe this was a gesture showing solidarity with Palestine… The Australian actress has been open about her stance on the ceasefire… She is well known for her activism (A convenient debut hereabouts for Shift ‘We’ve got fashion covered’)
In further pushing of the latest regime narratives: Al Fayed ‘extreme sex trafficking’ claim (Times)
Heaven forfend the Times lends a banner frontpage headline to this apparently less newsworthy egregious example of ‘extreme sex trafficking’: Judge orders Rotherham rape gang survivor to REMOVE demand for deportations in court statement (GB News); England: Outrage as Judge Blocks ‘Grooming Gang’ Victim From Calling for Rapists’ Deportation… Seven men from predominantly Pakistani backgrounds in Rotherham were convicted of offences committed between April 2003 and April 2008… the unnamed woman read out her ‘victim impact statement,’ legal paperwork intended not as evidence but to assist the judge in sentencing. GB News, the sole UK national broadcaster to cover the trial, saw an unredacted version of the document which had a key section removed from her closing remarks—under official duress. (The European Conservative)
The Times… Regime Central, you claim, Mr AsI…?
Peter Jay the former Times economics editor who became ambassador to Washington died at home yesterday at the age of 87 (Times)
Andrew Neil is back on Times Radio 1pm today (Times)
Relief for Scholtz… won a reprieve after his Social Democrat Party appeared to have narrowly beated the hard-right Alternative for Germany in his home state (Times)
I assumed that Rachel reeve would do her £22 billion gig on Today . Comrade Robinson did the chat – he stuck to the Labour Party script of talking about taking our money – no mention of the consequences of the winter payment cut
( 4 000 dead old Tory voters ) ….
He let her yap and yap about’ growth ‘ – which she translates into building houses – which is not – in my book ‘growth ‘… her growth is more public sector – not companies making money …
At the end comrade Robinson hit her for expenses – but she has no morality – no sense of right or wrong – just the blue red uni party …..
I wonder if someone will buy her a voice coach to get rid of that awful growl she has …..
No reference to the PM ( Sue gray ) … just waffle … no interruptions … ended 0827
As I listened to comrade Robinson giving an easy time to his mate reeve – I wondered if she has kids – or is just a career clone – . She is married to …..
Nicholas Beverley Joicey CB (born 11 May 1970) is Second Permanent Secretary and Group Chief Operating Officer at the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs. He was briefly Director General of the Cabinet Office’s Economic and Domestic Secretariat, having previously been Director General for Finance at the Department for Work and Pensions, and before that, Director General for Strategy, International and Finance at the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs. He previously worked as private secretary and speech writer to United Kingdom Chancellor Gordon Brown, as a journalist at The Observer newspaper and as director of the International Department at HM Treasury.
Source – wiki – swamp marries swamp ….
Btw – mr Joicey s PhD was in the ‘cultural and historical value of penguin books ‘( not misinformation ) …
I am following the rules Starmolini (H and S were better at their plans).
Does anyone remember the “work to rule” tactics of the unions in the 70s? Brought the country to a standstill and wrecked many industries. Is that the plan?
‘working to rule’ – this means refusing to do work that is optional in their contract, for example refusing to work overtime. ‘go slow’ or ‘slowdown’ – this means deliberately slowing down their work. refusing to do a specific task or part of the job.26 Mar 2024
Where’s Rufus ? When I open this site it looks like the security certificate has expired. Google makes me jump through a “this site may be dangerous” gate
Yes. Although this site still opens correctly on my Windows PC/Chrome setup, my Android/Chrome phone shows a safety certificate expiry. When I go to “advanced” it doesn’t format the forum correctly.
She was the first female breakfast show host in Radio 2’s history. She was also the first female host of the Radio 1 Breakfast Show, which she presented for two years from 1998.
Jimmy Savile report: The five senior BBC employees who knew about sexual predators but did not act
Dame Janet Smith’s report highlighted five individuals who ‘could have done something about Savile and Stuart Hall’
In total 117 witnesses to her inquiry who had worked at the BBC said they were aware of rumours about Savile’s sexual conduct. But she defended her finding that “I have found no evidence that the BBC as a corporate body was aware of Savile’s conduct”, saying “this is not a whitewash”.
UK: Labour Party bans words ‘genocide’ and ‘apartheid’ from conference
Fifteen thousand people marched in protest against the government’s Israel policy as the party’s conference began in Liverpool
Apparently he said ‘I’m 15, I’m 15, don’t let me die’ as he died. A snippet the BBC would normally jump on for maximum empathy.
But it seems this murder has gone straight to regions. To make room for stories about the BBC’s high-agenda topics such as SAS ‘war crimes’ and a 14 year old boy up in court for simply attending an anti-immigration protest. It seems they want parents to shop their kids to the police if they are right-wing. Got a distinct ring of Nazi Germany about it.
Which of course means the dead boy is black and whoever stabbed him is also black. The BBC don’t care about those. They can’t be used against whitey.
“Lebanon says 50 killed, 300 wounded in strikes
published at 11:42 British Summer Time
11:42 BST
Lebanon’s health ministry says 50 people have been killed in the strikes on villages and towns in southern Lebanon since this morning”
Its good they are being honest about 50 TERRORISTS killed
And another article by the BBC to protect Harris and attack Trump. It seems only Trump supporters post disinformation and lies.
Nothing new there, but here we have another whopping lie by omission:
‘Elon Musk, who has endorsed Trump, posted a faked image of Kamala Harris in a red uniform emblazoned with the communist hammer and sickle, captioned “Kamala vows to be a communist dictator on day one. Can you believe she wears that outfit!?”’
The image was:
I thought Musk doesn’t normally do blatant things like that and my suspicions hightened when it was an embedded picture : I could not click it to see the post and check the context.
And sure enough, it was a sarcastic respone to a tweet by Harris:
This is basically another blatant lie by the BBC. I’ve spotted a few just in the last few days.
Brought to you by this one:
But directed about what to write by persons unknown.
To be absolutely honest, Trump actually did say he would be a dictator on day one if he was elected president…….
He went on to say that he would only be a dictator on the first day of his second term, and he specified that it would only be for two issues.
“I want to close the border and I want to drill, drill, drill,” Trump said. “Other than that, I am not a dictator.”
The Kamala Cabal created a very dishonest impression with that selective, and out of context, clip of just a few words that Trump said, so they can hardly call out Trump’s Troops for sending out a meme which is no more dishonest when depicting Harris as a communist/dictator.
I understand the first woman chancellor has been the subject of an attempted booing during her speech . There was been a serious security lapse – but the boo er has been apprehended .
He has been sentenced by the Great leader to the usual 2 years imprisonment – no need for political courts …
The Labour Party has form for this. The 2005 Party Conference in Brighton ejected a heckler and when Mr Wolfgang tried to re-enter the hall after being ejected he was refused permission under Section 44 of the Prevention of Terrorism Act.
Even they agree Labour Party members are terrorists (but not Hamas or Hezbollah obviously)
I saw, in the media, a clip of the young man who heckled Reeves this morning being ‘escorted’ out of the hall. It was described in this particular media outlet as the community thug grabbing the protestor by the neck. However, during at least two points of the removal, the young man was literally being gripped by the throat. Couldn’t possibly have ben an attempt to shut down any sort of vocal comments, could it ?
Did anyone see the Beeb’s Breakfast TV report on the banning of ‘Zombie knives’ this morning? We’re introduced to Faron Paul who runs his own knife amnesty company (naturally, he’s black – which will please D&I teams immensely) – we see him taking large knives from white hands (on camera), so as to add balance to the narrative that knife crime is almost exclusively a black youth problem.
Faron has himself been stabbed 18 times, so some credit must go to him for actually doing something about the problem. The piece highlights that if you have a bigger knife than the Yoof aggressor squaring up to you, then you’ll be safe, fam.
Also, the amnesty bins near police stations are not big enough to take the huge blades, so what ya gonna do?
How are these huge machetes and blades getting into the country in the first place? Many of the purchases have been online, and without safety checks – must be easy to present fake ID I guess.
There has to be a proper deterrent, and that must mean stop and search has to be more effective. There should be custodial sentences for possession of a knife, no exceptions.
But the liberal betwetters and do-gooders will cry racism if we dare to suggest there might be a direct correlation in the percentage rise of serious knife crime since 2019, and the percentage rise in illegal immigration over the same period.
DL, I remember the scene in Crocodile Dundee when Croc is threatened with a knife. The exchange goes something like this: Croc “Call that a knife?” Croc “This is a knife” pulling out a larger blade. Then if I remember correctly, Crocodile Dundee pulls out a gun and shoots his would-be assailant.
That is replicated in the first Indiana Jones film where Indy is threatened by someone again with a knife but Indy has his bullwhip handy and cracking it pulls the knife out of the would-be assailant’s hand.
My interwebby is very slow at present. I leave it to someone else on here to search for and put up the relevant movie clips.
And things will no doubt improve once winter arrives in earnest.
Free is of course untrue, in that it is funded, BBC style, uniquely by NI. Only not that from many new friends to these shores, relatives etc.
But them even free is no good if it is too late.
2 months ago I had a hospital referral take place that had already taken a few months to filter through.
GP just advised by text he has the results, but is not qualified to interpret. So I asked the receptionist via the phone filter if I was then?
Probably a poor start. Anyhoo, she said I needed to call the hospital direct, and if that was a bust start the whole process again. It was a bust. No one picked up.
Currently still alive, but…
Do you think they will impose a tax for going private on top of the NHS vig?
BBC Children in Need . Grant Funded Projects . London and South East England
As at November 2017
Word Search:
Islington x 38;
Somali x 21;
Refugee x 33;
Young x 532;
Afghan x 3;
Arts x 43;
Football x 9;
Disabled x 64;
Autism x 12;
Literacy x 8;
Inclusion x 15;
Mental x 54;
The Mayor’s Fund for London
The project will deliver healthy food and activities to children
in 132 local projects across 33 London Boroughs during
Easter, Summer and half term school holidays.
It’s on the home page but not fact first look I missed it completely…and oddly not on the UK page….despite it being a significant story given that, one, it was deliberately announced by the union just as Reeves was boasting about the splurging of money paying off the unions, and two, that those cosy little deals have now led to another union demanding similar payments….who’d have thought that would happen?
It’s hugely significant politically as Labour’s largesse has opned the door for more excessive demands that will be hard to refuse given Labour’s claims that strikes afre more expensive than settling high demands….thus unions ramp up demands.
Just not significant for the BBC to notice….are they downplaying this huge cockup?
Diversity Inclusion & Wellbeing Manager
NHS North East London
This job is now closed
Job summary
The newly established Equality, Diversity & Inclusion (EDI) directorate is dedicated to supporting the ICB/ICS in becoming a truly inclusive organisation and system, challenging the barriers across the systemwhich cause disparities in our workforce and for our service users.
£58,698 to £65,095 a year Per annum inclusive of Inner London HCAS
Imposing state regulation on newspapers to ensure they aren’t “marking their own homework.“
“Safeguard the independence of the BBC by removing the threat of charter renewal.” So the state broadcaster avoids any and all unaccountably on a permanent basis…
Impose Leveson 2. With measures that go even further than Section 40…
Subsidise “independent journalism” with a tax on “evil tech giants.“
Another tax on “the wealthy owners of these companies so they can’t throw their weight around and torpedo effective progressive policy measures.“
Bell stops short of suggesting the foundation of a state-run newspaper. Doubtless her proposals’ happy destruction of the free press would necessitate one…
“I like the idea of a guy in charge of an organisation who makes his female chief of staff get paid more than him.”
Labour MP Emily Thornberry, chair of the Foreign Affairs Select Committee, responds to reports Sue Gray is paid more than Keir Starmer.
Questions are now sexist … see how we can’t even talk about problems … “When it comes to sexism, some Sky news presenters need to look at themselves to. (I’m a victim) ” {youtube – @2:23 – Emily Thornberry}
What really upsets (emotion) me, about your attitude to me (asking a question), you do this with me (victim). I don’t remember you doing it with anybody else you know (I’m a victim)” {youtube – @0:19 – Emily Thornberry}
Jews must despair that this numpty is head of the foreign affairs select committee….Heard her on Times Radio claiming that Hezbollah only started rocketing Israel because of what is happening in Gaza….noooooo…they started rocketing Israel instantly after the Oct 7 terrorist attack and fired over 7,000 missiles since that time basically at Israeli civilians.
Naturally she essentially wants Israel disarmed and hogtied so that it can be wiped out by her chums….whilst of course declaring Israel’s right to exist and its right of self-defence….bit difficult to successfully establish those aims with no weaponry…she demands only ‘defensive’ weapons be exported to Israel….a nuclear bomb can be defensive…our own are described as such….a deterrent….Israel’s well armed forces have long deterred an actual war with Muslim countries…to limit them to Patriot missiles and such would lead to their destruction….The posion dwarf knows this, just as Warsi did…which is why Warsi was so adamant that it happen…and resigned because the government didn’t surrender to the Muslim pressure….but Labour is…maybe Lord Alli’s sugardaddy act is paying off…unless you’re an Israeli….just as Jews in London were forced to live in fear and intimidation by Sadiq Khan who allowed the hate marches to terrorise the streets.
I wonder how the OBR feel about Labour finding this £20billion ‘black hole’ they are using as the excuse for all their tax rises.
Are they so incompetent that they’ve missed this huge sum.
Should they be disbanded because they can’t do their job.
If they are correct and not useless, why don’t they fight back saying there is NO £20B. black hole.
If they have missed it then they are no use so bin them.
Which one is correct? Labour or the OBR.
If ALL children are to get free breakfasts regardless of how well off or poor their parents are, isn’t it the same for ALL Pensioners (WFP) regardless of how well off or poor they are.
Some sort of two tiering going on there methinks.
Children…young families…Labour voters.
Pensioners…old…Tory voters.
Where does the £22bn claim come from?
The £21.9bn figure was in an audit published by the Treasury at the end of July, external – just a few weeks after Labour came to power.
The document looked at areas of public spending which are set to go over budget this year, including:
Public sector pay rises
Overspending on certain projects, such as supporting the asylum system
Unforeseen costs, such as inflation being higher than expected
Military assistance to Ukraine
To put the figure into context, in the Spring Budget, external it was expected that total public spending this year would be £1,226bn. The £22bn is a small proportion of that.
But Gemma Tetlow from the Institute for Government think tank told BBC More or Less: “looking back at history and the amount that the government tends to overspend its budgets in previous years, £22bn would be quite a large number”.
To cover some of the shortfall, Chancellor Rachel Reeves made several announcements:
Ending winter fuel payments for those not receiving pension credit
Cancelling infrastructure projects, such as the road tunnel near Stonehenge
Scrapping previous government measures, such as the planned cap on social care charges from October 2025.
go over budget this year
* public sector pay rises
* supporting the asylum system
* inflation being higher than expected
* military assistance to Ukraine
None of above touched to reduce spending! HA HA HAH A H
An anticipated non-bindingvote in the conference hall on cutting winter fuel payments to 10m pensioners did not take place – this is now scheduled in for the final day of the conference, Wednesday. One union accused Labour of trying to “silence” critical voices
Another dumb attempt to minimise reality – they really are as inept as the blues … and reds will be lining up to be agree – complete with added corruption . With a bit of luck Abbot will pop up to spread the poison – the government reds will all be back in londonistan …
The National Health Service (NHS) in England is at the centre of a big political row about its reform. It’s often said to be the third biggest employer in the world, after the Chinese army and Indian Railways. But is that really true?
It’s an incredible claim, given how much smaller the UK is than China or India.
The scandal that erupted in the United Kingdom in May 2009 concerning MPs’ abuse of
expenses allowances constitutes an ideal setting to study accountability channels in some detail and to
identify some of the causal links at play. First, the scandal involves a well-defined set of political
actors, namely the members of parliament who were in office in May 2009, who all faced the same
rules and constraints regarding their expenses. Second, the scandal erupted within a very short time
frame for all MPs involved and focused on the same issue for all MPs, namely abusing the allowance
system. These two features make scandal involvement comparable across MPs and provide a marked
identification advantage compared to either cross-country studies or studies that, even within a
country, compare scandals which occurred in different periods, concerning different sorts of political
actors and different types of wrongdoing. Moreover, the scandal was salient in public debate for
several months and it was followed by an election only one year after it began.
“Christian preacher wins second £10K payout from Met Police after she was wrongfully arrested when she was surrounded by mob chanting ‘Allahu Akbar’ at Speakers Corner.
Miss Tash, who is a director of Defend Christ Critique Islam (DCCI), claimed she had been ‘dealing with two-tiered policing for years’ and that a ‘Muslim mob’ who gather at the area known as the home of free speech seemed to be ‘above the law’.”
6pm bbc news – orla wearing a black armband and with a head looking more skeletal every day . She does doom and gloom on behalf of Islamic terrorists like the pro she is …
Keep going IDF hand out a few more pagers …
Better to use that as a distraction rather than show the State Broadcaster Political Party scrapping with itself …
They ran a dead Islamic rapist story ( fayed ) as number 2 story . A dead story about dead vermin .
Looks like bbcofcom ordered their puppy to only briefly cover the Red government conference -which is biased in anyone’s book
.. next week the dead blue party conference is in a crematorium in a cemetery …
This old fake news….I’m sorry but there are endless tales of white bands gettimg ripped off…including Queen….but apparently it was just because they were Black that these ones were ripped off in exactly the same manner…
‘Charting the shocking story of how some of music’s most loved artists – from Louis Armstrong to Prince – were exploited by the music industry on the basis of their race.
This episode tells the stories of how some of the most successful and popular jazz, blues and rock ‘n’ roll musicians of all time suffered at the hands of the industry. Bad contracts with flat fees were signed by Bessie Smith, Nina Simone, Chuck Berry and many others, which ended up losing them tens of millions of dollars. ‘
This is a rehash of Alvin Hall’s dive into Black music a few years back….trouble is that much of the exploitation and the hate was from other blacks and black companies. Hall told us that Rap was the authentic sound of Black people in American cities…and then went on to claim that this form of music was exploitation because…soooo many white people bought it…and made the musicians mega rich…but apparently that’s bad….this is not how black lives should be portrayed…despite, lol, it being authentically ‘black’.
As usual the BBC has absolutely no idea about race other than some dodgy carpet bagging race hustler selling them a sob story….they fall for it every time…so much white guilt.
An NHS doctor, Catja Schmitgen, previously told the Mail that translation-related delays have become ‘a major issue’, especially in urban areas. She said consultations with non-English speakers took twice as long because information had to be spelt out or relayed through translators and as a result there was less time for other patients.
Last night a spokesman for the Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust said: ‘We are committed to responding to the specific needs raised by any of our patients – and every patient has the right to a professional interpreter.’
I think we have hundreds of thousands of illegals on their armoured 125s ready to take on the hun / Russians / whoever – and if you survive you get a free dinghy to paddle back to France ….
Eddy BoothMar 10, 00:35 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “Investor in Alastair Campbell’s son’s football betting syndicate ‘dies before receiving his £160,000 back’ after saying: ‘Are you just hoping…
JohnCMar 10, 00:28 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Syria leader vows to hunt down those responsible for bloodshed ‘A UK-based monitor said 830 civilians were killed in…
JohnCMar 10, 00:14 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Romanian far-right presidential hopeful barred from poll rerun An astonishing story of how deep the EU Leftist cancer has…
JohnCMar 9, 23:32 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Mark Carney wins race to succeed Trudeau and vows to stand up to Trump Good God – I started…
Eddy BoothMar 9, 23:25 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I just don’t like him. And I was suspicious of the new vax from the start myself. I don’t trust…
JonathanRMar 9, 22:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Farage will not save Britain It is far too late
JonathanRMar 9, 22:35 Start the Week 10th March 2025 No he is not but if you ever see his videos he interviews specialists in their fields. The same smears…
Oh my word. Look at me. No.1 again. I’m like a BBC narcissist.
Only joking – here’s my point:
‘I hate Trump, she likes him – we both think he staged assassination attempts’
Sorry for being repetitive, but this is being pushed as the #3 headline in the world today.
What kind of utterly irresponsible nonsense is this ?. The BBC are totally abusing their power to spread misinformation in the worst kind I can imagine : via a publically funded state broadcaster who has a mandate to be impartial.
There is no chance whatsoever that they were staged. None at all. A bullet grazed his ear FFS while he was moving about on-stage. A staged attempt would never take such a risk. It is absolutely disgraceful for the BBC to run a headline like this.
This article should have the BBC up in front of MP’s. We all know Marianna is a bare-faced liar for her own interests, but someone else has approved this article to get the priority it has.
They have gone to far with this one. If there are no repercussions, we can safely assume the rest of the ‘establishment’ and OFCOM are complicit.
And for desert : the other thing which has been bugging me
These recent revelations about Sue Gray would have the partygate report under the spotlight in any true democracy and ‘free press’.
The fact nobody has made the connection tells me everything I need to know. The enemy is within.
How little is being said in the press to remind people that it was Sue Grey who brought Boris down. Where stands the truth re Boris and cakes and photos of parties in the No10 garden. It was leaked that they were taken from Rishi’s office. Did Sue Grey have access to Rishi’s office or was it her leaking the story to cause problems between Boris and Rishi.
I have to add when Boris became PM, I had hope but his views on rewilding greatly disappointed me.
I think we have to rethink what we knew of Boris’ reign it may all have been true, it might ll be false. But what we see of Sue Grey, I think questions should be asked. BBC Verify where are you?
Rayner defends using donor’s New York flat for holiday
Look what a ridiculousy easy ride the vile Kuenessberg gives her over this. Rayner is as thick as shit but is allowed to talk complete nonsense without question. They have very obviously discussed the questions she would be asked in advance.
Her argument seems to be that because he had given her money before, some more didn’t need to be declared.
The astute observer will note the lack of constant interrupts by an aggressive Kuenessberg accompanied by a sharpness to her voice. It reminds me of the last one I saw like this which was with Corbyn.
The BBC’s activism must be stopped before we can bring the country back to real-world common sense. And that can only be done by making them earn their viewers via voluntary subscription.
They are actively destroying the fabric of our country. They are a cancer.
Where are Kuenssberg and Crerar when you need them to bring Starmer down?
The IDF shut down Al Jazeera in the West Bank for promoting terrorism.
I wonder if they could be induced to come and do the same to our national broadcaster?
Labour Party Conference
I’ve been in Liverpool today, not for the Conference of course! I’ve had a good view of the Arena and the area around Conference, there are literally hundreds of Police in attendance to guard the Great Leader and his gang. I would estimate there are between 300 and 500 officers actually on duty plus dozens of riot vans, motorcycles and cars. It seems a poor use of valuable Police resources.
I had a good view of the Conference when Corbyn was their leader, there was far less Police presence.
It’s come to something when our Government has to have such a degree of protection from its citizens.
Starmer’s ‘nicolae ceaușescu’ moment is yet to come…………
“Upon achieving power, Ceaușescu eased press censorship and condemned the Warsaw Pact invasion of Czechoslovakia in his speech of 21 August 1968, which resulted in a surge in popularity. However, this period of stability was brief, as his government soon became totalitarian and came to be considered the most repressive in the Eastern Bloc. His secret police, the Securitate, was responsible for mass surveillance as well as severe repression and human rights abuses within the country, and controlled the media and press. Ceaușescu’s attempts to implement policies that would lead to a significant growth of the population led to a growing number of illegal abortions and increased the number of orphans in state institutions. Economic mismanagement due to failed oil ventures during the 1970s led to very significant foreign debts for Romania.”
Flotsam – well … who would the Far Left be frightened of ? Particularly in the benefits city of Liverpool ? Could it maybe be the Far Far Left?
At the moment any non left opposition gets a political trial – a bought judge and 2 years inside a long way from home to encourage depression and death ….
Blimey , even Prince William doesn’t have half, nay a quarter of that security detail. Perhaps Starmer and Ginger Whinger have more in common than they realise !
I do not understand why the far-left scum are having this level of police protection. I lived in a city from 1981 where I only once saw police patrolling the street.
Fast forward to just before the election and there was a climate change conference in the same city attended by the election candidates.
Just because the girly far-left-scum labour candidate was afraid of his own shadow there was massive police presence – on foot, driving by, and everybody searched and patted down just to go into a church for gods sake.
When the labour girlies contact the police for help they should be told the same thing as a young man who has just been viciously attacked by a group of thugs:
“We have no one currently available”
That’s a measure how popular he is.
Now, who does this remind me of ?
“Harris’ critics sound off after VP is endorsed by IRS-affiliated union: ‘Get ready to be taxed to death’
The move ‘should tell you all what her plans are for us,’ one pro-Trump commentator said on X”
Not BBC – but dead conservatives – this time it is one William (bill ) ( billy ) Cash – who stood down at the election after having had his snout in the trough for a hundred years as an MP
Mr cash writed a column in the Telegraph saying his pal John ERM Major was right to condemn Nigel Farage for ruining brexit .
The delusion really is something . He thinks fararge delivered a labour government – and we Brexiters – reformers – are also responsible …
You can guess the comments – namely how out of touch people like Cash are – and that the false tories
failed the test causing the rise of reform – a truly blue party …
It’s such a shame the blues won’t just all go away and die …
BTW – I wonder if the sunak family have gone to California yet ? Actually who cares …
Fed, readers comments were turned off after only a few hundred had been posted. 99% of the comments were laughing at Cash and saying that he was delusional if he thought that the Tories didn’t get what they deserved , that they were finished as a political force and that the future lay with Reform.
Similarly Jenrick has in recent had two columns closed for comments very early and most of the comments that did get posted all repeated that the Tories are finished and Reform is the way ahead.
There is no doubt that the Tories have lost a key constituency represented by Telegraph readers and there is no way that they are going to get it back.
Full steam ahead for Reform. But they must not compromise , they must not bow to establishment pressure . The more hate they get from the MSM the better they are doing and the more votes they will get.
Double – i do wonder if the authors of pieces like that trash by cash have the grace to read the comments . I know it is just ‘power games ‘ and ‘signals ‘ … but do any of them have any idea how much they are despised / hated for their self inflicted failures …?
I have thought for some time that the One Nation type of Tory, be they MPs or MSMers, simply don’t understand that their allegiance to Davos rather than to the British people, has finally been rumbled by the electorate.
Their delusion is that they think if they can undermine Reform by whatever means then when Labour inevitably fail voters will turn to them. They don’t realise how deep the anger is about their betrayal of the British people over immigration, Brexit, Net Zero, the culture war etc etc.
Provided Reform stick to the four key topics listed above and produce a credible economic plan they will be the centre right party of choice and the Tories will be a fringe party.
It is a certainty that after the next election Reform will either be the government or the opposition.
Just think – Cash was an MP for 40 (forty )years … how can that be ?
The BBC don’t emphasise that Andrew Tate is Black…as black as Harris or Markle….wonder why he ain’t black?……Just who is Andrew Tate? asks the BBC…answer….
‘He is named after his father, an American who worked for the US Air Force in Britain, and who was also a chess master. His mother and father met in the UK before moving to America where Tate was raised until his parents divorced.’
As with the ‘racist’ Jane Goody the black father is somehow scrubbed from history.
Daily Mail photos…..
US Election polls suggest a tight race with Halfwit Harris ahead at present.
But look at Rasmussen and their analysis of other companies polling data and many inconsistencies are revealed. Admittedly the analysis is too complicated in parts for me to understand fully but the Rasmussen head of polling suggests that some polls are being manipulated to put Harris ahead and that the truth is that on National Polls Trump has a lead of 1 to 3 points, which give him a large win.
This is backed up by the admittedly Conservative commentator Bill O Reilly who also reckons the polls are being fiddled and that Trump is ahead. Both commentators think Trump is much better placed than he was in 2016 or 2020.
But as Fed keeps on telling us the Globalist’s who run the West can’t allow Trump to win , it would be curtains for them. But they only have a few options.
Put in another fix and claim that the polls were correct all along. But it will need to be something much more sophisticated and convincing than last time if there isn’t going to be mass unrest .
Get another lone gunman who can’t be linked to them to be successful at the third time of asking. But all the indications are that if they did this Vance would win by a land slide.
The summer may be over but things are hotting up!
Double – if I was Obama I’d fix the polls so that when Harris steals the election it wouldn’t be a ‘surprise ‘ – dodgy postal votes – dodgy counters and their systems – dodgy heads of states all add to the fix .
With the msn repeating its’ 2020 look the other way and federal democrat agencies ready to rubber stamp the win and find another political trial for President Trump – unless they kill him first ….. which I think is most likely – I wonder if he has a food taster ….?
All of the above accords with the mad conspiracy theory line – but as the stupid say ‘it is what it is ‘ ‘from the get go ‘ … I’m off to do some dog whistle pork barrel populist gaslighting …
I am sure that the poll fiddling that we are seeing is prep work for a fix if they think that they can get away with it. But there will be much greater scrutiny by Trump supporters at all the counts this time so it is going to be much more difficult . Plus the public are going to be much less likely to accept a fix and much more ready to believe evidence of fixing that is presented to them than they were in 2020.
All in all a fix in 2024 is going to be a lot more difficult to pull off than it was in 2020.
Assassination could well spark retaliation ,something Harris might be worried about, but would certainly also give Vance a lot more votes . The Globalist junta is in a fix , pun intended.
Until recently when I turned on my tablet Biased BBC was always near the top of suggested searches but in the last week or two it has vanished from that list. Anyone else experiencing this? It’s not a problem but I wonder if there is an algorithm at work.
I have this site as my homepage in Microsoft Edge. Saves having to search for it.
I may not post much (because I hardly ever watch or listen to the BBC), but it’s where I get the early news every day and some useful Twitter links as well.
Double – well I’ve just done a google search for biased bbc but it didn’t turn up after 10 pages – yet ther term must be used here more than anywhere else on the www …
Years ago it happened on my device. I bookmarked the page in case. However, at the moment, on an iPad with chrome, I am just typing ‘b’ and up biased bbc pops up as an option.
Happening to me too. It’s totally disappeared from my regular view list, and now have to type it in everytime. Thought it was just me and my phone.
2019 …
BBC iPlayer, 28 April 2024
The BBC iPlayer page for Dopesick described the series as a true story. Whilst the story is inspired by actual events, certain characters, characterizations, incidents, locations and dialogue were imagined or invented for purposes of dramatization. The programme description has now been amended.
Whatever it says its still an excellent watch. Michael Keaton is great as per usual.
As I watched dopesick ( I was on the side of big pharma ) I thought that in the UK case you could replace ‘pain killers ‘ with ‘benefits ‘ – free Money – just as addictive …
22 billion black hole ….
NHS to benefit from £13.4 billion debt write-off
£4 billion of unusable PPE bought in first year of pandemic will be burnt “to generate power”
10 June 2022
HS2: true cost of London-Birmingham line is more like £66bn, boss admits
This article is more than 8 months old
Inflation means project £8bn-£10bn more expensive than 2019 estimate, MPs told
bbc reports:-
“Reeves says no U-turn on winter fuel payment cuts
published at 07:59 British Summer Time
07:59 BST
Reeves is pressed on winter fuel now – the government recently announced they are cutting winter fuel payments to 10 million pensioners.”
How about cut the illegals arriving? There is a massive saving!
Or let the tax payer pick up the bill for the 20bn deficit
Hopefully this government gets thrown out at every opportunity the electorate gets, local & national voting
Britain spends £500,000 a year to keep Channel migrants’ boats piled up in a car park in case the ‘owner’ comes forward to claim them – and now plans to build a £2MILLION processing facility in Dover. Britain spent an estimated £500,000 in the past year storing boats used by migrants to cross the Channel.7 Aug 2021
Win-win situation and good Times ahead edition
Let’s stand back for a moment and compare and contrast our BBC’s attitude revealed here in the tone of its headlines concerning these two alternate zones of foreign conflict…
Zelensky to present ‘victory plan’ to Biden, Harris and Trump
Israel and Hezbollah urged to step back as UN warns of ‘catastrophe’
Two-tier BBC? One wonders if it happened that five or six million recently arrived Ruskies were living in northern English towns (with snow still on their boots) and if Russian ‘communities’ were so ingrained (not integrated, you’ll undertstand) in our country that even the Mayor of London happened to be a Russian orthodox mate of Putin – whether that might skew our foreign policy choices somewhat differently? That and our lap dog status vis-à-vis the US State Department.
Ukraine missile request under discussion – Lammy… David Lammy told the BBC it was important that countries supporting Ukraine had “a shared strategy to win”. (BBC)
UK suspends some arms exports to Israel… Foreign Secretary David Lammy said the UK would be suspending 30 out of 350 arms export licences to Israel, affecting equipment such as parts for fighter jets, helicopters and drones (BBC)
The gynaeceum that is BBC news staff admire the regime-central Times newspaper for their top pick in their online press line-up this morning. Gosh, how we’ve come an awful long way since the days when BBC journos muttered under their breath how they saw their job as contering the influence of ‘The Tory Press’.
Good times ahead if we seize them, says Reeves… Chancellor will strike optimistic note in speech – good Times indeed. A sure way to get a good response to your speech is of course to pre-release it to a sympathetic news editor. While Tories of the David Cameron and Theresa May ilk would give their eye teeth for a sympathetic write-up from the BBC or the Guardian the Starmer adminstration enjoys an easy nod of approval from the formerly patriotic, formerly serious, former Thunderer.
A nod is as good as a wink as Cate Blanchett, your frontpage-full colour pin-up, leers knowingly from the cover of the Times – as though that organ were symbolically knowingly breaking the fourth wall with its formerly conservative audience: Glittering Prize… Cate Blanchett was handed a lifetime achievement award…
Did anyone vote for a Voice for Cate Blanchett to parliament? Hollywood has a message no-voting neanderthals – evolve deplorables! (Spectator Australia, July 2023)
Cate Blanchett’s Cannes dress causes political stir… designed by Haider Ackermann, which first appeared as a simple black dress… But when Blanchett hit the carpet, she lifted her hem exposing the green lining and a pale pink back to the dress. Seen against the film festival’s red carpet, many fans believe this was a gesture showing solidarity with Palestine… The Australian actress has been open about her stance on the ceasefire… She is well known for her activism (A convenient debut hereabouts for Shift ‘We’ve got fashion covered’)
In further pushing of the latest regime narratives: Al Fayed ‘extreme sex trafficking’ claim (Times)
Heaven forfend the Times lends a banner frontpage headline to this apparently less newsworthy egregious example of ‘extreme sex trafficking’: Judge orders Rotherham rape gang survivor to REMOVE demand for deportations in court statement (GB News); England: Outrage as Judge Blocks ‘Grooming Gang’ Victim From Calling for Rapists’ Deportation… Seven men from predominantly Pakistani backgrounds in Rotherham were convicted of offences committed between April 2003 and April 2008… the unnamed woman read out her ‘victim impact statement,’ legal paperwork intended not as evidence but to assist the judge in sentencing. GB News, the sole UK national broadcaster to cover the trial, saw an unredacted version of the document which had a key section removed from her closing remarks—under official duress. (The European Conservative)
The Times… Regime Central, you claim, Mr AsI…?
Peter Jay the former Times economics editor who became ambassador to Washington died at home yesterday at the age of 87 (Times)
Andrew Neil is back on Times Radio 1pm today (Times)
Relief for Scholtz… won a reprieve after his Social Democrat Party appeared to have narrowly beated the hard-right Alternative for Germany in his home state (Times)
I assumed that Rachel reeve would do her £22 billion gig on Today . Comrade Robinson did the chat – he stuck to the Labour Party script of talking about taking our money – no mention of the consequences of the winter payment cut
( 4 000 dead old Tory voters ) ….
He let her yap and yap about’ growth ‘ – which she translates into building houses – which is not – in my book ‘growth ‘… her growth is more public sector – not companies making money …
At the end comrade Robinson hit her for expenses – but she has no morality – no sense of right or wrong – just the blue red uni party …..
I wonder if someone will buy her a voice coach to get rid of that awful growl she has …..
No reference to the PM ( Sue gray ) … just waffle … no interruptions … ended 0827
BBC give Rachel gifts and FREE tickets- moving on quickly HA HA HAH AH HAH A
As I listened to comrade Robinson giving an easy time to his mate reeve – I wondered if she has kids – or is just a career clone – . She is married to …..
Nicholas Beverley Joicey CB (born 11 May 1970) is Second Permanent Secretary and Group Chief Operating Officer at the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs. He was briefly Director General of the Cabinet Office’s Economic and Domestic Secretariat, having previously been Director General for Finance at the Department for Work and Pensions, and before that, Director General for Strategy, International and Finance at the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs. He previously worked as private secretary and speech writer to United Kingdom Chancellor Gordon Brown, as a journalist at The Observer newspaper and as director of the International Department at HM Treasury.
Source – wiki – swamp marries swamp ….
Btw – mr Joicey s PhD was in the ‘cultural and historical value of penguin books ‘( not misinformation ) …
Yes – the BBC gives out free tickets to political friends … I wonder how many tories got tickets – surely an equal number ? No bias eh?
Labour script heads the bbc moaning Emole:
Reeves to pledge ‘a decade of renewal’
BBC, if the hapless waste of oxygen is still in power in a year I’ll be surprised.
The BBC will of course remain like a backed up drain smell.
renewal – built on the deaths of the old people!
A year? I’d be very surprised to see half the cabinet still there at Christmas.
“But they lie and hide the Truth from your eyes
Is our BBC & Press too terrified to show you the protests outside?
Is our BBC & Press working with Labour to hide the Truth ?
When you have to rely on Indian News to watch 15.000+ Protesting against Labour
You know our society is trapped in a totalitarian left Wing Mess
Was the Unite the Union Pensioner Protest to much for the BBC & Press to handle ?
So they hid it from your eyes to protect their GIobaIist Labour Pals ?”
I am following the rules Starmolini (H and S were better at their plans).
Does anyone remember the “work to rule” tactics of the unions in the 70s? Brought the country to a standstill and wrecked many industries. Is that the plan?
‘working to rule’ – this means refusing to do work that is optional in their contract, for example refusing to work overtime. ‘go slow’ or ‘slowdown’ – this means deliberately slowing down their work. refusing to do a specific task or part of the job.26 Mar 2024
Will the civil service work to rule from home? How would we notice the difference?
By the amount of economic sabotage that they do .
How Angela Rayner is enhancing her profile with a £68k photographer
Where’s Rufus ? When I open this site it looks like the security certificate has expired. Google makes me jump through a “this site may be dangerous” gate
Yes. Although this site still opens correctly on my Windows PC/Chrome setup, my Android/Chrome phone shows a safety certificate expiry. When I go to “advanced” it doesn’t format the forum correctly.
BBC BREAKING … “Zoe Ball ‘wanders back’ to Radio 2 breakfast show!”
She was the first female breakfast show host in Radio 2’s history. She was also the first female host of the Radio 1 Breakfast Show, which she presented for two years from 1998.
Jimmy Savile report: The five senior BBC employees who knew about sexual predators but did not act
Dame Janet Smith’s report highlighted five individuals who ‘could have done something about Savile and Stuart Hall’
In total 117 witnesses to her inquiry who had worked at the BBC said they were aware of rumours about Savile’s sexual conduct. But she defended her finding that “I have found no evidence that the BBC as a corporate body was aware of Savile’s conduct”, saying “this is not a whitewash”.
UK: Labour Party bans words ‘genocide’ and ‘apartheid’ from conference
Fifteen thousand people marched in protest against the government’s Israel policy as the party’s conference began in Liverpool
Labour MP Kim Johnson addressed the crowd but was heckled by some protesters who urged her to “get out of the Labour Party”.
Controversy also erupted surrounding a planned fringe event on Palestine at the conference.
Murder probe after teenage boy stabbed to death
Apparently he said ‘I’m 15, I’m 15, don’t let me die’ as he died. A snippet the BBC would normally jump on for maximum empathy.
But it seems this murder has gone straight to regions. To make room for stories about the BBC’s high-agenda topics such as SAS ‘war crimes’ and a 14 year old boy up in court for simply attending an anti-immigration protest. It seems they want parents to shop their kids to the police if they are right-wing. Got a distinct ring of Nazi Germany about it.
Which of course means the dead boy is black and whoever stabbed him is also black. The BBC don’t care about those. They can’t be used against whitey.
Of course they can, it’s whitey’s fault they weren’t stopped. There you go.
bbc reports:-
“Lebanon says 50 killed, 300 wounded in strikes
published at 11:42 British Summer Time
11:42 BST
Lebanon’s health ministry says 50 people have been killed in the strikes on villages and towns in southern Lebanon since this morning”
Its good they are being honest about 50 TERRORISTS killed
Why ‘Comrade Kamala’ memes are spreading among Latino exiles
And another article by the BBC to protect Harris and attack Trump. It seems only Trump supporters post disinformation and lies.
Nothing new there, but here we have another whopping lie by omission:
‘Elon Musk, who has endorsed Trump, posted a faked image of Kamala Harris in a red uniform emblazoned with the communist hammer and sickle, captioned “Kamala vows to be a communist dictator on day one. Can you believe she wears that outfit!?”’
The image was:

I thought Musk doesn’t normally do blatant things like that and my suspicions hightened when it was an embedded picture : I could not click it to see the post and check the context.
And sure enough, it was a sarcastic respone to a tweet by Harris:

This is basically another blatant lie by the BBC. I’ve spotted a few just in the last few days.
Brought to you by this one:

But directed about what to write by persons unknown.
Trainee Emily.
I agree with Emily Maitlis
Do you?
Had to do something to dig as deep as Sopes and Larry.
Not convinced a rallying call in the ‘I’ is it.
But they are all flailing around looking for a boogeyperson to stir up their four listeners.
People love this stuff!
To be absolutely honest, Trump actually did say he would be a dictator on day one if he was elected president…….
He went on to say that he would only be a dictator on the first day of his second term, and he specified that it would only be for two issues.
“I want to close the border and I want to drill, drill, drill,” Trump said. “Other than that, I am not a dictator.”
The Kamala Cabal created a very dishonest impression with that selective, and out of context, clip of just a few words that Trump said, so they can hardly call out Trump’s Troops for sending out a meme which is no more dishonest when depicting Harris as a communist/dictator.
Stop press
I understand the first woman chancellor has been the subject of an attempted booing during her speech . There was been a serious security lapse – but the boo er has been apprehended .
He has been sentenced by the Great leader to the usual 2 years imprisonment – no need for political courts …
All hail the Great Leader ..
The Labour Party has form for this. The 2005 Party Conference in Brighton ejected a heckler and when Mr Wolfgang tried to re-enter the hall after being ejected he was refused permission under Section 44 of the Prevention of Terrorism Act.
Even they agree Labour Party members are terrorists (but not Hamas or Hezbollah obviously)
I saw, in the media, a clip of the young man who heckled Reeves this morning being ‘escorted’ out of the hall. It was described in this particular media outlet as the community thug grabbing the protestor by the neck. However, during at least two points of the removal, the young man was literally being gripped by the throat. Couldn’t possibly have ben an attempt to shut down any sort of vocal comments, could it ?
The Burley… nice.
Only to be used when Teflon.
Keir Starmer covered in glitter by protester during conference speech
Did anyone see the Beeb’s Breakfast TV report on the banning of ‘Zombie knives’ this morning? We’re introduced to Faron Paul who runs his own knife amnesty company (naturally, he’s black – which will please D&I teams immensely) – we see him taking large knives from white hands (on camera), so as to add balance to the narrative that knife crime is almost exclusively a black youth problem.
Faron has himself been stabbed 18 times, so some credit must go to him for actually doing something about the problem. The piece highlights that if you have a bigger knife than the Yoof aggressor squaring up to you, then you’ll be safe, fam.
Also, the amnesty bins near police stations are not big enough to take the huge blades, so what ya gonna do?
How are these huge machetes and blades getting into the country in the first place? Many of the purchases have been online, and without safety checks – must be easy to present fake ID I guess.
There has to be a proper deterrent, and that must mean stop and search has to be more effective. There should be custodial sentences for possession of a knife, no exceptions.
But the liberal betwetters and do-gooders will cry racism if we dare to suggest there might be a direct correlation in the percentage rise of serious knife crime since 2019, and the percentage rise in illegal immigration over the same period.
Do they still nick the amnesty bins ?
DL, I remember the scene in Crocodile Dundee when Croc is threatened with a knife. The exchange goes something like this: Croc “Call that a knife?” Croc “This is a knife” pulling out a larger blade. Then if I remember correctly, Crocodile Dundee pulls out a gun and shoots his would-be assailant.
That is replicated in the first Indiana Jones film where Indy is threatened by someone again with a knife but Indy has his bullwhip handy and cracking it pulls the knife out of the would-be assailant’s hand.
My interwebby is very slow at present. I leave it to someone else on here to search for and put up the relevant movie clips.
Mohamed Al Fayed: Timeline of sex abuse allegations
Maybe the likes of the bbc could rename this “Another muslim”
Lessons will be learnt!
Is it true our deputy Prime minister spent £2000 of the cash donation for clothes on underwear?
Most of which was spent at “playful promises” ?
Lucky Wes is on it. And Jess gets fast tracked.
And things will no doubt improve once winter arrives in earnest.
Free is of course untrue, in that it is funded, BBC style, uniquely by NI. Only not that from many new friends to these shores, relatives etc.
But them even free is no good if it is too late.
2 months ago I had a hospital referral take place that had already taken a few months to filter through.
GP just advised by text he has the results, but is not qualified to interpret. So I asked the receptionist via the phone filter if I was then?
Probably a poor start. Anyhoo, she said I needed to call the hospital direct, and if that was a bust start the whole process again. It was a bust. No one picked up.
Currently still alive, but…
Do you think they will impose a tax for going private on top of the NHS vig?
The number of brain surgeons and concert pianists etc. popping over the channel has now passed the number at this time last year.
Just think what the numbers would be if the weather this year had been similar to last year and not continuously windy and wet*
*I still fully expect our wokies to declare this year as the hottest ever (as they seem to do each year)
NHS is saved!
Re knifes for sale. thought I’d do a quick google…
Very scary what can be brought
Remember what a .22 did to JFK.
BBC Children in Need . Grant Funded Projects . London and South East England
As at November 2017
Word Search:
Islington x 38;
Somali x 21;
Refugee x 33;
Young x 532;
Afghan x 3;
Arts x 43;
Football x 9;
Disabled x 64;
Autism x 12;
Literacy x 8;
Inclusion x 15;
Mental x 54;
The Mayor’s Fund for London
The project will deliver healthy food and activities to children
in 132 local projects across 33 London Boroughs during
Easter, Summer and half term school holidays.
Wow !! I had to sit down immediately and take deep breaths…………
BBC News ………..
C’mon Home Office, ‘blades of grass’ and ‘paper cuts’? To be banned? Protect the public.
What’s going on.
Diversity is our ….
Strange this sin’t a bigger story on the BBC…
‘Nurses in England say 5.5% pay rise not enough’
It’s on the home page but not fact first look I missed it completely…and oddly not on the UK page….despite it being a significant story given that, one, it was deliberately announced by the union just as Reeves was boasting about the splurging of money paying off the unions, and two, that those cosy little deals have now led to another union demanding similar payments….who’d have thought that would happen?
It’s hugely significant politically as Labour’s largesse has opned the door for more excessive demands that will be hard to refuse given Labour’s claims that strikes afre more expensive than settling high demands….thus unions ramp up demands.
Just not significant for the BBC to notice….are they downplaying this huge cockup?
Diversity Inclusion & Wellbeing Manager
NHS North East London
This job is now closed
Job summary
The newly established Equality, Diversity & Inclusion (EDI) directorate is dedicated to supporting the ICB/ICS in becoming a truly inclusive organisation and system, challenging the barriers across the systemwhich cause disparities in our workforce and for our service users.
£58,698 to £65,095 a year Per annum inclusive of Inner London HCAS
The MP’s other bright panel proposals include:
Imposing state regulation on newspapers to ensure they aren’t “marking their own homework.“
“Safeguard the independence of the BBC by removing the threat of charter renewal.” So the state broadcaster avoids any and all unaccountably on a permanent basis…
Impose Leveson 2. With measures that go even further than Section 40…
Subsidise “independent journalism” with a tax on “evil tech giants.“
Another tax on “the wealthy owners of these companies so they can’t throw their weight around and torpedo effective progressive policy measures.“
Bell stops short of suggesting the foundation of a state-run newspaper. Doubtless her proposals’ happy destruction of the free press would necessitate one…
Questions are now sexist … see how we can’t even talk about problems … “When it comes to sexism, some Sky news presenters need to look at themselves to. (I’m a victim) ” {youtube – @2:23 – Emily Thornberry}
What really upsets (emotion) me, about your attitude to me (asking a question), you do this with me (victim). I don’t remember you doing it with anybody else you know (I’m a victim)” {youtube – @0:19 – Emily Thornberry}
Some pigs are more equal than other pigs.
Jews must despair that this numpty is head of the foreign affairs select committee….Heard her on Times Radio claiming that Hezbollah only started rocketing Israel because of what is happening in Gaza….noooooo…they started rocketing Israel instantly after the Oct 7 terrorist attack and fired over 7,000 missiles since that time basically at Israeli civilians.
Naturally she essentially wants Israel disarmed and hogtied so that it can be wiped out by her chums….whilst of course declaring Israel’s right to exist and its right of self-defence….bit difficult to successfully establish those aims with no weaponry…she demands only ‘defensive’ weapons be exported to Israel….a nuclear bomb can be defensive…our own are described as such….a deterrent….Israel’s well armed forces have long deterred an actual war with Muslim countries…to limit them to Patriot missiles and such would lead to their destruction….The posion dwarf knows this, just as Warsi did…which is why Warsi was so adamant that it happen…and resigned because the government didn’t surrender to the Muslim pressure….but Labour is…maybe Lord Alli’s sugardaddy act is paying off…unless you’re an Israeli….just as Jews in London were forced to live in fear and intimidation by Sadiq Khan who allowed the hate marches to terrorise the streets.
I wonder how the OBR feel about Labour finding this £20billion ‘black hole’ they are using as the excuse for all their tax rises.
Are they so incompetent that they’ve missed this huge sum.
Should they be disbanded because they can’t do their job.
If they are correct and not useless, why don’t they fight back saying there is NO £20B. black hole.
If they have missed it then they are no use so bin them.
Which one is correct? Labour or the OBR.
If ALL children are to get free breakfasts regardless of how well off or poor their parents are, isn’t it the same for ALL Pensioners (WFP) regardless of how well off or poor they are.
Some sort of two tiering going on there methinks.
Children…young families…Labour voters.
Pensioners…old…Tory voters.
So nobody in Labour could see this black hole – and they will not provide a list.
Where does the £22bn claim come from?
The £21.9bn figure was in an audit published by the Treasury at the end of July, external – just a few weeks after Labour came to power.
The document looked at areas of public spending which are set to go over budget this year, including:
Public sector pay rises
Overspending on certain projects, such as supporting the asylum system
Unforeseen costs, such as inflation being higher than expected
Military assistance to Ukraine
To put the figure into context, in the Spring Budget, external it was expected that total public spending this year would be £1,226bn. The £22bn is a small proportion of that.
But Gemma Tetlow from the Institute for Government think tank told BBC More or Less: “looking back at history and the amount that the government tends to overspend its budgets in previous years, £22bn would be quite a large number”.
To cover some of the shortfall, Chancellor Rachel Reeves made several announcements:
Ending winter fuel payments for those not receiving pension credit
Cancelling infrastructure projects, such as the road tunnel near Stonehenge
Scrapping previous government measures, such as the planned cap on social care charges from October 2025.
go over budget this year
* public sector pay rises
* supporting the asylum system
* inflation being higher than expected
* military assistance to Ukraine
None of above touched to reduce spending! HA HA HAH A H
No Austerity – except for the old! HA HA HA HAH AHHA HA!
An anticipated non-bindingvote in the conference hall on cutting winter fuel payments to 10m pensioners did not take place – this is now scheduled in for the final day of the conference, Wednesday. One union accused Labour of trying to “silence” critical voices
Another dumb attempt to minimise reality – they really are as inept as the blues … and reds will be lining up to be agree – complete with added corruption . With a bit of luck Abbot will pop up to spread the poison – the government reds will all be back in londonistan …
The National Health Service (NHS) in England is at the centre of a big political row about its reform. It’s often said to be the third biggest employer in the world, after the Chinese army and Indian Railways. But is that really true?
It’s an incredible claim, given how much smaller the UK is than China or India.
And indeed, it is not true.
“A mother and daughter have been jailed for taking part in a riot while out walking the family dog.”
The scandal that erupted in the United Kingdom in May 2009 concerning MPs’ abuse of
expenses allowances constitutes an ideal setting to study accountability channels in some detail and to
identify some of the causal links at play. First, the scandal involves a well-defined set of political
actors, namely the members of parliament who were in office in May 2009, who all faced the same
rules and constraints regarding their expenses. Second, the scandal erupted within a very short time
frame for all MPs involved and focused on the same issue for all MPs, namely abusing the allowance
system. These two features make scandal involvement comparable across MPs and provide a marked
identification advantage compared to either cross-country studies or studies that, even within a
country, compare scandals which occurred in different periods, concerning different sorts of political
actors and different types of wrongdoing. Moreover, the scandal was salient in public debate for
several months and it was followed by an election only one year after it began.
Click to access PSPE-WP9-12.pdf
Labour MP Keith Vaz faces six-month suspension after drug and sex probe
28 October 2019
BBC radio 2 – Sarah Cox goes to Sunday school as child – likes colouring in – they talk about Jesus the next week – and she does not want to go back?
She never tried Islam! HA HA HAH AH AHH
Sarah Cox? She is a broadcasting titan:
“Christian preacher wins second £10K payout from Met Police after she was wrongfully arrested when she was surrounded by mob chanting ‘Allahu Akbar’ at Speakers Corner.
Miss Tash, who is a director of Defend Christ Critique Islam (DCCI), claimed she had been ‘dealing with two-tiered policing for years’ and that a ‘Muslim mob’ who gather at the area known as the home of free speech seemed to be ‘above the law’.”
Dear wet-police
After the second payout to Hatun now find the scumbag who stabbed her in the neck in broad daylight at Speakers Corner.
Londonistan is no longer a safe place.
Obviously with no CCTV either.
6pm bbc news – orla wearing a black armband and with a head looking more skeletal every day . She does doom and gloom on behalf of Islamic terrorists like the pro she is …
Keep going IDF hand out a few more pagers …
Better to use that as a distraction rather than show the State Broadcaster Political Party scrapping with itself …
They ran a dead Islamic rapist story ( fayed ) as number 2 story . A dead story about dead vermin .
Looks like bbcofcom ordered their puppy to only briefly cover the Red government conference -which is biased in anyone’s book
.. next week the dead blue party conference is in a crematorium in a cemetery …
This old fake news….I’m sorry but there are endless tales of white bands gettimg ripped off…including Queen….but apparently it was just because they were Black that these ones were ripped off in exactly the same manner…
‘Charting the shocking story of how some of music’s most loved artists – from Louis Armstrong to Prince – were exploited by the music industry on the basis of their race.
This episode tells the stories of how some of the most successful and popular jazz, blues and rock ‘n’ roll musicians of all time suffered at the hands of the industry. Bad contracts with flat fees were signed by Bessie Smith, Nina Simone, Chuck Berry and many others, which ended up losing them tens of millions of dollars. ‘
This is a rehash of Alvin Hall’s dive into Black music a few years back….trouble is that much of the exploitation and the hate was from other blacks and black companies. Hall told us that Rap was the authentic sound of Black people in American cities…and then went on to claim that this form of music was exploitation because…soooo many white people bought it…and made the musicians mega rich…but apparently that’s bad….this is not how black lives should be portrayed…despite, lol, it being authentically ‘black’.
As usual the BBC has absolutely no idea about race other than some dodgy carpet bagging race hustler selling them a sob story….they fall for it every time…so much white guilt.
An NHS doctor, Catja Schmitgen, previously told the Mail that translation-related delays have become ‘a major issue’, especially in urban areas. She said consultations with non-English speakers took twice as long because information had to be spelt out or relayed through translators and as a result there was less time for other patients.
Last night a spokesman for the Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust said: ‘We are committed to responding to the specific needs raised by any of our patients – and every patient has the right to a professional interpreter.’
Cavalry is back 🐎 🐎 🐎
Unipartys defence secretary will soon be saying Britain’s army is short of riders, and reaching out to motorcyclists to join up.
I think we have hundreds of thousands of illegals on their armoured 125s ready to take on the hun / Russians / whoever – and if you survive you get a free dinghy to paddle back to France ….
80K UK Standing Army
40K UK tracked terrorists.