How will the BBC deal with the vote by Labour Party members on the decision to freeze 4000 old people to death every winter ?( the subject will be ‘debated’ at the Conference on Wednesday afternoon after the Great Leaders ‘ Speech … please no more sausage references … oh ok then – knock yourselves out
Midweek 25th September 2024
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Well blow me down was lurking and got a first!!!!
Good for you. Nice to see a different name at the top !
Net Zero scam. UK is signed up to it, never debated in parliament and is a BBC key feature on all bulletins… with hilarious results.
No Scientific debate; ‘it just happens’, everything is blamed on Climate change:
Even when its clearly not:
“When the Washington Post set out to map 485 million years of global temperatures, it uncovered an inconvenient truth in the climate change story: Earth’s been on a 50-million-year cool-down. “
And the usual culprits of the left even admit what they are doing.
The UN IPCC admitted a long time ago that the whole scam was Christiana Figueres At a news conference in Brussels, Christiana Figueres, executive secretary of U.N.’s Framework Convention on Climate Change, admitted that the goal of environmental activists is not to save the world from ecological calamity but to destroy capitalism. “This is the first time in the history of mankind that we are setting ourselves the task of intentionally, within a defined period of time, to change the economic development model that has been reigning for at least 150 years, since the Industrial Revolution.”
The BBC is fully signed up. Even before anybody had heard of ‘global warming’ as it was called then. Even CO2 is harmless and a natural by product. All Plants need it to thrive. Its also the basis of Beer production and cheese and Wine and … bread (yeast).
Dr. John Clauser, the co-winner of the 2022 Nobel Physics prize has come out and said the whole nonsense of Climate Change caused exclusively by CO2 is an absolute HOAX. Anyone who has ever studied physics cannot possibly conclude otherwise.
And then we have Milliband in charge.
This utterly frightening Philip…
It’s bad enough having to find another £1,200 per year to pay for all this ‘power’,* but your final sentence says it all…
With that idiot on the loose for the next five years, there is no hope at all for this country and so many more, except China, who don’t give a s**t!
Thank you for your detailed views . The blues have left the UK in that weird position of a Marxist government with a huge majority on a low turn out and low number of votes …
Will they have that in mind by 2029? And who is to replace them ? Will apathy rule ?
I was half watching and half listening to the great leader in a departure lounge now far far away . Warm climes for me .
But I still reflect on what starmer said . He sounded ‘far left ‘ – all that taking over control stuff – shivers . He went for the easy stuff – dissidents who he claimed gave the nazi salute at the cenotaph – I’m sure the bbc will fact check that one …. I found the claim offensive and just poor .
I think the strain of the red( green) agenda will bite when the power gets cut on those very cold days and the usual ‘energy exporters ‘ need all they have … and I’m sure there will still be a limited supply of gas again …. Once the power goes people get very upset ..
As I write the starmer interview on today is due in about half an hour . It was recorded on Tuesday – which for me – sets off an alarm – scripted – edited – approved – no hostile challenges and heated interruption – just a ritual genuflection by the bbc to their great leader – one of their own .
Whatever crisis coming along will belong to the blues – that will be the message . But sooner or later starmer will have to own his very own crisis – and his gives all the indication of a man unable to function under pressure ( like may ) – and that ‘sausages ‘ was a clue .
Economy – the reds are doing well at talking us into a recession even before the huge tax grab . They’ll then need to borrow more but there’ll be a high price for that – with more and more taxes needed to service the interest repayments .
The collective living standards are going to fall further – it’s a dismal prospect as more and more people realise . Problem is – I can’t see an alternative … maybe if trump wins farage will concentrate on getting his party ready for 2029 .. or maybe he’ll dump Britain and take an easier way . I would …
Philip, Scrobie and Fed, at some risk of repeating something that I have posted on before, I actually believe that the CO2 Anthropogenic Global Warming and Climate Change is a devilish deceit straight from Satan himself. We know from Scripture that Satan is the “Father of lies” and also that he is “the accuser of the Brethren”, no, not the Christian denomination that goes by that name but sincere believing Christians.
I know several who put themselves in that latter category and who firmly believe in AGW/CC. The Lord Jesus Christ warned His disciples in the Olivet Discourse and other later Believers about deceptions – as recorded in Scripture – as three of the Gospel writers recorded the Olivet Discourse. You can read it for youselves in chapter 24 of Matthew’s Gospel, chapter 13 of Mark’s Gospel and chapter 21 of Luke’s Gospel. Why didn’t John record it in his Gospel? I can only speculate that he knew via the Holy Spirit that he would receive a later Revelation of the end times 😉 🙂 which again you can read for yourselves, the last book in the Bible.
As Fed says, that when people get cold – and hungry – they will get very upset and will become angry.
The Green crap is just another false religion aimed at further diminishing Christianity .
That will be why the irrelevant Church of England is fully signed up for it. They would rather let their few remaining followers freeze in cold churches than emit so much as a thimbleful of the dreaded CO2.
What happens to all the old wind turbines?
7 February 2020
Welcome to the wind turbine graveyard. It stretches a hundred metres from a bend in the North Platte River in Casper, Wyoming.
Between last September and this March, it will become the final resting place for 1,000 fibreglass turbine blades.
“Rotterdam’s Wikado playground has found a use for old turbine blades”×338-2x.jpg.webp
The crazies like Lynch are coming out….
And we all thought that he was just trying to get the best deal for rail workers…. Turns out he is just another manic communist who wants to grab control of the whole fucking country so he can be the unelected leader.
The Unions are of course bought and paid for by the swiss banksters. The next plandemic will kill off all remaining medium and small-sized businesses and leave Amazon, Google and Apple to mop up what’s left. Does Amazon tolerate Trade Unionists? No, I don’t think so. Corporate fascism has infiltrated every aspect of UK politics. The UK is a district in a global hunger games society and if you let your child die for this sh*thole shame on you.
“… this liberal (Maxine Waters) will be all about socialising, urm, um, errm, (edited video where she looks down at book Communist Manifesto for Dummies) , urm, um, errm, would be about basically taking over and the Government running all your companies.”
So is he going to run a business ? any business ? because with his ambition there won’t be a company left for his members to work for as all the employers will have gone abroad. How thick is he ?
10,000 Brits (plus dependants) to be evacuated from Lebanon. To where ? Three guesses. Will this be Ukraine Mk2 ? Forget God knows how many thousands of houses needed to be built in the next 5 years, we’ll be using every bit of farmland for development soon
Brissles, my dear old thing (well the cricket season is not over yet and England won the last 1DI) the Brits in Lebanon may be housed in Cyprus, either initially, or for until the conflict stops and they can return to Lebanon to rebuild.
10,000 “Brits”
10,000 with “our values” (c) Starmer
And where is the money coming from to pay for them ?
What’s in the coffers ?
“Not a sausage.”
Save the Sausages! Free range sausages!
I was with three long-standing friends for an amicable lunch the other day. One’s an acutely aware private investor, another is a retired GP, the third a retired accountant, so with me on a commercial property ticket, we were all reasonably clued up as to the current dire situation in the UK, although we’re all well into our eighth decade!
Driving home, I began to sift through what we’d discussed, (apart from the ‘generous’ attributes of the various buxom Matrons and their blossoming assistants at our Alma Mater), and realised that this country is in such a dire shape at the moment, it’s an odds-on wager that next year, there will be another even bigger catastrophe in the making.
The banking crashes always come in cycles, so that’s certainly due, the level of immigration, so badly handled by the Tories, and now much worse under Starmer, will mean serious underlying ‘religious’ issues becoming a violent battleground. There will almost certainly be an epidemic of sorts, with new viruses being hauled out of the labs by the pharma companies, the politicians will be of little help, being so inexperienced or down-right unsuitable for anything but the simplest tasks. The public sector will be already sucking at the bloated teats of taxes scrambled from pensioners and the private sector by Reeves and her mates, so it’ll be ‘business as usual’ for them, except for ‘working’ fewer hours for more money. Sunak saw all this coming, so well done that man eh., leaving us to rot!
Starmer has already shown himself to be a very weak leader, with zilch presentational qualities, a poor choice of a myriad of nasty ‘advisers’ like Susan Grey and even fewer talented ministers than Sunak had! With the ridiculous and catastrophic ‘Net-Zero’ scam in full swing through the chief nutter, Miliband and the disgraceful abolition of the fuel benefit, the winter months will be terrible for Labour. Philip-2 has nailed all this in his comment above! The crowd of new MPs, together with the rump of the Tory party and a few assorted flip-flop Lib Dems will certainly receive a tongue-lashing at every opportunity, culminating with the future disaster of the May elections, after which, the chaos is surely timed to commence.
My betting is that Labour will fold in on the WFA, especially as the unions are planning a little bit (a heck of a lot), of mayhem from Liverpool onwards, and Reeves will have to tell Quia Starmer that they’ll have to find the money elsewhere, hopefully from the Miliband budget for reckless waste overseas, but breath must not be held. That might just hold them up until next year, but with the US undoubtedly on the brink of political turmoil, while the elections are fixed, the financial markets will certainly be doubling down, so I think that a reasonable bet on a cash crisis around Spring time is going to be on the cards, just as the local elections are gearing up for even more promises of waste! One of my chums suggested that a banking crisis may well have to be politically engineered to stop repossessions etc. I’d be very interested to know what contingencies the gnomes would have to say about that, but it actually could happen in some form, possibly a Labour inspired National Bank taking over? And, who on earth in Labour has the skills and judgement to oversee any of this? Nope, it’ll be back to ol’ Switzerland again, with a begging bowl the size of a small village!
What will really get my goat, will be the forelock-tugging insistence and subservience of the various cubiclists at the BBC, and ITV and Sky, as to how to deal with the issues. They will just comply and agree to everything they’re told, in the weakest terms, and still try to blame it all on the Tories, while forgetting that the trouble really started on July 4th, 2024!
Time will tell…
Starmer et al are going to discover that <20% isn't a mandate to govern.
Including the maximum 20% of imports.
Nicely put Scrobs, and all without a ubiquitous “link” to wade through.
The Telegraph has a story today that US Intelligence has briefed Trump that there is an Iranian plot to assassinate him. How convenient for the US Deep State and of course it would be unattributable to them.
Impeachment didn’t work. Imprisonment didn’t work, Two lone gunman assassination attempts didn’t work. Fixing a second election when under so much scrutiny is proving tough. The polls are showing Trump on course for victory. So brief about an Iranian plot , find someone plausibly Iranian , use them as a patsy , kill them quickly after the deed is done by a protected anonymous professional and blame Iran.
Messy and risky but is there a better way out for the Deep State Globalists?
It has struck me just how little the BBC have covered the TWO attempts to assasinate Trump. All the ‘extreme’ words they used like ‘unprecedented’ or ‘historic’ around the dozens of criminal charges they put on him have suddenly disappeared and it’s now treated like any other attempted murder and not the greatest threat to democracy the world has ever seen.
So I took a look at the attempted or actual assasination of US Presidents and their party on Wikipedia:
Lincoln : Republican
Garfield : Republican
McKinley : Republican
JF Kennedy : Democrat
Ronald Regan : Republican
Roosevelt : Republican
Trump : Republican
Other plots and attempts which failed:
Hoover : Republican
Roosevelt : Republican
Truman: Democrat
JF Kennedy : Democrat
Nixon : Republican
Ford : Republican
Carter : Democrat
Bush : Republican
Clinton : Democrat
George W Bush: Republican
So that’s 12 Republicans and 5 Democrats.
Actions speak louder than words. I think it’s clear who are REALLY full of hate. It’s the Left.
But of course we knew that already.
Yes – the fixation on the killing of Kennedy goes on and on – yet 2 attempts on a US president – gone – never happened – and the attempt to brand them as ‘stunts ‘ is kicking about – I’m sure the relatives of the dead / seriously injured see the ‘stunt ‘ …
But trump derangement syndrome is a powerful illness and a job requirement at the bbc ..
TDS is a weird condition.
As I’ve said before here I’ve asked individuals about Trump and the triggering that happened has been, on occasion – started quite amazing meltdowns, where the person concerned seemingly loses the plot entirely, being consumed in red faced fury…. .
Who is suspect in Trump assassination attempt, Ryan Routh?
Just look at what ‘BBC Verify’ wrote here:
‘He voted for Trump in 2016 but later turned against him, and made statements of support and contributions to other politicians.’
The word ‘Democrats’ is extremely conspicuous by it’s absence. Here’s what hey DO say right near the end:
‘Routh was registered as an unaffiliated voter in North Carolina, but appears to have voted in the most recent Democratic primary in March, according to state records.’
‘In 2019 and 2020, he gave a number of small donations totalling around $140 (£106) to ActBlue, a Democratic fundraising organisation, according to online federal elections records.’
‘An Associated Press photo of a truck outside Routh’s Hawaii home displayed a Biden-Harris campaign sticker on the back.’
‘In the past Routh also backed candidates such as Tulsi Gabbard, a Democrat’
‘and also declared his support for former Republican presidential candidates Vivek Ramaswamy and Nikki Haley.’
So the truth of it is that he as an open Democrat supporter who donated to them, votes for them and promoted them who also voiced support for anti-Trump Republicans.
Another whopping lie by omission by ‘BBC Verify’.
Unicorn farts!
Clearly, what cannot happen, will not happen. Miliband is an idiot child who is completely out of his depth. Even if he had his £28 bn a year it could not be done, and now he does not have that money, only an empty slogan.
“What cannot happen, will not happen”.
Rob is this a new campaign slogan from Kamala Harris?
Her presidency cannot happen.
Corbyn will never get into power – but his assistant will! HA HA HA HAH!
Milliband’s father was a Marxist, I believe. Imagine if net zero wasn’t really Milliband’s aim, but destruction of UK society. It would explain his fervour for destroying uk power and jobs. It would be a reason to decree large homes and twee cottages unlettable. Everyone except the Labour cabinet will have to live in basic boxes with not transport. Everyone will own nothing and be happy.
Nick seems calm today ….
BBC’s Nick Robinson: I regret telling Boris Johnson to ‘stop talking’
‘Today’ program presenter admits ‘I lost my temper’ over prime minister’s radio antics.
“I was elated, absolutely elated when Labour was elected, and you know in those first weeks I’ve been encouraged. If you look at the stuff and Keir mentioned some of it today: rail renationalisation, the bus regulation, the restoration of trade union rights – all drawn actually from manifestos in 2017 and 2019. But we mustn’t say that.”
For the third day running the gynaeceum that is BBC News staff pick the formerly patriotic title that is the regime mouthpiece Times newspaper to top their online press line-up.
Tell us what we don’t know: Brace for the incoming storm, warns Starmer… Prime minister signs off the Labour conference by telling the country to prepare for tax rises – these tax increases have now been so heavily preempted in the media that anything Labour don’t get around to taxing will be greeted as a positive boon.
This of course being just the first of at least five prospective Labour annual tax raising budgets… perhaps ten.
Cutlery tax… to discourage knife crime, anyone?
Ten years to end zombie apocalypse… Home sec’s vow to halve knife crime… as latest victim revealed (giveaway Metro) – you guessed it, he’s black: Left to die: Daejuan, 15
Ms Cooper told delegates at Labour’s annual conference that she would go further. She announced plans to ban ninja swords – Japanese fighting blades (Metro) – bloody Japanese coming over here with their Banzai and their deadly fighting swords…
Daejaun Campbell was found with a stab injury on Eglinton Road, Woolwich (BBC)
Here’s one for the teenagers – vintage rastafarian reggae band Black Uhuru Youths Of Eglington 1981
The youths of Eglinton
Won’t put down their Remington
The youth of Brixton
They have their 45 Smith and Wesson pistol… pistol
The youth of Utica Avenue
They just can’t keep cool
So much gun shot some cripple some turn fool
They are responsible for a lot of children
And they need food
And they want to go to school
Richard Branson’s Virgin label promoted its fair share of vintage reggae artists – U-Roy, The Mighty Diamonds, Keith Hudson, Johnny Clarke, Peter Tosh, and I Roy – check out the classic roots reggae compilation Virgin albums ‘Frontline’ now available on a 4 CD set.
Whatever happened to…?
My university plan for dyslexics Richard Branson (Times)
Speaking of that year-on-year ever more easily accessed club – UK passport holders…
Military gets ready to airlift 10,000 Brits from Lebanon (Times) – hey Met police, better get ready for a big uptick in pro-Palestine anti-Israel marches through London this autumn.
One more from the formerly serious Times
Prince William has revealed 15 finalists for his Earthshot environmental prize, with schemes such as solar-powered fridges and sustainable seaweed farming – do be careful with those unconventionally-wired fridges – Grenfell fire anyone?
Why affluent women are hiding money from their partners by Vicky Spratt (‘i’) – calm down dear.
Jack Spratt could eat no fat,
His wife could eat no lean.
And so between them both, you see,
They licked the platter clean.
Labour pledges to tackle crisis for women in prison (FT) – Starmer’s plan to tackle the general prison crisis was to release thousands of convicts early… and there’s a far-left feminist notion that women shouldn’t ever be incarcerated… so let me guess…
‘For women, prison isn’t working,’ the justice secretary… Shabana Mahmood… Now a new board is to be set up to divert women away from the criminal justice system… (FT) – win-win situation… keep women out of jail and gift some brand new civil service and/or quango jobs for your allies in the public sector managerial class.
The Times may be the flavour of the month, regularly promoted to top spot with the gynaeceum that is BBC News staff, but the poor old Sun languishes down in the doldrums…
Meet Britain’s £500k benefits queen who bought a boob job and horse with YOUR cash (Sun) – should she go to jail for her crimes against us honest taxpayers?
Our Shabana – backed by the FT editorial – reckons: Two-thirds of female prisoners did not commit a violent crime, most are domestic abuse victims… – so one-third ARE violent?
Presumably those are the ones who are whacking their domestic abusers back – slap for slap, punch for punch? You go, girl.
“My university plan for dyslexics Richard Branson”
dyslexics of the world untie!
rock star
Prince William was given a rock star welcome being greeted by hundreds of adoring fans in Singapore as he arrived on the island for the the third annual Earthshot Prize.5 Nov 2023
Prince William has revealed 15 finalists for his Earthshot environmental prize, with schemes such as solar-powered fridges and sustainable seaweed farming – do be careful with those unconventionally-wired fridges – Grenfell fire anyone?
“Streeting: Giving Freebies to Cabinet Ministers Is the Same as Giving to Charity”
#ccbgb Even the courtier media classes choked on that one
The great leader interview
2 comrades – a love fest – cutting benefits for old people PM ?
Why’s? Answer – waffle – follow up question -4000 dead PM ? That question not asked ,
Robinson on best behaviour- bbc DG very happy – Robinson promotion ….
Fixed interview – fixed government – expect to see lammy in Cyprus wearing combat fatigues
Starmer has now bought is family into politics by using his son as an excuse to take an accommodation bung from a dodgy Muslim peer –
No guilt about taking bungs .,, not worth listening to …
You cannot criticise Starmer as he holds his kid infront of the press.
If anyone is interested, I’m manufacturing some nice T-shirts for a rather niche political market…
We’ve all seen those placards with “JUST STOP OIL”…”NAZIS OUT”…”REFUGEES WELCOME”, well mine is nice and simple.
“Return the sausages!”
Could bring home the bacon…
Nice one Sir Keith, that’s offended both the jews and the muslims.
BBC to change “children in need” to “pensioners in need of heating” campaign! Stop paying BBC and heat an old person.
Morning all.
Google search update.
Searching for just one word, ‘sausages’ I find at the top of the page stories from Sky News, the D Mail, the Independent, the D Express, and even THE GUARDIAN about TTK’s ‘return of the sausages’ speech.
But strangely, the biggest news organisation in the country, the BBC, does not get quoted. They have deliberately buried or ignored this inconvenient news.
Absolute proof of the BBC pro-Labour bias.
the first non-TTK story, from Birmingham Live, but deemed important news is this.
‘NHS doctor made ‘porky sausages’ insults to Muslim colleague’
Oh dear. How sad. Never mind.
BBC has sausagephobia!
Hello Sluff
The bbc reporting on their website for anything to do with Labour seems positive. Guess the bbc wants to keep out the Conservative due to them being more keen on Brexit.
But when the likes of the bbc does open up the “Have your say” on new reports, the comments aren’t favourable in Labours favour 🙂
Quite right andy – and the exact opposite of what we get when the Troll farm are engaged. The ratios are usually around 3:1 in favour of the Right when it’s fair play but leap to something like 7:1 in favour of thepolitical Left when the trolls join in.
The other thing which marks the farm is how the comments are always purile and spiteful like they were witten by a cocky 14 year old.
Don’t see it so much on the BBC since Labour got in – but they still get employed for other high-agenda articles like Ukrain.
When it happens it’s 100% blatantly obvious. Yet everyone carries on as if nothing happened. Note how selective the remit of the ‘disinformation’ and ‘verify’ teams are. They never stray into the areas where the culprits are the Left or Muslims and their titles are specifically worded ready to be used to defend the reason they don’t. They are there for one reason : to reinforce the agenda articles.
Speakers Corner is supposed to be the last bastion of Free Speech.
Yet Christian preacher Hatun Tash has regularly been insulted, abused, viciously attacked and even stabbed in the face by a baying mob of rabid muslims.
So you might expect the police to protect her, right? Well, you’d be wrong.
Instead of defending free speech, Khan’s Clowns actually arrested HER on two occasions.
She took them to court and won the case two days ago, and was awarded £10,000 damages.
All of which you’d think might be of public interest, concerning as it does the behaviour of muslims and that of the police, and the very survival of free speech. There could even be a feminist angle to the story: “Plucky diminutive woman set upon by mob of enraged misogynistic men”.
And yet, not one word on the Jihadi Broadcasting Corporation.
Luckily, Talk TV took up the story.
‘Muslims In Control Of Police’
If we all become Islamic we can end Islamophobia!
Prisons minister says specialist Muslim chaplains to be trained to deradicalise extremists (Muslims)….
The Guardian article states: “Around 25 Muslim chaplains are to receive a week’s training on how to deal with prisoners with Islamist extremist ideologies…”
That is a farce on so many levels:
1) It’s the muslim chaplains who are doing the radicalising in the first place.
2) All the prisoner has to say is: Yes, you’ve deradicalised me, now can I get my early release?
3) The benign, blundering authorities don’t understand islam and have no idea what they’re up against: you can’t take the ‘radical’ out of islam; islam is radical to the core.
4) Past deradicalisation programmes have been a manifest failure. The London Bridge attacker had allegedly been deradicalised and was even attending a deradialisation event when he struck!!
No sign of any report on the BBC about her win over the police. Nromally wed have lots of stories about police oppression and incompetence….especially as she’s not white…but she’s Christian, and an ex-Muslim to boot….she’s basically a non-person in the BBC world. It’s always so…years back on 5 Live they had on a Pakistani woman, Christian, who had to flee extreme persecution and death threats…it was extraordinarily hostile and aggressive interview…not the normal friendly, warm and understanding tones that would be on offer if it were a Muslim.
The BBC always side with muslims. I think they’ve even internalised the islamic hatred of apostates and apostasy which, as we know, is punishable by death.
I notice that comments are turned off under the Talk TV clip.
I wonder if that was Talk TV’s decision or YouTube’s, to censor any comments that might be hurty to the islamic radicals – wouldn’t want to offend the terrorists now, would we?
Either way, it’s a pity, as the comments would have been quite spicy and entertaining.
This is all true. I have been at Speakers corner and seen a baying mob of muslims push an old Christian preacher from his stand and pull his beard. I have also seen the bullying tactics used against Hatun. It is an absolute disgrace. The wet-police do nothing.
The only way to bring back rational civilised debate at speakers corner is to make it a muslim free zone on Sundays.
Maybe make some other day the one for the muslims. Perhaps Thursdays as I doubt the ones causing trouble have jobs.
“So the long-term solution for us is clean power, but we know that as we transition the question of bill support is a genuine thing… It’s interesting, you know, all the charity sector and actually most of the energy suppliers are now very aligned around a social tariff – so there was a very strong message coming into government… it is quite a coalition.”
– Energy Minister Miatta Fahnbulleh
social tariff???
social tariff???
China’s ‘social credit’ system ranks citizens and punishes them with throttled internet speeds and flight bans if the Communist Party deems them untrustworthy
Apparently I am going to be freed !
Well done you – out of the fire … next something that rhymes with bacon ..
“I’m Britain’s ‘welfare Queen’ and I’ve spent taxpayers’ cash on a boob job, designer vagina and a HORSE – being on benefits has never held me back.”
A jobless mother-of-eight has boasted about the ‘luxuries’ she has bought with taxpayers’ cash – claiming that being on benefits has never held her back.
Marie Buchan, 42, said she has treated herself to a boob job, a designer vagina and a horse over the past decade, despite spending most of her adult life on benefits.
Dubbed ‘Britain’s welfare queen’, Ms Buchan has received a total of around half a million pounds in taxpayers’ cash to support her eight children.
She previously hit the headlines after claiming she was being forced to use foodbanks to feed her children due to benefit cuts.
Ms Buchan said back in 2021: ‘It is a huge struggle for me. Two of my daughters are over the age of 16 now so I have had my benefits, like child benefits and tax credit, cut.
‘I am around £160 per week worse off now. It is a struggle and I use food banks just to survive. I basically live on food banks at the moment. ”
Anjhem Choudary says “boob jobs”?
And all the kids are mixed race, adding to the numbers fir a coffee coloured Britain in 100 years time.
Just shows, keep your legs open and watch the money roll in !.
Brissles – I think it will be the 4th region in the Islamic republic of Eurostan by then ….
“Ms Buchan pictured with a horse she brought with her benefits. She said she later had to give him away as she couldn’t afford to keep him”
That designer vagina has been getting a fair bit of work.
Labour voting vagina!
After 8 kids I’d imagine it needs one hell of a refurb. I wonder if it’d shrink on a hot wash?
Bride of Der Starmer
The Labour Party launched a very nasty class war on private schools and the kids whose parents want the best for them….Labour decided to punish them for their ambition.
However…on the other hand taking £20,000 so your son can have a peaceful location to study for his GCSEs is fine…
‘Labour party conference 2024 live: Starmer took £20k for accommodation so son could sit GCSEs ‘undisturbed’’
‘The Prime Minister told BBC Radio 4’s Today programme: “My boy, 16, was in the middle of his GCSEs. I made him a promise, a promise that he would be able to get to his school, do his exams, without being disturbed.
“We have lots of journalists outside our house where we live and I’m not complaining about that, that’s fine. But if you’re a 16-year-old trying to do your GCSEs and it’s your one chance in life…
“I promised him we would move somewhere, get out of the house and go somewhere where he could be peacefully studying. Somebody then offered me accommodation where we could do that. I took that up and it was the right thing to do.”’
I didn’t hear the BBC interview so cannot say whether they took him to task over this huge privilege….and not as if Starmer himself couldn’t afford to find a nice, quiet haven for the boy.
Lord Alli really has bought and paid for Labour. One must wonder what he gets in return.
Ah…BBC website reports it but it’s pretty friendly and not at all hostile or challenging….and does not mention the obvious…the VAT on private schools….an obvious comparison…Starmer’s use of a huge amount of money to privilege his son but attacking those who use their money to improve their own kids’ education…whilst saving this country money by not burdening the state sector.
Hypocrisy on steroids…but then again what’s new? Diane Abbott and so many others.
“I (Diane Abbott) had to choose between my reputation as a politician and my son.”
“Abbott speaks out on school row: Diane Abbott has been critical of colleagues’ school choices. Labour MP Diane Abbott has said sending her son to a £10,000-a-year private school instead of a comprehensive is “indefensible”. { oct2003}”
In her first detailed comments on the controversy, she told BBC One’s This Week programme: “Private schools prop up the class system in society.”
“It is inconsistent, to put it mildly, for someone who believes in a fairer and more egalitarian society to send their child to a fee-paying school.”
But, she added: “I (Diane Abbott) had to choose between my reputation as a politician and my son.”
It’s all right when they do it.
Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer has been accused of hypocrisy by Conservatives over a tax exempt pension deal he has from a previous job.
Sir Keir criticised measures in the Budget which scrapped the £1m cap on lifetime pensions savings.
The Telegraph reported, external Sir Keir got a special “tax unregistered” pension scheme when he stood down as Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) in 2013.
Labour says it was standard practice for retiring DPPs to get such a deal.
But senior Conservative MP Sir Iain Duncan Smith told The Telegraph it made a “mockery” of Labour’s position on the lifetime pension allowance, and was as “close to hypocrisy as it is possible to get”.
I fear for our country because our Great Leader is overseas – taking control of the UN as he did with the UK yesterday …. Building the foundations from the ground up – using bungs from dodgy doners wanting nothing in return apart from the recognition of the state of Palestine and that hamas and the rest of the evil Muslims are good guys .
Long live the Great Leader and his crowd funding page …
Jeremy Corbyn explains the infamous Hamas ‘friends’ quote
Salary and Benefits
of Trade Union General Secretaries
Click to access Appendix_5_Cert_Off_Ann_Rep_2016-2017.pdf
Professional Footballers’ Association General Secretary
Salary 1,132,615
Expenses 46,941
The Professional Footballers’ Association (PFA) is the union for all current and former footballers and scholars in the Premier League, the FA Women’s Super League and the English Football Leagues.
We are committed to helping you understand your purpose as both a player and a person. We provide the information, advice and support you need to help maximise the opportunities that come with playing professional football.
We’re the only football organisation that solely prioritises players’ needs, and we offer a variety of educational, financial and wellbeing support services.
It seems there is ‘growing unease ‘because the NHS is broken ..the self serving medical mafia are upset about the truth – they regard patients as a ‘problem ‘ rather than their reason for being –
As evidenced by trying to get stuff done out of hours and weekends . Sell the NHS off .
NHS crisis? What crisis?: Hitting the champers after a hard day on the slopes of a très chic ski resort…400 doctors take a break from NHS’s worst winter emergency at a medical conference – bankrolled by YOU
As thousands of patients had their operations cancelled and A&E departments overflowed, the doctors competed in a slalom race and knocked back champagne and cocktails at a gala reception.
One NHS trust with ten doctors on the trip – St George’s in Tooting, South London – last night confirmed that its medics could each claim up to £500 of taxpayers’ money towards conferences.
“Some 1,685 “seriously ill” inmates have been released from one of the most notorious prisons in the Democratic Republic of Congo in the latest move to tackle overcrowding.”
More than 1,700 prisoners have been released early in England and Wales as part of a government scheme to ease overcrowding in prisons. One freed prisoner said conditions in his prison were “disgusting” with “water running black out of the taps” and “rats running around the wings”.10 Sept 2024
Couple of BBC nuggets from today.
Firstly , BBC Breakfast were dedicating 30 mins to the programme this morning to talk to a group of “Survivors” who have allegedly been subject to “inappropriate” behaviour from Mr Al Fayed.
Now, i think you survive a Plane Crash , your survive a Car Crash, The Titanic sinking, a Heart attack, a earthquake , cancer etc etc those are things you SURVIVE but according to the BBC all these women have SURVIVED having maybe in some cases , just a slap on the arse or a rogue hand on the shoulder from Mr Al Fayed….. SURVIVORS …. get away with ya BBC.
Secondly , Jeremy Vine will be discussing the rental market in Wrexham as apparently there are now 54 enquiries for every rental property advertised ….. oh , but YET AGAIN …. not one single person at the BBC can put 2 and 2 together why that may be ?????? They are so blind …..
“54 enquiries for every rental property advertised”
775 rooms
Buckingham Palace has 775 rooms. These include 19 State rooms, 52 Royal and guest bedrooms, 188 staff bedrooms, 92 offices and 78 bathrooms. In measurements, the building is 108 metres long across the front, 120 metres deep (including the central quadrangle) and 24 metres high.
In terminology Doobs its akin to ” Battling” a life threatening disease ie cancer. You don’t take up a sword and fight it off, you rely on the medication and chemo and pray you get through it, because nothing you do will help get rid
A dodgy fat old egyption hires me for a job but i have to be ‘examined ‘ by a doctor to see if i have STDs .. i then get invited to the egyptions’ house in paris to look at his etchings . Of course i go .the dirty old bully isnt going to try anything on is he …? Survivors indeed … £
What were their salaries and how did they compare with similar jobs elsewhere.
I think we ought to know.
Which is not to undermine them and any justified claims they may have.
Smarmers sausage speech may be much more appropriate than many realise. In America a term known as “Pork Barrel Politics” developed. It was a reference to the practice of bribing the electorate with freebies so they would vote for you.
From Wikipedia:
Pork barrel, or simply pork, is a metaphor for the appropriation of government spending for localized projects secured solely or primarily to direct expenditures to a representative’s district. The usage originated in American English, and it indicates a negotiated way of political particularism.
Yes it’s from the get go with added gaslighting and a zero sum game … and a dog whistle sausage ..
Pork barrel.
Or as we call it these days, uncontrolled mass immigration.
PM defends stay at donor’s property during election
And here we see how things are going to work from now on.
Whenever Labour are criticised, they will go to the BBC for multiple interviews across different programs where they will be give a soapbox to spout their pre-prepared statements and rhetoric without questioning or challenges.
The BBC is now literally the propaganda arm of the government.
Kim Jong-un gives Pyongyang flat to North Korean news anchor
“A Labour MP has apologised for claiming the BBC made a “silly innuendo about the race” of the next Pontiff.
David Lammy was commenting on a BBC Twitter message, which asked “will smoke be black or white?”.
Mr Lammy, tweeting from the Commons chamber, said the BBC message was “crass and unnecessary”.
He later apologised after Twitter users pointed out the role played by black and white smoke in announcing the election of a new Pope.
White smoke traditionally emerges from a Vatican chimney to signify a new pontiff has been chosen.
The appearance of black smoke above the Sistine Chapel means no decision has been reached, as happened on Tuesday.”
Lammy with a blatant slur to the Italo-Russian community.
Lammy – What do you expect with a DEI hire?
Continuing my Verify obsession —
I see Marianna’s branding has undergone a subtle change. Previously the graphics had her peering down a rabbit hole into ‘Conspiracyland’… now the message “Why Do You Hate Me?” is complete with angry emojis and HATE getting a typographic treatment more suited to Marvel comics.
As part of the mission against dissent it is interesting to spot such primitive tactics. Is this really the level of analysis befitting a state broadcaster? Sounding more like a tantrum in the supermarket aisle than a professional broadcaster? (rhetorical question).
Dear Marianna Spring (BBC wages paid under threat of prosecution),
As I’ve had to look at your BBC news and use other sources to determine that your news is not news but selective editorial opinion I’d like to request that I have a refund for the last 4 years plus get the BBC free from now on.
Please let me know how I can go about this as I am willing to create a full list of articles that I’ve had to investigate plus time taken for me to check your fact checker whilst realising that the BBC intentionally removes news rather than incorrectly report on it, uses images to sway opinion or misleads with the main titles hoping no one reads the full article.
‘Omission is the greatest form of lie.’
CAS-4987700-SY1FTF : BBC NewsWatch says boredom with pro-Brexit march.
CAS-4844672-N8FDYY: Update on the MP Expenses 2009 scandal in 2018.
CAS-4939547-J71Z1V: Here’s hoping Ireland do the right thing G.Lineker.
CAS-4937378-YKMWBJ: BBC not reporting ‘Day of Freedom’ March 06may2018.
CAS-4906141-BFJQL0: I take offence that presenters promote their books.
CAS-4892811-C820SC: I am offended that I have to pay the BBC TV Tax.
CAS-4824332-633N1P: What happened in Italy was not covered …
CAS-4933135-ZV3V7F: The omission is the most powerful form of lie …
CAS-6005141-S1V9D1: Not seen a report on the UK Governments Covid19
Let me know how to go about resolving the issue of paying for something that wastes my time as I have to check each story rather than rely on its accuracy.
Hate itself is not a hate crime but committing a crime motivated by bias against one or more of the social groups listed above, or by bias against their derivatives constitutes a hate crime. A hate crime law is a law intended to deter bias-motivated violence.
It’s all about the incident threshold…
14. An “incident” is defined in the National Standard for Incident Recording (NSIR) as “a single distinct event or occurrence which disturbs an individual, group or community’s quality of life or causes them concern”. The NSIR covers all crime and non-crime incidents.
15. However, this threshold, in and of itself, is not sufficient to warrant a non-crime hate incident record being made. When an incident occurs, a non-crime incident is recorded on policing systems…
I see ‘owt for nowt Starmer has been caught out again.
This time he’s come up with a “somewhere my son can study for his exams” excuse (even though the exams finished long before free stuff starmer ended this £20,000 worth ‘perk’)
It reminded me of when I was on an overnight ferry crossing from Netherlands to Hull where a few managerial types were going through the bins and ashtrays looking for receipts from purchases at the Bar to use for claiming expenses when they got back to their place of work.
Looks like Angie’s got away with this house sale as well or at least it’s all gone quiet, just like the Manchester lads who assaulted policewomen a couple of months ago.
Wherever you look it’s all two tier handling.
Just like the bbbc where EVERY ‘error’ made benefits the left and is anti Right (although they sometimes print a tiny correction hidden away at the back below the double glazing advert)
Pat McFadden – the TTK enforcer also got away with one – and was never challenged by the BBC …
When the great leader was rolling out the rehearsed lie about ‘my boy’ – I had an image of a room full of SPADs running through possible excuses for the corruption. – they thought throwing in ‘my boy ‘ would some how humanise the great leader and junior – who now deserves attention as he has accepted a bung through his daddy …
An “incident” is defined in the National Standard for Incident Recording (NSIR) as “a single distinct event or occurrence which disturbs an individual, group or community’s quality of life or causes them concern”. The NSIR covers all crime and non-crime incidents.
Labour wanted mass immigration to make UK more multicultural, says former adviser
Labour threw open Britain’s borders to mass immigration to help socially engineer a “truly multicultural” country, a former Government adviser has revealed.
By Tom Whitehead and Tomwhitehead
23 October 2009 • 6:42pm
This is why:
I can think of a thousand reasons Luv!
There’s an article on the Beeb webshite today titled “Why Pakistan’s female doctors don’t feel safe” that details how many female doctors and nurses ‘regularly face sexual harassment, violence and verbal abuse from male colleagues, patients and their families.’ All very sorry stuff but for some reason the article never adds 2 and 2 together to find the reason for this – namely that this is normal behaviour in an Islamic country.
Even the female chief police surgeon in Karachi puts it all down to ‘a lack of trust and accountability.’ The nearest the article gets is a quote from Nurse Elizabeth Thomas (not her real name ) – “Many of Pakistan’s nursing staff come from minority non-Muslim communities, which can make them vulnerable in other ways.”
No mention at all of the contempt that male Islamic society has for females and non-Muslims as one its core tenets.
“The midwives who stopped murdering girls and started saving
New Delhi: In a shocking incident, the body of a six-day-old girl was found in a bag on the roof of a house in the Shahdara area of the national capital. The toddler’s mother, identified as Shivani, 28, was arrested by police after she confessed to authorities that she threw the child on the roof.31 Aug 2024
Indian AI startup CEO arrested after body of 4-year-old son found in luggage
By Reuters
January 10, 20246:41 AM GMTUpdated 8 months ago
Afghanistan: The Taliban’s broken promises
I like the babe in the middle bestist …
Can see some hair on the left – erotic islam!
Don’t fancy yours much.
You should see her mother – oh wait.
These girlies are just feeling tents.
“BBC finds Lebanese seaside city deserted after Israeli attacks”
UK Skegness is very busy after strike!
Bad coffee spill?
‘BBC finds…’ = local terrorist PR stringer sends #prasnews and O’Rolla scoots over for an emoting OB.
Labour are setting themselves for fail … WE NEED 10 YEARS …. “He went on to criticise the Tories for overseeing the decline of services, and said recovery would only come with reform, promising the forthcoming 10-year plan would create a “world-class” service for all.”
NHS to benefit from £13.4 billion debt write-off
Health Secretary announces over £13 billion of debt will be written off as part of a major financial reset for NHS providers.
It seems there is ‘fury ‘ that the plastic lids on tubs of hummus have been replaced by something else . I’m sure this would have been high on the agenda of the liberals but not so much for labour – but there again the reds gave up on the working class long ago . Train drivers can now afford to send their children to private schools … and to eat hummus …
Misread a headline
‘Starmer tells Britons to leave Britain ‘ – would make a lot of sense … all those higher rate income tax types looking for somewhere better ….
Rod Stewart left the UK and made his home in Los Angeles in 1975 to avoid the 83% tax on top earners that existed in Britain at the time.
Cat Stevens became a tax exile from the UK in 1973 for one year, living in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.[23]
The Rolling Stones became tax exiles from the UK when they moved to the south of France in 1971.[22] Some members used trusts and offshore companies to avoid payment of British taxes.
Joe Lewis, British billionaire and owner of Tottenham Hotspur FC, moved to the offshore tax haven Bahamas Islands in the 1970s to avoid UK tax.[1].
Sean Connery left the UK in the 1980s and made his home in France, Spain and later The Bahamas for tax reasons.
Michael Caine moved to the US in the late 1970s, settling in Beverly Hills, California to avoid the 83% tax on top earners that existed under James Callaghan’s Labour government in Britain at the time. He spent several years in the US before returning to Britain under Margaret Thatcher’s Conservative government.[11],in%20Britain%20at%20the%20time.
Marky – I think they are all ‘fair enough ‘ unless they start spouting about their love of Britain / the Labour Party – and all that stuff ….
I think when the Beatles wrote ‘taxman ‘ the IC rate was even higher ?
Sir Rod Stewart says Labour ‘deserve a crack’ at running the country
It’s late September and he really should be getting back to school …
Sir Rod Stewart has branded Boris Johnson a “lying f****** public schoolboy” as he threw his weight behind Labour ahead of the upcoming general election.
And Sir Rod Stewart leaves the country in 3, 2, 1…
Rich can do what they want – you have to stay and pay!
Pensioners protest outside Labour conference over cuts to winter fuel payments – video
……………………………. IN MORE NEWS ………………………………
The awful Bridgerton ‘ball’ that charged fans $1,000 to watch a pole dancer and eat KitKats
And yet last Sunday, a venue in Michigan, US put on an evening called The Detroit Bridgerton Themed Ball, and charged ticket-holders between $150 and $1,000 (£115-£750) to attend. The people who went ended up sitting on the floor, eating KitKats and forlornly watching the evening’s entertainment, which consisted of a solitary pole dancer working the middle of the room. Truly, humanity is cursed by its innate failure to learn from its past mistakes.
2012 … The Ceefax pages have been replaced by a message from Lulzsec and a crude 8-bit penis, which the group says represents the ‘puppet BBC acting as the lapdog of the totalitarian regime which controls us all’.
Phillip Schofield to make TV return in Cast Away

Phillip Schofield has announced he will appear in a new TV series after leaving This Morning 16 months ago.
The 62-year-old will appear in Channel 5’s Cast Away, which sees him stranded on an island off Madagascar for 10 days.** WITH A TV CREW OF CHILDREN
Will Rod Stewart stand by Keir who removed winter fuel payments?
Sir Rod Stewart has branded Boris Johnson a “lying f****** public schoolboy” as he threw his weight behind Labour ahead of the upcoming general election.
The murder of a 19 year-old female student in an exclusive neighbourhood of Paris is fuelling new calls from the French right for tougher action on immigration.
The body of the young woman, named only as Philippine, was found on Saturday, half-buried in the Bois de Boulogne park on the western edge of the capital.
She had last been seen on Friday lunchtime a few hundred metres away, as she left the Paris-Dauphine university campus where she was studying economics.
The suspected killer was traced to Geneva, where he was arrested on Tuesday and awaits deportation to France.
He is a 22 year-old Moroccan man who was released from detention in France earlier this month after serving five years for raping a student in 2019.
Minister of the Interior (French: Ministre de l’Intérieur; French pronunciation: [ministʁə də lɛ̃teʁjœʁ]) is a prominent position in the Government of France. The position is equivalent to the interior minister in other countries, like the Home Secretary in the United Kingdom, the Minister of Public Safety in Canada, or the Minister of Home Affairs in Australia.
regulation of immigration and preventing illegal immigration
regulation of immigration and preventing illegal immigration
regulation of immigration and preventing illegal immigration
regulation of immigration and preventing illegal immigration
Currently fewer than 10% of French expulsion orders are carried out, according to government figures.
Fighting Goliath: Exposing the flawed science and statistics behind the COVID-19 event
by Prof. Norman Fenton & Prof. Martin Neil
This book includes a chapter about a BBC documentary called “Unvaccinated” that was screened in 2022. The chapter reveals correspondence between the authors and the BBC, showing that the BBC were clearly aware of problems with the programme but refused to apologise for the malinformation, propaganda and lies.
Buy two books for Christmas, one to read and one to wrap up as a Christmas present:
Lord Alli
Labour Peer
Entered the House of Lords in 1998
That media is polarised now to a point where news needs to be viewed as bad propaganda if at all, is long past.
Even Sopes and Strumpet might shy away from that.
But hey, audiences are dumb. Even in the UK, where the equivalent to this is currently underway.
TNA Larry needs a Toenails alimentary equivalent for his journey back up the TTK system.
It extends to areas of specific importance, as Ed the Green Stain is allowed to pursue his Dad’s Marxist ambitions unrestrained by Monsewer Sauccison and his cabal of Black, Red, Peroxide or Ginger Bob Stepford Ministers. Or the token ForSec Oaf diversity hire.
That last word is a red… green flag, especially as I read discussions in such as NALOPNK or WUWT between actual engineers.
Why are these hefty harpies always stamped from the same mould?
Then, a bunch of bankers. In… Bloomberg.
Bankers like money, so any loan with a guaranteed vig no questions asked is going to appeal. Especially with the calibre of political airheads the West is cursed with currently.
Still, it could be worse. Or not.
I have waited a few months for test results to be assessed by a specialist. I am told to wait a few more months. I asked about going private, but at Nuffield the same specialist working for the good money other times is ‘not taking any more patients’. The NHS is done. Wes, accept it. Jess, you lucky Zil bint, you.
But at least a few areas do on occasion recall what their job is.
What was that ‘it actually could happen here too’ novel about how easily UK authorities would have embraced the new regime in short order had Operation Sealion prevailed?
NEW: Lord Alli failed to declare interests in a tax haven firm claiming he ‘didn’t realise
Easy mistake to make. Apparently. See also: ‘accidentally shredded expenses’
“a bunch of bankers. In… Bloomberg.”
Collective noun is a “wunch”.
They I am confused. Again.
Paul Marshall bought the Spectator a month ago. He also owns a lot of GB News and supported Brexit. He is close to being a billionaire and the price he paid for the Spectator was much higher than its market value. His son Winston runs a very good YouTube channel which is hits hard in the right direction against the correct targets.
I had thought that this was good news and that he would turn the Spectator into something much more Nationalist than its present centre right Globalist Tory One Nation identity. This idea was backed up by Andrew Neil leaving his chairmanship role. I was looking forward to some real hard hitting , anti immigration, anti EU, anti globalist , very populist articles .
Then today it is announced that Fraser Nelson , a globalist to his finger tips, has resigned the editorship. So far so good.
Now for the devastatingly bad news.
The new editor is Michael Gove and new Chairman Charles Moore. They are just as globalist / Tory establishment One Nation Lib Dems as the previous incumbents and Gove is a toe rag to boot.
An opportunity to use the magazine to promote anti globalisation has been missed. I can only conclude that the new owner is a globalist in disguise and dances to the tune of the WEF. Does this shed light on the slow emasculation and defanging of GBN?
I will see what happens in the next three months and then review my subscription. Disappointment is oozing from every pore.
The new owner has made two really bad appointments