How will the comrades at the BBC treat the annual conference of their Favourite Political Party? Yes it is the celebration of the Labour triumph some weeks ago …
Oh dear! Mishal desperately wanted the Israeli spokesperson to say “yes, Israel was behind the exploding papers” but the woman just would not go there. She was tough. I wonder if she knew she was up against a Muslim Beeboid? That’s the result as I scored it. 🙂
They know there is no easy solution under current circumstances so will ignore it – despite it being the number one concern …. Even when the next third world murders take place they’ll focus on ‘ thoughts and prayers ‘ pushing the media to scream the message against dissent – protest – and remind everyone of the political trials of a dictatorship ….underTTK …
Well, the Labour Party conference is proving to be entertaining, if nothing else…
Hecklers, people being evicted, lots of booing and the nurses’ union rejecting their pay deal…well, after what the doctors and rail workers got, who could blame them?
And did you see that God awful speech given by the incredibly robotic Rachel Reeves? She seems to possess all the emotional nuance of an autistic Dalek.
The arse licking BBC described her speech as “uplifting”, FFS!
Assured performance from Rachel Reeves on the broadcast round this morning. Credible and reasonable answer on clothing donations etc. Had it been the answer from the start, government mind not find itself in the hole that it’s in.
You can put the Labour shill in and out of the BBC, but….
Angela Rayner was appointed Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government and Deputy Prime Minister on 5 July 2024. She was elected as the MP for Ashton-under-Lyne in May 2015.
Taskforce on community cohesion Taskforce on community cohesion Taskforce on community cohesion Taskforce on community cohesion
During the 2015–2016 celebrations of New Year’s Eve in Germany, approximately 1,200 women were reported to have been sexually assaulted, especially in the city of Cologne. In many of the incidents, while these women were in public spaces, they were surrounded and assaulted by large groups of men who were identified by officials as Arab or North African men.[11][12][13][14] The Federal Criminal Police Office confirmed in July 2016 that 1,200 women had been sexually assaulted on that night.[1]
Diane Abbott walks away after she’s asked to explain Jewish ‘costume’ comment
She walks away from fellow Tube passenger after he asked what she meant while filming her
What she is saying is that she hates people having personal mobility and the mad-marxists will do everything they can to stop people having their own method of transport. This so that the comrades can be kettled into the WEF beloved 15-minute cities.
The bus model just does not work for the major parts of the country where people live in villages.
Having massive buses with one passenger on-board churning up small country roads is bonkers.
Funnily enough I live in a rural area and a couple of weeks ago our bus services were stopped by the Council without notice. There were only a handful of buses per day, and most of the services had one, two or no passengers at all. There was nothing earlier than eight in the morning and later than seven in the evening. It has been replaced by an on-demand bus service which has to be booked with an App, theoretically a good idea but most of the potential users are OAP’s without smartphones. There appears to be a history of non appearance, the App not working etc.
Most of these Utopian ideas for transport that the left wingers and Greenies dream are just that. Dreams.
I live in the middle of nowhere, with the occasional bus. The buses are fine if I want to get somewhere, but no chance that there is a bus to get home without waiting a couple of hours.
The council where I used to work, offered a travel plan. I explained I was part time, needed to get my son to school and wanted to be at home to prepare Mr D’s lunch. The council plan involved getting the bus at 10am but a bus home at 3.30 which wasn’t fitting with my work hours, never mind Mr D’s lunch. Their alternative was for me to get a moped, great on icy rural roads or the very busy main route where I would have been lucky to have survived the first week without being killed.
Tony Blair: A woman has a vagina and a man has a penis
Former PM wades into the transgender debate, questioning why politicians had got themselves into a ‘muddle’ on the issue
Simon Johnson
Scottish Political Editor
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Tony Blair, Labour Party, Keir Starmer, Transgender, Woke, General Election 2024
MP for Sheffield Heeley and Secretary of State for Transport. For casework, please email May 2010
3,942 Following
Imagine, for a moment, if it was the Conservative party that had restricted the winter fuel allowance, or made it means tested…
Could you picture the endless spit ridden howls of outrage from the far left, the purple haired pierced public protests around the country with socialist worker party placards ready made, the vicious and foul language and threats directed at the tories on social media, the bbc publishing endless stories about freezing pensioners for weeks on end and relentlessly gunning for the resignation of the minister responsible.
Instead we have silence from the far left, and the biased far left bbc publishing stories about rich pensioners who don’t need the fuel allowance and defending the minister responsible.
When folk think about Starmer it is worth considering the last words of Alexander Litvinenko:
In his last statement he said about Putin:
“…this may be the time to say one or two things to the person responsible for my present condition. You may succeed in silencing me but that silence comes at a price. You have shown yourself to be as barbaric and ruthless as your most hostile critics have claimed. You have shown yourself to have no respect for life, liberty or any civilised value. You have shown yourself to be unworthy of your office, to be unworthy of the trust of civilised men and women. You may succeed in silencing one man but the howl of protest from around the world will reverberate, Mr Putin, in your ears for the rest of your life. May God forgive you for what you have done, not only to me but to beloved Russia and its people.[48]”
If the Tories or Reform have any sense they will keep this maverick of abandoning the winter fuel payment in their back pocket, to be the big set piece in future electoral campaigns.
“Prison Officers Association general secretary Steve Gillan turned up to announce his union, the largest of prison officers in the UK, would fund the campaign to the tune of £10,000. He added that the funding wasn’t discretionary: “We’re not going to specify how that’s spent… Viva Cuba.” Union dues well spent then…”
Talking to Andrew Marr, Thornberry managed to admit that murderous communist Cuban dictator Fidel Castro was a “divisive figure”, before heading into a praise-filled diatribe for the regime:
“I went to to Cuba in the early 1990s when there was a great economic difficulties in that country and I found a country that was egalitarian with a fantastic health service… in my view it was a brave island that stood against a regime that for 50 years would not trade with it and would not let other countries trade with it too.”
I wonder if Cuba is the place to go at the start of their career to pick up the suitcases of money and get instructions from Moscow centre …. I bet the deputy PM has been a few times and has plenty of friendly chaps to remember ….
This video shows Christopher Hitchens (RIP) warning of the dual dangers of wokeness and islam, way back in 2009.
The video ends with a chilling clip of Starmer and Khan having a cosy discussion on how they’re going to crack down on ‘islamophobia’ much more robustly. Khan is actually feeding Two-Tier Keir lines, feeding him suggestions about a ‘strategy’ based on his experience as a prosecutor.
Starmer clearly in the pocket of the islamists.
The independent review into
the application of sharia law
in England and Wales
Presented to Parliament
by the Secretary of State for the Home Department
by Command of Her Majesty
February 2018
Too long for me to read, but thanks for posting.
The truth is, sharia law is already with us, and it’s only going to spread, especially under the current islamist-friendly regime.
And no future government will have the ability or the will to reverse the trend. That ratchet only goes one way.
Justin Welby also claimed that British law has “underlying values and assumptions” that come from a clearly Christian tradition. Archbishop Welby set out his reasons why sharia should not win official status in Britain in his book, called ‘Reimagining Britain’. He said: “Sharia law is not just about punishments.24 Feb 2018
For once Welby was right about something. But he has all the authority of a wet lettuce leaf, and the C of E is hurtling towards irrelevance and oblivion. And guess which demonic death cult will fill the vacuum?
“…and don’t you worry. It’s coming to a place near you…we cannot have state subsidized preachers (Mayors,UK Security MP, Religious guidance)…give it up
(Islam) or give it to your deadliest enemy and pay for the rope that will choke you.“
Home Office, UK Security … Islamist …. Sajid Javid.
London Mayor, UK Prosperity … Islamist … Sadiq Khan.
CEO of Bernados, UK Children … Islamist .. Javed Khan.
Prime Minister’s Special Envoy on Freedom of Religion or Belief … Islamist … Lord Ahmed.
BBC religion and ethics commissioning … Islamist … Fatima Salaria
Matt Walsh has produced a mockumentary-film entitled Am I Racist, which mercilessly mocks the whole race-baiting and DEI scam industry.
It broke all sorts of records at the box office despite the msm totally ignoring it (or else panning it).
“Through the black magic, witchcraft you are able to send a lightning bolt to strike someone, Can you explain that scientifically … ” @0:50 – one of the speakers
“It’s not true” – audience member
“I need to address you directly (audience member who says witchcraft does not work). When we started this we agreed on certain house rules. By you doing that (arguing) you are disrespecting that sacredness of this space. I would like you please first to apologise …” – another speaker
Interesting comment below the youtube video above:
(The original one above not the one inserted for the 20th bloody time)
“All of this started happening exactly after occupy Wall St. happened. People were united against the actual enemy, and that needed to be remedied quickly. Just like in prison, if it isn’t all the races against each other, then it’s the inmates vs. the guards.”
Gone are the days when the gynaeceum that is our BBC News staff were leary of the Times as being somewhat infra dig in comparison to their beloved Guardian and sadly representative of ‘The Tory Press’. Now the title, justifiably considered to be a ‘regime central’ mouthpiece, is happily a go-to pick for the top of the BBC’s online press frontcover line-up.
The Handbags And Gladrags
That your poor old granddad
Had to freeze to buy you
And here we are again, second day running with the Times in the BBC’stop spot as they go with: Labour to crack down on benefit fraudsters – naturally the embattled freebie specs and frocks, 2-tier Starmer, dropping like a stone in the polls, feels the dire need to strafe right a tad.
Crack down on benefits, you say? How precisely will that manifest itself?
One recalls an amusing remark made many years ago by the late lamented Mrs AsI. She sometimes had a way with words. Having been informed by her best female friend that the friend was about to become engaged to her live-in boyfriend Mrs AsI enquired would there be a ring? Was there a wedding date set? How about an engagment party? When the answer to all these questions came back no, Mrs AsI justifiably mused “Well then, how will this engagement manifest itself?”
The left-leaning ‘i’ newspaper simply takes the Labourite sound-bite at face value and presents it as their headline: Reeves looks at cutting benefits to fund public spending – benefits are public spending and vice versa. That’s some riddle of the sphinx circular reasoning you have there Ms Reeves. Tory black hole public spending was too high so you cut the OAP’s winter fuel benefit so as to increase public spending? My brain begins to hurt.
By the way, did you see the Chancellor handed her arse over the Lord Alli freebies by the normally soft touch Good Morning Britain couple, Susanna Reid and Richard Madeley? Blimey, it was like Paxman reincarnate times two versus a guilty school girl (with that gruff voice of hers from having just puffed 200 cigarettes before breakfast).
Benefits cutbacks you say? Apparently she’s going to help us all back to work: Initiative will focus on helping more people get back into work (‘i’) – not her own civil servants of course: Rachel Reeves says she ‘sets an example’ by not working from home as Labour ‘ditches efforts to force civil servants back into the office’ (Daily Mail)
The promises of new benefits just keep coming: Free primary school breakfast clubs to begin next year (‘i’)
The circular argumentation of cutting benefits spending (whether it be by outright fraudsters or a tacit socialist admission of the existence of a lumpen class of malingerers needing ‘help’ back into work) all so as to increase benefits spending – that may bamboozle the foolish youthful readership of the ‘i’ but the formerly serious Times feels the need for an explanatory subheader to that headline soundbite – and it’s a corker: Starmer’s new law will let investigators access suspects’ bank details and seize property
In fact the ci-devant Rishi Sunak Tory-branded administration was already about to put on the statute book ways and means for state agents to regularly take a peek at all benefits claiments’ (including state pensioners’) bank statements. Afterall, they might spy something taxable in there. And all the better for the medium-term Treasury plan to means test the state pension. The winter fuel allowance cut is just a toe in the water of slashling those universal benefits in favour of you having to apply for stuff. You’ll own nothing and be happy – remember folks, it’s not a conspiracy theory, if it’s true.
Help me out with this one… what is the EU’s obsession with: Germany and France want post-Brexit migrant deal (Times) ? – there can only be one of two motives – either a desperate urge to export to us their unemployment – or some darker background population replacement plan – is there any other explanation?
On a lighter note Mr AsI begins to note the Google machine pushing certain ‘news’ stories at him unsolicited.
11 ‘Problematic’ Family Movies Still Worth Watching (and Discussing) With Your Kids (Life Hacker, ‘a federally registered trademark of Ziff Davis’) – Ziff Davis, you ask? Ziff Davis is a vertically focused digital media and internet company whose portfolio includes leading brands in technology, entertainment… blah blah blah…
Problematic – now there was a time the word problematic might refer to the likes of the Times crossword.
However, in Ziff Davis world it’s: Potentially offensive or upsetting content – in family movies… really?
Many beloved kids’ favourites come under the American-orientated PC microscope for ‘learning and teaching moments’ including: The Lion King (1994); Transformers: The Movie (1986); Watership Down (1978); and The Harry Potter films (2001-2011)
But the stand out colour still image at the top of the article is from Dumbo (1941)
You guessed it: Before the launch of Disney’s streaming service, there were rumors that an offensive scene in Dumbo, in which a racially coded blackbird named Jim Crow (grimacing emoji) gives the titular elephant a feather so he can fly, would be excised. That wasn’t true; instead, as with The Lion King, the service added this statement in the animated film’s description: “This program is presented as originally created. It may contain outdated cultural depictions.” Instead of skipping over that screen [sic – scene] to get to the cute baby elephant, it’s worth talking to your kids about how normalized such tropes once were—and still are, in many cases, provided you understand how to spot them. (Life Hacker, as promoted, internationally and unsolicited by Google)
That image from Dumbo is of course of one of the row of crows on a tree banch singing “When I See an Elephant Fly”
Oddly reminiscent of our BBC’s own image this very morning: Bird on a wire and other winning photos… Helmetshrikes Preparing to Sleep, Sabi Sands Nature Reserve, South Africa by Gary Collyer…”We were on a safari, and returning to camp in Sabi Sands, South Africa, on a dark March evening… Then we heard chattering and fluttering high above us. When illuminated with the lamp on the vehicle, we saw these helmetshrikes huddling together against a night that was starting to turn colder.” (Photo credit Gary Collyer/Bird Photographer of the Year)
Google apologizes after new Gemini AI refuses to show pictures, achievements of White people
Gemini’s senior director of product management told Fox News Digital it is working to improve the AI ‘immediately’
The Google Code of Conduct is one of the ways we put “Don’t be evil” into practice… Between 21 April and 4 May 2018, Google removed the motto from the preface, leaving a mention in the final line: “And remember… don’t be evil, and if you see something that you think isn’t right – speak up!”
AISI, I have to disappoint you. Gary Collyer did not win Bird Photographer of the Year. He did not even win the Comedy Category as he only got a third place Bronze Medal. I would have given him a Gold award and made him the Overall Winner as his image is ‘a wonderful bit of seeing’ as the Camera Club judges are wont to say.
Instead that appears to have gone to ‘right-on-message’ image that is responsible for giving young people in the UK anxiety and mental health problems that we humans are destroying wildlife – as frequently stated the BBC – (which we are not as typified by the wildlife in my garden) the actual winner was taken by Patricia Homonylo (Bird Photographer of the Year) with a gold award. That seems incredibly close to a winning image years ago of a dead bird in black and white and then hand-coloured. Photographer’s name not remembered but a woman from North America with a freezer full of dead birds.
Starmer will be powerless to stop this so we are about to witness a repeat of the disastrous 1960’s which ended up crushing the UK car manufacturing industry for one along with untold damage in many sectors including print and media. Imagine if you will a UK media forced to abide to the diktats of its Communist Union leaders over what it is allowed to print etc. I have seen this before via The National Graphical Association Union in my own career in graphic design where I was threatened that I could not use any printer for instance unless I joined the union.
If Lynch succeeds in effectively handing over the political power in this country to him and his mates in the unions, the UK will rapidly become a European version of those hollowed out communist dictatorships in South America.
“It’s just another U-turn from Labour. Before the election, they promised to do everything they could to “support pubs”. In their manifesto, they even rolled out a flashy “five-point plan” to stop closures and encourage pub ownership. Starmer himself was dropping hints about an alcohol duty freeze all in the aim of helping out the local boozers. Though with these new restrictions on the table, any chance of that support seems to have gone flat. A reminder of what our Chancellor Reeves once said (this June):
“Brits love our locals. Let’s back our landlords to keep our pubs going. We want to save the British pub because I know what an important institution they are in so many communities.”
This latest move will leave a bitter taste in Brits’ mouths…”
COMMENT “Why would they want pubs, the last bastions of community, sociability, and free speech?
Whenever I go to a pub most of what I hear is criticism of the current government and most times quite sensible analysis of their attitudes to the public. Social media is something they can control, divert, or censor, but not pubs.”
Yvette Cooper pledges to halve knife crime in a decade in Labour conference speech
decade = a period of ten years.
More than 700 migrants crossed the Channel in small boats on Saturday
A total of 24,335 people have been detected making the journey across the Channel to the UK in small boats so far this year – slightly up on the same time last year, but down 20% compared to 2020.
“In fact, that very same morning my son’s killer collected a murder weapon from his local post office after ordering it online using his mother’s ID and bank card.“
She says recent disorder and violence will not silence a serious debate on immigration that has been missing “for too long”.
Repeatedly calling the current government a “serious” one, she says net migration must come down and people must be trained here in the UK.
She says the asylum system is in “chaos” while underlining the need to look at “criminal gangs” – a point Keir Starmer made repeatedly throughout the election campaign.
The comments emerged after Straw’s successor at the Home Office, David Blunkett, warned that an influx of Roma migrants into Britain could cause riots. Blunkett told the BBC that Roma groups from Slovakia who had settled in a district of Sheffield were behaving like they were living in a “downtrodden village or woodland”.
Top Comment “Poles are not the problem
British Xenophobia is.”
Welcome to Bradford 2025, your next UK City of Culture. We’ve just revealed the first events for our thrilling year of culture, creativity and the arts – and we’ll be announcing much more in the months to come. See you next year.
Just look at what the far-Left activist idiot Bowen has put in his latest rant:
Bowen: Israel believes it has weakened Hezbollah but escalation still carries risks
‘Hezbollah started a limited but continuous campaign of rocket fire over the border, trying to tie down Israeli troops and damage Israeli property and people.’
What ???.
First things first Jeremy : they are not tying the army down at all with random rockets apart from to get themselves blown up and they don’t care one bit about damaging property. As their frequent terrorist attacks in Israel (which you do not report) prove. They want to kill Jews. Period.
Not ‘damage’ you great turnip, kill. Blow to pieces. Hamas did not butcher 1500 innocent civilians in cold blood just because they wanted to ‘damage’ them. It was bloodthirsty, terrorist murder.
And look at this he added himself:
‘Many Israelis also think Netanyahu is an appalling leader who tells lies and has abandoned the hostages in Gaza. So he is a very controversial character, but bolstered in the parliament by the right wingers who support him, he is politically secure.’
How obvious can you get that Jeremy is prjected his own, personal biased opinion onto ‘Many Israelis’ !!!. You need to add a ‘without providing evidence’ to your reports these days BBC.
And those people you casually label as ‘right wingers’ as if they are some kind of extremeists are actually the democratically elected government.
There’s only one extremist in this picture Bowen. A far Left one who supports Islamic terrorists. What an embarassment he is : he’s clearly losing the plot. Even for the BBC.
JohnC, now which politicians come to mind who have been accused of telling lies. I’ll give you a clue: one was a former UK PM and one was a former US President. That is what the FarLeft/HardLeft like to do; characterise their political opponents as liars.
We all know that we are being fed a huge amount of misinformation from our own MSM these days. They feel confident to do it now the whole industry has been infested by Left-Wing activists.
But this seems so extreme, I’m not sure how they can confident people will believe it.
The article lets you move a slider across the picture to see th ebefore and after. The point is to make us think Russia is not a nuclear threat after all.
But look at the pictures : the ‘explosion’ has not only made a crater, it has blown away all the new concrete and tarmac, changed the appearance of some buildings and even cause a few more trees to grow. And all without any piles of debris.
What am I missing here ?. It seems completely ridiculous. I notice the BBC have not reported it because I assume it’s so obvious as a lie, they know they can’t get away with it. All the other MSM have no such rules. But I’m a bit surprised to see it in the Telegraph – though all their comments on matters like this are the same spiteful schoolboy stuff we see from troll-farms.
Local Democracy Reporting Service
The Local Democracy Reporting Service created up to 165 new journalism jobs to help fill a gap in the reporting of local democracy issues across the UK.
Local Democracy Reporters cover top-tier local authorities, second-tier local authorities and other public service organisations. comment “What a wonderful advert for a British State education. He cant even spell his own slogan. Mind you with 8 letters its a hard one”
Just watching the old GBH series with him and michale Palin in it.
A rare view into the life of the dirty Left political world. They won’t make anything like that now. The bad guys are always right-wing whiteys who are hugely racist, sexist and any other ‘ists’ the activist left-wing writers can cram in.
I wouldn’t be sure of FGK. Knowing starmers views on “Can a man have a cervix?”, it could actually be a code for “female genital kier”. He certainly is one.
I’ve noticed that ms. starmer is on the scenes more and more. I think TTK has seen how the Pres. / 1st lady public act works in the US and thinks that it puts him in that sort of company.
Alternatively he has bought her to the front of the grid to keep Angie baby off the photo shoots. He kept her hidden away during the election campaign. One surefire way of losing the moslem vote is if they learn that starmer is married to a practicing Jewess, and that the family observe Shabbat within Downing Street.
I sure hope the Russians don’t invade on a Saturday.
On another political tack, if corbyn had been labour leader and won the election, would his first action have been to cut the winter fuel allowance? Then possibly single occupancy discount? Prescription charges next?
For all corbyn’s faults, he is a true socialist. He would have gone for the rich, not try to emulate them.
I have a theory about Rachael Reeves sounding like a cross between a Dalek and Alexa. She has had some form of voice coaching/elocution lessons. Occasionally the voice drops into a less “posh” voice.
Does not explain the verbiage that comes out though.
The media appear to be grooming Michael ‘Mikey Lynch for the pantomime season with reports that he wants the unions to have power over this and that part of the State .
I think re doesn’t realise that we are already there as the size of the public sector grows and company’s making profits go elsewhere …
Unless TTK takes lessons from Obama on how to steal an election the reds are doomed in 2029 – only to be replaced by … the er … xxxxxx … party …
What glass ceiling? These petit bourgeois, mummy-knows-best, public sector, totally predictable, dull-as-dishwater, awful bob-cut, straight-from-central-casting automatons infest every captured institution in the country. Why not the ghastly government?
Mail names the latest 15 year old slaughtered in londonistan – apparently he was called ‘Daejaun’… another promising footballer ….
There’s no racial element so move on – nothing to see …
We hear endlessly about “integration “, so why do BAMES not name their kids with western names ? So many footballers with African or Afro Caribbean Jamals and Duanes and the Indians with their cultural names. Clearly its only us whiteys that bang on about integration because our migrant friends are not that bothered!
Heavily pro-migrant piece from Germany: “Migrants feel less welcome as Germany’s far-right rises”.
The author is keen to hear the experiences of two young women fearful of where the country is heading. That’s migrant women of course, not German women scared of being stabbed or raped who the BBC never seem able to find for an interview.
“The ‘2015 generation’ is described as highly motivated by experts. Many could have stayed in Lebanon and Turkey, but pushed themselves on to Germany to make a new life.”
Highly motivated for what exactly? ‘Trust the experts’… ‘We can do this’… junk slogans pumped out by idiot politicians and media.
BBC fails to follow up on a refugee related News story … BBC £3.5bn Search for ‘Maria Freiburg’
… sorry if this makes you feel sick or generates hatred, but why aren’t the BBC interested in Maria Ladenburge’s killer being brought to justice and why the killer did it ….
The Trial of Hussein Khavari (murdered Maria Ladenburge) Becomes Even More Sordid { sep2017}
“It didn’t bother me to have sex with a dead girl.” (Hussein K.)
According to his testimony he was too drunk to achieve an erection, so he inserted his hand. Since he had a previous injury from a bicycle accident, he pulled her into the river to wash his blood from her body. There he left her and fled.
2010 … Angela Merkel: German multiculturalism has ‘utterly failed’
This article is more than 13 years old
Chancellor’s assertion that onus is on new arrivals to do more to integrate into German society stirs anti-immigration debate
I’ve just seen a picture of Yvette cooper balls making her speech and she really looks full of hate. Her face is twisted into an angry, scary even, expression.
The same for Rachel Riever. Her angry outburst while watching some protester also came over as a person full of hate.
Compare that to the likes of Nigel, Tice and Lowe who are pleasant and at times funny when they are making a speech.
About the best summary of how the West is seen by the ‘Work in Progress’ Globalist conquerors’ like the UN, WEF etc. The real Puppet Masters of the planet.
“I had four of them (MPS?) and it was an eight pound fare. They asked for a a receipt for £2 each so they could claim it on expenses. I wrote out one receipt, tore it into four pieces and gave them one each.”
Mandelson was refused entry to India (wasn’t allowed off his RAF aircraft) when he showed up unannounced to remonstrate with the uppity Indians who’d just ejected UK Foreign Secretary David (Banana Man) Miliband for manhandling / disrespecting President Manmohan Singh.
1998 I was directly in touch with John Humphreys at the time and when he was interviewing Mandelson over the loan, which he denied, it all came down to timing. From recollection, Mandelson had claimed he did not own the house at the time (and he was legally correct). Back then the time taken when purchase v Land Registration difference dictated when, the latter, “ownership” (the “Registration Gap” in the conveyancing process) took place.
I suggested to Humphreys the line of questioning to trap the Socialist with his massage of the truth. Humphreys didn’t believe me – even argues with me as to why I was wrong in the principle.
After that, I said to myself ‘f**k you BBC’.
The last few sets of offshore windfarm accounts will be out over the next week. Here's a good one – Ormonde gets 63% of its turnover from subsidy.
Starmer’s first announcement in his speech…pandering to Hillsborough, Windrush and Grenfell.
It’s all about transparency…see…except of course if you ask for the impact assessment for removing winter fuel allowances…that’s top secret. Maybe we’ll see it when the inquiry into all the dead pensioners who froze to death is up and running….depending of course if the BBC reports it.
Yeah yeah yeah but what about dot Lawrence ? Surely something should be done – I’ve listened to him but he doesn’t make a speech – it’s just ‘give me ‘ waffle – by a bloke with a £2k pair of glasses someone bought for him … 55? Months to go ….
‘A man who wore a balaclava to an anti-racism counter protest told police he was an “introvert” when he refused to take it off.’
‘Tom Sedbury, 29, had brought a bag of knives to the demonstration in Walthamstow, later claiming he was going to sell the weapons in exchange for a bike.’
I’ll presume the reason for that is because of how obvious it now makes the two-tier justice system after Huw got away with no custodial sentence even though he paid money for child abuse pictures.
If you listen to starmer – and substitute Corbin – there’s no difference – it’s Marxism – it’s your country apparently – not sure who you are – but it’s yours – whether you contributed to it not not .
And he has announced that any one with assets will be screwed on 30th October …
Revealed: how Anjem Choudary influenced at least 100 British jihadis
This article is more than 8 years old
Counter-terrorism sources say hate preacher is linked to terrorists from Lee Rigby killer to young Isis fighters
“Our reasonable tolerant country. That is who we are.” (c) Starmer
“Our reasonable tolerant country. That is who we are.” (c) Starmer
“Our reasonable tolerant country. That is who we are.” (c) Starmer
How did Starmer come to call hostages ‘sausages’? I fear the worst. When I was at school there was a teacher who looked like a fish and his nickname was ‘cod’. I had to keep reminding myself not to call him that to his face. I fear that in the offices at No10, the staff call the hostages ‘sausages’ as a derogatory term – and it just slipped out.
And you may call me a conspiracy theorist – or just a plain cynic. I saw on Guido Starmer react to the heckeling. I could believe it was planned, with Starmer ready with his ready quip to show how quick on his feet he is.
Nothing I have heard out of politicians, especially the current crop of Labour automatons, has not been chewed on and inserted into their heads to regurgitate on cue.
Making the serious nodding by the overpaid propagandists in media opposite all the more damning.
I credit Ronnie after his getting shot, and Don after the recent attempt… albeit the latter being questioned by those who could shoot the polish off a Balearic club twerking Minister’s new tax funded spray tan at a thousand yards.
He does have a way with words, Our Glorious Leader. He said after all the votes had been counted and Labour declared winners, “Let us be gracious in defeat.” Er, no, TwoTier Keir/FreeGear Keir, I think you intended to say ” …. victory” Defeat may well come at the 2029 General Election or maybe earlier, the way Labour appear to be running the UK into the ground.
Lord god he really did say the return of the sausages – wasn’t there a not the nine o’clock news where a us presidenr readout whatever was on the autocue … and then there was Biden – pause …
The great leader is now heading for the UN woke assembly in New York … I suppose he ll be taking the ‘brains ‘ – the foreign secretary with him to double the expenses allowance …
Maybe labour thinks they can build TTK and his 20% of the vote into a ‘statesman …
.. I didn’t spot him boasting about killing four thousand old people this winter because of a non existent ‘black hole ‘…
JohnCMar 10, 07:38 Start the Week 10th March 2025 As I posted earlier Marco, the BBC are celebrating his ‘appointment’ with such a fanfare in a ‘live update’ article…
DoublethinkerMar 10, 07:31 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I think Trump made a big mistake in taking measures against Canada and joking about it becoming the 51 st…
harry142857Mar 10, 07:31 Start the Week 10th March 2025 BBC approved type of enricher. Welcomed to the UK: Palestinian asylum seeker gunman who called on God to ‘kill all…
DoublethinkerMar 10, 07:26 Start the Week 10th March 2025 A warning from the future! And one which we can all see is not a exaggerated threat. Prof Betz and…
MarcoMar 10, 07:24 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Mark Carney Wef candidate and green scam artist ,he ticks all the globalist boxes including the BBC but the good…
pugnaziousMar 10, 07:18 Start the Week 10th March 2025 It is possible to stop the flow….you just have to want to…and Labour, the Tories and France just don’t want…
tomoMar 10, 07:10 Start the Week 10th March 2025 With all the Democrat funded “news” operations losing USAID money there’s a lot of “talent” looking for a safe harbour.…
andyjsnapeMar 10, 06:58 Start the Week 10th March 2025 bbc to go on and on about this… Lawyer probing Reform UK row contradicts MP Lowe Remember partygate, well…
FlotsamMar 10, 06:57 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I thought the decision to appoint a foreigner to be Governor of our central bank to be a shockingly bad…
JohnCMar 10, 06:26 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Pro-Palestinian student protester detained by US immigration officials, says lawyer Just look at the length of the article the…
TOADY Watch #1 – Mishal Husain 0 : 5 Israeli female spokesperson
Oh dear! Mishal desperately wanted the Israeli spokesperson to say “yes, Israel was behind the exploding papers” but the woman just would not go there. She was tough. I wonder if she knew she was up against a Muslim Beeboid? That’s the result as I scored it. 🙂
The IDF spoke staff are easily up to turning over any BBC droid . I’m sure they have full files on each one for the day they become full enemies …
I’m sure the bbc would love to get shut down in Israel to provide the false legitimacy they crave
Fed, yes almost certainly. Apols for the typo: papers instead of pagers. Must proof read more thouroughly!
Funny – Labour are wrapping themselves in the Union Jack … yet….
Labour Party Conference.
I haven’t heard a word about the illegal immigrants yet. Shall I hold my breath?
They know there is no easy solution under current circumstances so will ignore it – despite it being the number one concern …. Even when the next third world murders take place they’ll focus on ‘ thoughts and prayers ‘ pushing the media to scream the message against dissent – protest – and remind everyone of the political trials of a dictatorship ….underTTK …
Well, the Labour Party conference is proving to be entertaining, if nothing else…
Hecklers, people being evicted, lots of booing and the nurses’ union rejecting their pay deal…well, after what the doctors and rail workers got, who could blame them?
And did you see that God awful speech given by the incredibly robotic Rachel Reeves? She seems to possess all the emotional nuance of an autistic Dalek.
The arse licking BBC described her speech as “uplifting”, FFS!
And tomorrow we’ve got Two Tier Keir.
Bring the popcorn…
Reevsie? Larry was smitten.
Assured performance from Rachel Reeves on the broadcast round this morning. Credible and reasonable answer on clothing donations etc. Had it been the answer from the start, government mind not find itself in the hole that it’s in.
You can put the Labour shill in and out of the BBC, but….
“Keir Starmer to warn of shared struggle but sees ‘light at end of the tunnel'”
I wonder how many times TTK has been refused service?
Close mosques to stop terrorism?!
Make sure your car identifies as a cat – so you don’t have to pay anything! Simple!
Put it onto MP expenses?
Even Alexa is biased, of course.
And Diddy will soon commit suicide, 3 feet off the ground, when all the cameras and guards just happen not to be working.
I thought suicide by hanging with three self inflicted 12 gauge shots to the chest was the way?
Angela Rayner was appointed Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government and Deputy Prime Minister on 5 July 2024. She was elected as the MP for Ashton-under-Lyne in May 2015.
Taskforce on community cohesion
Taskforce on community cohesion
Taskforce on community cohesion
Taskforce on community cohesion
Same old lame uninspired mud flinging – amazed she didn’t get dumped by her constituency for her other antics.
“Yellow flashing light to racists”
“yellow flashing light to rapists”
There, fixed it for you luv.
During the 2015–2016 celebrations of New Year’s Eve in Germany, approximately 1,200 women were reported to have been sexually assaulted, especially in the city of Cologne. In many of the incidents, while these women were in public spaces, they were surrounded and assaulted by large groups of men who were identified by officials as Arab or North African men.[11][12][13][14] The Federal Criminal Police Office confirmed in July 2016 that 1,200 women had been sexually assaulted on that night.[1]
Beware the Yellow Peril!
Diane Abbott walks away after she’s asked to explain Jewish ‘costume’ comment
She walks away from fellow Tube passenger after he asked what she meant while filming her
Lee Harpin
BY Lee Harpin
September 12, 2018 17:18
And give the far left unions enormous power, and their workers huge, inflation-busting wages.
22% pay rise for everyone! Free buses for all!
What she is saying is that she hates people having personal mobility and the mad-marxists will do everything they can to stop people having their own method of transport. This so that the comrades can be kettled into the WEF beloved 15-minute cities.
The bus model just does not work for the major parts of the country where people live in villages.
Having massive buses with one passenger on-board churning up small country roads is bonkers.
She says London – who has financial money and is people stacked on people! Not the same as rural communities – same model?
Funnily enough I live in a rural area and a couple of weeks ago our bus services were stopped by the Council without notice. There were only a handful of buses per day, and most of the services had one, two or no passengers at all. There was nothing earlier than eight in the morning and later than seven in the evening. It has been replaced by an on-demand bus service which has to be booked with an App, theoretically a good idea but most of the potential users are OAP’s without smartphones. There appears to be a history of non appearance, the App not working etc.
Most of these Utopian ideas for transport that the left wingers and Greenies dream are just that. Dreams.
I live in the middle of nowhere, with the occasional bus. The buses are fine if I want to get somewhere, but no chance that there is a bus to get home without waiting a couple of hours.
The council where I used to work, offered a travel plan. I explained I was part time, needed to get my son to school and wanted to be at home to prepare Mr D’s lunch. The council plan involved getting the bus at 10am but a bus home at 3.30 which wasn’t fitting with my work hours, never mind Mr D’s lunch. Their alternative was for me to get a moped, great on icy rural roads or the very busy main route where I would have been lucky to have survived the first week without being killed.
Could’ve been worse Debs, they could have suggested roller skates !
Private transport= individualistic = market-based = less controllable = ‘evil’
Public transport= collectivist= socialist = more controllable = ‘good’
Regrettably both blue and red Labour favour the first system
Of course there has been no labour government since Thatcher, has there
Tony Blair: A woman has a vagina and a man has a penis
Former PM wades into the transgender debate, questioning why politicians had got themselves into a ‘muddle’ on the issue
Simon Johnson
Scottish Political Editor
Related Topics
Tony Blair, Labour Party, Keir Starmer, Transgender, Woke, General Election 2024
Louise Haigh
MP for Sheffield Heeley and Secretary of State for Transport. For casework, please email May 2010
3,942 Following
Does she use them? Has she got FREE EXPENSES TRAVEL?
Does she paint them like Boris?
Starmer to promise ‘light at the end of tunnel’
Sir Keir Starmer will warn of a “shared struggle”
I guess with only £7.7million net worth, its us struggle
I was going to share just the Starmer suck up in complement in the Moaning Emole, but the full set is very bbc.
Starmer’s promise of optimism | Israel intensifies deadly strikes on Lebanon | The real cost of the royals?
“The real cost of Lineker, Huw Edwards et al ” ?
Who do NOT attract tourism to the country.
“The rapes and murders of Israeli hostages still in captivity ” ?
“How many rockets from Lebanon since October 7th” ?
“rockets from Lebanon” peace makers (c) BBC
There is light at the end of the tunnel – it’s an on coming lorry!
Just a little thought experiment:
Imagine, for a moment, if it was the Conservative party that had restricted the winter fuel allowance, or made it means tested…
Could you picture the endless spit ridden howls of outrage from the far left, the purple haired pierced public protests around the country with socialist worker party placards ready made, the vicious and foul language and threats directed at the tories on social media, the bbc publishing endless stories about freezing pensioners for weeks on end and relentlessly gunning for the resignation of the minister responsible.
Instead we have silence from the far left, and the biased far left bbc publishing stories about rich pensioners who don’t need the fuel allowance and defending the minister responsible.
When folk think about Starmer it is worth considering the last words of Alexander Litvinenko:
In his last statement he said about Putin:
“…this may be the time to say one or two things to the person responsible for my present condition. You may succeed in silencing me but that silence comes at a price. You have shown yourself to be as barbaric and ruthless as your most hostile critics have claimed. You have shown yourself to have no respect for life, liberty or any civilised value. You have shown yourself to be unworthy of your office, to be unworthy of the trust of civilised men and women. You may succeed in silencing one man but the howl of protest from around the world will reverberate, Mr Putin, in your ears for the rest of your life. May God forgive you for what you have done, not only to me but to beloved Russia and its people.[48]”
I suggest the same goes for the “muslim peadophile gang rapists hidden in local news” bbc also.
Sadly, in this age of information overload, short news cycles and even shorter attention spans, the “howl of protest” will not resonate for long.
If the Tories or Reform have any sense they will keep this maverick of abandoning the winter fuel payment in their back pocket, to be the big set piece in future electoral campaigns.
“Prison Officers Association general secretary Steve Gillan turned up to announce his union, the largest of prison officers in the UK, would fund the campaign to the tune of £10,000. He added that the funding wasn’t discretionary: “We’re not going to specify how that’s spent… Viva Cuba.” Union dues well spent then…”
Talking to Andrew Marr, Thornberry managed to admit that murderous communist Cuban dictator Fidel Castro was a “divisive figure”, before heading into a praise-filled diatribe for the regime:
“I went to to Cuba in the early 1990s when there was a great economic difficulties in that country and I found a country that was egalitarian with a fantastic health service… in my view it was a brave island that stood against a regime that for 50 years would not trade with it and would not let other countries trade with it too.”
America is now a “regime” FFS what a silly bitch
Re. Castro: From the same playbook as Flabbott’s “Mao did more good than harm”.
I wonder if Cuba is the place to go at the start of their career to pick up the suitcases of money and get instructions from Moscow centre …. I bet the deputy PM has been a few times and has plenty of friendly chaps to remember ….
This video shows Christopher Hitchens (RIP) warning of the dual dangers of wokeness and islam, way back in 2009.
The video ends with a chilling clip of Starmer and Khan having a cosy discussion on how they’re going to crack down on ‘islamophobia’ much more robustly. Khan is actually feeding Two-Tier Keir lines, feeding him suggestions about a ‘strategy’ based on his experience as a prosecutor.
Starmer clearly in the pocket of the islamists.
The independent review into
the application of sharia law
in England and Wales
Presented to Parliament
by the Secretary of State for the Home Department
by Command of Her Majesty
February 2018
Click to access 6.4152_HO_CPFG_Report_into_Sharia_Law_in_the_UK_WEB.pdf
Too long for me to read, but thanks for posting.
The truth is, sharia law is already with us, and it’s only going to spread, especially under the current islamist-friendly regime.
And no future government will have the ability or the will to reverse the trend. That ratchet only goes one way.
Allahu Akbar*, my friends.
*translates roughly as: we are so f*cked.
Justin Welby also claimed that British law has “underlying values and assumptions” that come from a clearly Christian tradition. Archbishop Welby set out his reasons why sharia should not win official status in Britain in his book, called ‘Reimagining Britain’. He said: “Sharia law is not just about punishments.24 Feb 2018
For once Welby was right about something. But he has all the authority of a wet lettuce leaf, and the C of E is hurtling towards irrelevance and oblivion. And guess which demonic death cult will fill the vacuum?
Welby apologises for ‘great wickedness’ of 1919 Amritsar massacre
What an utter ponce.
I apologise for the great wokeness of Welby – obsequious creep.
2018 …..
“…and don’t you worry. It’s coming to a place near you…we cannot have state subsidized preachers (Mayors,UK Security MP, Religious guidance)…give it up
(Islam) or give it to your deadliest enemy and pay for the rope that will choke you.“
Home Office, UK Security … Islamist …. Sajid Javid.
London Mayor, UK Prosperity … Islamist … Sadiq Khan.
CEO of Bernados, UK Children … Islamist .. Javed Khan.
Prime Minister’s Special Envoy on Freedom of Religion or Belief … Islamist … Lord Ahmed.
BBC religion and ethics commissioning … Islamist … Fatima Salaria
BBC Raido – HA HA HA nearly eradicated grey squirrels! Racists!
Still flogging a dead Egyptian – dig him up ….do a saville …
Matt Walsh has produced a mockumentary-film entitled Am I Racist, which mercilessly mocks the whole race-baiting and DEI scam industry.
It broke all sorts of records at the box office despite the msm totally ignoring it (or else panning it).
And of course the cowardly BBC ignored it too.
How do we start to decolonize science? @0:10
“Through the black magic, witchcraft you are able to send a lightning bolt to strike someone, Can you explain that scientifically … ” @0:50 – one of the speakers
“It’s not true” – audience member
“I need to address you directly (audience member who says witchcraft does not work). When we started this we agreed on certain house rules. By you doing that (arguing) you are disrespecting that sacredness of this space. I would like you please first to apologise …” – another speaker
FFS how many more times ?
For all eternity – watch the clip – it is the most amazing thing – see how the boy backs down and accepts his new white privileged fate…
All science is imperialist!
Interesting comment below the youtube video above:
(The original one above not the one inserted for the 20th bloody time)
“All of this started happening exactly after occupy Wall St. happened. People were united against the actual enemy, and that needed to be remedied quickly. Just like in prison, if it isn’t all the races against each other, then it’s the inmates vs. the guards.”
Comment “My favorite line: “Martin Luther King said, it doesn’t matter what race…” Black instructor: “King said a lot of stuff…” “
Gone are the days when the gynaeceum that is our BBC News staff were leary of the Times as being somewhat infra dig in comparison to their beloved Guardian and sadly representative of ‘The Tory Press’. Now the title, justifiably considered to be a ‘regime central’ mouthpiece, is happily a go-to pick for the top of the BBC’s online press frontcover line-up.
The Handbags And Gladrags
That your poor old granddad
Had to freeze to buy you
And here we are again, second day running with the Times in the BBC’stop spot as they go with: Labour to crack down on benefit fraudsters – naturally the embattled freebie specs and frocks, 2-tier Starmer, dropping like a stone in the polls, feels the dire need to strafe right a tad.
Crack down on benefits, you say? How precisely will that manifest itself?
One recalls an amusing remark made many years ago by the late lamented Mrs AsI. She sometimes had a way with words. Having been informed by her best female friend that the friend was about to become engaged to her live-in boyfriend Mrs AsI enquired would there be a ring? Was there a wedding date set? How about an engagment party? When the answer to all these questions came back no, Mrs AsI justifiably mused “Well then, how will this engagement manifest itself?”
The left-leaning ‘i’ newspaper simply takes the Labourite sound-bite at face value and presents it as their headline: Reeves looks at cutting benefits to fund public spending – benefits are public spending and vice versa. That’s some riddle of the sphinx circular reasoning you have there Ms Reeves. Tory black hole public spending was too high so you cut the OAP’s winter fuel benefit so as to increase public spending? My brain begins to hurt.
By the way, did you see the Chancellor handed her arse over the Lord Alli freebies by the normally soft touch Good Morning Britain couple, Susanna Reid and Richard Madeley? Blimey, it was like Paxman reincarnate times two versus a guilty school girl (with that gruff voice of hers from having just puffed 200 cigarettes before breakfast).
Benefits cutbacks you say? Apparently she’s going to help us all back to work: Initiative will focus on helping more people get back into work (‘i’) – not her own civil servants of course: Rachel Reeves says she ‘sets an example’ by not working from home as Labour ‘ditches efforts to force civil servants back into the office’ (Daily Mail)
The promises of new benefits just keep coming: Free primary school breakfast clubs to begin next year (‘i’)
The circular argumentation of cutting benefits spending (whether it be by outright fraudsters or a tacit socialist admission of the existence of a lumpen class of malingerers needing ‘help’ back into work) all so as to increase benefits spending – that may bamboozle the foolish youthful readership of the ‘i’ but the formerly serious Times feels the need for an explanatory subheader to that headline soundbite – and it’s a corker: Starmer’s new law will let investigators access suspects’ bank details and seize property
In fact the ci-devant Rishi Sunak Tory-branded administration was already about to put on the statute book ways and means for state agents to regularly take a peek at all benefits claiments’ (including state pensioners’) bank statements. Afterall, they might spy something taxable in there. And all the better for the medium-term Treasury plan to means test the state pension. The winter fuel allowance cut is just a toe in the water of slashling those universal benefits in favour of you having to apply for stuff. You’ll own nothing and be happy – remember folks, it’s not a conspiracy theory, if it’s true.
Help me out with this one… what is the EU’s obsession with: Germany and France want post-Brexit migrant deal (Times) ? – there can only be one of two motives – either a desperate urge to export to us their unemployment – or some darker background population replacement plan – is there any other explanation?
On a lighter note Mr AsI begins to note the Google machine pushing certain ‘news’ stories at him unsolicited.
11 ‘Problematic’ Family Movies Still Worth Watching (and Discussing) With Your Kids (Life Hacker, ‘a federally registered trademark of Ziff Davis’) – Ziff Davis, you ask? Ziff Davis is a vertically focused digital media and internet company whose portfolio includes leading brands in technology, entertainment… blah blah blah…
Problematic – now there was a time the word problematic might refer to the likes of the Times crossword.
However, in Ziff Davis world it’s: Potentially offensive or upsetting content – in family movies… really?
Many beloved kids’ favourites come under the American-orientated PC microscope for ‘learning and teaching moments’ including: The Lion King (1994); Transformers: The Movie (1986); Watership Down (1978); and The Harry Potter films (2001-2011)
But the stand out colour still image at the top of the article is from Dumbo (1941)
You guessed it: Before the launch of Disney’s streaming service, there were rumors that an offensive scene in Dumbo, in which a racially coded blackbird named Jim Crow (grimacing emoji) gives the titular elephant a feather so he can fly, would be excised. That wasn’t true; instead, as with The Lion King, the service added this statement in the animated film’s description: “This program is presented as originally created. It may contain outdated cultural depictions.” Instead of skipping over that screen [sic – scene] to get to the cute baby elephant, it’s worth talking to your kids about how normalized such tropes once were—and still are, in many cases, provided you understand how to spot them. (Life Hacker, as promoted, internationally and unsolicited by Google)
That image from Dumbo is of course of one of the row of crows on a tree banch singing “When I See an Elephant Fly”
Oddly reminiscent of our BBC’s own image this very morning: Bird on a wire and other winning photos… Helmetshrikes Preparing to Sleep, Sabi Sands Nature Reserve, South Africa by Gary Collyer…”We were on a safari, and returning to camp in Sabi Sands, South Africa, on a dark March evening… Then we heard chattering and fluttering high above us. When illuminated with the lamp on the vehicle, we saw these helmetshrikes huddling together against a night that was starting to turn colder.” (Photo credit Gary Collyer/Bird Photographer of the Year)
Google apologizes after new Gemini AI refuses to show pictures, achievements of White people
Gemini’s senior director of product management told Fox News Digital it is working to improve the AI ‘immediately’
Google have turned into an absolute shower
The Google Code of Conduct is one of the ways we put “Don’t be evil” into practice… Between 21 April and 4 May 2018, Google removed the motto from the preface, leaving a mention in the final line: “And remember… don’t be evil, and if you see something that you think isn’t right – speak up!”
Doing evil with systemic failures:
The murder of Thomas Roberts by a previous double murderer who was an illegal invader into this country.
He’d already murdered two people in Serbia, and the terror squad say they were “watching him”?!
AISI, I have to disappoint you. Gary Collyer did not win Bird Photographer of the Year. He did not even win the Comedy Category as he only got a third place Bronze Medal. I would have given him a Gold award and made him the Overall Winner as his image is ‘a wonderful bit of seeing’ as the Camera Club judges are wont to say.
Instead that appears to have gone to ‘right-on-message’ image that is responsible for giving young people in the UK anxiety and mental health problems that we humans are destroying wildlife – as frequently stated the BBC – (which we are not as typified by the wildlife in my garden) the actual winner was taken by Patricia Homonylo (Bird Photographer of the Year) with a gold award. That seems incredibly close to a winning image years ago of a dead bird in black and white and then hand-coloured. Photographer’s name not remembered but a woman from North America with a freezer full of dead birds.
So called Union Baron Mick Lynch has come out from under the carpet and vowed forced unionisation in every business sector.
Starmer will be powerless to stop this so we are about to witness a repeat of the disastrous 1960’s which ended up crushing the UK car manufacturing industry for one along with untold damage in many sectors including print and media. Imagine if you will a UK media forced to abide to the diktats of its Communist Union leaders over what it is allowed to print etc. I have seen this before via The National Graphical Association Union in my own career in graphic design where I was threatened that I could not use any printer for instance unless I joined the union.
If Lynch succeeds in effectively handing over the political power in this country to him and his mates in the unions, the UK will rapidly become a European version of those hollowed out communist dictatorships in South America.
“It’s just another U-turn from Labour. Before the election, they promised to do everything they could to “support pubs”. In their manifesto, they even rolled out a flashy “five-point plan” to stop closures and encourage pub ownership. Starmer himself was dropping hints about an alcohol duty freeze all in the aim of helping out the local boozers. Though with these new restrictions on the table, any chance of that support seems to have gone flat. A reminder of what our Chancellor Reeves once said (this June):
“Brits love our locals. Let’s back our landlords to keep our pubs going. We want to save the British pub because I know what an important institution they are in so many communities.”
This latest move will leave a bitter taste in Brits’ mouths…”
COMMENT “Why would they want pubs, the last bastions of community, sociability, and free speech?
Whenever I go to a pub most of what I hear is criticism of the current government and most times quite sensible analysis of their attitudes to the public. Social media is something they can control, divert, or censor, but not pubs.”
Mis-sold a government? Want a refund?
Yvette Cooper pledges to halve knife crime in a decade in Labour conference speech
decade = a period of ten years.
More than 700 migrants crossed the Channel in small boats on Saturday
A total of 24,335 people have been detected making the journey across the Channel to the UK in small boats so far this year – slightly up on the same time last year, but down 20% compared to 2020.
Sunday 22 September 2024 15:17, UK
“In fact, that very same morning my son’s killer collected a murder weapon from his local post office after ordering it online using his mother’s ID and bank card.“
Redefine the word ‘knife’ and ‘crime ‘ and discourage reporting . Job done
Zombie knifes to be renamed butter knifes from Asia!
“Provocative” experiment finds macaques stare longer at faces of candidates who end up losing
Seems legit. They likely identify more with those whose faces they see on tv more, such as pols and political client media.
Likely throw less shizzle out their cages.
Cooper shifts now to immigration.
She says recent disorder and violence will not silence a serious debate on immigration that has been missing “for too long”.
Repeatedly calling the current government a “serious” one, she says net migration must come down and people must be trained here in the UK.
She says the asylum system is in “chaos” while underlining the need to look at “criminal gangs” – a point Keir Starmer made repeatedly throughout the election campaign.
Immigration is “important” she adds, but needs to be “properly managed and controlled” so that the system is “fair”.
Jack Straw: Labour made mistake letting Poles in early
This article is more than 10 years old
Former home secretary says number and impact of migrants from eastern Europe far exceeded predictions
The comments emerged after Straw’s successor at the Home Office, David Blunkett, warned that an influx of Roma migrants into Britain could cause riots. Blunkett told the BBC that Roma groups from Slovakia who had settled in a district of Sheffield were behaving like they were living in a “downtrodden village or woodland”.
Diversity is our … oh wait …
“Blunkett said: “We have got to change the behaviour and the culture of the incoming community, the Roma community, because there’s going to be an explosion otherwise. We all know that.””
Top Comment “Poles are not the problem
British Xenophobia is.”
Welcome to Bradford 2025, your next UK City of Culture. We’ve just revealed the first events for our thrilling year of culture, creativity and the arts – and we’ll be announcing much more in the months to come. See you next year.
Just look at what the far-Left activist idiot Bowen has put in his latest rant:
Bowen: Israel believes it has weakened Hezbollah but escalation still carries risks
‘Hezbollah started a limited but continuous campaign of rocket fire over the border, trying to tie down Israeli troops and damage Israeli property and people.’
What ???.
First things first Jeremy : they are not tying the army down at all with random rockets apart from to get themselves blown up and they don’t care one bit about damaging property. As their frequent terrorist attacks in Israel (which you do not report) prove. They want to kill Jews. Period.
Not ‘damage’ you great turnip, kill. Blow to pieces. Hamas did not butcher 1500 innocent civilians in cold blood just because they wanted to ‘damage’ them. It was bloodthirsty, terrorist murder.
And look at this he added himself:
‘Many Israelis also think Netanyahu is an appalling leader who tells lies and has abandoned the hostages in Gaza. So he is a very controversial character, but bolstered in the parliament by the right wingers who support him, he is politically secure.’
How obvious can you get that Jeremy is prjected his own, personal biased opinion onto ‘Many Israelis’ !!!. You need to add a ‘without providing evidence’ to your reports these days BBC.
And those people you casually label as ‘right wingers’ as if they are some kind of extremeists are actually the democratically elected government.
There’s only one extremist in this picture Bowen. A far Left one who supports Islamic terrorists. What an embarassment he is : he’s clearly losing the plot. Even for the BBC.
“We are seeing yet another very large escalation by the Israelis.”
“Hezbollah started a limited (limited as in restrained! H AH HAHA!) but continuous campaign of rocket fire over the border,”
Kill ‘all’ Jews, Hamas TV host urges kids
Palestinian child told to punch Jews and ‘turn their faces into tomatoes in order to liberate Palestine’
By ToI Staff
8 May 2014, 11:36 pm
WaPo’s report when ISIS leader died… Bowen is reaching similar levels of linguistic deception…
JohnC, now which politicians come to mind who have been accused of telling lies. I’ll give you a clue: one was a former UK PM and one was a former US President. That is what the FarLeft/HardLeft like to do; characterise their political opponents as liars.
‘World’s deadliest weapon’ explodes during testing in Russia
We all know that we are being fed a huge amount of misinformation from our own MSM these days. They feel confident to do it now the whole industry has been infested by Left-Wing activists.
But this seems so extreme, I’m not sure how they can confident people will believe it.
The article lets you move a slider across the picture to see th ebefore and after. The point is to make us think Russia is not a nuclear threat after all.
But look at the pictures : the ‘explosion’ has not only made a crater, it has blown away all the new concrete and tarmac, changed the appearance of some buildings and even cause a few more trees to grow. And all without any piles of debris.
What am I missing here ?. It seems completely ridiculous. I notice the BBC have not reported it because I assume it’s so obvious as a lie, they know they can’t get away with it. All the other MSM have no such rules. But I’m a bit surprised to see it in the Telegraph – though all their comments on matters like this are the same spiteful schoolboy stuff we see from troll-farms.
Trident missile test fails for second time in a row
21 February
The Mother of All Bombs: How badly did it hurt IS in Afghanistan?
27 April 2017
Anyone notice “Local Democracy Reporting Service” emerge?
A BBC initiative…
Twerps are bigging themselves up again and presuming to be authoritative – if we don’t tell you about it, it didn’t happen etc., etc., etc.
Local Democracy Reporting Service
The Local Democracy Reporting Service created up to 165 new journalism jobs to help fill a gap in the reporting of local democracy issues across the UK.
Local Democracy Reporters cover top-tier local authorities, second-tier local authorities and other public service organisations. comment “What a wonderful advert for a British State education. He cant even spell his own slogan. Mind you with 8 letters its a hard one”
Just watching the old GBH series with him and michale Palin in it.
A rare view into the life of the dirty Left political world. They won’t make anything like that now. The bad guys are always right-wing whiteys who are hugely racist, sexist and any other ‘ists’ the activist left-wing writers can cram in.
I’m indebted to someone on. BBC HYS.
FGK= Free Gear Kier
Goes so nicely with TTK.
Afternoon Sluffie,
I wouldn’t be sure of FGK. Knowing starmers views on “Can a man have a cervix?”, it could actually be a code for “female genital kier”. He certainly is one.
I’ve noticed that ms. starmer is on the scenes more and more. I think TTK has seen how the Pres. / 1st lady public act works in the US and thinks that it puts him in that sort of company.
Alternatively he has bought her to the front of the grid to keep Angie baby off the photo shoots. He kept her hidden away during the election campaign. One surefire way of losing the moslem vote is if they learn that starmer is married to a practicing Jewess, and that the family observe Shabbat within Downing Street.
I sure hope the Russians don’t invade on a Saturday.
On another political tack, if corbyn had been labour leader and won the election, would his first action have been to cut the winter fuel allowance? Then possibly single occupancy discount? Prescription charges next?
For all corbyn’s faults, he is a true socialist. He would have gone for the rich, not try to emulate them.
I have a theory about Rachael Reeves sounding like a cross between a Dalek and Alexa. She has had some form of voice coaching/elocution lessons. Occasionally the voice drops into a less “posh” voice.
Does not explain the verbiage that comes out though.
The media appear to be grooming Michael ‘Mikey Lynch for the pantomime season with reports that he wants the unions to have power over this and that part of the State .
I think re doesn’t realise that we are already there as the size of the public sector grows and company’s making profits go elsewhere …
Unless TTK takes lessons from Obama on how to steal an election the reds are doomed in 2029 – only to be replaced by … the er … xxxxxx … party …
Our Rachel, had a soubriquet at the BoE that was hardly flattering in the vocal department. Rachel Reeves was known as ‘Foghorn’.
I bet she hired a smile guru for £80k a year expenses paid …
Maybe she lol adopt the Harris cackle as well
“Smashing the glass ceiling, inspiring the next generation of women that they too can achieve anything. AND KILLING THE OLD PEOPLE 🌹”
Put her in the curry.
Mail names the latest 15 year old slaughtered in londonistan – apparently he was called ‘Daejaun’… another promising footballer ….
There’s no racial element so move on – nothing to see …
We hear endlessly about “integration “, so why do BAMES not name their kids with western names ? So many footballers with African or Afro Caribbean Jamals and Duanes and the Indians with their cultural names. Clearly its only us whiteys that bang on about integration because our migrant friends are not that bothered!
Heavily pro-migrant piece from Germany: “Migrants feel less welcome as Germany’s far-right rises”.
The author is keen to hear the experiences of two young women fearful of where the country is heading. That’s migrant women of course, not German women scared of being stabbed or raped who the BBC never seem able to find for an interview.
“The ‘2015 generation’ is described as highly motivated by experts. Many could have stayed in Lebanon and Turkey, but pushed themselves on to Germany to make a new life.”
Highly motivated for what exactly? ‘Trust the experts’… ‘We can do this’… junk slogans pumped out by idiot politicians and media.
BBC fails to follow up on a refugee related News story … BBC £3.5bn Search for ‘Maria Freiburg’
… sorry if this makes you feel sick or generates hatred, but why aren’t the BBC interested in Maria Ladenburge’s killer being brought to justice and why the killer did it ….
The Trial of Hussein Khavari (murdered Maria Ladenburge) Becomes Even More Sordid { sep2017}
“It didn’t bother me to have sex with a dead girl.” (Hussein K.)
According to his testimony he was too drunk to achieve an erection, so he inserted his hand. Since he had a previous injury from a bicycle accident, he pulled her into the river to wash his blood from her body. There he left her and fled.
2015 …. Angela Merkel says “Wir schaffen das” on accepting refugees
2010 … Angela Merkel: German multiculturalism has ‘utterly failed’
This article is more than 13 years old
Chancellor’s assertion that onus is on new arrivals to do more to integrate into German society stirs anti-immigration debate
I’ve just seen a picture of Yvette cooper balls making her speech and she really looks full of hate. Her face is twisted into an angry, scary even, expression.
The same for Rachel Riever. Her angry outburst while watching some protester also came over as a person full of hate.
Compare that to the likes of Nigel, Tice and Lowe who are pleasant and at times funny when they are making a speech.
Forced concentration in case the mask slips.
Lee Andersons speech was the funniest I’d heard in a long time.
Glen Beck / Blaze tv.
About the best summary of how the West is seen by the ‘Work in Progress’ Globalist conquerors’ like the UN, WEF etc. The real Puppet Masters of the planet.
Highly recommended.
We will own everything.
You will loan it at 200%
Truly terrifying and we see it every day, any push back to the globalist agenda and ……”it’s the far right”
With the bbc at the helm cheerleading
“I had four of them (MPS?) and it was an eight pound fare. They asked for a a receipt for £2 each so they could claim it on expenses. I wrote out one receipt, tore it into four pieces and gave them one each.”
Lord Mandelson
Labour Peer
Mandelson was refused entry to India (wasn’t allowed off his RAF aircraft) when he showed up unannounced to remonstrate with the uppity Indians who’d just ejected UK Foreign Secretary David (Banana Man) Miliband for manhandling / disrespecting President Manmohan Singh.
1998 I was directly in touch with John Humphreys at the time and when he was interviewing Mandelson over the loan, which he denied, it all came down to timing. From recollection, Mandelson had claimed he did not own the house at the time (and he was legally correct). Back then the time taken when purchase v Land Registration difference dictated when, the latter, “ownership” (the “Registration Gap” in the conveyancing process) took place.
I suggested to Humphreys the line of questioning to trap the Socialist with his massage of the truth. Humphreys didn’t believe me – even argues with me as to why I was wrong in the principle.
After that, I said to myself ‘f**k you BBC’.
Why not 100%?This is terrible!
Starmer’s first announcement in his speech…pandering to Hillsborough, Windrush and Grenfell.
It’s all about transparency…see…except of course if you ask for the impact assessment for removing winter fuel allowances…that’s top secret. Maybe we’ll see it when the inquiry into all the dead pensioners who froze to death is up and running….depending of course if the BBC reports it.
Yeah yeah yeah but what about dot Lawrence ? Surely something should be done – I’ve listened to him but he doesn’t make a speech – it’s just ‘give me ‘ waffle – by a bloke with a £2k pair of glasses someone bought for him … 55? Months to go ….
Isn’t it amazing what the BBC choose to report and what to ignore.
A woman admitting to buying eggs to throw at police makes a front page headline.
This one – a thousand times worse – is simply not reported.
‘Introvert’ in balaclava brought bag of knives to anti-racism protest
‘A man who wore a balaclava to an anti-racism counter protest told police he was an “introvert” when he refused to take it off.’
‘Tom Sedbury, 29, had brought a bag of knives to the demonstration in Walthamstow, later claiming he was going to sell the weapons in exchange for a bike.’
And they haven’t reported this either:
Man jailed for banging on hotel doors during protest
Cameron Bowling sentenced to two years for shouting abuse at guests in Hampshire
I’ll presume the reason for that is because of how obvious it now makes the two-tier justice system after Huw got away with no custodial sentence even though he paid money for child abuse pictures.
” sell the weapons in exchange for a bike” – ban bikes to stop weapon sales!
Such capitalism should be celebrated – he wanted to buy a chopper ©️bike ( my coats ‘ been stolen )
“Guests”. I like that. Very droll.
If you listen to starmer – and substitute Corbin – there’s no difference – it’s Marxism – it’s your country apparently – not sure who you are – but it’s yours – whether you contributed to it not not .
And he has announced that any one with assets will be screwed on 30th October …
“any one with assets” – Tony and Cherie Blair bought property via offshore firm and saved £300,000 in tax
This article is more than 2 years old
Former PM and his wife became owners of £6.5m office building by acquiring offshore company partially owned by Bahraini minister
“Our reasonable tolerant country. That is who we are.” (c) Starmer
Revealed: how Anjem Choudary influenced at least 100 British jihadis
This article is more than 8 years old
Counter-terrorism sources say hate preacher is linked to terrorists from Lee Rigby killer to young Isis fighters
“Our reasonable tolerant country. That is who we are.” (c) Starmer
“Our reasonable tolerant country. That is who we are.” (c) Starmer
“Our reasonable tolerant country. That is who we are.” (c) Starmer
‘Return the Sausages from Gaza!‘
says Prime Minister Keír Starmer.
Pork is Haram!
“Starmer promises homes for all veterans who need them in conference speech”
veterans who need them = those who he decides needs them.
veterans who need them = those living on the street are independent and don’t need houses!
It was a sweetener to alleviate discussion of migrants getting preferential treatment.
Did he really say ‘sausages ‘? I thought I misheard ….
It’s a speech written by a committee trying to do an Obama – taking us to the higher ground – on decent peoples’ taxes ….
Oo – as I write – at 1500 – a protester ! 2 years prison – no trial – forced plea of guilt TTK
How did Starmer come to call hostages ‘sausages’? I fear the worst. When I was at school there was a teacher who looked like a fish and his nickname was ‘cod’. I had to keep reminding myself not to call him that to his face. I fear that in the offices at No10, the staff call the hostages ‘sausages’ as a derogatory term – and it just slipped out.
And you may call me a conspiracy theorist – or just a plain cynic. I saw on Guido Starmer react to the heckeling. I could believe it was planned, with Starmer ready with his ready quip to show how quick on his feet he is.
Spontaneity now needs careful planning.
The only fun arises when The Matrix stuffs up.
Nothing I have heard out of politicians, especially the current crop of Labour automatons, has not been chewed on and inserted into their heads to regurgitate on cue.
Making the serious nodding by the overpaid propagandists in media opposite all the more damning.
I credit Ronnie after his getting shot, and Don after the recent attempt… albeit the latter being questioned by those who could shoot the polish off a Balearic club twerking Minister’s new tax funded spray tan at a thousand yards.
He does have a way with words, Our Glorious Leader. He said after all the votes had been counted and Labour declared winners, “Let us be gracious in defeat.” Er, no, TwoTier Keir/FreeGear Keir, I think you intended to say ” …. victory” Defeat may well come at the 2029 General Election or maybe earlier, the way Labour appear to be running the UK into the ground.
Lord god he really did say the return of the sausages – wasn’t there a not the nine o’clock news where a us presidenr readout whatever was on the autocue … and then there was Biden – pause …
“Racism is vile,” he tells the conference, as the audience stands and applauds.
It’s worth noting that some of the biggest applause for Yvette Cooper’s speech this morning, too, was when she condemned the rioters of this summer.
Labour suspends Jeremy Corbyn over reaction to anti-Semitism report
Diane Abbott walks away after she’s asked to explain Jewish ‘costume’ comment
She walks away from fellow Tube passenger after he asked what she meant while filming her
London Gaza protest: has row over ‘openly Jewish’ remark changed the march’s mood?
Zelensky said the plan was not about negotiating with Russia, but rather it was “a bridge to a diplomatic way out, to stop the war”.”
about negotiating with Russia
a bridge to a diplomatic way out, to stop the war????
a bridge to a diplomatic way out, to stop the war = UKRAINE HAS NUKES AND PERMISSION TO FIRE THEM? STOP!?!?!
The great leader is now heading for the UN woke assembly in New York … I suppose he ll be taking the ‘brains ‘ – the foreign secretary with him to double the expenses allowance …
Maybe labour thinks they can build TTK and his 20% of the vote into a ‘statesman …
.. I didn’t spot him boasting about killing four thousand old people this winter because of a non existent ‘black hole ‘…