Start the Week 23rd September 2024

How will the comrades at the BBC treat the annual conference of their Favourite Political Party? Yes it is the celebration of the Labour triumph some weeks ago …

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254 Responses to Start the Week 23rd September 2024

  1. BRISSLES says:

    Isn’t it interesting how these speeches are written. Slow and methodical, then a widely approved comment- wait for applause. Carry on slow and methodical then suddenly its a scatter gun approach without a pause as the audience rises to its feet as the prose becomes quicker and the audience are now in a cult like frenzy clapping all hail to Caesar ! The same format used by Reeves and Balls. (Lammy failed miserably).


  2. G.W.F. says:

    Yes. I call for the return of the sausages, says Herr Starmer.


  3. BRISSLES says:

    I suppose hostages can be mistaken for sausages on an autocue- but if he was concentrating on his oratory he wouldn’t have made that mistake.


  4. Zephir says:

    Come on, who’s got the sausages ?

    Own up, put your hand up, we’ve got all day you know….

    No one leaves the conference until the sausages are released.

    Who’s playing hide the sausage ?


  5. BRISSLES says:

    (I’m on a roll here )

    Watching interviews from the GBNews stand at Luvviepool, a fellow kept coming into shot behind – sporting a man bun. Intrigued, I guess he was manning a stand, so I’ve checked it out.

    Well, to say I’m glad I’m no longer in the
    business world would be an understatement if this is the sort of guff that’s being published to would be customers …..

    “Is a business dedicated to visualising data and creating relevant insights leading to action.
    Our suite of products have been designed to help organisations who lobby, to provide political stakeholders with hyper relevant information to really grab their attention ”

    Er, eh ? Sounds like the sort of gobbledegook that NHS managers put out to sound important.


  6. MarkyMark says:



  7. MarkyMark says:

    Labour wins backing of more than 100 business bosses
    27 May 2024

    One of those, Malcolm Walker – the founder of supermarket chain Iceland – will now endorse Labour instead.


  8. MarkyMark says:

    The UK Gov has tasted blood … and is hungry for the pubs.

    There was a period during the pandemic in 2020 when the pubs were open but you could only go to one if you sat on your own and had a meal. You were allowed to buy an alcoholic drink but once you had finished your meal you could not buy another one. There was also a 10 p.m. curfew when the pub had to close and everyone had to go straight home.


    Labour split over early pub closing times
    Minister vows to block any move by colleague to cut opening hours
    24 September 2024 12:37pm


    Sir Keir Starmer pledges to ‘tread more lightly’ on lives of voters
    The Prime Minister wants to deliver a government guided by policy, pragmatism and ‘service’, rather than ideology

    ‘tread more lightly’
    cut opening hours
    ‘tread more lightly’


  9. MarkyMark says:

    from comments.



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