Another week – another win for the Israeli Defence Force ? If so the BBC will continue its ‘period of mourning for dead Islamic terrorists ( it doesn’t call its’ friends terrorists though ) …
Start the Week 30th September 2024
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What to say 😀 well, it IS my birthday in a few days ! and at this age each one is a bonus !!
Happy Birthday in a few days, my dear old thing. Well it is still the cricket season and England beat Australia in another rain affected match.
Happy Birthday in a few days Brissles.
Thank you x
Yes, Happy Birthday soon, Brissles!
Buy yourself a new hat to celebrate!
A new hat? Has Brissles Lord Ali on tap as well……………..
Ha ha ha!
It could be a ‘flat’ cap, G…
Steady on chaps ! I’m not Alli’s type … I’m female, white and 5’7, and new hat? Strangely I do have a penchant for headgear and it’s time to dust off my fetching fedora 😀 .
BORIS JOHNSON: It saved lives, but now I’m not sure lockdown works
Why would anybody bother talking about Boris says in a book ?
.. We know he just says things and is not a man of conviction.
South Yorkshire Police “An investigation is underway after £65m of unfinanced spending on kit for went unnoticed.
The force is now facing the prospect of having to make service cuts and is seeking financial support from the government.” ITV news
That;s the same force that seemingly WOULDN’T anything about grooming/raping gangs for 20 years
Are West Yorkshire Police similarly incompetent ?
Laughable, and straight out of the Kamala colouring book for five-year olds…
Head of Recognition..
Who’s she then ?
Perhaps it’s someone in charge of working all those cameras which recognise faces of rapists, stabbers and drug dealers!
Not much of that noticed in West Yorks these days, methinks…
Wimmin everywhere. Got to be upward of 75% interviewees on Today so far earlier. As a radio medium cannot see but, hey, the Neil Newness’ et al, your voice & delivery gives you away: even reading the Shipping Forecast……….
How about catching some criminals?
Can’t use racist stereotypes there – eh?
That couldn’t be covered by the legislation the Home Office meticulously created and imposed to ban such weapons could it?
Well done Home Office !!
London has been turned into a third world shithole. This is what happens.
Manchester Arena bomber was rescued from Libya by Royal Navy
This article is more than 6 years old
Salman Abedi, who killed 22 people in a suicide attack last year, was saved from civil war in 2014
Winning an election doesn’t mean you get into the European Parliament.
The European Court of Justice has backed former European Parliament president Antonio Tajani’s decision not to recognise Catalan separatist leader Carles Puigdemont as an MEP, ruling that Tajani “merely did what he was required to do.”
“Carles Puigdemont was disqualified for refusing to swear allegiance to the Spanish constitution.”
He’s been in exile for 7 years due a law requiring the prosecution of separatists
but recently returned to Spain
Well Catalonia and the police there don’t want to arrest him
Fascist Authoritarianism is embedded in the Spanish State. Spain has a veneer of Democracy but under the surface lies the beast, it’s one of the reasons it fits in well with the EU, the EU being largely comprised of recent occupied authoritarian states. The Guardia Civil is a military/paramilitary police force that still carries fascist insignia with an ethos to match.
a fake, interesting …
So what did Starmer know, when did he know it and what did he do?
I have long considered John Kerry a tad weird and control freakish but these latest mutterings from him can only be seen as outrageous, dangerous and authoritarian. I think he really would like a one-world government run from Davos.
“If we could strip away some of the fearmongering that’s taking place…” because, yeah, it’s the climate change deniers that are spreading the fear. Overpaid, overexposed pillock
you’ve seen / read about his daughter?
Break the fever – being pushed now – what about letting an old man who does not know where he is be president?
JOHN KERRY: “If people only go to one source, and the source they go to is sick, and, you know, has an agenda, and they’re putting out disinformation, our First Amendment stands as a major block to be able to just, you know, hammer it out of existence”
JCVI ‘largely opposed’ to Covid vaccination for children under 16
This article is more than 3 years old
Exclusive: Members of government’s expert committee disagree with politicians and Jonathan Van-Tam
Why ‘nudge’?
It is called ‘nudge’ after the book by Richard Thaler (who went on to win the Nobel prize in economics) and Cass Sunstein which set out how people are not the rational economic actors beloved of conventional economic theory – but can be influenced by “choice architecture” into making better choices in their own interests.
yup, Lurch and daughter look like extras from The Munsters
Far right in Austria ‘opens new era’ with election victory
9 ‘Far-Rights’ in that article. 6 without the ‘-‘ between the words and 3 with. Plus a ‘Radical Right’ thrown in for good measure.
I wonder if anyone has seen Starmer and Labour described as ‘Far-Left’ on the BBC. Because he certainly is.
More of the usual BBC politcial bias double-standards.
I always try and use their same words against them. This is why I have started calling the party of Scum Far-Left Thugs as Scum Far-Left Thugs.
Not normally language I would use and I hope nobody gets bored with it. But as the Israelis might say (about Hamas): They started it!
Absolutely : I now call the BBC out as racists and sexists every time I see them applying their racist and sexist double standards.
“Western Democracies” ?
It seems not. When so-called, “Democracy” is exercised through a vote of the public in Western Countries, the true power behind the Communist/Socialists gather together to prevent them taking power.
Funny that.
Far Left – Corbyn and Starmer!
New film in December promises to expose Al Gore
“The TRUTH about Al Gore’s climate lies”
Nick Buckley’s new video also disses Al Gore
YouTube stamps a warning at the top of the page
United Nations • Climate change refers to long-term shifts in temperatures and weather patterns.
Human activities have been the main driver of climate change, primarily due to the burning of fossil fuels like coal, oil and gas
YouTube’s policies absolutely suck – the presumption is seemingly boundless – and all the more tiresome since they seek to impose arbitrarily along well trodden leftist-green propagandistic lines.
Today’s TalkTV rant against the BBC
“You hardly hear a British accent on it any more”
Welcome to Bradford 2025, your next UK City of Culture. We’ve just revealed the first events for our thrilling year of culture, creativity and the arts – and we’ll be announcing much more in the months to come. See you next year.
Bradford’s language bubbles: ‘it’s perfectly possible never to speak English’
This article is more than 8 years old
Local MP says poor standard of English among many women is a barrier to integration, but some say people should be free to speak their own language
Feel free to speak your own language. Our institutions can feel free to print all their leaflets, benefits claims forms etc in English only. Oh, and interpreters can be hired when necessary at the individual’s expense, not the state’s. Watch the numbers attending English language classes rocket.
England’s changing street names: goodbye Acacia Avenue, welcome to Yoga Way
A survey of new street names shows they are increasingly being chosen to reflect councils’ interests in the environment, health and safety, and diversity.
By Jasper Copping
28 March 2010 • 10:00am
it’s a fake!
can’t fool me
How the hell did you spot that ?
might as well be real 🙁
The question is when the Crown Prosecution Service , then headed by our dear leader , T2K , decided not to prosecute Savile , was the decision influenced by gifts of any kind? Clothing , spectacles, tickets or anything of a more physical nature to which Savile had access.
Of course I’m sure that the answer is no but public confidence and trust in T2K has been eroded to such an extent by the recent revelations that others may not be as easily convinced as I am.
The only way for the PM to regain trust , indeed clear his name, is for him to submit himself to a full two hour investigatory interview on GB News. Something soft and cosy on the regime supporting BBC simply won’t move the public trust dial.
Read all about it, as they used to say: Here’s why I left my wife for my mistress – from the Daily Mail this morning: Last week we told the other woman’s story. Now it’s HIS turn – a nice bit of balance there – this on a morning when the Westminster press lobby decide to keep mum over the secrets underlying the PM’s past peculiar penthouse property peregrinations
Speaking of mum…
Kemi in row on mum pay (The Sun) – let me transliterate from the tabloid into the Gurdianese: Anger over Badenoch’s maternity pay remarks (Guardian)
This is a media belt and braces rearguard action just to make sure no one who might say anying vaguely conservative ever gets to lead the Tories again: Tory rivals turn on Badenoch over ‘excessive’ maternity pay row (‘i’)
Think of that childish playground chant “Ummm, you said a bad word… I’m telling on you… I’m telling Miss you said a bad word”
Badenoch sparks Tory splits over maternity pay cost – frets the mildly conservative Telegraph as that title appears to go with Jenrick giving him a big frontpage: Conference kiss for luck… Robert Jenrick, pictured with his wife Michal…
Mr AsI speculates that the alternative caption for that photo of Jenrick with his missus’s lips pressed against his ear is her whispering: If I ever find out you’ve being doing a Sir K—– [gag redacted due to reasons that are redacted]
I’m oddly reminded of the band Squeeze and their 1979 hit which opened…
I never thought it would happen
With me and the girl from Clapham..
And closed with…
And so it’s my assumption
I’m really up the SUPER injunction
Mr AsI hopes to have more news for you tomorrow – lawyers permitting.
Speaking of lawyers
Boys who killed with machete aged 12 are detained (BBC from a couple of days ago)
This bit from the well-manned BBC reporting crew of Eleanor Lawson & Alex McIntyre, BBC News, West Midlands and Phil Mackie at Nottingham Crown Court, BBC News Midlands Correspondent, caught my admittedly somewhat jaded eye…
Defence counsel Rachel Brand KC told the judge that the first boy was a vulnerable child who had been groomed, exploited and trafficked by men in the wider community, who encouraged him towards criminality and possession of knives. In her sentencing, Mrs Justice Tipples said this “contributed indirectly to his participation in Shawn’s murder” and described him as “a victim of modern slavery”… However, Ms Brand said he was making “very positive progress” at a secure unit, developing trusting relationships with staff. – and they all lived happily ever after – except the murdered boy of course.
Our BBC were also at pains to tell us that in this case the Judge forsook her usual red ropes for a business twin piece and the briefs left off their whigs. Apparently so as not to intimidate the boys.
Perhaps if they’d been somewhat more intimidated by British law they might not have gone out with a machete and murdered their victim. Just a thought.
Interesting mindset for the judiciary – the airhead judge thinks the 2 feral monsters (sitting in the box?) who slaughtered another boy with machetes – might be upset by the judicial regalia …
She’d have known in pre trial papers the nature of the animals – yet spared them the ordeal of the judges’ wig .
I’d hang them ….
Or, to quote the late lamented golf commentator Peter Aliss in that memorable hot mike incident when he prescibed his remedy for crowds wandering onto the fairway during matchplay: “I’d flog them… all the way to the gallows”
No excuse for this murder, but I notice BBC article says –
“Mr Seesahai had been on a bench in the Stowlawn playing fields in Wolverhampton, leaving the bench for a few minutes and walking past the defendants, who then went and sat on the bench.
Mr Seesahai then returned to the bench after a few minutes and asked the boys to move.” “Moments later he was dead,” the judge said.
Not sure what triggered the attack, but that sounds like asking for trouble.
Oh, great, X “For You” algorithm has decided I should be fed all Harriet Harman’s tweets
Harriet Harm-Men
Last coal fired power station closes today. Contributing 5.2% of the energy to the country @ 0830 –
Its good to know that Millipede has that lacuna in the market covered by alternatives to maintain power supply…………….
If the OAP’s are gonna die as a result of the WFA, why not head upstream and close power stations? What’s not to like for the Treasury?
If we could harness the hot air coming out of politicians mouths – we could export free energy!
There isn’t a substance on the planet that could handle that sort of heat.
Traditional steelmaking ends in Port Talbot
The closure of the heavy end at the UK’s largest steelworks is part of a restructure that will cut 2,800 jobs.
2,800 jobs – where do these people go?
Future steelmaking in Port Talbot will rely on imports until an electric furnace, which melts scrap steel, is built.
Future steelmaking in Port Talbot will rely on imports
Prof Williams said the closure of Port Talbot’s furnaces, and the expected closure of the UK’s last remaining blast furnaces in Scunthorpe, signalled a major change in the country’s industrial history.
He added: “Great Britain is the birthplace of the industrial revolution, so it’s very surprising that – eventually – we will lose the ability to produce steel from scratch.”
To be matched in madness by the closing of the last blast furnace at Port Talbot:
So if you want any high-carbon steel for the springs in your biro then you will need to suck-up to the Chinese, Russians, or Indians.
P.S. Sorry to duplicate – Marky beat me to it.
Maybe we could buy cheap steel from Iran? HA HA HAH A!
“The Islamic Republic produced 31.1 million tons of crude steel in 2023 to account for 58.4 percent of West Asia’s total production in the mentioned year, according to the WSA.26 Aug 2024”
#1 There can be an illusion on the last days of a coal power station
Cos they try to use the coal stockpile on site, before shutdown.
#2 A Drax worker told me they have started to use coal again on their site.
If this is true it’s a closely guarded secret
Cos if they did throw any substantial amount of coal into the boilers, that would spoil the anti-coal PR blitz.
Birds will only ever be culled if avian influenza is confirmed in your birds following laboratory testing of samples, or a veterinary risk assessment indicates a strong likelihood that a premises keeping birds has significant links to a confirmed infected premises. These links could be via movements of birds, poultry products, people, equipment, or vehicles between the two premises.
The budgie is safe but the poor little wrens in the bird-box in my garden will get the chop! All because of a bogus false-positive on a PCR test. Or even a blinking ‘wisk’ assessment. Grrrrrr.
Why don’t they do a lockdown like they did with us ?
Only allowed out of the birdbox for one visit to the bird table a day, swans and ducks to stay in the harbour.
And if culling is the only answer, during the next pandemic Lucy Letby and Rose West should be NHS consultants.
A, ‘Flockdown’ doncha know………….
How progressive
How pathetic, chidlish and spiteful.
Exactly like 99% of all the leftist comments I see on BBC HYS.
Would be ‘abhorrent and sexist’ if they did it for Cackling Kamala.
Dump Trump is a 16 feet (4.9 m) high statue of former United States President Donald Trump sitting on a golden toilet. The sculpture was temporarily installed in Central London’s Trafalgar Square ahead of his 2019 visit to the United Kingdom, and displayed during the Trump-organised Salute to America in Washington, D.C., on 4 July 2019.
just more hatred, then they accuse Trump for sowing hatred?
Isn’t that HATE CRIME?
Any connection between Nick Brown MP and Waheed Alli’s Soho flat is pure conjecture.
NO LORD ALLI …. A trustee of the Biscuit Factory Foundation.
Date interest arose: 1 January 2011
(Registered 4 July 2017)
From October 2012 until 14 March 2022, a Non-Executive Director of Mariinksky Theatre Trust. (Registered 04 July 2017; updated 24 March 2022)
Nick Brown
McDonald’s and supermarkets failed to spot slavery
There’s 16 ‘victims’ saved by the BBC.
What a shame they totally ignore this one:
Leicester: Up to 10,000 could be victims of modern slavery in textile factories
‘Asked if claims of widespread exploitation in the city are an “open secret”, deputy mayor Adam Clarke replies: “It’s just open.”‘
We all know why of course. They don’t fit the agenda so the BBC don’t care.
Hello JohnC
The bbc blames the supermarkets in the headline, but its a company that supplies them
So they missed the shelfstacker chained to the end of the aisle by the ankles ?
Or the burger flipper being whipped ?
All those security guards at the Asda entrance picking cotton and singing blues and gospel songs is a bit of a giveaway.
I’ve known about sweatshops in Leicester since the 70’s.
It’s not just textiles.
I approached unions after a client awarded a contract to an electronics assembler in Birmingham that bid less than 1/4 of my cost price.
The union did f-all.
Samantha Cameron: Chinese factories can be better than British ‘sweat shops’
Cameron said her fashion label Cefinn is manufactured in China because British factories failed the audit
Where’s their equivalent of Lord Ali when you want one……
Was it McDonalds or a franchisee?
I doubt William McLennan, Phil Shepka and Jon Ironmonger even know the difference.
No, not all McDonald’s restaurants are owned by the company, but a large percentage of them are:
Franchisees: About 90% of McDonald’s restaurants are independently owned and operated by franchisees. Franchisees are attracted to the high profit margins and can set their own prices.
McDonald’s prices vary by location. Ninety percent of McDonald’s restaurants are independently owned and operated by franchisees, who have the ability to set their own prices.
@John : BBC “totally ignore this one”
em that Sky news story is from 2020
Two weeks ago BBC DID do a story about foreigners exploited in Leicester’s fast fashion factories.
..Their example is about an Indian woman who from 2015 was given wages half the minimum wage
By employers making her pay back money in cash once legal wages had entered her bank account
The BBC have always run stories about such low wages
eg in 2019
The BBC have run stories about saying ‘arrests over 7 slave workers’ etc
.. but I don’t spot any stories about convictions
The only Leicester slavery conviction I found was a guy I would describe as Hungarian, sending other Hungarians to work in a Derbyshire meat factory
“After admitting to several modern slavery offences, Janos Sztojka, 33, from Braunstone in Leicestershire, will be jailed for six years”
No doubt the BBC would call him, “a British man”.
bbc “reports” on FAR RIGHT
Far right in Austria ‘opens new era’ with election victory
Far right
Far right
Far right
I counted upto 5 times the Far Right is mentioned!
Interesting to know when it reports on the Far Left, if ever, and then keeps mentioning the Far Left, again and again
PS and dont forget the “radical right-wing parties”
India Overtakes China as the World’s Most Populous Country
Sad to report that my earlier fears about Rachel ( l worked for the Bank of England )Reeeves look like a reality. The Guardian no less, yes the Guardian ,seems to think she has got her sums wrong and the savings on her mean winter fuel grab will be less than predicted and an upsurge in other claims will cancell it out and make the “black hole ” bigger and deeper.
But let’s be kind perhaps she made the calculations when her mind was elsewhere , thinking about what luxury items her friends in the party were hoovering up and worrying about missing out…must be something like that because we have been told for so long what a safe pair of hands she is.
I would love to believe it , if only the treasury had’nt rebuffed that freedom of information request to give real detail to the mysterious ” black hole ” claim.
In the meantime “some people are saying Reeeves hasn’t got a clue!”
Not bbc – but the depths to which human delusion can go . The dead party ( previously known as ‘conservative ‘) has a few failed politicians scrapping over who is to be the next leader .
Why ?
Surely they know no one is ever going to trust or vote for them again ? Is it so that they can get the same basic pay and pension as the PM ? Or to carry the wreath on Remembrance Sunday ?
Why don’t they amalgamate with the liberals and get over it?
Winter fuel payments.
The following figures are approximate but hopefully representative.
Full State Pension per annum: £11,500
The increase to allow for inflation next year: £460
Increase in energy costs average usage £1500 : £150
The Smarmer/Reeves decrease Winter Fuel: -£300 OR -£200
Given the huge increase in food costs which represents a large portion of OAP income, there’s a net decrease in income.
Can the pensioners sit outside Lord Alli’s flat and demand free access and free food and free clothes!
I didn’t know anything about ‘lord ‘ alli but on wiki it says he is a raving queer and campaigns for the age of consent to be reduced . He fits in well with his boy – TTK … but is also a good friend of thornberry so she’ll make a come back . Alli will probably buy one for her …
“age of consent to be reduced”
A child bride won the right to divorce – now the Taliban say it doesn’t count
It took just 10 days from them sweeping into the capital, Kabul, for the man she was promised to at seven to ask the courts to overturn the divorce ruling she had fought so hard for.
All things cons… compounded, this seems noteworthy…
“For such a level of remuneration, and with such a workload, one might expect David to be busy with the day job. Yet, for more than four years he has had an additional job: in September 2020, five months after his brother became shadow energy secretary in Sir Keir Starmer’s new shadow cabinet, it was revealed that David had become a paid advisor to Giant Ventures, a London-based venture capital firm that has a particular focus on green technology and energy. Following a series of earlier investments, it recently launched a new “climate focused growth fund” and claims it wants to invest a further $1 billion in “sustainable technologies” by the end of the decade.”
Wot, no frocks?
Sh! It’s a secret, so don’t tell anyone.
Dr Simone Gold was one of the first medics in the United States to reveal some of the truth about Covid and was imprisoned for her efforts.
Inside Labour’s love affair with Lord Alli
– by James Heale writing in The Spectator this week (30th September 2024)’
As a peer who hates publicity, Lord Alli might have been expected to dodge the Labour conference – given the near-constant coverage of ‘donorgate’.
Yet there he was, clad in his 1990s telly executive uniform of white trainers and dark suit, nonchalantly strolling around Liverpool. It was public confirmation of what Alli’s friends say privately: that brushes with the press won’t deter him from bankrolling the party he has financed for 25 years.
Alli, who is thought to be worth £200 million, has found himself the unwelcome centre of attention over his gifts to members of the cabinet. He gave clothes and spectacles to the Starmers. He granted Angela Rayner the use of his luxury Manhattan apartment on New Year’s Eve. He has funded David Lammy’s staff, gifted Steve Reed a pair of £420 leather-lined wellies and bankrolled Bridget Phillipson’s 40th birthday party. His donations to the party have totalled more than £700,000 to date.
It is difficult to overstate Alli’s importance to Labour. His donations make up just part of his contribution. His bulging contacts book enables him to play a lead role in tapping up others. As chair of Labour’s election fundraising, he used his £18 million London penthouse to host weekly meetings to plot donation drives. Such was his familiarity with Starmer team’s that no one thought it odd that he was given a No. 10 pass and hosted a ‘thank you’ party in Downing Street – a decision which sparked claims of ‘cash for access’ at the heart of government.
Alli has always been one of Labour’s moderates. He talks fondly of helping the party battle its Militant wing in the 1980s. It was Emily Thornberry – then living on the same street – who encouraged her East End neighbour to take a greater role in the 1990s. Ennoblement as the first openly gay peer enabled him to lead the charge against Section 28 in the Upper House. His attendance since then, though, has been sporadic. He’s given barely a dozen speeches in the past decade. Alli prefers to instead operate behind the scenes as he keeps the money taps flowing – even though under Jeremy Corbyn the flow became little more than a trickle.
His wealth comes from several fortunes. The first was built in the 1980s, earning a £1,000 a day as a financial consultant. The second came in 1992, when he teamed up with Bob Geldof and Charlie Parsons to launch TV production company ‘Planet 24’. The hits kept coming: ‘The Word’, ‘Survivor’ and ‘The Big Breakfast,’ leading one newspaper to dub Alli the man who ‘perfected TV presented by morons for morons’.
Such wealth is lavished on Alli’s friends and contacts. Former staff talk of birthday cards and Christmas gifts, of Prada bags and Paul Smith shirts. His parties are the stuff of legend: at ‘Planet 24’, he and Parsons once lit up the huge Ark building in west London with lasers. Guests talk fondly of the annual bash at his Kent pile: a Ferris wheel, dodgems and hot air balloon have featured.
Rich, sociable and a lifelong opponent of the far left: it’s no surprise the current cabinet is willing to look past the scathing headlines and keep supporting Alli. For all the endless questions about his donations, ministers at Labour conference know his value. ‘We need more like him in Labour – not less,’ said one. On Monday, the party hosted its biggest ever business event at its conference. More than 500 lobbyists and executives shelled out £3,000 a ticket to mingle with ministers and swell party coffers: Alli helped co-ordinate donors.
Downing Street will now try to draw a line under the donations scandal and tensions within No. 10. Yet political reality might make both impossible. As long as Labour needs benefactors, Lord Alli – and his millions – will be part of the story.
(my comments)
Just like to add that he dresses to the ‘left’ and has the same sexual interests as ‘Huw Edwards’ whilst considering himself an Islamic success story. In short he can manipulate the London Camden Labour as he is now part of that Labour government. Labour nationally is far is more ‘pro Corbyn’ than Starmer who has been found out., as a fraud. And clearly thinks he has done noting wrong by accepting personal ‘gifts’, both before the election and after the election.
Many of the current Labour administration will become Multiple Millionaires by investing in state run ‘Energy companies’ linked to Ed Milibands. ‘Net zero’. The salary is just petty-cash plus travel and food ‘expenses’ which is very generous. And you still do not have to pay for your Holidays, Clothes, Glasses and you get help with your ‘home heating’ (on multiple houses), when nobody else does. Just ask Rayner.
Even more amazing is that Lord Ali has only visited the House of Lords briefly to get his ‘Sir’ nomination. Labour want to aboliish the House of Lords entirely. Lord Ali has now taken the place of ‘Lord Mandleson’ by making Labour appear to be electable and a direct replacement for The Conservatives. It was an easy win.
And he gave his fortune to Starmer to protect his ‘freedoms’, as he sees it. He also has keys to No.10 as a Minster without Portfolio (again echoes of Mandleson under Tony Blair).
I heard this morning on LBC that the BBC is under investigation (again) for its comments on the attacks on Israel by ‘Jeremy Bowen’ who has now admitted he was ‘wrong’ – but will not apologise, as the BBC ‘is a large organisation’ etc , and all BBC complaints will be thoroughly investigated etc… (‘by itself’,- as Nick Ferrari later commented on). Only rarely, does the BBC admit it made an error (on anything), even though it has complaints a plenty daily over many years on its committed and well documented bias to the Left).
As you may know already Rosie Duffield resigned from Labour over the weekend. It appears to many Labour voters that they have all been conned. And that leads back to Lord Ali and his fortunes and his morality. None.
McFadden (Labour spokesman) today was on the BBC explaining the situation today has been solved. They will not accept any more money. But they never did. They were all ‘gifts’ by Lord Ali. He is now part of the Labour government and totally un-elected, and cannot be moved, as they need his money, and campaigning ‘skills’ to ensure all immigrants get out and vote Labour. Nobody else will.
head scratch….
So Starmer actually got less votes than Corbyn?
Looks, from this particular cheap seat – that Sunak et al deliberately crashed their vote. I’m unconvinced that Reform actually made a difference to the outcome that’s reflected in the simply mad Labour majority.
Corbyn won the argument.
We won the argument, but I regret we didn’t convert that into a majority for change
This article is more than 4 years oldJeremy Corbyn
Slight contradiction between what you said @Philip
“Lord Ali has only visited the House of Lords briefly”
And what Speccie says ” Ennoblement as the first openly gay peer enabled him to lead the charge against Section 28 in the Upper House.
His attendance since then, has been sporadic.
He’s given barely a dozen speeches in the past decade. Alli prefers to instead operate behind the scenes ”
Lord Alli doesn’t give a speech most years or just one
However from 2015-16 he did 5 speeches in a row.ALL supporting the BBC
R5 just now —
Naga (real name: Subha Nagalakshmi Munchetty-Chendriah) gets a kindergarten summary of the Middle East conflict. Why does Iran back Hamas, Hezbollah and the Houthis? Because — according to BBC Diplomatic Correspondent Caroline Hawley — Iran wants to “wield its influence in the region”. Doesn’t sound too bad really… and certainly better than wanting the destruction of Israel and to wipe out the Jews.
Naga also turns to a voice on the ground to report on what it’s currently like in a “country living in terror”. I thought we might hear from a UK resident but no, it’s the British head of an NGO in Lebanon who meets all the required agenda talking points.
Conjuring up a profile based solely on a radio voice, it’s sometimes fun to check after and see how near the mark one was. I think I scored a point on this one:
“Victoria Lupton has worked in and on Lebanon since 2011, first in contemporary art, then directing the US nonprofit SEAL (Social & Economic Action for Lebanon). She has created art projects including the Another Place audio walk which has toured to five countries on three continents and co-translated two plays for the Royal Court Theatre. She started her working life as an actor, before realising that her strengths lie in acting behind the scenes for a social purpose. She has a degree in Philosophy, Politics & Economics and a Diploma in Acting.”
I just heard Naga mention “people who take HRT”. That would be women, Naga. There’s a rumour that she’s one herself.
Christ luv! With a face like that its no wonder you packed in acting. Afraid to say what roles she would really have got.
Terminal – I do have a fond recollection of being accused of being a racist by some dead troll on here because I typed out that creatures’ full name . I bear it as a badge of honour ….
As for the girl picture – should have gone to Specsavers ….
“It’s a bit of a stilted affair and the very first debate on migration has achieved the expected results. Less than 20 minutes in a delegate has given a short speech from the floor asking when the party will “rehabilitate Enoch Powell” who gave a “highly Conservative speech” for which he was “smeared and kicked out of the party” to a smattering of applause. Predictably Shadow Immigration Minister Paul Holmes ignored that one when he responded to members’ views. This sort of thing is to be expected when giving a voice to the membership…”
In Boris’s new book he appears to call her ‘grumpy knickers’ and talks about the ‘slavery’ of her Brino exit deal.
Marianna’s won another award. She’s got to be reaching Haaland levels of at least one a week now?
Hello Terminal
She would get my vote in the category “Why Do You Hate Me & Marianna”
Andy get yours in soon before voting is another luxury that needs reigning in.
I can’t wait for the 2025 Mariana calendar – luv u hun …x
Btw – how is bbc verify getting on working out how those dead Islamic terrorists got all that concrete to build those tunnels …. ? Boom
Kill some more IDF
Lots of BBC on panel!
Richard Collings
Thomas Copeland
Rhianna Dhillon
Film and TV critic,
Anna Harris
Hannah Hufford
BBC Studios
Namulanta Kombo
Host and Producer,
Khaliq Meer
Head of BBC Sounds Audio Lab,
Gráinne Morrison
BBC Audio
Simon Monk
Executive Editor,
Olivia Melkonian
Editorial Manager,
Emily Pitts
Creative Strategy, Audio,
Rhian Roberts
Commissioning Editor, Podcasts, Formats & Digital,
BBC Radio 4
Saidata Sesay
Assistant Commissioner – BBC Sounds/ 5Live podcasts,
Zayna Shaikh
Ella Squire
Podcast Marketing Manager,
BBC Studios (as of June 2024 – formerly News UK)
Jennifer Tracey
Executive Producer,
Sara Wade
Radio Producer,
Ella Woods
Development Producer,
BBC Studios Audio
Abigail Willer
Assistant Commissioner, BBC Radio 4,
Rob Dowell
Audio Exec Editoe,
BBC Radio Humberside and York
Nathan Jones
Content producer,
Jo Loosemore
Senior Content Producer,
Alexia Mackey
Business Advisor BBC Sounds,
Alex Rogers
Social Media Manager – Podcasts,
BBC Sounds
Ordering replica trophies is a great way to share your kudos with other members of the team, clients or simply to adorn your office. Trophies will be exact copies of the original, but if you would like to amend the copy to highlight a particular member of the team or put more focus on the client, we can tailor these bespoke trophies to your requests.
MarkyMark thanks for that…
Lordy! – talk about marking your own homework….
Got f-ing nerve calling it “British Podcast Awards”
Incestual shits
Toady and the BBC are in raptures.
The last coal power station ceases production tonight.
The Port Talbot steelworks is running its last coal-based furnace today.
Think of the CO2 saved.
And the BBC want to remind us of how much CO2 the evil British have produced since the first coal power station back in about 1880.
Me? I’m thinking about the job losses and our reliance on febrile overseas suppliers. But hey. What’s strategic assets when there are green virtue-signalling points to be won.
See those Drax chimneys, more CO2 than ever, but counted as zerp
the gas comes out slightly dirty even though it’s largely CO2 which is invisible
The reason being that wood pellets burn dirtier than coal
and are less efficient than coal burning.
Drax in North Yorkshire: – destroying hardwood forests of USA & Canada
The Drax Energy Company in North Yorkshire, UK, is shifting from coal as
a fuel for electrical generation to wood pellets obtained from the
hardwood forests of the U.S. and Canada. They claim that wood pellets
are a carbon neutral source of energy. This is a big fat lie. It is
based upon the supposition among EU regulators that biomass (i.e., wood
pellets) are a carbon neutral renewable alternative
I understood that those trees absorbed CO2, or has that bit of science been perverted too?
Trees are old tech! we need new tech only!
The Green Devil strikes again
I’m thinking back to a BBC Pebble Mill lunchtime program years ago when they tried to run the studio on bicycle generators – and failed, miserably.
I’d disconnect all their studio power and insist that no fossil fuels whatsoever are used on site.
Big claims by Craig Houston on YouTube
How did Humza Yousaf know about the Oct 7th attack in Israel before anyone else?
72 hours later Scotland donated 500k to UNWRA.
16 members of his family have come from Gaza to Scotland.
Others tweet “His brother in law was/is a doctor in a unrwa/Hamas controlled hospital. ”
Craig says the email timestamps say Humza had advanced knowledge
but no one else has mentioned this
I suspect it maybe due to Gaza being 2 hours ahead of BST
1. We’re not part of a conspiracy. Nobody told us what to say or do on September 11th. We didn’t get told in advance that buildings were going to fall down. We didn’t receive press releases or scripts in advance of events happening.
4. We no longer have the original tapes of our 9/11 coverage (for reasons of cock-up, not conspiracy). So if someone has got a recording of our output, I’d love to get hold of it. We do have the tapes for our sister channel News 24, but they don’t help clear up the issue one way or another.
That is then contradicted by their response to a FOIA26th June 2008
“…However, I can inform you that there have been numerous claims that the BBC no longer has the news clips from broadcasts on September 11 2001.
Please be assured that the BBC retains comprehensive footage of the 9/11 events and complete coverage of News 24 and the National News output of events of this day.
This footage is maintained in accordance with the published Archive policies …”
They go on to say : No we won’t tell you where, cos news isn’t covered by FOIA
maybe due to Gaza being 2 hours ahead of BST
– bit embarrassing if that arithmetic didn’t work – career ending even.
And 200 years behind the real world!
We can’t assume voters will automatically return, Jeremy Hunt tells Tory conference
How far off the mark are these people ?
That weird, slimy remainer is no small part of the reason I would not vote for them. He is on the BBC ‘approved’ list so escapes all the usual negative attention.
I still think he is an Alien from ‘Men in Black’.
Jeremy Hunt’s wife presents show on China’s state-run TV ‘that whitewashes Communist Party’s human rights abuse’
Lucia Guo, wife of Jeremy Hunt MP, regularly appears on Sky TV’s China Hour
Programme is owned by state-owned China International TV Corporation
Guo has been accused of ‘whitewashing’ the Chinese Communist Party’s abuses
By Jake Ryan and Luke Mcwilliams For The Mail On Sunday
Published: 22:05, 25 December 2021 | Updated: 22:37, 25 December 2021
Chinese spy
Will Boris’ new book be recycled for energy just like PPE was burnt? HA HA HA HHA HAH A HHA!
More new articles from the BBC TV Licensing Blog for the start of the week:
– TV Licensing Prosecutes Woman Detained Under the Mental Health Act
– Government in Talks to Decriminalise BBC TV Licence Fee
If you haven’t already done so, please download our totally free ebook TV Licensing Laid Bare.
The 70 page book is packed full of information about the harassment and intimidation meted out by the BBC in the name of TV licence enforcement.
NOW – Robert F. Kennedy Jr Wants Everyone to Remember Three Rules:
1) When you give a government a power, it will never voluntarily relinquish it
2) If you give a government a power, it will ultimately abuse that power to the maximum extent possible
3) Nobody ever complied their way out of totalitarianism
4. Ban or Tax – the only power of Government.
5. Boris has a new book out – buy today!
Small edit box ?
If your operating system doesn’t allow you to enlarge the box by grabbing and dragging the bottom right corner, one workaround is to do your edits in the normal text entry box and then paste it back into the small edit box.
After clicking EDIT grab all the text using “select all”, select CUT
Then click REPLY to bring up the big main text entry box
Paste the text into that , edit it , select it all , then click back in the small edit box and repaste it all back in.
BTW To remove all the linebreaks that Twitter puts in when you copy the text of a tweet, I recommend
Stew, Why?
The current main headline on the DT website is –
Strictly’ Giovanni Pernice cleared of physical aggression against Amanda Abbington“
What does that even mean ? Why is it important? Help ( actually don’t want to know )
BBC Committee report … “Strictly’ Giovanni Pernice cleared of physical aggression against Amanda Abbington“”
Giovanni Pernice (to enlighten you chaps) is an Italian stallion 😀 who remained totally professional towards his dance partner. She got miffed so exacted her revenge by lodging complaints. He’s been vindicated of 11 of her 17 allegations – one being he stepped on her toe.
Not world news clearly, but there are a lot of ladies who would love to be up close and personal with Mr Pernices six pack !
BAN TOES! FREE THE SAUSAGES! “one being he stepped on her toe”
Stallion eh,
Does he have staff with a shovel and bucket follow him ?
It could become hazardous on a dance floor
( Memories of the Blue Peter elephant and John Noaks slip on an unfortunate puddle)
“Liz Truss: The Tories Turned the UK into a Socialist Country”
“I am backing remain as I believe it is in Britain’s economic interest and means we can focus on vital economic and social reform at home.” — February 20, 2016, on Twitter, referring to the upcoming UK referendum on EU membership.
“As Prime Minister I will remove onerous EU regulations and red tape to back our British farmers.” — Twitter, August 1, 2022.
Why don’t failed politicians just disappear into some quango and let someone with more popular policies have a go … truss was a disaster ….
did she get the full PM pension package?
“This is incorrect. There is no specific pension for former prime ministers. Ms Truss, like all ex-PMs, is entitled to claim an allowance of up to £115,000 a year for expenses incurred through public duties undertaken due to her position as a former prime minister, but this is not a pension. ”
“The Cabinet Office releases information about how much former prime ministers have claimed in their annual accounts. Their most recent release shows that in the 2022-23 financial year, both Sir John Major and Sir Tony Blair claimed the full amount of £115,000 in expenses. Gordon Brown claimed slightly less, at £114,627 and Theresa May claimed £113,422, while David Cameron (now Lord Cameron of Chipping Norton) claimed £108,312. ”
David Cameron’s bodyguard suspended ‘after gun left in BA plane toilet’
This article is more than 4 years old
Loaded pistol and former prime minister’s passport ‘found by sink before takeoff from New York’
A police bodyguard has been suspended pending an investigation, Scotland Yard has said, amid reports David Cameron’s passport and a loaded gun were found in the toilet cubicle of a British Airways flight from New York to London Heathrow this week.
David Cameron’s passport and a loaded gun were found in the toilet cubicle
It has all gone very quiet about ‘the ramp’ in Gaza. When will the trickle become a flood?
In an essay about America Alone, Christopher Hitchens wrote that “Mark Steyn believes that demography is destiny, and he makes an immensely convincing case,” then detailed many points at which he disagreed with Steyn. Hitchens believed Steyn erred by “considering European Muslim populations as one.
“The key part of her piece is where she says: “Culture is more than cuisine or clothes. It’s also customs which may be at odds with British values”. She then goes on to write: “We cannot be naïve and assume immigrants will automatically abandon ancestral ethnichostilities at the border, or that all cultures are equally valid. They are not”.”
Male fans who went to the venue alone claim they were taken to a private room upon arrival to face heavy searches and a series of questions – including naming their favourite song by the band – before being eventually allowed into the show.
“Just arrived at the gig, been funnelled into a dark corner with other men, told I might be a pervert cus I’m alone and then taken into a room alone with a security guard where I was interrogated and searched. Feel sick,” one man claimed on X/Twitter.
Does Saudi Arabia have a Christian Defense Minister? HA HA HA HAH A H!
As they used to say in the forces, ‘if you can’t take a joke you shouldn’t have joined’.
But I’m afraid it far too serious for laughing, our country is being taken from us and if we protest we are pilloried and jailed. We can only hope that if/when the Europeans still in the EU throw off the Globalist yoke they will help to save us.
The irony is cruel but let’s never forget that it is our own ruling class who have put us is this mess despite being repeatedly told for decades that we don’t want mass immigration. We gave them the chance to stop mass immigration with the Brexit vote, they threw back in our faces and rubbed our noses in it. Whatever they get they will deserve.
So, not wanted by that vicious rottweiler and unvoted for Sue Grey and now….
“UK’s top civil servant Simon Case forced to resign as he announces health battle
The Cabinet Secretary said he had been undergoing treatment for a neurological condition.”