The BBC continues to down play the corruption of bungs for the Labour PM and his cabinet . Corruption is now acceptable to Labour and its’ State Broadcaster . Let’s hope it doesn’t end well ….
Weekend 28th September 2024
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I’d still like to re-iterate my previous comment from a previous topic…. … Dame Maggie Smith……. To borrow a phrase from the song set to Saint-Saëns’ Symphony No.3… “If I had words……”
The Wolverhampton 12 year old machete killers
I don’t want to know the kids names, but by suppressing CONTEXT the establishment are putting the public in danger the public
To protect themselves the public should be allowed to know the context .
The danger may well not come from illegals or migrant families, but we have a right to know.
They just needed ping pong tables.
Yep £50 on a few pingpong tables and machete attacks will fall to zero
Island mourns Shawn Seesahai machete murder 4,000 miles away
Two 12-year-old boys have been sentenced for stabbing Shawn Seesahai to death with a machete in Wolverhampton. BBC News visited his family’s home in Anguilla and found an island in mourning.
What ???. How much did that cost ?. It adds absolutely nothing to the story. It’s pure empathy.
I contest that the taxpayers money would have been better spent for the BBC to research WHY this boy was repeatedly stabbed. I don’t believe for one second it was for no reason.
And I’m also disgusted that the BBC make this boy the focus of the article instead of talking about what is REALLY important here : what has gone so drastically wrong in our society that these murders are being committed by 12 year olds.
But of course we all know the answer to that. It’s the unchecked immigration of ‘enrichment’. The fact they ignore it shows just what shameless hypocrites they are. Some of this blood is on their hands.
If the murderers and victim had come from Grimsby , they’d have used Twitter to report the story.
When something happens in paradise, they usually send a whole bunch of freeloaders to ‘report’ on the story (Madeline McCann, the beach murders in Thailand etc.)
And I thought they were all 100% British like you or me?
Well, unless they can blag a free week in the Caribeean, of course.
So the elephant in the room might now explain why Alli has been buying Smarmer personal items. Not just clothes, but glasses and God knows what else as well.
It might also to go on to explain why Alli has been buying clothes for Smarmer’s wife. Silence is golden eh?
Isabel Oakshott on TalkTV says there are rumours about the ‘shape’ of Starmer’s family. I haven’t a clue what that means.
#TooQueerKeir is a nice hashtag
.. though I detest people who talk about rumour instead of providing evidence
.. about his playing hide the “hostage” /sic
spotted “Kweer Starmer”
He just wants him to look his bes…
…oh I seeee.
Does Donald Trump do irony? He’s never struck me as an natural irony man or comedian.
However, he said, “He’s popular” in response to being asked about meeting Smarmer.
I think he can sometimes be so subtle that people go “what” , his remark about Meghan Markle and wishing Harry luck was right on the money years ago.
”Popular” Yup, no doubt in that International club called the WEF………….
BBC local radio now “Conversation and music for our African and Caribbean communities with Sile Sibanda.”
Seems it’s a weekly show
Oh whilst the bBC make some staff redundant
They seem to have been hiring new minority staff
Why is it an African – one whole continent – and a Caribbean – part of another continent ?
Is it a race or cultural thing ?
Afrikaans and Bedouin are both African communities
Do you think the BBC show serves them ?
17 pipo don die for South Africa mass shooting
I’ve been pondering all the largesse Lord Alli has bestowed on senior Labour politicians and the motivation behind it. A certain thought arose, so I checked his Wikipedia entry. It seems Lord Alli “is described as one of only a few openly gay Muslim politicians in the world.” You can read the biography for yourself, but I note “Alli’s work has focused on gay rights, youth and education.” Why is all this not a surprise?
Trouble is now every time I see other politicians wearing spectacles, I am thinking, ‘I bet he paid for his own spectacles’, eg Robert Jenrick shown by GBNews this evening and Nigel Farage shown at the end of a speech taking his spectacles off.
But can you be sure they didn’t claim them on expenses?
The other Monday when I switched on local radio there was a weekly 3 hour special prog for “The South Asian communities”
That’s strange cos at the same time the BBC has an entire channel EXCLUSIVELY for south Asians
“Conversation and music for South Asian communities with Arzu Dutta.”
Even today BBC is still recruiting such staff
Our BBC local Radio weekly evening schedule
Mondays : Asian Woman 3 hours, white woman 2 hours
In fact when I look at the 2 week schedule for BBC Radio Humberside …the schedule seems to have very few white males
Again I ask ,
South Asia is a huge area , does the BBC have this for a racial or cultural aspect ?
Likely correct 🙂
Book to flog?
Why he considered doing something conservative and then did nothing.
Not BBC but you can’t help feeling it has BBC style.
Last week I attended a talk and Q and A given by one Theresa May.
The topic was ‘abuse of power’ . Somehow the issue of child sexual abuse came up. May said this in terms. ‘Abuse has been carried out by Anglicans, Catholics, other religions…..’.
Get that. ‘Other religions’. But what other religions I wonder was she avoiding naming? Could it be the religion responsible for child sexual abuse in, say, Rotherham? Or Rochdale?
How pathetic was May? Is there any wonder their natural supporters left them in droves at the election?
Gobsmacking staggering avoidance of the glaringly obvious by a former PM. They don’t even realise that they are in a deep hole and they are keeping digging.
Ah old Theresa.
The second worse PM we’ve ever had.
I’m astonished that anyone could’ve been worse in my lifetime, but Keir with his gear and his two tier, along with his hatred of the native British will never be surpassed.
Thank goodness you’ve happily forgotten Gordon Brown…!
He really should be airbrushed out of every PM ‘record book’!
Keir Starmer received more clothes worth £16,000
Oh-dear Kier. Seems that after all the talk of Tory sleeze, Labour are even worse.
Will the BBC push this like they did with Boris ?. Gather a story and release it with small, new headlines every day instead of in a single article ?. Or this one article going to disappear quickly ?.
Are we witnessing the start of ‘Gear-Gate’ ?.
I seriously doubt it. And I doubt this shallow, fascist dictator will last too long either.
I said, not long since, that I couldn’t see him lasting until Christmas. Now my money is on the end of October.
In all fairness, the BBC R4 really have a problem. ‘Juggling’ as the meaningless crap element broadcast increases. The crap is a symptom of the vast and increasing amount of “news” they cannot be fair and balanced in reporting / broadcast. We already know that in this category lies, muslims, blacks, Trump etc. Is there a mathematical formula to express this? I’m thinking like the inversely proportional sort i.e. well researched versus crap. Armed with a working formula we could assess the news they are WEF approved to broadcast.
Earlier, R4 Today subjected to a lengthy item on a Turtle being returned to the Azores by HMS Medway………..
Watch: Can BBC reporter’s AI clone fool his colleagues?
Here we see all the BBC’s hype of AI being actually used in the real world.
As always when the BBC run a question in a headline, the answer is ‘No’. Not even nearly.
Still waiting for my pizza to come by drone BBC.
Heard the BBC news – Jeremy Bowen advising Islamic terrorists to use their Iranian weapons on Israel before the IDF get to them …
Mr Bowen s extensive military experience – gained from the bars of various 5 star expenses paid hotels – is legendary ..
Keep going IDF …
To be fair, it was once a smidge more intimate in matters of ordnance, if highlighting who BBC consistently find themselves amongst using Iranian weapons
While journalists at outlets such as @skynews @guardian @bbcnews appear devestated by news of Nasrallah’s probable demise much of the middle east is partying. This from Idlib in Syria.
Nasrallah was a mass murderer who many hated.
Something UK journos seem to have forgotten.
You can’t possibly hate journos enough.
Both BBC TNI partners?
The fearless war veteran himself.
And a woman wondering what he is doing.
“I told you once, you’re dinners ready, it’ll go in the bin soon”
…….Wandering home from the supermarket I don’t doubt.
Yep, I think I recognise the flyover, it’s just behind Luton Asda.
I’m sorry the tank missed.
Lies lies and more lies…
“Labour to hike university tuition fees to £10,500 despite previous pledge to scrap them altogether – amid fears the current system is ‘unsustainable'”
“17 Jul 2024
Labour has ‘no plans’ to raise university fees or funding”
All BBC articles on the subject this month:
Unis float £12,500 fees as freshers pack for term
Here are the BBC’s ‘freshers’:
How much does uni cost in the UK and will I earn more if I go?
Tuition fees must go up, unis say as term begins
They have now abandoned any pretence at all of being impartial and unbiased. They are full-on 100% anti-white male and know they don’t need to worry about being called out for their racist and sexist bias any more.
OFCOM should have been hauled in front of politicians to explain themselves years ago.
Politicians: ……..Only to be agreed with……..
I heard (Lotus Eaters I think) that the likes of Cooper are looking at bringing in a law that makes it illegal to ‘harass’ MPs. I believe it will also be tied in with ‘misinformation’.
There are already laws against harassment, so what do they mean?
Surely not criminalising any criticism of their policies or making any negative comment about them (being useless or stupid, for example, even if it is just an opinion?)
They weren’t lying though, just didn’t have plans, pretty much like everything else they’re doing.
The current system is unsustainable. No country can afford to have 50% of its population waste three years doing meaningless degrees. No more than 5% should go to university, and the rest should get training in real life commercial skills.
That makes perfect sense, Rob!
Of course, since Blair filched hundreds of thousands from parents to send their kids to uni and keep the little studes off the unemployment figures, the whole shebang has become a farce, much loved by fluffy liberal academics, and useless leftie historians!
This is what happens when govt and Civil Service is stuffed full of art and English literature graduates
And are held to account by the BBC.
Really worth checking out the whole thread series.
Milipede still doing his Apocalypto in the jungle?
94 people actually Liked the UK Gov tweet even tho it breaks the laws of physics
Did you know a heat pump is 3x more efficient than a gas boiler?
Meaning it generates 3 times more energy than it consumes.
The 828 replies smash the claim into oblivion #CCBGB’d
then the dept apologised
Sounds like Ed Miliband has discovered perpetual motion. What a man.
You know, I have noticed the difference between Left and Right is that the Left truly hate the Right. The comments I see on HYS and social media about Boris, Trump, JRM, Farage and others are awful. They are full of spite and hate of the worst kind.
Whereas when we get some Lefty we strongly disagree with, the criticism is different. It’s harsh but it doesn’t have the same hate and spite in it.
The reason I say this is because I’m starting to realise I dislike everything about Starmer himself. His voice irritates me and I can hardly bear to look at him. I can sense he is a truly dangerous man because he is pure far-Left agenda inside.
If he had a strong character he might be another Hitler. Fortunately I think he is such shallow, pathetic man that he will not last long.
*cue maxi to trawl through thousands of records to find one or two examples of something harsh someone said here and present them without context *
The left often ‘counter protest’ (trouble making).
The ‘right’ rarely do this. Even if they do this peacefully, (praying silently outside abortion clinics, for example) they get nicked and/or roughed up by the Woke Enforcement Squad (formerly known as ‘The Police’).
My enduring memory and clearest example of our two-tier, leftist policing is when a small group of right-wing ‘counter-protestors’ who were not doing anything specifically wrong were kettled into a small area against a wall by a long line of police with arms linked while the pro-Palestine protest went past.
Sounds about right. There have been incidents where the likes of Antifa have been ushered to where ‘right wing’ protesters are.
Absolutely disgusting.
It looks like a clear attempt to get the ‘right’ to retaliate when attacked (which they often are with impunity) so the likes of the BBC can then edit footage to show the ‘violence’ of the ‘far right’.
It also gives a chance for traitorous politicians to massage the criminal statistics to show ‘whitey bad’ or even ‘whitey far right terrorist’.
It is a disgrace.
Alli : The story which just keeps on giving.
Starmer told to distance himself from Lord Alli ‘immediately’ as links to BASHAR AL-ASSAD come to light
Sir Keir Starmer has been told to distance himself from controversial Labour donor Lord Alli “immediately” over his links to Syrian dictator Bashar Al-Assad.
In 2013, just as the Cameron Government was blocked from bombing Putin ally Assad’s Syria, Lord Alli said in the Lords that not only had he been to the civil war-torn country on multiple occasions, he had “held talks” with its leader on several.
The BBC are treating yet more corrupt behaviour from our disgrace of a PM as nothing to be bothered about.
“The gifts – of £10,000 in October 2023 and £6,000 in February this year – were declared on time, but will now be re-categorised as donations in kind of clothing.
The re-categorisation comes after Downing Street sought advice over the donations.
Sir Keir has insisted he has always followed the rules.”
Oh that’s fine then.
The fact is that another brain dead labour MP (can’t remember which one, there are so many) revealed that the media get invited to quite a few expensive parties.
So it seems we now have confirmation that the likes of the BBC are bought and paid for.
The facts are these:
1. Yes, the Tories did this sort of stuff. And guess what? It’s one of the many reasons they’re no longer in power. At least the Tories had the good sense to show remorse for taking bungs (that’s what this crap is, let’s be honest. ‘Gifts’ my arse. No such thing as a free lunch.)
2. Labour MPs are grifting (yes, this is actual ‘grifting’ Cooper!) to a ridiculous extent, getting found out and then pretty much laughing at the struggling taxpayer. I’ve heard one saying they were simply ‘lucky’ to be given such donations. So that’s ok then? Another one saying 14k on her 40th was a ‘works thing’. One blaming his bung on his kids liking the evil Taylor Swift. One shrugging it off arrogantly as ‘tittle tattle’.
These people are idiots with no self awareness.
3. They are proud, not ashamed. Struggling, oppressed black man from a working class family in Tottenham, David Lammy, has had around 160k in donations in a year. 160k! 40k for ‘research and writing ‘.
Do they think we’re thick?
4. We need electoral reform to stop this sort of crap. A limit set on donations (let’s say 5k per MP per year). A reasonable limit also set on campaigning.
On another topic, Yvette Cooper’s recent disgusting rant (again, a free pass from the BBC here) showed why women should not be in politics. Yes, Maggie etc. There are exceptions.
But for the most part, you get hysterical, vindictive, blinkered lunatics like Cooper. Where was her similar rage at the blm riots (which were far more violent and destructive)? Why did she tar every protester as a violent, racist thug? She needs to sit down and have a nice cup of tea.
I can’t say what I want to say about this demon, but it rhymes with she is a ducking pitch.
Oh and Gary ‘what’s the problem ‘ Neville hopefully gets the welcome from football fans he deserves this weekend when pitchside.
The absolute moron.
I’ll donate one GCSE history book and one on general knowledge to Lammy.
It’d have to be an audiobook then.
He’s not even ready for pop up books yet.
1066 and all that.
He can read about ‘The charge of the Fire Brigade’
Oh God are labour going to charge for fires and cats in tree rescues now ?
Lazy – I think Rayner said something like – everyone gets ‘donations ‘ so it’s okay …
It really is sad that if politicians ever had a true sense of right and wrong – they are able to bin that sense . Whether it be Tory corruption giving dodgy Covid contracts ( Michelle moan ) or now bribes disguised as donations by dodgy pakis whose origins of wealth need examination ….
Maybe the donations need to be accompanied with their exact legitimate purpose – and proof that the purpose has been fulfilled .
Same with expense clsims – whether it be moat cleaning or heating the stables or apple ear phones or whatever ….
Someone on this site who has now disappeared once stupidly said if we paid politicians more we’d get better ones . I mean – really ?
Apart from the venal nature ( give me I’m worth it ) of the politician I think people from modest backgrounds have their heads turned when exposures to extreme wealth – those able to buy whatever they want without thinking about the cost as they have so much rolling in every day – like wind farmers … Harrods owners … and the like
It will never change – and the scrutiny will be restrained if it is the ‘approved ‘ like labour …..
There’s no opposition able to challenge it because they are corrupt as well
If there was an intelligent – decent government it might be ‘excusable ‘ but I can’t remember when we had one of those – apart from early maggie of course …
Rayner has had (I believe) over 100k in donations in the past year. This is on top of her hefty, with all expenses paid, salary.
I don’t think they care. They have been either laughing about it to our faces or arrogantly shrugging it off in a ‘let them eat cake’ way.
I don’t think we’ll ever see a Labour government after this one.
They are a total disgrace on everything so far.
They’ll either grift themselves into being hated by everyone, or get us all nuked off Vlad before their term is up.
And on over 100k a year and buying up much needed social housing?
An elected MP?
‘Do they think we’re thick?’ Yes.
You are probably correct.
There should be IQ tests before being allowed to vote.
Under 100? You’re not coming in.
There should be general knowledge tests before being allowed to stand for election.
Over half the present crew would be out on their ear.
moggiemoo- it’s more they think themselves untouchable + invulnerable for the consequences of their actions
I am sure most posters here can remember the 1980s comedy series Yes, Prime Minister. Funnily enough, it was produced by the BBC. How far they have fallen!
Current BBC journalists, especially the Middle East correspondents (yes, you, Jeremy Bowen) should all be made to watch Episode 6: A Victory for Democracy:
Hacker: I gather we’re planning to vote against Israel in the UN tonight.
Foreign Secretary: Of course.
Hacker: Why?
Foreign Secretary: They bombed the PLO.
Hacker: But the PLO bombed Israel!
Foreign Secretary: Yes, but the Israelis dropped more bombs than the PLO did.,_Minister
The BBC has a clip “Jim Meets The Israeli Ambassador”:
Amazing! Oh, and other people who should watch it include Antonio Guterres and David Lammy …
‘How far they have fallen!’
I remember a time when if you saw the BBC logo at the start of a program, you knew you were going to see something which was good.
Now it’s the exact opposite. If I see ‘BBC’ at the start of something I just turn it off.
This is what left-wing politics does to everything in the world. It eventually destroys it. As the ‘Far-Right’ socialist Hitler demonstrated. Along with many others throughout history.
One has to admire Jim Hacker’s closing line “I know it’s not true… Press statements aren’t delivered under oath”
I’m not sure that Starmer is the first to accept donation clothing.
Was it only rumor that Harold Wilson was provided his Gannexe raincoats for free as advertising for the company ??
And ‘release the sausages’?
Is this what one would call a ‘Freudian slip’?
Oh, he’s married. So were Elton John and Michael Barrymore, but he’s very manly so ner ner nee ner ner.
Look at him boxing. Hard as nails.
Don’t mess with Starmer the Granny Harmer.
Need some AI to put the granny in the picture…..labour’s latest punchbag.
For one brief scary moment I thought our media had found yet another #MeToo Mohamed Al-Fayed victim…
Queen pinned to the bed by ghost (Daily Star)
High class action
I jest of course. Our Camilla may well have regularly shopped at Harrods – but this is an historic spectoral allegation about a spirit coming out of the old woodwork panels: Queen Camilla was pinned to her bed in a haunted Tudor mansion by a miserable old ghost… Son reveals terrifying attack at Tudor mansion… but Camilla scared spectre off with a few choice words
Our jokey blokey Daily Star goes on to speculate ad lib about Camilla’s few choice words: “Oh do sod orf!” – there you go ladies, no need to wait twenty years to complain, that’s how one wards orf unwelcome sexual advances.
By the way, thinking of the logic of that Grenfell Tower inquiry furore, where our authorities have forced all these poor innocent migrants – who they should have properly provided for and made comfortably welcome when they all arrived over here – instead let them down by shoving them into dangerous unsuitable overcrowded habitation – amounting to a national scandal… well, isn’t it a further national scandal that we force those royals of ours to live in a series of ghost-ridden haunted old palaces and mansions? Subjecting them to nightly spectoral visitations? I jest again of course.
And of course the sexy scandal about our elites which we all would rather our media make a clean breast of this weekend is the one to which our Isabel Oakeshott has alluded concerning the ‘shape of Keir Starmer’s family’. And there we were thinking it was decidedly square. Apparently all the Westminster press lobby are perfectly aware of the inside track, so to speak, about the hidden secret enigma that lies behind Sir Keir hanging out at Lord Alli’s flat story. But they’re keeping mum.
I’m oddly reminded of naughty satirist Daniel Bostock (hat-tip and a plug) and his rather spicy parody of the song Living Next Door to Alice popularised by Smokie. Our Daniel sang about Living Next Door to Ali
Sally called, when she got the word
She said “I suppose you’ve heard, our new neighbour is Ali”
Well, I rushed to the window, and I looked outside
I could hardly believe my eyes
As a big removal van rolled up onto next door’s drive
Oh, I don’t know why he’s gonna need that chicken or that goat
I guess he’s got his reasons but I just don’t wanna know
For twenty four hours I’ve been living next door to Ali
For twenty four hours, he’s been emptying the van
Fifteen wives in burkas, a machete and koran
Now I’ve gotta get used to living next door to Ali
He groomed and befriended two kids in the park
I heard them both shouting Allahu Akbar… with Ali
Now he walks through his door with his head held high
Then gropes his cousin, who’s also his wife
‘Cos for him polygmy and incest… is justified
Oh I saw him in the evening and I waved and said hello
He said good evening kuffir, I came over on a boat
Now for twenty four hours I’ve been living next door to Ali
Now for several hours he’s been fingering me nan
It’s just another practice that he’s brought from Pakistan
Now I’ve gotta get used to living next door to Ali
Well Sally called back, and asked how I felt
I said honey, he calls me infidel
But I’m starting to get used to Ali
Now Ali says I have to comply with Sharia
Maybe not now but within a few years
When all of my common law rights have disappeared
The next day on the news they’re showing his photo
He mowed down lots of people in a black Fiat Punto
For only twenty four hours I’ve been living next door to Ali
For twenty four hours he must have had it planned
Now I’ll probably never see him ‘cos they’ve put him on remand
Now I’ve gotta get used to not living next door to Ali
If and when the Two-Tier Family Sir Keir story breaks I fancy doing my own Mr AsI new version of the Living next door to Ali ditty – what do you reckon?
Could be the last time we can diss Sir Keir for being a stuffed shirt kill joy no fun allowed puritan?
The regime central mouthpiece that is the Times has quite another take from: Tom Parker Bowles My mother Camilla’s cooking and the King
How to get out of a sex rut – offers the left-leaning ‘i’ newspaper, provocatively, on their frontpage beside: Rayner’s anger mounts at ‘hostile’ Labour briefings… Power struggle at top of Government – accompanied by a pic of two of Sir Keir’s work wives – Ange and Rachel (20 ciggies before breakfast voice) Reeves. What, no Sue Gray?
Giving the kids your home now… Perils of skirting inheritance tax – hints the FT
Stand and deliver
I can’t remember how much bonking I did – don’t panic just yet… this is the normally mildly conservative Telegraph quoting Irish actor Aidan Turner, late of the three-cornered hatted Poldark. Yes, I know the Cornish eighteenth century soap opera didn’t actually involve any highwaymen.
The third in the marriage being haunted eh ? Now that Fayad senior is fair dead game it must be time to go for the rest of the family – which brings Diana Spencer into the entertainment – did Mohammed try it on with her – get her medically tested for STDs – or did he leave if to ‘Dodi’ who I’m sure learnt a few techniques from daddy ….
As I see it – you left out the ‘easy jet ‘ story about indecency in row 16 involving two welch people at 7 in the morning on their way home from spain ..
They got … community service …
.. now where’s that easyJet website …
They got … community service …
Well, as Sir Kier has said – this is a government of service
The BBC have been giving far too much time recently to the vegan head of Forest Green Rovers to spout his vegan, lefty, Greta-esque utopian nonsense.
Didn’t he donate £5m to the Labour Party?
He wants all school meals to be vegan (the lunatic).
He owns a vegan ‘food’ company.
No conflict of interest here then.
BBC practically giving him free advertising and not mentioning any potential conflict(s) of interest.
If this nutcase gets his own way, we will all know why, won’t we?
Kerchinnng and lots and of new outfits, watching football in executive boxes (big matches not shitty Forest Green Rovers) and taking your kids to front row/backstage pass pop concerts.
We have the nerve to laugh at political corruption in Africa?
British politics is no different.
Oh, and if I wanted to go vegan I’d chew on a cardboard box (which is what most vegan ‘food’ tastes like.)
“Free online climate change training for Central Bedfordshire residents”
Bowen somehow always manages to convey a complete contempt for Israel every word oozing with disdain and dislike, his reports always giving the impression that Israel is inherently wicked and evil.
Today was no different as we learn that there has been a ‘tit-for-tat’ between Israel and Hezbollah and that Hezbollah ‘retaliated’ with some rockets yesterday and Israel was the one ‘escalating’.
No…not tit-for-tat, not retaliation…Hezbollah started launching thousands of missiles and rockets on Oct 8…it launched a war against Israel. 8,000 missiles is not a mere irritation and an inconvenience to Israel.
On a similar note one of the BBC’s finest in the US went to the Mid-West to rustle up some dirt on the election as Walz and Vance go head to head. Curiously it was almost all about how surprised the journo was that anyone there should consider Trump who had apparently let them down so badly….not least because he was a criminal and Jan 6…where he had ‘tried to hold on to power’…..really? Trump organised and directed the Jan 6 ‘insurrection’? Only in BBCWorld and the Democrat skunkworks.
Not saying the BBC is anti-Trump but they are. Hope he gets in just to ‘rub their noses in it.’ lol….and however bad Trump is Harris will be ten times worse….she’s like a primary school teacher way out of her depth….very, very unconvincing whenever you hear her speak….I expect the Dems have another little bunker for her if she gets elected…just to keep her out of the way….damage limitation…then again judging by her effectiveness as ‘border czar’ any interference by her in running the country won’t be a problem.
Maybe Bowen will get a neck ache watching IDF drones … mind pager Jeremy …
FU2…lol…I shouldn’t laugh but….
Bowen’s still got a huge grudge after his car was hit by the Israelis and his friend killed….you might say ‘naturally’…..and if you do you might also think maybe he’s not suitable to report on matters Israeli given that he is likely to hold a grudge….and yet the BBC keeps him there.
They weren’t even elected.
They took office by default as the only serious opposition had been destroyed by continuous BBC campaigns to otally destabilise the party and the subsequent internal backstabbing for personal ambition by the likes of Javid and Sunak.
People didn’t vote for Labour. They simply didn’t vote for Conservatives.
– the BBC and the rest of the MSM have a lot to answer for.
To my way of thinking the ‘Conservative’ party voted Labour in. If they’d been remotely conservative it would never have happened. Oh, and our voting system is corrupt and stinks.
The Tories were infiltrated by lefties and cowards.
Lefties who deliberately got elected on a false platform and cowards who were so scared of being called ‘racist’ or ‘nazi’ by people who hate them anyway, that they deserted their morals for fear of losing their place at the trough.
Even Farage can’t quite bring himself to talk about the important stuff.
Stuff that would probably increase Reform’s vote share by 10% at least.
Remigration and anti white hatred.
Exactly….Labour got 34% of turnout but only 20% of possible voters….and in many cases the winning MP got less votes than in 2019. Hardly a ringing endorsement.
Unfortunatley the Tories still don’t get it…way too many have no clue why they lost….listening to Dominic Grieve [so well named] whine yesterday about the party going to the right…well yeah….back to their real roots not some wet labourite centre-left swampland the Cameroons created.
Israel claiming that the leader of hizbollah / hamas / Islamic this / Islamic that has become strawberry jam – or maybe even red mist …
Keep going IDF – hope it is true – right – who is next?
The DT have it open for comments. This is the top one:
‘Nasrallah and several of his generals officially confirmed as eliminated. Thank you Israel. The world is now a safer place thanks to you. Western leaders take note you do not come out of this with any glory. Iran and its satellites slowly being neutralised and those in the Middle East can look forward to the Abraham accords taking effect 🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱’
Which is why the BBC never open these extremely important events for HYS unless they can be sure of the response. The problem is they only have anti-Conservative and anti-Russia troll farms on the ‘approved supplier’ list.
The UN and the Biden administration seem to have forgotten that Hizbollah sent 8000 rockets into Israel and murdered 12 Druze children. No calls for peace then.
Listening on the radio for Dawn Neesom show this lunchtime, the venom shown by her two women guests was intense. One saying that Netanyahu was vile and his only reason for fighting Hizbollah was to save himself. Nobody reminded the guest about the 60,000 displaced Israelis, the crops deliberately destroyed by fire, or the murders initiated by the terrorists.
I notice that a new propaganda vehicle against presidenr trump -‘Americast’ is now on R4 – having been a ‘podcast ‘ no one listened too ( apart from mad cat owning lefty wimmin )
Anyway – I’ve never heard ‘americast’ and never will . But I can confidently predict the anti trump far left propaganda – presumably from our Justin and the dead labou leaders ‘ daughter and Katti the cat lady and Christian – who isn’t …
Just look at the video in this article at 0:17 seconds in.
The woman tells us that Israel have just bombed a school full of refugee families. Her English is terrible – but that is what she is saying.
Absolutely outrageous that they would show this.
School???? Kids?????
Liverpool ‘child asylum seekers’ found to be adults
8 December 2018
The great leader fits in very well with the ‘men’ doesn’t he….
Maybe ‘lord’ alli has bought him a young friend …. Might be votes in it …
You mean he’s “doing” a Schofield and turning the other cheek ?? Oooer.
You can tell party-girl slapper loves it. Gear, Gear, Two-Tier Kier is having to try very, very hard to look like he is happy to be there.
Why does the Left have a perverse obsession with converting the world to sodomy?
And why do homosexuals constantly feel the need to tell the world they’re normal – almost as if, deep down, they suspect they’re not?
And think what an effect the advocacy of sodomy has on teenagers at a time when their sexuality is problematic. How many heterosexuals will have been ‘turned’ by the relentless propaganda.
It’s all about ‘minorities’ and ‘victims’ to be used against the Right.
Which is why they exhibit such monumental double-standards by never talking about the homophobia in Islam.
The Left don’t actually give a dam about anyone at all unless they can be used in some way. Just look at Sasha Johnson and how quickly and totally her story was dropped when they discovered black men did it.
I just found this channel 4 video about it. Every person they interview is as thick as shit. It does give more information about her and her vile views than we ever saw on the BBC.
She was just a black Wolfie Smith.
Was famous simply because she was attractive. That’s how deep their politics goes.
One of those too dumb to realise she was dumb.
Further to Vlad’s nail-on-head post.
On the way down the M6 yesterday (btw our road network for still the 5 th biggest economy in the world is truly appalling, transport policy having been hijacked by the climate anarchists).
Around 1230 there was an extended discussion about …not sure exactly but trans and teenagers were to the fore.
At one point it turns out that 1 in 7 trans teenagers are….something or other.
Now given that about 3% of the population are gay, despite the relentless pro-gay hype, and maybe 5% of them are potentially trans, and then 1 in 7 of them are in a group of their own, the BBC fixation on minorities is becoming positively insane.
“to fight climate *chaos* ” says a BBC presenter
FFS IMPARTIAL my ass , BBC staff are cultist ACTIVISTS
Note the very, very deliberate question mark at the end.
Another trick : it makes an assertion into a question which everyone thinks is an assertion.
Betteridge’s law of headlines is an adage
that states: “Any headline that ends in a question mark can be answered by the word no.”
Quite. And the BBC do these tricks much more than others because they are not allowed to be directly proveable as being biased or make false statements – whereas the rest of the MSM can.
The way the BBC do it is sneaky and underhand. But to the Left, the ends always justify the means.
Sheila Dillon is a cowardly, sneering PoS
afaics she routinely blocks replies
650 MPS to eat bugs for 2 years – plus all their kids
Bowen: West left powerless as Israel claims its biggest victory yet against Hezbollah
The far-Left idiot is busy these days spinning his misleading propaganda and carefully chosen words to make Israel appear to be the ones who caused it.
Firstly he repeats the video clip of the woman telling us Israel just bombed a school. They didn’t. This is another BBC trick : keep repeating the same story in multiple articles to make it seem much bigger and keep it current.
Second, look at this:
‘Over the last eleven months there has been an ongoing tit-for-tat between both sides, though with more pressure from the Israelis.’
At first glance, you think it means Israel are the aggressors. But spot the deliberate weasel words : ‘with more pressure from’. WTF does that mean ?.
Jeremy has written that meaning the response has been more violent from the Israelis. What he doesn’t say is that their response is because Hezbollah are the aggressor for firing their terrorist, unguide rockets hoping to kill civilians.
Another whopper from Jezzer. One of several very clear anti-semetic, terrorist-supporting journalists they have reporting on this conflict.
I suppose there will be a solidarity Muslim march because it’s confirmed that Israel topped the head of an evil terrorist gang … next …
Keep going IDF …
( girl on BBC radio news sounded like she is in mourning ) booomm
So did the man reading the news on radio-2 this morning.
Then changed to be very upbeat and happy when talking about Me-again Markle.
Fiona Bruce made a correction at the end of Question Time
saying she had been wrong to shout “France takes way more asylum seekers that UK” at Zia Yusuf
Yet i see 2 big anti-Reform accounts still tweeting the video of the part she disowned, without mentioning she had made that correction
Given the Hezbollah Broadcasting Corporation’s leader has died, can we expect news presenters to be wearing dark clothes and black ties, and presenting an extended programme in a mournful style?
Cue Hue Edwards, looking sad and oozing gravitas.
Oh, wait..
Whatever he’s oozing, it’s not gravitas.
‘ass’ may be involved.
The BBC still have the woman correspondent in Lebanon on the front page who is telling us (or inferring very very strongly : her English is not good) that Israel just hit a school full of refugees.
She says:
‘Israeli jets just struck behind us'(Pointing to the smoke)
‘Behind this a school’ (still pointing at the same place) ‘that many families have fled to from the bombardments in Southern Lebanon.’
Isn’t it amazing how ‘the error’ is always in favour of the BBC agenda ?.
How do they get away with it ??.
A propos of nothing.
Given my propensity for mis-spelling and other errors, I have to edit my own posts. In the last couple of days the edit box appears to have shrunk dramatically to about 1 inch square on my iPad.
Is this just me or does the site have a little gremlin?
Stuff – that’s very Stew Question – I don’t have a clue sorry —-
— but happy to know that the IDF killed an Iranian general along with his mate in hezbollah .. any more good news ?
Israel playing a blinder in the run up to the anniversary ,,,,
@Sluff yes on my screen there is the same problem
However there is a workaround
Android : put your finger on the bottom right of the entry-box and drag it right, so box widens
Windows : put your mouse on the bottom right of the entry-box, hold right click and drag mouse right, so box widens
Dear Stew
Thanks for the excellent suggestions..
Unfortunately on the iPad which defaults to safari, the workaround doesn’t…we’ll…
My edit window using the PC has shrunk dramatically too Sluff.
Thanks Stew – I widened it the when I tried editing again, it remained wider.
Is that stretch function something new ?. I don;t recall seeing it before.
I don’t know how to bigger the box on an iPad, Sluffy, but it’s the same size on a laptop, so just grab the bottom right-hand corner of the inch-wide box, and you can drag it to the width of the screen!
My self-editing is appalling, so you’re in good company!
via Leo Kearse
webpage is still the same
“What the root of racism, what the root of sexism is. And sexism doesn’t come from women (says a man who says he’s a women). So of course it’s caused by men.” {youtube – Racism: Piers Morgan vs. Munroe Bergdorf – @2:50}
– racism : prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one’s own race is superior.
– sexism : prejudice, stereotyping, or discrimination, typically against women, on the basis of sex.
– indeed this is backed up with words … “LOUISE O’NEILL: It is impossible for women to be sexist towards men {irishexaminer jan2017}”, then it goes into different degrees of sexism “Women cannot be ‘as sexist as men’”
“To cite the other person you just said that would *trigger you Sam Harris*, Mark Steyn said this the other day, *this is the conversation we will be having when the Mullahs nuke us*.Everyone will be discussing if someone is transgender despite the fact they’ve had no operation (ref Jack Monroe in UK)” – Douglas Murray when he’s angry, but he still makes sense.
He’s sad that he failed his audition for the Ladyboys of Bangkok.
Who is Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah?
They are not handling this well.
And standby for a free-soapbox for any terrorists who want to slag down Israel and vow revenge.
Just to make sure all the Muslims here don’t miss anything to make them hate Jews even more.
Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah could have saved the NHS!
Who WAS the terrorist leader – boom 🖤
Breaking 3.5 billion news ….
‘My liquid BBL went well but I regret it now I know the risks’
“Cairo hadn’t researched the risks of a liquid BBL before having the procedure”
Inquiry after butt lift patients are hospitalised
National FGM Support Clinics
-Female genital mutilation (FGM)
BMA defends diversity officers in NHS from Government “culture war” tactics
by BMA media team
Why oh why do we have to have a tokenistic woman to go through the men’s football results on a Saturday afternoon on BBC final score?
And why, on the revolving scores, does the Premier League get the same time, 20 seconds, as Scottish league one, where the crowds barely make it into four figures?
You could fit the whole crowd at Cove Rangers into the male toilets at the Emirates or the Etihad.
The answer of course is BBC political correctness gone mad.
Inside Lord Alli’s ‘love affair’ with…erm,….. labour,
yes labour..
that’s the headline we’ll go with….
“Inside Lord Alli’s ‘love affair’ with Labour – as Prada bag-loving mogul’s hefty donation to Keir Starmer is revealed”
At 3.09 pm I posted wondering if the BBC would mark the death of mr Nusrallah by wearing somber clothing.
Would you believe it, the blond tottie presenting from Beirut is wearing a BLACK T shirt !!!!!!!
I thought I was being mildly humorous.
No. I was telling the truth !!!!
The BBC are the absolute pits.
Seems that a failed PM called Boris Johnstone is doing his book . A pair of plastic gloves is provided for anyone who buys it ( relatives ?) .
The mail seems to be carrying bits of it but who really wants to hear this idiots ‘ views about anything now ? He – after all – laid the path to a TTK regime and the suffering we ( UK tax payers )are about to experience ….
If it were Boris and the heating allowance I can almost guarantee he would have U turned by now.
Although the bbc would have been publishing a story a day for weeks on end about freezing and dead pensioners, I can 100% guarantee that.
Have the muslims who run the bbc editorial policy called for a day of mourning and a public holiday for the dead terrorist yet ?
How many months or years will it be until Burkahs On Ice and Hijab Come Dancing ?
ANd in 2024 – women have a penis (c) Starmer