You know – I haven’t pleaded for readers to dump their TV licence now for some time So I do surely plead again . A lot of visitors to the site have already dumped their licence . So why don’t you … ?
Weekend 19th October 2024
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Late night lurker strikes again
Tiswas – The Phantom Flan Flinger – Annie Lennox, Darts
Quality telly from decades ago, back in the days when Lenny Henry was funny.
Done by 2 minutes this time (and a few glasses). Unfair
You might have posted that in jest Vlad but in the new equality obsessed Labour department for education………it’s absolutely true !!!!!!!!
Just want to say uthat in my opinion Crace of the Guardian is the most fucked up twat I have ever had the displeasure to become acquainted with in my reading trail.
His rantings against anything not right on Marxist and attempts at sick humour against anything Tory are reach for the sick bag level.
What an utter twat!
He demonstrates everything that is wrong with rabid lefties.
A deranged Marxist at the Guardian? Surely not.
What is Owen Jones doing these days?
So don’t read him then. Other columnists in other papers are available.
I have to say, for a forum openly hostile to the BBC and the Grauniad an awful lot of the locals appear to enjoy watching, listening and reading them. It must be bad for their blood pressure. Don’t they have more congenial things to do?
It’s important to read the Grauniad, etc to be able to prove that the bias is evidence based rather than assumed.
Trust but verify,
There is no compulsion to say anything.
But as apparent debuts go, an unsurprising effort.
I read that the piece of utter imported shit who murdered a young women by choking her to death with his penis while she was unconscious on a park bench has been charged with “manslaughter”.
It’s not manslaughter to do such vile inhuman acts you bloody twisted criminal lawyers, it’s outright filthy self indulgent murder you c words
Do any of these left wing so called lawyers think for one minute what utter terror this poor young woman was forced to suffer in her last minutes?
Digg digg digg – I gotta edit you – I agree with the language but we owe it to the site …
As for the sentence – something slow and painful seems appropriate …
Yes, first in the queue. Just in front of TTK, Bliar and all the Marxist rest.
I read that the piece of utter shit who murdered a young women by choking her to death with his penis while she was unconscious on a park bench has been charged with manslaughter. No doubt the good and great in our legal swamp think she was asking for it and deserved it by getting pissed?
It’s not manslaughter to do such vile acts against a vulnerable woman you bloody twisted criminal lawyers, it’s outright self-centered murder you c words
Shame hanging has been abolished in my opinion.
Odd stuff happening!
Sorry Fedup 2, sometimes rage is the only response to the madness of the supposed ruling folk.
It’s okay – i read the case – what does the judge give that vermin ? The jury had to watch the CCTV . In fed world someone would off him on remand …
I think Rachel Reeves’ black hole should be looked into.
At time of writing, the conviction for the vile rape and murder of Nathalie Shotter is consigned to Local News. No doubt by tomorrow it will have been further relegated.
Nothing to do with the rapist and murderer being called Mohamed, I’m sure. (Incidentally, is it the custom in Islam to call all rapists and murderers Mohamed? Not surprising as the original also committed plenty of rape and murder.)
Meanwhile, what do we find on the Home page?
– Man jailed after dog killed younger brother (in Derby).
– Endless crap about some whacked-out, drugged-up pop-star who fell or suicided himself (forgive me if I couldn’t care less).
– Mourning over the beeb’s favourite Hamas terrorist.
– A piece denigrating Netflix – nothing to do with them being competitors to the BBC, I’m sure.
– The most dishonest headline ever against Trump: “Harris suggests Trump is too ‘exhausted’ for media interviews” (after Biden avoided interviews for years, and now Kamala does the same).
– A jubilant piece crowing over Meloni’s migrant policy ‘setback’: “Italy faces big setback over migrant camps in Albania”.
– A prominent headline about their beloved crook Biden deploring the killing of the Beeb’s favourite terrorist.
Etc etc.
What a disgusting POS the BBC is.
Where’s Mossad when you need them…
The ’72 virgins’ is another example of the magnitude of the hypocrisy and double standards of the Lefty misandrists infesting the MSM these days.
72 innocent young girls for the man to use and abuse as he sees for fit for the rest of eternity. And they are fine with that.
One of many examples of their racism. They only ever go after right-wing white males. Because they are fuelled by hate, not principles.
As they died in Jihad, they’ll automatically go to Jannah and get their 72 virgins all right… but without the equipment to enjoy them, lol. An eternity of impotent frustration. Sounds more like hell to me.
‘My nephews died in tanker blast trying to stop petrol scoopers’
There is no limit to what lies and misinformation the woke idiots at the BBC will go to to get their ’empathy’ fix.
‘”My nephews, Nuradeen Rabiu, 16, and Dini Babalo, 17, were among those killed. They tried to stop people from getting too close to the tanker and scooping fuel before the explosion,” the 50-year-old resident of Majia town told the BBC.’
And how on Earth does he know that ?.
Both of them ?. 16 and 17 ?. A clear and blatant lie from someone portrying his family as heroes trying to save lives instead of thieves who died during the act. No way they would know that explosion would happen as opposed to the truck just continuing to burn while they stole the petrol.
But I don’t believe it for one single second. If they were worried it would blow up, they would keep away. 100% they were looking for what they could get.
I don’t criticise what they were doing : life is very hard out there. What irks me about this article is how the BBC will take on board anything anybody says and present it as virtual fact if they can spin it into the story they want to write. The truth is entirely irrelevant : all they have to do is quote somebody. And even then, I am certain they rewrite the quotes themselves to fit. Hence all the people in Gaza speaking perfectly English and saying all the right buzzwords for the current BBC agenda.
It’s terrible they died in that way, but the BBC’s lust for ‘good’ black people and desire to flood their work with empathy over all else is about as far from professional journalism as you can get.
But it’s what you get when you hire your staff just to fill sexist quotas then you have to use them because they are all you have. The quality of output plummets.

On R4 you would only know that the BBC reporter interviewed was alien foreigner when introduced by name. Otherwise, no. Majority impeccable English, positively ‘Estuary’. Wher’d that come from? Could it be the BBC pay to have their foreign contingent coached in Estuary English? The Licence Fee payers should know the cost.
Democrats seek inroads in Trump heartland of prize state
.. and yet another party political broadcast from the BBC on behalf of the Democrat party.
Notice how EVERYTHING is personalised at Trump now. Same as they personalise everything Russia does at Putin. The trick is to create a bad image of someone then use that image to implicitly discredit the whole party they represent.
It’s full of stuff like this:
‘While she was speaking, a large truck roared by with a Trump flag waving above its rear.’
‘Her optimism didn’t waver.’
Carolina is 67% white. The article shows 18 people. 8 are black and only 2 are white males.
Another 100% typical BBC report. Utterly biased, non-representative crap.
No surprise who wrote it:
The BBC live in a world which is 100% monumental hypocrisy allowing extreme racist and sexist double standards. They are in their own bizarre far-Left virtue-signalling bubble.
Reading the authors prolific LinkedIn posts, he is a full-on racist activist.
‘While homicides rip through Indianapolis in record numbers, state legislators pass a new law easing gun control restrictions. Fear and anxiety linger among many of the city’s Black residents.’
That would be because these record numbers of homicides are by the black people would it ‘Brandon’ ?. Why don’t you address THAT topic ?.
It’s ok; Verify is there.
The farmers targeted by false claims and threats over Kamala Harris advert
Our ‘Worlds Most Trusted’ aka “Another Beauty” on 0700 R4 news, tells me the contest between Harris and the Real President is, “on a knife edge”. Just imagine the time they spend on assessing all the US Polls to find the particular one they need to support declaring the “Knife Edge”.
Tousi: “UK Police Threaten Christians For Saying ‘God Bless You'”
But, thousands aggressively screaming Allahu Akbar every weekend: no problem at all.
If Welby had any balls at all – I know, crazy idea, right? – he would organise a mass public chant of GOD BLESS YOU outside Parliament and outside Mayor Khunt’s London Assembly.
The bearded one to the left displaying a wedding ring? As a muslim he, it must be assumed, only ‘Married’ one woman.
But has another 5 he’s legally claiming benefits for? Because bigamy is for whites only?
Today News
Can someone help ? Why is the BBC continuing to lead with an ‘investigation ‘ into the sexual misconduct of a dead Muslim Egyptian shop keeper ?
Is it because he is dead so the bbc is legally safe ? I don’t get it ? What lesson is to be learnt ? If he looks like a dirty little Egyptian don’t let him near white women ? Or what ?
The bbc continues to use press releases by its’ friends in the Islamic Hamas Terrorist gang – it doesn’t say anything about ‘unverified ‘ – it just pumps out numbers allegedly dead …
Casual sexism and racism from amol and some yank liberal cat lady from ‘Chatham house ‘… over the us election …
It seems coloured folk are not automatically turning out for karmela – because of colour – you can for get about Martin Luther king ‘character speech ‘ – if coloured you vote for the coloured – not the best candidate . This was a given in the interview….
Things can’t be good for karmela – they be had to send out Obama to do his Luther – king tribute act – but no Biden …
What about what happened in a park in London as above, that should be headlines
Tragedy and wonder in this dramatic edition
Thin and rather unpalatable gruel is the news offering this morning from our BBC’s online press line-up.
The left-leaning junior pound shop Guardian that is the ‘i’ weekend gets the nod as BBC top pick of the frontpages: Income tax set to rise for millions past 2028
The Saturday iteration of the FT moderates its habitual weekend conspicuous consumption slogan, just a notch: How to spend it wisely – as it explains our impending tax hikes by way of the now normalised stealth methods: Reeves looks to keep freeze on tax thresholds
Our latterly liberal Times warns: Reeves plan will pull 1m into higher rates of tax – with the excusatory sop: But chancellor promises cash injection for NHS
Well, you know what you can do with all those failed ineffectual NHS injections.
The legacy holdout fiscally conservative remnant Telegraph complains: Reeves prepares tax triple whammy… Budget raid that ‘breaks’ manifesto pledges to target fuel duty, IHT and freeze thresholds
Who would have guessed the likely tax policy of our Keir Starmer – the fan of ‘sooner, harder, longer’?
At home with the boss – nope, that’s not Keir Starmer’s Airbnb review of his stay at Lord Alli’s – that’s Bruce Springsteen at 75 – in the Times Magazine
Keir Starmer is not so much ‘the boss’ – more our regional assistant under manager
The Telegraph, annoyingly, promotes to frontpage feature pin-up the principle accomplice to the BBC’s murder of their formerly much-loved Doctor Who franchise: Jodie Whittaker, known for fighting aliens… – lets face it, she’s no Sigourney Weaver – our Jodie in her androgynous outfit of rainbow striped jersey, ill-fitting strides held up with braces and clumpy boots, put one more in mind of an average therapeutic basket weaver.
…and first female Doctor Who, is to take on the starring role as the Duchess of Malfi on the West End stage
Cover her face – there’s one for fans of Jacobean revenge tragedy.
While we’re quoting from the dramatic classics and looking for some segueway back to our present Labour government…
Some curs’d example poison’t near the head, Death and disease through the whole land spread.
And what news of our latterday Duchess of Mouthy?
Angela Rayner among Labour ministers furious as ‘biggest tax raid in history’ mooted… Rumours are swirling in Westminster that the Chancellor is poised to launch the biggest Budget tax raid in history. (Express)
One supposes the tactic here is to foreshadow such a horrendous Budget that the eventual outcome of a few lesser tax hikes seems a relative relief.
‘It is all tragedy and wonder’ – that’s the FT Weekend courting the quack black historian David Olusoga: Lunch with the FT – one supposes the pink paper picked up the check as reparations.
David Olusoga. He uses more periods. More full stops. Than any other presenter. This can become wearing quite quickly, as Prof Olusoga works his way with rhythmic emphasis through the script. Breaking every sentence into chunks of three or four words, he makes each phrase sound emphatic and final, until it’s impossible to tell which bits really matter. Perhaps it’s a hangover from years of lecturing to students. But these days, no one takes notes. They’ve all got digital recorders. The prof needs to practise talking more quickly, and then everyone will get to lunch sooner. (Christopher Stevens review of A House Through Time: Two Cities At War, BBC2)
Simon Webb Claims that Reni Eddo-Lodge and David Olusoga Stirred Up Racial Hatred with Fake History of Liverpool Lynching… He’s the author of a series of history books himself, and frequently cites his sources… there is the general principle that history is important and you need to get the facts absolutely right, even if they run against received myths and ideas. The Black community in Britain does suffer from marginalisation, poor educational performance and job opportunities. But if the situation is ever to be corrected, it needs to be done with a respect for historical accuracy. Even when, instead of a cosy narrative of Black victimhood, the reality is a more complex one of Black thuggery and violence. (Beastrabban\’s Weblog)
Does your partner love clutter? The morals of a messy home Emma Barnett (‘i’) – calm down dear.
Yeah yeah – but what about ‘one direction ‘,is there a cover up of something -? was it the Russians ? Who is ‘Cheryl ? See pages 1,2,3,4, and sports pages …
@ F2
A modern day Moll Flanders, or Nell Gwynn if you will.
Im obliged to my learned friend …
The defendant was described by police as:
“Drunk as a judge”
The judge interrupted, “I think you mean ‘drunk as a Lord’ ”
“I stand corrected, my Lord”
Well Khan, what is happening in multicultural London with our enrichers ?
As shown in the accompanying videos:
“Pickpocket! This Dutch vigilante has become an online sensation for confronting and exposing crooks… The Mail took him around London’s tourist hotspots – where he caught an astonishing number of thieves red-handed”
“Moment brazen Tesco thief climbs through the ROOF to steal cash from a till while staff ‘stand and watch’ The security guard is described as ‘casually leaving the scene’.
‘I feel sorry for people in the UK. Robbery in broad daylight and the government is okay with it since they don’t wanna lock ’em up for good.’ ”
Under Starmer’s Stasi’s, the wife of a Conservative Councillor gets 31 months in jail for a hurty tweet; and we learn that Adolph Starmer himself tried to get historian David Starkey banged up.
Vlad – I assume there is an appeal against sentence – which will show how far the judiciary has been subverted by the woke Far Left . Maybe the face saver will be to give her a couple of months inside then suspend the rest of the sentence .
Personally the threshold for prosecuting words on the internet should be very very high and the consequences being real rather than ‘nothing ‘…
Melbourne Inman KC was the judge . One to remember .
@ Vlad
Meanwhile at the public prosecutor’s office:
Muslim rape gangs, Jimmy Savile, nothing to see here let’s move on.
Until Tommy Robinson made it public, after being publicly vilified by Jeremy Paxman on TV for mentioning it, and a Telegraph journalist decided to run with it with all other journalists who knew hiding under stones.
Video of this exchange with Paxman, hidden:
The fact that YouTube banned it tells you all you need to know about the woke platform.
I wonder if Al Fayed should be added to those? And apparently difficult decisions are kept away from the head of the organisation, which is rather strange. I wonder who was head of the CPS at the time?
Within the above video:
Harvard fundraising slumped by $151 million.
Donations to Harvard University and its endowment declined by a little more than $150 million in the Ivy League institution’s 2024 fiscal year amid backlash toward the administration’s handling of antisemitism on campus.
Total donations were down by $151 million, or 14%, in fiscal 2024 from the prior year. Within that total, donations to Harvard’s endowment fell by nearly $193 million from a year ago, while donations for current use gifts increased by $42 million in that time frame.
The decline followed calls for the resignation of campus leaders who were criticized for allowing antisemitic protests to persist on campus after Hamas’ attack on Israel.
I wonder how much David Lammy has donated to his old university. I understand his was the first black Britain (spelled by him that way in his substack apparently). My searches still failing to find what he studied there and what qualification he received.
My first attemp was Wikepedia:
Lammy studied at the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), University of London, graduating with a 2:1 in law.[13] He was called to the bar of England and Wales in 1994 at Lincoln’s Inn. He went on to study at Harvard University, where he became the first black Briton to attend Harvard Law School; he studied for a Master of Laws degree and graduated in 1997.[13][14]
Then to follow up and examine the provided references:
One is aTimes paywalled article by Lammy himself, so not really a reference
The other is again, an interview by him where he doesn’t even mention qualifying at Harvard….
“Following a 2.1 at SOAS, Lammy went on to do a Bar course at the Inns of Court School of Law, before becoming the first black Briton to study at Harvard Law School – quite an achievement, but one he plays down. “I had always found myself looking to America and being interested in what was happening there. A lot has been said over the years about the fact that I was the first black Briton to go [to Harvard], but I think it was just because nobody else had applied!
“I learnt a tremendous amount at Harvard and it serves me well to this day – the ability to pick up the phone to Barack Obama [candidate for the Democratic nomination in the 2008 Presidential elections] because we both went to that law school, for example.
On his return to the UK, Lammy was soon in the same game as his American friend: politics. ”
So, no external reference regarding any Harvard qualification, strange as Wikepedia seems so sure.
Always pays to check references…..
Even the governments own website brushes over the matter:
“David studied law at the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) Law School and Harvard Law School. He was admitted to the Bar of England and Wales in 1994.”
Birkbeck University of London where he is a “professor,” God help them, is the only one that claims he actually graduated:
“He was the first black Briton to study a Master’s in Law at Harvard Law School, graduating in 1997, and elswhere on their website:
then he went to Harvard where he was the first Black Briton to be awarded an MA in law. After graduating in 1997, he worked as a lawyer in London and Los Angeles. Since 2000, he has been serving his constituents of Tottenham..
It is indeed suspicious that so many sites brush over the Harvard thing…….
I spent a lot of time at SOAS too – I got a 2.1 – not that difficult – I did it part time while I had a real job as well . Not impressed by Lammy at all – the Chinese will love him as a useful idiot who is easily bribed – looks like he wasn’t called to the bar – which for a lefty is quite surprising – the law is full of lefties in the ‘social / criminal ‘ side whilst the better ones going into Company / Equity …
Harvard President Claudine Gay resigns: Read her full letter
Claudine Gay’s term as Harvard president is the shortest in the school’s history.
Despite her efforts to remain at the helm of the Ivy League, her widely criticized testimony before Congress and failure to denounce the university’s tolerance of antisemitism demonstrators and supporters on campus, ultimately ended her six month tenure, which is the shortest in Harvard’s nearly 400-year history, as noted by the Harvard Crimson.
Tricky one – you tube sent me a clip of karmela at a rally yesterday ranting about killing babies … she was heckled by someone who shouted ‘Jesus is lord ‘ to which Harris replied ‘I think you are at the wrong rally ‘.. go to the smaller one down the road ‘….
… this could be that Hilary Clinton moment where her mouth ditched her campaign …. But I guess the msm will not go near her disregard for Christians / nor Catholics by not going to the Al Smith …. Where she’d had to speak without an autocue and we’d witness the buffoon in all her buffoonery..
BBC News Channel
3 July 2024
We mistakenly said that Donald Trump had been “convicted of paying hush money to a porn actress as he campaigned in 2016”. This was after we had correctly said the case was about “falsifying business records”. We’re sorry for any confusion.
BBC iPlayer, 28 April 2024
The BBC iPlayer page for Dopesick described the series as a true story. Whilst the story is inspired by actual events, certain characters, characterizations, incidents, locations and dialogue were imagined or invented for purposes of dramatization. The programme description has now been amended.
BBC News at Ten
BBC One, 7 August 2024
In the programme headlines and the introduction to the report, the presenter said that a broken saddle had impacted Team GB’s gold medal hopes in the Men’s Team Pursuit final at the Olympic Games. In fact Ethan Hayter had explained in a post-race interview that the incident was due to fatigue. We apologise for this error, which was corrected in subsequent reports.
The amount of time the BBC’s ‘errors’ are in favour of their far-Left bias makes me conclude they are not errors at all. They the deliberate lies they told where they got caught.
But they eat a little humble pie for them in the smug knowledge they still got away with the vast majority.
It’s the equivalent of a lawyer saying something in court that’s contentious, or a downright lie, then ‘withdrawing the statement’, because that clearly means that everybody forgets it.
Well fact or fiction, I enjoyed Dopesick – mainly because I enjoyed Michael Keaton ( given the opportunity ! ). I’m shallow like that 😀
The BBC occassionally admits the truth…
‘The vast majority are not refugees fleeing war, but are considered economic migrants and mainly come from sub-Saharan Africa and as far as the Indian sub-continent. ‘
But the default setting is that they are all legitimate migrants seeking asylum.
The BBC fail to see themselves and the part they themselves play when they encourage, explain away and excuse ‘irregular migration’ in collaboration with the ‘merchants of death’…
”Merchants of death’ trial steps up fight against Channel smugglers’
And as they shed crocodile tears for illegal migrants who die in the Channel they somehow forget the consequences here in Britain for our population and society…curious how they refuse to acknowledge the huge downsides to mass, legal or illegal, migration as people with evey different cultures and beliefs arrive here with no intention of, and no need to, integrate as they essentially set up colonies fo their homelands…only with handouts from us to pay for it all.
‘Britain and Europe face being overrun by mass migration from the Third World within 30 years, a senior Royal Navy strategist claimed yesterday.
In an apocalyptic vision of security dangers, Rear Admiral Chris Parry forecast ‘reverse colonisation’, where migrants become more dominant than their hosts.
He said the seeds of the problem were spiralling population growth and environmental destruction.
In the competition for resources, many would flee their homelands and head en masse for better places such as Britain.
The Internet, cheap foreign travel and free international phone calls would hasten the demise, he said, because new migrants would stay connected with their homelands rather than assimilate into the host country’s culture.
His prognosis is that Western civilisation faces a threat on a par with the collapse of the Roman Empire after the 5th century invasion of Rome by the Goths, the East Germanic tribe.’
Click to access strat_trends_23jan07.pdf
It’s all just a misunderstanding …
Cultural differences. Diversity is our strength.
BBC Verify analyses footage of Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar’s killing
Why ?.
Do they think we need to BBC to confirm it before we can believe it ?. Or are they just looking to jump on the bandwagon and try to leech a bit of credit from this magnificent achievement by the IDF ?.
It’s pathetic. A complete waste of time an dmoney. And to make it even worse, it’s that super-irritating Ros Atkins again so I could only watch the first bit until I had to close it.
Let me know if they made some startling discovery we didn’t know already.
How can anyone have any regard for the BBC if they cannot follow the law and describe Hamas as an Islamic terrorist Gang – instead of ‘fighters ‘ – but then again – the BBC is a propaganda outlet for Hamas – they are ‘friends ‘ … as Corbin might say ..
Fed, I’m still in shock that Bowen described the October 7th terrorist massacre of 1,200+ civilians as ‘Israels biggest ever defeat’ as if it was an engagement under the rules of war.
That alone should be grounds for the fat terrorist supporter to be dismissed.
Every so often the bbc bleats about not being allowed into Gaza – but if / when let in – and a BBC type becomes a casualty we know who they will blame – and it won’t be their friends – Islamic Hamas terrorists …
Trump calls judge ‘evil’ for releasing case files before election
Here we go. It’s started.
‘The Republican White House candidate said US District Court Judge Tanya Chutkan’s rejection of his request to delay releasing the new evidence until after next month’s vote amounted to “election interference”.’
Note the complete lack of the BBC’s description that this Democrat Judge has displayed extreme bias since she started jailing protestors for longer than the prosecution was asking.
And of course the BBC give us a list of everything in the documents just so we know.
Apropos of nothing, “overheard in Waitrose.”
(Or could be “overheard in Starmer’s cabinet meeting”) :
‘Please don’t rummage in the reduced bin darling, someone from the golf club might see you.’
‘You’ll like potato darling, it’s what Gnocchi is made of’
‘No marinated artichokes? It’s like East Berlin in here’
‘Ever since they started to offer free coffee in here it has been like a bloody soup kitchen.’
‘I went to ASDA once and the checkout assistant didn’t even know what Cambozola was. Rough as dogs.’
‘Elijah, put those down. I’ve told you what kind of people eat crisps’
‘Put the Daily Mail down right this instant.’
‘I know. I just died when they offered me a Ferrero Rocher with my Bellini. Rough as tits it was. Absolutely rough as tits.’
‘Go and pop the charity coupon into one of the boxes, Isaac. Just nothing to do with the the homeless or gypsies or the local comprehensive.’
‘No boxes for the champagne? Am I supposed to levitate them to the car?’
‘They don’t even have raw cacao powder, it’s like the back streets of Russia in here.’
Something for the weekend….
He’s toast.
Yvette Cooper’s Plan to ‘Smash the Small Boat Gangs’ is Doomed to Fail, Warn Border Force Whistleblowers
Home Office officials and border staff tell Byline Times that the plan to tackle small boat crossings is little more than a rebranding exercise
Nicola Kelly
20 September 2024
A Home Office spokesperson insisted the new measures were a step beyond what had previously been tried.
“The new Border Security Command (BSC) will go further than before to unite government agencies, the police and international partners to share intelligence and smash the people smuggling gangs”, the spokesperson said.
“We have already injected £75 million into the BSC to deliver new cutting-edge technology and extra officers deployed to the NCA, ensuring we have the tools needed to go after the gangs and tackle dangerous boat crossings.”
Righty meme
Pity that “their” is spelt “there”
I come across no end with basic errors, it really spoils the effect.
I like this one, from a while ago
Never forget how Corbyn brought his friends around to surprise the lovely Diane in his bed so he could show them how he had a black ‘girlfriend’.
Such is the virtue-signalling hypocrisy of the Left. I see right through them and they disgust me.
That includes you maxi.
Kate Adie just now “Republican voters have been more skeptical about the REALITIES of climate change”
.. they then go into an item about electric taxis
Doh the REALITY is that greens think electric taxis are making the planet cooler, and that that is a good thing
Both things are not based in REALITY
Reporter Jordan Dunbar is quoting someone is saying hurricanes are becoming more common due to Climate Change
.. that sounds the opposite of science
as Florida has had many worse hurricanes in the past
the pattern fluctuates
and there is no long term upward trend AFAIK
“You can hear more about Georgia’s Green Revolution on the The Climate Question Podcast”
FFS Triple propaganda
Getting a whiff of BBC recruit training there…..
quote : @BBC ‘s latest invention #BBCVerify is costing us many millions.
By my count, it has at least 10 staff.
Only its ‘Executive Editor’ @lindsayemccoy must earn around £250k.
The problem is that it delivers… absolutely zilch in return for that money.
Take their latest video on the killing of Sinwar:
#post. What exactly does it pretend to ‘verify’?
That it took place in Rafah? Nobody said otherwise.
Everything the video says has been said before & no one disagrees those were the facts.
So what exactly was ‘verified’, @lindsayemccoy ??
In fact, the very concept of #BBCVerify👇 is problematic,
as it implies that the ‘normal’ @BBC @BBCWorld @BBCNews is incapable of telling facts from fiction.
Now, don’t get me wrong – we know they aren’t.
Problem is, @lindsayemccoy ‘s team is just as untalented & incompetent.
Tim Montgomerie 🇬🇧 tweeted
Jeremy Bowen’s contribution to From our own Correspondent on Radio 4 could have been written by Hamas.
It is a disgrace that the BBC employs him as their international editor.
Bowen was on about all his Palestinian friends he follows in Instagram etc.
” More than 100 customers contact BBC about scams, saying Revolut failed them”
‘ “I never imagined I’d be a victim of a scam,” says Dr Ravi Kumar.
“But here I am, a 53-year-old NHS consultant in intensive care medicine and anaesthetics, deeply affected.”
He lost £39,000 in May when scammers tricked him into transferring money into his Revolut account and giving them access to it.
He’d been saving the money for his teenagers.’
Automatic compensation up to £85K has just started,
BBC not happy about the clowns who were scammed previously and can’t get refunded
Basically Barclays called him and
“They told him to transfer his savings to his Revolut account for safekeeping while they carried out repairs.
He didn’t. At this point, Dr Kumar was becoming suspicious.
He wanted the person on the end of the line to prove who they were.
He was given a number to call – and when he did, he heard a familiar Barclays welcome message, which reassured him.
They told him again to transfer his money to Revolut as a security measure – and this time, Dr Kumar agreed.”
I mean like the bank couldn’t just freeze your account to keep it safe..
“Dr Ravi Kumar lost £39,000 after a scammer convinced him to transfer money to Revolut”
About new compensation scheme:
I’m reading that this Labour trip to campaign for the dems has been cancelled.
Just think of the damage they would have done (to the dems) had they been allowed in to persuade people to vote Cacklin’ Rosie for the next President.
I’m imagining some frantic pumping of the clutch pedal, metal on metal gearbox noises and random throttle settings at Labour HQ – they got found out….
The arrogance and conceit of these dimwits is off the scale – trouble is, with the state coffers at their disposal and some top tier troublemakers at the assorted government spook agencies – they’re going to repeat something similar but bust a gut to keep it secret….
Roosevelt’s 1940 re-election is the gold standard and the stuff of Whitehall legend…. This lot can’t even manage a cargo cult reenactment.
Loose Bedspring opines
Burst Windscreen
Made his millions with songs championing the blue collar workers of America, that the democrats despise, replacing them with thousands and thousands of illegal immigrants in swing states on the promise of letting their families follow in if they vote democrat.
And remind me, who is a “danger to democracy ” ?.
And one of these states (California) where they have shipped in thousands of illegals, has now made it ILLEGAL to require voter ID to ensure all the illegals can vote democrat.
Insurrection ? this is bloody election fraud and treason in plain sight and no one except Musk is calling it out
Let’s have a bloody tuneless, nasal dirge about that, Brucey.
I wish Trump supporters would boycott all those loathsome celebrities and Hollywood types who would soon shut up when their income stream dried up.
They must fight back!
Born in the USA **
** terms and conditions apply,
*** born via anchor baby
I’ve been deleting my very few Springsteen tracks from my music account …
Money box / benefits box
Hilarious piece about ‘child trust funds ‘ – a loony left idea of giving £250or £500 to each kid born in Britain – started by the idiot Gordon brown – the theory was that the bank would manage it and the kid could get the cash at 18 .
Anyway some woke moaned his £250 of our money had been turned into £20 – the rest taken as ‘fees ‘.
It’s the sort of lefty scheme demonstrating their dumb understanding of finance – Gordon brown indeed ….
Here is the smug, supercilious, arrogant, patronising Paxman sneering all over Tommy Robinson – did you know his real name was Stephen Christopher Yaxley-Lennon?
Perhaps this is the vid that Zephyr tried to post earlier?
Thanks Vlad, funny that the same version of this posted by Tommy Robinson is “restricted”..
Check the part where bloody Paxman refuses to believe in muslim rape gangs. Smug twat, how does he sleep at night ?
The trouble is, I bet he sleeps just fine. Beeboids have no conscience, no self-awareness, no regrets. Just the smug satisfaction of knowing they’re always right.
Misconduct in public office ?
A few days ago, the BBC reported that “a man” attempted to murder a postman by pushing him in front of an oncoming tube.
Smell a rat? Further down the article, the “man” is described as a “Kurdish migrant”.
Smell another rat? You’d be right, as the “migrant” is in fact an illegal immigrant from Northern Iraq.
So many stinking rats at the BBC.
Let’s just say, #ccbgb…
Valuable meeting with @OCISOxford yesterday.
We discussed the significant contributions made by our Muslim communities and the need to tackle Islamophobia head-on.
It’s so important we recognise the role all our communities play, and build a stronger, more cohesive society.
“Significant contributions made by our moslem communities”.
Show your working please. Also offer examples.
The bbc always parrot “diversity is our strength” and a plethora of other banalities, without offering any evidence.
However, if one looks for evidence to the contrary, where to start the list?
Keeps the school kids off the streets in Rotherham and so many other places saving money on youth clubs ?
@ Guest Who
It would be interesting in these posts if you could attach some comments which are, it seems, inaccessible for those not registered on, unless there is an alternative way of seeing them… ?
@Zephir he didn’t need to do anything extra
cos he already quoted the entire tweet
and by the way when I right click the Twitter link he gave
and select “open in incognito window”
The whole tweet is there
That shows it is visible too to anyone who doesn;t have a Twitter account
Indeed if I post the URL into it shows me the text too
Though I would encourage everyone to have a Twitter account anyway
Even if they never intend to tweet anything
cos it is usueful to see tweets
I don’t have an X account but I never have a problem when opening individual posts.
We learn from the indomitable Matt Walsh that Tim Walz (Kamala’s running mate – if I dare use the word mate for Kamala, who’s certainly had a few) is funding a program in Minnesota that brings children out into the woods to talk about sexuality, particularly homosexual and trans.
Will there be practical classes in group masturbation and underage sodomy too? But don’t worry: we’re assured that there’s nothing weird about it at all.
When, oh when, will normies wake up and realise what a sick perverted agenda the liberal-left has for their children (in America for now but increasingly on these shores too)?
They don’t even hide it, as they chant “we’re here, we’re queer, we’re coming for your children” at gay parades.
And they mean it too.
Hey Beeb, how about a stunning and brave investigation into the grooming of a whole nation of kids?
Here’s one for you from bbc NI.
The jist of the article is this,
‘A 25-year-old woman has been jailed for stabbing a social worker in what the judge said was a “vicious and terrifying ordeal”.
Fiyori Kesete, originally from Eritrea, admitted causing grievous bodily harm at an earlier appearance in Dungannon Crown Court.
She attacked the victim without warning, stabbing her in the arms and head.
At the time of the incident, Kesete was under the care of the Southern Health and Social Care Trust’s 14+ team, living in accommodation in Dungannon in County Tyrone, as she had claimed to be a child.
The assault happened in 2022, after police brought her back to her accommodation when she had been missing for days, accompanied by her social worker.’
‘The court was told that at the time she was arrested her identity remained unconfirmed and there are five different dates of birth and six variations of her age registered with the Home Office.’
So, she claimed to be a child, claimed to be trafficked, claimed to be half-a-dozen different people, now, instead of shipping her back to Eritrea the taxpayer is paying for her prison time.
How many more are there like this? This one rocked up in a one horse town in County Tyrone, imagine how many Fiyoris there are in London or Manchester or Birmingham. How much money is being wasted on supporting similar scum, those who might also be ‘persistently aggressive and violent’, those who shouldn’t be here with access to housing and legal advice, health services, translation services? How much is being fraudulently claimed in benefits by those using numerous identities, claiming to be from somewhere they’re not, fleeing from f-all?
Will she be deported when she gets out? I’ll not hold my breath. Fu#@ing clown world. This really can’t go on much longer.
Enrichment… Diversity… our strength…
YES he bloody can…
“Migrant thug who took part in gang killing of 18-year-old cannot be kicked out of Britain after judge blasts Home Office blunders.
William George, 27, was convicted of manslaughter for his part in what the Court of Appeal described as the ‘horrifying gang murder’ of Abdul Hafidah in 2016.
On November 8, 2018, then Home Secretary Sajid Javid ordered that George, who moved to the UK with his family in 2004, should be returned to Belgium after completing his prison sentence on ‘imperative grounds of public security’.
However, George successfully overturned this decision and the Court of Appeal has rejected attempts by the Home Office to continue with the deportation.
In a frenzied attack, Hafidah was beaten, hit with a hammer, deliberately struck by a car and ‘many knife wounds’. The fatal wound was to his neck.
Other members of the gang were convicted of murder, but George pleaded guilty to manslaughter.”
The Home Office are currently considering the impact of the judgement.
A spokesperson told MailOnline: ‘We are committed to delivering justice for victims and safer streets for our communities.
Yeah, right
Deport the lawyers for a start then…