I feel your pain Scrobs ! If all the onlines go pay per view then it’s a pretty expensive hobby for those providing “links”
Er am I dreaming but where’s your post gone Scrobs that I’m replying to ?? About the press? It’s disappeared or my brandy has had a stupidyfying effect !
I rather like some of the daily rags having paywalls! The stuff on the Mail has some sort of upturned blue – er – ‘bottom’, telling everyone that they need a ‘subscription’ to read even more rubbish about useless slebs, and crooked politicians, so that’s a no-no!
The Telegrout is pretty dire these days, so not a go-to for any news, and even the Express says I’ve read 35 articles this month…Wow – all those ads they’ve been chucking about at every turn! The Times is similar, and I can remember buying a copy every day, from that little shop by North Ealing tube station, and paying 6d! (That’s 2.4p in silly money)…
So what’s it to be then?
Well, it’s easy isn’t it! Don’t bother! Do what a normal citizen does and completely ignore the press, and most especially, the awful BBC, and the hangers-on like Sky and whatever!
The real news is elsewhere – like here, and as more citizens are becoming aware, we can see the demise of the dead-tree press and the tax-funded Beeboid dross, and begin acquiring the sort of news and stories which actually matter, and not be concerned about children or rock-apes wanting lies about rather awkward numpties partying!
And Brissles, your brandy and my Scotch make a perfect pair xxx
Scrobs, I can get past the DM paywall by pressing Esc at just the right moment on my laptop, but it doesn’t work on Mr D’s computer and I haven’t worked out at all how to do it on the iPad. But I can assure you the stories are never that interesting when I have. It works for the New York Times when searching for obituaries of far distant ‘cousins’ when doing my family tree, so far distant it certainly wouldn’t be worth paying. We still buy the Telegraph on a Saturday for the crossword which is ridiculous, as I can buy a whole book full for not much more but there is very little to read (Charles Moore and Michael Deacon on a Saturday).
Now Pakistan say he is a terrorist does that mean the Israeli PM will be given a free large house within a walled compound right next to a Pakistani military base?
Pakistan knows a lot about terrorism given that they gave a home to 300 terrorist training camps [and basically created the Taliban] and oh yeah…were attempting to help very dodgy nations get the ‘Bomb’.
Funny how all our fellow citizens of Asian persuasion never demand right of return for all the Sikhs and Hindus they drove out of the part of India they annexed for Islam. At least the Jews didn’t have a Jewish homeland anywhere in the world…Muslims in India who were unhappy could have gone to endless numbers of Muslim countries around the world…but they chose to steal a piece of India…give it back.
Good old Pakistan – the best place to go for advice on terrorism.
Pakistan: man sentenced to death for blasphemy on Facebook
This article is more than 7 years old
Taimoor Raza was found guilty of insulting the prophet Muhammad during an argument on social media with a counter-terrorism official
ITV Yorkshire “A Bradford money launderer who fled the country while he was on trial has been jailed”.
Yasar Hussain, 43, was found guilty of 13 counts of money laundering and one count of conspiracy to pervert the course of justice in December 2012.
He set up a company to manufacture an energy drink styled on the Duracell battery brand, but he did not have permission to use their intellectual property.
He had travelled overseas and persuaded four international companies to pay advance fees for the sole distribution rights to the drink in their countries.
Hussain, formerly of Ashburnam Grove in Manningham, used the money to fund a lavish lifestyle.
.. traced him to Dubai where he was using a false identity.
The BBC et al now dont differentiate between an actor and an actress .
What if a actor trans himself from male to female , is it an actor or actress ?
How are the dressing rooms separated ?
I think I would have been cross too. However I don’t need stupid advice when buying tickets for the BBC proms, the system often crashes by itself, in such a way that I have the major decision of waiting or going out of the site and coming back in again. Usually waiting the problem will resolve itself, but not always. Blood pressure goes through the roof.
Not BBC but ITV and an unexpected example of the ‘benefits’ of Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion.
On Who Wants to be a Millionaire, we had an Indian ancestry contestant.
For the £200 question, he needed to Ask the Audience to confirm that a ball is used at a Coconut Shy at the fair.
He affected to be cool and casual and never smiled once.
When Mr. Clarkson asked him what he might do with his winnings he replied that he wanted to buy some land in India near his parents to make a play area for his kids.
What is it about the Far Left that regards such an individual as an unalloyed asset to this country?
NHS worker by any chance ? Contrary to popular belief, apart from taxes, they don’t spend any money here – their salary gets sent back “home”. They get discount accommodation on site and eat in the discounted canteen. So unless things have changed since I worked within its walls …..
Yeah Brissles.
As our High Streets become deserted with shops closing, the one growth area in my part of Londonistan has been the Western Union money transfer facilities.
They are there because there is demand.
She said that her firm’s overall average fee for moving money was between 4% and 6% – and that reflected the cost of a service that could immediately transfer cash around the globe.
I saw it, he didn’t seem like a bad man at all, but he clearly had no real connection with this country. It’s just somewhere to live and work. Home is India.
Anyone thought about Smarmer forgetting he is PM? He has addressed Sunak as “Prime Minister” a number of times at PMQ’s. I have to wonder if it’s a sign of the onset of dementia, it’s very typical of the early stages. Dementia might account for his wooden appearance, it might also account for him failing to realise the significance of all those freebies and the strange decisions he seems to be making.
He’s a Barrister, he will be well used to presenting cases in Court, speaking accurately should be second nature to him. Having said that, something I mentioned before on here might be at play as well. Smarmer will not be used to answering questions. Barristers only ever ask questions.
Fl Starmer appears to be absolutely flat footed and unable to read a room. There was evidence of poor judgement pre-election – re-opening the file on Leon Brittan as head of DPP, and then the appointment of the head of ethics in the Civil Service as Downing St Chief of Staff having written the Boris report. THat poor judgement has been repeated in office.
Not long now.
For years the Labour Party and bBC has characterised the Conservative Party as the party of misogyny and racism. Time for the bBC to be calling the Labour Party out on the succession of white males who have run the organisation.
I will not bother to hold my breath.
I think he has trouble dealing with stress – thinking fast – he is used to the controlled environment of the court – when up against their commons environment the 1000 yard stare comes in .
I remember being taught about it learning to Fly information over load – which is more about recognising it then responding .. i think he overloads because he feels threatened … he ll be even worse if the coloured girl gets the opposition gig but really – who cares – we are stuck with him ..,
It could be a “control” thing. Yes, while the Judge is nominally in charge of proceedings in Court but a Barrister will be more or less in charge of his cross examination, the pressure will be on the witness/claimant/defendant rather than the barrister
TR is tweeting that he’s arrived back in the UK and they chose not to arrest him at the border
However Rebelnews report TideBank have frozen his bank account, thus he cannot pay his lawyers
On 26th TR is leading a ‘Unite the Kingdom’ rally
and then is back in court and potentially faces prison time for screening his banned documentary, Silenced.
@elonmusk tweets
“Good rule of thumb: those who frequently use the word “disinformation” are the ones most likely to be pushing it”
Well projection is a libmob characteristic
BTW a Guardian tweet and story equates smacking with Sara Sharif case
Doh smacking which doesn’t leave a mark is legal
what happened to Sara was so brutal it falls well within law-breaking
To my absolute amazement, the BBC are ignoring this story completely. It is of utmost significance : it points to massive corruption within the UN.
And what does the guy in charge at the UN say ?. Does he express concern and says they will investigate ?.
Nope. He says:
‘Philippe Lazzarini, UNRWA’s commissioner-general, issued a statement calling it “unchecked information used to discredit” the agency and its staff.’
What about when it IS checked Philippe ?. I suppose we will never know as this story will be quickly dropped just like all the others about the UN helping Hamas.
Just incredible. Why is everyone ignoring what the UN has clearly become ?. It has been infested with terrorist supporting anti-semite racists.
They would have known about the materials being misappropriated to build the tunnels. How could they not? But they did nothing, because they were either scared of Hamas or on their side.
‘The woman is alleged to have bought the eggs for rioters to hurl at police’
‘Barbara Barker, of Tyndall Avenue in Moston, entered a not guilty plea to the charge at Manchester Crown Court.’
‘She was bailed to appear at a further hearing in November, before her trial on 13 February next year.’
And of course the BBC take the case very seriously with no hint showing of how what ridiculous political persecution it is.
One might think the only ‘crime’ involved would be actually throwing the eggs. But apparently not. I wonder how far this Nazi law goes – is it illegal to even think about buying eggs to throw at police now ?.
Much safer to throw a container of unknown liquid at Nigel Farage – especially after Jo brand recommended people throw acid at him (no action taken against Brand). He will be terrified someone might do it every time he goes out now. No jail time for doing that.
Farage can no longer conduct MP surgeries thanks to the bbc and other MSM vilification inflaming people.
Remember the muslim SNP leader who accused anyone criticising him in the media for “putting a target on his back” ?
Well they have been doing that for years with Farage with no complaints from the left…
AND they have been doing the same to Donald Trump, (including slanderous comments from MP David Lammy and the Mayor of London) and look what has happened to him recently.
How can a small business be expected to cope with this ?
“Woman, 27, wins £28,000 payout after boss sacked her for getting pregnant while on maternity leave”
So she takes a job in October, only works for 6 months, then off for 36 weeks while pregnant which the business has to pay her for (6 weeks full time wages then £184 a week , AND has to employ someone else in the meantime, but on a temporary basis as the pregnant one has the option to return at the end, but does NOT have to inform the business untill the last week whether she is returning or not, – I know this as I was a replacement once)
So the business will find it extremely hard to replace her with someone who has no idea if the job is temporary or permanent.
THEN, comes back, informs she is pregnant again and it all starts over again. Off on paid leave for another 36 weeks.
Gets made redundant so sues ands gets £28,000 cash instead.
Yes it’s a game to avoid employing fertile persons who identify as women —- I don’t even think having the right tackle applies any more because kids can be bought online …. Right Elton ?
In Manchester they have free and subsidised public transport, living in the country we’ve had all our bus services withdrawn. The buses were very expensive and so restricted in provision that they were pretty useless anyway.
“King Charles is heckled by radical Australian politician accusing him of ‘genocide’ and shouting ‘give us our land back… f*** the colony’ in ugly confrontation during his tour down under2”
There is plenty of room in the outback, it is absolutely massive (22 times the size of the UK and Ireland together). There is even a cattle ranch the size of Belgium in there.
Give her a mudhut and send her out there, on the signed understanding she stays there.
If it was me, and if it was an aborginal man, I would have kicked him in the balls and said:
Throwing eggs is worth a bbc headline apparently as reported above, meanwhile, refugees welcome here remember that, another one, it’s like an bloody epidemic, where’s the usual bbc wimmin manufactured outrage about not being safe when it’s whitey ??
“Urgent hunt launched after a woman was ‘raped at a children’s playground’ as police search for ‘teenage attacker who approached victim with three other men’.
Detectives said that the young man was white and described as eastern European and around 18 or 19 years old.”
Devon and bleeding Cornwall, yep that’s safe for us to mention, all those stabbings, sex assaults, rapes, machete fights, rolex snatching and pick pocketing:
“Women who feel unsafe in public spaces in nine towns across Devon and Cornwall are being encouraged to walk along routes with a police officer.”
Yep. If you get arrested by a non-white, 9 times out of 10 it is a chance for them to get revenge and they do it up front as the white officers turn the other cheek.
I am near daily a victim of racist attacks – all sorts but I can fight for myself and do). There is no way I am reporting any of these crimes against me. Last time I did, a few weeks bad, the Police tried arresting me! Cause the sh!tskin said a called him a nasty name. Regardless of the fact he has committed: Affray, Threats to Kill, Failed attempted GBH and a string of racist comments.
I complained to the Police cause I know that does nothing vut it did waste 2-3 hours of theirs.
I am sure they have so system on their databases that marks people for immediate arrest based on whatever. Call the police in any racial incident and chances are it’s you in the back of the van and 12 months suspended sentence with probation and a ‘re-education’
Best thing is to sort it out yourself. Never ever trust the police. Never.
“morality police, law enforcement body in Iran created in 2005 to enforce regulations on modest dress (ḥijāb) and chaste behaviour (ʿifāf). The enforcement of a public moral code in Iran began after the 1979 revolution, when the new Islamic republic sought to assert its ideology and principles in public spaces.2 Oct 2024”
The UN mission also noted that a “Hijab and Chastity” bill was in the final stages of approval before Iran’s Guardian Council and could be finalised imminently.
“The Bill provides for harsher penalties for women who do not wear the mandatory hijab, including exorbitant financial fines, longer prison sentences, restrictions on work and educational opportunities, and bans on travel,” the UN investigators said.
BBC. Toady 7 am news. First headline and story.
Wes Streeting is going to ‘hold a conversation’ with the public about what should happen to the NHS. This will take several months.
Why biased? Because it is a non-story, it had no follow up story or interview and does not appear in newspapers or even on the BBC webshite. So it is little more than a sympathetic, placed, pro NHS touch-freely load of guff.
I could mention that pre-election Labour were going on about urgent action to fix the NHS. You know, sky high waiting lists, productivity falling through the floor, money poured in with no effect on patient care. But strangely the BBC seem to have forgotten all about that.
Stuff – I didn’t hear it – but I did something the other day about how efficient the NHS would be if we all had ‘identity cards ‘ …so I think there might be a ‘conversation ‘ about that …
No doubt a labour donor owns a company producing cards – PpE revisited ….
The aregument about ‘limiting freedoms ‘ is out of date now as there isn’t freedom in the recognised sense …31 months for a tweet …
And Wes knows in 9 days he is gonna be getting around 20 billion to throw at the medical mafia ..
I may have mentioned this once before.
In my possession is a card owned by one of my parents. It was produced in 1949 just after the NHS formation and I presume issued to the whole population.
You had to show it to the GP to get free treatment!!! The card stated that if you did not take the card then the GP could charge you for treatment!!!!
This is not the sort of identity card they are on about. Perish the thought that our International Health Service should actually check the entitlement to ‘free’ treatment – cost £160bn not including future pension liabilities.
Stuff – the nhs fraud line is most likely to be used by the red blue state to bring in optional identity cards – but if you don’t have one – don’t bother trying to get anything ….
We all have an NHS card, though I have never been asked to show it prior to treatment. The cards and the NHS number were based on the wartime ID cards and national registration numbers. Bureaucracy never goes away, it just evolves.
…..and then the ‘conversation’ with the public will result in ‘give the nurses a pay rise’ and as if by magic all the money will be gone.
Here’s a hidden issue BTW. Around 70% of medical trainees at Universities are women. So are all the nurses of course. It is a deeply feminised profession and industry. One might even say biased.
Obesity prevalence was high across all occupational groups including: among nurses (25.1%, 95% CI 20.9% to 29.4%); other healthcare professionals (14.4%, 95% CI 11.0% to 17.8%); non-health-related occupations (23.5%, 95% CI 22.9% to 24.1%);
So can people who bought eggs to throw at the police get let off?
‘Deeply shameful’ Labour’s Wes Streeting issues an apology for ‘abusive violent’ Tweets
LABOUR leadership hopeful Wes Streeting has apologised after being condemned for abusive historic Tweets which have left questions over his ambitions to one day replace Sir Keir Starmer.
According to the law, you cannot be done for what she is being charged with. They have to prove intent. How are they going to do that? Witnesses statements? Nope. Too unreliable, especially if they are from opposing politic leanings.
“if there is evidence to suggest that you were involved in planning or participating in the public disorder” then it might just be possible but you would need a lot of evidence.
The only way she could be charged is if the person she gave the eggs too turned King’s Evidence. And that should be thrown out in any reasonable court of law. But if you add racial to the charge then you can hang up high.
Mr Politico video
The deranged sentencing of Lucy Connolly from activist judge “Melbourne” Inman
It’s quite different from the Black belt Barrister one
‘well the judge had no choice, the CPS charged her with grade 1 and her defence chose to not contest that , and she will only serve about a year, so that’s OK then’
BBB also claimed 306K saw the tweet
That number doesn’t count plausible
The legal system is a steamroller. People are pleading guilty rather than risk being on remand for months. Magistrates and Judges are chosen and more or less instructed to maximise sentence. Smarmer does of course know how to pull the strings.
“An Italian navy ship carrying 16 men rescued at sea after departing from Libya arrived in the Albanian port town of Shengjin on Wednesday. Up to 3,000 adult migrant men picked up by the Italian coast guard in international waters will be sheltered in two Albanian processing centres each month under a new deal between Rome and Tirana”
Maybe we could do the same with Rwanda, well maybe not
“Libyan leader Col Muammar Gaddafi says the EU should pay Libya at least 5bn euros (£4bn; $6.3bn) a year to stop illegal African immigration and avoid a ‘black Europe’.
‘We don’t know what will happen, what will be the reaction of the white and Christian Europeans faced with this influx of starving and ignorant Africans,’ Col Gaddafi said…
He told them that Islam should become the religion of Europe and gave them free copies of the Koran, after he had lectured them for an hour on the freedoms enjoyed by women in Libya.”
@andyjsnape you may be out of date AFAIK an Italian judge already ordered that they be brought back
Friday: “Rome court rules offshore detention of migrants in Albania illegal – POLITICO.eu
— All 16 migrants set to be returned from Albania to Italy after their countries of origin deemed unsafe”
Epidemic of kitchen worktop disease, plus the eight-toothed tree-eating fun-sponge and lashings of rainbow fudge edition
You join us on a morning when the Times is happy to promote the Labour government’s plans: Get all your medical records on NHS app… Patients have been promised full access
While it’s left to the Guardian to act as naysayer: Labour wants NHS ‘passports’ for all patients despite privacy fears… ‘The proposals are a gift to stalkers who misuse NHS systems’
I’m inclined to lean toward the Gruan’s point of view on this one – especially on a morning when we learn: Online con epidemic revealed… 9 million of us scammed (giveaway Metro)
And when it appears government systems can’t keep digital secrets of even the unmost secrecy… secret: Israel accuses US of spying after online leak…Israel’s preparations for a potential strike on Iran were leaked on the internet (Telegraph)
Of course we know states will leak secrets sometimes accidentally on purpose.
The only way to properly keep secrets under wraps these days is to have some super-duper intervening (injucting, if you will) law threatening those who would otherwise be inclined to disseminate said secret – eh, Sir Keir?
Sometimes one can’t just leave a glaring segueway like that going begging…
Law firms raise fees by 40% (FT); BHP trial highlights boom in claimant law industry (FT)
Fit and working again?
Estimates for payrolled employees in the UK decreased by 35,000 (negative 0.1%) between July and August 2024 (Office for National Statistics)
Well, at least m’learned friends are coining it.
The hypochondriac left-leaning ‘i’ newspaper does its tribute to the sort of surreal headlines we once saw in that satirical spoof TV news show The Day Today today…
Kitchen worktop disease cases rise Health fears over farmland ‘sludge’ Vulcanic fun in Nicaragua
Well, why should our jokey blokey tabloid comic have all the fun?
Tell us what’s cancelled Christmas this year
Eight-toothed tree-eating fun-sponge beetles aiming to annihilate festive joy… Invasion of the killer Grinches… eating their way through all our Christmas trees (Daily Star)
The ever-excitable Daily Mail joins the party: ‘Tsunami’ of asbestos deaths in schools – sometimes you just wish what better world it would be – if only our journos hadn’t learned some particular new word?
In drama news
Judi Dench ‘breaks down in tears’ when asked about death of friend Maggie Smith (Independent)
Fear not, our BBC promotes the performance of a new theatrical heroine: Not my King, Australian senator shouts at Charles… Lidia Thorpe, an Aboriginal Australian woman, interrupted the ceremony in the capital city of Canberra by shouting for about a minute before she was escorted away by security.
Antipodean posturing
Prince of Wales makes republican Jacinda Ardern a Dame (Telegraph) – I’m sure futue damehood or some other bauble beckons for our Lidia now she’s made a name for hereself.
Fear not, our socialistic in-the-tank for Labour Daily Mirror does fan service for the Royals: Charles: you are the best of us… King’s message to amazing heroes… pride of Britain exclusive
Feeling the pride yet?
Taxpayers foot £650k bill for Pride parties… drag bingo, rainbow fudge and pronoun badges as part of Pride celebrations… Spending on LGBT-themed events accross NHS trusts, councils and fire services (Telegraph)
Ruined Christmas stories get earlier and earlier every year with all those press releases saying bad / good weather means there will be a shortage of …………….. whatever …..
I do find that the focus on Christmas is a bit strange these days – when so many people have no – of alien beliefs and conventional – normal – families are increasingly rare thanks undermining by the Marxists ….
Yet the ‘get home for Christmas ‘ thing always becomes a journalist ritual ….
But at least every can sit back and enjoy ‘Mrs browns boys ‘ and ‘ it’s mosque Christmas ‘
I would bet the vegans would taste awful, all bland and farty smelling.You can imagine a Vampire family sitting down for lunch and the Daddy Vampire is telling his surly children to “eat up your Vegans” (or you won’t get any pudding)
Judi Dench who gave us the benefit of how deep her thought process goes when she made a passionate speech about why we should ‘Remain’. It went:
‘Isn’t it just best if we are all together ?’.
Silly, vastly-overrated moo.
More than 100 professional women’s footballers have signed an open letter urging Fifa to drop the Saudi oil giant Aramco as a sponsor, calling it a “punch in the stomach” to the sport.
On Saturday, it will be two years since a takeover led by Saudi Arabia’s Public Investment Fund (PIF) purchased 80 per cent of Newcastle United, with the remaining stakes split between Amanda Staveley and the Reuben family.5 Oct 2023
The big fear is that this could lead to a post-pandemic cohort of younger workers who will permanently drop out of the labour market.
New data shows that benefit claimants are trending younger, and suffering more with mental health problems. This has created a new set of problems for the state. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c99vz4kz5vzo
The children I teach are indifferent to the adult world. This defies the experience of thousands of years. A close study of what big people were up to was always the most exciting occupation of youth, but nobody wants to grow up these days and who can blame them? Toys are us. … Time for a return to democracy, individuality, and family. I’ve said my piece. Thank you. {naturalchild.org – john gatto – jan1990}
Just look at this:
‘Trump getting behind the counter at a McDonald’s earlier might look like a fairly tame campaign stunt – but there is a bitter background to it.’
First a flat and negative referal to Trump.
‘The former president has repeatedly accused Kamala Harris of lying about working in a California branch of the fast food restaurant during her college years, an experience the Democratic candidate has described as an informative one.’
Then we get:
‘Without providing any evidence, Trump claims she is making the whole thing up.’
Did Kamala provide any evidence BBC ?.
Surely if she is using the claim to boost her election campaign, it is encumbent on HER to prove what she says is true if someone challenges it.
Pic of Kamala:
Pic of Trump:
The whole article is littered with similar subtle pshychological trickery all designed to just nudge you away from Trump.
And I see the genius ex-comedian Zelensky has come up witha brilliant plan to guarantee peace:
‘It’s also been a week where President Zelensky revealed his “victory plan” which calls for an immediate invitation to the NATO military alliance, and for western allies to force Russia to negotiate and completely withdraw, instead of Kyiv ceding territory to Moscow.’
It’s somewhat similar in principle to the Hamas demand that Israel stops the war and withdraws all it’s troops before they will release any hostages.
ie. Totally ridiculous.
Remember when BBC loved to hound Trump … it’s starting all over again.
A controversial book on the US president’s life in the White House has alleged that Donald Trump would, on occasion, retire to bed early where he would eat cheeseburgers and watch three television screens.
The claims are in Michael Wollf’s book, which has been dismissed by Mr Trump as “full of lies”.
Trump’s predecessor, Barack Obama, had a slightly more social dinner routine while he was living in the White House.
He would reportedly have dinner with his family, external at 6.30pm, before spending several more hours alone working with an occasional break for a game of Words With Friends – the Scrabble style app – or to watch sports on ESPN.
The protests were sparked by President Viktor Yanukovych’s sudden decision not to sign the European Union–Ukraine Association Agreement, instead choosing closer ties to Russia and the Eurasian Economic Union. Ukraine’s parliament had overwhelmingly approved of finalizing the Agreement with the EU,[88] but Russia had put pressure on Ukraine to reject it.[89]
Maybe this has been spotted already on BBC Wales? “Should we drop ethnic minority for global majority?”
“Over the past few years numerous organisations as well as the UK government have dropped the acronym BAME, which stands for black, Asian and minority ethnic. While other terms such as ethnic minority and people of colour are still routinely used, another appears to be building momentum – people of the global majority.”
The term GM comes from Rosemary Campbell-Stephens. Despite being a headteacher, OFSTED inspector and having an MBA in education her site is badly written with several grammatical errors. It’s also as open a neo-Marxist manifesto as you’re likely to see: “I aim to add value by providing an alternative lens through which to cause radical systemic change in relation to social justice to happen now.”
No pretence any more about the dismantling of the country by the incompetent.
Not BBC but the Guardian — their take on the girl killed by her dad who fled to Pakistan. The court heard that her injuries were comparable to those experienced in a car crash… but they call for the gov to ban smacking.
They really are a parody now.
Perhaps The Guardian’s most disgusting take yet.
There isn’t a person alive, except presumably the author of this utter shite, who thinks ‘smacking’ was the issue here. https://t.co/1eOSkXwr0H
What sentence will the ‘lady ‘ get for assaulting Nigel farage during the election campaign ?
Im guessing 5 years – -or 60 months … if you get 31 months for a single 3 hour tweet – with no proven consequence – then surely a real public assault gets … 60 months minimum …?
Or maybe a suspended 3 months 12 weeks … and a contract with the daily mail… ‘why i dun it ‘…
See, “Build, fix and repair pipes and wires to transport energy (network costs)”. Aka, the ‘Milliband Charge’ – “Build”. £355/£613 x 100 = 58% of the total Standing Charge.
Glad I’ve ditched buying electricity/Standing Charge. I’ll only consider resuming grid supply in 2030 when Milliband’s dream of much lower energy costs comes true………..(lol)
This girl that threw the milkshake over our Nigel.
I wonder how the sentences would compare had she thrown this over TTK.
Would she get hammered?
We are supposed to be equal under the law and all that so had she thrown this milkshake over somebody in a pub for example, is that the same and would that get the same sentence as throwing it over TTK (or the King, Kitty or Billy)
The 31 month for a FB post would probably see half (or maybe 52% of) the population of the UK in jail if applied to everyone.
Look on this Forum, just because it’s the truth that’s no excuse because the left will still come after you.
Currently the law seems to be that the left can do and say almost anything (free speech) but if they disagree with your point of view (anything not far left) then you get done for it (no free speech for those not far left)
Some members used trusts and offshore companies to avoid payment of British taxes. Cat Stevens became a tax exile from the UK in 1973 for one year, living in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Rod Stewart left the UK and made his home in Los Angeles in 1975 to avoid the 83% tax on top earners that existed in Britain at the time.
Marky – it’s about more than tax – it’s that Britain has become a nasty third world mess – and those who think it’s still ‘okay ‘ will find out in a year or two …. Or if they go to a fair sized town /city …
..of dual legal systems, dual educational outcomes, dual health outcomes. dual pension systems and many more duals depending on that binary question of whether you are good or bad person. White middle class males need not apply.
Have you seen that dopey cow in the Aussie parliament screaming at Charlie, “This is not your land, you are not my king”?
I might have a smidgen of sympathy if she was a full-blown Aboriginal…but she’s paler than I am…
It’s incredibly un-PC and insensitive, but Charlie could have told her just what this massive island looked like when we British first went there. Populated by stone-age tribes that led a hunter gatherer existence. They hadn’t advanced for millennia. Dead by the age of thirty, incest was rife, as was rape. They hadn’t invented the wheel…they hadn’t invented anything, other than the boomerang.
Europeans were exploring the planet, living in brick-built houses, enjoying the masterpieces of Michaelangelo and listening to the music of Beethoven and Mozart.
Aboriginals were daubing kangaroo shit on cave walls and making a racket with the didgeridoo…
Maybe she should be told not to use our English language – she has ‘culturally appropriated it ‘ …. I wonder what her mum and dad think ….
But it is inevitable that mr Windsor would get some ‘treatment ‘ …they probably enjoy it – nice for the small talk ..
So many didgeridoo symphonies, aboriginal operas and outback desert jazz masterpieces in HMV, I get quite frustrated trying to find the Bach, Mozart and Beethoven sometimes.
From “On Hearing the first Death Adder in Spring” to “Peter and the Dingo” via “Kookaburra Ascending”
Well it’s probably well nigh impossible to play those magnificent compositions of J.S. Bach on the didgeridoo.
After all THAT is the musical genius of the European cultural tradition and, to me, no other culture comes close. We must allow it to die.
Does not matter if he did not commit suicide, HM prison is not renowned for it’s healthcare, so likely this incarceration, for a minor offence we see committed over and again with little consequence for others, contributed in a major way to his demise
“Lynch, who had diabetes, thyroid issues and angina, and recently suffered a heart attack, was put behind bars for screaming at police outside a hotel in Rotherham housing asylum seekers.”
And yet, this is happening every weekend in London with the police standing by:
“Judge Richardson told him: ‘You did not yourself attack any police officer, as far as can be detected, but what you did was encourage by your conduct others to behave violently and you were part of this mob.'”
And even if muslims and their useful idiot sympathisers are ever tracked down for making racist comments and signs about jews and glorifying a genocidal terrorist attack, captured on film over and over again, they NEVER get put in jail or on remand.
Now, what about the Christian stabbed in Hyde park for preaching over a year ago ? how much CCTV in central London ? bloody Sherlocks at the met still can’t find him but they found each and every Southport protester pretty bloody quick.
Or the racist muslim in Birmingham who beat a woman unconscious outside a bar and spitting at her and her Chinese friend whilst in the bar, which ALL have CCTV … still not found him from over two years ago.
Funny that.
And whats happened to the muslims attacking firearms officers at Birmingham airport in a shocking attack ? fast track for them ? NOPE.
They killed him. There were (not baseless it seems) rumours that Starmer’s political prisoners were given ‘special’ welcomes in prison and were treated ‘accordingly’ by non white prisoners.
If they were making his life hell and he also had a fidgy ticker, you can see why he (allegedly) topped himself.
The Telegraph reported, external Sir Keir got a special “tax unregistered” pension scheme when he stood down as Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) in 2013.
Labour says it was standard practice for retiring DPPs to get such a deal.
Peter Lynch was arrested by Khan’s Kops and sentenced by Starmer’s Stasi judges for nearly 3 years for holding up a placard. Now he’s dead in jail.
Mahyar Tousi calls him a political prisoner.
Sounds about right.
WE ARE ALL EQUAL COMRADES by Mark Steyn Steyn on Britain April 26, 2014
A reader in Bradford recalled asking a West Yorkshire officer on the street that day why the various “Muslim community leaders” weren’t being arrested for incitement to murder. The officer said they’d been told to “play it cool”. The calls for blood got more raucous. My correspondent asked his question again. The policeman told him to “F— off, or I’ll arrest you.” http://www.steynonline.com/6296/the-churchill-bust
Lefty twitter “Ah but he pleaded guilty , so the system had no choice
He was a conspiracy theory.
It was all caused by him being INCITED to champion violence by Tommy Robinson”
TR always enourages his supporters to be peaceful at demos
He has never said you should go to burn asylum centres
TR has always been antiracist and in favour of controlled immigration.
“Met Police marksman Martyn Blake found NOT GUILTY of murdering Chris Kaba after shooting him through car windscreen.
A Scotland Yard marksman was acquitted of murder today after shooting dead a fleeing motorist to stop him running over colleagues.
In an extraordinary case which has profound implications for national security, hundreds of firearms officers around the country downed their weapons in protest after the officer was charged as colleagues argued that he was just trying to save them from Mr Kaba.
The fatal shooting on September 5, 2022 happened after armed police started tailing the vehicle that Mr Kaba was driving because the Audi Q8 had been used as a getaway car in a gang-related shooting the night before in Brixton, South London.
When police boxed in the vehicle in a residential street in Streatham, Mr Kaba used the car as a ‘battering ram’ reversing into a police car before accelerating into parked cars in a desperate bid to escape.
Seemingly ready to run over anyone standing in his way, Mr Kaba revved back and forth in the high-powered Audi almost dragging the ten officers surrounding him under the wheels before Blake finally ended the rampage by shooting him dead.
Today the Crown Prosecution Service is facing questions about why it brought the landmark case after jurors took just three hours to acquit Blake.”
“Despite the acquittal, Blake now faces the prospect of a disciplinary hearing brought by the Independent Office for Police Conduct
Mr Kaba’s parents Prosper Kaba and Helen Lumuanganu are also said to be considering suing the Met.
Last September hundreds of Metropolitan Police firearms officers handed in their weapons following the decision to charge one of their colleagues with murder.
In the wake of the mass revolt, Scotland Yard was forced to put the Army on standby amid concern that there would not be enough armed officers to keep the public safe.
The case has already had a catastrophic impact on recruitment of officers. In February it emerged that just six people applied to be a firearms officer in Britain’s biggest force. Becoming an armed officer has traditionally been seen as one of the most prestigious roles in policing, with between 150 and 250 hopefuls applying every time posts are advertised.
But there has been a collapse in interest for the voluntary role to bear arms to protect the public.”
I bet the BBC will be full on with the dead gangstas’ ‘legal £ team’ demanding a re trial – will any labour MPs put there head up to fight for the ‘community ‘…? Same old song …
A 24 year old in an Audi Q8 and I would probably bet with no visible means of support or job, in a car that was used in a ganster shooting hours ago.
Then tries to run over police and ram them, “One officer known as NX109 was perilously close to being run over after getting the finger of his glove caught in the Audi’s door handle, just managing to wrench it free in time before the Audi surged forward ramming into a parked Tesla.”
Hmmm what do you think ?
“In one case, a Met marksman who shot dead a gangster in a foiled prison break nearly a decade ago is still yet to hear whether he will be sacked despite being cleared of committing any crime.”
This does not help, see below for this one’s criminal record of firearm offences, and looks like a paramilitary unifom there along with the usual shit stirring socialist worker placards who turn up wherever there is trouble, (funny how the far left love police and jails when they are in power though):
Kaba had been charged in 2018 with possessing an imitation firearm with intent to cause fear of violence,[3] in relation to an incident on 30 December 2017.[4] He was found guilty at Snaresbrook Crown Court in January 2019, and sentenced to four years in a Young Offenders Institute.[4] He was released in 2021.[4]
In the months following his death, six men were charged with conspiring with Kaba to commit murder and grievous bodily harm; the charges relate to a shooting which took place in Tower Hamlets on 30 August 2022, days before Kaba’s death.[5][6]
Kaba was a member of 67, a Brixton Hill-based drill rap group which one of its members says has been called a criminal gang by the police.[7][8] He was known by his stagename Madix or Mad Itch.[9]
For some reason the BBC news left all of the above out of the 5pm news report . Mr Evan Davis asked the reporter – Edina Campbell – what’s next – she sounded hopeful that they’d get their pound of police flesh at the inquest – with the implication that the police investigator industry would get the firearms cop some other way …
As for firearms officers – why carry ? No extra pay ? Forget it – do tweet research and get tweeters an easy 31 months a tweet – no resistance there ….
… there was no mention of the fight to protect the copy’s identity for his safety – will the bangers’ gang now do its’ ‘thing ‘ ? Terrible …
The group has been labelled a “criminal gang” by the police, and has had several shows shut down, including their first UK tour after it sold out due to the controversial Form 696.[5]
Former members
Itch / Maddix (Chris Kaba; died after being shot by armed police) [22][23]
This is the one who shouted abuse in Australia at Charles:
From the Sydney Morning Herald, 2022:
“Leaked email reveals Greens staffer ‘scared and in shock’ after Lidia Thorpe’s ‘truly awful’ outburst.
Greens senator Lidia Thorpe’s former chief of staff says he was scared and appalled by her outburst in a meeting with two Indigenous community leaders at Parliament House last year, describing her behaviour among the most unprofessional conduct he has ever witnessed.
The claims by Thorpe’s ex-top adviser reinforce the account of the meeting by Aboriginal elder Aunty Geraldine Atkinson, aged in her 70s, who has previously alleged the tirade of abuse levelled at her by the senator distressed her so much that she sought medical attention from the parliamentary nurse.
His account of what happened and his efforts to inform the Greens’ leadership of Thorpe’s “appalling conduct” are detailed in an apology email sent from his Parliament House address to Atkinson and Stewart in June, one year after the meeting.
he still did not know why Thorpe had agreed to the meeting only to proceed “to behave so badly”.
“Since that meeting, I have wanted to reach out to you to apologise because the conduct that I witnessed at that meeting was by far one of the most unprofessional displays I have ever seen, not just during the length of my career, but in my life,”
“‘You are in my meeting’: Greens senator accused of verbal abuse of Indigenous elder.”
“Senator Thorpe said some female Senators were so drunk at work she had to help them get home safely.
Dramatic CCTV footage emerged this month of Senator Thorpe abusing a group of men outside Maxine’s Gentleman’s Club in Brunswick, Victoria, accusing them of stealing her land and making lewd comments about their genitalia.”
And here, on video:
“ABC tries to ‘censor’ Lidia Thorpe’s latest ‘foul-mouthed, abusive display’”
A cop has been found not guilty of murdering a black man in a car, one Chris Kaba. Who appeared to be trying to escape by car from a stop.
It’s the main news and the main BBC Londonistan news. The UK equivalent of George Floyd says the BBC spokesperson, stoking up the racist accusations by inference.
Get ready for vigils and ‘justice for Chris’ demos and violence for several months, followed by various BBC investigations.
I’d seen this claim already on a few posts from clearly partisan obscure media sources, but this piqued my interest. Newsweek is not an unheard of magazine.
But when one sees ‘appears to show’, nowadays the cynical antennas start to crackle.
And then one delves to read comments in response, often with tangible evidence in support.
Why do such rags do it? Is it in hope that a trusted, impartial broadcaster like the BBC will run their effort under a ‘reportedly’ headline?
That it is a comment on @Newsweek’s tweet
“Rumors have been circulating on social media that former President Donald Trump’s visit to the popular fast food chain was *staged*.”
Ratioed 1.5K to 10K
‘In his fact-checking segment, Cooper said his camera crew was standing near the road to keep the camera equipment dry. He also said he was not standing on the road because he did not want to hinder the evacuation efforts.’
That’s the ‘proof’ it’s fake ?. The person accused of faking it saying he didn’t ???.
Why didn’t he just stand ‘near’ the road as well then ?.
If you look you can see the camera tripod and the mic are on the road to the house. You can see the kerb through the water. It’s about 2 feet from the guy who is in up to his waist. Why didn’t stand on there ?. Either that drive has a 3 foot sheer edge drop or he is in a ditch. Look at the car in the background : only it’s wheels are in the water.
What a complete f*cking joke ‘Fact Checkers’ are. They are nothing but dishonest lefty activists churning out misleading half-truths for other lefty activists to quote in situations like this.
The argument that he is there so he doesn’t block the road when the camera people are right in the middle of it is absolute ‘shit for idiots’. Note that in the video, he interviews a woman RIGHT IN THE SAME spot near those weeds. All the video is right by those weeds. The ones he keeps walking past. The man is a liar.
Guest Who
Now when I see or hear the term “appears to show” I just put it in the same category of gobbledygook as “It is thought” or “experts predict” etc.etc. and I completely ignore it because it is not based on demonstrable fact, which is all I am interested in whether or not it comes from the Left or the Right.
‘Appears to show’ is one of the BBC’s favourites. Along with ‘Experts say …’, ‘Critics say …’, ‘The BBC has learned …’ etc etc etc.
It allows misleading, disproportionate and/or out-of-context information to be used as counter-arguments they don’t need to prove or provide any evidence for.
And, another racist muslim this time infiltrating the police (how many other hiding from sight with these views):
Met Police special constable admits posting offensive tweets about Jewish and non-Muslim people – but insists she shouldn’t be sacked.
PC Ruby Begums apologised during a police misconduct hearing and admitted she used offensive language such as ‘dirty Zionists. Hell is waiting’ while serving as a special constable.
The 29-year-old also admitted to using the term ‘kuffar’ to refer to non-believers, saying: ‘Kuffar lips have been all over my mug, there is no way I’m using that thing again.’ One post referenced the 2014 beheading of Alan Henning at the hands of ‘Jihadi John’: ‘You lot saying free Alan Henning. Remember the Muslim brothers and sisters imprisoned by Kuffar.’
She also made a series of posts about the September 11 attacks. On the 17th anniversary, Ms Begum said: ‘You must be stupid if you think I’m gonna do two minutes silence 9/11.’
A year later, she posted: ‘Omg it’s 9/11 today. Jokes.
The posts were made between 2013 and 2019 and Ms Begum has been accused of failing to disclose the Twitter username @ruby-beee twice during vetting processes in 2014 and 2016.
The hearing was told accusations against Ms Begum that she had held an interest in extremist preachers and had failed to disclose her links to a jihadi woman living inside a so-called Islamic State caliphate in Syria had been dropped over a lack of evidence.
One post referenced the 2014 beheading of Alan Henning at the hands of ‘Jihadi John’: ‘You lot saying free Alan Henning. Remember the Muslim brothers and sisters imprisoned by Kuffar.’
She also made a series of posts about the September 11 attacks. On the 17th anniversary, Ms Begum said: ‘You must be stupid if you think I’m gonna do two minutes silence 9/11.’
A year later, she posted: ‘Omg it’s 9/11 today. Jokes.”
Didn’t President Gaddafi predict that Europe would be Muslim in 15 or 20 years or was that just fake news?
If I am not mistaken and his prediction proves correct then Great Britain is deep in the brown stuff.
I can only hope that my fellow working class folks see the light before it is too late.
I’m new here but have been lurking for the past few months.
A dog-walking friend told me of you.
This is just to let you know that rich West London is now being flooded with immigrants and the locals (upper-middle class) are up in arms! And I don’t blame them. It has happened so fast. I live in Kensington and a year ago it was all rich people (I’m not, just lucky). mostly white and the foreigners were wealthy and well-behaved on the whole. They follow our lead.
But, back to the flood of immigrants. In less than a year it has happened. Crime rates are rocketing and someone was shot on my road for the first time in recorded history!
I moved here to escape the hellscape that is South London (sorry to any posters there, but they will understand what it is like to be surrounded by Blacks, Asians and Orientals that look down upon the natives as weak).
But I am experienced in dealing with it. They aren’t. Their bubble has burst. And unlike the hard working class, these lot don’t fight back. They are so programmed to avoid violence that they are a walk-over. I feel like Superman amongst them.
I hope the gives some comfort to know that those lot are getting it too. The ones that championed those wonderful no-hopes that come to abuse our kindness, they are hurting. And it’s much worse for them and causes cognitive dissonance which is a delight to behold.
Last night, I saw to very pretty Sloane Square types walking drunkenly 30 yards behind to ‘aki’s (for they were true p’ki’s, smelling of curry and rubbing their little grubby street-sh*tting glee. I roared in laughter at the girls following like good Muslim women even though they aren’t, yet.
I know this is a bit of a rant, but there is a bit of a build-up.
Now, I encourage those white woman I see donning the Muslim headscarf like they are living in the desert. I sat next to one on the tube and she was so simple-minded. I told here how their Mo photocopied the Jewish Talmund and Old Testament and put his name at the top. I said she is doing the right thing as it is best to thin the herd.
Anyway, this is great this site. Lots of honest humour too. Hope I can behave myself! Thanks
JohnCFeb 12, 02:14 Midweek 12th February 2025 Trump insists US will take Gaza as he meets Jordan’s King Abdullah https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cly9m7kv7lro All those poor, starving refugees in Gaza…
JohnCFeb 12, 02:08 Midweek 12th February 2025 If he paid for the annoying whining nasal thing he has now, he should be asking for his money back.
StewGreenFeb 12, 00:48 Midweek 12th February 2025 Tonight’s BBC local news had positive coverage of “Fifty years of Thatcher” This TV prog does tend to be more…
StewGreenFeb 12, 00:30 Start the Week 10th February 2025 The story seems to be that despite having 264K followers their tweets rarely have impact When I limit the search…
pugnaziousFeb 11, 23:43 Start the Week 10th February 2025 Judges make it up and run riot over Parliament….ruling means anyone in an “extreme and life threatening” situation can come…
diggFeb 11, 23:18 Midweek 12th February 2025 Just thinking about the Starmer voice coach affair…. Should we really have a Prime Minister who is so unhappy with…
diggFeb 11, 22:52 Midweek 12th February 2025 BBC dedicate lots of column inches to an investigation Into a Saudi transgenders death… https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/czepx5n3581o However not at all bothered…
JohnCFeb 11, 22:37 Midweek 12th February 2025 And the world will be shocked at the state of them. Those who are actually still alive that is. This…
non-licence payerFeb 11, 22:35 Midweek 12th February 2025 Credit where credit is due, the bBC has reported the disgusting whatsap of MPs and the resignation of 11 councillors…
diggFeb 11, 22:04 Midweek 12th February 2025 I love it, he is king of tantrums but it’s the only thing these lefties cannot deal with, ha, ha,…
Yes double bubble!
I want a recount Northers, as I was typing just as you posted! Paaaaah!
Juast as an aside, and I promise, I’m off to my bed soon…
”A teacher told me not to worry about spelling because in the future, there will be autocorrect, for which I am eternally grapefruit”.
I feel your pain Scrobs ! If all the onlines go pay per view then it’s a pretty expensive hobby for those providing “links”
Er am I dreaming but where’s your post gone Scrobs that I’m replying to ?? About the press? It’s disappeared or my brandy has had a stupidyfying effect !
Here it is Brissles!
I rather like some of the daily rags having paywalls! The stuff on the Mail has some sort of upturned blue – er – ‘bottom’, telling everyone that they need a ‘subscription’ to read even more rubbish about useless slebs, and crooked politicians, so that’s a no-no!
The Telegrout is pretty dire these days, so not a go-to for any news, and even the Express says I’ve read 35 articles this month…Wow – all those ads they’ve been chucking about at every turn! The Times is similar, and I can remember buying a copy every day, from that little shop by North Ealing tube station, and paying 6d! (That’s 2.4p in silly money)…
So what’s it to be then?
Well, it’s easy isn’t it! Don’t bother! Do what a normal citizen does and completely ignore the press, and most especially, the awful BBC, and the hangers-on like Sky and whatever!
The real news is elsewhere – like here, and as more citizens are becoming aware, we can see the demise of the dead-tree press and the tax-funded Beeboid dross, and begin acquiring the sort of news and stories which actually matter, and not be concerned about children or rock-apes wanting lies about rather awkward numpties partying!
And Brissles, your brandy and my Scotch make a perfect pair xxx
Scrobs, I can get past the DM paywall by pressing Esc at just the right moment on my laptop, but it doesn’t work on Mr D’s computer and I haven’t worked out at all how to do it on the iPad. But I can assure you the stories are never that interesting when I have. It works for the New York Times when searching for obituaries of far distant ‘cousins’ when doing my family tree, so far distant it certainly wouldn’t be worth paying. We still buy the Telegraph on a Saturday for the crossword which is ridiculous, as I can buy a whole book full for not much more but there is very little to read (Charles Moore and Michael Deacon on a Saturday).
Use this link, copy the story link into this and it will appear in full:
There has been a recount, and it turns out Kamala Harris was in fact first.
I suppose that’s bu**ered up the Israel cricket tour this winter then, Zeps…
Now Pakistan say he is a terrorist does that mean the Israeli PM will be given a free large house within a walled compound right next to a Pakistani military base?
Maybe, but like all the other terrorist houses, it will probably need a wheelchair ramp, railings, and a stairlift,
Sooner or later.
Pakistan knows a lot about terrorism given that they gave a home to 300 terrorist training camps [and basically created the Taliban] and oh yeah…were attempting to help very dodgy nations get the ‘Bomb’.
Funny how all our fellow citizens of Asian persuasion never demand right of return for all the Sikhs and Hindus they drove out of the part of India they annexed for Islam. At least the Jews didn’t have a Jewish homeland anywhere in the world…Muslims in India who were unhappy could have gone to endless numbers of Muslim countries around the world…but they chose to steal a piece of India…give it back.
Good old Pakistan – the best place to go for advice on terrorism.
Pakistan: man sentenced to death for blasphemy on Facebook
This article is more than 7 years old
Taimoor Raza was found guilty of insulting the prophet Muhammad during an argument on social media with a counter-terrorism official
ITV Yorkshire “A Bradford money launderer who fled the country while he was on trial has been jailed”.
Yasar Hussain, 43, was found guilty of 13 counts of money laundering and one count of conspiracy to pervert the course of justice in December 2012.
He set up a company to manufacture an energy drink styled on the Duracell battery brand, but he did not have permission to use their intellectual property.
He had travelled overseas and persuaded four international companies to pay advance fees for the sole distribution rights to the drink in their countries.
Hussain, formerly of Ashburnam Grove in Manningham, used the money to fund a lavish lifestyle.
.. traced him to Dubai where he was using a false identity.
original sentence of 7 years 6 months
+ 6 months for failing to appear in court in 2012
+ 6 months for failing to appear in court for dangerous driving charge from July 2009.
How’s that compare against 31 months for Twitter woman
who calmed down and deleted her tweet 3 hours later ?
The BBC et al now dont differentiate between an actor and an actress .
What if a actor trans himself from male to female , is it an actor or actress ?
How are the dressing rooms separated ?
In theatre land it doesn’t make much difference- most are queens anyway.
Off topic, but, Sunday night down various internet rabbit holes.. what a wonderful place..
I think I would have been cross too. However I don’t need stupid advice when buying tickets for the BBC proms, the system often crashes by itself, in such a way that I have the major decision of waiting or going out of the site and coming back in again. Usually waiting the problem will resolve itself, but not always. Blood pressure goes through the roof.
Not BBC but ITV and an unexpected example of the ‘benefits’ of Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion.
On Who Wants to be a Millionaire, we had an Indian ancestry contestant.
For the £200 question, he needed to Ask the Audience to confirm that a ball is used at a Coconut Shy at the fair.
He affected to be cool and casual and never smiled once.
When Mr. Clarkson asked him what he might do with his winnings he replied that he wanted to buy some land in India near his parents to make a play area for his kids.
What is it about the Far Left that regards such an individual as an unalloyed asset to this country?
NHS worker by any chance ? Contrary to popular belief, apart from taxes, they don’t spend any money here – their salary gets sent back “home”. They get discount accommodation on site and eat in the discounted canteen. So unless things have changed since I worked within its walls …..
Yeah Brissles.
As our High Streets become deserted with shops closing, the one growth area in my part of Londonistan has been the Western Union money transfer facilities.
They are there because there is demand.
Migrant workers send home £8bn to families
Published 20 November 2018
She said that her firm’s overall average fee for moving money was between 4% and 6% – and that reflected the cost of a service that could immediately transfer cash around the globe.
I saw it, he didn’t seem like a bad man at all, but he clearly had no real connection with this country. It’s just somewhere to live and work. Home is India.
I wonder why he didn’t take umbrage about the word coconut!
BBC webshite. Lead article. Headline.
‘At least 87 killed in strike on northern Gaza, officials say, as UN warns ‘nowhere is safe’’
But who, pray, are the ‘officials’?
Why, the Hamas run health ministry of course!
You’d think BBC verify would be all over this, but since it comes from Hamas it must be true.
Truly appalling and yet totally unsurprising.
So is this the week that the Starmer regime implodes? Only a matter of time. Tick Tock.
Anyone thought about Smarmer forgetting he is PM? He has addressed Sunak as “Prime Minister” a number of times at PMQ’s. I have to wonder if it’s a sign of the onset of dementia, it’s very typical of the early stages. Dementia might account for his wooden appearance, it might also account for him failing to realise the significance of all those freebies and the strange decisions he seems to be making.
Arrogance and bubble dwelling may be another cause.
He’s a Barrister, he will be well used to presenting cases in Court, speaking accurately should be second nature to him. Having said that, something I mentioned before on here might be at play as well. Smarmer will not be used to answering questions. Barristers only ever ask questions.
Fl Starmer appears to be absolutely flat footed and unable to read a room. There was evidence of poor judgement pre-election – re-opening the file on Leon Brittan as head of DPP, and then the appointment of the head of ethics in the Civil Service as Downing St Chief of Staff having written the Boris report. THat poor judgement has been repeated in office.
Not long now.
For years the Labour Party and bBC has characterised the Conservative Party as the party of misogyny and racism. Time for the bBC to be calling the Labour Party out on the succession of white males who have run the organisation.
I will not bother to hold my breath.
I think he has trouble dealing with stress – thinking fast – he is used to the controlled environment of the court – when up against their commons environment the 1000 yard stare comes in .
I remember being taught about it learning to Fly information over load – which is more about recognising it then responding .. i think he overloads because he feels threatened … he ll be even worse if the coloured girl gets the opposition gig but really – who cares – we are stuck with him ..,
It could be a “control” thing. Yes, while the Judge is nominally in charge of proceedings in Court but a Barrister will be more or less in charge of his cross examination, the pressure will be on the witness/claimant/defendant rather than the barrister
You could well be right.
But arrogance and the fact he’s a complete idiot makes sense too.
Make McDonalds great again.
That it a truly clever gig …
“I made it myself. It’s gonna be the best burger in the world, it’s gonna be beautiful…”
At least no ‘republican’ (lol) tried to shoot him.
TR is tweeting that he’s arrived back in the UK and they chose not to arrest him at the border
However Rebelnews report TideBank have frozen his bank account, thus he cannot pay his lawyers
On 26th TR is leading a ‘Unite the Kingdom’ rally
and then is back in court and potentially faces prison time for screening his banned documentary, Silenced.
Tide washing machine cleaner:
I am going to wash that bank right outa my hair
Stew – I think they’d rather kick the door in at 5am to frighten the family
@elonmusk tweets
“Good rule of thumb: those who frequently use the word “disinformation” are the ones most likely to be pushing it”
Well projection is a libmob characteristic
BTW a Guardian tweet and story equates smacking with Sara Sharif case
Doh smacking which doesn’t leave a mark is legal
what happened to Sara was so brutal it falls well within law-breaking
Passport of UNRWA teacher ‘found on body of Sinwar’
To my absolute amazement, the BBC are ignoring this story completely. It is of utmost significance : it points to massive corruption within the UN.
And what does the guy in charge at the UN say ?. Does he express concern and says they will investigate ?.
Nope. He says:
‘Philippe Lazzarini, UNRWA’s commissioner-general, issued a statement calling it “unchecked information used to discredit” the agency and its staff.’
What about when it IS checked Philippe ?. I suppose we will never know as this story will be quickly dropped just like all the others about the UN helping Hamas.
Just incredible. Why is everyone ignoring what the UN has clearly become ?. It has been infested with terrorist supporting anti-semite racists.
They watched the tunnels being built – probably helped
They would have known about the materials being misappropriated to build the tunnels. How could they not? But they did nothing, because they were either scared of Hamas or on their side.
Afghan doctor working in the UK has had second thoughts about his tweet
real despite the autosuggest error “hypocritical oath”
Imagine a white doctor saying that if he had the power, he would kill every Muslim.
All his second post does for me is to confirm just how easily they lie when it suits them.
Perhaps that idiot should ponder why Israel were firing rockets so close to those people and put the blame where it lies.
With those comments the doctor is looking at a two and a half year prison sentence, isn’t he?
But surely…
Woman denies buying eggs for rioters to throw
‘The woman is alleged to have bought the eggs for rioters to hurl at police’
‘Barbara Barker, of Tyndall Avenue in Moston, entered a not guilty plea to the charge at Manchester Crown Court.’
‘She was bailed to appear at a further hearing in November, before her trial on 13 February next year.’
And of course the BBC take the case very seriously with no hint showing of how what ridiculous political persecution it is.
One might think the only ‘crime’ involved would be actually throwing the eggs. But apparently not. I wonder how far this Nazi law goes – is it illegal to even think about buying eggs to throw at police now ?.
Much safer to throw a container of unknown liquid at Nigel Farage – especially after Jo brand recommended people throw acid at him (no action taken against Brand). He will be terrified someone might do it every time he goes out now. No jail time for doing that.
Farage can no longer conduct MP surgeries thanks to the bbc and other MSM vilification inflaming people.
Remember the muslim SNP leader who accused anyone criticising him in the media for “putting a target on his back” ?
Well they have been doing that for years with Farage with no complaints from the left…
AND they have been doing the same to Donald Trump, (including slanderous comments from MP David Lammy and the Mayor of London) and look what has happened to him recently.
Trump should sue for damages.
Congratulations on one of the finest examples of two-tier-Kier postings.
I might print them off for future use.
No chance.
The rozzers got the swatch out.
If he’s brown
He ain’t going down
Vanish – like in a magic trick?
Do you think this Muslim doctor deliberately called the Hippocratic Oath the hypocritical oath?
It’s really quite frightening when people that have our good health in their hands can think like this.
He’s clearly in the wrong profession…
There have been quite a few cases of dodgy degrees/med degrees from the likes of India, Africa, Bangladesh and Pakistan.
So we can expect the good Dr to be banged up for 31 months for hurty words then?
2T Justice
How can a small business be expected to cope with this ?
“Woman, 27, wins £28,000 payout after boss sacked her for getting pregnant while on maternity leave”
So she takes a job in October, only works for 6 months, then off for 36 weeks while pregnant which the business has to pay her for (6 weeks full time wages then £184 a week , AND has to employ someone else in the meantime, but on a temporary basis as the pregnant one has the option to return at the end, but does NOT have to inform the business untill the last week whether she is returning or not, – I know this as I was a replacement once)
So the business will find it extremely hard to replace her with someone who has no idea if the job is temporary or permanent.
THEN, comes back, informs she is pregnant again and it all starts over again. Off on paid leave for another 36 weeks.
Gets made redundant so sues ands gets £28,000 cash instead.
Yes it’s a game to avoid employing fertile persons who identify as women —- I don’t even think having the right tackle applies any more because kids can be bought online …. Right Elton ?
But but wimminz rights.
Mrs S and I both think it is appalling that Londoners get free TfL travel from the age of 60. Yes, 60.
At the expense of national taxpayers of course.
In Manchester they have free and subsidised public transport, living in the country we’ve had all our bus services withdrawn. The buses were very expensive and so restricted in provision that they were pretty useless anyway.
“King Charles is heckled by radical Australian politician accusing him of ‘genocide’ and shouting ‘give us our land back… f*** the colony’ in ugly confrontation during his tour down under2”
There is plenty of room in the outback, it is absolutely massive (22 times the size of the UK and Ireland together). There is even a cattle ranch the size of Belgium in there.
Give her a mudhut and send her out there, on the signed understanding she stays there.
If it was me, and if it was an aborginal man, I would have kicked him in the balls and said:
“There’s a couple of acres for you”.
Throwing eggs is worth a bbc headline apparently as reported above, meanwhile, refugees welcome here remember that, another one, it’s like an bloody epidemic, where’s the usual bbc wimmin manufactured outrage about not being safe when it’s whitey ??
“Urgent hunt launched after a woman was ‘raped at a children’s playground’ as police search for ‘teenage attacker who approached victim with three other men’.
Detectives said that the young man was white and described as eastern European and around 18 or 19 years old.”
Devon and bleeding Cornwall, yep that’s safe for us to mention, all those stabbings, sex assaults, rapes, machete fights, rolex snatching and pick pocketing:
“Women who feel unsafe in public spaces in nine towns across Devon and Cornwall are being encouraged to walk along routes with a police officer.”
Wow – they think plod is still trustworthy ,…
Only with the village bobby, PC Jethro or whatever.
They can’t find the usual suspects to recruit over there, probably
They dropped the vetting to get more Muslims / coloureds in – so plenty of criminals infesting their ranks ….
Yep. If you get arrested by a non-white, 9 times out of 10 it is a chance for them to get revenge and they do it up front as the white officers turn the other cheek.
I am near daily a victim of racist attacks – all sorts but I can fight for myself and do). There is no way I am reporting any of these crimes against me. Last time I did, a few weeks bad, the Police tried arresting me! Cause the sh!tskin said a called him a nasty name. Regardless of the fact he has committed: Affray, Threats to Kill, Failed attempted GBH and a string of racist comments.
I complained to the Police cause I know that does nothing vut it did waste 2-3 hours of theirs.
I am sure they have so system on their databases that marks people for immediate arrest based on whatever. Call the police in any racial incident and chances are it’s you in the back of the van and 12 months suspended sentence with probation and a ‘re-education’
Best thing is to sort it out yourself. Never ever trust the police. Never.
“morality police, law enforcement body in Iran created in 2005 to enforce regulations on modest dress (ḥijāb) and chaste behaviour (ʿifāf). The enforcement of a public moral code in Iran began after the 1979 revolution, when the new Islamic republic sought to assert its ideology and principles in public spaces.2 Oct 2024”
Iran’s morality police will not ‘bother’ women, president says
The UN mission also noted that a “Hijab and Chastity” bill was in the final stages of approval before Iran’s Guardian Council and could be finalised imminently.
“The Bill provides for harsher penalties for women who do not wear the mandatory hijab, including exorbitant financial fines, longer prison sentences, restrictions on work and educational opportunities, and bans on travel,” the UN investigators said.
BBC. Toady 7 am news. First headline and story.
Wes Streeting is going to ‘hold a conversation’ with the public about what should happen to the NHS. This will take several months.
Why biased? Because it is a non-story, it had no follow up story or interview and does not appear in newspapers or even on the BBC webshite. So it is little more than a sympathetic, placed, pro NHS touch-freely load of guff.
I could mention that pre-election Labour were going on about urgent action to fix the NHS. You know, sky high waiting lists, productivity falling through the floor, money poured in with no effect on patient care. But strangely the BBC seem to have forgotten all about that.
Stuff – I didn’t hear it – but I did something the other day about how efficient the NHS would be if we all had ‘identity cards ‘ …so I think there might be a ‘conversation ‘ about that …
No doubt a labour donor owns a company producing cards – PpE revisited ….
The aregument about ‘limiting freedoms ‘ is out of date now as there isn’t freedom in the recognised sense …31 months for a tweet …
And Wes knows in 9 days he is gonna be getting around 20 billion to throw at the medical mafia ..
I may have mentioned this once before.
In my possession is a card owned by one of my parents. It was produced in 1949 just after the NHS formation and I presume issued to the whole population.
You had to show it to the GP to get free treatment!!! The card stated that if you did not take the card then the GP could charge you for treatment!!!!
This is not the sort of identity card they are on about. Perish the thought that our International Health Service should actually check the entitlement to ‘free’ treatment – cost £160bn not including future pension liabilities.
Stuff – the nhs fraud line is most likely to be used by the red blue state to bring in optional identity cards – but if you don’t have one – don’t bother trying to get anything ….
We all have an NHS card, though I have never been asked to show it prior to treatment. The cards and the NHS number were based on the wartime ID cards and national registration numbers. Bureaucracy never goes away, it just evolves.
Nope, sorry,
all I can find is my 25 yard certificate and a Tufty Club badge.
…..and then the ‘conversation’ with the public will result in ‘give the nurses a pay rise’ and as if by magic all the money will be gone.
Here’s a hidden issue BTW. Around 70% of medical trainees at Universities are women. So are all the nurses of course. It is a deeply feminised profession and industry. One might even say biased.
Want to see the obesity crisis? walk around a hospital, and it’s not the patients
Obesity prevalence was high across all occupational groups including: among nurses (25.1%, 95% CI 20.9% to 29.4%); other healthcare professionals (14.4%, 95% CI 11.0% to 17.8%); non-health-related occupations (23.5%, 95% CI 22.9% to 24.1%);
MP to be thrown out of Parliament for hate crimes?
(c) BBC verified.
So can people who bought eggs to throw at the police get let off?
‘Deeply shameful’ Labour’s Wes Streeting issues an apology for ‘abusive violent’ Tweets
LABOUR leadership hopeful Wes Streeting has apologised after being condemned for abusive historic Tweets which have left questions over his ambitions to one day replace Sir Keir Starmer.
According to the law, you cannot be done for what she is being charged with. They have to prove intent. How are they going to do that? Witnesses statements? Nope. Too unreliable, especially if they are from opposing politic leanings.
“if there is evidence to suggest that you were involved in planning or participating in the public disorder” then it might just be possible but you would need a lot of evidence.
The only way she could be charged is if the person she gave the eggs too turned King’s Evidence. And that should be thrown out in any reasonable court of law. But if you add racial to the charge then you can hang up high.
Mr Politico video
The deranged sentencing of Lucy Connolly from activist judge “Melbourne” Inman
It’s quite different from the Black belt Barrister one
‘well the judge had no choice, the CPS charged her with grade 1 and her defence chose to not contest that , and she will only serve about a year, so that’s OK then’
BBB also claimed 306K saw the tweet
That number doesn’t count plausible
The legal system is a steamroller. People are pleading guilty rather than risk being on remand for months. Magistrates and Judges are chosen and more or less instructed to maximise sentence. Smarmer does of course know how to pull the strings.
Deport judges as ‘enemies of the realm’. We did it to Henry VII’s mum.
First Italian ship carrying intercepted migrants arrives in Albania
“An Italian navy ship carrying 16 men rescued at sea after departing from Libya arrived in the Albanian port town of Shengjin on Wednesday. Up to 3,000 adult migrant men picked up by the Italian coast guard in international waters will be sheltered in two Albanian processing centres each month under a new deal between Rome and Tirana”
Maybe we could do the same with Rwanda, well maybe not
bbc like to comment???
“departing from Libya”
A reminder from Libya …..
Gaddafi wants EU cash (£4bn) to stop African migrants {bbc.co.uk aug2010}
“Libyan leader Col Muammar Gaddafi says the EU should pay Libya at least 5bn euros (£4bn; $6.3bn) a year to stop illegal African immigration and avoid a ‘black Europe’.
‘We don’t know what will happen, what will be the reaction of the white and Christian Europeans faced with this influx of starving and ignorant Africans,’ Col Gaddafi said…
He told them that Islam should become the religion of Europe and gave them free copies of the Koran, after he had lectured them for an hour on the freedoms enjoyed by women in Libya.”
@andyjsnape you may be out of date AFAIK an Italian judge already ordered that they be brought back
Friday: “Rome court rules offshore detention of migrants in Albania illegal – POLITICO.eu
— All 16 migrants set to be returned from Albania to Italy after their countries of origin deemed unsafe”
Epidemic of kitchen worktop disease, plus the eight-toothed tree-eating fun-sponge and lashings of rainbow fudge edition
You join us on a morning when the Times is happy to promote the Labour government’s plans: Get all your medical records on NHS app… Patients have been promised full access
While it’s left to the Guardian to act as naysayer: Labour wants NHS ‘passports’ for all patients despite privacy fears… ‘The proposals are a gift to stalkers who misuse NHS systems’
I’m inclined to lean toward the Gruan’s point of view on this one – especially on a morning when we learn: Online con epidemic revealed… 9 million of us scammed (giveaway Metro)
And when it appears government systems can’t keep digital secrets of even the unmost secrecy… secret: Israel accuses US of spying after online leak…Israel’s preparations for a potential strike on Iran were leaked on the internet (Telegraph)
Of course we know states will leak secrets sometimes accidentally on purpose.
The only way to properly keep secrets under wraps these days is to have some super-duper intervening (injucting, if you will) law threatening those who would otherwise be inclined to disseminate said secret – eh, Sir Keir?
Sometimes one can’t just leave a glaring segueway like that going begging…
Law firms raise fees by 40% (FT); BHP trial highlights boom in claimant law industry (FT)
Fit and working again?
Estimates for payrolled employees in the UK decreased by 35,000 (negative 0.1%) between July and August 2024 (Office for National Statistics)
Well, at least m’learned friends are coining it.
The hypochondriac left-leaning ‘i’ newspaper does its tribute to the sort of surreal headlines we once saw in that satirical spoof TV news show The Day Today today…
Kitchen worktop disease cases rise
Health fears over farmland ‘sludge’
Vulcanic fun in Nicaragua
Well, why should our jokey blokey tabloid comic have all the fun?
Tell us what’s cancelled Christmas this year
Eight-toothed tree-eating fun-sponge beetles aiming to annihilate festive joy… Invasion of the killer Grinches… eating their way through all our Christmas trees (Daily Star)
The ever-excitable Daily Mail joins the party: ‘Tsunami’ of asbestos deaths in schools – sometimes you just wish what better world it would be – if only our journos hadn’t learned some particular new word?
In drama news
Judi Dench ‘breaks down in tears’ when asked about death of friend Maggie Smith (Independent)
Fear not, our BBC promotes the performance of a new theatrical heroine: Not my King, Australian senator shouts at Charles… Lidia Thorpe, an Aboriginal Australian woman, interrupted the ceremony in the capital city of Canberra by shouting for about a minute before she was escorted away by security.
Antipodean posturing
Prince of Wales makes republican Jacinda Ardern a Dame (Telegraph) – I’m sure futue damehood or some other bauble beckons for our Lidia now she’s made a name for hereself.
Fear not, our socialistic in-the-tank for Labour Daily Mirror does fan service for the Royals: Charles: you are the best of us… King’s message to amazing heroes… pride of Britain exclusive
Feeling the pride yet?
Taxpayers foot £650k bill for Pride parties… drag bingo, rainbow fudge and pronoun badges as part of Pride celebrations… Spending on LGBT-themed events accross NHS trusts, councils and fire services (Telegraph)
NHS England’s handling of 102 000 lost medical records is “unacceptable,” say MPs
BMJ 2017; 359 doi: https://doi.org/10.1136/bmj.j5546 (Published 29 November 2017)
Cite this as: BMJ 2017;359:j5546
UK citizens to be given full access to their medical records which will tell them:
“Your call is important to us”
bBC Verified Fact 2024
Ruined Christmas stories get earlier and earlier every year with all those press releases saying bad / good weather means there will be a shortage of …………….. whatever …..
I do find that the focus on Christmas is a bit strange these days – when so many people have no – of alien beliefs and conventional – normal – families are increasingly rare thanks undermining by the Marxists ….
Yet the ‘get home for Christmas ‘ thing always becomes a journalist ritual ….
But at least every can sit back and enjoy ‘Mrs browns boys ‘ and ‘ it’s mosque Christmas ‘
I am just dreading that Slade song in every shop and the three or four others for two months.
You can write the stories now, every year recently it’s been the families defrosting the turkey and it’s green.
I sincerely hope Milliband’s one is anyway, and he should not be allowed to complain and made to eat it all.
If I was a vampire, I would only target vegans, that would piss them off when they join us.
Fortunately I can avoid it all be being ‘overseas ‘through much of the rest of 2024 …. Im sure 2025 will be a far better year … Er .. no
I would bet the vegans would taste awful, all bland and farty smelling.You can imagine a Vampire family sitting down for lunch and the Daddy Vampire is telling his surly children to “eat up your Vegans” (or you won’t get any pudding)
Well, you do post a lot through the darkest hours !!!
Look, I don’t just post on here at night.
Most of the night I will be playing Toccata and Fugue on my pipe organ with my pet raven on my shouder.
Sometimes I let wolfie out of the basement for a walk in the woods if the moon is out.
Judi Dench who gave us the benefit of how deep her thought process goes when she made a passionate speech about why we should ‘Remain’. It went:
‘Isn’t it just best if we are all together ?’.
Silly, vastly-overrated moo.
Is that supposed to include all those that want us dead?
“Women footballers urge Fifa to end Saudi oil deal”
More than 100 professional women’s footballers have signed an open letter urging Fifa to drop the Saudi oil giant Aramco as a sponsor, calling it a “punch in the stomach” to the sport.
On Saturday, it will be two years since a takeover led by Saudi Arabia’s Public Investment Fund (PIF) purchased 80 per cent of Newcastle United, with the remaining stakes split between Amanda Staveley and the Reuben family.5 Oct 2023
The US holds its nose over Saudi Arabia’s human rights record – when the price is right
This article is more than 1 year oldNesrine Malik
Kinnock eventually said Labour hadn’t worked out what a “working person” was yet
The Working Person’s Party … HA HA HAH HAH AH A HAH AH A
Telegraph reports the suicide in prison of one of the summer protesters . He was 61 . Job done – eh kier ..?
UK GOV Pension problem has been solved! Repeat! Repeat!
Post Office Horizon scandal: Why hundreds were wrongly prosecuted
30 July
“New young drivers should not carry under-21s as passengers – AA”
“It suggested tougher rules that would also see them handed six penalty points for not wearing a seatbelt during the period”
Oh, are they more likely to breakdown without a seatbelt.
“Similar measures – known as graduated driving licensing (GDL) – are already in place in countries including the US, Canada, Australia and Sweden.”
I see, it’s just another globalist world government roll out, here courtesy of an acronym.
Ban driving – save one life!
The big fear is that this could lead to a post-pandemic cohort of younger workers who will permanently drop out of the labour market.
New data shows that benefit claimants are trending younger, and suffering more with mental health problems. This has created a new set of problems for the state.
The children I teach are indifferent to the adult world. This defies the experience of thousands of years. A close study of what big people were up to was always the most exciting occupation of youth, but nobody wants to grow up these days and who can blame them? Toys are us. … Time for a return to democracy, individuality, and family. I’ve said my piece. Thank you. {naturalchild.org – john gatto – jan1990}
Why Trump is trying to turn fries into a campaign issue
Just look at this:
‘Trump getting behind the counter at a McDonald’s earlier might look like a fairly tame campaign stunt – but there is a bitter background to it.’
First a flat and negative referal to Trump.
‘The former president has repeatedly accused Kamala Harris of lying about working in a California branch of the fast food restaurant during her college years, an experience the Democratic candidate has described as an informative one.’
Then we get:
‘Without providing any evidence, Trump claims she is making the whole thing up.’
Did Kamala provide any evidence BBC ?.
Surely if she is using the claim to boost her election campaign, it is encumbent on HER to prove what she says is true if someone challenges it.
Pic of Kamala:

Pic of Trump:
The whole article is littered with similar subtle pshychological trickery all designed to just nudge you away from Trump.
And I see the genius ex-comedian Zelensky has come up witha brilliant plan to guarantee peace:
‘It’s also been a week where President Zelensky revealed his “victory plan” which calls for an immediate invitation to the NATO military alliance, and for western allies to force Russia to negotiate and completely withdraw, instead of Kyiv ceding territory to Moscow.’
It’s somewhat similar in principle to the Hamas demand that Israel stops the war and withdraws all it’s troops before they will release any hostages.
ie. Totally ridiculous.
Get BBC verifry onto the MacDonalds work claim.
Remember when BBC loved to hound Trump … it’s starting all over again.
A controversial book on the US president’s life in the White House has alleged that Donald Trump would, on occasion, retire to bed early where he would eat cheeseburgers and watch three television screens.
The claims are in Michael Wollf’s book, which has been dismissed by Mr Trump as “full of lies”.
Trump’s predecessor, Barack Obama, had a slightly more social dinner routine while he was living in the White House.
He would reportedly have dinner with his family, external at 6.30pm, before spending several more hours alone working with an occasional break for a game of Words With Friends – the Scrabble style app – or to watch sports on ESPN.
Thin margin for EU membership in Moldova vote – provisional results
Here we have the pro-EU PM giving us lots of reasons why ‘No’ cheated.
And not a single ‘without providing evidence’ in sight.
What a farce the BBC is now.
The protests were sparked by President Viktor Yanukovych’s sudden decision not to sign the European Union–Ukraine Association Agreement, instead choosing closer ties to Russia and the Eurasian Economic Union. Ukraine’s parliament had overwhelmingly approved of finalizing the Agreement with the EU,[88] but Russia had put pressure on Ukraine to reject it.[89]
Not my King, Australian senator shouts at Charles
The BBC like this story. It’s been high up on the front page all day. And was the top headline earlier. The actual visit wasn’t anywhere to be seen.
But of course you can’t have a socialist state AND a King can you ?.
The authors are no surprise at all. More quota staff from the BBC sexist and racist hiring policy.

At least she’s in the appropriate place to make use of the paper she’s written it on.
Thats the kind of cubicle her and her ilk should be kept in.
Maybe this has been spotted already on BBC Wales? “Should we drop ethnic minority for global majority?”
“Over the past few years numerous organisations as well as the UK government have dropped the acronym BAME, which stands for black, Asian and minority ethnic. While other terms such as ethnic minority and people of colour are still routinely used, another appears to be building momentum – people of the global majority.”
The term GM comes from Rosemary Campbell-Stephens. Despite being a headteacher, OFSTED inspector and having an MBA in education her site is badly written with several grammatical errors. It’s also as open a neo-Marxist manifesto as you’re likely to see: “I aim to add value by providing an alternative lens through which to cause radical systemic change in relation to social justice to happen now.”
No pretence any more about the dismantling of the country by the incompetent.
Not BBC but the Guardian — their take on the girl killed by her dad who fled to Pakistan. The court heard that her injuries were comparable to those experienced in a car crash… but they call for the gov to ban smacking.
They really are a parody now.
If she wore her hijab then she would not have been punished!
What sentence will the ‘lady ‘ get for assaulting Nigel farage during the election campaign ?
Im guessing 5 years – -or 60 months … if you get 31 months for a single 3 hour tweet – with no proven consequence – then surely a real public assault gets … 60 months minimum …?
Or maybe a suspended 3 months 12 weeks … and a contract with the daily mail… ‘why i dun it ‘…
What do you all make of this? “Weasel Words”?
OFGEM Energy Price Cap –
See, “Build, fix and repair pipes and wires to transport energy (network costs)”. Aka, the ‘Milliband Charge’ – “Build”. £355/£613 x 100 = 58% of the total Standing Charge.
Glad I’ve ditched buying electricity/Standing Charge. I’ll only consider resuming grid supply in 2030 when Milliband’s dream of much lower energy costs comes true………..(lol)
This girl that threw the milkshake over our Nigel.
I wonder how the sentences would compare had she thrown this over TTK.
Would she get hammered?
We are supposed to be equal under the law and all that so had she thrown this milkshake over somebody in a pub for example, is that the same and would that get the same sentence as throwing it over TTK (or the King, Kitty or Billy)
The 31 month for a FB post would probably see half (or maybe 52% of) the population of the UK in jail if applied to everyone.
Look on this Forum, just because it’s the truth that’s no excuse because the left will still come after you.
Currently the law seems to be that the left can do and say almost anything (free speech) but if they disagree with your point of view (anything not far left) then you get done for it (no free speech for those not far left)
The inconvenient truth is now illegal while the convenient lie is pushed for all it’s worth.
The Great British Exodus.
Some members used trusts and offshore companies to avoid payment of British taxes. Cat Stevens became a tax exile from the UK in 1973 for one year, living in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Rod Stewart left the UK and made his home in Los Angeles in 1975 to avoid the 83% tax on top earners that existed in Britain at the time.
Marky – it’s about more than tax – it’s that Britain has become a nasty third world mess – and those who think it’s still ‘okay ‘ will find out in a year or two …. Or if they go to a fair sized town /city …
The combination of hate for what and who is here over the delusion of a Utopia that does not exist.
UK controls its border – but does not control its borders.
UK send billions to defend Ukraine from invasion – but has open borders.
UK NHS – bang pots on Thursday to show appreciation – die on Friday due to no treatment being available, but Diversity managers on £60K
..of dual legal systems, dual educational outcomes, dual health outcomes. dual pension systems and many more duals depending on that binary question of whether you are good or bad person. White middle class males need not apply.
“Patients to get full access to record on NHS App”
Have you seen that dopey cow in the Aussie parliament screaming at Charlie, “This is not your land, you are not my king”?
I might have a smidgen of sympathy if she was a full-blown Aboriginal…but she’s paler than I am…
It’s incredibly un-PC and insensitive, but Charlie could have told her just what this massive island looked like when we British first went there. Populated by stone-age tribes that led a hunter gatherer existence. They hadn’t advanced for millennia. Dead by the age of thirty, incest was rife, as was rape. They hadn’t invented the wheel…they hadn’t invented anything, other than the boomerang.
Europeans were exploring the planet, living in brick-built houses, enjoying the masterpieces of Michaelangelo and listening to the music of Beethoven and Mozart.
Aboriginals were daubing kangaroo shit on cave walls and making a racket with the didgeridoo…
Maybe she should be told not to use our English language – she has ‘culturally appropriated it ‘ …. I wonder what her mum and dad think ….
But it is inevitable that mr Windsor would get some ‘treatment ‘ …they probably enjoy it – nice for the small talk ..
So many didgeridoo symphonies, aboriginal operas and outback desert jazz masterpieces in HMV, I get quite frustrated trying to find the Bach, Mozart and Beethoven sometimes.
From “On Hearing the first Death Adder in Spring” to “Peter and the Dingo” via “Kookaburra Ascending”
An embarrassment of riches really.
Ah, the didgeridoo… almost unheard on these shores until the BBC graced our screens with a certain native of Australia.
Rolf Harris primary school incident to be investigated
6 February 2019
The Ministry of Justice has launched an investigation after convicted paedophile Rolf Harris entered the grounds of a Berkshire primary school.
The school’s head teacher confronted the former TV star, who was in conversation with a local sculptor, and asked him to leave the site.
Australian-born TV presenter Harris was jailed in 2014 for 12 indecent assaults, relating to four girls between 1968 and 1986.
In May 2017 he was cleared of four unconnected historical sex offences, which he had denied.
In November 2017 one of the 12 indecent assault convictions was overturned by the Court of Appeal.
Well it’s probably well nigh impossible to play those magnificent compositions of J.S. Bach on the didgeridoo.
After all THAT is the musical genius of the European cultural tradition and, to me, no other culture comes close. We must allow it to die.
Peter Lynch, 61, grandfather, ‘died’ in Prison on Al Beeb’s news headline front page.
Elephant in the room not reported.
Waiting for ‘BBC VERIFYED’ to mention that he did not actually kill himself.
He slipped on some soap, had a heart attack or been ‘Epsteined’.
I can guarantee there will be a very long and thorough ‘investigation’ which will conclude after the news cycle has moved on.
Kevin Crehan died in prison
Does not matter if he did not commit suicide, HM prison is not renowned for it’s healthcare, so likely this incarceration, for a minor offence we see committed over and again with little consequence for others, contributed in a major way to his demise
“Lynch, who had diabetes, thyroid issues and angina, and recently suffered a heart attack, was put behind bars for screaming at police outside a hotel in Rotherham housing asylum seekers.”
And yet, this is happening every weekend in London with the police standing by:
“Judge Richardson told him: ‘You did not yourself attack any police officer, as far as can be detected, but what you did was encourage by your conduct others to behave violently and you were part of this mob.'”
And even if muslims and their useful idiot sympathisers are ever tracked down for making racist comments and signs about jews and glorifying a genocidal terrorist attack, captured on film over and over again, they NEVER get put in jail or on remand.
Now, what about the Christian stabbed in Hyde park for preaching over a year ago ? how much CCTV in central London ? bloody Sherlocks at the met still can’t find him but they found each and every Southport protester pretty bloody quick.
Or the racist muslim in Birmingham who beat a woman unconscious outside a bar and spitting at her and her Chinese friend whilst in the bar, which ALL have CCTV … still not found him from over two years ago.
Funny that.
And whats happened to the muslims attacking firearms officers at Birmingham airport in a shocking attack ? fast track for them ? NOPE.
Funny that.
They killed him. There were (not baseless it seems) rumours that Starmer’s political prisoners were given ‘special’ welcomes in prison and were treated ‘accordingly’ by non white prisoners.
If they were making his life hell and he also had a fidgy ticker, you can see why he (allegedly) topped himself.
I hope Starmer is satisfied with himself.
The Telegraph reported, external Sir Keir got a special “tax unregistered” pension scheme when he stood down as Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) in 2013.
Labour says it was standard practice for retiring DPPs to get such a deal.
“The more corrupt the state, the more numerous the laws.”
― Tacitus, The Annals of Imperial Rome
Keir Starmer confirms he is considering smoking ban in pub gardens in bid to ‘reduce burden’ on NHS
Peter Lynch was arrested by Khan’s Kops and sentenced by Starmer’s Stasi judges for nearly 3 years for holding up a placard. Now he’s dead in jail.
Mahyar Tousi calls him a political prisoner.
Sounds about right.
WE ARE ALL EQUAL COMRADES by Mark Steyn Steyn on Britain April 26, 2014
A reader in Bradford recalled asking a West Yorkshire officer on the street that day why the various “Muslim community leaders” weren’t being arrested for incitement to murder. The officer said they’d been told to “play it cool”. The calls for blood got more raucous. My correspondent asked his question again. The policeman told him to “F— off, or I’ll arrest you.”
Lefty twitter “Ah but he pleaded guilty , so the system had no choice
He was a conspiracy theory.
It was all caused by him being INCITED to champion violence by Tommy Robinson”
TR always enourages his supporters to be peaceful at demos
He has never said you should go to burn asylum centres
TR has always been antiracist and in favour of controlled immigration.
Cue the riots…
“Met Police marksman Martyn Blake found NOT GUILTY of murdering Chris Kaba after shooting him through car windscreen.
A Scotland Yard marksman was acquitted of murder today after shooting dead a fleeing motorist to stop him running over colleagues.
In an extraordinary case which has profound implications for national security, hundreds of firearms officers around the country downed their weapons in protest after the officer was charged as colleagues argued that he was just trying to save them from Mr Kaba.
The fatal shooting on September 5, 2022 happened after armed police started tailing the vehicle that Mr Kaba was driving because the Audi Q8 had been used as a getaway car in a gang-related shooting the night before in Brixton, South London.
When police boxed in the vehicle in a residential street in Streatham, Mr Kaba used the car as a ‘battering ram’ reversing into a police car before accelerating into parked cars in a desperate bid to escape.
Seemingly ready to run over anyone standing in his way, Mr Kaba revved back and forth in the high-powered Audi almost dragging the ten officers surrounding him under the wheels before Blake finally ended the rampage by shooting him dead.
Today the Crown Prosecution Service is facing questions about why it brought the landmark case after jurors took just three hours to acquit Blake.”
“Despite the acquittal, Blake now faces the prospect of a disciplinary hearing brought by the Independent Office for Police Conduct
Mr Kaba’s parents Prosper Kaba and Helen Lumuanganu are also said to be considering suing the Met.
Last September hundreds of Metropolitan Police firearms officers handed in their weapons following the decision to charge one of their colleagues with murder.
In the wake of the mass revolt, Scotland Yard was forced to put the Army on standby amid concern that there would not be enough armed officers to keep the public safe.
The case has already had a catastrophic impact on recruitment of officers. In February it emerged that just six people applied to be a firearms officer in Britain’s biggest force. Becoming an armed officer has traditionally been seen as one of the most prestigious roles in policing, with between 150 and 250 hopefuls applying every time posts are advertised.
But there has been a collapse in interest for the voluntary role to bear arms to protect the public.”
I bet the BBC will be full on with the dead gangstas’ ‘legal £ team’ demanding a re trial – will any labour MPs put there head up to fight for the ‘community ‘…? Same old song …
A 24 year old in an Audi Q8 and I would probably bet with no visible means of support or job, in a car that was used in a ganster shooting hours ago.
Then tries to run over police and ram them, “One officer known as NX109 was perilously close to being run over after getting the finger of his glove caught in the Audi’s door handle, just managing to wrench it free in time before the Audi surged forward ramming into a parked Tesla.”
Hmmm what do you think ?
“In one case, a Met marksman who shot dead a gangster in a foiled prison break nearly a decade ago is still yet to hear whether he will be sacked despite being cleared of committing any crime.”
Maybe the 650 MPS could go to the streets and protect us?
Don’t you just love this country? Being prosecuted (persecuted?) for doing the job you’ve been specifically trained for.
This does not help, see below for this one’s criminal record of firearm offences, and looks like a paramilitary unifom there along with the usual shit stirring socialist worker placards who turn up wherever there is trouble, (funny how the far left love police and jails when they are in power though):
From Wikepedia:
Kaba had been charged in 2018 with possessing an imitation firearm with intent to cause fear of violence,[3] in relation to an incident on 30 December 2017.[4] He was found guilty at Snaresbrook Crown Court in January 2019, and sentenced to four years in a Young Offenders Institute.[4] He was released in 2021.[4]
In the months following his death, six men were charged with conspiring with Kaba to commit murder and grievous bodily harm; the charges relate to a shooting which took place in Tower Hamlets on 30 August 2022, days before Kaba’s death.[5][6]
Kaba was a member of 67, a Brixton Hill-based drill rap group which one of its members says has been called a criminal gang by the police.[7][8] He was known by his stagename Madix or Mad Itch.[9]
For some reason the BBC news left all of the above out of the 5pm news report . Mr Evan Davis asked the reporter – Edina Campbell – what’s next – she sounded hopeful that they’d get their pound of police flesh at the inquest – with the implication that the police investigator industry would get the firearms cop some other way …
As for firearms officers – why carry ? No extra pay ? Forget it – do tweet research and get tweeters an easy 31 months a tweet – no resistance there ….
… there was no mention of the fight to protect the copy’s identity for his safety – will the bangers’ gang now do its’ ‘thing ‘ ? Terrible …
The group has been labelled a “criminal gang” by the police, and has had several shows shut down, including their first UK tour after it sold out due to the controversial Form 696.[5]
Former members
Itch / Maddix (Chris Kaba; died after being shot by armed police) [22][23]
This is the one who shouted abuse in Australia at Charles:
From the Sydney Morning Herald, 2022:
“Leaked email reveals Greens staffer ‘scared and in shock’ after Lidia Thorpe’s ‘truly awful’ outburst.
Greens senator Lidia Thorpe’s former chief of staff says he was scared and appalled by her outburst in a meeting with two Indigenous community leaders at Parliament House last year, describing her behaviour among the most unprofessional conduct he has ever witnessed.
The claims by Thorpe’s ex-top adviser reinforce the account of the meeting by Aboriginal elder Aunty Geraldine Atkinson, aged in her 70s, who has previously alleged the tirade of abuse levelled at her by the senator distressed her so much that she sought medical attention from the parliamentary nurse.
His account of what happened and his efforts to inform the Greens’ leadership of Thorpe’s “appalling conduct” are detailed in an apology email sent from his Parliament House address to Atkinson and Stewart in June, one year after the meeting.
he still did not know why Thorpe had agreed to the meeting only to proceed “to behave so badly”.
“Since that meeting, I have wanted to reach out to you to apologise because the conduct that I witnessed at that meeting was by far one of the most unprofessional displays I have ever seen, not just during the length of my career, but in my life,”
“‘You are in my meeting’: Greens senator accused of verbal abuse of Indigenous elder.”
And elsewhere:
“‘F*** off’: Lidia Thorpe fires at Pauline Hanson in Senate after explosive revelation of alleged sexual abuse in Parliament House”
And here:
“Senator Thorpe said some female Senators were so drunk at work she had to help them get home safely.
Dramatic CCTV footage emerged this month of Senator Thorpe abusing a group of men outside Maxine’s Gentleman’s Club in Brunswick, Victoria, accusing them of stealing her land and making lewd comments about their genitalia.”
And here, on video:
“ABC tries to ‘censor’ Lidia Thorpe’s latest ‘foul-mouthed, abusive display’”
Too much mind altering substances …
BBC goes apoplectic.
A cop has been found not guilty of murdering a black man in a car, one Chris Kaba. Who appeared to be trying to escape by car from a stop.
It’s the main news and the main BBC Londonistan news. The UK equivalent of George Floyd says the BBC spokesperson, stoking up the racist accusations by inference.
Get ready for vigils and ‘justice for Chris’ demos and violence for several months, followed by various BBC investigations.
This is incitement:
“The UK equivalent of George Floyd”
What happened to others accused of stoking riots with incorrect statements ???
“Justice for Chris”?
He’s had justice
Vorsprung durch Heckler
Not for any here passing on Twitter.
A video that appears to show Trump being booed and heckled at Sunday’s Pittsburgh Steelers game has gone viral.
I’d seen this claim already on a few posts from clearly partisan obscure media sources, but this piqued my interest. Newsweek is not an unheard of magazine.
But when one sees ‘appears to show’, nowadays the cynical antennas start to crackle.
And then one delves to read comments in response, often with tangible evidence in support.
Why do such rags do it? Is it in hope that a trusted, impartial broadcaster like the BBC will run their effort under a ‘reportedly’ headline?
Here’s the U.K. version.
“Putin doesn’t even have to worry about America… Musk’s doing it for him.”
Why Elon Musk’s million dollar giveaway is on the very edge of what’s legal
@maitlis | @jonsopel
Sopes and Strumpet circle the concept of ‘little bit pregnant’ in journalistic terms.
Meanwhile Alistair Campbell gets flown out on a uniquely funded jolly to ‘report’ based on an audience of his pod person thing of around a dozen.
Another ex Beeboid opines.
Hole in one.
They appear to be reaching out mostly to each other.
More on this breaking story as we get it…
That it is a comment on @Newsweek’s tweet
“Rumors have been circulating on social media that former President Donald Trump’s visit to the popular fast food chain was *staged*.”
Ratioed 1.5K to 10K
Media: Trump staged an event!
Also media:
Oh Stew, not that old classic!
‘In his fact-checking segment, Cooper said his camera crew was standing near the road to keep the camera equipment dry. He also said he was not standing on the road because he did not want to hinder the evacuation efforts.’
That’s the ‘proof’ it’s fake ?. The person accused of faking it saying he didn’t ???.
Why didn’t he just stand ‘near’ the road as well then ?.
If you look you can see the camera tripod and the mic are on the road to the house. You can see the kerb through the water. It’s about 2 feet from the guy who is in up to his waist. Why didn’t stand on there ?. Either that drive has a 3 foot sheer edge drop or he is in a ditch. Look at the car in the background : only it’s wheels are in the water.
What a complete f*cking joke ‘Fact Checkers’ are. They are nothing but dishonest lefty activists churning out misleading half-truths for other lefty activists to quote in situations like this.
The argument that he is there so he doesn’t block the road when the camera people are right in the middle of it is absolute ‘shit for idiots’. Note that in the video, he interviews a woman RIGHT IN THE SAME spot near those weeds. All the video is right by those weeds. The ones he keeps walking past. The man is a liar.
Guest Who
Now when I see or hear the term “appears to show” I just put it in the same category of gobbledygook as “It is thought” or “experts predict” etc.etc. and I completely ignore it because it is not based on demonstrable fact, which is all I am interested in whether or not it comes from the Left or the Right.
‘Appears to show’ is one of the BBC’s favourites. Along with ‘Experts say …’, ‘Critics say …’, ‘The BBC has learned …’ etc etc etc.
It allows misleading, disproportionate and/or out-of-context information to be used as counter-arguments they don’t need to prove or provide any evidence for.
And, another racist muslim this time infiltrating the police (how many other hiding from sight with these views):
Met Police special constable admits posting offensive tweets about Jewish and non-Muslim people – but insists she shouldn’t be sacked.
PC Ruby Begums apologised during a police misconduct hearing and admitted she used offensive language such as ‘dirty Zionists. Hell is waiting’ while serving as a special constable.
The 29-year-old also admitted to using the term ‘kuffar’ to refer to non-believers, saying: ‘Kuffar lips have been all over my mug, there is no way I’m using that thing again.’ One post referenced the 2014 beheading of Alan Henning at the hands of ‘Jihadi John’: ‘You lot saying free Alan Henning. Remember the Muslim brothers and sisters imprisoned by Kuffar.’
She also made a series of posts about the September 11 attacks. On the 17th anniversary, Ms Begum said: ‘You must be stupid if you think I’m gonna do two minutes silence 9/11.’
A year later, she posted: ‘Omg it’s 9/11 today. Jokes.
The posts were made between 2013 and 2019 and Ms Begum has been accused of failing to disclose the Twitter username @ruby-beee twice during vetting processes in 2014 and 2016.
The hearing was told accusations against Ms Begum that she had held an interest in extremist preachers and had failed to disclose her links to a jihadi woman living inside a so-called Islamic State caliphate in Syria had been dropped over a lack of evidence.
One post referenced the 2014 beheading of Alan Henning at the hands of ‘Jihadi John’: ‘You lot saying free Alan Henning. Remember the Muslim brothers and sisters imprisoned by Kuffar.’
She also made a series of posts about the September 11 attacks. On the 17th anniversary, Ms Begum said: ‘You must be stupid if you think I’m gonna do two minutes silence 9/11.’
A year later, she posted: ‘Omg it’s 9/11 today. Jokes.”
Didn’t President Gaddafi predict that Europe would be Muslim in 15 or 20 years or was that just fake news?
If I am not mistaken and his prediction proves correct then Great Britain is deep in the brown stuff.
I can only hope that my fellow working class folks see the light before it is too late.
Hello All,
I’m new here but have been lurking for the past few months.
A dog-walking friend told me of you.
This is just to let you know that rich West London is now being flooded with immigrants and the locals (upper-middle class) are up in arms! And I don’t blame them. It has happened so fast. I live in Kensington and a year ago it was all rich people (I’m not, just lucky). mostly white and the foreigners were wealthy and well-behaved on the whole. They follow our lead.
But, back to the flood of immigrants. In less than a year it has happened. Crime rates are rocketing and someone was shot on my road for the first time in recorded history!
I moved here to escape the hellscape that is South London (sorry to any posters there, but they will understand what it is like to be surrounded by Blacks, Asians and Orientals that look down upon the natives as weak).
But I am experienced in dealing with it. They aren’t. Their bubble has burst. And unlike the hard working class, these lot don’t fight back. They are so programmed to avoid violence that they are a walk-over. I feel like Superman amongst them.
I hope the gives some comfort to know that those lot are getting it too. The ones that championed those wonderful no-hopes that come to abuse our kindness, they are hurting. And it’s much worse for them and causes cognitive dissonance which is a delight to behold.
Last night, I saw to very pretty Sloane Square types walking drunkenly 30 yards behind to ‘aki’s (for they were true p’ki’s, smelling of curry and rubbing their little grubby street-sh*tting glee. I roared in laughter at the girls following like good Muslim women even though they aren’t, yet.
I know this is a bit of a rant, but there is a bit of a build-up.
Now, I encourage those white woman I see donning the Muslim headscarf like they are living in the desert. I sat next to one on the tube and she was so simple-minded. I told here how their Mo photocopied the Jewish Talmund and Old Testament and put his name at the top. I said she is doing the right thing as it is best to thin the herd.
Anyway, this is great this site. Lots of honest humour too. Hope I can behave myself! Thanks