You know – I haven’t pleaded for readers to dump their TV licence now for some time So I do surely plead again . A lot of visitors to the site have already dumped their licence . So why don’t you … ?
Weekend 19th October 2024
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This man is not only nasty, vindictive and a brazen liar, but also unhinged:
“Bard blood! Sir Keir Starmer sparks row after removing Shakespeare portrait from No 10 wall.
The premier has been accused of consigning the Bard ‘to the dustbin’ after the 18th century painting by Louis Francois Roubiliac was reportedly placed in storage.
Sir Keir has already removed portraits of Elizabeth I, Sir Walter Raleigh, and William Ewart Gladstone since entering No 10.
While in August he sparked a furious backlash when he took down a £100,000 portrait of Margaret Thatcher from her former study as he found it ‘unsettling’.
Sir Keir had to bow to public pressure to rehang the portrait with Sir Jacob Rees-Mogg blasting the original decision as ‘spiteful’ and ‘petty’.
Sir Oliver Dowden, a former Tory culture secretary, accused the PM of ‘succumbing to the usual Left-wing cringing embarrassment about our past’.
‘Not content with removing Thatcher, Gladstone, Raleigh and Elizabeth I, he’s now consigning Shakespeare to the dustbin,’ he told the Telegraph.
‘Downing Street receives thousands of distinguished visitors every year. He should be using it to proclaim the greatest writer in the English language, not engaging in this philistinism.'”
On Saturday the week in Westminster had some thug who had done a biography on the great leader – I think of all people comrade pippa crear of mirror – cake gate fame was ‘hosting ‘
I can’t recall his name but the level of confrontation attitude over labour corruption was quite ‘unusual ‘ … seems within the red party it is a very touchy subject . And I think they / bbc want us to forget Sue Gray –
But the budget in 10 days will reopen a lot of hostility to labour – especially by those Tory types who didn’t vote at all and are to blame for the red landslide .
There are a few potential scandals if any journalist worth their job title were to be bothered to investigate:
How Starmer influenced the judiciary RE rioter sentencing, there seems to be little doubt about that, especially considering he was one of them. Perverting the course of justice ?
What about the vagueness all over the internet regarding Lammy’s Harvard course where even Wikepedia references only refer to Lammy himself being interviewed, if anyone is bothered to follow them up, very strange is that, and all say he “studied” there but little else. Except for one where he is a visiting professor, so a vested interest in bigging him up methinks.
Worth an in depth look I posit….
Starmer said: ( before the first case had even reached court)
“you will be arrested, you will be held on remand, you will be charged and convictions will follow”
Independent justice system ? 🤔
Just like Melchett in the court scene in Blackadder…
Or maybe Peter Cook’s hilarious judge piece about Jeremy Thrope, (sic)!
“you will be arrested, you will be held on remand, you will be charged and convictions will follow”
automatic contempt of courts for Der Starmer see regina .v. Tommy Robinson All TR did was ask if the nonce had his prison bag.
@Fed, I did tweet right away yesterday but forgot to repost it here
No surprise to turn on North Islington’s @BBCRadio4 & hear Tom Baldwin* huge #GASLIGHTING
“This #FreeGearKeir thing is a total non-story”
#1 Starmer broke the rules, you have to report on time
#2 He made a big deal saying he’d be cleaner
so that’s hypocrisy
* Tom Baldwin was doing #PRtrickery
He is an ex-Labour Party Communications director in the team of super malicious deceiver Alastair Campbell
Stew – I usually listen to ‘week in Westminster ‘ which is 30 minutes of snooze – but that character was so aggressive I thought ‘wow’ and had an image of ‘ithe thick of it ‘ with the psycho ‘Campbell ‘ thug character – …
He said ‘ I don’t understand the fuss because starmer hasn’t broken any laws ‘… which made me think he has – it’s just for some brave journo to find it ….
Is there any way that the programme can be replayed somewhere, please, Stew and Fed?
I’d rather like to know, so that I can avoid it without inadvertantly turning it on and having to listen to rubbish spewed by boorish idiots like Campbellend…
hello scroblene – it’s on the bbc sounds app – 11am Saturday …
He used to be no stranger to the mirror and the razor blade, it is said.
I suspect the hand of the Irish republican sue gray getting those pictures taken down – she’d want pictures of mcguinness and Bobby sands up …
Did they have to stop her passing the hat around at cabinet meetings
“for the boyz, you know” ?
Big bonus for Getty here.
Should we drop ethnic minority for global majority?
It is always worth checking references used:
Regarding references, I learnt that many books will make themselves look authoritative by having many references at the end, and referring to them throughout the text.
I read a book by Ben Goldacre called “Bad Science” which, amongst other things, exposes many of the tricks used by big pharma to hide bad side effects of drugs through manipulating statistics, and the notorious TV “Doctor” Gillian Mckeith.
Ben Goldacre used the same method she did to make his labarador a Doctor (you can easily buy her “doctorate” on the internet)…. her husband is a litigous lawyer which is how she got away with people thinking she was a qualified medical doctor and no one challenging her. She was often on TV advising on nutrition and finding nutritional deficiencies by examining peoples’ poo. Yes, really.
But, I digress, he also deals with the large tome on nutrition by Patrick Holford, The optimum Nutrition Bible, which sold millions, he has since written score of similar other books.
Anyway, the original contains swathes of references, giving you the impression that statements in the book are backed up by solid evidence. (“Based on scientific research and written by one of the world’s leading nutrition experts”, he boldly claims)
Not quite so, Ben Goldacre followed up each reference and found in reality many were…wait for it….. articles in Women’s Magazines for example.
Goldacre says:
“Holford’s only academic qualification is an undergraduate degree in psychology from York in 1976. He set up the Institute of Optimum Nutrition in 1984, and as the director of his own institute, it must have been a particular honour for Patrick in 1995 to confer his “diploma in nutritional therapy” upon himself. This remains his only qualification in nutrition, since he failed to complete a master’s degree in nutrition from Surrey 20 years ago. “
Ben Goldacre used to be solid science
but with Global Warming he is heavily influenced by his Australian uncle Robyn Willams who 30 years ago got such a foothold as an ABC science radio presenter , he got to dictate the entire science output of ABC radio
I’ve met such media types at conferences and they can often be full of themselves alcoholics who are sleazy towards women.
Erm.. right, I see, a bit of a generalisation there I believe.
Or possibly you really met Bill Clinton with Gary Glitter and they just got the name tags mixed up at reception ?
It happens.
Anyway, I am talking about references, as outlined in his original book.
‘From an expert with a mail-order PhD to debunking the myths of homeopathy, Ben Goldacre talking the reader through some notable cases and shows how to you don’t need a science degree to spot “bad science” yourself.’ Independent (Book of the Year)
‘His book aims to teach us better, in the hope that one day we write less nonsense.’ Daily Telegraph (Book of the Year)
‘For sheer savagery, the illusion-destroying, joyous attack on the self-regarding, know-nothing orthodoxies of the modern middle classes, “Bad Science” can not be beaten. You’ll laugh your head off, then throw all those expensive health foods in the bin.’
Trevor Philips, Observer (Book of the Year)
‘Unmissable! Laying about himself in a froth of entirely justified indignation, Goldacre slams the mountebanks and bullshitters who misuse science. Few escape: drug companies, self-styled nutritionists, deluded researchers and journalists all get thoroughly duffed up. It is enormously enjoyable.’ The Times (Book of the Year)
See below:
It’s just not cool to anonymously edit your own Wikipedia page. It’s an online encyclopaedia, free to access, a tribute to the powers of the hive mind, and anyone can edit any page. This makes it a valuable resource in the hands of those who know its limitations, but it has certain vulnerabilities, certain rules, and certain moral codes. It’s even less cool to get your hip young PR agent to anonymously edit your Wikipedia page for you.
Patrick Holford is a self-styled “nutritionist,” and probably the second most famous of the bunch: flattered on ITV last night, starring on GMTV next Wednesday, feted by the media. He writes plausible, reference-laden, sciencey-looking books, and is used as an “authority.” Since anyone can use the title, I am a nutritionist too, so take this as one nutritionist to another, Patrick: You have been the subject of justified public criticism – in my case, with references to back me up – and for a long time.
Holford’s only academic qualification is an undergraduate degree in psychology from York in 1976. He set up the Institute of Optimum Nutrition in 1984, and as the director of his own institute, it must have been a particular honour for Patrick in 1995 to confer his “diploma in nutritional therapy” upon himself. This remains his only qualification in nutrition, since he failed to complete a master’s degree in nutrition from Surrey 20 years ago. There is an awful lot more to be said about Patrick Holford. I have studied his work meticulously, and I can tell you that this is someone who plays very fast and loose indeed with research data: cherry-picking studies, misrepresenting them, or misunderstanding them. If one person writes in to genuinely doubt me, then I will campaign tirelessly to get the space a careful appraisal of his work would require.
So far, I have only published one example of this behaviour, and it was referred to on his Wikipedia page. Alongside the lavish biographical praise, this page had an element of criticism, with a lot of references in nice parentheses:
“In the UK, ‘nutritionist’ is not a title covered by any registered professional body, so some have questioned Patrick Holford’s qualifications and expertise. [1] The accuracy of Holford’s claims re. health and nutrition has also been questioned: for example, Dr Ben Goldacre has responded critically to Holford’s The New Optimum Nutrition Bible. [2] Holford used a non-clinical study where ‘you tip lots of vitamin C on to HIV-infected cells and measure a few things related to HIV replication’ as the basis for his conclusion that ‘AZT, the first prescribable anti-HIV drug, is potentially harmful, and proving less effective than vitamin C.’ [3] [4] For Goldacre, ‘Holford was guilty of at least incompetence in claiming that [this paper] demonstrated vitamin C to be a better treatment [for HIV/AIDs] than AZT’ – ‘[t]he paper doesn’t even contain the word AZT. Not once.’ [5] [6]”
Now, on December 22 all criticism of Holford was deleted by a user called “Clarkeola”. A mystery. Normally, on Wikipedia, people will make modifications to the page and explain why, using the discussion page associated with the entry, especially if the issue is contentious. So who is this user “Clarkeola”? He is obviously keen on Holford, as he has created pages for other Holford projects, including his private clinic (although one was recently deleted by a Wikipedia editor, after the appropriate process, because the subject was not notable enough for an encyclopaedia entry: a common problem when people make their own entries).
And who is Clarkeola? It is not a common username. In fact, it only seems to be used in one other place: a travel website, where the name Clarkeola is used by a man called Stephen Clarke. He lives in Queenstown Road. Amazingly, there is a man called Stephen Clarke who works at Fuel PR, who, in another coincidence, are based in Queenstown Road, and extraordinarily, that Stephen Clarke at Fuel PR does the PR for Patrick Holford, and his Food For The Brain Foundation, and his private clinic. Could they by any chance be related? Indeed they are, and it has now been explained to me that the deletion was a mistake (Holford says what he intended his PR to do was to add a defence of the criticism against him).
Now this isn’t Watergate. But it does show once again how closely celebrity nutritionists try to control brand information – because it’s all they have – and more than that, how wiki autobiographies are a tricky area. Peter Hitchens edits his own Wikipedia page, for example; so does Cory Doctorow, editor of uberblog BoingBoing. I sympathise. There is no excuse for abuse, imbalance, or libel. But Hitchens and Doctorow both edit explicitly, openly, and under their own names, justifying changes, and discussing them. Because Wikipedia is a collaborative project that belongs to us all, and it edges towards accuracy and completeness through goodwill. Not the anonymous accidental deletion of all criticism by PR agents.
“A city at migration breaking point: An unvarnished dispatch from Coventry – which saw over 22,000 arrivals from overseas in a single year – exposes how housing, schools and GPs are being placed under unbearable strain.
The statistics behind the headline figures are compelling. More than one in four Coventry residents were born outside the UK and one in seven (almost 50,000 people) have arrived since 2011.
Coventry, in other words, has been transformed in plain sight down the years.
Mass migration in Coventry (population about 350,000) has had an impact on almost every aspect of life in the city, which is an inconvenient truth many on the Left would rather turn a blind eye to – instead, any discussion is painted as bigoted.
Having spent the past week here, the reality is hard to ignore.
There are GP surgeries under pressure with as many as 3,000 patients per doctor at some – the UK average is roughly 2,300. People who go to A&E can wait 15 hours. There are schools where up to 40 different languages are spoken and temporary ‘bulge classrooms’ set up to take extra pupils.
More than 9,000 households are on the local authority social housing register and ever more green-belt land is being swallowed to alleviate the accommodation crisis.
Multi-culturalism in some areas of Coventry means Afghans, say, living next to Iraqis. In one ward over a quarter of households have no one with English as their mother tongue – which can do little to enhance social cohesion.”
2012 … “Two and a half years ago, the coalition government was formed, and we made a clear promise to the British public. After thirteen years of uncontrolled mass immigration, this government would reduce and control immigration.” – Theresa May 2012
2015 … “Because when immigration is too high (no figure given), when the pace of change is too fast, it’s impossible to build a cohesive society.” – Theresa May 2015
2018 … “Over the years, overall, immigration has been good for the UK. It has brought people with different backgrounds, different outlooks here to the UK,” – Theresa May 2018
green-belt land = concrete = run off water = more climate change
Sounds like another bbc beauty:
Trailer just came on ITV
“The Prince of Wales is set to feature in a new documentary series called Prince William: We Can End Homelessness.
The future King has set his sights on making rough sleeping, sofa surfing and other forms of temporary accommodation a thing of the past with his ambitious initiative called Homewards.
The two-part series will go behind the scenes of the first year of his Homelessness programme and will be broadcast by ITV this autumn.”
Oct 30/31
Last years tweets say its a partnerhip with Shelter (IMHO a Labour Party front group)
> Prince William: We Can End Homelessness.
Has anyone told him the initiative about stopping the boats?
I wonder what the difference is between a ‘Gaza Man’ and a Tel Aviv-based BBC journalist?
Gaza man says Yahya Sinwar was killed in his evacuated house
A Tel Aviv-based BBC journalist has admitted that news in Israel is heavily censored:
“The army has warned all journalists not to spread anything about Hezbollah attacks.
Hezbollah carries out a lot of attacks, but the Israeli army has warned all journalists not to say anything about these missiles and drones, and if we do, it will be considered a crime.”
Are the bbc doing the annual “Must have toys for Xmas” yet ?
I sent them this.
Complete with extensive tunnel system
I just heard Isreal have admitted they put Lithium Zion batteries in those pagers
Countryfile “The increasingly unpredictable weather”
That’s BBC non-science
#GlobalWarming cult bingo
UK weather has always been difficult to predict days ahead
but new tech means 2 day forecasts are pretty good
and 5 day ones reasonable
Abuse after Muslim hikers’ Countryfile appearance
“The reason why we set up Muslim Hikers was so we can create a community where people feel safe, a community where people can thrive… and hike confidently.
Peak District beauty spot sees mass brawl
Sara Sharif suffered 25 unexplained fractures in multiple locations across her body, as well as an “extremely rare” neck injury that a radiologist had never seen before in a child, a court has heard.
A skeletal scan had revealed ten fractures to her spine, as well as ones to her right clavicle, left and right scapular, to her spine and ribs, elbow and hands.
Later in the call to police, Sara’s father was said to have told the operator that Sara had been naughty and that he then beat her up, jurors heard.
“It wasn’t my intention to kill her, but I beat her up too much”, the prosecutor said Mr Sharif went on to tell the operator.