27 Responses to Start the Week 21st October 2024

  1. Northern Voter says:

    Yes double bubble!


    • Scroblene says:

      I want a recount Northers, as I was typing just as you posted! Paaaaah!


      • Scroblene says:

        Juast as an aside, and I promise, I’m off to my bed soon…

        ”A teacher told me not to worry about spelling because in the future, there will be autocorrect, for which I am eternally grapefruit”.


      • BRISSLES says:

        I feel your pain Scrobs ! If all the onlines go pay per view then it’s a pretty expensive hobby for those providing “links”

        Er am I dreaming but where’s your post gone Scrobs that I’m replying to ?? About the press? It’s disappeared or my brandy has had a stupidyfying effect !


        • Scroblene says:

          Here it is Brissles!

          I rather like some of the daily rags having paywalls! The stuff on the Mail has some sort of upturned blue – er – ‘bottom’, telling everyone that they need a ‘subscription’ to read even more rubbish about useless slebs, and crooked politicians, so that’s a no-no!

          The Telegrout is pretty dire these days, so not a go-to for any news, and even the Express says I’ve read 35 articles this month…Wow – all those ads they’ve been chucking about at every turn! The Times is similar, and I can remember buying a copy every day, from that little shop by North Ealing tube station, and paying 6d! (That’s 2.4p in silly money)…

          So what’s it to be then?

          Well, it’s easy isn’t it! Don’t bother! Do what a normal citizen does and completely ignore the press, and most especially, the awful BBC, and the hangers-on like Sky and whatever!

          The real news is elsewhere – like here, and as more citizens are becoming aware, we can see the demise of the dead-tree press and the tax-funded Beeboid dross, and begin acquiring the sort of news and stories which actually matter, and not be concerned about children or rock-apes wanting lies about rather awkward numpties partying!

          And Brissles, your brandy and my Scotch make a perfect pair xxx


          • Deborah says:

            Scrobs, I can get past the DM paywall by pressing Esc at just the right moment on my laptop, but it doesn’t work on Mr D’s computer and I haven’t worked out at all how to do it on the iPad. But I can assure you the stories are never that interesting when I have. It works for the New York Times when searching for obituaries of far distant ‘cousins’ when doing my family tree, so far distant it certainly wouldn’t be worth paying. We still buy the Telegraph on a Saturday for the crossword which is ridiculous, as I can buy a whole book full for not much more but there is very little to read (Charles Moore and Michael Deacon on a Saturday).


  2. Zephir says:



  3. StewGreen says:

    ITV Yorkshire “A Bradford money launderer who fled the country while he was on trial has been jailed”.

    Yasar Hussain, 43, was found guilty of 13 counts of money laundering and one count of conspiracy to pervert the course of justice in December 2012.
    He set up a company to manufacture an energy drink styled on the Duracell battery brand, but he did not have permission to use their intellectual property.
    He had travelled overseas and persuaded four international companies to pay advance fees for the sole distribution rights to the drink in their countries.
    Hussain, formerly of Ashburnam Grove in Manningham, used the money to fund a lavish lifestyle.
    .. traced him to Dubai where he was using a false identity.

    original sentence of 7 years 6 months
    + 6 months for failing to appear in court in 2012
    + 6 months for failing to appear in court for dangerous driving charge from July 2009.


  4. Nibor says:

    The BBC et al now dont differentiate between an actor and an actress .
    What if a actor trans himself from male to female , is it an actor or actress ?
    How are the dressing rooms separated ?


  5. Zephir says:

    Off topic, but, Sunday night down various internet rabbit holes.. what a wonderful place..



    • Deborah says:

      I think I would have been cross too. However I don’t need stupid advice when buying tickets for the BBC proms, the system often crashes by itself, in such a way that I have the major decision of waiting or going out of the site and coming back in again. Usually waiting the problem will resolve itself, but not always. Blood pressure goes through the roof.


  6. Sluff says:

    Not BBC but ITV and an unexpected example of the ‘benefits’ of Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion.

    On Who Wants to be a Millionaire, we had an Indian ancestry contestant.

    For the £200 question, he needed to Ask the Audience to confirm that a ball is used at a Coconut Shy at the fair.
    He affected to be cool and casual and never smiled once.
    When Mr. Clarkson asked him what he might do with his winnings he replied that he wanted to buy some land in India near his parents to make a play area for his kids.

    What is it about the Far Left that regards such an individual as an unalloyed asset to this country?


    • BRISSLES says:

      NHS worker by any chance ? Contrary to popular belief, apart from taxes, they don’t spend any money here – their salary gets sent back “home”. They get discount accommodation on site and eat in the discounted canteen. So unless things have changed since I worked within its walls …..


  7. Sluff says:

    BBC webshite. Lead article. Headline.

    ‘At least 87 killed in strike on northern Gaza, officials say, as UN warns ‘nowhere is safe’’

    But who, pray, are the ‘officials’?
    Why, the Hamas run health ministry of course!

    You’d think BBC verify would be all over this, but since it comes from Hamas it must be true.

    Truly appalling and yet totally unsurprising.


  8. non-licence payer says:

    So is this the week that the Starmer regime implodes? Only a matter of time. Tick Tock.


  9. Flotsam says:

    Anyone thought about Smarmer forgetting he is PM? He has addressed Sunak as “Prime Minister” a number of times at PMQ’s. I have to wonder if it’s a sign of the onset of dementia, it’s very typical of the early stages. Dementia might account for his wooden appearance, it might also account for him failing to realise the significance of all those freebies and the strange decisions he seems to be making.


  10. Lucy Pevensey says:

    Make McDonalds great again.


  11. StewGreen says:

    TR is tweeting that he’s arrived back in the UK and they chose not to arrest him at the border
    However Rebelnews report TideBank have frozen his bank account, thus he cannot pay his lawyers
    On 26th TR is leading a ‘Unite the Kingdom’ rally
    and then is back in court and potentially faces prison time for screening his banned documentary, Silenced.


  12. StewGreen says:

    @elonmusk tweets
    “Good rule of thumb: those who frequently use the word “disinformation” are the ones most likely to be pushing it”

    Well projection is a libmob characteristic

    BTW a Guardian tweet and story equates smacking with Sara Sharif case
    Doh smacking which doesn’t leave a mark is legal
    what happened to Sara was so brutal it falls well within law-breaking


  13. JohnC says:

    Passport of UNRWA teacher ‘found on body of Sinwar’

    To my absolute amazement, the BBC are ignoring this story completely. It is of utmost significance : it points to massive corruption within the UN.

    And what does the guy in charge at the UN say ?. Does he express concern and says they will investigate ?.

    Nope. He says:
    ‘Philippe Lazzarini, UNRWA’s commissioner-general, issued a statement calling it “unchecked information used to discredit” the agency and its staff.’

    What about when it IS checked Philippe ?. I suppose we will never know as this story will be quickly dropped just like all the others about the UN helping Hamas.

    Just incredible. Why is everyone ignoring what the UN has clearly become ?. It has been infested with terrorist supporting anti-semite racists.


  14. StewGreen says:

    Afghan doctor working in the UK has had second thoughts about his tweet
    real despite the autosuggest error “hypocritical oath”



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