200 Responses to Start the Week 21st October 2024

  1. Doublethinker says:

    Trump’s poll numbers are increasing along with his chances of winning. There is nothing legal that the Dems and their Globalist puppet masters can do to stop him. But the threat of prison hangs over so many powerful people , the deep state subversives, that they will be forced to try something.

    Assassination before or after the election will likely put Vance in the WH and fuel the popular calls for a deep investigation into the shenanigans of the last eight years and for severe retribution. Vance would be highly unlikely to ignore those calls from the MAGA base.

    Can the deep state subversives fight the investigation through the courts ? Well this time the Trump/Vance administration will have its own loyal placemen and woman several layers deep throughout the US entire justice system so it’s highly unlikely that they can stonewall and get out the charges.

    I think the game is up. I expect that a lot of the deep state subversives will flee, or become too ill to be tried, or be Arkanscided, or do a plea deal . The likes of the WEF will have loose bowels.

    Globalisation is dying before our eyes , overturned by the votes of ordinary people . I only hope that here in the UK we aren’t fooled into thinking that Kemi or Jenrick are anything but continuity Tories who will take their orders from the WEF et al. We must kick out the entire Uniparty , vote Reform.


  2. king crimson says:

    Meanwhile, on the home page…Hamas tells bbc it will keep new leader’s name secret. I’m sure the ‘secret’ would be safe (!) ….and I’ll bet the IDF and Mossad won’t be relying on the bbc’s help anyway.
    As Fed would say – Keep going IDF.


  3. pugnazious says:

    The show-trial is over and the officer who shot Chris Kaba has been found innocent…..If media organisations like the BBC reported such cases truthfully from the start there never would have been a trial. Kaba was not an ‘innocent’ and he was not ‘unarmed’…he used the car as a weapon….we knew this from the getgo but the BBC ignored it.

    The BBC et al studiously ignored the facts and what was happening on the day and just promoted another ‘unarmed blackman murdered by racist police’ narrative that whips up the anger and fury of the black mob and thus makes it impossible for such a case to be examined and then a conclusion drawn that there was no case to answer…before any prosecution/persecution was put in play. The CPS are pretty well forced into taking an officer to court to appease a mob that is given cover by the BBC.

    The BBC always points the finger at social media and blames it for inciting trouble but in fact it is more often the BBC itself that inflames delicate situations and stokes the fury of the mob and justifies it….whether it is in so many such police v Black situations or Muslim v Jew the BBC is there reporting in an incendiary way.


    • Kinell says:

      The majority of the media will be gutted at the outcome of the trail.


    • Flotsam says:

      There’s just been a discussion on GBNews about the Chris Kaba murder acquittal. Amy Nickell Turner in a series of unbelievably vacuous arguments sought to suggest that the shooting was unjustified and it wouldn’t have happened if Kaba hadn’t been black. She also said that Kaba wasn’t wrong to be using his car as a weapon. Amy Nickell Turner is a true left wing airhead of incredible stupidity.


  4. pugnazious says:

    Soros can buy US elections and indeed many around the world but Musk? How dare he give money to the Republicans!

    The great and the good, not, are all out in arms trying to slam Musk…even our own politicians jump aboard and now decide Twitter is a danger to democracy despite being perfectly happy when it was a left-wing channel that shut out right-wing voices…..and never mind twitter is in fact adding enormously to democracy by giving so many more people some voice. Not something that politicians nor the lefty media want of course. Too much democracy is a danger to democracy.


    • Zephir says:

      And the labour party can attempt to send a hundred of their purple haired, doc Marten, pierced lip rabble over to interfere in a foreign, ostensibly democratic election, and not a murmur from their propoganda arm at the bbc.


    • Guest Who says:

      This seems to have escaped some in the media.

      “There is no way the wheels of justice will suddenly spin so fast they say Musk has broken the law.”
      Are people scared to condemn Musk’s eyebrow-raising $1M-a day giveaway – or do they simply have no faith left in the justice system?

      It’s how Sopes and Strumpet get 10 comments an hour, mostly pointing out facts they have avoided.


  5. Zephir says:



  6. Zephir says:

    Starmer has missed a trick here, with labour backed home improvement grants to get rid of a few more Tory voters that survived the winter and assisted dying attempts:



  7. StewGreen says:

    The world feels a much safer place now that a man has died and won’t be bringing his placard to protests
    that basically says ‘Don’t trust establishment politicians they are in a conspiracy against the public’

    From a Google search it seems no media have quoted the exact words on his placard

    “ALL Corrupt

    ALL ……ing FOR

    I wonder what the last two scratch out words are
    were they blurred cos they are sweary ?
    I find 2 different photos after blurry
    video somewhere will show it before it got blurred


  8. Lucy Pevensey says:

    IDF declassifies information telling the people of Lebanon exactly where they can go get 100’s of millions of dollars in stored Hezbollah gold & cash.. ‘go get it!’ ‘The entrance is located in the El-Mahdi building at Al-Saher Center Hospital’ – Bring a duffle bag!


  9. tomo says:


  10. non-licence payer says:

    A quote from the DT re Chris Hoy:
    “He could have been eligible for a protein specific antigen (PSA) test because of his increased risk of prostate cancer, which affected both his father and grandfather.
    But NHS rules mean a patient has to ask for the test and a GP cannot proactively offer it, and these “dangerously outdated” guidelines require a patient to know it exists in the first place.”

    Hardly surprising and our trusted national broadcaster sets the environment for these third rate sexist NHS decisions.

    It is time to ditch Gramsci and the bBC.


    • Fedup2 says:

      Having been on the receiving end of the nhs gp refusing me a test because it is ‘unreliable ‘ I have no doubt that the nhs wants to kill men over 60 . I complained – i got no where – the GP proactive now has me marked as ‘enemy ‘ in the same way 77 brigade does I went private – my numbers were ‘normal ‘ but my older brother needed surgery for prostate cancer .
      It’s one of the many reasons I despise the medical mafia and in extremis would de struct the NHS and sell it off ….
      A lousy PSA test is about £50 …

      As for Chris hoy – I really don’t want to hear the next 2 – 4 Years of the ‘wonderful treatment ‘ he is getting from the NHS – I’ve been on the receiving end of ‘end of life care ‘ and see that they couldn’t give a damn – nor could hospices unless they got money ….. particularly at weekends and Christmas …

      As moderator I can’t use industrial language but jeez do those c words deserve it . `F ….


  11. Eddy Booth says:

    “Why an Australian senator heckled King Charles”


    Doesn’t look much like an aborigine to me.
    She couldn’t have heckled him as he’d already finished speaking…. she shouted abuse.

    ‘…he’s not my king, he’s not sovereign,”
    Thorpe told the BBC after being removed from the Great Hall after heckling.
    “To be sovereign you have to be of this land. He’s not of this land.” ‘

    Last time sovereign citizens was mentioned by bbc :
    13 October

    “Suspect possibly a member of far-right group Sovereign Citizens
    Suspect Vem Miller told authorities he was a member of the far-right group called Sovereign Citizens, sheriff Bianco says.”

    If it’s good enough for the goose…


  12. StewGreen says:

    When one of the GBnews crazy lefty panelists starts speaking, my screen flashes up

    eg Benjamin Butterworth just now



  13. Eddy Booth says:

    Peter Lynch should never had pled guilty.
    Basic idea of doing so is by saving the state the effort of proving it, you get a third reduction in the sentence you would have got, if you’d pleaded innocent and then been found guilty.

    But he got a massive 2 years 8 months anyway.
    So he was looking at 4 years before the reduction?
    He got stitched up.

    Sure they would have unfairly kept him on remand anyway, probably in the exact same prison,
    But it’d make his death more embarrassing for them.


    • Lucy Pevensey says:

      It makes me feel sick. You can see in the mugshot the man was afraid. Peter Lynch wasn’t a criminal. He was murdered by the regime. We have underestimated our enemy for too long.

      A quote borrowed from fiction (The Terminator)

      “Listen and understand. That the terminator is out there, it can’t be bargained with, it can’t be reasoned with. It doesn’t feel pity or remorse or fear. And it absolutely will not stop, ever. Until you are dead.”


  14. Guest Who says:

    Fascinating thread.

    I still can’t get over this. Not in an emo way. Just like… how can you be a journalist who blocks “the other side”?

    In other news, Ch4 have teamed up with Hate No Hopers on some doco, proudly advertised but replies restricted.

    The bubble really is a fetid little blossom.


  15. Lucy Pevensey says:


  16. Nibor says:


    What a country! What do the foreign drivers think ?

    Why seven hours ? Forget The Powers That Be excuses , it’s because we employ the wrong people with huge wages in this country ( someone on this site says MPs aren’t paid enough ) .

    Abroad let’s say in Turkey they employ semi retired blokes in long white coats and peaked caps on nearly every street and main road junctions to direct the traffic about and tell where to park .
    Bossy yes , but it works . If you want to park your car is safe and everyone gets to proceed in traffic jam areas in a fair manner . No stress .

    Here we get overhead gantry signs telling you there’s a queue and don’t do over 40/50/60 while you sit for twelve minutes then move forward at 10 mph for twelve seconds and fifty yards .

    But we do have Diversity officers and equality managers at £180 000 a year to be bossy .


  17. Eddy Booth says:

    “Man arrested in dog walker murder case”


    “Ms Rose left her home with her dog at about 05:00 BST on 24 July and was discovered unconscious by a cyclist at 06:25 near the Anglian Water sewage works and railway line off Rectory Lane.”

    Seem to be more and more of these type of stories.
    Best guess is the huge increase in homelessness + bored
    dog walkers crawling around at stupid hours – their aggressive animals disturbing the rough sleepers and it all kicks off.
    Police arresting anyone in sight.


  18. StewGreen says:

    Why when I put “Rotherham” “arrests” into the YouTube search box does it first serve up videos of the hooliganish protest outside an asylum seeker hotel
    and then serve up videos of other hooliganish protests in other arts of the country which have no xonnection to Rotherham except that they were both connected to protests about the government covering up details of the Southport stabber ?

    Like since over the years hundreds of Rotherham men have been arrested on grooming/child-raping gang offences I would expect some videos about them


  19. StewGreen says:

    I’m looking at long form videos of the Rotherham asylum seeker protest
    #1 Peter Lynch hardly seems the lynchpin
    There seems to be thousand plus people there against asylum seeker hotels
    and a few hundred counter protesters …Guardian, type posh people with their token non white “friends”
    The video is a sea of these preprinted signs


    #2 Look at them
    “Socialist Worker
    and RACISM
    “by any means necessary”
    clenched fist symbol

    FFS “smash” implies violence
    adding a clenched fist and “by any means necessary”
    show that the post ENDORSES and INCITES violence … surely ??

    and it’s also a nasty trick of smear labelling their political opponents as FASCIST , when thy are not


    • StewGreen says:

      Dozens of people on Twitter have made the same point that the signs seem to be violence supporting and inciteful

      Look how they also appear at anti Israel marches



      • StewGreen says:

        “Making sure that you get what you want by any means,
        even by exerting power and brute force on those who oppose you,

        … is quite literally the definition of fascism! “


  20. StewGreen says:

    A “Stand Up To Racism” rally outside Reform’s office in London, wasa sea of the same signs
    FFS labelling a legal group of people “fascist”
    just so you can belittle them and have everything the way you want

    Another sea of preprinted signs

    BBC promote https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GUaH_y6XIAAe0P0?format=jpg&name=small


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