336 Responses to Start the Week 21st October 2024

  1. Zephir says:

    “Just six days before his death, Mr Kaba brazenly gunned down a rival in the middle of a crowded nightclub during a bloody feud for control of a profitable county lines drug network.

    Had he not been killed, Mr Kaba would have stood trial at the Old Bailey for the attempted murder of Mr Malutshi who miraculously survived the nightclub shooting on August 30, 2022.

    In a shocking attack captured on CCTV, the gangster started blasting at Brandon Malutshi chasing him outside the Oval Space Club in Hackney, with one of the bullets hitting him in the leg.”


  2. Fedup2 says:

    BBC news is including the ‘fact ‘ that the dead gangster was ‘unarmed ‘ still running the implication that he was wrongfully shot . In the 1pm the presenter couldn’t wait to take the side of the coloured folk – the third world imports bring violent third world ways …


  3. MarkyMark says:


    The scale of need is overwhelming
    food logo
    2.1 million
    people – almost the entire population of Gaza – do not have enough to eat

    UK Aid match logo
    UK Aid Match
    The UK Government will match pound-for-pound up to £10 million donated by the public to this appeal



  4. Lazy Cat says:

    This Kabba fellow was into his ‘drill rap’. Whatever that is.

    Rap music is all very strange to me.

    Tracks 1 and 2 of a typical ‘rap’ album will feature ‘songs’ about killing cops, being a pimp, having sex with prostitutes, dealing drugs, doing drugs, looting and rioting and killing rival gang members in drive by shootings.

    Track 3 will be a ‘song’ about how the police often harass and stop them for being black and for no other reasons at all.

    I mean…is it just me?


  5. vlad says:

    The Archbish of Cunterbury loves nothing more than abasing himself in the most obsequious way possible (except of course to his own traditionalist flock whom he despises). The old queen’s at it again, this time in Jamaica.
    The BBC loves nothing more than banging on about slavery.
    Verily, a match made in hell.
    “Archbishop Welby reveals slave owner ancestor”

    One can understand why Nietzsche despised Christianity, which he said promoted a “slave morality”.
    There does exist a more manly and muscular strain of Christianity, but you have to look hard for it.
    None of which matters as the C of E will soon be defunct and replaced by Islam.
    Now THERE’S a muscular religion.



    • MarkyMark says:

      Archbishop of Canterbury IS ISLAMOPHOBIC! HA HA HAHA! Inshallah!

      Archbishop of Canterbury says Islamic rules are incompatible with Britain’s laws which have Christian values
      Justin Welby said Sharia law should never become part of the UK legal system
      His predecessor Lord Williams had said Sharia law could be incorporated
      Welby said British law had ‘values and assumptions’ rooted in Christian traditions



    • Lucy Pevensey says:

      The biggest reason for that is that most of the established Churches have preached a love ONLY gospel for too long. Jesus Christ is not one dimensional. “This Gospel of The Kingdom” (The whole integrated message) is rarely heard.

      They have presented the lamb but forgotten the lion. The suffering servant is remembered while the deliverer of God’s vengeance is overlooked.

      2000 years ago the religious establishment were looking for the lion only. They missed the lamb. Today they present the lamb only and might not even recognise The Lion of Judah in his glory.

      The god of Islam and all of it’s vile religious rituals have one fate, Under Jesus’ feet. There cannot be a merging of “faiths” The Christian message to Muslims is – “Repent!” Islam is a sin not a thing to be praised. We need not even tolerate it among us.

      Sorry to the late Queen but the royal Christmas messages have been false for years now. The Archbishop should have used his office to at least attempt to correct her.


  6. MarkyMark says:

    Comedy GOLD … “One convicted armed kidnapper, out early today, cheered “Big up Keir Starmer! I’m delighted… can’t believe they’re letting me out this soon,” as he posed in his shiny new £150,000 Bentley. Starmer’s response is to now condemn his own policy, claiming he “shares the public anger” over the early releases. You couldn’t make it up…”



    • Lazy Cat says:

      150k Bentleys and no jail for armed kidnapping? 3 years for quickly deleted hurty words on Facebook?

      Crime does pay then. Proper crime anyway, it seems.


  7. Fedup2 says:

    It’s encouraging that the red party is continuing its pattern of incompetence – even after comrade sue gray – and no learning from allowing those out quickly re offending – but who cares about the British – ? Certainly not TTK …


    • Lazy Cat says:

      You’re right.

      On a similar theme, I saw a bit of Kamala’s appearance of Fox News.

      It was a disaster for her. She came across really poorly and as a bit of a dumbass who avoided answering questions, by just going on (and on) about Trump.

      At the end, she was asked why she hadn’t mentioned her policies during the chat. She then told viewers to go to wwwdot her name or whatever to see 80 pages of her policies.

      Just by chance, I then watched the great Norm Macdonald in his last performance (filmed at his home during Covid I think). Filmed in 2020 or 2021.

      In it, he took the mickey out of politicians who, after being asked to tell the public what they stand for ,tell everyone to go to ‘wwwdot their name dot com’ to read 50 pages of their policies.

      He said something like “Yeah. I’m not reading 50 pages of anything. Especially that. Because…you know…ahh…I only got one life. You know.”

      And then, Kamala actually does this (but worse…hers was 80 pages).

      Thick as fuck.


  8. MarkyMark says:

    BBC have found the 22 billion black hole plug! YEAH!

    UK borrowing rises ahead of Budget
    BBC tours hospital Israel says sits above millions in Hezbollah gold.



  9. Emmanuel Goldstein says:

    Being a nurse or a teacher must be the most dangerous jobs in Lebanon and Gaza.


  10. Althepalerp says:

    So according the the BBC, government income is £1139B but spending is £1226B.
    Difference of £87B
    Debt interest is £109B
    Therefore if country didn’t have debt it would have an extra £22B to spend on public services.

    Why cant the MSM start talking about this?



  11. vlad says:

    Poor Black Broadcasting Corporation. They were hoping for another George Floyd moment with Chris Kaba, instead of which the police officer has been exonerated of any wrong doing.

    Better luck next time, Beeb; plenty more violent gangstas where he came from.


  12. Fedup2 says:

    BBC playing nice that the prime minister ? Of India has chosen to go to the putin party rather than the Charles Windsor one .

    Can you blame him ? All that cheap oil his country will be getting ….

    Not a triumph for the red foreign secretary – I bet the BRICS guys have got some really good Lammy Gags …


  13. Zephir says:



  14. Lucy Pevensey says:


  15. vlad says:

    The BBC has squirrelled away in Local News (South Yorkshire) the story of Peter Lynch’s death.

    If he’d been brown or black it would have been front page news.

    Such utter contempt for the white working class.


  16. Lucy Pevensey says:

    Things keep getting weirder and weirder.


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