As if we didn’t already know, British law is perverted…
Regarding Judge Jeremy Richardson, the man who sentenced the patriotic grandfather, Peter Lynch, to two years and eight months.
Lynch’s “crime” was essentially shouting abuse at police officers after the horrendous murder of the three kids in Southport. Remember this “offence” happened in Rotherham, where the Muslim rape gangs have been running rampant, but have been protected by the police, the Labour Party and the media for generations. I’ve no doubt Peter Lynch’s “blood was up.” Who could blame him? Not I…
On the other hand, this same judge was in a rather more caring and sympathetic mood when he spared a predatory paedophile from going to prison after the culprit had been found guilty of stalking two schoolgirls aged just thirteen and also assaulting a disabled woman. “It would be cruel to send you to prison, you couldn’t cope.”
So essentially, the paedo gets off scot free and the worried grandfather is sent into a Muzzie dominated nick where he “takes his own life.” Everybody knew his life would be made hell. Didn’t that gloating creep from Sky News say as much?
Not only are our judiciary doing their level best not to send paedos to prison, even when they are there, Keir Starmer is now releasing them, FFS…
Is it any wonder that people are taking the law into their own hands?
One day after the BBC race-baiters stirred it up over the acquittal of the cop over the killing of Chris Kaba it is revealed that he was a key member of one of London’s most notorious criminal gangs, and shot someone in a nightclub only days before.. The car he was driving, an Audi. Q8 (how many can afford one of those btw) was linked to three other firearm offences. It is revealed the Kaba family did not want the judge to order the release of the above information. The BBC main news reported this.
But back on BBC Londonistan, the tone is different. They are still backing Kaba to the hilt. ‘Justice for Chris’, vigils, and sorrowful coverage of the Kaba family members are all given top billing. . Maxing out on the BAME victimhood narrative.
A total disgrace from the pro BAME far from impartial disgraceful BBC.
If any of his fellow gang members committed similar crimes to the ‘aspiring architect’ (the Guardian got pranked there I reckon), then it’s just a shame that the cops didn’t ventilate them too.
Following on from the previous thread and the Guardian report about the Kaba death from 2022, the paper reports about ‘community pressure’ which generated the suspension and presumably the prosecution. The CPS would have been in full knowledge of the facts behind the case. The evidence which was withheld until after the case suggests that the CPS were not logical in their decision to prosecute. However potentially there is an unpalatable logic. If the new evidence is correct, then those applying the ‘public pressure’ have had their day in court and lost and the CPS are working on the basis that the legal action avoids another George Floyd moment. It of course traduces the rights of the policeman who should not stand the mental effort of a show trial, albeit he is not on show. Hardly a healthy sign for society but then that is where we are.
Any apologies for the standard third rate emotional reporting by the Guardian – I doubt it.
“Last week Chris Kaba, a 24-year-old aspiring architect and soon-to-be father, was shot dead by Metropolitan police officers in Streatham, south London. On Monday it was announced that the officer who fired at Chris Kaba – who was unarmed – had been suspended from duty. While the suspension is welcome, the fact that it took a full week after the incident and was as a result of public pressure, only gives more weight to the community’s concerns.”
Meanwhile no doubt the number of new fire arms recruits will go down, as who wants the stress of discharging a gun then told you’re suspended for doing so. Not worth the hassle mate ! So we end up being protected by the kids version of Obi Kanobi’s light laser or a water pistol, a few dustbin lids and very overweight coppers ! Doesn’t inspire confidence does it.
After watching everything they have done, my opinion of BLM now is that they are about 25% ‘decent’ people who want to stop racism in the places where it is a real issue and 75% anti-white racist thugs.
Note how much they have been dropped by the MSM theses days since they finally cottoned on that they were supporting a racist organisation.
They took so long because it suited them to support them due to their own leftist ant-right,anti-white agenda. In other words they were being complete hypocrites. A description which fits TTK right down to the ground.
You join us on a morning when Labour confirms its status as trades union for the public sector – mainly focused on improving the benefits accruing to the upper reaches of said public sector of course
Public sector to be spared from budget tax raid on pensions… whereas private sector staff face lower wages and less money in retirement… The chancellor is expected to announce plans to impose national insurance on employers’ pension contributions… However the Treasury will reinburse public sector employers… This will cost the government an estimated £5 billion and means that the tax will fall entirely on businesses and, ultimately, private sector workers (Times)
In other words – two-tier Sir Keir’s two-tier tax system
The left-leaning junior pound shop Guardian that is the ‘i’ newpaper exhibits a severe case of that common mental block that can’t figure out that 70 million people suddenly taking to the khazi has put somewhat of a strain on our national sewage system: Sewage action, at last: toothless water watchdog faces axe in new Labour plan… Environment Secretary pays tribute to readers and i’s ‘tireless campaigning for clean rivers’ (‘i’)
New New Labour new plan?
One can’t help but recall TV comedy’s Blackadder and his dopey sidekick Baldrick – he of the cunning plans….
Ministers consider non-profit water firms… could be banned from making profits (Guardian)
Nationalisation ruled out as Government says it wants to attract private investment into sector (‘i’)
How’s that going to work then? Private firms are supposed to ‘invest’ in a non-profit enterprise? There’s some magical thinking going on there.
AISI – if the Labour Party are minded to enhance the apartheid nature of our existing pension system, then TTK will have to explain why he is personally exempted from UK pensions tax by an Act of Parliament. Let them eat cake.
The ULTIMATE in leftist projection from the fake President:
‘He repeated his attack that Trump is a threat to democracy, saying he wants “to eliminate, actually physically eliminate, shoot, kill, someone who he believes to be a threat to him”.’
Perhaps a ‘without providing any evidence’ would fit here BBC – though I’ve never known you use it against the Left. All the evidence I have seen points to the exact opposite.
‘Biden then continued: “I know this sounds bizarre. I know if I said this five years ago you’d lock me up. We gotta lock him up.””
After a pause, he added, “politically lock him up”.’
Unfortunately the BBC don’t distinguish between the two types of locking up. The inference is that ‘Political Locking-Up’ is OK’. That would be just jailing him without any charge I presume.
Just imagine how differently these far-Left cretins would have written that article if it was Trump saying it about Joe or the cackling idiot.
Lost due to thread change, but significant I think. Labour party to be sued for electoral interference :
Well, how embarrassing for a “British Government” and, of course the British people, under it’s socialist iron fist:
“Donald Trump files complaint against Labour Party over ‘blatant foreign interference’ in the US election.
Donald Trump put his relationship with Sir Keir Starmer under strain last night after accusing the ‘far-left’ Labour Party of ‘blatant foreign interference’ in the US election. Lawyers for the Republican presidential candidate have filed a complaint to the Federal Election Commission, accusing Labour of making ‘illegal foreign campaign contributions’ which was ‘accepted’ by Kamala Harris’s campaign.
The comments come weeks after Mr Trump and Sir Keir held a two-hour dinner in New York, after which the former president said the Prime Minister was ‘very popular’.
Mr Trump’s camp cited a now-deleted post on LinkedIn by Sofia Patel, Labour’s head of operations, which said 100 current and former staffers were going to be volunteering in battleground states such as North Carolina and Nevada.
Rules about foreigners working in US elections are strict and state that they must volunteer and cannot receive any payment.
Richard Grenell, former US Acting Director of National Intelligence and former ambassador to Germany under Trump, told Newsnight last night: ‘We don’t want to have any foreign interference in our elections… so I think this is a pretty open and shut case: don’t interfere in the American elections and you won’t be sued.”
Elon Musk, the Tesla and X billionaire who has endorsed Mr Trump, said: ‘This is illegal.’ ”
I seem to recall that accomodation would be provided, which to me seems to be a payment ? and probably travel costs too….
AISI – now got to the water industry. AMP 8, which is designed to rectify the under investment in sewage, will implode if there is a whiff of re-nationalisation. In that event, by the end of this Parliament sewage discharges into rivers will be higher than at the start. Ed Davey can get his paddleboard out again.
Astonishing that all those most keen on supporting the invaders give no thought to where all the extra water is going to come from, and more worryingly when it has been used-up, where it will go to.
bBC Verify to do a program on these deranged fantasists?
There will be African and Pakistani bands getting together and recording a single then a big concert in Karachi with the cream of internationally famous islamic bands playing, and enough money raised to send some of those Argos plastic paddling pools over here to help.
Delicious: Trump accuses Labour of blatant election interference. Hopefully, Starmer will be jailed for it now that he’s made all that space in his jails for political prisoners.
lol – someone says he MIGHT move somewhere in 10 years and the BBC make it headline news.
Because he is black and the BBC are racists.
I notice how they never followed up on all the luvvie pledges about what they would do if we voted to leave the EU or if Trump got elected. That’s because they are all the most monumental of hypocrites and live in a bizarre unnatural bubble where lying to virtue-signal for attention is quite normal.
He’s proposing to move to help the African film industry. Has anyone watched a Nigerian film ? Hilarious. The acting is so appalling it’s actually entertaining.
In the 20th century, the Jamaican political activist and black nationalist Marcus Garvey, members of the Rastafari movement, and other African Americans supported the concept, but few actually left the United States.
I’ll bet that Tesco’s would never have believed the popularity of their expression: “Every little helps”. The BBC’s moto insofar as promoting The Cackler in the US is concerned. Blipped on Toady at about 0810 this morning only to insert my ears into a succession of Smith interviewees all supporting …….you guessed. Off immediately.
Expect blatant wall-to-wall support for the US Division of the Communist Party before the election.
A prime example of why Farage would be mistaken to call for proportional representation
Soft right & leftists will always tend to gang up together against proper conservatives
Austria far right shunned for coalition despite winning election… – despite the fact that the far-right Freedom Party won the general election last month. (Our BBC with a fine example of the journalistic ‘despite’)
As the BBC throws a bit shade: The anti-immigrant, Russia-friendly Freedom Party came top in the election in September with almost 29% of the vote and its leader, Herbert Kickl, said he should lead the next government.
“The parliamentary election on 29 September is not a race in which the party that crosses the finish line first automatically gets to form the government,” the 80-year-old president said in a televised address.
“If a party wants to govern alone, it must clear the 50% hurdle. It is not sufficient to reach 10, 20 or 30%.”
After a period of time, PR results in a political ‘Mush’ (like peas) as they all form coalitions in the pecking order. Result? Indecision and control by vested interests.
Proportional Representation should be used for the House of Lords , making it a lower chamber under a different name .
UKIP and the Brexit party did well under PR .
Monumental levels of presumption from the twerps in Labour – if it’s even them that are behind it – which I actually doubt – be morelike Cheltenham and/or Vauxhall Cross ….
Does make one wonder what labour can teach the democrats about elections . I thought it more like learning how to fix them from the Obama gang – and cover up the evidence
– particularly since labour didn’t ’win ‘ the election. – it was just a refusal by conservatives to vote for a red Tory gang .
I did not switch off the car radio this morning and I witnessed the comment followed by the interview with Steve Reed (sp?) re the Labour Party in the US.
Aside from the deleted social media post the obvious elephant in the room were the historic comments of the Foreign Secretary about Trump being a nazi etc etc.
Not one mention of this small issue. It was also an obvious question to ask Mr Reed but no, nothing to see here.
Do the bBC think that by fitting the facts to the narrative by omission Trump will act differently. Of course he will not. Narrative never put a loaf of bread on the table and the British need to learn this very quickly.
I sincerely hope this lot are never, ever elected again for generations
“Public sector workers’ golden pension pots ‘will be spared’ Chancellor’s £15BILLION national insurance raid in Budget – leaving private sector firms and staff to bear the whole burden.
Chancellor Rachel Reeves is planning a huge move to impose NICs on employers’ contributions to retirement funds in the crucial package next Wednesday – despite complaints it is a ‘straightforward breach’ of Labour’s manifesto.
However, it the burden will seemingly be borne entirely by the private sector, with Ms Reeves pumping an extra £5billion into NHS and other budgets to avoid cuts to headcount or wages.
State workers still have pension incomes guaranteed to be a proportion of their salaries and index-linked – something that has almost entirely disappeared elsewhere in the economy. ”
TTK has announced he is “really angry” for releasing loads of prisoners early due to overfilled prisons.
After his juvenile, spiteful banging up of people for protesting this reveals what a shallow character this man really is with this pathetic attempt to gloss over yet another appalling clanger,
BBC late to the party again: “Is the system letting down people who were harmed by Covid vaccines?”
They are pushing the line that — despite increasing numbers of emerging injuries — the Oxford/AZ vaccine saved 6m lives in its first year. This number comes from data company Airfinity, who have based it on an Imperial College study. Imperial’s dreadful predictive modelling at the start of Covid was contradicted by empirical evidence. It was also full of bugs and non-replicable output, and was only released for public scrutiny after Microsoft software engineers tried to clean it up.
The BBC health editor now says “there is nothing in life that is free of risk. That includes vaccines.” Remind me again who the conspiracy theorists are? Astonishing whitewashing of the last 4yrs by the BBC.
2024 … According to the Mann legal team’s statement, the four-week jury trial in the District of Columbia superior court resulted in punitive damages of $1,000 against Simberg and $1,000,000 against Steyn.
“I hope this verdict sends a message that falsely attacking climate scientists is not protected speech,” Mann said.
Atlas – in some states he’d have been allowed to shoot her – but looks like she went to feed the cats … wonder if it was set up … somehow I think not …
I’d have said, “I’m voting for him purely to annoy stupid cu..ts like you. No other reason. I just hope it gives the likes of you a massive heart attack if he wins. Now get the f..k off my porch before I set the dogs on you.”
We , well at least I, tend to regard the TDS label as just a put down , a swipe, at people who we think hold unjustifiable and silly political views. We may be underestimating the reality and seriousness and impact of the illness on those we apply the label to.
There is piece on the Neil Oliver show when he is interviewing an American political commentator , seemingly one of the very few neutral and objective ones that are left, who is genuinely worried about TDS sufferers.
He know plenty of them and says that they cannot be reasoned with or calmed down and that many are in such a state that when Trump wins they are capable of anything.( I supposed that he meant assassination attempts or self immolation outside the WH , or murdering their whole family because they can’t live in a Trumpian hell)
Somehow the media barrage of the last eight years has given them serious mental issues, they are genuinely deranged. Basically he worries that post election there maybe hundreds, thousands of these lunatics roaming American streets.
I suppose that if you are subjected to day after day of exposure to the Trump bashing on the media you are brainwashed by it.
Two things today, I learned from the blatantly biased black bbc via teletext.
1. The powers that be are going to trial, in 6 countries, a vaccine to prevent Norovirus. Supposedly to prevent the anychess from being over run by the shitters and vomiters that can’t or won’t wash their hands after going to the toilet. It will be initially aimed at the over 60’s. Can any one think where this has been used before?
2.This Kaba crap. According,again to the teletext the verdict hasselt the black community traumatised! A youth worker called Anthony King, who runs a crime reduction organisation in Croydon, says “What hit me the most is the public decision that was done(sic) now there a processing that has to take place”
Anthony, whatever you are doing is obviously not working. Get a proper job!
The Lords Commissioner has completed an investigation into Lord Alli’s potential breaches of conduct. It concludes there are four breaches:
“Finally, while I consider each individual breach of the Code to be minor, I have found there to be four breaches in total, and have therefore recommended that Lord Alli write a letter of apology to the Chair of the Conduct Committee, Baroness Manningham-Buller.”
Lord Alli’s apology:
“I am writing to you today to offer my apology for my breach of conduct by not registering my interests correctly. I will endeavour to keep to the Code of Conduct at all times to avoid such circumstances again.”
Comment : “And so he’s apologised, that’s ok then. Move along now.”
Lord Alli explained to me the nature of his shareholding in Silvergate BPBidco Limited. He said that since 9 December 2019 he no longer derivedany financial benefit from the shareholding, having passed beneficial andeconomic ownership to another entity. As a result, he did not exercise anyday-to-day control over or take decisions on the business. However, LordAlli told me that in December 2019, as a transitionary step, he “remainedas director and 51% shareholder in Silvergate BP Bidco Limited”. Lord Alliresigned as a director on 4 December 2023, as recorded in his entry in theRegister of Lords’ Interests
Even pundits on right-wing channels like TalkTV and GB News seem to feel obliged to preface or qualify their comments about Chris Kaba with statements like: “Of course it’s tragic that he died, but…”
Unbelievably, the BBC are still running an ‘article’ very sympathetic to the gangster thug, headlined:
“Kaba case traumatising, say black community leaders”
“Black communities in south London are really traumatised and feel they have been denied justice after a police officer was cleared of murdering Chris Kaba, community leaders have said.”
No doubt the black ‘community’ were hoping for another George Floyd / BLM phenomenon, leading to mass Burning, Looting and Murder, with a lucky few creaming off donations to enrich themselves.
Sorry guys, it ain’t gonna happen. The well of white guilt is running dry. Try Welby, he might give you some of that reparations money he’s stolen from the Church.
I wonder how the locals will feel about loads of our Labour people going over to the USA to tell them to vote for Cackling Rosie.
Does the USA want to be like us?
Highest energy costs.
Rubbish pensions.
Political prisoners.
Painfully woke.
Two tier everything.
Scared of the UN and every law we get from them.
Highest taxes since (when? …1066 or whenever)
Painfully PC and DIE (or is it DEI, this diversity environment inclusion crap)
Painfully far left government.
Bent politicians, law and order.
Crap nhs
Crap dentist system.
I could probably fill the page but you get what I mean, we’re hopeless at just about everything.
Will the Americans say “Yes, that’s what we want, I’m voting Rosie” when our lefties knock on their doors.
Trump makes legal complaint over Labour’s ‘blatant foreign interference’ in US election Republicans claim activists sent to US is ‘foreign interference’ but Starmer denies row will damage relations with former president
Imagine if our PM was extradited and tried in the US. That would be a happy day. Apologies I know this info has already been posted but this would be so good if it targeted Starmer.
As the government calls for the Kaba Judgement to be respected the BBC puts this on the frontpage…
‘Chris Kaba verdict has left people traumatised, black community leaders say’
Why is the BBC still giving credibilty and airtime to race grfiters intent on stirring up trouble? It’s a headline that clearly indicates that the judgement is somehow unacceptable and illegitimate.
The BBC feeds the anger and disorder and division when it should be calling out these people rather than giving them a platform for their hate speech.
And it was notable that Mark Easton today claimed that ‘from the start it looked like a case where an unarmed black man was killed by a white police officer.’
No….from the start it was apparent what happened…there were eyewitnesses who stated clearly that Kaba refused to stop, rammed the police and was subsequently shot….using the car [which we knew then had been flagged as used in a firearms event days before] as a weapon….and on top of that Kaba’s criminal history was available for all to see…the Telegraph published it the day after the shooting….it is not a ‘new revelation’ as the BBC pronounced yesterday that Kaba was a dangerous gangster.
Mark Easton is distinguishing himself today as he also claims that ‘significant numbers, if a minority, of people suffered harm from covid vaccinations’…
…and that they had ‘struggled to be heard, they did not have a voice.’
Well no, because the BBC et all mounted a very hostile and aggressive campaign to shut them up by demonising the discrediting them.
No good coming along now and saying ‘how shocking’ that people were so badly effected’ when previously they’d been saying it was all a lie, a mad conspiracy theory…even as one of their own, Lisa Shaw, died due to a covid vaccination.
BBC headline today…
‘Is the system letting down people who were harmed by Covid vaccines?’
If the BBC is part of that ‘system’ then the answer is yes.
Today I sent a postcard of support to Reiner Fuellmich the German lawyer who opposed the covid totalitarian measures right from the beginning. He is experiencing very cruel and unusual punishment and has been locked up in solitary for over a year so far without knowing what he is charged with:
I was thinking about something similar yesterday. Because of Peter Lynch, I was wondering if it was possible to find the names of the other protesters who were fast-tracked into prison.
I have no idea where to begin to look. The names and the prisons where they are being held so that we could write to them for moral support. It would be little comfort to them I’m sure, just a small gesture to let them know they are not forgotten.
Atlas and Lucy,
Excellent idea . I would like to join in if the names and prison addresses or family homes can be found. Crowd funding for Christmas present for any dependants may also be possible.
It would also cock a snook at the totalitarian government and show resistance was growing.
But a South African pumping in millions to Trump so he can deregulate any limits on his businesses, and the daily bribery of voters to sign up to his schemes, all fine. And as for wholesale Russian interference …. Really not a problem.
This human stain is now restored to BBC QT duty.
Verify free.
Musk is a naturalized American citizen; if someone implied a foreign-born Labour MP like Afzal Khan was really just “Pakistani” you would probably report them to the police for hate speech.
Waiting with a friend at hospital for an oncology appointment and injections ( enough said). Said friend paid 37 years of NI contributions and waited 3 months to see the consultant.
An elderly patient, male, BAME, , possibly Pakistan heritage, blind, with a white stick and unable to speak English, came along the corridor, guided by a friend/ relative and a nurse.y
Now call me callous and racist but I’d love to know why this person is here and what he has contributed to the British economy. Apart obviously from giving the Far Left a huge orgasm.
Piers Morgan to Sadiq Khan: Where Are The 400 Known Jihadists In London?
Posted By Tim Hains
On Date June 7, 2017
Mayor of London Sadiq Kahn said that there are more than 200 known “jihadists” loose in the city who have returned from Syria, in an interview with Piers Morgan on Wednesday’s edition of ‘Good Morning Britain.’
PIERS MORGAN: Where are they?
CO-HOST: How can you let people back into the UK who have actually fought, potentially against our troops, how are we letting them back in without knowing exactly where they are and what they’re up to?
MAYOR SADIQ KHAN: THat’s why it doesn’t make sense to be cutting resources–
CO-HOST: But you’re the mayor!
KHAN: I can’t follow 400 people.
MORGAN: Why can’t you?
KHAN: We need resources for the police and the experts.
MORGAN: Why can’t instruct the police right now and say every one of those people who have come back from a warzone who are in London, I want them followed.
KHAN: The Met Police budget… comes from the central government, and has been shrunk and reduced…
PIERS MORGAN: What could be a bigger priority than people coming back from a Syrian battlefield with the intent to harm British citizens? Why’s it not the number one priority? Why are these people allowed to just come back in in the first place and then the London mayor does not have a clue to where any of them are?
No disrespect to you but where are they?
Related Topics: PIERS MORGAN, Sadiq Khan, London, Terrorism, War On Terror
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This afternoon in the supermarket I came across two incredibly obese women, using the trollies as walking sticks. They were wearing identical clothes. Weird.
Then I thought about the billions about to be spent by the anychess and hence by the taxpayer on anti obesity injections. Someone has been chastised btw for daring to suggest this might force some people back to work and hence such treatment is economic not purely healthcare. Cretinous lefties. But I digress.
Because think of the dieting industry. Low cal food. Dieting clubs. Slimming World, Weightwatchers. All private businesses existing on their own supply/demand, success/ fail criteria. And about to be put out of business, and people put out of jobs, by state sponsored and taxpayer funded NHS bought drugs.
If that is not unfair competition, I don’t know what is.
I was with two friends today drinking coffee. Both have votes in the vote for a new leader. We were bewailing the state of the UK when one added ‘yes, and the state of the world if Trump gets a second term’. I was open mouthed, as the other immediately agreed. How to approach a response. My answer was to suggest that however bad, he was still better than Kamala.
I never watch the BBC. This constant hate of Trump, I could believe there might be subliminal messaging on the BBC. Otherwise where does this group think come from?
I experience the same Debs. The vitriol against Trump I find unprecedented; particularly amongst my own age group. Once I start offering another perception it’s then I realised how (and it grieves me to say this) how dense and one dimensional thinking my mates have.
Debs and Briss. I have the same problem with some of my mates.
I just put this question to them and they are usually stumped for an answer.
‘Can you tell me any policy that Donald Trump ordered whilst he was president that were not in the international or American public interest?
Usually met with silence. I follow this up by informing them that they suffer from Trump derangement syndrome….. More silence.
A lovely old friend, in her nineties and walking a mile a day, started chatting about President Trump for some reason and said, ‘I assume you don’t like him’, to which I had to tell her straight, that it wasn’t the case!
She looked somewhat perplexed, and asked why, and all I had to explain was that I disliked the Clintons, the Pelosis, the Obamas and the Bidens much more than a few Republicans, and somehow she continued her walk even more than somewhat perplexed…
She’s a dear old soul, and we’re all very fond of her, but somehow, this rabid belief in BBC anti-Trump dross does still infest the lives for some people!
But a South African pumping in millions to Trump so he can deregulate any limits on his businesses, and the daily bribery of voters to sign up to his schemes, all fine. And as for wholesale Russian interference …. Really not a problem.
It’s unfortunate that this mental defective still gets noticed . I thought it look at wiki – Elon must went to Canada aged 18 and got Canadian citizenship because his mother was / is Canadian ….
I don’t know when he got US citizenship – but Campbell shows the difference between the far left and decent people . X allows him to comment – even against the owner of the company … Campbell would cancel and probably kill anyone who he disapproves of . Nut job .
“Rachel Reeves should launch a £10bn tax raid on motorists by charging them a fee for every mile they drive, Sir Tony Blair’s think tank has urged.”
The politics of punishment on families, businesses & rural community motorists. They are being punished for their everyday lives.
Just said similar to @BBCNews and will do so shortly on @BBCWorldatOne … a non story straight out of the Trump campaign divert and distract playbook. Diverting among other things from the fact his ex chief of staff has warned he is a fascist.
He had been sent out to arrest a man for non-payment of a fine.
‘I knocked on his front door and he didn’t answer, so I looked through the window and the front room was full of the most beautiful birds – I’d always loved birds. When he eventually opened the door, I asked if I could come in and have a look.
‘So we sat down and had a cup of tea and had a lovely chat about budgerigars. I did eventually remember to arrest him,’ he told the Mail in 2009.
‘But he was very good about it and started me off with my first three pairs of budgerigars. I’ve never looked back.’
A comment on Aslseelt’s ‘sewage action’ post near the top of this thread.
Even illegal asylum seekers and off-the-books immigrants need to have a s*** from time to time. Thus the total amount of sewage is closely linked to the actual population. The difference between the population figure arising from sewage production and the ‘official’ population from census returns, local voter registration, HMRC data, and school numbers etc etc etc gives the number of illegals pretty accurately. Might it also explain why we get so much sewage overflow into our rivers? It might not just be heavy rain ( due of course to climate change – hahaha) but the unplanned high sewage levels.
An inconvenient (get it?) truth unlikely to feature on BBC verify any time soon.
LoobylooMar 12, 19:42 Midweek 12th March 2025 BA also shaking the collection tin down the aisle in support of it too
tomoMar 12, 18:35 Midweek 12th March 2025 20+++ years of all uses for the entire country presently sat under Lancashire and Lincolnshire – to Westminster’s eternal shame
tomoMar 12, 18:32 Midweek 12th March 2025 yes indeedy – I read “chip off the old block” Roderick James Nugent Stewart’s book Prince of the Marshes and…
AlthepalerpMar 12, 18:21 Midweek 12th March 2025 Gas at 56% currently A gift from God.. . . . . .
vladMar 12, 17:56 Midweek 12th March 2025 And is that Florence of Arabia, as he’s affectionately known?
tomoMar 12, 17:50 Midweek 12th March 2025 hmmm… X is blocking this happy group photo for embedding [img][/img] Bloke in the middle, in a suit -be like…
Eddy BoothMar 12, 17:17 Midweek 12th March 2025 “BBC Verify What footage from Kursk shows” “BBC Verify and BBC Monitoring have been looking at… the Russian military…
taffmanMar 12, 16:46 Midweek 12th March 2025 Kikuchiyo Hello, I aint seen you trolling on this site for a long time ? Where have you been?
MarkyMarkMar 12, 16:45 Midweek 12th March 2025 Omission is the greatest lie … Transphobic scenes cut from new release of Crocodile Dundee Among the moments removed…
MarkyMarkMar 12, 16:23 Midweek 12th March 2025 Repeated from above … “Tony Blair holds the Keir Starmer penis , after a visit to Lord Alli’s flat.”
Too tempting!
A_S blatant offside.
As if we didn’t already know, British law is perverted…
Regarding Judge Jeremy Richardson, the man who sentenced the patriotic grandfather, Peter Lynch, to two years and eight months.
Lynch’s “crime” was essentially shouting abuse at police officers after the horrendous murder of the three kids in Southport. Remember this “offence” happened in Rotherham, where the Muslim rape gangs have been running rampant, but have been protected by the police, the Labour Party and the media for generations. I’ve no doubt Peter Lynch’s “blood was up.” Who could blame him? Not I…
On the other hand, this same judge was in a rather more caring and sympathetic mood when he spared a predatory paedophile from going to prison after the culprit had been found guilty of stalking two schoolgirls aged just thirteen and also assaulting a disabled woman. “It would be cruel to send you to prison, you couldn’t cope.”
So essentially, the paedo gets off scot free and the worried grandfather is sent into a Muzzie dominated nick where he “takes his own life.” Everybody knew his life would be made hell. Didn’t that gloating creep from Sky News say as much?
Not only are our judiciary doing their level best not to send paedos to prison, even when they are there, Keir Starmer is now releasing them, FFS…
Is it any wonder that people are taking the law into their own hands?
Give Starmer a break: he had to release all those violent criminals and rapists; where else was he going to jail all his political prisoners?
Oh dear. The BBC are all in a tizz.
One day after the BBC race-baiters stirred it up over the acquittal of the cop over the killing of Chris Kaba it is revealed that he was a key member of one of London’s most notorious criminal gangs, and shot someone in a nightclub only days before.. The car he was driving, an Audi. Q8 (how many can afford one of those btw) was linked to three other firearm offences. It is revealed the Kaba family did not want the judge to order the release of the above information. The BBC main news reported this.
But back on BBC Londonistan, the tone is different. They are still backing Kaba to the hilt. ‘Justice for Chris’, vigils, and sorrowful coverage of the Kaba family members are all given top billing. . Maxing out on the BAME victimhood narrative.
A total disgrace from the pro BAME far from impartial disgraceful BBC.
Some more about Kaba:
… and some more about Saint Kaba:
Have the footballers started kneeling yet?
Good riddance.
If any of his fellow gang members committed similar crimes to the ‘aspiring architect’ (the Guardian got pranked there I reckon), then it’s just a shame that the cops didn’t ventilate them too.
Following on from the previous thread and the Guardian report about the Kaba death from 2022, the paper reports about ‘community pressure’ which generated the suspension and presumably the prosecution. The CPS would have been in full knowledge of the facts behind the case. The evidence which was withheld until after the case suggests that the CPS were not logical in their decision to prosecute. However potentially there is an unpalatable logic. If the new evidence is correct, then those applying the ‘public pressure’ have had their day in court and lost and the CPS are working on the basis that the legal action avoids another George Floyd moment. It of course traduces the rights of the policeman who should not stand the mental effort of a show trial, albeit he is not on show. Hardly a healthy sign for society but then that is where we are.
Any apologies for the standard third rate emotional reporting by the Guardian – I doubt it.
“Last week Chris Kaba, a 24-year-old aspiring architect and soon-to-be father, was shot dead by Metropolitan police officers in Streatham, south London. On Monday it was announced that the officer who fired at Chris Kaba – who was unarmed – had been suspended from duty. While the suspension is welcome, the fact that it took a full week after the incident and was as a result of public pressure, only gives more weight to the community’s concerns.”
Meanwhile no doubt the number of new fire arms recruits will go down, as who wants the stress of discharging a gun then told you’re suspended for doing so. Not worth the hassle mate ! So we end up being protected by the kids version of Obi Kanobi’s light laser or a water pistol, a few dustbin lids and very overweight coppers ! Doesn’t inspire confidence does it.
What further undermines the trust is when you read that the director of public prosecutions the head of the CPS is also a supporter of BLM.
After watching everything they have done, my opinion of BLM now is that they are about 25% ‘decent’ people who want to stop racism in the places where it is a real issue and 75% anti-white racist thugs.
Note how much they have been dropped by the MSM theses days since they finally cottoned on that they were supporting a racist organisation.
They took so long because it suited them to support them due to their own leftist ant-right,anti-white agenda. In other words they were being complete hypocrites. A description which fits TTK right down to the ground.
Sewage action edition
You join us on a morning when Labour confirms its status as trades union for the public sector – mainly focused on improving the benefits accruing to the upper reaches of said public sector of course
Public sector to be spared from budget tax raid on pensions… whereas private sector staff face lower wages and less money in retirement… The chancellor is expected to announce plans to impose national insurance on employers’ pension contributions… However the Treasury will reinburse public sector employers… This will cost the government an estimated £5 billion and means that the tax will fall entirely on businesses and, ultimately, private sector workers (Times)
In other words – two-tier Sir Keir’s two-tier tax system
The left-leaning junior pound shop Guardian that is the ‘i’ newpaper exhibits a severe case of that common mental block that can’t figure out that 70 million people suddenly taking to the khazi has put somewhat of a strain on our national sewage system: Sewage action, at last: toothless water watchdog faces axe in new Labour plan… Environment Secretary pays tribute to readers and i’s ‘tireless campaigning for clean rivers’ (‘i’)
New New Labour new plan?
One can’t help but recall TV comedy’s Blackadder and his dopey sidekick Baldrick – he of the cunning plans….
Ministers consider non-profit water firms… could be banned from making profits (Guardian)
Nationalisation ruled out as Government says it wants to attract private investment into sector (‘i’)
How’s that going to work then? Private firms are supposed to ‘invest’ in a non-profit enterprise? There’s some magical thinking going on there.
AISI – if the Labour Party are minded to enhance the apartheid nature of our existing pension system, then TTK will have to explain why he is personally exempted from UK pensions tax by an Act of Parliament. Let them eat cake.
I can sense them oiling the guillotine now.
Biden asks voters to ‘politically lock up’ Trump
The ULTIMATE in leftist projection from the fake President:
‘He repeated his attack that Trump is a threat to democracy, saying he wants “to eliminate, actually physically eliminate, shoot, kill, someone who he believes to be a threat to him”.’
Perhaps a ‘without providing any evidence’ would fit here BBC – though I’ve never known you use it against the Left. All the evidence I have seen points to the exact opposite.
‘Biden then continued: “I know this sounds bizarre. I know if I said this five years ago you’d lock me up. We gotta lock him up.””
After a pause, he added, “politically lock him up”.’
Unfortunately the BBC don’t distinguish between the two types of locking up. The inference is that ‘Political Locking-Up’ is OK’. That would be just jailing him without any charge I presume.
Just imagine how differently these far-Left cretins would have written that article if it was Trump saying it about Joe or the cackling idiot.
Lost due to thread change, but significant I think. Labour party to be sued for electoral interference :
Well, how embarrassing for a “British Government” and, of course the British people, under it’s socialist iron fist:
“Donald Trump files complaint against Labour Party over ‘blatant foreign interference’ in the US election.
Donald Trump put his relationship with Sir Keir Starmer under strain last night after accusing the ‘far-left’ Labour Party of ‘blatant foreign interference’ in the US election. Lawyers for the Republican presidential candidate have filed a complaint to the Federal Election Commission, accusing Labour of making ‘illegal foreign campaign contributions’ which was ‘accepted’ by Kamala Harris’s campaign.
The comments come weeks after Mr Trump and Sir Keir held a two-hour dinner in New York, after which the former president said the Prime Minister was ‘very popular’.
Mr Trump’s camp cited a now-deleted post on LinkedIn by Sofia Patel, Labour’s head of operations, which said 100 current and former staffers were going to be volunteering in battleground states such as North Carolina and Nevada.
Rules about foreigners working in US elections are strict and state that they must volunteer and cannot receive any payment.
Richard Grenell, former US Acting Director of National Intelligence and former ambassador to Germany under Trump, told Newsnight last night: ‘We don’t want to have any foreign interference in our elections… so I think this is a pretty open and shut case: don’t interfere in the American elections and you won’t be sued.”
Elon Musk, the Tesla and X billionaire who has endorsed Mr Trump, said: ‘This is illegal.’ ”
I seem to recall that accomodation would be provided, which to me seems to be a payment ? and probably travel costs too….
AISI – now got to the water industry. AMP 8, which is designed to rectify the under investment in sewage, will implode if there is a whiff of re-nationalisation. In that event, by the end of this Parliament sewage discharges into rivers will be higher than at the start. Ed Davey can get his paddleboard out again.
Astonishing that all those most keen on supporting the invaders give no thought to where all the extra water is going to come from, and more worryingly when it has been used-up, where it will go to.
bBC Verify to do a program on these deranged fantasists?
Don’t worry we have Bob Geldof,
There will be African and Pakistani bands getting together and recording a single then a big concert in Karachi with the cream of internationally famous islamic bands playing, and enough money raised to send some of those Argos plastic paddling pools over here to help.
And a bicycle pump.
“BAND AID Britain pays £5 MILLION to ‘Ethiopian Spice Girls’ Yegna – so pop stars can have their own chat show”
Delicious: Trump accuses Labour of blatant election interference. Hopefully, Starmer will be jailed for it now that he’s made all that space in his jails for political prisoners.
bbc thinks this is a big deal
Idris Elba: Why I’m planning a move to Africa
Why wait for (maybe) 10 years, go now
lol – someone says he MIGHT move somewhere in 10 years and the BBC make it headline news.
Because he is black and the BBC are racists.
I notice how they never followed up on all the luvvie pledges about what they would do if we voted to leave the EU or if Trump got elected. That’s because they are all the most monumental of hypocrites and live in a bizarre unnatural bubble where lying to virtue-signal for attention is quite normal.
He’s proposing to move to help the African film industry. Has anyone watched a Nigerian film ? Hilarious. The acting is so appalling it’s actually entertaining.
10 Hilarious Special Effects Scenes in African Movies
43.4K subscribers
Hmm [screeming!].
My favourite clip from Africa.
Maybe he can have his own chat show too?
In the 20th century, the Jamaican political activist and black nationalist Marcus Garvey, members of the Rastafari movement, and other African Americans supported the concept, but few actually left the United States.
In the interest of compassion should we be offering free clinics outside bBC studios for Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS).
There is going to be a lot of it about:
I’ll bet that Tesco’s would never have believed the popularity of their expression: “Every little helps”. The BBC’s moto insofar as promoting The Cackler in the US is concerned. Blipped on Toady at about 0810 this morning only to insert my ears into a succession of Smith interviewees all supporting …….you guessed. Off immediately.
Expect blatant wall-to-wall support for the US Division of the Communist Party before the election.
A prime example of why Farage would be mistaken to call for proportional representation
Soft right & leftists will always tend to gang up together against proper conservatives
Austria far right shunned for coalition despite winning election… – despite the fact that the far-right Freedom Party won the general election last month. (Our BBC with a fine example of the journalistic ‘despite’)
As the BBC throws a bit shade: The anti-immigrant, Russia-friendly Freedom Party came top in the election in September with almost 29% of the vote and its leader, Herbert Kickl, said he should lead the next government.
“The parliamentary election on 29 September is not a race in which the party that crosses the finish line first automatically gets to form the government,” the 80-year-old president said in a televised address.
“If a party wants to govern alone, it must clear the 50% hurdle. It is not sufficient to reach 10, 20 or 30%.”
After a period of time, PR results in a political ‘Mush’ (like peas) as they all form coalitions in the pecking order. Result? Indecision and control by vested interests.
Proportional Representation should be used for the House of Lords , making it a lower chamber under a different name .
UKIP and the Brexit party did well under PR .
Monumental levels of presumption from the twerps in Labour – if it’s even them that are behind it – which I actually doubt – be morelike Cheltenham and/or Vauxhall Cross ….
Does make one wonder what labour can teach the democrats about elections . I thought it more like learning how to fix them from the Obama gang – and cover up the evidence
– particularly since labour didn’t ’win ‘ the election. – it was just a refusal by conservatives to vote for a red Tory gang .
Marky – thank you – I think that table proves my point . Maybe Obama is trying to put up a smoke screen to explain the Harris win …
Vote share at 33% and they say Brexit should not have happened at 52%!
I did not switch off the car radio this morning and I witnessed the comment followed by the interview with Steve Reed (sp?) re the Labour Party in the US.
Aside from the deleted social media post the obvious elephant in the room were the historic comments of the Foreign Secretary about Trump being a nazi etc etc.
Not one mention of this small issue. It was also an obvious question to ask Mr Reed but no, nothing to see here.
Do the bBC think that by fitting the facts to the narrative by omission Trump will act differently. Of course he will not. Narrative never put a loaf of bread on the table and the British need to learn this very quickly.
The prisoners released in the UK can go to the P Diddy Parties with Prince Andrew?
I sincerely hope this lot are never, ever elected again for generations
“Public sector workers’ golden pension pots ‘will be spared’ Chancellor’s £15BILLION national insurance raid in Budget – leaving private sector firms and staff to bear the whole burden.
Chancellor Rachel Reeves is planning a huge move to impose NICs on employers’ contributions to retirement funds in the crucial package next Wednesday – despite complaints it is a ‘straightforward breach’ of Labour’s manifesto.
However, it the burden will seemingly be borne entirely by the private sector, with Ms Reeves pumping an extra £5billion into NHS and other budgets to avoid cuts to headcount or wages.
State workers still have pension incomes guaranteed to be a proportion of their salaries and index-linked – something that has almost entirely disappeared elsewhere in the economy. ”
TTK has announced he is “really angry” for releasing loads of prisoners early due to overfilled prisons.
After his juvenile, spiteful banging up of people for protesting this reveals what a shallow character this man really is with this pathetic attempt to gloss over yet another appalling clanger,
Are they signed up to baby sit his kids?
Will they roam his streets?
Will they visit Lord Alli falt?
He’s the sort that apologises by saying “I’m sorry that you made me do that”.
BBC late to the party again: “Is the system letting down people who were harmed by Covid vaccines?”
They are pushing the line that — despite increasing numbers of emerging injuries — the Oxford/AZ vaccine saved 6m lives in its first year. This number comes from data company Airfinity, who have based it on an Imperial College study. Imperial’s dreadful predictive modelling at the start of Covid was contradicted by empirical evidence. It was also full of bugs and non-replicable output, and was only released for public scrutiny after Microsoft software engineers tried to clean it up.
The BBC health editor now says “there is nothing in life that is free of risk. That includes vaccines.” Remind me again who the conspiracy theorists are? Astonishing whitewashing of the last 4yrs by the BBC.
Errrrrrrr… wasn’t the vaccine ‘completely safe ‘ – didn’t BBCOFCOM throw people of the air for telling the truth ?
How is the mark stein court case coming ….?
And they’re putting out a bunch of teenagers armed with felt pens to fight disinformation. Insanity.
2024 … According to the Mann legal team’s statement, the four-week jury trial in the District of Columbia superior court resulted in punitive damages of $1,000 against Simberg and $1,000,000 against Steyn.
“I hope this verdict sends a message that falsely attacking climate scientists is not protected speech,” Mann said.
Serious case of Trump Derangement Syndrome caught by Ring doorbell camera:
Atlas – in some states he’d have been allowed to shoot her – but looks like she went to feed the cats … wonder if it was set up … somehow I think not …
Extraordinary how much hate and violence there is on the tolerant, ‘liberal’ left.
You never see Trump supporters doing things like that.
She’ll try that on the wrong porch one day.
Some twitchy fingered, Vietnam vet with PTSD.
I’d have said, “I’m voting for him purely to annoy stupid cu..ts like you. No other reason. I just hope it gives the likes of you a massive heart attack if he wins. Now get the f..k off my porch before I set the dogs on you.”
We , well at least I, tend to regard the TDS label as just a put down , a swipe, at people who we think hold unjustifiable and silly political views. We may be underestimating the reality and seriousness and impact of the illness on those we apply the label to.
There is piece on the Neil Oliver show when he is interviewing an American political commentator , seemingly one of the very few neutral and objective ones that are left, who is genuinely worried about TDS sufferers.
He know plenty of them and says that they cannot be reasoned with or calmed down and that many are in such a state that when Trump wins they are capable of anything.( I supposed that he meant assassination attempts or self immolation outside the WH , or murdering their whole family because they can’t live in a Trumpian hell)
Somehow the media barrage of the last eight years has given them serious mental issues, they are genuinely deranged. Basically he worries that post election there maybe hundreds, thousands of these lunatics roaming American streets.
I suppose that if you are subjected to day after day of exposure to the Trump bashing on the media you are brainwashed by it.
Two things today, I learned from the blatantly biased black bbc via teletext.
1. The powers that be are going to trial, in 6 countries, a vaccine to prevent Norovirus. Supposedly to prevent the anychess from being over run by the shitters and vomiters that can’t or won’t wash their hands after going to the toilet. It will be initially aimed at the over 60’s. Can any one think where this has been used before?
2.This Kaba crap. According,again to the teletext the verdict hasselt the black community traumatised! A youth worker called Anthony King, who runs a crime reduction organisation in Croydon, says “What hit me the most is the public decision that was done(sic) now there a processing that has to take place”
Anthony, whatever you are doing is obviously not working. Get a proper job!
The Lords Commissioner has completed an investigation into Lord Alli’s potential breaches of conduct. It concludes there are four breaches:
“Finally, while I consider each individual breach of the Code to be minor, I have found there to be four breaches in total, and have therefore recommended that Lord Alli write a letter of apology to the Chair of the Conduct Committee, Baroness Manningham-Buller.”
Lord Alli’s apology:
“I am writing to you today to offer my apology for my breach of conduct by not registering my interests correctly. I will endeavour to keep to the Code of Conduct at all times to avoid such circumstances again.”
Comment : “And so he’s apologised, that’s ok then. Move along now.”
Lord Alli explained to me the nature of his shareholding in Silvergate BPBidco Limited. He said that since 9 December 2019 he no longer derivedany financial benefit from the shareholding, having passed beneficial andeconomic ownership to another entity. As a result, he did not exercise anyday-to-day control over or take decisions on the business. However, LordAlli told me that in December 2019, as a transitionary step, he “remainedas director and 51% shareholder in Silvergate BP Bidco Limited”. Lord Alliresigned as a director on 4 December 2023, as recorded in his entry in theRegister of Lords’ Interests
Will the blatantly biased bbc be reviewing Kamala Harris’s autobiography? Apparently it’s called “How I got where I am today” a blow by blow account.
Many fast tracked in Verify likely well qualified on research.
Rt Hon Angela Rayner MP, Deputy Prime Minister (Ashton-under-Lyne, Labour)
Even pundits on right-wing channels like TalkTV and GB News seem to feel obliged to preface or qualify their comments about Chris Kaba with statements like: “Of course it’s tragic that he died, but…”
How about: “Good riddance to a violent criminal.”
“I (Sadiq Khan) don’t think we should roll out the red carpet to the president of the USA in the circumstances where his policies go against everything we stand for,” he said.
Unbelievably, the BBC are still running an ‘article’ very sympathetic to the gangster thug, headlined:
“Kaba case traumatising, say black community leaders”
“Black communities in south London are really traumatised and feel they have been denied justice after a police officer was cleared of murdering Chris Kaba, community leaders have said.”
No doubt the black ‘community’ were hoping for another George Floyd / BLM phenomenon, leading to mass Burning, Looting and Murder, with a lucky few creaming off donations to enrich themselves.
Sorry guys, it ain’t gonna happen. The well of white guilt is running dry. Try Welby, he might give you some of that reparations money he’s stolen from the Church.
George Floyd death: Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer takes a knee in support of Black Lives Matter movement
It can now be reported that he shot a man in both legs at the Oval Space nightclub in Tower Hamlets, east London, on 30 August 2022.
He was a rapper who performed under the names Madix or Mad Itch and was part of the 67 gang, a UK drill group and infamous gang.
I wonder how the locals will feel about loads of our Labour people going over to the USA to tell them to vote for Cackling Rosie.
Does the USA want to be like us?
Highest energy costs.
Rubbish pensions.
Political prisoners.
Painfully woke.
Two tier everything.
Scared of the UN and every law we get from them.
Highest taxes since (when? …1066 or whenever)
Painfully PC and DIE (or is it DEI, this diversity environment inclusion crap)
Painfully far left government.
Bent politicians, law and order.
Crap nhs
Crap dentist system.
I could probably fill the page but you get what I mean, we’re hopeless at just about everything.
Will the Americans say “Yes, that’s what we want, I’m voting Rosie” when our lefties knock on their doors.
Prime Minister Keir Starmer on the future of the NHS
Trump makes legal complaint over Labour’s ‘blatant foreign interference’ in US election Republicans claim activists sent to US is ‘foreign interference’ but Starmer denies row will damage relations with former president
Imagine if our PM was extradited and tried in the US. That would be a happy day. Apologies I know this info has already been posted but this would be so good if it targeted Starmer.
As the government calls for the Kaba Judgement to be respected the BBC puts this on the frontpage…
‘Chris Kaba verdict has left people traumatised, black community leaders say’
Why is the BBC still giving credibilty and airtime to race grfiters intent on stirring up trouble? It’s a headline that clearly indicates that the judgement is somehow unacceptable and illegitimate.
The BBC feeds the anger and disorder and division when it should be calling out these people rather than giving them a platform for their hate speech.
And it was notable that Mark Easton today claimed that ‘from the start it looked like a case where an unarmed black man was killed by a white police officer.’
No….from the start it was apparent what happened…there were eyewitnesses who stated clearly that Kaba refused to stop, rammed the police and was subsequently shot….using the car [which we knew then had been flagged as used in a firearms event days before] as a weapon….and on top of that Kaba’s criminal history was available for all to see…the Telegraph published it the day after the shooting….it is not a ‘new revelation’ as the BBC pronounced yesterday that Kaba was a dangerous gangster.
Mark Easton is distinguishing himself today as he also claims that ‘significant numbers, if a minority, of people suffered harm from covid vaccinations’…
…and that they had ‘struggled to be heard, they did not have a voice.’
Well no, because the BBC et all mounted a very hostile and aggressive campaign to shut them up by demonising the discrediting them.
No good coming along now and saying ‘how shocking’ that people were so badly effected’ when previously they’d been saying it was all a lie, a mad conspiracy theory…even as one of their own, Lisa Shaw, died due to a covid vaccination.
BBC headline today…
‘Is the system letting down people who were harmed by Covid vaccines?’
If the BBC is part of that ‘system’ then the answer is yes.
Today I sent a postcard of support to Reiner Fuellmich the German lawyer who opposed the covid totalitarian measures right from the beginning. He is experiencing very cruel and unusual punishment and has been locked up in solitary for over a year so far without knowing what he is charged with:
Here is the address of the prison where Reiner Fuellmich is being held.
JVA Rosdorf
Dr. Reiner Fuellmich
Am Grossen Sieke 8
37124 Rosdorf
postcards and cards allowed,
no glitter on the envelops,
no stamps or money in the envelops,
no books or other objects – not permitted,
Are jokes allowed?
“The German government has approved a criminal inquiry into a comic who mocked the Turkish president, Chancellor Angela Merkel announced.
By law, the government must approve any use of an article of the criminal code on insulting foreign leaders.
Mrs Merkel stressed that the courts would have the final word.”
Johnson then offered the limerick: “There was a young fellow from Ankara, Who was a terrific wankerer.
“Till he sowed his wild oats, With the help of a goat, But he didn’t even stop to thankera.”
Atlas, good idea.
I was thinking about something similar yesterday. Because of Peter Lynch, I was wondering if it was possible to find the names of the other protesters who were fast-tracked into prison.
I have no idea where to begin to look. The names and the prisons where they are being held so that we could write to them for moral support. It would be little comfort to them I’m sure, just a small gesture to let them know they are not forgotten.
Atlas and Lucy,
Excellent idea . I would like to join in if the names and prison addresses or family homes can be found. Crowd funding for Christmas present for any dependants may also be possible.
It would also cock a snook at the totalitarian government and show resistance was growing.
That’s a really decent and thoughtful gesture, atlas, well done!
But a South African pumping in millions to Trump so he can deregulate any limits on his businesses, and the daily bribery of voters to sign up to his schemes, all fine. And as for wholesale Russian interference …. Really not a problem.
This human stain is now restored to BBC QT duty.
Verify free.
Musk is a naturalized American citizen; if someone implied a foreign-born Labour MP like Afzal Khan was really just “Pakistani” you would probably report them to the police for hate speech.
Another Friend of BBC.
BREAKING: Bill Gates just contributed more than $50 million to organizations supporting Kamala Harris. This is huge.
What do you get for $50 million?
Keir Starmer was bought for a pair of ladies underwear – not for him
Not directly BBC but then not unrelated either.
Waiting with a friend at hospital for an oncology appointment and injections ( enough said). Said friend paid 37 years of NI contributions and waited 3 months to see the consultant.
An elderly patient, male, BAME, , possibly Pakistan heritage, blind, with a white stick and unable to speak English, came along the corridor, guided by a friend/ relative and a nurse.y
Now call me callous and racist but I’d love to know why this person is here and what he has contributed to the British economy. Apart obviously from giving the Far Left a huge orgasm.
If anything is proof that sadiq khan does not care about the safety of Londoners it’s this.
Chris kaba was a core member of one of the most dangerous gangs in London.
Piers Morgan to Sadiq Khan: Where Are The 400 Known Jihadists In London?
Posted By Tim Hains
On Date June 7, 2017
Mayor of London Sadiq Kahn said that there are more than 200 known “jihadists” loose in the city who have returned from Syria, in an interview with Piers Morgan on Wednesday’s edition of ‘Good Morning Britain.’
PIERS MORGAN: Where are they?
CO-HOST: How can you let people back into the UK who have actually fought, potentially against our troops, how are we letting them back in without knowing exactly where they are and what they’re up to?
MAYOR SADIQ KHAN: THat’s why it doesn’t make sense to be cutting resources–
CO-HOST: But you’re the mayor!
KHAN: I can’t follow 400 people.
MORGAN: Why can’t you?
KHAN: We need resources for the police and the experts.
MORGAN: Why can’t instruct the police right now and say every one of those people who have come back from a warzone who are in London, I want them followed.
KHAN: The Met Police budget… comes from the central government, and has been shrunk and reduced…
PIERS MORGAN: What could be a bigger priority than people coming back from a Syrian battlefield with the intent to harm British citizens? Why’s it not the number one priority? Why are these people allowed to just come back in in the first place and then the London mayor does not have a clue to where any of them are?
No disrespect to you but where are they?
Related Topics: PIERS MORGAN, Sadiq Khan, London, Terrorism, War On Terror
“Unexplained” Deaths at a care home in Dorset.
“Mugshot Former president Donald Trump arrives in Georgia to have his mugshot taken, the first U.S. President to do so.”
Play the Labour Lottery for the chance to win £1,000 every week and help Labour rebuild its election fund.
Aug 2, 2024
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This afternoon in the supermarket I came across two incredibly obese women, using the trollies as walking sticks. They were wearing identical clothes. Weird.
Then I thought about the billions about to be spent by the anychess and hence by the taxpayer on anti obesity injections. Someone has been chastised btw for daring to suggest this might force some people back to work and hence such treatment is economic not purely healthcare. Cretinous lefties. But I digress.
Because think of the dieting industry. Low cal food. Dieting clubs. Slimming World, Weightwatchers. All private businesses existing on their own supply/demand, success/ fail criteria. And about to be put out of business, and people put out of jobs, by state sponsored and taxpayer funded NHS bought drugs.
If that is not unfair competition, I don’t know what is.
I was with two friends today drinking coffee. Both have votes in the vote for a new leader. We were bewailing the state of the UK when one added ‘yes, and the state of the world if Trump gets a second term’. I was open mouthed, as the other immediately agreed. How to approach a response. My answer was to suggest that however bad, he was still better than Kamala.
I never watch the BBC. This constant hate of Trump, I could believe there might be subliminal messaging on the BBC. Otherwise where does this group think come from?
I experience the same Debs. The vitriol against Trump I find unprecedented; particularly amongst my own age group. Once I start offering another perception it’s then I realised how (and it grieves me to say this) how dense and one dimensional thinking my mates have.
Debs and Briss. I have the same problem with some of my mates.
I just put this question to them and they are usually stumped for an answer.
‘Can you tell me any policy that Donald Trump ordered whilst he was president that were not in the international or American public interest?
Usually met with silence. I follow this up by informing them that they suffer from Trump derangement syndrome….. More silence.
It affects a few people down here to!
A lovely old friend, in her nineties and walking a mile a day, started chatting about President Trump for some reason and said, ‘I assume you don’t like him’, to which I had to tell her straight, that it wasn’t the case!
She looked somewhat perplexed, and asked why, and all I had to explain was that I disliked the Clintons, the Pelosis, the Obamas and the Bidens much more than a few Republicans, and somehow she continued her walk even more than somewhat perplexed…
She’s a dear old soul, and we’re all very fond of her, but somehow, this rabid belief in BBC anti-Trump dross does still infest the lives for some people!
Smug expression says it all.
What an obnoxious scumbag! He has a face I would not tire of punching.
It’s unfortunate that this mental defective still gets noticed . I thought it look at wiki – Elon must went to Canada aged 18 and got Canadian citizenship because his mother was / is Canadian ….
I don’t know when he got US citizenship – but Campbell shows the difference between the far left and decent people . X allows him to comment – even against the owner of the company … Campbell would cancel and probably kill anyone who he disapproves of . Nut job .
The BBC has Stockholm Syndrome.
Just said similar to @BBCNews and will do so shortly on @BBCWorldatOne … a non story straight out of the Trump campaign divert and distract playbook. Diverting among other things from the fact his ex chief of staff has warned he is a fascist.
I’m just posting this here for information purposes. It looks like the Marxist unions are planning to make trouble on Saturday.
How sad. The famous budgie lover Geoff Capes has passed away.
From The Mail (When Capes was a policeman)
He had been sent out to arrest a man for non-payment of a fine.
‘I knocked on his front door and he didn’t answer, so I looked through the window and the front room was full of the most beautiful birds – I’d always loved birds. When he eventually opened the door, I asked if I could come in and have a look.
‘So we sat down and had a cup of tea and had a lovely chat about budgerigars. I did eventually remember to arrest him,’ he told the Mail in 2009.
‘But he was very good about it and started me off with my first three pairs of budgerigars. I’ve never looked back.’
A good interview with Andrew Bridgen here;
A comment on Aslseelt’s ‘sewage action’ post near the top of this thread.
Even illegal asylum seekers and off-the-books immigrants need to have a s*** from time to time. Thus the total amount of sewage is closely linked to the actual population. The difference between the population figure arising from sewage production and the ‘official’ population from census returns, local voter registration, HMRC data, and school numbers etc etc etc gives the number of illegals pretty accurately. Might it also explain why we get so much sewage overflow into our rivers? It might not just be heavy rain ( due of course to climate change – hahaha) but the unplanned high sewage levels.
An inconvenient (get it?) truth unlikely to feature on BBC verify any time soon.
My thoughts exactly, forget about building more houses, we need to build more sewage treatment plants!