7 Responses to Midweek 23rd October 2024

  1. atlas_shrugged says:

    Too tempting!


  2. non-licence payer says:

    A_S blatant offside.


  3. Jeff says:

    As if we didn’t already know, British law is perverted…

    Regarding Judge Jeremy Richardson, the man who sentenced the patriotic grandfather, Peter Lynch, to two years and eight months.

    Lynch’s “crime” was essentially shouting abuse at police officers after the horrendous murder of the three kids in Southport. Remember this “offence” happened in Rotherham, where the Muslim rape gangs have been running rampant, but have been protected by the police, the Labour Party and the media for generations. I’ve no doubt Peter Lynch’s “blood was up.” Who could blame him? Not I…

    On the other hand, this same judge was in a rather more caring and sympathetic mood when he spared a predatory paedophile from going to prison after the culprit had been found guilty of stalking two schoolgirls aged just thirteen and also assaulting a disabled woman. “It would be cruel to send you to prison, you couldn’t cope.”

    So essentially, the paedo gets off scot free and the worried grandfather is sent into a Muzzie dominated nick where he “takes his own life.” Everybody knew his life would be made hell. Didn’t that gloating creep from Sky News say as much?

    Not only are our judiciary doing their level best not to send paedos to prison, even when they are there, Keir Starmer is now releasing them, FFS…

    Is it any wonder that people are taking the law into their own hands?


  4. Sluff says:

    Oh dear. The BBC are all in a tizz.

    One day after the BBC race-baiters stirred it up over the acquittal of the cop over the killing of Chris Kaba it is revealed that he was a key member of one of London’s most notorious criminal gangs, and shot someone in a nightclub only days before.. The car he was driving, an Audi. Q8 (how many can afford one of those btw) was linked to three other firearm offences. It is revealed the Kaba family did not want the judge to order the release of the above information. The BBC main news reported this.

    But back on BBC Londonistan, the tone is different. They are still backing Kaba to the hilt. ‘Justice for Chris’, vigils, and sorrowful coverage of the Kaba family members are all given top billing. . Maxing out on the BAME victimhood narrative.

    A total disgrace from the pro BAME far from impartial disgraceful BBC.


  5. non-licence payer says:

    Following on from the previous thread and the Guardian report about the Kaba death from 2022, the paper reports about ‘community pressure’ which generated the suspension and presumably the prosecution. The CPS would have been in full knowledge of the facts behind the case. The evidence which was withheld until after the case suggests that the CPS were not logical in their decision to prosecute. However potentially there is an unpalatable logic. If the new evidence is correct, then those applying the ‘public pressure’ have had their day in court and lost and the CPS are working on the basis that the legal action avoids another George Floyd moment. It of course traduces the rights of the policeman who should not stand the mental effort of a show trial, albeit he is not on show. Hardly a healthy sign for society but then that is where we are.

    Any apologies for the standard third rate emotional reporting by the Guardian – I doubt it.

    “Last week Chris Kaba, a 24-year-old aspiring architect and soon-to-be father, was shot dead by Metropolitan police officers in Streatham, south London. On Monday it was announced that the officer who fired at Chris Kaba – who was unarmed – had been suspended from duty. While the suspension is welcome, the fact that it took a full week after the incident and was as a result of public pressure, only gives more weight to the community’s concerns.”


  6. BRISSLES says:

    Meanwhile no doubt the number of new fire arms recruits will go down, as who wants the stress of discharging a gun then told you’re suspended for doing so. Not worth the hassle mate ! So we end up being protected by the kids version of Obi Kanobi’s light laser or a water pistol, a few dustbin lids and very overweight coppers ! Doesn’t inspire confidence does it.


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