154 Responses to Midweek 23rd October 2024

  1. Lucy Pevensey says:

    Summing up; Immigration is $h!t.


    • Deborah says:

      I have known for years (no idea where the information came from), that supermarkets which feed the majority of the population, reckon the UK population was around 80 million, not the 68 million the ONS claim. And immediately before the Covid lockdowns, the supermarkets must have been advising government (with listening civil servants in the room), that they could feed everybody.


  2. atlas_shrugged says:

    Bill Gates Ordered to Stand Trial Over COVID-19 Vaccines


    Let us hope and pray.


  3. tomo says:


    Do you believe him?


  4. tomo says:


  5. Lucy Pevensey says:

    This chap deserves an award. (not Kinnock but Andy T)


    • MarkyMark says:

      Full list ….

      Life under #LabourLies so far, if I’ve missed anything, please let me know. Updated 23rd October 2024.

      We’ve got a fully funded plan ready to roll on day one. My dad was a tool maker.

      Early release of prisoners, to make space for far right.

      Right wing – Anyone that concerned about immigration.

      Smash the gangs – Very expensive game of Wac A Mole.

      Every part of the country will take its fair share of illegal migrants

      £22 Billion black hole.

      GBEnergy – £8 billion but it won’t generate 1 watt of energy.

      £22 Billion black hole

      Give the go ahead to cover an area equivalent to over 41,500 football pitches with Chinese made solar panels – just the start

      £22 Billion black hole

      Kier Starmer’s dad was a tool maker.

      Build 1.5 million houses – not possible

      £22 Billion black hole

      £11.6 Billion give away climate change Africa

      £22 Billion black hole

      Cave into anyone that strikes – Union Paymasters

      £22 Billion black hole, and Kier Starmer reminds us his dad was a tool maker, he actually owned the company.

      Two Tier Policing / Two Tier Justice

      £22 Billion black hole

      £3 Billion to Ukraine

      £22 Billion black hole

      #Labour is hiding the cost of flats for illegal migrants, apparently it’s to sensitive for us to know

      £22 Billion black hole

      Freeze Pensioners – Winter Fuel Allowance – requires #PensionCredit that’s means tested.
      Free breakfasts for all children, no means-testing.
      Conclusion #LabourHatesUs.

      £22 Billion black hole

      £400 off energy bills – Reality 10% rise

      £22 Billion black hole

      Destroy the gas and oil industries, but creates #GBEnergy that won’t produce 1 watt of energy.

      £22 Billion black hole

      Hard times to come, difficult choices

      £22 Billion black hole

      Smoking ban in beer gardens

      £22 Billion black hole

      £125,000 freebies Free Gear Kier, plus £20,000 worth of accommodation so his son could study for his GCSEs, that lasted 4 weeks after his sons exams ended.

      £22 Billion black hole

      Free pass to No10 – Cronies Lord Alli.

      £22 Billion black hole

      £10 Billion civil servants pay rises

      £22 Billion black hole

      Found £10 Billion down the back of the sofa.

      #FreeGearTier more freebies £20,000 flat so his son could revise. One week before exams and 4 weeks after. Donated by Lord Alli.

      #Unions vote against #WinterFuelAllowance cut.

      #Starmer #Covid Broadcast from the Labour downers apartment – Lord Alli. Could turn out to be a breach of the Covid rules, if so must resign.

      £22 Billion black hole

      10 years to half knife crime. Why so long, bring back stop and search, it’s not racist, it’s common sence.

      #Prisoners released by mistake, so the wife beaters that weren’t going to be be released are back on the streets.

      Now another £16,000 worth of clothes has come to light, apparently is was put down as office supplies. Calls for Starmer’s resignation.

      Labour promised in their manifesto to abolish University fees from £9,000 pa but instead will be putting them up to £10,500 pa.

      Now #Labour have given away the Chagos Islands. For what reason we’re not told.

      Lord Alli bailed out Baroness Uddin with a £62,000 loan after she wrongly claimed £125,000 in expenses.

      £22 Billion to be spent on carbon capture and #NetStupid, funny how it matches the £22 Billion black hole #LabourLies claims there is.

      NEARLY 14 million trees have been chopped down across Scotland to make way for wind turbines, another disaster for

      Smash the gangs isn’t work, 973 illegal migrants arrived in one day.

      Sue Gray’s leap from civil servant to Starmer’s chief of staff raises serious questions about impartiality in politics.

      Starmer under investigation by the boys in blue over his living arrangements and where he was actual living, according to his official election paperwork.

      Jobs for cash, a donation to #LabourLies gets you a job in the HMRC. £20,000 a year for 1 days work per month.

      Transport secretary Louise Haigh’s threat to boycott company over firing 800 workers triggers cancellation of announcement for major £1 Billion expansion of London Gateway port ahead of major government summit to attract investors to Britain.

      Overturning the ban on on-shore wind farms, which don’t pay off their carbon-cost, and destroys countryside as well as wildlife.

      They’ve given away the Chagos islands.

      Independent schools VAT brought in without enough notice for families to make adjustments. Plus, an extra 10,000 children will have to enter state schools.

      100 days in and 13,180 illegal migrants have arrived in small boats, “Smash the gangs”, isn’t working.
      The list of FREEBIES we give to Illegal M!grants:
      FREE Bus Passes
      FREE Hotel Accommodation
      FREE Heating, Water
      FREE TV License
      FREE Mobile phone
      FREE Legal Costs
      FREE Healthcare
      FREE eye and dental care
      FREE interpretators
      £50 per week cash

      Labour Transport Secretary Louise Haigh gives train guards a £300 bonus every time they work a five-day week – amid her civil war with Keir Starmer after business summit meltdown. The agreement was reached at the end of last month to stop staff at CrossCountry going on strike every Saturday this month.

      62,000 illegal migrants to be given right to stay, just to shorten the waiting list to have their applications processed. We won’t know anything about them but they’ll be give houses and even more benifits.

      #LabourLies tried to interfere in the American presidential election by seeing 100 of it people to support Harris. Until they got cought out and #TwoTierKeir scrubbed it.

      The Sphere venue has found a new home since London Mayor Sadiq Khan unceremoniously blocked plans for it to be built in London. It will now be built in the United Arab Emirates, bringing $2.3 billion of foreign direct investment to the Middle East that could have gone to London. This comes just days after Labour’s so-called ‘Investment’ Summit. Did Khan not get the memo…

      Kier Starmer’s approval rating hits an all time low at – 31.

      Free Taylor Swift ticket that were put down as £200 worth, when in reality the private box was worth over £1,000.

      Britain’s Tax Competitiveness Plummets as Businesses and Investors Flee

      Another 1,100 plus prisoners to be released earlier. Starmer upset as Rolls Royce’s and Bentley’s turn up to collect criminals. They say Big up to Starmer, as they set off to continue their life of crime.

      56% of prisoners that have been released this year are already back behind bars.

      Peter Lynch, 61, who was jailed for 2 years and 8 months for ‘shouting verbal abuse at the police’ during the riots, has took his own life in prison. It’s blood on the hands of #TwoTierKeir and #TwoTierPolicing.

      The government’s new workers bill set to cost businesses £5 Billion. Thanks Angela Rayner.

      We’re still waiting for the extra 40,000 #NHS appointment per week from their fully funded plan, but apparently it’s now a ten year plan. Wes is now asking us to tell him what needs doing, no plan and no idea.

      Wes Streeting’s fiancé partner is handed a plum party £105,000 job!

      Reeves’ Tax Raids Set to Create £84 Billion Black Hole https://order-order.com/2024/10/22/ree

      Donald Trump has filed a Federal Election Commission complaint against ‘far-left’ Labour helping the Kamala Harris campaign for ‘illegal foreign campaign contributions’ and ‘interference in our elections.

      #PMQs, Deputy PM: “The definition of working people is the people the Tory party has failed for the last 14 years.”. Under #LabourLies definition that’s everyone in the county, that means if there are any tax rises in the October budget, #Labour has lied in its manifesto.

      And all in such a small space of time.

      #StarmerOut #GeneralElectionNow #LabourOut


  6. JohnC says:

    IDF soldiers should refuse orders that may be war crimes, Israeli ex-security adviser tells BBC

    Good God – the BBC are encouraging Israeli troops to disobey orders. And only on a ‘might’.

    Another from ‘Fergal Keane’ who seems intent on taking Bowens title as the biggest Jew-hater at the BBC. Which is no easy task given the competition.

    Fergal seems uninterested about the ongoing extreme war-crimes being committed by Hamas on a daily basis using their own people as human shields. Which makes him the lowest form of far-Left hypocrite scum IMHO.

    The BBC should NOT be running stories like this encouraging mutiny in a foreign countries armed forces.

    Israel should declare the BBC and the UN as terrorist-supporting enemies of the state and kick them all out.

    Keep going IDF. Your way is the only way.


  7. Zephir says:

    I believe it was last week I said this would happen, another attempt to destroy democracy by the far left:

    “Donald Trump allegedly ‘groped’ a model after she met him through Jeffrey Epstein”

    ” a group called Survivors for Kamala”

    “‘These accusations, made by a former activist for Barack Obama and announced on a Harris campaign call two weeks before the election, are unequivocally false,’ Leavitt told The Guardian. ‘It’s obvious this fake story was contrived by the Harris campaign.’ ”



  8. Fedup2 says:

    BBC delighted to be reporting that the commonwealth bash is being used to beat up whitee over compensating for slavery .
    I can imagine the adverts by lawyers – ‘were you affected by slavery ? You are due compensation …”

    I asked Alexa when slavery was outlawed in the UK -1807 …that’s – er- i think – er – 217 years ago – so if you say a ‘generation ‘ is 22 years – thanks Alexa – then that’s 9.8 generations ago – so it’s compensation due to great great great great great great grandparents …..

    The discussion about this at the commonwealth bash should be fascinating – and hopefully ending the commonwealth in its present form – with the parasites such as the feckless West Indies going off and leaving ( western ) states to themselves .

    But the BBC will love it …


  9. Fedup2 says:

    It’s ban something time – this time it’s something called ‘vapes’ . Why not just put huge taxes on them ? That way all those benefits can be recouped via the kiddies using these things ….

    And then there is Special Educational Needs – apparently a lot of children need a lot more of other peoples ‘ money . I’d like to hear the numbers – the number on the SEN gig – the number of claimants – the number being refused .

    Declaration – I have no skin in this game – but I’m so of the ‘right ‘ that I question the structure of state education . I wonder if there should be state education at all – after all – with so many on lifetime state benefits when they finish school – why bother to educate them ?

    Btw apparently 1.6 million children are classed as SEN ….

    The lawyers will have a field day ,,,


    • Zephir says:

      Yes, it has to be asked, why do they bother to educate so many who end up single but pregnant with the only aim to get to the top of the housing list at 16, then proceed to become a 20 stone burden on the state for life, like about 60 % of council house tenants near to me.

      And, with a thick muvva not a chance in life for the kids, so an endless cycle for generations of reliance on state benefits.

      They say it was backward to put them in an institution, that maybe so, but it also needs to be said, look at what we have now :

      If you are a family or male, not a chance of a council house with this lot breeding endlessy and taking billions in benefits.


  10. Fedup2 says:

    Im back in the uk ( file 77 brigade ) and listening to Today . It has changed – it seems in a happy place now that it’s’ political party is in place – the hatred of boris Johnson and the dead blue party isn’t there any more – maybe the bbc knows that Britain in now a one party third world ‘country ‘ …. Going from one welfare ‘need ‘ to another ….

    I wonder how it will react to the coming budget ? Fully on board I think ….

    As I write the today show has gone from SEN to obesity – 66% are over weight and people eat too much – the state must deal with it – not the individual or parents of fat kids …

    Next welfare subject please …


  11. tomo says:


  12. Zephir says:

    Where are the demos for this with the shit stirring socialist worker ready made placards and the bbc kidult journos wetting their panties over this ?

    “Say sorry for backing Chris Kaba! Calls for Jeremy Corbyn, Diane Abbott and Sadiq Khan to apologise for supporting gun gangster after Met marksman exonerated.”



  13. Guest Who says:

    Why is the medical editor lauding the Astra Zeneca vaccine here which is now completely withdrawn owing to proven deadly side effects?? European countries withdrew it very quickly – UK ploughed on too long sticking it in arms and denying any problems.

    One is sure there is an answer forthcoming.


  14. Fedup2 says:

    BBC news

    There is a problem – and it shows in this site – so many people cannot listen to the bbc anymore – so they cannot really criticise it .
    This is even more of a case in terms of what the bbc chooses to omit .anything detrimental to Labour is air brushed – whether it is comrade lammy – comrade gray – bungs – election interference in the US – the suicide of an innocent man in prison – the dead gangsta – all this stuff is avoided by BBC news ….
    Omission is the hardest thing to confront ….


    • Zephir says:

      What I find worse is this “lifting of reporter restrictions” on the Kaba thug.

      This strongly suggests to me that they all KNEW well in advance, that he was a criminal thug, a drug dealing gangster soon to go on trial for attempted murder and with a criminal history

      So that MUST have included the bbc, which is even more galling the stories they and the other usual suspects published BEFORE restrictions.

      No excuses for this rabble rousing and incitement, lying about all aspects of the issue and presenting a dangerous criminal with a history of criminal violence who only days before shot someone with a gun, refused to stop for police and attempted to run them over….. as an innocent victim.


      • Fedup2 says:

        The other thing that will happen will be the labelling of coloured men being treated differently ( worsely ) by plod by throwing the stat about 4 having been shot dead since 2005- which doesn’t seem many considering their -er – ‘conduct ‘…

        There will be another one – and this case will be used against plod again – but I think journo editors are frightened of going after certain types – such as the so called ‘parents ‘ of the gangster who sounded to me like third world imports due for slavery reparation …


    • atlas_shrugged says:

      The bBC are like our trains. You try it every ten years or so, and then you remember why you hated it so much.

      P.S. See it, say it, sorted.


  15. Zephir says:

    Abbott, how ironic:

    ‘The mainstream media have an unfortunate habit of erasing inconvenient truths when they have decided what ”the story” is, and it is amazing how often it happens to black people.’


  16. AsISeeIt says:

    Former 1970s Guildford pub rockers, who successfully jumped the punk bandwagon, The Stranglers, complained of “No More Heroes”

    The poundshop Guardian ‘i’ newspaper, often picked up by the gynaeceum that is BBC news staff for their top pick of the press pack, picks up on the sad news that Geoff Capes has just put his last shot – these days they term an obit ‘tributes’: Tributes to world’s strongest man… How Geoff Capes travelled from poverty to global fame

    Tributes pour in for sporting hero… Geoff Capes 1949-2024 (Telegraph)

    Not on the Guardian frontpage they don’t – well, apparently, not if you’re a bloke they don’t: Can Rebecca Roberts become the strongest woman ever? Neglect, rape and wrenching loss: can Rebecca Roberts survive it all to become the strongest woman in history? Roberts, 29, stands just short of 6ft 4in (1.93 metres), in a black top and her trademark bright leggings (Kira Cochrane, Guardian)

    This on a morning when the Telegraph advises: Dos and Don’ts of leather trousers

    The Heart of Britain our old Labour red top Daily Mirror exhibits the sentimental side of new socialism devoting the best part of its frontpage to a heart-warming pic of: Shot-put legend Geoff Capes with one of his beloved budgies

    And in case you were wondering, I don’t believe the Graun’s strong woman was smuggling any budgies in those trademark bright leggings of her’s – but you never know these days, right?

    RIP, Big Man runs the Mirror’s banner headline sandwiched between teasers for an upcoming veritable bucket load of PC-oriented sentimentality: Pride of Britain… Watch ITV 8pm tonight – and a further instalment of the current outpouring of mush over: …tragic Liam, his ex getting in on the act: We were going to marry…

    The tabloid Sun and the ever-excitable Mail are not immune to this keepy uppy line from the girlfriend enabling the tragic Liam story not to have a line drawn under it just yet.

    In quintessential trash journalism variations on the current thing style the giveaway Metro unearths a parallel highrise plunge tale for our attention – with a happy ending: Unborn child who survived mum’s 90ft fall… Tower block baby

    A handy photo with added graphics illustrates for us what a fall from a tower block lentails: Plunge pregnant mum Emma fell from tenth floor window (in red) of 17-storey flats (Metro)

    There’s some dark humour there somewhere about this story being wrong on many levels.

    But before we award cub reporter Jasper King of the Metro kudos for rushing out of the office and scouting out this story from the very site of the police crime scene tape – we must sadly note it as a typically Facebook sourced tale: Photo credit Facebook Posie, who was born five weeks early, is seen alongside her sister Demi, who can be seen placing her hand on her chest… Demi posted on Facebook: ‘I need you so much mum, please come home…’ Emma’s cousin Sarah shared in a Facebook post: ‘A call I was not expecting this morning has left us in complete shock.’ Family and friends have paid tribute to Emma and said she had ‘the biggest heart’ (Picture: Facebook/Emma Acko) – social media networks (and news sources) other than Facebook are (probably) available.


    • Fedup2 says:

      Mickey beurk? Was on that today talking about the 40th anniversary of his appeal to get Ethiopian dictators better range rovers – so the mugs stumped up

      Any – dangerously – he started talking about ‘news ‘ then and now and even said that ‘Liam ‘ offing himself last week didn’t warrant being 2nd in the national news – he quickly got sent on his way …
      Liam is still in the news cycle and presumably will be flown back to Blighty by the RAf for a state funeral led by an inconsolable TTK …


    • MarkyMark says:

      “We were going to marry…” woman saved from cocaine fiend?


  17. Eddy Booth says:

    Unconfirmed reports are that Labour councillor Ricky Jones, who called for people’s throats to be cut, has been granted bail ?
    The trial was set for January 20 , is it still the case?

    Perhaps 2 tier BBC Verify can get on the case.



  18. Zephir says:

    And yet more far left socialist racists : (no condolences for the family of the dead Southport protester)

    “Fury at Labour MP Kim Johnson for Chris Kaba ‘racist gang tropes’ claim – as liberal left are told to apologise for supporting hardened criminal.

    A Labour MP has provoked fury after claiming the ‘media are using racist gang tropes to justify the killing of Chris Kaba’ – while other members of the party were urged to apologise after issuing statements supporting the criminal gang member.

    Kim Johnson sent her condolences to the 24-year-old’s family and friends yesterday after he was shot dead in Streatham, South London, on September 5, 2022.”



    • Zephir says:

      What Labour politicians said in the days after Chris Kaba’s death

      Jeremy Corbyn: ‘No family should have to go through the pain Chris Kaba’s family have suffered following his killing last week. My thoughts are with them as they fight for justice and accountability for his death.’

      Diane Abbott: ‘As the terrible fate of Chris Kaba shows, people can lose their lives even when going about their daily lives. Defending all our fundamental human rights is crucial under this dangerous, repressive government.’

      Sadiq Khan: ‘My heartfelt sympathies remain with Chris Kaba’s family, friends and loved ones, who are having to come to terms with a young life cut short. I fully understand the grave concerns and impact of Chris’ death on black Londoners across our city and the anger, pain and fear it has caused – as well as the desire for justice and change. I appreciate that there are many unanswered questions and I want to reassure all of London’s communities that I will continue to push for these to be answered.’


  19. JohnC says:

    Harris says she believes her opponent is a “fascist”

    The Democrats are in so much of a frenzy, they have become ridiculous.

    So Trump is a ‘fascist’ and a ‘populist’ according to the Left.

    How does that work ?. A populist ‘strives to appeal to ordinary people who feel that their concerns are disregarded by established elite groups.’ and a fascist basically suppresses any opposition to have dictatorial power. He doesn’t care what the people want. Just like TTK.

    How utterly ridiculous they have become. They are throwing their nasty little labels around like confetti as they get more and more desperate.

    It’s another gross case of projection by the idiot Harris. They are the ones trying to supress any opposition and they are the ones trying to stop democracy by flooding swing-states with immigrants who they are going to give the vote. How stupid do you have to be to not see that ?.

    I wonder if any of the dozens of staff on the BBC fact and misinformation teams are going to clarify just how Trump can be history’s first ‘populist fascist’ for us.


  20. digg says:

    Any idea why the BBC would be bigging up this totally manufactured BBC Trump article right now?


    What a bunch of absolute rats they are!


  21. andyjsnape says:

    Why Harris moved from ‘joy’ to calling Trump ‘a fascist’

    Relentless negative reporting when it comes to Trump!

    bbc give it a rest


  22. Zephir says:

    Since condolences for criminals is the thing this week:

    I send my condolences to all the Buenos Aires drug dealers and their dwindling profit margin.


  23. taffman says:

    Its about time that all British Governments put the people of Britain first instead of virtue signalling .


  24. taffman says:

    “Commonwealth leaders to defy UK on slavery reparations”
    Reparations ?
    Ok, how about a ONE-WAY ticket back to Africa?


  25. vlad says:

    Darren Grimes
    11 hours ago
    That community note is worth my X Premium payment.



  26. Zephir says:

    Notice the Starmer henchman assaulting a pub landlord…


  27. MarkyMark says:


    “Doughnuts from Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau were delivered to Sir Keir Starmer’s jet during a re-fueling in Winnipeg.

    Sir Keir Starmer kindly offered some to journalists travelling to Samoa with him (with the help of



    Steph Spyro
    ⭐️ Politics and environment
    steph.spyro@reachplc.com ⭐ 🇬🇷🇿🇦 ⭐ Insta: SpyingOnSteph
    JournalistWhere the story takes meexpress.co.uk/journalist/123…Joined August 2011
    1,020 Following

    (from order-order.com)


  28. MarkyMark says:

    Authoritarian Labour’s Attack on Free Speech in Pubs Strikes at the HEART of British Culture



  29. Square-Eyed says:

    Headline from the realclearpolitics website:-

    Voting for Harris & a 4th Obama Term Would Bring Risks – Holman Jenkins, WSJ

    Says it all really.


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