333 Responses to Midweek 23rd October 2024

  1. pugnazious says:

    Sadiq Khan’s a scumbag….in charge of the Met Police and yet he backs a gangster instead of the police.

    I had seen this quote from Khan and thought it was from immediately after the shooting…but no…it’s from after the acquittal of the officer, Martyn Blake…whom Khan noticeably fails to mention…

    ‘ ’I understand the impact Chris Kaba’s death has had on London’s communities and the anger, pain and fear it has caused. I send my heartfelt sympathies to Chris Kaba’s family, friends and the wider community once again.’

    ‘Anger, pain and fear’? Really…how come? Surely the taking out of a dangerous gangster who preyed on the black community might be a good thing? And as the officer was acquitted and Kaba’s history once again brought into the light why sympathise with anybody over his death?

    Khan went on, and remember he’s in charge of the police, to slam the police and continue to point the finger of blame at them…

    ‘‘There’s clearly still a wider lack of trust in the police, particularly within the Black community, that needs to be addressed. As Mayor, I will continue to work with the Government to support and hold the Metropolitan Police to account to ensure any lessons are learnt.’’

    What a scummy little arse….not that his views are any different to those held by our finest broadcaster.



  2. Zephir says:

    I wonder why ? ………

    “Florida sues DOJ for blocking probe of Trump assassination attempt: Frustrated ‘at every turn'”

    Florida is taking legal action against the Department of Justice over its handling of the investigation into the second Trump assassination attempt, alleging that the agency is stifling the state-level probe.

    Florida Attorney General Ashley Moody explained the decision to file suit against the DOJ in a “Fox & Friends” exclusive claiming the agency has “frustrated” the state’s efforts “at every turn.”

    The lawsuit, filed on Wednesday, claims the DOJ has inhibited Florida officials from interviewing witnesses, pursuing state-level charges and ultimately could not conduct its own, parallel probe until the federal prosecution concluded. “


  3. Northern Voter says:

    Reeves would be better off going to MFI, they used to charge 0% interest over 4 years.


  4. Guest Who says:

    An internal struggle is taking place inside the Washington Post between leftist staffers demanding the publication endorse Kamala Harris ASAP and owner Jeff Bezos, who is almost certain that Trump will win and does not want to alienate him.

    Meanwhile the BBC, ex bbc and most MSM plus Mad Al are getting excited about billionaires in politics.

    Well, just one it seems.


    • vlad says:

      I don’t think they can let Trump win, if only because he will release the Epstein list, exposing all the movers and shakers in the Swamp.
      Apart from lawfare and assassination attempts already tried, they will start WW3 if necessary.
      Anything, absolutely anything is possible.


  5. Zephir says:

    LA Times editor resigns over the paper not endorsing Harris for president: ‘Not okay with us being silent’.

    The L.A. Times declined to endorse a presidential candidate for the first time since 2008.

    Garza told CJR that she had already begun drafting the paper’s editorial in support of Harris only to be told by her editor there would be no presidential endorsement this time.



  6. Eddy Booth says:

    “Chancellor to change debt rules to release billions”


    Hooray there was billions sitting in a trunk somewhere, bursting to get out, that new rules mean we can now spend.
    That or –
    The fiscally irresponsible government is gonna print/ borrow another shed load of money…


  7. tomo says:


    Surkeer gets into a “who’s the biggest idiot” pissing competition with Lammy.


  8. tomo says:


    • taffman says:

      Questions : Who sold the native Africans to the slave traders ?
      Who abolished slavery & its trade ?
      How many Royal Navy Sailors died in the action?…


      • Rich says:

        Faisal Islam on the bbbc webshite.


        I think he’s wrong here.

        “At its height, Britain was the world’s biggest slave-trading nation.”

        I thought it was agreed that more slaves went to Brazil than to North America and the Caribbean and a very quick look online seems to confirm that Portugal were the ‘biggest slave-trading nation’. And that’s before you add those shipped by an independent Brazil.

        And what about the Ottoman Empire Mr Islam? Have we any idea at all how many actually went to your fellow followers? Turkey being asked for money? Some chance.

        Am I wrong or is this once again bbbc agenda-driven misinformation?


  9. Fedup2 says:

    There are still efforts being made to publish the letter of the police firearms trial – may happen Friday . Seems to be critical of the decision to charge and identify the police man – thereby now putting him and has family in danger – particularly with Khan able to get information and pass it onto the gang …


  10. Flotsam says:

    Michelle Dewberry on GBNews tonight was bemoaning the incursion of the gender war into primary schools. She is trying to find a school for her child. My son is a Senior teacher and is having to deal with multi prong interference from Unions, Local Authority, Teachers, parents, Governors etc. He currently has to deal with a male teacher who has decided to become a woman called Joyce(anon) and wants to use female spaces including toilets that young girls use. There are two other teachers that want to go down this road as well.
    Who wants this nonsense?


  11. Northern Voter says:

    Easy go back to square one. If you wake up in the morning and stretch your arms, your a woman, if you wake up and scratch your balls your a man!


  12. tomo says:


  13. vlad says:

    Tommy Robinson has to ‘surrender himself’ to the police tomorrow. No doubt it’s purely coincidental that it’s just 1 day before his next big rally.

    Who was behind that decision? Crooked Khan… 2-tier Kier and his politicised CPS?

    Or Mr Magoo himself?


  14. Fedup2 says:

    Amazing how quickly the ‘justice system ‘ became far left – using threats of remand in custody for years to get perverted ‘guilty ‘ pleas leading to suicide – and the law fare used on the likes of Tommy Robinson – or firearms officers ….or you …or me ….


    • Lucy Pevensey says:

      Gulag Starmer.

      This man has earned more pejorative nicknames than any leader in UK history. In 3 months. Even more than Tony B Liar! That’s quite an accomplishment.


  15. Lucy Pevensey says:

    Never stop pumping out the climate scammer’s propaganda!


  16. atlas_shrugged says:

    Another Cambridge University scumbag – running a black-ops against RFK:

    “RFK – black ops being set up to look at RFK. Nervous about the impact of him on the election.”



    • JohnC says:

      I’m seeing ‘by any means necessary’ from the Left more and more.

      That – of course – is the justification for all the violence and hate from THEM.

      It covers all things they don’t like such as assassinating Trump and terrorism. Of course I’ve said many times that nobody hates like the Left – but now they are openly encouraging it.

      The new Nazis are stepping things up a gear when they aren’t getting their way. Same as they always did in the past.


  17. Guest Who says:

    Interesting evening, in the Chinese sense.

    Capping off his Billy Nomates effort at the Guilt Wealth shindig, Surkeer is lauded by Beff on Sky for essentially saying anyone dumb enough to save for the future is going to be screwed over to fund Ed, Lammy, Doddsie and the rest’s pillaging of the cookie jar for pet projects, signed off by Grandmistress Flash Reevsie using her wicked skills with hair dye.

    Meanwhile, despite the best efforts of Bruce and fellow multi millionaires and the MSM’s sole focus on one billionaire, seems Kammy has gone down big time. As it were.


  18. JohnC says:

    Bowen: Gaza nurse who filmed moments after Israeli strike describes chaos and grief

    … and in an effort to stop Fergal Keane becoming the top BBC Jew-hater, Bowen comes out with this.

    It’s the same as all the rest of the lop-sided shameful articles he has been churning out. He describes the carnage, he describes the poor innocent civilians but he does not go near the reason for it all is Hamas using civilians as human shields.

    Here is an absolute classic BBC lie by this hack:
    The IDF claimed Hamas was using civilians as human shields, is that true?
    “No, Hamas was not using civilians as human shields. They were protecting us and standing with us.”
    The classic ‘lie by quoting someone else’ and just look what this person from Gaza is supposed to have said : perfect English with just the right buzz-words concentrated into a single sentence for his article. 100% Bowen wrote that himself. He will justify it by saying ‘He got the essence of what she said’.


    This fat idiot actually expects us to believe that Hamas only stepped in because the IDF were slaughtering civilians. Ridiculous.

    And hot on the heels of the BBC trying to encourage Israeli soldiers to disobey orders.

    This man is now so extreme he is a traitor to any journalistic ethics he ever pretended he had. And the fact the BBC let him out these deliberately misleading lies up as front-page, world news shows the BBC in general is not far behind.

    Kick the BBC and the UN out Israel. They are your enemies within.


  19. tomo says:


    • JohnC says:

      Exactly what I’ve been saying but he says it a lot better.

      This phrase ‘by any means necessary’ has suddenly appeared and in multiple places. It’s not some random activists who made it up, it’s from a high level which has the power and infrastructure to get all the puppet activist people to start using it at the same time. Much in the same way that the TNI get’s agenda stories onto dozens of small news sites simultaneously.

      It sounds a LOT like the Democrats/Establishment are preparing for a Trump win and they are prepared to risk civil war rather than be held responsible for what they have done.


  20. Zephir says:


    • JohnC says:

      When so many people are criticising the BBC like this for their clear bias, my first thought is that OFCOM should be taking note and doing something about it.

      But they are quite happy to keep quiet and let the BBC be their own judge and jury. Because after all, they have been selected precisely because they are the same kind of people.


    • MarkyMark says:

      Unforgettable Uri Geller Appearance | Carson Tonight Show

      “They consulted Jame Randi on how to set up the props so Uri couldnt pull his tricks. The second Uri sat down and looked at the table he knew he was screwed and immediately began making excuses. Watching frauds get exposed is so satisfying, lol.”


  21. Zephir says:


  22. Zephir says:



  23. JohnC says:

    Watch: Putin challenged over Ukraine war by BBC’s Steve Rosenberg

    … and yet another BBC idiot in the ‘Sopel’ vein squandering any chance to ask a meaningful question and instead spouts 6th form activist meaningless rhetoric intended to try and embarrass Putin on the world stage.

    And in return gets properly spanked by Putin who points out all the real-world issues the BBC propaganda department completely ignore as they don’t fit the narrative.

    What is really disturbing is watching just how in control Putin is compared to the cackling idiot. If she is the end result of ‘democracy’ and ‘capitalism’, it confirms my earlier theory that every advanced civilisation is destined to eventually destroy itself once it’s focus shifts from the real-world to pure ideology.


  24. JohnC says:

    Buildings used by French politicians flooded in storm

    I’ll assume that this irrelevant story making front-page BBC news is (or will be in another article after this one sets the groundwork) in some way linked with their ‘climate change’ agenda.

    Meanwhile a man sending money to support his son and the terrorist group he belongs to is wrong on several levels. One is British subjects and their families 100% involved in terrorism and the second is that you can do such a thing without going to jail yet get 2 years and 8 months in jail if you stand outside an Asylum seeker hotel and shout that they are murdering and killing our children.

    But the second story has gone straight to regions. Again because of BBC agenda reasons.
    Man who funded nephew’s terrorism sentenced

    Which makes it quite clear where the BBC’s priorities lie : supporting your son to join ISIS and sending funds to them is much less important than shouting things from the street. Even though what you shouted is rooted in truth. Or buying eggs for someone else to throw.


  25. JohnC says:

    Moment BBC reporter returns tortured monkey into wild

    As soon as I saw this headline I thought to myself ‘I bet it’s another clueless BBC clone who is very clearly absolutely no use in the real world to do anything useful whatsoever. I fully expected it to be chock full of child-like empathy by someone who lives in some bizarre lefty bubble and could never find work if places like the BBC did not exist.’

    And I am delighted to say my BBC character prediction abilities are still razor sharp. Correct on all points.

    However I do concede the same description applies to the vast majority of them so it’s not that much of an achievement.

    On the plus side, her mum will be so proud.


    • MarkyMark says:

      “BBC World Service reporter Rebecca Henschke – who spent over a year tracking Mini and her torturers down – went along for her release.”



  26. Rich says:


    Have a look at the headline on the Fail Online and compare it to the bbbc webshite. The real news today concerns the murder of an innocent young woman in Walsall by a recently arrived asylum seeker. Seemingly murdered by a piece of shit from who knows where over a packet of biscuits. A packet of f##King biscuits?


    The rotten bbbc? Their latest on this, full of their usual half-truths and lies by omission, is hidden in Regions news.


    Interestingly I saw Darren Grimes discuss this last night.



    • JohnC says:

      Goodness me Rich – that must be one of the most blatant ‘lies by omission’ I’ve seen on the BBC. It’s absolutely 100% deliberate cover up.

      And I notice it’s another very brief article. The sort they don’t want you to spend much time thinking about.

      Here’s the ethically barren, far-Left BBC activist who wrote it:
      Under the direction of the immensely powerful anonymous agenda controller sat in their office somewhere of course.


    • vlad says:

      It seems the suspect, “of no fixed address” was probably an illegal, which fact the BBC are deliberately covering up. Some comments on the story on X, below.

      Tommy Robinson 🇬🇧
      Hearing from multiple local sources that the 27-year-old woman killed was a cleaner at a hotel filled with migrants and the killer a migrant being housed there at our expense!

      Deng Cholmajek, the name Deng is from the South Sudan.
      Just another illegal migrant in our country and just another one of our women murdered.
      We’ve all had enough of this reign of rape, murder and terror, they all need to be gone.

      Active Patriot
      Oct 23

      ILLEGAL MIGRANT staying at hotel charged after WOMAN DIES after being STABBED at Bescot Stadium railway station near Walsall

      Coaches have reportedly been seen moving the remaining migrants out of the hotel for fear of a backlash.




  27. vlad says:

    Democ-rat Broadcasting Corporation headline: “Harris’s run started at a blazing pace. It will end with her fighting for every vote”.

    It started ‘at a blazing pace’ only because, after a completely undemocratic coup, the same corrupt apparatus that got Biden into power swung behind Kamala, the least popular candidate ever.

    She is now fighting for every vote because she is so awful that even with the biased msm and the entire liberal establishment swamp backing her, every time she opens her mouth voters she how fake, empty and ghastly she is.



  28. Zephir says:

    No wonder the Home Office are so desperate to hide the immigrant crime statistics as was reported widely.

    This is becoming a weekly occurrence, immigrants, knives, murder and rape. A young girl killed after an argument over biscuits….

    “Youth, 18, ‘who arrived in the UK on a small boat in July’ has been charged with murder after asylum seeker hotel worker, 27, stabbed to death at railway station”



  29. Zephir says:

    This is insidious:

    “Hillary Clinton accuses Trump of ‘reenacting’ infamous Nazi rally at Madison Square Garden: We can’t ignore it
    The 2016 Democratic nominee agreed with Kamala Harris, John Kelly in calling Trump a ‘fascist'”


    • vlad says:

      Holding a public meeting is now ‘‘reenacting a Nazi rally”.


      • Zephir says:


        The bitter old harpie who openly accused Trump of “stealing the election” (we never hear much about that do we ?)

        And attacked the victims of her pervert husbands sex assaults.


        • Rich says:

          Hillary Clinton was given the role of Chancellor of Queens University in Belfast in 2020. A ‘positive role-model’ apparently, advocate of the ‘peace process’, the usual shite.

          My daughter turned down a place to study Law there a couple of years ago. 30 miles from home, familial links to the legal profession in the city, guaranteed some sort of work on graduating, she decided to go to Liverpool. I thought she was mad.

          Queens has a good reputation, much higher ranked than Liverpool in Law. With judgement and ‘role-models’ like theirs however, maybe she’s not as daft as I thought.

          Although I now see that Liverpools Chancellor, Wendy Beetlestone? is a Democratic Party pal of Obamas as well. Ffs they’re everywhere. Ah well, at least it’s not Killary.


  30. Zephir says:

    “the Hillary Clinton campaign and leading Democrats refused to acknowledge the outcome of the 2016 election, by claiming Donald Trump was not a legitimate president. These actions, while certainly not as dramatic or as immediately damaging as the events leading to Jan. 6 (and today), helped bring us to our current situation.

    “He lost the election and he was put into office because the Russians interfered on his behalf,” ex-President Jimmy Carter said in 2019, continuing to deny Trump’s victory three years after the election.

    “He knows he’s an illegitimate president,” said Clinton, also three years later. She repeated this sentiment in 2020, telling The Atlantic the election “was not on the level,” and again when she called Trump’s win illegitimate. She piled on to this by saying, “You can run the best campaign, you can even become the nominee, and you can have the election stolen from you,” clearly referring to how she saw her 2016 campaign.”



  31. Zephir says:

    “”Actions speak louder than words,” Broaddrick said at the time, referring to Trump’s Access Hollywood comments, which involved Trump bragging about grabbing women “by the pussy” without their consent.
    “Mr. Trump may have said some bad words, but Bill Clinton raped me, and Hillary Clinton threatened me,” Broaddrick added. “I don’t think there’s any comparison.”

    “Willey has leveled similar accusations against Hillary Clinton, telling the Washington Examiner in October 2016 that the conversation about Bill Clinton’s alleged assaults should include discussion of the Democratic nominee’s complicity.

    “Hillary Clinton’s been calling me a bimbo for 19 years, as well as Paula and Juanita and Gennifer [Flowers],” Willey told the outlet.

    “This [is] no longer about Bill Clinton’s transgressions or his infidelities or girlfriends or sex … it’s not about that anymore,” she continued. “What it’s about is the actions that his wife has taken against the women that he has raped and assaulted and whom she said “sent out people to dig up trash on me.””

    “… she consistently relates to and protects and stands with the oppressors in the gender wars, not the victims. It isn’t only that she stayed with Bill Clinton, but that she invariably sees him as the victim, preyed upon by a series of female aggressors. According to Carl Bernstein’s A Woman in Charge, as her husband prepared to run for president, she pushed to get sworn statements from women he’d been rumored to have been involved with … She even interviewed one of these women herself, at her law firm. She also led efforts to undermine Gennifer Flowers, whom she referred to as “trailer trash.”



  32. pugnazious says:

    Many whites locked up for posts on social media during riots…why are people like this not similarly locked up for incendiary posts intent on stirring up disorder and division given that the police were so concerned about how this case was being portrayed by media and on social media?



  33. non-licence payer says:

    Here is a free offer to all users of this site.
    My request to the BBC is why do they never report on the unsustainable gulf between state salaried and private pensions. I will not be holding my breath.



  34. Fedup2 says:

    Comrade Robinson interviews a treasury minister about what comrade reeve is going to do . He asks what ‘working people ‘ are ? – are landlords ‘working people’? Said minister squirmed – comrade Robinson let him off .

    Then comrade Robinson asked about the pre election promise to stick to the fiscal rules – but now changing the fiscal rules by getting a 50 billion increase on the credit limit …..

    That 50 billion will be peed on public sector pay and pensions – and 4 day weeks – working from home -huge HR departments –
    The treasury chap – traditionally treasury MPs are meant to be brighter than most – said there will be ‘guard rails ‘ four times .
    I wanted to know what a ‘guard rail’ is – but comrade Robinson didn’t ask – after all – he is a mate …


  35. Fedup2 says:

    Today 2

    Two mates chatting – comrade our Justin and bob Woodward . Bobby is a saint for the BBC Bobby has declared president trump isnt fit to be the president . Nothing about what he achieved during the first term . Bobs’ big achievement ? Diminishing the US by helping to bring down a president ….

    Justin then provides the balance by getting trump and fascism linked …. The trump supporter was just used as a false ‘balance ‘ which was unusual for the BBC … why anyone who supports president trump talks to the BBC is beyond me


  36. Zephir says:

    “We’ve known all the long that the Labour Party would hike one of the most hated taxes of all, inheritance tax (IHT), even if they refused to admit it during the election campaign. The left have been desperate to hike IHT for years, in their battle to reduce wealth inequality.

    Finally, they’ve got their chance. What they have no longer got is the moral right to do so. Starmer and Reeves’ love of free gifts from strangers has destroyed that.

    As we’ve seen, our new PM loves a freebie more than any other MP. While leader of the opposition, he pocketed nearly £83,780 in gifts and hospitality, including designer clothes and glasses and tickets to several football matches.

    Many of these came from by Labour Party donor and peer Waheed Alli, who also funded £5,000 of clothes for Starmer’s wife, Victoria.

    Worse, these were not declared within the required 28 days of receiving them.

    And of course he didn’t pay tax on any of them. MPs don’t have to, for some reason.

    Reeves wasn’t much better, taking £7,500 from a wealthy friend which she spent on clothes.

    The hypocrisy is breathtaking, because at the same time as grabbing all the gifts they can these two have been lining up a massive IHT raid on – you guessed it – gifts.”


  37. Zephir says:

    New pride flag announced for unemployed people:



  38. Zephir says:

    Interesting, Russia states it doesn’t care who is president in the US “because it is ruled by the deep state”


  39. atlas_shrugged says:

    Kaba kaba kaba kaba kaba kaba kaba kaba

    Peter Lynch?

    Kaba kaba kaba kaba kaba kaba kaba kaba

    Repeat and repeat often.

    bBC Cognitive dissonance.


  40. Zephir says:


  41. friend of yogi bear says:


    Rachel (l worked for the Bank of England) Reeeves has frequently called for a new truth honesty and openess in politics. Hurrah ..that’s just what we need…

    How unfortunate when…not before time , some examination of her C.V. brings new light on her and her party.

    1st we have the truth and details of her “Chess Champion” past
    Perhaps trivial of itself ..but..it shines a light on a level of deviousness that should trouble us all……Sad to report her claim appears to be entirely false, 29th place in a championship does not equal a champion , most would agree. On that basis England could claim to have won the football world cup over 25 times!

    2nd we have , perhaps more troubling details of her claim to have been an economist working at the Bank of England….seems that was not the case …just an admin role in a very small admin support team…oh dear me…..

    So we are asked to believe this person when she says the plans she outlines are all costed etc,etc.

    Oh and by the way …..Reeves has just moved the goalposts on debt..

    Don’t worry we can trust her, after all she said we can.


    • MarkyMark says:

      Control the language control the thinking….. “Reeves has just moved the goalposts on debt”

      ……………. CONTROL THE LANGUAGE ………………………….

      you don’t call it “Murdering people” you call it “Falling from heights” in Iran … Owen Jones (Powerful Journalist) and Jeremy Corbyn (Press TV) to raise this issue?

      Falling from heights (in 2008) {wiki}
      Iran may have used this form of execution for homosexuality. According to Amnesty International in 2008, Tayyeb Karimi and Yazdan were convicted of abduction, r*pe and theft and sentenced to death by a judge in Shiraz, Fars province, southern Iran, in May 2007.[58] They were to be thrown off a cliff or from a great height.[59] The judge ordered that they be executed in the way described. Four other men have been sentenced to 100 lashes each for their involvement in the same crimes.[59][60]


  42. AsISeeIt says:

    Donald Trump Ate My Hamster edition – really, really!

    Harris’s run started at a blazing pace. It will end with her fighting for every vote – frets our BBC in the guise of Sarah Smith, North America editor

    Now why would that be we wonder?

    Could it have anything to do with the fact that after the rather unsubtle last minute palace coup against Joe Biden, the Kamala campaign was lauched in a blaze of biased Democrat supportive mainstream corporate media hullabaloo?

    I recall “Joy” was the watchword for this rather third rate candidate – and it was slavishly echoed – echoed from the broadcast news bulletins to the press banner headlines. From the daytime chat show panels to the Holywood celeb red carpets.

    But of course mainstreet, as well as mainstream, has to have its say come election day. And Joe’s DEI Veep pick – Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: Joe Biden says he is considering four Black women to be his running mate (CNN, July 2020) – white women need not apply. White men, forget it!

    Well looky here – seems when push comes to shove – and the doddery old geezer Biden is summarily shoved aside – the supposed joy out there for Harris in middle America is discovered to be sadly lacking.

    The joy is over. As election nears, Kamala Harris tone goes dark (USA Today News)

    Kamala Harris has gone from a joyful warrior to a somber one in campaign’s closing days (San Francisco Chronicler)

    Naturally our BBC journos are simply channelling the word from their mates in the US Democrat-leaning mainstream. In these days of instant internet news availability we licence payers (not me by the way) could save ourselves their travel expenses, cut out the middle women and shop around for some alternative views.

    Donald Trump, Not Kamala Harris, Is Running A Campaign Full Of Joy (The Federalist)

    Inevitably the card-carrying leftists are still allergic to the fast moving Trump train…

    Campaigning for Kamala Harris is the embodiment of queer joy (LGBTQ Nation)

    But seriously, folks… ordinary folks…

    ‘Joy’ Is Working for Harris, but Can It Close the Deal? (New York Times)

    US presidential campaign politics posits the notion of the “October Surprise” – the big spoiler story kept under wraps until just prior to election day. You know the sort of killer headline – “Donald Trump Ate My Hamster”

    And so it is that our very own Guardian this morning tries its hand at the game: ‘Like a Twisted Game’ (Guardian)

    Before we get into it I’m oddly reminded of Chris Isaak, singer, songwriter and guitarist’s hit Wicked Game (1989)

    The world was on fire and no one could save me but you
    It’s strange what desire will make foolish people do

    What a wicked game you play, to make me feel this way
    What a wicked thing to do, to let me dream of you
    What a wicked thing to say, you never felt this way
    What a wicked thing to do, to make me dream of you

    But I digress

    ‘Like a Twisted Game’ Ex-model says Trump groped her on visit with Epstein (Guardian) – and were Bill Clinton, Harvey Weinstein and Bill Cosby also in the room? As witnesses? Gosh, those boys really got the band back together.

    When was this?

    … said she met Donald Trump in 1992… the alleged groping occurred some months later, in the late winter or early spring of 1993 (Guardian) – I’m amazed The Donald’s 2016 Presidential run didn’t prompt her memory. And prompt it somewhat more precisely. Of course as any dodgy journo will warn you, if you name a date the accused chap might be able to produce an alibi to prove he was 1000 miles away on that day.

    Guilt by association

    …said Epstein was intrested in her and the two casually dated… “It became very clear then that he and Donald were really, really good friends…” (Guardian) – really, really, honest.

    Will you say it or shall I? All together now… Calm down dear.


    • Fedup2 says:

      Im really sorry but i recall that in the run up to the 2020 election there were all the signs that president trump would win again because biden was a corrupt career politician and was hiding in his bunker

      The same is being played out again . The fix is in . Its a shame – though – that the republicans couldnt come up with someone fresher – without thr baggage which the msm has made trump carry

      Also – if mr trump really wins the obama gang will really contest the results for years … obstructing President Trump from deconstruction of the Democrat Federal State


  43. MarkyMark says:

    Any word from Biden who runs the USA? HA HA HA HA HAH HA

    Joe Biden appears to walk off during G7 flag ceremony


  44. MarkyMark says:



  45. MarkyMark says:

    “He now describes celebrities like Ferdinand and actor Idris Elba as close friends.”


  46. MarkyMark says:


    MP for Richmond and Northallerton.
    leader. Former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom 🇬🇧
    Joined September 2019

    As leader of Hamas, Yahya Sinwar was responsible for horrific acts of terror. His removal marks a significant step towards justice.

    Britain must remain committed to supporting Israel’s right to defend itself against terror and to ensuring peace in the region.

    Three years ago, we lost a dedicated public servant and a friend, Sir David Amess.

    His passion for his community and kindness to all will never be forgotten.

    Today, we honour his legacy and continue to stand united against hatred and violence.

    Alex Salmond was a huge figure in our politics. While I disagreed with him on the constitutional question, there was no denying his skill in debate or his passion for politics. May he rest in peace.

    Labour’s first 100 days in power have failed the country and not delivered the change it promised voters.

    Don’t take my word for it, take Keir Starmer’s.



  47. Zephir says:

    Another black “charity” that needs a bloody good looking at:

    “Black rights charity that claimed gangster Chris Kaba was victim of ‘racist state violence’ could face regulator probe.

    The Runnymede Trust criticised the legal system after police officer Sergeant Martyn Blake was found not guilty of murder on Monday for killing Mr Kaba.”


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