333 Responses to Midweek 23rd October 2024

  1. Zephir says:

    BUT the most amazing thing from this racist charity is this:

    Suddenly, despite being all over the adverts, and the racist bbc:

    When it bloody suites them they say this:

    “people of colour ‘die disproportionately as a result of use of force or restraint by the police’ and that 8 per cent of those who died in custody were racialised as black, despite representing only 3 per cent of the population’.’

    Will someone please tell the bb f@cking c and ITV and Channel 4 and every radio station advertiser:



  2. Zephir says:

    I cannot help but agree with Putin on his points here in the attached video:

    “Putin’s rage at BBC reporter: Russian president cannot hide his anger as he is challenged over Ukraine, blasting NATO expansion and accusing the West of lying to our faces”

    ” ‘Is it fair that for years our (Western) partners for years ignored our constant appeals not to expand NATO to the East? To lie to our face and violate all their obligations… to get into Ukraine and build military bases?’ he scowled.

    He went on to accuse the US of orchestrating and financing a coup in Ukraine in 2014 – a theme central to the Kremlin’s narrative that opposes the White House’s account that the annexation of Crimea in 2014 and the subsequent invasion of Ukraine was down exclusively to Russian aggression.

    As the conference drew to a close, Rosenberg asked a second question, referring to claims by Britain’s MI5 that Russian agents were ‘creating chaos’ on the streets of Britain.

    That appeared to be the final straw for Putin, who audibly laughed, thanked Rosenberg for the question and immediately dismissed it as ‘utter rubbish’.”



  3. Flotsam says:

    So Labour might raise inheritance Tax or change the thresholds to capture more Estates. Listening to the hard left activists……Labour supporters, I’ve realised that it’s not really about raising more Tax, it’s more about attacking the family, Capitalism and people that they define as being too well off. I actually heard one of these specimens on GBNews saying that inheritance should be abolished altogether. Her argument was that the beneficiaries hadn’t earned the money so shouldn’t get it.
    The hard Left are sure banging the Marxist drum. It’s scary that these people are allowed to walk the streets.


  4. Lucy Pevensey says:

    Ed Contraband & Rachel Thieves have flown on a net-zero jet to the USA. (It’s ok when THEY do it).

    He tweeted some crap about a sustainable future blah blah blah.
    I can only assume there is some sort of globalist gathering. They hate Trump and the majority of Americans,
    I can’t believe it’s a sudden case of the warm fuzzies for American & Western values.

    More likely to be a panic meeting. How to stop Trump.


  5. vlad says:

    You want to know how little the BBC cares about the white working class, and about violent illegal migrants?

    Here’s a clue: the story of the cleaner murdered by a suspected illegal immigrant is not on their Home page, nor on the UK page, nor on the England page. No, it’s safely hidden away under Birmingham in Local News.

    Just a little local enrichment, nothing to see here.

    And they’re still describing the suspect as “of no fixed address”, when everyone else seems to know he was an illegal immigrant from Sudan.


    • Guest Who says:

      Up the workers!

      Meanwhile highly paid BBC staff, with pensions invested for them that get propped up by the tvl, are less than keen to go near the Prime Munter coming out with a politically suicidal latest piece of idiocy, on record, and then egg on face relies on the anonymous weasels he employees to ‘clarify’ with complicit but increasingly incredulous propaganda droids.


  6. Emmanuel Goldstein says:

    This reparations malarkey.

    Usually, when this comes round we dismiss it as barmy.
    We give loads of examples like the Romans, Vikings and others who we could also claim reparations from but never will.

    The difference this time is Labour are daft enough to go ahead with paying millions or billions to all those Countries which were affected by slavery hundreds of years ago.
    No other Country is paying these type of demands but TTK is a soft touch and the far left Labour bunch would certainly want to pay something, after all, it’s not their money they are giving away, it’s tax payers money.
    It might make them feel good and smug but it’s the wrong thing to do. Already they are leaking possible compromises which means paying money.

    First of all, we know this money will just end up in rich peoples bank accounts and little will go to the ordinary person.
    Second, we only finished paying a massive borrowed sum in 2015 to free slaves. No other Country done that.
    Third, we lost thousands of sailors lives stopping slavery.
    Fourth, nobody in the UK was alive when all this slavery was going on.
    Fifth, only a small number of people became very very rich in the UK because of the slave trade. The vast majority were extremely poor, think Dickens or even tv like ‘When the boat comes in’ where even in the last century children were barefoot and dressed in rags.
    Maybe those who made their fortunes in the slave trade should pay some reparations but 99.99% of England gained nothing. Even any rise in the standard of living didn’t come through slave trading but was because of the Industrial Revolution which could be viewed as the opposite of slave labour.

    There’s lots of other reasons such as the Africans themselves selling slaves to traders and the fact that the Arabs are still at it now but we know all these things anyway.

    The danger is that this dreadful government who are so brainwashed and stupid will pay reparations because they think it makes them look good and sympathetic but in reality, just pathetic.


    • Rob in Cheshire says:

      I agree, those that made their fortunes in slave trading should pay reparations. Of course none of the British people who did so are alive today, they would have died 150 years ago. But there are plenty of rich arabs and Africans living in Britain who own and trade slaves. Make them pay up.


    • Fedup2 says:

      Let’s face it – the reparation gig is just a tool to extract more money as ‘foreign aid ‘ -,which of course TTK will buy into and throw more borrow taxpayers money at the feckless corrupt third world rubbish …


  7. Guest Who says:

    Time for TNI buttcheek.

    Stacey Williams says Donald Trump and Jeffrey Epstein ‘coordinated’ groping incident

    A former Sports Illustrated swimsuit model tells CNN Trump groped her to show off for Jeffrey Epstein in the early 1990s

    ufologically Smug
    A literal Google search would have told the Guardian that this is a lie, with Epstein not moving to the claimed home until 3 years afterward
    But of course the point is to spread a lie and then “correct” — if at all — after the election.


  8. MarkyMark says:

    Three Labour MPs and a Tory peer will be charged with false accounting in relation to their parliamentary expenses, it was announced today.

    Keir Starmer, the director of public prosecutions, revealed that Elliot Morley, a former minister, David Chaytor, the MP for Bury North, Jim Devine, the MP for Livingston, and Lord Hanningfield, a former Conservative business spokesman, will be charged under the Theft Act.





  9. MarkyMark says:

    “Today the Southport attack suspect Axel Muganwa Rudakubana was due in Liverpool Crown Court for a pre-trial preparation hearing. His case has not been listed and Guido can find no explanation. The highly emotive killings of young girls at a Taylor Swift dance party sparked rioting over suspicions that it was a terror motivated incident. The authorities went to great lengths to disabuse the public of this notion in carefully phrased language which cast doubt on that possibility. No doubt with the intention of calming public concern.

    After four months police investigators and prosecutors must surely have compiled their case, so why is the hearing not going ahead?”


    Starmer to lead Cobra meeting after vowing swift justice awaits ‘far-right thugs’


  10. Lucy Pevensey says:



  11. Zephir says:

    Stalin Starmer, lying to get into power, repeatedly lying to the electorate = stolen election.


  12. Square-Eyed says:


    Do you want your garden to look extra special this winter?

    Remember, Starmer & Co deliver goal-posts right to your door!


  13. NW Ninepence says:

    Breaking News
    Tommy Robinson charged with terror offences after handing himself in to police

    25 October 2024, 16:04 | Updated: 25 October 2024, 16:10


    • Emmanuel Goldstein says:

      It’s because he will not give the police his telephone number PIN code (so they will not be able to get all his contacts)

      Tommy is a journalist so do the police have the power to make every journalist give up their PIN number and thus reveal their confidential sources and whistle blowers?

      You would think all media journalists would be on this supporting Tommy but they are mostly anti Tommy lefties so are safe from the police.


  14. Fedup2 says:

    Far left judge – plead guilty and get 5? Years or plead not and get for ever remand in custody … RIP Tommy … The TTK system will kill you


  15. MarkyMark says:


    “Yesterday, Abena said to Shadow Paymaster General John Glen in the Common:

    “We will ban China’s economic engagement and make sure we strengthen our national security.”

    She must have not got the memo that Labour’s now not-so-hawkish on China. Today, she issued an apology to Hansard, stating she actually meant to say:

    “We will balance China in terms of economic engagement and make sure we strengthen our national security.”

    Co-conspirators can only imagine the stern words she received from China-lover Lammy…”



  16. tomo says:


  17. tomo says:


  18. vlad says:

    Compare and contrast the prominence given to the story of “White supremacist stabbed asylum seeker in hotel” on the Home page; with the relegation of the story of a cleaner killed by an illegal (allegedly) to near invisibility in Local News.




  19. Lucy Pevensey says:


  20. Guest Who says:

    🇬🇧 🇷🇺 BBC reporter confronted:
    You can work in Russia but Russian journalists can’t work in your country. Is it fair?

    Not his business. But, is it work?


  21. pugnazious says:

    From the Telegraph…

    ‘BBC must apologise for ‘bias’ in Chris Kaba reporting, says Jenrick ‘
    ‘The BBC must apologise for its “biased and misleading” reporting of the police shooting of Chris Kaba, MPs have said.

    An analysis of the BBC’s coverage of the case shows that the corporation has repeatedly highlighted accusations that the killing was “racist” while failing to report elements of Kaba’s violent criminal past.

    Six separate reports on the BBC’s website in the weeks after the shooting repeated claims made by Kaba’s family that the Metropolitan Police is “racist”.

    While other news outlets reported the fact that Kaba had twice been jailed for weapons offences, the BBC portrayed him as a member of an award-nominated drill rap group.

    The BBC has also referred, in almost all of its reports, to the fact that Kaba was going to become a father at the time he died.

    But in its numerous website articles it has never reported the fact that he was served with a 28-day domestic violence protection order relating to the mother of his unborn child barring him from contacting her on social media or entering the street where she lives.

    The corporation has been criticised this week for claiming that black communities were “really traumatised” by the killing of Kaba, and felt they had been “denied justice” after a jury cleared Sgt Martyn Blake of murder.

    The article was written after the media was allowed to report that Kaba was a violent gangster who had shot two people in the week before he died.

    Robert Jenrick, the Conservative leadership contender, said the BBC should apologise for its reporting.

    He said: “From the outset, the BBC’s coverage revealed that it went into this story with a predetermined view of what happened. That sort of bias is not consistent with the BBC’s charter. They need to apologise both to the public and to Sgt Blake and his family for the distress their misleading reportage has caused.”

    Nick Timothy, a fellow Conservative MP, said: “The BBC – and other institutions – have serious questions to answer about their response to the Chris Kaba shooting.

    “There was and remains, even now, with the firearms officer found not guilty and the public aware of all the facts about Kaba, a sustained attempt to claim that the shooting was a racist act. It was nothing of the sort, and if we want a happier and more trusting society we need our most important institutions to tell the truth.”’



  22. tomo says:

    Now, do the UK’s leftoid riddled establishment


  23. StewGreen says:

    The British Science Association have sent me a circular email
    Guess the title

    It’s the longest Subject line I have ever seen
    Celebrating Black History Month with MSD scientists and STEM employees
    | The British Science Week 2025 taster pack is out now!
    | Watch the British Science Festival 2024 video
    | Find out key insights from nature-based learning to inspire young people

    I inserted linespaces to make it legible. The original is one long garbled line.


  24. Philip_2 says:

    BBC Radio 2 listeners are finally giving up on bull-shit presenters and wall to wall bias

    In case any of us missed it. its official BBC 2 Radio figures are going through the floor as it cannot compete with the competition who are better and know the audience better than the BBC.

    So the BBC tries to copy them by starting another radio station, that has been blocked by OFCOM. BBC tried to do the same when Classic FM was more sucessfull and when Radio 3 listeners left, they tried to copy ‘the format’ and were prosecuted in the courts, and lost to Global., (who own Classic FM and several other music radio stations).

    For some reason BBC never try to copy GB News but they have placed several complaints to OFCOM calling it ‘unfair competition’, even though they have nothing to offer just ‘Question Time’ which they openly rig ‘for balance’ (they say). But is the same in all discussions on the BBC, on every 101 Channels they have, mirror image discussions and ditch all concerns or those who are not left, queer, or distraught with envy.

    OFCOM ruled: ‘But it is understood that Ofcom has now blocked the imminent launch of the station on BBC Sounds and directed the corporation to include the online plans in the Public Interest Test.

    This comes after an internal review by the BBC had reportedly found that the online launch would not have a significant adverse effect on fair and effective competition’. (hah! another internal BBC report worth poops)..

    BBC is anti competitive, even though they have a distinct advantage by the state broadcasting rules, they do not always’ win!

    Full credit to BOOM radio (that is online only and does not even have a radio station that BBC can attack.) So full credit to them for taking Radio 2 listeners away to the far better and easy listenable BOOM Radio. Only ex BBC Staffers, made redundant by the BBC could have pulled it off. And won. proving that going after the gormless trendy ‘yoof’ market is a dead end.



  25. Lucy Pevensey says:


  26. Guest Who says:

    In which BBC Verify blocks comments.


    That said, I am seeing a lot of comments.

    And they could be better.


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