Always enjoy the lie of the ‘special relationship ‘ – perhaps the statue of Winston Churchill will be placed back in the Oval Office – although Britain hating Obama/ Biden would probably have melted it down ….
There is no ‘special relationship ‘ there are just national interests which coincide – as evidenced by the US sitting on its ‘ hands from 1939 – 1941 …. And exploiting the UK economy through lend – lease …
I find it endlessly amusing that the BBC are blaming Biden for the defeat because he didn’t quit soon enough.
It’s gross hypocrisy on so many levels. If the BBC/MSM had called out his mental decay when we all knew it, he would have been long gone. And the BBC know as well as the rest of us that he didn’t quit at all. He was forced to quit by Obama and Pelosi in a very unpleasant situation where they threatened to impeach him as an idiot if he didn’t.
Meanwhile the nasty old goat has been completely removed from the news by the BBC for one obvious reason : so he didn’t distract and upset Kamala’s campaign. Very, very clear bias to help her.
And the other thing they are blaming is that she is a black woman. meaning what ? – she would have won if she wasn’t ?. What about the fact she had utterly failed in her previous attempts to get the ticket and is now known as the cackling idiot ?.
The height of how disconnected the BBC have become was in an article by the poisonous, stage-3 TDS Madeline Halpert (the one on anti-depressants at 17) who actual presented a comment from someone who said Kamala should have won because she is a woman and it’s time for a woman President. Something Madeline obviously agrees with. She seems oblivious to just how utterly sexist and ridiculous that is as a reason to say someone should be President.
But look on the bright side : the BBC have – and are still making – complete arses of themselves and showing everyone their real bias. Why are they writing so many articles about the loser FFS ?. She is finished. In the political dustbin.
I read this morning of a scheme by the democrats to have Biden step down making Harris the first coloured girl president.
Would they do that ? How would Trump react ? What would America do ?
To me it is insane but … you never know …
ajs, great motorcycles, make motorcycles great again! Think it it was the defeated Socialist (so-called Democrat) candidate who was reported as having gone to bed, maybe to cry her eyes out.
It’s another good day – not because of President Trump ( a given ) but because the kraut government is falling apart – with another election in March instead of September . Anything which negatively affects the socialist EU = good ….
Apparently ‘European leaders ‘ are all meeting today to discuss how they will deal with Trump – maybe it’s the day someone ‘invites ‘ TTK to apply to rejoin the Reich EU …. BBC still in mourning as all those ‘journos ‘ get their first class tickets back to the UK …
“Meanwhile in Yorkshire:
Twenty men have been jailed for more than 219 years combined after being found guilty of raping and abusing young girls. Through a series of individual investigations and trials, the men were found to have sexually abused and exploited four girls between the ages of 12 and 16 in Calderdale.
This story appears nowhere on the BBC website or on BBC News. If they did cover this story, we might have incorrect thoughts.”
Riots over murdered kids at Taylor Swift dancing – lock them up.
Kids raped – net zero riots or net zero jobs lost.
TOADY Watch #1 – much anguish from dem grate Bibbycee
Quite delicious to listen to. Hope that is the position UK is in after GE 2029 with a Reform+Conservative Coalition and Labour/LimpDems all crying into their beer.
Mucho analysis on TOADY. What will Trump do after inauguration? Why did the Democrats lose? “It is the economy – stupid!”
Unfortunately witnessed some BBC breakfast promotion of Children in need Givathon …….oh look a harmless illegal invader saying how wonderful to be here and with a job to do something…I just zoned out as my Misses was Channel hopping after a few minutes of Sky news ….Glorious to see all the lefty MSM in Mourning 😄 🤣
The next delicious episode in the American soap will be watching Dems tear themselves apart as the blame game starts, over who lost them the election.
May the fighting be fierce, and bloody, and protracted.
Popcorn time.
😄 🤣
“Devastated Democrats have rounded on George Clooney after the actor demanded that Joe Biden quit before Donald Trump’s election victory.
A furious blame game has erupted in the wake of Trump’s emphatic win over rival Kamala Harris, with lifelong Democrat Clooney being especially criticised for his influence during the election.”
I read a piece today suggesting the endorsements achieve nothing because the people who pay attention to the luvvies would vote left anyway -so Taylor swift didn’t have any effect at all …
The far left globalists telling us what we can eat and now what we can or cannot drink: sweet satisfaction here:
“Furious Amish in Pennsylvania get ‘revenge’ at the polls.
America’s famously private Amish people are unreachable by phone or email and refuse to have TVs in their homes.
But that didn’t stop members of the conservative Christian group turning out on polling day in a trend that appears to have helped Donald Trump win Pennsylvania.
In Lancaster County, the heart of the state’s Amish community, one member reportedly rode his horse and cart through the roads carrying a billboard proclaiming: ‘Pray for God’s Mercy for Our Nation.’
What sparked the voting rush? Government agents had stormed a local farm early in the year in a row over unpasteurised milk that left the Amish community absolutely enraged.
Donald Trump Jr tweeted at the time: ‘Imagine what law enforcement could accomplish if they went after members of elite paedophile rings rather than farmers selling to their neighbours??’
Pennsylvania’s traditionally private Amish community, which some estimate numbers around 100,000, then registered to vote in ‘unprecedented numbers’. Experts have said that the movement could won Mr Trump tens of thousands of new votes in the crucial swing state. ”
Won’t be long before the BBC is calling them Far-Right white supremacists as it does with Evangelists who supported Trump. Naturally they have nothing but praise and respect for Muslims….no derogatory insinuations or sly smears there.
How’s that diversity and enrichment going for you, Pierre ?
“Asyum seekers welcome ‘ere ? Sacre Bleu !!”
“How France is turning into a ‘Mexicanized narco-state’ with drug wars fought across the country, teenagers being stabbed and burned alive, and gangsters breaking kingpins out of custody in daring ambushes”
“What we’re seeing now is either the beginning or the death knell of extreme MAGA philosophy,” Biden told Democratic donors in the Washington suburb of Rockville. Calling out those he labeled as “extreme” Republicans, Biden said: “It’s not just Trump, it’s the entire philosophy that underpins the — I’m going to say something, it’s like semi-fascism.”
That attitude is at the heart of why the Democrats lost…not just deplorable garbage but Fascist deplorable garbage…but the BBC trundles on gaslighting us…Kamalla was too loyal to distance herself from Biden, she was too moderate but then went too hard on Trump, Harris didn’t explain her policies.
One notable comment…
‘…the sit-down was quickly overshadowed by her response to a question on what she would have done differently from incumbent president, Joe Biden: “Not a thing comes to mind.”‘
Oddly I don’t remember the BBC ever making a song and dance about this faux pas…the whole campaign was a very positive portrayal of Harris by the BBC…very upbeat and certain that she would win….abortion would win over the women and jokes about Puerto Rico and Latinos by a comedian would hand their votes to the Dems…and the BBC tacking on to every report that Trump incited Jan 6 and was a ‘convicted felon’…it was all over…except it wasn’t.
I’ve seen the rare interview where Harris was asked the ‘what different ‘ question – a number of times .
It evidenced a number of things –
1 she was no good without a script
2 she was badly prepared and should have known certain questions
3 she failed to distance from the old boy with dementia .Even though There was no affection for him ….
Here s some other lessons for the democrats
Lawfare doesn’t work
Too much lawfare makes things worse
If trump really had committed a real crime – they should have found that
The values inside the blob are not the same as real life – however much the msm preach
People see political trials for what they are and will ‘discount ‘ words like ‘criminal ‘and ‘felon’..
People care about real things – gas prices – not ‘garbage ‘
Woke is not a guarantee of virtue
People really are not as thick as democrats think
Money ($1 billion ? V $300 million won’t buy an election with a poor candidate
A pig is sill a pig even when you put lipstick on it …
There – I’ve done the democrat debrief –
BTW – do you remember the msm script that all those court cases would destroy president trump ? BBC – shame
And I think one of the many reasons people like us / me are celebrating is that if Obama had got his 4th term he’d have finished off the corruption of the voting process completely …. The US and other countries would be forever socialist states … frightening …
Seems to be the strategic avenue the blob has settled upon.
Beyond making the Graun loons feel better about each other, after the election result, the world’s most laughable propaganda broadcaster falling back on client lawfare is erring on the desperate.
Why do leftist hags not realise that quite a few people don’t share their views?
I used to keep quiet if someone I barely knew said (like they did in 2016) “Can’t believe people voted for Brexit’ or “America is finished voting for that idiot for president.”
I’d just smile and walk off or change the subject.
Today though, a woman, white one from South Africa too – you’d think she’d know better, I barely know the woman. Has said about 3 sentences to me in her life.said, “I see America is in trouble.”
I calmly replied, “Depends on how you see it.”
The look on her stupid face was a mix of disgust and confusion.
They literally think everyone thinks the same as them. Due to the social media bubbles, lefty censorship, the media etc.
Possibly because their view of the world is not shaped or constrained by reality. Ultimately people fall into two categories: realists, who look at the world around them and the human condition and see the challenge of how to make the best of it and improve things where possible; utopians, who have a vision of how things should be or could be, unrestrained by reality or experience, and with only their imagination and ego to guide them in a state of perpetual delusion. Leftists, liberals, communists and other authoritarians are invariably utopians.
Lysenkoism dominated Chinese science from 1949 until 1956, during which open discussion of alternative theories like classical Mendelian genetics were forbidden. Only in 1956 during a genetics symposium opponents of Lysenkoism were permitted to freely criticize it and argue for Mendelian genetics.[48] In the proceedings from the symposium, Tan Jiazhen is quoted as saying “Since [the] USSR started to criticize Lysenko, we have dared to criticize him too”.[48] For a while, both schools were permitted to coexist, although the influence of the Lysenkoists remained large for several years, contributing to the Great Famine through loss of yields.[48]
Labour by-election fears after MP Mike Amesbury charged with assault for punching man
The MP has been charged with assault, Cheshire Police have announced.
By Christian Calgie, Senior Political Correspondent
12:22, Thu, Nov 7, 2024 | UPDATED: 12:25, Thu, Nov 7, 2024
“Rachel Reeves ‘will saddle Zara Tindall with a huge inheritance tax bill’: No escape for the royals from Labour’s raid on farms as critics claim it will turn the countryside into ‘Net Zero forests'”
BBC have an article up saying Trump’s win is bad for environmentalists, according to ‘experts’ (none of whom’s entire careers are dependent on pushing the green agenda,of course).
It never ends, does it?
I hope Trump says he’ll burn a million old car tyres every time the BBC blames him for the weather.
RFK is an environmental lawyer of 40yrs, and Thomas Massie is pushing the PRIME act to protect small farmers and local food and will likely have a role in the new administration.
But the BBC will ignore all this and just bang on about not Trump not signing up to global diktats.
Sweden has rejected plans to build 13 offshore wind farms in the Baltic Sea, citing security concerns.
The farms were intended to be located off the Åland Islands in the north along the entire east coast down to Öresund. The government believes that building the projects in question in the Baltic Sea area would have unacceptable consequences for Sweden’s defence.
ANDREW NEIL in the DM: “Truly we now live in The Age Of Trump… and it may be more lasting than many realise”.
How very gracious of His Majesty to notice that Trump and Trumpism have burst onto the world stage and are about to have a huge and lasting global impact.
After years of sneering, jeering, condescending and insulting Orange Man, His Eminence (I’m-too-good-for-GB News) Neil has finally noticed that something’s happening across the pond that maybe merits his patronising attention.
And no doubt, when Trump proves to be a huge success, His Lordship will declare that he knew it all along. He can spot a winner when he sees one.
Recollections may vary, but not mine. I shall always remember that deep down you’re a beeboid hack, even if one day you jump on the Trump bandwagon when it becomes fashionable, like so many others in the commentariat.
While the world has been watching Washington, Germany is quietly going into political meltdown.
Chancellor Olaf Scholz fired Finance Minister Christian Lindner, the leader of one of the three coalition parties, on Wednesday night. Two of Lindner’s three colleagues in cabinet promptly quit, effectively breaking apart the coalition government.
But because he no longer has a majority in parliament, the chancellor now needs opposition support to push through anything new, including crucially the 2025 budget, which is supposed to be agreed next week.
Today/Yesterday in Parliament
Radio 4 & Radio 4 Extra, 24/25 October 2024
During a report on a House of Lords debate about how the government is tackling climate change we incorrectly said the Conservative former cabinet minister, Lord Lilley, was involved in an oil and gas company based in central Asia. Lord Lilley does not have any current interest in an energy company. We apologise for the error.
Category 2: Remunerated employment, office, profession etc.
Member, Advisory Board, Yi Mei Capital (principal investment firm specialising in private equity funds in China)
Chairing/speaking in seminars on process of government for Public Policy Exchange
Category 4: Shareholdings (b)
Idox plc (supplier of specialist information management solutions and services to the public sector and highly regulated asset intensive industries)
Category 5: Land and property
Small agricultural land holding with sheep in France
Category 10: Non-financial interests (b)
Member of Council, Buckingham University
“North Korean soldiers engaged in combat against Ukrainian forces for first time in Kursk, Oblast, a region in western Russia on Monday November 4th, a U.S. defense official tells Fox News”
#1 Hahahaha! Eviscerating! Fred Fleitz, who has worked for the CIA and the Department of Defense, absolutely tears into the activists at the British public broadcaster Channel 4 News over an interview they’d just conducted with a Trump relative that nobody has ever heard of.
#2 Yup. The people who’ve smeared and denigrated good, decent people for years don’t deserve to escape without having their noses rubbed in it
Commentators like Emily Mateless, James nO’Brain and practically everyone at the BBC are getting hysterical.
In a sense they’re not wrong. Not because it’s the end of democracy, the beginning of tyranny or any of that cr*p.
No, they’re angry and scared because in their bones they sense that their reign is coming to an end.
For decades now, woke liberal lefties have occupied the public space, while defining and controlling the Overton Window of acceptable thought.
They have been the self-styled ‘progressives’, the ‘liberals’, the good guys, the nice guys, the arbiters of morality and the opinion formers. In a Godless age, they have been the virtuous, the righteous, the Saved, maybe even the Saviours.
But their hegemony over the intellectual space is now under mortal threat by – of all people – an uncouth yob who grabs pussy and guzzles Big Macs in the Oval Office. THE HORROR!
And deep down they know their days are numbered. And deep down they’re sh*t scared, and that fear fuels their rage.
They stand to lose everything they’ve built their careers on. More frighteningly, everything they’ve built their sense of self, and self-worth.
They might have to admit to themselves that they’ve been wrong – wrong about everything.
And they know that the Orange effect will ripple out across the pond and embolden our own Orange men and women to be more assertive.
The dictatorship of the woke elite is starting to crumble; they sense it and they hate it.
The squirming of this mob is exquisite…and the schadenfreude which is well deserved for all on here and around the country..
We were powerless and had to watch and endure through the many years of this mob slandering, libelling and cancelling people for their views, with many losing hard won careers of decades in an instant:
David Starkey, Jeremy Clarkson, Bill Oddie, Neil Oliver, Russell Brand, Jimmy Carr, J K Rowling, Ricky Gervais, Piers Morgan, John Leslie, Graham Linehan, Morrissey, the list of victims goes on and on.
“Labour Cabinet minister repeatedly dodges over whether Donald Trump has ‘Neo-Nazi sympathies’ in toe-curling interview as Keir Starmer desperately tries to smooth over Labour jibes at president-elect”
I’m torn between hoping that, for the good of the nation, Trump forgives and forgets all the insults he received from the British political class, or whether I want him to remember and make them pay dearly.
At the very least, Lammy MUST go, he is a proven loose cannon. With those libellous comments about a duly elected US sitting President, this behaviour is not becoming of an MP, let alone a cabinet minister, and appointing a proven undiplomatic and abusive idiot like this to Foreign Secretary is just taking the piss.
Any white working class person saying the things Lammy said on social media about an elected official would quite possibly be at risk of arrest for hate speech by this mob, if they decided to make an “example”.
Allowing this person to represent the UK at the highest level around the world is a kick in the face for every citizen in this country. It clearly shows the arrogant contempt this mob have for all of us.
TOADY Watch #2 – Faisal Islam has had to turn up for work, again, today!
Bank of England decision day on Bank Rate/Interest Rates. Wide expectation of a cut from 5% to 4.75%. But, but …… inflation is on the rise after Labour’s disastrous Budget. I expect inflation to be 3% soon after both M&S and Sainsbury’s have said they will need to increase prices after the Employers’ National Insurance Increase. Then with farmers threatening a food production strike there could be a further increase in prices and also inflation if there is a sudden shortage of UK food on the shelves.
“Robert De Niro’s production company was found liable on Thursday by a jury for gender discrimination and retaliation, and ordered to pay $1.3m to the Hollywood star’s former assistant.
The 80-year-old actor and director was not found personally liable by the jury in New York after a two-week trial.
Graham Chase Robinson, 41, had accused De Niro of workplace abuse during the time she worked for him between 2008 until her resignation in 2019, claiming he subjected her to sexually inappropriate behavior.”
“Shoppers could face higher prices as a growing number of big British firms warn about the cost of the National Insurance (NI) tax rises on employers announced in last week’s Budget.”
Sky was showing a speech by putin but cut away for the 5pm news . I don’t watch sky – but just caught the coverage of sleepy joe . I was shocked at hie Democrat Sky is – there’s no concealing – they had an Obama staffer on and it was like a chat about ‘our party ‘ off switch
“Celebrities ‘losing the plot’ over Kamala Harris losing the election. The celebrities, of course, who got behind Kamala Harris. Well, they’re all losing the plot now, can you believe it? The woman we backed, we thought that we as celebrities would be able to tell everyone what to do and they would just fall into line,” Mr Bond said.
“Well, of course, that is not what happened and in particular, it seems to be rappers who are having a bit of a meltdown.”
“‘A head fake’: Megyn Kelly calls out Democrat lies on abortion.
Sky News contributor Megyn Kelly has commented on the “big head fake” pushed by the Democratic party about Donald Trump’s abortion position.
“I’ve been so distressed over the gaslighting of the American people and of American women on the core issues that I know we care about,” Ms Kelly told Sky News host Paul Murray.
“I mean, the Democrats define us entirely by our wombs and our ability to kill our unborn children. That is all they think we care about.
“Abortion rights, which by the way, as we’ve discussed, is a state’s right issue. It is not a federal issue. That’s all been one big head fake.”
The independent review into
the application of sharia law
in England and Wales
Presented to Parliament
by the Secretary of State for the Home Department
by Command of Her Majesty
February 2018
conservative Shia
sharia law in England and Wales
conservative Shia
sharia law in England and Wales
conservative Shia
sharia law in England and Wales
Qari Muhammad Asim MBE is a senior Imam at Leeds’ Makkah
mosque and a senior lawyer at a global law firm, DLA Piper. He is an
independent member of the Government’s Anti-Muslim Hatred working
group. Qari is senior editor of ImamsOnline and an executive member
of a number of national Muslim and inter-faith organisations including
British Muslim Forum, Christian Muslim Forum and Joseph Interfaith
Foundation’s Imams & Rabbis Council. He is a blogger and community
activist who has campaigned against issues such as extremism,
domestic violence, forced marriages, honour-killing and child abuse in
faith institutions. He is a trustee of a number of charitable organisations
including British Future.
The BBC website is carrying an article trying to explain why the pollsters failed to predict the outcome of the US election. It offers various explanations, some semi-plausible, others less so. But it avoids the elephant in the room: the polls intentionally get it wrong i.e. they lie. They consistently and systematically over-exaggerate left wing support and de-emphasise right wing support. The purpose here is to demoralise the right, to try and persuade them they are backing a lost cause. So, the average American who was planning to vote for Trump gets a constant barrage of the news reporting that ‘Harris is ahead’ and thinks ‘Well, nothing I can do so I won’t even bother voting’. Same thing here with Brexit.
But as they are finding out, it’s backfiring on them…
Ian I think it’s also a symptom / result of the constant smearing of Trump be the MSM / blob – which results in pollsters getting told what they want to hear …by a sizeable number in the sample ….
An 18-year-old man jailed for smashing a restaurant window during the summer riots is to be freed after successfully appealing his sentence.
Dylan Willis, 18, who admitted violent disorder after repeatedly smashing a Middlesbrough restaurant window with a brick, had his 14 month sentence suspended for two years by Court of Appeal judges.
The panel of three senior judges said Willis’ complex developmental and mental health background should have been taken into account.
Appeals on behalf of three other men – part of the first attempts to challenge riot sentences – failed to have their sentences cut.
Willis, from Hartlepool, will now be freed immediately from his young offenders’ institute.
The panel of three senior judges said Willis’ health meant he should have received a suspended sentence, with up to 40 days of rehabilitation activity.
The teenager, watching via a video link from HMP Holme House, appeared emotional as it was confirmed he would be freed.
The judges said that they had reached the “difficult decision” of changing his term to a suspended sentence because of his specific background.
Mr Justice Bennathan said that there had been clear evidence that Willis had ADHD and a low IQ.
These factors, as well as his autism spectrum disorder, had all affected his decision making, he said. ”
This one with her antisemitic comments, and her mob, are at it again and allowed to promote their racist comments with impunity it seems ?
“Whoopi Goldberg still refuses to say Donald Trump’s name despite his historic election victory.
Her co host then blamed ‘uneducated white women’ and ‘Latino men’ for his victory, claiming they voted in favor of policies that will negatively impact them.”
Whoopi Goldberg was suspended for two weeks because of what the head of ABC News called her “wrong and hurtful comments” about Jews and the Holocaust.”
“Outrage as Sadiq Khan refuses to apologise to Chris Kaba firearms officer. The London Mayor was pressed on whether he will say sorry during a fiery City Hall showdown today.
Sadiq Khan has sparked outrage after he refused to apologise to the firearms officer involved in the Chris Kaba shooting, after he gave his sympathies to the dead gangster at the time.
The London Mayor was pressed for an apology during a City Hall scrutiny session today, where his former mayoral rival Susan Hall demanded he say sorry.
Mr Khan has since been accused of being “too sympathetic” towards Chris Kaba, calling him a “young life cut short”, and provoking further anger towards the police from minority groups in London.
During the debate this afternoon, Tory assembly member Susan Hall told Mr Khan that he should have been more supportive of the police at the time, instead of pouring fuel on the fire of what was a crisis of confidence in the force.
She questioned his initial response, including statements from London bodies that linked Chris Kaba’s shooting to “the fight against systematic racism”.
StewGreenMar 7, 01:28 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Mental Health” probably Unless he is is white British , which means he’s a far far far right bigoted TERRORIST
StewGreenMar 7, 01:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 The #BiasedBBC news dept is really a PR org to promote the London Lib-Supremacist causes See how their England “news”…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:59 Midweek 5th March 2025 Poppy Atkinson – 10 – was the little girl killed by a car yesterday . The killer – 40 -…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:37 Midweek 5th March 2025 BTW James Goddard tweeted about this case at 10pm last night That is well before anyone else picked up on…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 Not BBC On YouTube there is a 10 part series called ‘first among equals ‘ which is a 1986 TV…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:24 Midweek 5th March 2025 @Marky isn’t your second graphic deceptive ? Your post is about NATO but that graphic appears to be the growth…
KaiserMar 6, 22:21 Midweek 5th March 2025 oddly I came across exactly the same suggestion in the daily sceptics chats this morning
StewGreenMar 6, 22:19 Midweek 5th March 2025 Afghan CHILD rapist in Falkirk I just saw the British Stand video from the morning I see someone mentioned the…
FlotsamMar 6, 21:39 Midweek 5th March 2025 There could be plusses to Charles III being Islamic. Camilla in a burqua.
Fedup2Mar 6, 21:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 No – I don’t know – but if the primary purpose / duty – of the firm is to keep…
“Congratulations to
on your victory.
The UK has no greater friend than the US, with the special relationship being cherished on both sides of the Atlantic for more than 80 years.
We look forward to working with you and
in the years ahead.”
Always enjoy the lie of the ‘special relationship ‘ – perhaps the statue of Winston Churchill will be placed back in the Oval Office – although Britain hating Obama/ Biden would probably have melted it down ….
There is no ‘special relationship ‘ there are just national interests which coincide – as evidenced by the US sitting on its ‘ hands from 1939 – 1941 …. And exploiting the UK economy through lend – lease …
Sounds like it’s time to lick some Capitalist arse
Anyone seen the “president” lately?
Not 1 report on the bbc page from Biden, maybe having a long nap
I find it endlessly amusing that the BBC are blaming Biden for the defeat because he didn’t quit soon enough.
It’s gross hypocrisy on so many levels. If the BBC/MSM had called out his mental decay when we all knew it, he would have been long gone. And the BBC know as well as the rest of us that he didn’t quit at all. He was forced to quit by Obama and Pelosi in a very unpleasant situation where they threatened to impeach him as an idiot if he didn’t.
Meanwhile the nasty old goat has been completely removed from the news by the BBC for one obvious reason : so he didn’t distract and upset Kamala’s campaign. Very, very clear bias to help her.
And the other thing they are blaming is that she is a black woman. meaning what ? – she would have won if she wasn’t ?. What about the fact she had utterly failed in her previous attempts to get the ticket and is now known as the cackling idiot ?.
The height of how disconnected the BBC have become was in an article by the poisonous, stage-3 TDS Madeline Halpert (the one on anti-depressants at 17) who actual presented a comment from someone who said Kamala should have won because she is a woman and it’s time for a woman President. Something Madeline obviously agrees with. She seems oblivious to just how utterly sexist and ridiculous that is as a reason to say someone should be President.
But look on the bright side : the BBC have – and are still making – complete arses of themselves and showing everyone their real bias. Why are they writing so many articles about the loser FFS ?. She is finished. In the political dustbin.
I read this morning of a scheme by the democrats to have Biden step down making Harris the first coloured girl president.
Would they do that ? How would Trump react ? What would America do ?
To me it is insane but … you never know …
ajs, great motorcycles, make motorcycles great again! Think it it was the defeated Socialist (so-called Democrat) candidate who was reported as having gone to bed, maybe to cry her eyes out.
It’s another good day – not because of President Trump ( a given ) but because the kraut government is falling apart – with another election in March instead of September . Anything which negatively affects the socialist EU = good ….
Apparently ‘European leaders ‘ are all meeting today to discuss how they will deal with Trump – maybe it’s the day someone ‘invites ‘ TTK to apply to rejoin the Reich EU …. BBC still in mourning as all those ‘journos ‘ get their first class tickets back to the UK …
“Meanwhile in Yorkshire:
Twenty men have been jailed for more than 219 years combined after being found guilty of raping and abusing young girls. Through a series of individual investigations and trials, the men were found to have sexually abused and exploited four girls between the ages of 12 and 16 in Calderdale.
This story appears nowhere on the BBC website or on BBC News. If they did cover this story, we might have incorrect thoughts.”
Riots over murdered kids at Taylor Swift dancing – lock them up.
Kids raped – net zero riots or net zero jobs lost.
TOADY Watch #1 – much anguish from dem grate Bibbycee
Quite delicious to listen to. Hope that is the position UK is in after GE 2029 with a Reform+Conservative Coalition and Labour/LimpDems all crying into their beer.
Mucho analysis on TOADY. What will Trump do after inauguration? Why did the Democrats lose? “It is the economy – stupid!”
Will Trump’s victory spark a global trade war?
Another BBC ‘No but we wish it was yes’ question in the headline.
It’s a cheap and dirty trick to make a headline you want from nothing. The BBC use it a lot.
The far left do like their wars if one observes their actions rather than listen to their rhetoric, wars of all kinds.
And even in their speech that word, and it’s synonyms, is used in all it’s connotations, suggesting their fondness for battles and divisiveness.
“Smash this, smash that, fight this, destroy that, NO to this NO to that etc etc”
Stands back in amazement….Maitlis blowing smoke up her own backside…’Look at me…I’m so brilliant’…
C4 actually wheeled in the prostitute Stormy Daniels as a commentator on election night!
Desperation mixed with delusion mixed with drooling stupidity. Sure Krishnan Guru-Murthy woke up next day feeling somewhat dirty.
You have to pull out all the stops to clear the bar
Breaking News:
“Emily Maitless spends the night with a female prostitute, flown in especially from the USA.
They allegedly filmed their performance together.
Sources have also revealed Maitless was talking dirty throughout the evening with the highly paid escort, repeatedly using scatalogical language.”
Emily Maitlis: I used to fear being found out, I’m over that now
This article is more than 11 years old
The BBC Newsnight presenter discusses sexism, spending the night in prison in Cambodia and why running shoes beat heels
The only tv bimbo one could know more about is Narinder Kaur.
Guardian Offers Free Counselling to Staff After Trump Win
Might be more humane to put them out of their misery.
> Guardian Offers Free Counselling to Staff After Trump Win
Should Biased BBC sue the Guardian for Copywrite infringement? WE had that idea first!
Unfortunately witnessed some BBC breakfast promotion of Children in need Givathon …….oh look a harmless illegal invader saying how wonderful to be here and with a job to do something…I just zoned out as my Misses was Channel hopping after a few minutes of Sky news ….Glorious to see all the lefty MSM in Mourning 😄 🤣
The next delicious episode in the American soap will be watching Dems tear themselves apart as the blame game starts, over who lost them the election.
May the fighting be fierce, and bloody, and protracted.
Popcorn time.
😄 🤣
@ Vlad
Day 2 Episode 5
“Devastated Democrats have rounded on George Clooney after the actor demanded that Joe Biden quit before Donald Trump’s election victory.
A furious blame game has erupted in the wake of Trump’s emphatic win over rival Kamala Harris, with lifelong Democrat Clooney being especially criticised for his influence during the election.”
Oh, even better if the fight extends to Hollywood luvvies as well.
It just keeps getting better.
I read a piece today suggesting the endorsements achieve nothing because the people who pay attention to the luvvies would vote left anyway -so Taylor swift didn’t have any effect at all …
The far left globalists telling us what we can eat and now what we can or cannot drink: sweet satisfaction here:
“Furious Amish in Pennsylvania get ‘revenge’ at the polls.
America’s famously private Amish people are unreachable by phone or email and refuse to have TVs in their homes.
But that didn’t stop members of the conservative Christian group turning out on polling day in a trend that appears to have helped Donald Trump win Pennsylvania.
In Lancaster County, the heart of the state’s Amish community, one member reportedly rode his horse and cart through the roads carrying a billboard proclaiming: ‘Pray for God’s Mercy for Our Nation.’
What sparked the voting rush? Government agents had stormed a local farm early in the year in a row over unpasteurised milk that left the Amish community absolutely enraged.
Donald Trump Jr tweeted at the time: ‘Imagine what law enforcement could accomplish if they went after members of elite paedophile rings rather than farmers selling to their neighbours??’
Pennsylvania’s traditionally private Amish community, which some estimate numbers around 100,000, then registered to vote in ‘unprecedented numbers’. Experts have said that the movement could won Mr Trump tens of thousands of new votes in the crucial swing state. ”
Won’t be long before the BBC is calling them Far-Right white supremacists as it does with Evangelists who supported Trump. Naturally they have nothing but praise and respect for Muslims….no derogatory insinuations or sly smears there.
Yes, that racist, homophobic, mysogynist, violent, murderous death cult so revered at the bbc.
Cognitive dissonance in spades.
How’s that diversity and enrichment going for you, Pierre ?
“Asyum seekers welcome ‘ere ? Sacre Bleu !!”
“How France is turning into a ‘Mexicanized narco-state’ with drug wars fought across the country, teenagers being stabbed and burned alive, and gangsters breaking kingpins out of custody in daring ambushes”
Bordel de merde..
Kings of cocaine: how the Albanian mafia seized control of the UK drugs trade
Biden in 2022….
“What we’re seeing now is either the beginning or the death knell of extreme MAGA philosophy,” Biden told Democratic donors in the Washington suburb of Rockville. Calling out those he labeled as “extreme” Republicans, Biden said: “It’s not just Trump, it’s the entire philosophy that underpins the — I’m going to say something, it’s like semi-fascism.”
That attitude is at the heart of why the Democrats lost…not just deplorable garbage but Fascist deplorable garbage…but the BBC trundles on gaslighting us…Kamalla was too loyal to distance herself from Biden, she was too moderate but then went too hard on Trump, Harris didn’t explain her policies.
One notable comment…
‘…the sit-down was quickly overshadowed by her response to a question on what she would have done differently from incumbent president, Joe Biden: “Not a thing comes to mind.”‘
Oddly I don’t remember the BBC ever making a song and dance about this faux pas…the whole campaign was a very positive portrayal of Harris by the BBC…very upbeat and certain that she would win….abortion would win over the women and jokes about Puerto Rico and Latinos by a comedian would hand their votes to the Dems…and the BBC tacking on to every report that Trump incited Jan 6 and was a ‘convicted felon’…it was all over…except it wasn’t.
The US media backed the Democrats…you can see the highly aggressive and partisan tone that NBC took as it doubles down on Biden’s name-calling….
‘ The uncomfortable fascism truth MAGA Republicans refuse to acknowledge’
I’ve seen the rare interview where Harris was asked the ‘what different ‘ question – a number of times .
It evidenced a number of things –
1 she was no good without a script
2 she was badly prepared and should have known certain questions
3 she failed to distance from the old boy with dementia .Even though There was no affection for him ….
Here s some other lessons for the democrats
Lawfare doesn’t work
Too much lawfare makes things worse
If trump really had committed a real crime – they should have found that
The values inside the blob are not the same as real life – however much the msm preach
People see political trials for what they are and will ‘discount ‘ words like ‘criminal ‘and ‘felon’..
People care about real things – gas prices – not ‘garbage ‘
Woke is not a guarantee of virtue
People really are not as thick as democrats think
Money ($1 billion ? V $300 million won’t buy an election with a poor candidate
A pig is sill a pig even when you put lipstick on it …
There – I’ve done the democrat debrief –
BTW – do you remember the msm script that all those court cases would destroy president trump ? BBC – shame
And I think one of the many reasons people like us / me are celebrating is that if Obama had got his 4th term he’d have finished off the corruption of the voting process completely …. The US and other countries would be forever socialist states … frightening …
I heard a presenter (not a guest) on BBC Radio say Trump has been elected in spite of him being a “criminal”
Seems to be the strategic avenue the blob has settled upon.
Beyond making the Graun loons feel better about each other, after the election result, the world’s most laughable propaganda broadcaster falling back on client lawfare is erring on the desperate.
And how many of the BBC’s ‘top talent’ are also tax dodging criminals but still employed?
And how many MPs and those now in the House of Lords ?
Meanwhile here, another (woman) in jail for over two years for “shouting”.
Woman jailed for 27 months after taking 11-year-old to post-Southport riot.
1400+ raped kids = 0 arrests at the time and 0 riots.
Will the bbc never give it a rest
Trump win provokes trade-offs and dilemmas for UK
” One cabinet minister I spoke to the other day waxed lyrical about plans for their connections with a Harris administration.
And what happens if Trump wins? I asked.
“Who knows” was the sentiment of their reply, albeit expressed more crudely. ”
I wonder which cabinet minister the likes of the bbc chose! Others are available, but ignored or not quoted
R Soles, #defund
Why do leftist hags not realise that quite a few people don’t share their views?
I used to keep quiet if someone I barely knew said (like they did in 2016) “Can’t believe people voted for Brexit’ or “America is finished voting for that idiot for president.”
I’d just smile and walk off or change the subject.
Today though, a woman, white one from South Africa too – you’d think she’d know better, I barely know the woman. Has said about 3 sentences to me in her life.said, “I see America is in trouble.”
I calmly replied, “Depends on how you see it.”
The look on her stupid face was a mix of disgust and confusion.
They literally think everyone thinks the same as them. Due to the social media bubbles, lefty censorship, the media etc.
Possibly because their view of the world is not shaped or constrained by reality. Ultimately people fall into two categories: realists, who look at the world around them and the human condition and see the challenge of how to make the best of it and improve things where possible; utopians, who have a vision of how things should be or could be, unrestrained by reality or experience, and with only their imagination and ego to guide them in a state of perpetual delusion. Leftists, liberals, communists and other authoritarians are invariably utopians.
Lysenkoism dominated Chinese science from 1949 until 1956, during which open discussion of alternative theories like classical Mendelian genetics were forbidden. Only in 1956 during a genetics symposium opponents of Lysenkoism were permitted to freely criticize it and argue for Mendelian genetics.[48] In the proceedings from the symposium, Tan Jiazhen is quoted as saying “Since [the] USSR started to criticize Lysenko, we have dared to criticize him too”.[48] For a while, both schools were permitted to coexist, although the influence of the Lysenkoists remained large for several years, contributing to the Great Famine through loss of yields.[48]
Latest News – Express
Labour by-election fears after MP Mike Amesbury charged with assault for punching man
The MP has been charged with assault, Cheshire Police have announced.
By Christian Calgie, Senior Political Correspondent
12:22, Thu, Nov 7, 2024 | UPDATED: 12:25, Thu, Nov 7, 2024
Two tracks of two tears?
I thought they were getting free Ayahuasca sessions and gender counselling too?
Viner’s staff email links to another article warning that a Trump win “could reverberate for a million years.”
Off to a balanced and rational start then…
That Ayahuasca is potent shit
A day, a million years… it’s only the passage of time man…
I notice the word behind the Cackler reads: Sunset.
How prescient.
What would Henry II or VIII have done ?
“Rachel Reeves ‘will saddle Zara Tindall with a huge inheritance tax bill’: No escape for the royals from Labour’s raid on farms as critics claim it will turn the countryside into ‘Net Zero forests'”
‘Who will rid me of this troublesome Chancellor ?’
Zara Tindall will move here properties offshore! HA HA HAH AHA!
BBC have an article up saying Trump’s win is bad for environmentalists, according to ‘experts’ (none of whom’s entire careers are dependent on pushing the green agenda,of course).
It never ends, does it?
I hope Trump says he’ll burn a million old car tyres every time the BBC blames him for the weather.
It never ends, does it? – It’s just beginning!
RFK is an environmental lawyer of 40yrs, and Thomas Massie is pushing the PRIME act to protect small farmers and local food and will likely have a role in the new administration.
But the BBC will ignore all this and just bang on about not Trump not signing up to global diktats.
GREEN FRANCE – French car-burning returns for New Year’s Eve
1 January 2022
Sweden has rejected plans to build 13 offshore wind farms in the Baltic Sea, citing security concerns.
The farms were intended to be located off the Åland Islands in the north along the entire east coast down to Öresund. The government believes that building the projects in question in the Baltic Sea area would have unacceptable consequences for Sweden’s defence.
Swedish Defence Minister Pål Jonson said at a press conference that the wind farms would make it harder to detect and shoot down missiles using Sweden’s Patriot batteries in case of a conflict.
ANDREW NEIL in the DM: “Truly we now live in The Age Of Trump… and it may be more lasting than many realise”.
How very gracious of His Majesty to notice that Trump and Trumpism have burst onto the world stage and are about to have a huge and lasting global impact.
After years of sneering, jeering, condescending and insulting Orange Man, His Eminence (I’m-too-good-for-GB News) Neil has finally noticed that something’s happening across the pond that maybe merits his patronising attention.
And no doubt, when Trump proves to be a huge success, His Lordship will declare that he knew it all along. He can spot a winner when he sees one.
Recollections may vary, but not mine. I shall always remember that deep down you’re a beeboid hack, even if one day you jump on the Trump bandwagon when it becomes fashionable, like so many others in the commentariat.
Trump HQ in disarray as disgruntled Republicans and polling errors wreak havoc | Andrew Neil
Seems a lady sports star in the US called Simone Bales or something has called on Biden to create havoc before he leaves office.
The problem with that is it would be difficult for Biden to create any more havoc than he has for the past 4 years if he tried!
Joe Biden ‘Wanders Off’ At G7 Summit, Pulled Back By Italian PM Giorgia Meloni | India Today News
Sir Keir Starmer pledges to ‘tread more lightly’ on lives of voters
The Prime Minister wants to deliver a government guided by policy, pragmatism and ‘service’, rather than ideology
While the world has been watching Washington, Germany is quietly going into political meltdown.
Chancellor Olaf Scholz fired Finance Minister Christian Lindner, the leader of one of the three coalition parties, on Wednesday night. Two of Lindner’s three colleagues in cabinet promptly quit, effectively breaking apart the coalition government.
But because he no longer has a majority in parliament, the chancellor now needs opposition support to push through anything new, including crucially the 2025 budget, which is supposed to be agreed next week.
Very funny
I wonder where all this visibility stuff (Twiiter , FaceBook etcetera) will end up?
That de Niro one hits the spot …a made man
Today/Yesterday in Parliament
Radio 4 & Radio 4 Extra, 24/25 October 2024
During a report on a House of Lords debate about how the government is tackling climate change we incorrectly said the Conservative former cabinet minister, Lord Lilley, was involved in an oil and gas company based in central Asia. Lord Lilley does not have any current interest in an energy company. We apologise for the error.
any current
any current
any current
Category 2: Remunerated employment, office, profession etc.
Member, Advisory Board, Yi Mei Capital (principal investment firm specialising in private equity funds in China)
Chairing/speaking in seminars on process of government for Public Policy Exchange
Category 4: Shareholdings (b)
Idox plc (supplier of specialist information management solutions and services to the public sector and highly regulated asset intensive industries)
Category 5: Land and property
Small agricultural land holding with sheep in France
Category 10: Non-financial interests (b)
Member of Council, Buckingham University
“North Korean soldiers engaged in combat against Ukrainian forces for first time in Kursk, Oblast, a region in western Russia on Monday November 4th, a U.S. defense official tells Fox News”
#1 Hahahaha! Eviscerating! Fred Fleitz, who has worked for the CIA and the Department of Defense, absolutely tears into the activists at the British public broadcaster Channel 4 News over an interview they’d just conducted with a Trump relative that nobody has ever heard of.
#2 Yup. The people who’ve smeared and denigrated good, decent people for years don’t deserve to escape without having their noses rubbed in it
Commentators like Emily Mateless, James nO’Brain and practically everyone at the BBC are getting hysterical.
In a sense they’re not wrong. Not because it’s the end of democracy, the beginning of tyranny or any of that cr*p.
No, they’re angry and scared because in their bones they sense that their reign is coming to an end.
For decades now, woke liberal lefties have occupied the public space, while defining and controlling the Overton Window of acceptable thought.
They have been the self-styled ‘progressives’, the ‘liberals’, the good guys, the nice guys, the arbiters of morality and the opinion formers. In a Godless age, they have been the virtuous, the righteous, the Saved, maybe even the Saviours.
But their hegemony over the intellectual space is now under mortal threat by – of all people – an uncouth yob who grabs pussy and guzzles Big Macs in the Oval Office. THE HORROR!
And deep down they know their days are numbered. And deep down they’re sh*t scared, and that fear fuels their rage.
They stand to lose everything they’ve built their careers on. More frighteningly, everything they’ve built their sense of self, and self-worth.
They might have to admit to themselves that they’ve been wrong – wrong about everything.
And they know that the Orange effect will ripple out across the pond and embolden our own Orange men and women to be more assertive.
The dictatorship of the woke elite is starting to crumble; they sense it and they hate it.
“They stand to lose everything they’ve built their careers on” – Move to Ofcom!
Lets hope it’s not literally “our own Orangemen” running things 🙂
I can hear the drums now…
Otherwise, I agree entirely.
Quite possibly, no more carnage and war in Ukraine….
“Trump’s New World Order: His ‘plans to end Ukraine war with 800-mile buffer zone’ and what his victory means for the rest of the world”
The squirming of this mob is exquisite…and the schadenfreude which is well deserved for all on here and around the country..
We were powerless and had to watch and endure through the many years of this mob slandering, libelling and cancelling people for their views, with many losing hard won careers of decades in an instant:
David Starkey, Jeremy Clarkson, Bill Oddie, Neil Oliver, Russell Brand, Jimmy Carr, J K Rowling, Ricky Gervais, Piers Morgan, John Leslie, Graham Linehan, Morrissey, the list of victims goes on and on.
“Labour Cabinet minister repeatedly dodges over whether Donald Trump has ‘Neo-Nazi sympathies’ in toe-curling interview as Keir Starmer desperately tries to smooth over Labour jibes at president-elect”
I’m torn between hoping that, for the good of the nation, Trump forgives and forgets all the insults he received from the British political class, or whether I want him to remember and make them pay dearly.
Hopefully Farage will help smooth things over.
At the very least, Lammy MUST go, he is a proven loose cannon. With those libellous comments about a duly elected US sitting President, this behaviour is not becoming of an MP, let alone a cabinet minister, and appointing a proven undiplomatic and abusive idiot like this to Foreign Secretary is just taking the piss.
Any white working class person saying the things Lammy said on social media about an elected official would quite possibly be at risk of arrest for hate speech by this mob, if they decided to make an “example”.
Allowing this person to represent the UK at the highest level around the world is a kick in the face for every citizen in this country. It clearly shows the arrogant contempt this mob have for all of us.
Out of the Ashes: Britain After the Riots (Paperback)
Is it a pop – up book ?
Or a hiddden object puzzle book, find the Reebok trainers and big screen TV ?
MM the riots that followed were ‘good riots’. #binarybritain
TOADY Watch #2 – Faisal Islam has had to turn up for work, again, today!
Bank of England decision day on Bank Rate/Interest Rates. Wide expectation of a cut from 5% to 4.75%. But, but …… inflation is on the rise after Labour’s disastrous Budget. I expect inflation to be 3% soon after both M&S and Sainsbury’s have said they will need to increase prices after the Employers’ National Insurance Increase. Then with farmers threatening a food production strike there could be a further increase in prices and also inflation if there is a sudden shortage of UK food on the shelves.
Outrage as Iraq stands poised to lower the ‘age of consent’ for girls to nine
Man Throws Shoes At Bush
Iraq is poised to slash the legal age of consent from 18 to to nine, allowing men to marry young children.
The proposed legal change also deprives women of rights to divorce, child custody and inheritance.
2006 …. British Muslims are furious at Blair’s failure to stand up for victims of war crimes in Lebanon
This is worse than Iraq
This article is more than 18 years oldSadiq Khan
2024 … Iraq is poised to slash the legal age of consent from 18 to to nine, allowing men to marry young children.
The proposed legal change also deprives women of rights to divorce, child custody and inheritance.
FBI looking for Robert deNiro
“Robert De Niro’s production company was found liable on Thursday by a jury for gender discrimination and retaliation, and ordered to pay $1.3m to the Hollywood star’s former assistant.
The 80-year-old actor and director was not found personally liable by the jury in New York after a two-week trial.
Graham Chase Robinson, 41, had accused De Niro of workplace abuse during the time she worked for him between 2008 until her resignation in 2019, claiming he subjected her to sexually inappropriate behavior.”
Lovely hair, but… Graham?
Maybe from the waist down..who knows ?
“Shoppers could face higher prices as a growing number of big British firms warn about the cost of the National Insurance (NI) tax rises on employers announced in last week’s Budget.”
Rachel Reeves Expense Claims
plumbers – heating maintainance
rent and plumber
£55.00 Paid
Biden continues: “It’s been a historic presidency.”
“We’re leaving behind the strongest economy in the world,” he says.
Sky was showing a speech by putin but cut away for the 5pm news . I don’t watch sky – but just caught the coverage of sleepy joe . I was shocked at hie Democrat Sky is – there’s no concealing – they had an Obama staffer on and it was like a chat about ‘our party ‘ off switch
Try Sky News Australia.
Much more fun….see this video….
“Celebrities ‘losing the plot’ over Kamala Harris losing the election. The celebrities, of course, who got behind Kamala Harris. Well, they’re all losing the plot now, can you believe it? The woman we backed, we thought that we as celebrities would be able to tell everyone what to do and they would just fall into line,” Mr Bond said.
“Well, of course, that is not what happened and in particular, it seems to be rappers who are having a bit of a meltdown.”
“‘A head fake’: Megyn Kelly calls out Democrat lies on abortion.
Sky News contributor Megyn Kelly has commented on the “big head fake” pushed by the Democratic party about Donald Trump’s abortion position.
“I’ve been so distressed over the gaslighting of the American people and of American women on the core issues that I know we care about,” Ms Kelly told Sky News host Paul Murray.
“I mean, the Democrats define us entirely by our wombs and our ability to kill our unborn children. That is all they think we care about.
“Abortion rights, which by the way, as we’ve discussed, is a state’s right issue. It is not a federal issue. That’s all been one big head fake.”
Sky = MSNBC UK or ComCast EU
The Osterly crew are an absolute shower
Outrage as Iraq stands poised to lower the ‘age of consent’ for girls to nine A new law proposed by ultra conservative Shia Muslim parties seeks to strip women and girls of their rights
The independent review into
the application of sharia law
in England and Wales
Presented to Parliament
by the Secretary of State for the Home Department
by Command of Her Majesty
February 2018
Click to access 6.4152_HO_CPFG_Report_into_Sharia_Law_in_the_UK_WEB.pdf
conservative Shia
sharia law in England and Wales
conservative Shia
sharia law in England and Wales
conservative Shia
sharia law in England and Wales
Qari Muhammad Asim MBE is a senior Imam at Leeds’ Makkah
mosque and a senior lawyer at a global law firm, DLA Piper. He is an
independent member of the Government’s Anti-Muslim Hatred working
group. Qari is senior editor of ImamsOnline and an executive member
of a number of national Muslim and inter-faith organisations including
British Muslim Forum, Christian Muslim Forum and Joseph Interfaith
Foundation’s Imams & Rabbis Council. He is a blogger and community
activist who has campaigned against issues such as extremism,
domestic violence, forced marriages, honour-killing and child abuse in
faith institutions. He is a trustee of a number of charitable organisations
including British Future.
The BBC website is carrying an article trying to explain why the pollsters failed to predict the outcome of the US election. It offers various explanations, some semi-plausible, others less so. But it avoids the elephant in the room: the polls intentionally get it wrong i.e. they lie. They consistently and systematically over-exaggerate left wing support and de-emphasise right wing support. The purpose here is to demoralise the right, to try and persuade them they are backing a lost cause. So, the average American who was planning to vote for Trump gets a constant barrage of the news reporting that ‘Harris is ahead’ and thinks ‘Well, nothing I can do so I won’t even bother voting’. Same thing here with Brexit.
But as they are finding out, it’s backfiring on them…
Ian I think it’s also a symptom / result of the constant smearing of Trump be the MSM / blob – which results in pollsters getting told what they want to hear …by a sizeable number in the sample ….
Sorry, can’t resist…
Hidden away in bbc “local news”:
“Man freed after appealing summer riots sentence.
An 18-year-old man jailed for smashing a restaurant window during the summer riots is to be freed after successfully appealing his sentence.
Dylan Willis, 18, who admitted violent disorder after repeatedly smashing a Middlesbrough restaurant window with a brick, had his 14 month sentence suspended for two years by Court of Appeal judges.
The panel of three senior judges said Willis’ complex developmental and mental health background should have been taken into account.
Appeals on behalf of three other men – part of the first attempts to challenge riot sentences – failed to have their sentences cut.
Willis, from Hartlepool, will now be freed immediately from his young offenders’ institute.
The panel of three senior judges said Willis’ health meant he should have received a suspended sentence, with up to 40 days of rehabilitation activity.
The teenager, watching via a video link from HMP Holme House, appeared emotional as it was confirmed he would be freed.
The judges said that they had reached the “difficult decision” of changing his term to a suspended sentence because of his specific background.
Mr Justice Bennathan said that there had been clear evidence that Willis had ADHD and a low IQ.
These factors, as well as his autism spectrum disorder, had all affected his decision making, he said. ”
This one with her antisemitic comments, and her mob, are at it again and allowed to promote their racist comments with impunity it seems ?
“Whoopi Goldberg still refuses to say Donald Trump’s name despite his historic election victory.
Her co host then blamed ‘uneducated white women’ and ‘Latino men’ for his victory, claiming they voted in favor of policies that will negatively impact them.”
Others get cancelled for life but this one…
Whoopi Goldberg was suspended for two weeks because of what the head of ABC News called her “wrong and hurtful comments” about Jews and the Holocaust.”
And another truly loathsome individual:
“Outrage as Sadiq Khan refuses to apologise to Chris Kaba firearms officer. The London Mayor was pressed on whether he will say sorry during a fiery City Hall showdown today.
Sadiq Khan has sparked outrage after he refused to apologise to the firearms officer involved in the Chris Kaba shooting, after he gave his sympathies to the dead gangster at the time.
The London Mayor was pressed for an apology during a City Hall scrutiny session today, where his former mayoral rival Susan Hall demanded he say sorry.
Mr Khan has since been accused of being “too sympathetic” towards Chris Kaba, calling him a “young life cut short”, and provoking further anger towards the police from minority groups in London.
During the debate this afternoon, Tory assembly member Susan Hall told Mr Khan that he should have been more supportive of the police at the time, instead of pouring fuel on the fire of what was a crisis of confidence in the force.
She questioned his initial response, including statements from London bodies that linked Chris Kaba’s shooting to “the fight against systematic racism”.