The UK debate on illegal migration centres on small boats crossing the Channel but those journeys start beyond Europe’s borders. @bbcnickrobinson has been meeting those wanting to start new lives & presents Monday’s #R4Today from the Bulgaria-Turkey border.
The irony is that the BBC is reporting that care homes for children are going to be reined in for overcharging….hmmm….just how many of those children are in fact illegal immigrants? BBC not saying when we know the costs to home them cripples councils. And how about all those hotels that now house immigrants…some single hotel chains earning billions from the new ‘industry’? Why not mention that at the same time and highlight how much illegal immigration is costing us…never mind the other costs such as no hotels and social problems?
“meeting those wanting to start new lives”
FFS is that an impartial way of describing people who ILLEGALLY BREAK IN to the UK to STEAL advantage from UK taxpayers ?
The Telegraph’s verdict on the impact of nut zero on industry and jobs.
Trouble is until the BBC stops giving cover for the climate zealots and starts looking critically and realistically at that impact and what it means for peoples’ lives the Siliman will think he can still get away with it. The BBC’s massive propaganda campaign to convince us that nut zero is necessary or else the planet will burn has allowed the Siliman to already impose ruinous laws upon us…what comes next will for us, and probably for an EU that is on the same suicidal path, will turn out the lights and end Europe’s position as a serious economic, industrial, scientific and ideological power.
Let’s hope people wake up before he destroys us all.
‘If any factories survive that blizzard of extra costs it will be a miracle. Meanwhile, those “well-paid industrial jobs” have proved to be largely a mirage. The trade unions are already getting anxious about the impact on their members, and rightly so. It is going to be a bloodbath.
The battle has not yet erupted into the open yet, but it is simmering in the background. Over the next couple of years, it will turn into a full-scale civil war [inside Labour and the Unions].
The trouble is, trying telling the party’s leading Green Commissar Ed Miliband that the target has to be relaxed. High on his own apocalyptic rhetoric, Miliband will no doubt refuse. After all, what do a few car factory jobs count for when the very survival of the planet is at stake?’
Having watched a long ‘highlights ‘ video on YouTube – of MSNBC going through the US election night I concluded there’s no hope for the presenters .
One of them listed the things done to Presidenr trump in the campaign – not including the attempted murders .
They assumed that lawfare would work – that making him a Felon would work – accusations of racism and mysogeny and the rest would work .
But of course they discounted what people really cared about – being invaded – the cost of gas – and that the Far Left fixation with sex – Queers – Trans – Abortion – don’t register with decent people the way those vile metro democrat cat lovers think .
I don’t think they can change their group think . I hope not – particularly if we survive the next few weeks and the Presidenr trump starts to roll them back . But it’s a long long job . Obama had done well embedding the poison …
THE UK is not like USA as it does not have assassination attempts.
Sir David Anthony Andrew Amess (/ˈeɪmɪs/ AY-miss; 26 March 1952 – 15 October 2021) was a British politician who served as Member of Parliament (MP) for Southend West from 1997 until his murder in 2021.
BBC1 6 pm news. First story.
A girl has been found in the boot of a car.
She has been murdered. Her boyfriend/ husband has almost certainly left the country bound for the Indian subcontinent. Her family in Delhi are distraught and want her over thereby be buried.
Meanwhile the trial continues of the family members of a 10 year old girl who was beaten to death followed by her family fleeing to the Indian subcontinent.
Anyone spot the similarity?
The BBC obviously cannot.
But hey. It’s another triumph for multiculturalism and mass immigration.
Am I allowed to say such things any more with getting a knock from the plod?
Hope I haven’t ‘offended’ anyone.
“United in diversity”, the motto of the European Union, first came into use in 2000. It signifies how Europeans have come together, in the form of the EU, to work for peace and prosperity, while at the same time being enriched by the continent’s many different cultures, traditions and languages.
A whole 15 seconds of BBC news was devoted to the fact that 97 aid Lorrie’s allowed into Gaza by Israel……….were looted !!!!!
Move along. Nothing to see.
Now that NATO countries are starting to send out pamphlets about how to prepare for the coming nuclear war im thinking of putting up,a separate thread for handy nuclear war hints – for example – avoiding total blindness from the flash or subsequent blast wave …. Examples welcome – hints for the discerning panic buyer …
If Milliband bans flying, recreate the holiday experience by wandering into Greggs wearing swimming trunks, pointing at a sausage roll, shouting “TWO!” and paying with a 200 Euro note.
Not possible.
Greggs will be closing marginally profitable shops as cannot make a profit from the 6% minimum wage increase, national insurance increase, and business rates increase.
Feel the economic growth.
Or maybe it’s part of the new healthy living strategy.
Change of address notification: you’ll be able to find me now on @bluesky
Have greatly enjoyed living here for over a decade, but feel the neighbourhood has really gone downhill.
Will still call by occasionally
Actually finding the simps sucking up to him funnier than those bidding farewell.
He does go back (to sit slumped in a chair spouting TDS with the dynamic duo of Strumpet and Larry there) but I think he is no relocated here, in some basement.
They’ll be queuing up to do the ‘get trump ‘ show – 7pm every day on BBC 4 – with a list of x Obama / Biden / Harris people telling us why the American voters got it wrong …. Subject to nuclear war of course.. but that was yesterday …
Raving comments
for a start it’s a NEW tweet, yet the article is from 2022
#HateyLefties being Hatey as usual ..and gaslighting as they call black “white”
Brendan Carr has been appointed director of the US FCC overseeing US TV by president trump … I bet CNN and the rest are really looking forward to it ……
“In 2008, during a BBC One This Week interview between Abbott, Michael Portillo and Andrew Neil, Abbott said about the Chinese leader Mao Zedong: “I suppose some people will judge that on balance Mao did more good than harm…”
Hulscher N, Alexander P E., Amerling R, Gessling H, Hodkinson R, Makis W et al.
A Systematic Review Of Autopsy Findings In Deaths After COVID-19 Vaccination. Science, Public Health Policy and the Law. 2024 Nov 17; v5.2019-2024
Conclusions: The consistency seen among cases in this review with known COVID-19 vaccine mechanisms of injury and death, coupled with autopsy confirmation by physician adjudication, suggests there is a high likelihood of a causal link between COVID-19 vaccines and death. Further urgent investigation is required for the purpose of clarifying our findings.
Look – it’s easy – they knew what the mortality / injury rate would be with those untested vaccines – and secretly accepted them thinking the life saving effect of jabbing everyone would outdo the ‘bad ‘ – and used the msm to tell us they were ‘perfectly safe ‘.
In the states – when Bobby K junior gets power – they’ll do everything to conceal … including killing him as well as Presidenr Trump and Elon Musk …
Though grateful for positive votes from readers from time to time, on this one I’m in the minority because I don’t buy this.
The fast tracking of the original vaccine almost certainly meant they didn’t have enough data on mortality rates or pretty much anything else come to that. And with 1000 a day fatality rate and maybe 50 fold more daily cases causing a wide spectrum of illness levels, the availability of a jab, even if carrying risk, was a good thing in my view.
But if only a handful a day are dying, and the illness is mild, and the jab risk stays the same, then the balance changes.
The effectiveness of the vaccine was proved early on. It was rolled out by age groups and the percentage of total deaths by the given age group declined in the weeks after vaccination, of course when all age groups were vaccinated the original ratios were recreated.
My gripe is with the real do-gooders who insisted AZ give the vaccine away at cost, dickheads! No such issue over in the US at Pfizer. What did they make, $50 bn? And they are still providing the now annual winter jabs. What have AZ done? Naff all.
We know quite a lot about drug companies from the inside and their ethics can be periodically in serious doubt. They are not alone in this. But you would have to be an extreme sceptic to deny that, for example, drugs like atorvastatin and amlodopine have significantly prolonged the lifespan of hundreds of millions of people by reducing the prevalence of strokes and heart attacks.
It costs around $1 billion to get a drug to market. Many fail only just before that. It’s private sector risk money. Then there is only about 12-15 years to recoup and turn a profit before the patents run out and the low cost non-inventors such as the Serum Institute of India then make money in perpetuity. I suppose we could have a NPS, National Pharmaceutical Service. State owned. Just think how effective that would be.
Stuff – the point really is that terms like ‘perfectly safe ‘ were used as propaganda to get people to be jabbed . Plus the ‘tragedy ‘ stories aimed at frightening people .
As for the money – the free give away of the vaccines – the lockdowns – the total furlough – the huge PPE frauds – that’s just a socialist government in action – which wrecked an economy a country and a party – leaving -what – 8 million feckless plus – still on state money ….. not sure it was worth that …
Agree with most of that, Fedup.
There was one brief glorious moment when Boris, against lest we forget the doom-diatribes from the LibDems, Labour and SNP, resolved to re-open the economy, and took for whatever reason a BALANCED view of risk (some extra covid deaths) versus reward . And we all know now what a good thing it was, for example to get the kids back to school.
How I wished he would have used that concept of BALANCE constructively and followed it through. But alas, soon we were back to the normal diet of absolutism. One transgender complaint? Replace toilets with gender neutral ones. One child death from alleged pollution? Bring in ULEZ. A few car crashes? Justify 20 mph speed limits.
Di mistake bin come hours afta e refer to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky as “President Putin” while e dey speak to reporters about Nato support for Ukraine.
There is a meltdown amongst the libtards on Bluesky and elsewhere at the moment, how DARE some journalists meet with the new democratically elected President !!!!!
“MSNBC staffers lash out at ‘Morning Joe’ co-hosts meeting with Trump: ‘Disgusting but frankly unsurprising’.
MSNBC staffers are lashing out at “Morning Joe” co-hosts Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski after they shocked their liberal viewers by revealing their recent Mar-a-Lago meeting with President-elect Donald Trump.
“Cowardice,” one MSNBC employee reacted to Fox News Digital. “Doing exactly what [anti-Trump historian] Tim Snyder warns on our air not to do: obey in advance. It’s disgusting but frankly unsurprising.”
The source said MSNBC’s rank and file are now “largely disdainful” of the network’s morning stars, saying it “feels like they are just opportunistic.”
Others have taken to social media to voice their objections. MSNBC contributor Jennifer Rubin called it “disgusting” on Bluesky, the X-like social media site growing in popularity with progressives. MSNBC host Katie Phang offered an indirect swipe, posting on X, “Normalizing Trump is a bad idea. Period.”
“Katie Phang is right. It’s normalization (and it’s access bulls—),” the MSNBC employee told Fox News Digital. “Journalists don’t need access to their subjects to hold them to account. None of it is believable. The obvious answer is believable: they are opportunists.”
The insider expressed concerns that MSNBC will face significant blowback as a result of the Mar-a-Lago, meeting with left-wing viewers already lashing out. Some already calling for a boycott of the network. ”
Funny that people who support a ‘democrat party ‘ cannot accept Democracy – they can’t even hide behind a failure to win the ‘popular ‘ vote .
Maybe the next bit of the Grief is to claim an ‘election fix ‘ – which is a tricky assertion because no one wants to look beneath the corrupt voting rock of 2020 ..
Ah yes – ‘denial ‘ the 3rd stage of grief – ‘ acceptance ‘ might arrive if trump serves a third term ( joke ) and the democrats put up another dolt for the next election. …
… I’ve been watching the MSNBC election overage on YouTube ( sad I know ) but the group delusion – the failure to see how out of touch they are with the reality of American voters is pretty stark .
Even at the end – as the truth gets nearer to the bunker – and you can hear the republican artillary outside – they still think Steiner and the 9th army will rescue them ( seen downfall parodies too many times ) …
Anyone know how and when the MMGW hysteria took hold? I assume one or two scientists published their hypothesis but how did it become so mainstream. Is it possible that China, one of the main beneficiaries, has been promoting the theory?
The whole thing is a wet dream for Worldwide Governments and big business anxious to extract more control and money from a propagandised population.
When I was at school in the 1950’s-60’s we were taught there was an imminent ice age.
“If you are aged 60 or over, you may remember this particular myth first-hand. For a brief time in the early to mid-1970s, certain sections of the popular media ran articles describing how we were heading for a renewed ice-age. Such silliness endures to the present day, just with a different gloss: as an example, for the UK tabloid the Daily Express, October just wouldn’t be October without it publishing at least one made-up account of the impending 100-day snow-apocalypse.
There were even books written on the subject, such as Nigel Calder’s mischievously-entitled The Weather Machine, published in 1974 by the BBC and accompanying a “documentary” of the same name, which was nothing of the sort. A shame, because the same author’s previous effort, The Restless Earth, about plate tectonics, was very good indeed.
Thomas Peterson and colleagues did a very neat job of obliterating all of this nonsense. In a 2008 paper titled The myth of the 1970s global cooling scientific consensus, they dared do what the popular press dared not to. They had a look at what was actually going on. Obtaining copies of the peer-reviewed papers on climate, archived in the collections of Nature, JSTOR and the American Meteorological Society and published between 1965 and 1979, they examined and rated them. Would there be a consensus on global cooling? Alas! – no.
Results showed that despite the media claims, just ten per cent of papers predicted a cooling trend. On the other hand, 62% predicted global warming and 28% made no comment either way. The take-home from this one? It’s the old media adage, “Never let the truth get in the way of a good story”
In the thirty years leading up to the 1970s, available temperature recordings, with a poor global coverage compared to today, implied at times there might be an ongoing cooling trend. At the same time, research was continuing into the building levels of carbon dioxide and their effects on future climate, but the science world of that time was somewhat disconnected, compared to the modern age of instant communication, Zoom and so on.
There were also some notably cold winters scattered through that time, such as the UK one of 1962-63. As a result of these various goings-on, some scientists suggested that the current interglacial period could rapidly draw to a close, which might result in the Earth plunging into a new ice age over the next few centuries.
We now know that the smog that climatologists call ‘aerosols’ – emitted by human activities into the atmosphere – caused localised cooling closest to the areas where most of it originated. Smogs constitute a deadly health hazard and governments acted quickly to clean up that type of pollution: highly visible (unlike CO2), it was hard to ignore. Once largely removed, its effects no longer influenced Northern Hemisphere temperatures, that have steadily climbed since around 1970.
In fact, as temperature recording has improved in coverage, it’s become clear that the cooling trend was indeed localised – it was most pronounced in northern land areas. Other places around the world revealed a different story. Furthermore, at the same time as some scientists were suggesting we might be facing another ice age, a significantly greater number – approximately six times more – published papers indicating the opposite – that we were warming. Their papers showed that the growing amount of greenhouse gases that humans were putting into the atmosphere would cause much greater warming – warming that would exert a much stronger influence on global temperature than any possible natural or human-caused cooling effects.”
As others have stated, they’ve been trying this on for decades, but couldn’t get any of their doom mongering to stick when the ice age didn’t happen or we didn’t fry due to a hole in the ozone layer (and other fear mongering efforts).
I remember being told in primary school that an ice age would probably start by the year 2000.
Well, they then tried MMGW. And that didn’t really work, as the temperatures haven’t increased so that Macclesfield has Singaporean weather (sadly). The Maldives didn’t sink.
We haven’t all burned to death because we didn’t all live in caves.
So they came up with a work of (evil) genius.
Climate Change.
Now, the climate does naturally change. You can’t deny that unless you’re daft. Earth has had several extinction events, some of them probably linked to natural climate change. It naturally heats and cools. And repeats.
What they are saying though, is that man’s use of fossil has a huge (negative )impact on CG.
This is massively overstated.
But here is why it (the grift) works.
1. Hotter than normal? Climate change.
2. Colder than normal? Climate change.
3. A bit more rain today? Climate change.
4. Weather has had ‘normal’ weather for a few weeks? Climate change.
All scenarios 1-4 means the end of the world, unless you give lots of money and power to a small number of people. You’ll also have your freedoms restricted (to save the planet you see?) because long haul flights will be a thing for the wealthy only.
Heck. Even owing an electric car will cost you an absolute fortune. Not to mention all the ‘green taxes’ you’ll need to pay if you want a car.
You’ll be limited to your 15 minute city, it’s to save the planet you see. Eat the bugs and own nothing and be happy.
Of course, the likes of ‘our betters’ who all flew out to the climate change bash going on, won’t have any limits on their freedoms. They’ll own the cars and be able to drive outside their 15 minute cities (on the now beautifully quiet roads). They’ll then get on their flights to Australia or wherever after ‘carbon offsetting’ (which is, if you believe this CG nonsense ,like murdering someone and then being found not guilty because you then had a child to ‘offset’ the person you killed).
Climate change eh?
It used to be called ‘the weather’ but now it’s the end of the world if it rains a bit.
Oh, and ‘since records began’ is just a few decades in reality.
It’s the biggest grift in history and some very greedy and evil people have taken advantage of (stupid) people’s good nature.
It’s definitely not all about ‘elites’ flooding the west with third world people to increase the population to insane levels ,(more customers and more people to employ for lower wages and fewer rights).
It’s not all about the ‘elites’ not wanting to drive on busy roads or to wait in airports around ‘plebs’.
If this had happened under a different government, or different country, the narrative she is so desperate to spread would be vastly different, I suspect.
“Fellow journalists silenced under Putin / Boris / Trump” etc etc
As much as they can shovel. Any other opinion is racist, far right, whatever they can put you in jail for. They’d happily release a serial killer to jail a normal person who’s really pissed off with this shit.
Using the statement ‘particularly sensitive social climate’ as a justification for sending him to prison is the stuff of fascist dictators. It shows that he hasn’t been sent to prison for his crime, he’s been sent there because he’s politically undesirable.
Which in turn shows us that Starmer has directly ordered that anyone remotely involved with the Southport protests is jailed for at least 2 years to remove them from society.
Where will this end ?. Once Trump takes power and we see the stark reality of what we have become, people are not going to accept it. Just imagine what ‘live updates’ the BBC would be running for all of this if they wanted him out like they did Boris.
#1 Flipped to BBC 1 Eastenders : they were in Queen Vic ..having a drag show
#2 next prog “Can scientists save the world from Climate Change ?”
#3 After 8pm during a break I flipped to BBC2 .. a prog about immigration ..seemed like a black woman was saying the UK is unfair “Yes I lived in Britain, I always used my Grenada passport .. I consider myself Briish”
..seems she wrongly thought she could live in Britain forever and ever without taking British citizenship ..FFS most people do know the rules.
I did see a convincing tweet today that said Laurence Fox was wrong to claim Starmer years back acted for the Southport killer’s father
Rather the document showed he acted for other immigrants
and other barristers acted for more immigrants one o wom was Rwandan, but not connected to the Southport family
new Craig Houston video says the same
Just so it’s not lost in time and in the spirit of the gross two-tier double standards which are now openly displayed by the Left, I thought I’d remind people of how the BBC have been doing the same thing for years and as they are their own judge-and-jury, they can simply ignore any complaints.
Back at the end of 2022 when the troll-farm was fully engaged, the BBC ran this story:
‘Rishi Sunak calls for stability and unity as he wins contest to be PM’
In the comments, I saw:
‘It’s a shame the bunch of brexit supporting losers spend their time on here’
So I reported it as:
”Insulting and completely off-topic.’
The BBC moderators reply was:
‘Further to your complaint about some of the content on a BBC website (reference number P43797938), we have decided that it does not contravene the House Rules and are going to leave it on site.’
So I made an identical comment with ‘remain’ instead of brexit:
‘It’s a shame the bunch of remain supporting losers spend their time on here’
Almost immediately I got the email:
Your comment was considered to have broken the following House Rule:
“We reserve the right to fail comments which…
Are considered likely to disrupt, provoke, attack or offend others
It is remarkable that the BBC all but ignores the Farmer’s anger and the upcoming protests and threat to food supplies. They are protesting today but there’s nothing on the website…just a government message to ‘calm down’ and that farmer’s are being stupid as they just don’t understand what’s going on.
No mention of protests just this ‘government message’…
‘How many farms will be affected by Budget tax rises?’
‘Ex-Labour adviser John McTernan suggests doing to farms ‘what Thatcher did to coal mines’ and said Britain “doesn’t need small farmers”. ‘
The BBC ignored it, though they’ve quoted from him before, and never mind clearly this was a massive story amongst the farming community.
The Telegraph reported…
‘Ministers are drawing up contingency plans to deal with food shortages if farmers go on strike over the Treasury’s inheritance tax raid on farms.
Louise Haigh, the Transport Secretary, said the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) would set out contingency plans to ensure food security over the winter and summer.’
A serious issue and concern but the BBC ignored it.
Just why is the BBC playing down this hit on farmers and doing all it can to suggest there is ‘nothing to see here’?
Maybe they also would like to see farms erased from the landscape and turned into safari parks as green zealot Monbiot wants….climate change of course….as I wake up to a thick carpet of snow outside.
Amol has a nice chat with Diana Johnson – a ‘policing minister ‘ . Apparently her boss – ms Balls – is to introduce new changes to policing . Who cares ? They are not our plod anymore ….
Johnson threw in a nice propaganda piece about being unable to find out about plod injured at the summer ‘riots ‘ … what Riots – ? Labour is trying to make the demonstration the ‘capitol insurrection ‘ nonsense ….
This police reform nonsense was followed by a piece on china locking up protesters in Hong Kong for years – Xi ping and our great leader met yesterday to exchange notes on how to destroy dissidents … I bet the china man was impressed with twitter users getting 2 years – and the resultant suicides of course .
Human Rights in the UK learning from china …. 77 brigade to note …
I despair…what future for our children ? who is next on their list ? :
“Berlin is NOT safe for ‘openly gay’ or Jewish people, local police chief admits.
Barbara Slowik, head of the police force in the German capital, said: ‘There are areas, and we need to be honest here, where I would advise people who wear a kippah or are openly gay or lesbian to be more careful.’
‘Unfortunately, there are certain neighborhoods where the majority of people live are of Arab descent, who also have sympathies for terrorist groups,’ she told local outlet Berliner Zeitung.
She added that ‘open anti-Semitism’ was shown against ‘people of Jewish faith and origin’ in those neighbourhoods. ”
Let’s hope the Labour government doesn’t learn they can use Muslims to exact a jizya payment through Sharia Law.
Islamist groups in Mali are now forcing Christians to pay Jizya tax for being Christian.
ACN International (a Catholic charity) reports that all Christians over the age of 18 in Douna-Pen & Dougouténé are now forced to pay USD 40 in religious tax. ACN fears it will spread to all of Mali
HA HA HA! WE ARE STILL LOOKING…. The independent review into
the application of sharia law
in England and Wales
Presented to Parliament
by the Secretary of State for the Home Department
by Command of Her Majesty
February 2018
This apparently happened in 2019 but reported today, paywalled so printed in full:
“Police did nothing when I reported yobs attacking cars with a crowbar. But TWO turned up on my doorstep over my tweet, reveals JULIE BINDEL. It’s state harassment and I know who is to blame…
One car window exploded with a crash, then another. Two yobs were running along our street with a crowbar, howling as they vandalised the vehicles.
I was on my way back from the park with the dog after a late evening walk. Afraid of what might happen if the youths caught sight of me, I stood well back, reached for my phone and dialled 999.
The call handlers’ response left me speechless. I was scolded, told off for wasting their time. This was not an emergency, they said.
I should have called 101, the number for non-urgent incidents, if I wished to make a report.
Six weeks later, when I answered a knock on the door to see two female police officers, the first thought that flashed through my mind was that this must be somehow connected.
How wrong I was.
They were not calling at my home, at lunchtime on a Sunday, to discuss vandalism. ‘We are here to talk to you about a hate crime,’ said one.
I invited them to come in, and we went into the study, leaving my lunch guests to wonder what on earth was going on.
A complaint, said the first officer, had been filed about something I’d written on Twitter (this was 2019 before the social media platform became X).
She had the grace to look slightly embarrassed, as though she, like me, couldn’t quite believe the words coming out of her own mouth. Her colleague was looking up, down, sideways – anywhere but straight at me.
I asked what the tweet said. They replied that they were not able to divulge that information. Apparently, I was not permitted to know what it was I’d written that was being investigated as a ‘hate crime’.
I asked what category of ‘hate crime’ was involved. I wasn’t permitted to know that either. I asked who had complained and they became a little more forthcoming. A ‘transgender man’ in Holland had instigated the inquiry.
That boggled my mind. I started to ask how on earth a police investigation could be launched because someone in another country felt aggrieved about something they’d read on social media.
Under which legal jurisdiction, I wanted to know, did this alleged offence fall? If it went to court, would the case be heard in Britain or the Netherlands?
The police didn’t want to discuss that, naturally enough, since they didn’t have a clue about the answers. Instead, they invited me to appear at the station the next day to make a statement.
‘Absolutely not,’ I said.
That flummoxed them. They explained that I had to discuss this matter with a senior officer. In that case, I told them, they should have brought a senior officer with them.
One of my guests stuck her head round the door, learned what was going on, and warned the duo that they might end up facing a complaint themselves if they didn’t drop this nonsense.
They left, with me haranguing them all the way to the door about the scandalous failure of the British justice system, and the shocking waste of police resources – with two constables sent to investigate a tweet, when complaints of domestic violence are too often ignored until women are murdered by their partners.
For the rest of the day, I felt sick to my stomach. Most women in my situation might have felt browbeaten and intimidated into handing themselves in at the station.
I’m fortunate that, after decades of fighting to end domestic abuse, I have some knowledge of the law and a good support network of people ready to back me up, including my very understanding partner.
But it makes me livid that on at least two occasions I have felt sufficiently alarmed by death threats on social media, and threats of violence to my loved ones, that I’ve gone to the police – and they’ve done nothing.
Instead, I’ve felt patronised, as though I’m seen as an attention-seeker who enjoys the melodrama.
There is a double standard here. Women like me have frequently faced physical attack and venomous verbal abuse for our beliefs – namely, that the fundamental biological differences between males and females cannot be erased.
Our opponents on social media are able to say whatever they like, however threatening. But when one of them feels unhappy at something (factual and non-violent) that I’ve said, I get an intimidating visit from the police.
And I’m far from alone. The case of journalist Allison Pearson, who is being investigated over a year-old tweet, has sparked an outcry since it made headlines last week. Essex Police have since defended their decision to investigate her.
The campaigner Maya Forstater also opened the door to police on her doorstep, in July 2023, following a complaint of alleged ‘transphobia’, and the inquiry remained open for 15 months. She has only recently been told that it has been closed.
That amounts to state harassment. It has ominous echoes of East Germany under the Stasi secret police and many people might buckle under the pressure.
I don’t blame the police themselves, certainly not the rank-and-file who are sent on these fools’ errands. I have good friends in the force, and I’m quite sure none of them joined to crack down on social media spats.
But I do blame the virtue-signalling liberal establishment that encouraged the selfish, self-deluding trans lobby.
Women who should have known better, such as historian Mary Beard and novelist Margaret Atwood, tried to ingratiate themselves with the baying activists who drown out all debate by shouting: ‘Trans women are women!’
Peter Tatchell, the gay activist who used to proclaim himself such an enthusiastic feminist, poured fuel on the fire by saying that, though he recognised my right to free speech, he abhorred my ‘transphobia’.
People like these, the luvvies who are desperate to be on the ‘right side of history’ as they call it, are the ones most responsible for a truly iniquitous situation – where failure to hold the approved beliefs can bring the police to your door.”
“Draining the swamp” is possibly going to have to go further than we think in the US:
“Adopted girl, 13, found dead wearing just a diaper in unimaginable house of horrors.
A former Florida Department of Children and Families employee has been arrested for allegedly abusing her 13-year-old adopted daughter, who was found dead wearing just a diaper.
Diane Natasha Mack, 34, who once worked as a guardian ad litem – a person appointed by the courts system to represent the interests of someone who is unable to care for themselves – called police to her home in the Sun ‘n Lake of Sebring golf and recreation community on Friday at 12.19am to report her adopted daughter dead after finding her ‘lying unresponsive’ on the floor.
When deputies arrived at the scene, they found the unidentified victim dead next to the front door, wearing nothing but a diaper and showing ‘clear’ signs of abuse and neglect, the Highlands County Sheriff’s Office reports.
‘She was extremely emaciated and obviously malnourished,’ Sheriff Paul Blackman said. ‘Her body was covered in wounds in all stages of healing, including lacerations that were clearly recently suffered.’
The sheriff went on to call the crime scene ‘one of the most disturbing … I have encountered in more than 30 years of law enforcement.’
‘There are no words I can say that can truly convey the nightmare that this child’s life must have been.'”
Surely someone has commented on this, although strangely I cannot find anything on the BBC webshite. Maybe I’m just getting forgetful.
But one moment Two Tier Kier is jetting off to Baku to virtue-signal at COP29 and the very next………without any trace of irony……….he is jetting straight down to Rio for the G20 meeting.
A case of do as I say not as I do by ‘Air Miles’ Starmer.
Forget about pending nuclear war – the mail reports ‘snowing on London ‘ and even worse ‘Zoe ball leaves the BBC’… I wondered who ms Ball is / was …..?
“BBC Radio 2 breakfast show presenter Zoe Ball has been revealed as the highest earning radio presenter employed by the BBC, earning £4,750 per show. The corporation has revealed its own rich list, which sees Gary Lineker take the top spot being paid £1.35m, followed by Zoe Ball at up to £954,999 per year.27 Aug 2024”
Zoe Ball at up to £954,999 per year ** and no longer gets her winter fuel allowance! HAH HA HAH AHHA A
Zoe balls show listeners 2019: 9 million
Zoe balls show listeners 2024: 6.4 million
‘Ball said: “After six incredible years on the Radio 2 Breakfast Show, it’s time for me to step away from the very early mornings and focus on family.”‘
Incredible indeed Zoe. Incredible they kept you that long. But of course it doesn’t matter if nobody listens to it. They still get their money. That’s why they can force all those BAME and gay presenters down our throats.
Zoe Ball listening figures have fallen to 6.28m on avrage
That is not as bigger fall as other shows
Woman used to get 7.2m, Chris Evans built it up to about 9m , then it fell since ZOe took over
No jokey blokey Daily Star this morning for the gynaeceum that is BBC news staff – their habitual ‘and finally’ in the online print press line-up is conspicuous by its absence.
In case you were wondering, that cheerful organ goes with the global warming narrative busting and Keir Starmer granny harmer alarm headline: Grit Britain… Snow! In November!! And whole country is in sudden crisis!! Funny how the cold weather takes us by surprise each year (Daily Star)
The Star does rather enjoy a cor blimey weather report. Also on the funny paper’s frontpage: Bots not evil (say evil bots) – never let it be said the Star doesn’t keep us up to date with the latest scientific and tech news.
And then there’s the Star’s preoccupation with the paranormal: Swindon hit by ghosts – and some story about a darts player – literally named Littler.
That’s what the BBC audience are missing this morning due to the lapse in putting up the Daily Star’s cover page image.
Instead, bringing up the rear, bottom of the bill, and finally, is the giveaway freebie adsheet Metro
The youth-oriented, urbanite left-liberal celeb-obsessed handout rag, designed to litter commuter railway station platforms near you.
Far be it from Mr AsISeeIt to speculate on the nature of Esther Rantzen’s deal with the Daily Express but the so-called: Campaign for Dignity in Dying puts some money where their mouth is by purchasing ad space on the cover of the Metro this morning.
Some trendy-looking non-white Gen Xer is pictured in his bike shed: Anil, cyclist…
I pause there for a moment to reflect on that classic Rowan Atkinson Not The Nine O’Clock News skit on a contemporary 1980s Thatcherite Tory conference speech – where all our Rowan need declare from the podium to have the hall in raptures of applause was: “Ladies and gentlemen… I’m a golfer”
And so it is with our lefty millennials and the phrase: Anil, cyclist… – precisely locating this made-up character with his metropolitan liberal college educated over-qualified, under employed, target audience. Of course he wears one of those dorky-looking cycling helmets – as styled by BBC stalwart Jeremy Vine – “Safety First”
My dying wish is to know I have a choice. My dad didn’t – runs the ad copy. Legalise assisted dying – is the demand.
On yer bike, son
“My dad got on his bike and looked for work” (Norman Tebbit)
Your print press reviewer hereabouts enjoys a nice awkward juxtaposition of items that seems to suggest the editor took a day off – and so it is that the giveaway Metro just happens to go with the headline frontpage cold weather story: Chilling blow… Cold snap… And bills go up again… Ice age: Elderly will be hit hardest… First snow and ice of winter hits UK as millions of elderly lose cash help
My sympathies are with our Anil’s old dad – by the look of Anil his old man will have grown up on the Indian sub-continent where in general the weather tends somewhat warmer than the UK.
“It ain’t half cold, dad”
I’m left attempting to understand the paradox inherent in the fact we so recently shut down the country by law and trashed the economy in Lockdowns in order to fight the sort of infection that was on average fatal to 80-plus year-olds and which doctors had previously tended to nickname “The Old Man’s Friend” – and yet now we’re campaigning to change the law in order to legally bump the elderly off willy nilly. Go figure.
The debate on the helping killing thing is in 10 days time . I somehow think that there will be just a rendition of tragic anecdotes ( with names – Mrs miggins) and read out letters from constituents ….
Stuff like estimated numbers of deaths – how much the NHS will ‘save’ by killing people ( officially ) and the boost in growth for the funeral industry will be left out … as well as saving money on needing ‘end of life care ‘ ( that extra morphine jab – (have seen it done )) or hospices .
I bet there are plans for a ‘one stop shop’ go in one door get an abortion – go in another door – get killed .
NHS is ahead of the game …. “A woman died of sepsis after being “abandoned” for ten hours on a hospital trolley in a busy A&E corridor, an inquest was told. Tamara Davis, 31, was left to “fend for herself” as she coughed up blood in the corridor of the A&E department at the Royal Sussex County Hospital in Brighton in December 2022.21 Oct 2024″
“The Houses of Parliament spent £5.1million on its energy bill last year – equating to nearly £14,000 a DAY on gas and electricity. This is roughly four times as much as the bill for all six of the Royal Palaces which came in at £1.3million – equating to £594 per palace, per day.22 Nov 2019″
“The Monarch is not legally liable to pay income tax, capital gains tax or inheritance tax because the relevant enactments do not apply to the Crown. The same is true for the income from the Duchy of Cornwall which is paid to The Prince of Wales.8 Aug 2023″
Can anyone hereabouts make any sense of this statement: The university [Edinburgh] decided to issue a public appeal through the BBC instead of approaching the families privately, because it is not known whether Isabella and Buck Ruxton’s three orphaned children were ever told that their father had been hanged for murdering their mother. (David Cowan, BBC Scotland News home affairs correspondent)
So instead of approaching the relatives quietly, respectfully and privately – the university invites the BBC to splash the story in the national news headlines?
FFS the murders were 90 years ago
“A search is underway for the families of two women killed 90 years ago
In 1935, the deaths of Isabella Ruxton and Mary Rogerson
.. The University has discovered that the skulls and other bones are still in its archive. The University is trying to find the relatives to ask if they would like the items to be returned.”
Could I list the surviving relatives of my grandmother’s parents ?
.. it might be a bit difficult with females changing surname etc.
“By calculating with hectares and not acres the BBC Verify would be wildly inaccurate with its statistics. 63 people with combined salary costs of a whopping £3.2 million…”
via Guido’s commenters
story about BBC’s Oscar Bentley
“BBC caught in bias row as Labour activist found working as political fact checker
A fresh BBC bias row has erupted after it was revealed a Labour activist joined the broadcaster last year where he works as a political fact checker.”
a hard-Left Labour activist who described Tory MPs as lower than “invertebrates” and said: “never trust a Tory”
Muslim Pleads GUILTY to making DEATH THREAT against Tommy Robinson
49-year-old Habeeb Khan of Sparkbrook had been due for trial at Birmingham Crown Court today ,
but he pleaded guilty to an offence under the Online Safety Act of sending a communication threatening death or serious harm.
He had previously denied a charge of possession of an imitation firearm with intent to cause fear of violence
will be sentenced on December 19th”
“after the judge requested to know more about him .
Probably get 180 hours community service , mental issues. “
A bit of light relief, with an important question left hanging:
From the ‘i’:
“Strictly Come Dancing viewers have been left “speechless” after one particular star sailed through to the next round – and are now accusing it of being “fixed”.
The latest elimination of the 2024 series arrived on Sunday (17 November) after a Saturday episode broadcast live from Blackpool that saw Miranda actor Sarah Hadland steal the show.
Opera singer Wynne Evans and Gladiators star Montell Douglas had to perform again after finding themselves in the dreaded dance off – and all four judges sent Evans and his professional partner Katya Jones home.
However, it was noted by many that one person was immensely lucky to escape the bottom two after a lacklustre performance the night before: Pete Wicks.
The Only Way is Essex star proved his popularity with the viewing public after making it through despite receiving the lowest votes by far and ending the night at the bottom of the leader-board. When the news was announced, both Wick and his professional partner Jowita Przystal gasped in shock
His Cha-cha-cha to “I’m Too Sexy” by Right Said Fred had the judges in laughter with his “entertaining” hip action. Craig Revel Horwood disliked the performance so much, he scored him four out of 10.
“Am surprised #PeteWicks is through. He made so many mistakes,” one viewer wrote, with another adding: “Pete Wicks still being on Strictly is criminal.”
Many others expressed disbelief by accusing the show of being “fixed” to ensure Wicks made it through considering how “absolutely awful” his performance was.
“Talk about fixing this competition, how the hell did Pete Wicks stay out of the bottom two?” one person asked, as others highlighted how solid the reality star’s fanbase must be.
… … …”
Is this another case of phone-in voting being manipulated? The BBC has form, with previous instances of voting via premium phone lines being left open when the final totals had already been counted, and internal staff taking part in phone-in competitions. Wicks appears openly disrespectful and not exactly over-talented as regards dancing.
It’s all trivial, I know, but does make me wonder how much one can trust anything shown on the BBC.
The things the far left will do to promote membership of the EU:
“BREAKING NEWS Ukraine fires first US-made missile into Russia: WW3 fears as Kremlin threatens ‘nuclear response’ if long-range Western weapons are used on its territory”
“A fiery explosion lit up the night sky around 75 miles from the Ukrainian border at an ammunition store in Karachev, in Russia’s Bryansk region.
Eyewitnesses and Russian military bloggers reported that the ammo dump was targeted by missiles, with Ukrainian military officials later confirming to RBC Ukraine that the attack was indeed conducted with US-manufactured ATACMS (Army Tactical Missile System).
Reports of the strike emerged within minutes of the Kremlin threatening a ‘nuclear response’ should Ukraine hit targets on Russian soil with Western-supplied long-range munitions.
‘The Russian Federation reserves the right to use nuclear weapons in the event of aggression against it with the use of conventional weapons,’ Kremlin press secretary Dmitry Peskov told reporters in Russia this morning.
His statement followed Putin’s approval of an updated nuclear doctrine that would allow his strategic missile forces to deploy nuclear weapons if Russian or Belarusian territory is threatened by a non-nuclear nation supported by a nuclear power.”
“A Ukrainian strike on Russian territory with US-supplied missiles meets these criteria, raising fears that Moscow may now consider a dramatic escalation in the conflict.
Putin, who today signed the decree formalising Russia’s updated nuclear doctrine, first announced changes to the document in September.
At the time, the Russian President said he would consider Western nations ‘direct participants’ in the war in Ukraine if they were to provide Kyiv with the ability to strike targets inside Russia.
He also suggested he may provide Russian missiles to Western adversaries to strike Western targets abroad as a course of retaliation. “
“consider Western nations ‘direct participants’ in the war in Ukraine if they were to provide Kyiv with the ability to strike targets inside Russia.”
“The investment, which will deliver more than 10,000 drones for the Ukrainian Armed Forces will harness the UK’s world-leading defence industries to deliver advanced new drone capabilities to Ukraine throughout 2024.7 Mar 2024″
Aerospace & Defense Ex-British Challenger 2 Tanks Roll Into Kursk As Ukraine’s Invasion of Russia Grinds Into Its 11th Day
A Russian drone knocked out one Challenger 2 on the eastern edge of the invasion zone.”
StewGreenMar 7, 01:28 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Mental Health” probably Unless he is is white British , which means he’s a far far far right bigoted TERRORIST
StewGreenMar 7, 01:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 The #BiasedBBC news dept is really a PR org to promote the London Lib-Supremacist causes See how their England “news”…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:59 Midweek 5th March 2025 Poppy Atkinson – 10 – was the little girl killed by a car yesterday . The killer – 40 -…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:37 Midweek 5th March 2025 BTW James Goddard tweeted about this case at 10pm last night That is well before anyone else picked up on…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 Not BBC On YouTube there is a 10 part series called ‘first among equals ‘ which is a 1986 TV…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:24 Midweek 5th March 2025 @Marky isn’t your second graphic deceptive ? Your post is about NATO but that graphic appears to be the growth…
KaiserMar 6, 22:21 Midweek 5th March 2025 oddly I came across exactly the same suggestion in the daily sceptics chats this morning
StewGreenMar 6, 22:19 Midweek 5th March 2025 Afghan CHILD rapist in Falkirk I just saw the British Stand video from the morning I see someone mentioned the…
FlotsamMar 6, 21:39 Midweek 5th March 2025 There could be plusses to Charles III being Islamic. Camilla in a burqua.
Fedup2Mar 6, 21:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 No – I don’t know – but if the primary purpose / duty – of the firm is to keep…
Case in point (Cease fire now ? not here, that’s only for Jews) : Zelensky’s Press gang caught in action:
1 comment per hour, in 19hrs.
The UK debate on illegal migration centres on small boats crossing the Channel but those journeys start beyond Europe’s borders. @bbcnickrobinson has been meeting those wanting to start new lives & presents Monday’s #R4Today from the Bulgaria-Turkey border.
Not bad for him. Hope he caught a belly dance.
Benefits and council houses, what they don’t get in France.
Nuff said.
The irony is that the BBC is reporting that care homes for children are going to be reined in for overcharging….hmmm….just how many of those children are in fact illegal immigrants? BBC not saying when we know the costs to home them cripples councils. And how about all those hotels that now house immigrants…some single hotel chains earning billions from the new ‘industry’? Why not mention that at the same time and highlight how much illegal immigration is costing us…never mind the other costs such as no hotels and social problems?
“meeting those wanting to start new lives”
FFS is that an impartial way of describing people who ILLEGALLY BREAK IN to the UK to STEAL advantage from UK taxpayers ?
‘ It is going to be a bloodbath.’
The Telegraph’s verdict on the impact of nut zero on industry and jobs.
Trouble is until the BBC stops giving cover for the climate zealots and starts looking critically and realistically at that impact and what it means for peoples’ lives the Siliman will think he can still get away with it. The BBC’s massive propaganda campaign to convince us that nut zero is necessary or else the planet will burn has allowed the Siliman to already impose ruinous laws upon us…what comes next will for us, and probably for an EU that is on the same suicidal path, will turn out the lights and end Europe’s position as a serious economic, industrial, scientific and ideological power.
Let’s hope people wake up before he destroys us all.
‘If any factories survive that blizzard of extra costs it will be a miracle. Meanwhile, those “well-paid industrial jobs” have proved to be largely a mirage. The trade unions are already getting anxious about the impact on their members, and rightly so. It is going to be a bloodbath.
The battle has not yet erupted into the open yet, but it is simmering in the background. Over the next couple of years, it will turn into a full-scale civil war [inside Labour and the Unions].
The trouble is, trying telling the party’s leading Green Commissar Ed Miliband that the target has to be relaxed. High on his own apocalyptic rhetoric, Miliband will no doubt refuse. After all, what do a few car factory jobs count for when the very survival of the planet is at stake?’
Net Zero Industry – CHina laughs! India is in smog! HA HA HAH AH AH HA H A!
Did the Telegraph not join in the pile on when Donald Trump described the competition in the auto industry in USA with Mexico as a ‘bloodbath’ ?
Those f*cking idiots said he meant it literally.
@ Thatcherrev.
Daily Telegraph 17 March 2024:
” Trump warns of ‘bloodbath’ if he loses presidential election.
Former president ratchets up tension as he addresses supporters at rally in Ohio.
It was not clear what he meant by “bloodbath”, with his remark coming in the middle of comments about threats to the US car industry.”
Two days later, some desperate backpedalling:
(I wonder why? maybe some complaints from over the pond ? )
Daily Telegraph 19 March 2024:
” Liberal outrage over Trump’s ‘bloodbath’ warning is pure hypocrisy – and it could help him win
By blatantly misrepresenting what Donald Trump said, his opponents have played right into his hands ”
Having watched a long ‘highlights ‘ video on YouTube – of MSNBC going through the US election night I concluded there’s no hope for the presenters .
One of them listed the things done to Presidenr trump in the campaign – not including the attempted murders .
They assumed that lawfare would work – that making him a Felon would work – accusations of racism and mysogeny and the rest would work .
But of course they discounted what people really cared about – being invaded – the cost of gas – and that the Far Left fixation with sex – Queers – Trans – Abortion – don’t register with decent people the way those vile metro democrat cat lovers think .
I don’t think they can change their group think . I hope not – particularly if we survive the next few weeks and the Presidenr trump starts to roll them back . But it’s a long long job . Obama had done well embedding the poison …
THE UK is not like USA as it does not have assassination attempts.
Sir David Anthony Andrew Amess (/ˈeɪmɪs/ AY-miss; 26 March 1952 – 15 October 2021) was a British politician who served as Member of Parliament (MP) for Southend West from 1997 until his murder in 2021.
BBC1 6 pm news. First story.
A girl has been found in the boot of a car.
She has been murdered. Her boyfriend/ husband has almost certainly left the country bound for the Indian subcontinent. Her family in Delhi are distraught and want her over thereby be buried.
Meanwhile the trial continues of the family members of a 10 year old girl who was beaten to death followed by her family fleeing to the Indian subcontinent.
Anyone spot the similarity?
The BBC obviously cannot.
But hey. It’s another triumph for multiculturalism and mass immigration.
Am I allowed to say such things any more with getting a knock from the plod?
Hope I haven’t ‘offended’ anyone.
“United in diversity”, the motto of the European Union, first came into use in 2000. It signifies how Europeans have come together, in the form of the EU, to work for peace and prosperity, while at the same time being enriched by the continent’s many different cultures, traditions and languages.
MM, and the EU being a trade protectionist racket trading block.
A whole 15 seconds of BBC news was devoted to the fact that 97 aid Lorrie’s allowed into Gaza by Israel……….were looted !!!!!
Move along. Nothing to see.
If only some over here had the balls to stand up to the far left:
“Homan fires back after Congressional Hispanic Caucus chair says group will oppose mass deportations: ‘Game on’.
President-elect Donald Trump indicated he is prepared to declare a national emergency and use military assets for deportations.”
Now that NATO countries are starting to send out pamphlets about how to prepare for the coming nuclear war im thinking of putting up,a separate thread for handy nuclear war hints – for example – avoiding total blindness from the flash or subsequent blast wave …. Examples welcome – hints for the discerning panic buyer …
Batch cook boiled water by making one pan on a Sunday and freezing it into more useable cubes
LOCAL COUNCILS. Save money on expensive signage near dangerous bends by simply sellotaping a bunch of flowers to a nearby lamppost.
A battenburg cake cut into 16 slices makes an ideal emergency chess board
A pint of marmite topped off with shaving foam makes a convincing alternative to a pint of Guinness, and has the advantage of tasting better.
Turn any sofa in your house into a bed by telling your wife to calm down during an argument.
Is this to prepare for nuclear war, or how to live under the jackboot of Ed Milliband’s crushing anti-energy zealotry?
If Milliband bans flying, recreate the holiday experience by wandering into Greggs wearing swimming trunks, pointing at a sausage roll, shouting “TWO!” and paying with a 200 Euro note.
Not possible.
Greggs will be closing marginally profitable shops as cannot make a profit from the 6% minimum wage increase, national insurance increase, and business rates increase.
Feel the economic growth.
Or maybe it’s part of the new healthy living strategy.
Pounce who used to post here was the one to get you through Armageddon
And still they try and cheat:
“‘Absolute lawlessness’: GOP blasts Pa. Dems’ recount effort in Casey Senate loss.
Republicans vow to ‘fight for as long as necessary’ to ensure David McCormick’s victory is upheld.
Sopes bails. A bit.
Change of address notification: you’ll be able to find me now on @bluesky
Have greatly enjoyed living here for over a decade, but feel the neighbourhood has really gone downhill.
Will still call by occasionally
Actually finding the simps sucking up to him funnier than those bidding farewell.
Guest, does that mean he is leaving the USA and returning to the UK?
He does go back (to sit slumped in a chair spouting TDS with the dynamic duo of Strumpet and Larry there) but I think he is no relocated here, in some basement.
They’ll be queuing up to do the ‘get trump ‘ show – 7pm every day on BBC 4 – with a list of x Obama / Biden / Harris people telling us why the American voters got it wrong …. Subject to nuclear war of course.. but that was yesterday …
Trump’s pick for US ambassador to Israel says it would take five minutes to shut down Iran’s ‘money tree’.
Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee insists the second Trump administration will strengthen U.S. bonds with Israel
For the comments.
Laura Kuenssberg’s Time as BBC Political Editor has been a Catastrophic, Systemic Failure – Byline Times
Raving comments
for a start it’s a NEW tweet, yet the article is from 2022
#HateyLefties being Hatey as usual ..and gaslighting as they call black “white”
Whoopee-Cushion Goldberg will be withholding sex in protest at Trump win.
America tries to figure out if that’s a threat or a promise.
Please Vlad … there are limits ..ugh …
Contempt for the law
Was there an appeal against sentence? ( but I suppose her mates were the appeal court ) …
Room for 650 MPS? HA HA HAH AHAH ! On Expenses!
Brendan Carr has been appointed director of the US FCC overseeing US TV by president trump … I bet CNN and the rest are really looking forward to it ……
Popcorn overdose …
“Democrats have been in charge of the Administrative State—the alphabet soup of agencies in DC—for at least 12 of the last 16 years.
Over those 12 years, government control has increased and your freedoms have decreased.
It is time to flip the script in Washington.
5:27 pm · 18 Nov 2024
(c) Brendan Carr
It’s too easy to think that Pol Pot had one answer to academics
“In 2008, during a BBC One This Week interview between Abbott, Michael Portillo and Andrew Neil, Abbott said about the Chinese leader Mao Zedong: “I suppose some people will judge that on balance Mao did more good than harm…”
(c) Diane Abbott the Mother of Parliament
** on expenses.
Energy bills to rise AGAIN in January as Brits are warned there is no chance of prices going back to pre-Covid levels.
£400 pound winter allowance for all 650 MPS! HA HA HAH AHA!
Peer reviewed paper published:
Hulscher N, Alexander P E., Amerling R, Gessling H, Hodkinson R, Makis W et al.
A Systematic Review Of Autopsy Findings In Deaths After COVID-19 Vaccination. Science, Public Health Policy and the Law. 2024 Nov 17; v5.2019-2024
Conclusions: The consistency seen among cases in this review with known COVID-19 vaccine mechanisms of injury and death, coupled with autopsy confirmation by physician adjudication, suggests there is a high likelihood of a causal link between COVID-19 vaccines and death. Further urgent investigation is required for the purpose of clarifying our findings.
Look – it’s easy – they knew what the mortality / injury rate would be with those untested vaccines – and secretly accepted them thinking the life saving effect of jabbing everyone would outdo the ‘bad ‘ – and used the msm to tell us they were ‘perfectly safe ‘.
In the states – when Bobby K junior gets power – they’ll do everything to conceal … including killing him as well as Presidenr Trump and Elon Musk …
Though grateful for positive votes from readers from time to time, on this one I’m in the minority because I don’t buy this.
The fast tracking of the original vaccine almost certainly meant they didn’t have enough data on mortality rates or pretty much anything else come to that. And with 1000 a day fatality rate and maybe 50 fold more daily cases causing a wide spectrum of illness levels, the availability of a jab, even if carrying risk, was a good thing in my view.
But if only a handful a day are dying, and the illness is mild, and the jab risk stays the same, then the balance changes.
The effectiveness of the vaccine was proved early on. It was rolled out by age groups and the percentage of total deaths by the given age group declined in the weeks after vaccination, of course when all age groups were vaccinated the original ratios were recreated.
My gripe is with the real do-gooders who insisted AZ give the vaccine away at cost, dickheads! No such issue over in the US at Pfizer. What did they make, $50 bn? And they are still providing the now annual winter jabs. What have AZ done? Naff all.
We know quite a lot about drug companies from the inside and their ethics can be periodically in serious doubt. They are not alone in this. But you would have to be an extreme sceptic to deny that, for example, drugs like atorvastatin and amlodopine have significantly prolonged the lifespan of hundreds of millions of people by reducing the prevalence of strokes and heart attacks.
It costs around $1 billion to get a drug to market. Many fail only just before that. It’s private sector risk money. Then there is only about 12-15 years to recoup and turn a profit before the patents run out and the low cost non-inventors such as the Serum Institute of India then make money in perpetuity. I suppose we could have a NPS, National Pharmaceutical Service. State owned. Just think how effective that would be.
Stuff – the point really is that terms like ‘perfectly safe ‘ were used as propaganda to get people to be jabbed . Plus the ‘tragedy ‘ stories aimed at frightening people .
As for the money – the free give away of the vaccines – the lockdowns – the total furlough – the huge PPE frauds – that’s just a socialist government in action – which wrecked an economy a country and a party – leaving -what – 8 million feckless plus – still on state money ….. not sure it was worth that …
Agree with most of that, Fedup.
There was one brief glorious moment when Boris, against lest we forget the doom-diatribes from the LibDems, Labour and SNP, resolved to re-open the economy, and took for whatever reason a BALANCED view of risk (some extra covid deaths) versus reward . And we all know now what a good thing it was, for example to get the kids back to school.
How I wished he would have used that concept of BALANCE constructively and followed it through. But alas, soon we were back to the normal diet of absolutism. One transgender complaint? Replace toilets with gender neutral ones. One child death from alleged pollution? Bring in ULEZ. A few car crashes? Justify 20 mph speed limits.
Just a reminder of the corrupt democrats, and their corrupt media friends, from October :
You mean Vice President TRUMP? (See BBC Pidgin for more news)
Biden call Kamala Harris ‘Trump’ for one Nato conference
Di mistake bin come hours afta e refer to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky as “President Putin” while e dey speak to reporters about Nato support for Ukraine.
There is a meltdown amongst the libtards on Bluesky and elsewhere at the moment, how DARE some journalists meet with the new democratically elected President !!!!!
“MSNBC staffers lash out at ‘Morning Joe’ co-hosts meeting with Trump: ‘Disgusting but frankly unsurprising’.
MSNBC staffers are lashing out at “Morning Joe” co-hosts Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski after they shocked their liberal viewers by revealing their recent Mar-a-Lago meeting with President-elect Donald Trump.
“Cowardice,” one MSNBC employee reacted to Fox News Digital. “Doing exactly what [anti-Trump historian] Tim Snyder warns on our air not to do: obey in advance. It’s disgusting but frankly unsurprising.”
The source said MSNBC’s rank and file are now “largely disdainful” of the network’s morning stars, saying it “feels like they are just opportunistic.”
Others have taken to social media to voice their objections. MSNBC contributor Jennifer Rubin called it “disgusting” on Bluesky, the X-like social media site growing in popularity with progressives. MSNBC host Katie Phang offered an indirect swipe, posting on X, “Normalizing Trump is a bad idea. Period.”
“Katie Phang is right. It’s normalization (and it’s access bulls—),” the MSNBC employee told Fox News Digital. “Journalists don’t need access to their subjects to hold them to account. None of it is believable. The obvious answer is believable: they are opportunists.”
The insider expressed concerns that MSNBC will face significant blowback as a result of the Mar-a-Lago, meeting with left-wing viewers already lashing out. Some already calling for a boycott of the network. ”
Funny that people who support a ‘democrat party ‘ cannot accept Democracy – they can’t even hide behind a failure to win the ‘popular ‘ vote .
Maybe the next bit of the Grief is to claim an ‘election fix ‘ – which is a tricky assertion because no one wants to look beneath the corrupt voting rock of 2020 ..
Ah yes – ‘denial ‘ the 3rd stage of grief – ‘ acceptance ‘ might arrive if trump serves a third term ( joke ) and the democrats put up another dolt for the next election. …
… I’ve been watching the MSNBC election overage on YouTube ( sad I know ) but the group delusion – the failure to see how out of touch they are with the reality of American voters is pretty stark .
Even at the end – as the truth gets nearer to the bunker – and you can hear the republican artillary outside – they still think Steiner and the 9th army will rescue them ( seen downfall parodies too many times ) …
Fegelien! Fegelien! Fegelien!
(sorry, couldn’t resist).
Leaving Media ..
Just hearing the news that Timothy West has passed away. RIP.
Where you been hiding that you just heard that? I don’t even watch the news and I knew that several days ago. Wherever it is, I want to go.
Mafaking relieved ( sorry ) – Timmy West – definitely liked his ‘larger than life roles ‘ …rip
@ F2 I was tempted, something along the lines of breaking news from Dealy Plaza, Dallas, but resisted…
I see the BBC plug their own shows for his obituary and don’t mention the classic ‘Brass’ (made by Granada) which I watched again not long ago.
Another sadly missed.
More tips for surviving Miliband and his greenshirts ….
Is one of those Lammy?
Just as popular in Israel..
BOGOF on twerps
It should be.
A real dilemma there to get down to one….
Another bloody 3 hour Windows update and I know who my money’s on.
Anyone know how and when the MMGW hysteria took hold? I assume one or two scientists published their hypothesis but how did it become so mainstream. Is it possible that China, one of the main beneficiaries, has been promoting the theory?
The whole thing is a wet dream for Worldwide Governments and big business anxious to extract more control and money from a propagandised population.
When I was at school in the 1950’s-60’s we were taught there was an imminent ice age.
“If you are aged 60 or over, you may remember this particular myth first-hand. For a brief time in the early to mid-1970s, certain sections of the popular media ran articles describing how we were heading for a renewed ice-age. Such silliness endures to the present day, just with a different gloss: as an example, for the UK tabloid the Daily Express, October just wouldn’t be October without it publishing at least one made-up account of the impending 100-day snow-apocalypse.
There were even books written on the subject, such as Nigel Calder’s mischievously-entitled The Weather Machine, published in 1974 by the BBC and accompanying a “documentary” of the same name, which was nothing of the sort. A shame, because the same author’s previous effort, The Restless Earth, about plate tectonics, was very good indeed.
Thomas Peterson and colleagues did a very neat job of obliterating all of this nonsense. In a 2008 paper titled The myth of the 1970s global cooling scientific consensus, they dared do what the popular press dared not to. They had a look at what was actually going on. Obtaining copies of the peer-reviewed papers on climate, archived in the collections of Nature, JSTOR and the American Meteorological Society and published between 1965 and 1979, they examined and rated them. Would there be a consensus on global cooling? Alas! – no.
Results showed that despite the media claims, just ten per cent of papers predicted a cooling trend. On the other hand, 62% predicted global warming and 28% made no comment either way. The take-home from this one? It’s the old media adage, “Never let the truth get in the way of a good story”
In the thirty years leading up to the 1970s, available temperature recordings, with a poor global coverage compared to today, implied at times there might be an ongoing cooling trend. At the same time, research was continuing into the building levels of carbon dioxide and their effects on future climate, but the science world of that time was somewhat disconnected, compared to the modern age of instant communication, Zoom and so on.
There were also some notably cold winters scattered through that time, such as the UK one of 1962-63. As a result of these various goings-on, some scientists suggested that the current interglacial period could rapidly draw to a close, which might result in the Earth plunging into a new ice age over the next few centuries.
We now know that the smog that climatologists call ‘aerosols’ – emitted by human activities into the atmosphere – caused localised cooling closest to the areas where most of it originated. Smogs constitute a deadly health hazard and governments acted quickly to clean up that type of pollution: highly visible (unlike CO2), it was hard to ignore. Once largely removed, its effects no longer influenced Northern Hemisphere temperatures, that have steadily climbed since around 1970.
In fact, as temperature recording has improved in coverage, it’s become clear that the cooling trend was indeed localised – it was most pronounced in northern land areas. Other places around the world revealed a different story. Furthermore, at the same time as some scientists were suggesting we might be facing another ice age, a significantly greater number – approximately six times more – published papers indicating the opposite – that we were warming. Their papers showed that the growing amount of greenhouse gases that humans were putting into the atmosphere would cause much greater warming – warming that would exert a much stronger influence on global temperature than any possible natural or human-caused cooling effects.”
Skeptical Science is a scurrilous propaganda site
Ambush named cos it is neither scientific nor sceptical
As others have stated, they’ve been trying this on for decades, but couldn’t get any of their doom mongering to stick when the ice age didn’t happen or we didn’t fry due to a hole in the ozone layer (and other fear mongering efforts).
I remember being told in primary school that an ice age would probably start by the year 2000.
Well, they then tried MMGW. And that didn’t really work, as the temperatures haven’t increased so that Macclesfield has Singaporean weather (sadly). The Maldives didn’t sink.
We haven’t all burned to death because we didn’t all live in caves.
So they came up with a work of (evil) genius.
Climate Change.
Now, the climate does naturally change. You can’t deny that unless you’re daft. Earth has had several extinction events, some of them probably linked to natural climate change. It naturally heats and cools. And repeats.
What they are saying though, is that man’s use of fossil has a huge (negative )impact on CG.
This is massively overstated.
But here is why it (the grift) works.
1. Hotter than normal? Climate change.
2. Colder than normal? Climate change.
3. A bit more rain today? Climate change.
4. Weather has had ‘normal’ weather for a few weeks? Climate change.
All scenarios 1-4 means the end of the world, unless you give lots of money and power to a small number of people. You’ll also have your freedoms restricted (to save the planet you see?) because long haul flights will be a thing for the wealthy only.
Heck. Even owing an electric car will cost you an absolute fortune. Not to mention all the ‘green taxes’ you’ll need to pay if you want a car.
You’ll be limited to your 15 minute city, it’s to save the planet you see. Eat the bugs and own nothing and be happy.
Of course, the likes of ‘our betters’ who all flew out to the climate change bash going on, won’t have any limits on their freedoms. They’ll own the cars and be able to drive outside their 15 minute cities (on the now beautifully quiet roads). They’ll then get on their flights to Australia or wherever after ‘carbon offsetting’ (which is, if you believe this CG nonsense ,like murdering someone and then being found not guilty because you then had a child to ‘offset’ the person you killed).
Climate change eh?
It used to be called ‘the weather’ but now it’s the end of the world if it rains a bit.
Oh, and ‘since records began’ is just a few decades in reality.
It’s the biggest grift in history and some very greedy and evil people have taken advantage of (stupid) people’s good nature.
It’s definitely not all about ‘elites’ flooding the west with third world people to increase the population to insane levels ,(more customers and more people to employ for lower wages and fewer rights).
It’s not all about the ‘elites’ not wanting to drive on busy roads or to wait in airports around ‘plebs’.
Just follow the money.
Nothing has damaged the BBC so much as the BBC’s ex-staffers finally being able to show their contempt for everyone else.
If this had happened under a different government, or different country, the narrative she is so desperate to spread would be vastly different, I suspect.
“Fellow journalists silenced under Putin / Boris / Trump” etc etc
classic old Guardian image
And from wiki:
‘He later became policy editor of the BBC’s flagship current affairs programme Newsnight.’
Anyone who tries to claim the BBC are not biased is either a brainwashed idiot or a shameless liar.
Pakistani mothers call for the UK to provide justice as Pakistani husband blokes murder their daughters and fuck off back to Pakistan…..
You could not make this shit up if you tried really hard!
How much more of this trash are we expected to swallow?
As much as they can shovel. Any other opinion is racist, far right, whatever they can put you in jail for. They’d happily release a serial killer to jail a normal person who’s really pissed off with this shit.
A comparison between two cases
… Same judge .. Tracey Lloyd Clarke
Using the statement ‘particularly sensitive social climate’ as a justification for sending him to prison is the stuff of fascist dictators. It shows that he hasn’t been sent to prison for his crime, he’s been sent there because he’s politically undesirable.
Which in turn shows us that Starmer has directly ordered that anyone remotely involved with the Southport protests is jailed for at least 2 years to remove them from society.
Where will this end ?. Once Trump takes power and we see the stark reality of what we have become, people are not going to accept it. Just imagine what ‘live updates’ the BBC would be running for all of this if they wanted him out like they did Boris.
Switch on bingo
#1 Flipped to BBC 1 Eastenders : they were in Queen Vic ..having a drag show
#2 next prog “Can scientists save the world from Climate Change ?”
#3 After 8pm during a break I flipped to BBC2 .. a prog about immigration ..seemed like a black woman was saying the UK is unfair “Yes I lived in Britain, I always used my Grenada passport .. I consider myself Briish”
..seems she wrongly thought she could live in Britain forever and ever without taking British citizenship ..FFS most people do know the rules.
I did see a convincing tweet today that said Laurence Fox was wrong to claim Starmer years back acted for the Southport killer’s father
Rather the document showed he acted for other immigrants
and other barristers acted for more immigrants one o wom was Rwandan, but not connected to the Southport family
new Craig Houston video says the same
“Skeptical Science is a scurrilous propaganda site
Ambush named cos it is neither scientific nor sceptical”
Erm, Craig Houston site:
“Was Project “SLAM DUNK” NASA Fake Moon Landing Hoax?”
That, if true means that there’s something else that’s being aggressively covered up?
Just so it’s not lost in time and in the spirit of the gross two-tier double standards which are now openly displayed by the Left, I thought I’d remind people of how the BBC have been doing the same thing for years and as they are their own judge-and-jury, they can simply ignore any complaints.
Back at the end of 2022 when the troll-farm was fully engaged, the BBC ran this story:
‘Rishi Sunak calls for stability and unity as he wins contest to be PM’
In the comments, I saw:
‘It’s a shame the bunch of brexit supporting losers spend their time on here’
So I reported it as:
”Insulting and completely off-topic.’
The BBC moderators reply was:
‘Further to your complaint about some of the content on a BBC website (reference number P43797938), we have decided that it does not contravene the House Rules and are going to leave it on site.’
So I made an identical comment with ‘remain’ instead of brexit:
‘It’s a shame the bunch of remain supporting losers spend their time on here’
Almost immediately I got the email:
Your comment was considered to have broken the following House Rule:
“We reserve the right to fail comments which…
Are considered likely to disrupt, provoke, attack or offend others
So I made a complaint to the BBC, Case number CAS-7321146-N6W8K4
The response was:
The forums have a dedicated moderation team and process.
If you disagree with a moderation decision you can appeal here:
Appeal and what ?. Get my comment re-instated ?. My comment being deleted was not the problem. The BBC moderation in general was.
The BBC bias doesn’t get any clearer than this example.
It is remarkable that the BBC all but ignores the Farmer’s anger and the upcoming protests and threat to food supplies. They are protesting today but there’s nothing on the website…just a government message to ‘calm down’ and that farmer’s are being stupid as they just don’t understand what’s going on.
No mention of protests just this ‘government message’…
‘How many farms will be affected by Budget tax rises?’
When a senior Labour adviser said …
‘Ex-Labour adviser John McTernan suggests doing to farms ‘what Thatcher did to coal mines’ and said Britain “doesn’t need small farmers”. ‘
The BBC ignored it, though they’ve quoted from him before, and never mind clearly this was a massive story amongst the farming community.
The Telegraph reported…
‘Ministers are drawing up contingency plans to deal with food shortages if farmers go on strike over the Treasury’s inheritance tax raid on farms.
Louise Haigh, the Transport Secretary, said the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) would set out contingency plans to ensure food security over the winter and summer.’
A serious issue and concern but the BBC ignored it.
Just why is the BBC playing down this hit on farmers and doing all it can to suggest there is ‘nothing to see here’?
Maybe they also would like to see farms erased from the landscape and turned into safari parks as green zealot Monbiot wants….climate change of course….as I wake up to a thick carpet of snow outside.
Ignoring what is clearly in the public interest (food supply) yet they harass people for a licence payment.
Farmers – Good Luck Today fighting red tyranny ….
Amol has a nice chat with Diana Johnson – a ‘policing minister ‘ . Apparently her boss – ms Balls – is to introduce new changes to policing . Who cares ? They are not our plod anymore ….
Johnson threw in a nice propaganda piece about being unable to find out about plod injured at the summer ‘riots ‘ … what Riots – ? Labour is trying to make the demonstration the ‘capitol insurrection ‘ nonsense ….
This police reform nonsense was followed by a piece on china locking up protesters in Hong Kong for years – Xi ping and our great leader met yesterday to exchange notes on how to destroy dissidents … I bet the china man was impressed with twitter users getting 2 years – and the resultant suicides of course .
Human Rights in the UK learning from china …. 77 brigade to note …
I despair…what future for our children ? who is next on their list ? :
“Berlin is NOT safe for ‘openly gay’ or Jewish people, local police chief admits.
Barbara Slowik, head of the police force in the German capital, said: ‘There are areas, and we need to be honest here, where I would advise people who wear a kippah or are openly gay or lesbian to be more careful.’
‘Unfortunately, there are certain neighborhoods where the majority of people live are of Arab descent, who also have sympathies for terrorist groups,’ she told local outlet Berliner Zeitung.
She added that ‘open anti-Semitism’ was shown against ‘people of Jewish faith and origin’ in those neighbourhoods. ”
Let’s hope the Labour government doesn’t learn they can use Muslims to exact a jizya payment through Sharia Law.
Islamist groups in Mali are now forcing Christians to pay Jizya tax for being Christian.
ACN International (a Catholic charity) reports that all Christians over the age of 18 in Douna-Pen & Dougouténé are now forced to pay USD 40 in religious tax. ACN fears it will spread to all of Mali

HA HA HA! WE ARE STILL LOOKING…. The independent review into
the application of sharia law
in England and Wales
Presented to Parliament
by the Secretary of State for the Home Department
by Command of Her Majesty
February 2018
Click to access 6.4152_HO_CPFG_Report_into_Sharia_Law_in_the_UK_WEB.pdf
This apparently happened in 2019 but reported today, paywalled so printed in full:
“Police did nothing when I reported yobs attacking cars with a crowbar. But TWO turned up on my doorstep over my tweet, reveals JULIE BINDEL. It’s state harassment and I know who is to blame…
One car window exploded with a crash, then another. Two yobs were running along our street with a crowbar, howling as they vandalised the vehicles.
I was on my way back from the park with the dog after a late evening walk. Afraid of what might happen if the youths caught sight of me, I stood well back, reached for my phone and dialled 999.
The call handlers’ response left me speechless. I was scolded, told off for wasting their time. This was not an emergency, they said.
I should have called 101, the number for non-urgent incidents, if I wished to make a report.
Six weeks later, when I answered a knock on the door to see two female police officers, the first thought that flashed through my mind was that this must be somehow connected.
How wrong I was.
They were not calling at my home, at lunchtime on a Sunday, to discuss vandalism. ‘We are here to talk to you about a hate crime,’ said one.
I invited them to come in, and we went into the study, leaving my lunch guests to wonder what on earth was going on.
A complaint, said the first officer, had been filed about something I’d written on Twitter (this was 2019 before the social media platform became X).
She had the grace to look slightly embarrassed, as though she, like me, couldn’t quite believe the words coming out of her own mouth. Her colleague was looking up, down, sideways – anywhere but straight at me.
I asked what the tweet said. They replied that they were not able to divulge that information. Apparently, I was not permitted to know what it was I’d written that was being investigated as a ‘hate crime’.
I asked what category of ‘hate crime’ was involved. I wasn’t permitted to know that either. I asked who had complained and they became a little more forthcoming. A ‘transgender man’ in Holland had instigated the inquiry.
That boggled my mind. I started to ask how on earth a police investigation could be launched because someone in another country felt aggrieved about something they’d read on social media.
Under which legal jurisdiction, I wanted to know, did this alleged offence fall? If it went to court, would the case be heard in Britain or the Netherlands?
The police didn’t want to discuss that, naturally enough, since they didn’t have a clue about the answers. Instead, they invited me to appear at the station the next day to make a statement.
‘Absolutely not,’ I said.
That flummoxed them. They explained that I had to discuss this matter with a senior officer. In that case, I told them, they should have brought a senior officer with them.
One of my guests stuck her head round the door, learned what was going on, and warned the duo that they might end up facing a complaint themselves if they didn’t drop this nonsense.
They left, with me haranguing them all the way to the door about the scandalous failure of the British justice system, and the shocking waste of police resources – with two constables sent to investigate a tweet, when complaints of domestic violence are too often ignored until women are murdered by their partners.
For the rest of the day, I felt sick to my stomach. Most women in my situation might have felt browbeaten and intimidated into handing themselves in at the station.
I’m fortunate that, after decades of fighting to end domestic abuse, I have some knowledge of the law and a good support network of people ready to back me up, including my very understanding partner.
But it makes me livid that on at least two occasions I have felt sufficiently alarmed by death threats on social media, and threats of violence to my loved ones, that I’ve gone to the police – and they’ve done nothing.
Instead, I’ve felt patronised, as though I’m seen as an attention-seeker who enjoys the melodrama.
There is a double standard here. Women like me have frequently faced physical attack and venomous verbal abuse for our beliefs – namely, that the fundamental biological differences between males and females cannot be erased.
Our opponents on social media are able to say whatever they like, however threatening. But when one of them feels unhappy at something (factual and non-violent) that I’ve said, I get an intimidating visit from the police.
And I’m far from alone. The case of journalist Allison Pearson, who is being investigated over a year-old tweet, has sparked an outcry since it made headlines last week. Essex Police have since defended their decision to investigate her.
The campaigner Maya Forstater also opened the door to police on her doorstep, in July 2023, following a complaint of alleged ‘transphobia’, and the inquiry remained open for 15 months. She has only recently been told that it has been closed.
That amounts to state harassment. It has ominous echoes of East Germany under the Stasi secret police and many people might buckle under the pressure.
I don’t blame the police themselves, certainly not the rank-and-file who are sent on these fools’ errands. I have good friends in the force, and I’m quite sure none of them joined to crack down on social media spats.
But I do blame the virtue-signalling liberal establishment that encouraged the selfish, self-deluding trans lobby.
Women who should have known better, such as historian Mary Beard and novelist Margaret Atwood, tried to ingratiate themselves with the baying activists who drown out all debate by shouting: ‘Trans women are women!’
Peter Tatchell, the gay activist who used to proclaim himself such an enthusiastic feminist, poured fuel on the fire by saying that, though he recognised my right to free speech, he abhorred my ‘transphobia’.
People like these, the luvvies who are desperate to be on the ‘right side of history’ as they call it, are the ones most responsible for a truly iniquitous situation – where failure to hold the approved beliefs can bring the police to your door.”
“Draining the swamp” is possibly going to have to go further than we think in the US:
“Adopted girl, 13, found dead wearing just a diaper in unimaginable house of horrors.
A former Florida Department of Children and Families employee has been arrested for allegedly abusing her 13-year-old adopted daughter, who was found dead wearing just a diaper.
Diane Natasha Mack, 34, who once worked as a guardian ad litem – a person appointed by the courts system to represent the interests of someone who is unable to care for themselves – called police to her home in the Sun ‘n Lake of Sebring golf and recreation community on Friday at 12.19am to report her adopted daughter dead after finding her ‘lying unresponsive’ on the floor.
When deputies arrived at the scene, they found the unidentified victim dead next to the front door, wearing nothing but a diaper and showing ‘clear’ signs of abuse and neglect, the Highlands County Sheriff’s Office reports.
‘She was extremely emaciated and obviously malnourished,’ Sheriff Paul Blackman said. ‘Her body was covered in wounds in all stages of healing, including lacerations that were clearly recently suffered.’
The sheriff went on to call the crime scene ‘one of the most disturbing … I have encountered in more than 30 years of law enforcement.’
‘There are no words I can say that can truly convey the nightmare that this child’s life must have been.'”
Surely someone has commented on this, although strangely I cannot find anything on the BBC webshite. Maybe I’m just getting forgetful.
But one moment Two Tier Kier is jetting off to Baku to virtue-signal at COP29 and the very next………without any trace of irony……….he is jetting straight down to Rio for the G20 meeting.
A case of do as I say not as I do by ‘Air Miles’ Starmer.
Never mind, we have Pinocchio Reeves holding the fort, losing at chess to the intern, and telling everyone:
“I used to be an economist you know” …
“Yes Rachel, you told us yesterday, and last week, now, two sugars please and a donut.”
“An’ I rote a book once, an’ I NEVER copied off Wikipedia, not once”
“An’ we’re out of donuts the bloody farmers are on strike, iss not my fault, I din do nuffin.”
81% Carbon Target – net zero flights? HA HA HA HAHAH AHA HA !
Forget about pending nuclear war – the mail reports ‘snowing on London ‘ and even worse ‘Zoe ball leaves the BBC’… I wondered who ms Ball is / was …..?
She is paid to be a DJ, that is, for talking on the radio.
I gave up listening on a long car journey as she could not string a sentence together without numerous, umms.. and errrs.. every sentence.
It was embarrassing and annoying at the same time, that she could not perform at her primary, highly paid function, to be able to talk.
“BBC Radio 2 breakfast show presenter Zoe Ball has been revealed as the highest earning radio presenter employed by the BBC, earning £4,750 per show. The corporation has revealed its own rich list, which sees Gary Lineker take the top spot being paid £1.35m, followed by Zoe Ball at up to £954,999 per year.27 Aug 2024”
Zoe Ball at up to £954,999 per year ** and no longer gets her winter fuel allowance! HAH HA HAH AHHA A
Zoe Ball quits Radio 2 Breakfast, Scott Mills taking over
Zoe balls show listeners 2019: 9 million
Zoe balls show listeners 2024: 6.4 million
‘Ball said: “After six incredible years on the Radio 2 Breakfast Show, it’s time for me to step away from the very early mornings and focus on family.”‘
Incredible indeed Zoe. Incredible they kept you that long. But of course it doesn’t matter if nobody listens to it. They still get their money. That’s why they can force all those BAME and gay presenters down our throats.
Her replacement is one of they gay variety.
Zoe Ball listening figures have fallen to 6.28m on avrage
That is not as bigger fall as other shows
Woman used to get 7.2m, Chris Evans built it up to about 9m , then it fell since ZOe took over
Did her salary fall in proportion?
“Zoe Ball listening figures have fallen to 6.28m on average”
No jokey blokey Daily Star this morning for the gynaeceum that is BBC news staff – their habitual ‘and finally’ in the online print press line-up is conspicuous by its absence.
In case you were wondering, that cheerful organ goes with the global warming narrative busting and Keir Starmer granny harmer alarm headline: Grit Britain… Snow! In November!! And whole country is in sudden crisis!! Funny how the cold weather takes us by surprise each year (Daily Star)
The Star does rather enjoy a cor blimey weather report. Also on the funny paper’s frontpage: Bots not evil (say evil bots) – never let it be said the Star doesn’t keep us up to date with the latest scientific and tech news.
And then there’s the Star’s preoccupation with the paranormal: Swindon hit by ghosts – and some story about a darts player – literally named Littler.
That’s what the BBC audience are missing this morning due to the lapse in putting up the Daily Star’s cover page image.
Instead, bringing up the rear, bottom of the bill, and finally, is the giveaway freebie adsheet Metro
The youth-oriented, urbanite left-liberal celeb-obsessed handout rag, designed to litter commuter railway station platforms near you.
Far be it from Mr AsISeeIt to speculate on the nature of Esther Rantzen’s deal with the Daily Express but the so-called: Campaign for Dignity in Dying puts some money where their mouth is by purchasing ad space on the cover of the Metro this morning.
Some trendy-looking non-white Gen Xer is pictured in his bike shed: Anil, cyclist…
I pause there for a moment to reflect on that classic Rowan Atkinson Not The Nine O’Clock News skit on a contemporary 1980s Thatcherite Tory conference speech – where all our Rowan need declare from the podium to have the hall in raptures of applause was: “Ladies and gentlemen… I’m a golfer”
And so it is with our lefty millennials and the phrase: Anil, cyclist… – precisely locating this made-up character with his metropolitan liberal college educated over-qualified, under employed, target audience. Of course he wears one of those dorky-looking cycling helmets – as styled by BBC stalwart Jeremy Vine – “Safety First”
My dying wish is to know I have a choice. My dad didn’t – runs the ad copy. Legalise assisted dying – is the demand.
On yer bike, son
“My dad got on his bike and looked for work” (Norman Tebbit)
Your print press reviewer hereabouts enjoys a nice awkward juxtaposition of items that seems to suggest the editor took a day off – and so it is that the giveaway Metro just happens to go with the headline frontpage cold weather story: Chilling blow… Cold snap… And bills go up again… Ice age: Elderly will be hit hardest… First snow and ice of winter hits UK as millions of elderly lose cash help
My sympathies are with our Anil’s old dad – by the look of Anil his old man will have grown up on the Indian sub-continent where in general the weather tends somewhat warmer than the UK.
“It ain’t half cold, dad”
I’m left attempting to understand the paradox inherent in the fact we so recently shut down the country by law and trashed the economy in Lockdowns in order to fight the sort of infection that was on average fatal to 80-plus year-olds and which doctors had previously tended to nickname “The Old Man’s Friend” – and yet now we’re campaigning to change the law in order to legally bump the elderly off willy nilly. Go figure.
The debate on the helping killing thing is in 10 days time . I somehow think that there will be just a rendition of tragic anecdotes ( with names – Mrs miggins) and read out letters from constituents ….
Stuff like estimated numbers of deaths – how much the NHS will ‘save’ by killing people ( officially ) and the boost in growth for the funeral industry will be left out … as well as saving money on needing ‘end of life care ‘ ( that extra morphine jab – (have seen it done )) or hospices .
I bet there are plans for a ‘one stop shop’ go in one door get an abortion – go in another door – get killed .
NHS is ahead of the game …. “A woman died of sepsis after being “abandoned” for ten hours on a hospital trolley in a busy A&E corridor, an inquest was told. Tamara Davis, 31, was left to “fend for herself” as she coughed up blood in the corridor of the A&E department at the Royal Sussex County Hospital in Brighton in December 2022.21 Oct 2024″
UK: Starmer pledges Labour’s support for NHS privatisation
UK Elderly to visit MPS in Parliament to stay warm for the day.
It does get hot over there… (Trigger warning, angry Welsh person)
“The Houses of Parliament spent £5.1million on its energy bill last year – equating to nearly £14,000 a DAY on gas and electricity. This is roughly four times as much as the bill for all six of the Royal Palaces which came in at £1.3million – equating to £594 per palace, per day.22 Nov 2019″
“The Monarch is not legally liable to pay income tax, capital gains tax or inheritance tax because the relevant enactments do not apply to the Crown. The same is true for the income from the Duchy of Cornwall which is paid to The Prince of Wales.8 Aug 2023″
Simon Webb video
Webb’s videos get mostly about 150K views
4 passed 300K
Can anyone hereabouts make any sense of this statement: The university [Edinburgh] decided to issue a public appeal through the BBC instead of approaching the families privately, because it is not known whether Isabella and Buck Ruxton’s three orphaned children were ever told that their father had been hanged for murdering their mother. (David Cowan, BBC Scotland News home affairs correspondent)
So instead of approaching the relatives quietly, respectfully and privately – the university invites the BBC to splash the story in the national news headlines?
“public appeal through the BBC instead of approaching the families privately”
News does not write itself! Do not report on Islamist rapists – do report on everything else.
FFS the murders were 90 years ago
“A search is underway for the families of two women killed 90 years ago
In 1935, the deaths of Isabella Ruxton and Mary Rogerson
.. The University has discovered that the skulls and other bones are still in its archive. The University is trying to find the relatives to ask if they would like the items to be returned.”
Could I list the surviving relatives of my grandmother’s parents ?
.. it might be a bit difficult with females changing surname etc.
Starmer’s basketcase Britain latest:
The Leader of the Opposition, Elon Musk, has accused the government of ‘going full Stalin’ against British Farmers.
“By calculating with hectares and not acres the BBC Verify would be wildly inaccurate with its statistics. 63 people with combined salary costs of a whopping £3.2 million…”
via Guido’s commenters
story about BBC’s Oscar Bentley
“BBC caught in bias row as Labour activist found working as political fact checker
A fresh BBC bias row has erupted after it was revealed a Labour activist joined the broadcaster last year where he works as a political fact checker.”
a hard-Left Labour activist who described Tory MPs as lower than “invertebrates” and said: “never trust a Tory”
Muslim Pleads GUILTY to making DEATH THREAT against Tommy Robinson
49-year-old Habeeb Khan of Sparkbrook had been due for trial at Birmingham Crown Court today ,
but he pleaded guilty to an offence under the Online Safety Act of sending a communication threatening death or serious harm.
He had previously denied a charge of possession of an imitation firearm with intent to cause fear of violence
will be sentenced on December 19th”
“after the judge requested to know more about him .
Probably get 180 hours community service , mental issues. “
A bit of light relief, with an important question left hanging:
From the ‘i’:
“Strictly Come Dancing viewers have been left “speechless” after one particular star sailed through to the next round – and are now accusing it of being “fixed”.
The latest elimination of the 2024 series arrived on Sunday (17 November) after a Saturday episode broadcast live from Blackpool that saw Miranda actor Sarah Hadland steal the show.
Opera singer Wynne Evans and Gladiators star Montell Douglas had to perform again after finding themselves in the dreaded dance off – and all four judges sent Evans and his professional partner Katya Jones home.
However, it was noted by many that one person was immensely lucky to escape the bottom two after a lacklustre performance the night before: Pete Wicks.
The Only Way is Essex star proved his popularity with the viewing public after making it through despite receiving the lowest votes by far and ending the night at the bottom of the leader-board. When the news was announced, both Wick and his professional partner Jowita Przystal gasped in shock
His Cha-cha-cha to “I’m Too Sexy” by Right Said Fred had the judges in laughter with his “entertaining” hip action. Craig Revel Horwood disliked the performance so much, he scored him four out of 10.
“Am surprised #PeteWicks is through. He made so many mistakes,” one viewer wrote, with another adding: “Pete Wicks still being on Strictly is criminal.”
Many others expressed disbelief by accusing the show of being “fixed” to ensure Wicks made it through considering how “absolutely awful” his performance was.
“Talk about fixing this competition, how the hell did Pete Wicks stay out of the bottom two?” one person asked, as others highlighted how solid the reality star’s fanbase must be.
… … …”
Is this another case of phone-in voting being manipulated? The BBC has form, with previous instances of voting via premium phone lines being left open when the final totals had already been counted, and internal staff taking part in phone-in competitions. Wicks appears openly disrespectful and not exactly over-talented as regards dancing.
It’s all trivial, I know, but does make me wonder how much one can trust anything shown on the BBC.
The things the far left will do to promote membership of the EU:
“BREAKING NEWS Ukraine fires first US-made missile into Russia: WW3 fears as Kremlin threatens ‘nuclear response’ if long-range Western weapons are used on its territory”
“A fiery explosion lit up the night sky around 75 miles from the Ukrainian border at an ammunition store in Karachev, in Russia’s Bryansk region.
Eyewitnesses and Russian military bloggers reported that the ammo dump was targeted by missiles, with Ukrainian military officials later confirming to RBC Ukraine that the attack was indeed conducted with US-manufactured ATACMS (Army Tactical Missile System).
Reports of the strike emerged within minutes of the Kremlin threatening a ‘nuclear response’ should Ukraine hit targets on Russian soil with Western-supplied long-range munitions.
‘The Russian Federation reserves the right to use nuclear weapons in the event of aggression against it with the use of conventional weapons,’ Kremlin press secretary Dmitry Peskov told reporters in Russia this morning.
His statement followed Putin’s approval of an updated nuclear doctrine that would allow his strategic missile forces to deploy nuclear weapons if Russian or Belarusian territory is threatened by a non-nuclear nation supported by a nuclear power.”
“A Ukrainian strike on Russian territory with US-supplied missiles meets these criteria, raising fears that Moscow may now consider a dramatic escalation in the conflict.
Putin, who today signed the decree formalising Russia’s updated nuclear doctrine, first announced changes to the document in September.
At the time, the Russian President said he would consider Western nations ‘direct participants’ in the war in Ukraine if they were to provide Kyiv with the ability to strike targets inside Russia.
He also suggested he may provide Russian missiles to Western adversaries to strike Western targets abroad as a course of retaliation. “
“consider Western nations ‘direct participants’ in the war in Ukraine if they were to provide Kyiv with the ability to strike targets inside Russia.”
“The investment, which will deliver more than 10,000 drones for the Ukrainian Armed Forces will harness the UK’s world-leading defence industries to deliver advanced new drone capabilities to Ukraine throughout 2024.7 Mar 2024″
Aerospace & Defense
Ex-British Challenger 2 Tanks Roll Into Kursk As Ukraine’s Invasion of Russia Grinds Into Its 11th Day
A Russian drone knocked out one Challenger 2 on the eastern edge of the invasion zone.”
I see Starmer Farmer Harmer has scuttled away again….
“Farmer Protest Swells”
Meanwhile in safe EU….
“French farmers escalate protests against EU trade deal with South America’s Mercosur”
Issued on: 19/11/2024 – 10:43
2 min
Jon Snow “Never seen so many white people”
“Jon Snow draws complaints for ‘white people’ remark at Brexit rally”
Interesting to now why she is there and what her reasons/understandings are.
Live and learn: I’d not realised that cotton was grown in the uk.
Everybody sing – “Zippedy doo dah…..”