The British Prime Minister – when challenged about the effect of his tax attack on farmers – cites the BBC to support his claim that ‘not many will be effected ‘. The Far Left State Broadcaster has its’ uses if you are a socialist ..
Midweek 20th November 2024
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OK, on top again after all this while. Hopefully Two Tier Keir will have to sack his ‘phoney’ Chancellor soon and then resign in disgrace soon afterwards when the extent of his Southport knowledge is revealed.
Well, the worse the Southport story turns out to be, the more aggressive and spiteful a certain individual might be about it.
If it turns out to be really bad, I fully expect media blackouts to protect ‘national security’ and people being thrown in prisons in huge numbers for online comments, or for comments made in front of a communist.
Keep schtum lads, unless you want ten years in a gulag.
We do not live in a free country. Not even close.
Lazy Cat
So you recommend a “hear all, see all and say f__k all” policy?
I thought the gulag is so full that they are chucking them out.
So it could be the guillotine. Nobody hates like a Leftist!
Well done Mr Up2snuff.
Thank you, Sir.
It’s only Tuesday!
Lucy, OK, I was goal hanging – in a way – after the fashion of the late J. Greaves RIP
An ideal Christmas present. Maybe Clarkson will send one to VD.;_ylt=AwrhbkKnDT1nxzUMygrw3olQ;_ylu=c2VjA3NyBHNsawNpbWcEb2lkA2FhYjIyNDU0MTEwMmE1N2VjY2ZiY2E1YzVhNDMxMDYzBGdwb3MDOQRpdANiaW5n?
The hypocrisy and double standard of the BBC regarding the name Stephen Yaxley-Lennon is often noted on this site.
I saw the lunchtime news today and there was an item about the Jigsaw Murders of 1935. Dr Buck Ruxton killed and dismembered his wife and their housemaid and it turns out the skulls of the two women have been discovered stored at Edinburgh University, where groundbreaking forensic science was used to convict the doctor.
A 2023 story about the same case on the BBC website even describes Ruxton as a “Lancashire doctor.”
What the BBC leave out is that “Buck Ruxton” was born in British India (oh Gorblimey yes!) and his real name was Bukhtyar Chompa Rustomji Ratanji Hakim.
I don’t know why I want to put this here. I think I just want to focus on something positive. The Stuck Farmer’s protest was positive It’s just frustrating that Staliner might get away with ignoring it.
Just been reading the BBC ‘live update’ on the launch. As an engineer who worked on the Ariane-5 rocket, the launches of Starship give me goosebumps every time to watch.
And I discovered it’s just flat, basic information. The launch was a magnificent achievement but the BBC very obviously don’t want to give it any credit because it’s Musk. And since Trump won with Musk at his side, the flood gates of hate have been opened.
Isn’t it amazing how so many of the MSM have suddenly started pushing people to change to ‘Blue Sky’ instead of twitter.
I can only imagine the hate being spewed on there about Trump and Musk. You can be sure it is now a leftist ‘safe area’ like ‘Quora’ and ‘Reddit’ where anyone who doesn’t hate Trump and Musk is viciously attacked by the mob.
Anything to do with Astrium /EADS at Stevenage ?
No – directly as a subcontractor for EASAMs in Germany.
Nearly everyone in the software team was a Brit.
I did some contract work back in the day there, they were working on Exo Mars Rover, Skynet etc.
They has an assembly room so big I got lost in it, couldn’t find the way out, …twice, really.
Prosecutors back delaying Trump sentence until he leaves White House
Isn’t it just amazing how the BBC leave out any hint of political persecution when it suits them – even though it is blatantly obvious in this case.
For example they don’t mention anywhere the accusations of bias against Judge Merchan such as his donations to the Democrats AND to ‘Stop the Republicans’ in 2020. Or his daughter being a ‘rabid Trump hater’ who apparently discusses Trump with her father.
And ‘The Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg first charged Trump with falsifying business records in April 2023’ should be ‘DEMOCRAT Alvin Bragg’ there BBC. Because it is extremely relevant to the story given the accusations of bias.
Another one from the same BBC double act clones Kayla Epstein and the poisonous, stage-3 TDS Madeleine Halpert (the one on anti-depressants at 17) who have been churning out this same lopsided anti-Trump propaganda for a long time now. I have had cause to point them out here many times.
And clearly the BBC management are quite happy to allow it to continue.
Maybe Biden will pardon him for a laugh.
No, it is not “amazing” but par for the course for our “Most Trusted Broadcaster” and their modus operandi.
Someone knows what a woman is, apprently,
“WASHINGTON, Nov 19 (Reuters) – A Republican member of the U.S. House of Representatives introduced a bill aimed at blocking the chamber’s first openly transgender member from using women’s bathrooms, a move that Democrats denounced on Tuesday.
Representative Nancy Mace’s bill would prohibit House members and employees from using bathrooms “other than those corresponding to their biological sex,” weeks after the election of Democrat Sarah McBride to the House.
Mace on social media called her bill “common sense” and referred to transgender women as “men in a mini skirt.”
“Thousands of farmers protest against inheritance tax changes”
We have a “Rotten Parliament”.
Dissolve the outfit . The idiot and idiots in charge are taking on the farmers with a silly tax which could create a food shortage! Use the money we give annually on ‘foreign aid’ to fill the so-called ‘black hole’.
Winter beckons .
It is time we put Great Britain and its people first .
FFS if the far left EVER say to me anything about ceasefire in Gaza or anywhere else, or be kind or bloody climate change and save the earth ……
This is the height of dangerous stupidity for all of the bloody earth and it’s inhabitants:
“‘This is escalation… we will react accordingly’: Putin’s foreign minister’s chilling warning to West after Ukraine fired US-made missiles into Russia – as Starmer hints Kyiv CAN use Brit rockets and ex-Kremlin PM says ‘that means WWIII’.
And With the “fascist nazi Trump” hoping to negotiate a peaceful solution. Yes you couldn’t make up the far left’s idiocy.
“Norwegians are told to stock up on iodine, Swedes are given bomb shelter guide and Finns are reminded of ‘defence obligation’ amid growing risk of war with Russia”
And we are told….nowt
@jonsopel’s anti-Allison Pearson tweet, a sneer tweet
got 12,000 Likes
but that is from 1.7 million views
so that is a rate of 0.75%
And almost all the replies go against him
I wonder is some of the 12,000 Likes are from bots
Allinson Peason’s own tweets get like 30,000 views
How come Sopel is getting 1.7m views for a non-video tweet ?
He has 300K followers
I hope they do not let this one out for a long, long time:
“Callous drug addict abandoned nine-year-old boy who was scared of the dark in the woods for 24 hours where he suffered brain injuries that left him in hospital for months: Woman, 31, faces jail.
He was only discovered 24 hours later with no shoes and socks on when a dog walker happened to hear him crying.
The victim was badly affected by his ordeal, including suffering from brain injuries.
Evidence of cocaine and alcohol in his system suggested he had been exposed to the substances before being taken to the woods. ”
It will be happy in prison – better ‘gear ‘ courtesy of the staff …
This is not BBC – it’s the piece by Allison Pearson on the visit by the religious police on Remembrance Sunday ….IT GOES ON A BIT
The eye of the storm is a really scary place to be; dark thoughts crowd in. You wince when you see your own name in headlines with terrible, wounding words like “hate” and “racist”. (At the best of times, I shrink from fame, let alone Fame’s brazen sister, Notoriety.) You rack your frantic brain in the small hours wondering, “Did I do something wrong?” I know I didn’t do anything wrong.
I cling to that knowledge like a shipwrecked person clings to a raft, your fingers getting colder and colder and gradually losing their grip. Why not stop struggling and let yourself go under? I understand why people under this kind of pressure take their own life. Make it go away, please just make it go away.
That’s how this Kafkaesque process works. Someone who probably hates my guts because I’m a Conservative or a woman with a platform or a blonde woman Conservative who sticks up for farmers or small business people or Jews, complains to the police about a tweet I posted.
And the police don’t ask, “Sir, are you by any chance a lifelong Labour voter and possible Catweazle lookalike who can’t stand gobby Tory women, or have you been on any of the pro-Palestine marches and do you think Israel shouldn’t exist?”
They don’t have to ask my accuser anything because he is immediately sanctified as “the victim”. A single complaint – weighed against 35 years of journalism with which millions agree – is enough to send the police to your door.
The leader of His Majesty’s Opposition may say it is “absolutely wrong” for the police to visit any journalist’s home simply because they have expressed an opinion (Kemi could well have added it is wrong for police to visit anybody’s home because they have expressed an opinion), and we instinctively know that’s right, don’t we?
In a free society, cops at your door at 9.40am on Remembrance Sunday telling you you’re in trouble over a social media post made over 12 months ago (while refusing to tell you what it said or whom it offended) should be unconscionable. It’s stark staring bonkers actually.
Alas, we are not in the realms of common sense, dear reader, nor are we any longer in that Britain whose character was once summed up so perfectly in four words by Jeremy Clarkson: “Oh, for God’s sake!”
That Britain, fundamentally decent, tolerant yet impatient of cant, still exists in the hearts and minds of millions of ordinary people, I know that it does and I know they are bewildered and angry because all this Lefty nonsense has gone too far.
To a remarkable extent, though, that Britain we love and trust has disappeared from the higher echelons of the police and other agencies of the state. A pernicious woke ideology has insinuated itself into those exclusive eyries like Japanese knotweed.
Neil Gregory, a councillor in my district and member of the Essex Police, Fire and Crime Panel kindly dropped a note round to my house after the police visit. Neil, who has observed Essex senior officers at close quarters, says that they are hellbent in their “pursuit of a progressive Nirvana”.
Contemptuous of Essex residents who would really quite like an officer to come round and deal with a burglary or a car theft (count yourself lucky if they send you a crime number), they prefer to focus on trans rights or investigating spurious Non-Crime Hate Incidents (NCHI) or racially or religiously-motivated cases like the one I seem to be caught up in.
The “social justice” which the chief constable appears to care about – equity, diversity and inclusion – is a far cry from the justice the society he is meant to serve cares about: you know, catching the bad guys and making the world a safe place for our children.
Such a virtue-signalling police philosophy does not readily promote virtue, I think: on the contrary, it emboldens criminals to fill their boots (because they know they won’t get caught) and interferes with the freedom of expression of innocent people (because they think they might). In addition, there is the troubling question of what “hate” the police care about.
A Jewish reader emailed to tell me she complained to the police about a tweet she found horrifying (by one David Miller) which talked about “genocidal Jewish supremacists”. An Essex police officer wrote back saying that, although they were sorry she was offended, they would not pursue the author of the tweet… “feelings were running high” at the time he posted it.
A former Essex police officer told The Telegraph there was a problem with anti-Semitism and that, on one occasion, when they insisted that a certain tweet merited further investigation, their senior officer had asked, “Are you Israeli?”
The Essex service can hardly claim to police “without fear or favour” if, as Cllr Gregory alleges, it’s mainly favoured ethnic communities that get their attention. White people – still the majority in our wonderful county – and Jews do not appear to be among them, sadly.
A lot of people have asked me about my offending tweet. According to The Guardian, which my accuser happily spoke to while unwilling to identify themselves to me, the tweet was posted, as I had suspected, in the period after the Hamas massacres of October 7.
American friends had shared a gut-wrenching video of mass slaughter in kibbutzim, and I became increasingly upset by what I saw as the swift downplaying of Israel’s anguish while the Metropolitan Police seemed to display extraordinary leniency to Pro-Palestine marchers who waved anti-Semitic placards and chanted furiously for the obliteration of the Jewish homeland.
That sense of two-tier policing only grew when, on Armistice Day, I gathered with the British Friends of Israel, a group I co-founded, near the Cenotaph. We invited a couple of police officers to appear in a selfie, but they declined.
Shortly after, someone on Twitter shared a photo of officers posing alongside what appeared to be Gaza marchers with the caption: “The police certainly have picked a side. Disgraceful.” I added my own caption: “How dare they. Invited to pose with lovely peaceful British Friends of Israel police refused. Look at this lot smiling with the Jew haters.”
I pressed Post and thought no more of it until, not long after, I was alerted to the fact that the photo actually dated from before the present crisis. I deleted my tweet immediately, of course. (Although the men with the police in the photo were not pro-Palestine marchers, they belong to a Pakistani group which is, indeed, anti-Israel and its leader Imran Khan once called Osama bin Laden a “martyr”.)
I can’t be certain, because I haven’t been told, but that tweet appears to be the basis of an alleged criminal offence of inciting racial hatred (not a Non-Crime Hate Incident, as I first thought; although the officer at my door certainly used the word “incident”). Needless to say, I had no intention whatsoever of provoking racial hatred; I have, after all, spent the past 13 months campaigning against that very thing, putting my neck on the line to stop anti-Semitism.
My criticism was, quite clearly, of the police who seemed to hold one group to infuriatingly relaxed standards, causing immense fear among British Jews. To borrow from the email which Essex Police sent to the Jewish lady rejecting her complaint, “Feelings were running high” at the time my tweet was posted.
Believe me, you can drive yourself mad trying to point out that, every minute of the day, there are online communications which make mine read like Winnie the Pooh. This week’s Jewish Chronicle reports that the Met have dropped an investigation into an imam who called on Allah to ”destroy Jewish homes” in London.
Made himself pretty clear, didn’t he? And what about Labour MP Dawn Butler sharing a tweet which accused Kemi Badenoch of representing “white supremacy in blackface”. Now, that is disgustingly racist to my mind. And not even a rap over the knuckles from Prime Minister Starmer for such a vile slur.
There are ministers in the current Government who have tweeted inflammatory things about Right-wing voters and journalists which, if one were petty or mean-spirited enough, one might report to the police. Most of us wouldn’t dream of it. We know in the plaited fibres of our DNA that the billboard on a Merseyside Police lorry warning “Offensiveness is An Offence” is not what being British means. We are not a nation of snitches.
At least, we didn’t used to be. According to the Free Speech Union (a godsend for me in my present distress – do join, you may need them), an average of 65 NCHIs are recorded every day. I have been amazed to hear from many people – midwives, shopworkers, teachers, businessmen – that they got an NCHI for something shockingly trivial, something which would be considered perfectly acceptable by the majority of their fellow citizens.
One Tory MP got in touch to say a Labour opponent reported him a couple of years ago and the police questioned him at the station for two hours. He has never spoken of it before, not even to his wife, such was his acute distress.
Honestly, you don’t know whether to laugh or scream. A nine-year-old got an NCHI for calling another child a “retard”; so did two teenagers who said a classmate smelled of fish. Oh, for God’s sake!
Just imagine the reparations I am owed from being called “Speccy Four-Eyes” in a playground in South Wales in 1971! What future violence are those draconian sanctions on youngsters supposed to nip in the bud? Is a kid who bandies about piscatorial insults destined to grow up to be a terrorist? How about me – what threat do I pose to my community? Such actions by the police smack of totalitarianism; they are repellent to any sane person.
I suppose that has been one of the few rays of light in this dark week. Overwhelming support for me from thousands and thousands of people, truly I have never known anything like it.
A woman came up to me in the street and silently handed me a beautiful pot plant. Bottles of wine and flowers left on our doorstep. The cab driver in London who looked at me in the rearview mirror and growled “You that Allison Pearson?” (I feared the worst.) “Yes, I am.”
“No charge, love,” he said softly.
I have often been in tears, moved by the kindness of strangers; just as quickly, gusts of defiance billow up and blow the sorrow and dread away. I was afraid that all the headlines, and the woman they described, would mean friends from ethnic minorities would think less of me. I needn’t have worried. (Lord) Shaun Bailey picked me as his Greatest Briton on GB News.
The citation read “Courageous, bold and willing to tell the truth.. The ridiculousness of the police knocking on Allison’s door over a hate incident is beyond comprehension…The police apparently don’t have time to follow up burglaries, but have found time for this nonsense. Allison, we stand with you.” (Boris struck a similar note in a sweet, thoughtful text: “Don’t worry. We are with you all the way.”)
On Thursday, I was walking past the shop at our station, when the brilliant owners, Jai and Ruchi, came out and spontaneously hugged me. “Do you two think I’ve been stirring up racial hatred?” I asked, my voice cracking. Jai, who is from Wolverhampton, shot me a twinkling, complicit glance and said drolly: “That’s bollocks, that is.”
Correct, Jai, it is bollocks. And I am so deeply grateful you can see that. Unlike Roger Hirst, policing and crime commissioner for Essex, who told LBC that police had to consider how what I had tweeted would be heard “in our black and Asian communities”.
They’re not in ethnic silos, Mr Hirst, no matter how much the wokesters want to put them there; they live in Essex, they’re proud to be British and, just like everyone else, they want crimes to be policed, not thoughts.
I have been invited to do interviews by media around the world. All stunned and disbelieving that “Mad Britain” – the place people always wanted to come to because it was a gloriously free country – had fallen into Soviet-style repression and punishment. “This must stop,” as Elon Musk, the world’s richest man and the owner of X (Twitter) posted in support of me. When I thanked him, he replied, “You’re most welcome.”
A Florida multi-millionaire (no, not that one) offered me “political asylum” in his guesthouse. (I may yet take him up on it; the guesthouse is at least five times the size of Pearson Towers.)
We are perilously close to being an international laughing stock. You know, almost the worst thing is that, as a law-abiding citizen, I have always respected the police, not envying their difficult, occasionally dangerous job. Being on the opposite side feels horribly uncomfortable, but what are they playing at?
With many national figures speaking out about how absurd the whole thing was – even Sir Keir, when he was asked about my case, said police should investigate crimes not tweets – Essex Police announced they were setting up a major-crimes “Gold Group” to look into a 5ft 4in Welshwoman who put something not entirely considered on social media. I’ll be honest, it felt like bullying and intimidation.
A former Cabinet minister texted me: “It’s incredible really that people like us have come to look on the police in this way.” Yes, it is. Very sad.
Not all police live in la-la Woke World. Two very senior officers from another part of the UK got in touch to say they could not believe how I’d been treated; not when they didn’t think there was a case to answer. “There is so much negativity about police officers right now,” wrote Sarah (not her real name), “and I can understand you must be feeling it, Allison. But most are like me and [X] – we are here to protect, support and comfort people in their fear, threat or danger and deal with those who would cause harm to others. Please don’t give up on us yet.”
I found Sarah’s words deeply moving and consoling, a slender handrail to hang onto as my lawyers and I plan the next steps.
I won’t lie; this has been one of the worst weeks of my life. I found myself thinking if there were any upsides. “Look at it this way, you got to read your obituaries before you died – all those lovely things people have been writing and saying,” joked a friend doing her best to comfort me.
You know, I hope it’s bigger than that. It shouldn’t be about me; I am one scared person among tens of thousands. Maybe some police officer somewhere today will stay his hand over a form, hesitating to inflict the nonsensical cruelty of an NCHI or other so-called hate crime on some poor man or woman who made a bad-taste joke or texted or tweeted something ridiculous or inappropriate or mean or rude or, yes, plain offensive because I spoke out and made a fuss.
So many times, this column has tried to highlight injustice, things people struggle to remedy themselves, and use The Telegraph’s heft to bring about change. It is quite clear that policing must urgently be rebalanced towards solving actual crimes instead of imaginary ones. Britain must, once again, be a fair and free country. If that Britain is gone forever, I will leave and I won’t be alone.
I’m not sure what the next week will bring (a lawyer told me to keep his number in my purse in case I’m arrested) but I’ll keep you posted.
A final thought for the big, scary chaps in Essex Police’s Gold Group, convened to look into a middle-aged woman and a year-old tweet: “Though she be but little, she is fierce.”ENDS
As I understand it Essex plod claim they did not say that they were investigating a non crime – but it was a public order act thing -mand they claim to have the body cam footage to prove it .
But they should either arrest her of withdraw the allegation .
But by the look of it they are going to do a Manchester airport ‘and take months to stress her out before backing down behind the skirts of the CPS ….
Plod is as out of touch as TTK and his gang …
And Maitless scoffs at those who use the words “Police State”.
It’s past time that polite discourse with this manifestation of leftoid twaddle was attacked head on – nowhere to hide, no quarter given…
I don’t believe that News Agents pays for itself – the funders of this self serving, deluded twaddle need more exposure.
Did I say I’m 100% fed up with this shit?
There was a ‘spat’ I saw on the twitter yesterday about these 2 no longer being ‘journos’ but just cheap lefty activists with a lot of money – it’s a hobby for them now .
Funny how we live in a time divided by the growing threat of Big War and Plod going for free speech via hurty words … must be caused by those vaccines ….
You are free to say what is approved. (c) BBC Verified.
Emily Maitless is a con woman .
I`ve posted that . Go on Maitless , start a libel action against me .
At least her husband – who is a banker – can fund her lawfare – but I bet she doesn’t allow him to wear long trousers ..
Fed and others, ‘No Mates’ appears to have a permanent sneer.
I don’t know about you but the casual way in which the threat of a wider war in Ukraine is pretty frightening – especially since the US is currently unstable because of the coming regime change .
Does anyone in the US ask ‘ who is making decisions ‘ to send mines and rockets to Ukraine – it can’t be Biden can it ?
“This man got 81 million votes???? Stop!!!” Comment
Joe Biden appears to wander off into Amazon rainforest after historic climate speech
Fact of the day for the far left:
Did you know Karl Marx’ sister Onya invented the starting pistol ?
That’s why they always shout “On your Marx. Get set. Go.”
I wonder when the cubicle twerps at Portland Place are going to meld the food / recipes topic with Trump?
– seems like a cert…
Khan’s London, another facet of the far left:
“TfL has stopped refunding me Ulez fees when I go for cancer treatment.
Despite the best efforts of your contact there to solve the matter with TfL, the repayments still did not turn up. TfL refused to discuss the matter with you directly, so you came to me.
Following my intervention, I’m pleased to say that, within a few days, cheques started to arrive at your home from TfL covering the delayed refunds. “
‘I’m not your mate, I think you’re an idiot’: Farmer blasts ‘woke liberal elite’ James O’Brien in furious phone-in row over inheritance tax
An angry farmer has blasted LBC host James O’Brien labelling him a ‘woke liberal elite’ and a ‘townie’ who knows ‘nothing about farming’.
The furious rant comes as thousands of farmers and their supporters descended on London today for a mass protest against Chancellor Rachel Reeves’ Budget plan to limit the existing 100 per cent inheritance tax relief on farms to only the first £1million.
She says it will only affect the wealthiest 500 estates each year but experts from the NFU say it will be up to 70,000 farms.
Among the protestors was Jeremy Clarkson who challenged the Government to ‘back down’ over its ‘cocked up’ inheritance tax (IHT) raid but Sir Keir Starmer insisted the ‘vast majority’ of farms will be unaffected.
The 64-year-old, who is recovering from a life-saving heart operation, attended the event alongside his Clarkson’s Farm co-stars Kaleb Cooper and Charlie Ireland, theatre legend Andrew Lloyd-Webber and dozens of MPs including Kemi Badenoch and Nigel Farage.
Farmers also took to the airwaves to vent their frustration and one caller on LBC took aim at host Mr O’Brien.
The caller named Charlie questioned how farmers will be able to afford to pay inheritance tax when they ‘only make £30k a year’ with Mr O’Brien then asking him to ‘crunch the numbers’.
After breaking down the figures, Charlie launched into an verbal attack on Mr O’Brien calling him the ‘the rudest person on the radio’.
Mr O’Brien told the farmer that one solution would be to sell assets such as land to help afford the tax.
However, Charlie furiously responded by saying: ‘Because we don’t want to concrete over the land, I know you’re townie. I know you are happy in your liberal elite world of London.
Read More
Moment Jeremy Clarkson is cheered by crowds at farmers protest as he slams BBC
article image
‘But for us, the countryside is the countryside. It is where our food comes from. You have seemed to forgotten that James!’
Trying to interject, Mr O’Brien said ‘okay mate’ which caused Charlie quickly hit back saying ‘I am not your mate. I hate you. I think you’re an idiot. I think you’re a lefty liberal woke idiot.’
‘Let’s tarmac the the Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty, let’s tarmac them. Yeah get some solar farms on there, why not James?,’ he continued.
‘Hey James, you like immigrants, you probably want to see some homes there as well, don’t you?
‘When was the last time you went to a farm?’
Mr O’Brien told him that he grew up in a working farm stating he ‘probably should have mentioned that sooner’.
Charlie asked: ‘So what, your dad was a farmer?’
‘No I’ve explained several times. Do you listen to this programme?’, Mr O’Brien asked.
In response, Charlie said: ‘No I don’t. I can’t stand you. I think you’re an idiot’
Mr O’Brien then asked how can he have ‘such strong views’ about him without being a regular listener.
‘Because the few times I have listened to you, I heard how you speak to people. You talk over them and cut them off like you’ve done to me,’ Charlie replied.
Charlie finished his tirade saying: ‘You know nothing James, stick in your London liberal leftie wokeism. You know nothing about farming. Nothing.’
Farmers and their supporters from as far away as Northumberland made their way to the centre of the rainy capital this morning, with many arriving in large coaches wearing tweed jackets.
The Metropolitan Police estimated 13,000 people attended Tuesday’s protest in central London, which called on the Government to scrap those changes announced in the Chancellor’s Budget last month.
No end to his relevant life experiences…
I am Spartac….oh, wait…
I don’t know about anyone else on here, but every time I see this lying, authoritarian, hypocrite’s face I feel my blood pressure rising, I have not felt like that about a PM since Cameron.
I don’t think I have hated a politician so much except for maybe the lying Reeves.
He is an interesting study . He has a ‘mandate ‘ by accident – that huge majority – yet the majority of the public hate him – and his government – I blame the blues ….
And as the waste of tax money grows in coming years – with increasing taxes / bills continuing to impoverish a lot of people the question will be ‘ who to get next time ?’
And of course – comrade Starmer is just the offshoot of comrade Corbin …
Trump should have some time on his hands by then.
At least he will not kowtow to the bbc as embarrassingly seen with Boris during the Covid briefings as a prime example.
They should have been back of the queue with questions after the first few desperate gotcha attempts, but no, he went to them first and syncophantically each time.
Will no one stand up to this monster who have suddenly and conveniently stopped “holding power to account” since July for some strange reason ?
Clarkson ?
Holding power to account – net zero Biden reporting! HA HA HAH A!
And…it gets worse:
Anything on the bbc ?
“Rachel Reeves claimed she was an ‘economist’ on official documents – despite not working as one at the time.
Documents show she stated her ‘business occupation’ to be an ‘economist’ on an appointment form for a charity in 2008.
The now-Chancellor was working at the Halifax Bank of Scotland at the time. She has recently changed her LinkedIn CV to clarify that she was not working as an ‘economist’ at the time.
‘Rachel Reeves has serious questions to answer – questions we have asked her, and questions which the public deserve an answer to.’ ”
His first job was mentioning a tool maker ** factory owner
‘My first job was on a farm!’
Was it in Czechoslovakia in the 1980s during the Communist era and did it give you some ideas for the future?
(Those who know the history of this man will understand)
Mao’s farm –
The eight methods were integrated into the CCP Central Committee’s Resolution National Economic Plan which directed new agricultural practices throughout China. Contrary to expectations, these “scientific elements” had a detrimental impact on food production as they led to ecosystem collapse.
Contrary to expectations, these “scientific elements” had a detrimental impact on food production as they led to ecosystem collapse.
Another likely to suffer from consumers, how many white men bought jaguars ? only 20 % of the people who bought one according to this ad.
“Jaguar hits back at critics of new DEI rebrand ad that doesn’t feature any cars”
Not sure if it’s been mentioned before – I think most will have noticed that the majority of car adverts feature a diverse cast, always young, with females driving. Except certain recent bmw adverts which aim to persuade folks to buy electric (desperation), which feature a white family and an older white couple. They know who the market really is.
Sorry I don’t have links – just looked on YouTube and I can’t find those ads…🤔 maybe I dreamt it
Same on the national trust website – white families.
Jaguar is going all electric from 2026, and its cars will cost north of £120,000. Sadly, I do not see much future for this once great marque. Not in Britain, at any rate. It is an Indian company now.
There are some rather good tabloid-style headlines evident this morning in light of the growing farmers’ protests.
Farmer drama for Starmer – rhymes the ‘i’ newspaper
Farmageddon! – declares the freebie Metro
Our newly disaffected agriculturalists have themselves penned some choice placard slogans, evident by way of our print press photo journalism.
Rachel Reeves Queen of Thieves – snapped by the Daily Mail
Farmer – as captured by the lens of the Times.
That last one is somewhat of a rearrange the letters to form two new words puzzle – the joke being highlighted and enhanced by spelling in differently coloured letters. Let me spell it out for you in black and white: Fuck Starmer – apologies for what one might term some agricultural language there. But no one said we were PG-13 hereabouts.
Think of the children
This trick of painting your placard lettering in alternate hues so as to spell out contrasting messages seems to be catching on. The Daily Express notices a young girl in kiddie-sized green wellies on a push along toy tractor with the slogan: When I grow up I wanted to be a farmer – the green coloured last two letters in the word ‘wanted’ poignantly drawing a distiction between the past and now post-Budget present tense. I Want… but now I Wanted…
Friend of the big supermarket corporations, the giveaway Metro, sells a large chunk of their frontpage to Lidl.
34 shopping days to Christmas and Lidl wants us to think of the children. Their ad copy runs: Toy goes in… Donate new and unused toys at any Lidl Toy Bank
One could warm to this charitable and suitably seasonal cause. Naturally, in the style of Boots the Chemist, Lidl are likewise keen to black- or brown-wash their advertising and the punch line to their Toy goes in… which is the slogan: Joy comes out – is of course illustrated by a smiling little brown boy of south asian ethnic descent: Bring magic to children in your local community
As far as the cover page of the in-the-tank-for-Labour Daily Mirror is concerned the farm protests yesterday never happened. The Mirror instead goes with: Final farewell to Liam Payne and: Putin’s Nuke Threat
Can we move upmarket somewhat with the Russophobia propaganda…?
The Telegraph is happy to oblige: How Russian ballet star fell foul of Putin
Germany suspects sabotage behind severed undersea cables… without knowing who is to blame… “nobody believes that these cables were cut accidentally”… “The preliminary investigation is ongoing and at an early stage. There is no further information to share about the investigation at this time” (BBC) – well, if the investigation goes anything like their probes into who cut the Nord Stream gas pipeline – don’t expect us to be made any the wiser over two years hence. Unless the Russians did this one of course.
Wicked is a triumph – insists the ‘i’ newspaper film review: Ariana Grande a revelation – yep, as I recall her gigs are a blast.
RE Lidl:
It’s that time of the year again when that 3% of the population enter our TV screens full time, alongside some approved white women.
Thank you, AsISeeIt. The missus wanted to shop in Lidl this morning, so we’ll now give it a miss and put it on the list. Other supermarkets are, as they say, available*.
* Terms & Conditions apply. Does not include Waitrose.
I went to Tesco early this morning…I somehow managed to use the self scanning checkout without any help and they offered me a position on the spot as Area Manager.
Note to all:
My local massive Tesco Superstore will be closed on Chrstmas Day so the two checkout assistants can spend some time with their families.
I used to work stocking Tesco’s shelves 12 hours night 7 days a week.
In Panama City on Christmas day I went to the big 24 hour hypermarket.. It’s open every day of the year.
in the UK the steelworks runs through Christmas. It’s not like you can switch off the furnaces and let them go cold.
I didn’t realise we still had any steelworks. Are they solar and wind powered?
“Danish police have said they are closing their inquiry into the blasts that tore apart two pipelines intended to ship Russian gas to Germany.
Authorities concluded the Nord Stream 1 and 2 pipelines had been “sabotaged” in September 2022 – but said there was no basis for pursuing a criminal case.”
but said there was no basis for pursuing a criminal case.
but said there was no basis for pursuing a criminal case.
Talking of which, if you want to cut down expenditure and put your kids off Christmas:
Every time you drive past a dead deer on the roadside in winter just say:
“Looks like Santa lost his temper again”
TOADY Watch #1 – the subtle BBC Propaganda: “of course they are genuine refugees”
BBC using Nick Robinson in Bulgaria (CO2 emissions not withstanding) assembles a group of Syrians, probably genuine refugees fleeing war, conflict or maybe persecution. But those Syrians are not the ones (over)filling the flimsy boats trying to cross the Channel from France.
BBC Radio4 Happy story of Nigerian diaspora enriches who illegally immigrate to the US to enrich the US.
They manage to get treated as refugees !
Yes refugees from the UK.
Dan Edozie was brought up by his mother in London, moving between council accommodation and so constantly shifting from one school to another. He didn’t know his father. It was a disrupted childhood that would become even more stressful when they tried to settle with Nigerian relatives in the United States. After unsuccessful trips to New York and Boston, mother and son tried a third time to settle in Los Angeles. Dan had just turned 12.
Life wasn’t easy. They outstayed their Visa leading to a life on the fringes of society.
Basketball Pro & National | Motivational Speaker | Mindset Coach | Kid from Skid Row | Director @houseofbasketballbristol
Nigeria is not a nice place?
With upwards of 230 million of the buggers- 230 million!- the sixth most populous country in the world- no wonder they want to offload some. A lot of them into ‘British’ TV adverts it would seem.
Sounds like the US taxpayer paid for his fostering and education. He did a bit of basketball there and then he came back to the UK.
The presenter of course asked no difficult questions..just fawning.
Her name Elaina Boateng, that’s a name from Ghana.
The trailer afterwards seemed to also feature two black presenters.
There was a 2015 fawning BBC article about him too
Foghorn reports.
Next time someone complains about ‘fake news’ on social
media get them to have a look at today’s edition of The Telegraph, front page farmers’ story. Weapons grade BS.
LBC does attract ex BBC like flies.
bbc collective tongues up labours backsides again, make a change from islamists.
A new documentary is soon to be released to raise awareness of the threat The Great Taking poses and support the work being done at US state level to protect private property rights.
First they came…
I hear that the Royal Compound known as, “Windsor” has been burgled. I trust the police provided a case reference promptly for the Royals’ insurers. The police would then expect a favourable response to the inevitable questionnaire that will follow:
‘How did our Officer, Kevin, do when you called to report the burglary’.
BBC reporting? Likely, ‘People breaking into private property’.
BBC ‘hasn’t come up with a hit show in five years’
“The BBC has not created a new TV hit for five years, the public spending watchdog has said, highlighting the broadcaster’s reliance on existing shows such as Strictly Come Dancing.
The National Audit Office (NAO) said the BBC’s commercial division has repeatedly missed targets for creating new programmes in recent years, meaning it makes most of its money from old shows that were first released decades ago.
Of the broadcaster’s 10 most profitable shows last year, only one – a “soft drama” series from 2019 – was created by BBC Studios, while three were bought from rival producers.
Instead, the majority of last year’s hits came from series dating back decades, including Doctor Who, EastEnders, Casualty, Silent Witness and Strictly Come Dancing.”…
My Comment:
Cash strapped BBC have saved a few Bob by sacking Gary Linekar and Huw Edwards (In the News again – having (exposed this week) – arranged private tours (to school aged boys) around the BBC ‘privately’). A new DRAMA series in the making!, a bit like Saville, they made a DRAMA out of that eventually but ONLY after they had denied he worked for them or had any knowledge, so a complete mystery really. Another Agatha Christy, ( a Who dun it!), when its clear its the BBC pervs every time. Strictly Perverts Charter = BBC TV license.
“Jimmy Savile: Steve Coogan on playing paedophile TV presenter in The Reckoning”
BBC Verify Quietly Changes Farm Tax ‘Fact Check’ Amid Political Bias Row
When the BBC goes quiet is fascinating. CAMERA on ME, WUWT or NALOPKT on climate…
Not quite sure what that means but I’d hate to play you at scrabble 🙂
Humorous rebuke noted.
But few bother using them so it stays an acronym
OK thks
River pollution near bathing site traced to farm
Comments… pretty much have the BBC agenda and role nailed.
I revert to #ccbgb for one of their favoured alumni.
I’m still here but I’m also over there … it’s much less fascist … and if all the smart ppl create an actively collaborative human network, of real ppl who respectfully disagree, that will be a gain …
He really pulled out the stops on that one.
All the smart non fascists, together, in a telephone booth.
Glastonbury Festival fined £31,000 after leak of human waste kills protected fish
Did the cocaine in the pee do it ?
Drug Seizures at Glastonbury Festival 2002-2011
Cocaine 32 Grams 131.30
113.11 Grams 59.78 Grams
Click to access 1356-Drugs%20Seizures%20at%20Glastonbury.pdf
That was just the bbc tent.
“Hundreds of women in the UK are planning to take on one of the world’s biggest pharmaceutical companies over alleged links between talc and cancer.”
Lisa Shaw death: Legal action ‘only option’ for husband
5 April 2023
Every constable is an
independent legal
entity; the public’s guarantee
of impartiality.
Officers of the
crown operate independent of
undue influence, interference
and with a personal
responsibility which requires
a unique type of person and
Click to access the-office-of-constable-with-links-2018.pdf
The names and addresses of those religious plod who visited Alison pearson should be published … might make them think twice about ‘only following orders ‘’ .. needs to be real accountability
It’s the ones with a coffee mug like this:
Being someone whose demeanour normally falls on the pessimistic side – reading the headings of impending – escalating war in Ukraine – has a touch of the 1939s about it …
The sooner Trump gets control the better – although that’s a long time in which accidents or malevolent actions can take place .
I reckon that idiot in charge of Ukraine will try to start a full on NATO Russia war if he thinks there money in it …
Regarding that…
via Reuters
“Exclusive: Putin, ascendant in Ukraine, eyes contours of a Trump peace deal.
MOSCOW, Nov 20 (Reuters) – Vladimir Putin is open to discussing a Ukraine ceasefire deal with Donald Trump but rules out making any major territorial concessions and insists Kyiv abandon ambitions to join NATO, five sources with knowledge of Kremlin thinking told Reuters.
U.S. President-elect Trump, who has vowed to swiftly end the conflict, is returning to the White House at a time of Russian ascendancy. Moscow controls a chunk of Ukraine about the size of the American state of Virginia and is advancing at the fastest pace since the early days of the 2022 invasion.
In the first detailed reporting of what President Putin would accept in any deal brokered by Trump, the five current and former Russian officials said the Kremlin could broadly agree to freeze the conflict along the front lines.
There may be room for negotiation over the precise carve-up of the four eastern regions of Donetsk, Luhansk, Zaporizhzhia and Kherson, according to three of the people who all requested anonymity to discuss sensitive matters.
While Moscow claims the four regions as wholly part of Russia, defended by the country’s nuclear umbrella, its forces on the ground control 70-80% of the territory with about 26,000 square km still held by Ukrainian troops, open-source data on the front line shows.
Russia may also be open to withdrawing from the relatively small patches of territory it holds in the Kharkiv and Mykolaiv regions, in the north and south of Ukraine, two of the officials said.
Putin said this month that any ceasefire deal should reflect the “realities” on the ground but that he feared a short-lived truce which would only allow the West to rearm Ukraine.
“If there is no neutrality, it is difficult to imagine the existence of any good-neighbourly relations between Russia and Ukraine,” Putin told the Valdai discussion group on Nov. 7.
“Why? Because this would mean that Ukraine will be constantly used as a tool in the wrong hands and to the detriment of the interests of the Russian Federation.”
Two of the sources said outgoing U.S. President Joe Biden’s decision to allow Ukraine to fire American ATACMS missiles deep into Russia could complicate and delay any settlement – and stiffen Moscow’s demands as hardliners push for a bigger chunk of Ukraine. On Tuesday, Kyiv used the missiles to strike Russian territory for the first time, according to Moscow which decried the move as a major escalation.
If no ceasefire is agreed, the two sources said, then Russia will fight on.
“Putin has already said that freezing the conflict will not work in any way,” Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told Reuters hours before the Russians reported the ATACMS strikes. “And the missile authorisation is a very dangerous escalation on the part of the United States.”
The Ukrainian foreign ministry didn’t immediately respond to a request for comment for this article.
Trump’s communications director Steven Cheung told Reuters about the incoming U.S. president: “He is the only person who can bring both sides together in order to negotiate peace, and work towards ending the war and stopping the killing.”
Real estate billionaire Trump, author of the 1987 book “Trump: the Art of the Deal”, has said he would speak directly to Putin in his efforts to forge a peace deal, though has given no details on how he might reconcile the warring sides, which both show scant sign of backing down.
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy has said his country will not rest until every last Russian soldier is ejected from its territory – based on the borders it gained after the 1991 fall of the Soviet Union – though top U.S. generals have said publicly that this is a very ambitious aim.
On June 14, Putin set out his opening terms for an immediate end to the war
Ukraine must drop its NATO ambitions and withdraw all of its troops from the entirety of the territory of four Ukrainian regions claimed and mostly controlled by Russia.”
Germany mobilises – reports
Migrants? “About 1.2 million people emigrated from the EU to a country outside the EU in 2019. Germany reported the largest total number of immigrants (2.1 million) in 2022, followed by Spain (1.3 million), France (0.4 million) and Italy (0.4 million).2 Apr 2024”
My euphoria over Trump’s clean sweep is fading a little and reality is staging a comeback.
It’s true that it was a comprehensive win, a rout of the Globalist liberal progressives and that their values were rejected by the voters. But the Globalists still hold many positions of power and have huge wealth and resources. We can see that even within the Republicans in the US Senate their are still some pockets of resistance to Trump and the MAGA agenda . Far less so than in his first term but they can still frustrate or slow down the MAGA revolution.
For me the most important take away from the election is the demonstrable loss of credibility and influence of the legacy media over the public. The public now increasingly get their news and comment from citizen journalists and podcasts.Without the MSM stranglehold on the provision of News the Globalists have lost their most important weapon. Truth is the greatest enemy of the Globalist liberals.
This applies also in the UK and the EU . The Globalists will redouble their efforts to control and censor the internet. That will be a battle that Trump and Musk must win. If they do we can celebrate the death of the BBC and hire Wembley for a winding up party. Fed Up can bask in glory.
USA = everyone is a racist who voted Trump.
UK = everyone is a fool who voted Labour, no one owns up to voting Labour.
Seems the woke and coloured folk no longer favour begging white folk to buy records and tee shirts to send money to Africa every time they have a drought / famile / pestilence – need for a new Range Rover …
And someone called eddy sheehan is upset they are using his tune for some Christmas appeal ….
I was so pleased i never gave a penny to the geldoff monster and his charity £ bash ..back in the 1980s …
Never mind F2 all that oil that Nigeria and Angola have will benefit the continent…
Oh hang on, not even in Nigeria:
“According to the World Bank, most of Nigeria’s oil wealth gets siphoned off by 1% of the population.
Corruption in the government is rampant: since 1960 it is estimated that 300 to 400 billion dollars has been stolen by corrupt government officials. The corruption is found at the highest levels as well. For example, a former inspector general of the national police was accused of stealing 52 million dollars. He was sentenced to six years in prison for a lesser charge.
Shell-BP discovered oil at Oloibiri in the Niger Delta. The first oil field began production in 1958.
After that, the economy of Nigeria might have been expected to experience strong growth. However, competition for the profits from oil, coupled with the government keeping almost all of the profits for themselves, left little economic benefit for the people. In one interview with locals that were young at the time of oil discover, the blame was placed largely on the government and the greed of bureaucrats:
I don’t only blame the whites that came here, what about the government? People in the government get nearly all the money from the economy.
Many citizens of Nigeria believe that they have not been able to experience the economic benefits derived from oil extraction in Nigeria. In large part due to Nigerian government officials remaining majority shareholders in the profits created by the production of Nigerian oil, leading to government capturing of nearly all oil production, and citizens not seeing socio-economic benefits”
Erm.. where’s Geldof ?
They might need him again:
“In July 2013, a report analysing the effect of oil theft in Nigeria revealed that Nigeria lost $10.9 billion in potential oil revenues between 2009 and 2011.
In 2022, the country’s oil industry’s regulator mentioned that oil theft accounted for 108,000 barrels a day, which is about 7% of total oil production. Watchdogs reckoned that 5% to 20% of oil in Nigeria is reportedly stolen. The Trans Niger pipeline suffered so much theft that its oil flow was forced to be halted. The head of the NNPC, Mele Kyari claimed that oil companies have cut production worth 700,000 barrels per day to avoid oil theft.
In February 2024, personnel of “Operation Delta Sanity” (a special operation force of the Nigerian Navy) claimed to have recovered a total of 8,764,080 litres of stolen crude oil and other products worth ₦7.4bn in operations conducted between February 19 and 28, 2024″
“Despite Zimbabwe’s chronic shortage of foreign cash, former president Robert Mugabe, 94, has undergone on a multi-million rand health check-up to Singapore. He has high blood pressure.
He also has regular check-ups on his eyes as he had a cataract removed nearly five years ago in the Parkview eye clinic within the exclusive Gleneagles
Mugabe is a long-standing patient at the the high tech Gleneagles Hospital in Singapore and usually takes Air Zimbabwe’s only long-haul aircraft, a Boeing 767, for the 16-hour journey from Harare.
His last medical check up was last December, just weeks after he was forced to resign from power.”
He’s been dead for 5 years, so having high blood pressure at this point is quite impressive. Mind you, our own Prime Minister manages to stay alive despite not even having a heart.
Mugabe voted for Biden! HA HA HA!
Just shows the level of contempt for the votes and the people.
> despite not even having a heart.
I am pretty sure he was made by Kaled. He just needs the sink plunger glued on his forehead. He is already excellent at:
That bbc Derbyshire woman and her assorted mob on their hundreds of thousands salaries should have a damned good think about this before she demands that farmers on 17 – 30 k a year income pay more for public services:
” What IS happening to our money? Public services productivity falls AGAIN and is still 8.5% below pre-Covid levels as Labour prepares to pour in more resources ”
World at one
BBC still fixated on Al Fayed – leading on historic sex attacks – 18 minutes on it this lunchtime . Then came the likely nuclear war in Ukraine ….
I wonder if there will be a public inquiry after the nuclear war ?
BTW – I know sexual assault is a serious matter but where the dirty evil Muslim is long dead ( thankfully ) – why go for it so much … and the C of E is just too easy as they’re all at it it seems …
How do you get a nun pregnant?
Dress her up like an alter boy.
To all those who waged lawfare against Trump, Steve Bannon Warns Prosecutors:
‘The Hunted Are About To Become The Hunters’
Yes, they’re so scared they’re de-fainting.
Excellent..can’t wait, those named were all working together apparently
At least he knows what will happen if he does not go in hard and fast.
BBC 100+ days monitoring Trump.
BBC NET ZERO days monitoring Biden.
And once Bannon’s hunted down all those politicised judges, perhaps we could borrow him: we’ve got a few here, too.
There’s a wonderful moment on one of those US election night shows where a presenter asks an ‘expert ‘ where – on the map of the USA Harris was exceeding expectation – none – no where – not even the loons in NY or LA …. Gump…
BBC say the USA has been hacked by Russia and China!
Do not believe your eyes.
I see a map of a concentrated bubble of cross-bred post-intellectual liberal elite successfully reinforcing their prejudices on the Eastern and Western seaboard.
That’ll be the libtard whaling community no doubt, who have downed harpoons in horror when they heard the election result.
Captain Ahab would be proud, he was a pioneer of diversity and equality in the workforce, I recall, with that Polynesian Qeequeg bloke.
Oh that old trick! County by county. Most of the red one big and empty, most of the blue ones small and densely populated. Look, your guy won the election, nobody is questioning that. No need to exaggerate.
I like the big blue blobs in South Dakota, a huge state with a population less than that of Birmingham. Those are concentrations of real Americans! Lakota, Dakota and Sioux.
Damn – I wrote hear a couple of hours ago about the approach of a wider war – now it seems British long distance missiles have been used in Ukraine / Russia for the first time …. Britain must be such an easy target for Putin …..
You wouldn’t know it if you looked on the BBC website !
They’ve still got Fayed as the most important event !
Times and Telegraph both have the missiles as headline news.
Even if you go to the Ukraine page they only mention the US ones.
Sheesh !
It seems so strange that the British fess up to using their missiles. The Russians by contrast deny everything.
The Russians even deny the bleeding obvious. Remember their two executers that they sent to Salisbury? They were blabbing on RT that they only went to Salisbury to visit the world famous Salisbury Cathedral. WORLD FAMOUS? Then you know that was a lie!
Send the Russians all our BBC staff, lawyers, feminists, social workers, wet-police, telephone sanitisers, DEI hires. It would bring the country to its knees within a few years.
It seems the Russians ( claim ) to have bit of them ….theyd probably have the finger prints of the ‘Ukrainians ‘ who fired them …..
UK sends net zero bombs.
Stiff upper lip old boy. Don’t forget!
Apologies if this has already been posted. I have copied from linkedin – hopefully it works.
I see an ill prepared bBC journalist. Ill prepared because the interviewer arrived with prejudiced questions which had never been subject to cross examination because there is no diversity of thought in the bBC or the bubble (one and the same).
The same lazy techniques are being applied to UK news coverage (see yesterday’s irrelevant Victoria Derbyshire ‘killer question’ on doctors appointments) .
One day the people of the UK will have to chose between democracy and the bBC. The two are incompatible.
BBC report re Navy cuts “Some of the ships are currently on land and were not due to return to sea before their planned retirement, the Ministry of Defence (MOD) said”
Must have been expensive putting warships on dry land, so good move by this Government/sarc.
….buying up mothballs for aircraft carriers ? ( no offence )
Why are you so keen for Britain’s navy to be weak? Things are bad enough without wishing they were worse.
Who decided to fire UK missiles into Russia?
Was this another TTK decision like giving away the Chagos Islands where him and a couple of his mates just decided to go ahead with it. No debate in parliament or no open discussions about it.
The lunatic is way out of his depth and by attacking Russia (the Ukrainians cannot program the missiles themselves) he is prodding the bear.
We have no hope of winning a war with Russia. What’s he playing at. Does he think it makes him look good?
The fool might be trying to get the headlines away from Southport, the farmers or some other labour calamity but him farting about trying to be a big man is like a monkey playing with a hand grenade.
He cannot be allowed to take us into another Labour war. He (and the whole Labour Party) must go before they destroy the UK.
Im feeling really bloated . Im still feasting on the sadness and derangement of the US media trying to pretend they said ‘I told you this would happen ‘… there’s a pair from MSNBC who led the hatred – calling trump a nazi – the Maddison Cubed Garden Nazi rally … the whole lot .
The president elect apparently invited them to Florida where they ‘met ‘ … didn’t really say much more ….
It could be that a good few redundancies are no the way as advertisers dump the woke . Never happen to the crowd in the BBC though eh ?
Btw – some one noted that 3 of the top paid bbc types are leaving for various reasons – Huw sexy sexy – Gary – sell more crisps – someone called ‘balls ‘ because no one listens any more ..or ever …
Ha Ha Ha! WE are all Nazis now. All we need now is for the Horst Wessel song to be sung at the Labour Party conference.. I know the tune but not the words. Sorry.
I prefer this one.
In today’s world I find it very apt.
Funnily enough I was listening to Short Stories a little while ago, and I also love State of Independence.
I recall when I originally bought the vinyl of Short Stories, and playing it on my little record player at the time my mother asked if it was Labi Siffre…
Jon Anderson has released a new “Yes” album couple of months ago, saw a preview, none of the original members except him but sounded interesting.
I have been collecting some of their classic recordings recently for nostalgia’s sake.
Leader of the free world on the brink of war…hang your heads in shame democrats and libtards….both here and in the USA.
“Faisal Islam: The cost-of-living crisis isn’t over”
“The inflation rate increased to 2.3% in October, well below the level at which it peaked two years ago. But you would be wrong to think the cost of living crisis is over.”
So why do they presume what people think…
It’s not like many prices are back to old levels – just not going up as fast as before.
Open as a Have You Say, comments not going too well:
“You don’t need a degree in economics to figure out that things are going to get worse under this shower!!!”
“Could have picked a better picture other than someone struggling to pay for something in a London artisan food shop”
Yet the labour gobshites still will not tell the British public the truth in this matter
Riots = people on the streets after murder of two kids.
Protests = people setting fire to USA over death of black man.
Three kids, or does the Portuguese lassie not count? Culprit quickly apprehended, safely in custody pending trial, nothing to protest about. Culprit won’t see the outside world again, although I suspect you won’t like it if, as I suspect he will, he does his time in Ashworth/Rampton/Broadmoor rather than Belmarsh.
Where telling the truth is a radical act, there is always the BBC. But even they could not help any longer.
MPs raise questions about Chancellor Rachel Reeves’ CV
#ccbgb Fewer about Rachel from Accounts than her national propaganda managers.
As I’m being economical with the truth, I give Reeves seven days…
As she seems to be a fake economist though, it’s possible that all her sordid mates like TTK are all at it, so that all gives Citroen the perfect sales ad for flogging their cars to the UK!
”The new Deux Chevaux, 2CV at its finest! Say goodbye to British tractors, buy one of ours, and do what Labour politicians do to their country – ride roughshod and crap all over decent British farmers”!
“The Gulag was a system of forced labor camps in the Soviet Union that operated from the 1920s until shortly after Joseph Stalin’s death in 1953. The term “Gulag” can refer to the system of camps as a whole, or to the division of the Soviet secret police that ran the camps. ”
Prisoner released early thanks prime minister, but No 10 doesn’t see funny side
Today marks the second tranche of prisoners being released early by the new Labour government, with 1,100 inmates set to be let out after serving 40% of their time behind bars, rather than the usual 50%.
One prisoner let out today under the government’s early release scheme celebrated by saying “big up Keir Starmer”.
It’s not up to the government, and especially not up to the Labour party, to tell you the truth in matters related to an ongoing prosecution and trial. That is for the judge, and everything relevant will come out at the conclusion of the trial.
Why do you think the public is entitled to a running commentary on the proceedings of a criminal investigation? When do you remember that happening in this country? I suggest that you don’t, because that’s not how the law works in this country. You know what the suspect is charged with, and that’s all you’re going to get. All you’ll ever get.
“UK expected to summon?” Musk is going to tell you to swivel. What worries me more is that the idiot starmer has just put uk citizens on Russia’s list of targets.
Do you want to send arms to ukraine? I don’t. I fear biden and what he can do in his final days more than I fear Putin.
I hope that Trump has already started commonsense discussions with Putin. That may just save the world.
zelensky is irrelevant; he doesn’t need to be there.
I don’t think Presidenr trump will take very kindly to a third world failing state like Britain ‘summonsing ‘ a member of his Cabinet – who will have diplomatic status anyway …
That parliament building is built to make small inferior types feel grand – jeez – i even heard that dolt Grant Shaps opining about the future of Ukraine today – because he was ;defence secretary for about 5 minutes …
Black holes need filling … daily ….

Wave bye-bye.
Ukraine fires UK-made Storm Shadow missiles into Russia for first time
£500m defence cuts as ships, drones and helicopters scrapped
……It is a long time since two adjacent BBC headlines underlined so starkly the absolute incompetence of the current Government.
What a shower of complete tossers!
How much do Storm Shadow missiles cost?
Storm Shadow
Storm Shadow/SCALP EG
Unit cost £2,000,000 (FY2023) (US$2,500,000)
Mass 1,300 kg (2,900 lb)
Length 5.1 m (16 ft 9 in)
digg ,
That’s an insult to Le Tossers 😄
Don’t forget when you see a BIG bright light in the sky kiss your ass goodbye !
Some (here many not) will recall the recent Sopes Flounce to join YAB in new green, well blue, fields of commentariat bubble security.
Jon Sopel’s X Departure Lasts Less Than a Day
Journalist Jake Kanter called out Twitter owner Elon Musk after the platform labeled the BBC as a government funded media outlet.
Kanter also provided a comment from the BBC: “We are speaking to Twitter to resolve this issue as soon as possible. The BBC is, and always has been, independent. We are funded by the British public through the licence fee.”
When contacted for comment, Twitter automatically responded with a poop emoji.
Shades of Private Eye in ‘Pressdram vs Arkell…’!
The Private Eye ain’t the man he was some years ago. To me he kind of morphed into a sort of leftie/trannie and lost his purpose in life which,of course is SATIRE. Which used to mean that he took the piss out of ALL political view points with abandon and was willing to offend me.
I thought it was marvelous
I subscribed (literally). to his views for 25 years and then, suddenly I realised that I wasn’t listening any more which seemed to coincide with the change of top brass over which ,I suppose, he had no control.
I occasionally see him at the newsagents stand and I can only imagine that he has sold out to THE BLOB.
He has become an e
x rebel
“The BBC prosecutes most TV license evasion cases using the Single Justice Procedure (SJP). The SJP is a more proportionate way of dealing with straightforward, uncontested, summary-only non-imprisonable offences which almost exclusively result in a financial penalty.
The data we hold shows the number of defendants prosecuted by the Television Licensing Authority and dealt with via SJP for TV license evasion cases each year since 2015. This can be found in the table below:”
Television Licence Evasion
Defendants dealt with